Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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mcnt to protect the Spaniards living In UK
I'htripplnoe from Cho Insurgents during the
continuance of the truce now In force Gen
eral Otis was Initructed to use his Infln.
cncc with the Insurgent leaden to cause
them to stop active hostilities for the time ,
Touchingthe departure from Manila of In
surgent parties on ships to carry the revo
lution among the other Islands of the grout
It Is learned that no such expeditions have
been sent out since the signing of the pro
tocol and the Incident which formed eh (
basis of the Spanish representations on the
subject happened some tlmo ago when II
\vas warranted.
Miulrlil MlnlHlern Drelile to Alililc It )
( lie Agreement.
MADRID , Sept. IS. The senate at today1 !
session definitely adopted the Hispano-Amcr-
lean protocol.
General Polavleja , former governor ol
Cuba and the Philippines , In the mani
festo declaring his readiness to place himself -
self at the head of a neutral party In Span
ish politics , denounces the "evils existing
In the present political system , " and de
clares that "every department peeds cleans'
Ing. "
His program , therefore , begins with i
"drastic ) purging of the administration" am :
then advocates "reform In taxation , " ant
"purification of the electoral system. " Aftci
pfedglng his "unwavering loyalty to tin
throne , " General Polavleja says : "Spalr
must shape her future career In accordance
with her reduced sphere of sovereignty
without losing her aspirations for the fu
ture. Above all things , full light Is re
quired. The Spanish people must no longpi
be deluded by mlsiuprescntatlons as to thi
country/s / strength. "
In conclusion , ho repudiates the chargi
that ho Is aiming at dictatorship and np
peals to all Spaniards not to be silent spec
tators of the ruin of our country , "but t <
concentrate forces and place men In power. '
Count il'AlcineniiNIIIIICN ( .rnernli
\Vlio Slioulil lie Dlnwraceil.
MADRID , Sept. 12. The session of the
senate today was stormy. Count d'Ale
monas , challenged to give the names of the
generals who ho recently said ought to be
disgraced , said :
"Very well , as you wish It , I will. The
generals to whom I referred are General
Weyler , General Blanco and General Prime
do Rivera. I will also Include In the same
category Admiral Ccrvcra. "
This announcement led to an extraordlnarj
scene of tumult.
I'ulillu Onielnln < > f Iliirliiiiloen An
I'ronilNeilMNHKnliintloii. .
KINGSTON , Jamaica , Sept. 12. Accordlni
to advices received here from the Barbadoe
since the death of Mr. Pllo , speaker o
the assembly , on September 2 , from th
effects of the recent attempt to assasslnat
him , ' thci Governor and five public official
have been anonymously warned that a situ
liar fate has been decreed for them as
"reward for their oppression. "
The worst feature of the Pllo tragedy 1
that the government reward of $1,000 fa
Information regarding the conspirators fall
to Induce their betrayal.
Time * CorreHpoiuleiit Snyn 00 I'er
Moim Were MnNNiiered In UprlMiiK.
LONDON , Sept. 13. The correspondent e
tlio Times nt Candla , Crete , who has JUE
landed after five days In the roadstcae
eays :
"About 600 men , women and chlldre
wore cither burned alive or massacred I
the outbreak last wcki The Turkls
troops are now patrollng and blocking u
t the ; ' slrwtV' TnVMussulmans are ransack
lugi ChoS-Ulria Of , the 'burned quarters , of. ' th
vlbwfi"'vifhe'ro" ; the * devastation complct
' , Blood Is visible everywhere. Such bodle
of the slain as wo're not burned were rt
moved yesterday in carts and burled ou
tide the town limits1
of , llorrlMc Murder.
BRIDGEPORT , Conn. , Sept. 12. Tw
packages containing portions of a woman' '
t body were found today In Mud Flats , a
nrm of Yellow Mill pond. In the package
wore the head of a woman cut from th
body near the car , and the lower llmbi
, which had been separated from the bed ]
. unjolnted and cut In two at the knees , the
tied together and wrapped up in a stron
( glazed paper. The head of the woman wo
battered and 'Jammed on one side and ha
a cloth tied over the mouth.
Struck ! > } u Train.
WINCHESTER , Vo. , Sept. 12. A bugg ;
rln which were Mlus Laura Dolllnger , he
Bister , Miss Allcu Dolllnger , and George Sitter
tor , was struck by a .freight train last nlgl :
and the" two young women were Instantl
klljed. Sister wa .badly Injured.
Move-im-ntx of Oee'mi VCHNVH | , Sept. 1 !
At 'Hamburg Salled'-Pretorla , for Ne
York. Arrived Patrla. from New York.
At London Arrived Maine , from Phllc
At Gibraltar Arrived Fulda , from Ne
At Now York Arrived Rotterdam , froi
Rotterdam ; La Navarre , from Havre.
At Marseilles Arrived Nouslrla , froi
Now York.
At Antwerp Arrlyed Friesland , froi
' New * York via Southampton. '
At- , Bremen Arrived Frederlch D <
Grosse , from New York via Southampton.
All Run Down
Hood's Sarsaparllln Built Her Up
"I have- been in poor health for years
I was run down in summer and was with
out any appetite , I was advised to taki
Hood's Sarsaparllla and found that 1
built me up , and now whenever I am ou
of o'rder I resort to Hood's Sarsaparllla.1
IDA HALLMAN , Elllnwood , Kansas.
Is tha I > o5t-lnfact thoOiia True niood Purifier
Hood's ? on < ovi-fniii i - - > - .
f"l f , The Omaha Bee
fI Map of Cuba Coupon
I Present this Coupon with
JOc for
A Map of Cuba.
A Hap of the West Indie * .
And a Map of the World ,
By Mall 14 ceuts.
i The Omaha Dally Bee
This coupon and 10 Cents
J obtain throe photogravures
of the Exposition.
General Miles Orders All the Soldiers
There to Other Points.
I.nMt I'retloiin Order \Vnn front Sec
retary Altter" IlelalitliifC Seven
Tliouniind Me n nt the IOIIK
Inland Cum p.
NEW YORK , Sept. 12. A dispatch to the
Press from Camp Wlkoff says : Undei
peremptory orders from General Mlfes prep ,
orations are being made to break up till ;
eamp at once by sending homo all the sol
dlcrs here. This Is entirely contrary t <
what has been the understanding of tin
olllcers In command. General Shnfter salt
last week that 6,000 or 7,000 men would bi
kept hereat least until October , and thli
was suppoBed to have been the order 01
Secretary Alger. An officer said today thai
when General Miles' order came a colegran
was sent him saying that his order wa :
contrary to that of Secretary Algcr , ant
Miles replied :
"Never mind what Alger says , I am Ir
command now. "
That , of course , se''cd ' It , so far as thi
officers here arc conceincd , and unless Gen.
cral Miles' orders are countermanded nex
week will see the practical end of Garni
General Bates said : "My orders are t (
send t'lio troops away as fast as trunsporta
tlon tan be arranged. " When asked I
these orders did not conflict with those o
Secretary Alger , ho simply said , "They an
now orders. "
In pursuance of this plan the detentloi
hospital Is being abandoned. All the mei
In this hospital fit to travel are being sen
to New York on the Shlnnecock , and thi
others ore being taken to the general hos
pltal. The general hospital1 Is being clearer
out as fast as possible , but there are 20
or 300 cases that cannot be moved wlthou
danger. Strong frame buildings are no
being erected for the Use of these pat'lentE
These buildings wlir bo finished In two o
three days , and the worst cases will b
moved Into them. Nearly all of these ar
typhoid fever cases , to move which won ) '
cause a frightful mortality. Major Browi
said that he thought there would be abou
fifty cases which could not be moved fo
two or three weeks at least.
DETROIT , Sept. 12. Concerning report
from Camp Wlkoff that the camp Is preparing
paring to break up under peremptory order :
from General Miles , Secretary Algcr salt
today : "There Is nothing now In that
Camp Wlkoff from the first was mostly In
tended ns a detention camp. The purposi
from the first has been to get the soldier
away from there as soon ns possible. Ni
change In purpose Is Indicated by thes
dispatches from my own orders given befor
I left Washington. " Relative to a state
ment attributed to General Miles to "neve
mind what Alger says , " etc. , the secretar ;
positively refused to speak.
Admiral Cervern firatcful for Mail
KlndiU'NNCM Ilentnweil.
PORTSMOUTH , N. H. . Sent. 12. Most c
the sailors and marines who survived th
disaster which befell the wa. ' shlpi of Ad
mlral Cervera nt Santiago , July 3 , wer
taken from Scavey's Island this morning 1
the steamship City of Rome. By 9 o'eloc
all were embarked. Admiral Ccrvera , wit
his son Angel , made fjrmvell visitsto II
officers of the navy yar-1 previous to lioan :
Ing the City of Rome. On his , , way to tl
boat the admiral spoke enthusiastically I
those who accompanied him of the treutmei
the Americans had accorded to the Spanls
prisoners , -to his staff and to himself. II
detailed the many courtesies ho had n
cclvcd nt Portsmouth , Annapolis , Norfoll
Now York and Washington. Ho said t
would carry homo with him many hapi :
recollections of the kindness and generosli
of these high In circles as well as <
citizens In every'walk of life.
Colonel E. S. tiudlcy , U. S. A. , of tt
adjutant general's office , Washington ,
hero making an investigation of the shoo1
Ing of Spanish prisoners on board tt
auxiliary cruiser Harvard , which occurre
just before the vessel left Cuba for ScaVey
Island. He Is taking testimony of marlm
and the Spanish prisoners and clso hud
long conference with Admiral Cervera c
the matter. The shooting was the outcon
of a dispute between a number of the pnsoi
ers and several privates of the Ninth Mcii
sachusotts regiment who Were on board.
The City of Rome with Admiral Cervei
and staff and over 1,700 Spanish prlsonc :
sailed this afternoon for SanUndor , Spal
Of the number , 1,663 men were from tl
prison at Scavey's Island.
As soon as the prisoners were safely e
board the steamer the 104 sick men In tl
hospital were carefully moved and t'ho la
man was carried on board shortly aft <
noon. All the Spanish prisoners wci
warmly clothed In American uniform
Thousands of spectators who were vlewlr
the scene from all kinds of river craft ar
on the shore cheered the Spaniards , wt
waved adieus In response.
The Spanish prisoners have been on Ne
Hampshire soil two months. The fir
batch of prisoners , which consisted of C !
men , arrived here on the St. Louis , July
and the second consisted of 1,008 me
who were brought hero on the Harvar
July 15. During the sojourn here thin
of the Spaniards have died In the hospltr
As the blc Anchor liner passed down tl
harbor Admiral Cervera stood on dec
looking toward the city until the vess
had reached the open sea.
Lu t of the Shopkeeper * at tl
\otorlonn Place CliiNc Up.
Ninth New York Is being paid today. Tl
regiment has oacked all Its effects and
expected to leave for home early tomorrc
morning. The Second Kentucky is he
In readiness to mbvo and Is expected to g
away before tomorrow night. The d
parturo of these regiments will leave ou
about 1,800 men at Chjckamauga , these con
prising ono regiment and COO men In tl
hospitals. The -.Midway , at Lytle , whli
has been the scene of so much turmi
during the summer , Is now a thing of tl
past. The last of the small shops we
closed today , the majority of the shopmi
going to other camps. The work of clea
Ing up the park Is progressslng rapldl
The refuse Is being burned and great quai
titles of disinfectants are being used ,
, Only two -regiments of the Camp Thorn
army remain at Chlckaraauga tonight , tl
Ninth Minnesota and the Sixth Unit
States volunteer Infantry Iran unes. T !
Second Kentucky left tonight for Lexlngtc
where they will be paid off and furlough
i for thirty days.
General Brecklnrldgo has received no c
ders yet as to hU own movements , but
expects to be ordered away tomorrow
Wednesday , as air troops will have vacaf
the park except the Sixth volunteers , w !
i are to remain for guard duty.
I The health report from Stornberg a
Letter hospitals today were gratifying
General Brecklnrldge , and show that eve
care and attention are being given the sic
There was no death at either of the host
tals. Nine were discharged from Loiter
convalescents and forty-fejur from Ster
berg. There ore now few serious cases
either Institution.
Official reports sent to the War depa
menu today show that since the moveme
of troops to Chlckamauga park began ti
April there have been 72,000 soldiers undc
canvas at this camp.
lloKpltnl lleport nt I'ninp AVIkofT ,
CAMP WIKOFK , Montauk Point ) , L. I ,
Sept. 12. The deaths reported from th
gcncrar hospital today were as follows
Walter Ulger , Company G , Third Infnntr )
dysentery ; Samuel P. Wiley , corporal , Com
pany C , Ninth Massachusetts , typhoid
David Hochauser , Company I , Eighth Ohlc
exhaustion ; Burt Smith , Company B , Elghtl
Infanrry , malaria ; James F. Tlrnan , Nlnt !
Massachusetts , typhoid.
There are 671 patients In the general hos
pltal and but sixty-five In the detention hos
pltal. The latter will bo closed toda >
Twenty-five of the patients at the deten
tlon hospital were taken today to Boston
on the hospital ship Relief , uhllc the othe
forty patients are being transferred to th
general liosplfaf. It Is expected that b
Thursday there will bo no patients In th
general hospital. Nearly every train tha
arrives brings detachments of troops wh
have been sent here to Join their regiment
of the regular army preparatory to beln
sent tu their home station.
l'entiM > IvanlniiH Want 10 Oo Home.
CAMP MEADIJ , Pa. , Sept. 12. A stroni
guard has been x > laccd about the came o
the First battalion of the Thirteenth Penn
sylvnnla regiment , which Is doing fatlgui
duty at the commissary depot. Fifty mei
out of the battalion are absent withou
leave and n detail will be sent from thi
regiment to search for them In and nbou
Scranton. The men are anxious to get horn- -
and it Is thought to bo the next regimen
from Pennsylvania to receive orders fo
mustering out. Colonel Ricknrds of the Six
tccnth Pennsylvania .battalion has been or
dered to move his command to New Yorl
tomorrow to take the boat on Wodnesda ;
for Porto Rico.
Ulilet-N Hiii-mite Home.
CHICAGO , Sept. 12. Trains bearing hard
troopers known as Grlgsby's Rough Rldpi
came In over the Chicago & Eastern Illlno
line today , one section having arrived shortl
after midnight over the Monon route. Moi
of Grlgsby's men are from South Dakota an
the surrounding country , and they are cr
route home from Chlckamauga park. Fe
of the men are sick and the vigorous looklr
soldiers expressed disgust nt not having he
a chance to show their fighting ablllt ;
About thirty members of the regiment die
In camp. The horses were taken from tl
men about two weeks ago and musterlr
out began last Thursday.
Xew York I'nraile Abandoned.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. The plan e
having n parade In New York of the troor
returning from Porto Rico and those t
Montauk Is Indefinitely abandoned. This 1
the result of several conferences on th
subject between the president and Genen
Miles and of consultations with army ofl
cers In New York and at Camp Wlko :
Secretary Melklcjohn this afternoon mad
public the entire correspondence on tl ;
subject. The president has been willing I
allow the parade , but General Shafter , t
whom the matter was referred , stated thi
the troops could not make a credltabl
showing at present.
I-Mfty-KIrHt loivu Sick Men.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 12. Sickness
very much on the decrease In the Prcsld
camp and the typhoid fever Is getting und
control. There were twenty-six In the cci
valescent homo today , with fifteen men eon
on furlough , 319 In the division hospital ai
417 In the Presidio hospital. There ai
eixty ca ca of typhoid In the field hosplti
The Fifty-first Iowa has sixty-two cas
and the Seventh California sixty cases
IlllnolN Colonel Under ArreAl. '
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. . Sept. 12.j-Colon
Anclel of the Fourth Illinois regiment w
placed under arrest today on charges pr
ferred by Lieutenant Colonel McWllltair
charging him whh conduct unbecoming i
officer and gentleman. The trouble grai
out of the arrest some time since of 01
of the majors of the regiment for statli
that the regiment desired to go to Cuba.
IiiNtructloiiB to 1'ent-e CominlNxIniie
Under DlNeiiHilon Coiuniln-
nloii SnllN on 17th.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. Secretary
State Day arrived In Washington from 1
home In Canton on an early train today. .
soon as ho had breakfasted he repaired
the White House , where ho had a long co
ferenco with the president , which Is pi
Bumc'd to have had a special reference to t
nature of the Instructions to be given to t
peace commissioners. Nothing has be
heard at the State department recently frc
the other members of the commission , and
Is quite uncertain whether there will bo
majority of the body here tomorrow to ho
even the Informal meeting which Is deslr
In order to arrange for the departure of t
committee on September 17. Mr. McArth
has Just returned to Washington from N (
York , where ho completed all the details
the trip , and It Is now settled that t
American commissioners will take passa
on the Campania , leaving New York no
Sunday. It Is not expected that the Instru
tions to be given to the members of the cor
mltteo will bo made public , as in the vie
of the department the commissioners wou
be placed at a considerable disadvantage
conducting their negotiations were their ca
made known fully In advance.
eH llellcf that the Mantel
Qnentlon IN Settleil for 1'renent.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. Charles Dent
former minister of the United States
China , arrived here today from Pckln , a :
tn the afternoon paid his respects to t
president. Mr. Denby , In answer to 1
qulrles , said that ) In his Judgment t
United States should retain permanent
the possession of all , or practically all ,
the Philippine Isrands. To surrender the
to Spain would be only to Invite a contr
versy and possibly a war among the Eui
pean nations for their possession and
the Unlfcd States Is to make an effort
secure any considerable portions of the ma
kets of the far east , 'the Philippines woi
be of very great advantage to us.
Mr. Denby thought the eastern quest !
had been practically settled for the presei
at least. He did not believe there was an
thing to Justify the belief there was to be
partition of China among the powers. IU
sla had already secured territorial concc
slons Which completely satisfied all her tl
pi res In that particular dlrccton , and
trade and trade facilities were the only c
jects of English and German concern
China , he saw no good reason why th
should desire her dismemberment. In a
event , Mr. Denby said , ho did not look I
any Immediate change In the present Btati
No lle\oliiltiin In I'ern.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. The Peruvl
legation has received a cablegram fn
Lima itatlng that there Is no revolutl
In the country. In some places bar
have appeared which were dispersed on I
approach of the government troops sent
pursue them. Peru , says the message ,
In the state of complete quiet which It t
enjoyed for some years.
Dally 1 renmiry Statement.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 12. Today's sta
ment of the condition of the treasury stio\
Avatrable cash balances , $313,635,031 ; , gi
reserve , $237,063,013.
TO ri'iu : A oia > i.on BAY
Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. .
druKgLsts refund the money If It falls
cure. 25c , The cenulne lias L. D. Q.
each tablet.
Seven " JfjjoiTii to lie Ucnit unit 1'IKr-r
Arc Yqt SII mlliK
PRKSCOTT , Arli. , Sept. 12. Yesterday
flro In Jerome. was one of the greatest rt
lainltlcs In the loss of life niul dcstructlc
of property that cvtp occurred In Arlzonn.
Among those who lost their lives are U
following ; :
MHX1CAN WOMAN and her two chlldrci
WILFORD , and undertaker.
A dry goods clerk , name unknown.
Two laborers , names unknown.
The number of missing tonight IR placed i
Many people familiar with Jerome plat
the property loss at flgUres ranging fro ;
half to three-quarters of a million dollar
There WM but little Insurance , the toll
aggregating lens than $30.000.
The loss la complete , It being stated tbi
not even the commonest nrtlcles of use wir
saved , Milch merchandise and other valui
bio goods were removed to places on tl
hillside , but the heat became so intense thi
nearly everything was destroyed In the en
Following aru some of the principal lossei
Dave Connor , hotel , value $40,000 , lo
total ; Q. O'Kccfe , general merchandise , ? 3G
000 , loss total ; Merrill Brothers , gener
merchandise1 , Value $25,000 , Insurance non
Inalj Hoover & Gardner , resort , vali
$10,000 , Insurance nominal ; Senate suloo
$5,000 , Insurance nominal ; Annex , loss $7,00
( leorgo Uuiham , loss $7,000 ; William Ho :
& Co. , loss J3.000 ; Joseph Temborlno , lo
$10,000 ; Mrs , lloyd , lodging house , lo
$6,000 ; St. Charles hotel , loss $20,000 ; Orat
View hotel , lost * $25,000 , Insurance nomlna
fifty company cottages , loss $100,000. Insu
nnco nominal. Also at least 200 addition
places of business. Including confectioner
tobacco , fruit , barber shops , meat mnrkc
and llko places , aggregating an Immcn
Building contracts are already being c
dcred Into and the , place In a few mont
will be rebuilt entirely. Shlll , the Has
ford company and , others have sent ov
tents , and to thU stock constant addltlo
arc being made and a money subscrlpllc
Is being circulated and liberally signed.
People of New AVrNtiiilimtrr I'rcim
liiHT t Ilclmlhl tlicliiinicil City.
VANCOUVER , B. C. , Sept. 12. At Ne
Westminster today there are many pecull
scenes after the fire. On a wide open spa
Just beyond where the fearful fire stopped
city of tents has arisen. Here the provlncl
government and Vancouver authorities ha
housed In tents lent by the mllltta depot
ment all homeless sufferers. Blankets
hundreds formed beds and burne < l-o
families seem to be as comfortable
possible under the circumstances. T
victims of the flames have borne , ni
stoically. All through the hours of the co
flagratlon they were calm as death ; ted
they are Just the same. Their losses ha
made them almost Insensible to thougl
There was no panic among the crowds
burned out and desolate people. They or
appeared Intent on saving what they h
been able to secure from their destroy
A number of robberies took place durl
the fire. Johnson's boqt store was enter
whtlo some of the stock was being taken c
and several men were noticed deliberate
helping themselves to boots which might
them. Johnsoji says that the firm's Ic
will bo about $6,060 or $7,000.
The chief of police believes that the f
was started by a spark from a steamer wh1
Ignited hay on BracUman & Kerr's wha
"Thero Is no way of describing the course
the flro ; It seemed to como from over
where , " said'ief. . . '
'Already acilvo'merchants ' of the'clty i
starting to rebuild" stores and renew bu :
The Canadian Pacific station and bagga
room burned , but everything of value w
One sick mother In New Westminster , w
had to bo carried out of a house In dangi
suddenly remembered that her 3-year- (
child was missing. She sent her husba
back to look for the child and he found t
baby crouching down beside the stove , tei
stricken. The rescue was made only Ji
In time.
The Insurance companies Interested In t
losses arc ; London Assurance compai
about $1,000,000 ; Commercial Assuran
Royal , . London & Lancashire , Sun , Noi
British and Mercantile , Liverpool , Lend
and Globe , Union British-American , Hui
ford of Connecticut , Aetna Insurance coi
pany , Atlas , Alliance , Guardian , Manchest
Western of Toronto , Northern Insurar
company , Phoenix of London , Phoenix
Hartford , Lancashire- North America , M
Uonal of Ireland , Scottish Union National
llend Off a HertnuH Illnze.
CINCINNATI , 0. , Sept. 12. A fire In t
crowded down town portion of the cl
broke out today In the Rush building ,
the portion occupied by the Kenton Bakli
Powder company , 20 East Second strec
Valuable establishments were all around
In close proximity , but the fire departme
was so prompt In responding that the fl
* was confined to Its original limits. The lo
Is estimated at $75,000 , fully Insured ,
serious conflagration was narrowly avcrtc
Firemen Overcome.
NEW YORK , Sept. 12. Flro tonight i
$50,000 damage In the five-story brick bull
Ing at 54 Beekman street , occupied by Li
burger Bros. Fourteen firemen were ovi
come by the fumes of burning essent
oils In the basement and bad Vo bo carrl
to the street , where fresh air and medli
attention restored them to consciousness.
.Tuilce Thnnia * M. Cooley.
ANN ARDOR. Mich. , Sept , 12. Jud
Thomas M. Cooley , the noted jurist a
constitutional lawyer , died early today
his homo. Three months ago ho return
from a private sanitarium at Flint , MIc
where heihad been treated chiefly for me
tal weakness. Ho was then FO much 1
proved in mental health that he was a !
to recognize acquaintances. Ho realh
his weak physical condition and his falll
mental , abilities , and has often express
| n- wish that death would come. Seve
weeks ago ha collapsed Into a comati
condition. During the ensuing Interval I
only Intelligible utterance he made was ot
when ho * Inquired for his eldest son. I
demise had been expected for weeks pn
I'ronilnent Aliilinian I.nnyer.
MONTGOMERY , Ala. . Sept. 12. H
Henry. Clay Tompklns was taken suddei
111 In his office this morning and died In
few minutes. Heart failure , due to aci
1 Indlcestlon , was the cause. He was
1 three terms attorney general of Alaba
and ranked among the ablest lawyers
the state. Ho has been for a dozen ye. .
a prominent figure In the meetings of i
American liar association.
MHN Ilclle Stoiiher.
ELMWOOD , Neb. , Sept. 12. ( Special.
Miss Uelle Stopher , bookkeeper for the 1
eight years tn the American Kxchai
bank , died from heart disease at 5:30 : p.
Saturday evening ,
Itnllronil ItnumiKe Aueut.
CHICAGO , . Sept. 12. John Codley , gene
baggage agent of the Chicago & Great W <
ern railway , died In this city today of
phold fever.
"Well ICiKHvu Siiortliii ? Mun.
CHICAGO , Sept. 12. Harry Varaell ,
wpll known sporting man and former pi
tlclan , died today of neuralgia of the ate
Arriiimriuciit Jlnde AVIiereliy Xeivpor
XC.UN , Crainim mill I'nlon Iron
Work * Kneh ( iet One.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 12. The Navy dc
partmcnt has arrived at what U regard
as a fair and satisfactory settlement of'th
question of awarding the contracts for th
construction of the three battleships.
When the bids were opened It was founi
that for the fast ehlpn desired the Ncnpnr
News company was the lowest. Cramps ncx
and the Union Iron works just above al
within the limit of the cost affixed by th
act of congress. It was the original plan t
award the contracts tn that order. Bu
upon examination of the plans submitted b
the bidders It uas found that the only thor
oughly satisfactory ono was that submlttc
by Cramp , who had simply taken the niter
natn plans suggested bj the Navy depart
inent , which amounted to lengthening th
hull of the ships from fifteen to twenty fee
In order to gain room for the more powrrfi
engines required to drive the ship at
speed of IS 1-4 knots , instead of 16 knot :
as first proposed.
After considering the subject In all aspect
Hie Board of Naval Bureau Chlcl
has Invited the Newport News com
pany and the Union Iron works t
amend their plans so ns to mak
their ships Identical with that proposed b
Cramp. Mr. Scott of the California compan
has agreed to do this already and the rci
rcsentntlvo of the Newport News compan
has verbally agreed to do the same , BO
Is the understanding that each of the com
panics will bo given a contract for one shl |
War Department I'liuiN to Cnrc for A
Sli'li Solillerx.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. Surgeon Ger
cral Sternberg today furnished some Intel
cstlng details of the plans of the War di
partment referred to yesterday by Secrotai
Algcr for the establishment of two larg
well-equipped winter hositnls for the troop
He said that the medical department ha
for some time been nt work erecting such
hospital on the government reservation :
Fort Monroe. Lieutenant Colonel Woodhul
the surgeon In charge , reported that the ho ;
! pltal would be ready for the reception i
troops next Friday. There Is already at U
fort a tent hospital In excellent snap
capable of accommodating 500 patients. Tr
new hospital tn addition to this will 1
constructed of timber after the style of re (
ular barracks , and will contain 1,000 bed
It Is Intended for the reception of sick so
dlers returning from Porto Rico.
Looking ahead to the possibility of an c :
tended occupation of Cuban ports by tl
United States army , with the resulting r <
qulrements upon the medical departmei
for the care of sick soldiers , Surgeon Get
eral Sternberg Is planning for another ho
pltal on even a larger scale at some of tl
eastern ports below Fort Monroe , and moi
accessible from Cuba. He has appointed
medical board to make an Inspection i
available places and the Impression preval
that the hospital will bo located either i
Charleston or Savannah. The hospital shl |
Resolute and Missouri are under orders i
prepare Immediately for n return trip
Porto Rico to bring back any sick soldlei
requiring home treatment.
HeportH Received i
Washington from the South \o
I'"ever nt .InekNiinvllle.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. The followlr
report has been received at the marine ho
pltalHuwau from J. S. Hunter , secrctai
of the State Board of Health of Mlsslsslpp
"One case of yellow fever , Jackson , thoi
oughly Isolated by cordon of four block
with another cordon outside of this , r-
other case In the city ; not even of susp
clous nature. All steps have been takt
to stamp out and prevent ) spread of disease
No now cases have been reported fro.
Franklin , Orrwood , Holly Springs , Gatvei
ton or Key West ,
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , Sept. 12. Thei
Is absolutely no truth In the rumor of yc
low fever at Jacksonville. The health i
the city has never been better at this EC ;
son of the year.
Total Moil Sick 7 ! l mill -lOIt Jfew Cn <
of Fever.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. The followli
cablegrams from General Lawton regardli
the sanitary condition of the troops und
hie command were made public at the W ;
department tonight :
SANTIAGO , Cuba. Sept 12. Sanitary r
port for September 11 : Total sick , C96 ; tot
fever cases , 411 ; total new cases of fove
46 : returned to duty , 210.
Deaths Henry Burns , private Company I
Ninth infantry , typhoid fever ; Benjam
Boothby , private Second Louisiana volui
teers , pernicious malarial fever ; John Jonc
corporal Company D , Fifth infantry , typho
Sanitary report for September 12 Tot
sick , 783 ; total fever coses , 403 ; total nc
cases of fever , 71 ; total returned to dut
Deaths John Nash , private. Company i
Fifth Infantry , typhoid fever ; Gilbert BroA-
private , Company E , Fifth Infantry , yells
Sanitary report for September 7 Is nraendi
as follows : Deaths William E. McLeo
sergeant Company A , Fifth United States li
fantry , acute diarrhoea ; "Efllo" Barfltt , Con
pany G , Twenty-fourth Infantry , yello
fever ; Louis Reese , Company H , Thli
United States volunteers , yellow feve
Streaty H. Smith , Company ! ' , Third Unlti
States volunteers , gunshot wound.
WnittN XIMV Military Punt.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 12. ( Special Tel1
gram. ) Senator Clark of Wyoming has a :
rived hero and accompanied by Asslstai
Land Commissioner Mondell , called at tl
War department regarding the establlsl
ment of a military post at Sheridan , Wyo ,
An order has been issued removing tl
postofflco at Edgemont , S. D. , from its pro ,
ent quarters to a building owned by J , 4
Postmasters appointed : Nebraska W. 1
Kaiser , at Coxvlllc , Dawes county , vice 1
, A. Fisher , resigned. Iowa L. H. Goug
| dive , Polk county ; L. R. Bowker , Cryst
I Lake , Hancock county ; Levl Good , Gcrmc
Valley , Kossuth county ; W. E. Deft , Zwli
gle , Dubuque county. South Dakota II. 1
Hoffman , Waverly , Coddlngton county.
The Third National bank of St. Lou
was today approved as reserve agent f
the Cedar Ilaplds , la. , National bank.
An orijer has been Issued establishing
postofflce at Hoosler , Custcr county , N
braska , and William L. Hnrrcll was con
missioned postmaster.
3 rroiaolloiiM In Army aniliivy. .
r BOSTON , Mass. , Sept. 12. Before leavlr
* for Washington today Secretary of the Na
' Lqng was asked about n bill prepared t
him concerning promotions In the navy , I
said the bill relates to promotion wlthoi
the consequent degradation of others ,
second bill deals with the officers who hai
Buffered In numbers and otherwise by pn
motion already ma Jo and alms BO to pr
vide that they shall receive the promotlc
which would have come to them at a certa
time bad no exceptional promotions bet
[ Horsford'sflck ! Phosphate
Pleasant to the Taste.
All n\o > | i < A Vim I N llflil ! > > AIIIIT
loan * SapimNcit to lie In Tlirlr
I'oHifxxlim nt I'rrnciit.
SAX FilANOlSCO. Sept. 12. Tlio Curotlm
nroup of Idmidp , which belong to Spain , I :
undoubtedly by this time In the hnmls o
the natives of the group , with the Spanlsl
; nnlon wlpeil out. News of n re\olulloi
in the IslamlB reached this city In letleri
from Honolulu , brought by the stonme :
r"optle. The story \\ns berne to Honolult
by a ti-nilltiR schooner \\hlch touched nt thi
Carollnew. Two IIHM > UIIRB of the croup
who Imd IOUK been lit war with i-nch other
some months apu declared u truce , com
blned their forces nnd began a war agnltis
the Spanish nuthorltlca. The Spaniard
\vero concentrated nt 1'onapo nnd It wn
liero the natives made their attack. Th
blacks fought with such vigor the Spaniard
were compelled to retreat and tnko sheltc
In the barracks , which thuy held.
The gunboat Qultos was then dlspntche
to Guam for nld , but upon arriving ther
found the American Hag floating. Th
Qulroi never icturucd and nt Ynp , In th
Caroline group , It vas thought H was losl
Thu supposition Is that the Lndronc gnrrl
son of Americans had possession of H
There wcio 200 soldiers In Ponape towr
but these were poorly supplied with am
munition nnd In no position to resist a pro
longed attack. The belief Is that the plac
was captured and the Spanish garrlso
The cntlro group , unless the Spaniard
made an unexpected stand , must be by thi
tlmo In the possession of the natives. Till
story Is confirmed by James Wilder t
Honolulu , who recently returned to Hawa
from n tour of the Carolines , He enld r
that time the natives were much dlscou
tented nnd were preparing for n revolt.
DoniiinilN of Porlo It lee ConuiilNfilu
Informally lticlv < -il SpiuilNli
I'rt > | iiirliiK it Iloply.
SAN JUAN. Porto Ulco. Sept. 12. The tw
evacuation commissions held nn hour's scs
slon today nnd adjourned until Wcdnesdn >
The American coinmlarlcocrs made know
their position reg.irllng the evacuation nn
transfer of the Island , In accordance wit
their Instructions from Washington. Thcf
Instructions they decline to make publlu .
present , as publicity might lend to cmbai
raasment In negotiations , but the Spanlt
commissioners did not disclose their post
tlons nor the nature of tiic-lr instruction !
They manifested , however , a willingness I
ficcuro as much expedition as possible , an
our commissioners are sntlnded with tl
way which their demands have been Infoi
ninlly received. The adjoutnmmt gives tt
Spaniards tlmo to prepare their repl ;
When that Is concluded Issues will be Joint
and tlio situation will become clearer.
\\hat effect , If any , the appearance i
yellow fever among the troops at I'onco wl
have Is problematical. Should the fevc
spread It would doubtless Induce the Amer
can commissioners to hasten evacuation 1
the utmost , but ns yet there Is not tl
slightest reason to expect an epidemic.
General Urooko says two cases have bee
reported to him and ono death. As soon i
ho learned of this no caused all suspects I
bo Isolated , with a view of preventing t !
spread of the Infecrbn. It Is believed th.
the cafees originated in the Spanish prise
at Slboney.
KmiNnn SolillcrH Itcm-li llnine.
The Twenty-second Knnsns infantry , con
slsting of forty-four officers nnd 1,139 cr
listed men , arrived from Pennsylvania eve
the Missouri Pnclflc Sunday In gooi
bhape. Of tbo eleven sick among the sol
dlera the condition of none Is considere
serious. Flvo thousand pcoplo welcome
and fed the soldiers. A steady rain fell a !
With Stereoiitleon IlInstralloiiFi.
Will be Riven by
of Cleveland , O. , In
V. M. tA. . IIAI.I , , lloiiKlaM St. ,
Xenr Kith , Omaha. Xel
Tl'nSIlAY , Sept. Jilth , at Siir I' . .11.
Theme : The Greatest Need of the Age-
Perfect Health of Body and Drain.
* *
< i
North ol Music Hall , E. Midway. $
The two main features of the Exposi
tion are the model of the Maine In the
Government building and the De
struction of the Maine on the Midway ,
next to the Gypsy Fortune Tellers.
YOU annut.o
THE f ALL or
Streets of All Nation ;
Grandest , Best Amusement
Place on Exposition
250 People Representing DlfTerer
Magnificent Novelty
g Ostrich Farm
u62 Gisantic Birds 62
& B m m m mm m QBmam m a
from linyptuin Hull. London ,
.Midway. IO centH.
A , .
Telephone 2217.
LentWilliams. . Prop * , nnd Mgre.
W.V UOLiU. Act. Mnnaser.
A 1'i.rnilox of Vaudeville
sent. 1 1. is , in , 1 1. in , in. IT.
Matinees Sundnv , Wednesday and Saturday
\\MP. JI13lt * .
Now York'H SltiRliiR Sunbeam.
Original Comedy t're.itow.
M \ MITIII it mirr ,
Child i.'ornvtlHt.
TIM : mmii TIIIO ,
MiiHtor ( MiiMi * .
tirsxr.l.l A TM.I.VM2 ,
Acrobatic Hkoti h Artists.
KIN/.O ,
The Wonderful Japanese.
iiiioTiinus \'r.i.i.o ,
Sensational DoublrTrnix'r.u Artists.
Contortionist Supremo.
Novel tv Hketrh Artl t .
llnliy ( " "oon Shoutor.
' . ' . " . * .
I'rleen i.'ts U."c it ml ( ) <
The . Tl.UL
O. 1) . Woodward , Amusement Director.
Tiu3 woomv.vni ) xnicic co.
Men and Women
Xe\t Work LOST
Prof. A. T. Wiltlick ,
The specialist upon the Crown Piano with
the orchestral attachment , will give exhibits
Music Hall , Tuesday , Wednesday and Thurs
day from 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. Imitations of
zither , guitar , piccolo , Italian harp , mando
lin , autoharp , banjo , chimes of. bells with
distant organ effects , music box , xylophone ,
bag pipes , mandolin and guitar orchestrn ,
etc. Flee seats. Everjbody Invited. 1611
Capitol nveiiUL' , second floor.
Kith and Hartley Streets.
The moat popular resort in the city.
The ai traction for thin week
ffiiss Margarita Heck
Great Operatic Vocalist.
Admission free.
W. H. MLLBURN , 0.D.
The Blind Chaplain
nt Hanscom Park M. K. Church , 29th nnj
Wool worth ,
Are you KOUIB to the
flmatia Museum and Theater
1315-lJ17 ; Furnniu i '
Admission 10 cents.
13th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha
J. 11. MAIllCKI , & - > OProiis. .
14th n.ul llnrney St.
Strictly first class. Street cars from depots
to hotel and only U minutes rldo to Expo
sition. Rates $2.00 tc $1.00.
100 Southern Negro Dancers , Singers ,
and Calco Walkers. Pickaninny
Quartet. HundHnmo Theater ,
See the Village.
Buy your engraved glass souvenirs
at our works , as you receive the
price of admission back on each pur-
Don't fall to take a rldo on
on the MIDWAY , and see a representation
of the BATTLE OP MANILA In the Great
Tunnel. The patent right for these rail
ways In any part of the United Stales for
sale by J. A. Grimthi , at hie ofnce on tha
i Trained Wild Animal Show. I
B PRJF : C'lmrnplou KollorSIcaUr |
ACUINTON In Don of Iton . .
Zimmmi mmmmmtmmfmmimimmimmm3
DoloTForget lo YlslFtlifl
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway , j *
( : ; *
| East Midway Casino f
Kew Management ! A
New I'roplr U
New Scenes. C T llUTLIiH , MBr.
J The "coolest beer" nnU the best muilo
9 on the Kluunds
, with potato naiad.
LWulncrwunt IS CcnlB ,