Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 13, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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V M ( rl < -itiviilr < I n i- I firm' i-nluniliti
' HI Im ( iiKcii ntilll 111 m. r < ir tlif
MI-i , | tu mill until Hi.'IO lor inoi-iiliiK
" Si utii ) CHIIIOU * .
Rnii N. I 1.2w n mini flrnl Innfrlloiil
lii > nril Iliprt-ii/li-r. > ullilli mluni
for < < i Hutu yrit. ' inr ilii ! tlrnt liiMor-
tlot > . 'I lit-Ni * i > ili t-rtUc-mnilJi in tint bo
I'dlt i oiiMf'Ciltfvrly. A
Ail > crl IMITI * , ! > > r < - iiiHHiitt | n luiin-
tici-ril i'lit-1-K , < -iiii lime nuim-om nil-
ilrcKFiiJ ( o u iiiiiulirrril letter In i-nrc
or 'Ili < * Hrr. AiiN\\i > rn no ndilrrnni-il
ivlll lie ilollvrri-il on iirvHviilntloii nf
* lip cliecU iinlr.
t 11. . . i _ . . ' ' -
THE FOLLOWING Is n list of the business
firms who have called upon Boyle's school
for stenographers during the summer
U months , and'Is presented to those In
terested In shorthand and typewriting as
I1 * ai mi evidence of the approbation by busi
ness mm of the establishment In Omaha
of n school of shorthand nnd typewriting
whoso teachers are experienced reporters :
United Typewriter nnd Supplies Co 17
Remington Typewriter Company 12
Smith Premier Typewriter Company. . . . 6
Mercer Chemical Company .1
Omaha Dally Bee B
Omaha World.Herald 1
Trans-MlHtdsslppI nnd International Expo 3
Burke Electrical Company 1
Alulmil JU-su-rvo Fund Life Asso 1
Fldnllty Mutual Insurance Company . . . . 1
Cudahy Packing Company 1
Woodmen of the World 2
F. E. & M. V. Railroad Company 3
Union Pa < ; lllo Railroad Company 1
Commercial credit Company 1
F. W. Fitch , Lawyer 1
Mutual Llfo Insurance Co. of N. Y 2
Omaha Stove Hi-pair Works 1
Vlavl Company 1
Union Central Llfo Insurance Co 1
II. F. Cady Lumber Company 1
Commlslson Hollies. South Omaha . . . .i. 2
Dr. S. D. Mercer 1
Z. T. Lindsay Rubber Company 1
Washington Llfo Insurance Co. , of N. Y. 1
Riislnea * ' & Fraternal Association 1
Dr. William II. ' Ham-holt 1
Fnrnam Manufacturing Company 1
Robert W. Patrick , Lawyer 1
Omaha iM.'iimfulturers' and Consumers'
Association ' . . . . . 1
W. T. Graham , Real Estate Dealer 1
Metropolitan Llfo Insurance Company. . . 1
Drutnmoiiil Garclogo Company 1
D. T. Mount , C-oal Dealer 1
O. W. Sues & Co. , Patent Olllce 1
Since the 1st of January over 100 students
have entered this Institution , and everyone
ono has been secured n situation as soon
as competent and not ono has failed. Get
Circulars , Bee , Bldg. B
SALESMEN for cigars ; $123 n month and
expenses ; old firm ; nxperlonce unneces
sary , CC. . Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
. B-S30
TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school.
CIS 8. 13 : , . . . U-9SIDCC2
DEPUTIES wanted , both local nnd stale ;
exceptional Opportunities for good men ;
No. 1 xiontracts ; both life nnd accident
policies , wtekly bencllts : fraternal order.
W. J. Stuart , 10C-8 Bco bldg. , Omaha.
WANTJ3D' Good harness maker ; single
man. Address Ceo. A. Hills , Alliance ,
Neb. - B-283 14
YOUNG men to learn barber trade ; only C
to 8 weeks required ; wo glvo our gradu
ates employment till they receive In wages
ns .much n they" pay for tuition nnd ex
penses learning. St. Louis Barber Col
lege , Odd Fellows' Bldg. , Dodge nnd llth ,
Omnha , Neb. Prof. S. Randolph , Inst.
' . B-M32J O9
WANTED , men to learn barber trado.
Commission allowed this month. Eight
wtks oomplMeri.- Catalogue mailed free.
Molcr's Barber College , Chicago.
U-M276 13'
WE1 PAY me.n $75 to $123 per month nnd
expenses selling cigars ; experience un
necessary : permanent position. Bailey
Bros. , Philadelphia , Pa. B-M372-13 *
WANTED , partner In manufacturing busi
ness ; capital required , $35,000. Call 2 p.
in. Tuesday or Thursday , or address J.
S. Wilson , 512 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. B 311 14
WANTED Electrotypcrs , builders , mould-
eta. jiuJd. ttnfcjbjirn : highest vfirtca' and
BtcniUVPftrmannitt position to good men.
W. B. Conkoy Co. , Hammond , I ml.
B MH2 13 *
WAITED * boy 10 to " 18 years old In' manu
facturing cfllco. Address B 11 , Beo.
B M5-13
"WANTED , reliable men to tnc'k ' ndvcrtls-
Ing signs ; $15 weekly nnd expenses ; send
lOc for postage , samples , etc. Kola Chein-
Icnl Oo , 2IJ9 N. Colorado-St. , Plilndi'lphla ,
Pa. ' B-M4G8 13 *
WANTED , ono or two reliable salesmen to
represent ati ; old established firm manu
facturing il'prolltablo and wnlablo line of
Htaplo products. Address Manufacturer ,
Commercial ' Bldg. , Cleveland , Ohio.
. t , B-M451 18
WANTED , active men everywhere anxious
to earn from } 20 to $43 weekly , to take or
ders for "Cuba nnd the War with Spain ; "
COO pages ; 100 war Illustrations ; retail $1.50 ;
only recognized otllclal book ; no capital
nor experience necessary : Impossible to
earn less'-than W dally : book outllt , In
cluding map of the world , 30x40 , "Cream
of the American Navy , " picture In colors
3 feof long and full Instructions free on
application. Address Globd BIWo Pub
lishing Co. , 723 Chestnut St. , Phlln. , Pa.
B-M433 15
SALESMEN can make $100 per month sellIng -
Ing our olllco specialties to merchants by
saraplo : flnn sldn lines ; big profits. Mode ]
Mfg. C6. , Box B , South Bend , Ind.
TWO clothlnp salesmen wanted In Omaha
nnd ono In each county In every state to
take orders for our $5.00 to $10.00 mado-
to-menw.urft suits and overcoats : llvo men
without , nxperlonco win make $150.00 per
month ; If you ca.n furnish satisfactory
reference wo will furnish a complete t > ample -
plo line nnd outllt nnd start you at work
nt onco. For particulars address Ameri
can Wooolen Mills Co. , Enterprise Build
ing , Chicago. B-M45S O12 *
SALESMEN wanted , smart , Intelligent , en
ergetic , to call on doctors only to repre
sent best known llrm In the trade ; posi
tion permanent ; good Income ; best refer
ences required. Address H. , P. O. Box
1552 , Philadelphia. B M457 13
MAN or woman" . of energy and business
ability to tra.vel for established llrm ; $30
n month and njl expenses. I1. W. Zelglcr
& Co. , 322 Dearborn St. , Chicago. III.
. - . B-MI5G13 *
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; J3 to J7
week. Canadian Olllce , 1522 Douglas.C851
WANTED-150 girls. 1521 DoTlK ! Tel. 876.
C-rM511 Oct-20
GOOD cook. S. E. Cor. Jones and 3Sth.
C M640
GIRL wanted for general housework. 2020
Emmet. C M20S
WANTED , girl for general housnwork ;
small family. 3005 Pacific.
WANTED , experienced millinery makers
and preparors In millinery department.
Boston Store. Omaha , J. L. Brandies &
Sons , proprietors. C 316 12
WANTED , mangle girls to work nights.
Model Steam Laundry , 1110 Dodge St.
C-313 13
WANTED-Competent elrl , 1123 S. 31st St.
C M39113
ANTED. . .experienced . gales ladles in
iindfrrwdnr _ anrf ribbon department nt Boston -
ton Store , J. U. Urundcls & Sons , proprlo-
H-M43S 13
WANTED , housekeeper ; 3151 So. 15th st.
Call after S p. m. c MJ71 13 *
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over cllv
Jo to 75. FUellty. first Moor , N ! Y Llfo'
HOUSES. Ilenewa & Co. , 10S N. 15th St
, store * . 'Berab. Paxton block.
MOVING household goods nnd pianos ,
Omaha Van i : Storage Co. , Furnnm ,
Tel. 1559. D * 55
FURNITURE and leasehold nf a 7 and 13-
room modern Hat for sale ; bargain ; gooil
location ; rent low , Bcmls Paxton block ,
A FEW COTTAGES. 436 Board Trade.
e huusu. 603 Bee.
D M294
roil nn.vr-iiotsu.s.
( Continued. )
NEW cottage , easy payments. COI Bee Bldg.
4 , (5 ( AND 7 room steam heated Hats for rent i
Howard Ranck , ngt. , 1610 Chicago Street.
FOR RENT , six-room brick house , BOD S.
Sttli St. , $20. W. L. Selby , Bourd of Trnde
Bldff. D-.MI02 II
FOR RENT Severn ! good houses , 3 to 7
rooitH. G. L. Green , 2S Barker Block.
HOUSES & stores rented & rents collected.
John \ \ . Robblns , 1S02 Farnam st.
A BEAUTIFUL 4-room Hat. partly modern ,
cor. 24th nnd Hamilton. Apply 2313 Cald-
well. D-M9S3
HENEWA'S residence to rent , 3230 Hurt.
roit HI\T i-LitMsiii ; ! )
NICELY furnished rooms. " 010 Davenport.
3 NICE rooms , housekeeping. 1112 S. llth.
FURNISHED rooms , facing exposition
grounds , board if desired. 3314 N. 20th St.
E-M37I S17'
NICELY furnished rooms for transients.
2209 Spencer St. , Kountze Place , near ex-
poslton. E-M143
TRANSIENTS , cool rooms , bath , nil N.
IDtll. E993-O3
EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In
formation In regard to hotels , rooms ,
board , etc. , nt the Ofllclnl Informallon
Bureau , 1319 Farnam nt. ; this bureau Is
under the supervision of the exposition
management. Ofllco open day and night ;
no charge for information. E 'j'JJ
ROOMS , transients accommodated , 1916
Cumlngs. E M2oG OC
FURNISHED rooms-t.GO and $2.00 per
week ; central part of city. 1702 Webster.
E-M300 23 *
FURNISHED rooms. E2I South Slith nvc.
E-M271 14 *
TROCADERO-Beds 23c ; clean , safe. 1303 .
Harncy. E-M300 OS * |
3 FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping ;
man and ; taken In board. 319 N.
17th. I3-M321
VISITORS wishing first class rooms In
private family can secure same at S. W.
corner 17th nnd Cupltol Ave , west of
postolllce. E 116-18 *
FURNISHED rooms , also housekeeping
ones. 200.1 Dodge St. E-M472 15 *
FURNISHED room , south front , modern ,
steam heat. 1611 Chicago street , lint F.
K MIG9 14 *
THE MERRIAM , Hirst class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge St ? . F SCO
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 21st nnd Plnkncy
Sts. , llfty daintily furnished rooms ; one-
squuro from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and first class ; terms
reasonable. F b59
MRS. E. L. SPOTTS. 622 N. 19th St. , nice
rooms , gas , bath , first-class board ; rates
reasonable. F MI55 S23
TAKE down " " " rent"
that "for sale" or "for
sign In your window. The Bee reaches
moro people In n day than will pass your
window in n month ; and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F S65
hotel , European or American , $1.00 and
up ; adjoins the grounds , Sherman avenue
car line passes the house ; summer resort
style ; families sollcted ; modern , cool ,
homelike ; baths , gas , plaho nnd library.
Telephone 1931 ; double parlors , ham
mocks , vast verandas , park , seats in the
street cars ; no dust ; jolly people nnd
croquet. Wrlto or 'phone this minute ;
special olter for those who do. F SGI
WELL FURNISHED rooms , line board.
1909 Canltol avc. F M2SI O7
COMFORTABLE rooms by day or week ;
meals if desired ; reasonable. 520 N. 19th.
F M323 15 *
WANTED , two gentlemen desiring perma
nent board. Address A 58 , Bee.
F-M340 15
BOARD and room ; gentlemen preferred ,
special offer to the right party. 1325 So.
32d St. F 343 12 *
LARGE south room , good board ; refer
ences. 202 N. 18th. F-M430 12 *
FURNISHED or unfurnished single or
ensultc , by day or month. 62U4 S. 19th.
G-429-S19 *
3 ROOMS. 70S 17th St. G-St293 O8
SUITE of unfurnished modern rooms. 616
S. 29th st. G-M423 13
FOR RENT , the 4-story brick building at
916 Farnam St. This building has a fire
proof cement basement , water on all
lloors. gas , etc. Apply at the olllco of
The Bee. 1-910
DESK room. G. G. Wallace ' , 313 Brown Blk.
NICE store , Corner 21th and Hamilton. Ap
ply 2318 Caldwell. I-S63
FOR RENT , a good barn-box stall , cheap.
1902 Cass St. I-M740
IN U. S. Nut'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg.
AGENTS nnd branch managers ; salary or
commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cin
cinnati , O. J-M947-Oct-ll *
"WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , com-
plelo ; English , Swedish and German ; out-
lit free. W. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co. . olllco
14 , Ware blk. , Omaha. J M412 O10
AGENTS , here's your Klondike ; something
new ; "Champion Polishing Fibre , " pol
ishes metal , glassware , pianos , furniture ,
tan shoes , etc. , Instantly ; no dust or
liquid ; handsome package with beautiful
present ; agents Helling dozens dully to
bicyclists , restaurants , liverymen , hotels ,
homes , etc. ; retails 25c ; nothing like It ;
sells Itself : handsome circulars , pictures ,
Jewelry , etc. . to help agents ; exclusive
territory ; write quick ; enclose 23c for big
outllt nnd present ( worth $1) ) ; don't miss
this ; big Inducements nnd commission.
Chnmplon (2) ( ) Chemical Co. , 11 S. 7th St. ,
Phlla. J M450 13 *
AGENTS , you can make big money taking
orders for our ladles' and gents' mackin
toshes ; established twelve
years ; relia
bility guaranteed ; we sell only through J
agents ; buy nt headquarters ; send for
terms. Pond Rubber Co. , 4SS Washington 1
street , Boston , Mass. J MI34 13 *
HAVE several choice tenants wanting
houses , various sizes. Room COI Bee bldg.
ALL persons desiring to rent their rooms |
to exposition vlsllors kindly call nt once.
210 S. 14th St. K-M302 OS
8-ROOM house , modern , on long lease. A.
House , 1321 Nicholas St. K-M299 Iti
WANTED , n 7-room house , modern Im
provements , centrally located , by Octo
ber 15. Address A 60 , Bee office.
K 341 12 *
AVANTED , three furnished rooms for light
housekeeping. Address B 13 , Bee olllco.
K-MI70 15 *
1 WANT 4-room suite for self nnd wife ,
nt once ; heat ; permanent ; stateprice. .
Address B 12 , Bee. K-M1C5 13 *
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 908-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 1B11U Farnam. Tel. lf.59.
IF YOU nro In need of unythlne try the
Wnnt Columns of The Bee ; they will
brlns you what you want. N SG7
ZND HAND bicycles. Omaha Bicycle CoT"
" *
THE HESTllOMEr$2ioco"w-llll > uy on eoBy
terms. I utu no ucenu X 14 , l3cNM751
( Continued. )
OWNERS wishing to sell their property
should list with us ; have numerous Inqui
ries for cheap homes. Byron Reed Co.
HIGHEST price for second-hand household
goods. Largo lota a specialty. Brown , 712
N. ICth. N-M20003'
roil SAM :
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture
and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c ;
mattresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 110S-10 Dodge.
0-M2TS 07
s.iiiiHtsisVAGOXS , irrc.
FOR SALE , horse , buggy , harness. 2209 N. 19
P-919-S-1IO *
FOR SALE Cheap , fine carriage. Inquire
nt 2368 St. Mnry's ave. P 259 13 *
FOR SALE , cheap , horse nnd phaeton , on
account of leaving city. 20fl S. 31st Ave.
P-M392 17
LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog
fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chan. R. Lee ,
9th and Douglas. Q SCO
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; alt wire ; is
best. Wire Works , llth and Hnrncy.
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. , Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut Mowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
B CAHN nnd alto Calm cornet. Marowltz ,
418 N. Kill. Q-SG9 .
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for C cents , I
ut druggists : ono gives relief. Q 870 ]
100 KINDS mineral waters. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. ,
Omaha. Q-M3S9 818
FOR SALE , reliable patent for stnte of i
Nebraska. Address A , Bco olllcc , CoUncl'
Bluffs. Q-543
FOR SALE , St. Louis fire brick , $14.00 per
M. Win. J. Welshans. 'Phono 267.
BARGAINS In good second hand surreys ,
phateons , concords and end spring , top
buggies at A. J. Simpson's , 1409 Douglas St
SALE or Trade , machinery , engines ,
pumps. Sprague Machine Wrks , 1218 Jones.
Q 992 O2 *
STAMPS , coins , bought , sold. Mortenson ,
401 N. 16th. Q-MS4S 830
I HAVE two almost new pianos. Hardman
nnd KImball , that I will soil cheap. Any
terms. Address A 56 , Bee. Q 320 15
FOR SALE or trade , hotel In good order.
For particulars address J. W. Cllne ,
Newport , Neb. Q-317 16 *
FOR SALE , one largo Garland otfleo stove ,
ono Hall safe. Inquire Meyer & Raapke ,
2415 Jones. . Q-M46S 19
TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. nnd
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a largo map of the East and West
Indies , at the olllce of The Bee. If or-
dorcd by mail , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omaha Bee. R 870
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans
cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 10. Tel. 1779
R-M512-S20 *
Truthful In her predictions , reliable In her
advice. It matters not what your belief
may be nor what your experience with
so-called palmists and clairvoyants may
have been , Ismar will convince you that
the past , present and future van bo told.
She can be consulted dally nt her ofllce ,
rooms 20 and 21 , Douglas block , cor. 10th
and Dodge , opposite lluyden Bros.
S-M174 O3
MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1605 Dodge.
S-M1S1 03
VIENNA fortune teller , IS years in Omaha.
Past , present and future. 1411 Howard St.
S 237-313 *
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th.
IF YOU want revelations of the past ,
present and future , consult the only
clairvoyant nnd spirit medium In Omaha
who can and does prove his wonderful
power every Sunday night to hundreds
ot people ; udvlco dally on all affaire of
life changes , love , troubles and disease ;
can do moro than all others In his line ,
as ho has had 15 years' experience ; dally
consultation. 1623 Dodgo. Dr. Frederick
Milton ; satisfaction or no charge : read
ings by mall. S M4GO 10
MASSAGE and baths ; ladles and gentle
men ; magnetic treatment. M. Brlsson ,
107 N. 12th. T M315-S15 *
LAURA ELLISON , baths , massage and
magnetic treatment. 119 N. 16th , room 12 ,
upstairs. T 461-820 *
MME. AMES , 507 S. 13 , room 10 , massage ,
baths. T 283 13 *
MADAM SMITH. 118 North 15th street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T 239-12 *
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug
las Blk. T 339 O9
BEATRICE HARLOW , new massage and
bath ; Egyptian treatment ; R. 19. 1623
Fnrnam ; new 'ittcndunt. T M326 16 *
MRS. DR. LEON , electric mussago bath
parlors ; restful and curative 417 S. llth ,
UDStalrs. T M467 19 *
VIAVI CO. , 346 Bee building. U-872
A LARGE Map of the AVorld , ono of Cuba
nnd nnother of the entire' West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee
office. By mall , 14 .cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U S6S
$30 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business- years in Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure , U32-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha ,
Neb. u-873
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
ono treatment does the work ; call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
832 New York Llfo building , Omaha.US74
DOCTORS If you have money , brains and
enterprise , but few patients , I may help
I you. Write to X 24 , Bco. U M9S6
PRIVATE hospital ; babies adopted ; con-
llncment cases taken. Mrs. Hitter , 2214
Seward , tel. 2231. U M.150 S16
MARRIED ladles should send 10 cents for
valuable secrets. Box 321 , Omaha.
U M601 S23 *
LADIES' Bath Partjrs. 220 Bee Bldg !
i Cabinet treatments $1 , electrical baths 60c.
! Telephone 1716. U M333
MISS MAYER , leading chiropodist , manl-
cure , 400 Paxton blk , , has reduced prices
on account of expo , visitors ; manicure ,
35c : shampooing , 35c : foot treatments ,
half price , with directions how to effect n
permanent cure ; Infallible foot powder ; L
positively cures odorous perspiration nnd
tender feet. U M825 S29
LADIES or gentlemen , do you want to
marry in 30 days ? Send We for guaranteed
secret , Box 125 , Omaha. U M232 OS
SHOES soled nnd heeled , SOc. 710 N. 16th.
U-M900 S30
SOLES nnd heels 45c. Peterson's old re
liable shoo shop. New shoes cheap. 16th
and Cumlng. U M303 O9
THE Omaha Social club having moved
from 520 S. 13 to 311 Knrbach bl. , 15 and
Douglas , will be pleased to meet mem
bers and welcome strangers to parlors ;
correspondents furnished. Stamp. Alice
Turney , M r. U M3M OS
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. The
school whose students get employment.
Conducted by an experienced reporter.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , Itith & Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
i reporters.Boylea' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg
WANTED , choice farm nnd city loam. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nnfl Bank Bldtf.
W 875
$1(0,000.00 special fund to loan on first class
Improved Omaha properly , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
W 876
per cent money. Bcmls , Paxton Block.
$1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved
property.V. . Fnrnam Smith & Co. , 13JO
Fnrnam St. W STS
G PER ecnt city nnd farm loans. Onrvtn
Bros. , 1613 Fnrnam St. W-879
ANTHONY Lonn it ! Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;
quick money nt low rates for choice fnrm
lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East
ern Nebraska. W S30
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennnn-Lovo Co. , 219 S. 16th.
REAL ESTATE nnd mortgage brokers and
promoters should write for circular. In
vestors' Directory Co. , New York.WSS2
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
W M733
MONEY to loan nt low rates on Improved
rliy property in South Omnhn , Council
ninlTs nnd Omaha. U. S. Mortgage &
Trust Co. W. H. Thomas , agenl , First
Nnfl Bank building. W-M277
ANY nmount up to $ S,000 ; nlso buy mort
gages. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglns.
$10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON
etc. , nt lowest rates In
Omnhn , South Omnha nnd Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you cnn pay the loan oft at any tlmo or
in any amounts.
30fi SOUTH 16TII.
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent positions with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
security ; easy payments. Tolman , U. 706 ,
N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X SS4
DIAMOND loan ofllcc , 1315 Douglas , unre
deemed diamonds , wntchcs , etc. sold cheap
X I43-S-20
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelcry , horses , rows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8. Barker Blk. X M41G
WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 24th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
now postolllce , for any llrst class busi
ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware Bl'k.
Y 113-S9
PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1610 Cass.
Y M670-S2G
WANTED , Btato representative for an es
tablished wholesale house ; $2.000 to $3,000
required to carry stock of goods ; salary
$1,000 with Increase. Address A 52 , Bee.
Y M4CI 15 *
IF YOUR mortgage Is duo I will trade
clear lot for equity. X 4C , Bee.
TO EXCHANGE Clear 160 acres of land
and Omaha city lots , all clear and taxes
paid , for savings bank certificates. Ap
ply 512 Brown Block. Z 2SS-17
FOR EXCHANGE , house and lot in
Omnha for farm In eastern Nebraska or
western Iowa ; pnrty will nssume mort
gage for difference. W. L. Selby. .134
Board of Trnde. Z-M463 11
HOUSES , lo s , farms , lands , loans ; also
flro insurance. Bemls , Faxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ; let' the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE 866
$330.00 FOR G full-sized lots on electric cor
line. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 124x
. 130 ; In first class location ; ten minutes'
walk from court house ; cheap for cash.
' Address O 61 , Boo. RE 885
FOR SALE , cheap , 1 15-room house nnd
lot on 17th st. , north of Leavenwor'.h ;
also 1 11-room house on 17th nve. Call at
701 S. 17th nve. , upstairs. RE-M294 OS *
LOTS on T street , between 33d nnd 36th
streets , In Maloney's addition , five blocks
southwest of Armour's now packing
house , $150.00 ; terms ensy.
THREE lots northwest corner 31st nnd S
streels , $200.00 each.
LOT on Slst streoet , between Q nnd R
streels , $400.00.
G-ROOM house , city water , etc. , 1022 N
21st street , $1,000.00.
ACRE lots near South Omaha , $150.00.
5 AND 10-acre tracts near South Omaha ,
$125.00 per acre.
1601 Farnam St.
RE-M331 15
TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. Cal
on J. W. Robblns , 1602 Farnam.REM769
FOR RENT , 150-acro dairy farm , 3 miles
beyond city limits , on Dodge- street
Claus Slcvcrs. RF.-M461 19 *
STRAYED , two cows , ono largo red am
one dark. Reward If returned to N. Greg
orson , 12th nnd Knvan Sts. Lost M149 13
WE HANDLE the best furniture and
stoves ; highest market prices paid ; sold
at small profit. David Brodkey , 110 8. II.
M-166-Nov. 11
WE will sell good woven wire cots with
mattress for $1.25. Lewis , 1414 Dodge.
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St. ; telephone 1281. S91
WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters
made ; largest stock of good supplies In
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. , 1613 Farnam St. t > 92
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier nnd Rem
ington typewriters ; repairs for all makes ;
western agents for Williams typewriter.
Derlght & Co. , 1116 Farnam. Tel. 353.
M-424 S19
MAX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs
clothes. 307 S. 17th. M-321 O9
JOE YOUSEN. the tailor , Boyd's Theater
bldg. ; lovely suits $15 ; clothes cleaned nnd
mended nt most rpnannnlitn prices ; work
called for and delivered. Tel. 182S.
413 O10
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
-M5S9 823
LADIES ! Chlchoster's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamps ,
for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " in
letter by return mall ; at druggists. Chi-
Chester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa.
M455 13 *
iiuimnii STAMPS.
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th.
Phone 1025 , Write for catalogue.A1459
-A1459 O12
EAGLK Loan office 1211 Douglas ; oldest
established , most reliable , accommodat
ing business confidential ; selling out $10 , .
000.00 stock of unredeemed diamonds ut
bit ; bargains. tC5 Octl
YARD room , or slornpo with trackage
centrally located. Address box 52 , City.
GONNKLLA manufactures artistic stntu-
nry. Inside ornamental work a specialty.
317 8. 10th. M621 NoV-24
J. R. MAXCY ft CO. , auctioneers , room 619
Pnxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo
stock , clc. S93
DR. L1EBER , cancers , female diseases.
1912 Leavcnworth. M 417 Oct-19
LIFE Insurance policies boucht for cash.
Richard Hcrzfcld , 171 LaSallo St. . Chi-
raco. 99S-O3
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , elc. 13 & Calif.
MANOS of any design made to order , old
pianos overhauled and made equal to
new ; second-hand pianos nlwnys on
hand. C. Sommcr , prop. , 321 S. 10th St.
263 O6 ; MOVER.
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Avo.
NEW wheels , $17.GO to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$5 to $10. Omaha Blcyclo Co. , 16 & Chicago.
PLUOENO stops punctures : fully guaran
teed ; dealers send for terms. Model Mfg.
Co. , 1601 Cans. 179-O3
LiATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded.
Mrs. Martlji , general agcnl , teacher. 2233
Charles. M)7S18 )
WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1281. S91
PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge.
313 O9
KARLING'S furniture repair shop , 1220
Harnoy. R-M931 S30
II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.
ONLY corset made having waist lino. Room
10. Crelghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas.
SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughan , 306 N. Y . Lite bldg.
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely
block. -29S-N14
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St.
MISS BEYMER , vocal studio , 613 Karbach
block. 75"-b-27
MASONWORK jobber. E. Hcaly , 1622 Clark
Street. -0.7-S2G . *
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331
S. II. COLE , signs ; 705 3. 27th 211-S-T3
EYES tested free. Optical
Headquarters republican Douglas county
central Pursuant committee to a resolution : adopted nt a.
regular mooting of the republ can DoiiElas
county central committee n delegate con-
venllon of the republicans of the county o
Douglas , state of Nebraska , Is hereby calle
to meet at Washington hall. In the city of
Omaha , on the 17th day of September , 1898
at 2 p. m. , for the purpose of nominating
candidates for the following ofllcea towlt.
One (1) ( ) county attorney , three (3) ( ) state
senators , nine (9) ( ) state representatives , one
(1) ( ) county commissioner for the faecond dis
trict , one (1) ( ) county commissioner for the
Fourth district , one (1) ( ) assessor for eacl
ward In the cities of Omnha and Boull
Omaha , one (1) ( ) assessor for each county
precinct , and for the purpose of nominat
ing such other ofllclnls as shall bo neccs
sary and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before the
The representation In said convention
shall be ns follows :
Ten (10) ( ) delegates from each wnrd In the
city of Omahu , four (4) ( delegates from cacl
ward In the city of South Omaha , llvo (5 (
delegates from each country precinct.
The primaries for the selection of dele
gates to said county convention will be
held on the 16th day of September , A. D
1S93 , and In the several wards of the cities
of Omaha and South Omahu and In Jeffer
son and Union precincts. Such primaries
will be hold from 12 o'clock noon to
o clock p. m. of said day , nnd in nil othe
counlry preclncls from 7 o'clock p. m. mill
9 o'clock p. m. of suld day at the following
places : "
First Wnrd-Slxth nnd Pacific streets.
stIet s Ward-Fifteenth and William
Third Ward-1120 Capitol nvenue.
" WurJ22Sou
Sixth ' Wrardr2.,14 ? Shermnn avenue.
Wnrd Twenty-fourth nnd Sprue
streets *
Seventh Wnrd-1312 Park avenue.
Eighth Ward-Twenty-flrst and Cumlng
Ninth Ward-Twenty-nlnth and Farnam
streets ,
First Ward-Twenty-fourth , between J
and O streets.
Second Ward McGuckln's Hall , O nnd
Twenty-fifth streets.
Third Ward-Kelcar Building , Thirty
first and Q streels.
Fourth Ward Old school house , Thirty
third and J streets.
East Omaha School House Dlstrlc
No. 61.
West Omaha Dundee school house.
McArdle Glandt's school house.
Florence City hall.
Valley Opera house hall.
Chicago Klner's hall.
Jefferson Simon's shoo factory.
In all other wards and precincts th
primaries will bo held at the places whcr
they were formerly held , unless change <
by order of the committee-men of sue
wnrd or precinct.
Dated nt Omaha , Neb. , this 8th day o
September , A. D. , 1898.
O. R. WILLIAMS , Chairman.
rials. U. S , Indian Service , Pine Rldgt
Agency , Pine Ridge , 8. D. . August 31 , 1698 ,
Sealed proposals. Indorsed "Proposal foi
Building Material , " and addressed to the
undersigned at Pine Ridge , S. D. , will be
received it this agency until 1 o'clock p. m
of Thursday , September 24 , 1898 , for furnish '
ing and delivering nt this agency n quantit y
of bulldlr.g material , consisting of ussortei u
lumber , lime , cement , doors , hardware , etc.
a full list and dr-xcrlption ot which may b <
obtained by making application to the un i-
darataned. For any additional fnformatlor
apply in Major W. H , Clapp , Acting U. B
Indian Agent. B2dlOt
SUES & CO. ,
Bee bldq. Om h , Seb.
fienU for our fnio Intent'
ort'OuUlo. Tel. Ili3. )
1'osToFFicis NOTICE.
( Should be roao. dally by nil interested , us
changes may occur at uny time. )
Foreign mnlls for the week ending Sep
tember 17 , 1S93. will close ( PROMPTLY In all
rases ) at the General Postolllco as follows :
PARCELS POST MAILS close ono hour
earlier than closing ; tlmo shown bolow.
Trnim-Atlniitlo MnlU.
'UESDAT-At ' 7 n ? m7 for EUROPE , per
s. s. Kaiser Wllhclm der Orossc , via ,
Southampton and Bremen. ,
VEDNESDAY At l < a. m. ( supplementary
10:10 : a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. P. Ma- '
Jestlc , via Quocnstown ; nt 10:30 : n. m. for
EUROPE , per s. s. Wcslcrnlnnd , via
Southampton ( letters must bo directed
"per Wegternluml" ) . I
llURSDAY-At S a. in. for NETIILR- |
LANDS direct , per s. s. Amsterdam , via |
Amslordan ( loiters must bo directed "per ,
SATUIlDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE ,
1SH INDIA , per s. s. La Navarre ,
via Ilavro ( letters for other pans ot
Europe must be directed "per La Na
varre" ) ; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS
direct , per s. s. Spaarndum. via Rotter
dam ( letters must bo directed "per
Spaarndam" ) ; at 9 n. m. for 1TA1A. per
s. s , Werra , via Naples ( letters must bo
directed "per Worm" ) ; at 10 n. m. for
SCOTLAND direct , per s. H. Anchorla , via
Glasgow ( letters must be directedi ' per
Anchorla" ) ; at 10:30 : n. m. for hUROPi. ,
per s. s. Rhynlaud. via Southamplon ( loiters
ters must bo directed "tier Rhynland ) ;
nt 11 n. m. for NORWAY direct , per s. s.
Hekla ( letters must bo directed "nor
Hekla" ) ; at 11 n. m. ( supplementary 12.30
p. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Campania ,
via Quecnstown.
ftor the closing of the Supplementary
Transatlantic Mnlls named above , addi
tional supplementary malls nro opened on
the piers of the American , English.
French nnd German steamers , and teinnln
open until within ten minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Mulls for Noiith anil Central America ,
WONt IlklllCN. EtC.
TUESDAY-At 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUNDland -
land , per steamer from North Sydney ; at
10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steamer from
TRINIDAD nnd TOBAGO , per H. s. Gren
ada : at 1 p. m. for CUBA , CAMPECHE ,
per s. B. Catania ( letters for other parts
of Mexico must be directed "per Cata
nia" ) ; nt 1 p. m. for MEXICO , per s. s.
Lydla , via Talnplco ( letters must bo di
rected "per Lydla" ) ; nt U p. m. for JA
MAICA , per steamer from Baltimore.
THURSDAY At 11 n. m. for PERNAM-
BUCO and SANTOS , per fl. s. Taormlna
( letters for other parts Brazil must be
directed "per Taormlua" ) ; at 1 p. m. for
CUBA , per s. s. Ithaka ; nt 1 p. m. for
JAMAICA , per s. s. Ardanrose ; nt 1 p. m.
per s. s. Flumlnense.
SATURDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA
COSTA RICA , per s. M. Athos ; at 8:30 : p.
PIERRE-MIQUELON , per steamer from
North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland by rail to Hall-
fax , and thence by steamer , close at this
office dally nt 8CO : p. m. Malls for Ml-
quelon , by rail to Boston , and thence by
steamer , close at this office dally at 8:30 :
p. in. Malls for Cuba close at this
office dally at 7 n. m. for for.-
wnrdlng by steamers sailing Mon
days and Thursdays from Port Tampa ,
Fla. Malls for Mexico City , overland ,
unless specially addressed for dospalch by
slCHmer , close at this olllco dally nt 2:30 :
n. m. and 2:30 : p. m. 'Registered mall
closes nt 0:00 : p. m. previous day.
TniiiN-I'nelllc MnlU.
Malls for China , Jnpnn and Hawaii , per s.
s. Coptic ( from San Francisco ) , close hero
dally up to September llth nt C:30 : p. m.
Malls for Australia ( except West Aus
tralia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and
FIJI Islands , per s. s. Mlowera ( from
'Vancouver ' ) , close hero dally after Sep
tember 3d and up to September * 15th nt
0:30 : p. m. Malls for China and Jnpan ,
per s. B. Columbia ( from Tacoma ) , close
hero dally up to September * 19th nt
C:30 : p. m. Malls for the Society Islands ,
per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Francis
co ) , close here dally up to September
21th at C:30 : p. m. Malls for Australia
( except those for West Australia , which
are forwarded via Europe ) , New Zealand ,
Hawaii , FIJI and Bamonn Islands , per s.
s. Alnmada ( from San Francisco ) , close
here dally up to September * 30th nt 7:00 :
a. m. , 11 n. m. and 6:30 : ji. m. ( or on nr-
rlval nt New York of s , s. Etrur'n with
British malls for Australia ) . Malls for
China and Japan , per s. s. Empress of
India , ( from Vancouver ) , close hero dally
up to October * 3d at 0:30 : p. m.
Transpacific malls nro forwarded to port of
sailing dally nnd the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit. 'Regis
tered mail closes at 6:00 : p. in. previous
Poslofllce , New York , N. Y. , September 9 ,
Leave , Arrive.
Lincoln. Hastings
and McCook 8:35 : am * 9:35 : am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorndo. Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Puget Sound * 4:35 : pm * 4:00 : pm
Hastings Local 7:00 : pm * 7:40 : pm
Lincoln Fast Mall 2:55 : pm 11:40 : am
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah , California
and Puget Sound. * 11:50 : pm 2:15 : am
Dally. * Dally except Sunday.
Overland Routo" General
Offices. N. W. Corner Ninth
and Farnam Streets. City
Tlckct Office. 1302 Fnrnam
Streol. Telephone 310. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone 62S.
Leave. Arrive.
"Tho Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
and western p'ts. . 8:50 : nm 4:43 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. UD5 : pm 6:40 : am
Fast Mail Train for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific coast and
all western points 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 : pm 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk , Gr'd
Island and North
Platte 4:35 : pm 4:15 : pm
Columbus local v 6:50. : pm 9:40 : am
Soutli Omaha Local Pass Leaves. 6:15 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a , m. : 3:05 : p. m. Ar-
rlvcs , 10:30 : a. m , ; 3:30 : p. m. ; 6 p. m.
* ! Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : n. m. ;
6:50 : n. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; 9:40 : n. mj 10:30 : a.
m , ; 12:30 : p. m. ; 2:16 : p , m. ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:3 : !
> p. m , ; 4:55 : p , in , ; 5:55 : p , m , ; l > :20 : p. m , Ar-
0 rives. 7:20 u , m , ; i25 ; u. m , ; 9:10 : n. in , ; 11:3C :
- a. m. ; 3CS p. m. ; " 3 0 it. m , ; 4:20 : p. m. :
. Br40 p. m. ; :30 : p. m. ; * s0 p. m. ; 9:05 p ,
1m. . ; 11:55 : p. m.
j Dully. Dally except Sunday.
ttoto oAtin.
( Continued. )
ncnpolls ft Omaha lUllwny
General Offices , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth nnd
Webster Streets. Cltr
flckct ji1401 Fnrnam Street. Telephone -
phone , 561 Depot. Fifteenth and Wcbstur
Streets. I Telephone , 1,45s.Lenvo.
Lenvo. Arrive.
Sioux City Acrom. . 8:50 : nm 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . * : W am 8J3 : pm
Blair J , Emerson
Sioux City , Poncn.
Hnrtlngton and . . . . .
Bloomllcld MiOOpm 11:58 : am
Sioux I City , Mnn-
knto , Ht. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am
No. 2. St. Paul Lim
ited Makes no
stops In Neb 6:00 : pm
No. 1 Exposition
Limited-Milken no
stop In Neb 9TO : nm
Nos. 21 and 22
Exposition Local ,
lo Emerson , stops
nil stations except
Brlggs 6:15 : pm S:30 : nm
" Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sun-
day only. Does not stop at DcSota or
orn Raltwny-Clty Ticket
Office. 1401 Fnrnum Street.
Telephone , 601. Depot ,
_ Tenth nnd Mason Streets.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago
Special 6:40nm : 11B6 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City , St. Paul &
Minneapolis * 6:00 : am * 10:45 : pm
Mo. Valley. Sioux
City 7:45nm 9:00 : pm
Carroll , Dennlson ,
Council Bluffs. . . . 11:30 : nm 9:40 : nm
Eastern Ex. , DCS
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cedar RapIds -
Ids nnd Chicago. . . 11:03 : nm 4:20 : pm
Atlantic Flyer. Chi
cage nnd East 4:55 : pm 4:20 : pm
'nst ' Mull , Chicago
to Omaha 3:15 : pm
Northern Express. . . 6:30 : pm 8:40 : nni
Omaha-Chicago Spe
cial 6:55 : pm S:2S : am
Omaha-Chlcaco Ex-
> 9:00pm : nm
" "
Dally. baliy"i2.'C. "Saturday. Dally
Ex. Monday.
Missouri Valley Railway-
General Olllces. United
States National Bank Bldg.
Southwest Corner Twelfth
and Fnrnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
Farnam Street. Telephone , B61. Depot ,
15th nnd Webster Streets , Telephone 1.438.
Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills , Deadwood -
wood , Hot Springs. S:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
Wyoming , Casper
and Douglas 3:00 : pin 6:00 : pm
tastings , York Da
vid City , Superior ,
Geneva , Exoler &
Seward * 3:00 : pm G:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdlgro
and Fremont 8:15 : nm * * 10:45 : nm
Lincoln , Wnhoo &
Fremont * 8:15 : nm 10:45 : am
Fremont Local 8:15 : um
York Passenger * G:10pm : 9:40 : nm
* Dnlly. * Dally except Sunday. Sun
day only. Dally except Saturday.
Railroad General Offices ,
United States National
Bank BUlldlne , S. W. Cor
ner Twelfth nnd Farnam
Street Ticket Office , 1101 Fnrnam Street.
Telephone , 661. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason
Streeto. Telephone , 62 : .
Loave. Arrive.
kato St. Paul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : am
Minneapolis * 5:3u : pm * lo4b ; pm
Sioux City Local. . 7:45 : am * 3.00 pm
& Paclllc Railroad "Th
Great Rock Island Routo. "
City Ticket Office , 1323
Farnnm Street. Telephone
42S. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone/
- Leave. Arrive.
Dps Molnes Local. . . 7:15 am 11:25 : nm
Chicago Express . . . * * 11SO : am 8:00 : nm
Chicago Fast Ex
press 5:00 : pm 1:25 pm
St. Paul Fast Ex
press 5:00 : pm * 11:25 am
Lincoln , Colorndo
Springs , Denver ,
Pueblo nnd West. . : pm , ' ' 4:25 : pm
Des Molnes , Rock
Island and Chi-
cage 7:15 pm 8:50 : pra
Colorado Flyer . . . . . 6:40 : hm 8:50 : am
1 Dally. Dally except Sunday ;
P2EI road Omana , Kansas City A
Eastern Railroad "Tho Port
ARTHUR Arthur Route" Ticket Office
1415 Farnam Street. Telephone -
phone 322 , Depot , Tenth and
Hason Streets. Telephone C29.
_ Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon
Ball Express . . . . 4:33pm : * ll:30nm :
Kansas City &
Qulncy Local . . . . 7:40 : am 9:03 : pm
Kansas City Ex
press 7:45 : am
Omahn & Qulncy
Express v 8:30 : pm 7:45 : nm
Port Arthur Ex t
press S:30 : pm
road General Offices and
Ticket Office , Southeast Cor
ner 14th nnd Douglas Streets
Telephone , 101. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
„ . - Leave. Arrive.
Kansas and Neb.
Limited 3:03 : pm 12:55 : pm
Kansas City & St.
Luula Express . . . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local ' 4:30 : pm. 9:45 : am
Dally. Dally'except Sunday.
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway city
Ticket Office , ID04 Farnam
Street , Telephone , 284. .De
pot , Tentr and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
_ _ Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Express * 6:45 : pm 8:20 : am
Omaha & Chicago
Express 11:00 am 4:15 : pm
Sioux C'ty and Des
Molnes Express . . * * 11:00 : nm " 4:1K : pm
Manilla Local * 10:00 : pm 9:15 : am
Tlckct Olllce. 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , S92. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason
Directs. Telephone , 629.
Lcavo. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon
Ball" Express 4:30 : pm ' 11:30 : nm
Really Not So Much a I.niiKli an a
Vocal Itlpiili ; of Merriment.
If the proverb , "Laugh and the world
laughs with you" bo true. It Is to bo hoped
that the world will adopt the now laugh.
For the Now York society girl , who de
lights In doing now things each spring , sum-
in or , autumn and winter , has devised one.
and Bho has scored an emphatic success
with It. Distinguished by a great measure
of difference from the traditional merry
"Ha , ha ! " It Is a laugh to bo taken notice
of , reports the New York Herald ,
It is not so much a , laugh , to tell th
truth though It Is intended to do duty a *
ono as it Is a ripple of merriment. The
"smart" Now York girl this summer makci
no nolao at all with her laughter. She
keeps her mouth closed , her lips well to
gether. But over these lips steal , when she
Is amused , something that is moro than a
smile. It Is a laugh , all but the sound , all
but the opening of the mouth and the showIng -
Ing of the teeth. It Is fun and amusement
personified , but It Is all in silence.
The world In general , society thinks ,
might very well copy this , for It shows off
glrldom much better. There are no longer
shrieks of laughter to bo heard from porches
and piazzas In the summer , and giggle *
bava been banished once for all.
Society's mothers have been the factors In
accomplishing this , In planning the new
laughter. How they como to bring It about
i la an Interesting story. It has long been
, whispered about society that the younc
' girls In It wcro making altogether too much
noise that their gayety was not subdued
enough. The qut 'lion of what true refine
ment was was commencing to get raised.
Finally society's mammas came down , with a
I heavy hand and at once the new ntKnovu
' Instituted ,