I i NEWS .I OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. .i.i . COUNCIL BLUFFS. ar.Mm SI Bmoko "J A r " Co clear. Finest work , Bluff City Laundry. Btockort Cnrpct Co. 205-207 Uwy. Mooro'B foo'l kills worms and fattens IloinTo Mr and Mra. KrcJ Easlland , a daughter George P Camp and wife ha\o gone to Colorado for a trip. C II Jacquemui & Co , Jewelers and op- UclaiiB. 27 South Main ( street. Mrs n C. Keith of Crcston Is visiting Miss Easlo Saylts of Third avenue. Mrs W K Seldentopf returned yesterday from a visit with relatives In Oalesburg , 111 Tom and Will Askln of Tabor , In , are In the dty visiting old friends and taking In the exposition Mr and Mrs John HOAO of Morris , Minn. , nrrlvi'd yesterday to tuko In the exposition for scvcial days. Mr ami Mrs Thomas J Gilbert of I'crry , In arrived In t.ie city yesterday on a visit to the exposition Judge Jason H Leu In has announced hlm- R > lf as a candidate for justice of the peace on the democratic ticket J C' lllxby , heating and nanltary engineer Plans and specifications for heating , plumb- lug and IlKhtlng. 202 Main , Council muffs Leo I'lumer left jesturday for Iowa City , whore he goes to inter upon his second year n study of medicine at the State unl- \crslty Plunk L Runkle and wife of Llbhon , In , arrived yesterday and will make Council lIluiTs their headquarters while \lsltlng the exposition Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that ran please so many hundrcdi of customers' Well that's the "Eagle. " 721 Ilroailway. W W Illsb > of PCS Molnes. commander of the Iowa division of the Sons of Veterans , Is In the city lie Is hero to attend the na tional encampment which convenes In Omaha today. r W Sew nil , cashier of the Tlrst National hank of Wlscassct Me , and II A Kennedy of Mliinfapolls Minn , were In the city yes terday calling on ox-Postmaster Thomas Hodman Ihey arc taking In the exposition In Omaha II P Kelnnrd of New York City , national orgatil/cr of the socialist labor party , will thllvii an address this evening at 7 o'rlutk lit the corner of Broadway anil Main street Ills Hiibjert will bo "Social Evolution .uid the Clasn Struggle " The fc.t eral of Suslo Anderson , the little Kill who committed suicide Saturday , will tu neld this afternoon from the r < sldence , 1201 Sixteenth n\enuc .it 2 . ' ,0 o'clock The norvlies will bo conducted by He\ ( W Knydcr p istor of the English Lutheran chinch , and Interment will be In Pnlrvlew ccmelory Tim annual conference of the Methodist church fur this dlstrlU will lie IK Id at Crts- ton comnumlng Widncsda > 'I ho local pis- tors who will attend are Ilev J H biu- ivney of the Broadway Methodist church , Uov S Cuodill of Trinltj chinch , IteG P Pry of the Plfth Avenue church and Hev J Kliim of the Epworth church HeScn - fieney has hclil his present pastorate for tliieo > eirs iind ouch of the other * for one } ear 'Die time a minister can remain with ono charge Is limited to li\e yenls by the law of the church Ladles desiring valuable1 Information con cerning their ailments should send or call for "The Vlavl Me'safe. ' Viavl Co , 32C Merriam blk N Y Plumbing company. Tel 250. IXCIM ; MIIT AVII.I. co.vriMjn , Dli < > rtoi-N of ( ho Hi-It ( UK I'nrK Intend (11 < lirr > Out ( InI'riiuruiii. . Now that the directors of the Driving Park association are at the head of affairs , the prospects for the racing meet proving a success and being continued possibly foi thirty days are good There arc enough horses on the track to keep the racing going for this length of time , and If the attend ance will warrant , the directors of the park association say the meet will be continued The owners of the horses are all anxious tt go ahead with the racing and keep the bal ! rolling. The track yesterday was not Ir nearly an wet n condition as had been ex peeled utter the rain of Salurday , and 1 E Jupiter I'luvius keeps oft h > this aftcrnooi It will be < In very good shape for the racing The management Ins decided that all com- pllmciitarlcs issued for Sitnrda ) will bi lionored for this afternoon Women will b < admitted flee The entries for the Ihe e\enti which are as follows promise a good after' noon's sport today First race , six furlongs for a pnrso o J100 Entries-Grasshopper lO'l. Plug , 10'J Man Zfta , 101 , Kittle Poster 109 , Olivia L 10" ) , Charles Lanmar , 112 , Scornfull. lO'l Second race , four and one-half furlongs for a purse of $100 Entries -Klla Pcnzance ' . ' > , 7.ckr ' 'i , Harry H , 102. His Honor , U'l Walla Walla , 99hlte Wing , 99 , Whittle 91. Sam Durango , 93 , Aquinas , ' ) ' ! Third race , ono mile , for n purse of $12 ! > Entries Lidy Dunn 101 , Jerry T , lor , Clara Plelds. 101 , Myrtle M , 105 , Eugenii 1 S , 105 , Prancls Urookwood , 100 , Jennie J ior iorPourth race , six furlongs , for n purse o J100 Entries Johnnie Hod , jr , 109 , Dor ( ! , 103 All > ( J , 109 , Ed L. 109 , Mel White lO'l ' Paddy , 101 , Powhuska , 109 Chlorad , IOC , Charlie Huts IOC Plfth race , lUo furlongs Entries Jin Watson , 99. AI Heckcr , lO.i. Sir Walter. 9"i Dura C. , fcG. Ivory. . M.tmum 92. Dad Daughter , 2 , Captain Hardy , 10J. Ooten liurg. 97 Hello of St Louis , 92 , lied Duchesi 93 , Swiftly , 92 C A Iltirrlfiht used Cole's Hot Hlnst heate last winter. Wanted Girl for general hou work. Mrs O. Keellno , CIS South Seventh street. Council 111 II IT * CnillMINI-N. Harry M. Brown , chairman of the repub llcan cltv central committee , has Issued call for the city caucuses for the sclectlo of delecatcs to attend the county conven tlon lo bo held Wednesd ly. September 21 The caucuses will be held next Prlda night at the follow Inu places Plrst ward First precinct , at Wheeler i Hereld'B , IHc ileli gates , Second precinct , n Mclloberts blacksmith shop , corner Stuts man street and Hroadway , six di legates Second w aril Plrst precinct , council chain bcr city hall , seven delegates Second pre clnrt , at patrol house , upstairs , six dele t Third ward Plrst precinct , at Ovldo Vlen' 0(11(0 ( , six delegates , Second prrclnct nt Nc 1 i-nglnn house , on South Main street , si delegates Pourth ward First precinct , at Partner' hall , county court house , six delegates. Sec OIK ! precinct , Smith's hall , on Sixteenth avc nue four delegates Plfth ward Plrst precinct , at county build tug , on Plfth n\enue. se\en delegates , Second end precinct at county building , corner Sl\ teenlh uvenuo and Thirteenth streets , flv ileh gates Sixth ward Plrst precinct , Shnbert's cor onice , 2123 West Hroadway , six delegates Second precinct at Hlodoll s place , one dele gate All \aonctes In the county central com mlUco will bo filled at these caucuses. SCHOOL BELL RINGS TODAY End of the Long Summer Vacation Cornea for Teachers ami Pupils. SOME CHANGES THAT HAVE BEEN MADE Additional I'nellltleH Prot lilnl ( o Cure for ( lie IncrriiNeil Adenilitnce Ite- nrruiiKC'ineiM of ( he Corpn of the lllKlt School. The summer vacation for the pupils and teachers Is ended and the public schools of Council Bluffs open again this morning at 0 o'clock for the commencement of another school year The schools will open with every prospect for a largely Increased at tendance and the enrollment at the High school promises to be the largest In the history of the school The number of pupils nt the High school Is expected to reach 450 or over , and this attendance will tax the capacity of the old building to Its utmost Owing to the increasing attendance at the Thirty-second school a new room will be opened today Two new kindergartens have been established , one In the Tlilrd street school and ono In the Twentieth avenue school , which will make six kindergartens now In operation , and as the necessity for them arises more will probably be estab lished at the larger buildings During the summer vacation the usual house cleaning has been carried out at all the buildings and In some extensive repairs have bcon made Many of the rooms In the different buildings have been made bright and clean with new paint and paper and thu j Washington avenue building has not only 1 been r p < ilntoil within but has been treated to a new coat on the outside Considerable improvements have also been carried out nt the Bloomer building But few changes will bo noted among the teachers , although there are some who will be mlbbcd by the pupils Some have forsaken teaching for matrimony since the close of the labt hchool year , and some have been granted leaves of absence on account of 111 health But even with this theie will bo but very alight change in thu per sonnel of the corps of teachers this year The greatest change occurs In the faculty of the High school , where Prof W N Clifford succeeds Prof H H Hoyden as principal , the latter having been elided to the position of superintendent of the city schools to succeed Prof J C Hlscy Prof Clilford comes here from Des Molnes , where for three years he made a most enviable record as principal of the North Des Moines High school Prof Clifford will teach po litical economy nnd conduct the advanced work In United States historv Miss Baldwin hH.s been granted a leave of absence and her work will be taken charge of by Miss Prances Dalley and Miss Maude Pierce Miss Dalley , who Is a new addition to the High school faculty , Is a graduate from the Council Bluffs High school and of Smith college. The physical science class will be In charge of Prof S L Thomas , who succeeds Prof Brett , who takes Prof Clifford's place as principal of the North Des Molnes High scnool The work In mathematics will be divided between Mr. Sylvester and Mr Pllnt , while In the business department Prof. Grason 1' ' will have charge of the shorthand and type writing , as he did last year. There Is a strong demand among the boys at the High school for the Introduction of a department for Inhtructlon In manual training , nnd the matter will probably come up at the next regular meeting of the school board Superintendent Hey den Is In favor of the Introduction of the department. In assuming the position of superintendent ot the city schools Prof Heydcn states that very few changes , If any , will bo made In the methods now luoguc. . Buy Cole's genuine Air Tight heater am have comfort Cole & . Cole. I'lWMIIlOKIJIl IIITTIJN IIY A tillOOK l.oiuiH Pine-en DollnrN < o n StrniiKti mid < ; < < * ll HriiMNVnrh. ( . Sam Prledman. 'ho ' Broadway pawnbroker has the reputation of being n pretty nstuti tnun In his partliular line of business , bu for once ho got the wrong end of a dea Saturday and is now mourning the loss o fifteen big silver dollars As an offsc I against the $ lf > Prledmnn numbers amoni ' ' his stock on hand two watches that whole 1 I sale for nbout $ .r > n dozen Saturday after j noon a stranger dropped Into Prledman : ' I pawnshop nnd presented a "gold cased' on which ho asked a loan of $ U" Prledman was doubtful about the case belni the genuine article nnd applied a test vvhicl proved satisfactory ard ho loaned th money. After the stranger had left will the $15 Prledman again became suspicion nbout the timepiece and this time took I to a neighboring Jeweler , who tested It fo him , and then Pilednmn learned that the ar tlclo was of the best brass and probabl ; not worth more than $1 nt the outside. Just as Prledman was about to close lit store- for the day the sumo right nnothc stranger dropped In with another watc ! similar to the one Friedman had loaned $1 on This stranger also wanted to borro\ the same amount on his watch , which h represented as being gold cased Frlcdmu put thu watch down In his pocket and Jumping across the counter , seized the ina by thu collar and told him ho would hav him arrested , that ho had already bee played once thai day for a sucker and dl not propose to get caught again Thema said ho hud done nothing wrong and tha n man outside had given him the watch t pawn for him Prledman let go of the fel low and started out on the street and then standing n couple ot doors away , was th man who had touched him for $15 earlier I the day As soon as ho saw Friedman th man ran down the alley back of the Od Fellows' building , while the other fclloi skipped down Broadway In an opposite dl rectlon without waiting to get bis watc back. Cole's Air Tight heater means comfor these cold mornings. Buy onu today of Col & Cole. Mini lteioreil | MNNIIHT. | | Dr W R Wall , who lives near Hlnto station , about twelve miles south of th city , Is reported as missing and his fnmll fe-ar that ho may have met with foul plaj Dr Wall , who Is about TO years ot ago , Is CONDENSED MILK //AS No EQUAL AS AN INFANT FOOD. "INFANT HEALTH'SCNT FREE. ' member ot the focal post of the Grand Army of the Republic and la well known among the old soldier * of this city He came to town last ! Tuesday and visited among n number of his friends and In the afternoon started to return home , as he said Ho frilled to return to his homo and his family have been unable to secure any trace of him Ills son was lu the city yesterday and reported the matter tto tbo police and then went to Omaha to see If ho could get an > track of him there. The eon said his father had considerable money when he cnrno to Council Hinds last Tuesday and this makes his family fear that he mar possible have met with foul pray. Part 2 of The Hoe's photogravures of the exposition Is now ready and can be bad at the Council 11 luffs ofllcc. The Evans laundry Is the leader In flno work for both color and finish. 620 Pearl street 'Phone 290. To ArliUrnli * MYSTIC , la , Sept 11 ( Special ) At a Joint convention of coal miners and oper ators held In Mystic a few days ago a scale of wages for the mine was irrane fl vnry acceptably to all and several other matters of Importance transacted This getting to gether , as It were , of miners and employers speaks well for both sides , shows in effort on the part of the operators to do v hit Is right by the miners nnd demonsnntea a wish to make matters as agreeable na pos sible for not only themselves but their employers The scale effected vv.is : Pick mlnlnc Ninety cents per ton. Machine Loudlnc Three-fifths of vlck prices Salaries lo DO paid every wo weeks. The operators arc to keep all the roads In the mines clear All differences are to be referred to the arbitration committee. IIMVII Plllilii' Si-liuol Nod'N. ATS Owens Is the new principal at Parmlngton Mr Owens Is from Illinois P M Allen 1-aa been nt Oakland since the middle' of last vc.ir He contlnuts this jc.u N J Lambert succeeds P H Woods at I'lcasantvllle. Mr Wcods goes to Cincin nati , la P E Buck nnd S D Wlllltts conducted a. training school at Kecsiuqua during tin bummci A It Hanson Is principal rt Carson Clifford Pane Is the newly elected princi pal .it Coggon. Principal C H I > aartz of Messina enters the collegiate department of the state uni versity this fall Superintendent P E Lark had Sara I ) Jenkins as one of the Instructors In Mononc county Institute The tcncheis In the graded schools of Ailnli county are eiitcilng upon a crusade for th ( Improvement of school room decoration L II Mails , second a slstnnt In the Mt Ajr High school , has been promoted to thi superintendent } of the schools of that plate E H McMillan goes from Kalona tc North English Principal C K Plemlng o that place gocb to the princlpiilship ut To bias Neb Principal S W Mvers of Manilla , havliij been unanimously elected at Atirella at ai advanced salaiv , takes chaigc of the bchooli of the latter pluco Suptr ntcndent Ophelin In Humholdt coupf had for Instructors A I ) Ciomwell , C Ales' ser , M Miller A S Pulton , W II Illakely H J Still , Miss Clara Ulcknell SiiperlnUndcnt P1 H Iloodgood of Pavetti county Is becoming one of the prominent In stlltite workers of the state He was In tin Institutes uf Mitchell and Jones tounttci .Ilia jear. II J Still , for the last two years prlnrl pal at ( Illmoro City , goes to Ilcnvvlck thi1 } ear , Principal A S Pulton of that plac < having entered upon his labors ns u news paper man. Miss Richards Is agiln nt the head o Clarke county education. Superintendent I N Heard conducted the Institute In he county. Lectures were given by .Mr. Sabh and Prof Eastman. Mr Harlan Updegraff has been elected su perlnlendent of Knoxvllle. schools Mr. Up degralf was principal of the High school Ii that place two years ago and was n studcn in Columbia law school last year Principal Mtrton P. Kubes Is beginning hi seventh year at the- head of Sutherlam schools. The school building has been en larged during the summer. The asalbtant electe'd are Mlsse-s McCune , Scrlght , Comm and Hemmtngway. At Toledo , Superintendent A L Spcake conducting , the Institute enrollment wa about SOO Heie was the largest dlvi slon we have seen , consisting of more thai 100 members H looked quite as large a borne entire institutes Another of thobe big , bright Institutes v a held by Superintendent Agnes J Itobertso at Cherokee A string corps tif Instructor consisted of H H Seeiley , 0 W Sampsor A V Storm. W N Cllffoid , Christina Hen ton and Mrs E D Hurke. Hernard E Schmidt has charge of Contrl schools Mr. Schmidt Is a Van Iluren count boy , having graduated from the Paimlngto schools He has been for the last two year a student In the State unlversltv , bavin bee > n assistant in the Parmington High schoc previous to that time. Superintendent Goltry conducted the Instl tute at Charlton Instructor were Super-Ill tendent S M Cart , Charlton , lion Ira C Kllng , Ies ) Molnes , Principal E S Well ! Lucas. Miss Carrie E Allen. Chicago , 111 Miss Edith E. Brant , Minneapolis , Mini. Miss Etllo Schuncman , Benne Mr O E Kllngainan has been fleeted prln clpal of Pranklin school , Creston , nnd Hal sey Prench of Marsualltovvn , to the sclenc department In the High school Superintend ent Prench's experiment with one kinder garte n was so successful last year that tw new one's are added this year Principal David Wlllliins Is the man vvh will tuko charge of Keosauqun schools th ! year Mr. Williams Is the genial gentlema who was formerly at Milton , la. Per the Ini five years he lias been pilnclpal of a war school In one of the Illinois cities We at glad to welcome the returned prodigal. There Is a tendency on the part of superlr tcndents In Iowa to make the Institute something other than .1 place to get read for examination Superintendent Morrlstc took a step In this direction when he r < quired the teachers of Marshall county I tnlco examinations constituting a test t scholarship before the Institute Those pass lug In professional subjects were examine at the close lMl II IMVN % U4N. Ten thousand people attended the Jnspi county fair. Diphtheria at Storm Lake Is talAg o many children Vlnton county veterans held a reunion an peace Jubilee all to themselves Carson will build a water plant. The tow already owns its lighting plant. A swindler with a patent gas check d < vice managed to secure a good many dollai from Ottumwa merchants B The Cedar Rapids Republican declares tin money lenders of that section arc very an' lous to lend money at low rates on fan lauds Gcorgo Thompson , a prominent citizen t Dunap. who went to the Alaskan gold fiek some time ago. Is dead , having ruptured blood vessel William E Tcthlll of Dubuque Is under ai rest charged with having too many wive Ho is said to have had one wife at Qulnc' ono at Dubuque and another In Chicago Michael O Brlen , the Port Ijcdge miner wh to mysteriously disappeared , has been foun la California He took several huudre dollars of his friends' funds with him , tt i claimed In Sioux City the sparrow B have nibble the Insulation from thu telephone wires t such nn extent as to render the service ver bad At least this Is the explanation th company in a km to the city council. James Spayde , a popular traveling mm c Fort Dodge , has been cent to the pcnlton tlary for forgery Ho made out an accorno datlon note and signed a friend's name H had done It frequently before and bad n Intention ot permitting his friend to know c tha d d , but It ot out bx accident. CONFESSION OF A MURDERER A , D , Storms Tolls How Ho Killed Two Female Victims. AXE AND KNIFE THE CRIMINAL'S WEAPONS Kiiot-kN Mr * . Hntliliiin on ( he Ilnck o ( the Until nnil Cut * Her Dnuuh- tcr'a Tlirnnt mid ' 1 licit Icm en. DUUL1NQTON , In. , Sept. 11 ( Special Telegram ) A. D. Storms , charged with the murder of Mrs , Itathbun and daughter , made n written confession of his crime on the night of his arrest. It Is now given out ! for the first time , as follows "I , A I ) Storms of Des Molnes county , la , do hereby confess that on the e % enlng of January 23 , IS'JS , I came to the home of Mrs , Fannlo Hathbun , on Dodge street , Bur lington , la , at about sundown I took her some flour and milk and found her alone. After talking a short rime she went down cellar , taking a lamp. I followed her and picking up an axe llng on the cellar floor struck her with the back of It on the back of the head She fell and ne\er mo\cd I heard the little girl , Mary Hathbun , come Into the room overhead and coming up I took hold of her In the dining room and went with her out Into the kitchen. I got my knife out and lu the struggle with her cut her throat and left her lying on the floor of the kitchen 1 then left and wcnl out of the front door , leaving It ajar anil left on the bob sled This confession Is nado freely and vofuntarlly and without he hope of any fee or reward being lieli ! out to me or any leniency. "A D 3FORMS" The witnesses are 12 P Clrclner , 0 J Xorn There Is the strongest of evidence ntroduccd In the trial at Wapcllo. inns or rn"r\-siu OMI IT IIOMI : . Or One Iliiuilrcillrn \ Vn < (11 Pro ill Onl ) I'irit VnHack. . POUT DODOn , Sept ll ( Special ) ompany O , Plfty-second Iowa , arrived lonie today after five months' campaign at Chlcknmauga When the company left here t had n full complement of 100 men Fifty came back todiv and of the remaliidei five are dead of disease and the rest sick In hoa- > ltals or their homes. The entire town turned out to meet them nt the depot Hvery factory whistle screamed and pandnyonliim reigned The jojs wire almost lifted from their feet nnd carried along The Hoard of Supervisors of Webster county jesterday revoked a grant of swamp an 1 nnde to K P Puller In 1811 Puller s n real estate man and a resident of Hum boldt county The Howl of Supervl ors contend that he has failed to cany out his contracts , and they have accordingly taken Ihe land fiom him The land in question lias been sold to private parties since given this county by the government foity jcars ago Here arises n lucstion as to whom the county must look for Indemnity for the value of the lands The land Is estimated to be worth J1S.OOO , and It Is likely that action ivlll be begun apa list the government for the recovery cf ni'tiey lost to the c unty through the sale of the land Su't has been begun ngilnst William Pern- lund , a farmer , by an 18-yenr-old girl for In each of promise. The plaintiff In the case Is Mary Dundova , an orphan , who alleges that In the spring of 1817 Pcrnlund swore his love for her "neath the shadow of the spring house" She sivs that In the win ter of the same jear he promised he'd wed her In the summer of ' 98. William has not kept his promise , and now Mary asks the court to grant her { 5.000 for her wounded feelings Mr. Peinlund Is an old and re spected citizen of Oth. He owns a large farm nnd Is reputed to be wealthy. Miss Dundovn Is also n resident of the same town and comes from a respectable family. uiriiTioN 'io A. bv\Ai < 111:110 , IIMMIMH Do Honor lo One of Captain i\nii8' Suril * IJojN. ALHK , Ii. Sept. 11 ( Spec lit ) Last Wednesday evening Arvlne Vreeland , one of the heroes of the battleship low i , ar rived In this city for n short visit wiiCi hh mother and friends , after an nbsrnce ol about four years A public reception was held Monday night In the court house W A Nlchot acted as. chairman , making nn appropriate speech He was followed bj Judge Roberts of Ottumwa In one of his neat addresses Elder Smith , Rev. K. H Linn and J. T. Clarkton also made short addresses. Mr. Vreeland then gave an Interesting account of the campaign of the lown. He related nn Incident of Spanish heroism , telling of n Spanlbh ofllccr whose arm wac shot olT and who refused to take naicotlcs ol any Kind and pointing to his wound said "This is for the younfi king. " W. A. Nichol then made a sp ( ech , pre senting n i-uise to Mr. Vreeland conlalninp $3G 33 , a prtscnt from cltiztns of Albla 11 reimburse him for the money he lost or hit way to Albla Another reception was ghcn Vrcelam : Tuesday night which was n society event manv women being present Vocal and in strumental music were furnished nnd re freshments were served Mnny guests re mained until train time when they , lei by flu1 Mandolin club , marched to the depo to wish Vreeland a safe return to the gal lant lown nt the vnrds In Brooklyn. SeV' eral hundred people congregated at the dc pot to say good-bye , nnd as the train pullci out three ringing cheers were sent up to : . Arvlne Vreeland , the hero of the Iowa o'which ' were acknowledged by Mr. Vrcelanc f who , standing on the car steps , waved hii snllTor cap to his enthusiastic friends Hi : mother accompanied him as far aa Ot tumvvn. HUNin-Hit ! Mini ! J > II M | for l.llii-l. PORT DODGE , la , Sept. 11 ( Special ) - There. Is a case now on trial In this city before Judge Hlrdsall which promises to de velop some strange and startling thing : concerning the careers of two promlnenl business men of the city C P Gubtafson ex-sheriff of Webster county and a leading Insurance man ot thecity. . Is suing J F Drake , a loan broker , for $10,000 for al leged libel Drake's attorneys prepared r long and humorous answer to Gustafson't allegation , and the general expectation wn that the case would become farcical , tin court room being crowded with spectators anxious to sec the fun However , the trial soon became serious , and the original grounds on which it was to be tried the question being whether or not Gustafeon'E accounts when secretary of the leading clul of the city balanced correctly became ob scured In more serious charges made against him as to tils manner of making charges 1 when ho was sheriff of Webster county The 1 case Is being contested bitterly and the | public Is keenly Interested In the outcome. liit'i'r ( liu'Ntloii lii Coin I. 3 SIOUX CITY , la , Sept. 11 { Special ) - Christian science got Into the local polici court In the way of determining an oplnlot as to whether "death" Is death. Thi strange answers of William I ) . Tredway tc the Interrogatories of H. J. Tavlor excltet considerable Interest In the trial of the case ot Flint ugalnst Tredway. It became necea- eary durlns the hearing to c.rovo b lh < THE TWO GREAT BATTLES OF MANILA rt SANTIAGO REPRODUCED AT- LAKEREPRODUCED Sunday , Sept , II ; Tuesday , Sept , 13 ; Thursday , Sept , 15 ; Saturday , Sept , 17 , and Sunday , Sent , 18 , The production is of such great magnitude that 48 hours' time is required to arrange for each performance. 2,000 pieces of various kinds of explosives used each night. Pounds of red fire. Two submarine mines exploded during each performance , throwing water 100 feet in the air. All Under Management of Captain Robert Cook. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY Primary , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be treated nt home for snme price under sama guaranty If vou prefer to come here vre will contract to pa ) railroad fare And hotel bills , and no charge If we fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. Iodide potash nnd still have nches nnd pnlm , Muceus Palches In mouth. Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop per Colored Spots , I leers on unv part of the body. Hair or Hjebrows falling out , It Is this secondary We Guarantee to Uure We solicit the most obstinate cases and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure This disease has alwa > s bellied the skill of the most eminent { 500,000 cnpltil behind our uncondi tional guaranty Absolute proofs Ment nettled on application. 100 pugo bcok sent free. \iiiit cn coou iuMr.iV co. , 1101 Mninnlc TVlnple , ChleiiKO. III. Beware of Imitations ) OHN DUNCAN vtNS. JflfWTI , NEW YORK. statement of some witnesses that Washing ton .1. I'ullen , formerlj deputy sheriff , Is dead Mr Tiedway was on the witness stand and Mr. Ta > lor concluded his state ments would be as good as those of an j ono else on this subject. He was asked to slate If It was not a fact that Deputy SheritI Is now dead. "No , " replied Mr Tredway , much to the surprise of the attorney. He continued to replj In the negative and the attointy was nt a loss to know what to do and excused the witness Just as Mr Tredway arose from the chair ho remarked loud enough for Court Ke- porter Hamilton to put It In the record1 ' Wash Pullen's materiality may hnvo passed away , but I'ullen still lives" Mr Tredwav Is a well known believer In C'hrUstlan bclence and thh Is t ikon as nn explanation of his remaikablc Mate- incut th.it a man whoso remains were In terred a few weeks ago Is not dead. IO1VVS AI'IM.i : < HOI1 IS SHOUT. OifliarilM of dial Stair Will Not \U-lil Pull MciiNiir ) ' . nns MOINiS , Sept 11 { Special ) - > It Is estimated that the apple orchard yield In Iowa this jear will be but 58 per cent of an average crop Doth Director S.ige of the weather crop service and Secretary Van Ilouten of the State Horticultural society attribute the falling off to the same causes , unfavorable climatic conditions In the south and southeastern parts of the state where the crop Is away below the average the cxctselvo heat and moisture have Influenced the yield The prodigious growth of the fruit In those portions of the state In Juno caused It to loosen and fall before the heavy wind and rain storms of the early summer. In the northern part of the state the yield la phenomenal and Is thought to be due to the fact that the northcin part of the state lies In the great apple belt of the country , where the llncst flavored and best keeping apples In the world are produced Several cholco varieties of Russian apples have yielded abundantly In northern Iowa this > car , and other quite as desirable varieties are found there In Hancock , Ccrro Oordo , Howard , Ida and Kossuth counties Is found the largest yield , with Hancock at the head of thu list In Mills county , which has thu reputation for yielding the best crop , the smallest Is found this year. Secretary Van Houteri savs that an In spection of the orchards of the state has been carried on thin summer for the San Jose scale , but BO far none has been found. This fall , after the leaven have fallen , the state entomologist will make a rigid Inspec tion for the scale , aa required by law. There are ono or two small scales which have appeared on the fruit trees , but they are ot harmless varieties and are easily removed , and Secretary Van Houtca says no harm baa b cn done bz thcuu. - , , „ America's Favorite Cigar JOHN G , TOM WOODWARD &CO , , * * - ' Distributers , S'zis : 3 lor 25c lOc Straight COUNCIL 2 for 25c BLUFFS , IA THE OH AS. SUMNER. 5 Per Gent Etaey on Iowa Farms We are prepared to place lo.uis on improved Western Iowa v. f.irms at S per cent. .Money on li.inil , no Uetny. We have for v.pi * sale several choice FRUIT. CAUUr.N , ( JUA1N AND STOCK Ui 1'AUMS. ViUY : CIIKAP. Cheap money will make land go up. J * Investigate our bargains. DAY & HESS. 39 Pearl Si. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. ? DAILY Union Park , Council Bluffs , ) Meocmg Monday , Sept. 12th. Admission , 50 cts. Ladies Free. TVIII3N CTIIKUS FAIT , COBSCI/T Searles & Searles , SPECIALISTS. Onarnntet * to rtirc Bprrilllj nnd radi cally nil M.l\OlS ! , CIIHO.MO A.NO IMtlVATU ( IlnciinfB of men and nonieo WEAK SYPHILIS BIJXUALLY. cured for life. i Night 13 ml. vi on * , I.oat Manhood , Hy- drocele , Verlcocelc , Gonorrhea , Ol'ot , Syph- I tils , Htrlcture , Piles , FUtuIa and Hectal Ulcers , Diabetes , Drlght'a Disease cured. CO.NSULTATIOJf PIUSH , by new method without pain or cuttlnr. Cfcll on or addros with itamp. Treatment br DRu , SEARLES 5 SEMES. DUFFY'9 PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. \VANTID I-AUM AND INSIDfi CITY LOANS THAT Ann Gii/r IDOE AM , LOANS MADR ON OUR OWN PAI'KKS , WI'III 01TIONAI , PAYMENTS AND PRINCI PAL AND INTHIinST PAYAIlLi : AT ouu orricn wn ALSO WANT voru nun INSUHANCI : ON ULSINKSS PHOPnUTY , DWELLINGS AND HOI SH- IIOLD GOODS IJAIIGAIN8 IN IU3AL UBTATn , I10T11 IN I'AHM AND CITY puopniiTY wn CAN SILL YOU A HOMU CHEAP ON SMALL PAYMHNTS 3001 Acuns or IIOTTOM LAND IN THIS COUNTY rou BALI : IN ONE TRACT OR IN SMALL TRACTS ALSO 210 ACRLS AT A LOW PIUCi : PART ins HAVINO GOOD I'ARM OR CITY PROPERTY TO SILL WILL DO WILL TO LIST IT WITH t's MONIY LOANKD FOR LOCAL - CAL INVESTORS WE HAVE A DESIRABLE PLAT OP TEN ROOMS TOR RENT-ISO PUR MONTH. uaij LOUGEB & LOUGED , t l < a South Mala St. G.W.PanleM.D. ; THU (5OOO SAMARITAN 25 YEKR'S EXPERIENCE. Header or I5lH % aHCH of iceii and women. PROPKU'lOR 01' THH IVorld'H If el but DUpontury of Meillclnr * Catarrh of Head , Throat ana Ullages of Kye and 1'nr , I'its and Apoplexy , Heart , 1'vei mill Kidney Dlbuasca , Diabetes , Hrltfht'H I. eae , ht Vlttls Dunce. ItlieiinuitlHiu , hcnif'.ilft , Diopsjr uuied without tapping , 'Inimornm removed , all chroula Nervous mill 1'rlvatc Disoaees. LOST MftNHOOD CVnMIl 1C ( ) 'ily ' I'll ) kl < Inn who can dl l nILIdi - properly iiiro .sVI'IlIMfj without cloutiujitiK Uetli nnd hone * . No iticr. cut r or poison mineral used rl ho only I'hyelclau vrho can tell what all4 roil without iifikniK a question 'Ihosn at a ulMmxo tend for qucitloq blank No. 1 fornicn ; No.Vlor womiii. < All corn Hiiondcnco utrlctly oonfldcntla ) . Medium sent by ezprcsp. ' ( Adclri PS all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , tCC IlroHilnuy , COUNCIL m.UITS , 1 tP 8cud 2-ccnt IUIIID lor roolr. / , FOOS Gas and Gasoline Engines 2J to 250 Horse Powo : i < -vnlor Vliu-liliicrj' of All Kliiiln. j Cull on us or wrlto for prices St. tjetic rlptloql \\in iut\ninY .v co , , Council Illufla. ICMMI. IV' THE NEUMAYER .IACOI1 NKUMAYIUMM10P. 101. 20C. 2W , iio , Hroadway. Couiu II IlluftS , Rates , { 1 Jj per day , 75 roonia t'lrst-clast ll evciy reuput Motor Him to all Ueputu. local auenty for the Cclcbrati-d St Louts A H. C' , liccr. I'lrat-Uuaa bar Ul ucctlon. ,