Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1898, Image 1

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, , . OJljIiJ COPY ITl VI' ] C13NTS.
Gold Sunday Afternoon Sees Thousands i
Grounds and Buildings.
Discomforts of Saturday Mostly Removed an
Time is Pleasantly Spent.
Three Organizations Furnish a Oontinuoi
Performance of Music.
Mnnnnurn Figure on Sicctitelcn | to II
( Jlvi-ii In Connection Mlili the
fircnt Day rrouriililM Al-
rcuil }
Total AiliiilMiilnnH Vi-Ntcrilny
Total to Dattt .
Though the nun remained Invisible nn
the north wind made home and a comfort
able seat by theflro agreeable , the exposl
tlon was patronized by a fairly good Sun
day crowd During the afternoon theie wer
nt least as many people on the ground
as have been apparent on preceding Sun
da > 8 , nnd the main buildings entortnlne
a liberal quota of visitors. ' 1 ho porous mil
terlnl of which the avenues are constructc
Is easily dried by the wind nml scarcely
trace remained of thu mud nnd water tin
made walking disagreeable the preccdln
day The atmosphere hint lost the dam
nad clammy quality left by the rain am
ul'lioiigh ' It was n trifle chilly In the even
Ing It was far from being nn uncomfoitabl
day for vlHltois
It was apparent , however , that the al
tendanie consisted almost exclusively of 01
of town people. Even the reduced admit
Blon failed to draw the local public , whir
nvldently preferred to wait for more Invll
Ing weather. The unusual number i
strangers on the ground Indicated that thei
nre several thousand people In Omaha wl
were so well pleased with the show th :
they wore willing to stay over Sunday I
complete Its Inspection. Previously tl
bulk of exposition visitor1) have spent
week or liss In the city , nnd almost will
out exception they get away before Sunda
Hut yesterdnj there were hundreds of pei
plo on the grounds who had been there dm
Ing the week nnd many of them will cvc
remain through the gi enter part of th
vvcek BO thoroughly are they captivated wil
the spectacle
For those who were not disposed to sper
tholr time In walking through the ground
there was a piactleally continuous conce
In the Auditorium all the afternoon in
evening There were successive porformanci
by the Mexican bind , the Omaha Conce
band and the Denver drum corps , anil the :
furnished a variety of entertainment fro
soon after the gates opened until U o'cloc
In the evening
Slime the plan of putting on Klralfy's b
spectacle has failed to mateilall7e , the mai
ngement Is considering plans for providli
a satisfactory substitute. U Is proposed
provide n spectacular celebration of son
sort for Jubilee week , but the precise detnl
have not been decided on. The matter vv
probably be brought up at the meeting
the executive committee this afternoon ai
the spectacular artist of the Due Fit
works company will come to Omaha In a ff
days to confer on the subject. The pli
previously suggested of reproducing t !
elnklug of the Merrlnmc on the lagoon
regarded as feasible , and this mny now-
taken up The da ) light celebrations durli
Jubilee week nre well provided for. b
the di-Hlie of the management Is to occu ;
the evenings with nome nttractlou of cot
tnensurate merit.
WHAT THIS wiiit : : mu.ns POUT
IJN ( of Special AttruellonM mill Cel
liralloiiN at Hie i\poNlllon.
This week's program comprehends a w
variety of attractions nnd those are PO (
ranged that the features nro very rvci
distributed. This will avoid the mlsforti
of last week when the big events w
mainly mobllUed on Friday nnd the sto
came to ralso havoc with all alike. Er
of the next blx days will bo marked by
share of featurn and the arrangement Is
vorablo to u stead } boom In attendance rl |
through the week
Today has n double feature In the Soi
Dakota celebration nnd the attendance
the Sons of Veteians The South Daki
exercises will be he-Id In the Auditorium
11 o'clock nnd Governor Lie and staff nm
largo party of ixrurslonlsts will partlclpr
The attendance of Sons of Veterans will i
K be what was expected , because so m :
members of that organization are In
volunteer army. In nime eases nearly
entire camp Is enlisted In the service r
ns a consequence many plans that w
formed cnrl ) In the sixison have been nbi
Wisconsin day occuis Tuesday nnd as
very low into has been secured fiom
points In that state It Is expected that i
of the biggest state parties of the mo
will bo brought In. The day will bo ci
brated by the usual exercises.
Utah day Is off on account of the denth
President Wnodiuff of the Mormon chu
and this will Uavo th ? Shrlners the urn
put oil possessors of the show Wedncsil
They have arranged a big celebration , wli
Includes exercises In the Auditorium In
forenoon and a spectacular purado and ot
novel features later In the day.
Thursday will bo New England day , Tel
raphers' day and Children's day. The li
pocloilos of New EiiRlanders will spend
day on the grounds and the children
Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council Dluffs
bo admitted nt a rcdured late.
Governor Daruos and party of Oklalu
\vill be hero Prlday to celebrate their si
day There will also be u free dlstribul
of grapes , and the Washington Editorial
Bociatiou will bo the guests ot the maua
Saturday U billed as Railroad day
Port Arthur day. and as all the roads h
nmdo especially favorable rates for this
caslon U will be one of the big days of
week. Nearly all the western railroads
r > make a spiclal effort to permit as man ;
their officials and cmployts as possible
ntli'tul Iho exposition on this occasion.
a big crowd of railroad men of every bra
of the airvlce Is assured.
Te\lin U r.iitliiifthlKllc.
Prof. Atvvater of the Texas exhibit has
turned from his home nt San Antonio , 1
where he went ten days ago for the pur ;
of securing grains , vegetables , fruits
other things for the exhibit that the E
is iiaking In the A. ( cultural build
Sr. King of his trip ami the result , he s
"I found our state thoroughly stirred
D. r tbo exposition , The people around
! Ai.u4lo CA < Jujt u cflUiusliatlc over l
though It was being held In one of tin
towns of the state.
"I have secured n. fine lot of exhibits o
an agricultural and horticultural varletj
and they will bo here during the week W (
will show grains , grasses , fruits and vege
tables and when they are on exhibition the )
will open the c-y < ? s of the northern folks
Crops nro big down there this year and w <
want the whole world to know It and be-
lleve that there Is no hotter way of ex
plotting our resources than by showing oui
products nt this exposition which Is rapldlj
becoming national In Its scope.
"The crowd of Tcx.ins who were up hen
a few weeks ago wore well pleased w-ltl
their entertainment and now they are al
exposition boomers. .Many of them will conn
again next month for the purpose of attend
Ing the festivities of Jubilee week and will
them will come hundruls ot others. Oui
newspapers are doing a good thing for tin
exposition and every week they print col'
umns from their own correspondents or elsi
clippings from The Uee , which has qulto i
circulation through our part ot the state "
The vegetables that are coming fron
Texas will bo of the third crop raised am
shown at the exposition. The first crop wn :
shown In June , the second a few weeks late :
and now the third is on the way. Prof. At
water says that the specimens coming an
the best seen this season.
\ri > iis AMI < ; IIVIM >
Fruit Men Connto the Pront "III
> e rcatnrcx In Their l.lne.
This week all of the- exhibitors will bcgli
showing their fall nnd winter apples In end
less quantities and varieties Most of then
will clean up their tables today and disposi
ot the btimmer fruit , which begins to lool
fcomcwhnt wilted nnd out of season. Wlilli
the apple crop Is not the best In the his
lory of the northwest , most of the states re
port a fair quantity and a reasonably gooi
Whllo apples are likely to be made a spe
dally , theie will lie any quantity of grapes
peaches , p > ars and the late plums. Thiough
out the entile transinlbstslppl region th
grnpo crop Is icported enormous and din
ing the next six weeks the fruit will com
In by the ton. Penrn nnd peaches arc nisi
abundant , so that there will be nothing t
stop the display. Every state Is now dolni
Its best , but the i > rizo winners will b
shown when the late varieties come alonu
which will bo In a few da > s.
It is conceded that at this time Wisconsli
leads the van In the way of nn apple dls
play , but the other e-xhlbltots declare tha
when they get their tables ananged the
will make equal ! ) us good a showing. Su
peilntendent Hatch , in charge of the Wis
coiifiti exhibit , Is showing seventy-five varl
i-ties of apples , including specimens < if aliou
ovoiythlng grown In the state. The remark
able thing about the apples Is that they ar
as sound as nuts and absolutely free froi
specks , something that can b bald of bu
few of the other apples bhowti In the build
J. W. Stanton , treasurer of the Illlnoi
State Hortleiiltuial boclety , who has brei
In charge of thu exhibit , has returned t
his home at Rlshvlcw , where he will i email
for a few dnys , looking after hla fruit farm
Dining his absence the exhibit will b
looked after by Attlstant Superintcmlen
Darnell , who is n practical fruit growet
The exhibit took on a gieat many revv fea
tutes luHl week , bevelnl varieitcs of grapes
pears and peaches having been added , untl
now , when it contains about every varlet ;
grown In the state
He fore leaving for home , Superlntcnden
Stanton said. "The exposition has been on
of thu best advertisements for our btnt <
It has brought our fruit men In touch wit
the commission men of the west , I be
lleve that ns n result of the exhibit our pee
pie will add thousands of square miles t
their territory for sales purposes. On
fruit Is as gcod as any in the country , an
all that we have to do IB to show It an
wo can secure purchasers. When the stat
appropilated money to make nn exhibit I
Omaha It was the best Investment ever mud
nnd before the end of two jeara we wl
get the money bark and tenfold added t
the oilglnnl sum. "
While absent Mr. Stanton will spend a
of his spare time In booming the exposl
tlon and will attempt to work up sever ;
excursions to this cltj.
six Hater for the I'rl/c * Ollercil liy tl
Male Horticultural Society.
All day jesterday men were at work !
the Horticulture building clearing the tabli
of the Nebraska fruit exhibit and placing
Its blend the fruit fiom Douglas , Sarp
Washington , Nomaha , Pawnee nnd Flllmo
iouiitles. In fact , until Friday night the :
I , counties will occupy all of the space th ;
was formerly given to the entire state.
This la the occaMon of the annual show
the State Horticultural i-oclety , blit as on
six counties have entered for the prizes on
the fruit from such counties will bo show
The exhibits must all be In place today ai
ready for Inspection. So far the exhlbltli
t of flno fruit is the best ever seen in tl
state The number of varieties Is large ni
the quality excellent. Evciythlng grown
the way of fiuU Is thown , Including ear
flult that has been kept In cold storage f
thu t > ole purpose of bhnwlng upon this o
Speaking of the fruit thown by the loin
e ties competing , C. II. Darnard , secretarj
the boelety , said. "For > eara we have bcs
making an annual display of fruit , and eai
jour I have thought that our funnels m
glowers have about touched the point
perfection This jcar , however , we ageing
going lit'joml any point } ct reached ai
have an exhibit that will compare most f
vorably with an > made by the great fri
raising boctlonb of the south. We ate shoi
Ing the choicest vniletles of peaches , peu
and plums and the bcbt grapes ever rals
r. In an > country. "
The Judges will make their awards i
Saturday , after which the fruit may bo r
moved , but until that time It must rcma
upon the tables. The prUcs amount to be
etnl hundred dollars For the best ni
largest dtsplnv b ) a single firm or Indlvldi ;
there nre five prlzis , the first being $ i
second f5. : ! third JK- , fourth { 10 and lit
J5. For the best and largest display by
county society there are five prizes as f (
lows. Firbt , } 50 , reioud , $11) ) ; third , $2
to fourth , $15 , and fifth , $10. The other pnzi
which ruuge from { ID down , are for bpci
metis and collections by individuals a
( Inns and are separate and dlbtlnct from t
collcctloub heretofore mentioned.
llUlrlliiitliiu I InMclonx. .
Not satUflod with having furnished miens
ons to the thousands who visited the c
position last Friday and Saturday , Ser
tor S\lnk , who Is at thu head of the Koc
Ford .Melon Growers' association , 1ms
schemi ) for treating the people of I
smaller towns tn the state. Ho has i
ranged with the railroad companies tl
have lines out of Omaha to take on so
cars of melons , attaching them to th
regular trains. These cars will bo acco
pjnied by representatives of tbo Roc
Ford Melon Growers' association and
id each station crates ot cantaloupe nud i
te meroua watermelons will be dropped <
There are Home ten carloads that will
distributed In this nay
up When Senator Swlnk and K. L. Mu
as ( Continued on Fifth Pagc-X
Dies Without Knowing that She Wai
Assassinated ,
Trancil } Minutely Dcoerlliril liy ni
i : > c WltiicNK of tinK \ cut ( Jrlef
of tin1 Hcrcavcil Ilniperor
In HciirtrcmlliiK.
( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co.
VIENNA , Sept. 11. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) The empress
lady In waiting , Countess Szapary , who wa :
with the empress , describes the nssassluatloi
thus :
"Wo arrived nt Geneva Friday noon. Sat
urday wo were to return by steamer vis
Terrltetc to Clcux , the empress prefcrrlni
to go by steamer , allowing suite to go b ;
rail. The steamer was to leave at 2. Thi
empress was In excellent spirits and per
fcctly well.
"At 1 30 we left the hotel , walking aloni
the quay Mont Wane slowly side by side
Suddenly I noticed a man coming at a fas
step from the lake up to the empress. Hi
came round n. tree that stood between hln
and us. His foot slipped and he made i
plunge forward , stretching out his hand , n
I thought , to regain his equilibrium. Ho thei
ran away. I did not notice' that he touchci
the empress
"As I looked her way , I saw her slnl
down nnd catisht her In my arms , asklni
If she felt any pain. The emp.-ess an
swercd I1 do not know ; I think I feel
pain in my chest. ' 'It must be fright , '
said. 'Will > our majesty take my arm ? '
"Tho empress straightened herself , sav
Ing : 'No , thank you. ' I tried to suppnr
icr. but she walked llrmlv.
Wo went on board , where the empres
isked mo if she was pale. I answered i
ho alllrmathe , adding : 'It Is through ex
: ltement' The empress sank upon a sea :
oslng consciousness I thought she wa
iufferlng from an attack of nerves , neve
Ircnmlng of an attempt on her life. 1
ill happened so quickly that nobdy coul
inspect what had been done. I saw u
eapon In the man's hand.
"As the women opened her bodice w
law no blood. When her diess was ope
iho recovered and rose to her feet , savin
: n a clear voice : 'Tell me what has har
joned0' She did not speak after that , bv
lank bark again , became deadly pale an
ireathed harder and harder. I am posl
Ivo she did not know she had been mm
lered. Only when the dress had been en
.Irely lerroved did blood and thewoun
iccouie visible. "
r.rlcf of th . nmiicror.
VIENNA. Sept. 11. ( New York World Ca
ilegram Special Telegram ) Count Golu
howskl .nformed the Ilrlttsh nmbassndoi
\ho called on him today with condolence
in the assassination of Empress Elizabeth
" 1 have never experienced and devout !
lope never to experience again so palnfti
duty as when 1 sorrowfully Imparted th
raglc news to the btrickcn emperor. M
irrlvnl being unexpected startled his nmj
sty. He laid his hand on my nrm wit
.n alarmed look , saying'You have ba
lews , I know It. What is It ? '
"I answered 'Your majesty , I have th
lorst tidings of the empress. ' Ills majest
ixclalmcd at once. 'She Is dead. ' "
Adjutant General Count I'aar , who wa
iresent , said her majesty had met wit
death almost Instantaneous by an absassli
Us majesty tried to bear the Mioc
Ith usual courage , but It unmanned him
"I have heard from hipjh court source
: hnt the scene was most distressing. Th
'inperor ' fell Into a chair In a paroxysm t
; rief and writhed convulsively as thoug
lie had been shot or taken In a fit. His llrt
emark was uttered In tones of undescrlba
: > le agony 'Oh , God ; is nothing to be spate
me In this world ? ' He then relapsed Int
: omplete blleneo , remained seated most (
he time , but occasionally paced the roon
entirely losing self-command , groaning I
iorrow and bemoaning this last bltteres
rial that had overtaken him. His suite we
acutely anxious lest the bhock might ur
lilngo his mind and another dire traged
lie added to tragic family history. Sue
precautions as were possible against an ni
of self-destruction were taken and a sui
; eon was kept In the ante room The en :
_ > eror was picvailed on to go to bed nn
slept for fully two hours. Ho rose at 2 1
.he morning , told his servant not to kef
: ho surgeon In attendance , and said I
Count Pmir , who had remained throughoi
the evening- must resign m > self to fat <
but I fear the Inevitable relaxing of tl :
nerves after the btrnln of withstanding tl :
liorrors of this awful catastrophe. '
"The emperor then Inquired what arrangt
menta had been made for bringing lion :
the remains of his beloved consort and sn
several court functionaries on the subjci
of the funeral. It has been notorious I
r-ourt circles that the emperor has bet'
haunted by pie&entlments of evil , and i
connection with the jubilee ho rcmarlte
frequently 'I wish the jubilee had ulreiul
nabbed. It will be a relief when It lb over. '
I'lllllHlllllfllt flir ( IIINNIINxlll. .
LONDON , Sept. 11. ( New York Wor
Cablegram Special Telegram ) Lucchl :
cannot suffer the penalty of death for t ]
murder of the empress of Austria , as caii
tal punishment was abolished In the canti
of Geneva In IS"I Sixteen other cantons o
of a total of twenty-one abolished it at tl
same time.
It would be In the power of the suprcr
council ot the Swiss confederation to abr
gate this law In relation to this specific ca ;
but the supreme council could only net i
appeal from the cantonal council It Is co
sidered Improoable that any such exception
enactment will bo made , both because
the htrong feeling prevailing througho
Switzerland against capital punishment ai
because It Is believed a life Imprlsonme
under the rigorous system practiced In t
case of murderers In Swiss prisons Is
much more terrible punishment than deal
At the same time a demand will undout
edly be made by public opinion In Euro
for capital punishment under exempla
conditions being visited on Lucchlno and
view of the International character of t
crime the cautious Swiss may bow to th
AiinrelilslK ( ( nuke.
The murder of the empress of Austria h
caused much excitement In anarch
circles In London Chief Inspector Mclvl
had recently redoubled the vigilance of 1
detectives In Soho , anticipating the pos
blllty of some plot In connection with t
coronation of the queen of Holland. 4
suspected arrivals from the continent vvc
closely watched and dangerous anarchists
London kept under strict surveillance. SI
there Is an uneasy suspicion In Scotia
Yard that the assassination of the eiiipri
of Austria waa plotted In London. If t
dctcctlvo department here be rightly I
formed the assassin's name Is Lucchlne ,
which case a relative of his prominent
advanced sections of the anarchist proj
ganda left London a fortnight are , crossl
to Ostcnd , The precautions taker for t
protection of the queen of Holland being
complete that no chance ot success p :
scntcd Itself It Is surmised the anarchists
turned their attention to the empress ol
Austria , na In view of the Intended jubilee
celebrations at Vienna the Austrian emperor
nnd empress had been specially marked out
as possible victims of anarchist vengeance.
I visited the principal anarchist clubs In
the west end of London , but their members
nro clearly In a frightened condition ol
mind , being aware that they were the sub-
en ts of clone attention on the part ot de-
ectlves who are maintaining an Incessant
\ntcli on the known dangerous anarchist !
n viewot the possibility that some ot them
may bo wanted In connection with the plot
gainst the empress of Austria. It U full1
xpected In anarchist quarters that this
neasuro will be made the ground for .1
strong appeal from the Kurocan govern
ments to England and the United States te
ale joint International measures against
narchlsts. Tljiro Is unquestionably a wavt
f feeling In that direction In England al
eady , so that the anarchists arc quaking
lest thalr last European refuge should bi
closed to them.
I.iitc ninprewN1 I , Iff In I'nrlii.
PARIS , Sept. 11. ( New York World Ca-
ilcgram Special Telegram. ) Oscar Gcrvals ,
ho empress' personal attendant In Parli
during her last visit In December , salt
today :
"Her majesty was hero only ten days tc
consult Metzger , n Swedish massage spe
cialist , about the rheumatism In her legs
Metzger wanted her to remain n year , bu
ho empress , driven by her wandering nm
estless sjilrlt , refused. She rose habltU'
illy at & o'clock , as she could not sleep
Slio read or sat thinking until 7 , whet
ho went for a walk. She was alwavs bacl
) > 9 o'clock , when she took a meal , con
sisting of n good portion of meat , plent ;
of milk , and from then touched absolutely
lothlng until next morning.
"So strictly did she remain Incognito tha
ho only received three people while hcrc-
Count Wnlkensteln , the Austrian ambassa
dor , nnd his wife , and brother-in-law , Duki
d'Alencon. Her COth birthday fell on o
about Christmas day , and although a dlnne
\as given In her honor actually within he
iote-1 by the embassy and her own suite
she would not be present. She made numer
ous presents on that occasion , but said shi
ireferrcd being absent herself.
"Helng Incognito , police precautions a
the Hotel Dominica where she stopped vvcr <
Imltcd to one commlssalre , specially sen
) y tha prefecture chiefly to facilitate he
wishes and not to much as n guard , thougl
ic- had a little olllce In the hotel. At firs
she was recognized and given much troubl
) > ' beggars , but as she made a point neve
: o carry money they soon dropped off He
nnnncrs were nice and kind and unaffected
When I was going about with her she usci
often between her reveries to sp ak to m
of common things. "
1'lniiH for I'liru'rul.
VIENNA , Sept. 11. The plans for th
f uncial of the late Empress Elizabeth , wh
was assassinated by an anarchist yestcrda ;
at Geneva , contemplate bringing the ic
mains to Vienna next Thursday , Ivlng i ;
state on Prlday , nnd the obsequies of Inter
menu on Saturday.
Every flag In the city Is at half mast to
day and the theaters and other amusement
arc suspended Indefinitely ,
The archduke and the nrclHUKhcss Marl
Valerie have arrived at Schoenbrunn 1
was reported last evening that Empero
Krancls Joseph had gone to Geneva by
special I'raln , but this was an error. A
noon today he had not vet left Schocnbrunr
Ciown Princess Stephanie , who has bee
staying at Darmstadt , has been summonci
The emperor's fortitude Is UK subject c
universal admiration He Is bearing u
manfully despite the terrible shock , whlcl
In view of his age , had Inspired the grav
tst apprehension Although at first stunne
and then sfightly hysterical , ho soon re
ga'ned ' his self-control and displayed re
markable calmnebs. Occasionally , howevei
completely overpowered by his grief , h
moaned plteously , repeating by sobbing th
name of the lamented princess.
The shock of the news crazed one of eh
court servants , who rushed from the paloc
to Iluryplatz , shrieking : "Where Is th
murderer of our empress ? "
Dispatches of condolence are arriving c
the palace from aif parts of the world , tcs
tlfying to profound horror and sympath ;
Among them are messages from Preslder
McKlnley , from Emperor William and froi
nearly all the European sovereigns. Til
court ) will go Into mourning for six monthi
nUDA PEST , Hungary. Sept. 11. Dot
houses of the Hungarian Diet met today I
extraordinary session. Long before th
magnates and deputies arrived t'be legli
lathe palace was surrounded by an In :
mouse concourse of sorrowing people.
band of fiOO students carrying craped bar
ners , lined the road lending to the entrant
of the Untcrhaus. The president of tl
chambers expressed the nation's Borrow an
condolence and on behalf of both houses me
tlons fitting the occasion were adopted. 11
Diet then adjourned A royal decree Issue
today suspends the Hungarian military in ;
DEFINE , Switzerland , Sept. 11. The fe <
era ! council met this morning and sent tl
following telegram to Etsperor Franc
"The Swiss federal council has the horn
to express to jour majesty Its profoundc ;
prlef and deepest Indignation at the hoi
rlblo crime to which her majesty , Emprei
Elizabeth , has fallen victim. Our pain ar
Indignation are all the creator owing
the foul crime having been committed c
Swiss territory , where th departed , as si
had often done before , was seeking ri
covery from bodily sufferings , which rccoi
cry , as on previous occasions , she had evei
hope of finding.
"The council hastens to assure > oi
majesty nt the same time of Its own warn
est sympathy and that of the whole Swli
people In the Irreparable ; loss your majest
the Imperial house and the peoples of Am
trla nnd Hungary have suffered throuf
your exalted lady's death. "
The Has on the federal building Is i
half mast. The council reassembled th
afternoon to receive reports regarding tl
crime and to consider the steps to be take
It Is expected that the Judicial authorltli
of the ccnton of Vaud will conduct tl
The general Government today decided
Issue a proclamation showing the horn
of the government of Geneva. All the civ
officers will march past the hotel , follow. .
by the citizens , all of whom are Invited
I'oMt Mortem Held.
Emperor Francis Joseph telegraphed tt
Austrian minister , Daron Ktmfucstln , to coi
sent to a post mortem Investigation.
A committee was appointed to hold tl
Inquest and proceeded to cany cut their li
structions. At the close of the examlm
tlon they announced that "d < > ath was causi
from Internal hemorrhage. " The autopi
showed that tbo lung , as well as the heat
was pierced. '
They decided that the Injury was of such
nature as to leave grounds for the thcoi
that the erapresv who tmffercd from weal
ness of heart might have succumbed mere
to the shock of the blow.
The Geneva council will place on the co
oa Second Page , )
Deadly Result of Explosion of Chemicals it
Philadelphia Grocery ,
that the Dentil MM Mn ]
Yet Hcncli a Ilonen Se % oral
rcrnoim Injured III
the Wreck ,
PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 11. liy the explosion
plosion of forty gallons of gasoline In tin
cellar of a grocery store at 1414 South stree
tonight surely four and possibly a dozei
more lives were lost. As an Immediate
consequence of the explosion the bulldlni
where It occurred and those adjoining It 01
either side collapsed and up to 10 o'clock
four hours after the occurrence , four bodlei
had been recovered from the ruins am
three of these Identified , as follows :
the grocery store.
GOLDDERG , 10-mouths' old child.
GIRL about 10 years old.
How the cxpfoslou occurred Is > ct un
The front of 1414 was Immediately blow :
out and this \\.is followed by the collaps
of that structure and numbers 1442 , occu
pled by Morris Goldberg's furniture store
and It 1C , Louis Sallonose's shoe store
The west wall of 1140 , occupied by L. Wnl
KIT'S cfolhlng store , was blown out. Al
Iho buildings were ot brick , three stories I ;
In the confusion and excitement follow In
the disaster It Is as jet Impossible to sccur
anything like an accurate census of the oc
cupants , but It Is generally stated that th
upper floors were crowded with families
luiddlcd together In tenement fashion.
Coming as It did at the supper hour It ) I
feared the loss of lifo will be heavy. Th
libt of Injured will be long. They wer
taken to all the hospitals within a rmllu
of n mite.
After the recovery of the four bodies th
authorities decided to postpone the Ecarc !
for additional victims utll tomorrow morn
Ing , thus obviating the dangers and dela >
of working the mass of debris and wreck
age In darkness.
The corpses of Schattenstcln and his so
were picked up on the steps of No. 1441
The unidentified 10-year-old girl \\as foun
pinioned by a mass of timbers in the rea
of the same building and the Goldberg cull
died while being taken to a hospital.
The Injured at the Howard hospital arc
L Schattenstcln , aged 12 , broken not ,
ami laceration of scalp.
Alexander Schattenstein , aged C , laceiatc
scalp , condition serious.
Mary Ilealy , aged 05 , fractuied leg.
Annlo Mcl'hiromy , 40 > cars , contusion c
Harry Rothcrmcl , 12 years , lacerate
Maggie Goldberg , 32 years , lacerate
Sarah Goldberg. It years , lacerated seal
and contused ankle.
At the Jeffcrbon hospital are :
A. r. Fish , 39 years , fireman of trucl
lacerated wound on'scalp.
Yctta Goldberg , 9 years old , contusion <
leg and back and lacerated wound on scali
At the Polyclnic Is Rose Schattenstein ,
years old , lacerated finger.
\1\aciiatIon ConiiitlNNloiii'rN In llii\an
I'ri-imrc for a Montli'N Solid Work
Mourning : In tin * City.
( Copyright , 1SJS , by Press Publishing Co
HAVANA , Sept. 11. ( New York Wor ]
Cablegram Special Telegram ) The fin
meeting of the two evacuation commlsslot
took place early this , morning. U was moi
harmonious. The American cotnmlbsionc :
are assured , from the friendly spirit ev
dcnced by their Spanish colleagues , thi
Madrid desires to facilitate the task of ge
ting rid of all obligations In Cuba , so It
not to be expected that the commlsblon wl
bo called upon to undertake anything mo ;
serious than the making of inventories <
the Spani&h possessions which are hers I
right and perfecting the details for tl
transfer of government when the Paris coi
ference shall have provided a plan.
The American commission has a month' '
solid work before It and will take n hoin
In the suburbs of the city for that perlot
The sessions of the commission are held I
the rooms of the Insular government. Tli
American commissioners spent a quiet da ;
breakfasting with the Spanish commission
crs and returning to the Resolute , whet
they will have their headquarters until tl
house Is ready for their occupancy. Tti
Resolute went out of the harbor lonlsl
and will return In the mornlni ; .
Havana celebrated today by the boomin
of guns and the display of Hags , the birtl
day of the sister of Alphonso. An hoi
later flags were lowered to half mast an
church bells were tolled for the death (
the empress ot Austria , mother of tl :
Ail in I ml Cert era anil Hlx I'elloitN I
( niitivlt ) .Sail for Tlielr
> lltl\e l.lliul.
PORTSMOUTH , N. H. , Sept 11. The Ai
chor line steamer City of Rome , full
equipped to transport the Spanish prlsonei
to Spain , arrived In the lower harbor th
afternoon. The big liner brought fro :
New York Admiral Ccrvera with his fu
staff ot officers and ninety-four other prli
oners. The men at Seavey's Island , whe
they caught sight of the City of Rom
danced for joy , nnd tonight there Is gre :
excitement nt the camp. Everything Is I
readiness on board the steamer and oat
of the l.GSS men will have a bunk for hln
self throughout the vovage of about elgl
days. It Is expected that the last prlsotn
will leave Camp Long at 10 o'clock nnd tin
the City ot Rome will pass out of thu ha :
bor not later than tomorrow noon. Tl
steamer will bo headed straight for Sai
lander , Spain.
There Is scarcely a sick man among tl
entire crew of the late Capo Verde llec
while every one looks fat and healthy and
striking contrast to their appearance of tv
months ago.
Itetiirneil to IllH ItiinU.
CAIRO , Sept. 11. Queen Victoria has r
stored to his rank In the Drltlsh arn
Colonel Frank Rhodes , brother of Cec
Rhode-j , who was dismissed from the scrvl
for his participation In the armed raid In
the Transvaal led by Dr. Jameson In D
ccmber , 1891. Colonel Rhodes waa wound
at the battle of Omdurman while acting i
war co-responded for the Londou Times.
Mliilnterii Jlii ) ItculKii.
PARIS. Sept 11 It Is asserted that
the cabinet still iuelblK upon a revision
tbo Dreyfus ruse , General Zurllndea , mini
ter of war. and M. LojjHrcy , minister
marine ,
Hour , Hen. Hour. Ili'K
At the tiroiiiulni
South HnUolii la > .
K a. in. tn 1(1 p. in. , Indian fljKy - i
at the nncainpinent. i''of ?
1(1 ( a , in. , lexlcan llauil , C.t > \ - ;
lIlllllllllK. / . . - ' N
11 n. in. , ionth DaUotii KJI
llllll p. in , , OrKim Itec
p. in. , I.OK ItollliiK
- p. ni. , SPCOIH ! XrlirnHUfi. r S Woi
I.nnoon. J " i = . > '
I p. in. , I'nltfil Stnti-d I.I i ii |
Drill on l.nKooti.
7 p. in. , Mrvlcim Iliinil , CriT. " . _ , m
Dim ii Tim nt
II a. in. , .Soim ot Yeloriinn at ( . 'rcluli
ton Hall.
0 n. in. , llookkocpcrn' I nlou at Del
lour Hotel.
Flr t Tluit * Miu-c War Teriiilnaloi
that liny IN Dei olcil to Kent
lind AVornlilp.
SANTIAGO DE CUDA , Sept. 11. Sunda
was observed today for the first time sine
the war terminated as u day of rest an
w01 ship. All the military nnd civil olllcc
were closed , ns also the shops , and the city'
appearance was unusually quiet. Religion
services were held at the palnco nnd Gen
eral Lavvton , Geneial Wood and othe
American ofllccrs attended.
This r.fternoon the correspondent of th
Associated Press visited the wrecks of th
Spanish cruisers. The work of Moating th
Infanta Slaria Teresa Is neatly completed
but the Almlrante Oquendo Is not woith tli
coat of saving.
Colonel Hay , who returned from Guan
tannmo yesterday , reports the embarkatlo
of all the Spaniards save about eighty undo
General Paroja. The American authorltle
are awaiting the arrival of the San Junr
with about 2,000 Spanish troops from Sagu
do Tanda nnd Daracoa. The steamer is ex
pected about Wednesday. The Spaniards vvll
bo re-cmbarkcd hero on the San Augustl
and the San Francisco for Spain.
Tomorrow the Dessio and two other ves
scls will leave for llaracoa nnd Sagua d
Tannmo , carrying supplies for the Amerl
cans , Cubans and Spaniards there.
The condition ot the Spanish at Guan
tanamo prior to their departure for Spal
was most distressing. The death rate wo
over eighty per day , and Colonel Ray b (
Moves that more than half will die on th
passage. Seventy died on the wharf the da
the San Ignaclo was loaded and there I
yellow fever among those who remain be
hind. Colonel Ray had two mules killed fc
fresh meat supplies to the Spanlauls. N
fresh beef was to be had and the Spaniard
were glad to get the mule meat. Indec
there had been no meat of any kind 1
Guantonamo for three weeks.
The first battalion of Colonel Ray's reg
mcnt contracted jellow fever from a Spar
lard. Sixty cases have broken out.
Pour hundred Cubans have laid dovv
their arms at Gunntanamo and gone to woi
on the plantations near the town. No r :
tlons are supplied to armed Cubans. Sai
tlago Is now filled with Cuban soldiers froi
General Castillo's command. One result Is
large number of gala parties at the vaiioi
Humor of tin * Attempt Upon Her < ) > \
l.lflIn Denounced UN I'lire
( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co
THE HAGUE , Sept. It ( Now York Wor
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) An lll-coi
sidered attempt was made by entourage i
keep Queen Wllhelmlua Ignorant of the nev
of the assassination of the empress of Au
trla. She soon detected something In Iho ill
ocrlng her suite talking so earnestly and , t
learning the truth , she gravely rebuked In
attendants for treating her as a child. Tl
queen was much affected nnd went Jmmed
ately to the escritoire In her private sale
and took out a touching letter of rongrat
latlon which she had received from the mil
dcred empress and read it with tears. Aft
a consultation with the ministers she d
elded that the festivities should procee
The assassination of Empress Ellzabc
coming close upon the publication of tl
circumstantial account of an alleged attem
on her own life caused a specially palnf
It was stated today by Principal C'cu
Chamberlain Count Hujst , that "tho r
ported attempt on Queen Wllhelmlna's II
Is pure fabrication ; not an atom of found
tlon for It. "
The Drtt ! ° h minister at The Hague ,
Henry Howard , confirmed this denial
most emphatic language , bavins hluisi
made Inquiry at the palace.
C'li-v c-lniiil MIIII'N llxcaiunle ivllh
hlrmiKi ! Woman HUH Tatal
DENVER , Colo. , Sept. 11. W. II Lai
renco of Cleveland , O. , who was shot 1
Florence Richardson at the Oxford hot
In this city on Friday last , died at E
Luko's hospital this afternoon. Lawrcnci
brother from Cleveland has taken char
of the remains and will accompany them
The body of Florence Richardson , w
committed suicide after shooting I > av > rcm
still lies at the morgue unclaimed. Lai
tence , who had a wife nnd family In Clev
land , hod spent several weeks with t
Richardson woman prior to their reglsterl
at the Oxford hotel Friday as , W. H. Roc
well and wlfo and the shooting was the r
suit of jealousy caused by I iwrcnco's d
clarcd Intention of leaving her and rctur
Ing to his family.
Man I.lkely to ANNH ! |
NllKiilliiK Hit- War DI--
WASHINGTON , Sept. 11. At the Whl
House no statement was made tonight as
the status of the commission to Inqul
Into the administration of army bureau
although It was understood that most of tl
men Invited by the president to servo i
the commission had been heard ftom. Sot ;
of them , however , had written that th
had the matter under consideration and
was thought to bo desirable toalt t !
final conclusions by all 'of those rked
servo before making any announce laont.
It appears to be un < ijrstuo l ntm c hls'i
ofllcers that Genera ! I urd > t J , ' LITTO
and Mr. Llnoln are nc Ilk ) < / -o ;
The opinion vai eiiriiiii by ' ofili It
that General Mandirsou , CwOii , , S xt
Town of New Westminster , B. 0 , , Nearly
Destroyed by Fire.
Many Residences rind Public Buildings
Licked Up by the Flames.
Unfortunate Inhabitants Dependeut Upou the
Charity of Others.
Unwilled * Men HUMo(1iiiK : | l.rfltli
Willed to Mart AIIVM I'll -nvu
riKM Heroically for
VANCOUVER , H. C. , Sept. 11. New W t-
mlnstcr , the chief city on the Fraser river ,
presents a fearful scene of desolation today ,
lire having this morning wiped out the
whole of the business section. Theic Is not
a public building standing In the central
portion of the city.
Fanned by a tlerco wind , olmoot n gale ,
the lire , which started on the \\aterslcln by
"lurks from n pacing steamer , spread with
such awful rapidity that ten streets vvero
blazing In three limns and only smoking
ashes mark the spot wheru scores of houses
'oimeily stood. Handsome blocks , banks
ml churches went up In smoke. 'Iho Cathe-
ral of the diocese Is no more.
Hundreds of people nro helpless and relief
s being rushed from this city. Two news-
mpei oinccs nro gone , as well as the t'nna-
lan Pnrlllc railroad station , three rl\cr
learners , a railway bildgo and n number
t private houses. It is also feared Hint
.oino . lives luuo been lost. The telegraph
Illce nt New Westtnlnstei lias been burned.
[ 'he burned city Is twehe miles from here.
Returning to Vancouver from New \Vest-
nlnster Is coming from a land of dobola-
lon and ruin to another of smiling plenty.
n New Westminster not n stone of Iho
justness houses remains standing. Despair
mil suffering are the lot of hundreds of
ioor , homeless folk. Komi , clothing ami
Id of all kinds Is being dispatched from
Vancouver to the Ill-fated city.
At the time of writing It Is not known
low many people lost their ll\es , but It la
'eared st\eral iniifct ha\o been burned to
leath. It Is said that Campbell , n fireman ,
ell from the root of n burning building
iml was killed nnd a woman dropped dead
rom fright. Two other women who were
U died while being taken from their homos.
The three river steamers destroyed arc the
'dgar , Gladys and Doti Accord.
n > AVKIioill Pooil.
New Wtstmlnster today Is without *
store of any kind , without food , save that
which Is being hurried o\cr from hero.
It Is impossible just now to estimate the
amount of damages , but It ranges up In
ho hundreds of thousands.
Every Industry Bn\o the big Ilo > nl City
Planing mills nnd Clove Canning company
ms been wiped , out livery merchant's
olllcc has been burned. Dankers , hotel men ,
saw'mlll men , canners and merchants of all
ilosciiptions ha\o nothing left with which
: o do business.
The llro was Hist noticed at Hrnehmnn &
[ Ceir's warehouse on 1'iont strevt. 1'roia
llieio It spread down to the Canadian Pa
cific railway station. U did not cross the
street till that point was reached. From
the 10 It went up , taking In the other nldo
of Fiont street , and also Columbia f-tieot ,
the chief business thoroughfares of the city.
Block after block caught fire rapidly nnd la
n few minutes there was nothing left of
what had been the business portion of Now
From New Columbia street the lire tpreail
up hill to a hugu building built on piles In
i gully bridged by Carnaran street. There
was a great space \inder this bulldlni : filled
. \ith dry seasoned timber. The aid got In
with the flro nnd gnvo it great play. Prom
this point the llro spread all around. The
Episcopal cathedral was next attacked , the
Ilaptlst church followed and the ( Vntial
Methodist church went next. All wire de
stroyed. Just here , too , a laigo number of were situated. They all went up
In smoke and the Inhabitants had to lleo for
their lives.
Court Iloimc nail City Hall.
The fire swept down Carnaran street nml
quickly encompassed the big brick courO
house nnd the wooden city hall. Fortunately
there Is n big opeji space hero and the liamea
were not able to leap fur enough to take In
the big Central school. Agnes street , how
ever , had got alight and one side of lloyal
a\cnuo , nit the houbes there being com
pletely destro > cd.
The flro gained great headway , owing to
the fact that the flicmcn lost a gieat dcaj
of hose by burning.
There was not a single butcher shop" ,
bakery or provision shop that was riot do-
strojcd , and there was only ono small hotel
The Columbian newspaper has not got a
single line of typo left. Some of the burned
out people retired In the early houia of the
morning to the open front opposite the
school house. They covered themschc. , with
blankets nnd lay down ti > sleep. All they
had was lost.
The loss by the flro nt New Westminster
Is roughly estimated at | L'00,000 , with In
surance of JI.500,000.
Kiev en II\I | > M I.IIN ! ami 1'ropcrl ; IUH
H .Illlllou DiillarM.
PnnSCOTT , Ariz , Sept. 11. The town oC
Jerome , near here , was wiped out this mornIng -
Ing by fire , entailing u loss of OM > I $1,000,000
In propelty. Eleven bodltw have so far been '
recovered , whllo n score or more are said
to be In the ruins or missing.
The flro originated from n gasoline steve
In a cabin and spread BO rapidly and fiercely
that It was impossible to have even the
clothing. The flro was confined exclusively
to the business portion of the town , and the
group Intervening between It and the mam
moth works of the United Vcrdo company ,
saved the hitter's plant , otherwise the loss'
nnd buffering would have been terrible.
Many pcoplo from Jerome are arriving hereon
on special trains , , whllo many of those re
maining nre cared for by the company. i
The area of the flro was confined to a nar
row gulch and ravlnc-a leading to It. In1
which were located substantial wooden and
stone tulldlngs , the latter melting as rapIdly -
Idly before the liamea as pasteboard. Oven
ICO residences , averaging In value J2.000/
twcntfivo general mcrcbandlho nnd other
stores , salrons , etc. , of all kinds , nro wiped
out , In short not a single bunl-nsi house
remain * The only building to em ape waa
the Met di t i hunh Tin- number of pcoplo
who arc ho. t' t \ - > pl.i cd at 1 M < < > M d they
nit htur i i i fur by Missrs. liiruux anil
Al ! n of the minim ; company.
Two gnc la ] trains left here tonight