- MAMJIIHM' . ( Continued. ) % \ ANTED , men to Mern li.irbcr . trade. Commission ultOTriiJ th.s monUt. IJlijht week * completes. f'alulociit mailed free. Molcr's Uurber College , ChlCJSO. B M27S 13 * IIKIIE'S a now thlnr , nnd n wlnnir ; n per- tret "Pocket NVht Lork , " welKhs "no cjunro ; toil ; * any door or tti.n oni ; bur glar proof ; upplifd or remov-ul in nn In stant ; nothing like It ; 25c by mull ; bis money for Rale-omen. 1512 Mrlot HI. , Denver , Colo. J. T. Crew * , ; ! MI Ajtt. 3IK.N nnd women to learn piano tuning at home nnd become Independent. Add ! ess with Mump. Lincoln Tuning Colleen , Lin- rain , Neb/ / B-3133S 11 * _ V. ANTED , partner In manufacturing busl- na.it. ctpllul miulrtvl. $ : > ; cr.il ! ! p. in. Tu-Mday or Thursday , or addniss J. S. \ > llson. 512 N. Y. Life Bldg. _ B-341 13 * _ GoejD men to distribute G.000,000 pieces adv. inutl r ; bit ? wages ; enclose stamp. Slfrs. A. . Iv. Co. . Dept. A. E. . 114 W. 31th Kt. , ' "iork. H N'-w . _ _ ' 1'iVKRN.V.ENT positions ; nil persons ele- IIIK : : KuMrnrne-iil ! positions nt n.wd sala ries should wrlt at once to National Cor- i iiniiiieiit , iJimt. .C. S B.iinh. . . IX C. . f i ull Information , froe- ; thousands DC .irpivntinnnls to be made ; examinations In very stain noon. B--3J ! 11 * SALESMAN wanted , smnrt. intolllgrnl , en- iicuilc , to call on doctors only ; to repro- II t l/o.it known firm In the trad" ; posi tion p'TinnuJiit ; pond Incomv ; best refer- nc > ; h required. Address It. . 1' . O. Hex l.v.2. Philadelphia. _ UTE. : IL TRAVELING talesmen , country agents and ir.Miity fair \voikcrs wanted to sell our Mi ; > nr&tlnK ncHt eggs. Address Neat Liu 1'jclory , Wahoo , Neb. B 3j7-ll * AK < 'AN give employment to n number nf > 3ung iricn ; $3 to $12 n week ; no art work or canvassing ; work sent to your IIO'IK * : send addressed envelope for i.trnplo and material. Empire Works , 23 Dunne fet. , Nenv York. B 35ti-ll * KALKSMBN WANTED , our line of ad- \crildng thermometer novcltlps for IS'.ii- Ii9i ! Is now ready ; wo pay liberal com mission to competent salesmen ; wend 1C i "ills in stnmJH for catalogue , sample and Urins. Taylor Bros. Co. , Uocnestor , N. Y , U-335-11 * - - Kl : LI ABLE man wanted , refrronres , "ulnry. Call between 9 and 11 a. m. Mon day , room 40 , Midland hotel. 11 3CS-11 * ENERGETIC salesman ; school supplies ; Country work ; 1100 salary and extras. H , O. Kvaim & Co. , ClllciiKO. B 3'i7-ll * WANTED , experienced clothing salesman , nn Douglas. B-SI3GS-12 * AGENT , man or woman with $300 to Jl.OOC ran make Independent fortune legitimate IIIINIIII-SH ; communicate at once. Cooper , o20 , 1US LaSallo St. , ClllciiKO. B-373-11 * SALESMEN. $100 month and expenses- guaranleed , selling to mcrchantH and fumllU'S machines for cooling refriger ators ; guaranteed 75 per cent rhoapci than lee. Address Arctic Refrigerating Co , Cincinnati , O. B-370-11 * BTO1 * working for others , start n mnllnrdci business and make money fast am honorably ; our guldo tells how to Hturl ii nd succeed : prepaid on receipt of luc A\oll 1'ub. Co. , 550G Wcntworth Ave. , Chicago. B-3M-11 * WANTED , boys 1C years old and over al Murphy Wiiuoy & CO'B. , 32 & Spanieling St B-371-11 * - - WANTED , salesmen ; salary paid weekly ; Kxperlonro unnecessary. Permanent , Ilrown firos. Co. , ChlcaRO. li TKACIIKHS Assistants and grade leach. ers for jiublli1 and private scl'ools this month. Interstate Teachers' Agency , 12t Washington at. . Chicago. 1I-M410 11 * clerk , 3 pan washers , ynrdnmar and 2 porters. M otzo's Kmploymeni llUr , 1311 Karnam St. 1J-MIOG 11 * tJOVKUNMKNT positions. Don't pre pare for any civil service examlnatlor without seeing our Illustrated eatalogm nf Information. Sent free. Polumblai correspondcnco College , \S'ashliiKton , D r. 11-M3DS 11' M'ANTKD Immediately , an experienced competent , energetic retail dry good : salesman. Single. Host reference re quired. Applying state particulars. L , Weasel , Nebraska City , Neb. B-M421 11 'WANTK.fi , active solicitors ; easy work Burn sales nnd big money. 42fi N. Y. I.lfi KldC. B-JH36 ! ! "WANTBD , canvassers fop Uluffs and sur rounding cities for excluslvo sale of sta pin household articles. Agents .makliu 575 to $120 per month. Call Monday 111 Itlel's hotel , Council Bluffs. Taylor. B 133 11 IVAJiTED FKSIAI.B HKI.T. 300 OrRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to J week. Canadian Ofllcc , 1522 Douglas. C-S31 > \ \NTKD-150 girls. 1524 Dodce. Tel. 87C C MBll-Ocl-iO OOOD cook. S. K. Cor. Jones anil : Hth C Mii 10 wanted for general housework. 202i Mmmet. C M20S WANTBD , a cook nnd n second girl will references. 1S21 Douglas. C M222 WANTBD , Rlrl for general housework small family. S005 I'aclllc. C-314-12 OOOD girl for cooking and laundry wor ] "t once ; wages $5.00. Call at "iill Jack son St. C-M32S 11 * MANTKD , experienced millinery maken . nd prenarcrs In millinery department lloston Store. Omaha , J. lj. Brandies t Sons , proprietors. C 310 12 WANTBD , mangln girls to work nights Model Steam Laundry , 1110 Dodge St. C 313 12 OIHIi Immediately , must bo Ilrst clas cook. Call 4221 Bmmctt St. C 373-11 * J'HOKlTABMiJ home work for men o women ; day or evening ; $ fi to $12 weekly no canvassing or experience needed ; plat Instructions and work mailed on applicii tlon. Brazilian Mfg. Co. , New York Cltj C-374-11 * _ _ _ 10 WAITUESSKS-J15 to J23-3 pantry glrl > fi kitchen girls , C woman cooks and " f < rlH for general housework ; 53 to JO pi- wi'ek. Motr , 13H Karnam Bt. C-ailQ5 11 * _ \VANTKD-Conipctcnt girl , 1123 8. 3Ist St. C-M3'J1 13 _ M'ANTBD , lady unlncumbered to nssla gentleman In selling fancy goods ; on willing to travel In Missouri. Addren U 8.JKM. _ C-M 37 11 * M ANTBD , respectable middle-aged house Keeper ; references. B fi , Bee. C MI32 11 * WANTKD , experienced sales ladles l underwear nnd ribbon department at Jlot t. > n Store , J. I ( . Brandcls & Sons , prnprlr t"rB C-M43S 13 HI : > T HOUSKS. CIIOICR houses nnd cottages all over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , jlrst lloor , N. Y. K'.ti ' D-SJ2 _ IIOI'SBS ] Benowa & Co. , 108 N. 15th SI D-S5J _ JIUl'SBS. store1 ! . Beinlf , 1'nxton block. D-Sol _ MOVING household goods and piano ; Omaha Van Storaga Co. , ISllH Farnan Tel 15J9 U J.K . FI'IINITUUR and leasehold of a 7 nnd 1 : room modern Hat for sale ; bargain ; goo location ; rent low. Bemls 1'axton blocl D S5U A KBW COTTACES. 436 Board Trade. D-S37 I'Ott IlKNT Several good houses , 3 to roomO. . li. Oreen , 24 Barker Block. D-M40S _ _ l-'OIl HUNT , S-room , all modern , detachc house , near llanseotn park , J. 11. She wood , 423 N. Y. Ufe. D XI US 12 I'lace house. COS Bee. D-M39I JIOl'SKS , t stores rented & rents collecte John \V. Hobblns , 1SOJ Farnam Bt. D-MJ37 _ A BKAUTIFUL 4-room Hat , partly tnoder cor. 24th and Hamilton. Apply : S1S Call wall. D-M9S3 I--OH HI\T HOT'sns. ' CContlnued. ) UENKWA'S residence to r nt , 3230 Hurt. D-MK3 ? NB\V cottngo , easy payments. 604 Bee Bid ? . D 210 4 , 6 AND 7 room stenm heated flats for rent Howard Hanck , ugt. , 1C10 Chicago Street. D-M273-07 FOU IlKNT. very desirable Mat. all eon- venl'tices. rjood repnlr. 11. C 1'cters .t Co. , V. 8. Nat'l Bank bide. D-M18C 11 O-IIOOM modern Hat , 2129 Fnrnnm St. , $2.1.00. Store room , 2717 Leavenworlh St. , $15.00. I'otter & Gcorgo Co. , 1C01 Farnam St. D .M333 12 roii iin.vr rtiiM.Mir.n itiio.tis. NICELY furnished rooms. 2010 Davenport. E-SII07 3 NICB rooms , housekeeping. 1112 rf. lllli. K-M 17-i FUUNISHKD rooms , facing exposlllon 1 grounds , board If desired. 3 11 N. 2flth St. i B-M37I SI7 * 1 NK'KhY furnished rooms for transients. I 2209 Spencer St. , Kountzc 1'lace , near ox- poslton. B Ml 13 THANSIBNTS , cool rooms , balh. 514 N. lOlh. K09S-CW EXPOSITION visitors can get reliable In formation In regard to hotels , rooms , board , etc. , nt the Olllclal Information Bureau , 1319 Fnrnam si. ; this bureau Is under the supervision of the exposition management. Olllco open day and night ; no cnargo for Inlormntlon. 1C yjj BOOMS , transients accommodated. 1910 Ctimlngs. K M250 OS * FL'HNISIIED rooms-l.t.O and $200 per week ; central part of city. 1702Velmter. . 12 11300 23 * FUIIN1SIIBD rooms. 524 South 2Cth ave. 13 M271 II * TIlOCADBHO-Bcds 23c ; clean , safe. 1303 llarncy. H-M IOC OS * FOIl HBNT , 5 rooms well furnished for housekeeping ; modern conveniences. ( M ) soulh 2ilth , C. 13. Youngs. B 313-11 * 3 FUHNISIIBD rooms for housekeeping ; man and wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. 13-M32I BXI'OSITION visitors , savf your money ; select your rooms from Kelly's agency , 210 S. 14th , bet. Farnam and Douqlas. 13-MI13 11 * l'-l HMSIIIil ) 11OO.MS AMI llOAltt ) . TUB MKHUIAM , Hirst class family hotel , 2olh and Dodge Sip. F isCO TUB BBNBFIT 11OUSB. 21st nnd I'lnkney Sts. , Hfty dnlnllly furnished rooms ; one- Biiaro | from Hie Arch of Ihe States ; everything new and first class ; terms reasonable. F S59 MHS. B. 1. . SPOTTS. 522 N. 19th St. , nlco rooms , iriis , bath , Hrst-class board ; rates reasonable. F MI55 S23 TAKB down that "for sale" or "for rent" sign In your window. The Bee reaches more people In n day than will pass your window in a month ; and they consult these columns when they want to buy or rent. F SC5 BXI'OSITION VISITORS , The Saratoga hotel , Buropean or American. Jl.Ort and up ; adjoins the grounds , Sherman iivenuo car line passes the house ; summer resort style ; families sollcted ; modern , cool , homelike ; baths , gas , pluno and library. Telephone 1931 ; double parlors , ham mocks , vast verandas , park , seats In the slreet cars ; no dust. Jolly people and croquet. Write or 'phone this minute ; special offer for Vhoso who do. F SOI ROOM , board ; good location. 519 S 23 ave. F 212 11 * WBU , FtlKNISHBD rooms , fine board. 1909 Capitol ave. F M2 4 O7 * NICBIA" furnished room with board ; homo comforts ; good locality , reasonable. 222 North 19th Street. F 317-11 * COMFORTABLE rooms by day or week ; meals If desired ; reasonable. 520 N. 19th. F SI 323 15 * WANTBD , two gentlemen desiring perma nent board. Address A 58 , Bee. F M3IO 15 * BOARD and room ; gentlemen preferred , special offer to the right party. 1323 So. 32d St. F-.1I5 12 * PLEASANT south room with board-for married coupln or two ladles. Refer ences required. Permanent. Address A 07 , Bee. F SI 102 11 * VERY plensant furnished room with board ; all modern conveniences ; near Hanscom park. B 2 , Bee. F SI419 12 LAROE south room , good board ; refer ences. 202 N. ISth. F SI430 12 * FOIl IIUXT UNPIIUMSIIISIl UOOMS. FURNISHED or unfurnished single or cnsulle , by day or month. G2U4 S. 19th. G-429-S19 * - - 3 ROOS1S. 708 17th St. G-SI293 OS * LOWER lloor , four rooms , range connec tion , cellar , sink , also other rooms de sirable and convenient. 531 S. 23th Ave. G-S1093 11 * SUITE of unfurnished modern rooms. filG S. 29th St. G-SI423 13 * run IIKNT s'rnitBs AMI OFFICES. FOR IIBNT , the 4-story brick bulldlniTot 910 Farnam St. This building has u lire- proof cement basement , water on all lloors. gas , etc. Apply at Ihe olllce ol The Bee. 1 910 DESK room. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk , NICB store. Corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap ply 231S Caldwell. I SG3 FOU KENT , a good barn box stall , cheap , 1M2 Cass St. 1 M710 IN U. S. Xnt'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. C04 Bee Bids , 1-112 A HXTS w.t.vrnn. j i AGENTS and branch managers ; salary 01 commission. Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cltv clnnati. O. J SI947-Oct.il" "THE CONFLICT WITH SPAIN. " 1 Henry F. Keennn ; the only genuliu history of the war ; over GOO pages ; ovci 130 Illustrations ; authentic , accurate olllclal , complete ; of thrilling Interest outfit now ready ; agents wanted : llbern terms. P. W..legler .t Co. , 320 Dear born St. , Chicago , 111. J 3GO-11 * WANTED , capable man with $1,000 to earrj stock of goods and manage branch 01 Chicago house ; $123 per month and nl expenses ; also extra percentage ; JHT mancnt position , with good tuturo pros pects. Address James Barton , 112 Dear born St. , Chicago. J 339-11 * - I AC ! ENTSV ANTED , a 8Ulistlt tc for tlvi i corset which Improves health and form newly patented. Wright Bust Form Co. St. Louis , SIo. J 33S-11 * CLOTHIERS , country stores , etc. , sldo llni offered on uncovered ground ; free several earn $20 weekly. P. O. 1371 , Nev York. J-301-11 * AGENTS Fell our "War with Spain , " writ ten by Hon. JameH Rankln Young , mem bcr of congress ; complete book nov ready ; 700 pages beautifully illustrated sells nt sight ; colortypp art war piciun 19x23 nlzf , free lo each subscriber. Wrlti at once for terms and Spanish-America ! dictionary , free. Patriotic Art Co. . l.M-12 Randolph St. , Chicago. J 3SO 11 * WANTBD. agents ; have a hair restore ! that will restore- any gray hair to It : original color ; no capital needed. A. M Dell , Gen. Del. , Omaha. J-379 11 * AGENTS Latest craze ; eight dlft'eren colored revolving bosoms on one shirt naves laundry bills ; sample free. Kru'ge Slfg. Co. , Chicago. J snno n * "WAR With Spain , " 700 pages , complete plote ; English , Swedish and German ; out 111 free.V. . / Hlxenbaugh A : Co. . olllr. . 14 , Ware. bile. . Omaha. J SI412 O10 AGENTS , sample gasoline gas muchim' gas stove and lamp. free , write for plans Conmo Company , Department S , Cedn Haplds , In. J 377 11 * AGENTS wanted to make from $3 to $ J per day selling a new patriotic war sou venlr , very handsome , nothing like It o the market , can be sold on the street a fairs , expositions , cvlcbratluiw and on or mor * In every house ; wrllu quick fo particular * ) and terms. National Badg Co. , 1S7 Broadway , New York. J-S73 11 * VI'S WATYTI3I1 , ( Continued. ) AGENTS , here's your Klondike ; something new , Champion Polishing Fibre , " pol ishes metals , glassware , pianos , furniture , tan shoes , i-t . Instantly ; no du t or liquid : handxome package wllh beautiful present ; ng nt3 selling dozens daily to lilrycllot" , restaurants , liverymen , hotels , home ? , etc. ; letalls , 23c ; nothing like It ; Hflls Itself ; handsome circulars , picture * . Jewelry , etc. , to help agenls ; exclusive territory ; write quick ; enclose 25c for big outfit and pre ent ( worth JU. Don't miss this. Big Inducements and commission. Champion 01 Chemical Co , 11 S. 7th Si. , Philadelphia. J-37B 11 * LADY A > " , ENTS-If you wnnt the best money maker you must have Our HyReln Electric Corsets the standard for twenty years. Address Westelti Corset Co. . St. Louis , SIo. J \VAvnn TO iiitvr. HAVE several choice tenants wanting houses , various sizes. Room 004 Bee bids. K-1C1 ALL persons desiring to rent their rooms to exposition visitors kindly call at enc < ' . 210 S. 14th St. K-SI302 OS WANTED , board nnd room In private family for man , wlfo nnd child , 3 years old ; permanent for the winter , will pay $32.00 per month. Address A 53. Bee. K-319-11 WANTED , 2 rooms In private family for light housekeeping , furnished , for mail and wlfo and child ; permanent for winter. Address A 54 , Bee. K 318-11 * 8-ROOM house , modern , on long lease. A. House , 1324 Nicholas St. K Ali.9'J lo WANTED , a 7-room house , modem Im- nrovpinunts , cenrrally located , by Octo ber 13. Address A CO , Bee oilier.K311 K-311 12' WANTED to rent , furn'shcd rooms , light housekeeping , for small family ; only best of people need answer. A ( M , Bee. K-3s2 11 * WANTED , G-room cottage , north preferred , by Oct. 1 , ISDs ; good tenant. Address A 67 , Bee olllce. K ' { S7 11 * WANTED , lo rent nt once nn eight-room modern house ; good location. Address 153 , Bee. K SI 120 11 * WANTED , room nnd board for two ; per manent ; use own furniture ; good pay ; call personally. 210 S. 1 lib si. K S1411 11 * WANTED. THIIEE OR FOITU NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING itOOMS IN STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD - BORHOOD ; PERMANENT. ADDRIOSS A 42 , BEE. K-SII33 12 * WANTBD , by a good permanent tenant cottage In good locallon , or will lake ground lloor with some one in larger house ; references exchanged. Address B5 , Beo. K-SII27 It * WANTED , by young married couple , room and board , permanent , in private family ; room must bo well heated and centrally located ; best references. A 51. Bee. K-3Ii:311 * WANTED , by man and wife 3 or 4 unfur nished rooms for housekeeping by Oclo- ber 1st ; references. B 4 , Bee. K SII24 11 * STOIIAGH. PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. . MS- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. OSI. Van fc Storage , 1511H Farnam. Tel. liV > 9. S1-S03 WAVmil TO IIUV. IF YOU are in need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will bring you what you want. N 807 2ND-HAND bicycles. Omaha BlcycTe Co N-SI704 OWNERS wishing to sell their property should list with us ; have numerous Inqul- i rles for cheap homes. Byron Reed Co. N-207-S13 - - ! THK BEST HOME : $2,000 will buy on"cosy I terms. 1 am no agent. X 01 , ie ieNM751 HIGHEST price for second-hand household goods. Largo lots a specialty. Brown , 712 N. 10th. N SI200 O3 * WANTED , to buy , a boarding or rooming house. Address A 02 , lice. N 350 11 * FOU S.VI.H Fl"ltr.-lTfHI3. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stovco below cosl : col beds. 73c ; mallrcsses , 50c ; pIllowH , 20c. 110S-10 Dodge. O-M2TS O7 FOR .SAI.I3 IIORSKS , WAOOXH , ETC. FOR SALE , horse , buggy , harness. 2209 N. 19 1' 919 S-3 ! ) FOR SALE Cheap , Hue carriage. Inquire at 25CS St. Mary's nvf. P 259 13 * FOU SALE Team , single nnd double set harness , phaeton , polo and shafts , and sleigh. Address 3507 Cumlng St. P-M393 11 * FOR SALE Cheap , horse and phaeton , on account of leaving clly. 200 S. 31sl Ave. P S13M 12 Fen SAI.I : MiscniiA.\rots. ; LARGEST slock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , clc. Chas. R. Lee , 9lh and Douglas. Q SCO HOG , poullry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is besl. Wire Works , 14lh and Hamey. Q-6C7 ! B. HAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 770 ; plants , cul ( lowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly lilted , Q-J > 8 B CAIIN and alto Calm cornet. Marowltz , 41S N. 16th. Q-bW ) FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for C cents , ut druggists : ono gives relief. Q S70 100 KINDS mineral waters. Sherman & SIcConnoll Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-M3S9 SI ? FOR SALE , reliable patent for state o ! Nebraska. Address A , lieu office , Councl' Bluffs. Q-541 FOR SALE , St. Louis fire brick , $11.00 pet 31. Wm. J. Welshans. 'Phono 207. Q-SI593 BARGAINS In good second hand surreys phateons , concords and end spring , toi buggies at A. J. Simpson's , 1409 Douglas Si Q-13'J _ SALE or Trade , machinery , engines , pumps. Sprague Machine Wrks , 1210 Jones Q M2 O2 * STA31PS. coins , bought , sold. Slorlenson , , 401 N. IClh. Q-31S4S S30 FIRST-CLASS family cow nnd calf. Boyei ' 1S21 Van Camp Ave. , or 201 S. 13lh. Q-210-11 * FOU SA LE , Oablcr Piano , $30. 3012 Slier- I man iivo. Q-213 11 FOR SALE , kindling wood nt your owr price. Como quick. Hardy's , 1319 Doug las St. Q-.M29S 11 1 HAVE two almost new pianos. Hardmni and Klmball , thai 1 will sell ch/np. An > terms. Address A 56. Bee. Q 320 15 EIGHT fresh cows ; 2 springers. 24IG Soutl 20lh St. A. Wellman. Q 31335 12 * FOU SALE or trade , hotel In good order I For particulars address J. W. ( 'line Newport , Neb. Q-347 1C * SECONDHAND sewing machines from $1 up. Nebraska Cycle Co. , Cor. 13th am Harncy. Q-SI35012 ABSOLUTELY new liar-Lock Typewriter worth $100 , for sale $60 cash. Address A (1C. ( Bee. Q-M407 11 * FINE DOG CART for one-sixth of cosl Also tlrsl-class bicycle. Applv al 212 22i . 11 * si. Q-S14Q1 ONE new Densmore typewriter , No. 1 , fo sale cheap. Nebraska Cycle Co. , cor. 1511 and Hartley Sts. Q-SI3W12 HOUSE , harness nnd cart , with top , cheap Byron U. Habtlngs , 212 S. 14th. Q-3H2C U .Miscni.i.A.vnoi's. TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the lates publlcilion Illustrating the U. S. nn Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. almost 200 photographic reproduction ! with a large man of the Bast and Wes Indies , nt tlm oltlco of The Bee. If or ilered by mall , address Navy Photograp ! Department , Omahu Bcc. H 70 suscniiAMot's. , ( Continued. ) ANTI-StONOPOI.Y Garbage Co. , clean * cesspools & privy vaults. G21 N. IS. Tel. 1779 II-SI512-S20 * - - Clj.VIllVOVAXTS , _ . 1SSIAR THE GYPSY. Trulhful In her predictions , reliable In her advice , ll mailers noi what your belief may bp nor what j nur experience with so-called pnlmlsts and clntrxoynnla may ha\e been , Istnar will convince you that the past , present and future can bo told. She can be consulted dally nl her olllce. rooms M and 21 , Douglas block , cor. IClh and Dodge , opposite Haydun Bros * . S-M 174 03 _ "THAT WONDERFUL WOSIA.N. " So all umnhn speaks of Ihe famous SIStE. GYL.MEU , PALMIST AND LIFE RLAD13IJ. This marvelous woman bus Ihe powi r lo lifl Ihe mystic veil Irom off the future , to expose the hidden mys- tcrlfH of the past. In the simple lines of your hand she sees your ctuiri life ; can tell > ou things that have hi en , thai are and i ri > lu I.e. Her advlie , b.iaud upon this knowledge , Is of Incalculable ueti'flt. Consult her in Klrlrtest eoniMrnce. Mine. Gyltner has been her ? more lhan a > eiir ; tin- public knows her. Ihe press endorses her. Khn Is no slrnnger no fakir. Money r-funded If not satisfactory. Hours , o to 7.30 ; Sundays , 10 In 4 p. m. Parlors. 10(0 ( Dodge , opp. new P. O. S SI 101 11 SISIE. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1003 Dodqc. S-M1M O3 VIENNA fortune teller , IS years In Omaha. Past , present and future. 1111 Howard St. S-237-S13 * SIRS. Fim % clairvoyant. SOS N. Ifilh. S-20I-S13 ANOTHER wonderful seance will be held al Patterson hall , 17th and Farnam , by Mlllon , the medium. Sunday night at 8 p. in. Skeptics , scoffers and know-alls especially Invited. Collection , ! 0c. Private Killings dally. All attaint of life , bvslnesa and dU'c.ifce. Satisfaction or no charge. 1023 Dodge , cor. 17lh. Hours , ! > a. in to S p. in. open Ruiu'ays ' same hours. ReadIngs - Ings by mall. S M32I 11 ASTROLOGY , horoscope , prospects and : i questions avnvi'red for 2m- and stamped envelop"1 ; give blrthdiy ; astrology taught. 1'rof. Mycm , No. 1.J4 E. 25th St. . New Yolk. S MASSARK. HATH * . F/I'C. MASSAGE and baths ; ladles nnd gentle men ; magnetic treatnifiil. SI. Hrlspou , 1'fi ' X. 12th. T-SI315-SI5 * LAURA ELI ISON. baths , massage und magnetic trealmenl. 119 N. lOlh. room 12 , upstairs. T 401-SJO * SISIE. ASIES , f > 07 S."l3 , room 10. mnssane , baths. T 2 3 13 * SIRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , upstairs. T SI231 li * MADAM SMITH. 118 North 15th stree.l , massage and bulbs ; room 2. T 239-12 * BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant new mas- siige tub ; Egyptian trealmenl. 1701 Leav- enworth ; attendant. T SI320 10 * BATHS , ladles only. Sirs. Porter , 203 Doug las Blk. T 3 : ' > 9 O9 I'HIINOXAL. VIAVI CO. , 31C Bee building. U-872 A LARGE Slap of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Hayti , San Domingo , Slartinique and all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee ofllce. By mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban Slap Dept. , Omaha Bee. U itJS $30 RUPTURE cured for $ M. No detenllon from business : 0 years in Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , l'32-)33 ' ! ) New York Llfo bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-873 PILES currd In 7 to 10 days , without pain ; ono trealmenl does Ihe work : call or send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , i)32 ) New York Life building , Omaha.U . U 874 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement. Babies adopted. Ex perienced physician In attendance. 113 ( N. 17 St. . Omuha. U-S1101 Sll DOCTORS If you have money , brains and enterprise , but few patients , I may belli you. Write to X 21 , Bee. U SI9SO PRIVATE hospital ; babies adopted ; con- tlncmenl cases loken. Sirs. Hitter , 22H Sewnrd , tel. 2231. U 31350 Slli 3IAHRIED ladles should send 10 cents for valuable secrels. Box 324 , Omaha. U-S1C01 S23 * LADIES' Balh Partjrs , 220 Bee Bldg. Cabinet treatmenls $1 , electrical baths 50c , Telephone1710. . U-SI333 SUSS SIAYER. leading chiropodist , mani cure , 4uO Paxlon bile. , has reduced prlcef on account of expo , visitors ; manicure 35c ; shampooing , 33c ; foot treatments half price , with directions how to effect n permanent cure ; Infallible foot powdei positively cures odorous perspiration anil tender feet. U-3I823 S29 LADIES or genllcmen , do you wanl tc marry In 30 days ? Send lOc for guaranteed secret , Box 123 , Omaha. U 31292 OS SHOES soled and heeled , 50c. 710 N. 10th U SI 900 S30 SECOND-HAND dealers will do well lo nt- lend Ihe constable's sale of slccl fraim chairs and tables and stage scenery al 1110 N. ISth slrcel , Sept. 19 , nt 10 o'clock also at the Casino on exposlllon grounds 11 o'clock. W. R. Adams , Constable. U SI323 11 SOLES nnd heels 45c. Petcrsen's old re. liable shoo shop. New shoes cheap. ICtI nnd Cumlng. U-SI30S O9 TUB Omaha Social club bavins moved from 520 S. 13 to 311 Karbadi bl. , 15 and Douglas will bo pleased to meet mem. bcrs and welcome strangers to parlors ; correspondents furnished. Stamp. Alice Turney , T.lsr. U 31304 OS SUPERFLUOUS hair , moles , etc. , perma nently removed by electrlclly ; references Sirs. Cronyn , 10 , Creighton block. U NUDE IN ART , taken from nature , K bPiiullful colored pictures all nudes , 25c prepaid. French Art Company , 52S Locusl Strecl , Philadelphia. U j WANTED , your old carpel ; will make I | over Inlo handsome new rues for you I wrllo today. Metropolitan Hug Works i 151 So. Western Ave. , Chicago. U-3G3-11 * AMERICAN gentleman , aged 00 , has prop i my worth $120.000. wants a w.fe. Ad I dress P. 1. A. , 110 Bills St. , San Francisco Cal. U--5S5 11 * WANTED , sincere , affeellonale lady to In Ibo wlfo of n successful and wealtln business gentleman. Address II. II. . 100 ; 3rd ave. , box 23 , New York. IT 3S3 11 * AN American lady with wealth enough foi two longs for concenlal life companion Address SIlss Winifred , 10C2 3rd ave , bo ; 2.1. New York. U 384 11 * FUEE SIBD1CINE TO ANY WOMAN suffering from female trouble , we will seni sample of our Perfecllon Treatment frci of charge. It will make you strong , healthy save eloclor bills. Wanl an exclusive loca agent In every town. Write eiulck. Terhun Rem. Co. , Dept. E. T. , Grand Rapids. SIlcli U-3C2-11 * SIRS PEARL GRAVES , or Null , whi formerly lived nt (119 ( South 16lh slrcel must take her child away at once U-3I40S 11 * ARE you alone In the city today ? Do yoi desire lo meel a congenial companion ? I HO call at room 311 , Karbach block. 15t | and Douglas. U-SI 110 11 * 31 EN Wonderful , but true. Nature' method for all weakness. Stnrtlinc facl > Particulars ( sealed ) free. Box fil" . For Smith , Ark. IJ-SI3M 11 * WEALTHY American widower. $130,100 an lucrative business , no incumbrances o kindred , will appreciate gracious , sonslbl wife. "Savoy , " 133 East 66th St. . NP > York. U-SI33711 * ON the 14th. 15th and ICth of Sept. the Stat Spiritualist Assn. of Nebraska holds It annual convention nt Sandc-r's hall , 24tl nnd Cumlng sts. , Omnha. Lei all loya Spiritualists come out to make the oc caslon a success. Paul S. Glllcttf , Sec. U-31131 U * BOOK clubs , libraries and book buyer generally , In order to make room for ou holiday goods wo will place on sule to morrow copyright books nt 23c , 50c and 75 mid will continue until all sold. Stegentl Stationery Co. . 130S Farnam st. U-3II22 U MOMV TO i.oA.v-un.vi , I : .TATIJ. WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans' U. C. Peters & Co. . U. 8. Nnt'l Bank Uldg. \V-s7J $1W ( jii 00 special fund to loan on first class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company W STfi 6'ii per cent money. HotniB , Paxton Block. W s > 77 11,000 and upwards to loan on improved property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnnum St. W-S7S 6 PER cent city and farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1&13 Farnnm St. W-S79 ANTHONY Loan * Trust Co. , 316 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rales for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Sllssourl , East ern Nebraska. W sv ) MONEY to loan on Improved Onmhn Mai ctitale. Brmnati-Love Co. , 219 S. llith. W Sl UEAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers and promotcm should write for circular. In vestors' Directory Co. , New York.W W S < 2 MORTGAGES. Wntlnco , 213 Brown Blocl : . W 31733 ! 3IONEY to lonn nt low rutos on Improved clly properly In Foulh omabn. council Blufi'i : and Omnha. U. S SlortiMiv > & i Trust Co. W. H. Thomas , asenl. First | Nni'l Hank building. W-M277 JANY nmount up to $ .i * > 0 : also buy mort- i gages. F. D. We ad. 10th and DniiKln-c. W-.M431 MOXI-3V Tt l.OAX CIITTr.l.S. . $10 TO S10/KX ) TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAP.- IMAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , . clc1. . at lowest rales In Omaha , Roulh Omaha and Council P iffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential : jou can nay the loan off nt any time erin in any amounts. OSI AH A 3IORTOAGE LOAN CO. . 300 POUTII 10TII. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN CO.MPANY IN 03IA1JA. X-SS3 3IONEY loaned salaried people holding peimnncnl positions with tcsponslble c'd- rerns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. "Oil , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X-SSI D1ASIOND loan office , 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. sold cheap X H5-S-20 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies , pianos , furniture , warehouse receipts , je\\eorv ! , hones , cows , etc. DufT Green , _ room 8. Barlier Illk. X-3111C lirsi.NF.SS CHANCES. WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 21th St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the new postollice. for any Ilrst class busi ness. F. J. Lewis , room No. 22 , Ware lll'k. Y 113-S9 PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap. 1 10 Cass. Y-MG70-Si ! WANTBD. partner , I wanl n sober , en ergetic man with 5230 , to manage busi ness In Omaha : $13 per week wages and ' , i Intoresl in business ; permanent sltua- llon ; this Is a good business chance ; ref erences required. Address H. Wilmerlng , Peffrla. 111. Y-M1IO 12 * WANTED , partner with cniih In stock ranch ; good profits assured. A 13. Bee. Y SI230 12 DRY GOODS and clothing stock for sale. Owner will take part cash , balance good real cstale. Wrllo P. O. Box 111. Y-3I307 11 DRUG store for sale. Cash sales August , $754.15 ; stock about $2,1X0. If you want the best paying business in Iho stale write at once to A 53 , care Omaha Bee , Y 31297 11 * WANTED , state representative for an es tablished wholesale ho.iso. $2,000 to $3.000 required lo carry stock of goods ; salary $1.000 with increase. Addrers J. S. Wilson , Merchants Holel. Y 31290 11 * WANTED , good business manager wllh $1,50(1 ( Tor Orrnha ; ncllvo man or woman with this amHint will learn of an oppor tunity to make $200 P T month from the start. Investigate * . Novlta Co. , 79 Dear born St. , Chicago. Y STA III a mall order business at home ; particular : ) for stamp. Ormond Co. , Chicago. Y GASIHLING ; do you want * omo of the profits from the big Wall street gamble now going on In stocks and wheat ? You can make money as easy as others ; write for particulars and advice free. The G. W. Wyllo Co. . 11 Wall Strcel , New York. Y 3GI-11 * TO WIDOW lady or steady old man with $123.00 , I will give half Interest In a busi ness that makes $2.00 to $1.00 per day ; must do some work. Address A til. Bee. Y 3SS-11 * A LADY with some education , executive ability nnd Integrity , having $200.00 to $500.00 to Invest , can secure lucurtlve busi ness In Omaha. Call at Room 1C Sladlson hotel , 21sl and Chicago Sis. , 10 n. m. to 5 p. m. nny day this week. Y 3S7-11 * i $350 BUYS steam laundry plant thai cost when new $1,300. Good condition. C. T. Cummins , 210 E. Division st . Chicago. Y-MI09 11 * WE ARE going to build a new railroad from Atkinson , Nel > . to Nlobrara river , 25 miles : also establish two new towns. Wo want several first class business men with capital who want to make money ejtilck ni'.d fnst ; also ijood seiiographer who can operate callgraph prefer ono who can take some stock and act as sec retary of coiistriicllon company. Will commence nt once. Address C' . II. Brown , Sec'y nnd Tr. AlklnBon & Northern U. 11. , Atkinson , Neb. Y SIKH 12 * WANTED , some one to Join us In opening a storage warehouse , a good business be ing assured from Ihu start. B 1 , Bee. Y-SII17 U * FOII i\riiA.\ii * . I IF YOUU mortgage Is duo 1 will trade clear lot for equity. X 40 , Bee. X.-205-S13 JO-ACRE larm. well Improved ; a pleasant home adjoining a good railroad town : the very best of soil ; will e.x < hange for nn Omaha residence- : , rare chance. 31. J. Kennard & Son , 310 Brown Blk. Z-GS2 TO EXCHANGB-Clear ICO acres of land and Omaha city 'lots , all clear and taxes paid , for savings bank certificates. Ap ply 512 Brown Block. X 2SS li i DBNVBU real estate. , clear or mortgaged for Omaha properly ; money wauled foi Irrigated farm loans. A U3 , Bee.X . X 180-11 * WILL PAY cash nnd clear Soulh Omnh.i Inside property for slock general mer chnndlse. Addres A C5 , Beo. / SI39G11 * FOIl SAI.i : ItEAl. I HOUSES , lo's , farms , lands , loans ; alsc llro Insurance. Bemls , Pa > .lon Block. UE-SS3 ' HAVE you some lols to sell ? Now Is the time lo dispose of ihcm : let the people I know thai you want to dispose of them ! The Bee reaches the people who have the I money. RE SCG $330.00 FOU 0 full-sized lots on electric cai I lino. J. N. Frcnzer , opp. old P. O. RE-8S7 ' KOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 124 > iSO ; In first class location ; ten minutes walk from court house ; cheap for cash Address O Cl , Be e. UE-&S1 FOR SALE. Dallow's place , 15lh ft Stnrlhr Sts. , $3.000 ; tine corner lot. Address P'K ' Chicago SI. RB-3IM9-SO * , FOII SALE , cheap. 1 13-room house am 1 lol on 17ih St. . north of Leavenworth also 1 11-room house on 17th nve. Call al 701 S. 17th avo. , upstairs. RB-SI29I OS * SOUTII OMAII AlO > E JIT Y xsA LE LOTS on T street , between 33d and 3'Jtl Hlreels , In Slaloiry's addition , llvo blorkt soutltwesl of Aimour's new packlnj house , 5160-CO ; lerma ensy. THREE lols northwest corner 31st and . ' streets. J200.W each. LOT on 3Ut strceet , tietween Q and I ! strccls. $100.00. C-UOO.M house , cltyTvater , etc. , 1012 N 21at street , $1.0X > .0) . I ACHE lols near South Omalm. $1CO.M. 5 AND 10-ncro tracts n'ar South Omaha , $125.00 pur acre. & anoHon COSIPANY , 1001 Farnam St. RU-3I331 15 FOU s\ir-m\i. : r.sT ( Continued ) FOR SALE , PJ feet on Half Howard street , between 4l8t und 42d Blree-ls , J-l'nO 00. Lot en Harney street , near 42nd street. IYKH. 5-room house , good lot , 3419 Hurt strecl , M.ZiMl , . Pu'lTEU & O1XJRGE COSIPANY. 1001 Farnam ft. P.E-.M382 12 3IY R1.S1 PENCE of 9 rooms , wllh hot water heat and nil modern coiiveti'cm cs. and barn , on paved street , north of Hntiscom park ; price , $ S.MH , and tor tenl If not sold In 10 dayw. E. W. Arthur , care F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas UE-42S 11 _ TO PUY or sell house * , lot * or lands. Call on J. W. Robblns , i tij F.rnitn. : RB-V7C9 SIJCONll HANI ) I'M'H.NITfUU . WE HANDLE the best furniture nnd slnvcs : highest market prlcnii tnld ' : sold at small profit. David Hri.iike > , 'll'i ' S II. M-li'fi-N.iv . li WE will sell good woven wire cuts with mattress for tl 23. Lewis , 111 I Dcrlm- . 753-S27 LOST. LOST , peni's gold watch , jniul" by James Knhn. No 1"l i ; left In closet ut Union Pacific di-pi t tli ! i-ul reward for return ID U. P. lii'kel in'.i-i * . Lost--911 TYPEWRITERB for renl , fUX ) per month. The Pmlth-Prcmler Typewriter Co. . P.23 . Farnam 8t. ; telephone 12S4. S91 \ \ E rent and nrll the bc-sl ly made ; lawn itcick of good supplies In umnhn. Untied Tjpewrltor nnd Supply Co. . 1 12 Fii-nnm : St. S92 SBCOND-1IAND Ptnlth Premier und Rem ington typiwriters ; repairs for all makes : western agi nts for Wlllinms tp wrlter. Deright & Co. lllfi Fnrnain. Tel , tV\ M124 S19 MIOIt'l'IIAM ) VNI Pi\VItlTIN : < ; . VAN SANT'S school. 717 ls . Y. LireT TliT school whose students get employment. Conducted by on experlcnc e-el report- . r.sxs sxs AT OMAHA Bus. CoTlTge , It , ? ! ] & Don(7iaiT ( SJ1ORT-IIAND , up-tn-dnte , tauphl by court reporters. Boyl" * School. 103-3-7 Bee bid ; ; MU TAII.OItlN'K. 31AX FOGEL makes , cleans , repairs clothes. 317 S. 17th. SI 321 O9 JOE YOUSKN. the tailor , lloyd's Theater bldg. : lovely nulls $15 ; clothes cleaned and mended at most nasonahle prices ; work called for nnd delivered. Tel. IMS. 413 010 pAWNimounits. I , EAGLE Loan oflle-e 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , ai i oinmoilat- Ing ; business confidential ; selllnr out $10- ( KH.OO ) ptoi k of unredeemed diamonds at big bargains. --Dij5 Ocll MEIMCAI , . ALL women who can't uuso family should consult the renowned German spec allst , Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letter * 2 ci-nls. -SUM ) S23 LADIES ! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal Pills ( Diamond brand ) nre the best ; safe , tellable ; take no other : .send Ic stai , ps , ; for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In i letler by return mnll ; al druggists. Chl- chcster Chemical Co. , Philadelphia. Pa. LADIES , my monthly regulator cannot fall ; box free. Sirs. B. Rowan , Slllwau- kee , WIs. TIlAflCAGH. I YARD room , or storage with trackage centrally located. Address box 52 , City. STI3\Orit AIMII2KS. WE SOLICIT nnd furnish posltons for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 12S4. 591 n MOVIOH. W. COY , removed to 171G St. Slnry's Ave. 8I3-N-29 STATl'AHY. GONNELLA manufnctures nrtl.stlc stntu- ary. Inside ornamental work a specialty. 317 S. 10th. SIC21-Nov-24 AUCTION' . J. U. SIAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519 Paxlon block , wanl your auction sales of real estale , merchandise , furnllure , llvo slock , elc. E93 IMIIVATK HOSPITAL. DR. LIBBER , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. 31 117 Oct-19 FINANCIAL. LIFE Insurance policies bought for cash. Richard llerzfcld. 171 LaSalle St. . Chl- cnco. 99SO3 SAFE speculative Investments giving the profit of speculation with the safety of investments , any amount ; 20 years results show nvi-rnire of m ) per cent yearly ; In formation free. Address Investors Trust , 1221 Arch St. , Philadelphia , Pa. 303-11 * ii utmvoon i.iMiiit. ! : OSIAIIA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak. hick ory , ash , cyprcps , poplar , clc. 13 It Call. C09-S-2ii IMAN'O FACTOHV. PIANOS of nny design made lo order , old pianos overhauled and made equal leI I new : seconil-liai.it pianos always on 1 hand. C. Summer , prop. , : ! 21 S. 10h ! St. 2G3 00 iiicrci.ns. NEW wheelF. $17.50 to 2. " ; 2nd hand wheels , $3 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 1C & Chicago. C19 PI.UOKNO stops punctures : fullv cuarnn- teed ; dealers send for terms. SIodiM Slfg. Co. , 1COI Cass. 17J-O3 SCHOOL OF IHIKSS TTTIX . LATEST tailor system ; diplomas awarded. Sirs. Martin , general agenl , teacher , 223 ? Charles. 31 397 8-18 CUTTING and filling school ; U. S. system. 1CI3 Douglas. 31 190 S-12 * STAMMEHINC AM ) STt'TTEHIVCJ. I SCHOOL for cure of tliese defects. Julia E. Viiughun , ZM N. V. Life bldg 31-030 HIS IMA.VOK Tl'Xmi. PIANOS tuned. $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge. 31 ? O9 TII\rrnuj KARLING'S furniture repair shop. 1220 [ . - \ . ! - " . iW , .sTimn : A.M > KLIX H. S. STARK & CO. . 1110 Douglas. S17-O-25 IITF.IIIIY : consr/rs. ONLY i ors.'t made having waist line. Itoom 10 , Creighton lilk , 15ih & Douglas. _ _ C73-S-26 \IDI.I\S C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 4IC Sheely block. -2SS-N1I m.ECTKO I'l.TIVC. . WESTERN Plating Works , ill ! Dodge St. 3U27--Ocl-2a VOCAI , .STUIIO. MISS BEY31ER , vocal studio , 512 Knrbnch bloi k. 755-S-27 * At VSONWOUK. SIASONWORK Jobber. E. Hc ly. iv.2nn ( Street. -CTT-s : * * FfltMTt Hi : \CKKI ) . SI. 8. WALKIN , llll Cutnlng. Tel , ijst SIGN' I'.MNTINO. P. II. COLE. HlRtis ; 703 S. 27th OI'l'IfAl , . EYES tsted free. Optical Institute , Sheely block. -Pli NovSO _ SUES & CO. ; . .PATEHT- lAWUKS AMI SOIKIIOXS h cMiig , Omaha. Srli. IMS ( iiildo lei 1(1. ( ; A Farm of PW , n-ri . all ' -mo < , | b level land with fair buildings. J1 mlb s fiMin EldKludo on the N.irth Wc-st > rn IJ > . and > tnlle.i from Sir , tun on ( he Burlington Ry. , In I'lny Coiinly. Neb , uhich ha ; < more Merc's v > { land In nr'il'i. this c.ii1. tlnc'l il'iv oMiei" c-ounty in the stati ieo c-.i.c' Hiitl-ci.cs fop IM'S. ' Pi Ice ? , .MH. Also i > ne of thi < bet ic'.tilcnce prey > erlli .H in Stilton , wc'rth ' S'H , > , md i lear. We will e\i hiinue the above propertlei for a 7 or x rucnii linns. . ' in Oiiinhn , with large grounds. Noithucstcrn pail of HID c-lty preferred , \\ill accept property well out , If near cur line W. GarSoch . . , COUNTY CONVENTION. Hcadquarlers icpublican Douglas county central commlUfc : Pursuant lii a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the republican Dougln- * county central commltlee a delegate con vention of the republicans of the county of l > .iiiKiii , Mateol Nebraska. Is hereby called In nuM-t ui Washington hall , In Ihe city of Omaha , on the 17th day of September , I''js . at 2 p. in. , for the purpose of nominating candidates for the following otllco t.nvlt. : One (1) ( ) county attorney , three (3) ( ) slat" senators , nine (9) ( ) ulnte rcpii" < eiilatlves , ono (1) ( ) icuinty commissioner fov the Second dis trict , one (1) ( county commissioner for tlin Fourth district , one (1 ( > assessor for each ward In ( he i-itlcs of ( iniiihn and South Omnha , one ( li ass'ssor tor each county precinct , and for the purpose of nominal- Ins Mich other ollliliils as shall be IIFCC. < - s.iry and tor the transaction of such other business us may piopcrly come before ilm convention. The repiescntalloii In said convention shall be as follows : ii'v ' p'1 ' ' ( " * frnm each ward In tin r lt > of Omnha. four ( I ) deli ntes from each ward In the clly of .South Omnha , live ii ) OMAHA First Ward-Sixth and' Pacific strri Second Ward-Fifteenth am ] streets. Third Ward 1120 Capitol av > HUP Hire" ! " " U'"n-- | " ' "nn SJvl , \\'lr ' < ' . ' ; ? " Sherman avenuj streets. U"r < 1-lw < 'nt > "fo'-U * nncj K'V'Villl ! ' - : " 1 > arlt " " , - . i hlghth \ \ hlghthardTwenlynrst am ] Ninth Ward Tuenty-nlnth nnl streets. SOUTH OMAHA Iirst Anrd Twenty-fourth , and O streets. Second Ward SIcGtu-kln s III Twenty-fifth streets. Third Ward Kelcnr Buildb ] Ilrst and 0 streets. Fourth Ward old school boil third and .1 streets. 1 Bast Omaha School House ! No. 111. West Omaha Dundee school SIcArdle Glaiidt's fcchool house. | Florence-City hall. Valley Opera house hall. Chicago Klncr's hall Jefferson HIinon'H shoe factory In nil other wards and precincts the primaries will be held at the places wherii they wore formerly held , unless changed by order of Ihe commilteemen of such ward or precinct. Dated nt Omaha , Neb. , this Sth day of September , A. I ) . , ISHS. G. R. WILLIASIS. Chairman. CHARLES F. TUTTLH. Secretary. CITV OFFICIAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF THE SITTING OF THE CITY COUNCIL AS A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. To the owneis o. " the lots , parts of lots and real estale described herein , or abutting - ting on or adjactnt to the streets , alleys or avenues herein named or Mlnnled In whole or In part wlllilii any of lh dis tricts herein specified , and all belnif within the City of Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska You , and e-eich of you , are hereby notified that the. City Council of the City of Omaha will sit tin n Board of Initialization , at the Council Chamber , In the. City Hall. Omaha , Nebraska. tbre dayn , fiom 10 o'clock a. in. until 6 o'clock p. in. , com mencing Tuesday , September 13 , 1K9S , at 1ft o'clock a. in. , for the purpose of consldT- Ing and e-qunllzlng the proposed levy of special taxrs and assessments as shown by "Proposed Plans of Assessment" pre- iiareel by the City Engineer and approved by the Board of Public Works , and now on llli in the office of the City Clerk , and correcting nny errors therein , nnd of hear ing all complaints that the owners of properly HO to be assessed and taxed may make ; said dpcclal taxes and assessment.1 ! proposed to he levied being nccemnry to cover the * cosl of Ui" several Improvements duly authorized to be made and now com pleted , us follows : To cover the cost of damages awarded for opening and extending 2uth AvemiK from Its present northern terminus to Cnstellnr street , amounting lo the sum of $543,5ii , which tiuin ll Is proposed to assess upon the lots and real estale fronting upon said 20th Avenueaccur.g ! ! : : l > > th ur. : , scaling back process , pro ratn per foot frontage * , at the rate of $0.115012 per fool , HID lols on bolh sides of said 20lh Avenue ) as extended , being counted as 50 foot frontage for taxation. Thu amount when i-o proportioned being an follows : Lot 1 block I , Campbell's Addition. . $2075 W. ! ' < . feet , lot 5 , block 4 , CiunpbcH'H Addition 14 M K.l ) lot fi , block 4 , Campbell's Ad dition C 21 1C. 9H feet lot 10. W. > j lot 11 , K. W feet lot 12 , W. ' , < . lot i. ) , K. S3 foot lot 14 , W. 'i ' lot 15 , B. W feel lot K W. , i lot 17 , K. ! i feet lot IS. W 'i lot 19. E. 69 feet lot 20 , W. lot 21 , IW ; fe-rt lot 22 , W.i \ lol 23. E. W feel lot 21. W. 14 lot 23. K. ! 0 fee't lot 2fi. W. Ijj lot 27 , E. 91 feet lot 2S , W. H lot 29 , block 4. Campbell's Addition , at 20.75 each 41509 E. ! ' 9 feet lot 30. block 4 , Campbell's Addition . 3313 W. V , lot 31 , block 4 , Campbril's Addition 3312 N. ' lot SC , block 4 , Campbell's Ad dition 2073 Total * 34.t BO To cover the e'osl of damages awarded for the opening of Frederick street , from Tenth HI reel to Thirteenth street , amount ing , Including lost of appraisement , to Ilia sum of $23C.00 , which sum It Is proposed to UhKess upon the lots and real estalu on bulb sides of ald Kr dencl : street. iK-lwcen Tenth street and Thirteenth streel , lo a depth of 150 feel , more or less , to center of block , or to alley , pro ratn per foot frontngn and according to the usual scaling back pro- c'ers , at the rntei of $0.11 259 per foot , n follows : Lol 11 , block 1. 31 Donovan's sub. . . . $ 3 91 Lot 12 , block I. 31 Donovan's sub. . r , 23 Lot 13 , block 1 , 31 Donovan's sub. . 10 44 Lot II , block 1 , M Donovan's sub. . 10 1.1 Lot 15 , block 1 , 31 Donovan's sub. . 5 OH Lot 111 , blo'k 1. SI Donovan's sub. . 3 73 Lot 11 , block 2. M. Donovan's sub. 4 31 Lol 12. block 2. M. Donovan's sub. Lot 13 , bl- 1 : 2 , > ! Donovan's sub. . 11 50 Lot 14 , block 2. 31 Donovan's i > ub. . 10 41 Lot 15 , block 2 , St Donovan's sub. . n 22 Lot Hi , block 2. M Donovan's cub. . n 51 Lot 4 , blink 3 , M. Donovan's sub. . . . 2 10 Lot 5 , block 3 , \I Donovan's sub. , . . 3 20 Lot 0 , block : ! , 31. Donovan's sub. . . . C 40 South hi fc"l tit nnr'h lit feet of lot 2. i Redtleld'H addition 28 90 South 150 feet of lot 3 , Rcdllcld's ad dition 28 M Smith 70 feel of north 91 fert of lol 21. S. E. Rogers' Okahoma 1891 Sub lot 1. tax lot 13 , Sec. 31 , 15. 13 . Ji > 1,0 Sub lot 2 , tat lol 13. S * c. 31 , 15. 13. . 3 fi ! < Sub lol 5. tax lot 13. . ec * . 34. 1C. 13. . 1370 Huh Int C , lax lol 13 , See. 31 , IB , 13. . Sub lot 11. tux lol W , sec. 31. IS , 13. . Sub lol 12 , lax lot I'l , Sec. 34. 15 , 13. . Hub lot 13 , tax lot 13. Bcc 31 , 15 , 13. . ( Sub lot It , tax lot 13 , Soc. 31 , IV 13. . Out lot 2 , tax lol 13. Sec. 31. 1C , n. . Out lot 3. tax lot 13. Soc. 31 , 13. 13. . Out lot 4 , tax lot 13. Kec. 34 , ID. 13. . Total $231 IV ) To co\er the cost of H .mardi-d for