THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , SEPTE tBER 11 , 1808. CONDITION OF OMAHA'S ' TRADE General Busincta Shows the Effect of Autumn's Return ! ALL LINES HAVE GOOD REPORTS Volume ( , ( iii liiiiall > - lucre IIHC-H , Imt In ; Inquiry fur l-'nll Mpeclnltleii In ( lie .Marked rcnliiri : of ( lie llelull HiiNlnc.i < i. In a retail way trade Is steadily Improv ing MB the season advances , due In part to the Increased number of visitors In the city , and to the further fact that after the midsummer season Is passed there Is always an Increased demand for merchan- OlBC. It Is still rather early to expect much In the way of real full trade , but the cooler weather last week served as a gentle re minder of a clianRO to come , and retailers report n better movement of such goods as urc always In demand during the cool Reason. From this time on It Is safe to ay that there will be u steady falling off In the demand for hot weather goods , and the character of merchandise going Into consumption will gradually change. As a rule thu retailers of the city uro well pleased with the experiences of the summer und are looking forward to the best fall trade In thu history of the city. Jobbers uru equally well satisfied with the Volume of business doing , and ns tlm situa tion continues to bu entirely to the liking of all concerned , there Is not much that can bo added to what was said In thesu columns last week. While thu business situation In the state nt largo Is not ns bright as It was a month ngo , the prospect Is still far from dlscourug- Ing. It uppcurs to be reasonably ceituln that there will bo a considerable shortage in thu corn crop as compared with last yeur , but us un offset against the reduced yield there Is u largo stuck of old corn still In thu hands of farnu rs which will bo avail able and whli b will tend to make up for the falling off In thu new crop. It has been observed by operators on thu South Omaha , market that Nebraska farmers are not buying many cuttle to place on feed this year , which would seem to Indicate u shurt- ugu of feed , whllo at the samu tlmu low.i farmers arc buying largely. Whether that la a mutter for regret or not remains to be Hcen. Last year u great many of the farm ers ot this Htalo throw away their corn crop by fattening high-priced feeders which sold for a low price as beef. This year the price of feeding entile Is very high , and it may prove to bo u good thing for ull con cerned In f o business prosperity of the stuto If the farmers In this section do not attempt to feed many cattlo. If corn should happen to go to a good prlco the man with high-priced feeding cuttle on hand would not Htand as good a chance us the man with corn to ac-ll. L III iloltliliiK Circles. I..GI Wholesale grocers report about the same Lot jidltloiiH In their lines of business us Lot ti , < > prc\ ailing it week ago. Tin- volume I-ot 7 , isim-ss transuded nho\\s n steady Im- I'inent eai h week us the tlmo for the tT run of fall business Is fast approach- hipmt-ntu of goods Into the far west ready begun , especially to the more points , as It Is necessary for them their supplies before cold weather The market lust week was mort : lmn usual , but few Important 'being ' ii'.tcd. ' The sugar market la Jibe upward grade , nnd Is now be lied 1 lw higher Ihan u week ago. [ 'turn ' tonllnues lo bo exceedingly { n f' r nuccoiirt goods oat tncul Is lin being about 151(20c ( lower than go , und Minnesota flour Is alsti Iff The market on California lods , however , Is very strong , ow- | short crop , anil the same applies Iited fruits , especially to peaches fits Mwaro situation Is practically the Pit was a week ago. Trudo con- bo satisfactory In every respecl ers report about all the business "i handle. Seasonable goods of every Ftlon uro In good demand , builders' ' steve pipe , nails , wire , and In 'very line seenw to bo needed by thr . .Fliuntry dealers. The market Is llrm on ull Pncs und some dlfllculty Is even being ru- ported In getting sufficient quantities of seasonable goods to supply the trade. It will be remembered that the same condition prm ailed In the spring , which only goes to Hhow that the hardwaretrudo has been un usually largo ull this yeur. The only quot- ublu change on the market Is In rope , whlcli Is le lower , with Indications for still lowei prices In the near future. The fulling off it in both Manila und sisal rope. Thu dry goods trudo Is ulso In u very prosperous condition. The present condi tion of the weather has a tendency to push denlern up on their orders for full Blocks and It nlso makes those who have ordered morn anxious to gf t Ihelr supplier , Ooods nro now moving Into the country at a rupld rate and local men'hanls feel satisfied that from now on their trade will bt > enormous. The Increase In the ilunibei of vlsilors nt the dry goods houses h c.speclully noticeable and It Is seldom thai any ono goes away without leaving good order. The hotter grades of good * continue to bo In the best demand , whlli cheap gradcH art ) apparently not wanted. The jobbers In bootH and shoes have about thu same report to make as was clvon out a week ago. Th change In the weather Is even more beneficial to then than to the dry goods Jobber * nnd consequently quently the volume of their business tthow.- considerable Improvement. Trudo will local Jobbers has been unusually large thlt your , und. Judging from present Indica tions , It Is safe to say that there Is ever > reason to look for u nlco full run nni ! continued prosperity. The rubber slluatlon also shows som ( Improvement , owing to the cooler weather liealers say that they ulwuys look to tin first cold wuvo to bring In u lot of orders as It reminds countrymen that winter h approaching and that they must place thcli orders If they expect to bo prepared foi the early business. This year countrj merchants have been unusually slow about clvlng their orders , owing to the demoral Ized condition of the market , consequent ! ] trndo ban been somewhat slow up to thl ! tlmo , but local dealers are of the oplnloi that theru Is to bo u big change In the ncai fuluro and that some people may bo glai to get their rubbers at any price. A gooi many rubbers of course. Have already beet shipped Into the country , but hardly a : many ns local Jobbers expected liefnro tin break In prices. They nro confident , however over , that the ordera must conie , Kl > the ; " uro content to wait until th country l" ready. Lumber merchants ore hardly ns con fldent regarding their fall trade as tho' were n few weeks ago. Thn reports o short crops In various sections of the Btat < has led them to think that farmers wll do scarcely as much building as uiitlclpalei and consequently tRe lumber trade wll suffer. Then , too , country merchants an stocked up so heavily that it will tuk considerable trade to reduce their suppl ; siifllclent to warrant tile placing of nev orders. Hy this thev do not mean thu trade with them will bo dull , but slmpl : that thu volume of fall trade has beei overestimated. They are still looking fo n. good average run of business , but i few wtx-ks UBO they were expecting some thing beyond the ordinary and there Is in doubt but what conditions prevailing a. that tlmo justified such a belief. Fruit nml Produce. The eondltlori bf the weather for the las few days has not been very conducive ti trade In watermelons and lemons , but asld from that business with commission mei was very satisfactory lost week. Th tie mum ! from all quarters Is unusually heav for bulb fruit and vegetables und , If any thing. Is Improving. ( Jrapes are In th heat demand at present and uro belli ; quoted ut 12Hc. Wisconsin cranberries ur now on the market and sell for J1.23 pe box. or JS per barrel. Celery Is also I eood mipply for this tlmo of year und 1 selling at from 30o to 35c per dozen bunches Thn egg market made several advance last week , owing to light receipts and t the poor quality of the stocks received Dealers say the shrinkage amounts t about 25 per cent , which greatly reduce the available , supply. They art ) In hone that -mother week will exhaust the ho WMther eggs and then they look for reduction In the amount of shrinkage. Th market Is now being quoted nt about ISM-i although eggs are being sold all the wa from 13c to I4c. This Is abnormally hlg cpnilderlm ; surrounding markets an should rei-rlntH materlallv Increase liter would doubltess bo u falling off In prlci In poultry , hens advanced the latter pai of the week about 1'jc. while spring chlcli t'lis fell off fully ic. The former are noi liolil nt 7Vj4i c and tlu > latter at MjlOe. M. I.ouli. > inrUrt. ST. LOIMS. Sept. 10-FLOL'lS-Qulet. ui changed. WHEAT-Lowcr. with September nt : May 1 l-M off and lu > t nuiier 7-o down f < the day Spot dull , lower : No. 2 red casl elevator. < imknl : truck , numlnul : So | temtior. 64V > u X l. l > ecemb r , tai-le bli May , ( Be ; No. S hard , cash. Sc. COHN Kuturos fractionally lower ; sport rty ; No. 2 cash. ffll-4c ; September , 2i * ? ( bid ; December , 2f > Vu2s 7-fcc. May. 303 , asked. OATS Futures steady to a shade casle spot better. No. 2 cnsh , 205-8c ; track , 226-Sc ; Sfptembcr , ZlVic : December , 20Vic ; May , 23c ; No. 2 white , 25c. RYE-KIrm , 43c. SEED-Flaxseed. steady , E 'ic ; prime tln > othy seed scarce nnd higher , $2.30 bid. CORNMEAL Quiet. $ I.GMjl 70. URAN Stronger ; sacked , east track , 42 HAY Timothy unchanged , $0.1037.50 ; prnlrle , weak , $4.60lj6.00. UUTTER-KIrm ; creamery , 16319Hc ; fancy , l&UlVfyc. EGGS-Hlgher , He , loss off. WHISKY-Steady , $1.25. COTTON TIES AND BAGGING-Un- changed. METALS-Lead , steady , | 3.fc5fl3.S7i $ . Spel ter , easy , $1.63. 1'ROVISIONS-I'ork. standard mess , Job- bins , 18.50. Lard , lower ; prime steam , $4.75 ; choice , $4.80. Dry salt meats , boxed shoul ders , $5.W ; short clear and ribs , J5.62H. Shorts. $ ; .7. > . Hacon , boxed shoulders , $5.M & 5.62V4 ; exlrn short clear and ribs , $6.25 ; shorts , JC.37H. RECEIPTS-Flnur. 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 76- OOf bu. ; corn , 41,000 bu. ; oats. 3S.OOO bu. SIIIPMENTS-Klnur , 4,000 bbls. : wheat. 73,000 bu. ; corn , 49.0UO bu. ; oatn , 15,000 bu. OMAHA IIMU.M ; , MARKET. Condition of Trade nml llnotntloim on Staple unit I'ancy Produce. EflGS-Oood stock , 13Uje. Ht'TTKH Common to fair , IWiKc : sep arator , ISn ; gathered creamery , ISftlBc. LIVE POULTRY Ht-ns , 7'HSc ' : old roosters , 4c : spring chickens , DBlOc ; ducks , Cc ; ceese , 5c. PIOEONH Live , per doz. , Jl.OO. VEAL Cholce , 8ft9c. VEGETABLES. CELERY-Pcr doz. bunches. 303350. ONIONS New , per bu. , 10'oSOc. HEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , J1.25. POTATOL'S-Pcr bu. , COo. CAHHAflE. per lb. , le. TOMATOES Per four-basket crate , 20 ® 30c. 30c.crCUMUERSIIome grown , per doz , , lOii'JOc. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Seedlings. J2.75 ; Mediter ranean sweets , J2.75T3.00. | LEMONS-CuIlfornlu , J6.00U6.25 ; fancy Messina , JG.5007.00. HANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , J2.00fr 2.25 ; medium sized bunches , Jl.75ft2.00. FRUITS. APPLES-Per bbl. , J2.50fl2.75. WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 13f14c ; loose , . CANTALOUPE Homo grown , per crate- , . - . i PEACHES-Callfornla. 20-lb. case , 859900. PLUMS-CallfornlaB , JI.251il.50. ! PEARS-Hartlett , California , J2.25. I CRAPES Native , per basket , 12 c. i CRANHERRIES Wisconsin , per box , I J1.S5 ; per bbl. , JS.OO. 1 MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12 ® 13c ; small , lie ; Hrazlls , per lb. , DfilOc ; En glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11 ® 12c ; standards , SfaOc ; filberts , per lb. , lOo ; pecans , polished , medium , 6Q7c : extra large , Sfl-yc ; largo hickory nuts , Jl.OOIfl.lO per bu. ; small , Jl.15Tfl.25 per bu. ; cocoanuls , per 100 , JI.DOftS.OO ; peanuts , raw , 6V4c ; roasted , 7',4c. ' MAPLE SYRUP-Fivc-gal. can. each , J2.75 ; ( tul. cans , pure , per doz. , J12 ; half-gal. cans , JG.25 ; quart cans , J3.50. HONEY-Cholce white , 12V&C. DATES Hallowce , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , D c ; Salr , 6c ; Fard , 3-lb. boxes , 9c. FIUS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , lOc ; G-crown , 4Mb. boxes , 13c ; 3-lb. boxes , 22&23c j > er box ; California , 10-lb. boxes , Jl. i CIDER-Per half bbl. , J3.251T3.50. ! HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. 1 HIDES-No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green hldus. 6c ; No. 1 salted hides , E Jc ; No. white grease , 2'6fo2.jc > ; yellow and brown grease , l'/A'2'/ic. SHEEP 1'ELTS Green salted , each , 15iD ( 75c ; green salted shearings ( short woolcd early skins ) , each , IBc ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , Gc ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool ; > elts , per lb. , actual weight , 4' 5c ; dry Hint , Kansas und Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3tMc ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , pur lb. , actual weight , 4 ( & Gc ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3Jj4c. NEW YOUIt GISMJRAIj BIAUKI5T. ( InotntloiiPi for tlif Uny on General Commodities. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. FLOUR-Receipts , 27,773 bbls. ; exports , 23,026 bbls. Dull but fairly steady ; cornmcnl quiet ; yellow west ern , 70c. HARLEY MALT Steady ; western , 50 59c. WHEAT-Recelpts , 262,700 bu. ; exports , 119,749 bu. Spot steady ; No , 2 red f. o. b. afloat , to arrive. Options opened steady on foreign buying and higher cables. The break was Inlluenced by excessive western receipts und unloading by Friday's buyers. Closed weak at Hfflc net advance. No. 2 red , May , 67H5i1iS'sC , closed 673-Sc ; Septem ber , 6S7-sfl69l/sc , closed 6Sc ; December , 65 i QGGfti. . closed C6c. . CORN Receipts , 20S.275 bu. ; exports , 7.SSS I bu. Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 35tc f. o. b. afloat. Options weak nil day and closed % c net lower. Selling was prompted by warmer weather and the break In wheat. Septem ber closed 34'iiC ' ; December , 3li'y33 l-8c , closed 35c. OATS Receipts , S6.400 bu ; exports , 32,103 bu. Spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 25VSc ; No. 2 white , 27c. Options dull and easier , with corn at 3-8c net decline. September closed 23' c. HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice , I 1895 crop , 3c ; 1S91 crop , 506c : 1S97 crop , 118 * | 12c ; Pacific coast. 1S95 crop , 2Q3C ; 1S90 crop , EJi6e ; U97 crop , Iliftl2c. WOOL Dull ; fleece , 17 < ft23c : Texas , 12S13c , CHEESE-Large white , 5 1-41(7 ( 3-Sc ; small white , 7Vfc ; largo colored , 71-4U73-Sc ; small colored , IViC. TALLOW Quiet , steady , 33-Sc ; country , 33-STl35-8c. ( RICE-Steady. HUTTER-Recelpls , 2,862 pkgs. : very firm ; western creamery , UViQliHc ; Elglni * i9V'C ; factory , HVifil4c. EGGS Receipts , 4,670 pkgs. ; very firm ; we-atern , lllc. MOLASSES-Stendy ; New Orleans kettle , good to choice , 2Sjf33c. PICJ IRON Dull : steady : southern , $9.7 (1711.00 ( ; northern , $10.00010.60. Copper , quiet ; brokers , $12.00. Lead , quiet ; brokers , $3b5. Tin plates , < iulet , COTTONSEED OIIQulet ; prime crude , nominal , f. o. b. , mills , nominal ; off Film- . rrer yellow , 22T)22Vlc. ) Hutter grades nom inal ; prlmo winter yellow , 27O2Sc. Itiiltlmore SliirUft. HALTIMORE , Sept. lO.-KLOUR-Dull unchanged. Receipts , 6i > 27 bbls. ; exports 175 bbls. WHEAT Unsettled nnd lower. Spot month and October , 67f/67"c / : No. 2 red 62 l-4fC2'se. ' Receipts , 37,000 bu. ; exports , 20,000 bu. Southern wheat , by sample , 62j ) 6Sc ; southern wheat , on grade , 62'Viit7Uc. ; CORN Easy ; spot and month , 3lii3ll-lc 'October ' , 31 l-Sft3l3.Sc : steamer mixed , 33fj ii3.11-lc. Receipts. 87.557 : exports , 157,000 bu . ' Southern white corn , 34S30C. OATS Slcudy ; No. 2 white , western , 26fi 26Hc : No. 2 mixed , western , 24If24'AC. Ru. celpts , 11.488 bu. ; exports , 49.5W bu. HUTTER-Steady , unchanged. CHEESE Steady , unchanged. lCiiiinn City firnlii nnU I'rorlalonn. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 10. WHEAT- Slow. lower ; No. 1 hard , 59g61c ; No. 2 , 67Q60Vic ; No. 3. GlfiWic : No. 2 red , 6U4fj ( 66c ; No. 3. 60c ; No. 2 spring , 57o ; No. 3 , 5Sc , CORN-Lowr ; No , 2 mixed , 2SV4 < & 2SV-e : No. 2 white , 28i4e ; No. 3 , 27Hc. OATB-Scarco. higher ; No , 2 white , 26c. RYE No. 3 , 42e. HAY-Qulet ; choice timothy. $6.5036.75 choice * prairie , $5.50i(5.5. ( nU'iri'ER-FIrm ; separator , 16lSc ; dairy 15e. EGGS-FIrm ; fresh , IHtc. RECKipTS-Wheat , 180,200 bu. ; corn. 7 , . SOO bu. ; oats. 6,000 bu. SIHP.MENTS-Wheat , 112,200 bu. ; corn 65.500 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. Clnelnnntl MnrUot. CINCINNATI. Sept. lO.-FLOUR-Easy. WHKAT-Qulet ; No. 2 red. 60e. CORN-stcady : No. 2 mixed , 3Ic. OATS-I'Mrm ; No. 2 mixed , Sic. ' 1 ? \p IT * O t. H .1 . x * * . . n j f i RYE-Sleady ; No. 2. (5c. ( I'ROVISIONS-Easy. \YlllSKY-Klrm. $1.25. Ul'TTEH-Qulet. SUGAR-Steady. ICGns-Steady. m-c. CHEESE-Steady. Wlicnt .Alnrlicl. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. -WHEAT - \\eak ; September , 6Sc : December , 57 7-Sc May , 60c ; No. l hard , C21 c ; No. 2 western 5 Unchanged. URAN-In bulk , J7.0037.2o. > Crnln Mnrkrt. MILWAUKEE. Sept. -WHEAT - Easier ; No. 1 northern , G5-4c ; Xo. 2 north ern. RICE-Steady ; No. 1 , 4Sc. HARLEY-Stcady ; No. 2 , 43c ; sample , 525 1'eorlii MurLcCx , PEORIA. Sept. lO.-CORN-Irregular : N ( 2 , 3oJI30V4c. OATS Firm : No. 3 white. SOU'TjK'.jC. ' WHISKY- Firm , on the * basis of $125 fc finished goods COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Prices Forced Downward on Reports of Largo Receipts. GENERAL TONE OF ALL MARKETS IS WEAK Corn nml Out * llotli Decline , I'urk mill Innl Drop Tno anil One-Half Cent * mill Itllii ( in I n l-'lve * Cental , CHICAGO , Sept. 10. nig northwestern re ceipts proved too much for the bulls In wheat today nnd prices were forced down ward. September closed 1 cent lower and December declined 7-Sftlc. Corn lost 3-sc. Oats nro 'ifiS-Sc lower. Pork nnd lard left oft 2'Ac ' lower each and ribs gained 2 g5c. An easier market at the start was caused by the heavy receipts of wheat In the northwest. A break of IHc n bushel In the price of cash wheat at Duluth , which be came known here about half an hour after the opening converted the easier opening tone Into ono of positive weakness. Liver pool was firm at ? Jd advance for September nnd 5-Sd for December. Chicago received 192 cars , against 270 expected. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts were 1,129 cars , as com pared with 759 the year before. The aggre gate of receipts at primary western mar kets was 1,254,000 bushels , compared with 1,261,000 bushels a year ago. Atlantic port exports for the day were equal In wheat and flour to 425.000 bushels. About the time the news of the IVic break was recelvcel from Dululh a recess of the board was taken to view the procession e > f returning Chicago volunleers. The fluctuations of December wheat from opening to time ot adjournment were : Opening trades 1-Sc lower lo l-8c higher nt fri 11 61 7-Sc to 62 © 62 1-bc , from that gradually down to Gl 5-Sc and then rapidly to Glc , recovering to 61'io by the time for temporary suspension of business. After the re'ccss there was half nn hour's brisk trading , but weakness was the prevailing feature of the session and December closed with sellers at Glff611-bc. ( September opened unchanged to 1-Sc up nt G37-Sij64c. { rose to 611-Sc , then dropped to 62 7-Sc , the closing price. Corn states had no frost last night and the cold weather bulls were much disap pointed. There was liberal selling of long corn bought yesterday and the pit crowd was generally bearish. Traders were dls- pOHed to sell on a declining market and with few buyers to take the offerings prices were gradually forced down. December opened l-SifTVic down at SO'ifTSO ' B-Sc , declined to 30 1-Sc and closed nt 30 3-bc. Oats were weak In sympathy with the other grains. May began unchanged to 1-Sc down at 22c and declined to 213ii721 ! 7-Sc. Provisions opened weak on a dull trade , but good buying of lard by a prominent packer brought about a general Improve ment In prhes later on. The declines In , the end were small In pork and lard , whllo I ribs gained a trltle. December pork opened ' 7',4c lower at $8.50 and advanced to $8.55 , the 1 closing price. December lard began tin- changed at $1.90 , off to $1 87Vj , firmed up to $4.95 , then reacted to $ I.U2'2 ' sellers at the close. October ribs started 2'i'f5c. ' ' lower nt $5.17 and Improved to $5.25 , the closing price. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat , 240 cars ; corn , 600 cars ; oats , " 25 cars ; hogs , 30,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows : Article * ) . Open. illcli. Low. Clout ) . Yea'd'y 'Wheat. Sept. . . . Cnti-Gl OIW 02i C2Ti rnj ; Dec. . . . OlliSW " 61 May. . "ll4lt C3' ' ( Torn. Sept. . . lira. . . . May. . . Oats. St-pt. . . 20 20 20 20 20W Dee . . 20 20 21) ) May. . . aa 22 , Porlc. eict. . . . R42H S47 R 424 F47S Dec. . . . S S3 865 S Si 35 8 r.TJi Jan1. . . 030 oao Ui-d. fjct. . . . 4 P7 > i 4 S7H 4 121- 4 f 5 4110 Dec. . . . 4 CO 4 115 4 00 4 OiV ! 4 SIO Jan. . . 4 H7J , C U''H 41)5 6 DO OU2 > Rlln Sept. . . 625 0224 Oct. . . . S 17H 6 28 f. 2.1 Jan . . . 47'Jlt 477W 475 No. J. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady ; special spring brands , Jl.So .GO ; hard wheat patents , J3.40&3.GO ; soft patents , J3.30ti3.IO. WHEAT-NO. 2 spring , C2063c ; NO. 3 spring , 6Df62c ; No. 2 red , G3c. CORN-NO. 2 , so r.-8ifso ic. OATS No. 2 , 20)40 ; No. 2 white , 2lc ; No. 3 white , 23c. RYE-44k.T43c. ( ! HARLEY-37fi42e. SEEDS-No. 1 llaxseed. S9S91c : prlmo timothy. J2.G3. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.GO 08.63. Lard , per 100 Iba. , Jl.87',4Jfl. 0. Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $3.10J5.33 | ; dry nalted shoulders ( boxed ) , J4.50 4.75 ; short clear fclii'v ibtiXPi ) . Jj iKVii5.6ft. SUQARS-Cut loaf , JG.02 ; eranulated , Jj.53. Followintr ura thu receipts and shipments for today : Articles. | Receipts. ! Shlpm'ts. Flour , bbls . 12,100 G.SOC Wheat , bu . , 2SG.300 637,900 Corn , bu . 223,100 341,100 Outs , bu . < 302,100 11.200 Rye , bu . . . . . . . 103,500 83,81)0 ) On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady ; creameries , 133 18o ; dairies , ll' qiSc. Eggs , fresh , IstfUVsu. STOCKS AMI HOMJS. Market Ilrlnhtein Up Unilor ImpetiiN of Hotter rrlct-N for .VmerlciuiN. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. The stock market opened higher today under the Impetus of better prjcea for Americans In London. The Ixidon advance was apparently manlpu- ' lated from this side , for the rise here was met by quite heavy offerings In continuation of the liquidation of the last few days , forced by the culling of loans. The extent of this liquidation is reflected In the con traction of tG,778,700 in loans shown by the weekly statement of the clearing house. Now York Central showed the largest gain In thu railroad list. The advance In Cen tral was lost , but Northern P.icllle. held persistently llrm In the reaction after the opening. i The reaction nt the opening Invited some 1 buying , especially in St. Paul , which ral lied nearly a point on the trafllo slatement for the first week In September , showing an Increase over last year's unprecedented high level of J16G.272. Thu Industrials came , more Into notlco In the second hour , espe cially Tobacco , which showed a violent re- I cover from yesterday's weakness , recoverIng - | Ing 7 points on forced covering of shorts. i The news which caused the advance was not forthcoming , but presumably had to do with the plug tobacco agreement , the al leged failure of which caused yesterday's decline. Sugar , Rubber , Steel nnd Wire and Hawaiian all were conspicuously strong. The continued shrinkage of cash reserves of New York banks 1ms been the prevail ing factor In the Block market during the week. The largo demands of the treasury on New York banks for cash In payment of bond subscriptions are reflected In the heavy decreases In ull Items of the bant statements. The largo decrease of J13,03tv 200 , In thu actual cash balance Is morn than accounted for by the diversion of cash from the banks to the subtreasury on bond subscriptions. There has been besides n nel movement to the Interior during the week The receipts of gold from Europe have nol been siifllclent during the week to make th < discrepancy. The drain on cash reserves has necessitated a contraction on loans ol JG.778.700 , bringing the decrease in deposits to J20,487,700 , resulting In a decrease in re. serve requirements of J5,122,025. There I : nevertheless n shrinkage In the surplm reserve of J7.914.275 , cutting down lasl week s surplus more than half. It car hardly be said that there Is any dlfflcultj In obtaining money for business purpose : or any uneasiness regarding Ihe future o the money market except In purely specti Intlvo circles. The measures promised bj the treasury In anticipating Interest on tin 4 per cents and the redemption of the cur rency Ca will release about J20.000.06u to the money market. The more rapid dlstrlbullot of the new bonds also makes them avail able for circulation and as security foi government deposits. The proporllon o bonds already distributed which are on de posit In Washington for this purpose I : surprisingly small and the fact suggest : that bankers are llttln Inclined to pay tin existing premium on the bonds to save t ! < i tension of the money market which bring ; lileher rates in money. The condition of the money market ha restricted tr.insnellons In bonds as well u stocks and prices are generally | OW T United Stales 2 * . the 5g and the 5s rt-gls tered have advanced j , the new 4s 3-S am Ihn 3rf when iesued 1-S per cent In the bli price. The Evening Post's financial cnblegran says : The flock markets her"1 were qult tocl.i on the e\c of the gi.tttcmi.nt cxi'pt f. . mines , which were rampant on operations by those endeavoring to engineer n bootr Americans fell In sympathy with New- York prices , but this market Is above the parity. Heats here are covering In St. Paul. Thn money market was llrm on the New York demand for gold nnd the withdrawal of over finu.oon from the Hank of L' today for Germany. Tne followlnc are the cioilnc quotatloni ot l he ' .ending stocks on the New York market today. _ _ _ _ U. 1' . Com 51 IleaJIng Ut pM. . . . 41 Atehlffon I1 } ; St. I' . & O . Rl do pfi > : do PfJ 1 . Baltlrnon * & fflilo. . Pt I' . , M. K M . .164 CV rmda Parlflc . . . . : Southern lnoilc.JJ Canada Southern. . . 6U4 Southern Ity 7i Omni I I'lK-llc . . . .Zl j do pM 34'i Cli-n. & Ohio 100 IToxni Ac Pacific. . . . 13'i , CtilcoKo A : Alton..115 , f. P. pfd Cl1 * C. . B. & O M f. 1' . U , & O * C. A.I ) . 1 4ti , WaUt h 8' ' ; C. , C. , C. & St. L. * S to | pfd & / do pfd 107 I\V. & U K J'i ' Del. & Iludimn 151 < ; ! do pfd Wl Del. , U ftV It lAdnnm Kxprews . . . .110 Del. .t Illo O M'4 ' . AmerU-jin i\prcss. . ISO do pfJ II rmte.l Wnte-8 Ux. . 41 Hrle ( ne\vj 36'i W-flls-ParKO HX..120 Tort Wnyii Ii ! A. Cot. Oil 3 'i e ! N1 | i.l 133 > 4 do pfd . ' > Hooklnff Valley . . . P , American Spirits'i \ llllnum Central . . . .11214 do pfd M'j Lake Ilrle & \ \ ' . . . . H American Tobacco..143 ? , do pfd 73'i do pfd I Ijko Shore 13.1 People1 * Olns 1" ! It. & N f-7'i ( . ' .msolldalea Cleis.1" . Manhattan It 001,4 Cirn. Cable Ce Id Met. f-t. lly " Col. P. & 1 21'i MU-hlRHn Central. do pfd. Minn. & St. I , . . . . MVi Orwrnl Hleotriu do 1-Jt pfd ill.- I ? -"pel M'rsourl 1'nclllc . . k Laclmle Ons M.-blle & Ohio. . . . 11. , K. & T UV , | vfd 109 do pfd 33'i , Nat. Ltn. OH 6 C. , I. & It S'i t'nton Piu'llo " 1 do pfd 32 I'aclflo Mall X. J. rntral . WMi rullmui 1'alacc . . . .ivi X. Y. Central . il" ' Silver Cttrtincate * 0) % N. Y. , C * St. It. . U Is. linjie , * c Twine. . "S elo l t pfd 65 137 do Zel pfd M Kuirar jiM . Its Nor * \\'ii t 1IH T. e"oal & Intl. . . . ISU N. Amerlenn Co. . . . fiii u. s. lath'er 7' . Northern I'liclflc. . . 3S do pfd TO'i do pfd 7 ? < i U. V. Itiit'tjiT 43 Ontario ,4 We-stcm lJas do pfd l"i\ Oi-c. It. & N t,6H Western fnlon . . . M'i fin * . Short Uno. . . . 3314 c. & N. W 135 \eiv YurK Slonoy MnrUot. KR\V YOHK , Sept. 10. MONEY ON CALl < Firm , at 3 per cent PlUMi : MKKCANTILi : PAPiU-4ffl3 per cent. STEHLINO EXCHANOn-Strndy. with nctual business In bankers' bills at $ l.S4'.l for demand , and $ t S2 ii4.i > 2 % for sixty days ; posted rates , JI.83Vi and $4.S3'i ! ; com mercial bills , $ ( .F1U. SILVICK CICHTIFICATES-COU'gGlc. HAH SlLVEIl-CO c. MEXICAN DOLLAHS 10 ic. BONDS State bonds , dull ; railroad bonds , steady ; government bonds , steady ; U. S. , 3s , 103U ; new 4s. reg. , 12314 ; coupon , 127li ; 4s , reg. , 110'4 ; coupon , lllVj ! 2s , 'Mi ; Bs , reg , und coupon , 112Vi ; Paclllc GH of ' 93 , 102V4. Closing quotunons on bonds were as fol lows : I1c ' ii 5nc > k ( Inolulliinx , TIOSTON , Sept. lO.-Call loans , 2V4W3 pel cent ; tlmo loans , S'ffl'i per cent. Closlns quotations on stocks , bunds and mlnlnij shares : AVceUIy Dunk Statement. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. The weekly ban ! statement shows thp following changes Surplus reserve , decrease , $7,911,275 ; loans i decrease , Jt,773,700 ! ; Bpecle , decrease. $10 , etil.iiC'O ' ; legal tenders , decrease , $2,424.200 deposits , decre-ase-d , $20li7,700 ; circulation Increase. $ U7,700. The b.inks now hold $7 , 070,775 In excess of the requirements of tin " per cent rule. Flniinclnl Nolt-H. OSIAIIA , Sept. 10. The clearances toda' were J993.2S9.76 ; balances , $109,102.03. Las' year the clearances were $913,670.52 balances , JSI.855.32. Increase In clearances $55,619.24. Clearings for the last five days will comparisons are : i 1S9S. 1S97. Increases Sept. 8 $1.273.RM.m $1,132,801.09 $111,051.0 Sejit. 7 1,192.491.80 1OS1OSC.80 111,405.0 Sept. 8 1,115,751.60 1.001,503.03 144,251.5 Sept. ! ) 1.1W,2'6 ( ' 08 ! i06,495.15 262,800.9 Sept. 10 It99.2i9.70 813,670.52 85 619 2 J5,7SO,6S.31 $5,035.560.49 $715.1278 CHICAOO , Sept. lO.-Clearlngs , $15,964.2M halunces , $1.430uuo ; New Yorlt exchange , 25i discount ; sterling exchange , poste-d , $4. ! > 3V iRIWa : ai tuul , Jl > 2V < j I ' I'i ; sixty days $ M'v5i I.81H. Stocks dull , niseult. 31.50 Hlsrult preferred , 95 ; Diamond Match 139.25 ; North Chicago. 221.60 ; Strawboard 305-S ; West Chicago , 94. ST. I.OUIS. Sept. lO.-Clearlngs , $3.112,113 balances , $119,570 ; money , | Q7 per cent ; Xe\ York evchange , 25c discount bid , lOc dls count linked. CINCINNATI. Sept. 10. Money , 256 pc cent : New York exchange , 3o discount clearings. $1.502,950. Ni\V YORK , Sept. lO.-Clearlngs , $163 , 25I.UJS ; balances , Jsu70,429. ItuSTON. Sept. lO.-Clearlngs , $16,419,051 balances , Jl.b2ii.420. r < > rcl n I'lniinclnl. LONDON , Sept. 10. The market fo American securities lluctunted slightly a the opening nnd then Improved and closci llrm , with n light demand. Spanish 4s clonei 413-8. The amount of bullion withdraw ) from the Hank of England on balance to day was JC125.0t . H Is understood that thl gold Is for shipment to the United States Gnlel Is quoted ut lluenos Ayrcs today a 163 30. I'AIIIS , Sept. 10.-On the bourse hero to day International xecurlties opened Irreg tilur , but subneiiui.'ntl > became better , belli ! favorably affected by the strength applld by gold mining Khnres. Turkish uecurltle were weak and HIo TIntos were eiaslei I > elleer diamond Bhureo wore flat , hut late hardened under the Intluenco of the firm lU'S.x shuwn In the London market. Spanlsi 4s i losi-d at 41 75 Throe l" r int rentes Iinf27' c for the ' . , . . u uil Hpani.-'Ii laili.oi- , at 41 ) . ii i i nit i it i t tirn nTiiPf ? 11 t ni'PT1 OMAHA LIVE SlOCk MARKET We k Ends with the Customary Light Run of All Sorts. SIX DAYS OF DISASTER FOR SELLERS ( Jcnerul Tendency of I'rlccn I ) < MVII- Until the Lowest 1'olnt Since . .Jmiunrj- Touched I'nrllnl Recovery KolliMts. SOUTH OMAHA. Sept. 10. Cattie. lions. Sheep. Receipts today 130 3,420 219 Otllclal Monday 4.277 1.519 4,721 Ulllclnl Tucadny 6,3iO 0,112 ! > .S3J Olllclal Wednesday . . . . 4.211 7.733 6,270 OHIclal Thursday 2,429 P.134 4.716 Ulilcml Friday 1,92 6.U77 : < . . ! 0'J Total this wo.-k Vs,34 31.2VO 29.usW Week ending Sept. 3. . . . 20,110 3) ) > ,127 22,40 Week ending Aug. 27. . 19,353 42.72-J 1S.WS Week endingAug. . 20. . 17,2i 7 3i > .7S9 14.2'J5 Week ending Aug. 13. . 15,490 39,465 1 > .3 : > 3 Week ending Aug. . . . IS.iai 41. 5fi 18.211 Average price paid for hogs for the last several days with comparisons : Indicates Sunday. The olllclnl numbers of cars of stock brought In today by each road wau : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Il'r's. C. . M. & St. P. Hy. . . . 1 Mo. I'm * , lly : t U. I' , system C. & N. W. lly 1 ! ' . , K. & M. V. lly. . . . 13 . . 1 C. , St. 1' . . M. & O. . . 2 3 11. it M. H. H. lly 17 K. C.i St. J. Hy 1 C. , H. 1. & 1' . , east. . . . 1 Total rccelpls . . . . 4 51 1 I ! Thn disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the number ot head Indicated : Huycrs. Cuttle , Hogs. Sheep. Packing Co 465 . . . . O. H. Hammond Co 601 Swift and Company LOW . . . . Cudahy Packing Co 26 1,013 . . . . Cudahy , from country 219 Plaiiklngton P. Co. , Mil . . . . 92 Other buyers 41 . . . . 474 Left over 2W Total JJ7 3,260 893 CATTLR There were not enough cattle on sale at any of the lurije 111:11 : kets In thu country to establish prices. There was jne frenh load of beef cattle here and a load or two ot feeders and that practically In- cludeel all the receipts of the day. This has been low week of the season In the cattle market , and values ut all selling points suffered a serious reverse during the llrst three days. Wednesday was the low ri.iy and the turning point of the week. On Thursday and Friday val ues strengthened up u little , HO tnat at the clone of the week the market Is not so very much lower than nt the close of last week. Good corn feel cattle have sold well ull the week as compared with prices paid at other market points , HOIIIO cat- lle that were forwarded from here having be 'ii Hold ut lOc less In Chicago than the South Omaha bid. At the same tlmo the tendency of the market has been lower oven on thu best. The very best wentern grass cattle arei 10Jfl5c lower for the week and the medium grades 15V-5e. Western grussers are now not over 4 1T50c low < r than the high time , though Clui-ugo Is re porting a decline of 50-u ,5o. The fuel IH that good cuttle have TTTtn In such moder ate supply ut this point that prices huvo held up better than at most other selling points. Durinjf the last two days of the week the faceler market showed considerable Improvement under the Influence of lighter receipts and a greatly Increased demand. Good heavy f ceiling cattle are 10 il5e higher than on We-dnesday and not over lOc lower than last week. The common kinds arc 155(26o lower for the week. The market on cows und heifers went to pieces on Wednendav , but has since sttvngtheneel up a little , and Is now about lOc lower on the beat kinds than lust week , but on medium and common kinds It Is still 15ft20c lower. Hepruaentu-tlve sales : STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 1. . 960 $1 25 19..1217 $4 SO COWS. 2. . SIO 2 25 21. . 612 3 15 HULLS. 1..11SO 2 95 2. . 753 3 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 2. . 790 300 L. 670 320 6. . Clil $4 $ 20 1. . 840 3 20 HOGS The market was just about steadj today , with no material change of any Im portance. The receipts were the llghtesl of the week with tlm exception of Monday - day , and as the demand was good , the pen : were cleared In a very short time. As was the case yesterday , the hogs sold at $3.65ji ( 3.75 , with the bulk at J3.65fr3.70. U will b < noted from the table of average prices m head of column that the sales as a wholt averaged le higher than yesterday. This has been low week In hogs as wel ns In cattle. The week opened with a decline - cline nnd on Wednesday the hogs sold al the lowest point touched since last January From that day the market gradually re covered and at the close of the week th ( market Is Gc higher than It was on Mon day and a , shade higher than It WUB nl the close of last week. The market Is now 25c lower than It was a year ago , but 60t higher than two years ago. RcpresontaUvi sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 40 17S 40 J3 60 S3 223 120 $3 63 63 275 . . . 365 U3 214 200 3 65 74 287 160 365 70 255 120 3 05 92 251 240 365 69 291 M ) 3 65 72 260 SO 3 65 77 263 210 365 41 288 . . . 365 13 110 . . . 365 44 2SS . . . 365 13 110 . . . 365 65 269 200 365 3S 303 120 365 65 2 > 3 160 365 60 278 200 367' ' ; 61 272 120 3 67H G4 29G . . . 367' ' , ' 57 330 120 3 G7H Cfi 213 . . . 3 ( "V 61 310 160 3 G7'4 < ! 260 80 367V 61 311 210 3 67 > 4 77 27ii 40 3 67V 63 261 SO 3 67' , $ 52 302 80 367V 67 242 120 3 67V4 71 257 . . . 3 67'i 70 S21 120 36714 70 219 200 3 C7V 67 23.1 80 3 67H CS 2C6 120 367V fi3 26G . . . 3 G7V4 68 230 40 367" 65 313 . . . 370 1.6 293 bO 3 70" 71 21D 40 370 69 245 120 370 50 275 40 370 54 273 . . . 370 2S 360 . . . 370 74 2SO . . . 370 74 211 SO 370 75 266 bO 370 63 241 . . . 370 71 SOS 160 370 CO 2b9 . . . 370 CO 307 120 372V. 62 30G . . . 372Vi 5S 311 . . . 372V. WAGON LOTS-PIGS. 1 2.10 . . . 200 1 200 . . . 200 7 195 . . . 360 2 260 . . . 365 1 220 . . . 3 67'i 1 350 40 367V. SHKBP There were no fresh receipts or sale today to make a test of the market The receipts have been the largest for th < - week for some time back , and the market though lower , has been In very satlsfuctorj eondlllon us compared with other markets The general tendency of the market or killers , both sheep and lambs , lias bent downward , und value's are now In manj cases 25c lowetr than a week ago. U take. ' good western sheep to bring It , and 1 Is hard work to get western lambs thai will brine above $5. While muttons have been on the dowr grade , faedeirs have been active and fullj steady nil the week. The demand IH ac live and all arrivals have met with readj sale at price * entirely witisfuctory to tin , selling IntercstH. The fact that feeden I are such good buyers gives holders of fa sheep hope that the murkn has touchci bottom , as they figure that If killers forci prices any lower feeders will tuke th ( sheep. Cholco native muttons are * selling . at J4.3'/ii4-40 ; good griiHs westerns „ 4.15 ; fulr to good. J3.Wtf4.00 ; good yearlings $4.15fj4-j ! ; good lo choice lambs , J5.CWiiG.15 fair to good lambo , fl.UMlS.uO : feedei wethers , 2-year-olds and over , J3.75'4-W | feeder ye-arllngs , J4.OOJj4.25 , and fce < l i Iambs , Jl.25til.75. Re-presentatlve sales : I LATK VKSTKHUAY. I No. Av. Pr. il,819 , feeder lambs 61 $473 l I KanmiN City l.lvc Slock. , ; KANSAS CITY. Sept. lO.-CATTLE-Rc . . relptfl , 220 he-ad. Prices unchanged. He 1 celpts for week , 31,000 head. Light supply excellent demand. JJcnlrnbln riuullty Htocl selling steady early In week , gradually get r ting stronger as week advanced , closlni I active , Mrong to lOo higher. ' Poor to com i mon stock fair demand at steady prices . Cholco heavy steers , J3.25ft3.55 ; me-dlum JI.7iXiC.2T > : lights , Jl.1045.55 ; Ntuckers am fee-derH. J.1.4txf)5.0 ) ; butcher eow nnd hnlf I ers. J2.fcO < ! | 4.bO , western ulcers. J3 7i > 1 l S7',2 , Tex.-is steers. J3 OofjJ so , Te-xart bull he 1 emi" J2 MV-il 30. ninnlnustn k. J3 TJJiM > i HOGS Receipts , 2.210 head Pri > e eteady receipts for week. 41,000 head LUht sup ply In fairly peed demand . t steady prices Heavy , J3 O&UJ.SO ; mixed , JJ &OJ3 75. lights , J3 4M53.70. SHEEP-Rect-lpts , 510 head. 1'rli-M tin- changed. Receipts for week , 4I.coo head Large supply nnd lower eastern markets mused a decline of 15SJ30ic.irly in the week. Prices partially restored Intir Lambs , t4.fiOfiC.36 ; native muttons. H 7f.f , 4.30 ; range- muttons , J.1.75y4.2S ; rntigp fe-'d- Ing lambs , J4.004)4.75 ) ; range feeding sheep , J3.60e3.SO. ClIICAtJO I.lVl'j .STOLIC MAUKKT. Cnltlr Mnrkrt AVenli. lion * lit 4ooil ! Oi'liilillili Sheep Mcudy. CHICAGO , Sept. 10. There wax n very weak and Indifferent demand for the fresh arrivals of cattle tdday. Prices ruled un changed to 6c lower. Choice steers , J3 tOff 6.CO. medium , JI.5CKiM.75 ; beef steers , 13.751 ? 4.40 ; stockers and feeders , J3.0i jf4.i0 ! ; bulls , J2.2&P4.2& . calves , $ l.4i > i > 4.70 ; western rang ers. J2.S5JM.40 ; fed western steers , Jl.lOif 5.7 < > ; Texan ? , J3.20y4. > 3. There was a good demand for hogs nnd prices saxgcd 2' 'ii5e ; fair to choice , J.1.SOi > 3.H3 ; packing lots , J3.7ijf.1. > .2ls . ; butchers , } 3.H ! > JiJ.97'i , ; mixed. J3.75 3.t" ; lights , J3.70 Cfl.OO ; pigs , J2.Ky3.70. ! The principal part of the arrivals of sheep were consigned direct to slaughtering houses. Prices ruled steady. Western lambs , Jl.v' ) < j3.20 ; feeders , J1.4CHJI.SO ; fat muttons , J3.2iSf 1.40 ; bulk of sales , J3.751F 4.20 ; culls , J2.0013.25. Receipts cm UP , tWO head ; hogs , 16,000 head ; sheep , GuO head. St. I.oulw l.lStock , ST. LOUIS , Sept. lO.-CATTLK-Recelpts , 30 head ; shipments , 1,600 head ; market steady ; fair to fancy native shipping nml export steers , Jl SiVn\VG5 ; bulk of sales , Jl 20 KiC.40 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , J3 IM ( S560 ; bulk of sales , Jl 20Sl5.50 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. , J3.75'ii5W ; bulk of sales , JI.20i(5.V5 : stockers and feeders , S16iVa4.5 ; bulk nf sales , S.I.23511.25 ; cows and heifers , J2.0U111.60 ; bulk of cows. J2.25'ifi ; 25 ; bulks. J2 .V > 13.75 ; Texas and Indian steers , J3.13WI.03 ; bulk of sales , J340JJ3.65 ; cows and heifers , J2.00V 3.50. 3.50.HOGS HOGS Receipts , 2,000 head : shipments , 1,200 head : market easy to Be lower : york- ers. J'l MJf3. ) ! > 0 ; packers , J3.65Ij3.95 ; butcher * , JS.sS'frS.MK ' SHEEP Receipts , COO head ; shipments , none : market nominal : native muttons , J3 10 < ( i425 ; lambs. J4.0Kci'5 ( 3J : tockcrs , J3.3CKJ3.G5 ; culls und bucks , J2.0ofi3.75. X MV York I.lvo Stock. NEW YORK. Sept. 10.-UEEYES-lr- ! celpts. 819 head ; no trading ; feeling steady ; exports. SW catlle and 2.C94 quarters of beef ; calves , receipts , 1 7 head ; \cnls , linn ; other calves steady ; calves , J5.20fG.GO ; but- tt'rmllks and grasscrs. nominal. SHICHP AND LAMHS-Kecelpts , 2.SOO head ; sheep , linn and higher ; sheep , J3.50y 4.75 ; lambs , Jil.15ifiG.tl5 ; cull . $1.50. HOGS Receipts , 116 he.ul ; nominally steady at $1.11 4.10. Cincinnati l.lvc Slock. CINCINNATI , Sept. lO.-HOGS-Dull , J3.03 03 93. CATTLE-Slendy , J2 MIT 1.75. SHEEP-Stomly , J1.0WI.15. Lambs , steady , J3.50il5.SO. StocU lii HirM. Record of receipts and shipments nt the four principal markets for September 10 : Cattle. Hoffs. Sheep. Omaha 130 3,4.0 219 Chicago GOO Iti.ttlO r.i,0 Kansas City 220 2,24t ) 640 St. Louis 30 2,000 GOO Totals Osfi 23CGO , 1.S59 Cotton Markrt. NEW YORK , Sept. 10. COTTON Qulot ; middling , GG-lGi : . Net receipts , none ; gross , 914 bales ; forwarded , I'S ' bales ; sales , 513 bales ; spinners , 113 bales ; stock , 47,055 bales. Total today , nnd consolidated : Net receipts , 15.710 bales ; exports to Great Hrltaln , 4,333 bales ; continent , 3,200 bales ; stock , 191,357 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 10.-COTTON Firm ; sales , 550 bales ; ordinary , 3 7-Sc ; good ordinary. 4lCc : low middling. 4 15-lGc ; mid dling , 65-lCc ; good middling , 65-Sc ; mid dling fair. 61-lCc ; receipts , 2.5SO bales ; stock , & 5ill7 bales. Futures , steady ; September , J5.1S bid : October. J5.21 < Ji5.23 ; November , J6.25ft5.Ji ; ; December , J3.3iry3.32 ; January , J-.33fcG.On ; February , J5.39&5.I1 ; April , J5.4S 4i5.-l9 ; May , J5.Glfi5.53. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 10. COTTON-Spot fair demand ; prices favor buyers. Amer ican middling , 332d. . The pules of the day were 8.000 bales , of which & ( . < ) wern for speculation and export , and Included 7.200 American. Receipts , 4,000 bales. Including 3,800 American. Fulures opened nnd closed iiulet , with a moderate demand ; September nnd October , 3.0s.eiW3.n-fi4d ( buyers : Octo ber nml November , 3.07-GM buyers ; Novem ber nnd December , 3.0G-G4fi3.07-C4d sellers ; December and January , 3.00-6lf(3.07-Gd ! Kell ers ; January und February , 3.06-6lf3.07-Gld Hellers ; February nnd March , 3.07-G4d buy ers ; March and April , 3.08-6ld sellers ; April and May , 3.09d Kellers ; May and June , 3.ia-G4'fi3.10-C4d ' buyers ; June and July , 3.10-64 ( B3.11-G4d sellers. The following are the weekly cotton statistics : SnleH lo date , 69- 000 bales ; salec , American , 53,000 bales ; trndo taking , 50.000 bales ; actual exports , 3,000 bales ; ImporlH , total , 12,000 bales ; Im ports , American , lO.OuO bales ; total stock , 76fi,000 bales ; American , 672.000 ; total , alloat , 52,000 bales ; American , 48,000 bales ; sales for speculation , 1,300 bales ; purchases for ex port , 2,200. ST. LOUIS , Sept. lO.-COTTON-Qulet nnd unchanged. Middling , G 3-Sc. Receipts , 292 bales ; shipments , 360 bales ; stock , 2J.I21 bales. \IMV York Dry Hood * Mnrkot. TNV YOUK. Sept. lO.-The week has shown n transition In the character of the operations in the dry goods market. Dur ing the sultry heat of the early part of the week , Influenced by the occurrence of a holiday , the market was languid. Slnco Thursday there has been u notlcea- 1 bio Improvement In the temper of both buyers and sellers. The former an * rnoro liberal In their operntlons nnd the Inner display more vigor In the prosecution of 1 business. Print cloths have maintained n. tlrm position nil the week. At the closu they are quoted on a basis of 2 1-lCc for extra , 2',4 ' < ; for four squares , with every thing later than spot deliveries hard to ob tain. Odd goods uro nlso very llrm. Wools I and worsted goods hnvo been very quiet during Ihu week , sellers having grown pessimistic of the situation. Con > > MurUcl. NEW YORK , Sept. 10.-COFFEE-Op- tlons opened steady at unchanged prices to n decline of 5 points , ruled inactive , and rnther weak under disappointing European Mid Hruzlllan advices ; apathy of buyers and absence of rpcctilatlon ; aol'lcrH checked by small receipts ut Rio and Santos which it'll to porno covering later. C.'Iosed barely hteady , unchanged to 6 polnls lower. Hales , 13.000 bags , Including Seplember , J5.IO ; De. comber , J3.50. Snot coffee , dull and nom inal ; No. 7 Invoice , G3-Sc ; No. 7 Jobbing , G7-Sc. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , SljlGc. Hank of < irriiian > 'H .Stntrinrnt. I1ERL1N , Sept. 10. The weekly statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the following changes as compared with the previous account : Cash In hand , decrease , 12,500,000 marks ; treasury notes , deprcasc , 20,000 marks ; othei Hecurllles , decreastIS.Soo.Ojfl marks ; notes In circulation , Increase , 1)00,000 ) murks. SiiKiir Market. LONDON. Sept. 10.-UKET SUOAR- Qulel ; Seplember , nominal : Oclober , 9a 9d NEW YOUK. Sept. lO.-HriJAlt-Hiiw , strong ; fair refining. 3 12-lHfa 7-Sc ; centri fugal , 9fl test , 4 3-Sc. Molasses , 3 U-ltifiS 7-hc- rellned , strong ; mould A , 5-c ; standard A , 5 3-8c ; confectioner * ' A , 5 3-8c ; cut loaf G 15-lGc ; crushed , G 15-16c ; powderc < l , GsiC- granulated , 6V4c ; cubes , G > c. ' Toledo TOLEDO , O. , Sept. Kl.-WHEAT-Loxvet and weak ; No. 2 cush , 4 3-bi- , September , Cl jc. CORN Dull nnd lower ; No. : > mlxe.1 31c OATS Dull and HUudy ; No. 2 mixed "Oc' RYE Dull und unehuni-ed. , CLOVERSEKD-Steudy ; prIn | ( . outjll | } ( Cnllfornlii Dried KriiliN. NEW YORK. Sept. 10.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Steady ; evapuratellI a , pics , common , eytv ; nrlme. wire tray , 9c ; choice , yi e ; fancy , 6\faloc. Prunes , 41iSc. Aprkoti ) , royal. llf)13c ) ; Moor park , 13iilGc. Pcuches , unpeelcd , 7fi9c ; pecltd , 12 { | Oil .Mltrkrl. OIL CITY , Pa. . Sept. lO.-Credlt balances , $1 bid ; shipments , h,700 bbls. ; runs , nut reported WILMINGTON , N. f. . Sept. 10-OIL- turp nilnc tlrm nt SV'tliS i : rclined. elull at Jl.OC'ul.lO , crudii turpentine , llrenn ut ' Jl.10Jil.60. Tar , llrm ut $1.30. \ MV York IniiHirt.i nnd iiu | > ri > . NEW YORK , Sept. 10-Thn Imports e > ( spee-lo this wee-k were In gold and Jo.i.U2 In silver. Kxpurts of gold und Hll- v < r from this port for the wee-k ending io. day aijBri-giite'd J97I.115. Mlver bars and coin , Jll/,053 / told. l.ln-rpool firiiln , MVI'.nl'POI"c.8'lt'OWIIEATSteady : | 1i.ii 'id higher ; September , 5n OTid ; October 5s 3' d. December , 6 3 , < | . CORN gulH , 1-Sd lower to 1-ld higher September , SH 1 1-ld ; October , 3 21-ld' Dfi cember , 3s 3 5-sd. Sun rriineNeiilnnl SAN rilANCIt-r-d , SM > I M-WHEAT- t ; doiiii. . Burlti , $1 $ 17' , . SPECIAL NOTICES Advrrtliriiiciiti > tur Itiric pntuiitttM trill lie Inkeri until 12 in. for the evening ; nnU until HUH ) for utoruliiu nml Sunilneiiitmii * . Itntrn , 1 l-3o n ireird flrl lti erlloti | 1 < n ivord tberrnflcr , AotliliiH tiiUeii for li > n ttniii 'Jfic for ilic llrnt Inncr- tliiii. Tlirn < * nd crtliciucntH iiiunt tie * run ciiniecutlvcl ) . Ail * rrllncr ) , liy rnitirxtltiK n iiiiin- bercd clire'U , cnn hnvr numvcrj ml- ilrcuKcd to n nuniliercit letter In pnrn eif Tlio Hep. AnnMi-ro HO nililrpii iit > rlll lie delivered on prcNCIitutlon of ( In * cliecU < > nl > - . WAVI'IJD SITl'.VTIONM. WANTED , position In business homo l > y Intelligent boy of 16 ; wage * no object A 48 , Uee > . A-MM1 U * WANTED , n position by n lady steno grapher , eight 5 oars' experience. U 7 , Uro. A J14 J 11 iir.i.i' . THE KOLLOU'INO Is a list < f the busln.-si IlrniH who have called upon llo > Ic'n seliuM for stenographers during the summi r months , and Is presented to those In terested In shorthand and typewriting a * nn evidence of the. appreciation by busi ness men of the establishment In Omnha of n school of shorthand and typewriting whoso teachers arc experienced reporters. fulled Typewriter anil Supplies Co . 17 Hemlngtun Typewriter Company . 12 Smith Premier Typewriter Company. . . . ! > Mercer Chemical Company . 3 Omaha Daily Hee . 2 Omaha World-Herald . \ Trans-Mtsslsslppl and International Expo 3 Durke Electrical Company . 1 Mutual McHervii Kiinit Life Awso . 1 Fidelity Mutual Insurance Company . . . . I Cudahy Packing Company . I Woodmen of the World . 2 K. ! : . & M. V. Hnllnmd Company . 3 Union Pacific Railroad Company . \ Commercial credit Company . 1 K. W. ntch. Lawyer . I Mutual Life Insurance Co. of N. Y . 2 Omaha Stove Itepnlr WorkM . 1 Vlavl Company . 1 t'nlini Central Life * Insurance Co . 1 II. F. Cady l.nmlier Company . 1 Commlslson Houses , South Omaha . 3 Dr. S. D. Mercer . I / . T. Lindsay Rubber Company . 1 Washington Lite Insurance Co. , of N. Y. 1 Business A Fraternal Association . 1 Dr. William 11. Hanehott . 1 Farnam Manufacturing Company . 1 Hohert W. Patrick. Lawyer . 1 Omaha Manufacturers' and Consumers' AsBoclatlcm . t W. T. Oralmni , lien ! Estulo Dealer . \ Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. . \ Drummond Carriage Company . I D. T. Mount , Coal Dealer . t O. W. Sues & Co. . Patent Olllco . I Slnco the 1st of January over 100 students have enteied this Institution , and everyone ono has been secured u situation us noon us competent and not one has failed. Get Circulars , lleo lildg. 11- SALKSMKN for cigars ; $125 a monti nnd expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces- s-nry. C. C. Ulshop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. 11 M 100 MK.V WANTICD ; the Standard Ca 1 1 1 n Co. , ut Ames , Ne.b. , 43 miles west of Omaha on U. P. Hallway , want 100 men to cut and shock corn ; also men fur regular farm work. It. M. Allen. C.eneral Manager. IJ 211 11 TAlLOltS , attend Dyhr's cutting school. filS S. 13. U-9SDec2 ! WANTKD , rellablo traveling salesman to sell n full and complete line of lubrloatlni ? oils and specialties : good position and lib eral terms for the right party. Addresa Atlantic Kcllnlng Co. , Cleveland , O. B-M227 11 DHPUTIHS wanted , both local and state ; exceptional opportunities for good men ; No. 1 contracts ; both life nnd ncrldont policies , weekly benelltK : fraternal order. W. J. Htunrt , 40C-8 Ueo bldg. , Omaha 11-M 2" , WANTKD flood harness maker ; nlnplo man. Address Gco. A. Hills , Alliance , Neb. U-2S9-14 SALESPKOPLU wanted. Nob. Clothlnrf Co. H-M329 11 YOUNr ? men to learn barber trade ; only ( to S weeks required ; wo give our gradu ates employment till they receive In wages as much as they pay for tuition and ex penses learning. St. Louis Harbor Col lege , Odd Fellows' llldg , Dodge and lull , Omaha , Nub. Prof. S. Ilandolph , Inst U-M322 O9 JAMES E BOYO & CO , , Telephone 10'W. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS HOARD 01' TIMDK. Direct wlre to K" nd New York. Corr pondcnti : John A. Warren & Co. H. R. PENNEY & CO. , Room 4 , .N. Y. I.lfe HlilK. , Onmlia , StocksGrainProvisions Direct \Vlrm N w York , Clileaijo uni ] IVoMlurn 1'olnti. BUY NOW ! WHEAT AND CORN ! Till' IlItlCAK IM OVKIl There Is n chance to K 't Into the market RICH IT NOW and mnkn Homo money. There Is no either legltlnuitc business that will pay thu returns on a small Investment. ChlciiKo Is the only place that wheat can bo opeirnted In miccrHsfiilly and wo would auk you to Rut our advlcobc'oro _ Viveistliifr. Our source of Information Is thn v ry best nnd traders nctlntr upon our ndvluo have made moniy. Send for our Market Letter and Hook of ! nntructlonn. freu. Special at- tentlon to Individual nccountH. OrtlerH ex ecuted Chlcaeo lionnl of Trade. 13. ii. iv\n A. co. , 711-12 AVeHtcrn Union 'I'd. Illtl. , I.orntloiiN for IndiiNtrlcH lit Industries located on the line of The Uelt Railway Co. of Chicago nro afforded un equalled switching facilities and the ml- vcntngo of connectltiK with all Chlcapro rail roads. They have thn bent-lit of competi tive rates and an abundant supplies of cars for shipments nt all times. Partlen contemplating the establishment of Indus tries In the vicinity of Chicago are Invited to communicate' with the undersigned , who will promptly furnish full Information in ri-Kiiril to loe'atlons , switching rates , car supply , etc. II. Thomas , I' . & G. Dearborn Station , Chlcaco. CALLS ON SHERIFF TO HELP Moll of Tlire-ilierM Dctennlned ( a Iyiit-'l > " Alii" AVIio Shot OUR of Tin-1 r Number. nilECKENnmOE. Minn. , Sept. 10.-A party of thretthiiiK hands had n dispute ) with a bartender nt Kent , Minn. , twenty miles west of here. The bartender , named Darton , ejected the threshers from tha building , but several hours later they re turned and ono enileavore-d to force open the saloon door , which was guarded by Barton from within. As the door was punned open Dnrton fired with a shotgun loaded with buckshot. A thresher whoso name IH not known fell mortally wounded and expired In about an hour. Sheriff nurenu of Hreckenrldgo , was at once tele graphed to come nnd take the prlnoner , nnd tent Deputy Sheriff Strachan. On arrlvlns at Kent , Strachun found a determined mob surrounding the saloon with the avowed purpose of lynching the prisoner. The mob refused to disperse oud Sheriff Huroati wan telegraphed for assistance. The sheriff with a POSKO left at once for the scene of the tragedy. Mull Ni > nl < M > to Yukon. WASHINGTON . Sept. 10. The I'ogtolllro dcpnrtmcnt is making every eiffort to facilitate mall communication with Alaska In the winter ami has , authorized the pos > wasters nt far northern points to pay tiia maximum allowed by law in tnrry on 'l Bcrvlco. A contractor 1ms already until- taken to do thin work , ami tills action of ' ( U'liurtmtnt IB taken us u safeguard to < auro If lo-slblt the tending of mull froro the Yukon country.