Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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. " .suit virii.x.
fimoko "J A H" rc , clear.
Finest work. Hluff City Laundry.
Stockert Carpet Co. . 205-207 Hwy.
Moore's food kills worms and fattens.
A. II Morgan of howls , In. . Is visiting
bin hiolhiT , Sherllf Morgan.
( ' . U. Jucqiiemin ft Co . Jewelers and op.
tlciuiiH. 27 South Molu street.
' Mrs. O. I' McKoRson leaves today for a
Visit with friends at Ileatrlce , Neb.
J C. Dlxby , hiating unil uanltary engineer.
Plans anil 8 | > < > < ideations for heating , plumbIng -
Ing and lighting ZM Main , Coum II illuffa
Don't you think It mutt lie a pretty good
laundry that ran please MO many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Ilroadwny.
M. E. Jones , cashier of thr Crawford
County Sinti- bank ofPetition. , la imd Ron
nrei the gutstH of itcv. U. Venting while vis
iting thu exposition.
The trial of the $10,000 damage suit ol
KfimilB Ui-Ui'hlcj agaltm Harry Hoist for
alleged Biduetlon was commenced In the
superior court jesterday.
1' . 13 Andcrbon mid Oruco 1'ro t , both ol
Omaha , were married In this city lost even
ing , Huv U. Venting of tlic First Itaptlril
church performing ihe ceremony.
Mrs. Collins anil Mrs. HlrkH uf Uavnnporl
imd Mrs. Vennllllon of St\iart lire the guest *
of their brother , A. H. Hultt of Darnel
township , whllulsltlng the exposition
J. H. Kebok , Uuth Itohok , Sona Robot
anil Charles 1) Hiker mid two daughter i
constitute ) a family party from Toll.ID , lu
\\lio nirlved In thu nty } cttrday un a Yisil
to thu f.xiosltloM. |
C. lt. Knit , an attache of one of th <
stables at the rack trai k , was nrrrsted yes-
trnlay on complaint of a brother emplo > (
named ( Irtwn , who charged him with tin
larceny of a pair of trousers.
Clerk of the District Coint I'recman Hcei
received a Utter jistcr.lay fiom his hoi
J'rank of Company li , Kitty-first Iowa vol'
iintceis , In camp at the Picfildlo , San Kran
Cisco , In which he saj that the rcgluien
expects to I'.ue shortly for Manila.
The regular monthly mwtlng of the Iloan
of Park Commissioners was held last night
ut which the bills for the preceding inontl
were allowed and ordered paid lie ) one
glanting a lease of Lakcvlew park for twi
jears to A. 12 Carlson , who agrees to fenci
H In , no olhei business was transacted t > :
tlio lomml wieners
Samuel UllcU has filed an Information li
Justice Vlen's ( ourt. charging ( Jeorge T
Joslln , a conductor on the ( took Island , wltl
nssault with Intent to commit murder
( Hide was a passi uper on Joslin s tiain am
nllrges that the lattei struck him over thi
head with a euiipllug pin. Joslin Is out o
the city on his run , sr ' \oralon of thi
nffalr has not ) et been learned
The scbilon of the Hoard of County Su
ptrvlsors jibterdiiy was taken up in tb
transaction of ordinary business The fix
Ing of HID lax levy for 1 'iS and ( he appoint
Ing of clerks and Judges of election wil
not be taken up until later In the wtek
H. 11. Wilson was reappolnted toldlert
rollt'f commissioner at Carson. The ap
polntinctit of H. V. Slead us deputy sheril
by Sheriff Morgan was approved and con
limit d.
Major Hlanche Co * of the Salvation Arnr
Is ospectcd here toda > from DCS Molnes ti
assist for several da > s In the work ot th
local corps. She \\lll bo accompanied b ;
Ensign toiler of Texas Tonight Major Co
will deliver an address at the Chnsitii
Tiihcrnuclo and the three following nlirh'
v,111 speak at the Salvation Aimy hall
Sunday afternoon she will wpeak at th
I'Mrst HaptUt eliurch and In the e\enlng a
the rirst 1'reshytulan church.
R H. Hunting-ton , captain of No t hos
rompany , has resigned after a service o
about sc\en years In the flro dcp.irtmcnl
HP expectn to leave for Davenport , la. , I :
about two wtx-ks , where he will make hi
future home Charles Watt * , captain of Ne
: i , take > s Huntlngton's place at No. 1 am
Prank Hitchcock , drher of the chief
wagon , has bean raade captain of the chem
Icil J. M. Stevens will siiLceesl Hltchcoc' '
as the chief's dilver.Villlam floyno Is th
new man appointed to fill the vacancy.
Ladles desiring valuable information concerning
corning their ailments should send or cal
for "The Vln\l Mesbage. " Vlavl Co. , 31 !
Mernam blk.
N. Y. I'lumbliiK rompanv. Tel. 230.
W. E. Chambers used Cole's Hot Bias
lieator last winter.
Iliiiiril of Cillicnelitn McrHnii.
The Hoard of Education met In adjournei
Bcsslon last night and let the contract for :
new bollei at the High sihool building U
AVIllliim Ollbert on his hid of $ i00 ! Othei
bids bubmlttcd wereJ. . P. Hlxby , $078 , am
Stcphan Drothers , $67f > . Stcpluin Ilrothcn
also submitted a bid of $2fiO for repalrlm
the old boiler. The question of whether t (
put In a new boiler or repair the old otu
vas discussed for ne'arly two hours befori
thu board came to a llnal decision , rill
bort's contract requires that the boiler shal
bo In position ready to turn Bteam on bj
October 3 under a penalty of J10 for ever :
day oxer that time. The board will nice
tonight to approve the bond and confirm thi
Miss Marie Tcrguson , one of the teacher :
nt the Twentieth avenue school , was grantci
U leavet of absence on account of 111 health
The coal dcaleis were on hand with thcli
bids for supplying the schools , but on ae >
count of homo Irregularities the bids wen
returned unopened and the dealers ordcrei
to submit new ones to be op > tied at a meet'
Ing of the board Krlday night.
Chairman Stewart of the committee ot
supplies reported that he had purcha ed ICI
desks and other needed twpplles for thi
HCXera ! Kindergartens
The fixing of the teachers' salaries am
nsslgnlng to grade was deferred imt'l I'rUnj
night , the finance committee and Superln
tcndcnt lla > den not being piepared to uiaki
"tthelr report
Iti-iil I'Nlati * TraiiMfiTM.
The following tiansfers were 111 eel > ester
day In the Abstract , tltlei anl loan office o
J. W. Squlre > , 101 1'cail street-
Sheriff to Masonic Mutual Savings and
loan Assoe Intlon. n HO tt lot 10 anil
of w 2u fl lot II In olllilal re uivey of
nvv'4 ne-t | 3U-75-U. s. d 5 5 !
J. W Ua\ls and wife to W. P. Staf-
fold , HW'I nwVi 1" and se'i neVi IS-
77-i ) . w. il W
National I.lfe Insurance Company to
Si-mild l'ri' ble riiin of
( Council HlulTH , lots 9 and 10 In block
I htutsimm's llrst add , Council
IJIuffs , vv d 1,0" "
K 1. H.inkln and wife to David ( " , .
King , e 30 atre-s elt ne > .4 12-71-40 ;
w d. . . . . . . . . .1,3 !
Oi-urge A Ailmns mid wife to Walter
j l.anil ) . lot 12 In bloik 31. Central e'iPiiiirll UlilffH. ej c. d . . . 3' '
Klili > II Wilson to Julia A Wilson ,
part swU nwi4 16-71-39. w. el . .
Andrew Mi Milieu to I hallos 13.
Tinker purl lot t * In blot k 10. Kvcr-
II t A mill I'uuncll HHiffH. w d . . . . EI
\\nlur J I nml > and wife to John II.
Tt.omax. Int 12 In block 31 , Central
Mibil e'liuiii I Minn's.v d 3.
MaKJ-n1 1' fhortui and hits to U. r.
I.oet , lot II I" I'link 2 , Hand's add
roimeil UliirrH d 1
\Vllllain M Wlle'OM-n , receiver , to
Juinis U Hill , lots IV 16. 17. In block
12 Wright's add Council HIlllTs , ej.
r ,1
n < i The Ian and w fe lei Henry f ! .
rishor ml4 'J , ne 4 * e\\ \ 9 and about
31 ( Hi IH-IIH * f\i Pe'i 9.7fi-l2. w el. . 6S
I-arnest 1) VOHH nd wife ) to Thomas
llrnnel. w's SW14 35-71-12 ; el 32i
Twelve transfers , aggregating 113,1
Wanted Girl for general hou-vwork. Mr
O. Kccllii" , CIS South Pt > v nth strfvt.
1'nrt 2 o' " "he Jtee's photngrnvu"rca of tl
( ixposltlrn (8 ( now rculy and can bo had i
the Council Hluftii ol'Ho '
The Evans laundry l the leidfr In fir
vork for both cnlor aud Uolab , 520 J.'cu
Btieet. Thone 2JO.
Oity Council's Committee and Treasure :
Reed Dispose of the Issue ,
M. l.ouln lliijrrn ( icl Hie Lot nt n Prlci
Hint I'li-nxi-H I lie l.iicnl OIlluliilH
Very Mui'h I nili-r Clr-
City Treasurer Heed and thu finance com
mlttco of the city council met together yes
terday noon and opened the bids recelvcc
for the J30.000 refunding bonds to be Is
sued by the city October 1. The bonds wen
awarded to the Donaldson Dios. ' Hond an <
Stock company of St. Iouls on Its bid o
$7015 premium and interest. Ten minute ,
before the bids were opened a telegram win
receded from W. J. Hayes & Sons of Chicago
cage wltlidiawlng their bid of $ > r > prc
mlum. Other bld.s , recehcd were Denlson
I'rlor & Co of Cleveland , O. , $67t' , premlun
and Interest , ( leorge M llrlnkerhoff o
Springfield. 111. , a premium of $33 wlthou
Interest There were also two or thre
other bids , but as they ere Irregular , no
bring accompanied by 'he requisite check
they were not considered.
The $ . ,0,000 Issue of bonds , which wll
boor \V \ per cent Interest , are to take U ]
part of the $7,000 regular city bonds , whlcl
become due on the llrst of next month , ante
to meet which there will bo but $10,000 I :
the city treasury nt that time. The bond
which will be retired carried 7 per cen
Interest , while the new Issue bear but 4V
per cent per annum , which will save th
city some $730 a > ear In lnt rpst. The ne\
bonds will be Ismrd In deuinomlnatlons o
$ " .00 each , payable on October 1 , 1918 , bu
arc redeemable at the option of the city a
any time after October 1 , 190 , " ) . The Inter
est , which will be pa > ablc at the Natlonn
1 ark bank of New York , falls due on th
first day of April and Oeiober of each ycai
The city olllclals arc well pleased with th
price secured for the bonds , which they sa
shows that the credit of the city Is not 1m
paired , despite the litigation brought by At
tornty Shea questioning the \alldlty of som
of Its obligations. The \alldlty of th
bonds now about to be refunded has ne\e
been questioned and do not enter In th
suits brought by Plica. The price paid b
Donaldson Bros. ' Uond and Stock compan
amounts to about 2 1-3 per cent premlun
Treasurer Kecd Is acting as trustee for th
city In the matter of the sale of the boudi
< M-IMM ; nOK TH'IJ u.vci : siuiri
lllR I'li-llln Mini ( 'odd .Sport ) lull
Slim Attendance- .
Dig fields and a good day's sport , but
poor attendance , marked HIP opening (
the ten-day running meet of the Counc
Ml tiffs Jockey club at the Driving park yei
tciday. The slim attendance. It Is gen
dally belle\ed , was duo to the fact th :
the meet had not been sufficiently advci
Used , but better crowdh are looked for i
the meeting progresses. Yesterday wz
Ladles' day and there was a fair sprlnV
ling of the fair sex In the grandstand , tt
women probably outnumbering the inci
Charles Stewart , Chailes Gregory ac
James Gray odlclated as Judges , but wei
rathtr handicapped from the fact that tt
numbers for the jocke > s falfed to arrl\e c
time , although the first lace , which w ;
Mlled for - o'clock , was not started unt
an hour later , In the hopes that they wou
show up. 'Iho Judges In consequence wel
loiced to pick the winners by the Jockey ;
colors and as there1 were no objections the1
evidently did ho correctly. W. K. Sapp an
Dr. V. T. Sejbeit acted as timekeeper
while the starting was In the hands of V
1" . Maxwell of St. Louis , who used the ne
clcctilc gate , which Is an Inuoxatlon ol
wcit. The machine proved a success an
the horses In each race were gotten aw a
with but few bteaks and well together. Th
track , although a tilflo "choppy , " was I
very fair shape , the rain of the tw
previous days ha\tng done much to pi
It In this condition.
One feature of the day's racing was 11 :
manner In which the "long shots" manage
to win. Jockey McClelland , who had th
mount on Junta J in thu first race , sufferc
a fall and a bioken collarbone. In tryln
to force his mount through the bunch th
animal collided with another horse and fel
The pony race , which had been set fi
the fifth event of the day , was declared o
for want of entries. The entries for tod.n
arc as follows , and while not showing t
big fields as yesterday promise a good da >
sport :
First race , handicap. llvo furlong :
llosltta , lid. Wh ttla , 109 : I.igricallo. IK
lull I'arker , 109. I'owliuska , 10J. ' 1 hurinui
1UJ , 5Cido , 109 , IJCMilre , 1C9 , Kittle Koste
109. Disturb nice , 112. Areola , 10 ! ) ; Minn
Hemps \ , l i
bf < end race , 2-year olds , Boiling , four fu
Iniikb Slow Oo , 112 , Jury T , 107 ; Kuginl
S 105 , ldne > Vex , lUo , hplder. UXs , 1
.Smith , 107
Third iuic , selling , six furlongs : Dot
O , 91. It o Dui hrxH , 101. TIppU , M , 11. in
It 101 , Hue Clifton , 97 , Go\uinor Hojd. ! t
i Kll.i I'mzume , lov C , UnJ.
Fourth rate , sidling , one mile : Glo .li
109. Ternmett , lni ( , riallle l.iimar , 113 , Arcli
McKn > , luu , Self , HKj , Omeila , SO
I'lfth ranbi'en furlonts Jocosot. 9
rim , ' . KM I'dih , fl , Sion.fiil , 97 : Lulu Fie
104 , Aaunla B , 104
The summaiy of yestordaj's race's In
Urst nice , four furlongs : F. Smith , 1C
T Hilh'WK iMIilt- ' ) 2 to 1 won , I'lii
Tlelds see-olid , Jerry T th.rd. Tweli
startorn Time. 0 54
Set end rare- , selling , slv furlongx : Liu
Whlti. 110. id naxldson UJreen ) , 10 to
won. Ills Honor second. Montlssanno thtr
Nun stmliTs Time 1.19
'I tiird i ne , selling , six furlongs : ' 1 errand
105 , J H Hand ( Unifce , i > to 1 , won , Wl
Tart ir st-eoml , K ng Xella third. T <
starters Time : lls's : '
Fourth rare , ft \ en-eighths mlle : Wnlkli
shaw , 127 , I'axton llrothi-rs ( lle'iincHsey ) ,
to 1. won. Salllp Le.Mar Heiond , Udah thlr
iight : starterx Time. 1 32'i
\ollcc to UK1'llMlr. .
On PeptembeT 3. 1S9S , the following papo
were stolen out of my safe Honds IFSUI
by City of Council muffs , la , Nos. an ai
3L2 , City Improvement , Special Gradln
i Warrants Issued by City of Council Hlufl
la. General Fund on account of Fire D
partmeut. Nos 12C11 and 12 G3 , donor
Fund on account of I'ubllc Huddlngs , Ne
' lC7fiu and 13od. , fleneral Fund on account
1'ollco Dcpartme'nt , No. 13367 , llrncral Fui
'on ' account of fewe'r , No. U742 , Genet
, Fund on m count of Streets and Alleys , Nc
j 13745. 137K 13747. 1374S , lOSuS. 10781. 1CS1
. 13. 7 , 7s , lietu-ial Fund on account of Fuuil
I No 1102 , Geni-ral Fund on account of Su :
I d rife , Nos U7BI and 1376 ! ) Genrral Fund i
account of Has and Street Lights. Nos. 137
and U" . . Also Notes sccuied by mortga ;
to my order , CesiitKuiea of Stock In I O
F. Hall Association. Life Insurance I'oticlc
Abstracts , Lc < ds and other papers.
Notice Is hereby given to all parties I :
It-rested not to buy. redeem or nrgotlate ai
of the above de-scrlbed papers If present' '
by parties other than m > flf
I I'uyment on these paper has been stopp <
and tht > y are of no value to any on * but m
ii If If returneil to me or to the Chief
I'olkp of this city a liberal reward will 1
paid and no questions askedS
Multh riinrKeil llli Huul.
John I Smith whose rightful residence
unknown to the authorities , was brougl
j before United Slates Commlsslcuer
F. Wright yesterday on the charge of
selling whisky at the county fair nt Har-
Ian. Ho denied the allegation , but on the
evidence of three parties who testified tn
buying the ardent from him ho was bound
o\er to the federal grand Jur > and In de
fault of ball In the sum of $200 wns com
mitted to the county Jail. Smith was ar
rested at the county fair at Atlantic Mon
day by Deputy United States Marshal Hlch-
ards and thcro word Indications that he
was about to do business there had he mi
been taken Into custody.
UlMrlcl I nun In > M < NNOII.
Ycftcrdny was a busy day In the district
court mil a huge grist of business Inci
dental to the opening of the term was dis
posed of b > Judge Mncy.
The motion for the transfer of the damage
suit of Mrs Martha Iloueher against the
rcceUers of the t'nlon Parlfic railway to
the federal court was sustained In this
Milt Mrs HOIK her asks for $10.000 damages
for the death of her husband , Hiram
Iloueher , a switchman In the employ of the
defendant company.
The tei m promises to be a record breaker
for divorce cases , ono being granted nnd
defaults taken In four others yesterday.
Jens 1' . Jensen \\as granted a legal scpaia-
tlon from Hertha Jensen , whom he marrleil
last February. The cases In which de
faults were taken were- Albert 12. Wat
son against Nancy A. Watson , Paul Paul
son against Hertha Paulson , Llllle M ,
Whlttlcsoy against Uussel N. Whlttlesej
and Kmma Weber against Henry Weber.
Stipulations for Judgment In thu nulls ol
the Farmers' and Merchants' State Hank ol
\eola and Groncweg & Schoentgen of thl
city against Cavanatigh Hrothcrs ot Neolr
were entered. An order was Issued for tht
sale of the attached Htock and the collect -
t on of thu book accounts , the proceeds firsl
to be applied to the payment of the bank'i
claim of $700 72 and the remainder to thai
of Groneweg & Schoentgen , which amount !
to 5330 10.
The following first assignment of equltj
causes was made by Judge Macy :
Thursday , Sept. S. 70. The D. N. 11. 11
. J C Nielsen > t al , ? f
& T. Society \s.
Omaha National bank vs. .1. W. Squire et a
Monday. Sept. 12 107. Haggerty et nl vt
Waterman et nl ; 7rt. State Sa\lngs ban
\H W S. Maync et ai.
Tuesday. Sept 13 101 , Peter L. lloyd vs
I J. C. Pedors-on et al , 73 , Mary A. Leighto
vti H D Full-rton rt al.
Wednesday Sept. 11. 1S2. W. S. Mayn
vs. P. J. Kmlg et al ; 47 , Win. Weston M
Dav & Hess.
Thursday , Sept. 15. 92 , U. J. Morgan vi
C H. Nicholson.
Saturday. Sept. 17. S95 ( Probate ) n. S
Cole estate.
Mnrrlni ; % I.locnxen.
Licenses to wed were Usual jesteldny the
ho following persons :
Name nnd Residence. Ag
i : F OaiiiMV , Sidney , la i
M J Lu\\ton , Council Hluffs
Oeorgp L I'.uil-en. Manning
Christina Haker , Manning
John r Morgen. jr. Council Hluffs
Kllen F Mi Oimn. Council muffs
C H Hre'kman , Weston , la
Mlnnlo Drati lies Mi I'heiHon , Kan
James Stevens , Crescent
Nellie Van Clcvp , Crescent
P H AnderMin. Omuha !
Grace Frost , Omaha.
Shown I IKIlenollclal UHoo.lM ot 111
Ilrlof Trl | > IJrlvoM Directly
til Wlllt < - IIOIIHC.
WASHINGTON , Sept. G. The train beat
Ing the president and Mrs. McKluley an
their party reached the Pennsylvania rail
load btatlon promptly at 7'30 a. m. toda ;
The carriage from the White House m <
them and the president and Mrs McKlnlc
wore drl\cn directly there. The chief ex
cutlve and his wife show the bcneflcl :
effects of their brief trip and e\prens them
scl\es as being greatly pleased with thel
.Vi | > "lntni < MiN It ; tinI'rOMliloiit. .
WASHINGTON , Sept. C. The presldec
has made the following appointments :
First Lieutenant Charles II. Lauchheimei
United States marine corps , to be a taptnln
John SatterlUiid of North Dakota , to lo
receiver of public monoyt at Hinraarcl
N. D.
.S ' \ 'i'c Storm nt L'IrPlitnil. .
CLn\iLAND. Sept C One of the hea
lest rain storms ever experienced In Cl"v <
land , resembling In some respects n cloui
burst , swept over the city nt an early hoi
today. VUld Hashes of lightning accoir
psi.iiul th wind and rain. Se\ernl house
wer > itiu-k Ly lightning. Cellars wci
flooilcd and the stret i looked more llli
raging rhers than anything else The win
blow at the rate of forty-two miles an hou
tearing up trees and otherwlso doing cor
slderable damage.
Inwn PITM * Coninu-lil.
DCS Molnes News. The firmer that wan
to buy ever > thing that "Jlncs" him usuall
gets into the sheriff's hands. National o
panslon also hasi Its safety llmlu.
Marshalltown TimesIt may bo that tl
present scorching weather Is merely a pn
ludo to the "hot tlmo In the old town
when the democratic coinentlon meets I
What Cheer Patriot : The Deep nivi
Hustler savs that they "extracted mus
from the Deep Uhcr cornet band" at Ma
comb during the fair That must have Ix > e
an interesting process. We are curious i
know If they uted forceps or a elder pres
Jeffetson Rco With banks running ovi
with money , mortgages nnd debts belr
wiped out In an unprecedented way ; fat
loans being made > as low as fu per cei
the paper that talks about the go d standai
contracting the currency Is simply endeai
orlng to hoodwink the people for politic ;
Khtlirrvllle Republican : The fact tin
State Treasurer Ilerrlott has sold at pi
a new Issue of state warrants , which bn
on an a\e > rage only 3.9G per e-cnt Intercti
Is silfflcient evidence of the splendid final
cial standing of Iowa. Th < > old warran
bear 6 per cent interest , but the-i } wl
all bo taken up next month by the nc
Ibsue , thus saving the- state over 2 per cci
Interest. He advertised for bids and th
led several pessimistic populist sheets !
the state to comment unfavorably nboi
"state warrants being hawked over tl
country to find purrhawrs. " their purpo :
being to convey to the public the Idea th ;
they could not be sold e\en nt the leg
rate of Interest , which Is B per cent.
IOMH .NrvtN No Ion ,
The now Indian training school of Tan
county Is now running
Atlantic canning factories arc producli
200.000 cans of corn per day.
The Onawa Congregational church hi
celebrated Its fortieth anniversary.
Mrs Mlna A. Head , mat ion of the BO
dlent homei at Marshalltown has resigned
A bicycle tbl'f is giving the authorltl
around Muscatine a good deal of trouble.
Burlington girls had charge of the stre
ears Friday and secured $400 for the pcai
cat nival.
nuren H Sherman , ex-governor of lewIs
Is reduced to the extremity of acccptli
a penrlon of $7 'VO per month.
Mrs. Claua Voss , who committed sulch
at Davenport. Is the third of three slate
who died by their own hand ,
The Waterloo and C dar Rapids Rap
' Transit company Is In hard lines alread
j Over $100,000 In 'claims are now on fl
. aguinst the company
| A. II. Underwood of Eldorado , who wi
, killed at Santiago , WHS a popular man
Iowa. Mennorial services were held In
number of towns last month for him
; | Around Ida Grove hall stonc-w ai largo i
! a man's fiat are said to have fallen In grv ,
quantities , doing much damage to Etandli
corn stacked small grain and window glas
Waterloo will ha\e a etreet fair short
and several couples who have agreed to K
married on the afe t corner will rofeh
prii s This la a novel feature vh-b |
being Introduced lu n uuuibcr of Iowa
Onso Comes Up at Des Moines in Form ol
Injunction ,
Ainrrlrnn Tobacco Compiiny Hold *
Hull the Mull' In t m-onMl-
lutlomii and U III I'l l'l It
to a I'lnl.ili ,
DBS MOINES , Sept. 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A writ of temporary Injunction was
sened this morning upon the County lloart
of Supervisors , county assessor and count }
treasurer , restraining them from the key
ing nnd collection of the J.iOO mulct ta >
under the state law for pet milling the salt
of eluarettes upon the premises owned bj
Charles C. Tarn and W. W. Moore. This
Is one of the cases In which the validity
of the state law will be determined , thi
claim being made by the American Tobaeci
company that It Is unconstitutional. Tin
final decision of the questions raised wll
probably be made by the supreme court.
Jose'ph Kehoe , Jr. , caused to be si rvci
upon the association of Master Plumbun
and Steam Fitters of the city this morn
Ing a notice of the commencement t Mn
of a suit for $15,000 damages susialnel hi
him , caused by an attempt by the nasuda
tlon to ruin him and force him out o
business. Papers wcro scncd by deptit ;
Bheilffs today. Ho Is wealthy and wil
make a test of the case.
Judge nishop this afternon ruled tha
the new marrlage-nfter-seductlon law 1
unconetltutlonal nnd will Issue a writ c
habeas corpus releasing U. 13. Moirls o
Runnells , a newspaper man who was placei
under arrest b > his wife for deserting he
after manlage. Ho married her to cscap
prosecution for seduction. A few days ag
Morris was boi'iid over to the grand J'lr
by Justice Hal.oran Ho applied for a wrl
of habeas corpus and argument was mad
on a demurrer which contended for th
constitutionality of the law. Judge Illsho
overruled tie ! demurrer and ordero 1 th
Issuance of the writ of release of Morri
from custody.
The public schools opened today.
( U-iu-ral .1. It. Min'iiln TnlU.i of 111
situation ol Ills llrlynili- .
AMKS , la. , Sept. G. ( Special ) Hrlgadlr
General James Hush Lincoln , at his horn
In this city , talked at length of his trl
to the fcouth ami of his command s > lnco b
left Camp McKlnley. He said , In part.
"When I left Ames after I rcceUed m
commission as brigadier general I was as
signed to the Second brigade , Third dlvls
Ion , Fourth corps , under Major Gener ;
Lee. We were Htatloned at Mobile , hi
! were there only ono week , when we wci
[ moved to Tampa. Here we camped aboi
slweeks. . At llrst the weather was lliu
but later heavy rains fell almost ever
I afternoon , but as It had been \ery dry an
hot before the rains were \ery favorabli
Hut when the rainy season set In our cam
at Palmetto Beach was swamped. Wo wer
ordered successively to Santiago and t
Porto Klco and were pleased with the 01
ders , but they \\erc countermanded olraos
as soon as received. Wo were later move
to Fernandlna , but the sickness In my brl
gado continued to Increase and last wee
wo were moved to Iluntsvllle , Ala. , wher
we will rcmalnln camp until the sick ar
recovered , when we expect orders to Icav
for Cuba. These eiders are expected abou
the middle of October.
"Bffoio I left Iowa I stated that th
northern men would stand the weather I
southern camps better than the men of th
south and In my experience that has prove
to be true , for , at least In my commam
and 1 fear the same from others , the sick
ness is greater among the southern regl
monts than among those from the norther
states. The sanitary conditions of m
present camp , Iluntsvllle , arc the very best
the conditions are favorable for good healtl
It IB situated up In the mountains. Her
Is good spring water , the ground Is roll In
I and the drainage Is all i Ight , and the sic
list Is diminishing In size and I think w
! will be ordered io Cuba , as I previousl
j said , about the tulddlo of October. Yes ,
I think military government will bo estal
| llbhed In Cuba , and a good sized army wl
bo needed there to establish and inaintai
order , especially until the natives lear
our modes of life and get down to buslnes :
I am fcuro I do not know what will be don
with the I hllijpines , but 1 do not sec ho'
wo can well let go of them. It will , (
course , take a very largo standing arm
there to keep things straight , for the na
lives arc of a peculiar sort and not used t
civil government. Hut the Imposts froi
the ports , which are among the best In tli
world , will undoubtedly bring a surplus fc
the United States. Porto Rico Is inhabite
by a moro intellectual class , ono that wl
i bo easily governed. General Leo will prol
| ably be placed nt the head of the Cuba
"Tho comparative good health enjoyed litho
the Iowa troops , I believe , Is the result <
: sobriety practiced by thi , Inw.i boys.
! have found that regiments to which Hi
j n est liquor has been sold are the ones hav
I Ing the largest sick lists The Forty-nlnt
1 and Fiftieth Iowa at Jacksonville arc I
j comparatively coed health and if the oth (
I lena regiments arc suffering poor hcalt
] It Is caused entirely by losal condition
i Iowa should be proud of her soldiers , for
the o Is sickness to keep the boys from tli
front It la caused entirely by local cond ;
tlons and not by any fault of theirs.
I "I return Thursday night to Huntsvlll
and to my command , which consists of tt
1 Third Ohio , Sixty-ninth New York and Second
end Georxla , and think there are no flnt
regiments In the army , at least I would m
care to change them for any other thrt
regiments I know of.
I'niillNt CoiMrntlon lit Crmlly.
GRAVITY , la. . Sept. C. ( Special. ) Th
twenty-fourth anniversary of the Kai
No'laway Association of Ilaptlst church (
i which begin Its session at the Gravity ( hue
( has clo > ed In many ways the meetlnp
I ranked among the best that have ever bee
, held The attendance was large , so larp
| that at every session there was not root
In the chapel. The space around the win
[ dews on the outside was filled with listener
. A large tent erected on the adjoining U
gave coolnc s and real Ins place for larR
numbers who could not get Into the audi
lorlum of the church.
i Rev. II. L Stetson , D. D. , of Des Molnt
college , delighted as large an audience K
could be packed within reach of his vole
by his lecture on "The Highest Motive.
This lecture waa given by special reques
Mural .Ma 11 li-ll\t-ry Ili-Knn.
WEDSTBR CITY , la . Sept. 6. ( Special
The carriers for the rural mall deliver
Ejstcm are taking thdr first Installment
of mall to the farmers. They had been hel
'off ' by Postmaster Howard's decision no
I to bo bothered by starting them until hi
biiccessor took the office. Mr. Howard , how
e\er , received a message from Washlngto
telling him to start the carriers Saturda
morning The men started out with bu
little friction They bad In anticipation c
starting the routes the nrst of the raontl
been over them n nurrer of times flndln
where the patrons oJ the office whom the
Greatest Vaudeville Performance
of the Year.
fttaw Faces. ° a ° 16 En Number
The increasing largo crowds warrant the expenpe and the management lias arranged for
the greatest vaudeville performance presented in Omaha or Council Hlnil's this season. Ele
gant opportunity for 'J'ranam'itiriissippi ' visitors to visit the popular resort and witness the
elegant attraction.
Matinee : 4:30 : O'clock Daily. Evening Performance ; 800 ; O'clock ,
Round Trip from Omaha by Terminal Line , 39 Cents.
Admission to the grounds .and vaudeville performance , lOc. No extra charge for rocking
chairs , swings or settees. Last train leaves Lake at 11JJO. : An extra charge of 10 cents for
steamboat trip , Sundays only.
were to deliver mall to ll\oil and Inducing
the farmers to put up boxes for them. H
Is estimated now that on the five routes
theio are over 100 boxes already placed In
position for the carriers , by the roadside.
SHI : svvni ) A soi.miit'S i.iri
Story or mi lima Girl In ( lie
MAHSHALLTOWN , la. , Sept. 6. ( Special )
Kx-Governor and Mrs. S. 1) ) . 1 aokard have
received another letter from their daughter ,
Miss Ulanchc , who Is at Santiago In one of
the government hospitals helping care for
the stcl < and wounded soldiers. Miss Pack
ard tells many little Incidents In the hos
pital life , and relates one , In a modest way ,
that shows that nt least one soldier can
attribute his llfo to Miss Packard's careful
nursing. The letter tells or how the toldlera ,
when given up to die , are taken from the
wards In the hospital and given cots on the
porch , where they can get all the fresh air
possible. One man , a Uphold patient , whose
lifo had thus been given up , was taken In
charge by Miss Packard personally , and
for some little time was made to swallow
doies ot crushed lee , mixed with brandy.
Miss Packard says she kept irp this treat
ment steadily for a time , and now the soldier
Is back In the hospital and Is getting better.
T'ovcinor Packard says his daughter learned
this bit of treatment from her own case ,
when she was a sufferer from yellow fever
in the south. Her llfo waa sa\ed by the
treatment , and she has ne\cr forgotten It ,
and has found It to bo successful In typhoid
Ilcv. Tliotniia .s , ( Jroi-n of Ccilur
ItiilililN In iivcil. : .
DAVENPORT , la. , Sept. C. The Episco
pal convention of the diocese of Iowa to
day elected Rev. Thomas E , Green , D. D. ,
of Cedar Haplds , In. , as bishop of the diocese
cese of Iowa. Bishop Green will be the
successor of the late Illshop William Stev
ens Perry.
The selection of Dr. Green as bishop for
the diocese of Iowa Is a source of grati
fication to his many Omaha friends. He
Is well known In this city and will bo re
membered as having addressed two largo
congregations on Sunday two weeks ago
at All Saints' church and at the exposition
Auditorium. At that tlmo The Dee mcn-
tionetl the fact that Dr. Green waa a likely
candidate for the bishopric.
I'liNlon CoiiMMiMnn.
MARSHAILTO\VN. la. , Sept. B. ( Special
Telegram ) At 10 30 tomorrow the
state convention of the demo
cratic , people's and silver republican
parties convene in this city and
tonight the city Is crowded with dele-
Kates , who arc anxiously Inquiring \vlio will
bo the nominees. No one seems to Know ,
for candidates are hard to find. The popu
lists and silver republicans are clamoring
for their share of the nominations In pay
ment for services and BO far as crystallized
the division of empty honor will be about
as follows : Secretary of state , auditor ,
treasurer , ono railway commissioner and
clerk of the supreme court to the democrats ;
nttoiney general , one railway commissioner
and court reporter to the populists and su
preme Judge to the silver republicans. If
this program carries , Judge Spurrier of Dcg
Molnes will capture the Judgeslup. There
IK no doubt the comention will adopt a
financial plank endorsing tbo Chicago plat-
from of 1896 , although ex-Governor Holes ,
who considers himself still a dem
ocrat , Is urging a plank favoring
bimetallism on a ratio to be de
termined , but antagonistic to the 16 to
1 theory , while Judge Carr of the state cen
tral committee wants a plank which will
please the gold democrats , by not pointedly
favoring bimetallism at any given ratio ,
but charging all the Ills of mankind lo the
single gold standard. Hon. Frank Q Stuart
of Charlton has been selected as temporary
chairman and H. A. Nash of Dallas county
as temporary secretary.
.N < * n Coiiuiilllvc lii
DCS MOINES , Sept. C. ( Special. ) The
republican state committee Is celling ready
for opening the business of the new cam
paign at once. Saturday ex-Chairman Mc
Millan went over to headquarters In the
Equitable building with C W Phillips , the
now secretary of the committee , and turned
over the establishment to the new regime.
It was announced that the new committed
would retain the old rooms on the third
floor of the Equitable building , from which
the last three campaigns have been con
The new committee will meet In a few
days probably the latter part of this or
eaily next week when Chairman Hancock
will announce bis executive and finance
' ' ,
Snlillc-r'B I'liiirral
LHMARS. la. . Sept. 6. ( Special )
The funeral over the remains of
Ixiuls Ilrlck , late of Company G , Tlftleth
Iowa , was largely attended. The services
were held on the court house grounds under
the auspices of Mower post and commit ees
of citizens Nearly all the places of busl-
. ness In Icmars closed during the funeral
1 hour Hon I. S Struble waa president of
' the Eenlccs and I. T. Martin marshal of
the procession.
nilltnrliil CIIIM i-nliiiii Opi-im.
DENVEH. Sept. 6 Over 300 delegates ,
representing 10000 newspapers , were pres
ent at the opening fiession of the thirteenth
annual convention of the National Editorial
association In the Lyceum theater today
Louis Hcltman Ilrazll Ind president of
the asBrciutlon occcupled thu chuir and de
livered bu annual addrrss showing that the
association la lo a most flourishing condi
§ Per Dent fflonsy on taiva Fams
We are prop uvil to place loans on improved \Vcstcrn Iowa
farms t n per ciiit. .Money on h ml , no do UN. W . - h.i\c for
nlo scv.ral Choice FKL IT. " (5A < D1'N. OK.VlS AM ) STUCK
FA It Mb. VhllYIILAP. . ( .heap money \\ill nuiKc luiul o tip.
Inycbtigatc our barn ns.
39 Pearl Si. , Council B tiffs , Iowa. t-
\\IIIlh \ \ DtCLINhS 10 SER\E \
Tender of Fifth Place 011 Peace Commission
Has Been Made.
ArMtrntorn AVII1 > n < no n .Imllolnl
lluil.t , lint < ) f n I'uroly IHplointitlc
CllllriM-lcr No Culiliict ivn-
nlnn Tiirmlii ) .
WASHINGTON , Sept. C Secretary Day
probably will not resume the discharge of
the functions of secretary of ut.ite and It
may be assumed that his connection with
the department , sa\o In the capacity of a
peace commissioner , terminated when ho
left Washington for Ohio recently.
Upon his return to WashlnRtou It Is ex
pected that he will come to the State de
partment for the purpose of bidding fare
well to the emplojcb.
There Is no loiiRer a reasonable doubt
that Justice White has decided to decline
the appointment of peace commissioner and
that he refrains from uiakliiK public an
nouncement of hlB purpose at the riuucbt of
the niesldent. It Is Intimated th.U aeiy
early announcement may bu looked for , as
there is reason to belle\e the president has
already made a tender of the commissionership -
ship nnd Is now waiting an acceptance be
fore making public that fact.
Arrangcmentb for the departure of the
committee on the 17th Inst. from New York
are being pushed. Aetlnj' Secretary Mooie ,
with the assistant c of .Mr. Mi Arthur , Is
giving a great deal of time to the connec
tion of documenth and ch.Mts needed by
the American commissioners in tlulr work
and the subjects likely to arise In con
nection with the final peace negotiations me.
receiving the tltweHt study at the bauds of
these gentlemen. Especially Is this tine of
the Philippines , which promite to bo the
bone of contention , and consequently Secre
tary McArthur Is dc\oting the greatest
share of his attention lo that subject
To establish a clear understanding of the
scope of the commission and Its powus. it
Is stated that this body Is not in any sense
Judicial , but purely diplomatic. The pro
cedure will not be of a character where
numerical voting strength will determine
any proposition , but the commissioners on
each side nro expected to act as heparato
units and should differences arise they must
bo settled by the ordinary course ot diplo
matic negotiations.
ProNlilrlK'm ( "nllorN.
Owing to the absence from the
city of the majority of the cab
inet , thcro was no meeting culled of
that body today. Pccrctarlis Gage and Alser
and ro3tmastcr General Smith , however ,
assembled at the usual hour for cabinet
meeting and remained ulth the president
for some time Assistant Secretary Allen of
the navy and Assistant Secretary Moore of
the State department , saw the pnaldent
during the morning Kepresentathrs Koote
of New York and Moiris of Minnet-otu , who
arc In the city , also weie at the White
Houbc , and Heprcsentathe Wllllamo of
I't'nns > l\anla called to .isK that the Ninth
Pennsylvania regiment be mustered out of
scnlce as BOOH as possible. This regiment ,
It appears , was recruited In n mining dis
trict and the families of many of the men
are lu want In tousequcncp of Iho absence
of the head of the family.
The members remained with the president
until about 1 o'clock. It IH understood that
much of the tlmo wns consumed In a dlh-
cuaalon of questions incidental to the war
and Its settlement , with particular stress
on matters relating to the treatment and
conditions of IIP soldiers now In the various
army camps
Secretary Alger announced after the meet
ing that he intended to make a tour of tbo
various curnps nt which large bodks of men
are now stationed with a view to ascertain
ing the exact condition of affair * . The sec
retary's Intention Is to start next week.
Cunli-Ml In t.ntio'x Will I'lli-il.
SAN KRANCMSPO , Sept 6 The expected
contest of the will of Adolph Sutro was
filed today Edgar E Sutro , ono of the nix
children , represents th < ? family In an en-
ilcator to have th will ti t aside. Tinmo t
Important allegation tn the petition is to
the effect that the diceascO millionaire was
of unsound mind at the time of the txuu-
tlon of the will , Mav 22 , 1S 2. and KO re
mained to the day of his death. Thu tor.
ti slant charges that Sutro died Intt-siate ,
that the will was neither written , dated
nor sinned by thn hand of Sutro
Niitloniil I'oxlolllcilirl.H. .
DKTHOIT Midi.Se'-t 6 IR-iond Inton
ing to the reports of the prttildcnt mcrctary
and treasurer the National Association of
I'OBtofHco flerki did no business tuday
tUu afternoon lu a trip to Mount
; % ' < sX * * 3/S 'n -
\ w v- *
M / MTV If
y rcrc . f 4 5a
? - - - , \ . < * ! LNS vliabtJ ? . = ?
Distributed by
John ( i. Woodward & Co ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
At liiMcsl III-ICCH. riiuirrnn of nit
I Imln from HI. . .I ) u | > . Mull orilrr *
Illlcil lor III-M Hutu. All ( lie Inul-
IIIK pliil < " ami | iiin-r.
llllll nnil < inI'M' ! > , I iMini-ll HlufTx , In.
! V < \M' ' 1I 1 OIIMOll Pllllx llllll OlMllllll.
lates IJonxminble Satisfaction Guaranteed.
( ( Mini II l.n.tiH elli < r. N < i IS North Mala
trrct Til I'lioni' ' 12" > Unmlm ollkn r < > -
novid to J Huutb rifleintli street. Tclu-
llllilll- 1 ! ' '
Connections iniido with South Omaha
b a picpar.uion of I tie Drug by which Its
njurlout. i fiii is i.rc nmof while the val-
jalilo mcduiiial propirttin arc retained. It
lOnsi ssi.s all thi .iftlatl > ' unuilyne and antl-
ipasmodlc povu rs of Opium , but produce !
10 slckiu'ft. . of : lu sto'iinu , \omltlng , no
ostivriieii no In a.l.K lie in acute m-nous
lieordcrB It Is in Invaluable remedy , and .t
ecomme iiiU d IA the brat physicians.
E , rSt.R
JITr -nri si. ,
Clemens. Prtaldent E It. Un < oln of Hog-
on in his atimial Hillings 8iit ; < nti < l
iitnor chaiif.cs , whuh he thought vern ul- fur the gaoil of the ( ndir and compli-
ntnieil llio membi rs on the-ir last year'a
Tt.o report of thu Hccrttary. William
Bhowp.1 that the nnotlatlon had
liopped n IIUlo In mcmbcrKLlp. Thin Sot-
i tarAgiuw uai.rlbrd lo thu association .1
niluro to male inuth progress with tlio
emulation wbleh was the pilmary C.IUHO ot
H bt-lng fuuuili l The trci8tirr'3 teport
bowed a fcnihll balance ) In the treau < iry.
Iheire nro thirty-lho branches out of 2 0
n good ctamling , iepre ented at tbo conte-n-
lon by about fifty d-lcxateii.
MempblH , Ti-nn , U tint rnly claimant tint
ins aruen bo fjr for next > e'ur'n cotiNtntion.
llu ; nril'M t iiuilllliiii I nrluiiiKf-il.
DEUHAM MUAB Sipi ii The ) condition
if former uii t'- ' j'lor I'huinav r Ilayard.
vlio Is KTio-.isly ill here , was
bin tuoroios.