Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 TTTT3 OMATTA DA ELY 11TJ13 : S1TXDAT , REPTEMttET ? , 1898.
> ' ; MMI u H\TIO.V. :
Emolo : "J A IV He
Finest work , Illurr rity Laundry.
Stockcrt Carpet Co. . 203-207 Hwy.
Moore's food lllla : worms nnd fattens.
0. II. Jnciiuemin & Co , Jewelers nnd op
tician * . 27 South Main street.
C. Kchnrk nnd vvlfo of Atlfliitlc , la. , arc In
the city visiting the exposition.
MIse Knthcrlno Meyers has gone tn Oak
I'nrk. 111. , to enter upon her school work.
Mrs. Ocorso T. I'help Is confined to her
homo with a mild catte of blood poisoning.
Mrs. Mark Smith of 717 Plr t nvenue , who
lia'i lieon surterltiK from appendicitis , Is re-
Tito Thcosophlral Roclety meets tills aftrr-
' Odd Fellows' build-
noon at 3 o'clock nt the
in i % loom 10.
Mlsi Orace Morrow of Mondamln , and Miss
Male O'NVMl of Hancock , la. , nro visiting
.t St. Trancls aendomy.
' A marriage license W.IH Issued jcstcrday to
Frederick HartwlR , aged 31 , anil Henrietta
"WlncniMii e , used 25. both of thin city.
J C. nixby , heating and oanltary cnRtneor.
Plans and specifications for heating , plumbIng -
Ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
The morning senile vvll ! liIril
nt St Johns Hngllsh Lutlr lU climc'i ' to
rt.iv , bi . .ore will be In the. evening
Don't jnu think It must bo a pretty good
laundry that ran please so mnny hundreds
of customers' Well that's the "I3aRle , "
724 Ilroadway.
County Superintendent Sawyer has re
ceived word that his son Herno , who Is
with hlb regiment In Cuba , Is suffering from
j el low fever.
Wlllltiin Hngolman of Hamburg , la , who
has a string of horses .it th Driving pnrK ,
icported to the police yesterday the theft of
a new racing saddle.
Miss Martha Mealy , daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Andrew Nealy , leaves for fHrngo to
day , where she will for u month with
her sl&tcr , Mrs. H. Sew ell
O II. Patrick , the well known attorney of
Olenwood , who was permanent chairman of
the Into republican congreielonal convention ,
was In the city yesterday calling on friends.
Mis. Anna , S. Rlchnrdsou of the Nonpareil
Blalf , left Inst evening for the cast for a
month's vacation Her place1 on the paper
will bo filled during her absence by Miss
Molllo Ulce.
The members of lilly camp , Hoyal Neigh
bors nf America , have been Invited to par
ticipate In the picnic to bo given by the
Oinnlia rumps Tuesday nfternoon nt Hlvci-
vk'w park.
The body of Miss Hlla Tlmmons , who died
Friday afternoon nt 1'JOl High street of
consumption , was sent yesterday nfternoon
to Ilurllngton . 'I'lctlnn , In , where. It wih lo
bulled Li'i.ifed was 2'J years of a&e.
Christian Science , room 402 Sapp building ,
meeting this morning at 10 15 o'clock , when
the subject of the bible lesion will be ' oub-
Btanco " The u ual tcstlmon/ meeting will
bo held Wednesday f-venlns nt 8 o'clock.
Tl-o subjects of Hov. fj. 1 * Pry's sermons
at the Fifth Avenue Methodist church today
will be. In the morning , "Tho Reasonable
Service ; It's resulto. " nnd In the evening.
"Tho Triumphant Cloto of n Persecuted
Life '
At the First Haptlst church the pastor ,
Rev II. Venting , will take as the subject for
lii-t 1'ior.iniK sermon todny , "An Antidote for
the Hlues " In the evening ho will preach
osiip'nally for the "Hing people , his subject
bping "Tho Crown evvel "
'I lie funeral of the late J. W. OI'moro will
be held this nfteinoon at 5 o'clock from
LuuKlcj's undertaking rooms , Interment be
ing In Walnut Hill cemetery. The services
will * coniluotp" ' > iv Rev. W. S. llarnes ,
pustor of the Flr t Presbyterian church.
of Encampment , No. 8 , Union
nro requested to meet nt
\indertnklng rooms this
tit t w o'clock sharp to attend the
our late comrade Joseph W. Oil-
order R. A. Carveth , lieutenant
. Dnggin , wlfo of John Duggan
1 11 township , died Frld.iv mornlus ,
Tl c funeral will ba held
1 1 1 > uri ibis morning nt 10 o'clock
"I i ' vu'l ' In ? In the Hare ] Dell
| i H- < 1 leaves a husband and
\m \ nt the service next Sunday
> 1 i 'thenue Methodist ehur h
ITteJ to the Interests of the pub-
r > f the < Uy. The pastor , Rev. C
pronih n special sermon bearing
[ tut nnl all the tern hers of thr
Lrs of the school board , patrons
It the public schools will bo lu-
In t onio heat of the weather
in. no s , rvl"o this evening at the
tM Inn ehuieh. At tho. usual
' i the piu'tor will preach on
Ftlon of Faith nnd Knowledge" The
met ting of the missionary society
held nt the church Friday afternoon
Sumtny sdiool will picnic Thursday at
Firmount park
Ho J W Wli-on of the First Congrega
tional chinch lias ri turned from Minnesota ,
vvhi'ro ho has been spending his summer va
cation. nnd will tot'ny conduct the usual
services at the church The subject of his
morning sermon will be. "The Atoning Death
of Christ , " and in the evening he will preach
on "The Christian' ) Advnntnge Over the
Ungodly " U th cio o of the morning service
ice- the tnciamint of the Lord's supper will
bo admin stored
The August term of the dlstilct court
will be conventd tomorrow morning nt 10
o'clock by Judge Mncy , who sent waul > cs-
tcniay that the grand Juiy will be Impaneled
nt H o'clock nnd nn equity assignment made
nt 2 orloik In the nftctnoon of that day.
The term promises < o bo n heavy one , there
being n Inrgo number of cases on the docket
and conalJrrnblo time will be consumed In
the trial of the big damage suit nf Deere ,
Wells S. C'o ngninst the Chicago , Milwaukee
& . St Paul Railway company.
\ burning pile of rubbish at the rear of
nraekeits booU itore nt the eornor of Sixth
siieet oi d Hioadvv.iv t'3t lire to the bill
boards n IJOMI OR and gave the lire depart-
jnu > t n rut ) tute-iday marnlmi about 11
exk On tin vva > to l'io tire the hook
liuldiv finu NoI engine house collided
ih n dc-l V.M wnson of ( ! - > l e & Son , reIn -
In ouauli r. Me damnge to the wagon.
Jie llro i nii'nin Colter nf No. 2 hose com-
.liatl a ntu-or caught In a coupling ,
it The lire was extinguished
no damage.
ir of 1101 Twenty-sixth
rTlcd a complaint last evening before
Durkc barging n young fellow
Dmnu'tiwho works In Uouquet's
barn with enticing his IG-j ear-old
flightoi from homo. Duquette was ai-
ri'stcd and > n dafault of ball was commlttd
to the countj jnll The father of the girl
B tat PS that hla daughter left home yesterday
morning nbout 6 o'clock , Hluee when no trace
of her could bo got Frank Ilendotfon.
charged with l > oliig Impllcnted In the nffnlr ,
was also arrested but gave bail.
Ladles desiring valuable information con
cerning their ailments should geml or call
for "The Vlavl Mc'sngc. " Vlavl Co , , 320
Merriam blK.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 230.
llonl iNtat < * TiaiiNrcrs.
The follow Ins transfers were fllcd ycster-
dny In the abstract , title and loan oflleo
of J. W. Squire. 101 Penrl street :
imma : Rlef to Sievert JUef , w < nvvH
jmrtot \ nvvW , l > art mv ne'i , part
svvii nei4 , part ne > 4 eV | anil seU
neVi section 1 ; nt-v4 , nH he' , nectlou
2 ; ne ,4 , be > , j 12 , se > 4 nvv , i\i4 nwU
niul lot 1 In NCI t Km 2 ; pan neV , nwi <
1 , IIIIII" , nil I lots 1 HIVl i III b.'i -
tlon 3-78-41 , nw\4 ho'i ne\4 svvH , s.\4
nw'4 , part uw Hvvi4 , part sw'.i ne'J ,
l > art itWV * feeVt 0-76-41 , H < 4 nek. 33 ;
nvvl.1 HWi anil part e\l swH J4-77-4I ,
u ml lots 1 anil IS In fc , rndervvooil
wd % l
U II Howl Mjil nd wife t > UV
Howl-nd , IntH 1M aiul 131 and J in
MibiHv of li t ll' , original plat to
Council PlMffH w < 1 1
1' JmUm i\ml wlfi to WlllUm
1 iitnl , 374 ncrrs In -tlous 2 and J-
w d 14,973
t'traa tr rurr . toUU J14 875
niTPPiivp PP i np t tt'iiit tT
Five Men Break Into the House of Young
Widow Oalclwcll ,
rpp of ( lie nniiK I.ocUcil l' | > In .Inll
nnd ronltUi-ly lilcnt Illril liy
Tli.-lr Vlulliii-Di'tiilln o (
tinAlfnlr. .
Mrs. L Cnldvvell , n young widow living
nlono ut 1312 South Sixth street , was the
% lctlm of n gross outrage nt nn enrly hour
yesterday morning nnd Wllllim Rryan , Wil
liam Trnsk and Dennis McSorley , three of
the men Implicated In the nffnlr , nre In
custody at the city Jail , charged with
breaking nnd entering and Impcisonatlus
an ofllccr. Warrants are out for two more ,
there having been live men in the pally
that Invnded Mrs. Caldviell's house nnd Ill-
treated her.
About 4 o'clock yesterday Mrs. CaliKvell
was aw aliened by hearing a nolso at the
back door and before she had time to call
for assistance the back door leading Into
the kitchen was broken In nnd flve men
entered her house. They crowded Into the
room where she was In bed and tolling
her they were ofllccrs ordered her to get
up nnd dress. One of the rufllnns pro
ceeded to diag her but of bed when she
Implored them to leave the room while she
dressed herself. This they did , but she hid
barely time to put on her dress before
they were back ngaln In the room Then
the ruffians took hold of her nnd com
manded her to take her clothes off again ,
She pleaded with them to desist and leave
the house , which they finally did without
molesting her any further. Iletorc Rav
ing , however , they took her gold watch anil
$15 In cash which she had In n pocKetbool <
on the bureau. The men also ransackei !
the cellar , but found nothing of any valut
I there to carry away.
i As soon as the men left Mrs. Caldwcl !
hastened to a neighbor's house , who at onct
notified the police. OlTlccrs Denny nnt
Pinnel hastened to the scene nnd In a sheri
time located three of the men at n saloot
on Sixteenth avenue nnd Sixth street
Trask , after being placed under nrrest
made a bolt for liberty , but was quickly
brought to a halt by a shot from Cnptalr
Denny's revolver , llred In the nlr. The
three men were positively Identified by Mrs
Caldvvell at the police station ns being three
of the gang.
The right name of William Dryan Is sail'
to bo Jacobson. He Is a llrcman In tht
| employ of the Milwaukee road. Trask li
well known to the police , having been ar
rested nbout n week ngo for disturbing the
pence and being drunk. Ho was nt thai
time sentenced to seven days on the chnlc
gang , but escaped the first day ho was
taken out to work. When searched nt th (
station ho wns found to hnvo $7 In his pos
session. This Is believed to be part of tin
$15 stolen from Mrs. Caldwell's house. Me-
Sorloy Is a bartender and has been em
ployed In a saloon on Sixteenth avenue.
William Vollmcr , a young lad who was
with the party but did not enter the house ,
was nrrested , but Inter released on his
promising to appear as a witness. The
cases against the three men were continued
by Judge Aylesworth yesterday until to
morrow morning , their ball being fixed Ir
the sum of $ IJOO each Jncobson managci
to sccuic ball , but the other two are still
In custody.
Mrs. Cnldvvell's watch was found In the
cellar of her house , where H had beer
dropped by one of the rulllnns. Mrs. Culd-
' well was completely prostrated yesterday.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In flni
work for both color and llnlsh. 620 Pear
street. 'Phone 290.
During the fruit sense * . Klein , 112 Broad
way , will handle Uiu Victt that the marke
Mn > nr JpiuiliifH lld CM a Copy o
tinOlllcliil ( nil anil Int Knlloii.
A copy of the official call for the mcetlnj
of city odlcers of all cities and towns
throughout the state to bo heM In Marshall ,
tov.n on October 12 nnd 13 for the purposi
of organizing an Iowa municipal league
was rccohed yesterday by Mayor Jennings
The call Is as follows :
To All City Officials of lown- The icprc
setitatlvrs of the M e ( Hies of Iowa Unit wen
represented at thi ucond nniuial coin en
tlon of the I/engue of American Munlc
lp.ilitl-8 , held at Detroit , Mich. , during tin
tirst days of August , all of the opln
Ion that U would bo of great benefit t <
their iltles nnd to all other cities In tin
l state If n otate association of municipal offi.
1 clald was fonned in lo-va. riieie are manj
| reasons why such an association would b <
of great benefit to Iowa munli Ipnlltles , am
the cities nnd towns tnrough such an or
gnnlratlon rould ol'U.iii much needed legls ,
latlon. The Interchange of ideas and ex-
perlpuccs would bo of gieat assistance to all
Practical questions of Interest to over ;
municipality in Iowa could bo discussed am
the cities iccclvo the benefit of such dls >
In vlavv of these facts It wan deemed ad'
U ° nblo to call a meeting this fall for tin
i foi inallon of u btate association , and Mnr
shalltown , on aicount of owning Its watei
works nnd ek-en'c ' lighting plant , was so
lei ted as the r'nco ' of meeting. The clt ]
council of M.nbhMltown , nt the flrst mc < ? t.
Inc. after the Ki.ion'I convention , pnsscd ih <
following if-olotiin
"Whcrens , H has been dcmonstrnted bj
the second annm'.l convention of the Leagut
of American .Municipal ties , held tu Detroit
that the liucrcstb of lown cities will be pro
rooted by havl.-.g a state meeting ; v.erofoie
be it
"Resolved. By the city council of the cltj
of Marshalliovvii , that the mayor of our clt ;
I bo requested to call a meeting of the clh
officials of lown with a vlow to further pro ,
inou > good rev eminent In the munlclpalillti
of I own. The time of mating to bo nr
[ langcd b.v the mayor"
I Pui uaiit to tr-is resoliulo i the dates o
i October 12 and 13 were selected for the meet
ing A cordlnl Invitation Is extended tc
every city nnd town In Iowa to send elelO'
gntcti to this meeting. Kvery municipality
U .vsked to turn ! as many delegates as the ;
desire. And wo trust thatitry municipality
In the state will bo represented.
\ \ ithe undersigned , representatives o !
our ipHioctlvo cities at the national niret-
Ing of the League of American Municipali
ties , unite. In this call for a state meeting
an.l call on all munlclpalltl-s in Iowa u
send delegates. JOHN MACVICAH ,
Mayor of DCS Molncs.
Mayor of Cedar Rapid * .
E. 11 11ULLIAM ,
Mayor of Muscatlne.
F. K. STUmilNS.
Mayor of Iowa City.
Mayor of Marshnlltown.
Accompanying the cnll was an Invitation
from Mayor Pierce of Marslmlltown to the
mayor and members of the city council
to attend the meeting. In the Invitation
Mayor Pierce says "In preparing the pro
gram for the meeting. 1 would bo pleased
to receive Ideas from different cities , nnd
I ask you to let mo know at an early dnto
your Idea of the subjects that should tomu
up for discussion I would nlso like to
know about how many cities will bo repre
nnd will bo glad to receive any nnd
all suggestions. The success of this meet
ing depends upon you nnd your cooperation
tion "
Mayor Jennings Is greatly In favor of the
Idea of n state municipal league , and be
lieves It will bo of great benefit to the
cities throughout the state. The matter
| will be laid before the council at its meet
ing Monday night and the mayor will recom
mend that Council Bluffs be represented nt
the meeting nt Mnrshalltown.
socurrv TN < 01 M.II , HMHTH.
nf the Swell Sot for 1lic I.I
The most notable social event of the last
week was undoubtedly the mnrrlago of Miss
Maude Katharine Oliver , daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. John T. Oliver , to Mr Herbert
Maylcs 1'ulKcr of Janesvllle , WIs , which or-
cttrred Thursday evening nt the Oliver residence
denceon I'ark avenue. The ceremony was
performed by Rev L. 1' McDonald , rcctoi
of St. Paul's Episcopal church , In the hand
some drawing room which was beautifully
decorated with palms and white asters , thu
bride and groom blending beneath n bovver
composed of the same plants nnd Ilovvers.
The bride , who Is one of the mo t popular
young society women of the llluffs , was
robed In white satin en train and wore .
handsome nodding veil. The ribbon bear
ers were the Misses Hcsslo Ueno , Blanche
Patterson , Adah Sargent and Fay Hollen-
beclt , the matron of honor being Mrs.
Sweating , sister of the bride , attired In white
organdie over pink , and Mr. Sweating the1
best man. Following the ceremony the
lippy couple left for Chicago , from where
they will make a trip of the lakes. They
will reside at Janesvllle , WIs. , where they
will bo at home after December 1. The
v.cddlng wns attended by over 100 friends
and relatives of the contracting couple ,
among the out of town guests being Mr. and
Mrs. Sweeting of Chicago , Mr. nml
Mrs Warner L. Welsh of New York , Dr.
and Mrs Drown and daughter of Chicago ,
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Simmons of New
York , Miss Del ! Oleason of Anamosa , In ;
Mrs Addle White of Charlotte , Mich. , anil
Mrs. Travcrs of St Joseph , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs O. P McKesson , Mr. Frank
McKesson nnd Miss Foster gave a dancing
I party Friday night at the McKesson rest-
i deuce on Oakland avenue.
j Mrs P. J. Montgomery gave a kenslngton
i Tuesday afternoon In honor of Mrs. Don
| Judd of Los Angeles , Cnl. Some thirty
! guests were present and a most enjoyable
] musical program was carried out , nftei
| which dainty refreshments were served.
Miss Cora Keller entertained about forty
I of her young friends last Tuesday evening
In honor of her cousin , who Is visiting her
The fore part of the evening was spent In
a trip up the river on the steamer "Jacot
Hlchtman , " a special car being engaged tc
convey the party to and from Omaha. Or
1 the return homo refreshments were serveil
l nt the Keller homo and dancing was In-
I elulged In until a late hour. Mr. and Mrs ,
Robert Mullls chaperoned the young folks ,
I Mtss Richmond of Madison , WIs. , who has
. been spending the summer with Mrs. George
Richmond of Avenue E , returned home
Mrs. Albert Sutton of Milwaukee Is the
guest of Mrs. Wade Gary.
Miss Lido McAsaey of Chicago Is the gucsl
j of Mrs. James N. Cnsady , Jr. , of Oaklant
Mlas Emma Heebe gave n picnic party
Wednesday evening at the Boat club house
In honor of Mrs. Frank Hollenbeck of Dot
Molncs , who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs ,
J. E. Holleubcck and family.
J. W. Halrd and wlfo of Hamilton , Mo. ,
| are visiting the famlles of H. and G. G ,
I I3alid and taking In the exposition ,
j The exposition has brought about many
pleasant affairs , but nonu more so than the
family reunion last week of four brothers-
Jackson , J. W. , P G. and A. D. Mlkesell ,
They had not met In like manner for many
I years nnd at times were separated by thousands -
| sands of miles. The older bro'hcr Is nearly
j 7 ! > years of ago and lives In the wcsterr
i part of Kansas. The week was pleasantly
I passed viewing the sights of the big show
lover the river and by happy gatherings It
' the homo circle.
Alderman and Mrs. J , D. Atkins are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Aelarason
nnd son Ernest of Lemars , la.
Stymest Stevensofl has icturncd from an
extended visit with relatives and frlendE
at Ansley , Neb.
Mrs. Fred Graves of Ottumwn , who hat
been the guest the last week of Mr. anil
Mrs. Henry C. Scheldle nnd family , re-
I turned home last Thursday.
I Mrs. Victor E. Bender of Fourth avenue
, entertained her mother , Mrs. II. W. Col-
vlllo of Galesburg , III. , last week.
Miss Gcorglo Mitchell left Friday for r
week's visit with frlenda at Malvern , la.
Miss Nellie Honey 1 visiting friends It
Malvern , la.
Miss Ethel Donhnn has returned froir
Tamora , Neb , where she has been vlsltlnj
j friends for n month.
' Major and Mrs. Spera have returned from
I an extended eastern trip ,
j Mrs. r. W. Hess of Farmer City was tht
guest the Inst week of Misses Josephine
I Shea and Klttlo Connor.
| Mrs. G. P. Rlnker of 137 Denton streel
entertained during the last week Mrs ,
Menard nnd daughter Almee of McCook ,
, Neb.
I Mrs H. S Ogden , formerly Miss Addle
Sherman of this city , Is the guest of Mr ,
and Mrs. W. W. Sherman of South Sev
enth street.
Mrs. George H. Huletto had as her guests
the last week Miss Dealney A , Huletto anil
Miss Bessie Hagueman of Ulue Island , III ,
I Miss Anna Johnson of Milwaukee and
Mr and Mrs W. 0. Johnson of Kansas City
were the guests the last week of Mr. anil
Mrs. E. J. Towlsee and family on Oakland
j avenue.
j Miss Marie Ferguson of South First streel
entertained during the last week Miss Alice
Mosher of Sioux City.
I Mrs. O. H. Lucas and Miss Bessie Ester
visited during the last week at the Glllllanil
farm at Glcnvvood.
Mrs. E P. Nichols Is enjoying n visit from
her Bister , Mrs. Josephine Watts of Gilbert ,
I 10 ,
| Mr. Walter Stephnn entertained during the
last week Mrs John Slattcry , Miss Plgotl
and Miss Finn of Lenox , la.
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Gavin entertained tht
' last week Mrs. W. M. Bates of Atlantic
la , and Mrs. R. L. Warner of Warnersvillc
I Neb.
| Mrs. Dora Churchill and daughter Barbars
have returned from a vlelt with relative ;
| In Saundcrs county , Nebraska.
I Mrs. H. S Jones entertained the lost w eel
Mrs. Sllvcrthorn of Chicago.
I Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Carter of Knnsas
City , accompanied by their little daushtcr ,
are the uucsts of Dr. nnd Mrs , II. B. Jen-
nlncs on Fourth street.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Weaver entertained
during the last week Miss Clara Ilartz , Mlfs
Abble Brown and Mrs. A. Thorncate of
North Louji , Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. W O. Morris of Canning
street entertained during the last week
Joseph A. Sanderson of Evansvllle , 1ml.
[ Mr Sanaderson has decided to locate In
i this state , and , with his brother , will go
Into the newspaper business at Rlverton
Mrs Walter Spoonor has returned from
her eastern trip Her mother , Mrs II. II.
Pettlbone , remains for some time longer
with relatives In Illinois.
Mrs. J B Atkins , who has been visiting
friends at Burlington , la. , Is homo again.
Mies Gertrude Kennedy of Loean. form
erly superintendent of tuuslc la the public
schools here , has been visiting Council
muffs friends the last week. She left
Wednesday evening for Tavlorvlllo , III.
A. J. Hutchlnson and family of Oil East
Pierce street had ns their guest last week
George Garnet of Mondamln , In.
Miss Caroline Dodge nnd Mrs. Sims and
baby have returned from their outing at
Clear Lake
Mrs. Mary Lewis Is rlsltlng relatives nt
Mrs. William Officer Is sojourning nt Hot
Springs for her he-alth.
Miss Maude Roper of Washington avenue
entertained the last week Miss Nellie Vnn
Pelt of Des Molnes
Mr. and Mrs. Inuc Rus had ns their guest
last week Eugcno Wilson of Lend City ,
S. D.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Lane returned last
week from an enjoyable trip through the
pleasure resorts of Colorado.
Mis II Ehleb-acht of 118 Stutsman street
Is enjoying u visit from her brother , W. H.
Brunn of Reinbeck , la.
Miss Edith Orrell left Friday for a visit
with friends In Des Molnes.
Mips Josephine Darling of Osagc , In. , Is
visiting her mint , Mrs. P. J. Montgomery ,
on Fourth street.
Miss Sadie Mudge of Milwaukee Is visiting
ner parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Mudge , of A\e-
nuo C.
Mrs. Charles Haas will ha\e as her guest
this week Mrs P. H. Adams of Topeka , Kan.
Mrs. W. S Wright of Third avenue Is en
joying a visit from her daughter , Mrs. A.
Scott Ormsby of Emmetsburg , In.
Frank Officer , the little son of Mr. and
Mrs. William Officer , accompanied Mrs.
George Damon to Wayne , Neb , Frldny ,
where he will visit for several weeks.
Mrs. Fred H Hill of S23 Third avenue Is
entertaining Mrs. Sarah Knapp nnd Mrs.
Edwin Manning of Keosauqun , la. ; Mrs.
Hnnnn Ivcs of Ottumwa , la ; Mrs. Vcrnon
Dyar of Wichita , Kan. , and Mrs. Caldvvell
of Little Rock , Ark. j
Mrs. Southwlck and daughter enter
tained last Wednesday Mrs Hnirls and
daughter of Cincinnati , 0. , and MUs Folger
of Omaha.
D. \ \ . Hllslnger and wife of Valentine ,
Neb. , accompanied by their daughter , Mrs.
E. L Barker of Tekamah , Neb , are ex
position visitors stopping In this city , the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Drake and
family on North a\enue.
Miss Gertrude Gctchell of Dec Molnes Is
the guest of Mr and Mia. F. P. Wright on
South Seventh street.
Mrs. William Henson of Dubuque te vis
iting her parents , Mr. anil Mrs. George F.
Wright , on South Sixth street.
Mrs. J. I. Lutz and daughter Nell have
gone to Dubuque for a month's \lslt with
friends nnd relatives.
Miss Estella Gebhurt of Begley , In. , Is
visiting her brother , W. C. Gebhart , and
taking In the exposition.
Mrs. T. J. Foley Is visiting In Ithaca , N.
4" . , nud Inter will visit In Now York City
and Polot Comfort before returning home.
Miss Jennie Tllton of Janesvllle , WIs. , Is
the guest of her brother , H. W. Tllton , nnd
tnmlly on Fifth avenue.
Miss Etta Maxwell is visiting In Wlnfiefd ,
Glen Blckley of Kimbrne , Minn. , Is visit
ing his uncle , S. G. Shownlter , while tnklng
In the exposition.
Aithur L. Stevens of Fourth street has
relumed from his Colorado trip.
C. H. Frank , cashier of the First National
bank of Palnsville , O , wns the guest last
week of his cousin , Spencer Smith , and fam
ily , on Washington avenue.
Mrs. Donald Macrae , Jr. , Is In San Fran
cisco visiting her husband at the Presidio.
Miss Belle Shew of Denver , who has been
spending the summer with her sister , Mrs.
E. Canning , returned homo last Wednesday.
Mrs. William Powers of 1300 Ninth nvenuo
ortertnlned her sister , Mrs. Anna Harrington
of Chicago during the last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. D. Main and their
daughter , Mrs. Osburn of Pnrsons , Knn , , nro
the guests of E. G. Wood nnd family of 1002
Avenue D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wolf of Iowa City are visit
ing their father nnd mother , Mr. and Mrs.
S. S. Stake , and sister , Mrs. Beasoie , while
taking In the exposition.
Fisher Beaumont used Cole's Hot Blast
heater last winter
HlcidKCtt SUCH ( he Olllccr.
Detective Dan L. Weir of the police
force has n $1,000 damnge suit on his hands.
M. A. Blodgett , manager of the Western
School Supply house of Des Molncs , who
was arrested Filday night and locked up
on the charge of obtaining money under
false pretenses , has brought the suit against
the officer. When Blodgett's cane was called
In police court yesterday morning It de
veloped that there was nothing to hold
him on , and Judge Aylesworth accordingly
dlbchnrged him. Blodgett at once hunted up
nn attorney nnd filed suit in the district
court against Weir , who made the nrrest ,
and the National Surety company of New-
York , which Is on the officer's boned for
Wanted Girl for general housework. ' Mrs.
O. Kecllnn , G1S South Seventh street.
Part 2 of The Bee's photogravures of the
exposition Is now ready and can be had at
the Council Bluffs office.
Klein's summer drinks beat 'era all.
rfinfliliMicu' MIIII'N Smooth Work.
ACKLEY , la , Sept. 3. ( Special ) A few-
days slneo a fellow giving the name of II.
B Cowans and claiming to hall from Cedar
Rapids arrived In town. Ho put up his
horse nnd buggy nt Michaels' livery barn
and engaged a team , explaining to Mr
Michaels that he was selling farm rights to
farmers on n patent gate , which he called
the "Little Dandy" Ho then went to II
Krummel and contracted with him for sev
eral dozen small models of his gate. Ho
also had n thousand contrncts printed. He
sold n number of farm rights to the farm
ers In this vicinity for $5 nnd nobody sus
pected anything wrong until Michaels re
ceived word from Alden that his team had
been left at that place nnd was at bis dis
posal. Investigation showed Cowans did not
hold a patent on the gate ; that the horse
and buggy that he put up at the livery barn
were not his , but belonged to n liveryman
at Mason City , and that he had obtained
It on the pretext that he was painting
Greatest Vaudeville Performance
of the Year.
The increasing largo crowds warrant the expense and the management lias arranged for
the greatest vaudeville performance presented in Omaha or Council Bluffs this season. .Ele
gant opportunity for Transmississippi visitors to visit the popular resort and witness the
elegant attraction.
Matinee : 4:30 : O'clock Daily. Evening Performance ; 800 ; O'clock ,
Trip from Omaha by Terminal Line , 30 Cents.
Depot on Locust street , near Sherman avenue. The round trip to the Lake , admission
to the Grand Plaza , a trip across the Lake in a st ° amer , all at an expense of thirty cents ,
thus placing the entertainment within the reach of everybody. No extra ch.'irge for rocking
chairs , swings or settees. Last train leaves Lake at 11JJO. : An extra charge of 10 cents for
steamboat trip , Sundays only.
loofs In the country. He left unpaid bills
for board , livery hire , etc , hero to the
amount of $3.'i or more. He collected his $5
ftom the farmers Immediately upon the
signing of the contract giving a model of
the gate gratis. Ho took the eastbound
I passenger out of Alden tind no trace of his
whereabouts has been found as yet.
lonn Will lla\ < - u ( niliollo r < illi-Kc.
DUBUQUE. la , Sept. 3 ( Special ) The
rcticat of the pilests of the archdiocese of
Dubuque has been concluded. Over 100
clergymen weie In attendance. Before ad
journment Archbishop Hennessey addicssed
the pilests regarding the now Catholic college -
lego planned for some years and the foun
dation of which Is laid on Kelloy's Bluff lit
this city. He leeched great encouragement ,
and announced that work on the biiper-
Btructure would commence next year. The
now college will cost $200,000 , nnd will be
the greatest Catholic college In the west.
It will have a faculty comprising the most
learned men In the Catholic church. The
final preparation will be given those men
who will enter the priesthood. Each arch-
dlocess pays for the education of men from
Its diocese In the final course preliminary
to their entrance Into the priesthood. At
present this diocese Is paying for bcventy
such men , nearly all of whom are In the
Montreal Institute.
OHi'cola Count ; DoniorrnM.
S1BLEY , la. , Sept 3. ( Special Telegram. )
Osccola county democrats nominated the
following ticket this afternoon. Clerk of
the district court , A. W. McCallum ; re
corder , Charles Chambers ; county auditor ,
J. B. Lent ; county attorney , B. F Barnctt ;
supervisors , Dlerk Frey and Lou Douff. The
following are the delegates to the democratic
| state convention W. P. Wassler , John Dett-
| man , James Flynn , Anton Street , Conrad
Scnmoll and C. Wassman. > _
DiMiincriitli- Judicial Coil-v cndoit.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Sept. 3 ( Special Tele
gram. ) The democrats of the Eighteenth ju
dicial district held their convention here to
day nnd nomlnnted for Judges C. J. Cash of
Jones county , W. H. Storrs and N. W. Mc-
Ivor of Linn county.
S wO 'V/ >
Distributed by
John 0. Woodward & Co ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
3 |
lays ,
Your fuel and winter clothing and a thousand other
things to buy later. Buy your Heating Stove now. Fuel
Savers at Cole & Cole's.
FAVORITE BASE BURNERS Biggest air flues nnd hot
test baue of any hard coal stove mado. Nickel don't tar
nish. It paves the coal.
COLE'S HOT BLAST Cleanliness and oven heat with
poft coal. First stove over made to give these results.
| BUCK'S STEEL RANGES The range that bakes biscuits
in UA minutes. Bicycles to rent and some hot bargains to
sell. Be.-t repair shop in Council Bluffs. Closing out Re
frigerators and Gasoline Stoves. Easy Payments.
COLE & COLE , 41 Main St.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
of Straw Mattings for
cash only. We will
make a
on all Mattines this
week. Come early while
our line is complete.
Odd Fellows' ' Building ,
Five Races Each Day.
on iowa Farms
We arc prep ircd to place loans on improved Western Iowa P
farms nt 5 per cent. Money on h nil , im clo'ov. ' W ; hive for of
stile several che > iee FRL'IT , GARDEN , GRAIN AND STOCK itt
Llicup money will make land go „
ln\estimate our bargains. iOt
39 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. .
\\ANTF.1 ?
Fees Gas
yff Engines
24 to JfO
Horao Pow
\ll Kliuli.
Call on us or wr te for prl fa K. d s < riptlons.
i > vin nit .t < < > . .
Counrll lllulTN. luitn.
101. 2" 0 * . liroadvvay C'uuii' il Illuff'
llutct ) , Jl 23 ptr Uuy " 5 rounv First-ilnai
11 uVLiy respect Motor llnu tu nil ilcpn
I ocal uf--i nt > for the Celi-brate-il ht Louis I
A II C' . Uecr. 1'lrtt-tluua bar In cor.
G.W.PangeM.D ! ,
Kcaclcr of IHHHCH | of nc-n and
World' * Iluilml J > l | > < unary oj Medclij. !
I ( Till - Citaiili of Ili'ttil , Throat ntifl
fuiK ! . DIMIIM. e.I i : ) in , , ) ar. riii find
A'l'"iJ. | ' ' ' < I.v , . ? nil , , KMm.y . ! ) „ ? .
IMlllHilfH , llriylll H I CUM. . . ht VitllH l
Ith.-iuimtl-m , bci. Hl wltlmui '
' " " '
> I'hycuiiin who
- can
proprrlv runt , ll'llli | 5J
without cu-hiroyuifc-tcttli "c
and I untk N , r
ruiy or pulson n.inenil IIK-I !
1 ho only I'lijMoInn who can Icllvlmt nil.
joii Uncut nikW 11 < | HfBllon
linnet nt ii ilUtiuno tunl for ntirgtlon
blank M , 1 for ini-n , No y ilr vJe.mi n.
Ml onrrcinoniloiicu tuictly
HiUicnu suit liyczpri-BP.
Aildrrtanlllrttnra to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
! Cn llruudwiiy. COPNCII , UI.l'Kl'8 , IA
C28cud 'i coin Kuunu lor rtnur.