Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    0 TllK OMAHA DA1LV 111513 : SUNDAY. SI3PTEMHEU .J , 1898.
JJntownrd Elemental Conditions Not Enough
' to Stop the Movement.
jl'rlilii } ' Ki ruing * * .Mn ki'il I'roiiiiMinilc !
Jlclli-v ril lo Hi * I'orrriiiini'i- -
of u More I'rrlciilloni VITnlr
dlrln anil Solilli-r llo > t.
The heat and the dust of the last week
cre not Hulllrlently Intolerable' to prevent
i real vigorous movement of society lu the
imart eel. Life around the upper crust has
: ccn wonderfully quickened by the events
jlurlng ihe days lhat ushered In the first of
ho autumnal months. Ilctvvccn prepare-
Ions for the Court Carnival nnd for the
Aclcomo homo dinner to the gallant soldiers
) f the Second Nebraska regiment , every ono
las had something to do during the vvxck
ind ennui became nn unknown quantity.
Despite obstacle" ? that nt ono time seemed
nsurmotintnble , the Court Carnival was n
luccess. There was u generous turnout of
( oclcty folk and thrro wcro others. The fear
of some of the most prudent parents that
wild scenes of rovclry might disturb the
lorcnlty of the occnslon proved to be ground-
ess and n larger representation of so-
: lety U assured on the repetition of the
iffair. It Is to bo hoped for the beauly
" > t Iho passing show lhat nil of the mas-
iqueradcrs will agree to remain In line until
the procession Is completed next time. H
has been suggested that the dignity of the
Affair was lowered by the request of the
management for n half rate nt the ndmls-
'Jlon gate. If the second Court Carnival is
to bo n ical bwcll affair , perhaps It might
too wise to let the full tariff for admission
remain In force.
The Omaha girl never showed lo boiler
ulvuntnso than during the last week when
) ho rru bore nnd there nbout town col
lecting good things for the soldier boys
to eat on their return from the south. The
sight nt the fort yesterday afternoon , vvhen
n bevy of the young women waited on the
volunteers , was n pretty one It would be
j snylng a gicnt deal lo remark lhat the girls
teemed to get as much enjoyment out of
' the occasion ns did the soldiers out of their
, ' , dinner , but such appeared to be Iho cane
4 At nny rate , most of the glrlw decided they
would co out lo Ihe fort real often this
week nnd take fresh flow era to the sick
boys every time.
The corps of life saving guaids of the
government now stationed at the exposition
nro not the cmly life savers around Iho
lagoon. The other evening n party of
young folks were out In one of the electric
Immchcs. Something nbout one of the
valves went wrong , nnd the engineer had
nothing at hand that would do to open It.
The llttlu craft became hclplrss and drifted
nround In some danger. Ho nskcd for a
match or n toothpick , but not a man lu
the crowd could produce. Then the en
gineer begged for n penknife , but the men
were uhy on cutlery Despair had almost
made the engineer give up. when n voung
woman suggested that a halipln might do.
The engineer snld he would tiy one. Tlrst
n comb hnlrpln was used \\lth no good le-
Hiilts , but the vv-iro hnlrpln proved lo ho
the very thing nreded The party was saved
' nnd shown that hairpins are good for some
thing clso besides cxtracltng olives from
/ „ long-necked bottle's
DIUICO nt MllnolH ItiilhlliiK.
The elegant reception and dance tendered
the cntei talnnunt bureau of the exposition
mid friends by Major nnd Mrs Hamilton at
the Illinois building on I'rlday night at the
conclusion of the masked carnival , was ono
of the lending i vents of the week.
Stately palms were artistically grouped
tlirouchout the halls and parlors. Iced
champagne and frozen Homan punch wore
BCIveil from llovver-wrcathed bowls In the
leceptlon hall. The orchestra was sta
tioned lu the east gallery
As seen fiotn the gallery the dancers
made a fantastic and pleasing scene. Many
wcro still habited In the costumes In which
they had participated In the carnival. There
really \\t\u \ not much dancing , but the inv -
v Itlng seats on the spacious porches drew
many of thu young folks out of doors to
enjoy the moonlight and other old things
CcleIllnilTheir liiililvo Ai -
Mr. nnd Mrs William Llddell reached
the fiftieth anniversary of their married
llfo last Thurtiday , and their children and
grand children residing in Omaha called
nt their homo at 1710 Webster street to
rxtcud congratulations Those present wort-
lion. John Llddell , Mrs. J. II. Manning ,
Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mrs. John M. Olbbs.
Another son , William Llddell , jr , who lives
nt Cincinnati , was unahlo to bo present
Mr. nnd Mrs Ltddcll were married In
Glasgow , Scotland , and came to America
In 1S69. They llrst Htopped nt Council
Bluffs , where ) they resided for live joars , ami
then moved over to Omaha. Mr. Llddell
Is 72 years old , but Is able to attend to the
duties of his position oveiy day. Mrs Lid-
doll Is 70 > ears of age , but her health
is not so robust as that of her husband.
At the homo of Mr. Louis riolhchlld on
Thursday nfternoon nt 3 o'clock occuned
the imirrlago of Miss Hetty Haas to Mr.
Sol Hcss of Kcmpton , III. , Hnbbl Leo M.
l-'rnnklln olllclatlng Jt was n very quiet
homo vNeddlng , only the relatives and In-
llmulo friends of Iho conlracllng parties
being present. The bride wore her travelIng -
Ing gown , n brown tailor made dress , with
hut to match
The decoration of the parlors was ex
tremely effective , bride roses being used
In profusion After the ceremony n buffet
? > luncheon was nerved in the dining room
' J The color scheme of this room bclnc green
I nnd while , the tnblo was brilliant with Us
i green shaded candelabra , rose's , cul glass
> nnd sliver. Mr. nnd Mrs Hess left at 5
' ' I'n.
j o'clock for I'lttsburg ,
Mrx. Vlllxon'N l.iiiii'liroii t'nrt ) .
A brilliant nfternoon nffnlr was the fern
luncheon with which Mrs Charles T Al-
llbon entcrtnlned for Miss P.ulnlln of St.
Louis , who is the guest of Miss Crclghton.
nnd Mlas Hlnes of Qulncy , 111. , the guest
. of Mrs. McGinn.
The dlnlnc room wns transformed Into n
cool , green bower with maidenhair ferns
The appolntracnls of the table were dainty
Ike Royul la the Ingntst grade baling ponder
knattfl. Actual trtls show It goei one-
third further than any other brand.
Absolutely Pure
In the extreme , the pink roiea contrasting
hcftutlfully with the unnwy napery and glit
tering rut glass and silver
Mr a. 8. C. Row , lion of Detroit Is the guest
of Mrs Klla 1'crrlne.
Miss May Ilafferty of Chicago Is the guest
of Mliis Alle Manning.
Miss Harriet Wilght of Dos Molnes , In. , Is
the guest of Miss Dickinson.
Mrs Ilronn of Louisville , Ky. , Is visiting
her sister , Mrs. John Held.
Miss Oraeo Moody of Denver Is visiting
her friend , Miss Udna Hlmcr.
Mrs. C. W. Turner of Philadelphia Is the
gueet of Mrs. W. 11. Ilennolt.
Mr C. J. Slatter of Llttlo Tails , N. Y. ,
is visiting Mr. John S. Clark.
Miss Ocorgo Sharp Is entertaining Miss
Dora Reynolds of Kansas City.
| Miss Mabel Comstock of Kansas City Is
the guest of Mry frank 1'ugh.
' Mrs. Adams of Lexington , la , was the
guest of Mrs. llobb last week.
Miss Hoagland entertained Miss Trances
Ouryen of New York last week.
Dr. J. W. Ulnkloy of Chicago spent a. few
daj.s nt the exposition Ian week.
Mrs Clwrles Thompson of Okarchc Is vis
iting her Bister , Mrs. Ucorge Hassctt.
Miss Sykrs of Mercer , Vet , . , Is the guest
of Mrs. Joseph A. Sykes of this city.
Miss Marie Kroncnbcrger of New Orleans
Is visiting Judge Straw n and family-
Mrs. W. T. Swan of IJIloxl , Miss. , is the
guest of her sister , Mrs. Z. T Llndsov.
Mrs. J. W. MfAshnno of Houston , Tex ,
Is the guest of Mrs \ \ C Hallantlne.
Mrs. Child of ( lalnsvllle , ( ia , Is spending
some titno with Mrs Lnfa > etto Young.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J Evans of Iloucogl Falls ,
N' . Y. , are exposition visitors this week.
Mrs. John Arkcrly of Missouri Is the
guest of her sister , Mrs. William Sharp.
Mrs. J. II. Rvans is entertaining Miss
Jessie Clcndenen L"ldrcd of Klmlrn , N. Y.
Ilev J. C. White of Dunlnp , la , was a
vIMtor in Omaha on Trlday of last week
Mis W V. Allen of Jancsvllle , WIs , is
stopping with her mother , Mrs. G. W. Tracy.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles II. Sawyer of Kan
sas City nro visiting with Mrs. Trank Klef-
Mrs. Smith Saunders of St. Johnsville , N.
Y. , \lsltlng her sister , Mrs. John P , Wag
Mrs , Nellie Hums Rnsltnan and daughter
HHuii airlvo tomorrow morning , trom Chi
Mrs. T. II. Smart of St. Louis has been
spending the week with Mrs. C n. Warn-
Mis. Obermeycr of Kansas City , who has
been visiting Mrs. Sellgsohn , has returned
Mis. I'eter Swan and son , IMvvnul , left
for their home at North IJend , Neb. , last
Mu. H. V Allen of Janesvlllo , WIs. , is
stopping with her mother , Mrs. G. W.
Ti ncy.
Miss Dorothea Heuck of Davenport , In. ,
Is the guest of her cousin , Miss Kntheriuo
Mrs. J. Mejcr and children and Miss
Illoom of Iowa City are visiting friends and
Mr and Mis. S. A. MeWhorter are enter
taining Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Myers of Topeka -
peka , Kan
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Hnlstead and family
from I'oncu , Neb , aio guests of Dr. Clark
and family.
Miss Dora Strauss , of Cincinnati , who has
been stopping with Mis. May , left for her
home last Friday.
Mrs. Imogcno Johnson of Davenport , In ,
in spending a few weeks with her sister ,
Mts. Edwin Rimer.
Dr. nnd Mrs. llaiber of Toledo , 0. , will
auivo Monday , to bt the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. P. I' . Klrkendnll.
MU Anna J Curry of Chicago Is spend
ing two weeks of her vacation with her
aunt , Mrs M. J. Trank.
Miss Dlotcky of Des Molncs , la , who has
been the guest of Miss Klla Uothchlld , left
for her home on Triduy.
Mr. Harry Wnnen , who Is attending the
University of Michigan , Is the guest of his
uncle , Mr. Harry Cockrell.
Mis. L H. Cope of Newton , In. , nnd Mrs.
1 ] C. Vandeiccok of Springfield , III. , are
the guests of Mrs. Donahue
Mr. nnd Mrs. R. S. Cope and family of
Humboldt , Neb , are visiting Mr. B. F. Tur
ner , ! M03 South Ninth street.
.Mrs. John I'eubody and family left for
Florida the llrst of the week , after a de
lightful visit with her parents
Mrs. Godfrey nnd son Truman , and Mr.
George Hodman of Kansas City nro stopping
with Mrs I'ugh , 2069 St. Mary's avenue.
On Monday Mr. and Mrs. William Robin
son of Texas arrived In the city to ba the
guests of Mr. Euclid Martin and family.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coffln of O'Clalr.
Win. , are guests of Mrs. H. S Jaynes. Mrs.
Collln Is a very enthusiastic club woman
Mlas May Lansing of Lincoln has been the
guest of Miss Gertrude Uranch during the
last ten da > s while visiting the exposition.
Ilov. Andrew Green , 0. S. B , of St. Bene
dict's college , Atchison , Kan. , was a visitor
nt the exposition several days last week.
Miss Mlla Lally of Oakland , Cal. , who has
been spending the summer in New York
City , Is the guest of Mr. H. S. Jnynes and
Miss Mears of Chicago , who has been the
guest of Miss Bassett , left Tuesday for
Lampasas , Tex. , to bo the guest of Mrs. J ,
N Manuel.
Mrs William M. Thomson and daughter ,
Mrs ? . F. H , Stark of Uockvllle , Ind. , nio vis
Itors at the exposition , the guests of Mrs.
C. T. Houdlnot.
Miss Hurbert , who has made so many
friends while in the city , the guest of her
sister , Mrs. T. P. Klrkcndall , left for her
home yesterday.
Mrs. Walter Trlpp , formerly of this city ,
arrived on I'rlday from her homo In Kan
sas City , and Is the guest of her brother , Mr.
Rdward Williams.
Mis H. H Bonn and children of Washing
ton Kan , with Mrs. H. C. Pershlng and
daughter of Fainleld , Neb. , were exposition
visitors lost v\r k.
Mr. nnd Mrs Rdvvnrd W. Howe , who have
boon the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albyn
Trank. left for their homo nt Atchison ,
Kan , on Wednesday.
Mrs. Martin Corcoran nnd daughter Grace
of Stevens Point , WIs. , and Miss Mary
Clary of Portage , WIs , are guests of Mr.
and Mis James Clary.
Mrs. -nbrook of Kansas City nnd Miss
Giaeo Stehm of Chicago , who have been
stopping with the Misses Stehm. left for
their homo on Monday night
Miss BeHslo Stocking of Independence ,
Mo , was the guest last week of Miss Rthel
Palmer She will bo entertained the cornIng -
Ing week bv Mrs John Brady.
Mr nnd Mr * , rf. r Wcstcot , Miss Myitlo
Klock and Mrs. A K Smith of Lincoln took
In the sights of exposition and city last
week , the guests of Mrs J. A Dempster.
Mr and Mrs. Charles II. Smith. Miss
Smith and Master Wesley Smith of Denver
and Mr. and Mrs. J H Halmon and son
nf Indianapolis are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Weller
Mrs. W O Harrington , formerly of
Omaha , but now of Colorado , left for her
home last week She- was the guest of Miss
Pear ! Tyner and Mu W A vVII-n Mrn
Harrington will return in October for the
Ak-Sar-Ben festivities
Kabul Hirsch of the Slnal Temple of Chi-
eago arrived Friday to spend a few da > s In
the city Ho is editor of the Reform Ad
vocate , a professor In the University of Chicago
cage and the foremost rabbi In the United
States He was accompanied by Mrs.
tM of the AVvrU.
An afternoon coffee was given by the
Mlssca Votes en Tuesday.
A chop-stlek dinner was given by Mrs.
Edward L Loirax to a few Intimate friends
on Tuesday night nt the Chinese Village.
Complimentary to Mrs. McKell. who is
the guest of Mrs Samuel Hums , Mrs
Charles T Kountio entertained at dinner
on Tuesday night
The Hiding club met on Thursday night
\\ith Mr Ralph Council It was the largest
meeting of the season On their return sup
per was served nt Mr Council's home.
The last dance of the summer was given
on Wednesday evening by Miss Shlverlck ,
complimentary to her guest , Mies Yen
Strenwjk. The house and grouuls wtrc
beautifully Illuminated. A dainty Arctic
luncheon was served with roses TlutlcrlnR
ribbons , dainty laces and pretty faces were
the order of the evening
One of the notable events of the week was
the dinner given by Mrs Kdward W. Nash
on Thursday In honor of Mcsdamos Urlllith
ind Rich , who are guests of Mrs. James
Mr and Mrs J. N Cornish entertained a
louse party last week. The following were
guests. Dr. and Mrs. Hill and Miss Tib-
bets of Lincoln , nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Tlbbets
of Hastings , Neb
On Monday night Dr. Herbert A. Woodbury
of Council Bluffs entertained twelve of the
dolt gates of the Dental association with nn
all-around trip on the Midway , finishing up
with a swe-11 oriental dinner
Mr. Windsor Doughtery entertained nbout
Ifty ol lil.s friends at a garden dun 'o on
IVedncsdny evening The grounds were
Ighted with Japanese lanterns , nnd the oc
casion proved a very cnjojablo ono fet
the young people present.
In honor of her cousin , Miss Barker of St.
Louis , Miss Mary Barker very delightfully
entertained a company of joting friends on
Monday evening. Guessing contests nnd 11
fine exhibition of tricks by Mr. Martin were
followed by refreshments.
Mrs. Albert R Bryson gave a pink and
white luncheon on Thursday at 1 o'clock in
l-onor of Mrs Hnttle Clayton and the Misses
Clayton of Salt Lake City. The table was
prettily decorated In pink nnd white , with
n centerpiece of la Trance and bride roses.
Covers for twelve wore laid
Mrs. J. II. Evans entertained on Saturday
Tor her niece nnd nephew , Mlse Pauline nnd
Master Robert Schenck. Outdoor sports
were Indulged in Th final game was "tar
get pioetice. " Prizes wore awarded to Miss
Minnie Hlller and Master Jack Baum. Rle-
; ant refreshments were served
A very enjoyable surprise party took place
nt the homo of Miss Fannie Thomas of lisOS
North Eighteenth street , on Monday evening.
The evening was spent In recitations , vocal
nnd instrumental music and games of various
kinds At 11 o'clock a dainty repast was
served. About twenty-five guests werepres
Mrs W. R. Bennett , in honor of her guest ,
Mis. C. W Turner of Philadelphia , gave a
delightful cinch card paity at her home ,
2210 Dodge street , Friday morning nt 10
o'clock Tally cards represented bllccs of
v.atcrmelon nnd were hand-painted. The
decorations were palms and La France roses
Refreshments in watermelon colors were
Last Monday evening Mls > 3 Allo Manning
Kavo a moonlight picnic at Hanscom paik
In honor of her cousin. Miss May Rafferty of
Chicago , who was her guest. Refreshments
were In abundance nnd n pleasant evening
was enjoyed by nil , Thoso. present from
out of town were the Misses Malnp nnd
Rafferty of Chicago , nnd Halt and Alice
O'Rourko of Nebraska City.
Master Henry Hornberger. jr. , was pleas
antly surprised nt his home' , 4523 North
Twenty-fourth strc-ot. on Wednesday ovfiling
by twenty-four of his little friends The
lawn was prettily decorated with Japanese
lanterns. The little ones enjoyed themselves
with games nnd music Refreshments wer"
fcerycd , after which they adjourned to the
parlors , where dancing was continued till
a late hour.
Mo-vciiii-ntH of Soc-lct ; Folk.
Mr. William Bechel left Tuesday night for
Mrs. S R. Brown is home from Esta-
brook , Colo.
Mr. Russell Wilbur returned from the
east on Trlday.
Mrs. Z. T. Lindsey returned on Wednes
day from Colorado.
Miss Emily Wakeloy returned fiom Lake
Okobojl on Thursday.
Missi Mary Wood Is the guest of Miss
Ella Wlrt nt Council Bluffe
Mis. N C. Tnlliaferro and daughter will
spend several weeks In northern Michigan.
Mis. M. A. Hitler of Omaha Is visiting her
sister , Mis. H. M. Elliott , in Kansas City.
Miss Madge Stewart returned from Can
ada last week after an absence of six
Miss Tredeilcka Wessclls Is homo after
n Bojoum of several months on the Atlantic
Dr. J. P. Lord has returned from a vaca
tion spent among the lakes In northern
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. McKcIl and two
sons left for their home In Chilllcothe , O. ,
on Trlday.
Mr. George C. West and daughter have
returned from a visit of several weeks In
.Miss Kllpntrlck arrived homo on Trlday
from Coloiudo , where she has been spending
the summer.
Master Willie Galbralth has gone to the
northern part of Montana to spend a month
In camp life.
Mr. Simeon Bloom left yesterday after
noon for Cincinnati on n visit to his friends
and relatives.
Miss Lucy Mack will leave Tuesday for
Pciu , Neb , wheio she will enter the state
nonnal school.
Mr. R D. Pollard and family returned on
Thursday from a three weeks' outing In the
Hlg Horn mountains.
Ocuemi nnd Mrs. Mandcrson are in New-
York , after a pleasant sojourn nt Bar Har
bor , Me. , and mo expected homo soon
Miss Lou Tcrrlll left for New York yes
terday to meet her sister , Miss Emma Ter-
illl , who has just returned fiom Europe.
Mrs. James Stewart White and daughter ,
Gertrude , returned on Thursday from a de
lightful summer spent nt Lake Okobojl.
Mr. and Mrs Franklyn T. Grunlnger have
removed from their home , 422 North Thirty-
ninth street , to the Merrlam for the win
Mrs. Wlnfleld S. Straw n Is In St. Louis. been called there by the death of
Mrs. C Henry Albers , who was well known
In Omaha.
Miss Adallno Nash and Mr. Louis Nnsh
left Tuosady night for Oiihuquc , la , to
attend a dance there. They returned home
on Friday morning.
Miss Madgo M. Taggart has accepted a
position as choir leader and organist In the
Catholic church at Logan , O. , for which
place she left last week.
Mr nnd Mrs. 0. W. Hart of 1910 South
Fifty-third street left nn Thursday for a
two months' -visit with their son , Mr. G. W.
Hart of Grand Rapids , Mich
Mr. and Mrs J. A. Dempster of 2427
Dodge street left yesterday for Wymore ,
Neb , to attend the golden wedding of Mrs.
Dempster's patents , Rev. nnd Mrs. J. R.
Mrs Robeit Roscnzwelg and daughters
nnd her guest , Miss Clara Jahn of Chicago ,
rrturnevl homo on Saturday after a delight
ful visit of four weeks among the moun
tains of Colorado.
Mrs George W. Lower and daughter ,
Fannie , left on Wednesday for Denver. they will spend the month of Septem
ber. They will also visit Colorado Springs
nnd Buffalo Park before returning
Mr nnd Mrs William Herbert Wheeler
returned yesterday afternoon from a pleas
ant wedding trip though Colorado. They
will ba nt home nt 3122 Chicago street un
til December 1 , when they will take up their
irsldence in Washington , D. C.
Mr. W. H. Roberson Is home from n
month's vacation nt Block Island Although
twenty miles off the Atlantic const he found
exposition posters well displayed and people
who are coming In October to the great
On the Social raliMiilnr.
A children's party will bo given by Miss
Doretto Levy on Tuesday afternoon between
the hours of 3 and 6 o'clock. .
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Prltchett will glvo
n dnnco on Monday night In honor of their
daughter nnd son. Mnrgaurlto and George
Arrangements are being made by leaders
In the Married Couples' Dancing club for a
dancing party at the Illinois building on the
exposition grounds In the near future.
Sanitary A 111 AkNiiuliitliiu.
Mrs. Hoagland. president , has called a
meeting of the Nebraska Sanitary Aid eo-
clt'ty for Monday nt 10 a m nt the Thurston
Rltlos armory She hope's there wlii bo a
full attendance us much lmlno s o ! 1 > .t
partamo will be considered
Wednesday. September 7. all diy and
evening , the receipts of Kuhn a soda foun
tain will be given for the benefit of the
Thuriton Rifles Soda will be served by
" * Ladles' Auxiliary.
( Ml 111 V Nt IICIUIO ,
Miss Ida Miller visited friends In Omntm
Tuesday \
The public schools will open hero Tues
day , September 6.
Trank Tracy spent Saturday nnd ? ulny
visiting friends In Omaha.
Mrs. M Dally visited relatives In Omaha
Tuesday and attended the exposition.
Wnltcr Glllts of feouth Omaha was hero
visiting his parents Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Trnnk Brown returned Monday from
n two weeks' visit with relatives nt Poncn ,
Miss Bertha Krugcr of Omaha was visit
ing with Miss Eunice Tracy Trlday and
Iho Ladles' guild of St. Mark's church
met at the homo of Mrs. M. Potter on
Mrs. James Wilson of Omaha was visit
ing her mother , Mrs. Lou Cole , Thursday
and Tridny.
Miss Mntttc Tucker and Miss Ivn Bruncr.
who nro hero visiting , attended the exposi
tion Saturday.
Mrs. Hany Condron of Fremont , Neb. , Is
hero for a few days visiting with the family
of W. A. Wilson.
John Tuttle nnd wife visited with Mrs
Tuttlo's parents , living near Arlington , Sat
urday nnd Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tuttl < > returned Sat
urday morning from u trip visiting relatives
near Arlington , Neb.
William Dowes of Nodaway , Mo. , has been
visiting relatives here for several days and
attending the exposition
Mrs. Emll Dlxon and Mrs. Allen , both of
Blair , were visiting with Mrs. Clem Hal-
stead Thursday and Tridny.
Prof W. B. Backus left Trlday for Chad-
ron , vvhero ho takes up the duties of princi
pal of the Cbadroii schools Monday.
Mrs. David E Couchman of Lyons , Neb ,
has been here the last few days visiting
with the family of Chailes Brewer.
Mrs. R. H. Haltermnn of Blair was visit
ing with Mrs. Lai kin Tucker Wednesday
nnd Thursday , rctmnlng homo Friday.
Miss L. Llgnwood , who has been spending
the summer here with hei brother , returned
to her homo nt St. Paul , Minn , Sunday
Several families went from hero Sundav
acrosi the river to n grove about four miles
north of town where a picnic was hefil.
The Chrlsttnn church was dcdlcnted Sun
day. Rev. A. D. Finch of Fremont nnd Rev
D. I ) . Bush of Omaha conducting the serv
ices.Mr. . O. Klerlo of Chicago , who has been
hero the lust two weeks vlblting his
brother , Charles Klerle , returned home
Mr. and Mrs George R. Whitney of Calhoun -
houn , Neb , will make their homo with Mr
and Mrs. W. R. Wall for two or three
A number of the friends of L Shipley , liv
ing two miles north of town , surprised him
tt his homo Wednesday night , It being his
Mrs. Emma Holdrcgo nnd daughter of
Rlverton , Neb , were visiting with the fam
ily of W. A. Wilson for a week , returning
homo Thursday.
Mrs. Rnpp of Kansas City , Mo , who has
been hero the last month visiting her
mother , Mrs. Margaret Miller , left for her
homo Friday , accompanied by her two sons
Piof. Fisher , from Lincoln , Neb , the
principal for the public schools here for the
mid will reside
ensuing year , arrived Friday
side In Mr. Ransom's house , near the lllgn
school building.
The Ice cream social given by the Epis
copal church Tuesday night was n success
financially , thcio being about twenty- couples
from Omaha ranking the trip to riorenco
on their bicycles. The proceeds go to the
expenses of the church. _
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kcllnr arc clowly recovering
from' their recent Illness.
with tl.o fall
The Lf iiton schools will open
term next "lusday , September 6
Miss LIda Nelson of Omaha spent last Sun
day with her friend , Mrs. Finnk Llnd.
Trod A Howell of Cheyenne , Wyo , visited
with friends In Benson durliiK the last week
Elmer Anderson has returned from Blair ,
where ho has been some time visiting with
Irene Scott of Hnvclock has been visiting
at the homo of her cousin , Miss Bea Hoff
man , Inst week ;
Johnnie. Gnger returned to his homo in
Iowa last week , after nn extended visit with
lelatlvca In Benson.
Mr. Jce Mimson of Perry , la , arrived in
Pe ison last week and Is visiting at the
homo of his sister , Mrs. W. H. Salfoui , uad
f i inly.
Roao. Commissioner Nevlns has had the
streits of this place Improved In the way of
n'lcvellng them and cutting the weeds along
the roadside.
The Ladles , Aid society took up its meet
ings for the coming year , the meeting .ast
Wednesday buing held at the homo of Mrs.
S R. Hnf.mnii
Jlis-ter Wither McDlll of Hiawatha , Kan ,
arrivtd In Benson last Thursday and is a
guest at the home of his uncle , J. A. Mor
gan , and family.
Mrs. Will Craven of Horace , Kan. , ai rived
In Benson Wednesday of last week and Is
stav'ng ' with her niece , Mis J. A. Morgan ,
while visiting the exposition.
The Visiting Nurte association and Creche
glvo a lawn fete on the grounds of Mr. G.
M. Hitchcock , corner Twentieth nnd Dodgu
streets , next Friday evening , September 0
Good music and also a dancing pavilion wi',1
bo provided. The fortune telling boul.i ,
candy , llowcrs , refreshments , etc. , nro in th
hands of competent committees , \\Un yuuiiii
lady attendants and nro sure to bo a grand
success , U is to bo hoped the public will
bo liberal with its patronage , as both of
these Institutions nru most worthy of assist
ance. Any persona who can lend Hags o.
lanterns will a faxor by > ' ding them
either to Mrs. Winston or Mrs. Hltctcock.
Mrs Cotton will resume her lessons In
voice culture nt her studio in the Dnvldge
building , corner Rlghteenth and Farnum
streets , September 7.
The follow i B marriage licenses were Ii-
sued by County Judge Baxter yesterday :
Name and residence. Age
Gideon R. Sutherland , South Omaha . 39
Wllhelmlna. S Kahl. Omaha . 24
John O. LIzborg , Obe > rlln , Knn . 32
Allda Anderson , Denver Cole . 27
Edwin S Jones , Falls City. Neb . 30
Uortha Coe , Grand Inland , Neb . 26
llorxi-n'H Homo Scorclicil.
At 10 o'clock Inst night the flro donart-
inent was summoned to the residence ot John
Boesen , 1817 Dorcas stre > et. where n bla/3
was under good progrein In tbo real. It
was extinguished with small damage to the
framework of the house. No cause for the
lira was found as no member of the house
hold had carried flro Into that portion of the
The po'totllro will close nt 12 o'clock for
the day on Monday.
An Inquest will bo held tomorro v or : ho
body of John Homo , the burglar shi't h >
S H Farnsworth n few clays ago , and i.ho
died yesterday morning
Dr. S. Wright Butler of St. Mary's Ave
nue Congiegntlonol church has returned from
his vacation ami will ofllclate nt the Sun
day morning service. Music by the quartet ,
with a solo by Miss Terry
Nicholas Nelson , a market gardener living
at Flfty-Ilrst and T streets. South Omaha ,
full from n wagon nt the city market and
sustained n fracturcxl rib. In falling his
sldu struck the edge of the curbstone
The flro department responded to two false
alarms of tire to tbo Mystic Muzo at the ex
position grounds Friday. The alarms
wcro turned In by an. employe who thought
he was turning In u messenger call.
Hortcnso Rich , a visitor from New Or
leans vvns taken in at one of thu fake Mid
way shows Trlday night nnd because she ex
pressed her Indignation In emphatic lan
guage in tbo entrance of the show building
ono of the umploycs had her HI rested on a
charge of drunk and disorderly conduit
When her case was called In police ccmrl
yesterday morning no one appeared to prod
ecuto her and she wo * discharged ,
Where You Can Get Everything in the Drug Line ,
Compounding Prescriptions ,
Tbo pros , ilptinn di > "iirtin nt Is nn Im-
poitnnt fonturo of our rot ill trade nnd Is
qulppiil with overv uppltiiiuo tinil iheml-
< al feir the prompt unit corroi t compound
ing of nny prescription
W" cnro not what plush Inn wrote the
picsirlptlon or where , we can till it cor-
lectly and without delay.
Dog Modioine ,
If vour doff IM li 1 < he won't get vvoll
without medl < Inc'i We Hell HIP mecIIcIncH
DOR Shninpoo ( keep eoat I'lcun ) . : T > c
Tonic Tnbleta ( given appoltle ) . Me
Mango Cure ( lotion ) . r.uc
Areca Nut Worm Tablets f > Uc
Distemper 1'ovvder 5Uc
Homeopathic Medicines ,
Who'csale ' and Retail-
As Is well known , we are the only house
In Nebraska who carry any line ut all
worth mentioning ot Homoeopathic Medi-
< IncH. and our stock , which ooeiiplfs our
second lloor , Is In charce of a trained Ho-
mocopthlst , and comprises not only the
popular semi-patent piepnratlona I ke Ual-
Icntlne s , Jlunyon's , llumphiey H and Hil
ton s , but n complete' lln of the materla
modlc.a In use bv homoeopathic physicians.
Innrloty fiom A to 7 and in potency fiom
tinctures to 200th centesimal dilution , num
bering In all Hourly 20,000 remedies
Parties ordfrlng Homoeopathic Medicine
of us can rely upon getting just what they
vvnnt and obtaining It fresh nnd nt an low-
a price ns at nny pharmacy In the United
Stales Write for catalogue
The Importance of Sound Nerves
The no'wexslim of sound norvrs mumI I
pulrod by am wonkm-st is ono of the |
greatest blmslng * of a liunuin b Ing tor |
the neMvmm Bvstem Is to the \nilmm in ini i
bors of tli > lnrt > and the r finn tiuns Ilko n
link in a chain , lot onu lie bruktn and the
vvholu chain Is ustokss The u efulnct of
the eye. depends almost wholly upon tli"
optic llervo. The Hon. e ot tunto. inuring ,
smelling and numerous functions of tin
manv organs of thu body are wholly iu
pendent upon tbo health and aitlvlty ol tlio
not v oils MV nielli.
Tei Iheiso whuso miVous .sVHlrin lias 111
any way boiumo dcrnngid wo miimmnni
Tluse pillM iimko new lurvo tissue nnd rr-
Mtori'tonu to the v liolo nervous Hystom
Writ for circular tolling nil nboul the in or
"ond $1W for box containing two weeks
treatment Mnmiftiotuiod by Oiny Ili'iii-
edy L'o Tor saleIn Ulimha by Bheilimn
i : McConnc'll
Paints that Please ,
The SliPivvln-WMIIams paints plcnso
everybody tor the reason Unit they e-an bo
mod by nnv ono ( nn mlxul ready for UK )
tbero Is a aim rout paint for e'ach c-lnss of
work Tlu-y cuim in Hinnll cnn.s unit at
pi Ins ncnrh an ilunp us the kinds you are
not MO sure nbinit
For ! luorn , use spot Inl TLOOU paint
Dries hard over night , with a good gloss
40c per quart
For ciipboaids shelving , eto , use FAM
ILY pnlnl. It is a durable oil paint , can
be vMiHlieil. In small cans , only luc for
half pint. 30c for one pint.
I'or bin us , roofs fen < fw , etc , use CRlio-
SOTH I'nlnt An Inexpensive inilnt for
protecting nnd preserving nil tough wood
surfaces } 1 ( X ) pr-r gullon.
For wood finishing1 ttso tlii > Hhor-
vv 111-Williams WOOD KILLIJll. 60o quail
For vvneons and fiuni Implements line
and Implement I'nlnt Dries with I
n gloss Any ono cm use It Not ox-
pensive Rod blue , green , yellow , black
"i ii , 6X ( quart
Medicine Cases ,
' ' "ho Medlrlna OIHP as shown above con
tain i " sttong bottles each having u i a-
] > M < 'ty of 1 drams The cus > o IH liandsome
ntid SH-rvii i ahle prloo $200 Wo have nice
eu-.ts lor $ li'0 , $1 bu ulid $ . ! 50 just the thing1
for : i llshing or camping trip.
Lowney's ' Candy ,
For Sale By
tM.fN A. Mfi O. > MIII mm ? co.
1.M3 Dodge Htreot , Onmlui , Neb.
Mlddlo of tbo Block
Wo soli Irfiwnov s Candy and It It our
belief that It Is tbo lust oandy made for
the money In tlio vvoild 1'nckagts for 6c ,
lOi , liii. Me and CtH
Middle of Block.
We again remind our patrons and ptOS-
IK tlvo patrons tint in the midst of nil the
clamor fur nttontlon our store IH UNlyun
In Its LOCATION-boliiR In the "MIUDLIJ
OT HLOl'K ilirroront fiom other dm ?
HtoriH In the business pollrv It has adopt
ed , NAMI'I.Y. that ot "quick tmleH ami
small prollts - nnd distinguished In point
of size from any other drug store lu No-
brnska In Inning MOUU THAN IKiTHLi :
Slieniian & McDonnell Drug Co
Ifil.'I Dndpo St. Omulm , Nob.
Litiiia Water ,
The innrkot Is full of Ho-cnlled "LHliln
\\ntors , " sonic- with fanciful names , some
containing' salicylic uclil ( which Is vciy-
harmful to tbo stomach ) , and others with
Water Is offereas superior to nil for the
reason that It contains MOIti : LITIIIA
than nny other water In tbo market and
contains It In the best possible form , \\7 \ ,
In the' ' form of Cuibonate ot Llthla with
Uorlo Acid. The Uoro-Llthla Water Is
sold In pints , quarts and half gallons , both
gaseous and plain :
Case 100 pints ( gaseous ) J10.00
Cnso f > 0 quarts ( gaseous ) IS 5U
Case U half gallons , plain S3 I" )
Liberal allow unco for return of empty-
\Vei soil lee kinds of Mineral Waters.
Call foi pamphlet.
Write for Catalogue showing Cut Prices on Drugs and Patent Medicines.
1513 Dodge Street Middle of Block Omaha , Neb ,
William Fonton , publisher of the Hum
boldt ( Neb. ) enterprise , Is In Omaha doing
the exposition nnd renewing boyhood ac
quaintances A little over twenty years ago
Omaha was hla home , but ho gravitated into
the country and grow up with It. A family ,
a farm , a newspaper nnd legislative honors
aio outward proofs of his devotion to duty.
"How did you happen to break Into the
newspaper business1" " Inquired nn aston
ished acquaintance of twenty-five years ago.
"Easy as rolling off a log , my boy. Just
fell Into It six months ago. Prospering ?
Doubled the circulation In four months and
haven't a row on hand. Might have a suite
scnatorshlp for thu asking , but haven't time
to bother with such trifles. No , an editor
who sticks to 'his ' business achieves all the
honois the average mortal craves for. " Kfli-
tor Fenton'a glad hand was vigorously
shaken by old friends without diminishing
the power of his elbow or shortening his
I'omoiinl I'liriiKi'iiiilin.
II. Worams of Brooklyn Is n Millnrd guest.
Henry Do Clergue and wife of Chicago
arc at the Millnrd.
Irving Todd of the Oizette , Hastings ,
Minn. , IB taking In the exposition.
C. II. McMnster and wlfo are among the
arrivals from Texas registered ot the Mil-
C. W. Morton of the firm of James Mor
ton & Son Co. left last night for New York
and Boston.
A. H. Patterson , C. R. Frederick nnd W.
II. Christian and wlfo are registered at the
Millard from I'lttsburg , I'a.
Deputy County Treasurer F. 11. Bryant
will leave for Boston Tuesday as n repre
sentative to the sovereign grand lodge , In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows.
J. E Morcombe of the Cedar Rapids ( la )
Gazette , with his daughter , Is visiting the
exposition. Mr Morcombo will write a
series of articles for the Gazette from
Charles Schmltzerger and family left Sat
urday afternoon for their new homo at Den
ver. Mr. Schmltzbcrger has been living
hero the last twenty-llvo years nnd was
connected with Rnmge's tailoring establish
ment for pretty nearly the same period.
Ailulr < . | M-J > IllniN.-lf I | i.
Lowell Adalr , cousin of John Home , who
died yesterday from the effects of a bullet
wound received wMlo robM' " ; Farnsworth'B
drug store , visited the police utiitioi
liisiit ami tnvi niuiBtlt up He Is supposed
to have be-.n the accomplice who made a
Bcusntlonal dlvo through the front window
nt the discharge of Farnsworth's revolver
Efloits have been made to locate him wlth-n
out success , although ho maintains that ho
has noon living at his home , Twenty-third
and S btreots , South Omana He wears n
red hat that Is almobt Identical with the OIK
found In the drug store after the attempted
burglary Adnlr says he is Innocent and can
account foi hlu whereabouts on tbo night
Ills cousin was shot
AVorU of ( In- ( or on or.
The coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of
accidental death by falling from n hand car
In the case of Mlko Glgllotte , the Italian
section hand killed on the B. & . M. Friday-
night. The railroad company and all olherj
wcro exonerated from all blame.
Two of Bismarck's most stubborn foes
survive him. One Is Count Rechberg , who
was the Austrian emperor's chief advisor
from 1859 to 1S64. He has just celebrated
hla 92d birthday. The other Is Count Ben-
cdcttl , ten years younger than tbo Austrian
nnd a prolific writer as weir as a famous
diplomat He Is at present engaged on a
book which will deal largely with Bis-
Prof. Wilson , a leading light of Edin
burgh university , recently wrote on the
blackboard In his laboratory the following
announcement "Prof. Wilson Informs his
students that he has this day been ap
pointed honorary physician to the queen "
In the course of the morning he had oc
casion to fravo the room and on returning
found that an Irreverent student had added
to the announcement the pious , but pun
gent , words "God save the queen "
210-212 S. 16th St.
gains in
Summer Goods
Handsome Ecru Lisle Vesln , Bilk lace and
ribbon trimmed , low neck , no Bleovew , cut to 27c
$1.00 Dressing Backs , white or colored ,
cut to . 69c
$1 . f > 0 Summer Skirts cut to . 98c
Children's handsome Mull Polk Bonnets
§ 1,25 and § 1.50 quality cut to . 75c
75c quality cut to . . . , . 50c
Oliildtem'rt I'oiifjoo Tain O'Slui liters , 7oc , quality cut to . . 'ISo
$5.00 Colored Parasols cut to. . _ . . . . _ . . .
75cCoihPt Covets cut to
rinlirelhi Diavvet's slightly Mlleil , y ( olC regular juice.
Silk Frlnjie Ties rut ( o .
Our line of CH1LDRC.VS LONG CI.OV.KS Is In.
Millh. /
.lust i pool veil -
Tlio Oiojron , Itionklyn and Cycle
.Stiect Hats.
The Military Hats and Caps for
Full line of Imported lutteru
CJrent lialr sale all this week
First quality lialr.
1511 Douglas
NuIilliM-H from I'orlo Hlco 'Not lo Join
in n I'llriiilc In ( 11 } of
"StMVoiK ,
WASHJNOTO.V , Sept. -Ocncral MI1H3
and his army of between 1,000 nnd C.OOO vol
unteers now cnrouto to the Unltod States
from Porto Rico will not parade In Now
York City or elsewhere as a body upon their
arrival. The official announcement of this
fact vas made at the War department to
day. The transports bearing Oeneral Mllca
and the volunteers nro expected to arrive
off New York next Tuesday. It was sug
gested that the troops ho ordered Into camp
somewhere In the vicinity of New York for
a few days und then signalize their depart
ure for their Etato rnmpa by n parade
through New York City. The civil nuthorl-
llci of Now York City canvassed the situa
tion and finally suggested that the troops
bo encamped at Torest park , between Ilrook-
lyn nnd Jamaica
When Governor Voorhecs of New Jersey
arrive * ! In Washington yesti rday ho proposed
to the War department that the Porto Rlcan
troops be placed In camp at Seagirt , ihe Now
Jersey slate grounds. Ho renewed this offer
today in a convcrsallon with Adjutant Gen
eral Corbln Ho was Informed that It had
been ducldfd that the Porto Rlcan troops
would not bo placed In camp at nny point
In the cast , but would bo sent Immedlaiely
to their state camps , preparatory to being
mustered out of the service
When the transports arrive In New York
harbor they will bo met by ofnoers vslih
orders for the troops to proceed directly
New Silk Skirts-
New Silk Waists-
New Wool Waists-
New Tailored Suits
Cloaks , Furs and Collarettes
C'omo curly and ( , 'ot llrst eliotc/ ; .
1510 Douglas St.
Mile , Llllle d'Angelo ' Bergh ,
Special Course for Singers and
Teachers in September. & < fi j *
TillM :
! 25tli and Dodge.
. Sept. 10th. llthanU 12th
Classes Start Sept. 12th.
from their ships to thu trains. The officers
will have with them transportation for thr
entire command It is likely that the troops
will bo landed in Jersey City , where , after
being served with a hot lunch , they will
board thu cars , which will bo In uniting for
their homes.
-n \\lll n , . .
STOPKHUMI sept 3-On the
nu.nd.uion of the Swedish Norwegian
council King Orar has notified thu cvar
of his acrcpidiK e of the. Invitation lo send
delegates to a pe-nco conference ,