Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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British Forces Eoportod to Have Taken the
Capital with a Loss of 2,000 , Men ,
DrrvlnlirH Are llontiMi llnck mill S.OW )
of Their Number Am Killed
Victorious Advance I'p
Soiidnti Country.
LONDON" , Sept. 3. A report which lacks
confirmation Is current here this evening
that the Anglo-Egyptian forces liavo cap
tured Khartoum.
It is Bald that the loss of the Anglo-
Egyptian army Is 2.000 men , while that of
the dervishes Is placed tit 8,000.
11 p. m. Up to a late hour this evening
no confirmation of the report of the capture
of Khartoum had been received nt the for
eign offtco or the war office.
The Evening Telegraph In its 3 o'clock
edition this afternoon publishes a brief dis
patch saying :
All the forts of Oradurman have boon
destroyed. Great success. No casualties.
The British war office at noon today re
ceived a dispatch from Nasrl , on the Nile ,
eayu that a gunboat had returned there and
Iiad reported that there wcro no casualties
among the Anglo-Egyptian forces , that the
right bank of the river had been completely
cleared-of nil forte , that the forts on Tutl
Island , opposite Otndurman , has been de
molished and that the guns had been
The dispatch nlso said the howitzer
practice of the Slradar's force was excellent.
The war offlw , later In the day , received
another dispatch from General Sir Herbert
Kitchener , by way of Nasrl. It was not
dated and read as follows :
Owing to the wet weather the lines have
been broken and telegraphic communication
has been Interrupted. Am sending this to
Nasrl to bo forwarded.
The march has been very favorable. Prac
tically none has fallen out of the ranks or
boon Invalided.
During the two days we have driven In
the Dervish cavalry nnd small parties , after
Blluht resistance. From Jobel Royan wo
inarched to Wad El Obeld , thence to Sayal
and thence to Surnrnt. This morning we
rcuchcd Eglna , u mile nnd a half south of
Kcrrcrl , BX ! miles from Omdurmnn. The
mounted camel corps , with n horse battery ,
pushed forward to Khorshamba , whereupon
the entire Dervish force Issued from Omdur
mnn nnd were clearly visible. I estimated
his force at 33,000 men. They advanced at
11 a. m.
They advanced nt 11 o'clock a. m. as If
to attack us , to meet which I disposed of
our force In a good open position , with n
clear field of fire. The kallfl'9 force had
halted three miles southwest of our position ,
uml Is now there , at 0 p. m.
Early this morning , according to orders ,
the gunboats advanced , towing a howitzer
battery and barges , In support of the Arabs
on the right bank. The howitzers took up
a position opposite Omdurruan and the gun
boats bombarded the forts. They have not
returned , but their fire has partially de
molished the dome over the Mahdl's tomb.
All well.
The Sirdar's dispatch was apparently sent
after receiving Kuppel's report and the tele
gram breaks off at an Important point.
Further news is awaited hero with Intense
CA1HO , Sept. 3. On Thursday afternnon
the sirdar , General Sir Herbert Kitchener ,
advanced to within n mile and half of Ker-
rcrl , driving in the enemy's outposts with
out any casualties on the side of the Anglo-
Egyptian army. The forces of the sirdar
were then halted to await the result of the
iunboat ; reconnaissance. The khalifa's force ,
estimated to number 35,000 men , were driven
lip , outside Omdurman. Kepple's gunboat
partially destroyed the dome of the Mahdi's
tomb In the mosque of Omdurman.
Clnrii llnrton mill Her Itellof Ship
Withdraw from Hiittina for the
I'rcucnl HiinIiioN.1 ut Capital.
HAVANA , Sept. 3. The steamer Clinton ,
which had been placed at the disposal of
the Ilcd Cross society temporarily for the
distribution of relief here , being wanted for
the government. President McKlnley In
structed Miss Clara Harton to return to the
United States for the present , especially as
the Spanish government had not reached n
definite decision regarding the entry and
distribution of the Hed Cross society's eup-
plIoE. Miss Ilarton , accompanied by her
staff , sailed on the Clinton last evening for
Tampa. Before lea\lns she paid the cus
toms line of $500 Imposed for her lafk of n
manifest of the Clinton's cargo , making the
payment under protest , as directed by Pres
ident McKlnley.
Advices from Colon say that three bat
tailous of Spanish Infantry arrived there
last Saturday , and similar advices from
other parts of the Island Indicate that the
Spanish government Is making preparations
for embarking its troops for Spain.
Cargoes of sugar are leaving many ports
for the United States. Lack of confidence
among the planters prevents the undertak
ing of new operations. The stock of sugars
In the Island Is now SS.2GO bass. It has
run low and Just suffices tor consumption.
The stock of leaf tobacco Is small ami
Is selling at fancy prices. The market Is
overrun with the principal American buyers
who are bidding furiously for what they can
Raw Sore From Finger to Palm.
Physicians and Medicines No
Avail. Curocj by Cuticura.
When my little boy was two years of age ,
dry rpcits commenced to appear on ditTerrnt
parts of hi t body. I.asl winter it seemed to go
to his bands , and I was obliged to keep his
first three fingers done up all the time , as it
was a raw fore , beginning to extend down to
ward the palm of the baud. Wo consulted thrco
different phyilclaix , each a certain length of
time , to sco a benefit of their medicines. 1
think now , after lining CUTicmiA , that soiuo
of the lalvcs that 1 used did more Injury than
good. A gentleman ( who eat next tn me In
church ) asked luo tlio matter with ray buy'fl
hand. I took off ono nf the cloths and Jhowcil
him , he told we ha bud been In a hospital In
Jiojton , nhero for all skin diseases they used
CtrricuiiA KKMrmm. I Immediately pur
cba cd Ctmcuiu SoilCirncuuA ( oint
ment ) and Cirnct'KA nKsoiAuxr. put aslilo
what I had been using , and liepau with them
Well I t hry cured that Amid. 1 was afraid that
this winter It would break out again , but no.
it la all cured , and I have not hail to have a
cloth on It thl * winter. Mrs. DIAMOND ,
Jan.29,93. llil llroiuonAve. , Rochester , N.Y.
dally perform more K'eat cnrei of
torturlnif.dliflgurloe , hutmllutim kin. c ipauu
blood humor * tlitn illothfrblooj auJnUn rcinr-
din combined. In til tbe wutlJ ihcrc li no
otbrr treatment o pure , 10 tweet , to ( ptrdl'y
tffrcllfe for ( tlttrcuUK lUn liuuiorn of luUnti
nJ children M CCTtcvit. itmlctt ufiXlucurct ,
blooJ purifier * , and humor rcmcditi
CMIDTCcnTinTxtiT ro l > i t Urnonxirit
l/oi > or \YwiubithiwUtiC'iiticvit atrfB-
lit taolattafftwtih Crncui * [ laimtni ) . purrttof etuet.
ll oullncurt < , idmllii < li ficrCi'Ticfnniljt < i T ,
f r * tt t of tlood purifier * o4 huoioi cute * .
MdttirouihoutUt < world , form Dive i D Cnrx.
Coir. , lt l'r p , ll tsn.
M"liit * t Curt mj IJibjr llumj.y aiUtd fret.
K < t. At 3 o'clock ib'i afternoon during a
! i"avy rain storm I ho tov/tr of the palace
of tlio military governor ncrrosg the way
from the palaca of ( lie governor general was
strut' , ; t > > llghltitnrj , which caujod consider-
i bl.j damage , destroying the electrical ap
paratus , the fittlMgs of the office and i < evcrnl
apnrtmcnts and the wood work In the sta
bles Adjoining. A park from the same
bolt struck a lightning rod on the palace ,
burning the Insulators and damaging the
electrical apparatus in the government of
fice ! ! .
Francisco Oarcla Vantla , an American
citizen who has been confined at Matanzas
as a political prisoner , has been released.
The German cruiser deler arrived hero
last evening from Porto Rico , bringing the
Swedish military attache , Captain M.
Ilcndtz. The Spanish war ship Oallcla ar
rived yesterday and a French gunboat Is
still here. The United States steamer
Comet with supplies is still awaiting In
structions from Washington.
Delegation from Southern Philippine *
Come * In I'oimiilt American
MANILA , Philippines , Sept. . " , . A Hong
Kong deputation , representing the southern
1'hlllpplnes and consisting of the best and
richest natives of Panay , Mlndoro. Cebu and
Mindanao , visited United States Consul
\Vllllams yesterday and urged that every
possible effort be made for the annexation
of the whole of Iho Philippine Islands.
The deputation declared that all classes , the
\vnrllho mountaineers as well as those en
gaged in mercantile pursuits , would welcome -
como the stars nnd stripes and had resolved
never to submit to Spanish or Tagal rule.
They also said there were 4,000 men , many
of them armed with rifles , near Hello
ready to support the Americans. They re
fused to join in the clamor for Independence ,
which they consider a mlstako and Imprac
ticable. They only wish for annexation to
the United States. The delegation pro
poses to Interview General Otis , the Ameri
can commander , to appeal to President Mc-
Klnley and to confer with Agulnaldo's fol
lowers , with the view of arranging for a
combined movement to insist upon annexa
tion. They will also ask that the In
surgent regiments ho enrolled In the Ameri
can nrmy with American officers and that
the Insurgent chiefs be given American ap
pointments under General Otis.
Agulnaldo remains 0.1 Dakoor. Ho re
cently wrote an Impertinent letter to Gen
eral Otis , which resulted in his receiving a
sharp snub. The Insurgent leader will
probably render himself amenable to ths
American authorities.
\av > - IN to lie Fiiriilnhca UN Itnpldl-
n.i 1'osilliletth the Im
proved Ammunition.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. Probably the
navy has fought Its last war with black
powder. Bids were opened today at the
Navy department for supplying the war
ships with 1,000,000 pounds of smokeless
powder , a quantity sutficlent to supply nt
least the secondary batteries of all the ships
In the service and this supply will be aug
mented from time to time until within the
course of a year or two all the black powder
will have been retired , except possibly some
that will bo retained for saluting purposes.
There were six bids recelveU today nt the
department nnd opened by Judge Advocate
Leraloy In the presence of representatives of
most of the bidders , prominent among them
being Mrs. .Maria Dlttmar , head of the
powder concern bearing her name. The bids
ou an average were about the same ns the
navy Is now paying for Its powder and
slightly below the figure paid by the army
under the emergency created by the war.
The bids wcro as follows :
Dupont Powder company of Wilmington ,
Del. , for 1,000,000 pounds , the government
to supply the alcohol and ether , at 79 % cents
a pound , rcaklng tie total { 705,000. If the
government supplies the alcohol only , 80
cents a pound , making a total of ? SOO,000.
Deliveries to begin with 1,000 pounds in Oc
tober and continuing at the rate of 7,000
pounds per day.
Giant Powder company , consolidated , of
San Francisco , 200,000 pounds , the govern
ment to supply alcohol and ether , at 30
cents a pound , making the total $232COO ;
governm-nt supplying alcohol only , ! )5 ) cents
per pound , making $237,500. Deliveries be
ginning with 1,000 pounds In ten months and
continuing at the rate of 10,000 pounds per
Dlttmar Powder company of New York ,
250,000 pounds ; government supplying alco
hol and ether , at SO cents per pound , mak
ing $200,000 ; deliveries beginning Decem
ber 1 , at 1,000 pounds per day.
I.ouls N'lxou of Kilzabethport. N. J. , 100-
000 pounds , government supplying alcohol
and other , at 06 cents a pound , making
J9C.OOO ; deliveries beginning November 20
with 1.000 pounds and following at the rate
of 3,000 pounds per week.
I xflln & Hand Powder company , 1,000,000
pounds , government supplying alcohol and
ether , nt 79Vi cents a pound , making $793-
000 ; government supplying alcohol only , SO
cents a pound , making $500,000 ; deliveries
begin November 1 , with 1,000 pounds , then
10,000 pounds a day until December , 1898 ;
then 2,000 pounds to December , 1899 , then
0,000 pounds dally.
California Powder works , 1,000,000
pounds , government supplying alcohol only ,
SO cents a pound , making $500,000 ; deliv
eries beginning October 1 , with 1,000
pounds , and following at the rate of 4,000
pounds per day.
Itcvi-nln he Fact tlint
CoiulltloiiM In CninpN Have
WASHINGTON. Sept. 3. Three governors
of states had eac'i a conference with AdJQ-
tant General Corbln today. All of them
discussed with the general the conditions o
the troops from their states In the various
camps of mobilization and made recom
mendations as to the mustering out of cer
tain regiments. Governor Frank S. Dlack
of New York talked with General Corbln
about his visit to the camps In the south
from which ho returned last night. Ho as
sured General Corbln that the health con
ditions of the troops In the carnr-a were nose
so bad as they had been pictured by some
newspapers , and recommended that the
Third , Ninth and Fourteenth Now Yorl
rt'glments be relieved from duty. Governoi
Voorhees of New Jersey had a further con
ference with General Corbln , concerning
the mustering out of the regiments of hit
state. Governor Scofleld of Wisconsin dls >
cussed the health conditions of the Wlscon
sin troops In the various camps. Througl
agents ho made an investigation of tin
conditions of the camps , and \\as siUUflci
that they wcro not so serious as had bcei
represented. Ho Toft for Jacksonville , Fla.
personally to superintend the transporta1
tion of the sick of the First Wisconsin ti
their honifs.
School I'lirnlfurr I'trnin Combine.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. . Sept. 3. It 1
announced today upon good authority tha
an eastern syndicate Is , arranging for th
consolidation of the Grand Rapids Schoa
Furniture company and Hancy School Fur
nlture company of this city and the Staffori
School Furniture company of Muskegoi
under ono root In this city. Such a concer ;
would employ 1.000 men. H Is understoo
that the purchase price for the Grand Hap
Ids company is fixed ut $ 62,500. Officers o
the companies concerned are reticent , bu
admit that a consolidation plan U pending
President Burt Gives Ont Some of the Details
of the Structure ,
1'lnn * fur n lliinitNome Union Stnllon
Into W hi oh All the Itoad.t of the.
City lint the llnrtlnnton
AVIII Hun Trnlni.
President Horace G. Hurt of the Union
Pacific yesterday gave out some further de
tails regarding the building of n union pas
senger station In 'this ' city. The plans have
been approved by the board of directors of
the Union Pacific Railroad company nnd
the contrast for actual construction will bo
let within 'three weeks. It Is expected that
work will certainly bo begun by October
15 and possibly before that da to. About
nine months will bo required to complete
the big structure.
The new union station will be located cast
of Tenth street , about two blocks north of
the Uurllngton's now station , or about
where Marcy street now appears. It will
bo a handsome and substantial structure of
sandstone and Omaha pressed brick. The
superstructure of the building will reach
to a height of seventy feet above the level
of the Tenth street viaduct. The station
vlll be connected with the viaduct , but the
main watting room wilt bo on the ground
floor. Around the north side of the station
hero will extend a circular driveway , grad
ually sloping down from .tho level of the
laduct to the ground floor. The
exact dimensions of the building
arc not known here nt present , but will
be this week when copies of the plans are
eceivcd. The well known firm of Frost
& Granger of Chicago has drawn the plans.
The members of this firm are experienced
architects of railway stations and the fine
new station of 'the ' Milwaukee road In Min
neapolis Is n part of their work.
IiioliiiU-N Another Vlmltict.
A viaduct will bo built at the Ninth
street crossing of the Union Pacific tracks
running < o the north yards. It Is probable
hat with this viaduct to Insure safety
Ninth street will bo used considerably as a
horoughfare to and from the new union
station. It Is now well paved and Is free
from street car tracks.
In addition to building a new passenger
station nnd providing a viaduct over the
tracks at Ninth street the Union Pacific
will make extensive Improvements in its
yards here. A very large freight yard to
iiet't the growing demands of the freight
service of the road will be laid out and the
tracks leading to the now station rear
In addition to the Union Pacific the fol-
owing railroads will enter the new passen
ger station as soon as It Is completed : The
hlcago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , the Chicago ,
Rock Island & Pacific , the Chicago & North
western , the Kansas City , Plttsburg & Gulf.
Tie Missouri Pacific railway will follow
these roads to the new Union passenger sta
tion as soon as it can make the necessary
arrangements to run its trains In from South
Omaha. This change will allow the Mis
souri Pacific to save about twenty minutes'
tlmo In Its train service , ns twenty-seven
minutes are now required to reach South
Omaha from the Webster street station. The
Missouri Pacific will then abandon Its Belt
Line around the city so far as passenger
train service is involved.
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railroad and the Chicago , St. Paul , Minne
apolis & Omaha railroad , both members of
the Northwestern system , will enter the new
station when provision shall be raada for
running their trains from their present
tracks , along the east side of tli2 city , to
Tenth and Marcy streets.
A meeting of the South Omaha Live Stock
exchange will ba held Monday afternoon for
the purpose of making arrangements for the
entertainment of visiting stockmen who are
expected here next month. The National
Live Stock exchange , the Interstate Asso
ciation of Live Stock Sanitary Boards nnd
the National Live Stock association of Den
ver will meet here on October 11 , 12 and 13.
These meetings are considered of the great
est importance and every effort will bo made
to make the vls'tlng stockmen feel at home.
Committees are to be appointed for the en
tertainment of the members of the different
associations nnd nil arrangements are to bo
perfected before the delegates commence to
arrive. As now arranged , the sessions are
to be held In the present Exchange ball ,
but It is hoped that the stock yards com
pany can bo induced to erect the proposed
pavilion. An effort Is now being made to
Induce the directors of the stock yards com
pany to authorize the erection of this buildIng -
Ing at once. It was stated yesterday that
If orders were given now to go ahead the
structure could bo completed before the date
of the conventions. The plans are all
drawn and with plenty of help the building
could be put up In four weeks. It Is possi
ble that at the meeting Monday resolutions
may bo passed requesting the stock yards
company to take "action at once.
\o Iniiient | on MNNiinli | ,
After viewing the remains and investi
gating the death of Cora Nash yesterday
Coroner Swanson decided that nn inquest
was unnecessary. The letter which was
left by the girl showed that the act was
premeditated. Besides making hid state
ment the girl gave directions for the dispo
sition /of / her body. She desires to be
burled by the sldo of her father In Missouri
and It Is possible that this request may bt
granted. The mother of the girl tele
graphed Undertaker Brewer that she wouli' '
corao here at once and she was expected
to arrive last night. No arrangements foi
the funeral will be made until the moth
er's wishes are known. L. C. Jackeon , foi
whose love the girl killed herself , ha *
worked for tome tlmo past at different llv-
ory stables In this city.
AVorlc nt Armour' * .
The loading platform at the east end o
the ham house at Armour's was being ton
out yesterday to make room for a bo ;
factory. ThU building will bo of brick
four stories high and 100 feet square. Uriel
layers are now working on the walla o
the glue factory and It will bo only a shor
tlmo before this building Is under roof. Thi
trenches for the foundations of the nev
cooler were being < ! ug yesterday nnd tin
driving of piles will commence Monday. I
will take nearly 1,000 plica to form a cult
able foundation for this big building.
Pumped Her Hack to Life.
A woman who goes by the name of Sail ;
and lives In n little shack In the alley bacl
ot Dlum's ball tried to commit suicide - yesterday
terday afternoon by taking twenty grain
ot morphine. Sally had a tilt with he
lover , n colored roan , and proceeded t
frighten him by taking the drug. Her con
* dltlon was reported to Drs. Berry and Curtl
and a stomach pump was used to good effecl
At tlm time she took tbe poison the woma
was under the Inlluenco of liquor.
I'ollpemnn IIH 11 ( Jiilde.
The need of a police officer nt Twenty
fourth nnd N streets becomes more np
. parent every day. Hundreds of people ar
f arriving dally to vle-w the great packln ;
t Industries hero nnd whNJ they alight fror
, ' the cara they do not Know which way t
turn. An officer nt this corner could direct
all who do not know the way besides Riving
general information about the city. Mayor
Ensor has bern asked to station one or
two men at this corner , but he has not
done. o yet. Councilman Uarrott mentioned
this mater to the mayor somp days ago
nnd at that time his honor appeared to think
the scheme n good one. At the present
time the police force Is composed of fifteen
men and It Is thought that one man ought
to be spared to stand nt the corner men
tioned during the busy part of the day.
I'll c lit n up Mluit Don n .Monday.
The packing houses will all shut down on
Monday In order to give the employes nn
opportunity of participating In the Labor day
celebration. A largo proportion of the men
deslro a holiday and so after the matter
had been presented In the proper light the
packing house managers decided to shut
down entirely for the day. At the present
tlmo the rim of llvo stock is quite largo
and the closing down will diminish the
week's total of the number of head slaugh
tered , but by working overtime the loss will
possibly be made up.
Mnstle City ( ionxlii.
There will be no preaching nt the Bap
tist church today.
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp
bell died yesterday.
M. Goldstein returned yesterday from a
business trip to New York.
; ev. George Van Wlnklo of the Baptist
church Is taking his annual vacation.
Street Commissioner Koss Is repairing
the sidewalks ou Twenty-fifth street.
Mrs. r. K. Terry of Cowlcs , Neb. , Is the
guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. It. U. Montgomery.
Dick Berlin returned yesterday from a
two months' stay ut Narragansctt Pier , U. I.
Mrs. Guernsey Wilson of New Castle ,
Neb. , Is spending a few days with friends
Miss Anna. Delia Vi'ells returned yester
day from Missouri , where she visited rel
During September the evening serlvces at
the Presbyterian church will commence nt
8 o'clock.
Miss Cassle A. McKlnley and Mrs. John
Mohr of Ponca are visiting Mrs. H. L.
Mr. and Sirs , fitcphen Flint of Laurel ,
Neb. , are the guests of Hcv. nnd Mrs. H.
L. Wheeler.
Perlo McD. Wheeler has returned from
Hughes , Mo. , where ho spent three weeks
with friends.
Miss Nelllo Greist leaves Monday for the
Rosebud Indian agency , where she will
teach school.
The South Omaha hospital Is prepared to
euro for five or six sick soldiers of the
Second Nebraska Infantry.
"Tho Impossible Burial" Is the topic of
Rev. Wheeler's morning sermon at the First
Presbyterian church today.
There was a graplmphone entertainment
at the Salvutlon Army headquarters on
Twenty-fifth street last evening.
Miss Kate Perbons has returned from a
seven weeks' visit with friends and rel
atives In New York and Chicago.
The stock of millinery owned by Mrs. A.
C. Wear , recently damaged by water , will
be placed on sale Monday nt 3L'2 N. 25th St.
Evening services nt the Episcopal church
will bo resumed today. Mr. William H.
Moor will have charge of the meeting to
John Carroll , Twenty-fourth and B
streets , reports that his house was entered
by thieves Friday night and ? 1S in money
and a watch stolen.
Jake Klein was removed to his apart
ments nt the Merrimn In Omaha yesterday.
Ho stood the trip well and expects to bo
on his feet in two weeks.
At St. Martin's Episcopal church today
Rev. Irving Johnson will begin n series of
sermons on "Tho Being and Nature of
God. " The subject of the 11 o'clock ser
mon today Is , "Why I Believe In God. "
Frank Taylor , the sneak thief who was
shot In the thigh a few days ago by Officer
Norrlson , was brought down from the hos
pital yesterday and sentenced to thirty days
In jail. Taylor was trying to escape with
a bundle of stolen goods and refused to
halt when ordered to do so.
( Continued from Firnt Page. )
liable and philanthropic workers of this
city are earnestly Invited to be present to
assist the local commltteo In making the
meetings of the conference a success. A
number of speakers ot national1 reputation
have been definitely engaged to lead In the
discussions of the vital problems to como
before the conference.
iincorvr iiins or VIOLRXCK.
InilliiiiN I mluluo In a AVnr Hiinue anil
Us I'c'Miilnr f.'fn-iiioiilcN.
There have been any number of dances
given out at the Indian village on the expo
sition grounds , but the ono that was put up
last night \\as the prize winner. It was a war
dance and was called at 6:30 : o'clock and
continued for nearly four hours. It was
i participated in by .representatives from all
ot the tribes with the exception of the
Arizona Apaches , who refused to take a part
for the reason that they regard the war
dance a sacred function which should not bo
observed In the presence of nny except their
own people.
To start the dance nt the Indian village
last night , a ring some ICO feet In diameter
' was roped off to keep the whites back. Into
| this fully 200 bucks , clad In scanty attire ,
I bedecked with bright-colored paints and
i feathers entered and squatted upon their
haunches around the musicians , who were
provided with drums. Then followed the
old men and the women of the tribes. They ,
however , did not enter the charmed circle ,
but contented themselves by sitting Just out
side the ropes. Like the braves who had
shed their blood on the battlefields , they
were robed nnd painted in gay and striking
colors. Still they were more clothing and
seemed to better enjoy the cool breeze that
drifted In from the north.
At n signal that nobody but an Indian could
understand , Crow Dog , u Ponca , Jumped
Into the center of the ring and letting out
a whoop that tore a three-cornered hole In
the night and at the same tlmo caused the
white women to cling more closely to their
escorts nnd drive some of the small chil
dren almost Into hysterics , recounted some
of the acts of bravery that ho had per
formed. With gestures much like those of
a ward politician , Mr. Dos told of a tlmo
some twenty-five years nco when he went
on a hunting tour Into the northwest nnd
with a number of companions surprised and
scalped fifteen Dlackfeet. Ho said that they
brought tbe scalps home , and ns evidence
of the fact , pulled out a small piece of
skin with lone hnlr attached.
Ulght nt this point there was a break
In the oratory of Mr. Dog. A brave from
the Ulackfeet tribe Intimated that the alleged -
, leged scalp was nothing but a chunk ot
skin cut from the back ot n black dog.
Mr. Crow DOB was about to arcue the
point , when he was Informed that he had
better keep still , as the Dlacttfoot was only
playing a part.
WhinWolf'M Story Stamli.
Whether Mr. Dog was telling tbe truth
or simply running In a bluff was not de
cided , for before there was an opportunity
of settling the matter the master of cere
j _ ' monies called tlmo and the dance was on
3' ' Ono hundred half naked Indians , wearlnf
l huge war bonnets of eagle feathers stuck
Into red flannel , bounded to their feet am
commenced to dance , keeping time to the
sound of the drum. This dance _ and music
continued for some fifteen minutes , the In
dlans Jumping around like a lot of froze !
footed chickens. Then they retired to th <
ropes and some Indian who was too old tc
dance passed the hat and gathered up the
: i pennies. After a long wait. White Wolf
an Asslnibolne , clothed In a girdle and f
bunch of eagle feathers , entered the arena
nnd In n voice that sounded like the filing of
a saw told of an occasion when ho nt the
head of a company of braves swooped down
upon nn Indian camp and run off with a
lot of ponies that belonged to the Omahas.
lo snld that he and tbn members of hio
arty were followed for twenty miles nnd
hat \\hllo ten bravo young men did the
allowing none of them returned. A number
f the old Asslnlgolncei uho were sitting
bout the circle declared that the tale told
by White Wolf was true and thcro was not
u Omaha who entered a denial.
While Wolf having furnished evidence
hat once upon a time ho had killed his
nan , wns declared entitled to dance nnd
onsequently he led the eet. Ho daiiced
ntll ho was exhausted , but not ? o with
ho others who wcro In It with him. Thev
< ept It up for a few minutes nnd would
mve kept right along had not lllfi Drown
Icar , a Sioux , motioned for a cessation
ot the festivities. In the best Sioux that
10 could muster , ho said that ho wanted to
alk. Ho was given n chance and com-
ucnccd to tell how glad ho felt to think
hat he had been enabled to meet with BO
many of the bravc from , the different
"How about having tasted blood ? " asked
n old man who was sitting by one of the
posts that held the rope In place.
"Had forgotten that , but was Just coni
ng to the point when I was Interrupted , "
espondcd Mr. lllg Drown 13ear. " 1 have
tilled all kinds of people In my tlmo and
have the evidence with mo nnd will show
ou. " Suiting the action to the word , Mr.
( ear pulled from a girdle , his only article
of clothing , aside from a bonnet , n
notched etlck nnd after flourishing It over
ils head a few tlmcti , brought it down on
a level with his eyes nnd counted off twen-
y-slx notches. Then looking at the old
nan , whllo n withering emllo played over
ils lips , ho asked , In a sneering way , "Is
hat enough ? " The old man tmddenly dls-
overcd that he had Important buslnwe at
ils tepee nnd elunk away , while the Indians ,
joth young and old , males and females ,
hooted at him as ho disappeared lu the
Mr. llenr Mnde n UK.
Dig Brown Bear , having established the
act 'that he was a bravo man , motioned
or the head drummer to beat his tomtom
and , leading the dance , he whtskud about
ho circle llko a mustang pony , while the
other Indians foTlowcd. The little Incident
aused Dear to be the center ot attraction ,
t Is said b ythoso who know something
about Indian customs that had the man
vho offered the Insult to Mr. Dear been
of or about his own ago thcro would have
boon blood upon the face of the pale Sop-
ember moon , but as he Is on the shady
side of 90 It will pass unheeded.
Dravo Dear had been itching to tell ot
BOino of the bravo things that ho had Cone
and when he got a chance ho said that ho
tad the record to sow how ho had won
ho right to dance. Being an Influential
Indian , his proof was not required and ho
was Invited to set the hot foot for the
younger men of the different tribes. The
dance that he figured In was one of the
emotional of the evening.
Numerous other Indians detailed the hair
raising acts that they performed In their
younger days nnd the old men and women
vouched for them , BO that none who nt-
empted to be first to set the pace for the
dance were deprived ot the pleasure.
There is a peculiarity about the Indian
war dance. It is n religious , but not n
sacred ceremony. Any man who has taken
a human life In battle may participate , but
others are barred from the charmed circle.
In olden times It was nn Incentive for
young men to go out nnd make records for
hemsclves. It Is also said that half a
century ago no Indian maiden would look
with favor upon a man who was not en
titled to take part In the danco. That Is
he story told by some of the old men ot
the different tribes , but with the young
and Intelligent Indians It is taken with a
grain of allowance. At the dance last night
a number of young boys participated , but It
s said that they were let In Just for fun
and that they might play a part.
Soldlcm from llie Second Kntcrtnliieil
by the 111 * Crowd.
The fantasle , "American Battle Scene , "
was rendered on the Plaza last night by tbe
McCook band and the Exposition chorus nnd
It made the hit of the season. Fireworks
and music added to the occasion , but the
climax was reached when a detachment from
company C , Second Nebraska , marched In
and was escorted to seats on the stage. The
boys had come down from the camp at Fort
Omnha. They were cheered as they ascended
the stage nnd they were cheered and cheered
when the band struck up and played "Amer
ica. " The people were not ready to quit ,
but Instead demanded more of the same
kind of inuatc and would not be satisfied un
til "Yankee Doodle" and "Dixie" had been
played as encores.
It was apparent that the soldier boys were
the lions of the evening and after the con
cert they were surrounded by the crowd nnd
given a reception that must have gladdened
their hearts. Their hands were grasped bj
men , women and children and as they
marched off the grounds they cheered again ,
Nothing was too good for them and on the
Midway all of the doors swung open to them ,
Siiiidfir'n Muilcnl I'roKrnm.
Following Is the musical program for to
day at the exposition :
2:30 : p. m. Mexican band , Government
March Des ICchaHHlers Landal * lllllot
Waltz En Alaa del VIento Capltanl
Overture Poet and Peasant Suppi
Mazurka A Feast on the Lake I-craux
Fantasla-Traiata Verdi
Polka Little Amusement Maycui
Finale Danza
7 p. m. Mexican band , Grand I'luzu.
March The Mexican Village Samara
Waltz The Sky for a Kiss.umura
Overture Martha Flnltore ]
Polka Lo Ithono y la Saone Uoussel
Fanta la Mudamo Fabart Offenbach
Mazurka-Mary Osarno
Finale Danza.
' Executive Committee MrctlnK.
At the meeting of the executive commit
tee , held yesterday afternoon , the date ol
Children's day was changed from Septembei
15 , and two days substituted , one being Sep
tember 17 , and the other September 30. Upon
those days all children between the agw
of 5 and IB years will bo admitted to the
grounds at 15 cents each.
D. K. ThompBon , a wealthy citizen of Lin
coln , served notice upon the commltteo , that
on September 24 ho will bring In DOO chil
dren from Lincoln , bearing all of the ex
penses himself. These children are those
who are unable to pay their way.
Annual Statement.
MILWAUKEE , Sept. 3. The twenty
fourth annual report of business nnd o\ \ > -
orations of tbe Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul Railroad company for the fiscal yeai
ending June 30 this year has Just beer
Issued and shows the road to be In a verj
prosperous condition. Tbe gross earnlngi
of the year were J34,189,663 , whllo the op-
crating expenses , Including taxes , were
{ 21,201,556 , making the net earnings of the
company J12,988,0'J7. The Income frorc
other sources was $731,018. which , Including
the net earnings , makes tbe total J13.119-
115. The Interest on bonds amounted t (
} 7,100,431 , leaving a balance above charge :
ot | 5,92S,6S3.
Lev leu on n Revenue Cutter.
MONTREAL , Que. , Sept. 3. The Unltcc !
States revenue Cutter AlEonquIn has been
seized here on behalf of J. Wade , who
claims wages due him as a detective In
Chinese smuggling cases. Question of in
ternational law Is Involved.
Anotliar Reason for the Great Growth
of tlie Sliepard Specialty Practice.
The Leading Principle is that Competent Ser
vice Shall Be Afforded to All Sufferers
at a Uniform Low Fee.
much of the oppression of the masse * In f n
In these days , when ono hears so
the rich It must bo remembered that it was Dr. Shepnrd who broke down thr „ „
the cpi-cliillsls In the print. . , .
barrier ralFcil iiKalnst the people by „
ollttlc high-feu
ctmblo the . ' , , , , ,
medicine The Shepnrd Medical Institute wns organized to plain p. , ;
furnish ut u price that represents ,
got the best incdlciil service Unit the world cnn
dlnnrlly the cost of prescriptions from big f co doctors.
The Hcntlmcnt upon which the system WOH founded la that heartless Indlffon i , , ,
human suffering Is Inconsistent with the dignity of the medical profession or the I
and conscience of a true physician. The Shopunl Idea In the beginning , ns It I- , >
wns that u H.vwtom should bo provided for the care of the thousands of people ( , t ,
itcd means who wcro perishing simply because they could not nffonl what Is know ,
cxocrt specialty treatment. This seemed much as If vast numbers of slilpwrork ,1 , ,
. were constantly allowed t. ) drown llko rats because uiiublo tn ,
ors or sea voy.igcM
life saving i-rowu standing ready to wivo them I'
for seats In the life boats of tlio
. Hut lee many of thorn
to human milTeMiiR.
Blclan * . ns n class , arc not
thorn , , , , , . .
tlm Biirfortr. must come to ,1
the principle
by apathy , by standing on
under t u o clrcums niirw , > < "
handsomely for the Help Riven. This help ,
bad as a refii . , i. -J
Is '
, whew neglect ns - -
cruelly , heartlessly. The neglect to wive
liberal basis , amounts to plain homicide.
where help could bo extended on a
miASKA , Is a farmer. Ho brlelly sots )
rorth the facts In his case as follows :
" 1 Buffered from niirtldl ileatnuss for
many years. A dry form of catarrh wan
steadily making mo deaf. When 1 began ]
Dr. Shepard's treatment I could not hear a
watch tick unless 1 pressed It llrmly j
against my par. There were always un
natural noises In my head and a constant
whistling sound. The whistles blew night
and dny and were a constant torment. AH
a result of my treatment 1 am practically
cured , for I can now readily the tick
ing of a watch at arm's lenpth nnd the
distracting nolsfH have aboil } disappeared.
My strength has been greatly Improved anil
my general health also. I am not yet
through with my course , but 1 am gaining
every dny. "
NEBRASKA , writes on July 20 , 1S9S :
"I willingly nilil my testimony to that of
many others. When I started with you In
the spring J was utterly wanting In ambi
tion nnd strength. AVhat little work 1 tried
to do wearied me so that 1 felt like giving
up and going to bed. 1 felt sick all over ,
which I suppofc was duo to exhaustion and
"I was greatly pleased nt the results
afforded mo by the Home Treatment. It
seemed a little odd nt first to consult a
strange doctor whom I had never seen , but
I soon felt that my case was In good
hands , and I am now advising my friends
who need your treatment to Bond for ques
tion blanks as I did. Your treatment has
entirely cured me. "
Chronic sufferers llvlntr nt a distance
from Omaha are requested to send for
free consultation blank , till It out and re
turn for a complete and accurate diagnosis
and onlntan free.
Catarrh , Asthma , Hay Fever , Bron
chitis , Deaftiews , Dyspepsia , Rheumatism ,
Malaria , Nervous Diseases , Blood Dis
eases , Skin Diseases , Female Diseases ,
and other curable chronic ailments treated
successfully by mall.
Judge Scott Holds Holmes nnd Quivey to Ba
in Contempt of Oourti
IlliCht In Inherent nnd Not Subject to
Statutory IlcHtrlutloni or I.tuil-
tntloiiM AiitldnteM IIU- ,
tory lu ItM
As anticipated , the decision of Judge Scott
was rendcied this morning denying the mo
tion for a new trial in the contempt case ot
L. D. Holmes , president , and Rev. Elmer P.
Quivey , superintendent , of the Nebraska
Children's Home society , In the matter of
the application of the parents of the Dodd
children for a writ of habeas corpus.
Holmes and Quivey had failed to produce
the children In court as ordered or to dis
close their whereabouts , and the Judge bad
fined them $200 and ordered them committed
to the county Jail until the children were
produced. Before making his formal order ,
though , ho had asked the attorneyn to produce -
duce their respective authorities on both
sides of the controversy , nnd the opinion
given was In deciding this argument.
For the defense Attorney Carroll S. Mont
gomery had contended that by a rule of the
district court all habeas corpus matters
properly come under the criminal head and
should bo determined by the Judge In charge
of the criminal docket ; further , that the
statute had not expressly empowered a
Judge sitting in chambers during vacation to
punish for contempt In the event of failure
to obey the writ.
CoverM the Whole Cane.
Judge Scott's opinion goes over the whole
history of the case in detail , Including the
complication of the case'somewhat by the
clerk of the court having delivered to the
Hheriff for service the original order of the
court for a writ Instead of a writ Itself.
Hrlelly , his opinion amounts to this :
No r ilo of coutt can have the force or
effect of repealing or In effect abrogating or
nullifying positive statutory law governing
the courts or Judges thereof. No rule of
court can relieve a Judge of the court from
his duty under the statute law of the state.
The statute , section 363 , chapter xxxlv , pro-
vlOs that a Judge must "forthwith allow"
u writ of habeas corpus. The statute em
powers all the Judges of the district court
alike , rules of the court to the contrary not
withstanding. A writ of habeas corpus is a
writ of right. It Is not only u common law
writ , but It antedates the common law.
Judge Coolcy says "that1 the writ antedates
the common law of England and that Its
origin Is so ancient that It 'Is lost In ob
scurity. " The mandate embodied In the
writ , "Havo thou the body , " reaches to all
parts of the state ; nay more , It compels ono
In the state who has sent the party named
In the writ out of the state to go to the
uttermost boundaries of the United States ,
and bring from thence the body of the per
son before the Judge ordering the writ that
the alleged detention may bo Inquired Into
and the uaity released from detention. Stat
utes were not passed to give the right , butte
to compel the observance of rights already
existing. The right , then , to the beneficent
fruits of this great common law writ of
right Is not dependent upon statutes for Its
Invocation In any cnso where thn common
law authorizes the writ , nor can statutes or
constitutions or the people , or the court , or
Judge deny any human being his common
law right to this writ In a republican form
of government.
Intent of thr Statute.
When thf legislature granted to any Judge
of the district court the power to hear and
determine applications for the writ of habeas
corpus , the power of such Judco In that bs-
half was not limited to the expreu wording
of the statute , but nny Judge In such cases
has the power to do whatsoever Is necessary
and Incidental In order to exercise fully and
completely thn power to "hear and deter
mine" such cases , the same as If such neces
sary , Incidental power was conferred by ex
press wordtt In the statute. By the consti
tution of this atato. this common law right
of right was preserved to the people of the
state In their constitution. The common
law then Is lu force In this ilat * ; manifestly
that Is EO ns to all Its principles and pro
visions applicable and not Inhibited UK pro
vided In section 1 , chapter xv , statutes of
The right to the writ being an Inherent
"Last fall I found myself redu. , .1
strength and flesh. My nervous sy-ti in .
affected to the extent that I vui" > . ' , '
to sliop well or control my tlm K" .
power * . My blood was ImpoverishI , , i
out of order. 1 had plmpley eruption. . , ,
o\er. C'onstlpatlon was severe ami I
told that my blood was lnfecte < \ 1 > . , ,
of the extremely sluggish action , ! t' '
bowuls. 1 raised by spitting a w- |
slimy mucus from the stonun li M
digestion was pour , my food si-etnitu i
have no nourishing effect. I dropp , , i i
weight to ono hundred and t\\cnt > , % i
For this group of symptotiB 1 nppll > , l for
relief to Or. Shcpanl , who put me | , , i
course of treatment which ho imipi > l m.1
for mo to use at home. I was KIMII , \
pllclt directions as to habits of living. w 'tk '
diet nnd sleep. 1 wrote my progress t.i . n
doctor every week and received lcttrr i '
advlco In reply. 1 will sum up the h , , .
matter by slating- that I soon rcco\titi , n
llort strength ; my weight returned tn , > >
hundred and lifty-llvo pounds , \\lil , h i
about right. My treatment won \MV
thorough and satisfactory , and tli" i > - '
lias been all I could ask for. 1 am iuw
nil right. "
URASICA. states that her baby wuv nf-
fllctud with eczema , which covered tin
body , limbs nnd faco. The little one wa *
almost a solid scab from head to foot .v
course of treatment by mnll from Oin.ih L
covering a period of ninety days 1ms in-
tlrely cured the case. Mrs. Ottp wrle Tir
Sheparcl : "Tho baby hns entirely reon
cred , thanks to your treatment I am
sure I did my part faithfully , for I im < > < l
both tlu- local nnd Internal medicines JUM
as you ordered. "
Shepard Medical Institute ,
C. S. SIIKI'AHI ) , M. 1 > . Consulting
iiiul ANoelate . Physicians
ROOMS 31J , 312 & 313 NEW TOUK LIFE
Otrico Hours 9 to 12 n. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
KvenliiKs Wednesdays and Saturdays
only to S. Sundays , 10 to 12.
right could not bo in conflict with the con
stitution of the United States or the laws or
constitution of this state , ns any law or
constitutional provision whiuh limited thn
common law rights of a citizen to the writ
would bo nugatory , null and void. There IB
no legal power anywhere that can take from
or deny aiy human being tin inherent right
HlKlitn Hejoiul lA-KlNlallvc 1'ovtcr.
No statute or constitutional provision ovr
has or ever can create an Inherent right , nor
can any statute or constitutional provision
ever legally hinder , delay , lessen , weaken ,
Impair or suspend an Inherent human right.
The legislature is not only authorized to
make- laws for the protection of the Inherent
rights of the clUzen , but it is its Imperative
duty to da so , and such laws must receive
the liberal construction , divested of all sub
terfuges , special pleas or pleading and tech
nicalities , In favor of liberty , in favor of
the magna charta of the citizen , < the writ of
habeas corpus , by all courts and Judges au
thorlzed to Issue the writ.
This power of .tho judge In vacation over
hnbcaa corpus cases Is derived from the com
mon law , and section 8 of our bill of rights ,
and Independent of the statute giving thn
Judge the "power to hear and determine" In
habeas corpus proceedings. That section of
our statute Is only declaratory of n common
w authority of a Judge nt chambers re
specting the writ.
How can a court , having the power to hear
and determine' a matter , enforce that power ,
but by attachment and fine nnd Imprison
ment of those who hold such power In con
tempt , nnd thus attempt to defeat the oxpr-
clso of such power ? At chambers , a Judge
Is a Judicial tribune In habeas corpus cases ,
and ns such ho has the power to use nil the
auxiliary and Incidental power to enforce
obedience to the writ.
Attorney Montgomery has already begun
preparations for an appeal to the supreme
court. He was allowed twenty days In which
to file a bill of exceptions. A supersedeas ,
however , was denied.
Cull In I'aclllc Hiillroiul Itoniln.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. The secrotnry
ot the treasury has Issued n call offering to
redeem the balance of the bonds , amountIng -
Ing to $ U,00,5GO ! , Issued to the Pacific rail
roads. Of this amount over $9,000,000 wa.- <
Issued to the Central Pacific , over $3.000,000
to the Union Pacific , and over $1,500,000 tn
the old Western Pacific. These bonds will
bo redeemed at the treasury at a rebate nf
one-half of 1 per cent of their face value
at any time during the month of September.
This Is on the basis of 2 per cent per au-
num. These bonds were to mature January
1 , 1SS9.
During the Battle
of Santiago.
The I'lieU-erx ill the Untile of .Snnll-
HK" "If L'lihn Mere all Ill-roc * . Their
Heroic HITortH In CetiiiiK Ammuni
tion mill HatloiiN to the Front Silted
P. E. Duller , of pack-train No. 3 , writing
from Santiago , De Cuba , on July 23d , says :
"Wo all had diarrhoea In more or less violent
lent form , and when wo landed wo had nn
time to see n doctor , for It was a case of rush
and rush night and day to keep the troops
supplied with ammunition and rations , but
thanks to Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy , wo were able to keep at
work and keep our health ; In fart. I ulu-
ccrely believe that nt one critical time this
medicine was the Indirect saviour of our
army , for if the packers bad been unable to
work there would have been no way of git-
j ting supplies to the front. There were no
roads that a wnKon train could u e Mv
i comrade and myself had the good fortune to
i lay In a supply of this medicine for our
| pack-train before wo left Tampa , and I
i know In four cases It absolutely saved life "
I The above letter was written to the man i
fatturera of this medicine , the Chamberlain
Medicine Co. , DCS Molnee , Iowa.