Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part II, Page 15, Image 15

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    THH OM Ml \ IIKH : St"M\V ) , SMPT KM I. 1SIIH.
tnoldery beyond Other Rownn are mndc
like n p'rlnrrKH drcM , but fnnlpnod up ihc
Itjfl Kldr , with n full front nnd n ynkn i'f-
f t at Ihr top , formed by narrow lucklnR
nt thu Rood * , with llnfH of Insertion ! -
ti > enj or , mi entire luce piece rovers the
A fAnhlnnnhle woman's approach In
heralded by the Jingle of Jnwrlry Charms
nru worn on neck rhalmt , wntrh chains nnd
lirarfletM with ullnr Impartiality , the npn-m
fines being mlnlnturo bears , plg , cats , dogs ,
ralmon , fox terriers , woodcock * and fie on ,
ilwirntcd with diamonds 01 other precious
IVinliiliir 1'iTMiimlri.
The queen of Roumanla has Ixrn made a
rrember of the St Petersburg Academy of
Kuen-c in recognition of her literary talents
MlM I tattle , n joung Scotch woman , Is
nbotit to undertake a scientific expedition to
tin ) South seas with fifteen other women
Miss Pilre , a well known botanist , will
bet ono of the party.
Mrs. lillcn Spencer Mussoy , who Is work
ing to have the word "woman" stricken
from the imim of tinOeneral l'c < l < .riitliii of
Women's Clubs , Is a daughter of Plato U.
Hpfiiccr , author of the famous Hpeiircrlun
system of penmanship.
Mrs Alice Rollins Crane , who IB In the
vcrvlco of the Smithsonian Institution , In u
unique Inhabitant of Davvon City She
wearn n buckskin skirt , bloomern of the
nunc material und leather leggings Sim
likes frontier life , nnd expects to dlo with
her boot , on
Mrn. Ida Dcwcy Roycc , a cousin of Ad
miral Dev.ey , denied tliat shei has il , ' > . ueu to
1,0 upon the stage She bays .iho I' , mero'y '
undying to become an aeir si , but H chc
develops any talent she may otnturk on n
career before the footlights If she llnds a
imr.nger who will engage hu.
Most of the clgarmakern In Detroit nro
ghls. Manufacturers say that the change
ficim male help has revolutionised their
business In more ways than one. They hold
that the girls lire prompter and cleaner und
that they do not carry uwny or consume
nny cigars while at work. Ono factory ban
estimated a saving In cigar consumption by
employes of $20,000 In ten years on the
bisls that male workers use three cigars
Mrs. Louise II Pratt of Sherwood , WIs ,
makes the somewhat original suggestion
that Hwcet > oung things with golden hair
xhould not moiiopoll/c the privilege of nam
ing war ships , so she wnntB to bo allowed
to name the battleship Wlseonsln. Among
her qualifications she mentloiiH the follow
ing She Is fit ycais old , got her education
In n little Rthrolhouso In Wisconsin , knows
how to cook knit , spin nnd make soft soap ,
wears her hair short , nnd has chilBteiieil
nnd reared two boys nnd two girls of hei
own.Adcllna. Pattl Is now C5 years of age She
has been twice married and once divorced
nnd was recently made a widow by the
death of her second huslMtid , Sli ; N'lcollnl ,
the tenor In splto of nil this she pre
serves In n marvelous manner much of hei
pristine beauty of voice , nnd she has lately
nitng In London RO admirably that the public
nnd newspaper enthusiasm knew no bounds
Kho attributes the preservation of her pow
ers to the care Bho has Riven herself The
average life of a great singer's voice Is nalr
to bo fifteen yearn Mine. Pattl made hei
debut In grand opera at the Academy n
Music In New York In I ovember , IS'il. am
has been singing continuously over since.
llcnlN tlu > K'.iiiiillKii.
Mr. A C Thomas of Marysvllle Tex , hai
found a more valuable discovery than hai
yctl been made In the Klondike Per years
ho suffered untold agony from ecnsumptlon
nccompculed bv hemorrhages and was ab
Bolutely cured by Dr Kings New 0s"over ! :
for Consumption , Coughs and Colds Ho dc
clurM that gold Is of little value In com
parlson with thl marvelous cure , wouli
have H. even If It co t a hundred dollars i
bottle Asthma nronchltts and all throa
nnd lung affcctlors are positively cured b ;
Dr King's New Discovery for Consumption
Trial bottles free at Kuhn & Co 'R drug store
Regular size COc and $1 00 fiiiaranteed t
CONM \irms. .
Those Spanish officers of Admiral Cer
verr.'s staff who arc said to have engngei
themselveB to two Daltlmoro belles hav
doubtless learned to nine "Mnrvlaiid M ,
Maryland. " Hut what will Madrid say ?
Mrs. Kathleen Illako Watklns , who vvu
married In Washington the other day to Di
Thcodoro Colimian , Is better known to news
paper readers as "Kit , " the woman who repelled
polled the war for u Toronto paper.
Miss Kdna Sickles , daughter of Oenerc
Daniel 13 Sickles , whoso engagement to Ml
Day roll Crnckanthorpe of the Ililtlsh cm
hasHat Madrid IB announced , was educate
nnd IHIH spent most of her life abroad , bt
lias also been seen In the Roelcty of No1
York and Washington Her mother , ( Jenen
blckles' second wife , was a Spanish woman
whom General Sickles met when ho was mill
Ister to Spain In 1871
Quito n romantic wedding occurred rccentl
nt Roland , Ark. The contracting partlc
were Mr John Pnrrer , ngcd [ > 0 , and Mis
Mltty Miller , ngexl 18 Mr. Knrrer Is , c
rather was , n gay widower and winning th
consent of MIsH Miller they went qui -tiy lilt
Llttlo Hock and were married Miss Mllle
the bride , has quite an eventful , If not tragl
cal , history A few years ago she , with he
father , mother and slater , resided In th
Indian Territory The sister , who was s eve
e > ral years older than the present Mrs Kai
icr , had a lever to whom she , was engage
to bo married. Ther \ was a lover's quarn
between the two and the young man becon
Ing enraged procured n shotgun , repaired I
the homo of his sweetheart , shot and klllo
her , the father nnd mother , nnd would hav
Killed Miss Miller , but she tripped uud fe
In limning Just us the phot was fired Tl
murderer , thinking ho had killed the who :
family , turned his attention to two men vvl
them both nnd the
we > io passing , killed
blowout his own brains , thus leaving si
dead In the yard
In Austria fourteen years are looked upc
as sumclent to entitle a person of cither be
to take on the burdcni , of matilmony. Oei
many requires the male to be IS and tl
female 16 In Prnnco nnd Hclglum the mo
must bo 16 nnd the woman lo In Spain c'
Intended husband must have pussi-d 1 Is fou ,
teenth year nnd the woman her twelft
The law In Hungary for Roman Catholics
that the mon must be H years old ami tti
woman 12 , for Protestants the man must 1
IS nnd the woman 15 In Greece the ran
must havp seen nt least fourteen summe
mid the vvoman twelve. In Russia nnd Sn-
ony they are more sensible , anil a youl
must refrain from matrimony till he > cc
count fourteen years and a vvoman until si
can count sixteen In Switzerland men fro
the agoof 11 and women from the ago i
12 are allowed to marry The Turkish la
provides that any youtirand maid who ca
walk properlv and can understand the ncce ;
hary religious porvico nro allowed to t
united for 1'fo '
Annual Salno ovarOOOOooo BOKO *
Biich ns Wind nnel Pain In the Stomach.
( ilddlni ss , Pulne.-s after nual * . llcad-
ncho. DlzzliKbs , Drowolnesn. 1 lashings
of lloat. Lo"3 of Appetite. Custivoii''i.
lllotehes on the SUn. Old Chill i. Dis
turbed Bleep. rrlRlitful Droamu and nil
Kei\oua and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY UINDTE8. Kvory aufToror
\v III acknowledge them to bo
IliicillM'S : : IMI.KS.taVon nadlroct *
ccl. willeiulcUyre'storo Females to com-
jil"to health. Thi > y promptly remove )
obstructions or Irregularities of the ys-
torn mill euro MrU llritdaclic. Fora
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boochnm's Pills are
Without a Rival
And b re the
Df any I'nlcnt MrOlrlun In the World ,
25 < x bt all Drue Stores.
Princely ami Dncal Suitors for the Hand of
Holland a Olmrming Queen ,
A llo pn Morior ! , Ho > nl lltooiln
to Mli I tip In the
\ \ til the Ilulcli
In spite of Queen Kmmii's good motherly
advice , tlio wishes of the Dutch government
and the hopei of lojnl subject ! ! , her 18ear -
old majesty of Holland has not > ct signified
her choice of a consort. Not since I'rlnccss
Victoria of ICent became queen of Holland
sixty jears ago , hat o Intcrc'tlng and ro
mantic n feminine figure appeared on n
European throne , nnd there It no doubt at
all but that \Vllhelmna ! thoroughly appie-
clatci and cno > 8 the charms of her position
In the oes of all the ambltloutt , itul mar *
rlni cable > oung grand duktq and princes
If any one wants to Know why she now
icaltatcs to give the name of her consort ,
ho icnson sltnplj Is because she has not
y t selected him Prom her childhood up
she has entertained a profound respect for
m MII i 'An " 1 | i rn \\llHiliiiltin tutors uinr *
Minn n nlfirr * intrrf t in him
< Inline of ( it-cere mill 'I < < ' ! ( .
A month or t o n o th rr wrti n fltiltrr
In the Dutrh rouit when I'rltiro Nlcholna
of Orcere mine to vi it the two queens'
Slnrr then rumor hn * . I hrar , connected
his and \Vllht Inilna's tinmen lie Is of i
cnnrsr eligible enough m\e that IIP It a
pHthetlrally povert-stricken boy and by
religion an orthodox ( Jrcek Ills > c-ars num
ber tvetitfour and nobodj serins to know
his capabilities pave for music. Per lick j
of bcttei rmplovmi'nt he frrves as A 1) . C. ]
to his father , Kin ? ( It-orge , and during the
late Orero-Turkleh war he served without
distinction as a captain of urtlllerj Hvery-
bed ) knows It was hit grandmother , the
queen of Denmark , who thought out this
match for him. and the tmtter of religion
could be easily pcttltxl , as King Oeorgc ts
still a 1'iotristant and his on could quite
excusably relnpre Into the faith of his fath- '
crs. 1
AR ( JurenVllhcltnlna will nit on one of
the \ery snuggest throne * In all Humps and
ruto over a lo > al countr > for Its size the
richest In the world , them IE no surprise
to be ftlt that the downright Impecunious j '
princes , such as 1'rlnco Alexander of Teck ,
brother of the duchess of York , would
gladly throw In his lot with the Dutch POV- j
t'rclgn All this > outhful prince has to
offer lb an exceptionally handsome p-c ence
and great good nature H Is no seer't that
\\llhrliiilnn in III" ililrnt on nnd thus mnki <
Holland a pnrt of ill" ( Irrnint ) rtnnln
Hotnr vinrs 110 I Know It to be a fart that
hi- did discus * such an Hlllnnre with ( Jurdi
Kmmn , In hoprn that the Illtlr tiie | < n would
wnlt until Crown Prince William came to it
tmurlngi'ablt- Queen Hmmu was civil ,
but non-committal , knowing well both her
daughter nnd her government would never
consent to sec Holland by thin maneuver
swallowed up In the German empire.
"When t hear about 'sermons In slontfs , ' "
remarked Uncle Allen Sparks. " 1 am re
minded of the Uev Dr Pourthly. Ills ser
mons always seem to rock mo to sleep. "
Plrst Sunday School Scholar How far
ha\o > ou got In the question book ? \\V\o
got as far as 'Original Sin. '
Second Ditto O. wo got by that long ago
\Ve are 'Past Redemption '
"Yes , " observed n clergyman , "we have
Just terminated the greatest revival our
church has experienced for many > cars. "
"I rejoice to hear It , " said hla friend ;
"how many did jou add to the fold ? "
"Oh , we didn't add any , " replied the good
man , "but we got rid of three. "
At the great meeting In St James' hall ,
London , In the summer of 1S6S , to protest
against the disestablishment of the Irish
Queen Victoria and two > ears ago she asked
permission to read some novels Her gov-
* | erncss and mother gave hei a c.ueful choice
r from Dickens , Miss Hdgewood and Mls-t
0 Younge Having perused these romances
? flio Informed her mother that she Intended
. ' to only inirry n man she could love and as
r Queen Victoria hud pursued that pollov
o ! with success , she. demanded a similar priv
ilege. Since that time she has entertained
at Intervals various possible suitors at her
palaces In Holland As invariably as they
came rumors Hew about to the effect that
hero was the man , but as Invariably the
princeling rode away , apparently with his
hand , heart and title still free to bestow
I have heard It stated and on the best
of authority that the little lady Is kind to
all , stands a good deal on her dlgnltj and
openlj snjs that as the proposition of mar-
rlago must come from her , she won't speak
until her heart dictates.
So far nobody , not oven worried Queen
ninmn , has been able to discover the
especial t > po of > oung man Wllhelmlnn
prefers , but If jou talk to the simple Dutch
folk themselves , they openly applaud their
0 > oung soverelcn's sentiments and the > are
fond of telling the storv of her retort to
her mother. There had been i degree or
two of heat In an argument over this mar
riage question and the mother chose to
disparage a very good > oung duke as In
eligible because of his comparatively humble
"Ob , title and money are all ver > well "
replied Vv'lllu'lmlnn , with a toss of hei
head. "Am not I queen of Holland , my
if | title and my money aio all sulllcicnt If
iv | 1 loved a good man , though ho were a
humble Dutchman , I would nrtirry him and
make him noble "
The * l'il\ > rlt < " > .
Among the Dutch ppnplo themselves the
two most popular candidates for the queen's
hand are I'rlnco Harold of Denmark nnd
Prince Hcrnard of Sa\e-Welmar-Elscnach.
Holland nnd Denmark are friendly neigh
bors and thev are one In their dislike ot
Germanv I'rlncn Harold Is a nice bos ,
21 jcars old , health ) , good-nnturcd and not
unhandsome He Is tall like all his brothers
and has n commission In the Danish nnm
Though her jounc majesty sajs she has
i the mone > for two , still the hardheadccl
low countrjmcn would like to have a king
consort with n llttlo pin money of his own.
nnd Harold's mother , tno crown princess
of Denmark. It n very ilch woman To
every one of her children she has given
fine marriage portlon.1. so that Harold is
a decided parti Metaphorically ho and
Wllhelmlna made mud plea together , and
if the } have never been lovers they have
alwajs been excellent friends.
Ilernard of Saxu-Welmar Is another good
boy. In his twentieth ) ear. a lieutenant In
a 1'russlan Infantry regiment , and the heart
ot Holland warms to htm because his j
grandmother was one of the most beloved
of the Dutch princesses She was Princess l
Sophia of Holland , ugly , B cot-hearted and I
so kind and clever that her husband , the
duke of Weimar , and all his people loved
her In life and now adore her memory. She
was a rich woman and Ilernard has In
herited a fair share of her fortune Prin
cess Sophie's countrjwen Insist he also has
Inherited hla grandmother's charming dis
position and capable rnlud , and so nearly as
bolh the duchess of York mid Queen Vic
toria have done all they could to put
1 rince Alexander well to the fiont rank of
su ors for this estimable jouug man has
| onl\ what his "Isler and father can spare
| to live upon , and no settled duties even of
I a mllltaiy churactei.
I T\io Diu'jil l ! < > iui\ .
Hut If beauty were all thu thi > little
queen asked thenIs not a shadow of a
doubt but that she could set me foi the
asking the hand of Pilnce Maximilian of
lladen , the handsomest man In the Ocr-
man urmv Prlnro Max Is turned of 31 and
n very fair type of the beauty soldier that
figuith In Oulda's novels , und tloimh his
Intimates say he prefeis to live a bachelor
his merits as a consort have certainly been
| laid before- the Diiich court. Prlnco Mu\
Is n second couslu of the German emperor ,
n Pioteitanl prince , a model of propriety
as wtll as an exceedingly smart cavalry of
ficer , and his Income Is equal to his needs.
Prlnco Haiold and Prince Dernaid , who
both Justly entcitnln equally good hopes of
securing Wllhclmlna's hand , have recently
been Muttered nnd alarmed over the pieten-
sions of youug Prince Alfred ot Saxe-Co-
burg nnd Ootha He Is Queen Victoria s
grandson , the heir to the duchy that the
duke of IMInburg Inherited and one of the
very best suitors now on the carpet
Whether or no he would bo obliged to re
sign his hell ship to his father's duchy In
case of marrying the queen Is n question to
bo settled , nnd It Is about the only dlfllculty
to be got over.
Prlnco Alfred Is a splendid fellow , look-
.In ; ; very like his grandfather , possessing
an Independent fortune and a truly English
I sense of duty and reveience- for religion
Aftoi all , and In spite of her Independent
utterances the little queen will in this mat
ter of rcllilou ; be obliged-to bow to her pee
ple's wishes A Protestant prlnco or one
who will become n Protcbtant Is what the
Dutch want. This Is the only point the
government would urge against the queen's
mairlage to that line youm ; man , the Prlnco
l.ulgl , duke of Abruzzo , for whom she la
known to dierlsh a strong liking The dark
beauty , the very exemplary behavior and
the daring explorations of Lulgl have made
.i Rtioug appeal to the queen. She Is n
woman aftei all and loves masculine vigor
Just llko any 18-year-old girl.
Lulgl himself Is by no means Indifferent
to the queen'a filendly fooling Ileyond his
duties In the Italian navy and his Interest
In exploring unknown parts of the world
ho has no chances of advancement. Ho ts n
third son on a small allowance and to be
king consort of Holland would be a tre-
mendoiiii advancement. However , bo is not
openly lobbying for the matrimonial oppor
tunity ns are Prlnco Eugene of Sweden ,
Prince Frederick of Prussia , or Count Hern-
hard of Sclmimbcrg-Llppc Any ono of
theee would dearly lovu the chance of ac
cepting Wllhclmlna's white llttlo hand nnd
green little land , though as consort their
power and precedence would bo rather lim
Among nil these suitors her young mr- | ]
csty khould surely be > able to nnd one |
vvhom she could love sincerely , and perhaps
the only fellow sovereign who cannot look
oa amiably at this matter of royal match
making U Emperor William Dearly ,
dearly would he have liked to have wedded
church , tome Orange enthusiast. In the hop
of disturbing Bishop Wllberforce , ke-pt In
terrupting his honeyed eloquence with In
opportune shouts of ' Speak up , my loid *
"I am already speaking up , " replied In
hUhop In his most dulcet tone , "I alwuy
hpe > ak up , and I decline to apeak dov.n t
the level of the Ill-mannered person In th
giillciy , "
The vicar certainly had a pretty wit Pco
pie said that he was sarcnst- ! , and he trie
to live up to the reputation Hut he wa
not always a success On one occasion
gentleman came Into the church In th
middle of the sermon The vlear broke o :
from his dlhcouiso nnd addressed the nuw
comer ' I am glad to sec you , sir. I at
always glad to bee those late who can1
como earl > "
"Thank you , " replied the gentleman , wit
perfect self-possession "Would you klndl
favor me with the text' "
Rev John Jasper , colored , of Rlchmom
Va , picache-d his celebrated "sun do move
sermon for the twentieth time last WCP !
After quoting the passage from Malach
"Prom the rising of the sun , " etc. , ho said
"Anybody tell me that Oed told a He ? Yo
can call me a liar , but you had better nc
call Him a liar too often. Some t.iy tba
we ore living on a round earth. Did anyone
ono ever teach you that foui corners mea
round' If they did. you had better get rl
of those teachers ns soon ns you can an
get an old stick and broom and sweep thei
away See Revelation vll , 1 , 'And aft < i
these things I saw foui ungels standing o
the four corners ot the earth , holding th
four winds of the earth' Philosophers sa
that at midday there Is a nation that Imv
their feet right against oui feet. When dl
Rod ever make a nation of people to vval
on their he-ads' If there Is n nation wit
their feet to ours , who made them' Doe
this book say about them' ( ! od don't kno' '
them. The prophets didn't know them , an
I've preaching going on fifty-nine yean
having preached twenty-fcvcn tlinurnni
sermon ? , and I don't know them I don'
know how to get to them "
itni.uiiot s ,
The Roman Catholic papers state ther
are In Hawaii 3J.OOO Catholics , ri.OOO paijnna
Protestants nnd agnostics and 15,000 Chinesi
and Japanese. Nearly all the Cathollci an
Archbishop Taylor In a recent vehcmen
sermon given at Liverpool de < tared tha
" 12000 of the Anglican clergy are In sym
pathy with the ritualistic movement am
that Its success meana the levcmal of tin
reformation "
The original tenU of Harvard college. I
Is stated , contained three open bibles , as th <
tynibol of their Illuminating power Yah
and Araherst In like manner make the blbli
the fource of learning and the foundation o
nil true education
It Is claimed that Tuskegee Institute belnt
ntnr to Cuba , will be able to give Cubans
tellglous and Industrial training and thu :
educate ) a largo number who would go bacl
equipped for gooil and succebsful wort
among their own people
Rev Daniel Ryan , who has Just beet
elected command r of the Indiana depart'
ment. Grand Army of the Republic , IB wldel ]
known as a pioneer Methodist preacher one
it U said there Is scarcely a family In thi
From the Surgeon ( ii
of the French Arm :
/ } tiring loiiffjcdions utarf/ics , VIN MARIAN ! ( MARIAN ! WINE ) is invalu
our soldiers nnd officers loitnd able at this season of the year , when owinsto
instant relief / / om fatigue and trying climatic changes , the system is especial
ly susceptibleto attacks of malaria and la grippe.
when the
hardships iistm ? marvelous
MAR1AN1 WINE is especially indicated for
velous tonic , Vin Mniiani ; it
General Debility , Weakness from whatever
prevented fevers find sickness ; ; /
causes , Throat and Lung Diseases. Overwork ,
the Marshy nnd unhealthy terri
Profound Depression and Exhaustion , Consumption
sumption , Malaria and La Grippe.
, MARIANI WINE as a general tonic and invigorator -
Stuycon GencmlVcnci / Arnty.
vigorator is unequaled. It gives power to the
brain , richness to the blood , firmness and elas
ticity to the muscles , to the entire
Front Dr. J. Leonard Coming's and strength
Book "JSiain . \-/iaitstioti. " nervous system. Therefore it is described as a
promoter of good health and longevity. It contains
Published by D. Afiplcton ,
" tains absolutely no injurious properties , as any
"T/te preparation knou < \ \ as
conscientious physician or chemist will certify.
Vin Ala riant is the best the
MARIAN ! WINE is an adjuvant in convales-
market. I ( is a i eniedy pai excellence ence and a powerful rejuvenator. For Over
cellence ag a t ns ( worry. Besides worked Men , Delicate Women , Sickly Children
effect it works wonders- soothes , strengthens and
exercising an invigorating
sustains the system.
fect upon the cerebral centers , it
To DION- Mint nil ] IIn,11 % ill < - III MVIIIVM .V ( 'O. , 5'JV , . ( IMil
imparts an indescribable scn a- Sli't'M , % , M \oilv ( If. \\II1 ln > M'UI , I KMInuik iMiiitnlnltiK | ii > rlrillN null
niitiim mills of llnipci in n , r.inpi I > H , I'rliuTN , ( u i il Inntx , V i clililNhitpx mill
" other Inli'i 1'stlnn iil.-ltliT.
ion of satisfaction"
Paris 11 noulcAtml Hausimami. London S 1 Mortimer St , , Monticnl 2S-.10 Hospital St
Some day it will be pleasing to remember the simple , claspic boanty of the Grand
Court , the Plaza with its music , the broad vista of the Blull' Tract and the hubbub and
gaiety of the Midway. If you want picture * of the Exposition to bring ij all back to
you you want the best. Every building and all the splendor of the Exposition ,
views of the whole etfectAnnd views showing detail , all have been reproduced in The
The following views have been issued :
Opening Diy , June I. 1898. 17 Grand Court from Restau
Northeast Corner of Court. rant Tower.
Government Building. IS Administration Arch.
.Main Entrance Agricultural 1 ! ) Liberal Art Building.
building , 20 Government Building and
Life Boat.
Scene in Streets of All Na
tions. 21- .Manufacturer's Building.
22 'Interior .Manufacturers'
( irand Court , Looking West. '
i 7 Hagenbaek'.s on Chlldren'.s
clay. o ; ] Machinery nnd L'lectrieitv
Grand Court , Looking South'
24 -Illinois .
- Building.
25 Arch of States.
9 Fine Arts
10 Nebraska 20 -Col. W. J. Bryan nnd Ucgi-
ment Military Day.
11 Grand Court , Looking Kast.
dfe j-/v 27- -Agricultural Building.
t2 -Section of Fine Arts Bldg. ? -
> 28 -Wisconsin .
t Building.
13 Grand Court at Night. > 29 - North
-Looking from Administration -
14 Main Entrance Horticnl- I gwiVfrg s S Sfx . ministration Arch.
turnl Building. -Section of Kast Midway.
15 Scene North . .
on .Midway.
-Streets of Cairo.
10 .Marine Band
at Grand '
-Group of Orienta's-Streets
Plnza. of All Nations.
Cents. E
Tho5o are offered to Uuo r.-.t.l n on he-ivy paper suitable for framing 01 for a. olicction cif Lxpriiition vloiva.
A Portfolio Cover for f5 Cents
Photogravure Department
The Omithd Daily Boo Omaha So. Omahn Council Illuir- .
southern part of the state \vlio docs not
know 1 Ira pcironrlb
The Sulss are suprortlng 2SO orphans in
Slvas for a term of live > -Mrs and liavu sent
tvn women to look after their welfare nncl
SpraklnR of a pnsillilc Invasion of Kngland
by Its onrinleH , Koine1 one Raid In the pres
ence of Gladstone "I fiipo' ( " > that some
English comprnU-'F ml ht bo induced to sup
ply them vlth ships and prmu " To which
thu Rreat 8tate3innn replied 'Oh yep , tot
filthy lucre they would Mipply arras to the
rebel angels against lieavrn "
Kev. Dr. Slmp on of the ChrUtlnn Alliance
secured 155.000 In money and valuablpu at
the collection taken at Old Or-hard the oilier
clay nut this was n falling off f-om Ia t
> ear'a aBKrsgaip J6r. DOO blch In Its tiiin
was much l-ss than the Jioo ooo of thp yejr
before. U looks r.s though the climax bud
been passed , still , T'S.OOO Is not a bad day'p
1 In'Mil I n 'I'll I lit , ' ,
Detroit Journal The master was coldly
"Vou paint minor details well. " he ob
served. "For Instance , the sunshine , the
sk/ , the mountain , the ocran. the cnrtli , all
thcto ngures of men ami women , are ax-
Oiitsltoly clone Ili.i jour Rignaiurct' Mali !
How crude1 How lacklnt ; in detail ! How
faulty In perspective' "
As for the clthctDle he rould but inst Ills
palette upon the flooi and weep aloud In
blH chagrin.
SfiiKlblu C.lrl.
.star Vts said iho sol
dler , when wo parted bhc gave me a toliin
of her rcfiunl 1 put It In my pocket and
It v\an thu means of savInK my life. "
"I ecu , " wfiH thu nsponsp. "II'H the cild
etory Vou carried her photograph next
your heart and It caused the bullet to do
llcrt "
"No It wri-.n t anv photograph. It wus
a lioitlo of malartn mcdltlne. "
. ( IIMI for \ | | | . | ,
Somcrvllle Journal Young Doctor Now
Hint i liavo put up my ehtnglo can you glvo
m a word of ndvlici as to the best way
of Inercaclng my practice'
Old Doctor Well , firm of all , > ou ought
to hlii ) about n dozen unhealthy looking
people of boih Bexcti to tonif and sit In your
waiting room during cdllip IICIUIH to mnkn
the itiHunl caller think Hint your
uro in great ilciii.iiid.