Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1898, Part I, Page 12, Image 12

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    n CmAITA DAFLV 157313 : STXDAV. RlSI'TK I ,
When visit O nali make and Dougl
you i our
\Ve will take care of your pack *
Btoro your meeting place your
wash u < place your lunch room Omaha , ( Acs mul check them for you free
nial.c it your hone for the time he- f charge. Ask any of the Moor.
feel ut homo. U c h.ivc e\ .
tv .dy for you at no ox- \\ulKors to show you our reception
to rooms aiul balcony waiting room.
75c SILKS for 39c-
CO pieces very wide
Black Japan
ese Silk. Lyon
dye , regular 75c
quality , at 'Wo
in fallk Dupirtmunt
$150 Brocad3ti Silk at 49c-
Ileavy blk broca'd
Silks and
Satins , all pure
silk , worth $1.50 ,
at 49o yard
In Silk Dopaitinout.
SI , 00 Fancy Silk at 69c-
Changeable Glace
and Plain TafFta
in all the hi'oit combi
nations eoi lie , tnr-
quoivu , reds , bluet , etc. ,
u reirular il.OU quality ,
with a heavy rustic , at. .
A big lot of new plaids and
satin stripes , satin and taffeta
broche bayadere effects the
latest material for waists ele
gant styles and colorings , at
500 pair men's
line tan Kus-
sia grain and
black calfskin
shoes worth
§ 2.50 and $3
all sixes , all
styles , lace
and congress ,
go at
A great lot of C.
M. Henderson's
fall weight tan colored shoes
made by them and
stamped by them on the
botton to retail at
i $5.00 , go on sale
False Teeth Aio Almost an Improvement on
Nature's Production.
Drnfnl SiirKiMin * VlnKliiR Oninlin DH. |
cu Hit * I'rouroHn Made In l.lne
of ( In- Work of Their
That the science of dentistry Is progressIng -
Ing rapidly toward that point where a human
Jaw , If needs be , can be replaces ! with an
artificial one almost If not equally ns good
as n natural one. and certainly better than
one wrenched and deformed by the deca >
of overworked or diseased teeth. Is a belief
ot many an adept at the use of the forceps
nnd oven the oldest practitioners among
those assembled In this city at the meeting
of the National Dental society eharo this
As optimistic as any Is Dr. Jonathan Taft
of Cincinnati , O. He Is 78 years of age
and has practiced dentistry for fifty-six
years. For forty years he has published a
monthly dental Journal , the Dental Register ,
nnd during as many years he has been an
4nstructor In his particular branch twenty-
four years since ISufl In the Ohio Dental
college at Cincinnati and twenty-three years
In the University of Michigan , four years of
this time teaching simultaneously In both
If not absolutely the oldest practitioner
in the United States ho ccrtaluly merits
the palm for ecnlortty In the national as-
eoclatlon. During his more than half cen
tury of experience ho has been lu a posi
tion to watch the strides made by his science.
Already thu recognized authority of a
standard text book of the colleger one on
"Operative Dentistry. " which he had printed
as early as I860 , he Is now at work on a
volume which thall comprise all the ad
vancement made up to the present time ,
both lu Ita theoretic phase and the uoi
derful skill achlo\ed tn mechanic V * " 1CT *
When ho began practice la ISC ti JsL'.X
This season we have surpassed all previous
efforts in securing tha finest lin i of up-to-date
colored suitings ever displayed in Omaha.
They comprise all the the latest colors and
weaves such as English reps , Vigoreaux ,
poplins , Prunnellas , etc. the vary latest for Fall' '
suits on sale Monday at $1.25 , $1.39and [ $1.98
A full line of Moresn Skir.inijs
in biauk. red , now blue , lilac , green and
funcv su-lio | ,
t , ' < > on sale Monday at
Ur R ! API ? POflftS
bUlim bUUU6
31.00 BLACK GOODS ai 49c $2,00 $ BLACK GOODS at 98cl $1,49
20 pieces new A beautiful line of the latest effects In
B Mohair C'ropons , Mohair Krlezps , U.iyu < lere
aclc Stripes , Armurcfl , Heps nml Krem h 1'up-
thcio g mil * were imported Ilns , Imported to soil for $1 50 and J2.00 a
toeoll fur 8'.c and $1.00 yaid , go on sale Monday ut
tlie\ are in a very Delect
ine ( if patterns we placii AND
hi'in on H ilo ,14 a li'iulur In Illnrk
Ouods Dupiirtment Monday at
lOc quality double warp
\7elveteen Skirt Bind
ing and Corduroy
8c quality Cord Edge
Mohair Skirt
Best quality
Kid Cambrics ,
all colors
15c quality
French Percaline ,
all colors
l.uiio pair of ladles' Rochester made shoes
in plain and fancy vesting top , black and
tan , worth up to $5.00 , oa sale at 51.98 on
bargain squares.
KOO pair of Ladles' most beautiful plain
and fancy vesting top , finest patent leather
high cut shoes , with plain leather heel and
Louis XV heel , worth $3.00 and $ G.OO a
pair , go at
0. , there were probably not more than 400
or COO dentists In the United States. A
year before , while lie was studying at Hip-
ley , 0. , the Baltimore College of Dental
Surgery the first dental college In the
world was organized. The first society In
thu country was organized that year. It
was the American Society of Dental Sur-
geoni. The first journal devoted to odont
elegy as a specialty was started the year pre
vious , namely , the American Journal of
Dental Science , at Baltimore.
SI-CM III * ProfrxHlon Grow.
Ho has Been Journals multiply and fully
sixty dental colleges established since then ,
fifty-five of the colleges being embraced
within the Association of Dental Faculties ,
and with only two or three exceptions evcrj
state In the union has Its central society ,
there being about 100 local city and district
societies. The national association was or
iginally organized at Niagara Falls , where
It Is to meet again next year under the
new name adopted a year ago. It came
Into being as the American Dental associa
tion In 1S59.
"When I first started In to practice , "
said Dr. Taft , while some routine matters
were being disposed of at the convention ,
"the methods were rather crude , but then
as now the effort was generally In the
direction of saving , of preserving the teeth.
The materials used for the filling of teeth
were confined to cold , tin and silver
amalgam. Plates on cold were In use. but
only within the last twenty-five ycars "na\e
metallic brldees demonstrated their utility.
Porcelain crowns with wood s'lvots were
used on tie roots of the teeth , though
porcelain teeth themselves were not gen-
oral. Old bone and Ivory were the ma
terial out of which artificial cu ° rltls , bi
cuspids , canines. Incisors and molars were
made for the sufferers of that day who
had to died their teeth to save their
nerves , and even natural teeth , that Is ,
natural human teeth , and teeth of cheep
were often In requisition. Of course the
general Introduction of porcelain teeth
marked on r * > och In dentistry , and the old
substitutes have nil been completely aban
I'oroclulii Troth AnI'NCil ,
"Porcelain teeth came. It Is true , along
as early as 1S35. They bad been made be
fore that In France , but were of a crude
tharacter. C. S. Stockton of Philadelphia
All colors ,
25c extra heavy twilled
Silesia in plain and all
fancy colors , go at. . . . S Is !
25c quality
Hair Cloth at
25c French
Black Moreen Velour
Underskirthjg ,
1,500 pair Ladles' finest $3.00 grade button
and lace , black vlcl Kid shoes , all sizes , all
widths , go on sale at
Your choice of 5,000 pair ladles' newest
style , fancy vesting top , panel top and plain
kid top hand turn shoes , made to sell for
$5.00 , go on sale at
began the manufacture of artificial teeth
of porcelain In 1S30. A more perfect tooth
by far was made by Jones , White & Mc-
Curdy of Philadelphia In 1840. Still the
porcelain tooth was moro or less In Its
experimental stage , and would bo a curi
osity compared with some of the perfect
counterfeits of nature now produced , In
which the shape , coloring and even the
material make them so like the natural
Ivory that they can hardly he distinguished
"Hut the procress made has been mainly
In the study of the principles underlying
the whole practice of dentistry to put It
on n more scientific basis. Much of this
progress has been In the therapeutic line.
Dentists have kept pace with the patho
logical and bacteriological achievements of
science , Just as well as the members of
th medical profession. Bacteriology Is ex
plaining many thin us that before werr
puzzling to the dental surgeon and you
must recognize that dentistry Is a branch
of surccry fully as important as any , more
so than many others , because the con
dition of the whole physical system de
pends upon the condition of the teeth , which
explains why army surgeons are so strict
In their examination of the teeth of re
cruits. U Is found that carles can easily
ho traced to a bacterial origin , the micro
organisms catinc Into the teeth , and then
by their secretions causing general dis
solution of the lime salts composing tin
tooth until It Is all decayed away. The
main effort , however , of the profession Is
In the therapeutic direction , and more at
tention Is being paid to hygiene than ever ,
which Is as It should be. To keep the
teeth clean Is the surest preventive of de
cay , as It has ever been. To this end the
modern antistatic Is working wonders , ef
fectually destroying the bacteria.
Wli > T M > < | I llcconif l.tioiio.
"A sort of beto nolr of the profession Just
at present seems to be what Is called pyor-
rhea. This is a term which may mean al
most anything , the way It Is used. What
It really means Is a now of pus. To make
It strictly definite It means a flow of pus
around the tooth from nhcro U protrudes
from the gum to Its roots. The gum wastes
away nml the teeth In that part of the gum
affected become loose. Antiseptic thera
peutics ore believed to bo the best means
of arresting'this tendency.
"Thero Is. a great deal being said at the
present tlmo about U4 transplanting of
and FUR
for S'JO new style , tailor nrule Suitsflnoohov - NEW JACKETS ANE CAPES
l"t In all the now shade- 'tli hijrh unil collars
many -if thorn silk lined throujrhdUt elegantly $2. ! for S5 new Kw-r ey Capes-propor aweupnnd length ,
tuil 'i-cd suits. . lwnil . uu'l.N embroidered , high stc-rm ollnr.
Tor $25 new box front ortiuht fitting Suit * imported $5 for $15 new style Kersey Ciipes wl'li deep linn nee- all
iUuimmited ehoviins. lerif'H nnd fitncv mixtures , all cut in around b ttoni. hands nu-lv trimmed with braid , good length ,
the voty late t s.ylc. lined ihrouph.iut with line talTeta silk. colors biack and r \al bluo.
for $ ! JS swell tailor made Suits in tan. rnvnl blue pray , for $10 Ivors y J ckets lined throughout , made of all wool
brn and black. b'Ht qualitv b > < alrlotli , Veno'iun clnth , kercey in a dozen different styles.
importer ! sortre < anil cheviots , all lined thi'i > uj.rh"tit with ex for $20 fine now J ickets in chovlot. kersey and c < vert
tra quality tatluta silk , skirts inndo with now I'aquln Hotinco cloth , lined throughout , made in the best style and trimmed.
for $10 new figured silk and satin Skirts th-ir- forStt r.lectric Seal Collarettes silk lined ,
oughlv < ! ! linea and aifTo.ied. latest shapo.
$7 .58 for$20silk Skirts lined thronjjhout with good qual for S5 gray Krimer Collaretteshandsomely made ,
. ity tulVeta sil * , well made and perfect ha > ttflnr. fancy silk lined.
SO for $25 new ruffled tuft , t a silk Skirts strieth for $10 Kultic , Aiitrnck in a IK ! AiiuTic.iu .Marten
dress inakor made $5 Col .ircttws extra woil madeand lined with heavy Mitln lining
T 8iavjts : B : aMigisaa M.ijiri.ijsgggi sgsms'&MW S imS ! ! m'Sftsiie : : S.5SS ®
We do the linen business of Omaha the counto Is always
crowded , the bargains we give are always bargains our Mon-
ila > sales are something phenomenal. Uelow you will flnd the
reasons why we do such a big linen business.
For tomorrow we offer 1,000 dozen
towels that are worth 2Sc , 33c and 50c
each they are those fine double da
mask towels with knotted fringe and
drawn work , they go tomorrow at
12'/ic , and not moro thun one dozen to
any one customer.
25c , 35c and
50c each
All the fine 60c
towels , extra larcre
si/.o , real hand
drawn work , go
t morrow
at 10c
Two yards long , double damask ,
band diawn work
fringed and
hemmed dresser
scarfs ; those are
worth ut ) to Sl.'i" ) , |
but tomorrow at
30c each
The following
in this columu arc
on sale
Mines' Dongola
Shoes , worth 31.25 ,
Infants' Fancy
Ladies' warm lined
felt top leather
foxed slices , go at
Men's $1.00
Tennis Sh' ' cs go at
Boys' , youths' and
little glut's black
and tan shoes go at
teeth , but as early as 150 years ago John
Hunter , the well known specialist , author
and experimentalist of London , England ,
transplanted human teeth Into the combs of
cocks , and they adhered as firmly as though
they hod grown there Just as firmly as
your teeth are In your gums. Specimens of
this are now to be seen In the British mu
seum. The transplanting of teeth does not
lack for demonstrablllty , but the trouble Is
that so many things liavo to be taken Into
consideration and such nice particularity of
care hns to bo exercised that it Is almost
Impracticable. In the first place the patient
must be susceptible to adhesion ; next , the
person from whom the tooth Is taken must
be of a healthy constitution , as you cer
tainly would not want to run the chances of
'ecotnlng Infected with some disgusting
disease. This combination so desirable It Is
hard to flnd. "
ToliiK-ro llelpi th < ' Tci'di.
Dr. J. N. Grouse , Uio chairman of the
executive committee of the national associa
tion and editor of the Dental Digest of
Chicago , when asked what Is one of the
atest things In his profession , observed that
it 13 now being considered vulgar to display
much gold In the teeth. For this reason
bands made of platinum are now being cov-
nd with porcelain. One of these ho wears
'ilmsclf. ' The porcelain will fuse with the
platinum , but not with the gold The the
ory that tobacco Is beneficial Iho teeth
s suppo-tcd by Dr. Crouso and ho does not
chew the weed either.
That which held the Interest of the na-
.tonal association more than any other one
thing was the theory demonstrated by Dr.
C. S. Case of Chicago of the correction of
deformities of the teeth and jaws by a rae-
. -hanlcal application of pressure. This comes
under the branch of orthodontla. lie ac
knowledges his Indebtedness In this particu
lar line to Dr. Edward II. Angel , especially
taking advantage of the almost unlimited
opportunities presented In Dr. Angel's sys
tem for bullldng a regulating apparatus upon
bands cemented to tbo teeth. He has made
a specialty of this line of experimentation
with the result that be was able to show
that many a protruding tooth had been
pressed back Into place and many a femi
nine mouth made again Inviting to oscula-
tory delights. Dr. Case's methods are purely
mechanical , of course , and all the appli
ances necessary for the determining of the
value ot force as a dental agent Involve In-
-J yard lonsrTnblo Cloths , all linen
daimisic , phi n white bor
dered , fringed all
around : tlie.-o
would bo cheap at
} ] . - } , go lo
in irrow
Another- 1 t of 2i and 3 yard long ,
hemstitched , German
dntniisk Tiinlu A .
would be cheap
at i3 , they go
tn morrow at
$1.39 each
Special Towei
Bargahi tomorrow only
Wo will sell oOO doznn extra la'-go ' &izo
pure linen Gorman Pluck Toxvt is
Tht1a o rqutil to any
112r and ITic towels
bold in Omaha
go tomorrow
at 04c
Grand Special Napkin
Bargains tomorrow only
1,000 dozen extra large
pure all linen German damask
napkins. These
would be cheap
at § 1.25 dozen
tomorrow at
98c dozen . ,
Grand special bargain in all
linen twilled toweling ,
18 inches wide and
worth lOc yard ,
go tomorrow
at 5c yard .
Extra heavy Barnsley
toweling , the 12Ac
15c kind , go tomor
row at 7c yard
ii > - . i ! iu- . . . < ; . .
Our Clothing Department will be the center of attraction for out-of-town as well as city folks to witness
and take part in the incomparable grand climax of bargain selling. Values of superb magnitude will rule-
in this wind-up sale. There are immense savings in it for you.
FINEST MEN'S SUITS of the Thousands of Men's All Wool Cassimero
world's best and most and Cheviot Suits Your choice of an unlimited
stylish textures and tailor assortment best of making and trimming in every
ing they sold at and are suit at the
worth § 15 , slS and § 20. tiny cost of 3P wU AND
Monday they will go for. . . . only
A New Suit for the
Uiy In lii'0-t , full and
winter novelties , fresh
from the foremost work
rooms In the country.
You should see and will
agree that they are tine
{ 5 values ,
Wo have loft ubont 400
these trimmed
of ? prottllv
med HH well as plain
J2.50 and J2 75 vcstcc and
boys' knee pants nulls
they'll go ns long as
ihev last , on '
gcnlous mechanical powers and perfect man-
Icular skill He Is having something of an
up-hill fight , though to gain reasonable au
dience for his Ideas , as Is Indicated by the
following moralizing from his latest con
tribution to the literature of dental science :
"When our methods or teaching In this
department become as perfectly developed
as Is In other branches of dentistry , when a
thorough Knowledge of the slmpJe laws of
mechanics Is Insisted upon as one of the
preliminary college requirements , and every
branch of dentistry that Is dependent upon
mechanical and manipulative skill Is taught
scientifically as In all other profesalons and
trades that are dependent more or less upon
a practical knowledge of the principles of
force , then , and perhaps not until then , with
the coming generation of dentists , will orth-
odontla take Its proper place In dentistry , " Tvrth StrnlKliti'iirtl.
The underlying principles , without tiring
the reader with all the minute details , are
given by Dr. Case In his own words as fol
lows. In summing up the philosophy of his
method :
"Teeth that are moved by orthopedic pro
cesses from one relative position to another
are for a considerable time often for years
surrounded by physical forces that tend
to pull or push them back to the Irregular
position they formerly occupied. These
forces continue to operate until the tissues
are brought to equilibrium In their changed
positions by the physiological processes of
nature. To most successfully aid nature In
th upbuilding of sustaining elements and
structures , the moved and loosened teeth
should bo held absolutely still during the
entire period that Is required for their per
manent retention. The retaining appliance
should be one that so flrmly grasps the
teeth that the aforesaid forces are not only
completely held at bay , but th slight move
ments occasioned by mastication and other
wise ore prevented. It should be one , more
over , that frequent removals for cleanslugs ,
etc. , will be unnecessary and Impossible. It
should therefore bo as perfectly fitted , fin
ished and cemented as a bridge denture ,
and so constructed that the teeth and gums
can bo kept In a healthy condition while It
is worn with the same comfort and uncon
sciousness that a filling or crown produces. "
In an up-to-date exhibit of artificial teeth ,
such as was at the Crelghton .Medlral col
lege during the progress of the convention ,
there Is much of interest. The fine coloring
Wear Uosistins
for boyi of . ' 1 to 15 years of
itfjo , In nny mutoriul yon may
desire Mondivy'd sjicclul
closing Halo of
iilli-00 : , $1.00
values ut.
of the modern porcelain tooth , the detach
able metallic bridge , band or plate , the Imi
tation gum plate of vulcanized rubber , thu
cusp tipped with rubber to deaden Its sound
the latest European fad the filling by
"moss fibre" gold , which metal has been
highly fiberlzed by means of electricity , the
wax molds for obtaining the proper Impress
of the Interior of'the mouth , the bands , tips ,
crowns and plates of gold and gcrman silver
and a thousand and one other marvels of
the mechanical side of the science of the
dentist are sharply contrasted with the rude
efforts of the Japanese manifested In their
carved wooden gums filled with black tfcth
and tell an encouraging story of their own
of the progress dentistry has made eluuu
Dr. Taft began to pull teeth Ilfty-sU years
fllrnilicrn of ( lie TlinrMon Itlllon Itr-
nicinlicr I'rlcinltt mid Ill-lull t L-P >
with l.ciiKlhj' lilntl < 'n.
During the last few dava the relatives
and friends of members of the Thurston
Itlfies have hern receiving Interesting let
ters from the boys at Manila , describing
their voyage , and telling of their experi
ences en route from San Francisco to
Cavlte. The letters all bear about the
same date July 17 and from the nature
of things arc similar In many other re
U'lrt Thompson writes to his father , J
W. Thompson , who Is attached to the
noard of Public Works , and the letter la
a detailed account of the journey from the
time the troops left San Francisco until
Admiral Dcwcy's llacshlp. the Olympla ,
came out and serenaded them. lie Is par
ticularly enthusiastic o\er Iho reception ac
corded the troops at Honolulu , where all
the joung women wore the national colors
of the United States. Fourth of July
aboard ship Is also described minutely ,
especially the part of the exercises con
tributed by the Thurstons , which was no
small factor In the enthusiasm. There was
music by the band and speeches by the
olllccra of the rrclment. The Thurstons ,
lie writes , was the only company to make
the trip without having a roan In the hos
J. A I.llllo of 1EOS Webster street has
two letters from his son Joe , In the first
Special Tabie
Oasnask Bargains
( l.Omi yards strictly all linGer -
iin Irish , Scotch and Ger-
man bleached and un
bleached table da
mask , worth
Gr > call ; in one
billet and will
{ jo tomorrow
at "Hie yai d
Kxtra heavy all linen Ger
man Table Damask , the
Toe grade silver blench-
i-d and the best wear
ing table
damask made
- tomorrow
at 50c yard &i
Suits for lads of 13 to 19 years
who want long | > ant- > Coats
uro single or double In i anted ,
all wont materials and sin MI-
cht of makintr only to close
what few are
of which lie recounts the joy of the eol-
dlpra at the first sinht of the Philippine
islands after thirty days on the water. In
this letter he also says the boys can easily
hear the llrliig of the Spaniards and In
surgents as they engage In their continuous
skirmishing. The second letter reports the
tmys in camp at Cavlte , and disgust with
the Insiircents , who are described as small
and dirty. The weather Is dcscrltx-d as
being much moro acrceablo than they hail
bc'cn led to expect from descriptions they
had lead of it. He reports having a pleas
ant time , with little to do except study
the new conditions which they find there.
P. J. White writes to J L. Urandcls &
Sons from the transport Senator , while lying
In Manila bay He eays the voyage was
tiresome , and expressed surprise that there
were not moro deaths amnnu the nun
where they were so crowded on ship board.
He says the boys are now clothed In the
brown can\as uniforms , for which ho
thinks the government charges moro than
ihcy ute worth The trip was monotonous ,
there not bclnc e\en u llttlo storm for
I'linr linlilfN.
G. W. Hvc , M I ) . of West Tennessee ,
has named his baby boy Dewcy five , and a
girl baby bnrn In St. Louis on the Fourth
Uas beun named Sdilevdti1
Tit DAM in : * HICOiitin. : .
Denver Post.
Shn screamed In terror wlu-n her put-no
Was Bnntclii'd from out tier Jowollcd hand.
And burled a modest H-ml-curso
Toward tbo fli-rlng , hold brigand :
And when the copper caught the thief
She seized the purse with anxloux air ,
Ani\ breathed u sigh of sweet relief
'lo find h'.T treasures all wore there ,
A pcnc lied no to
Hi r follow wrote ,
A miicar plum ,
A wud of KUin ,
\ balrpln tbent ) ,
V copper cent ,
A , buttonhook
\\ith broken crook ,
A safety pin ,
A curlliiK tin ,
A powder tag ,
A undid bag.
Thcso wore tua irousureH which he bore
Around with her from Btoro to htore
s1. hlli * on a shopping tour , to u c
The many pretty tlilimu wlildi hh < -
U uuld lu\o to buy if Him luit had
1 h- > cash , and v , tb i "inl > - < i . ! . I
l ulnuist made iho cupjier sncczi
She thanked h in and with Hpri htly casa
Irlpp d on to K cl another blorc
Or two whiira sbu could aliou BOUIU mora.