THE OMAHA SUNDAY EE PAGES 1 TO 12. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871 , OMAHA , SUNDAY MOKXIXC. , S12PTEMHER , 1808 TWENTY-FOUIl PAGES. SIXULI3 COPY FIVE CEXTS. COMING TO THE FAIR Men Who Raico the Big Crops Taking iu Transmississippi Exposition , FARMERS ARE GREATLY IN EVIDENCE NOW Agricultural Features of the Show Get a Thorough Inspection Daily. WIPING OUT THE FLOATING DEBT Exposition Association Taking Oare of Its Outstanding Obligations. LARGE REDUCTION MADE IN AUGUSf Hint .SlumIIoiv Flint tin- AViirrmitn Are llehiK DlneliarKcd an a Itennlt of tin ; Increniied Total adinlNNloiiN 5 e.ilcrdny. . . iri.JI Total for ( In * \\i-i-U itr,7C : ! ! Total to dale IKidII Since the tranmlsslsslppl crop of wheat and oats has been transferred from the fields to granerles , that bulge with th bounty of a prosperous year , the farmers art coming to the exposition In largely Increas ing numbers. A great proportion of the lu creased attendance of the last week consisted of agriculturalists who are now for the first tlmo able to spare the time to come nm attractions that were only given a superflcla glanoe by preceding visitors arc becoming popular features as the farmers and tbcli families congregate on the grounds. T'la ' north tract with Its exhibits of Implements dairy products and honey fairly dlvldvi the croud with the more magnificent attiae.ion ? of the main court. The city visitors who came earlier In the season were contjnted to merely rush through these buildings am then return to things that mor. . nearly har monized with their tastes , but now they arc full of people every hour of tha day. The farmers more thoioughly appreciate hu Im nicnso display of vehicles and farming Im plcments and machinery and many of then are contented to spend an entire day In the Transportation building , studying the ne\ types of labor-saving farm machinery nm learning something every minute that wll some time be of advantage to them In thel vocation. Here he can Inspect n hundrei devices that have been Invented during th last few years , each of which represents : distinct advance In agricultural facilities Ho finds attendants ready to explain all th Intricacies and advantages of the modern Improvements. and If there was nothing .Is on the ground.M he would consider hlmsel well repaid for his trip. The Increased tendency of the crowds t patronize this part of the grounds aas nls resulted In a decided Increase In the visitor to the Indian encampment. All day hun dreds of people loiter through the enclosur watching tha domestic life of the aboriginal with all the Interest'that attaches to an en tlrely novel spectacle and In the cvenlne when the red men congregate to Indulge 1 their fantastic dances , the entire surround Ing space Is Illled with people. As tha en campment Is continually being extended b the addition of new tribes that bring thel own peculiar forms of llfo and nmustnun the entertainment never becomes tlrosome nnd new features are constantly being Intro duced. Out of Ill-lit. A happy result of the handsome patronage that the exposition hati enjoyed during the last two weeks Is the reduction of the flouting debt by $122.623.17. The balance now standing aualnst the as- BOi'latlon exclusive of the expenditure that has been ordered for the Firemen's tourna ment and the Live Stock show Is $57,834.40 us compared to $1SO , 157.57 a mouth ago. At the beginning of August the Moating In debtedness of the association was dis tributed as follows : Warrants outstanding , $32,300.11 ; bills payable , $45,112.91 ; balances on contracts , $71I9U.37 ; overdraft on treasurer. $31,184.85 ; total $180,157.57. Since that time the warrants outstanding have been cut down over $20.000. More than CO ' per cent of the contract balances and bills have been taken up nnd the overdraft on the treasurer has been wined out. The record now stands : Warrants , $12,2I2.2S ; bills payable , $20,080.03 ; contract balances , $32,777.62 ; current bills , ( estimated ) , $7,500. total , $73.183.93 ; less $15,305.53 , cash on hand.r.7S34.IO. . A largo proportion of the visitors who have been In the city during the week went homo before Sunday , nnd the result was a rather slim iittcn < ) ance yesterday. There was nothing In particular to Induce people to remain who had already seen the permanent features of the show. The exer cises and reception that were to have been held In the Auditorium yesterday > morning In recognition of Editor's day were called off at the last minute as the purpose had been practically served by the recep tion which occurred at the Illinois building the preceding evening. As this was not de cided on until yesterday , a large audience. Including most of the visiting editors , as- nembled In the Auditorium nnd waited until It became apparent that no program was to bo rendered. They were entertained by an excellent concert by the Mexican band , which they seemed to consider ample com pensation for the absence of more elaborate exercises. Orphan * Vlill nxponllloi. . Last Tuesday about fifty orphan children from St. James1 orphanage , Benson , en- Joyed on exceedingly agreeable visit to the ! great TransmlESlsslppl Exposition. The lll- tle ones were treated right royally by the various managers und agents , both of the Omaha & Benson Street Railroad company iyNJ nnd of the exposition. Everywhere on the grounds they wcro welcomed with the greatest kindness and courtesy. The con- 1in cessionalirs of the various attractions on thg Midway vied with one another In ex tending the freedom of the whole show to the children and their escorts. They shot the chutes and visited the lions nnd tigers ; pome of the youngsters , though , nearly had Jits when the huge elephant extended his trunk to welome them. In fact they saw everything worth seeing and left as the gathering darkness closed over the Illuminations I- Ir. nations of the fairy dream court of honor , a well contented crowd of children. Who may till what gloulng dreams filled their llttlo bruins that night when each was tucked uway In Its own little cot aud was gathered In the arms of nature's sweet restorer ! The orphans thank sincerely their many kind friends for that ev r mem orable treat and ask God to bress them for their generosity. t'liarlllex anil Correctloii . A rueetluK of the local committee of one huidrid will lie held In the Young Mer's Obrtmun n.-so.-t uloti on Monday , Scpirm- ber r , atI | < m . to t , nkc the necessary nrraTcnci'is for the co f.-rcn . e. All char- _ ( Ccatluucd on Fourth Page. ) AMSTERDAM MGALA ATTIRE _ Dnleli City ArrnyN IlMctf In llrlKhl linen In Honor of tin- Yon UK ( lllCPII. ( Copyright , 189S , by Press Publishing Co. ) AMSTERDAM , Sept. 3. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) When Washington Irving described with BO many charming touches the New Amster dam on the .Hudson river , he must surely have had In his prophetic mind's eye the older city , Dutch Amsterdam , as It stands today. The commercial capital of the Nether lands Is enfetu this week , as It will be for many days , celebrating the coronation of Queen Wilhclmlna. The event Is heralded .hrough Holland by clanging bells , crowded horoughfares and a marvelous display of lags and heraldic emblems sulllclcnt to put o shame the quarterlngs of the proudest loblllty of Eutope. Every one of the cloven Stitch provinces Is represented In th"s * lecorntlons with Its leading cities , whoso names , Arnhclm , Mlddlebury , Macstrlch , iml the rest are conjured up by memories ) f bygone struggles for commercial and lavul supremacy. This quaint city , which affords so pic turesque a setting for royffi pageantry , Is thronged with visitors front all parts of the world , Including a large sprinkling of Americans. Prices have gone up and the Dutch railways .are raking In their share of spoils by running none but first class trains. Almost unique among the cities of the world , Amsterdam Is Venice over again , with barges In place of gondolae. The barges will make n bravo display the In coming week. The Intricate work of ca nals lined with poplars and willows and traversed by picturesque bridges gives al most unrivaled facilities for decoration , es pecially after dark. The waterways are already gay with brightly adorned barges. Holland's provincial tov > ns vie with each other In competition for the most striking effects. IJarg ? after barge over the many miles of canals win be Joined together by garlands and at night Illuminated by eloc trie lights. Queen Wllhelmlna makes her state entry Monday from The Hague , accompanied by the ex-regent. Queen Emma. That Hol land continues to be one of the great col onlzlng countries of the world Is testified by the fact that the queen will on her entry be attended by an equestrian caval cade , Including princes aud other digni taries , representing Dutch possessions li Java , Sumatra and Borneo In the far east. On Tuesday Queen Wllhelmlna will be solemnly Inaugurated In the Nleuwekerk ( new church ) , which so-called , dates back to the fifteenth century. It la a good spec ! men of the cruciform style of the period As the royal palare stands In the name square as the cathedral , Queen Wllhelmlna , If the wrather be fine , will proceed afaot from one to the other. The Inauguration "service will be con ducted with that almost puritanical elmpll- city characteristic of the Dutch Reformed church , but the scene gives promise of bo- Ing rich with diplomatic and other uniforms and al ! the pomp and circumstance of state. The Dutch are proverbially phlegmatic , but for once enthusiasm has seized ( hem and they regard their young queen with a feel ing approaching adoration. She , on her sldo. U Immensely elated over the stir she In making and has thrown hur- . 'elf with the utmost earnestness Into the work of learning from the master of cere monies how to fulfill her part In the cere monies with due regard to court etiquette i and personal dignity. THE HAGUE , Sept. 3. Queen Wilhclmlna L will retain the present cabinet. LIPTON'S CHALLENGE FOR CUP I HrltUli rnlille ( ienernlly IlopeH that [ the llnuts AVII1 He I'nlled tiff. . ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Sept. 3. ( Now York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Two Inter esting facts concerning Llpton's challenge for the America cup have reached mo from authoritative sources. Sir Thomas was first Inspired to undertake the challenge at t the suggestion of Lord Russell of Klllowcn , lord chief Justice of England , father of Hon. Charles Russell , now of New York. Lord Russell Is an ardent sportsman nnd a still I . moro ardent Irishman and deeply Interested - ! ested In the success of the Irish challenge. j The other faot Is that Lord Dunrnven was { approached on behalf of the challenger to loan plans of the Valkyrlo to Mr. Fife. Ho declined. There was no Intention of needless - less copying of Valkyrie's plans , but it was thought an inspection of them would I facilitate Fife In preparing his own. Pend- i Ing negotiations over the j challenge are fol- j lowed here with eager attention. The de- sire Is now general that Llpton may brlug off the race. I Negotiations have been pending some tlmo between Anthony J. Drcxel and the owners of Valkyrie HI for 'the purchase of the fa mous cutter , but so far nothing definite has been attained. The matter received a fresh turn a few days ago , when Captain Harry j i McCalmont , who some months ago sold the | steamer Giralda to the Spanish government , Intimated the probability of his fitting out t ; Valkyrie III for racing during the next Mediterranean season. Mr. McCalmont Is [ one of a syndicate which owns Valkyrlo III , . and of which Lord Dunravcn Is the bead. He went over Valkyrie HI n week ago and i although the boat IB slightly strained , es- j | peclally at the deck on the aide of the mast , there Is every reason to believe It could bo made as fit as ever before the Mediterranean regattas open. Should negotiations be . brought to a successful Issue and should Sir . Thomas Llpton carry out his Intention of racing the Shamrock on this Bide before [ Bending It across , Valkyrie HI would glvo j I the most useful Idea of the new boat's powers UFRMAN ALLIANCE VALUABLE .StrciiKtlienn the Hand of KnKlaiid lit .MaUlnic the Occupation of 11 Permanent I LONDON. Sept. 3. The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon says It is satisfied that a general Anglo-German agreement has been reached to act together In various quarters of the world. Thu paper adds that It has verified yesterday's Information , and as an Instance of when Germany's support will provo exceedingly useful , It points out that the fall of Omdurman will change Great Britain's position In Egypt , and that In the face of the Inevitable French and Russian resentment , "Germany will be useful as an ! active guarantor of our permanent occupa- I tlon. " Srleft Three I'fnrc roiiiiiiUNlnnrn. MADRID , Sept. 3. It Is currently reported that the Spanish ministers at yesterday's cabinet meeting definitely selected the three following peace commissioners : General Rafael Ccrcro y Saenz , general of engineers ; Senor Eugenic Montero Rlos. Senor VII- laurutia , under secretary of state for for eign affaire The Carllsts declare that , after protesting In the Cortes against the i policy of the government they will withdraw - | draw FACRE i ; IS TO BLAME BLAMEG President of France Held Responsible for Delay in Dreyfus Case. HE 13 BITTERLY OPPOSED TO REVISION Feait it Would Affect His Ohancea for ReElection - Election to Presidency. IAS SET HIS HEART ON ANOTHER TERM His Daughter Favors Mrae. Dreyfus and May Win Him Over. / - HENRY A TOOL TO COVER OTHERS' ' CRIMES f lllKlily Placed OllleiT mill UrmiKlitK- iii ii n oil the CifMit-rnl Stall Said to He Author of the Letter. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) [ PARIS , Sept. 3. ( New York World Cali 1 blcgram Special Telegram. ) Revision of : the Dreyfus trial Is now demanded with practical unanimity by the press and the public. The exceptions are Insignificant. | Mven Kochcfort admits that revision Is the only solution of the situation In these clr- cumstanccs. The hesitation of the minisF tcrs Is viewed with surprise. There has been no further cabinet meetc Ing ' ' , but Cavalgnac has conferred repeatedly | with Hrlsson and Sorrlcn. The Idea that | Cavalgnac Is the sole obstacle to revision | U now'discarded and responsibility for this last desperate attempt to perpetuate the atrocious piece of Injustice Is fixed on Pres ident Faure himself. He has all along resisted revision , fearing that If granted It would destroy his chance of rc-clectlon , on which he has set his heart. His daughter Is known to be opposed to him In this matter and It Is said she was won over to revision some time since by a private letter ffom Mmc. Dreyfus. This aflllctcd woman still keeps concealed , as does Zola , It being the opinion of their friends that their appearance on the scene would cause a re vulsion of feeling , which might Injure Dreyfus' chances of release. Cavalgnac Is still poring over the records In ' the convlcltlon nnd making a feeble show of not being hustled by popular out cry. cry.The The few remaining opponents of revision arc working the war bogey frantically , but It no longer ( leeches any one , their Inspiration J ration coming plainly from that augean stable , the general staff , where they are now as frightened at the prospect of an i Inquiry | Into Henry's suicide as Into the Dreyfus j case. The latter scandal has assumed proportions tions i as great as the former. No doubt Is ] entertained that Henry was provided de liberately 1 with means of ending his life 1I 1i In I order to obviate the probability that under i Investigation all his accomplices In the i forgery plot would be unmasked. Henry was not the actual forger nnd rumor fixes the crime on a highly placed officer and > draughtsman on the general staff. Comments on the president's absence from Paris arc becoming very severe and J he will be compelled to return here and | face the music. Ills enemies predict that : the Dreyfus crisis will bo followed by the president's crisis , n view which was freely expressed In political circles tonight. PARIS , Sept. 3. M. Cavalgnac , minister for war , has resigned. The resignation of M. Cavalgnnc Is duo to a disagreement with his colleagues who desire a revision 1 of the Dreyfus case ; thus a revision of the case seems assured. . M. Cavalgnac sent the following letter of resignation to M. Brlsson , premier and j president of the council : "I have the honor to send you and beg you to transmit to the president of the , republic my resignation as minister of war. There exists a disagreement between us whith , being prolonged , would paralyze the government when It must need full unity of decision. "I remain convinced of the guilt of Drey fus and us determined as heretofore to . combat a revision of the case. I do not i Intend to shirk the responsibility of the present situation , but I cannot assume I It without being In accord with the i chief of the government to which I have I t the honor to belong. " 'CURZON ' CALLS ON THE QUEEN Nert Viceroy of India Pny IIU Ilc- jipcctN to Ilia flrnuloua Sovereign. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. LONDON. Sept. 3. ( Now York World Ca- blegram Special Telegram. ) Viceroy Designate Curzon paid a visit today by command to Queen Victoria at Balmoral , to return thanks for his appointment and to receive the sovereign's personal Instructions on the spirit with which he should dls- charge the high trust Imposed In him. Mrs , Curzon was formally Included In the command - mand Invitation to Balmoral , but the queen excused her from undertaking the Journey on account of her recent Illness. Both ' Mr. and Mrs. Curzon will bo again cora- manded to visit the queen before their de parture for India , when the court Is In residence nt the Isle of Wight. I I i The World correspondent learns that Mrs. Curzon Intends to take the new baby out with her , the Indian climate being rather beneficial than otherwise to English-born i children until they reach 3 years of age. In the case of the viceroy's children , It will IIr be seen to that they pass the hot weather ; In the salubrious air of Simla , and they will probably not be brought away from the hills even In the cold season. Mr. Curzon's health Is , the Tribune regrets to say , still Indifferent. He was unable to undertake the fourteen-hour railway Journey to Balmoral without a break. He Intends to enjoy a long rest until be starts for Ir.dla. In fact , he will undergo what Is known as the rest cure. Owing to bis special trouble ' he passes several hours every day while at his residence at Relgate priory , on the Surrey , Downs , lying down In the open air. Ills condition Is Improving , although slowly , and now he has quite convinced himself that the stress of parliamentary life would have left ! him a chronic Invalid , after another coupla ' of years. xo auxniiAi. THIJATY or AI.MAXCI i : . Grrntnn PnrrlKn Olllt-p Drnlcn Some ( . 'urn-lit Humor * . BERLIN. Sept. 3. The officials of the German foreign oBlce assert that the reports of an offensive and defensive alliance hav ing been concluded between Great Britain and Germany are entirely without founda tion. tion.The The British ambassador , Sir Frank C. Lascclles , was asked If an agreement be tween Great Britain and Germany concernIng - Ing Africa had been reached. Ho said' "Such an agreement already exists. Ger many prefers that England rather than France should hold Egypt , although all that Germany expected from the English occupa tion had not been realized. An Anglo- German understanding regarding the rest of Africa also exists. The recent meetings between t < Mr. Balfour and Count von Halz- fcldt dealt with other matters. " BRITONS ARE STILL FRIENDLY Mltor of Saturday llevletr Alinnt tlic Only One Who I'oncn UN a IlucUlilter. by Press Publishing Co. ) ' 3. ( Now York World Ca- Telegram. ) The striking by English sentiment flitted States since the war Is the fact that the Satur- 1s the only Journal of standing -"it still lera\s ; ant-Anierlc'n ; an mus. aim Is to be sing " > ar In all jVc , ,5 and probably no deeper ino.lvo undcr- V < | fcts diatribes against the United States n.-Crursult of Its mania for singularity. The coarseness and scurrility of Its language In creases as friendliness In nil other quarters becomes more marked. Its editor , Frank Harris , passed the greater part of his early life In the states and is a member of the IIA American bar. Ho first appeared In English Journalism J < as a socialist of pronounced views which he sunk when he accepted some years since the editorship of the eon- scrvatlve Evening News. From this post ho passed to the editorial chair of the Fort nightly Review , a high eiass pur.Ouuuiuiia Merely among , his predecessors marrying a wealthy wife. Harris gave up the Fort- 11 chased the Saturday Review , then nt Its lowest 1 ebb , Its fortunes conducted on Indc- pendent lines. The Saturday has not ic- galned any of Its former prestige under his control , having no definite policy except as with Its anti-American ravings the de sire to attract attention by ruunlng counter to t general feeling with Insensate violence In language. fiUSSII * AllOLT THU SWUM , SKT. 4 of nitKllxli Arlntocrney 1'a- raded llrfiirt * the World. ( Copyright , IMS. by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Sept. 3. ( New York World Ca- ilcgram Special Telegram. ) Lady Louisa loncrleffe , whose daughters have filled a cry largo space In English society for a marter of a cen'tury ' , Is dying at the age of 3 at Shllstone House , Leamington. Her ourth daughter , Lady Harriett , was the vlfo of Sir Charles Mordaunt and respond- jnt In the historic divorce suit. Lady Har riett Is now a resident of Australia , where , t Is said , she lives on an allowance of $1,500 a year made by her sisters , the duchess of \thol Gcorglna , Countess Dudley , Lady Iclen Forbes and Lady Mulr Mackenzie. The first three and Lady Harriett were re- gaided as the lovlest women of 'their ' day and Countess Dudley vies with the Princess of Wales In preserving almost In perfection v beauty over which two generations have narveled. Lady Moncrlcffe never went Into society after the Mordauut case , which cast a shadow on her whole life. Considerable grumbling is heard because ho public have had the privilege of paying upward of $40,000 with no appreciable re- .urn for the duke of York's ten week's' holi day , as It Is thought such was specially commissioned In order fo qualify him for promotion. But the tcrmv ate n < t suffi ciently large for that purpose. The leal origin of this cruise with the consequential outlay of public money Is atlll less defen sible. The duke's attachment for a certain beautiful young princess of German title has been notorious for some time. Her husband resents the gossip caused , though It Is known that the flirtation was entirely Innocent. He removed the princess dur ing the London season to his estates In Germany. The duke became disconsolate. Nervousness seized him. He hit upon the Idea of commissioning the Crescent as the means of diverting his mind , nnd occupy- Ing his tlmo nnd giving the domestic un pleasantness tlmo to simmer down. But gwslp only grew more general , and to stem the torrent his cruise wts curtailed and he was met at every post by the duchess and her children. This arrange ment was working excellently when the exiled princess arrived at Cowcs. Where upon the Crescent steamed straight there , The duke's admiration became more dem- onstratlve than ever , his naval duties were abandoned , he got tired of the Crescent and the ship was paid off at a few days' notice. When the adored princess left Cowcs the duke came to London nnd duti fully departed for Copenhagen with the duchess and Prince Edward. These arc the facts In the latest royal romance up to date ; a case of fervid Infatuation on the duke's side and frankly Innocent delight on the princess' at the admiration of a future turo king. What the duchess thinks of It all Is another story. Among the Campania's passenger list to day are Lord nnd Lady Brassey. He Is going to New South Wales to resume his duties as governor. Mra. Maturlu Living ston , Mrs. George Cavendish Bentwlck and family , Mrs. Ogden Mills and family , Mrs Balllngton Booth , Miss Ada Rohan , Hon , Sperco Lyttclton , a nephew of Mrs. Glad stone , and Mr. J. Malcora , M. P. , also sailed. The latter recently resigned n pri vate secretaryship to Lord Salisbury to go round the world. He Is the Intimate frlem ! of the duke and duchess of Marlboroush and author of a burlesque which was played at the Blenheim festivities last Christmas I'nttl Ilt'poinc" n Hrlton. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , Sept. 3. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Adcllna Pattl has become naturalized in England after a continued residence here of twelve years , By doing so the diva expresses not only her ! personal preference , but also facilitates the i bequest of her great fortune , the bulk of ' which she Is credited with intending for a devlco for charitable objects In this coun try. Herman Toriioilo Ilont SluUii. BERLIN , Sept. 3. The recent northwest itorm which swept across the Baltic sank a German torpedo boat and severely dam- d the whole German torpedo flotllU. _ > of the torpedo boats barely reached : hior. . " " " " " " " " " " " * " " " I IliiNMlaii ICeroNene Factor } ' . ST. PETERSBURG. Sept. 3. A dispatch from Baku , .on the Caspian sea , announces i that the Mussanagljeff kerosene factory Is In flames and that 300,000 poods of oil have been consumed. Morrinriit * of Ocean VcHnrli , Sept. It- At Now York Sailed Bulgaria , for Ham burg ; Lucanla , for Liverpool ; La Touralne , for Havre ; Workeiidam. for Rotterdam ; Fulda , for Naples ; Pennland. for Southamp ton ; Ethiopia , for Glasgow : Norge , for Cop enhagen. Arrived Etrurla , from Liverpool ' ; NoinUilc. from Liverpool. At Bremen Sailed WUmar , for New Vo.V. At Liverpool Arrived Canada , from Boa- ton. ton.At Southampton Arrived Noordland. from New York. At Boston Arrived Catalonia , from Liv erpool. At Southampton Sailed Rhlneland , for Philadelphia. At New York Arrived Statedam , from ' Rotterdam. At Queenitown Arrived Umbrla , from New York , for Liverpool. DAY AT CAMP \V1ROFF \ President's Party Visits Troops Encamped at Montauk Point. SOLDIERS ARE CHEERED AND ENCOURAGED flommander-in-Ohief Carefully Examines All Division Hospitals. CONGRATULATES THE MEN ON RECORD Many Pathetic Scano3 Enacted Beside Cots of Sick and Dying. GRATIFIED WITH THE RESULTS OF HIS VISIT ( ieneral .loe AVIieelcr Introduce * tlic rrcMdent to tin * Soldlcrx , to Whom He I'ayn < ilo\\lnu TrllntlcH In n Few Wi'II tJliosinVorilx. . CAMP WIKOFF. MONTAUK POINT , Spt. 3. . President McKlnley spent five hours In the camp today bareheaded moat of the j time visiting the sick In the hospitals and Inspecting j the well In their cantonments. He . made a speech to the assembled In fantrymen , reviewed the cavalrymen , ex pressed his opinion of the camp to the reporters and Issued an order directing the regulars to return to their stations cast f the Mississippi. With the president wore lee President Hobart , Secretary Alger , At- orney General Grlggs , Senator Redlleld rector of Vermont , Brigadier General : agan , commissary of the army ; Brlgad.or cneral Ludlngton , quartermaster of the rmy ; Colonel Henry Hecker und Secre- arles to the President Porter nnd Cortel- ou. ou.The The ladles of the party were Mrs. Algcr nd Miss Hecker , a daughter of Colonel Icckcr. General Wheeler , his staff and nearly very onicer of prominence In the camp net the president at the station except > nernl Shatter , who Is Ktlll In detention , nd General Young , who fell and broke its arm last night. After greetings and ntroductlons on the railway platform the iresldont took General Wheeler's arm nnd vent to a carriage. Colonel Theodore Roosevelt of ' Rough Riders was among a group of horsemen nearby. Mr. McKlnley saw him and got 3tit of the carriage to speak to him. Colonel Roosevelt hastily dismounted and usseled with a gauntlet for fifteen seconds BO thai , ungloved , he might shako hands. The column of carriages wound up a hill , escorted by the Third Cavalry regiment and the mounted band of the Sixth cavalry. The party paused a moment on the hill and the president looked out on the wide , undulating cape , waterbound on either side , nnd whitened on the levels and hilltops by the tents of 18,000 men , laid out In geometric metric lines. Mr. McKlnley drove to General Shatter's tent In the detention camp. The general , who was flushed and weak from a mlM case of malarial fever , was In full uniform , sitting in a chnlr at the door of the tent. He tried to rise , but Mr. Mc Klnley said : Stay where you are , general. Yon ore entitled to rest. " The president congratulated Genera Shatter on the Santiago campaign nnd nfte n rest proceeded to the general hoapltal. The soldiers recently arrived on the trans ports and detained In the detention section of the camp lined up Irregularly on eacl sldo of 'the road and cheered. Mr. McKln ley took off his straw hat then and scarcely more than put It on for more than a minute or two at a time during the remainder of the progress through the camp. Soldier * Cheered and r.nconriiRod. Miss Wheeler , a daughter of the general , happened to be In the first row of the hos pital tents and she showed the president through her division. General Wheeler an nounced In each ward : "Boys , the presi dent has come to see you , " or , "Soldiers , the president of the United States. " Some of 'the soldiers slept on unconscious , some listlessly raised upon hclr elbows , others feebly clapped their hands. Mr. McKinley gcntlv shook hands with many and at every cot he paused an Instant nnd If he saw the sick man looking ht him ho bowed In a direct and personal way. In the second ward the president encoun tered Sergeant John A. Alexander , Company D , First Illinois , who has a fever , nnd ho was rather startled to hear General Wheeler announce the president. The ser geant half raised up on his cot. Mr. Mc Klnley , attracted by the movement , took Alexander's hand and sold : "I am sorry to EOO you BO sick. I hope that you aru getting better. " "Thank you , I think I shall get well. " "Do you wish for anything ? " Inquired General Wheeler. "No , I have everything good for me , I guess , " Alexander replied wearily ; " but I wish I were home. " "I hope wo may soon get you there , " Bald Mr. McKlnley. He had many such bits of talk with the ' men and seemed to be In no hurry. He almost outwore the patience of all his paity by his slow-going through ward nffr ward. I When seemingly all the wards of the general 1J oral hospital had been gone through and [ ( j I j | the president \\aa about to get into a ca- rlage Attorney General Grlggs detained him. I "Miss Wheeler has told me , " said ho , "of a Lieutenant Prado , who Is In a tent back here by himself and he Is In a dyln ? condition. He has asked about your coming I ing and Miss Wheeler has promised that you shall Bee him. " "Certainly , let us go to him , " Mr. Mc Klnley said. Introduced to Soldier * . The others of the party discreetly re mained outside of the tent. The president reappeared with the nurse a minute or two . later. Ills eyes were moist and downcast. The day was hot. Mr. McKlnley wore a black frock coat with a waistcoat. The perspiration streamed from bis face. A glass of apolllnaris was offered to him , but he decline to drink , saying ho was too warm. Ho then proceeded to the Infantry plain , as it ts called. The men of the Ninth Mas sachusetts , the First Illinois , the Eighth Ohio , the Thirteenth , Twenty-first , Twenty- second and Tenth regiments or Infanry were assembled without arms. About 5.000 j men stood In close order. General Wheeler said : The president of our great country has come here to greet the soldiers that marched so gallantly up San Juan bill on July 1. He comes here to express ilic nation's thauhs to these bravo men. I wish tu iv'.i you that when the president sent me here two wccU ( ago to command this camp ho enjoined me In the most cmphatiu language that "j Hhoulit. tti'tiout rraril to expense , exvrclm any and every authority necessary to raaKt- comfortable this body of bravo men , who I by their couracc. liava raiivxl thu r tiMt > itr > THE BEE BULLETIN , Weather Forecast for Nebrnskn : Fair ; Cooler , Westerly Winds. Pago. I Croud * at tlie 12\io | ltlon. I'rexldenl l-'iitire and l > re > fin I'a.xo. I'reMdont at fniiip XV11. off. Second NclirnsUn XX'eleoined Home , FlKiirc * on the School I'nnd. Irrlunllon ConurcNi I'rocccdlnK * . I llnniored Kit 11 of Ivlinrtonni. 1 nlon t'lifllleV \ < M < Depot ( Manx , r. Doiuvlax fountj I'opoei-ntlo TleUcl. C I.UNteel. . lit ( liiialin Society. .ludxe Seolt IliMilei a > Trial. 7 Telenrttiilij and Ihe AVnr. \olnhle ( Jiiinc of Kuril. Council lllnir.M Ioral Slattern. lM\n > eWH nnd t oninieiit. It till 111 rda ? ' Sporting Het'ord. TinI'asvliiK of Soupy Smith. liMta > eiiN mill Comment. HI Sporllnu lOvltMV of tinXVioU. . II Alth the Wheel * nud Wheelmen. I chin.I Ihe Scenes \\llh Cod } ' . I'J Illur Stride * In Dentistry. I I In UK * Domain of Woman. in Sitlloi-N for Holland' * .Ne\v < loee III " 'I'liiI. I. < t t Pro * liu'rn. " IT "Joli MiniKfr'i IJIi-ftrlc Kite. " i nH mi Inilliiii filler. IS editorial mill ( omiuent. I ! ) t'llnipNcx of Indian Life. Musical llc % li-vt of tinXX'rrk. . Ili'lioet of ( hi * ViKc-ltoom. JO Clilll anil Hit * I iildd Mate * . Dend l.cltcr Cnrlnsl HCM. -I Condition of Omaha's Trnilr. 'Inanclal and Coiiiini'fcliil > < MVN. ' _ ' . ' ! In llu > .Vmnnemcnt World. . : I Oniiilia'NIMV l.llirar ) Iteunlat IOUM. i Temperature at Oninliai Hour. Dear. Hour. ICK. r. a. n HI ) I p. in SI ( I a. in 71) U p. in ST in 7S ! l p. in S7 S a. in. . . . . . 711 -I p. in NS tl a. in 71) H p. n Ss 1O a. n MO II | i. in ST It n. in. . . . . . SI 7 | i. in s ' i - " ' * " TODAY AT THU HXI'OSITIOX. Fourteenth Sunday Ad inlnNlon , i ! . > e. At tinCroiiiiitNt - [ ! ! < > p. in , , Mexican Hand , ( lovcrn- inenl HiilldliiK. 4 i C'arinaii Military Hand nt Kan.NiiN ItiillilliiK. 7 I > . in. , Mexican Hand , lira ml I'lnr.a. to the highest position among the great na tions of theearth. . I have the honor nnd pleasure of Introducing to you the president of the United States. President McKlnley , In response , said : General \Vheolcr , Soldiers of Camp Wl- koff , Soldiers of the Fifth Army Corps : I trubt you will put your hats on. I am glnd to mci you. 1 am honored to stand before you today. I bring you the gratitude of the nation to whos-a history you have added by your valor : i new and glorious page. You bavo com-3 homo after two months of severe campaigning whloh has embraced assault , slcgo and bi.ttle , EO brilliant In achievement , so far-reaching In results as to command the unstinted prulso of all your countrymen. You had the brunt of the battle on land. You bore yourselves with supreme courage and your personal bravery , never before ex celled anywhere , has won the admiration of the citlzenn and the respect of all mankind , i whlla your endurance under pressure of trial and suffering has given added meaning to your heroism. Your exertions made easy the conquest of Porto Rico under the resist less army commanded by Major General Miles , aad behind you to proceed at a mo ment' : ' summons were more than 20" ° no of your comrades ready to support you , dis appointed that the opportunity which you had did not come o ' ' - > - ru , yt filled with prldo nt your well-earned fame and rejoic ing with you on your signal victories. You wore on the line of battle no less than you wcro In the line of duty. All bavo served their country In Its need , all will servo It so long ns they may be required nnd all will forever have the thanks and regard of u grateful people. Wo cannot bid you welcome hero today without our hearts go out to the heroen of ' Manila on sea and land , whoso services nnd sacrifices , wl'oae courage and constancy 111 that far-dlstnnt field of operations have never boon surpassed by any soldiers or sailors the world over. To the prmv nr'i ; the volunteers , and to the providence which ! , < ! v-ntchp , ] over tlipm all , the nation today Is full of thnnt--'irlvltiir nnd praise. The bravo officers and men who ' " battle and those who have dlod from ex posure nnd Blcknossi will llvo In Immnr'al storv nnd their memories will be perpetuated i In the hoartR nnd hlctnrles of a generous i people nnd the e who are dependent imnn them will not bo no"kcted bv the Rnvrn- nient for which they so freely sacrificed their lives. The soldiers cheered many times. The F.lghth Ohio , which Is sometimes called the | ' j President's Own , was particularly noisy. \Va Xot Afraid of Fi vi > r. The party went from here to the deten tion hospital by the road In the rear of the general hospital. In passing the graveyard , | In which sixty or seventy plain now wooden ] crosses were near the road on the left , the president solemnly raised his hat. Mr. Me- I Klnley went through all the wards of the ' detention hospital In the same way ho had 1 ! gone through those of the general hospital. | When he came to the last ward Major R. T. Robert said : "This Is n dangerous ward , " and turning to Secretary of War Algcr In quired , "Do you think the president had j better go In hero ? " I Mr. McKlnley , without waiting to hear j what General Alger's reply would be , started i ' Into the ward. General Alger nnd the others of the party remained outside. The presi dential party then drove through lines of cavalry drawn upon either sides of the road. Among them wcro the Rough Riders , the Second , Sixth , Tenth and First regular cav- airy. The Third regulars were still acting as the president's escort. Mr. McKlnley > i then drove to General Wheeler's headquarters - j ! ' quarters and sat under the shade of a tent fly for awhile. Secretary Algcr and General ! i ' Wheeler were with him. The president saw Colonel John Jacob Astor In a group a few yards away and he beckoned to the J i colonel , who went over , shook hands with the president and sat a few minutes In | the party. The president and those with ' him took lunch with General Wheeler and I his stntf. After lunch the president , Mr. | I AlGer , General Wheeler and Colonel Hard t'f j ' tht > Eighth Ohio were photographed In u ' group. The president Issued an order dlrect- ing that the regular troops at Camp Wlkoff , ' whoso posts are east of the Mississippi , should return with the least possible delay to their posts. The presidential party then went down to the station and left on a special train at 10:50. : On the train Mr. McKlnley made this statement : s"I was much pleased to meet the heroes I of Santiago and to observe their splendid i spirit. What I saw of the care of the sick men In the hospitals by those In charge and by the noble women engaged In that work was especially gratifying to me. " ( Vice I'rcNldcnl' * IdeiiH. Vice President Hobart Eald : "I am not an army olllcer and have not a full experience In judging of camp systems , but It scorned i to me that Camp Wlkoff wua admirably r.daptcd for army purposes at thU time as n ' camp for rci-upermlon. The hoapltals and hospital service seem perfect In nppoii t- mcnts and well adapted for the rapid te- , . I ( Con'lnued on Bfond I'OEC.J AT I103IE AND HAPPY Second Nebraska Volunteer Infantry is in Quarters at Fort Omaha. GUESTS OF THE GOOD WOMEN OF OMAHA Soldiurs Snrved by the City's Most Gracious Dailies aud Fairest Maidens. MENU THE BEST AND ENOUGH FOR ALL All the Boys Got All They Want to Eat During the Afternoon. ONE PLEASANT DAY AT THE OLD POST lletnrn of Ihe llo > n from Chlcliu- umiiHa .Made 'Solahlc liy Their I'rlendn anil ItelnlU ! - . < anil Ihe reople In Cent-rill. The soldiers of the Second Nebraska regi ment ixpoilenced no dllllculty In sleeping last night. Thoroughly tired out with their three months ami more of hard camp llfo in the hills of Georgia far awny , sere and dirty from their extraordinarily long Jour ney homo on tlu < railroad , they lay down lu | , , the barracks at Camp ticorge I ) . MUkle- juhn last night well pleased at the prospect of a night's good rest. They had Been some of their friends and many of their kin folk , they bad had u c.liauco to talk it nil over with them and tnoy had enjoyed a good meal at the hands of the Omuha women. Some of them had taken short trips around the , ulty and .1 few f had enjoyed the luxury of n visit to the expos.tton grounds , but most hail not and loaned \\lth pleasant anticipation to their frco admission on next Wednesday. The men reached the camp early aud for the ilrst time In nearly four months slept In their homo state. They had something mora than n blanket between themselves and the tlg giound und they closed their eyes with the realization that In the morning they would not wake up wrapped up In wet clothing and blankets. With an opportunity to stretch out their limbs and sleep under a roof once again , the boys went to bed hap pier than they have been for it long time. Visitors to the camp today will find n dif ferent set of men than those who arrived hero early yesterday morning. Square Meal at theFort. . The welcome of the people of Omaha to the Second Nebraska regiment took a very substantial and pleasing form yesterday afternoon when over 1.000 soldiers were thu guests of honor at an elaborate dinner fcurvud by the good women of this city. From brand now tables , covered with the whitest linen , spread In the shade of the tall maples efFort Fort Omaha , the volunteers tito what they declared with much emphasis to be the vtry best meal they had tasted for four months. Every circumstance favored the gala oc casion. The weather gods wcro most kindly disposed and held off the rain which linn been In prospect for several days lu order that the banquet might bo uproad beneath a clear sky. There was a refreshing breezu from the north that gave llfo to the llni ; under which the volunteers enlisted and cooled the few warm rays of the sun that succeeded In penetrating the shade of the big maple trees. All of the committees worked In complete harmony and their many members tolled very faithfully to make the soldiers feel that the citizens of Omaha wcro sincerely glad of their return. Took Ttvo CallN to llrliiK 'Km. It was after 1 o'clock when dinner was served on the tables north of the paradu grounds. The soldiers were tardy In respond ing to the first call for dinner. As some of the sweet home-made bread that had been cut began to get dry the second call for dinner i sounded and then the Holillcr boyn made ; double time In securing convenient scats . at the tables assigned to them. Each company of the regiment had a table to Itself and all were equally well served. The boys from the farms and western towns of the state were rihown Just as much attention and kindness as the Omaha Guards and the Lln- coin Light Infantry. Colonel Hills and hh Btaff eat down with Company E at a table west of the others , where he could survey the land of great plenty anil the tables of rich promise. The menu was made up of wholesome food , well cooked and agreeably seasoned. There was chicken and roast beef In great plenty. Splendid coffee was served. The good bread and butter was relished as much as any- thing and the Ice cream and the cigars that appeared as the last courses were so good that some of the soldier boys Just could not keep from laughing , they felt BO tickled. There was more than enough for all ami some of the visitors took advantage of tha occasion to swallow a good square meal for themselves while- talking to the soldiers. So liberally did the good housewives of Omaha , the merchants , the hotel keeper * and other citizens of this city and tha packers of South Omaha respond to the re- quest for donations of food for the soldiers that there was enough left over to mora than fill forty baskets. Baskets of toma- toes , melons , grapes and other fresh fruit. hundred of loaves of bread und many pounds of chicken and beef were collected after ward und turned over to the commissary department of the regiment to furnish thre good Sunday meals for the returned volun- tecrs. How It 'XX'nn Mannnrd. The testimonial banquet was a distinct BUC- CO ° H. Mrs. George A. Hoagland , the ofllclent chairwoman of the women's committee , wa here , there and everywhere. The work of organization among the committees , largely did much to make the event the success It was. The citizens' committee , of which Frank 13. Moores was chairman and W. G. Shrlver secretary , displayed thn good results of Its work. The mayor was unable to bo prnscnt , but was repre sented by his private secretary , J. II. Adams. Mrs. Hoazland was assisted by Mrs. Frank Cofpctzer , Mrs. I'urvls , Mrs. Gilbert , Mrs. Moore and Airs. Conant trre her chief lieutenants. The tables wcra presided over by the following patronesses : Company A , Mrs. Nichols ; Company D , Mrs. Ollle Davenport ; Company C , Mra. Kennedy ; Company I ) , Mrs. HUley ; Com pany E , Mrs. McKenna ; Company F , Mrs. Shrlver ; Company G. Mrs. Conant ; Com pany H , Mrs. Furay ; Coiuivany I , Mrs. Lewis ; Company K , Mrs. Jensen ; Company L , Mrs. I'armeleo ; Company M , Mra. Ilroatch. The heads of the principal sub committees were : Chicken , Mrs. Moore ; cake and pic , Mrs. Forby ; cicam , butter and sugar , Mrs. I'lirvln , and beef. M/s. Ward. Two score pretty young women acted as wul'.resHOH at the dozen tables. Horns noticed exchanging rhU'Ki'ii sweet meats for hardtack , buttons and other mil itary souvenirs were Mianou J.ydla Moore , Frances Wcsstlls , Huth Wetter. Allco Wt'l- ler. Helen Iloagland , Fannie Cole , Ethel