1 THE OMAHA DATLT UT3E : SATt'HDAV , SKPTEMmSK a , 181)8. n THE MARKED CARDS. Hy CLINTON ROSS. ( Copyright. 159' . by Clinton Rota ) A man's past will catch him soon r or later. They had been flva days over the sea , the young man and tbo girl. He had for gotten whether this were the Atlantic or the tea that sweeps tbo shores ot Elysium. Now , on the fifth day , they were on deck nd talking somewhat In this way "You must walk with me , " she called from her chair. "It's a delightful punishment. " "Thanks ; I believe that's a compliment. " "Truth's a compliment , cb ? " he said , mlllng. " "Tho best compliments , I suppose , are these that pretend to be truths , but arc lies. " "I am afraid this Is getting rather too fast for me , " he said. "Walt until I think about It. " "To carry out what you have begun you ihould say to me , 'I can't think about It , lor I have to think about you. ' " "Is It needful to say that ? " he said , lookIng - Ing down at the girl. "How beautiful you re ! " By thc rules of conventional conversation It was an utterly tnano remark and tbo girl's laughter rolled out , full and delight ful , but her volco was low. "I am glad you think so. " A deeper red tinged his bronzed cheeks u bo realized his temerity. "You know I do , " he said. "Oh , do you ? This Is the fifth day of our acquaintance. Today we shall bo at Sandy Hook. " Ho drew a long breath and his voice was earnest. New York , nnd work , and to see her no more. Two elderly persons wrapped to their cars were watching the two. "What a remarkable girl Nell Wolvcrton Is ? " ono was saying. "Sho'8 certainly carrying on a remarkable flirtation with that young man. Who Is he ? " said the other with the severity of position gained by effort. "Somo sort of engineer in the employ of the Wlnflcld company. Mary Winfleld introduced him to Nell. " "That girl would flirt with anybody. She Bccms to flnd all men Infinitely amusing. Isn't she handsome ? Now you would sup pose she was somebody or other. But the Wolvertons O , you know ! " quoth the other lady. "Her mother was ono of the most pushIng - Ing women 1 ever knew , " assented her com panion. "Of the dead , nlhll nisi bonum , " said the Imposing one. "Sho was an extraordinarily ambitious woman. With pluck and ten mil lions , and a daughter like that , an ambi tious clover woman can do anything In New York. The Wolverton money la said to bo Indefinite millions instead. And now they belong in Far Westchestcr. O , dear , how many men have been after that girl' There was the Marquis dl Rodlrl and the little Cuko of Sussex , and Freddy Van Brule , and she flirts and laughs at 'em all , Just aa Bho does with that young man. " Mary Winflold was watching the two with much the same thoughts. This poor young man didn't understand sophisticated young women ; It was abominable of Nell Wolver ton ; she was sorry she had Introduced them , ahc might have known that Nell would play with any man as gho would with a cat or n dog. O , dear , this Mclvlllo was so out of It ; so busy and capable , and such an efficient servant of the Winfleld company. Hut Nell was Nell , and Mary ought to have known better. If Nell were Nell , eho was proving It with a vengeance. She was making Mcl- villo tell her of himself , and she was giving him nothing of herself In return. Tlioy were seated now , looking out nt the froth- whlto and green in the ship's wake. Sha ' . was glancing at him again and again nltb 1 mild Interesting eyes. He was forgetting himself and was telling how his father had left him only money enough for school and college , which he had Increased by some tutoring ; of how be had worked and won a position In n machine shop ot the Wlnflcld company ; of how he had progressed far ther and now was near the head of his de partment and had been sent to London on an Important mission nnd A young man came lightly across the deck and bowed nnd exchanged some re marks with Miss Wolvcrton and nodded at Melville v\lth a "who-the-dcvll-are-you" air and passed on after a moment. Mel ville's confidences suddenly chilled. This youngster represented what he never had known. The girl by his side understood. "Don't mind Bertie ; he's Just Uertle. " " 0. you know , " Melville began. "I'm eo out of that set " It's the Far Westchcster set , you mean , " Bhe said graciously , as If she would Imply tiolltely that there were many others which ho doubtless frequented. "The men are very stupid In It. It's all very stupid. It's Just sport and gossip. For my part give me men that do things. " "I think. " said the young-raan-maklns- . his-way , "that I prefer other men to dc CIYSIVM AND 131'RKB ON RHCK things and leave 'em to rue already done Now , my father " He paused , wondering whether he hai better tell her , and then It seemed to him now that he remembered tt. that this pu him on a sort of eo.uallty with Miss Wolver ton , as though the Inequality that stooi between them was suddenly swept away b the thought of this story , nut had he right to tell her ? Xo , she wouldn'i couldn't know , that was so long ago an forgotten. "And your father ? Go on I om Inter ested. " "Ho might have had the things , tn money , to have put me In your friend Her tie's position tt luck had be n his way an It he hadn't been cheated " "I never can think of you as. a man Ilk Uertle , " Miss Wolverton said declsivel with that calm confidence In her eyes ; th e ) s may have b n rather more exprenslv because this was the last day of all and b would slip out of her life so soon. She wa fair to look upon , clever , acoomplUhei charming : thU fence of the sexes was he delight ; she could no more avoid It tba she could breathing. Our unsophUtlrate young man fallM to understand her Latt common sense wai to reach out from tl trim , matter-of-fact depths ot his natui and grasp his sentimentality until It hurt him. him."Oh "Oh , It's a llttlo story of what might have i ) en years ago In Red Nugget gulch , Cali fornia. My father was out there after gold , Ike the rest , and he fell In with a man with whom he made a partnership In a gen eral store. Sometimes , in exchange for goods , they took claims. At first they made a lot of money and then they ! o t nearly every penny In trying to develop a claim that failed. Well , each blamed the other and they decided to separate. They could decide on no other way than to cut the cards. Eo they sat down one day and cut and some things fell to my father and cocie to bis partner. And the papers were drawn up and the division made A week after that a claim which had gone to my father's partner began to develop. It proved a find , my father's partner made the beginning of a great fortune that way. " "Well ? " said the girl. "Now the ehanty that served for the etoro had fallen to my father , not the stock , which went to pay the firm's debts Three weeks after this my father eat talk- hls part. Nll did not care to b lacklns kD'l wanted h r boa mot to be M natty i nothcr' * nd her itory a fplrltfd. For * hf * M ! little dtrlfe to mk * th * world she knew hold her ct"rr. Now she couldn't , try h would , think ot another tory than the one Melville hud told her. "Marx Winfleld Introduced me to a very entertaining man on the Lutanla a man who dos things , you know " "What does he do , horses or yaehts ? " said Bertie Townlle. " 0 , I say , Nell , you don't mean that serious-faced chap you were mooning about with so much ? " "The very man , " MUs Wolverton said , without turning color. And she told Melville's story. "How extraordinary ! " gasped Mrs. Pern- berton. "You do meet such strange people at sea. " "Business methods are oftentimes dishon est. " said Judge Torbld , pompously. "Yet- " "Your story isn't funny enough , " criticised Bertie Townley. Samuel Wolverton I should say "Sam , " the great Sam held his nose In his port ; he's a thin , sharp featured , silent man and looking at him one always wonders how he succeeded In possessing such a daughter. Driving home , he said to Nell : "If 1 were you I don't think I'd try to tell stories at dinner. " "Why , papa ? " " ' . " "It's undignified. "Do you think so' " she eald , petulantly. She usually had him well In hand. "What did you oy that man's name ts ? " he aaked after a moment. ' Burke Melville" PRESENTLY THE PORTIERE WAS PUSHED ASIDE. Tg with a mining expert , who spoke of 10 big flnd on my fathers' former partner's ucky claim ; and ho stated boastfully , to low his value as an expert probably , that e had told my father's partner we will all him Smith that the claim was ex- remely valuable. ThU set my father to linking ; Smith had believed the claim to e valuable. But my father could but ac- nowledgo that the man had given him a tiance , even if ho had dishonestly hidden Is notion of the claim. That day my father appened in the abandoned store. On tbe able were the two packs at dirty cards , ust as they had been left the day of the ivlslon. They bad cut in the bare Inner oem , vhlch hadn't been disturbed since. ly father ricked up these instruments of Is bad luck and he saw that the pack Imith had used had been marked. " "How awful' ' " the listener said. "And ou might have had money , It It hadn't "If It hadn't been for Smith's dishonesty , eg , Miss Wolverton. But to return to the tory. My father went to Smith , whom he ccused , but Smith looked him In the face nd laughed. 'You are crazy , man. And ou haven't any proof. Who'd believe ou' ' " "Was that the end of It ? " the girl asked gently. "No , not the end of It. My father could rove nothing Indeed. His affaire went from bad to worse. He left California penniless , jiter in the east he accumulated the little money he was able to leave ine. But it was Iways a hard struggle for him and my mother , who died shortly after I was born. " "And Smith ? that's not the name. " Melville hesitated. "No. that's not the name. It's a well known name , but we will let It remain Smith. Everything Smith touched became money , he was accused of dishonesty many- lines in the course of his career ; but noth- ng ever was proven ; he succeeded , and Is .oday one of the powerful men of the coun try " They were silent , the girl grave. "And that's the reason you think you are not In the class of Bertie- Tow nicy. Well. I don't want jou to be In that class. " "If you would care that much ? " said he , : ialf lightly , half earnestly. "O. I like you , " she said , cheerily , as she might have said she liked a fox terrier. And the man's dishonesty was really your blessing ; It made you do things. O , I know ; I know a lot of men , and tbe men of the Far Westchester set are so tiresome. " 'O , thanks. " said he , lamely. But > ou musn't be tiresome. Do you see that line there' That's Sandy Hook ; I Know It. I have seen it thai way a dozen times. And I must be going below. O , I bave been so much Interested " And she went a sy brightly smiling , and he fill suddenly the least like a fool. ThU feeling was increased when he found In tfie bustle of landing that she bad only a cool hand and a distant "So glad to have met jou , " and no acknowledgment of the fact that he had asked to call , which she plainly had evaded. He felt revengeful and a bit of an anarchist. And the next morning when he was reporting to Mr. Winfleld bis success tn London , and being complimented by the company's head , his success teemed cheap ; he had a picture before him of a bright , high-bred looking , exquisitely gowned young woman , surrounded by flip pantly gay persons whose world was not bis , and never could be. for when one la making his way ploddingly , with no particu lar capital , he can't reasonably expect that , way to be made before ho may be gray and . all the desire for pleasure , life's good things , quite gone. It may b supposed that Miss Wolvertor put the young man of tbe Atlantic out of hei mind. Perhaps she bad some thoughts 01 htm or eUe she never would have repeated the ctory he had told her at a dinner when her father was , most unusually , her escort At a dinner on * * owes it aa a duty to d < Suddenly she turned. "Papa , you were In California ? " "Yes. what of It ? " "Did you ever hear a story like that ? " "I have heard a lot of stories ; California is full of 'cm. Read Bret Harte. As for your acquaintance , ho was probably yarn ing. " "No , no , ho wasn't. " "What makes you think that ? " "Ho isn't that kind of a man. " "Nell. I think that you can take care of yourself , but I don't believe you can judge men. " "Oh , trust me for that , " she said , airily , and at the moment she was. Indeed , trying to judge no less a person than her father She had thought that she understood him. Had she' Ho was fond of her ; he denied her nothing and she loved him. But there wcru depths she could not fathom , and she Knew no more of his real life , even less , than an outsider. But now a sudden fear possessed her. She rushed upstairs to a Httle room which she used for her writing table and her books and eagerly she looked for a paper in a cer tain English magazine , "American Million aires , No. X , Samuel Wolverton. " Had she been mistaken' And then she rend. "The beginning of this extraordinary fortune was In ' 66 In Red gulch , California. Melville and Wolverton were storekeepers who exchanged a supposedly bad debt for the now-famed Bulflnch mine. Wolverton bought out his partner. " For a minute the room seemed to swim. " 0 , if mamma were only here ! " the girl said meaningly. "It's true true. This Is all his , and not mine , every penny of it. And he Knew when he told me ; he knew. " And she stole down to her father. She went toward him , the magazine In hand , and held It before him. Wolverton started. Ho had never seen her like this , and her pallor frightened him. And then ho saw to what she pointed. "Was the story he toll me true ? " "What if It were' " "What If It were ? " she said mockingly. "You can't understand , 'what If it were. ' " But the father said quietly , with a mas tery of himself. "If It were true , that Melville couldn't have succeeded. He hadn't It In him. He would have failed at anything. I cut loose from him. " "But you haven't told me whether th < story Is true. " "I won't acknowledge or deny It , " he said at last. "What ot It ? You ought not to fine ! fault. My money has made you a position as fine as any o' 'em. " "Good night. " said the girl. At the door he called to her : "Nell , you haven't kissed me good night. " "I can't tonight. " And she was gone. "A woman can't understand business She'll get over It " But he failed to sleej well that night. She was not at breakfast I ' He * ent to her room. She was sleeping with a look that frightened him. On bis waj down town he stopped at bis doctor's. "I att troubled with that Insomnia. " "Mr. Wolverton , " said the practitioner , " . ' have told you again and again that you niusi let up on work and worry. " "I know , I know , " said the great man "By the way. I wish you would see Nell , I am worried about her. " He Kept himself busied down town untl about 3 , and then drove through the part in the parade , a tired-faced man peopli pointed out. As he entered the house he heard Nell'i voice. He paused In the hall and 11s tened. "I am glad to see you , Mr. Melville , " ehi was Baying. "I bad your note , and came ben promptly. I think " "Yes , promptly " "I have passed you several times , but don t btllevc jou SAW m . " Mflrlllo said rather bitterly II * WHR thinking how charming she ap peared here In her own bottle. He was blaming b1m lf for all that b bid thought of her , hen her world , of which he tad that brief glimpse , had been shut out. "I tent for > ou. " Nell went on , "to ask you why you told mo that ttory when when you Knew that > our father's partner then was ray father. " Tbe listener started , nnd moved toward the door , and drew tack. At last he beard : "Miss Wolvcrton yes , It was so , It Is eo , and I was a coward to tell you. "I am glad you told me. " Nell said hum bly , for this was no longer the proud Miss Wolvcrton , she wondered at herself , leers were In her eyes , and self-control was far aw ay. "I don't know what made me tell you , and yet I do know. I have lied ; I do know now. You seemed so far out ot my reach , and I wanted jou to ho in my reach. Do you un derstand ? " "I don't Know that I understand , " the girl said. "I can't seem to understand. " "And O , you are crying. I have hurt you. I wouldn't hurt you for the world. " "Don't , " she said ; please don't. " But he way saying : "I know the reason now. It was don't you see didn't you see ? " After a moment the listener heard Nell' * voice. "It's best so. If jou do. It rights Itself. And I see It clearly. I know now why I didn't want you to be of Bcrtlo Townley's clnes. You are a man who docs things and will a man for a woman to bo proud cf , and yes It's all clear to me I thought I was just tllrtlng with jou. But Elnco that ight I know It was more. " Presently the portlcrs was pushed aside. Wolverton wag possessed of a certain grim umor and instinct for the management of ho quick crises was thc measure of his EUC- css in affairs. "I am Samuel Wolverton. nndou are urko Melville , " ho said. "I listened to jour onvcrsation. I won't apologize. I am glad f it. It seems to me , Mr. Melville , that 'our ' father's fen has it back at mo now. t seems to me that you hold the marked atdg. " He stopped and looked at the two. nd then went on : "Mr. Melville , what's t the ministers say ? I am not much nt ; olng to church. But don't they say that hen a man has wronged another the best mends ho can make Is confession of his aults ? " But although a moment after the young man extended his hand , Wolverton was con- clous that his daughter , whom ho held his earest possession , never would bo the same o him , that distrust lay between them , hat , at the height of his success , Melville s on had turned thc marked cards against 1m. The Snrp Ia 4 rli > pi > Cure. There is no use sutToring from this dread- ul malady , if < you will only get the right cmedy. You are having pains all through our body , jour liver la out of order , have 10 apetlte , no life or ambition , have a bad Mid , In fact are completely used up. Elec- rls Bitters la the only remedy that will jlvo you prompt and sure relief They act directly on your liver , stomach and Kldnoys ono up the whole system and make you feel ike a new being. They are guaranteed to euro or price refunded. For palo at Kubn & Co.'s drug store , only 50 cents per bottle. ARE SANGUINE OF VICTORY .South Dakota CltlriMi Tnlkft of the 1'retent I'rnvncctN of the lle- puhllcmi Party 1'lx-ro. Hon. Robert J. Gamble of YanKton , who was nominated for congress by the con- cntlon at Mitchell , Is in thc city visiting he exposition. Ho declares thc prospects 'or republican success in that state could not bo better. In tolKlns of the prospects the campaign , ho Bald : "Our majority for the entire state ticket will bo at least 5,000 , and I shall not be lurprlsed to see It go up to 10,000. Last rear the total of the republican majorities n the several judicial contests was about 2,500 , and two years ago wo lost a part of the state ticket only by an accident. "In this campaign we will have the tre mendous advantage of the bountiful pros perity which the state Is already enjoying and which is certain to Increase. It Is a great satisfaction to belong to a party which thrives on the good things of life , nstead of being compelled to hope for alamity as a basis of political success. Our people are feeling buoyant , and In every section there are accessions to repub- Icanlsm. "The logic contained In H L. Loucks' ettcr to the Mitchell convention , showing how worthless a fusion of populists with he democratic party really must be , so far as promotion of any principle is con cerned , is on Indication of the dissatisfac tion prevalent among a considerable pro portion of those who have been acting with the third party ; and this general dissatis faction , together with the positive step taken by Mr. Loucks In allying himself again with the republican party , will un questionably bring us a great many votes. "The hopelessness of the free silver cause will quite surely lead many republicans to return to the party which they left in 1S96. A largo proportion of them had given credence to the predictions made by Bryan and Pettlgrew , as to the terrible fate which would confront the nation If McKlnley should be elected president , and now history his demonstrated those pre dictions to be absolutely false. Even If a good many republicans two years ago were fooled Into abandoning their party to fol low such a phantom as unlimited free coinage , not all of them will bo so foolish as to continue the pursuit when the bard facts of the market reports prove it to be nonsense. "On top of thete things which demon strate the illogical character of so large a part of the opposition , there Is the direct and positive statement ot American pa triotism which goes out to the republican national administration for Its admirable conduct of the war against Spain. No op position orator on any stump or writer in any newspaper will have the effrontery to challenge the splendid record made In this war by htm who was the standard bearet of the republican party In 1896. This record either will win support for republicanism throughout the country , or clso the Ameri can people am unappreclatlve and ungrate ful and I do not believe they are. " roii WKSTHIIV vn of Civil War HnniMnlipre hy the Cirnrrul < iorriiiiuiil. . Issue of August 22 Nebraska- Reissue and Increase Charle E. Flint , Lawrence. J10 to $17 Originc widows , etc Mary Ann Joj-ce , Friend , JS. Iowa. Additional Jamss M. Frost , Ot tumwa , ( S to | 10. Restoration and add ! tlonal Erich Iglan , Cambridge , } 4 to $1 < Increase Enoch Davla , Iowa City. { 36 t JJO , Charles R. Allison. Kirkville , $ S to U2 William H. Morgan Ottumwa. $12 to jl" Samuel F Hansel ) . DyKirt , $0 to S. llelssu and Increase James H. Vln&on , Atlantic , 1 [ to JS. John P. Stephenson , Sandusky , $1 ( o 117. Original widows , etc. Esther / Joy , Salem , { 12 ; Bertha Iglan , Cam bridge. IS. Wyoming : Original John N. Brlgh : Uva. J . Colorado : Original Seth Sackett. Hermosa mesa , $ S. Original widows , etc. Maria . ' Stsneroa , Trinidad , JS ; Mary A. Spenee-i 8 Cherrylynn , > S. Kx-t > cretnr > Ilajaril .Ilin-li AVorne. DEDHAM. Mass. . Sept. 2. Hon. Thoma F. Bayard had a relapse last night and consultation ot phyttclans was held , afte which Mr Bayard's physicians rematnei with him until morning. A second consul tation was held this afternoon and tt wa reported that .Mr Baj-ard was much bettei but he waa still very 111. The Only Known Solvent of Renal Calculi and Stons in the Bladder and also of the Diseases of Galculi existing in the Blood. Dr. William A. Hammond , ] r htntton. . C. , Surffew-'lfieral V. S. Arn\ > ( retired ) , formerly Professor of Diseases o/ the Mind and Nervjtis S lem tn Ike ( nmr ity , * f.\sv } 'otketc. , retftnns ; to many t.ases oj diseases of the Nervous System tn : ihi < .h an t.vctt of I n , . J , d in lite bioad ts often obfeniJ , sa\s "I hnvo tried carbontito of llthin dissolved in water in Mirioiis proportions , but it certainly does not , in on.-cs to which 1 niiE-srnml BTUYIS WATC-D anilasn matter of prime importaiioe it w refer , have the same elleet as BUFFALO LSTH1A WATEK not to l.cforgutu-n that the composition of the . is s"clli nml thc evporlencc of itust so complete , that no ilotiuc r > . . - * - , . „ . . - n .r , . , - ttr , , T- . BUFFALO LITHIA WATER e t * of its st-oat power , not only as a solvent for calculi already in the bladder , but of the diseases of such calculi existing in the blood. " CASE OF MR. S. Slated by Dr. George / / . Ptcru , of Danbury , Conn. Thc plate here shown is from a photograph , which forms part of n communication of Dr. GE011GE II. 1MKKCE , of Danbury - bury , Conn. , reporting case of Mr. S Stone iu the Bladder to the AV Eng land Medical Monthly , November , 1890 ( see page 76 of that journal , and representing some 5 of the largest specimens of two ounces nnd twenty-seven { Trains dNM > l\cd btone discharged by him under thc action of BUFFALO LITKIA WATER resulting in the thorough cleansing of the bladder. Uric Acid Poison causes Gout , Hheumntism , Renal Calculi nnd Stone of thc Bladder , Bright' * , Disease of the Kidneys , Nervous Prostration , some forms of Dyspepsia nnd Asthma , Eczemas. Pimples , Blotches and other Facial Kruptinns. KJiv < zr sr R TJTO.IUK UJnir-n dissohlnjj and eliminating Uric Acid Deposition or its Salts Dura'ALULi ri8A 8i-i4fc.K is the most powerful of kno-Mi jpcnts , both for thc relief and pre vention of these and all conditions resulting from Uric Acid Poisoning. Facial eruptions are not only relieved by its use , but it imparts a softness and smoothness to the skin and a clearness to the com plexion not to be obtained from any of the cosmetics of the shops. ls 80ld ' > I'ruRclsta nnd Grocers generally. tt h nn iitvlouMod. poMllve remedy for mi.n i f the most sorloim and mnt common nli tl ut aillli t mankind. Ati illus tratcd book cnn be procured on req icst containing th > tcnim > nv of ( ao mon famous phviirlnni < > t thin i-o i-rrv nnJ Lurope nt to the wonderful power of Ut Ft-vto Limit W TFII Iu ( idat , HlipninntUni , llrlihl' Ul ra c , Grxvfl. IiiillKritlon. Nervoin Ilyi priMln. N'crvout liihuuitlnii. .llalarla , .Vlcoholliin , Kciema aitilUlooil Dtturdcrnt Hlicaie ) of women , etc. Bond for the boo It .na judge for yourself. Address PROPRIETOR , BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS , VA. W. R. ROBERTS , for yt-ars Cashier of the Citizens' Bank of Omaha , and widely and very favorably known in Omaha and Iowa , write * on Mav 6. 19S "About'Ji year * ago I was troubled with ner vous DYSPEPSIA- feet nnd hands , lack of circulation , loss of flesh , etc. 1 slept poorly and was in a terrible condition. 1 took enovator and found it to be the best remedy I ever used. I took no other tnedl- < -me and in a short time I gained 40 pounds I have , since taking the Renovator , ate well , slept well , and am free from cold hands and feet , calculation is good and the cure seems permanent and lasting. " Dr Kay s Henovatnr 1 oiJ hy drugzisti or sent bjr mail for 25 ct and tt or 6 for f. > Do not tal.r jo ) uostitute for it tins no equal. II 19 an rn client punUer and tbe Veil nrrc tonic hniwnenJ for Dr Kar s Homo Treatment an i.lustratcJ 114 p co book frrc One roan snld be nould not take ( S for onr of its receipt * another said ba rrouid cot take 110 for the looi Dr 1 ! J Kay Medical i O. . Omaha , Neo EXCLISIMERMX ALLIANCE leport that a Final Agreement Has Been Concluded at London. SCOPE OF THE TREATY IS NOT GIVEN OUT One Report Iln * it Hint It Ilrfori to Action ill tin * Orient Another Unit It llclllU-H to tlnii Allalr.i. LONDON' . Sept. 2. A report was current lere today that a treaty of alliance between Great Drltain and Germany , on the lines of the speech of Mr. Chamberlain , the s cretary of state for the colonies , was actually completed yesterday. This Is prob ably an amplification of the gossip relative o the dally iisits of Count von Hatzfeldt- Weldonburg , the German ambassador , to the British foreign office during the last fort night , which have been attributed to a leslre on the part of Germany and Great Trltain to formulate a common policy In regard to Russia and China. Another ex planation of the German ambassador's visits .0 the foreign office here is that they relate to the mixed tribunals of Egjpt. the Inter national agreement on the subject ending n February. Through Trench and Russian nflucnce the court has already hampered the British plans for the use of the Egyptian savings and the advancement of Egypt. Now , It is said , an agreement has been ilmost reached by which Germany will sup port the British views relative to the future composition and powers of the mixed tribunals. It Is said that as a quid pro quo for Germany's support In Egypt Great Britain will recognize Germany's claims to utilize Syria as an outlet for Its surplus population. Till * AVfi'U. The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon says It has received from a source in which it has every confidence information that the Anglo-German agreement was signed this week by Mr. Balfour and the German am bassador in behalf of the respective powers. Continuing , the Pall Mall Gazette sa > s that while the agreement Is restricted , it em braces an offensive nnd defensive alliance in certain eventualities. The Pall Mall Gazette adds : "This new and momentous departure In our foreign policy comes as a natural development of the European situation. " The Pall Mall Gazette then quotes the speech which Mr. Chamberlain made at Bir mingham on May 13 last , bidding for a German alliance , and continues. Latterly It has been evident , from the tone of the Ecmi-offlclal German press , that the two governments have bo ° n draw MIR closer and finally there were prolonged conferences between Count Hatzfeldt and Mr Balfojr The departure of Count Ilatzfeldt provi 3 that thc object of the consultations has lx-fn achieved. Besides , Mr. Chamberlain has gone to America , Lord Salisbury la prolong ing his absence and Mr. Balfour leaves fnr his holldayo on Saturday. Evidently the ministers do not expect to ha\e to deal with crucial questions of foreign policy. Mr. Balfour , when questioned on the sub ject this afternoon , absolutely declined to discuss the reports in circulation regarding an Anglo-German alliance. Count Von Hatzfeldt , who was believed to have left London , was again at thc foreign office this afternoon. It is reported on the stock exchange that the Anglo-German alliance or understanding relates to the British purchase of Delagoa bay , with Germany assenting. As a result. Kaffir and Portuguese securities are boom- ing. Syria Is n division of Asiatic Turkey , which Includes Palestine , estimated to cover an area of about 116,000 square miles It has a population of about 2.750.000 , mostly Mohammedans , but Includlnc about 30n Ono Greek Christians , 260,000 Moronltes an 1 Roman Catholics , 175,000 Jews ana 48,000 Druses. Emperor William of Germany has for some time past been planning a trip to Palestine and ho is expected to \.sit Jerusalem this fall. In order to dedicate tbo German church there nnd lay the corner stone of the German school , parsonage and hospital. Ills majesty has also undertaken to re gain for the Roman Catholics the possession of the Coenaculum ( In Zion ) , the "chamber of the last supper , " and the sultan of Turkey ts said to have intimated his Wll- { Ingness to meet the wish of the emperor In | this matter. From the land of the Tea To the land of the free. NOT ONLY PURE , BUT PUREST -.THAT'S 1- 1tt. . CLEANEST , MOST WHOLESOME. .0 le / / \ Officially Inspected at Port of Shipment. 6 A cup of Japan Tea "invigorates in V.l . the morning , tefieshes at nijht , ' l- vooii at all times. SOLD BY BEST GROCERS tiV I r , j A GOOD TALE WILL BEAR TELLING .3T .3a TWICE , " USESAPOLIO ! USE cl ISr. vnnoriinns TAII , CONSULT Soarles & Searles. SPECIALISTS. Gnnriintpe to rurc upceilllr ttiid raili- cnlly nil \r.H\UIH , CIIHOMPAM ) I'lll V.VIC diariiMp * of moil untl MO men WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY cured for life. Night Fm * ons , Loit Manhoud , Hy flroc' 1 < > Ven o "le Gonorrhea Gleet , Syph ilis , btrltiurtf , Piles Fistula and Htets.1 Ulccru , Dial'otpn , Brleht H Disease cured. CONhlLTATIOV FIIUE. icture leefatTod . by new method without pain or cutting. Call on or address with stamp. Treatment br mall. DSS , SEflRlES 5 SEARLES , DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. ETff jy liB'ffa'f'Bi ' HUPP BttcMUHN'S Is a preparation of tbo Drug by which ill Injurious effects aio removed , while ihe val uable mcdl.lnal properties arc retained It possesses all the eil.uinnod > D < > and antl- spnsraodlc powerB of Opium , but produce * no sickness of the stomach , no vomiting , no eostlveaess. no headache. In acute nervous disorders It Is an Invaluable remedy , and 'd recoirmendc 1 by thc best physicians. E. FERRETT. Agent : i7 IVnrl St. . > 4.v lurk. DR. MeGREW. SPECIALIST , Trciti til Fcrrra cf DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE L Vein in OmiH * . Ce-4.'U'icn Frte. Bockfrt ! ; OfficeUth&Farnam Sti 3oi 718 OMAHA. NE3. IVSETA SVJAro , AJA.X TABLETS POSITIVELY CURB LJ K ALT frm " jrMnivr < - amaff Uoa- W PI p'T.lfipoUiic/ * , lw.nusi.tito.cauM.1 ( . r | l < At aw or ctUor Liceuei nj In41r S vC- " " 'in , 77 , - /ill'//w and turelu J1 T , Lnrt \ lUlltj Jn cMcrjoaai.anJ y * . > i. ft n nau or itmij , boilnwi or norruie. " * " . ---UOII--T- ° pl1 c < < 1Jl'la'P"oa " UK , - . . - . - - . - - tr Tt.6irnin.howi - - lmrae < ll to Impnn. ifl ' t a CUUC h r all other tu [ In- H t - - the Kfiql.oc Ajai TiMeU. TbeT tirawriuaDeaxrantAa toc 'nct ururfl rn f C In Kcbca oor rotan < l thu mocor 1'Htv W.J U I Oi r f.ciucf ! of fU rn'-Ji ( fall Umtmonti for KJ . Ji JlV.1-1 ° tW. U.5 ? .T i < Lt o Crl. . < IrcajiJ arMr * f i ilt | , l1.1 N. l lft tt.u. a & Co . . t njiil 'i. tl CGI n .1)1 Tr. or O 11 lror. CURE YOURSELF ! l lii IJ ft r unnatural o h < i-g.- iDdtn man nt , i . u ru > n lr i r > . > I i . , i tttuii' x ' r r - ' "ii hold l > j llriiritl | > lt rr Mia HI plain nir r , 1 cirr'ii , pi'tm i ( or j I < < r lotii , Cu ui r nut u itiue.t. J