NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS- Smolto "J A n" Cc cigar. Finest work. liluff City Laundry. Stockert Carpet Co. . 205-207 IJwy. Moore's food kills worms and fattens. C. H. Jacqiiemm ft Co. , Jewelers nnd op- tlclnns , 27 South Main street. Dorn To Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dachlcr , C3I Hast Pierce street , a daughter. i I. II. Ilohrcr left last evening for Liberty , Mo. , to attend the William Jowcll collCRO. J. II. Knalcy and wife of Iowa City ar- / lived In the Illuffs yesterday on a vUlt to ' the exposition. M. M. Parkinson ot Corning , deputy collector - > lector of Internal revenue for this district , „ . is In the city. MlRsos Cora Smith and Gertrude Orcen re turned yesterday from a four weeks' visit - Kinnietuburg la. 7- -with friends at , J C. Illxhy , heating and canllary engineer. I'lans and specifications for heating , plumb ing and lighting. 202 Main , Council Illutla. Special communication of Dluff City lodge No , 71 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Ma ons , this evening for work In the second degree. The pollro nro looking for a Mrs. Mary VnnderveMcr , who Is charged with the larceny of nn umbrella from Mrs. L. W. ' St. John. Don't you thlnlt It must bo a pretty good laundry that ran please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Cagle. " 724 Ilroadway. A marrlago license was Issued yesterday ' ' to Milton K. Shuman of 1'ottawattamio county , aged 28 , nnd Laura May lUce of Wcaton , la. , ngcil 10. The funeral of Mrs. Itnnnnh Kerns , wife of C. H. Kerns , who died Thursday , was held yesterday nfternoon from the family residence , S > 17 Avenue O. Seventeen cars of sheep belonging to M. Cascady of Kawllns , Wyo. , bound for the Chicago market , were transferred yester day nt this point from the Union Pacific to the IJurrlngton road. L. F. Murphy i"reived a telegram yes terday from his son , Lieutenant Will Mur phy nf the Twenty-fourth United State In fantry , announcing his safe arrival at Mon- tank Point from Cuba. , ' Mrs. A. M. Kirk and daughters Anna and y Hazel , who hnvo been visiting the families 6 . of P. P. DoVol nnd Kd. McCotinell and tnk- \ Ing In the exposition , returned to their home I dn DCS Molncs yesterday. Next Monday being Labor day the ma jority of the business men of the city have j agreed to close their stores at noon thnt i day. Most of the clerks arc arranging to 'I nttend the exposition that afternoon and j evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Oondchlld of Pleasant Ktreet. accompanied by Mr. John Cnrmlch- ! ncl , will leave today for a visit with friends 7 nt Chicago , after which they will go on to i Cincinnati , O. , to take In the Grand Army encampment. Judge II. H. Doemcr , who was renoml- natcd by acclamation nt the republican Btato convention for Judge of the supreme court , cnino' In from Dubtiqno yesterday over thn Northwestern nnd later left for his homo in Red Oak. ( Jertlo Chrlstensen , charged by Chariot Chrlstensen , n neighbor , with disturbing the lieaco by using loud and profane language , took n change of venue yesterday from Jus- tlco Vien's court to that of Justice HurUe , where the case was tct for hearing Stptem- bcr 1C. Assistant Superintendent Harry Gllmore j of the Missouri Pacific In Omaha notlllcd 5 the police yesterday nfternoon to look out ' for and detain his 16-year-old daughter Laura , who had left homo suddenly. N'o further particulars beyond a description ol II the young woman were given. ' Henry Green , a truck farmer living or I Knst Ilroadway near the city limits , had at * flxamlnatlon yesterday before the countj i board as to his sanity. Some time ngc I tiroen Bufff-red n sunotroko and this Is thought 1 ( > have affected his mind. Ilecentlj ho has beconio possessed of the delualor that ho hears voices from the dead am his option : ! showed that his mental condition was not such as it thould be. Green is li' years of age nnd has a wife and five children Tliii Insanity board ordered him committee in St. llrrnard's hospital for Investigation. Ladles desiring valuable information con cerning their ailments should send or cal for "The Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. . a t Merriaiu blk. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 230. Neiv transparencies nt the Art Empo rium , 45 So. Main St. C. H. Nicholson used Cole's Hot Blast heater lust winter. The latest thing In mednlHons. C. E Alexander & Co. , 45 So. Main. WOOLSOXEXPLAIXS THE WRIT Federal Judge Makes Clear His Construction Placed on Bankruptcj Ach NOT INTENDED TO OPERATE IN ADVANCE iiw'n IJITpi't I2\ir | ' * nl > - IilniKciI liy CoiKtrcMi XIMV Point Itntncil In the ( 'UNI * In ( liicitlou Which li Not Yet buttled. Some time bark Colonel J. J. Steadmnn , clerk of the United States circuit court , re ceived n letter of Inquiry from Peyton Boyle , managing editor of the West Pub lishing company , Washington , I ) . C. , making Inquiries In regard to a decision ot Judge Woolson's , reported In the Chicago Legal News. In this article the course adopted by Judge Woolson was described as novel , but effective. The nrtlclc continued : The net provides that no petition for Invol untary bankruptcy should bo filed within four months from the passage thereof. The act was passed July 1 , so no proceedings for Involuntary bankruptcy in the regular way can be commenced before November 1. It is clear , however , that from the first day of i July the relations of debtor nnd creditor , | nnd of ono creditor to all other creditors , ore governed by the law passed of that date. A debtor In falling circumstances Is forbidden to prefer ono creditor to the prejudice of the others , cither by mortgage , bill of sale or other transfer of his property. The case to which Ihe nrtlclo quoted re ferred was ono from Ottumwa , wlwro a debtor In falling circumstances executed n clmttc-1 mnrtgagf to his fntl'T July -0. ISiis. covering his entire asset ? . The father took possession n. . was about to dlspo s ? of the mortgaged property. Meltuer father nor HOII had any other prop erty subject to execution. Ottuimvn jobbers and outildo creditors began a proceeding In the United States court and asked an In junction to pievent the disposition of this property and the appointment of a receiver to hold the ranio until November 1 , nt which timenrocccdlngs In bankruptcy would bo comments' ! In the regular way. Juilprc AVonlNnu'n Slnlc-inciit. Colonel Stcadman referred the letter nnd article to Judge Woolson , who sent the following reply yesterday to him : The substance of the case presented to me 1 In correctly stated , but I dcclln-d to IFSIH ; the preliminary writ as prayed. I found nc authority In the bankruptcy statute lor sucli writ at the present time. Counsel concet-eil the debt claimed by the father was buna Ado. No nttnck was made on either mort gage or bill of sale to the father , as with out consideration or void , as fraudulent madi ) under the familiar general principles applicable. Tha sole ground of attack was that these were , under the bankruptcy law- unlawful preferences to the father us cm < of the son's creditors ; and that , as the bank ruptcy statute , by Its very terms , was ex pressly "In full force nnd effect , " then ; act ! of the son were , under this statute , unlawfu and .voidnbln now. This unlawful charnctc-i of the sale was a present matter. True , 1 was argued , no petition in Involuntary bank ruptcy can bo filed until November ; bu thnt only applies to the remedy when sough through bankruptcy. When such petition I : ( lied nnd these acts stated us the ground ! for the adjudication of bankruptcy , i ucl Judgment must bo entered nnd tlieso acts de clarud unlawful nnd set aside. llonco it was said , "Equity will not quletl ; sit by and see the property dissipated b : acts now unlawful under this statute nov In full force , " and which acts will hereattu bo set aside and annulled , when present la- activity on the part of equity wouM be ti knowingly permit the properu- be dlssi patcd nnd nothing bo left for the creditor ; when the time arrives within Which they ma ; apply the remedy ia bankruptcy. There Is i wrong hero , Jor the correction of which o thfl staying of Its complete operntion wi must look to equity. A mil mi-lit l-'ull of I'lirco. I could not deny that this line of crgu ment possessed much force ; but the act : of which they complnined were , except fo the bankruptcy statute , lawful and vulia So far as gi-n.'ral principles nro conccrnei equity Is powerless to Interfere with o affect the mortgage nnd conveyance. A vnlii debt existed. The debtor hnd , under thcsi general principles , the right to prefer hli fnther ns the owner of n bona lido debt Wheru in the bankruptcy statute Is then contained any provision affecting or chnng ing the general principles of equity In thi rospi-i f Nowhere except ns artectlni preferences to creditors. Hut the statuti for not chewing 'He don't chew Battle As , ycr Honor. ' * "He looks it I" Ignorance of the Law is no excuse , § but ignorance of BATTLE AX is g your misfortune not a crime and g the only penalty is your loss in quan go tity as well as quality when you buy | ) any other kind of Chewing Tobacco. emeinber the raanie when yoifl bury again. does not make that unlawful under these general principle * , hut unlawful under the ( revision * of the ntnltlU * . Congress might Imvo authorized courts of equity to net ns requested. Congress did not BO authorize ; ot len t by nny express provision of the statute. Hut congress did expressly ptny nc- tlon under the stntute until November. The argument presented might well be presented to congress. Hnd It l > oen presented before the paasngo of tills stntute popalbly the stntuto might have covered the points pro- pented. Thn courts may not thus attempt to supply what Is claimed ns nn omission on the part of congress. The duty Is on the court to apply the statute ns It Etnnds. Since , then , under the general equitable principles , the nets complained of ore not unlawful , and alnco this stntute does not confer the power on the court now to act ns herein sought , I announced that I saw nc right In the court to ordsr the writ of In junction. Hut , as the point was a new one ns counsel urging It were nppnrcntly sincere In the belief that the point they were urglnp was sound , I stated thnt I would not ordci the writ ex parte , I would set n day foi hearing the application ( which I declined tc grant ex pnrte ) nnd would meanwhile Issue a restraining order , which would not seri ously nfl'ect the father or the son. Thi father was selling the goods nt retail nt th < country store whcro the son hnd done busi ness nnd hnd placed the notes , accounts etc. , In the hands of attorneys for collection I therefore Issued a restraining order , re straining the father from Incumberlng tht goods , or selling or disposing of them othei than In the usunl course of retail as gener ally pursued In such stores , nnd restrnlnlnf the father nnd attorneys from selling or col lecting notes , nccount * . etc. , except ns tin procecdu were deposited In a dcslgnntct bank , until nppllcntlon should be henrd This did not Interfere with the usual coursi of business , etc. , but preserved the nsseti during the very brief period until nppllcattoi could bo henrd with both parties repro Bcnted. Hut I advised counsel applying fo ; writ that , unless my mind was brought ti n different conclusion , the application wouli bo refused , nnd thnt I now granted time enl ; because of the numerous other points , Hi Importance as n precedent In this district and becnupo thus I could tnko time for it mature consideration and meanwhile preserve serve matters In stain quo without dctrlmen to cither party to the action. Upon servlci of notice of time of hearing un nmlcnble nr rangement was had , as I am Informed whereby the conveyance to the father wa to hiivo the effect of an assignment for th benefit of the creditors generally , and th' ' matter did not again come before mo. Wanted Several carriers for routes 01 Dally Hee. Young men , ranging from 10 t < 20 years , preferred. Should have horse o wheel. Apply nt lice ofllce , Council niuiTd. To please our friends and patronsi we wll continue our give-away sheet music sale at 10 cents per copy for anything we hav In stock , vocal or Instrumental , for one wee ] more. Wo also offer for this week only nn of our 50 cent folios for 25 cents. What I our loss will be your gain. Call enrl Mueller Piano & Organ company , 103 Mai : street. O. C. I3ro\vn used Cole's Hot DIast heate last winter. CITY OOKS 0A CASH IIA.SIi AVI1I I'ny Out < hp Police Funil nn I.on ItN it IllntN , Commencing this month the city govern ment will run on a cosh basis , and wll continue to bo so run as long as the bnl ance In the police fund Is sumclent to nice the current expenses. For the first tim < In several months employes of the city , In eluding the members of the police nnd fir departments , will receive their snlarie practically In cash. That Is to pay the ; will bo paid In warrants on the police funi Instead of the general fund , ns heretofore The money ! n the former fund cnn be pnli out by Citj Treasurer Reed while the gen ernl fund , ns is well known , hns bee : tied \ip owing to the Injunction suit brough ar.alnst the the city by Attorney J. J. Shea The new nrrnnsement Is the result of th ordinance Introduced by Alderman Chris tensen , which provides "that the city conn ell may nt the time of allowing bills fo the current , ordinary nnd necessary ex penses , of sold city , order the Bamo pali by warrants drawn upon the police fund which warrants shall bo paid out of th police fund established by the ordinance of the city. " At the city council meeting next Mon day night , when the usual grist of bills am salary HsU for the preceding month com up a resolution will bo adopted authorlz Ing City Auditor Evans to drnw the wnr rants for them on the police Instead of th general fund , as heretofore. Holders o these warrants can then go nt once to ih city treasurer nnd secure the cash , whicl will bo a condition of affairs most satlsfac tory to all concerned. How long the city will bo able to con duct Its business on a cash basis Is un certain , but It is estimated the police func will supply the necessary money for thi next thrco months at least. Hy thnt tlnr It Is hoped that the pending litigation wll bo decided and that the warrants drnwi on the general fund will once more find i ready market nt n slight discount. The pollen fund during the year average : In the neighborhood of $32.000 , and Is de rived from all licenses , fines , pcnaltlei and forfeitures , together with nl taxes received by renfon of the mule law , whether the same bo paid directly t the city by the taxpayers or received by th city from the county treasurer ns such mule law taxes. The balance in the police fun nt present Is in round figures $14,000 an the current bills nnd salary list of em ployes nnd city officers for the procedln month , warrants for which will bo drnw : on the fund next Monday night , will amoun to between $3,000 and $ G,000. Thus It wll readily be seen thnt the police fund wll bo exhausted nt the end of three months The current expenses of the city govern ment average close on JG.OOO per month The pay roll of the fire department amount to about $1,1.10 while that of the police de partment Is $1,250. The engineer's depart ment costs $150 a month to run nnd th sewer department $100. Exclusive of th salary of the etreet commlbsloner , which I ? Gr > a month , the- cost of maintaining tin department of streets nnd nlleys amount to $400 per month. The cost to the city fo electric lighting each month Is $925. The average monthly salary list ot tin different city ofllcers amounts to $930 pc month , but of this only $ CG6 Is paid by thi month. The salary of the Judge of th' ' police court , which to $1,000 per annum Is paid half yearly on July 1 and October 1 The police judge Is nlso paid $1,000 n yea as Judge of the superior court by the county The salary of the city physician Is $250 pe annum nnd Is paid quarterly , as are tin salaries of the aldermen , who ; each recelv $2iO a year for their services. The salarie of nil other city otllclals are paid by th month. In addition to paying the salnrle from the police fund , the ordinance permit thr council to authorize the payment of nl current bills from this fund , Instead n from the general fund ns heretofore nnd till \\111 bo done as long as the cash holds out Wanted Girl for general housework. Ap pl > 102S Fourth avenue. Mrs. G. C. Wise. Part 2 of The Ilec's photogravures of thi exposition Is now ready and can be had a the Council IllufTs olllcp. DofrnillllilH Auli Itcillnx ill. The defendants In the damage suit o Mrs. Martha Doucher , administrator of th estate of Hiram Boucher , against the re celvers of the Union Pacific Hallway com pany , have filed a petition for the remova of the case to the Western division of th Vnlied States circuit court for the Southori district of low a. As grounds for the transfer for the defendants set up that the auioun sued for Is In excess of $2,000 nml that they nro not residents or rlllzcns of tbo state of Iowa nml further thnt the Union Pa- cine Hnllrrvul cempany Is organized under the laws of Utnh. In this case Mrs. Uouehcr sues for $10- 000 damages for I ho death of her husband , who was a switchman In the employ of the Union Pacific nml whoso death the plaintiff nllegcs was the result of negligence on the pnrt of the defendants. Arrritnil on n Scrloun M. A. Illodgctt , whoso papers show him to bo the manager of the Western School Sup ply house of DCS Molncs , IB In custody nt the city jail with the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses booked against him. No Information could bo obtained last night when the arrest was made as to whom the complaint was filed by. lllodgott has been In the city for the last throe weeks and has been stopping at the Ogden hotel. Little Is known of him ex cept that he has been patronizing the gam bling rooms and Is thought to have come out at the wrong end after his contest with the tiger. A few days ago ho Induced County Superintendent of Schools Prof. W. 11. Saw yer to endorse a draft for him drawn or the house In DCS Molncs. As the profcssoi has not heard to the contrary the supposi tion Is the draft was honored. Yesterday afternoon Hlodgett Induced Prof. S. W Paulson of the Iowa Business college to endorse - dorso a draft for $75 on the house In DC : Molnes , which ho got cashed at Officer fi Pusey's bank. A few minutes later Prof Paulson became suspicious that all mlghl not be right and changed his mind nboul going security for a. stranger , so ho askei Ulodgctt for the return of the money am handed It back to the bank and erased hli endorsement from the draft. All the Information obtainable at pollc < j headquarters last night was that Dlodget I was being held on complaint of an Oman ; party , but lilodgett himself says ho has no been In Omaha for the past three years ex cept to visit the exposition one day. Kir i' lciiirnifMt ( lias Two Hull PI. The lire department was called out twice yesterday to extinguish burning grass , the flames from which had communicated wltli the adjoining plank sidewalks. The firs I call was shortly before 11 o'clock In the morning , when a still alarm took the de partment to Twelfth avenue nnd Main 1 street , right in the heart of the implemenl district , where the dry grass hod caught fire from n spark from an engine and the sidewalk was in llames. I Close to S o'clock the department was i called out to Fourth avenue , betweer i fourteenth nnd Fifteenth streets , where tht . grass in the vacant lots on which formcrlj stood the old Stewart packing house was i burning briskly. The flames had com municated to the sidewalk , eome 350 feel of which had to bo ripped up before thi fire was finally extinguished. The fire ii supposed to have been started by trampi who were camped In the vacant lot. Iami for Prnlnililo Itallronil 1'ncfl. A deed conveying 374 acres of land fror L. P. Judson nnd wife to William Baird c Omaha was filed for record yesterday in th olilce of the county recorder. The consld | cratlon is named at $14,273.00. The land 1 j situated north of the city along the rive nnd Is believed to 'have ' been purchased b Dalrd for sorno railroad , probably the Chicago cage Great Western , that is seeking an Inle Into Omaha. A largo portion of the land I the vicinity of the Judson property is belli held on option by parties , which give credence to tlio rumor that some railroad 1 contemplating building to the Bluffs in th near future. By some it is thought that I Is the Illinois Central that is figuring o building through Into Omaha , The North western is also looking for land in the vlcln Ity of itho Driving park for the purpose c extending Its switching yards. Prof. A. T. Wlttlck , ihe specialist upo the Crown piano with the orchestral at tnchmcnt , will give exhibits at Bourlclus Music House , Friday from 10 to 11 , 4 to nnd 7:30 : to1 8:30. : Imitations of zlthei guitar , piccolo , Italian harp , mandolin , an tohurp , banjo , chimes of bells with dtstan organ cITccts , music box , xylophone , bag pipes , mandolin and guitar orchestra , eti Free seats. Everybody invited , 323 Broad way , where the organ sirnds upon the build Ing. The Evans laundry Is the leader In fin work for both rolor and finish. 520 Peal street. 'Phone 280. M.illVt I * Foil ml. Word was received by the police here yes terday that Wallace B. Moffet , the superln tendent of the public schools at Lenox , la whoso disappearance was noted Thursda ; returned yesterday morning to the homo t Ills brcther-ln-law , H. W. Spaldlng , at CC South Fortieth street , Omaha , Sir. Spalc ] ing , accompanied by another relative of th missing man , came to Council Bluffs yes terday morning for the purpose of makln a more extended nnd systematic search fc Moffet nnd were at the police station who a telephone message was received froi Omaha announcing that h had shown up a right. As far as could bo learned IMofTc declined to glvo any account of his where ahouts Blnco reaching Council Blufl Wednesday afternoon. Hi-ill Kxtiiti * Trmmfei-H. The following transfers wore filed yestet day In the abstract , title and loan olilce c J. W. Squire , 101 Pearl street : Anna M. Uosonbcrry and husband to H. A. Trobough. lot 13 , block 2 , Gates' add to Oakland , w d $ 21 J. H. rjol'f , unmd , to Snrnh Jane Goff , 9 ncroa In lot 5 and nubdlv se > i mvU 12-75-10 , w d 4 ! Rlelmrd Green , trustee , to Dorla K. Mr Donald , lot 1 and n1 ot lot 2 , block "D. " Curtis & Ramsey H udd , Council muffs , w d 4,3 : State Savings bank to Peter Kief , n'X- nw'/i 2J-7G-)4 , w d 1CC District township of Crescent to Fred I Miller , aero in 15-7(5-11. ( w (1 I 1 John Sides and wife to Kdwnrd Dodd- ler , part of ne',4 sw'.i 215-75-10 , w d. . . . 10 I i Six transfers , totnl $0,70 ' Civil Scrvlc-o i\iiiiillintloiiN. 1 The following have filed applications foi I examination under the civil service for ap- I polntments in the postal service : Fo : clerks Guy II. Jameson , Bertha A. Wack Mary S. Blanchard , Carrlo I * . Aten , Mae Hhodea , Clara M. Kracht. Fred C. Parsons Council Bluffs ; Nettle B. Cadwell , Carrie , I * Caldwcll , Coin , la. For carriers- Charles C. Bock , Clarence E. Weaver , Johi , W. 1'etcreon. H. W. Frohardt , Charles M 1 Miller. Harry W. Lewis , Edward D. Dod- son , all of Council Bluffs , and John E I Snlhten of Jefferson , la. The examination ! i will be held some time between Octobei I 1 and 15. loirn XtMl \otoH. . Around Iowa Falls 2-year-old steers nr ! selling at $45 per head. I Dr. L. K. Garfleld of Algona , a pioneer li i Iowa politics , Is dead. Tracr's now national bank has begun busl ness with $100,000 capital. The portrait company swindle la helm worked hard In western Iowa towns. A largo chapter of the Daughters of th American Revolution has been organized a Waterloo. Sarah McMillan of Marshnlltown , i pioneer of Iowa who had nearly reached th hundred-year mark , is dead. W. F. Brannun of Muscatluo In the oldcs district judge In the mate. Ho has heli ofh > e for twenty-two years In the same dls trlct. Two soldiers who were having n goo < times nt Dca Molnes after their rougl Bcrvlco at Santiago defied the wholn pollc force , nnd were not arrested until ten met attacked them. Banner bill of tlic season , commencing Sunday Matinee , August 28th : ArillStrOllg 6C O'Neill Burlesque boxing sketch , entitled "Flin in a Gymnasium" Logreiia , Koyal Conjurer. BrOOkS & sketch , ' -Reprieved/ Floyd in the lauprlmblo military sketchReprieved Arlllie Wyatt latest Coon Songs. MlSS Coilliailtell our Petite Sobrctto. AH Zada Hindoo Magician. Boat race on Thursday afternoon and swimming races Saturday afternoon , open to all comers , Forward entrance to Col. Reed , Lake Manawa. Special attention given to Picnic Parties. Plenty of shade , fishing , boating and swimming. Admission to Grounds and Pavilion lOc. I FURLOUGHS OF THIRTY DAYS What Men of Fiftieth and Fifty-Second Iowa Will Got. FIRST DEATH OCCURS AT CAMP M'KINLEY ' I'rlvnlc Jjnnc of Company I > " , from AlRoiin , DlcN Siiililciily I llnttcrlex Will .Start Home Monday. DES MO1NES , Sept 2. ( Specinl Tele gram. ) It has been decided that the Fifty- second , and the Fiftieth when It arrives probably next Monday or Tuesday , shall bo given n furlough of thirty days. The mon will be on regular pay with 25 cents additional for rations The furlough maybe bo extended to sixty days. Colonel Hum phreys 'thinks the men may get off to their homes by a week from today. The first of the deaths occurred at Camp McKlnley at 2 o'clock this afternoon In the person of Clarence Lane , a private In Com pany P , from Algona. Lane was nn occu pant of the Hed Cross hospital , but died of heart failure. He ate a good breakfast this morning nnd seemed to bo getting along nicely. About 2 o'clock he roused up In bed 'to ' get a drink of Ice water and fell back gently and breathed his last. This makes the nineteenth death for the Fifty- second Iowa. The Fifth nnd Sixth batteries ot Iowa Light artillery will finish mustering out and start homo Monday. Their pay roll has been sent to Omaha nnd the men will be paid Monday morning. It was not neces sary to examine many of the men In either of the batteries. They were all willing to go uncxnmined , testifying that they had re ceived no disabilities nor contracted any diseases , which would be sufficient grounds for a pension. A few men In each com pany only were examined. Captain Long of the Burlington battery staled that his men would be anxious to bo transferred to the Fifty-first Iowa , but ho considered this hopeless. "When wo re turn to Burlington I hnvo been given good assurances that we will become a national guard battery and be given n good armory on the levco by the citizens of Burlington , " said he. Tulip ( lie Nufc'N COII < PII < N. WEBSTER CITY. la. , Sept. 2. ( Special. ) The boldest robbery that cvor occurred In this city took place W.cdnasday nftcrnooa. Dr. Mcdberry , n druggist , was robbed of J460 In cash. The fitoro wai full of cus tomers and the druggist and his daughter , who were waiting on the trade , did not notice anyone In the neighborhood of the safe. The big Iron safe stands alircst next to a door which forms the Uos Molnes street entrance nnd ns It Is a well traveled street It Is thought remarkable that no ono of thr many constantly passing saw the snak thief. The matter , as soon as the robbery waa discovered by Dr. Medbcrry , which was probably nn hour after It occurred , wna reported to Sheriff Sinclair. A neighboring merchant had called to act change for a $10 bill , as It waa known qult3 universally that Dr. Medbcrry always had money In hlo safe nnd made n practice of nsver depositIng - Ing until the amount saved reached In the neighborhood of $500. As soon as he went to the safe to get the change ho discovered every cent gone. The only possible clue of who might have done the work Is a man who entered the store a short time bcforu the robbery Is thought to have taken place and made a small purchase. The entile force of officers of the city have been Oe- talled to watch all trains that leave town and no suspicious characters will ho al lowed to go until they have been through the sweat box. l < Mva IiiNiiruniMIaoN. . DES M01NES , Sept. 2. ( Special. ) For the last two or three weeks there has been disaffection between fire Insurance men duo to the threatened overthrow of the Bennett rates , which provide nn uniform basis for companies of the state. The trouble began when It was learned that several companies had broken louse from the compact nnd surreptitiously cut their rates. This fact being promulgated set all the tire Insurance men In the city by their cnrs and their outcry has been loud nnd long. It Is said thnt should the Bennett bureau , which Is located In Cedar Rapids , bo undone by this local rupture , It will bo a long day before another compromise is elfccted. Some ot the larger agencies seem Indisposed to make any agreement nnd contend that they have to give up their entire commissions. In the meanwhile , the assured Is getting his build ings nnd property protected nt bargain figures. It Is hoped by Insurance men that the local managers who nro In Chicago at pres ent , will bring nbout some arrangement nc- j ceptable to all concerned. The continuation of the present state of affairs would bo critical to the fortunes of n number of companies. FiiHlon III Woinlliiiry County. SIOUX CITY. Sept. 2. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democrats , free silver republi cans and populists of Woodbury county have effectM ! fusion and hnvo decided upon a division of the ticket between the three parties. This action was taken at n meet ing of the party leaders In this city this afternoon. The democrats are to name can didates for county attorney ami county auditor , the populists to name candldatea for surveyor nnd recorder nnd the free silver Five Races Each Day , II. G. CHAPMAN , Manager. KKNKST H. HAVKRLY , Sec. GRAM ) HOTEL , COUNCIL HLU1TS , IOWA. Nonr Market. Will always be good property. Wo liavo for sale several Choice STOCK AM ) ( iUAIN farms in southwestern Town , Pottawattamie , Mills , Harrison and Monona counties at great bur- giiiiiH. If yon vr nil a farm write us full particulars or call at our office. FARM LOANS AT ( > per cent interest. City Property and Fruit Land for sale. DAY & HESS , COUNCIL BLUFFS - IOWA. GUPIBEME" , , . , , ThlB ( iruat Vogclslilo \ tulUer will quickly euro all narvous or dlnnasofl of tlio Kenunuire or- rans brought oti by youthful errorpi or OXCCBIVH. Htii'li an JXJHI Manhood , liisonnila , Siwrmatorrlioea , IJal i In Ilaulc. Evil Dteama , Si'unnal Kmle- nloiin. NiirvoiiH Ui-lilllly. IMmplcB , IK-ailacho , UnHiiirsB to Marry , Kx- naiiHtlnir IiraliiH. Varlcocnle uiul CoiiHtlpatlon. Stops lompH by day o * nlcht. I'revoiUiuuk-kni'ua of ( llspharuu. which Ji-aili to Kprrmntiirrliofa and Impot-jiicy. cionnscH the llvor. Ulilui'yH nurt urinary on.-atm or 11 and ArfBR IninurllloB. Strenctnrns aii't rostorus umall wcmk urzJiid. ilOUuliux , . . . 0 for.3.00. r.H.-ir.intoeil Stiml for frno cliiiular and 61)00 te.itl- monUU D YO ! Mi-dloluo Co. , Han Francisco , Cal. For nulo by ilcyera , Ulllou Urujr Co. Omaha , Kob. rcpubllcnns a , clerk of the courts. The county conventions will be held September I 14 and they will Join and Indorse the Chicago - ! cage and St. Louis platforms. \ Alii for ( lie Soldier * . CI3DAU UAPIDS , la. , Sept. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) An association to bo known ns the I'nrlor City Welcome committee hns been formed hero for the purpose of min istering to 'tho wants of sick and wounded soldiers ns they pass through the city on their return homo from the southern battle fields. The railroad companies will notify the members of the committee , who will visit every train carrying soldiers and care for them ns the occasion may demand. The work will bo kept up so long as the soldiers pass through here. Jiilllilriln < ; < ! AIVIIJ- . CRDAU HAPIUS , In. , Sept. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) Ocorgo Sherman , held in the county Jail for trial nt the October term of the district court for picking pockets nnd a crook known all over the country , escaped from jail early this morning by sawing the bars In the corridor window. Four local men , all held to await the action of the grand Jury , escaped with him. Si-iil t < > Prnltfiilnr > . FOUT nOIJOH. In. . Sept. : . ( Special. ) Charles Jaeger , nllns Murrny , and Ed Delawycr , two holdup men , were sentenced by Judge Hlrdsnll in 'this ' city today to three years each in Anamosa penitentiary. Just eight days ago the two men drugged and robbed William Wlemcr , a rich farmer who resides In Oreen county , of fGO. The cuso was ono of the quickest on record In this vicinity. SoliIliTN Si'HoiiNly III. SIOUX CITY , Sept. ' . ' . ( Special Tele gram. ) James Vanderpool , one of the members of the Fifty-second Iowa , and Will Shepard , another Boldler boy , are both In quite a serious condition. Ynndprpool has typhoid fever and Is very low , but Shep ard Is not so III. AVIII .Meet at Sioux Full * . CRDAIl UAPIDS , In. , Sept. 2. ( Special Telegram. ) The oflloers of the National Mutter nnd Creamery nssorlatlon held a meeting hero 'today nnd selected Sioux Falls ns the place of holding the next nnminl con- vetlon of the association. The inertlng will bo held the fourth week In January. IIMIH Kin-ill "Siilrx. Last year Iowa's agricultural products worn valued nt $200.000,000. In western Iowa potatoes by the carload sell for from 30 to 35 cents per bushel. Many farmers around Helnbeck nro losing many hogs from cholera. There Is 11 ccarelty of water In many sections of cen tral Iowa , to which fact IB attributed the spread of hoc cholera. | Iowa farmers have become tired of grow ing onions. This year the fruit ELS | | for ICBB than Ifi cents u bushel In some sectlunn and this will not pay for the gathering. T o ' years ngd ? l per bushel wis considered a fair price for onions nnd Iowa grows the finest varlity In the west. An old farmer ( if much experience In hog raising gives this reclpo ns a sure cure of hog ebolt'iu : Put n little buttermilk nnd eoda In the tiough with the slop. If thn swlnn refuuo to eat , pour a. llttlo noda nnd ! buttermilk down their throats. Tnlcu a j week feed a little green mustard nml corn. Inwa farms nro In great demand , especially FirmII farmu of from tlfty to sixty MTU. Ono Ucs Moltics commission linn has thirty nrdorc of eastern pcoplo for such bo'llra ' nf . land , for which they Ar < willing to puy the highest price. Western Iowa lands arc prc- ferred at present , though central Iowa has , long had the call In Iho eastern real estate : market. . t . . i BOW THEIR HEADS. Distributed by John G. Woodward & Co , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IS ! Al InurM lirlri-x. ( 'mnri-llft nf ntl KlnilN from 15l.n < l up. Mull orili-ri Illli-il fur iii-t I ml 11. Alt tliu leuil- IIIK lilali-N mill | inPIT. E. G. BARRETT , neil nml < ; < > ; : Ifn'j , ( ouncll IllufTx , la. tt WELCH TRANSFER LINE llciU'M'ii Ciniiirll Illull" nml Diiniliu , tales Hcnwinulile. Hatlnfnctlon 'Innran ! < ed. Coiuull liluif.s olilce. No. t > North Main troet. THe-phono 12V Omaha olllcu re. novcd to 32 Houth Fifteenth Htreot. Tele- liuno 1308. Connections made with Boutti Orrmh *