THE OMAHA DAILY 1M3K : SATtMtDAV , SUPTHAMIKK . 1808 , It 1 iCIAL NOTICE SI'I t VI IO\S AVAVIKII. 1 M'ERIKNf'ED younic man vvanu poHltlon , competent and * ni rgctli ! Al references. Address A3 , liee A M927 S * ANTED , noiltlon as manager of hotel In F' mo good town Rtiy nlot . good cxperl- nco , married Apply to box 40 * Oniwa , In . rtete salary. A-MS67 5 LADY , lt claw dressmaker , wants work In family , reasonable and good n f < r- m c Addrws A 2. Dec A-M961 ! IMRST CLASS D E bookkeeper und ac- < > 'infant ' Lady would like position l"lrt i luss rcfcrciiLCD Address A il. Hp | A-M9S3 C * POSITION by thoroughly competent olllre in in nnd bookkeepir , good references. Address A 19. lid' A-M'Jib 4 \Vri3ll MA 1.13 11131.1' . SALESMEN for dKiirs ; J125 a month and xpenses , old firm , experience unneces- ui > . C. C. Bishop fi. CO. St Louis , Mo. B-SM T\\n clothing salesmen wanted In Onmha mid one In earn county lit every ftate to tuko orders for our J500 to J1000 made-to- imasuro suits nnd overcoats , live men without experience can ninko { 1WQO per month ; of you wilt furnish satisfactory n ferenco we will furnish a complete sam ple line and outnt nnd start yon ut work Ht once Kor particulars address Amerl- ' m Woolen Mills Co , Enterprise llulld- IIIK Chicago. 11 M1W2 S-9' \v ANTED Active man ns manager cstnb- II lied ollli i business paying $1 S > yearly flenr , capital required , $250 120 N Y Life. B-1IU5-S-23 O men to learn barber trade , only 0 to s weeks required , we give our gradu ates employment till they receive in wages im much as they pay for tuition nnd ex- pt nses whllo If irnlng Ht Louis Uiirber College , Odd Fellows' Bldg , Cor Dodge nnd Hth , Omaha , Neb Prof 8 Randolph , Instructor B-M103S-9 YOPNO MEN our Illustrated catalogue ex plains how to Unrn barber tinde In eight wieUs , mailed free. Moler s Barber Col- It K" , St LoulH IJ ( ,9G S-2 * AVANTED , fin active man ns manager of 11 n established ofllco business paying } l SCO > early In Lincoln , capital required. $130. AddtusM Mnlinu'er , A 12 , Be ? U-M922 Oct 1 AVANTED , a few more bright yoUng men fnmi lown and Ncbr to prepare for the fall railway mnll service exninln itlons. ti golden opportunity. Address at oneo Interstate Corrcsponuenco Instltut" Cm- roll , la B-M9I2 ? AVANTED , reliable Baiesmen to Bell our lubricants and specialties , liberal com- mlKHlon or salary to good men The Cham pion Rcllnlng Co , Cleveland , Ohio 11 11363 8 ANTED good , reliable man with some < \l i rlenco t > work accident Insurance In Cimahii and vicinity , \ \ established \ \ , old line company , good contract to right party. Address A 15 , Hee. B-MOoJ ! A\HITE waiters wanted Market Catering Co Apply r. .1 Dally , Mgr , east end smith viaduct , lltst lloor B 874 2 AVANTED T > pew rltci , state salary and experience. A 18 , Dee U 973 AVANTED , young man , competent , book keeper and stenographer. Address A 17 , Uee IJ 97J 1 MAN Oil WOMAN of energy and business ability to travel for established llrm $30 u month nnd all expenses 1'V ZUglcr & . Co , 322 Ue irborn St , Chicago IN -MOiu 3 * KI3I.IAHLI3 men to tack advertising signs , $12 DO per Wfk and expenses , steady work , Bend 10c for post igo , wimple , dc Young Medlilno C'o , 2I2J N Colorado street , 1'hll.idelphla , 1'a B MD7D 3 \VAvri3n rmiAi.i ; 111:1,1- : . 100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $1 to $ week. Canadian Olllcc , 1522 Douglas C-S31 WANTI3D-150 girls. 1321 Dodge Tel S7fl. C-11511-Oct-JO WANTUD-A girl to work in kitchen at Dorau House. 422 S ISth St. C-t l J9M WI3I3KI.Y s-xlary explaining to fam ilies no\ol methods of Introducing house hold articles without cost to purchaser t , N Y Llfa lildg. C MCIG-S-23 GOOD cook. S. 13. Cor. Jones and ISth C MuiO WANT13D , competent girl for general housework. SOO 1'ark n\e. C 11911 S2 AVANTED Housekeeper , by widower with three boys , 7 , 9 nnd 11 years old Inquire of Carrier 19 , PostolIIce C 913 . ! GIRL for general housework. 2107 Spencer. C-1I9JS 3 GIRL wnntcd for general housework , fam ily of two , J3.00 per week. Mb N 42d St C-M923 3 PLEASANT home work for men or woman , day or evening , ffi to 515 weekly , no can vassing or experience needed , plain in structions nnd work mailed on applica tion Brazilian Mfg Co , New York City , C-M9J1 ! AVANTED , experienced cook ; also com petent second girl , good wages to both Apply to 23 Perln avenue , Council Bluffs C-M ls 4 AVANTED , competent girl for gener il housework. 3015 Chicago C 95J J * AVANTED , dining room girl. 1101 Dodge C M93S 4 AVAN'PED , girl for general housevvoik 52S South 2Uh. C M938 3 WANTI3D , 3 thoroughly experienced sales ladies who have had long experience in Helling crockery nnd glassware , apply be tween S and U a m only at notk ry de partment , no applicants received after 9 u m. People s Furnltuio Caipet Co. C-MUSO J run iti3vr CIIOIPI3 houses and cottages all over cltj , Jo to J73 KUelltj , llrst lloor , N Y L'fo. HOUSES. Benowa .t Co , 103 N 15th St. D-SoJ HOUSES , Htoies. Bemls , Pnxton block D 831 MOA'INO household goods nnd pianos Omaha Van i Storage Co , 1511VS rarnam. Tel 1559 D S33 rURNlTURE and leasehold of a 7 and 13- room modern Hat for sale , bargain , good location , rent low. Bemls Pa.xton block. D-45C A rEW COTTAGES. 430 Board TradeD D57 ! I'OK RENT Several good houses. 3 to 7 roonu. G. U Green , 23 Barker Block D-MI03 CHOICE Br. Hat , 120 S. 25 St. COl Bee Bldg BBNUWA'S resldenco to tfnt , 2230 Burt IJ-Mb3S TOR nCNT , S-room house , modern Im provements , gns. water , bath Apply 2uuO _ N. 23d St. D-MJJ3 3 * HOUSES ft stores rented & rents collected. John W. Bobbins. 1303 rartmm stDM937 13I.EOANT ten room brick , modern. Dr Swartzhinder , 2601 Capitol Ave D-919-7' lO-HOOM house all modern Improvements. 2109 Uouglns. Inquire next door D-1I957 A B13AUTHTL 4-room Hat , partly modern , cor 2Uh and Hamilton Ai > pl > Jils > Cnlil- well 1)-M9 > 3 roil ii\isiiii : ) NICKI.Y lurnlihed rooms. M10 Davenport. U-.MI07 _ _ _ 3 Nicn rooms , housekeeping. 1112 S. llth. 13-MUte _ _ rilUNISHKP rpoing , faclnK"exposTtTon KiounJif , board If desired. SSI I N seth St OOMS. tranilentc. SO up ; week. 2 up" 8U .V. 19tlu 13-.M779 S3 po lton , I ItMSIII ; ! ) HODMHM ) 110 VIII ) . [ I I HI'Ml'l ' .J S llth St , 111 O 1 r > fim K i" bath , lirsl \ \ * burl , n l' rwiRonnbk ] ' Mlou 8H THE BENKriT HOt'HnT slst and Plnkney ! M * , fifty dnlntlljr furnl ti l rooms , one- niiuare from th > Arch of the States , fcvpr > thlh * new and llrst clas , terms reasonable I' S6B TH1C iBmAllriit ctassfomUy hotel ZUIiond Dodge Sin T 560 TAKI5 down that "for sale1 or "for rent' fclKii In yonr vlndow The Bee reaches more people In a day tlmn will PBM jour j wlnrto.v In ft nmnth. and they consult 1 thtso columns when they want to buy or | I rent. r-SSi 3XPOSITION VISITORS. The Saratoga hotnl Europonn or American , Jt < H nnd up , adjoins the grounds , Sherman a\cnuo cnr line pnnies the hotino , summer resort style , families sollctcd. modern , cool , homelike : baths , fas , piano nnd library. Telephone' 1931 , double parlors , ham mocks , vast verandas , park seats In the street earn no dust Jolly people and eroiiuct Write or 'phono this minute , Bpeclal offer for those who do. r S61 iVANTKD board , n married couple no children , In private tamlly , eentraly located on AVest rarnam st Address A 5 Boa 1' SI7 S7 * 'OR RENT , nicely furnlslmd rooms with board If desired 211 N 23rd St 'OR RENT two south front rooms with board 17.2 Dodge St r-932-5 roit nr.vr t MM iiMsunn HOOMS. UIINISIU3D or unfurnished single or enstilteby daj or month. C21'i ' S nth 0-429-S19' roil iinvr Mioiins AMJ on-ricus. 'OR RENT Th3 4-story brick building at Dlfi rarnam St This building his a llru- proof cement ba ° ement , water on all Iloors gas , etc Apply at the olllce. of The Bee 1-910 DCSIC room G G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk , 1-533 NIC13 store. Corner 21th and Hamilton Ap ply 251S Caldvvcll 1-M4S3 roil BENT a good barn box stall eheip 11)02 ) Cass st 1 MJ40 IN U S Nat 1 Bk Bldg Inq COl Bee Bldg. 'OR RENT , part of store III South Omaha , next to postolllce , suitable for tea and lolTeo or Jewilry Inquire on premises or 131S rarnam 1 119IS S2 AGENTS and bnnch managers , Hilary or commission. Hunter Tailoring Co , Cin cinnati. O. J M947 Oct-11" AGENTS WantPd "Our Naval War with Spain , " complete book , including terms of peace , icidy September 1st 70ii pages , Illustrated , outllt fico Address National 1'ub. Co , Lakeside bldg , Chicago J-M70C S3 * iVOENTS. > on can make big money taking orders for our ladles' and gents' mat kin- toshes , established twelve \eira , rclla- blllt > guaranteed , wn sell only through agents , buv at headqu irters send tor terms I'on Bubber Co , Washington fctreet , Boston , Mass J 11979 3 * bl'OUAGn. Storage nnd Warehouse Co , 903- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. M-531 OM \ an & . btoragc , 1511 > i Farnam. Tel 1559 M-592 AVANTUI1 TO 1IU\ . II1" YOU are In need of anv thing try the Want Columns of The Bee , thev will bring jou what you want. N ibl OWNEBS wishing to sell their property should list with us , hav numerous Inqui ries for cheap homes. Bvron Heed Co N-207 S11 BEST HOME , $2,000 will buy on easy terms Mall full descriptions. X Cl Btu. N-11731 2ND-1IAND blcjcles. Omaha Bicycle Co. N-M764 WANTED to buy , pigs and cow , and pay in painting and paper hanging C Comp- ton. care tD. . Wead , IGth and Douglas streets. N M907 SB WANTED To buy gentle horse , weight nbout 1 100 must bo gentlB so lady can drive Call Philadelphia. Dental Honms , IGth and Dodge Sts N-)70 ) J THE BEST HOME , J2 000 will buy on easy terms I am no agent. X 01 , BerNM751 N--M751 rou b vi.i : r CHICAGO rurnlturo Co will sell furnlturo and stoves below cost , cot beds , 7"ic ; mattrei-scs , OOc , pillows , 20c. I40S-10 Dodgo. 0-M831 S5 roil SALE , furniture of a 10-room house ; all now , sell cheap A 10 , Bee.O . O M940 7 J'OK .S VI.I3 UOHSI3S VEHICLES all kinds Prices greatly re- diiicd , phactonettes , stirrles , special bar gains. Craw fold Co , 1311 JonesP1I7S2 P-1I7S2 S2 I'OH SALE , horse , buggy , harness 2JW N 19 P 919 S-30 * PA IK black , aged mares , up drivers , sound , fatnllv horses , also fresh cown and sprlng- eis See Dr. Turner at 5 o'clock , 1326 Bo. 21th St P-911-J * roil SALE cheap , roan gelding , weight lojiO ago 7 , bound 1127 N 17th. P MJuO 4' rou SAM : : ibci3i.i.Avuoui : > . LABGEST stock hardwood lumber , bog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Olma K Lee , Uth and Douglas Q 593 HOG. poultry and law'n fences , nil vvro , is btat Wire Works , 14th and Hainey 10598 B HAAS , riorist , 1813 A'inton St , Tel 77C , plants cut Dowers , bouquets , hall , resl denco , wedding and ginve decorations. Orders by mull or express promptly lllled. Q-79i > B CAHN nnd alto Calm cornot. Marowltz , 41S N. IClh. Q-f.53- roil SALE , ten 11 I PANS for 5 cents at druggists , one gives relief Q 094 I HAVE 2 llcmlngton typewriters tint I will sell cheap. l"rnnk E. Moorcs , City Hall. U-Mo 100 KINDS mineral waters Sherman & Mi Council Drug Co , 1513 Dodge St , Omaha. Q-1I3S9 SIS roil SALE , rellablo patent for state of Nebraska. Address A , Bee olllce , Council Bluffs Q-G13 l'0ll HALE , St Louis flro brick , $11 00 per M Wm J. Welshans. 'Phone 2J7 Q-M593 11ABGAINS in good second hand surrejs , phaetons , concords nnd end spring , top buggies at A J. Simpson's , 1409 Dodge St. Q 139 STAMPS coins , bought , sold Mortenson , 401 N IGth Q-MSH S30 ) oung 20-quart cow , ir ide Holsteln , also nko llttlo famllv tow grade Jertev , gn. it barcalns 1'ranK. Hart 53rd and Centtr Sts Q-913-S-G TWENTY-riA'E cents will buy the latest publltatlon Illustrating the IT S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc ; almost 2uO photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and West Indies at the olllro of The Bee If or- dared by mall , address Na\y Photograph Department. Omaha Bee H S70 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co , cleans cesspools & privy vaults C21 N 10 Tel 1779. II-M512 S20 WANTED-Slx teams to haul brick In- oulre at brlt k > ard , 2Ulh and V streets , South Om ilia B 91S S-2 TAILOBS , attend Djhr'a cutting school. BU S U 9S4 Dee 2 TAII.OItlMi. MAX Foeel maUes , cleans , topalrs clothes. 307 S. 17th. 119-S-3 JOIJ YOUSEN , the tailor. Boyd's Thnater jlovcjy suits 11 $ ; clothes cleaned ntnl tl at most reasonable price * : work for and delivered. Tjj l i C 1,1III\O1 MRNNA forlunp trll'-r IS yr In Omaha , 1 ujt. pri'itui and tutiire tin H Miinl t " . 7 81V " MHH FRITclilrvoynnt ! , SOS N H-AH an St.MR aYLMKH , nature's ttu palmlct , 1006 Dodge St S-M7SZ S.I MILTON , th * medium , holds another seantn tonUht at Patterson hall , I'armun * 17th , Kt 8 o t Innk Collei'tlon M rt No oclf iiralse neces ur > , If vou want to hi or ami stf one of the womUra of the i HII- turv Private sittings dnllv on all affairs of life nnd bu'lness heallnit of nil ills- eases without th nld of medlrlne Hours , V a m to S P m , open Sundav 1BJ.1 Dodtte. rrir 17th S-.M9X7 4 M VTII < * . inc. BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203 Doug. Bl ! < T-l.'a-S-9 MASSAGE and baths ; ladles nnd gentle men , magnetic treatment M Brls on , _ ! ? ! _ _ _ _ T-M315 815 * LAU1 IA ILL1SON , baths , massage and magnetic treatment. 119 N 16th room IJ , upstairs. T 161-S20 * 1IHS. DIl. LEON , electla massugo bath parlors , restful and curative 417 S 11 , upstairs. T-MS09 SI * MADAME SMITH , 118 North 13th str'et , mnsungo nnd biths , room 2 T SI9-S-5 * BEATRICE HARLOW , elegant new mfls- sago tub , Egyptian treatment 1701 Loav- enworth AttenOant T 11024 7 * 1IME AMES , 507 S 13 , room 10 , massage , baths T-9.11-7' VIAVI CO , 016 Bee building U-597 $ ! 0 Ta'pft'TuTciirtSur7oT30 No detention from business , oeuis in Omabn Caller or writ * for circulars Emplru Bupturu Cure , 93J-933 New York Llfo bldg , Omaha. Neb U 59S PILES cured in 7 to 10 days , without pain ; one treatment docs the work , call or pend for tlrciilnrs The Empire Pile Cure , 932 New York Llfo building , Omaha U-1I9I9 A LABGE Mip of the World , one of Cuba nnd nnothi r of the entire West indies , showing Cuba , Porto Blco , Hnvtl , San Domltmo. Mai Unique and all the other West Indian Islands. 10 i ents , at The Bee olllce Bj mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept , Omaha Bee. U-S68 PBIVATi : hospital for ladles before and during confinement Babies adopted Ex perienced phvsitlnn In attendance 1136 N 17 ht , Omaha U Mlbl Sll HOW to become lawful physicians , lnw- vers dentists or pharmacists lock box 190 , Chicago U-1I7G3 A6' DOCTORS If jou nave money , brains and enterprise , but few patients , I may help > ou Wrlto to X 21. Bee U M9S6 PBIVAIE hospital , babl-s adopted , con- llnement cases taken Mrs Bitter , 2J14 Stwartl , tel 2231 U M330 S16 MABBIED ladles should send 10 cento for \aluablo secrets. Box. 321. Omaha U-1IC01 S23 * THE Omaha Social club Introduces strang ers nnd makes them at home , furnishes correspondence Call or address , with stamp. II 2 , 5JO S. Uth. Allle Turnov , mgr. U-M1S1 SU LADIES' Bath Parlors , 220 Boo Bldg. Cabinet treatments $1 , electrical baths 50c. Tele-phone 1710. U 11133 MISS MAYEB , leading chiropodist , mani cure , 400 Paxton blk , has reduced prli es on account of expo \lsltors , manicure , 3oe ; shampoiolng , 33c , foot treatments , half price , with directions how to effect a permanent cure. Infallible foot powder positively cures odorous perspiration and tender feet. U MS23 S29 SHOES soled nnd heeled , 50c 710 N Ifith U 11900 S30 ATTEND THE BEST SCIIOpL It will pay > ou to go a , few miles further , If need be , to reach It Send for a catalogue of The Cipltal City Commercial College nnd The Capital City School of Short hand Addrehs Mchnn & MeCaulev , Des Mollies , la U M9S1 3 A BABY BOY for adoption. 1107 N 2flth street U 11977 5 * MOM3Y TO LOAa IIU VL I3s FAT13. WANTED , choice farm and city loans H C Peters & . Co , U. S Nafl Bank Bldg. AV MB $100 000 00 special fund to loan on llrat-class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company \ \ - < ,03 per cent money. Bemls , Pa\ton Blk. \V-ooi Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on Improved property W , rarnnm Smith & Co , 1320 rarnam St. W-603 6 PEIl cent city and farm loans. Garvln Bros , 1613 rarnam St. AV CW ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co , SIS N Y L , quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , East ern Nebraska. W 007 MONEY to loin on Improved Omaha real Cbtatc. Brennnn-Lovc Co , 219 S loth W-C03 THE UNION LIFE IUSUBANCD COM PANY of Omaha , Neb , ha i money to lend on Improved farming lands Over Commercial National Bank , lljth and rar nam Sts. AV-963-S-7 REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers nnd promoters should write for circular. In vestors' Directory Co , New YorkAV99 AV-99 : MORTGAGES. AVallace , 213 Brown block. \\-M731 TO LOAN $273 on Improved real estate security nt 8 per cent. Address Y 33 , Bee. AV-655 MOM3Y TO T.OVN CIIATTKI.fc. $10 TO $10000 10 LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUKNITUBE AND PIA NOS HOUSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES. A\ABFHOUSE RECE1P1S. etc , ut lowc-it rates in Omaha , South Onmha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods , ttrlUly eontldentlal , you can pay the loan off at any time or in any amounts OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO , 306 SOUTH 16TII. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONIA IN- OOIIPOKATISD LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA X-6U9 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies , planns , furniture , warehouse lucrlpts , Jew eh v , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green , room 8 , Barker B1K X Mllu DIAMOND loan office , 1115 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc , sold cheap. 445-3-20 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security , easy pajments. Tolman R 706. N Y Life bldg X-610 cn WILL erect building on lot 60x150 on 2Ith St . So Omaha , Neb , across from the new postollUe , for any tlrst class busi ness , r. J. Lew is , room No 22 , Warn Bl k Y 113-SJ PRINTING , Quick , clean , cheap 1010 Cu&s Y 1170-826 ir YOU want to buy. Hfll , trade or rent anything call room 512 Brown block Y-MS3J SC roit II' YOUR mortrago Is due I will trade clear lot for equity X 4o , Bee 55-200-S13 EO-ACRE inrm , well Improved , a pleasant home adjoining a good railroad town , the \ery best of soil , will exchange for nil Omaha residence , a rare chance M J. Kcnmird & Son , 310 Brown Blk / 6S2 GOOD Illinois land nnd city property with nome cash for stock hardware In eastern Neb A It , Beo. 74 M955 4 I'OH VI,13 1113I. . 13STVTI3. HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , ulsc flio Insurance. Bemls , I'axton Block RE-SSC HAVE Jim t-omo lots to sell' Now Is the time to dispose of them , let the people I know that jou want to dlgposo of them. The Bee reaches the people who have thq money. RE-56S , J160.M FOR /nil-sized lota on electric car line. J. N. Krenzer , opp , old P , o I RE-SS7 roil vu-itr : , ixrvii : . If'oll I uied 1 1 i'lt HAL ) ' di flruhle r > std > n < t > lolK , ll\ I' ' In il 'it ( la * * 1m itl n. ( n mlnutis w ilk fruin court houe , cheap fur i.i h AildreM O 61. Hff RE-W ts . $8,000 ; line corner lot Addro s lOlil Chlc-BEo st. UKMW9 SS * TO llt'Y or sell houm-s , loin or lands Call on J W. Bobbins , iv > 2 rarnnmHI3MTM HI3-MTM "BEArTirt'L CLrTON HTLL' ' 100 nice cnttago homes fur sale to men of "moderate means ' on easy terms and to men of ' limited iiumm small cash pay ment only required To the man -Mill money who rents a home "cash talks" A P Tukey. Board of Trade RE 7S2 l.OSI. LOST , gents pold wateh , made by James Kuhn , No 10100. left In closet nt Union Paelilc depot , liberal reward for return to U P ticket olllce LOST 799 LOST This morning , fox terrier dog , brown spots , with collar tntf Is mlcsing If Under will return to owner , 627 South .6th Ave , will ba rewarded LoRt-917-3-2 * LOST , a three-months-old fox terrier puppy , ought to nnswer to immo "Nlbbs , " but don't , reward If returned to 121 North 31st ave. Lost 11911 3 * LOST , one Hunting cnso gold wateh Ini tials B R on case Liberal reward to Under A 22 , Bee Lpst-M9S9 4 LOST , nt the Markel roof garden , exposi tion grounds ladv s daggtr stickpin , set with diamond , reward for return to Mll- Inrd hotel Lost-11976 3 STRAYED or stolen , gravlsh and white row John Bures , 2flth and U St , South Omaha Lost 971 2 MIOUTIIA.M ) AMI TI'mVUITIMl. . A'-AN ' SANT'S school. 717 N. Y Life Thl school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. tlb A.T OMAHA Bus College , 16th & Douglas. SHORT-HAND , np-to-date. taught by couit reporters Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. ( .13 T1P13AVHIT13IIS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1 00 per month The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co , 16J3 Farnam St , Telephone 12S < 615 AVE rent and pell the best typewriters made , largest -stork of good supplies In Omaha United Typewriter and Supply Co , 1612 rnrnam st 113 SECOND-HAND Smith Premier nnd Rem ington typewriters , repairs for all mikes ; western agents for Williams typewriter. Dcrlght & Co , 1116 rarnam Tel S33 M 121 S19 Mnnit'At , . ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents M5S9 S23 n.\Y MJiisiJiiY rou n\iuns. THE DAY NURSERY for babies under 18 months of ago , is open every day nt the Child Savins Institute , 501 So ISth St. Experienced nurses are In ehargo and the best care and best foods are given , lead ing physic-Inns donate services when needed , mothers who wish to go out for work can leave their bibles U S22-S4 * M3COM ) IIAM1 AVE HANDLE the best furnlturo nnd moves highest market prices paid ; sold at small prollt. David Brodkey , 110 S. 14. M-166-Nov. 11 AVE will sell good woven wlro cots with mattress for $123. Lewis , 1414 Dodge 753-S27 THACICAiI3. YARD room , or storage with trackngo centrally located. Address box G2 , City. S96 H0l" > 13 1IOA 1311. AV. COY , removed to 1716 St Mary Ave Al t-TION. J R MAXCA" & CO , auctioneers , room 519 I'nxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo stock , etc. 93 1MUVATI3 HOSPITAL. DR LTEBER , cancers , female diseases , 1912 Leavenworth. M 117 Oct-19 SIJIMMMJ. . S II COLE , signs ; 705 S 27th. 211-3-13 STI3AOGIIVPII13IIS. AVE SOLICIT and furnish posltons for stenographers free The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co Telephone 12S1. S94 STATl' ' VIIA' . GONNELLA manufactures artistic stntu- nrv Inside ornamental work a specialty , 317 S. 10th. MW1 Nov-21 EAGLE Loan ofllce 1211 Douglas ; oldest established , most reliable , accommodat ing , business confidential , selling out $10- 00000 stock of unredeemed diamonds at big bargains. Mo Octl 1IIC\CM3 > . NEWwheels , $1760 to $23. 2nd hand wheels , $5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co , 16 & Chicago. C19 U9S $73 KENWOOD S-$29 M O Daxon life Co , 1419 Dodge , Omaha 11-9 2 4 HAHDAVOOIJ Il'MII3Il. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co , oak , hick ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 11 & Call 60S2I , SCHOOL 01' IJHI3SS CI'lTI.tC. LATEST tailor jstem , diplomas awarded Mrs Martin , general agent , teacher , 2238 Charles M-397-S-1S CUTTING and fitting school , U. S system. 1013 Douglus M-190-S-12 * STI3HI30 VMJ I3I,13rTHOT . PIMJ. H S STARK & . CO , 1110 Douglas S17-O-23 i OHSI3T1. ONLY corset made hav Ing wnlst line Room 10 , Crelghton Blk , 35th < t Douglas C7J-S-28 iii3PMiun. : C A CASE , \lollns repaired 4P1 Sheely block -23S-N14 r.i.KCTiio IM\TINO , A\ESTERN Plating Aorks 111' Dodge St. MS27-OU-29 Cbenp loita 1'iinnn tor Sulu In Madison county I have the cheapest and most desirable farms In BOH I hern Iowa Prices ranging from $20 to $3u per acre Come nnd ree them or send for list. Mention Omahi lite Address A AV. CRAAVroRD Wlnterset. la. A FARM TO EXCHANGE A Tnrm of ITO acres all smooth level land with fair buildings " 'v miles from Eldorado on the North Western Ry , nnd ! > miles fiom Sutton on the Burlington Ry , In Clay County , Neb , which has more acres of land In grain , this "oar , than a iy other county In the stnte see H'ate statistics for isss Price Ji.suo Also one of the best residence properties In Sntton. worth $3,000 nnd clear. AVe will exchange the above properties for a 7 or 8 room house In Omaha , with large grounds Northwestern part of the city preferred AVlll accept property well out , If near car line. G. W. Oarlock , : : ou bo. l.-.tli M. , Omnlm. ri IIM ii ni : iir.p vimsu. K \IUiViH fu ttltui * if sli p , > ' II ltn-\ H M 1 S i \i , mo. MISH BEYMEH , vocal ntudlo 512 Ki.rbu. . h bloik " * ri 2i I't VXIS 'I t NED. PIANOS tuiud J ] - > ii Rose 1'tfl -S9 * M \ oOHIv. . MASONNAuRK Jobber 13 II. alv , ls.2 Clalk Hirer t - ; 7-'S.V I" ! KM I t 1(13 ( P VC Kill ) . M. 8. WALK IN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel , nil S'tj OPTIC I L. 13YKS tested free Optlial Institute Shedy block. 9l Nov.W posiorncn .A ( Should bo read dally by all interesievl as changes may occur at any time ) rorelgn malls for the week ending Sep tember 3 , ls i Will close ( PROMPTIA In all cnscs ) nt the Gene-mi Postulllco as follows 'ARCELS POST MAILS dose one hour earllc-r than closing time shown below. TriuiN-AlliuitU * SATfRDAY-At 5 nm for EUROPE per s i > Liuanla , via Queenstown ( Ic'tters for rrame , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Portu gal , Turkey , Egypt and Brltlhh India. must be directed "per Liicinln 1 , nt 7 a m for niANCK SWlTiCEKLAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTfOAL , TURKEY , EGYPT and BIUTISH INDIA , per s s La Tourntne , via Havre ( letti rs tor other parts of Europe must bo directed "per La 'iourulnc ) , at ! > a m for NETHER LANDS dlreit per fl s. erketulam , via Kntlcrdam ( letters must be dirtitul 'in r Wcrkendam ' ) nt 9am for ITALY , p r s s i'uldti , via Naples ( letters must be directed ' per I'lilda ) , at 10 n in for SCOTLAND direct , per s s Ethiopia via Glasgow- ( letters must bo directed per Ethiopia ) , tit 10 TO a in for El 11OPL , per s s Pennl ind , via Southampton ( lit ters must be dlucted "per Pennl ind ) , at 11 a in for NORWAY direct per s s Norgo ( letters miut be directed per Norge" ) . _ After the closing of the Supplementary Transatlantic Malls named above addi tional supplementary malls me opened on the piers of the Anieikan EtinlNh , Krenrh and Gorman sic imers nnd icmiln open until within ten mlnute-s of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mulls for Smith ami Central America , AVcxt lmll.-.i , SATURDAY At 8 a m for BRAZIL , per s s G illleo , via Pernamtiui o , Bahl.t and Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil and La Plata Countries must be directed "per Galileo ) , at S a m for LA PLATA COUNTRIES direct , per s s Belhirdcn nt 9 30 a m ( supplenuntarv 1030 n m ) for ST THOMAS , ST CROIX LEE- AVAR D and AVINDWARD ISLANDS per s s Madlann , ( letters for Gienada , Tiln- Idad and Tobugo must be dlrecti d per Madlann' ) , nt 10 a in ( supplementary 10 30 a m ) for I'ORTUNE ISLAND JA MA1CA , SAVANILLA , GR13YTO\\ and COSTA RICA , per s s Altai , at 10 10 i in for HAITI , per s s Pi Ins AMIlim IV ( letters for A'ene uela. Curacao , Irlnidi 1 British and Dutch Guiana must bo di rected "per Priiis AVIIIem IV ) ut s 3o p in for NEWI-OUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney Mnlls for Newfoundland bv nil to Hall- fax , and thence bv steamer , i lei ( ut this ollleo dally at S CO p in Mulls for Ml- quelon , by rail to Boston , and tin m e by steamer , close at this ofllce dallv it s 10 p m Malls for Mexico City , overlxml , unless specially addressed for despitrh by steamer close at this olllce dally ut J to a. m and 2 30 p m 'Registi red mall closes at 6 00 p in previous day. Triinx-l'iicKle Malls for China , Japan nnd Hawaii , per s s Belgio ( from San rnnelsco ) , close hero dally up to August 2bth nt fi 30 p m Malls for Austialln ( except those for West Australia , which are forwarded vli Eu- topc ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , rijl and Samoan Islands , per s H Moana ( from San rianclsco ) , close here dally up to September ' 3d at 7 00 n m , 11 a m and C 30 p in ( or on ai rival at New Yolk of s s Utiurla with British malls for Australia ) Mills for China and Japan , per s s Empress of China ( from A'an- couver ) , close here dally up to September 3th at fi 30 p m Malls for China nnd Japan per s s Ohmpla ( from Tncomn ) , close hero dnllv up to September * i > th nt C 30 P m M ills for Australia ( except AVedt Australia ) , Now Zealand , Hawaii and rijl Islands per s B Mlowera ( from A'anconver ) , close here dally after Sep tember 3d nnd up to September * 13th at 6 30 p m Malls for the Soclnty Islands , per ship Tropic Bird ( from San 1'rancls- o ) , close hero dally up to September 21th at G 30 p. m. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is ai ranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Regis tered mail closes at 6 00 p m pr < vlous day. CORNELIUS VAN CoTT , Postmaster Postofnce. New York , N Y , Aug 21 ! , 1893 IIVII.WAY TIME CAIIU. BURLINGTON & Mis souri River Railroad ' The Burlington Burlington Route Gen eral Olllces N W Corner Route Tenth and rarnam Streets Ticket Otflie , 1502 I'arnam Street Telephone 250 De- pel , lentn and Mason btreets. Telephone Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:33 : am 9.35 am Lincoln , Denver , Colorado Utah , California , Black Hills , Montana & Puget bound . . . i 33 pm 4-00 pm Hastings Local . . 7 00 pm 7 40 pm Lincoln rnst Mall 2 55 pm * 11 40 am Denver , Colorado , Utah , Callfornl i and Puget bound. 11 50 pm Dally Dally except Sunday. "Exposition I'lyer" for St Joseph nnd St Louis 4 30 nm 12 05 pm Dnili rXRl.V PACiriC "THE Ovtrland Route" General OlHoes N AV Corner Ninth nnd Fnrnnm Streets city Ticket Ollleo , 1302 rnrnum Striet Telephone 316 De pot Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone C29. Lenv e. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited ' for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'ts 8.50 nm 4.13 pm Iho Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & nil Colorado p'ts. 11:55 : pm C:10 : am Tast Mall Train for Denver , bait Luke' . Pacific coast and all western points 4'3.-i pm 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice & Stromsburg Ex . 3.30 pm " 12:30 : pm Trcmont , Colum bus , Norfolk. Gr'd Island and North Platte 4 33 pm I H pm Columbus local. . 6.50 pm 9.10 am bouth Omaha Local Pass Leaves , b 15 n m , 7 00 a m ; 9 10 a. m . 3-05 p m. Ar rives , 10 30 a m. , 3 30 p m , G p m Council Bluffs Local Leaves C.40 a m : C 50 n in ; 7 40 a m . " 9.40 a in , ; 10.39 a. m : 12 30 p m ; 2 15 p m : 4 3) p. m ; 4 33 p in . 4 So p m , 6 55 p. m ; 8 20 p. in. Ar rives , 7 20 a. m , S.25 a m j 9 19 n. in. ; 11 30 a. m ; 3 06 p m ; " 3.30 p m ; 4:20 p m. ; C 40 p. m. ; 6.30 p. m ; 6W : p , in. ; 9.03 p. in ; II 5C p. m. Dally. Dally except Sunday. IIVH.WAY Tmn CAtttt. "it cut liiu il ) CHICAGO X NORTHfST - irn Hnllwnv City Td kel OMiri' . 1101 I-artmm Hlir t T.'li phone. Nil Depot - Sir. en ' 1 eli phi nc. f29 Leave. Arrive Dnvllsht Chicago ' 6 40 nm 11 55 pro Mo \ulley Sioux Itv St Pnul . . Minneaiiolls C 00 nm 10:43 : pm Mo \alley , Sioux CUV . . . 7.45 am 9 00 pm Benne , Dennlsan , Council Bluffs . . . 10.10 pm 10.03 nm Easte-rn Ex , Des Molnes , Mai shall- town , Cednr Rap- I Is and Chicago . 11:05 : am 4 10 pm Atlantic I'lver Chic - c igo nnd East 4 53 pm 4 20 pm 1'ast Mall. Chicago t > Omaha . 3 13 pm Northern Express . 5 " 0 pm S.40 nm I'm iha-Chliago Spe cial 6 53 pm 8 M nm Dillv riSEMONT. r.LKHORN & . Missouri Vnlli y Railway Oineral oillcpx , I'nl ed States Nation il Bank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth and r.irnam Streets Ticket Olllce , 1401 rarnnm Street Telephone , M Depot , 15th und \Nebstcr Strti-.t telephone 1 4 > s Leave , Arrive. Black HUM. Deadwood - wood HotSprlngx 1 3 00 pm 6 00 pm Wyoming , Casper , and Douglas 3.00 pin D 00 pm Hastings , York Da vid City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & Sew ard . " 3 00 pm 5 00 pm Norfolk , A'erdlgro and rrcmont 8:13 : nm MO 45 nm Lincoln , Wahoo & rrcmont " S 15 nm " 10.4S nm l'r < mont 1 CM nl . . . . " S 15 am A'ork Passi ncer * C 10 pm 9 10 nm Dnllv Dallv e'xcept Sunday Sun dny only * Dally except Saturday. siorx CITY s. PACiric Railroad General otllces I'nlted States National llanl < Building , S AV01 - tier Twelfth and rarnnm Tlrkct Olllce' , 14 1 rarnam Sire t e 3t.l Depot , Tenth nnd Mason btrectii le'luphone , 1 < JSLeave. Leave. Arrive liux C'tty , Min- kite , St 1'aul , 6 00 am S'10 nm 11 iineipoll" 5 o pm * lu ti | in li u\ City Loeul 7 13 am 9 00 pm Huily CHICAGO , ST PAUL. MIN- nenpolli & . Omaha Railway - Gi nerul Otllces , Nebraska Division , rifteentli and \\ebstcr Streets City- Tic l.ct Olllce , 1101 I'lirnnm Street Tclc- ptn ne 5fil Depot , 1'lfteenth nnd Wcbstel Streets Telephone , 1,45sLeave. Leave. Arrive Sioux Cltv Accom . h 50 nm S 35 pm Sioux City Accom " 9.30 am " 8.35 pin IS l.i i i. Emerson Sioux City , Ponc\ , Ilai tlngton a n d Rloomneld . . . " 1.00 pm " 11 5j nm Sioux City , Man- k ito , St Paul & Minneapolis C 00 pm 9 00 am Diulv Dillv except Sunday " Sun- d iv only Docs not stop at DeSota or Con in in MISSOURI PACiriC RAILroad - road General Olllces and 'Jli kit Otllce Southeast Cor ner llth and Douglas btreets Telephone , 101 Depot , 15th and Webster Sts Telephone Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Nob. Limited 1 3 03 pm 12 55 pm Kan * is City & . St 1 oiiis Express 9 30 pm C 00 am Nebiaska Lm nl 4 30 jmi 9.13 am Dilly Dilly except Sunday. Dally 'Dally ' except bui day OMAHA & bT LOUIS HAIL- road Omann , Kansas City & Eastern Railroad 'The Poll Arthur Route' Ticket Ofllco 1415 rarnam Stiuet Telephone - _ . phone 3J.1 Depot , Tenth and lason btreets Telephone d29. Leave. Arrive. St Lonls Cannon Ball Express . 4 33 pm * 11'30 am Xnn-iH City & cjiiliu y I 01 il 7 10 amEx 9 03 pm | Knns is City Ex- puss 7JO : am Port Aithur Ex press S.30 pm Diuy \V A B A S II RA1LROAD- Tlckct Olllce 1413 I'arnam Street Telephone , i'l. De pot , 'icnth and Mason Streets Telephone , 029 Leave. Arrive St Louis 'Canon ' Ball Expicss 4 30 pm 11 30 am Dall / IIMIA\AA' ' 1IMI3 CAItl ) . ( Ccnl'nuca ' ) ouiruio , ROCK i i AND A I'n tno Railroad Tlu Great Rock Island Route City Ticket Ulllre 1BJ I'lrnnni Street Telephotm 4 Depot Tenth and 11 i f > n Stroets. Teleplmna C. _ I enve Arrive. lift Alolnr s Inril „ , r. am " 11 2S atil Cht. a , i 1 \.r s . ] ! W nm " S 00 HID Cliii mo 1'ast Ex press , B 00 pill 1 J8 pin Jt St Piul 1 list Express - / press . . . . . , 5.00 pin " 11.26 me Lincoln , Colorado Spring * , Denver , Pueblo nnd Went . 1 30 pni 4 25 pin De Molnes , Rock Islnnd nnd Chi- ingo 7 15 pm S 30 pra Colorado I'lyer . . . . t ! 10 inn S.30 im Dally Dnlly except .Sunday. CHICAGO , MIMVAUKEE . > * * t Paul Railway Cltj ' 'li' ' 't omce. 1601 Pinmia Street , Telephone , 1 4 IV- Tentr and MIIPOH Telephone , I.J9 _ Leave Arrivis Chicago Li7nltcd Express . C 43 pm S 20 nm Omini .t Chit ago Express "H 00 am " 4 15 pill Sioux C'ty nnd Des Mollies I'xprias . . " 11 Ol nm " 4 15 pm Manilla Local . MO 00 pm " 9 15 nrt FARMERS WORKING AT NIGHT Evc-rixlt llt-iit In Soiidi UnUotii COIIK Iirln 4' miloii ( of Labor Ditrlnir ( Inln > . Hl'IlON , S 13 , Sept. 2 ( Special ) Till excessive heat that hns prevailed ovcl most of South Dakota cast of the Missouri river for the last week has Interrupted har vest nnd haying work somewhat. The earth Is very div anil hot and In some localities work In the open llelds had to bo mts- pcndeil during the mkhllo hours of the day. In this Itnnicdlato vicinity the click of the mowing machnc eoould bo hoard late Into the night , the clear sky nnd bright moon making snlllelcnt light for ( tils sort at well. , nnd the temperature being cool and plea .ant nfttr sundown. In the extreme western counties corn hns been so- rlously Injured In some localities by drouth and heat nnd considerable Is being cut for fodder , in eonio central and northern counties Into corn h not tilling well and much of It IB drying j up Most of the early corn Is safe from 1 frost Corn , millet and grass In most sec tions ncc'd rain Flnx harvest Is practicaljr ! llnlshcd und the yield nnd quality will bo Rood The enrly potato crop Is matured nnd the later planting IB fust ripening. Some thieshlng from stack has been done , but this wotk bo far has mostly been conlliiod to shock , the yield of wheat Is fjulto satlsfnetoiy , whllo the quillty IB fully up to expectation. In ronie cnscs the berry Is unusually largo nnd hnrd In localities where wheat suffoied cmly in the Benson from lack of moisture the yield is better limn anticipated , nnd taking the state over the crop Is lll.oly to e'xcicd early estimates , whllo the quality Is exceptionally good. Iron Jiidunti ) riiiurlMliliiK' . CHICAGO , Sept. 2 lion and Stool wilt say tomorrow The advance of from $1 to J3 per ton , which has been mndo on al most nil klmls of Iron anil stce-l product , lias not In any respect checked the volunui of business On the contrary , the activity Is grc.atc than ever iihout exception all hiaiichcn of the Iron and steel Industries urn In n most satisfactory condition .Mills tire dc'cllnliig business because they cnnnot mnkn dellvciks Railroads are ordering whatever lots of lails they can secure for this season's dcllveiy end nro heavy buyers of mndilncry nnd tools. Sildimi Old I LOUISVILLE , Ky . Sept 2 A spi-clnl to I the Post from Ilnnoilsburg , Ky , tuys i Wllllnm Morgan , a brother-in-law of Col onel Jack chlmi , the will known Blue Grass turfman , was shot twice In the breast nnd stabbed In the abdomen cmco by James Moberly this morning Morgan died shortly after There had been an old grudge bu- Uvocn the t\\o men , which culminated In a personal encounter Dully TrtiiMiir > Mud'nienl. WASHINGTON. Sept 2 Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows' Available cash balance , $296,518'il2 , gold re serve , $219,320.37. . BROADCLOTH < 30WN WITH PLOWCRUD MOIRU FROM HARPER'S OAZAR Broadcloth , which Is In gieat demand for early full costumes especially In ths various late cffeots of brown , Is the material of a handsome gown made up with rich ( lowered molro of new design. Whllo the outlines of many of the I'rench corsages nro more severe , there U much diversity In the varied fornfo of Jacket and fancy waists. Plastrons also , In great variety , arc continued The Jacket front of tulu gown laps far to the left Bide , where It Is fastened with three largo silver buttons In this Instance itho Jacket forms a portion of the vvalst , being sewn In with the shoulder and uuder-arm seams nnd opening over the ( lowered silk plastron The brocaded molro Is Introduced again , llko an inverted A' , Into the front of the skirt , which Is circular In form and IB banded with narrow hlaa foldu In Imitation of a shaped llounce , Its width nt 'the ' bottom being four nnd a half yards , The back may bo pleated or gathered. AVhlle many of the new skirts are made over u perfectly lltted fonudatlon. the circular models are usually lined throughout in order to preserve - servo their form bettor , The sleeve of this gown Illustrates ono of the newest designs , from which the epaulette has entirely disappeared. Two bias folds cross the close top. This gown IB taken from Harper's Uuzar and cut paper patterns can bo obtained from that paper. paper.Tho The lint of brown-tinted felt , rolling high from the face , la effectively trimmed with a cluster of roses and foliage. Quantity of material for goyn , dye and one-half ynnlu wool B2 Inches wide : on * and one-fourth yards Bills ,