r 30 THE OMATTA DAILY JJETJ : SAT Til DAY , SEPTEMBER n , 1898. COMMERCIAL AND FISANCIAl Blight Declines Are Forced in the Spcoulativo Drain Markets at Chicago. KEBRASKA YIELD AND RECEIPTS FACTORS Corn IinHCM Ilnlf n Out , Ontu 1-1 ' I. aril 7 1-1 ! J.otvt-r , Pork 11 ! l-'A ami Illlin 7 1-1 ! Cent * Down f ' AortlitvcNtcrn Pri Miiect . CHICAGO , Sept. 2.-HIS northwestern re ceipts today , together with predictions of 11 large yield In Nebraska , forced prices lower In the wheat pit. September closed 1 l-Sfl" c down nnd December lost 7-Sc. . Corn dcrllncii ' BD-Sc. Oats arc ' /ic. lower. I'ork left off 12V4C down uml Inrd "Vs'UlOc ' und ribs " ' c lower. In the Hguratlvo language of wheat spec ulator the heavy rccelptH at Minneapolis and Uuluth gave bullish feeling a black yc. It did not matter that Liverpool re ported ' /id ndvnnco In the price of futures or that New York sent word of numerous acceptances of last night's offers and that franco was again bidding for wheat. The market hero found Hellers In the majority lit the opening and generally throughout the. forenoon. September wheat had sunk Into 1li' ) restful condition usual with an active. trading month that has outlived Its bo.st days and entered the thirty last days of Its larlhly rnreer. It wan heard from only at long Intervals and chlelly owed Its occn- Hlimal awakening to some elevator man's broker offering It for sale as a hedge ngnlnst wheat bought In the country. Chi- ago rerclptu were only 170 ears and only two wr-ru of contract grade. The northwest , however , received 946 c-ars against 438 a year ago , nnd the aggregate ut western jirlmury markets was over 2HO.OQO bu. In ex cess of those on the corresponding day a your ago. A Nebraska grain dealers' as- Hoclatlnn Issued a circular making uri esti mate of from 43,1)00,000 ) to 55,000,000 bu. as the nlze of tlm wheat crop of thitt stat . Ne braska considered last year's crop a heavy one , but according to the government re- l > ort the Nebraska wheat crop of last year was only 27 , 130,000 bu. Today's estimate tavo the market another black eye , so that both optics got damaged during the ses- tdon. September opened unchanged at CIU Cffil 3-8c , declined to G3e and cloned at G3 1-bc , buyers. Ueeembcr started unchanged to 1-Sr lower at G2 l-se , tinned up to K2',4c , Kruduully declined to GlUc. and closed at tl'/iftGl 3-Fc. Corn rather Impressed Its own character upon the wheat market yesterday , but to day conditions were reversed. Wheat being heavy , It weighed upon corn and helped to cause the heaviness shown by the latter. Komo of the leading longs In corn appeared to see reasons Independent of the weakness in wheat why corn was no longer the val uable commodity In their eyes It appeared to bo yesterday. A good many dumped their holdings , and of course there were Hoveral watchful beam around the pit ready to take advantage of wavering In the ranks of their opponents. December opened unchanged to Slfitfl 1-bc , held steady for a few minutes at 31 1-bc , then began to drop and continued on the down grade to : the close , by which tlmo It was at 30',4c bid. bid.Oats Oats dragged along after corn and wheat , Kotng down the ladder step by step until near the close , when there was a drop of I ! or 3 points at onou. There was a better cash demand and larger lots were being worked. May oats opened unchanged at 22V4C , declined to Ul 7-So and closed at 22c. Provisions ylold l some with grain. The decrease In the stocks of lard 16,000 tierces was disappointingly small. The market Buf fered somewhat for lack of orders , the pub lie taking very llttlo Interest In the mar- Itet. December pock opened 2".c down at J8.S7',4 , rose to JS.90 , off to $8.73 and closed nt $8.7"H. October lard began ! il4c off at J3.07'/4&G.10 ( , up to f3J2'4 , then weakened to J3.02V4 , buyers , the cJoslng price. October ribs started unchanged nt $3.37. Improved to 55.37'/4iC.40 nnd declined to $3.30 , buyers , at the close. Estimated receipts for tomorrow are : rU'hcat , 275 cars : corn , 5SO cars ; oats , 410 tnrs ; hogs. 12,000 head. The leading futures ranged ns follows : ArllclcH. open. lllcli. Low. Yea'it'y Wheat. Snpt. . . . oa Dec. . . . ( I''H BHJ i'JH'tU May. . imt Ui Corn. .sept. . . .Illli Dec. . . . Jlay. . . 32H Oats. ' ' inw 10W-VO 20 Dee. ! . 1UH JUS 10)1 ) 2(1 ( Jlay. . . aau feorlt. Sept. . H 77K 870 870 Oct. . . . 8 8(1 ( HM'JH H 72W 8 71"- 8.MU ) , Dec. . . . 8 90 H 75 ami Petit. . . r o.-i r. oo COO r. or Oct. . . . S ( I-J4 6 02Ji Duo. . . . SIS fl 17H 007H CIU 017h XlltH. Sept. . . 5 ? 5 r , 40 B40 Oct. . . . r 4o 030 n si ) C.17H No. I. Cash quotations were as follows : I'LOUR Easy ; special brands , $1.75 ; li ird patents , ll.75ftD.00 ; uoft patents , fU.TUii ! O.SO. O.SO.WillAT No. 2 spring , G3c ; No. 3 spring , CO G2c ; No. 2 red , Cc. CORN No. 2 , 31Uc ; No. 2 yellow , S1141P OATS No. 2 , 20-c ; No , 2 white , 23Vi © C4'ic ; No. 3 white , 22'/jff(23'/jC. ( HYJ3-NO. 2. 42146 13V. HAHLUY-No. 2 , 3r(3l',4c. [ ( SKKDS No. 1 llaxseed. Cc ; prlmo timothy seed. J2.52H. if' ' PROVISIONS Moss pork , per bbl. , $5.73 5T8.80. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $3.02t5.05. | Short ribs Bides ( loose ) , $5.255(5.50. ( Dry salted nhoulders ( boxed ) . $ l.5Hj4.75 ( ; Btiort clear Hides ( boxed ) , $3.70tJG.0. ! SUGARS Cut loaf , unchanged. Following are the receipts and shipments for today ; Articles. Receipts. ) Shlpm'ts. I , * On the I'rodtico exchnngo today the but ter market was. steady ; creameries , KIP jSc ; dairies , 124 } 13c. liggs , tresh , HV-c. 1'oultry , good demand ; sprlnK chickens , UVic ; hens , 7c ; ducks , 7e ; turkeys , ( i'ySc. YOUIC ( UjMlllAli MAUICliT. n for Hie Hay oil Ceiiernl Cciiuniiiilltli-H. NEW YORK , Sept. 2. KLOUR-Rccelpts , I 108,177 bbls. ; exports , 11,301 bbls. ; dull and I fcvcak hut not quotably lower. ' CORNMKAI Kasy ; yellow western , 72c. UARLKY JIAL.T Quiet ; western , 65y Clc. WHEAT Receipts , 32,373 bu. ; exports , 515,071 liu. ; spot weak ; No. 2 red , 70VjC , f. o. 1) . , nlloat , to arrive. Options opened steady uli light olfcrlngs. but were poorly sus tained. The big northwestern receipts , declining cash premiums nnd holiday li quidation eventually deterlorlzed the mar- liet and closing prices showed U < U3-8c nel ilccllno , the latter on September ; sales In cluded No. 2 red. May , ti7 5-XffCS 1-Se , closed lit CBc ; September , 07 l-SiiUJi c , closed al C7Vc. CORN Receipts. 231,475 bu. ; exports , 137- P37 bu. ; spot weak ; , No. 2 , 3G 3-Sc , f. o. b. , ixllout. Options followed up an easy openIng - Ing with positive weakness as a result ol liquidation und tlui break in wheat ; closed B-M/'ic not lower ; September closed ul ft : B154C ; November , 33't.e- OATS Receipts , 100.800 hu. ; exports , 1- r 7 bu. ; spot nulet : No. 2 , 2fi'ic ! ; No. 2 white lO'.sc. Options dull and weaker , closing k < Jower ; September closed at 21ic. JIOI'S-QuIet. UUTTKR-Rccelpts. 3.CM pkgs. ; steady western crcumery , 14USJ1SV40 ; Ulglns , 18V c factory , ll'iirilc. KOUS Receipts. 4,723 pkgs. ; market kvcak ; western , 15' c. CIIBISSK Weak ; largo white , 7Uc ; smal ( white , 75 ( frs ; c ; largo colored. 7 3-SQTHo It' litnall colored , 7i&8c. AVOOIj-Dull. TAIJ.OW-Steady. I \ . I COTTONSEED OII-Dull ; prime yellow "pETROLEUM-Steady. 11OSIN Steady ; strained , common ti irood , $1.50. lUCE-Klrm. MOI.ASSES-Steady. JIETAI.S With the exception of spelter Which showed a weak undertone , nil do jiartmcnts of the metal market were de Idcdly llrmer. with business gunernll ; inure active. The outlook Is very gratify jng to the local trade and the resmnptloi of business next Tuesday Is expected t tiring forth BOIIIO startling developments At the close today the Metal uxchang rullcd pig Iron warrants llrm ( it $7 bid am J720 asked ; lake copper , llrmer nt (122 lild nnd (1237i > j asked ; tin. tinner at (1G.O lild und (1G15 asked ; spelter , easier nt (1.7 Mil and (1.75 apked : lead , llrmer nt $1.05 bl nnd $1.10 nuked. The llrm that fixes th nettling prlro for miners and smelters a the west quotes lead ut $3.90. Orlfium NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 2.-I'ROVISIONi and steady ; pork , standard lU5fl9.78. ! Iird , reflnrd tlnrco , 4BI2c ; pure , 4'il6 ' | 5-lc. lloxed incuts , dry salt shoulder * , M | 5-c. Huron , clnar ribs nidus , (1 ( 3-8U6\c. Ilams. choice sugar cured , PflDUe. coKKKE-StoaAy ; Rio , ordinary to fair , C 7-H8 | 3- < " 1. HICU Easy ; ordinary to good , S 7-Slf ) 1'KOL'R , ORAIN AND KOODSTUKKH Quiet ; Hour , extra fancy , (3.30f3.40 | ; pat- entc , $ .1 754(3 ( SS. CORNMK A -11.23. . HAV-Il.Wt4l2.00 ; choice , (13.00ffl3.50. CORN No. 2 sacked , mixed , 40c ; white nnd yellow , 41c. OATS No. 2 white , 2Dc. OMAVl.V. ( iKMlHA Conillttiiti nf Trn de mill Iliniditliinii on Simile nnd l-'nni-x I'rodiicc. KOOS-Oood stock , 12c. HUTTER-Coomon to fair , 10B12c ; sep arator , ISc ; gathered creamery , 15fll6c. LIVE POULTRY Hens , C4fl7c ! ; old roosters , 4c ; spring chickens , lie ; ducks , 6c : geese , 6c. 1'KlEONS-Mvo , per doz. , $1. VKAI * Cholre , SQ9o. HAY Upland. (3 ; midland. (1.60 ; lowland , $1 ; rye straw , $1. VEGETAULES. CELERY-I'er doz. bunches , 30c. ONIONS New southern , per bu. , 40iI50c. I1EANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.23. 1'OTATOKS-I'er bu. . 40S50c. CAHHAOE-1'er lb. , Ic. TOMATOES-1'cr four-basket crate , 25fl > 30c. 30c.CIICUMnERSHomo grown , per doz. , 10 Q20c. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES-Secdllngs , $2.75 ; Valenclas , per box , $3 ; Mediterranean sweets , $2.75I/ / > 3.00. 3.00.LEMONSCallfornla , $5.23 6.50 ; fancy Messina. $ i.607i7.0J. ( HANANAS Choice , large stock , ) per bunch , (2.00 2.25 ; medium sized bundles , $1.75 2.00. I--RUITS. AI'I'LES-Per bbl. , (2.73'ff3.00. ' WATERMELONS-Cratcd , 13014c ; loose , CANTALOUPE Homo grown , per crate , $1.00111.25. PEACHES-Callfornla. 10-lb. box , $1.003' ' 1.10. PLUMS-Callfornla nnd Oregon , $1.25. PEARS-Iinrtli'tt , $2.23 2.40. GRAPES-Natlve , per basket , 14@15c. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , largo size , Wit lie ; small , lie ; lirnzlls , per lb. , StHOc ; En glish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11 ® 12c ; standards , Sftflc ; Hlbertg , per lb. , lOc ; liecnns , pollxhed , medium , Gfi7c : extra large , SfiOc ; largo hickory nuts , $1.0031.10 per bu. ; small , $1.15 < JJ1.23 per bu. ; cocoanuts , lier 100 , $4.001(1.50 ( ; peanuts , raw , G'.fcc ; roasted , 7' < 'C. MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. can , each , $2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- gal , cans. $ G.23 ; quart cans , $3.50. HONEY Choice white , 12H'fl3c. DATES llallowee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , B'ic ; Salr , Re ; Kurd , 9-lb. boxes , flc. FIGS Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes , I0r5crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes. 221i23c per box ; California , 10-lb. box. $1.00. CIDER-Pcr half bbl. , $3.00113.23. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green hides , ( ! c ; No. 1 salted hides , S-'Jic ; No. 2 salted hides , 7jc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to IB Ibs. , 7c. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC.-.Talow ! , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. I , 21tc ; rough tallow , 1'fcc ; whlto grease. 2'u2 ' ! > 1c ; yellow and brown . . SHEEP 1'ELTS-Green salted each - , , 150 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool : ielts , per lb. , actual weight , -Ifi5c ; dry Hint , Kansas and Nebraska , murrain wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , 3Ti4c ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ft5c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34c. St. l.oulH Mnrkol. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 2.-KLOUR-Steady nnd heavy. WHEAT Closed unsettled nt the bottom for the day nnd 7-SIilc below yesterday ; spot , nominal ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , Giy.o ! ; track. 70W71c ; September , 03 3-8c ; De cember , 031/611 l-8c : May , G3 1-Sc bid ; No. 2 hard , cash , G2'i'JG31/-c. ' CORN Futures closed dull and easy at P-'Ue below yesterday ; spot , nominal ; No. cash , 29'c ; September , 29c ; December , 29 3-Sc asked ; May , P.lc. OATS Irregular , futures closing frac tions either way ; spot , dull nnd bid lower ; No. 2 cash , 20U.C bid ; track , 22B22'ic ; Sep tember. 20\(20 ( ? ( 7-Sc ; December , 21c bid ; May. 22 7-Sc asked ; No. 2 white , 249ifi23c. RYE Lower at 43'fcc. SEED Flaxseed , lower at SI'-c ; prime timothy seed , strong at $2.25 bid. CORNMKAlQuiet. . M.tMil 70. URAN Steady ; sacked , east track , 4lc. HAY Dull nnd easy ; timothy , Jo.50iS.OO ( ; prairie , $4.75 0.50. HUTTERn-Steady ; creamery , lG13Hc ; dairy , 13fi > 17e. EOGS-Stcady nt He , loss off. WHISKY Steady. $1.25. , I COTTONTIES-72ffl73n. - IIAOC.ING-G 7-S7 3-Sc. METALS-Lend , dull at (3.92',4G3.95 ; Bpel- tcr. higher at $4.75. PROVISIONS I'ork , steady ; standard mess , Jobbing , $3.75. Lard , dull and steady ; prlmo Htenm , (1.90 ; choice. $1.93. Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $3.00 : oxtni short clear and ribs , $3.G2',4 ; shorts , (3,87Mi. Kacon. boxed shoulders , $5.50f(5.G2H ( ; extra short clear and ribs , ( ( i.121 : shorts , $ G.37V4- HECEIPTS-Flour , 9,000 bbls. : wheat , G9- 000 bu. : corn. 75,000 bu. ; oats , 25.000 bu. SIlIl'MENTS-Flour , 7CiOO bbls. : wheat , 8,000 bu. ; corn , C2.000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu. Illllllimir I3ALTIMORE , Sept. 2. FLOUR-Dull nnd unchanged ; receipts , 11,490 head ; exports , nonn. WHEAT Dull and easy ; spot , C3 3-S ® GS'/ic ; month , CS'iffGSifc : October , G7i1GSc ; steamer No. 2 red , filQGI 1-Sc ; receipts. 01- , C53 bu. ; exports , none ; southern wheat , by sample , GOijCgii-c ; southern wheat , on grade , GliJ69c. CORN Easy ; spot and month , 3IHQ > 34 5-Sc ; October. SOiftSl 7-Sc ; steamer mixed , 33V4033 6-Sc ; receipts , llS.OSObu. ; ex ports , none ; southern whlto corn , 35ff33Hc ; southern vcllow , SS' WSSc. OATS Dull jnd easy ; No. 2 white west ern. 2Gi < , if27c ; No. 2 mixed , 24U23c ; receipts , 25.1)3 ) hu. ; exports , none. SUGAR Strong nnd unchanged. UUTTEH Steady and unchanged. EGGS Firm ; fresh , 1515Hc. ' CHEESE- Sternly und unchanged. IN City ( irnlii anil I'ruvlnlon * . KANSAS CITY. Sept. 2. WIIEAT-Good , higher ; poor , lower ; No. 1 hard. GIc ; No. 2. GO',4OG3'2c ; No. 3 , 57fGlc ( ; No. 2 red. CSc ; No. 3 , GOftGSc ; No. 2 spring , 59Glc ; No. 3 , 53i5SUc. CORN Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 2T&c ; No. 2 white , 27Hfi2Se ; No. 3 , 2G Ac. OATS Kirm ; No. 2 white. 23c. RYE Firm ; No. 2 , 40c. HAY Dull ; choice timothy. $6.50 ; choice prairie. $5.251r > .50. PUTTER Firm ; separator , 15HB17&C ; dairy , 15c. EGGS Firm : fresh , HHc. RECEIPTS Wheat , 142,400 bu. ; corn , 7,100 bu. ; oats , G.OOO bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat , 91,800 bu. ; corn , 39- 000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu. ( irntn Heeelpls nt 1'rlnelpnl Market * . CHICAGO , Sept. 2. Receipts today : Wheat , 176 cars ; corn , 537 cars ; oats , 43. cars. Estimated cars for tomorrow ; Wheat , 275 ; corn. 5SO ; oats , 410. MINNEAPOLIS , Sept. 2. Receipts : Wheat. 51ii cars. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 2. Receipts , Wheat , 9 : cars. DULUTII , Sept. 2.-Recelpts : Wheat , 43 ( cars. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 2.-Recelpts ; I Wheat , 23S cars. Clnolnnntl .Milrliet. CINCINNATI , Sept. 2.-FLOUR-Qulet. WHEAT-Steady : No. 2 red , CGc. CORN-Steady : No. 2 mixed. 30V4C. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 22c. RYE-Steady : No. 2 , 43c. PROVISIONS-Lard , quiet nt $4.90 : bulk meats , easy at $5.CO ; Imcon , llrm at $850 WHISK Y-ActlVO at $1.25. HUTTER-Qulet. SUGAR-Flrm. ' " EGGS Steady nt 12c. > CHEESE-Steady. Tol.-do 'MnrUel. TOLEDO , O. , Sept. 2. WHEAT-lowei nnd weak ; No. 2 cash , GGc asked ; Septem ber , G5'ic. CORN Dull nnd easy ; No. 2 mixed , 3mc OATS Dull and weak : No. 2 mixed , 28c , RYE Dull nnd weak ; No. 2 cash , 43 > * c. CLOVERSEED-Prlme , $3.20. Prnrlu .MarKelx. PEORIA , Sept. 2-CORN-Steady ; No. 2 SO'Jc. OATS Quiet , Inactive ; No. 2 white , 21H 22 c. VVHISKY-FIrm , on the basts of J1.23 foi Hnlshed goods. Liverpool ( irnlii Mnrkrt. LIVERPOOL. Sept. 2.-WlIEAT-Un changed to < 4d higher ; September , 5s 6 d December. 6s 2Td. CORNQulet0 id higher : September 3s 1 3-8d ; October , 3s 2iid ; December , 3 ; 3 G-8d. No. 1 northern , 59-\c ; No. 2 northern , E7 c FLOUR Demand moderate ; llrst patents JS.M-nM.Ofl ; nocond patcnt ! , $1.701T3KI ! : first clean , | 2.Duu3.U > i hulk bran , $7.5 1(7.75. ( ( Irnlii MILWAUKEE , Sept. 2.-WHEAT- Lower ; No. 1 northern , Otc ; No. 2 northern , lic ; Decomhor , lVic. ItYE-HlKher ; No. 1 , 43Hc. HARLEY-Steady ; No. 2 , 43c ; sample , 32 Snn rrilllclnco U'heilt SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 2. WHEAT Easy : September , $1.11 ; May , $1.63 3-8. JJAHLEY Inactive ; December , J1.15 > i. Dnliilli Wlirnt .MiirUet. DULUTII. Sept. 2.-WllEAT-No. 1 northern , cash , Gli'/se ; September , Gl' c ; De cember , 5115-Sc ; May , I2c. STOCKS AM ) HOMIS. Mnrltrt Putin Into Lethargic Studnlnl Then u Holiday IN Declared , NEW YORK , Sept. 2. There was a brief period of activity on the Stock exchange this morning nnd a brisk demand mani fested for a few stocks , but the dealing became more nnd more perfunctory as the day proceeded. Thu market was under thu combined Inlluence of the exhausting heat , the tightening money market and thu approach of thu Labor day holiday. It had fallen Into complete lethargy by noon and the governing committee was Induced to reconsider Its refusal to close the ex change on Saturday and decided to sus pend trading from 3 o'clock today until 10 o'clock next Tuesday morning. Thu an nouncement of this decision demonstrated that thu weakness of some stocks earlier In the day had been due to speculative short Felling , shown by the demand to cover shorts. Manhattan scored an ex treme Improvement after marked early weakness of M < per cent nnd Tobacco , after a loss of nearly 4 points , recovered l : > i per cent. The early activity centered In tile 1'aclllcs , the preferred stock show ing special strength on the decision of the Northern Pacllle. directors , announced later In the day , to put aside a reserve fund of $3OUOWXJ to Insure the continuity of preferred dividends. The common stuck fell off a point on selling by holders dis appointed In expectation that the surplus Mould bu distributed as a dividend on the common stocks. The common stock rallied only feebly on the president's statement that consideration of dividend on the com mon would bu In order If business con tinued at Its present level. General Elec tric continued to show strength and closed at the best at a net gain of 14 per cent. Haltlmoru it Ohio also renewed Its advance. The market generally drifted to a lower level In the later dealings , duo to taking of traders' prollts in anticipation of thu threu days' Interval of trading. The money market hardened further , call loans gener ally being marked up to 3 per cent on the expectation that tomorrow's bank state ment would show u still lurther decline in cash holdings and surplus reserve. The higher money rate was not reflected In the exchange market , which was slightly firmer in tone. HOMO'S were very dull , but prices were more Hrmly held than for stocks. Total sales , $2,343,000. The reactionary tendency in the stock market during the week has apparently turned on the conditions In thu money market , though thu tact that realizing prollts and selling stocks to weaker holders also has n bearing on the weakness. Hates for money have advanced and predictions nro freely made of a further advance. Thu continued diversion of cash Into the treas ury on account of bond subscription ; ! Is what has curtailed the supply of Idle money available for speculative purposes nnd prospects of continuance of this diver sion nnd of growing needs from the In terior to move thu crops have admonished speculators to contract ventures. There has been largo liquidation nnd following that dullness. Sterling exchange has fallen and money rates In London have risen , but are still below the New York level. Still only a lltttlo over $1,000,000 In gold has como from London , although London has bought stocks freely In New York. Aside from the hardening of money and some renewed anxiety on account of the corn crop conditions have continued favorablu to higher values and a large number of stocks have responded to special causes and advanced , especially among the Indus trials and a few of the railroads , the pre ferred Paclllc stocks being conspicuous. The bond market has fallen into dullness during the week nnd rates for money have been reflected In lower prices. United States old 4s , registered , and the ! " > s are % per cent lower , the former ex-Interest , the new 4s nro 1-S per cent lower nnd the 3s 1-8 per cent lower In the bid price. The Evening Post's London financial ca blegram snys : The stock markets here were good today and fairly active , despite the holiday tomorrow. The feature was the sharp rlso In Portuguese securities and Katllrs on a revival of the rumor that Delagoa bay had been leased to Great Hrlt- aln. There appears to bo a substratum of truth In the rumor , but It Is Impossible to say anything definite about It yet. Americans were Irregular. They closed steady but quiet , In view of thu holiday hero tomorrow and the holiday In New York on Monday. Continental specialties , such ns Paclllc stocks , were chiefly fa vored. The Now York bank figures of to morrow nro anxiously nwolted , The Lon don money market was easier today , the rate being 1 1 per cent on the belief that , for market reasons , New York will not press for gold. Argentines and Hrazlls were very strong and the market gener ally closed with a. hopeful feeling. Tne following are the closing quotations 01 the leading stocks on the New York market today. Atchlson * pM < io I > M M' st. t > . , 'M. & M : ; IlaltlmoriOhio. . , SS Southern Partita . " " Canada 1'aciflc SS Southern Hallway. . 3'i Canada Southern . . M',1 ' < lt > ] > fd 55 Central Paclflo . . . . :3'iTewm | A : Paolflo . . . 15 Chesapeake & Onlo. 2t"i Union 1'nclflc pfj. . . 07 ChlTOKO & Alton. . . . 139 U. P. , D. & O _ C ! . , 1) . & Q 117'i Wahaoh S'4 C. & B. Ill f.S4 do pfd 2ii Chi. & B. I. pfJ..lMi W. & L. E 2 i C. C. C. & St. L. . 42 do pfd llli do pfJ S3 A damn depress . . .10i ; Del. & Hudson . . . .10CVI Amer. Kxpross IS ) Del. L. & JV H9 UnlhU States Kxp. . 42 Del. & Hlo O. Wellk-FtarKo 131 io pM rr.ii | Amer. Cot. Oil 374 : Krle ( new ) 14 I do pM Mi. do pfiV 377J Amer. Spirits \ ? \ I'M. Wnyne 172 i do pdl ? fl fit. N'or. i > fd 137 I Amer. Tobacco , . . .U2 Hocking Valley . . . fij do pM 1:3 IlllnoH CcntiHl . . .11214 Prople'H Has iuG'4 Offered. Total sales of stocks today were 315,200 shares. Including 6C4o Atchlson preferred , 3,420 HnlUmoro , t Ohio , 11.231 Hurllngton , 4.71S Illinois Central , 3.165 Louisville , t Nashville , 30,510 Manhattan , 3,302 Metropoli tan , 3.093 .Missouri Paclllc. SO. 175 Northern Paclllc , 24.0S4 Northern Pactllc preferred , 3,919 Rock Island , 4,010 Union Paclllc , 10,010 St. Paul , 3.130 Southern preferred , 12l'.iO Union Pacific preferred , .1,590 Wabash pre ferred , 3,250 Minnesota Iron. 3,570 Cotton Oil , 24kl5 Tobacco , 7.233 Chicago Great Western , ti.OTo Peoplo's Gas , 11.S95 General Electric , 4,405 Pacltlc M.all , 15,030 General OW Tunnessee Coal & Iron. 1'orelun riimiiclnl. PARIS. Sept. 2. ThriHi per cent rentes , 10''f 3V-c for the account ; exchange on Lon don. 25c "f > C for the account. RERLIN. Sept. 2. Prices were llrm on thP bourse today. Portucueso securities were the feature on the recent order to pffeet the cnnverslnn of the drill of PnrltlI I Kill nnd on the report that the Portuguese I ituthorlllps Hcfincii IP * * opposed to the ( / I tablliihment of Hnanclal cuntrol. llnizlllnn I swurltle * w > ru llrmer , 1tn > to the dei'hir.'t- tlon of the president of llrar.ll regarding the rc-entHbllshnieiit of the credit of that country and also owing to thu rise In the prlco of cotton. Argentine securities were llrm and Detlecrs mlncH were llrm on Lon don purchases. LONDON , Sept. 2.-Amerlcnn securities were linn all day , aided by New York buy- Ing. Har gold Is quoted nt 77s lO'.iil. Gold Is < iuotod at IliipnoH Ayres today nJ. 161.WJ. MADRID , Sept. 2. Spanish 4s eloped to day at fifi.SO. Gold was quoted at 02.7i. LISHON , Sept. 2. Gold was quoted hero today at 71'4. XIMV York Money MiirUot. NEW YORK. Sept. 2.-MONEY ON CALL Nominally. 2fl2'i per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPKH-3 i04 ,4 per cent. STERLING EXCIIANOE-Stendy , with actual business In bankers' bills at tl.SIMr 4.S5 for demand , nnd J.S2HfTI.S2 i for sixty days ; posted rates , JI.3HM4.SI and $4.iGj commercial bills , $ I.S2 SILVER CERTIK1CATES-D3HOCOHC. HAH SILVER-COiJc. M EX IC A N DOLLA HS IG'Uc. GOVERNMENT HONDS-Stcady ; new It , rtit. and coupon , 1264 ; 4s , reg. , 109 % ; coupon , lll'i ; 2s. DS ; 5s , reg. nnd coupon , Ills , ; I'nclllc Cs of 'OS. 102'4i ' new 3s , 104H. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows : HAR SILVER Quiet nt 27-lid per ounce. MONEV-'l per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , li per cent ; for three months' bills , 194 < (1 ( 7-S per cent. I'MiilliicliiI .Vole.i. OMAHA , Sept. 2. The clearings today were $1,001,593.27 ; balances , (129,311.27. I-ast year the clearances were ( ! 137,217.44 ; balances , $128,611.09. Increase In clearings , $67.343.83. . ST. LOUIS. Sept. 2.-Clearlngs , $1,377.800 ; balances , $101,911. Money , 4ij(7 per cent. New York exchange , 25c discount bid , lOc discount asked. CINCINNATI , Sept. 2. Money , 2'iQG per cent. New York exchange , 40c discount. Clearings. $1,90S,030. NEW YORK , Sept. 2. Clearings , $153- 938,101 ; balances , $ IO,2C2C10. I1OSTON. Sept. 2. Clearings , $16,427,330 ; balances , J1.4C9.GS ) . PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 2.-Clcnrlng3 , $15,672.885 ; balances , $2,297,302. BALTIMORE. Sept. 2.-Clcarlngs , $3,067- 054 ; balances , (1S.1.271. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 2.-CIenrlngs , (739,791. New York exchange , bank , 50c premium ; commercial , $1.23 discount. CHICAGO , Sept. 2.-Clearings , 7,874SOO ; balances , $902,466. New York excliR.ngo , 50c discount. Sterling exchange , postCu , (4.8ITJ 4.KG ; actual. $ l.S3"jtn.fu ; sixty days. $4.82'i ( Jfl.SI. Stocks active. Quotations : Biscuit , common , 33 ; Hlsctilt , preferred , 97 ; Diamond Match. 142 ; North Chicago , 227U ; West Chicago cage , 96 ; Straw-board , 30. Cotton .tliirkrt. NEW YORK , Sept. 2.-Wlth opening prices 1 point lower to 1 point higher and very few orders In sight the cotton market soon turned quite weak under a selling picsHtirc , chiefly from English nnd southern sources. Local shorts were somewhat dis posed to cover hi view of the somewhat unsatisfactory news regarding crop con ditions and the effect of recent enormous rainfalls In Atlantic sections. Following the opening call the' market ruled barely utenilv and the afternoon showed a loss of 21(5 points. Subsequently the market ruled quiet nnd without particular feature , receiving some support , however , from buyIng - Ing by commission houses and renewed covering , caution being stimulated by the continual light movement. At the weakest point of the day the cotton market showed a net loss of SfiG points. At the close the decline was 5Ti6 points , with the market llnally quiet In tone. LIVERPOOL , Sept. 2.-COTTON-Spot , moderate demand ; prices higher ; American middling , fair. 3 > id ; good middling. 3',4d ' ; middling , 33-32d : low middling , 33-16d ; good ordinary , 31-32d ; ordinary , 2 27-32d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales , of which 600 bales were for speculation and export , and Included 6,500 bales American ; receipts , 5,000 bales , Including 3,700 bales American. Futures opened steady with a moderate demand and closed quiet ; Ameri can middling. L. M. C. , September , 3 14-6ld. buyers ; September and October. 311-64T ( ) 312-Cld , buvers ; October and November , 310-Kld , sellers ; November and December , 39-61(1 ( , buyers ; December nnd January. .19-6ld. buyers ; January and February. 39-64d. buyers ; February und March , 310-64(1 ; March and April , 310-6117311-61(1 , buyers ; April nnd May. 311-64J(312-64d : May and June , .112-Gld , buyers ; Juno and July. 313-61d. sellers. NEW ORLEANS , Sept. 2.-COTTON Futures dull ; September , (5.19 ; October , K20TI5.2I ; November , J5.21fiG.25 ; December. r .2Sfj5.29 ; January. * 33Mj3.34 ; February. $5.3C(3.37 ( ; March. 3.40f(5.41 ( ; April. $5.43 ® 641 ; May. J5.46T(5.47. ( Spot , steady ; quota tions revised ; sales , 1,050 bales ; ordinary , 3l5-16c : good ordinary , 4G-Sc ; low mid dling. 5c : middling. R 3-Sc : good middling. Gll-16c ; middling , fair , Gl-Sc ; receipts , C3I bales ; stock , 67,631 bales. Collee .Mnrkel. NEW YORK. Sept. -COFFEE-Optlons opened steady at unchanged prices to n gain of 6 points ; Inactlvti but steady ; llttlo Inclination to business , owing to the Coffee exchange holiday tomorrow , selling checked by liberal warehouse deliveries and disap pointing receipts at Rio nnd Santos ; closed ( inlet nnd unchanged to n points lower ; sales , 6.2.0 bags , Including October nt $3.60 ; Jlllio , $3.65. Spot coffee , Hlo , quiet ; No. 7 , Invoice. 6 3ScNo. . 7. jobbing , 7-8c. Mild , less active ; Cordova , 8ft 15c ; sales , small on p. t. Siiuur MnrUet. NEW ORLEANS. . . . Sept. 2.-SUOAR-Open kettle , steady at 3R1 ! 1-Sc ; centrifugal , seconds ends , 2HO.I 3-lCe. MOLASSES-Easv ; centrifugal. 4flirc. NEW YORK , Sent. 2-SUOAH-Raw. stronger and very active : fair refining , 3Hc ; centrifugal. 90 test. 4 1-Sc. MOLAHSES-3 U-lGc ; a very Inrgo basis of the above business ; supplies are now well cleaned up. Hellned , marknt strong nnd active. LONDON , Sept. 2.-I1EET SUCJAR-Scp- tember , fa Gd. World' * Col Con Crop , NEW ORLEANS. Sept. 2-Secretary Hesi-M-'H estlmato of the world's visible sun ly of cotton Is given as I.fi31l77 hales , against 9s2,765 lat year. Of this the total of American la 1,424,477 balcu. against 769- DOl last year. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Run for the Day Produces a Fairly Liberal Supply of All Sorts. CATTLE LOWER' AND HOGS HIGHER .Steer * nnd Heifer * Suffer Alike In 1'rlee , lint runner * nnd Ntoekern Do llrttpr UOK * M'ure 11 FUe-Cent Ailvnnec. ' " SOUTH OMAHA , Sept. 2. Cattie. Hoes. Sheep. Receipts today 2.G43 6 , ) $ 4,724 Olllclnl Thursday 4.911 tib3l 7.4U7 Olllclnl Wednesday . . . . 3.9S2 9.IH2 4,513 ' Otllclal Tuesday 2tt ) $ 7i51 2out : Olllcial Monday 5,440 3.10J 1,111 So far this week 111.074 3ii i "IM'I Same days last week. . . 1S.OS.1 34,60 lli.iMl Same days week before 10.71.S 31,19.1 11,719 \ Average price paid to"- ness lor the lust several days with comparisons : Indicate ? Sunday. The oniclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOKS. Sheep. ll'r'B. C. , M. & St. I' . Ily 1 O. K. St. U Hy 1 Missouri 1'aclllc Hy. . 3 4 . . . . Union Pac. System. . 19 IS 13 7 IH. . .t M. V. K. U. . 41 24 S. C. & 1' . Hy 1 C. , St.l1. , M. & O. Hy. . . 3 H. & M. It. It. H 14 19 2 C. , 11. & Q. Hy II 4 K. C. H St. J 17 C. , It. I. & 1' . Hy.S' . . . 1 Total receipts . . . .100 7t ! 17 7 Thfi disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of he-ad Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 77 502 . . . . O. 11. Hammond Co 177 1,113 479 Swift and Company . . . . sa 1.15S 52 Cudahy Packing Cc : i7l MO . . . . It. Heckcr and Degnn . . 111 ! ) Vansant & Co 3 l.otmian & Hothschllds. . St W. 1. Stephens 105 Huston & Co 145 . . . . . . . . Hill & Huntzlnger .S 1 , . K. Husz 50 Livingston & Sclmler . . 110 Armour & Co 310 1,94 $ 1,450 Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 515 Planklnton P. Co. , Mil 81 Swltt it Co. , country. . . . 25 69 Itii7 Other buyers 356 lliii . . . . Left over 1,451 Totals 2,853 6,713 5,291 CATTM3 Today's market was lower on almost everything In the wny of cattle. There were about thirty loads of western and TCXUB beef on sale , and about live loads of cornfed steers. The market could safely bo quoted lOc lower on fat cattle , and while sellers were rather backward about making the concession , the pens were cleared In ( food season. The Standard cat tle , which sold at 14.10 yesterday , brought Jl today , and other westerns In the same proportion. Medium to good western cows were away lower , or In the language of the yards , rotten. Uuyers did not appear to want the offerings of that kind of cattle , and their bids were fully lOo lower In all cases nnd many times 20o lower. The apparent reason for the condition of the market wus the demoralization prevailing at other mar ket centers and the further fact that pack ers were heavy buyers yesterday and did not require many cows today. While the good cows were very slow at the decline noted , canners were In active demand and the market fully steady. The demand for good heavy feeders has Increased of late until there are more buy ers for that kind of stuff than there are cattle and In consequence prices are well maintained. Hy good heavy feeders are meant cattle weighing about 1,000 to 1,100 pounds , and they are selling largely at $1.1004.30. Medium weight cattle , weighing around SOO to WO pounds , which at one time were In very active demand , are not In as much favor as they were and are lower. They are selling very largely at J3.75SI.CO. Choice yearlings are not In such brisk de mand as they were at the high lime , but choice bunches are still good sellers at prices ranging nil the way from Jl.W ) lo fl.BO. All common kinds of stock or feedIng - Ing cattle , regardless of weights , are ; oor sellers and holders of such nnd It no ensy matter to unload. Keprcscntatlvc . .ulon : STKEHS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pi. SY , . AY. Fr. 1..1120J400 4..1102J110 7..92S$4GO 1. . C50 400 12..1022 410 41..1201 475 3..1330 400 23..1101 433 54..1317 490 COWS. 1. . 980 200 2..11.15 275 5. . 974 315 1. . 940 2 25 . 1. . S70 2 75 1. . 7CO 3 23 1. . 920 250 1. . 770 285 C..S50 330 1. . 870 260 1. . 720 300 1..1010 3 fiO 1. . 890 275 19..1014 310 1..CGO 373 HEIFERS. 1. . COO 260 1. . 550 3 UO 1..1020 375 COWS AND HUIFEHS. C. . SS6 3 25 14. . S13 3 25 HULLS. 1..1130 260 4..1445 273 1..1110 323 3..1386 2 Co 1..13SO .ISO 1. . 540 325 2..1435 2 75 1..1160 3 10 CAIA'F.S. 1. . 330 GOO 1. . 220 G 25 2. . 270 C 50 STOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. S. . 54S 300 10. . 906 393 1. . 590 400 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2 cows 965 $2 75 1 feeder. . . 810 $3 90 2 cows 940 3 50 2 steers..1150 4 10 1 Bteer 1100 3 90 1 calf .110 4 75 1 steer SSO 390 1 culf K60 500 2 feeders. . 9S3 3 90 1 calf 220 G 00 NEBRASKA. 3 feeders..1088 400 1 cow 1310 340 24 feeders..10G3 4X5 1 cow 90 * 2 2o 9 calves. . . 282 475 G cows 793 270 1 calf 130 G 50 S heifers. . 613 370 31 steers. . . . 772 3 30 1 hull 1140 3 00 1 bull 470 323 53 Htr. Tex. 962 373 O. G. Ware. 65 c. & hfs. 605 3 30 199 feeders. . 900 4 00 1 heifer. . . S70 3 35 9 feeders. . GC6 4 15 1 feeder. . . 460 .1 65 WYOMING. 1 cow 890 225 2 cows 1030 340 1 cow S30 223 1 steer 1MO 363 12 bulls 1345 2 SO 1 steer 900 363 1 cow S90 .100 1 steer 1430 400 1 steer llbO 3 23 1 steer 1210 4 00 1 steer S70 3 25 1 steer 1610 4 00 4 cows 1052 3 40 17 cows 1291 4 00 1 cow 960 3 40 1 feeder. . . fc.lO 4 ( K ) 1 cow 1040 340 2 feeders. . BO 475 1 cow 650 2 23 1 heifer. . . 810 3 35 1 cow 950 225 1 helfur. . . 840 335 1 COW 1030 225 1 calf 350 500 1 heifer. . . 810 310 a calf 210 500 1 heifer. . . 730 3 35 1 calf 100 G 50 D. Plcard. 2 feeders. . 9Wi 4 15 64 feeders. . 770 4 65 7 feeders. . 915 4 15 Emil Jannerman. 23 feeders. . 893 4 20 21 feeders. . 6SO 4 35 Standard Cattle Co. 58 steers..1173 400 8S steers..1147 400 Dowllng & Hush. 4 cows 9H ( 285 22 steers..1C93 350 1 cow h l 2 S5 2 steers..1215 350 2 bulls 1255 2 S5 21 cows 1001 340 1 cow 1120 320 11 steers..1323 400 2 steers..1275 350 56 feeders. . 1093 400 IDAHO. 1 foeder. . . 490 3 CO 2 feeders. . 793 4 00 5 heifers..Ml 365 U feeders. . 550 440 20 steers..1141 370 SOUTH DAKOTA. 4 cows 622 225 1 heifer. . . . 620 360 2 COWS 993 360 12 COWS 913 3 G5 6 steers..1290 350 21 ste rs..l213 370 2 steers..1145 360 20 cown 1676 3 S3 23stcerB..1030 360 14 steers..1310 110 \Vearo Live Stock Co. 23 feeders. . 101 390 LATE YESTERDAY. NEI5RASKA. Victoria Live Stock Co. IS cows 831 3 40 / WYOMING. J. P. Royston. 1 hull 1100 2 80 19 feeders..10M1 4 00 17 cows 920 280 1 feeder. . . 910 400 1 cows 750 280 1 fuder..H30 400 14 cows Ml. ! 300 33 heifers. . 611 400 2 cowa 695 300 41 calves. . . 26S 550 Swan Land & Caltle Co. 11 Bteers..l2l2 360 17 steers..1158 385 23 steers..1122 365 1 steer 1220 385 59 Hteers..ll43 385 3 steers..K > 5C 385 I ) . Richards. 8 Btecrs..l306 425 IS feeders..1017 423 Hay & Wallbrldge. G steers..1111 350 59 feeders. . 783 400 HOC5S The market opened active ut on advance of DffMc , and remained In that condition until the close , which camx early. The buyers appeared to want the hogs at the money nnd they ware not long In effecting a clearance. The general situa tion was enllrely satisfactory to sellers. Prime heavy hogs sold at (3.6741(3.70 ( , v , lille the top on heavy weights yesterday was (3.65. Heavy packing hogs sold at il.OSU 3.67H , nnd medium weight loads largely at JX7'f3.72',7. ( | Good light loads went at } J.72'i dl3.75. while the best price paid yesterday was only (3.70. The amount of the nd vnnco U most noticeable when the number of loads at the bottom price Is tukrn Into conHtderatlon , yesterday a much larger number of the hogs golnt ; at (3.60 than li.ul to sell at J1.C5 today. A glani.o at the table of averages at head of column will ehow that there was a very material ealn In the nverngp prim for IIOKK nx rnmimrrd with yesterdny. Today's n Ivnnro wipes out a ciiiii < ldf > ralilo proportion of the lees of lite two days prevluun , but still leaves It 2 to 3 cento under Tuesday's market , which UHH the hlKh point of the week. The market Is nlmi a shade lower than It was a week uio. Representative sales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 87 2S5 18(1 ( $ n fiK CS 210 280 M Ofi 11 1 . . . 3 Oil 30 21S . . . 3 fi M 315 40 3 Bft Bfl 311 ISO 3 23 3 ! iO 3 lift HI DC * ' 210 3 flf , 10 312 . . . 3 Oo 10 ISrt . . . .168 6S 210 2SO ,1 W. U ) 218 ICO 3 Gfl 61 2tf. . . .1 ffi T9 'jNj SO 3 IV ) f'5 2S2 40 3C74 61 2IS 160 .16714 62 MM SO 3 67'M 301 160 3 t,7Vd t'l 257 . . . SlTTJi 62 200 200 3 67H Ml 2 0 ICO 3G7 < , 62 25.1 120 3 67'4 IS 26.1 120 3G7i f,7 261 . . . 3 C7',4 l > 27i ! . . . I ! 67''j ' 41 225 40 3 G7' , < i 29 232 . . . 3G7',4 ' fS 2fi 80 3 67 > < i ra 2.VJ . . . It 67'4 79 267 210 3 67'a 4S 294 200 .1 C7'j 7.1 290 . . . 3 67Va S7 211 120 .1 67 } < , 64 271 620 3 67's 61 267 160 3 67 2 79 203 80 II 6"Mi ? 285 . . . 3 67 > , i C9 2 Hi 120 3 67'v f'9 2.T.I 120 ,1 G7'i 61 218 120 .1 67V" . 250 120 3 67i ( M 239 160 3 67'u C7 2HS 80 3C7l,4 5S 31S SO 3 C7"a CO 211 40 370 SO 229 SO 370 80 161 120 370 80 2.0 ! 160 370 t * 230 40 370 85 25,1 160 370 53 300 80 H 70 69 2.s7 40 370 71 2JO 40 370 51 314 2W I ! 70 CO 2.Vi 40 I ! 70 70 2'JS 40 370 65 21S 40 370 10 210 . . . 370 78 270 160 370 M..2W . . . 370 67 317 100 370 61 303 50 .170 70 22S ICO .170 81 211 80 370 74 2IS 40 370 8G 'MS ICO 370 79 251 120 370 13 ll'i ' . . . .170 67 2M 80 .1 70 41 210 120 370 5S 322 40 370 liO IW7 80 1170 61 2SS . . . 370 73 281 120 I ! 70 62 255 . . . It 72'Xj ' 73 212 120 3 72Vi 62 231 SO 37214 1KI 230 80 3 72 j 71 245 200 3721,4 75 2J7 SO 3 72H- 90 226 SO 3 724 * "S 221 . . . 3 iSfcs 65 203 . . . .1 72 $ 85 1S9 160 I ! 75 70 2M . . . 375 62 271 . . . 375 62 2IS 40 3 7i WAOON LOTS-PHIS. 1 110 . . . 225 4 125 . . . 300 2 215 . . . ,150 1 810 . . . 3 BO 10 20S . . . 360 3 216 . . . 365 C 2IS . . . 365 7 312 . . . II 63 5 2C2 . . . .165 1 100 . . . .IIS 5 220 . . . ,165 4 35 : ! . . . 3 113 2 215 80 I' 67',4 1 220 . . . 3 Bis ? 1 180 . . . .1 (17'i ( 1 300 . . . 370 S 242 . . . 370 1 220 . . . 3 72'v SHEEP There was n pretty decent run of sheep here again today , but of thoce reported In live cam were consigned direct to packers , so that the nctiml olTerlnss on the market were far from large. The m.ir- ket its a whole vvns In good shape , and for the most part entlrly satisfactory to the selling Interests. Desirable mutton sheep were In demand nt about steady prices , and the market rould not b" quoted much dif ferent from yesterday. Lambs sold u little lower than some of the same kind brought yesterday. The demand for feeding sheep and lambs continues very active and then' are still a good many more buyers than sheep. Prices on that kind of stuff continue llrm. Choice native muttons are selling largely at II.2V&I.40 ; ; Rood grass westerns , $4.131(1.23 ( ; fair to good , J4.U ( ' < i ! I.In ; good year lings , ( I.21fi4.50 ; good to choice lamlH. 15.Ill < f < 5.60 ; fair to good lambs ut I3.OOH5.23 ; feeder wethers , 2-year-olds and over , ji.7hl : ( 4.00 ; feeder yearlings , $4.0 < Hf4.25 , and feedi r lambs at ( I.23J1.75. | Representative sales : No. Av. Pr 479 ewes nnd wethers 107 $3 80 5 Utah culls 10S 300 G rtah ewes 108 : ! 70 35 Utah wethers 114 4 ( K ) C Utah wethers SI 40-5 C Utah wethers SS 4 23 200 Utah lambs , culls IB 460 221 Utah lambs 74 490 1020 Utah lambs 63 620 LATE YESTERDAY. 43 western feeders 70 3 73 251 western feeders 100 .190 723 western feeders 112 390 CHICAGO 1,1 via STOCK ai.uncKT , Cnttlc ( Jlllli Soineivllllt , Slicrp mnl UOJTN Active and Strong : . CHICAGO , Sept. 2.-Thero was a sllghl gain In values for best fat cattle today , but the lower and medium grades sold slowly and unsatisfactorily. Choice steers , $3.25f5.63 | ; medium , J4.C5f4.S5 ! ; beef steers , $4.0004.CO ; stockers nnd feeders , ( ,1.10g-4.65 ; bulls , $3.40(31.10 ( ; cows and heifers , t3.601J 4.25 ; calves. (4.00y7.23 ; western rangers , J3.00574.C5 ; Texans , $1.50575.00. There was a strong packing and shipping demand for hogs. Sales ranged nt from Cc to 10c advance. Fair to choice , $3.801(4.00 ( ; packing lots , $3.C5Ji3.87 4 ; butchers , $3.SOfi i ; i.97',4 ; mixed , $3 703.95 ; light , J3.C3S'3.97ii ! ; 1 pigs , $2.)0fi3.75. ! ) I The demand for sheep was not nt all urI - I gent and It required a great deal of ped dling to Ilnd nil outlet at prices recently ! paid. Western muttons , $1.20 ; bulk oJ Hales , $3.75 4.35 ; poor to fancy lambs , $3.7 ; QC.OO. Receipts : Cattle. 4,000 head ; hogs , 17,0X ( head ; sheep , 7,000 head. IN City Live StoeU. KANSAS CITY , Sept. 2. CATTLE UP- celpts , 3,010 natives , 470 Texans ; supply mostly range cattle. Improved demand served to Vtrengthcn prices ; choice heavy steers , $5. u < U5.35 ; medium , $1.G5' < | 5.20 ; light weights. J4.40d5.15 ; stockers and feeders , J3.50y4.85 ; butcher cows nnd heifers , J2 SSjj 4.75 ; butcher bulls , J2.8503.BO ; western steers , J3.40ft4.70 : Texas butcher hteers , R10H3.65 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.i5'u3.25 ; canners , $2.SOii2.SO. HOGS Receipts , G.GS5 head ; demand ahead of supply ; arrivals bought promptly at StrlDc higher prices ; heavy , J3.75fl3.S3 , mixed , M.CO'fl.l.M ) ; lights , J3.50If3.80. * SHEEP Receipts , 4,200 head ; demand for killing and feeding- sheep continues good ; supply soon taken nt steady prices ; Inmbp , J5.255r3.75 ; muttons , J4.0/if4.fx ( ) ; range mut tons , JI.COJi 1.30 ; range feeding lnmliH , JI,00 < Jj 4.60 ; range feeding shep , J3.S5tf4.10. SI. I.iiulN IIre Stork. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 2-CATTLE-Recelpts , 1.100 head. Including 575 Texans ; shipments , 2,600 head ; market steady ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , Jl.OOfK ) 5.C5 ; bulk of sales , ! 4.5i5.GO ; dressed beef and butcher steers , Jl.00-1(5.35 ; bulk of sales , J4.10 < & 5.10 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. , J3.5 iil.CO , bulk of sales , $ I.OOf(4.BO ( ; stockers olid feeders - ers , J2.OOJj4.GO ; bulk of sales , J3.00U4.23 ; COWH and heifers , J2.00jfl.UO | ; bulk of cows , J2.50i ( < J 3.75 ; Texas ami Indian steers , S3.00i4.5o , bulk of sales , J3.50Jf4.30 ; cows and heifers , J225Q3.90. HOGS Receipts , 3,600 bead ; shipments. 2,500 head ; market 5c higher ; yorkers , { 3.SO 4i3.90 ; packers , J3.76T3.85 | ; butchers , J3.90Q 3.95. SHEEP-Recelpts , 500 head ; shipments , 1,000 bend ; market steady : native muttons , J3.50Q4.00 ; lambs , J4.23tfS.OO ; stockers. J3.70. XIMV York Live Moi > k. NE\V YORK , Sept. 2-HEEVES-Re- celpts , 2,212 head ; slow ; steers and bulls , steady ; cows , lower ; native steers , Jl.Mi'ifl fi.jil ; oxen and stags , J3.00tfl.60 ; bulls , J2.70tj ; 315 ; cows , J2.20&3.10 ; cables slow ; live cat tle , lOhftll'zc ; tops , ll'V ; refrigerator beef , iifMic ; exports today , none. CALVES Receipts , 233 head ; steady ; veals , J5.COfJb.eO ; choice , JS.25 ; bob , JI.K ( > i ( ) 4.50 ; grassers and buttermilks , J3.75ft4.50 ; southern grnssers , $3.00. SHEEP AND LAMHS-Recelpts , 4.31S head ; sheep , slow ; good lambs , steady ; others dull : sheep , J3.00'f4.65 ' | ; culls , J.1.50 . ; lambs , JI.250B23. HOGS Receipts , 1,250 head ; lower lit JI.20 ( &I.50. SI. , l < if | > l > l.lx.Slock. . ST. JOSEPH , Kept. 2.-Spcclal.-CAT- ( ) TLE Receipts , S30 litad ; steady ; natives. $1.30175.15 ; westerns , J1.60fi5.CiO ; cows and heifers , $2.Wi 1.25 ; stockeiH and feeders , } 3.25ff4.GO. HOGS RccrliitH , 3,200 bend : active and Cc higher ; top , J.I.SJ'.i ; bulk , $3.70'3.77li. SHEEP-Recelpts. 200 head : steady. Clncliiiiiill I.lie Stock. CINCINNATI , Sept. 2. IIOOS-KJrm nt J3.10fi3.n.-i. CATTLE-Steady at J2.73fi I.S3 SHEEP-Qulet at J2.25(4iO. LAMHS-Easy at J'1.50I5.75. | Stock In Sluhf. Record of receipts of llvo stock at the four principal markets for September 2 ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 2.C43 fi , ; S 4,724 Chicago 4,000 17,000 7,000 Kansas City 3.4SO C.6&5 4,200 St. Louis 1,100 3GOO 501) ) Totals 11.223 32,533 ic,42I Wool Hl'rKel. HOSTON , Seiit. 2. The Commercial Hul- letjn says of the wool market : The demand for wool hns been limited. Manufacturers are not buying to any ex tent for Immedlatii use- und where any de mand IH developed I era tli.ui the market value of the v/ool Is offered. The sales of the week are 1,105,000 pounds domestic nnd f.12.000 pounds foreign , a total of 2,017.000 pounds , against 2,378.0nO pounds hint wick and 953.0011 for the Hiimo week last vear. The sales today show a decrease of fcO.52ii.3so pounds domestic and 10fi.H5,3HO pounds foreign from the sales to the same date In 1S97. The. receipts to date show a decrease of 1.001.637 bales domestic and 322,013 bales foretcn. \ < MV York Dry ( inoilx .MiirKcl. NEW YORK , Sept. 2 The dry goods mnrli' t Is < m about the same II.T.-IH as It has been during the w ek Iluyers are plentiful In the city , havlnt ; ii\iille l them selves In Inrco numberK of th Mi-n-hnntH' asBoclatlon ejtcurnlon rain" , but thuy h.ivi- not been heavy operators In the market und sellsrn expect llttlo Improvement In store tnulliu : until the present hot spell has passed. Mall orders huve been fairly well sustained durlnc the week und tbona hnvo brought thr > d/illv / Hvcrngon up lo : \ rcamitmhlti Hgum in intuit quarter * Wooli-ii and uorntrd Hood * In nil iUiitteri | < h.u- IKTII dull. In cotton Rood * betli-r ri miltrt havn been obtained. Klnc print cloths nro Helling uulto frrol.v In stnntl loin. OH MiirKcl. OIL CITV , Pa. . Sept. 2.- Credit balances , $1 ; ccrlllletitcn opened and closed nt S9'o bid for cniih ; no Kalen ; lOilpnirntH , lft2,7M bbls. ; runs , 7I.MS bhK SAVANNAH. Gd. , Sept. 2.OIITtirpen - tint' , llrm at 2Sc. Rosin , llrm and un changed. WILMINGTON , N. C. Si-'it. 2.-OH/- Turpenllnc , llrm at ZTmiST'io. Rosin , lirm at Jl.03til.10 ; crude turpentine , llrm lit J1.1U Cllllriirnln Dried I'm Hi. NK\V YORK. Sepl. 2.-CAL1KORN1A DRIHD KRUlTS-Steiidy ; cvnpotitted ap ples , common. Guise per lb. ; inline wlro tray , 9c ; choice , 9'sc ' ; fnnrv , Si lilCc ; prunes , 4iSc per lb. , as to size and quality ; nprl- cots , Itojal. llf/l.le ; Mo'ir Park. IRftilttr ; peaches , impeded , 7l'c ) ' ; peeled , 12jjlCo per lb. Hiilti * ( llllirillll Ille Auiiln * ! < SllIeMoil , (5ALVKSTON ( , Tex. , Sept. 2.--Statc Health Olllcer lllunt has raised the qunrantlno ngalnst ( lalvcston nnd the city was never more healthy than at present. Thu quar- nntliic was but temporary and wns placed hist Friday , August 2G , on account of a suspicious case of fever at l-'ort Point. \ Yllnililn > U > lneliVoror. . NAURAOAN'SnTT PIER. R , I. , Sept. 2. li's Wlnnlo Davis , the daughter of Jeffer son Davis , who is III with gastritis here , ox- pcrli'iiced a change for the worse today. Her condition IH now considered critical. Complaint AUIIIIN | ( Archibald. A formal complaint has been filed ngaliiRt Oeorgo Archibald , driver for the Paclllc Kxpres company , charging him with stealIng - Ing $3,000 from his wagon. Archibald will be arraigned on the charge Saturday. H Is hinted that he may confess. It's tint n "p2tent"mel'c1no ' , but Is prepared direct ( rom tiio formula of E. E llarion. M. 1) . , Cleveland's most eminent speolall't , by lljulmcr O. Hcnion.Ph D..H S. 11A i.-l.I.N U tlici reut- cst known restorative ami Invlgorator. Jt TO- utcs nollil llvgli , iiuisrle nnd Klrcngtli , clean the Wain. i"alrs the blood > 1 nro nnd rich and causes a \ ( . moral feeling of health , \ Mtrncth und renewed vital- rv 'ty. ' v.hlle the cener live or- i. " ' Bans arc helped toreKaln their imrnml po crs nnd the suf ferer Is quickly made con scious of direct bencllt. Ono box will work wonders , f.lx should perfect a cure. Full directions in every box. or 111 ! out the iltaenosls nhret you find enclosed , and we will IMVO your ease special nttentlnn without extra charge. UAH-HUN N for sale at all ilniir Glares , n GO-dimo box for CO cents orvo will mail It aocurelv sealed on recelot o ( price. URS. HAHTON AN'l ) HKNS11N. , 91 Har-Ilcn UlocU , ClLvelaml. a Far sale by Ktihn & Co. , 15th and Doug las ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , 1102 Douglas St. , and Graham Drug Co. , 15th and Karnnm ; King Pharmacy , 27th nnd Leavenworth ; Peyton's Pharmacy. 21th nnd Leavenworth : E. J. Seykora , South Omaha , and all other druggists In Omaha , South Omaha , Council muffs. BLOOD A SPECIALTY Primary. Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be treated at home for same price under same guaranty. If you prefer to come here we will contract to pay railroad fare and hotel bills , and no charge if we fall to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury , lodldo potash and still have aches and pains , ilucous Patches In mouth , Sore Throat , Pimples , Cop per Colored Spots , Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling out. It Is this secondary We tiuarantoe io Cure We solicit the most obstinate canes and challenge the world for a case wo cannot cure. This disease has always bafllud the skill of the moat eminent phyulclans. (500,000 capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty Absolute proofs went sealed on application. 100 page book nent free. Addre N COO1C III2MEUY CO. , Mninnlo To in u I e , Clilcnuo , III. NSTANT J For headache ( whether sick or nervous ) , ' toothache , neuralgia , rheumatism , lumbago. pains and weakness In the back , spine or I kidneys , pains around the liver , pleurisy. swelling of the joints and pains of all kinds , the application of Railway's Heady Relief will uffurd Immediate easu , and Ha continued tine for it few duys effect a per- mancnt Summer Complaints. A half to a teaspoonful of Heady Relief In a half tumbler of water , repeated an of ten as the discharges continue , and a Ilan- nel saturated with Heady Relief placed over the stomach and bowels will afford Immediate Relief and soon effect a cure. Internally A half to a teaspoonful In half u tumbler of water will In a few min utes euro ( 'ramps. Spasms , Sour Stomach , Nausea , Vomiting , Heartburn , Nervous ness , Sick Headache , Flatulency und all Internal pains. .tin lu rlu In UK Vnrlinis I'orlui Cured nml I'revoii ti'il. I'rlce fide per IHI | tie. Mild ilriiKUl" ! * lilt. HA I ) WAV .V CO. , nr mm Slrl. . Krtr York. For Rats , Mice , Roaches , and \ Other ' Vermin. IT'S A KILLER. After f ailng , oil vermin iff k water r.m ! tht open clr. IleOLClhilkillrr n the mult cleanly oneallll. Per Sale by oil DrueKists. Prlco , tS Cents. NEWTON MANUFACTURING fi CHEMICAL CO , , 99 William Street. New York , JA ES E. E2QYO - GO , , 'I'clcplHinc 10i ; ! ) . Omaha , Nub COMMISSION , ( JHAIN , PROVISIONS anil STOCKS UUAKI ) Ol' TlfADI ! . Dlrft wlrt to c'lilcuKu ann N w York. CorrxpondrnU : John A.Vnrrtn A Co. H. R. PENNEY & CO. , Room -I , N. 1. Life HldK. , Oiniilin , Veil. StocksCrainProvisGns ! Direct ' \Vlri-n N MV Aurli , ( lilt-UKu und I'ulal * .