THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUXE 19 , 1873. OMAHA , FlrDAMOBX1XG , SEPTEMJEll 2 , 1398 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY" FIVE CEXTS. T TPP'P'n 4 VI\ 'H'P'P'P'P'n BIGGER AM ) BE HER Exposition Opens New Month with Much Brighter Prospects. KANSAS CELEBRATES A SECOND TIME Sunflower State Has Another Day at the Transmississippi Fair. THOUSANDS OF JAYHAWKERS TURN OUT Patriotic Citizens Gross the Border V l f. ' ' * Throng to See the Show. ' ' " EVENING HOUR SEES THE BIG CRUSH" ! Oninlia People MM ell ( lie Crowd lit ( lie Ground * Ilrntvit There l y the Jleiiutlen nnil Uxtru Attrac tions for tlie OcfaMon. Totiil iidinlnsloiiN } ewterdny. . . " ( ) , SOI ( ' 1'olal to dull- . 1,1 1 , US Pretty white buttons ornamented by em blematic sunflowers and worn on the breasts of thousands of visitors were the conspic uous feature at the grounds yesterday. The celebration of the second Kansas day nnd the first day of the fourth month of the exposition were greeted by a crowd that was strikingly suggestive of the Immense at tendance that seems assured during the remainder of the show. The morning trains brought In thousands of visitors to add to these who hud thronged the grounds on the preceding days and although this was par tially offset by the departure of some who Jiad completed their visit , yesterday's crowd remained visibly bigger than those that had preceded It. It Included a liberal represen tation of Jayhawkers , among which the agricultural clement seemed to predominate. Most of them came out rather earlier than usual ana the forenoon attendance was ex ceptional. The crowd was so big at noon that the addition of the later arrivals was scarcely perceptible , but In the evening when the 25-ccnt admission came In play the gates were again besieged and thou sands of local visitors swarmed In to enjoy the concert and the Interesting exhibition of life saving on the lagoon. KXHIICISKS AT T1IH AUDITORIUM. I'orninl Oliiervnnee of ICiiiimiH liny n ConMileiioiiH SitocewN. The principal feature of the celebration of Kansas Day occurred nt the Auditorium at 11 o'clock. A number of very Interesting nddrcsses were varied by some exceptionally ! | pleasing musical features nnd It was ' > y fur the most elaborate program that has yet been carried out on the grounds. The only llllleulty was that It was too long to suit the patience of the bulk of the big audience that wan In the building when It started and comparatively few of them remained during the three hours that the speaking continued. The exercises were preceded by a very enjoyable concert by the McCook band &nd when the visiting delegation arrived It found the building very comfortably filled I with an appreciative crowd. At 11 L o'clock the official party filed in headed I I by the Caman Military band of Wlnfleld , Kan. , and conducted by President Wattles | nnd General Manager Clarkson of the ex- | position and Governor Holcomb. After a selection - < lection by the band Vice President John E. Ftost of the Kansas commission Introduced I | Bishop Frank H. Mlllspaugh of Kansas , who ' Invoked the divine blessing on all the In- tcrcsts that the exposition represents. The McPhcrson quintet sang a detection with admirable taste and precision and re sponded to a well merited encore. Governor Holeomb then extended the greeting of Nebraska to Us sister state and said that his only regret was that all of the people of the whole country could not como nnd BCD the evidences of the remarkable achieve ments of Nebraska during the last quarter of n century. He suggested that the visitors bhoulcl feel at home In Nebraska , for the gorgeous emblems oJ their state grew in profusion to the very gates of the exposi tion. The history of the two states Is In tertwined. loth ! were admitted to the unlqn under the same act , under the same pecu liar condltlonn and the same courage and ! enterprise and endurance have alike charac | terized the people of each state. In the future as In the past each should bp Inter ested lu the prosperity and development of the other. The governor spoke enthusiastically of . the future that lies before this favored portion tion of the continent. With Its fertile soil and yet undeveloped resources It will be the granary of the wet Id. The exposition shows what has b.eii accomplished In one epoch , but other epochs arc to follow that will ehow still greater advancement. Uoternnr ( illi-U'x HenpoiiNe. In the absence of Governor Leedy of Kan sas , who was detained by Illness , ex-Gov ernor George W. Gllck responded to the sentiments suggested by Governor Hol comb. Ho said that Kausans have worked hard and faithfully to build up their state. They have built 10,000 school housed and over 1,200 churches where the children of the rich and poor sit side by side. Their 'agricultural ' advancement had been rnar- \ clous and they have every reason to be proud of the record of their state. Another selection by the quintet pre ceded the address of President Wattles , who very happily expressed the pleasure It af fords the exposition management to wel come such a representative party from the Sunllowcr state. He briefly tketched the early history of Kansas , referred to the ox- citlin ; controrursy on the slave question that had accompanied Its admission to statehood nnd had for some years after retarded Its progress. In seven years Kansas had seven territorial governors , approved four consti tutions nrd attracted the attention of the world. Drouth and grasshoppers brought new misfortune , and the transportation facilities were taxed to the utmost to carry the gifts of the nation to the pcoplo of a suffering state. But good crops brought [ prosperity and Kansas repaid its debt to the nation by giving more troops In proportion to Its population than any other state In the union to defend Its nag. With a soil un surpassed In fertility by any In the world ' * nnd with a people Imbued with the spirit of originality and progress Its prospects were full of promise of Immeasurable prosperity. Value of lIlKln-r IMiicuilini. President Thomas E. Wills of the Kansn Agricultural college spoke at some length on the. value of higher education aa a factor in public advancement. He contended that Iilgher education doe * not mean the al of a certain number , of text books. It means the development of the Intellect , a * the blacksmith develops bis bleeps , heed manner in which tb.s c n best be secured was discussed at length Church , schorls and raeney making s-bools are no * , In his Opinion , adapted to the purmf ho fuc school Is the true system and It should be open alike to all. To this end It Is urged that the state should furnlth the schools , the teachers and the means to run them. It should provide such accommodations as will afford the student the most economical means of living and thus bring education within the reach of the poorest citizen of the commonwealth. This was followed by speeches by C. D. Hoffman , regent of the State Agricultural college , nnd Thomas Ware of Topeka. After the exercises the party adjourned to Mar ket's cafe where an enjoyable lunch was served , After the exercises In the Auditorium a lunch was served In one of the restaurants at which the Kansas commissioners and a number of Invited guests were bidden. Tern- eranco drinks were served nnd after the 'J.ables had been cleared nn hour was de- ; /-ted to speaking. \S MfiHT M-JIJS A IIUOM , TOO. . TiiUe Advantage of the lie to See HlK Program. -'jnlsston , n cool breeze blow ing aJvA'V.ion , two band concerts , the cxhiI'/P > . 'ii by the United States life savlng' 4 * ? ' " " special fireworks and the attractions atxjje Indian village were some of the attractions that drew an Immense crowd to the exposition grounds last night. The 25-cent admission rate became effective at 6 o'clock and for .the . two hours following every car leading to the grounds was crowded to the foot boards. Hundreds walked to the gates , where there was a Jam , such as has seldom been seen. The work of the life saving crew at night was something not heretofore seen on the lagoon and It proved n great card as n drawer. Every Inch of space along the viaduct rail from 'tho ' bridge down to the Government building was occupied. The shot fired over 'tho spar carried the rope Just where It was Intended. The shipwrecked - wrecked crew was saved and carried In safety to the shore. The swamping of the boat elicited loud cheers nnd the entire program - gram was enjoyed hugely by these who wit nessed It. Many regarded It even more. In- tcrestlng than when conducted during the afternoon. The fireworks on the north 'tract were special for Kansas day and were witnessed by a crowd that occupied every seat In the grand stand. Although he had not been given much time In which 'to ' manufacture the fireworks , John Due , chief of pyrotech nics , sot out and completed what by many was considered the best display since the opening of the exposition. The set pieces were Governor Leedy in colored flre , "Wel come Kansaw , " the man pushing the bar row , "Yankee Doodle , " a zlg zag design , revolving planets , a spiral wheel In four colors Intersected by tblrty-slx-lnch scrolls with revolving wheels at the back of each. Then there were 100 fountains with fifty stars each. Rockets and bombs were much as have been heretofore exploded , with the exception that there were a number of double shells , throwing gold and silver fire. The red In the rockets was unusually flno and of a much deeper hue , the color remain ing until It reached the earth. After the fireworks about everybody seemed to visit itlie Midway and all of the concessionaires did a good business until the hour for closing. The Indians had their usual dance , but there were so many other things to attract attention that few pcoplo visited the camp. The dance was In the nature of a friendly gathering and was participated In by the Crows , Sioux and Asslnlbolnos. GIKI.S Aim COMIA'R KIIOM MISSOURI. \eirnpnper nt Sprlnwrileld Pnyn All o Their ISxpennei. The Leader-Democrat of Springfield , Mo. , j' has ' gome vri : girls and they will all bo In I Omaha next week for the purpose of j enjoying an outing nt the exposition. | Some weeks ago Editor J. D. Jewell or . the I Leader-Democrat worked up a voting scheme t for the purpose of ascertaining the popularity I of the young women of the town The five most popular ones he promised free transportation to Omaha , board for n week at a first class hotel and pauses to UK- exposition during their stay lu town. Theu the fun commenced and continued until Monday , when time was called. In figuring up results It was ascertained that Misses Ella Ashworth , Emma Hunt , May Mnlone , Kittle Evans and Mrs. George E. Preston had won. This word was conveyed to Sec retary Wakcfield of the exposition , who yes terday forwarded the exposition passes to the editor to bo delivered to the young women. There was another youne woman who came within 200 votes or such a mat ter of being a winner. She Is a Miss Maude [ McLean , and while It Is possible that she may not como as the guest of the paper she v ill have a pass to the exposition grounds. Along with the other passes Sec retary Wakefield sent ono for this young woman , recuestlnc that she accept it as a ' courtesy from the exposition. The young women pvnect to reach Omaha next Tues day. They will be chaperoned by Miss Orn Casslty , who Is connected with the Leader- Democrat. Want n ( irnml Army A\ ' < - 'ii. A movement has been started by a number of prominent members of the Grand Array of the Republic to have a Grand Army week In October at the exposition. Several at them met .together last night and talked the thing over with the result that It was resolved to call upon State Department Com mander Majors to Invite the posts generally to participate In an encampment hero from October 10 to 15 and an Invitation Is to bo sent to General Gobln , national department commander , and through him calling upon ex-unlou soldiers of the country generally | to pay Omaha a visit and take part in a mammoth Grand Army of the Republic demonstration. It Is believed no time could be more pro pitious for a grand reunion of old veterans than now as the magnificent record of the | administration In the late war with Spain I and the happy termination of this most re cent conflict afford reason for an enthusi astic gathering. Apiary Ilitlldlnx IN Killed. There Is .no more vacant space In the Apiary building. The last section was taken yesterday by G. n. Lewis & Co of Waterloo - lee , la. , who will put In an exhibit consistIng - Ing of supplies and tools used in the cultiva tion of bees and the handling of the honey. The building Is more completely filled than the Apiary buildings at any of the former expositions and the exhibits are said to be of a better class. The honey In the Apiary building Is ad- mlrcd by all who visit the structure. While It has been nn off year for bees , owing to the extreme heat and the wet weather durIng - Ing the early part of the season , the honey Is excellent and U said to be as fine as any ever placed on exhibit. ClurkHun fioea to Cincinnati. General Manager Clarkson will leave for Cincinnati Saturday night to attend the national encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic , which occurs in tLo Ohio city next week. During the encampment he will present the Invitation of the exposition management nnd the Grand Army posts of Nebraska to the national body to attend the veterans' reunion which will be held at the exposition October 13 and 14. Invitations ( Continued on Fourth Page. ) SHAFTER AT CAMP WIKOFF Commander of the Santiago Campaign Beaches Montank Point. WILL NOT DISCUSS THE MILES-ALGER ROW the Red Cromi mill Other \iire Did ( innil Work , lint tlmt the Kroitt IN \ot thf * 1'lncc for Women. NEW YORK. Sept. 1. The transport M lexlco , with General Shafter on board , was lighted off Montauk Point at 6:40 : a. m. oday , and on hour later dropped anchor I | n Fort Pond bay. The City of Mexico has on board besides . General Shafter the members of his staff , ' Deluding Lieutenant Colonels E. J. McCIer- nand , U. F. Pope nnd 0. McC. Derby : Majors Robert H. Noble , John Mlley and S. W. Grosbcck ; Captains Jt E. Gllmore and E. I. Plummer. As soon as General Wheeler ivas notified of General Shafter's arrival he ordered a salute of fifteen guns to bo fired and Troops M , E , C , II and K. of the Second end regular cavalry were detailed to escort Icneral Shafter Into camp when ho should and. General Shafter and his staff were landed from the City of Mexico shortly before 11 o'clock , being taken off in the auxiliary gun boat Allecn and landed at the "floating dock , " some distance away from the quar antine pier. General Young was nt the pier at the time. The coming ashore of the com mander and his staff was unexpected. Gen eral Wheeler had the cavalry drawn up at the quarantine pier and the guns waiting to salute General Shafter. He was not aware that . General Shatter was on shore until thu latter , ' and his staff had been driven to the | detention hospital In carriages. General Shatter appeared In good health when ho came ashore. On the City of Mexico beside the general and his staff came ono company , , of the First regiment Infantry. No report ! as to their condition has been made. I cral Shafter was ashore ordered the salute | of fifteen guns fired. U was difficult to get near General Shafter at the detention camp , but the commander of the Santiago cam paign sent word to the correspondent that I he was glad to be on American soil once more , hut was sorry to learn that so many ' of his men had died and were still sick at Montauk. He said , however , that had the troops remained In Santiago they would have fared much worse. Surgeon Myer , who came north on the Al legheny , had something to say today as to the condition of the transport. It was said on the vessel that fourteen Ninth Massa- chueetts men had died. Surgeon Myer stated that when the Allegheny left Santiago there were but twelve sick men on board , "but sickness developed very quickly on the ves sel when out a few days and deaths oc curred at the rate of three a day. The Massachusetts men and the First Illi nois men were landed from the Allegheny today and the 145 sick were sent to the hos pitals. The men from the City of Mexico were also taken ashore. Can Out fur Illnmelf. General Shatter Is now , strictly speaking , ' by reason of rank in command of Camp Wlkoff , but ho will not assume the -reins of control until his term In the detention camp Is finished. In an Interview this afternoon General Shaftcr said : "I knew nothing of the Mlles-Alger con troversy until I was shown a newspaper on my arrival here. I will not discuss It now. nor will I enter the controversy at any time , Secretary Alger and General Miles can take care of themselves and so can I. "Tho Red Cross and other nurses did good work at Santiago , but the front Is hardly the place for women. There was never any real scarcity of food In Cuba , but there were no transportation facilities to get supplies to : te front other than pack mules. The army j and sick In hospitals down there fared as well as possible In such a climate. " When told that It hod been denied that there was yellow fever at the camp at San tiago , General Shaftcr said It was nonsense , as there was yellow fever there and the doctors In Santiago , who knew it like a book , said It was yellow fever and nothing else. Santiago was on the mend , the general said , and the sanitary measures taken by the offi cers were having a good effect. \VII.I , IIK12AIC I'P CAMI" TODAY. Movement of the Third Corpn from ClitekiiiuiiiiKii In to De CHICKAMAUGA PARK. Sept. 1. The Third corps headquarters , division head quarters , divisional hospitals and ambulance corps leave Camp Thomas tomorrow for Annlston , Ala. The regiments of the First \ division of the corps will also begin moving tomorrow. It will be Impossible to get all the regiments of the corps out this week , but they will bo handled as rapidly as pos sible and will probably all be gone by Tues day or Wednesday of next week. All the artillery batteries are expected to get away j before Saturday night. General Brecktn- rldge Is very anxious to start them homo and believes ho will bo able to get trans portation for all tomorrow and Saturday. So materially have the conditions In the I hospitals Improved during the lost few days i that there Is now but little complaint. The J number of patients Is decreasing rapidly and I there are but few deaths. A number of sick ' ! men unable to travel are left by each de- I parting regiment , and on this account the . general hospital must be maintained for i some time to come. ' Too HUM- for InvextldaHoii Now. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. Surgeon General I Sternberg today sent the following letter to | a New York medical publishing house , which had made Inquiries of him concerning the i conduct of the war with reference to the medical department , especially about the subject of having an Immediate Investiga tion of ills bureau. Ho says : I am ready at any moment for a com- 10"plcto Investigation with reference to my ad 1 ministration of the affairs of the medical de partment , but the War deportment is not disposed to make such an Investigation as the result of sjmatlcnal newspaper articles. There Is at present an evident craze to criticise without regard to truth or Justice. In regard to Montauk Point , I Intend to send at once Lieutenant Colonel Charles Smart , , an experienced officer and a professor of i hygiene , to make a thorough sanitary In- flvestlgatlon. ] . ; > Third MlHxourl Home Next WIT I.- . CAMP MEADE. Mlddletown. Pa. . Sept. 1. Major General Graham Issued orders today i ' assigning the Sixteenth Pennsylvania bat t. talion to the Second division of the Second ( I I brigade and the Second West Virginia and ! the Eighteenth Pennsylvania to the First i I brigade of the First division. The Sixth I Pennsylvania regiment expects to leave I camp Monday on thirty days' furlough. At the expiration of that parlod the troops will report at Mount Gretna to be mustered out. The Third Missouri will start Monday for ' < Kansas City to be mustered out , and tomor row the detachments of the Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth Michigan leave for Isle Lake , Mich. , to join their regiments. The Thirteenth Pennsylvania , whose headquar ters are at Scranton , reached camp today from Carap Algcr. A battalion of the Sev enth Ohio came In earl this morning. The patients In the division hospitals will bo discharged from the ftervlce It they make application through the proper channels. LHAVKS I'OUTO UICO. on tin : Ohiliini from I'otipe ( or the United MtnteM. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. The War de partment makes public the following dl - patch from General Stiles : PONCE , Sept. L Secretary of War. Wash ington : Twelve thousand troops will be left In Porto Rico and nearly 4,600 Infantry , cavalry and artillery sail for New York. These troops sail on the OMsir. . Concho , Chester , Alamo , Mlulsslppl and Manitoba. The division Is under command of Major General Wilson , with Brigadier Generals Schwan , Halnes and Garretpou. All these officers have taken part In the different en gagements and are entitled to much credit and I speak for them any consideration that can bo given on their return home. The cavalry and artillery leave most of their horses and all of their field transportations In Porto Ktco. I Suit on Obdum today. MILES. Major General Commanding. General Brooke has notified Cnptaln Gen eral Maclas , the Spanish general commandIng - Ing at San Juan do Porto Rico , under a flag of truce carried to the Spanish lines by Colonel Gocthal , that Rear Admiral Schley and General Gordon , the American Porto Rlcan peace commissioners , had sailed for San Juan from New York on the steamer Seneca. At the same time General Brooke , who is also a member of the commission , nked il there was any objection to his pro- ccedlng overland with Tin escort. Major Jose Reyes of the Spanish army brought the reply Oiw General Maclas today. It was sent by wire and said there were no objections. Con sequently General Brooke has arranged to leave on Friday or Saturday with his staff , escorted : by Troqp F of the Sixth cavalry and Captain Pitcher's company of the Eighth Infantry. Several stone culverts between here and the Spanish works on the crest of the moun tains , which had been blown up , will bo re paired tomorrow by Colonel Goethal's en- glneers. The SpanUh fortifications are marvelously - velously strong , and the Spanish command ers claim they could have held back the esi strongest army In Europe against the strong est assault In front. The Spaniards had trenches and two guns. All but 100 men sta tioned there have returned to San Juan. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. A dispatch has been received at the War department from i General Miles asking why the troops In Porto Rico hove not been palfl. The ex planation Is given that the paymasters with money for the troops were at Santiago and ready to proceed to Ponce , but General Miles objected to these paymasters , saying they . would bring yellow fever Infection with them , or the money might bo Infected while on . board tbo ships. The other paymasters have been since dispatched to Porto Rico to pay the troops that remained there. MUSTHIU.VU OUT 3IOHK TROOPS. Fiftieth IOIYII , > ow nt .Inckaonrlllc , Included In the Lntext Order. WASHINGTON , Seat. 1. The War de partment has Issued orders for the follow ing movements of troops for the purpose of being mustered out at their destina tions : First Wisconsin , from Jacksonville to Camp Douglass , WIs. ; Fifth Ohio , from Fernandlna to Columbus ; First United States Volunteer cavalry , Rough Riders , at Montauk Point ; Thlrlr-thlrd and Thirty- fourth Mlchlsan , frora Montauk Point to Camp Eaton , Island Lake , Mich. ; First Connecticut , from Dunn Lorlng to Nlnlantlc , Conn. ; First Illinois Infantry , from Montauk Point to armory In Chicago ; Fiftieth Iowa , from Jacksonville to Des Molncs ; Third Virginia , from Camp Alter to Richmond ; First j Mississippi , from Chlckamauga to j Lauclerdnle Springs , Miss. ; Second Missis sippi , from Jacksonville to Laudcrdale Springs. Two PriNonern from I'orto Him. NEW ORLEANS. Sept. L The United States transport Whitney reached the city to.lay with about forty soldiers and civilians who came direct from Porto Rico. The Whitney also brought two prisoners heavily shackled , one of them being Private Alex ander La Duke of the Second Wisconsin regiment , who killed Private Thomas Staf ford In Ponce and who was tried by court- martial and sentenced to the penitentiary for life. The other prisoner Is Henry Apter , a civilian , who Is charged with rob bery. The commands represented by the returning soldiers arc th'o Nineteenth In fantry , Third artillery. First Pennsylvania artillery , Twenty-first New York and the First regiment of New York cavalry. CoimnliNlnn of Jio Service > "OYT. WESTERLY. R. L , Sept. 1. Corporal William A. Talcott , jr. , Company M , Sev enty-first New York volunteers , died here today of malarial fever contracted In Cuba. His body will be taken to the home of his parents In Rockford , 111. Talcott , who waa 28 years of age , was graduated from Amherst - herst college in 1893 , nnd from the Harvard law school In ISO" . In January last he was admitted to the New York bar. He enlisted as a private and was promoted for gallantry before Santiago. He was listed for a second lieutenancy In the regular army. Klmt Ohio to He MiiHtered Out. WASHINGTON , Sept. 1. It Is probable that the First Ohio volunteer regiment will be mustered out In a few days. The regi ment Is now nt Fernandlna. Quito a con troversy has arisen In regard to the disposi tion of the regiment , the officers desiring to remain In the service , while the men want to go home. The men have asked for their discharge , not In a body , but Individually , and It Is probable that the regiment will be mustered out as a whole. SuntliiKO llONiltnl Report. WASHINGTON. Sept. 1. General Law- ton's dally bulletin concerning the health of the Santiago troops follows : Total sick , 33C ; total fever cases , 252 ; total now cases fever , 12 ; total returned to duty , 6. Deaths : John C. Goard. Company E , Slx- ! , tcenth ' United States Infantry , acute dysen- ' tcry ; A. P. Peterson , private , Company K , First Illinois , typhoid fever , following yel low fever ; Harry Dlschoff , private , Troop > F , Second cavalry , yellow fever. CiixeN lit San Frnnelxeo Hunpltiil. SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 1. At the division - ' vision hospital there are ninety-two pa tients from the Seventh California regiment , I seventy-five from the Tennessee , fifty-two ' from the Iowa , thirty-five from the Twenty- third and twenty-five from the Twentieth Kansas. Two deaths have occurred since the last report , those of Private R. S. Gar- rett of the Seventh California and Barton J. Drown of the Fifty-first Iowa. ( Mlleer to Mnitler Out lovrn Men. _ DES MOINES , la. . Sept. 1. Lieutenant D. L. Howell of the Seventh United States In- fantry arrived today from Montauk Point to muster out the Fifty-second Iowa volun- teers and other troops which may bo lint to Des Molnes Hot Unonuli for rCHICAGO. . Sept. 1. This was the third day with the mercuries In the 80s and the signal service declares there will be no relief for several days at least. On the street level today thermometers registered ! l 93 and 95. There were three deaths and twenty-two prostrations. LAZAR HOUSE OF DISEASE Horrible Conditions on the Spanish Transport Isla do Fanaji TWENTY-FIVE DEATHS DURING THE VOYAGE One Hundred nnd Twenty-Five I" n Condition nnd the Kent iiK Skeleton * with nhuntly I'mture * . ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) MADRID , Sept. 1. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Isla do Panay arrived today with repatriated soldiers from Cuba on board. There were twenty-five deaths on the voyage from Santiago nnd 125 others arc In a dying con dition. The remainder are In very bad shape , many of them being 111 , and the ap pearance of all Is positively ghastly. The slglit Is worse than any witnessed In Turkish prisons where Armenians are con fined. The lower classes here are deeply , perhaps dangerously Impressed. Four thousand repatriated officers have returned from Cuba and the queen regent has placed her palace at Rlofrlo at their I disposal , with accommodations for most of I i that ] number. The officers have gratefully j accepted the offer. Sllvela has declined Sagasta's Invitation to servo on the Paris commission. The Duke of Tetuan likewise refused , apparently wishing to saddle on the liberals the whole responsibility. All Catalunta protests against a continu ance of special war taxes and Insists on an immediate repeal , threatening closure of all the factories. A poor relief sergeant In at tempting to hand Sagasta a letter yesterday , , day was mistaken for an anarchist nnd ar rested. The minister of finance finds the land survey a Job. DEATHS FROMJTHE LATE WAR lliillctx Killed Three Hundred and l-'lfty nnd tllneiiNe Kill * Itettveeii 1,200 mid U.OOO Soldier * . CHICAGO , Sept. 1. The Tribune tomor row will print statistics showing the num ber of soldiers who have been killed In bat tle and have died of disease In camps dur ing the war with Spain. The Tribune says . While 300 officers and men have been ' killed In battle or died of wounds received there have died of disease In camps between 1,200 and 2,000 volunteers and regulars. Th Tribune has secured the names of 1.2S4 who i died In camp , on transports , or at home , after contracting the dread malaria In ono of the camps. There Is no doubt about The 1,284 whose names have been secured. Neither Is there much doubt that there are hundreds dead whose names could not be secured on ac count of lack of records and the Inability or unwillingness of army officers to furnish lists of the dead. The Tribune gives the following statistics of dead In euch camp , giving In every In stance a full list of names and the nature of disease. The list by camps Is as follows : Camp Thomas , 352 ; Santiago , 341 ; San Francisco , 78 ; Camp Alger , 75 ; Wlkoff , 63 ; Jacksonville , 50 ; Tampa , 58 ; Miami , 76 ; Fer nandlna , Lakeland , Carap Meade and other minor camps , In private hospitals , at home , etc. , 115 ; state camps , 36 ; transports and hospital ships , 90 ; total , 1,284. Deaths are attributed to the following . causes : Typhoid fever , CIS ; yellow fever , 84 ; dysentery , 63 ; meningitis , 47 ; malaria , 81 ; pneumonia , 61 ; causes reported as fever , 106 ; miscellaneous ailments or diagnoses not reported , 327. Of the regular army 290 are dead ; Massachusetts - , chusetts Is second with 130 ; Illinois third with 100 ; Michigan fourth with 91 , nnd New York fifth with 85. ' MADRID COUNCIL DEADLOCK Ai > polntineiitfi of Memhern of the Penee COIIIIIINNOII | | Still CIIUM- Much Trouble. ' MADRID , Sept. 1. The deadlock over the appointment of the peace commissioners still continues. Senor Sagasta , the premier , made a statement as to the foreign policy , j referring particularly to the disarmament i proclamation of Emperor Nicholas. Lieutenant - ' tenant General Correa , minister for war , i read a dispatch from General Rlos , acting governor general of the Spanish territory In the Philippine "Islands , announcing that [ he had acceded to Admiral Dewey's re- ' quest to open Philippine ports , subject to ratification by the Madrid government. Senor Sagasta , according to El Ilcraldo , Is trying to persuade the Duke of Tetuan , now leader of the diffident conservative. ! , to Join the peace commission. Tonight several members of the chamber of deputies have expressed a strong belief that a cabinet crisis will follow Immedi ately on the meetljig of the Cortes. Tbo probable composition of the new con servative ministry Is being discussed. TO APPOINT CUBAN OFFICERS They Arc to Hnve Civil Pimltlonn In SimtliiKO 1'rovliice to 1'aclfy the Tiirhulent nieiiient. i SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Sept. 1. General ' ! Law ton received word today that the Cuban ' leaders , Cebreco , Lacrct and Pedro Perez | I i have been ordered by General Gomez to | ' place themselves under Law-ton's command. General Lawton believes that the arrange- j ments will expedite the disbanding of the | Cuban forces. He has decided to employ Cuban officers In Important civil positions In the province of Santiago de Cuba. Gen j eral Castillo will get a place and will act as General Lawton's adviser In making other appointments. He-lire Auxiliary Naval VI-HPH-IH. WASHINGTON , Sept. 3. As the result of a short lntor-rlew ct .he N.u-y department today between Assistant Secretary Allen and President Grlscnm of the International Navigation company tlv N.v/v department tomorrow will deliver ul Cramps In Phila delphia the four vessels cturtureJ from tlmt company , formerly known as thu New York , Paris , St. Louis and St. Paul. The thlps are to be restored by the Cr.imi3 | to tbo exact condition In which they were when i taken by the Navy department for use in I the war. Keniove SIcU to .Netv York. NEW YORK , Sept. 1. The ambulance ship Shlnnecock , with 271 sick soldiers on board , arrived here today from Montauk Point. Only about twenty of the men are well enough to be granted furloughs. KurloiiKlm for Tu NEW YORK. Sept. L The Thirty-third and Thirty-fourth regiments , Michigan vol- unteers , 111 leave Camp WIckoff tomorrow for home , having been granted furlouchs. TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA II n. ill 71) Ul n. in SU 11 n. in SB 12 in S7 TODAY AT TII13 IJXI'OSITIO.V. At the ( ironndftt Pencil l > ny. M n. in. to 1Oi0 ! ii. nt. , Indlnti Con- ureiR nt Kiieiiiiiiiitii'iit. Id n. in. , .Met'ook llniid nt the Atiill- tnrlmn , -itll : p. in. , Mo lomt llnnd nt ( iovern- iiient Ilnlldlim. I 11. in. , Life SnvluK Mvlilliltlou on 7 i > . in. , Mcvlrnn llnnd , Cranil 1'lara S ] i. in. , MIINU Carnival on < irnnd Court. SECOND PASSES ST. LOUIS Miiety-Kl e of the XelirnxUn llnyn front CliluUnmntiKii Are Very 111. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 1. The Second regiment of Nebraska volunteers passed through this city tonight enroute homo from Chlcka- manga. The train came In on the Illinois Central In four sections nnd left over the Missouri Pacific. Ninety-five of the soldiers ore very 111 nnd were furnished with milk at the Union station. SICK IN THIRD REGIMENT One Hundred nnd Thirty-Seven Se- liriixkn .Men Arc I.nld I p nt LINCOLN , Sept. 1. ( Special Telegram. ) Adjutant General Barry tonight received frora Colonel Drycn the dally report of sick in the Third regiment , Nebraska volunteers. This report gives fifty-three sick In the hos pital and eighty-four In quarters. Colored Troop * for Culm. INDIANAPOLIS , Scut. 1. The two com panies of colored volunteers raised In this state under command of Cantalns J. W. Porter and John J. Buckner , left for Fort Thomas , Ky. , this afternoon , where they will report to Colonel Hugglns for asslcn- ment. The department has promised to send them to Cuba or Porto Rico for garrison - risen duty. The officers of both companies are colored , the first colored officers com missioned by the War deoartment. Merrltt at HOIIK KOUK. LONDON. Sept. 1. The United States transport China , according to a dispatch from Hong Kong , to the Dally Mall , has arrived there with General Merrltt and Gen- oral Greene , the former en route for Paris to attend the proceedings of the Hispano- Amorlcan peace commission , nnd the latter en route to Washington. GEORGIA HARDHIT BY STORM _ IlnllrondH nnd Te.lcurnnh I.lncs Ilndly Demoralized Storm nnd Heiivy Italii Hench Atlanta. ATLANTA , Ga. . Sept. 1. The storm which swept over southeast Georgia for the last two days has put six counties under water and has paralyzed railroads nnd tele graph communication In that part of the state. Armies of railroad men ore at work on all lines affected , but are making poor progress , as the rnln continues. Many trains from Atlanta and north and west are , at Tcnnllle , Ga. , unable to move. Eight Inches of rain fell nt Tennlllo In twelve hours and the wind reached a velocity of sixty miles an hour. Bridges were wrecked and houses and trees blown down , but so far as : known no lives were lost. The damage to bridges and roads In Washington county alone Is $15,000. Atlanta received a touch of the storm today. The wind reached a velocity of thirty-five miles and the rainfall was very heavy. SAVANNAH , Ga. , Sept. 1. The steam pilot boat K. H. Estlll picked up Captain Wilson and thiee men from the schooner Edwin I Gasklll , which Is wrecked on Hilton Head beach. Tihe Estlll also picked up Cap tain Moil and two men from the Norwegian bark ' D. H. Morris , which Is lying off Port Royal ' bar with its sails and rigglog gone. Five ' men from the Norwegian bark Ragna , which Is wrecked on Gaskln bank , were also picked up. The Esllll reports passing a vessel , sup posed 1 to bo n schooner , bottom up ten miles east of Tybee light. The schooner John S. Dearlng , Captain Woodland , from Baltimore to Jacksonville with canned goods , Is ashore on Daufausklo Island. Its crew Is safe. PANDO SAILS FOR NEW YORK UcleRnteH of liiHiirm-iit Kori'cn lo Meet nt CninnKiiey to Klect u Xew Government. HAVANA. Sept. 1. General Pando has failed for New York with his staff on the | Ward liner Philadelphia. The delegates of the Insurgent forces will meet at Camaguey , where they will elect a new government. Advices from Neuva Paz state that the ( forts surrounding the town have been torn down , and the palm barrier defengo has ( been destroyed. In the government lottery the drawing took place today nnd the big 1 prize was drawn by the government. Senor do Castro , the civil governor , con i- tinues to minister to the poor. Ho Is send ing supplies to San Antonla les Buries / , Cclba , Del Agun , Cano and other places. The general health of Havana Is good , and although yesterday forty-four deaths were reported , there Is comparatively little sick ness. A general order has been Issued to the First battalion of Havana volunteers by their colonel , who praises their zeal ana eagerness to see actual warfare. Ho re minds them that though there Is a sus pension of hostilities to treat for peace , the mission of the volunteers Is not enchil and will not terminate for a long time. Ho exhorts them to prove their worthiness by standing together and by setting an example of order and discipline as long as It may bo deemed necessary by the government. Senor De Castro today eont out a num ber of ambulances to pick up the poor sit ting on the sidewalks on the streets. Movement * of Ocean Vemiulu , Si-pi. I , At Bremen Arrived Travc , frora New York. At Liverpool Arrived Servla , from New York ; Germanic , from New York. At New York Sailed American , for Rot terdam ; Frtedrich der Gross , for Bremen. Arrived Britannic , for Liverpool ; Phoenicia , from Hamburg , At Queenbtown Sailed Waesland , for Philadelphia ; Majistlt , for New York. At Naples- Arrived KaUcr Wllhclm II , from New York , At Southampton Arrived Steamer Fuorst Illimarck. from New York for Hambure. BLOOD MAY YET FLOW French Capital Oity Stands in Danger of Revolutionary Turbulence , EXCITEMENT OVER DREYFUS REVELATIONS Cabinet Ministers Beside Themselves with Consternation nud Apprehension. PEOPLE LOSE THEIR FAITH IN THE ARMY Gravest Rumors .Ciroulnto Compromising Chiefs of General Staff , REVISION OF DREYFUS CASE MUST COME lionely Prisoner on Devll'x Inland Maj He Itrpntrlatril nnd Once. J'ai'c Hln Aceiinern ill O lie it Co * < ( Copyright. 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co. ] i . . PARIS , Sent. 1. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Paris Is ablaze with excitement over the Dreyfus revelations. Experienced students of Parisian moods declare that nothing short of a miracle can stave off some outbreak of revolutionary turbulence. The ministry 's bcsldo Itself wl'h consternation and ap prehension. Heretofore the republic has been saved at critical moments by reliance on the army , but now the army Is demoral ized nnd the pcoplo suspect It of being rot ten , root and branch. The sravest rumors still circulate com promising chiefs of the general staff In con nection with Henry's suicide. Tonight a report readily credited went flying along the boulevards that Dolsdcffro had followed Henry's example. . Public confidence Is so utterly shattered that no anticipation too grave ran be dis believed. Popular sentiment Is fast crystal lizing 1 In favor of a revision of the Dreyfus case. The Inspired statement of Temps that the discovery of Henry's forgery only gives added force to the proofs of Dreyfus' guilt is regarded ns merely showing the sheer dementia | of the ministers In face of the tremendous crisis. Temps has now executed j1 change of front nnd demands a revision , In which It Is supported by other leading papers. Dreyftii 'lay Come Home. The World correspondent learned at the ministry of commerce tonight that orders ' for ' the repatriation of Dreyfus may Inatio at any moment. Several cable dispatches have already passed between the ministry nnd Cayenne understood to bo Inquiries re specting possible arrangements for sending > the ' convict home. The Intelligence branch of the war office Is In a state of painful excitement over the ' dlsuracc of the suicide. Its chief and other members of the staff Implicated In the conspiracy are declared to bo under sur veillance , but the truth la In the present temper of the public mind every official Hiispccts encb other nnd a white terror prevails among olficlals. Disclosures of n more grave event than the Panama scan dal are freely predicted for the ministry. i Cavalsnac Is stated by Temps to be still convinced of Dreyfus' guilt , but at the ministry of war the World correspondent was Informed this evening that there was no warrant for such on assertion. In fact , , It Is hinted that since Henry's suicide other evidence has been unearthed whlrh haa modified Cavnlgnac's belief In Dreyfus' cul pablllty. HevUlon Munt Come. Yves Guyot said to mo today : ' "The honor of the army cries out for o revision. No device can now frustrate it. " Frances Depressucso asseverated with In tense feeling : "Revision Is as ertaln as that the nun will rise tomorrow. Its re fusal could no longer be regarded as other than equivalent to the avowal that Drcyfua had been wrongfully convicted. " Even IJumetlere , SCoIa's fiercest opponent and bitter personal enemy , declared : "I am awaiting Judicial proofs which I am con fident the government can produce at a re hearing. " Georges Clcmcnceau , who defended Zola with his labors , said : "I have witnesses to swear that Fauro has himself declared to Intimate friends that he has been ciiamo- fully misled nnd cheated. The only ques tion now Is the time and method of n re hearing. Much will depend on the method. " Anti-Dreyfus Journals still cling desper ately to the lost causa with a strange per version of mind , styling Henry a martyr to patriotism and a typical man of honor. The ministers are still asserted to bo divided on the revision question nnd It Is deemed qulto possible that a ministerial crisis may relieve lievo the objectors of responsibility for sanctioning that course. i\tract from lireyfuo' I.i-fcr . Special point is given under present cir cumstances to the Dreyfus letters , now first published , though received four years ago by Madaino Dreyfus. One extract Is as fol lows : "I will not tell you all I have suffered , for In the whole world there are no words patriotic enough for that. Do you remember my telling you how happy we were. Evcry- thing smiled for us In life. Then all of a sudden a clap of thunder so appalling that my brain still reels. I was accused of the most monstrous crime a soldier can com- rait. I have had moments of wild madness. I have even wandered , but my kept nwako and said to mo , 'Lift up your I head and look the world In the face. Strong In your good conscience , walk straight. It I Is a terrible trial , but you must undergo I . . . u This Is certainly not like the letter of a guilty man pretending to be Innocent. Hero Is another extract : "To have worked all one's life for one single end and that end taking revenge against that Infamous ro'bbcr who despoiled us of our dear Alsace , and.then see one's | self accused of treason toward one's coun- try ! No. my darling. My mind refuses to take It In. Do jou remember how I told you about my being ten years ago at Mull- house ? In the month of September It wan and I heard one day passing under our windows a German band celebrating the anniversary of Sedan. My anguish was such I wept with rage. I bit the sheets with anger and swore to consecrate all my strength and understanding to the servlcn of my country against those who thu : trampled on the Alsatians In their anguish. My life has now but one rlngle aim to dis cover the wretch who betrayed his country. " Detail ) , of Hie Snlelde. LONDON. Sept. 1. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The Dally New : . ' Paris dispatch says : Not a guard stayed In Henry's room , only on the landing , but the suicide would have taken place. At about tbrco minutes to five tbo canteen waiter came to take or ders for dinner. Ho found the door locked ° 1 ihe lli id.o ajiij werj Jo S fiUlDl ,10018 J