Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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10 THE OMATTA DATLT BET ! : TTTtTTSDAT ? , 1 , 1898.
Sharp Advance in Corn Ovcrahadows
Operations in Wheat Pit.
Corn IN n I'otirtli of n Cent Illnhcr ,
Out * I iiclmnxcd , Pork 17 l-
Cen ( I.IMMT , l.nril I- I'
ll ml ItlllH ii I-L' .
CHICAGO , Aug. 31. A sharp advance In
r-.rn t.jii-iy , alth-ugh not holding until the
c-lose , overshadowed the boarlih consld-
rutlons In the wheat pit nml partially uns
tained wheat prices. September wheat
cloned ' /ifi'u-S'O lower and December lost ' /i
C/3-Sc. ( 'orn , compared with last night In
1-Mi\'tc higher. Oats arc unchanged to 1-Sn
lower. I'ork docllnud 17V4c , lard 12\sc and
ribs 2'jc. '
Liverpool , before the opening licre , showed
declines In wheat of 0-Sd for September and
' /id for December , which was sulllclcnt to
u < count fur lower prices at the start. More
cc-ntidimc' ' was soon expressed by tlio trad
ers , however , when they observed how little -
tlo wheat was for sale at the reduction nnd
) mw much appeared to be wanted. The
northwestern receipts wcro sulllcleiitly lib
eral to keep bullishness from taking a very
lirm bold of the crowd , but there were
fewer expressions of benrlshneas to lit
licard. New York reported early In the
ilay that foreign demand there for wheal
for shipment was moro actlvo thnn lot
Home time previous. It was partly because
of the Improved export demand , but per-
Imps mom on account of the early bullish-
Jir an of < orn that September and DecMinbei
xvlieat at Chle.-igo quickly recovered the
blight dip It made at the opening.
Cash wheat was easy at about ' -ifilc de-
cllno for cniitract grade and lower grades al
iibniit yesti-nlay's prices to a shade higher
Chli ago rotuptM were cars , ng.ilnst IK
u year . .gi > . Minneapolis and Diiluth re-
celv d CI7 c.-u'.s , compared with Z'.tl the yeai
before , and the- aggregate at all the prin
cipal western markets amounted to 1,110,001
bu. , compared with 1,119,000 bu. the corre
Hpiindliig day of the previous year. Tin
catching up of the receipts to the voltuni
ot last year was ono of the most market
features of the day's developments. Ship
inentH from Atlantic and gulf ports , ctjuu
Jn wheat and flour to 790,000 bu. , passi-i
without comment , Illustrating the grealei
Jnllueneo with the crowd of anything capa
Mo of bearish Interpretation. In llm las
liour the advancJng tendency In corn hav
ing been chei-ked , wheat turned weak am
prices gradually worked lower. Scptembei
opened i-li-Sc ( : ! lower at ( .IITCfi , advanced t <
1.1fce. [ . reacted to lit : 5-Xe and closed at C3 s
Catin7-.Sc sellers ; December started 1-Si
down at 81 7-81 ti2e , up to G2 S-S KS' ' r , off t <
( il 5-Sc , then recovered to C19ic buyers at tin
close- .
The growing conviction of a proapeetlvi
phort crop being nt present clenched lnt <
jin asnurimce of a poor yield by the con
tinned high lemperatnro strengthened corn
I'roinlncnt bulls bought heavily nnd tin
efforts made by the shorts to cover wen
luirdly li-ss active. There was some re
cession from the top near the close , cause !
liy realizing and lebernl estimates for to
morrow. September started 1-Sc higher a
noi.iifclO 3-Kc. di-cllned to 30 1-U830',4C am
closed at 30 3-tiu buyers.
Oats acted Independent of either wheat o
corn and prices ruled steady within a iinr
row range. The most of the trading tlom
was changing from September to Docem
Ijer. September opened unchanged to 1-Si
lip at 20c , declined to 19ic and closed a
39 7-Sc.
Largo receipts of hogs nnd lower price
nt the yards started provisions weak. Yel
low fever rumors brought nbout heavy sell
Ing of pork and lard , and prices de llnci
tihnrply. September opened IDc lower a
JS.75 , rose to $ S.M ) and declined to $ S.C7Mi ft
the close. September lard began tic dowi
lit $ r.12'and sold elf to $ , ' , .05. the clnsltii
llgiirn. Septernlior ribs started 7'c off a
jr..27. rn : - to $5.33 and weakened to $3.32V
it ) tlio rinse.
I'lstim.ited receipts for tomqrrow : "Wheat
220 ears ; corn , 075 cars ; oats , MJ cars ; hogs
2l',000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
ArTIclcsT opsn lllch. Rlohi * . VcH'il' ;
Auc . . CIS rs (17U ( 07-1 |
Sont. . . . 4 < / ! CS ffl't . ! ' ' *
Dee . . . ( I1t ( *
May. . ouii ! ( U
AUK. . . son
Miiy. . . 32H--C
Sej.t. . . L'O JO ion liUC 20
Hllt. . . 8 7fiK RSO a 074 8l)7hi ) KS.T
O.-t. . . . < K ) H 7.1 H7u 8 ll-'h
lee . . H B7H K i)7hi ) H 82i \ 8 82.U uoo
Sept. . . fi ll ii or.
Oct. . . . r. 17k r , II ) r. mi
Dec. . . . r. niiH 0 10 S IS r , i7 !
Si-pt. . . r. 27m r. ii.i nan
JCt. . . 5 ! " ! r 35 6S7W
No. I.
Cash ( | iiotatlons were as follows :
l-'LUUH Steady ; special brands , $1.7"
li.ird patents , $1.7oQ.r.UO ; soft patents , 53.701
B.W ) .
\VHKAT-No. 2 spring , 63c ; No. 3 spring ; Nn. 2 red , li7ifCSc. |
"f HIN No. 2 , 31c ; No , 2 yellow. 31'-.iIT.ll'c ! :
OATS No. 2. 2Ic ; No. 2 white , 2li)25c ) ; No
3 whit22Mi > 231ii ; .
UYK No. 2 , 41VsI2c.
HAItl.KY No. 2 , 3.nil3c.
Sli.l-i : > KNo. . 1 Ilaxsecd , SS'/jc ; prlnv
tlmiitln. J.152" . .
I'li > \ 1SIONS MPSS pork , per bbl. . $ S.70t
876 l.-ird. t'cr ' 100 Iba. , $5.105j5.i : > : short rib !
Hldm i loose ) , $5. 0 > ffri.r > 0 ; dry salted shoulder !
< bo\f di. SI..Mi 1.75 ; short clear sides ( boxed )
Follow iinr are the receipts and ahlpment :
for today :
"oTi the Produce ) exchange today the but
ter marki t was steady : creameries , lit
37i > .c. dairies , 12Sfl7c. Eggs , tlrm ; iresh
32l"c Live poultry. In brisk demand
uprlng chli-kcna , lOc ; hens , 7c ; ducks , 7c
turkeys ,
< luoulloiiN ( for I be liny on ( iiMiern
t'oniiiniu'K II-H.
NEW YORK , Aug. 31.-FLOUR Receipts
28,390 bbls. ; exports , 7,171 bbls. ; dull an
easier on low grade winters , but stead
for higher priced brands.
I'OKNMEAlj Steady ; yellow western
V3iliARLEY MALT Steady ; western , D3i
Glc WHEAT Receipts , 30S.90T bu. ; exports
C3 b4S bu. . spot , easy ; No. 2 red , 72 0-Sr , f. t
I ) atloat ; to arrive , 73 5-Sc , spot. Option
opened steady and ruled firm half the da
on foreign buying , strength In corn and
rally lu cables ; then they turned weaker o
ilei lining spruiB wheat markets and close
3-S5 3Vnet lower : May. 67 3--TG7 7-Sc. close
07 7-Si ; Septemlier , CS 9-liMf69'tc , close
CORN Receipts , 431.575 bu. ; exports. 6,2 ;
Jivi spot , steady ; No. 2. 30 D-Se , f. o. 1
nlloat Options opened tlrm and advance
on bullish crop news , later reacting bllghtl
\inder lung selling nnd the break in wheal
closed l-Hi3-bc net advance ; Septembe :
84 5-vsij5c , closed 34 7-fe.
OATS Receipts , 14S.W10 bu. ; exports , 30
S55 bu . spot , steady ; No. 2. 27c ; No. 2 whlti
new. 3LKUc. . uptloiih were dull and fe <
turuUsn. September closed nt 21 7-Se.
AMHil. Quiet.
IH'TTER Receipts. 3.GOS pkgs. ; stcndj
western -amery , HV.-iJlShc ; Elglns. 15H <
fUEGoU-UeeclnlB. 8,429 pkgs. ; fjulct ; wcs
"cilEESE-Qulet ; largo white. TUo ; sma
wnltf. ' - ' . largo culorfil , "he ; sum
colored , 7s4 < ii7 7-Sc.
METALB-Tlio market for mctala coi
tlnucs ti > show Irregularity , while n llr :
imdcrtono Is noted In some department :
wcnkness prevails In othets. Uuslnc * !
Bpelter and Iron \vns moderately active , bi
ugblsh ns regards other metals. At tl
cloBo p the Metal exchange cal ed pig Ire
warrants llrmer. with $ 'i.90 bid and $7.
asked Lnko copper , unchanged , with $12.
btl and $1223 asked. Tin. weaker , wll
S15 7i ) bid and $16 M asked. Load , easy , wll
14 0" ' . bid and $1.05 asked. Spelter , lln
iwith'JI 75 l > ld and $1 6 asked. The linn nan
Ing the tn'ttllng price for leading wetstei
miners and smelters quotes lead at $3.SO , <
. . . , . _ OUMnrket dull nt
li irely steady ; prime crudu. i > e , m.mlnu
t rltno crude , f. o. b. mlllB. nnmlnal ; prln
iummer yellow , 22i c bid : off summer y *
low 22'i22Sc ; butter gradei" . noinlmi
JJrimo yellow. 27 inio. !
Mliiiii-nTioll" VVIieal .Mi\rt.-l.
rirm ut u decline ; August , C2c ; Sci'temlK '
r.'i'.i/-,3r- , ' . . In 1 1 ml' r Wi 5 ; - < : M.iv ,
< --i ' ' < . N. > I It if. I. i , - | . . No. 1 northern ,
t'JV ' , No 2 n..rili' ' in . > ' -e
l'l.oril1MrM nal' nt" . J.I * * ! I ( V > ; ( ecnnil
pntintM , | 3.7u < U3.Dii ; llrd cli-urs , $ U.WU8.00. !
Ciiiidltlon of Trade mill ( liinlntlonn nil
Sluple nml I'niier rroduce ,
inonomi siook. 120.
HUTTKU-Cotntnon to fnlr. 10 12c ; pcp-
nrator. l c ; Ratlirrfd creamery , lufllGc.
MVU I OUI.TUY-HcnB. CfiBHc ; olil roost-
err. li ; spring chickens , lOc ; ducks , Cci
Eeeo. Be.
J'irJKoNS-Uvo. tier doz. . $1.00.
yiAI.-Cholce : , SfiOc.
. HAY-Upland , J5.00 ; mldlnnd , I4.GO ! low
land , JI.OO ; rye ulraw. $1.00.
CKIjKnY for doz bunchpn. K > f
ONIONS New southern , per bu. , 40f50c. (
IIBANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.25.
T'OTATOIJS-rer bu. , 30 40c.
CAUUAnK Per Ib. , le.
TOMATO138 Per four-basket crntc , 230
30e.cucUMUISflSlIomo srown per doz. . 10 ®
rnoi'icAi * PUUITS.
OIIANOK9 Seedlings. J2.75 : Valen-
das , per box. $3.00 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
J-EMONS-f'nllfornla , $15.0000.25 ; fnney
. . .
DANANAS-rholep , Inruo ntoolc , per
bunch , J2.00Q2.23 ; medium alzcd bunches ,
APPI.KS I'Pr bbl. , $ .5f > T/2.7S. /
WATI3IlMClOXS-Crated , llOISc ; loose ,
CANTALOUPE Ilonio grown , per crate ,
PEACHES-Callfornln. 20-lb case , $1.10.
I'H'MS-Callfornlns , $1.2501.50.
PEAHS-Hartlett , $2 2f2.40
OllAPUS Nntlvc , per basket , 15o.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , largo size , 125 ?
13'- ; small , lie ; Urazlls , per Ib. . SiilOc ; En
glish walnuts , per Ib. , fancy soft shell , llj
l2c ; standards. sy9c : filberts , per Ib. , 10c ;
pecans , polished , medium. Cii7c : extra
large. Sfi'Jc ; largo hickory nuts. $ l.Oflfn.K
per bu. ; sir-all , $1.1f.'Jil.25 ' per bu. ; cqcoanuts ,
per 100 , fl ; peanut" , raw , GTifiUc ; roasted , 7c ,
MAPLB SY11UP Five-mil" can. each ,
{ 275 ; gnl. cans , pure , per do ? . , $12 ; half-gal ,
cans , $ H2. ; quart cans , $3 fin.
HONKY-Chnlce white , Hf.'IDc.
PATHS Ilallowec , 00 to 70-11) . boxes , GHoi
Snlr. EC ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Or.
F1C1S Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb ,
boxes , 10c ; G-crown , 4Mb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb ,
boxes , 22Q23c per box ; California , 10-lb
box , fl.
CIDEll Per half bbl. , $3.2r.'i 3.30.
HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c : No. ' .
green hides , He ; No. 1 salted hides , S'Uc ; No
'i salted bides , 7aic ; No. 1 Veal calf , S to 1 !
Ibs , DC ; No. 2 vt-al calf , 12 to 15 IbH. , 7c.
TALLOW , (1UEASE , ETC.-Tallow. No
1 , 3e ; tallow , No. 2. 2'c ; rough talliiw , Hie :
white grcas ? , a'.iftS-'Uc ' ; yellow and browr
grease , P il'-ic.
SHEEP PELTR-Orcen salted , each , 13fi
75c ; green salted shearings < short woolei
early skins ) , each , IGc : dry shearings ( sheri
woolc-d early skins ) . No. 1 , each , Gc : dr >
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher won
pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 41i5c ; dry Hint
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts
per Ib. , actual weight. 3ifi4c ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actua
weight. I'nSc ; dry Mint , Coloiado murrali
wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3'u4c.
St. l.onln .Miii-Uel.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 31. FLOUR-Qulet
steady to weak ; patents , $ . ! .13'n3.tiO
straights , $3 1cij.23 : ; clear , $2.7333.00 ; low t <
medium , J'J.OUli 2.GO.
WHEA'l Fractionally lower than yestcr
day for futures. Spot , steady for No. !
red , later declining ; No. 2 red cash , eleva
tor , 70c ; truck , 71c ; September , C3-'ic ! asked
December , t3' ; c asked ; May , ( i3'ic asked
No. 2 harel cash , C5c elown to ti24C.
CHUN Futures fractionilly better. Spo
lower ; No. 2 cash , 29c ; September , 20c ; De
cemb r , 2i"c ; May , 31'ic ' asked.
OATf Firm and active ; hotter fo
futures. Spot , steady ; No. 2 cash , 21c bid
track , 22c ; September , 20i020 $ 5-Sc ; May , 23i
bid ; No. 2 white. 23c.
ItVK-oteudy , tl'fee.
SEEDS FIn\sced , lower , S3'ic ; prim *
timothy , $2.23.
COKNMKAL Quiet , Jl.C3iM.70.
I1IIAN About Hteady ; sacked , cast track
HAY Slow , easy ; timothy , $5.40159.00
priiirliS3.Df > i7C.7t , .
Ill'TTHIl Steady ; cre : imery , ICtflDiJc
dairy. itf'il7'ic. :
KiUS Firm , lie loss off ;
WHISKY Steady. $1.23.
M IOTA LS Lead , dull , $3.93. Spelter
strong , scarel.fiO. .
PUOVIS1UNS Pork , lower : standan
incus. jiibbliiK , $8.75. Lard , easy ; prim
steam , $4.f. > ; choice , J5. < Dry salt meats
boxed shoulders , $3 : extm short t-ltuir , $5.30
ribs. $ " . .5o ; shorts , $5.7yn5V712. liacon , boxei
uhonlderti. So.50 ; extra short clear and ribH
'iiii.lS1" . shorts , { C. 57ti.3T1i. *
ni-lcKI/'TS Flour , 4.0U ) bids. ; wheat , 05 ,
fci bu. : e-orn. 19/-TO bu. ; oats , 17,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour. 10i\W bbls. ; wheat
7,000 bu. ; corn , C9.WO bu. ; oats , \000 bu.
I'.llUlliinri'larliil. .
HALTIMOIU-3. Aug. 31. FLOUH Dtl !
and uiie-hanped ; receipts , 20,401 bbls. ; ex
ports , 21,121 bids.
WHBAT Easier ; spot and month , fS\Vi
j1ie ; September , lil'SitiO'/ic ' ; steamer No.
red , CIViliniD-Sc ; receipts , 132,270 bu. ; ex
ports. 21iMX ! ) bu. ; southern wheat , by sain
pie , G3jj'71c ; southern wheat , on grade , 02' '
cd'ltN ' Steady ; spot and month , 31'l < i
313-Sc ; September , 34 1-S3I 3-Sc ; stoame
mixed , "IMi-iS'Ac ; receipts , 239,771 bu. ; ex
ports. 77ii7. ! bu. ; southern white corn , S
C(33c. (
OATS Steady ; No. 2 white , western , 27
bid : No. 2 mixed , western , 2lfi23c ! ; receipts
0Kil bu. ; exports , none.
lU'TTEH Steady and unchanged.
KiiOS Firm and unchanged.
CHEESE Steady and unchanged.
KHIINIIM Cit > ( irnln anil I'rovlNlonn.
ket about steady ; No. 1 hard , GS'.ic ; No. 2
C0ii-fit)3c ; No. 3 , 57H ( ' | U1.i < ' ; No. 2 red , KSc
No" " , t)4c : No. 2 spring. a9e ; No. 3 , 55Vjf5Sc |
COIlN Market higher ; No. 2 mixed , 27 ic
No. 2 white , 27c ; No. 3 , 2 < i\c.
OATS Market lirm ; No. 2 white , 21' c.
UYE Market lirm ; No. 2 , 40c.
HAY Market steady ; choice timothy
> .2" > 'iiii.7r ' > ; cliulco prairie , $5.25 )5.50. )
1UTTTER Market steady ; separator , 15 >
< Til7e- ; dairy , 15c.
KG < IS Market hteady at llUc.
HlCCEII'TS-Wheat , 140,400 bu. : corn , 11 ,
000 bu. ; oats , il.OOO bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , S9.400 bu. ; corn , 11 ,
70u bu. ; oata , fc.OW bu.
Clnt-llinatl Miu-Uet.
WHEAT tjule-t ; No. 2 red , li7c.
CORN Dull : No. 2 mixed. 30c.
OATS Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
HYK Steady ; No. 2 , 4C.c.
PHOV1SIONS Lard , tnsier , $1.90. Bull
meals , easy , f".iiO. Ilacon , steady , } G.CO.
WHISKY-FIrm , $1.23.
SrriAU Steady.
EUI.IS Firm. I2e.
Cralii IleeclptH nl rrlnelpnt I
CHIfAOO , Aug. 31. Receipts today
Wheat , 21H earn ; corn. 407 cars ; oats , 3.1
cars. ICstlmated ears for tomorrow
Wheat , 220 ; corn , 675 ; oats , 393.
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug. 31. Receipts
Wheat , 77 cars.
ST. LOUIS , Aug. 31. Receipts : AVheat , 7
DULUTII , Aug. 31. Receipts : Wheat , SC
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 31. Receipts
Wluttt , 2U cars.
Toledo .Mlll-UtM.
TOLEDO , O. . Aug. 81. WIinAT-Actlv
nml lower ; No. 2 cash. C7' : i ; ; Septembei
03 7-Si .
CORN Very active nnd steady ; No.
mixed. SlHc.
OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed
RYE Dull and steady : No. 2 cash , Hc.
l.lM-rpool drain .ll
3-Sd lower to unchanged ; September , Gadoid
Deeember , 5 > 3 * < 1.
CORN Quiet ut U63-Sd higher : Septem
ber , S lin ; October , 3s 1 7-Sd ; Decumbei
Os 2 7-Sd.
.MIli > miUi' < ' ( iraln AInrK'et.
ket lower : No. 1 northern , f.U ; No. 2 nortl
ern , C3Jj66e ; September , 034C.
RYE-Stendy ; No. 1 , ISc ; September , 42H
1URLKY Weak ; sample , 42UI3c. (
I'norlii ll.'irUi-l .
PEORIA. 111. . Aug. 3l.-CORN-Flrm nil
higher ; No. 2 , 30Hc.
. OATS-l'Irni : No. 2 white , 2JVK823UC.
} | WHISKY-FIrm nt J1.15 for llnlshc
1 Snii I'mnelM-ii Wlirnl MnrUet.
Strong nnd Deeembt-r , 51.15G-S.
IJARLEY-Strong ; December. $1.15.
Uiiluth 'WlK-iit .MnrUct.
DULl'TH. Au-- . -WHEAT-No. .
ncrthurn , i\ish. Ol\r" sjontomliur ,
NF.W YORK. Aug. 31.-COFFEE-Optloi
ojwned steady , with prleus unchanged to
points higher and ruled generally inaeth
all day. with narrow Huctuatlons , bullb
eiibles fiom European mnr-kits and smn
receipts wcro offset by unfavorable nev
from Rio mi I HiinioM mnrk. . t Hi lit wri'-
lo | | | i fPI'IptM Mill ) lll - > III e of Otlt-l-ll' t-Up-
pi rt. bnrlnei * rrtr | . i.'d ( hlfllv to lliiil | I i-
tlon Of September di-ll\erle * < ' ] , , < il nulet.
unchatiKid to & polntn lower ; RHPS. | I',11" !
bn c , Ir.cllidlnd SeptftnluT at | 5.finTlf > .iiS.
Spot coffee , Rio , Kleady ; mild , steady ; dales
Koud ; business on private terms.
SI n nil M Ml Se Mirlli-M ( I.l de-o mill
llflM j Sunn.Sprclnltlrs A n linilleil.
NEW YORK , Aug. 31-Today's slorU
market was quite ns remarkable for the
listless nnd heaviness of HIP stnndard se
curities as It was for the animation and
strength of a number of specialties. The
grangers , 1'nlon Paclllcs , Atrhlson pre
ferred , Urooklyn Rapid Trnnslt , Suifar and
most of the railway shares wcro stagnant
nil day nnd all of them closed at net losses
With outside Huctnations for the day of
small fractions. The great combination of
Iron and steel companies Was olio of the
notable Inllueneet ) which caused activity
and strength In a number of stocks. Those
already known to be In the combination
showed strength all day nnd the common
und preferred stocks of the American Steel
nnd Wlro company advanced 3ft I 3-S per
cent , respectively , on rumors that It wan
to bo Included In the consolidation. Pos
sibly tin.- large buying nnd sharp gain of
the Cleveland , Lornln , Wheeling Btockit
were connected with the prime cause. The
movement In Northern Pacllk- was also a
special oni ) and was caused by a report
that a reserve surplus to Insure the pre
ferred dividend was in contemplation. Wabash -
bash preferred continued Its upward move
ment , but met Hoods of stock at a price of
21 and east-il off. People's Clns was very
largely dealt In and gained 2 ; j-3 per cent
net. closlmr at the top on the belief that
conlllctlng Interests had been adjusted. The
biio.xancy of this stock at the close did not
save the balance of the list from n sagging
tendency. There were conspicuous move
ments In a number of other stocks of lesrf
prominence. Manhattan was a source of
weakness all day nnd lost 2 points nt onfl
time. The announcement of the llrst gold
Imports Imparted some vigor to the market
and did not ' -herk n further decline In
sterling exchange. London discount rates
advanced 'i per cent to 1 3-bfil 7-S per cent ,
but this i. still H to 1 f.-S per cent below
the rates for the corresponding periods In
New York. In view of the apparent needs
of the money market the decline In govern
ment bonds today , Including i'ie new 3s
when Issued , is somewhat perplexing.
These bonds are supposed to bo In eager
demand , the banks only to offer as secur
ity for government deposits , thus reliev
ing the drain of cash Into the treasury ,
but also for circulation to meet the grow
ing Interior demand. There were some
large transactions In bonds today and
prices were quite ( Irmly held with a few
exceptions , notably the Atchlson Issues.
Total sales , J2,743i'00. ' United States 4s , the
5s and the old 4s , registered , and the * Ja
when Issued declined ' /i .per cent In the
bid price.
The Evening Post's London financial ca
blegram says : The chief feature in the
stock markets hero today was the sudden
Hurry In money , which rose to 1'a per cent ,
whllo the discount rate went to 1 7-S per
cent. The spurt was partly due to the
market having had to pay yesterday for
1,500.000 in treasury bills , while today IH
the last of the month and the Stock ex
change pay day. The market had to borrow
a lurge npiount from the Hank of England ,
Hold was In strom ? denmnd for New York
In the open market at 77s I0 4d. Unless the
orders are countermanded eagles will leavi
the Hunk of England this week. The mar
kets were Irregular. They opened weak on
heavy Paris selling , but later Paris bought
freely and prices here rallied accordingly ,
Americans opened dull nnd then milled or
continental buying of Pacific stocks , nota
bly Central Pacllle. The close was firm ,
llaltlmoro & Ohio was bought. The A men.
can market Is described In good quarters aj
nervous and llrigetty. The rise In Argen
tines continues. I am told that Argentine
treasury bills issued three months ago nl
i price to yield S per cent have been re
newed nt Bl,4 per cent.
Tne following are the closing quotations
ot the leading stocks on tllo New York
market today.
Total sales of stocks today , 3S7.7LO shares
Including : AUhisnu preferred , 5,650 ; Halt !
moro & Ohio , 8,05s ; Chicago , IBiirlliiRtcm A
Qulncy , 11.2SU ; Louisville & Nashville , 3tr )
Manhattan , 20,200 ; Northern Pacllic 43,975
Northern Pacllle preferred , 29,010 ; Rod
Island.3,5C0 ; Union Pacific , 11,715 ; St. Paul
14.G70 ; Southern preferred , lflo : : ; I'nlon Pa
elllc preferred. 13,520 ; Minnesota Iron , 7,8f'5
Wabash preferred , 22.200 ; Tobacco , 11.121
Chicago flrnat Western , s.IM ; IVnple's Gas
17.9G5 ; General Electric , SH76 ; Illinois Steel
4.975 ; Sugar. 11.100 ; Leather preferred. 12 ,
Ml ; Rubber , 3,127 : ? t. Louis & San Fran
clsco preferred , 3,637.
Xe v York Money .Marlcct ,
CALL Nominally at 2'A per cent.
per cent.
at SI SI-HV4.85 for demand ana ; i.Viui.h ! ,
for sixty days ; posted rates , $1.81 nnd $4.Mi
commercial bills , $4.fe2' .
is , when Issued , 1017- . * ; new 4s , reg. am
coupon , 127 ; 4s , reg. , Ill ; coupon , HUa ; 2s
< ; 5s , rcg. , 112 ; coupon , 112 ; Pacllle Cs o
' 9 ? . 102' . , .
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
I-'orelKii l-'liianeliil ,
I'ARIS , AUK. 31. Huslnctis on the hours
today opuned steady , weak , hut gubse
quently the tone of thf market ImprovtU 01
many rrpcrts. ForelKii securities ahowei
reslstaiu-e. Spanish 4a advanced. Ill
Tlntos cldscd III in and Do liters wen ) main
tallied. Hpanlsh 4 eloswl at 41.SO. Thrc
per cent rentm. Vnt 3&c for the nccounl
HxchaiiKP on London. 2if 24VjC lor ctit-cks.
LONDON , Aut ; . 31. AnitrUan sscurltle
were irre ulnr. with u bearish
The market closed barely xtcudy. Th
hardening of money today la duo to the re
increments for the payment of trt-nsur
bills , the Stock exchange settlement an
J the fact that more money la required b
i the American section than expected.
I further rise In the rateof dlt-count I * prt
i dieted owing to thu American demand ft
.i | . | ( li.M . K iui-t'd | ; it liiiri. , . Ajrefl tuil.iV
, ii I. . , . : Si itimh H r i-ix.-.t - , it 41 - .
IIKUI.IN , Ann 31 Prli e un ttlo bnurxe
tnil.iy opi-tipd we.ih. mvlnit to illimitlnfm tnr >
BdvlieK from VI.-11:111 : mid Pnrln. Later thi-y
recnvered mi ( inlet purchanen of coal and
Iron Khan * , favorably Inlluenclnn the whole
1'lRUoN. Aug. 31.-Qold 1 quoted here
In.iiiy nt 7f ! .
MAUHIIi. Aug. 31-Spanish closed
tlllli > Ut bO.70.
HUSTON. Aug. 31-Call loans. ZM/1'i per
cent ; tlmo loans , 3fft per cent. CloslnR
quotations on stocks , bonus and mining
shares :
AMJT"TT"ft St. Feriy lloston I Mi
AmT. Sugar l4J i | IMIson Eli-ctrl.- . . "
do pM 115 l i n Elw tM M'4
liny HUUo Clas . . . . 114 Atchlfon pfd , , , . . . 36\
Ih II Tclcplionc 2lriAU-m-- ! > ii i
ll-iirion & Albany..235 N.-w Knifland ( ! s . . . M1 *
Motion & Mnlnc . . .UIU Win. Central la . . .tOG'i
rhl. 11. & < } HC i do '
Klinhhnre H > | 'All.m ' * .Mlllltig Co. 4
Ilr-nt-rol ii"olrle. . . . 4'.1' ' , Atlantic ' ' '
111. Steel .711 Itodton , . ! . ! !
Mexican lump A
N. Y. ft N. I : S1
lld ) Colony iw rvntt-nnliil W
dti- Short Lln . . : ii > I'runlilln 14 41 145f.
I'nlon Pncino a.r 5f.
\\et End K.- , Qulncy 110
do pfd in Tamarack 178
Klec. . . . 31 Wolverines i7 !
do pfd
Sun I'Vaiii-Ueo .tll lnu : ( tiiodilloni.
SAN FIIANCISCO , AUIT. 31.-Tho oillclal
cliwIiiR quotations for milling stocks today
v-croasfollows _ :
llveF'bnrs , r > -"Jlexlcan ; dollars.
40VjC. Drafts , slfjht , 17'ic ; telegraph , 20c.
Xrtv York Mining ; lliiotntloni.
N10\V YOHI-C , Aug. 31. The following are
the closing quotations on mining stocks :
ci.ollnr . . . . 10 Ophlr ' . ' . . "is
! rrmvn Point 10 I'
Con. Cat. & Va. . . . 3 : , IJulrKfillvpr 12. ,
do | if.l 3SO
doulil fi Currle 07 Slc-rm Nevada K
Hale & Noroross. . . 70 Standnr.1 rj
t'nlon Con 10
Iro-.i S Ive-r rl Yellow Jacket 10
Or.tarlo nrjj
London Stock Quotations.
LONDON , Aug. 31. I p. m.-ClosltiK'
Conwlii , money II "i N-\v York rentrnl..ll"
Cunsols , nffi 110'I'f-nn ylvnnla CI'S
I'nn.idlan raclflo . . . k , 'j.i ' Uf-idlnir OH
r , Mex. Cca. new 43. . Gs'i '
I-'I n n n el ul .Nod- * .
ST. LOUIP , Aujr. 31-Clenrlnirs , J3,5n9.33l ;
balaucfH , ? 4rj"i.74 : ! . Money , 47 per cent ; New
York exchange. 23e discount bid , par asked.
CINCINNATI , Auir. 31. Money , 2V4 i per
cent ; New York uNclmngc , 25ij Hie discount ;
cleurings , $ ISS1G50.
UALTLMORL. Aug. 31.-Clcarlngs , J2.10S-
410 ; baiatii-i-si. $190,433.
Niw YOUK , AIIB : . 31. Clearings , $158-
47St'2 ( ; : balances , $7,01 ,27I.
HUSTON , AUK. ai. Clearings , J15ni5OCl ;
bnlani-ea , 51,02,9I3. ! /
riULADKLPIIIA , Aug. 31.-Clnrlngs ,
$11.1 , 1.143 ; balances. $1,701,013.
NKW OnLF.ANS , Aug. 31.-Clearlngs ,
$031,7SO ; New York exch.uifie. bank , Jl per
$1,000 premium ; commercial , not quoted.
MliMPIltS , AUK31. . Clearings. 5113,002 ;
balanccH , $17,000.
rillCAOO , Aug. P.I. Clearings , Ji,401OCrt ;
balances , $1.14' ' > ,3 ( < 0 ; New York exchange , 30c-
discount ; Htfrllng exchange , posted , $1. .1' ' ,
fft.sSVactual : , { I. ITi I.U ; sixty dajs , ? I.S2'f (
4.SI. Stocks , erratic ; Hlscult , 3J ; lilscttft
jireforred , flijs , ; Ulamoiul Match , 113 7-S ;
North Chicago , 225est ; Chicago , 95U-
OMAHA , Aug. 31. The clearances today
were $972,700.fl4 ; balances , $124.140.48. Last
year the clearances were $7S9,727.f > o ; bal
ances , $77,970.51. Increase In clearances ,
The clearings for Iho month of August ,
with comparisons , are :
NEW YOUK , Aug. 31. COTTON Quiet ;
middling , 5-Vic ; net receipts , 72S bales ; ex
ports to Great Urltaln , 1,000 bales ; for
warded , C9 balc-H ; sales , 1,200 bales ; spin
ners , 700 bales ; slock. K.915 b.iles. Total to
day : Nft receipts , 9,353 bales ; exports to
Orcnt I5rltaln , 4,519 buli-s ; to the continent ,
43) bales ; stock , 171,520 bales.
Qulf-t ; ordinary. 3 IS-ltic ; good ordinary ,
I 5-lCo ; ) ow middling , 4 7-c ; middling , 53-Sc ;
peed middling , S 11-lGc : middling , fair ,
Sl-ic ; lecelpts , 1,752 bales ; stock , 55,710
bales. Cotton futures were steady ; Septem
ber. $ ; October , $5.17fi51S : November ,
$5.211/5.23 ; December , $525J(5.2G ( ; January ,
J5.2M(5.31 ; February , { 5.33ij.35 ; March , $3.37
l.lVHItl'OOT. , Aug. 31.-COTTON Spot ,
Increased demand ; prices barelv supported ;
American middling , 3 5-lCd. The sales of
the day were 8,000 bales , of which 1,000 balcj
\n-ro tor speculation and export , and In
cluded 7.20U bales American : receipts , 2.COC
bales , Including 1,200 bales American. Fu
tures opened quiet with < v moderate demand
and cloned steady ; American middling , 1.
in. e. , 3 12-Gld , sellers ; September nnd Octo
ber , 3 9-6li3 10-C4d , sellers ; October and
November , 3 K-64il. sellers : November and
December , 3 7-Cli3 S-filil. sellers' December
and January , 3 7-Ct < i)3 ) 8-Gld , Boilers ; Janu
ary and February , I ! 7-64'ii : ! S-GId , sellers ;
February and March , .1liHl S-uid , buyers ;
March and April , 3 8-GK(3 9-6ld , sellers ;
April and May. 3 10-Uld , sellers ; May nnO
June , 3 10-645(1 lllil , buyers.
Simnr .tlnrUol.
kettle , steady , 3fill-8c ; centrifugal , dull ;
Eeconds , 2'4r'4 3-lGe.
MOLASSKS Kasy : centrifugal , 4fllc.
NKW YOUK , Aug. 31-SUOAU-Hnw ,
very lirm ; fair refining , 3 n-lCe ; centrifugal ,
I 5-lCc ; molasses , 39-lh'e ; rctmed , strong ; No.
7 , 4 15-HV ; No. 10 , I 11-lGc ; No. 12 , I 9-lGc ; No.
13iVic ; No. 1. 4 7-16c.
rnliroi-nln IJrleil KI-II | < N.
DIUKD FRUITS Steady ; evaporated ap
ples , common , 6fSc per If ) . ; apricots , Hoyal ,
ll&13c ; Aloor I'.irk. l.'ivflGi ; ; peaches , unpeeled -
peeled , 7Q9c ; pet-led , 12 < UlCc.
Oil -MurKel.
OIL CITY , Pa. , Aug. 31. Credit balances ,
$1.00 ; certificates opened at W\-jc \ ; runs , 17-
397 bbls.
S ( . ] , OIIN l.lvi-
ST. LOUIS. Aug. 31. CATTLK Hccelpts.
3fiOO heinl , Includins 1,5W ) head Texans ;
shipments , 1,700 head : market steady for
best natives , others lower ; TrxAiiu steady
for eows and lOc lower for steers , fnlr to
fancy native shipping and export steers ,
tl.bC&G.GG ; bulk of fales , Jl.75t)5 ) . ! 0 ; dressed
beef and butcher st'ors , $ l.f Vt5 33 : bulk of
sales. $1 ) ; stcciH under l.OOl ) Ibs. . } J.5fl
ff(4.30 ; bulk of fa\er. \ $3.555)1.10 ; stackers ami
feeders , $2.W.-4.RO , bulk of sales. $3.1vi4 25 ;
cows and heifers , J2.WiiC.OO ; bulk of cows ,
$2.50i/i'ij : ; Texas and Indian btecrs , } 2.7&y
4.5ii : cows and heifers. j2. .Wj I.W.
HOCSe Hecelpts , 7-'i head ; shipments ,
TOu head ; markut 5' ilo- lower ; yorkcrs. $ ' ) (
5(3.95 ( ; packers. JJ.Sofo3.9'J ; butchers , $3.9i > a
4.DO.BIIBKP Receipts , 3.3CO head ; slilpments ,
Tit ) head ; market steady ; native muttons ,
$3.oOjj > l.W ; lambs , $ I.OW(5.CO. (
X < MV Yoi-U I.iviStoeU .
NEW YOHK. Aug. 31.-BEI3VES-no.
ceipts , 12.1' ' > l head ; bulls. 25c lower ; cows
steady ; natlvo steers , $ ( Wt/5 40 ; tops , f5.CO
oxen und Btugs , $3.2M)5.00 ) ; bulla , $2 G6B3.50
cows , $1. ( X3.70 : cables wt-ro steady ; live
cuttle. ! Kil2c ; ri-frlgerator beef , SVi S 3-Se
exports. 461 cattle and 2.4GO quarters of beef
CALVKS-Hecelpts , 2,520 head ; veals
firm ; buttermilks and grassers , steady
veals , JS.OOiitfc.W ; toim. Ji.26 ; graaseru am
buttermllkg. li.un i-l. : : ; aoutliurn grosser *
$3 00 : m wusterns.
SHEW AND LAMHS-Recclpts , S.1B
head ; sheep , clew nnd Kli-ncly ; lanilia , $1.6' '
Qcy ; ; 1 cnr ut $6.5u : culln , $1.50.
IKic.s Retclptu. 4,861 head ; steady a
l\ t i IT ( I ltfp n'Plll * ! , * l l\l'PT
OjiAIIA LI\t \ SlflCk jlAllkhl
Oornfcd Oattlo Slump Another Dirao In
Sympathy with Chicago ,
I mlcr Crnilcx Sell Well n ( About
TueMlu ' I'rlccN IliiKM < ! < OH
Ten CetitN , Hut Sell MrUKIy
nt the Decline.
( 'attic , lleji' aliucp.
Receipts today 3.9S2 9,332 4,513
Olllclat yesterday s.wis 7Sot 2,93'J
Total for month 77,75s liO.WJ 6"i , 2C
Total for July 4s,707 Is3 , 1SS 43M)1 )
Totnl for Juno 03,303 1SI,1II ; 2ul2
Total for May IB.1M 1S1.312 115,204
Totnl for April 63,003 H7ti8 ! 13.bSS
Total for March 65,216 130,0X3 112,793
Total for February doill 131,5-92 103,612 ,
Totnl for January 13,100 159,631 { ,7,311
August , 1S97 72,013 113,539 3',72s !
August , IMW 5lUl ! ! fcOliii2 2Si > S
August , 1S93 7S.3M ) 4iOr > la.ix'i
August , 1VJ1 Clilo2 22sOvO ln,30il
August , 1MI3 1'J.PiS 13s,7CO i-Liifa1 ]
August , 1S32 19.2SII 111,339 11,201
August , 15,91 13,320 71"J : ! 21'JMJ
AUfc-USt , 16H ) 40,471 2iU,3':2 , 3,322
Avcrt'su price paid lor r.ogs tur the ! last
several days with comparisons :
" Indie-aiey Sunday.
The olllclal number of cars of stocli
brought in today oy each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep , ll'r's ,
C. , M. & St. P. Hy. . . 1 3
O. As St. L. Hy 1
Missouri Pacllle Hy. . 10 11
Union Pacific System. 03 21 12 J
F. , K. A : M. V. il. H. . 20 .11
S. C. fi P. Uy 1 2
C. , St. P. . M. , t O. Hy 12 &
H. A.M. . H. 11. H 33 40 4
C. , 15. & Q. Hy 2 0
C. , H. 1. A ; P. It- . , e. . 2 2
O. , H. I. it P. Hy. , W. . 2 2
Total receipts . . . .151 130 10 ]
The disposition ot tile day receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the nuni-
bar of head Indicated :
Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,
Omaha Packing Co 149 > 23
G. H. Hammond Co 3a2 1,50-1
Swift and Company 505 1,990 i
Cuduhy Packing Co 537 1,602
P. D. Armour , Chicago. . 113 2,6301,27i
II. Decker Ac Dcgan 93
Vansant & Co U2
J. L. Carey . . 131 ,
Lobman & Hothschllds. . 131 ,
Henton & Underwood . . 1C9 ,
Huston & Co S ,
Krebbs & Co 43 ,
Hill ii Huntzlnger 530 ,
L. 1Husz 99
Livingston & Schaler . . . CO
Hamilton .t Hothschllds. 47
Cudahy , Kanpas City . . . 213
Plankinton , Milwaukee llii
Other buyers C51 39 (
Left over 1,200 1S (
Totals 3,912 9.9C9 4X <
CATTLK Advices from Chicago were un
favorable this morning and cornfed cattli
In consequence generally sold about 10 <
lower than yesterday. The market was
rather slow and It was rather late before
a clearance was effected , still the dumaiu
was fairly good , and In the end aboul
everything changed hands.
Tlio market on p.rass western cattle was
fully steady with yesterday and the mosi
of the offerings of that kind sold early
Western beet brought * .OtS4.-IO , a string o
Toxus going at $1.00 , and Mexicans a
S4.00JM.15. Cattle that sold a week age
Mommy nt < 4.55 brought { 4.40 today , show
Ing that there has been a decline for tin
C6wtt nnd heifers were In light supply am
the offorlngs sold in good rfcason at Jus
nbout yesterday's prices. The most of thi
stuff constated of grass westerns.
Dt-Mrdble feeding cattle were also steady
but HH the holdings of cattle ot that de
scrlptlon are o.ulte large , buyers arc rathci
inclined to discriminate against commor
stuff , nnd salesmen who had cattle ot tlia
de.scHptlon were calling tin.- market a littli
The table of receipts at the head of tin
column will show that the receipts foi
this month were the largest for August 01
rerord , with oneexception. . Hepresentatlvi
sales :
1.1 hrifi-tn TO 4
i .ii\i .v > : >
J. Wldowllcld
. . . .
Swan Lund nntl Cattle Company.
$ i steers. . . .iir.o ; ; 7."i "o ( 4 is
S7 steers. . . .ll.M I ( .0 H Hirers. . . .m ? 4 : m
0 Hit-era. . . . 1213IPO 60 Mui-r * . . . . ! > > I M
IKKiS Largo receipts niul ln\srr uiUUiH
from oilier yelling points caused value *
here to ilrop full ) liV. Tininurt of tli.- .
hogs sold at $ .Ui'iM.7" ' . with a lonx strlnn
at $3.0i'i.G3 | ; , us ac.illiKt 33 7 il..7. ] > yrsti-r-
day. Light hogs RutTsrril more dirllii.than .
heavy , ( rood light niul light nilxnl going
ixt H'.Mi-1.70 ' , as against $ l.,5li3 V , yesterday.
Heavy packing boas Hold tnrgtly at $ . < : . < /
3.P2V , anil from to fxiiuti.l io fur prime
lleiixy. Good straight loads ul he.ivy hugs ,
nil barrows , sold at W.fij. Ycsli-rd.iy IHM\ >
hogs sold principally at $3 Go'ii'l n. only two
loads averaging alu.vo Wti piumd-i selling -it
$3.72MIn ail.lllli.n . to being lower , to.I . ij >
| market was slow niul mean. Ituyers .ip.
I pearcd to be very Indifferent and no on. .
! Heetnrd to cart' whether they bought hugs
i or not. At tin1 same Hint" nelii-rs w-rc luu-k-
' v > ard nbout making the cmu'i'sslnii dr.
I mandcd. Tin1 result was that the in.irkt1 !
1 was v-ry much of a drag all throimh the
morning ; and at tlu > time of closing this re
port there were allll ten to twelve Inails
] unsold. The table at the had of column
| will show the average- price paid for e.n-li
day of the month , together with the uver-
! agti on correspundlui ; month" for the la-t
I ni.yi.irs. . It will be noted that the inar-
i kft during the month IIIIM lluctiml d within
rather narrow hounds and has experienced
no great eh HIIRO In elthi-r direction H
closes at about the low point and still the
market today was less than J'V ' umli r what
II was on the Hist day of the month. It
will also bo observed from the compiiratlvi-
tnbh. of recelpln at head of rolumii that
this has been the largest August , so fnr ir <
lion * are comerned , on record , bnrrliiK only
the two drouth years , ISDt and ISM , when
the run was abnormally large , neprescnta-
tlve miles :
the Inrgent In sevenil iluys , some fourteen
double ilei-ks being reported in the yards.
The market did not show any very material
change , the demand being good anil the
trade fairly aetlve , ST that offerings
ehiinged Imnds early In the morning. Yes
terday a bunrh of 9i.O Soutluvorth sheep av
eraging 109 Ibs. sold very late at $4 , and
four doubles of the same brought $3.95 to
day. Of another lot yearlings sold at $1.40 ,
wethers at J1.15 and ewes at JJ.85.
There were no stockers or feeders of any
consequence In the yards , nut It would bo
safe to say anything in thnt line would bring
$4.10 , fnlr to good at $ LOOT/1.25 , good grass
westerns nt $4.uO < i(4.15 ( , good yearlings at
J4.50-itl.75 , good to eholco lambs at T5.40ti >
5.75 , fair to good lamb.-i at J5.0&U5.40. feeder
wethers , 2-yi-ar-olds and over , at $ T.75'it.OO ( ;
.feeder yearlings at $4.0flMI.35 and feeder
lambs nt J4.251d.65. Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r.
722 western shcp 112 } 1 95
250 western sheep 100 393
Overili ] | > ! y of Sliet- | > mill Iloprn niul
rattleMnrltrt Mluuelli.
CMIirAGO , Aug. 31. The trade In cattle
today was badly burdened with lower and
tidlous peddling to make within lOc of the
prices paid enrller In the week ; choice
steeis , f5.irifi5.G5 ; medium , JI.CBfi t.s5 ; beef
steers , S-I.Wi/I.GO / ; steers and feeders. $3.0 Hi
1.70 ; bulls. $ l'.4diTt. ( 0 : cows and heifers , $3 50
fit.25 ; calves , $4.0Cfi7.25istcrn ; rangers ,
$ : ; .OOTj 1.70 ; fed western steers , $1.105(5.25 ;
Ttxalis , $3.rWjTi.lO.
Tlio supply of hogs was so heavy It de
pressed the tone of trade and values
dropped back nbout Ifle ; fnlr to choice , $ . ' 1.75
ifio.92"packers. ; . ? : t.C ii3.SO ; butchers , $ : t.7 >
( TiS.'JS : mixed. $3.G5ii3.90 ( ; light , $3.60ni.OU ;
pics. $2.f5T/.CO. ( ; !
The demand fnr sheep wns poor nnd
prices were furred down 10f/15c ; good to
cluilco lambs , fl.25Qfi.00 ; native sheep , $1.00
SS.SO'E'G.l'O ' common and
i5(4.40 ; mixed sheep. ;
culls sold below thnt range.
Receipts : Cuttle , 17,000 head ; hogs , 30,000
head ; sheep , IS.fluO head.
KniiKrin City l.lvc Sdx-ti.
KANSAS fMTV , Aug. 31.-CATTM--Tte-
eeljitH , 8,55 : ! natives , 2,150 Texans : good di-
slrable cattle : iellvi > at steady prices ; coin-
iron iinllnlHliP'l killing und feedlnx cattle ,
slovl'K(15e ' ( ( lower : no eholi f heavy sti-i i i
offered ; medium , JI.SoffiB.W : llKhts. $1 ' . ' -ifi
5.20 ; stoekers and feeders. 32.riMi5.Ou ;
butcher cows and heifers , $2.x.Vn4. > 5 ; west
ern steers , $ : t.-0'ir ! 1.70 ; Texas sticrs , $3.1dji
3.90 ; Texas butcher cows , { 2 | 3.10 ; din
ners , J2.251i2..vO.
IIOOS HeePlpts , 9.4GO head : supply was
light , but prices were 5filO < - Jower , in sym-
pnthv with eactfrn markets ; heavy , $3.7r'i ' ( .
B.f-0 ; "mixed. $1.70fi3.SO ; lights , $ t.r.0f-i.70. |
8HKBI' IlpeeljitB , 3,4' < 0 head ; llsjht sup
ply , good demand ; prices strung ; lambs ,
$5.25Ti5.75 ; mutlons. } 1.00fil.55 ; range miit-
tnns. $3.S55/4.3" / > : rouge fetdlng lambs , $3.55
01.GO ; range feeding sheep. J3.Soft 1.10.
St. .liiMcpti l.lviSlurk. .
ST. JOSRI'lf. Aug. 31. ( Special.- )
CATTLE He < Vpts , l,5fO head ; good mur-
lu-t ; Texus. weak to lOc lower ; natives.
$41005.10 ; Texas and westerns , } 355flM ) ;
cows and heifers , $2.OofI ( 00 ; stoekers and
feedi-rs. $1 OOiJ 1.23.
HOGS-ltecelpts. 3.COO head : ucll\e. easy
to 5i ( lower : top , $385 ; lull ! ; , $3.72Va'f3.771j.
SI1RRP Heci ! ; > ts , none
CI lie I M n nt I l.lvc SI 01-If.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 31.-lIOQS-I.ower nt
CATTI.K Knsy and lower at J2.75Rl.r .
S1I13E1' Ste-uly at $2.25 1.25 ; larnhs.
Bleady at $3.75Tfi.OO. (
Sdn-U In * lilif.
Herord of receipts of Ihe utork at the
four principal markets for Auuu-it 31 :
f'lttllIIul'H Blll-np.
Crraha 3' " 2 ! ' 2 4513
Chicago 17 UK ) y.W ) ir.fifm
Kansas City li' . < ; M > 9 IM ) 3.4W
St. ho.lls 3."DO " . 'J'/O ' / .3'JU
Totals 31.967 G2.0I2 2C.-.03
JAffJES E- BOYD & GO , ,
Telephone 103 ! ) . Onmlm , Neb
IOAKI ! > 01' TRAUR.
Dlrei-t wlren tu" an i N w York.
CorrIir > Tilrnt ) : John \ Wurrvn & Co.
: in. , ; ; .
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
HOOIII I , .V , V. l.lfilllilK. . , ( liiinlincli ,
llrct "XVlre * N MV York , Clilenuu und
I'ulnli. -
By Louis Tracy ,
Author "An American "
of AmericanEwjicror ,
"The Final Mur "
, ttc.
Began August 7 and
Continues Ten Weeks ,
Mr. Tracy Is well known ns a
brilliant younc writer , who has
achieved the difficult task of blaz
ing out a now nnd untrodden path
In the well explored domain of
story writing. Instead of historical
fiction , ho has devoted himself to
fictitious history and his success la
this original line has rruiJo him one
of the most popular authors of the
day , both In America and In Kng-
In Its broad linen , "Tho Lost
Provinces" resembles Mr. Tracy's
earlier story , "An American Em
peror. "
Vanslttart , the American million
aire , who does the moat remarkable
things In a thoroughly matter-of-
fact way , Is the principal flguro In
this story. Some of the other char
acters have likewise been made
familiar by "An American Em
peror , " but the Bceno of action and
the course o the story are en
tirely different and the talc Is even
more skillfully told.
As the tale suggests , the story
deals with the struggle hetvrcen
Franco and Ocrmany over the lost
provinces of the former. In dire
straits , Franco appeals to the
wealthy American who once before
proved her salvation. He Imme
diately responds and sets out
across the Atlantic on his private
yacht. An attempt Is made by the
Germans to capture him , but he
escapes through the Intervention
of an English man-of-war and ar
rives safely In Paris , where ho Is
welcomed as the one hope of the
despairing nation. Vanslttart becomes -
comes coinuiander-In-dhlef of the
army , and the military operations ,
through which ho brings the war
to n successful Irsui , , tccupy the
chief part of the ctory.
The story Is made lively and In
teresting by the adventures and
mishaps of Folllett , the Paris do-
tcctlvo ; by "Arizona Jim , " n west
ern cowboy , who accompanies Van-
Blttart In the capacity of body
guard ; by the eccentric French In
ventor , Armand Duprcz ; by German
spies end French soldiers and
bonnes , The treaty of peace ,
finally contracted by Vannlttart and
tin German emperor , Is unique and
highly democratic In Its terms.
The author has made the most
of a largo amount of Interesting
material In this new lilory , and the
few persons who have seen It pro
nounce It the best work that Mr.
Tracy has done thus far. There la
a charming variety and plctur-
esquencss In the characters pre
sented and the story moves on
Its way with a sprlshtllneas of
action which makca It especially
suited to UEO as a newspaper aerial.