Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1898, Page 9, Image 9

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6-ooa o-ocxi-o-oooo $ o-o-ao-oo-o-o-ooo-o-o-
( Copyright , 1888 , by B. 8. McClure Co. )
"There ain't anythlne short of a cyclone
could get Judith Tnlbot and Achsa Hawcs
within speakln' distance , nnd then they'd
have to bo blowcd together face to ! "
"You think they'd speak then , Undo
Purely ? I don't ! "
Undo Purdy wheezed cently In lieu of a
laucti. Ho felt over the arid waste of his
head for hla spectacles , and , adjusting
them , peered through at tbo two women
colng by. They wcro on opposite sides of
the street. They carried their heads
rigidly erect and both their lean , tall figures
forged ahead with resolute swings of stiff ,
black petticoats.
"Queer how them two women look so
much alike. " murmured one of the other
loungers on the postofllco steps.
"That's all the llkc-nesa there la 'twlxt
"cm ! " chuckled the Joker , who never neg
lected small opportunities for want of
"They're both real good women real good
women , " said iho llttlo man In the blue
Jeans , mildly. The remark was well re
ceived , for It was known that ho claimed
relationship to Achsa Hawcs through the
devious winding ways that blood can run.
Naturally it could not bo expected of the
little blue Jeans man to call Aclisa's sworn
enemy a "real good woman. " The loungers
oil appreciated the magnanimity.
" 0 , yes , they'll both go to heaven , " Uncle
Purdy nald. "There nln't any trouble with
Achsa Hawcs' nnd Judith Talbot's brlngla'
up In the rlsht place. "
"Only they'll cross over tlje golden streets
dread came to meet her and smote her on
the threshold. She staggered ncrois the
room , bent and trembling under the blow.
There was no need of the pity In the men's
faces , and the sudden hushing of their ex
cited shrill voices no need of their turning
away from her the big black headlines of
their papers. She knew at once. Undo ,
Purdy cnmo down the dim little room to |
meet her , but she brushed past him and got
her own paper and went away.
"Somebody'd ought to tell her she hadn't
ought to read It all alone , " muttered the
old man. "She'd ought to read It with
somebody. Judith ! Judith Talbot ! " Ho
went to the door and sent his thin , kind
voice out Into the quiet evening. Judith
Talbot heard and watted.
"Well ? " and her own voice sounded harsh
and strange to her. It choked her.
"Well ? "
"You goln' up Achsa Hawcs' way ? " stam
mered Uncle Purdy , eagerly. "I I kind of
thought maybe you'd stop In an' an * read
the paper to Achsa. There there's news of
the Twentieth In It tonight Achsa'd want'
to hear. "
Uncle Purdy went back Into the postofllco
with beads of perspiration on his bald fore
head. His mild , pleasant face was troubled.
"I don't know but I've put my foot In It , "
ho said , gloomily. "I don't know but I have.
It's turrlble hard work to break things to
folks. Out I thought she'd ought to read I
It with somebody , and I thought It had ought
to be a woman. I didn't know but 'twould
kill her alone. "
"You se-lcctcd the wrong woman , that's
other's hands , tut llttlo Jerome nnd Ivory
had done lottg before.
A Trrrihlc Itnttlo KotiRlit In ( lie MliUI
lit n S11 in in or Simnxo.
Cervcra's fleet had been destroyed ; Samp
son had rondo his Fourth of July offering
to the nation ; General Anderson had reached
the Philippines , after raising Old Glory on
the Ladrono Islands , and Shatter's slightly
unpleasant reports of the two day's fight
ing bad been sidetracked for more glorious
Almost no quickly as the colors and de
signs of the kaleidoscope change , relates the
St. Louis Globe-Democrat , the war scene
had been shifted on that eventful night be
fore the Fourth of July , and as the news
paper man started homo after midnight ho
felt Ilko the man who docs not know whether
ho Is on foot or horseback. Ho dropped Into
a cozy corner of the Compton Heights owl
and was soon oblivious of the presence of
the gallery of familiar faces.
The peace and quiet of the car was rudely
disturbed by the roll of drums , the flare
of trumpets , the deep-toned voices of ex
cited men , and , above nil , the firing of many
muskets. The car had reached eighteenth
street , but could not turn south , because
as far as the eye could reach Americans
and Spaniards were engaged In a big bat
tle. The Spaniards were nearer the car
nnd were being hard pressed by Shaffer's
men. The faces of the opposing forces
showed how the struggle was going. The
sullen countenances of the enemy , bidden
by disheveled black beards , were Illuminated
by fierce black eyes , which darted glances
of defiance. The faces of Shatter's men
bad not lost their Anglo-Saxon fairness even
beneath the tropic sun , and were animated
by a look of self-confidence and calm resolu
tion that would make a lion cringe.
Gradually the Spanish , flro slackened , and
the Americana almost overwhelmed their op
ponents. A last refuge was In their rear ,
f . . . . . . - , . - . I I I I I . I , -i. - f- - - T _ m. . . . . . , . . _ T..H - _ .
when they sea each other coming along , "
the joker murmured , decisively.
The two women were out of sight now ,
down the sunny street of the little town.
They were still abreast , with only the nar
row stretch of dusty roadway between them ,
but there was not the slightest turning of
their heads. Boys In blue on parade could
hardly have tramped on moro inflexibly
"She's got on her best black skirt , too , "
thought Judith Talbot. "I can see it out
of the tall of my eyo. I wouldn't bo a mlto
surprised If she's put It on for the Identical
reason I did mine. Achsa's dreadful fond
of Ivory. I suppose she takes It real hard. "
"Judith's dressed up In black , too , " across
the street Achsa Hawcs was musing , "its
that same black bombazine she wore to
Jerome's funeral. That dress always means
mourning. Judith thinks a sight of llttlo
Jerome. "
Both women drifted presently Into neat
whlto houses at the extreme end of the
sunny street. The houses were ns much
alike as the women , but they , too , had the
eamo rigid , uncompromising aspect toward
.each other.
It was , the beginning of the war , and the
little town of Priestley had but recently
Bent away its generous contribution of
"boys. " Two of them had gone out of the
.neat white houses at the end of the sunny
"I wore this dress to big Jerome's funeral ,
too , " the mother of ono of the "boys" was
thinking beside her wlndowful of gay gera
niums. Her thoughts were wistful. It
eeemed luch a dreadful llttlo while one
way. Ono way it seemed such a dreadful
long while since big Jerome across tlio way
had died. She remembered Just how llttlo
Jerome looked. Ho aud Ivory bad walked
together in tbo procession , In their little
decorous black suits , and Ivory.had slyly
wiped "llttlo Jerome's eyes with bis wisp
of whlto handkerchief. Judith had Insisted
upon Achsa's going with her , she said It
was such a comfort.
"Dear land ! " murmured Achsa aloud. She
eat up straight , looked wistfully back into
the time when a worn white thiead of path
way led between the two bouses , and little
stubbed shoes wcro continually traversing
it. How fond Ivory aud little Jerome had
been of each other ! And now what were
the boys doing now ? Dear land , dear landl
In the other house llttlo Jerome's mother
rocked beside her window and remembered ,
too. She was not wistful and Bad. She
was thinking of the bitter time since the
grass had grown over the little meandering
path and she and Achsa had walked on op
posite sides of the street. The old grievance
rankled harder than ever In her breast.
"I did think , " Aunt Purdy had said , when
the "boys" marched away in their gallant
blue , "that now Achsa Hawcs and Judith
Talbot would make up both their boys
a-golcg to the war so. But they havenX
and now I guess they never will. "
"Nothing short of a Kansas cyclone , "
agreed Uncle Purdy , "and even then it's got
to bo Achsa that starts In. Judith Talbot
won't. "
"No. 0 , no ; Judith Talbot won't. "
One evening tha news came that the
Twentieth regiment bad been called to the
front. The boys from Priestly were In the
Twentieth. Achsa Hawes' boy nnd Judith
Talbot's llttlo Jerome bad tramaed away to
the Twentieth drum beat. They had been
called to the front ! A desperate battle was
being waged and many reinforcements were
needed. The men at the postofflco talked it
over excitedly , and through all the little
town ran a thrill of horror. It was so much
worse whan the Twentieth was called to the
front !
"Dear Lord , dear Lord ! " sobbed Achsa
Hawes on her knees. All night she travailed
in the throes that mothers feel when their
cons arc at the front * . Once she pulled aside
the curtain and looked across the street.
Judith's light was burning , too.
After that the days went slowly In many
many hearts in patriotic little Priestley. In
Judith Talbot's heart and Achsa Hawes1 how
slow how alow they were in going ! The
bands on the clock crept on patiently , but
seemed to make so very llttlo progress in
deed. When tbo papers came at night both
mothers unfolded them with terrible dread ,
but It was a week before any bad news
found Its way to Priestley. Then it came
to Judith's nrat house first. Judith went
down street for her paper , and the moment
by * entered the little poctofllce the terrible
all , " the joker remarked. "I calculate you
forgot Judith Talbot hadn't spoke to Achsa
Hawes since the year 1. " The joker's jovial
face was drawn out into solemn , unac
customed length. Ho fingered his paper
"Yes , " Uncle Purdy groaned , "I forgot It.
I jest remembered that Achsa was a woman ,
then. "
Down the quiet street Judith Talbot was
hurrying. A great relief and a great pity
were struggling in her plain , strong face.
She was trying not to bo glad that It was
Achsa's boy Instead of hers. She was tryIng -
Ing honestly but she was glad. How glad
she was ! There was so llttlo room at first
for anything but the blessed relief for any
thing but little Jerome. Then she remem
bered Achsa. She thought of llttlo Ivory
then , and strangely enough the picture In i
her mind was of the sturdy little fellow
little Jerome.
walking hand-ln-haud with
O , no ! 0 , no ! ho could not be wounded or
dead ! Ho was so llttlo to bo hurt ! Ivory
was Achsa's baby poor Achsa !
"Uncle Purdy wanted me to break It to
her he forgot. Ho thought Achsa'd take it
easier with me. I know that was what he
meant the minute he spoke. Ho forgot about
Achsca and me. O , I can't think little
Ivory's dead ! Ho had such proud , independ
ent ways , little Ivory hadl Ho and Jerome !
O , no ! 0 , poor Achsa ! "
An overwhelming sorrow for little Ivory's *
mother took possession of Judith Talbot.
The .pain stifled her and made her pant for
breath as It she had been running. She
clutched the terrible paper In her hand until
it toro under her fingers ; she had not
opened It at all. It had not occurred to her
to do it after the first heart leap of relief
that came with Uncle Purdy's words.
"Poor Adisa ! O , poor Aclua ! " murmured
Judith Talbot over and over again In little
gasps of horror. The bitterness , the long
estrangement everything was swept away
on the tide of her pity. She longed unutter
ably -to go and comfort little dead Ivory's
"I'll go , " she said aloud. "Lord In heaven
help me comfort Achsa ! "
Achsa met her at the door. Bewilderment
nnd joy struggled for precedence in her thin ,
sweet face.
"Judith , Judith ! " she cried softly , holding
out her hands. Had it come at last at last ?
Judith come to her !
"Dear Lord be thanked ! " prayed-Achsa's
"I've come , Achsa , " Judith said simply.
She was holding out the crumpled paper and
the pain In her face , and the whiteness of
It told the sad etory as plainly ns words.
The joy In the face of Ivory's mother gave
way to anguish.
"There's news from the Twentieth , they
said. I came to read it with you. Achsa ,
Ivory "
Is dead. My boy Is dead ! "
"No , no O. I don't know ! I've come to
road It with you he's only hurt , dear ,
maybe. We'll read it together mo and
you , Achsa. We've berne so many things
together. Maybe little Ivory's just
wounded. " But in her heart she knew it
was death she had read In the solemn faces
of the men. She knew It was death she
had heard In Uncle Purdy's compassionate
old voice. Proud , Independent llttlo Ivory
was dead.
"We'll set down out here In the sunset ,
Achsa. It's easier to bear things out of
doors , under the Lord's sky. Set up here
close to me I'll read it easy as I can. You
needn't to look at all shut your cyca , dear ,
and you'll be all ready to pray. "
The first cool breath of the evening
buffeted their faces gently. Above them ,
between the trees , a dim star glimmered
faintly , as if through tears. Shrill , cheery
little insect voices called to each other.
A calm world shut them In comfortingly.
"Now , Judith I'm ready. "
And Judith Talbot opened the paper and
read the pitiful news. God pity Judith
Talbot ! for It was little Jerome who bad
fallen at the front. Little Jerome in his
soldier blue was among the dead. She had
misunderstood dear Lord , the pity in Undo
Purdy's eeamed old face had been for her !
All the stars came out clearly. All night
they sat there under them together , and
the mother of the living eon comforted the
mother of the dead. And when It was
fresh , sweet morning lu the world and
Judith went down the little , unworn path
way , Achsa went , too. They held each
that Gibraltar of the Cantllah ! , the block
house. Into the observatory of the Wash
ington university , at St. Charles street , a
whole Spanish battalion poured. Round ,
soundly built , and with a turret-like top , the
llttlo structure only needed a seven-ply
barbcd-wlro fence to make a trocha strong
The Spaniards threw bock the s'tcef door
of the observatory top , and , wonderful re
source , they ran out the telescope , as Bob
Evans would an eight-Inch gun , and began
rapld-firo operations against their besieg
ers. But nothing could stop the Americans.
They were Intrepid men , led by officers who
scorned to invlto Mauser bullets and the
blockhouse was quickly stormed.
This victory had swept the enemy from
Eighteenth street and the further events
of the battle passed from the view of the
people In the owl car. The motorman had
guided the car beyond the switch , so as to
be partly protected on the Washington ave
nue s.ldc of the Manual Training school.
But the beglnlng of the most critical
action of the battle was witnessed. After
the blockhouse had been taken and the
American wounded had been tenderly car
ried to a hospital down a convenient alley
the boys In blue redressed their lines and a
perfect specimen of manhood rode out In
front to lead the advance. Ho was sev
eral inches over six feet in height and had
stars on his shoulders. Several enthusiastic
privates shouted "Hurrah for Lawton ! " and
the owl car passengers knew that It was the
Intrepid general.
He led the men to Locust street and
started up the hill toward Seventeenth
street. A fearful fire was poured Into them
and many officers and men were seen to
fall , but the lines closed up all gaps 03
If It were drill and swept onward and up
ward. This was the action , of San Juan
Hill. Wounded men who passed the car
said EO and also reported that the position
had been taken.
The newspaper man telephoned to tbo of
fice In time for the morning paper the
leading events of the battle and returned to
the car with thoughts bent on gettlpg home
But In bis absence at the telephone the
car bad been deserted by crew and passen
gers and the "war correspondent , " with thu
resourcefulness of his craft , decided to go | i
alone. Ho would run the car to .Gram
avenue , switch It to Scull In's tracks , run
south to Park avenue and with the switch
rod as a crowbar , pry it on to the Park
avenue track.
But battles are destructive things. The
correspondent ran the car beyond Jefferson
avenue and was breasting the big hill when
the power failed , the wire having been cut
to the eastward by retreating Spaniards. A
prosaic man would have gotten off ant
walked , but the enthusiastic correspondent
Intent on keeping his self-imposed assign
ment of getting1 home with that car , dli
otherwise. Ho took a long rope from the
tool box , tied it to the fender and Ultchec
himself like an old-time car mule. It ho
had to pull the car uphill , at least he coult
coast down. The heavy motor movei
about a foot a minute and the "war corre
spondent" was oppressed with that feeling
which every ono has now nnd then , a "wlll-
I-evcr-get-there" thought that comes when
we tackle the Impossible.
Two policemen stepped out of the dark
ness , and , one of them recognizing the
newspaper man , asked him If he was crazy
that he would try to haul a motor car up
hill. The man in the traces flared up , and
In a tone of Injured pride , outlined his plan
for getting home.
"Leave the car where It is and walk
home , " said the blue coat.
"What , leave this car here all nlghtl The
first car along in the morning may strike
It and causa a loss of life. The Spaniards
may retreat this way and use It to fal
back on Manzanlllo. Why , man. you are a
disgrace to your uniform for not helping
me. "
The war correspondent was mad enough
to chew nails. Tbo policeman went on down
the street , laughing , and the nolso of tbo
laugh awoke the newspaper man to a real
Izlng sense of the uncomfortableness of an
owl car corner In which to take a oue-mln
ute snooze.
Cook's Imperial Champagne , extra dry
naturally fermented , nearly fifty years' rec
ord as delicious drink.
tor n.a. Lowl8H im p/iV'xr - prAVf
The Three-Day Fight tit Santiago Makes aNew
Now Becord.
Undo of KllliMl | o Wouiulcil Coiniuircd
with llnttlcn of tinCU 11 War
Looking ltncli nnl liver
K HccoriU.
In the proportion of officers killed to en
listed men in the three-day battle of San
tiago , says the Philadelphia Times , America
exceeded her highest previous record. Gen
eral Shatter's report shows that twenty-
three officers and 20S enlisted men were
killed In those three days * The proportion ,
therefore , Is a trifle over one to nine. In
killed nnd wounded both , 103 officers and
1,411 men , the proportion Is one to thirteen.
In none of the battles of the United States ,
no , nor even In any ono regiment of this
country , has this record of the
killed been eaualed. The cause of
this tremendously close proportion
Is not to be laid entirely to the superior
bravery of the officers. That they were
courageous and personally led their men the
report shows. Hut officers , more now than
over before , arc shining marks for the
enemy. On either sldo any man In the
ranks who alms Ills gun will direct his flro
t an officer of the enemy , If he can see
ne and distinguish lilm by the shoulder
traps and sword. When the enlisted men
re lying down , and somewhat protected
rom hostile fire , the officers sometimes have
0 stand erect. In the rear , It Is true , but
prlght , directing the flro and the move
ments of their men.
At Gettysburg , the greatest battle of the
Ivll war , 27 per cent of the officers en
gaged were killed or wounded , as against
1 per cent of the men. At Shlloh 21 per
cut of the officers were similarly disabled ,
vhllo the proportion of the enlisted men was
nly 17 per cent. Dut Gettysburg was
ought largely In the open. Later , In the
Vlldorness , where the trees concealed offi-
ers and men alike , the proportion was more
nearly equal.
The average proportion of officers to men
killed In the last war was as ono to slx-
cen. Thla was 'the ' ratio In the volunteers
and In the army as a whole. In the rcgu-
ars It was one to fourteen , and In the col-
red troops one to nineteen. It was higher
n the cavalry and light artillery "than " In
he Infantry , being one to fourteen In each
of these two arms of the service.
Tlic AvernKe lliitlo.
The average ratio In Iho war Is shown by
he totals of killed and wounded , being
6,363 officers to 103,705 men. In the com-
wsltlon of most regiments at the start off
: ho proportion of officers to men was ono to
. \\enty-elght , but as the proportion of killed
s one to sixteen , It can bo seen that the
officers performed their full measure of duty.
. .ater In the war , when the enlisted strength
of the regiments was depleted by the casual-
tls , the proportion of officers to mon was
one to twenty-one or thereabouts , which still
was less than the death ratio.
The smaller the military organization the
Orcater Is the possibility of a high proportion
tion between the officers nnd enlisted 'men
killed. The private's luck may bring this
about. For Instance , the Ninth Massachu
setts battery Dlgelow's lost two officers
and thirteen men , nnd so did the First
Maine battery Bradbury's. This makes the
proportion of ono to six and a half. But In
regiments , the Eleventh Pennsylvania cav
alry stowed , with eleven officers killed to
108 enlisted men , thb highest proportion of
dead officers of any regiment In the unlca
array. Next came the First New Jersey
cavalry , with twelve dead officers to 120
men. Back of these regiments are the First
Maine cavalry and the First Michigan cav
alry , with respectively fifteen and fourteen
dead officers to 169 and ICO enlisted men
The regiment which lost 'the ' greatest num
ber of officers in the war was the Sixty-
first Pennsylvania Infantry , nineteen o
whose officers , including throe colonels , were
kilted , to 218 enlisted men. The proportion
tion was not as great in this regiment , however - '
ever , as In the Eighty-first Pennsylvania
which lost eighteen officers killed to 100
enlisted men. And in the One Hundred and
Forty-fifth Pennsylvania infantry the dif
ference , eighteen officers to 187 enlisted men
Is still greater. The Forty-eighth New Yorl <
lost eighteen officers and 218 men.
The Infantry regiment which lost moro
men than any other regiment of foot In the
army was the Fifth New Hampshire , whoso
record for the four years of war stands un
surpassed nt 205 , Including eighteen offi
cers. Owing to the large number of enlistee
men killed the proportion Is not as high as
In some of the other regiments , being one tea
a little over fiftce'n.
Nineteen infantry regiments , including the
Forty-eighth , Seventy-third , Sixty-first and
One Hundred and Twenty-sixth New York
lost sixteen or moro officers. In any on
battle the Seventh Now Hampshire was the
heaviest sufferer , In the matter of officers
killed , for at Fort Wagner that regimen
had cloven officers stricken down , includ
Ing theli commander , Colonel Putnam.
Among the regular regiments In the re
bclllon the heaviest loser was the Eight
eenth United States Infantry , which had 21 $
men killed , Including nine officers. Of thi
total 102. fell at Stono's river.
New York's Honor lloll.
The New York regiments on the hone
roll are the Sixty-ninth , thirteen officers am
2-tC enlisted men killed ; the Fortieth , nln
officers and 229 men ; the Forty-eighth
eighteen officers and 218 men ; the One Hun
dred and Twenty-first , thirteen officers uci
213 men ; the Ono Hundred and Eleventh
eight officers and 212 men , and the Fifty
first , nine officers and 103 men.
For gome reason or other the proportion o
dead officers to dead men In our army 1
smaller than in certain European armies
For Instance , In the Brltlsh-Afridl campaign
of last year there were killed , up to Octobe
28 , thirty-three officers and 210 men , mak
Ing the proportion about one to six and a
half. In the Franco-Prussian war the Ger
man losses were still greater. While 3 pe
cent of the enlisted men were killed , 8 pe
cent of the line officers , and , strange to say
0 per cent of the staff , wcro slain. -
Exact comparison of the three days' battl
of Santiago with battles of the civil war 1 :
hard , because of lack of precise Informa
tlon as to the number engaged at Santiago
In total loss , killed , wounded and missing
flvo battles of the rebellion compare wit !
this fight. According to Shatter's report
his total loss was 1,593. The loss of th
union army in the battle of Savage Static
was 1,090 ; In the assault upon Fort
Wagner , on July IS , 18C3 , it was 1,515 ; in the
battle of Plymouth , N. C. , it was 1,600 ; In
the battle of Darbytown road , Fair Oaks ,
Va. , it was 1,603 , and in tbo Imttla of Ben-
tonville , N , C. , it was 1,646. When the total
loss In these engagements is subdivided into
killed , at Pea Ridge , 203 ; at Glendale , 210 ;
the battle of Santiago melts away. In
only ono case does the number killed approach
preach that of Santiago , and this one is in
the attack upon Wagner , where 246 men
wcro killed , against 231 In front of Santiago.
In the battle of Wilson's creek , 233 were
killed ; at Pea Itldge , 203 ; at Glendale , 210 ;
at Ball's Blurt. , 223 ; at North Anna , 223 ; at
Bermuda Hundred , 200 ; in the three assaults
upon Port Hudson , 203 , 293 and 211 ; at
Sablne Cross Roads , 200 ; at Jonesboro and
Lovejoy's Station , in the Atlanta cam-
Second Series
Photogravures of the Exposition Now Ready.
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1 Opening Day , June 1 , 1898.
2 Northeast Corner of Court.
3 Government Building ,
4 Main Entrance Agricultural
5 Scene in Streets of All Na
6 firand Court , Looking "West.
7 Hagenback's on Children's
8 Grand Court , Looking South
9 Fine Arts Building.
10 Nebraska Building.
11 Grand Court , Looking East.
12 Section of Fine Arts BIdg.
13 Grand Court at Night.
14 31 a in Entrance Horticul
tural Building.
15 Scene on North Midway.
1C Marine Band at Grand
17 Grand Court from Restau
rant Towor.
18 Administration Arch.
10 Liberal Art Building.
20-.Govcrnmcnt Building nnd
Life Bout.
21-Manufacturer's Building.
22 Interior Manufacturers'
23 Machinery nnd Electricity
21 Illinois Building.
25 Arch of Statcp.
20-Col. W. J. Bryan and Regi
ment Military Day.
27 Agricultural Building.
28 Wisconsin Building.
29 Looking North from Administration -
ministration Arch.
30 Section of East Midway.
31 Streets of Cairo.
32 Group of Orientals-Streets
of All Na.tious.
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palgn , 277 ; at Brlce's Cross Roads , Missis
sippi , 223 ; at Weldon's railroad , 251 ; at Jen- i
kin's Ferry , Ark. , 200 , and at Dabnoy's
Mills , 232. The missing In most of these
battlrs far exceeded the number of missing
at Santiago , SI. There , were nearly fifty [
battles in the rebellion in which the killed
numbered moro than in the battle of
A Slaughtered lU'Klniciit.
No organization , cither regiment or com
pany , suffered such an overwhelming loss
nt Santiago as the First Minnesota op the
second day of Gettysburg , thirty-five years
before. Hancock , to save time and allow
reinforcements to come up , was obliged to
order that regiment to charge a superior
force of the enemy. He said to Colonel
Colvlllo : "Do you see those colors ? Take
them. " Colonel Colvllle went in with 2C2
officers and men , of whom fifty were killed
outright and 17J wounded ; none were miss
ing. Seventeen officers wcro killed or
wounded , among the latter being the colonel ,
lieutenant colonel , major and adjutant. The
killed , Including the mortally wounded ,
number seventy-five , which was over 28 per
cent of the whole number engaged. This
proportion was not equaled by any other
regiment In the entire war.
The Fifteenth New Jersey lost 110 killed
and mortally wounded out of132 at Spott-
sylvanla , which was 26 per cent of those
In fifteen minutes , at Cold Harbor , the
Twenty-fifth Massachusetts lost eeventy-
four killed or mortally wounded out of 310
24 per cent. Two-thirds of the regiment
were killed or wounded.
The One Hundred aud Forty-first Penn
sylvania lost forty-nine killed out of 19S at
Gettysburg 24 per cent. Out of 19S , 140
wcro killed or wounded. This regiment
had gone into Cbancellorsvllfe the previous
May with 417 men and lost there in killed
and wounded 235.
Duryeo's Zouaves , the Fifth New York ,
lost at Manassas seventy-nine killed out
right , 170 wounded , besides foity-elght mor
tally wounded , out of 490. Us 127 killed
( Including the mortally wounded ) was the
largest number killed in any Infantry regi
ment in ono battle In the war , and It rep
resented over one-fourth of the regiment
This Js the regiment , which , at Galnes'
Mill , where It lost 162 men , counted "fours"
under lire and closed up the gaps.
As a rule , the heavy artlljery regiments
did not see actlvo service In the war until
1S64 , having lecn used the first three years
in garrisoning the forts around Washington ,
and at other places. But when they did
take the field to do real fighting , the result
was entirely satisfactory to the men of the
other arms of the service who had seen
the heavies In easy work In the forts. The
First Maine heavies took 950 officers and
men into the assault on Petersburg on June
IS , 1S61 and lost 210 killed.
Comparison of the total number killed in
a long-term regiment with the total number
enrolled Is likely to bo misleading , because
among those enrolled are many noncombatants -
combatants musicians , teamsters , cooks ,
officers' servants , surgeons' assistants , quar
termasters' men , and the sick , detailed and
absentees. Nevertheless , In making such
n comparison , the Second Wisconsin lends.
It lost 23S men killed out of a total enroll
ment of 1,203 , or 19.7 per cent. In killed
and wounded together thb loss of this regi
ment was SOO. The Sixty-ninth New York
er one of them , for there were three Josj ,
209 killed outjbf a total enrollment of 1,013 ,
nnd the Seventieth Now York lost 190 out of
I.OBNCN of tin ; ncKnlnrn.
Besides the losses in the regular regi
ments In tbo civil war , which depleted their
ranks , enlistment in them was not more
popular In that war than it lias been In
this ; EO many regular regiments going Into
battle with ridiculously small numbers In
some cases not being as big as a company.
But that did not affect the proportion of
losses. The Tenth United States Infantry
went Into Gettysburg with only 93 men , but
22 of them , or 23 per cent , were Hilled. In
the same battle the Seventh United States
Infantry lost In killed 19 out of 116 ; the
Klcventh United States Infantry , 33 out of
2S6 ; the Seventeenth United States Infantry ,
43 out of 260 , and at Stone's Hlver tbo Eigh
teenth United States Infantry lost 102 killed
out of C03.
Wo hear much of the charge of the Light
brigade at BalaUlava , perhaps more than
we would if the charge had been successful ,
but the Light brigade took 673 men In and
lost 113 killed , or 16 per cent , and 131
wounded , a total of 247 , or 36 per cent. Yet
the First Minnesota lost 28 per cent killed
In Its one charge at Gettysburg , and 82 per
cent in killed and wounded. Many regi
ments In the civil war can beat the record of
the Light brigade.
.The usual proportion of the killed outright
to the wounded ( Including the mortally
wounded ) Is 1 to 4.8. If the mortally
wounded Is Included with the killed , where ,
for satlstlcal purposes , they belong , the pro
portion Is much higher 1 to 2.5. But when
the first reports of a battle come In , of
course , the mortally wounded are Included
with the other wounded , unless , as rarely
happens , they form a class by themselves.
Antletam , the bloodiest battle of the war ,
showed the proportion of killed and wounded
to bo 1 to 4.5 , and at Gettysburg , the great
est battle of the war , the proportion was 1
to 4.7. At Santiago , tbo proportion of the
231 killed to the 1,284 wounded , Is 1 to 5.5 ,
leaving the elghty-oiio missing out of the
question. If these eighty-one ore put among
the killed , as In moat cases will bo found to
bo the facts , the proportion Is 1 to 4.1 , or If
the missing be Included among tbo wounded ,
the ratio Is 1 to 5.9.
In the German army In the Franco-Prus
sian war the proportion tbo killed bore to
the wounded was 1 to C.4 , and the killed ,
Including the mortally wounded to the other
wounded , as 1 to 3,2.
MUcllrccttMl HfTurt Menu * n Conntiuit
I.IIHV to ThoNCeeiIJiiK Alii.
"What lakes much away from the strength
of charitable work followed by the leisure
classes , " writes Edward Bok In the Ladles'
Home Journal , "Is the woeful misunder
standing of the needs of the people whom
they would help. For Instance , recently a
body of Intelligent New York \\oracn formed
themselves Into an association 'to glvo
practical help to farmers' wives In Isolated
places. ' The Idea was , of course , an ex
cellent one ; the field exists for beneficial
work , but what were the means of 'practical
help' devised ? To 'furnish looms , spinning-
wheels and knitting-needles , with proper
Instructions/ farmers' wives so that they
might learn how to make 'lovely em
broidery , ' which would 'command high
prices in the largo cities. ' Almost on the
amo day a company of wealthy Ohio
women formed an organization for 'tho
V'o read of table dT ' Vlrt
better understanding of the higher moral
laws by the domestics In our homes ! ' A
Chicago organization , just formed , declares
for Its purpose the providing of 'clean and
elevating evening amusements for the girls
and saleswomen of our large stores. ' All
these charities are seriously entered upon ,
are wcll-lntentloned , but they show a pitia
ble Ignorance of needed reforms. Our farm
ers' wives are not sitting up nlghU looking
for something God knows they need
no further burdens , no moro 'Industries ; '
their need is for more rest , for moro forms
of recreation , which means cessation from
labor. Our servants do not stand In need
of a higher morality as much as they do of
moro practical knowledge of their work and
moro consideration at the hands of their
mistresses. 'Our shopgirls and saleswomen
nro not clamoring for 'clean and elevating
evening amusements' so much as that
women-shall shop a llttlo more Intelligently
and systematically. " .
He Sacrlllcfil Illinxolf to Save III !
Coiiiiiiiuuler'M Lift * .
The naval history of the United States la
replete with Instances of Individual bravery
and heroism that have made Uncle Sam's
sturdy tars especially dear to the hearts of
all patriotic Americans.
Ono of the most remarkable of these
heroic deeds , the unusual character of which
has Riven It a special page in the naval
annals of the country , says the Indianapolis
News , was that of Reuben James , an ordi
nary seaman , who saved the life of bis com
mander , the famous Commodore Stephen
Decatur , by a deliberate act of self-sacrifice.
During a battle with Trlpolltan war
vessels , In the early part of the present cen
tury , Decatur boarded ono of the enemy's
elilps , to revenge the death of his brother ,
who had been treacherously killed by a
Trlpolltan commander. The latter was
singled out for attack by Decatur , as soon
as he got aboard , nnd a fierce hand-to-hand
conflict ensued. The Turk was a large ,
powerful man and grappled with Decatur ,
both men falling on the deck. Just then
another Trlpolltan officer aimed a blow with
his sword at Dccatur's defenseless head ,
Iteubcn James , an American sailor , both of
whose arms were temporarily disabled by
wounds , saw the Impending blow , and , dashIng -
Ing forward , ho Interposed his own head to
save that of his daring captain. Fortunately
the blow was a glancing ono , but It made a
terrible gash In the skull , It was a long
time before ho recovered from the effects of
the blow. Ills' brave act was suitably recog
nized by congress , which granted him a
pension , though he continued In active serv
Besides being a brave man , James was
also a philosopher of the Diogenes type ,
though be probably bad never heard of that
wise old man's interview with the great
Alexander , When bis Injuries had healed
and ho was again ready for duty James was
asked by Decatur what be could do for him.
The eallor , who was quarter gunner on the
vessel , and had charge of tbo men's ham
mocks , touched his bat lna customary
salute , and , after a moment's reflection , re
plied : "Nothing , sir , as I knows on , 'ccpt
you might let eomo'un else glvo out the
hammocks when they're piped down. "
Send your out of town friends three
photogravures of the Exposition.
ten cents. The BCD lfCco ) has them.
tUO'UB ? -