Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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t < : \du MIXTIOJC.
nudwclscr beer , Hoscnfcld. Tel. 323.
Smoke "J A H" Co cigar.
Moore's Stock rood makes fat.
Finest work , Hluff City Laundry.
Smoke Iron Chancellor Co cigar.
Stockert Carpet Co. . 203-207 Bwy.
A. L. Slovens has rcturntd from Colorado
Springs , Colo.
C. K. Parsons Is recovering from an attack
of typhoid fever.
C. U. Jocqucmin & Co. , Jewelers and op
ticians. 27 South Main street.
General 0. M. Dodge left for the cast last
Mrs. J. H. Hlshel Is visiting friends and
relatives In Lewis , la.
Fred Davis has gone to Hattlo Creek ,
Mich. , wheie Mrs. Davis is In n sanitarium.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Smith and son
of Dubuque arrived In the city yeste'dav
on a visit to the exposition.
J. C. Blxby , heating nnd oanltary engineer.
Plans nnd specifications for heating , plumb
ing and llghtjng. 202 Main , Council Bluffs.
George J. Meyer left Sunday evening for
the United States Naval academy nt Anapo-
lls , where ho commences his studies as a
Don't you think It must bo a pretty good
laundry that ran please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
724 Broadway.
Albert Bryan nnd Miss Carrie Bowdlo of
New Sharon , la. , arrived on a visit yester
day to J. J. Stewart and family to take In
the exposition.
All members of Bluffs council , No. 27 ,
Uniform Hank Knights of I'ythlas , are re
quested to bo present this evening in P. 0.
S. of A. hall.
Mrs. F. M. Gault , who has been visiting
friends here , will leave today for Kansas
City , where her husband has recently re-
moed from St. Louis.
J. M. Tyler , n banker of Locorre , New-
Mexico , und his mother , Mrs. Harriet Tyler
of .Marlon , Iu. , are in the city visiting
friends and taking In "the exposition.
Nick Mnrncll of Harlan and C. Cole of
Grand Hlver , who were bound over to the
federal pra&d lury on charges of bootlegging ,
have furnished bonds nnd been released from
the county jail.
The married women ot the congregation ot
St. Francis Xavler's church are planning on
celebrating the opening of 'the newly erected
addition to St. Francis' academy wllh an
elaborate banquet.
Judge W. I. Smith went to Sidney yester
day evening , where this morning ho will
convene the August term of the district
court. He was accompanied by B. O. Bru-
ington , court reporter
E. B. Rowland , traveling passenger agent
of the Grand Trunk rallwa } , with headquar
ters in Chicago , Is In the city , lie Is ac
companied by his wife and daughter , who
will visit the exposition
The March term of the district court
closed yesterday nnd the August term opens
today , but Judge Macy , In deference to the
request of the members of the bar , has
postponed the opening until next Monday.
Thp funeral of Jonathan Ross of Crescenl
City , who died Sunday , aged S7 years , was
held yestiT.lay afternoon from the Mcthodlsl
church iu Crc&i'ent City. Deceased leaves
a wife aiic' four children. His death was due
to old ago
A warrant was issued yesterday from Jus
tice Vlen's court for the arrest of James At
kinson on the charge of obtaining board tin-
ouiplalnt was filed
by Mis. Morgan , win conducts a restauron !
on South Main street.
All members of Council Bluffs Tent , No
32 , Knights of the Maccabees , are requestet
to bo present tomorrow evening. Deputy Su-
Pi erne Commander L. M. Thomas of Dei
Molnes will be present and fifteen candidates
will be up for Initiation.
James E. Kuott , formerly a resident o
this city , Is to bo married today In Now
York to Miss Grace Adams of that city
Miss Adams has been visiting relatives am
friends in Atlantic , la. , for some time past
but left for the east a few days ago.
The officers of the Second Presbyterlai
church of this city have received word fron
the secretary of the Presbyterian Bean
of Home Missions that their application fo ;
assistance In the "erection of their nev
church building has been favorably octet
on. The board will donate $1,000 when tin
congregation has raised and expended $2,000
P. P. Kelley of Glenwood disclaims havlni
attended the recent democratic congrcsslona
convention In any rapacity except that of i
spectator. He was not a delegate and tool
no pait In the deliberations. Mr. Kelle ;
also says ho took no part in naming Cap
tain Lyons an the party's candidate for eon
gress , and his name as u member ot th
cmtuniUco o.i reboluilons wi.s used wllh
out his knowledge or iicnnUMon. Ho hat
nothing whatever to do , he asserty , will
drawing up the resolutions or framing th
platform. Ho says. "My sins , both of com
mlsblon and omission , I am alwayt ) wlllliii
to answer for , but I should not be chargci
with what I do not do. " Mr. Kelley Is i
veil known attorney of Mills county.
Ladies desiring valuable information concerning
corning their ailments should send or cal
for "Tho Vlavl Message. " Vlavl Co. , 32
Merriam blk.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
CiirrlKK mill SliocninUrr Kail Out.
Dan Carrlgg , who conducts a gambllni
room over the Turf saloon on Broadway
and Frank Shoemaker , a bartender , had i
misunderstanding yesterday afternoon as ( >
the latter's right to bo in the place. Car
rlgg objected to Shoemaker's presence am
m BO Informed him. Shoemaker said he woul
leave as soon as ho took a drink ot watci
When he had slaked his thirst and wa
about to leave Shoemaker enquired of Car
rlgg If It was not a public place and wa
told by Carrlgg that It was. Shoemakei
however , objected to the fact that Carrlg
emphasized his statement by hitting hlr
over the head with a section of rubbe
IIOSB. Shoemaker , as soon as ho recoverc
from his surprise , hastened across the utrce
6V-1 to the olllco of Justice Burke and filed a ;
ItO assault and battery complaint against Car
rlgg. The latter gave ball and will have
o hearing Thursday. September 1.
To pleoso our friends and patrons wo wl !
continue our give-away sheet music sail
nt 10 cents per copy for anything we hav
In stock , vocal or Instrumental , for ono wee
more. We also offer for this week only an
of our CO cent folios for 25 cents. What I
our loss will bo your gain. Call earl
Mueller Piano & Organ company , 103 Mat
street. _
llnril on tilt * llulliiiiH.
The four Italians whoso music cause
n couple of runaways last Saturday an
who were taken Into custody on the charg
of giving a street exhibition without firs
obtaining a license , failed to appear whe
their case was called In police court yes
terday morning. The sons of sunny Ital )
who were almost frightened out of thel
Ihes by being arrested , were compelled t
put up $22 for their appearance In com
nnd this amount was declared forfeited
The mayor's suggestion In his Inaugurt
nddrcss , that no source of revenue shoul
bo overlooked , Is being carried out by th
present police force , The utmost that th
band could have been fined for not com
plying with the city ordinance would hav
been J5 and costs.
Licensee to wed were Issued yesterday
the following persons :
Name and Residence. As
James J. Jiihncke. Omaha .
Amy H. Kelly , Omaha .
John Ilcdgwlck , Omalm . . . . . . . . . . . .
BugleIM Vqn I'hllbrook , Council Bluffa. .
j. A , Richards , Marion. In . . . . . . .
iiahel O. H"- ' " jJofceoh. Mo .
Hard Working Free Silver Democrats Objed
to Taking Up with Populists ,
Mnclilne Think * It Ilnn Tiling * Al
Mocly Klioil , hut Melontlic
Surface There In 11 Hut
There arc evident signs that howcvei
harmonious It may appear on the surface
there Is considerable latent dlsaffectlor
among the rank and lllo of the democrat ! !
party In Council Bluffs. This disaffection
It Is said , will manifest Itself nt the count :
convention of the party to bo held In thli
city some time next mouth. In the firs
place , It Is said that there are a largo nunv
ber of free- silver democrats In this cltj
who nro not at all pleased with the actlor
of the congressional convention In fuslnf
with the populists. This wing of the loca
democracy threatens that , If the county con'
ventlon assumes the same tactics and at
tempts to fuse on the nominations for thi
county offices , there will be trouble rlgh
there and then and lots of It. The demo
cratlc party , the opposers of fusion say
Is quite able to take care of Itself wlthou
having to travel hand In hand with thi
populists. This wing Is determined , at leas
so far as It Is concerned , that none bu
avowed dle-ln-tho-dltch free stlverltes shal
be nominated for any of the county offlcei
this fall.
The threat Is taken to refer principal ! ;
to Attorney John P. Organ and Justice o
the Peace Ambrose Durke. Mr. Organ 1
said to bo a candidate for the nomlnatloi
of county attorney , but Is not looked upoi
with favor by many of the local bourbon
as It Is said he has become converted to th
gold standard. For this reason the rani
and file of William Jennings Bryan's fol
lowers In this city say they hove no us
for him politically. Mr. Organ has re
peatedly stated that he Is not looking fo
the nomination , but It Is no secret that th
"machine" of the local democratic party or
urging his nomination as being the strong
est that they can make. Mr. Organ hel
the office for several years , being succeede
by the present republican Incumbent , Col
onel C. G. Saunders. Ambrose Burke , wh
was elected justice of the peace In 1806 o
a Joint nomination by the democrats an
populists. Is a candidate for renomlnatlo
this fall. This does not meet with favor b
a number of local free stlverltes. The
say that Justice Burke left the democrat !
ranks several years ago to travel with th
populists , and It they want to nominal
htm all right , but ho shall not have
nomination from the democratic convcctlo
again. If he does get It and the probablll
ties are that he will , then they threate
that they will not vote tor htm.
There Are Other Candidate * .
In any case It does not look as If M
Burke will have a walkaway for the nomlni
tlon for Justice this year , as the woods a :
full of democrats , and free silver ones ;
that , who believe that they are especial
adapted for ministering out Justice. Co
Maynard , O. H. Lucas , Jim Barnett and Pi
llco Sergeant Comto are avowed candldati
and It is said that before the convcntlc
meets a number more will spring up. Und
the new law the number of Justices of tl
peace has been reduced from thrao to tw
and both the republican Incumbents a :
candidates tor renomlnatlon at the hands
their party. Justice Vlen , although he stati
he Is not a. candidate for the nominatk
Inasmuch as he will make no effort to s
cure It , admits he will not refuse If It
tendered htm. Ho Is In the hands of h
friends , he says.
There are some democrats who claim
have a kick coming because they believe tl
police force Is taking too active a part
local politics. They eay the present adml
istratlon Is emulating Richard Crocker
New York and attempting to establish
Tammany In Council Bluffs. This will n
work , as there are too many statesmen
the rank and file to permit any one mite
to create himself a boss. This Is taki
to be a left-handed slap at Chief of Poll
Blxby , who Is charged with using the mi
under him for political purposes. He
much strength the "kicking" element w
develop at the county convention remali
to be , seen , but ont thing Is perfectly ev
dent , that all Is not peace and harmony
the ranks of the i-'al demociats and the
Is a strong possibility of an Interesting tlr
at the convention.
The Crown piano artist will bo hero 1
Thursday. Watch the announcement of t !
Bourlclus music house on that day ; 3
Broadway , where the or an stands on t
I building.
to Iiiliticne.
A number ot the delegates to the repu
llcan state convention will leave this eve ;
Inr for Hobuquo over the Milwaukee roa
They have engaged a special sleeper , whti
i'ill he sldctincked at Dubuque and occupl
by them until the convention cloaes. T ;
i party Is made up as follows : Hon. John :
Baldwin , who It Is expected will preee
I Mr. films' name to the convention ; Ho
Smith McPherson , County Treasurer W :
Item Arnrt. C. M. Harl. Clerk of the Dlstrl
Court Freeman Reed , Theodore Oulttar ,
P. Greensblelds , Hon. L. F. Potter of Oa
lead , Ocorjjo 3 , WrlKht , George Mnync ,
S. llazolton. C. B. Itandlctt , John Llni
John C , Sttiirt of Mame nnd Postnust
i Ccnnartl of Atlantic of the Caes coun
i delegation , John Jenka of Avoca and VT. 1
Kilpacfe of Ntola. Delegate A , T. Flic
Inccr , K , C , Hnrt and H , P , Phllbrook Ic
for Dulwquo Sunday ,
The Itirnna laundry la the leader In fi
work for bolh color and finish. 620 Pet
street. 'Phone 290.
Wm. Blood used Colo's Hot Blast heat
last winter.
Owl Clnh ItuiiN.
The following schedule uf runs of tl
Owl Wheel club has been arranged ai
Issued :
Tuesday evening , August 30 : Optional ru
start 7:30. :
Thursday evening , September 1 : Uusei
park and exposition grounds ; start ! : '
twenty-nix miles.
Sunday , September 4 : Joint run ( a
nounced later ) ,
Tuesday evening , September 6 : Blind ru
fctart 7-30. about forty milts.
Thursday evening , September 8 : Short ru
regular monthly meeting ; start 7 o'clo
The official photograph of the Unit
States Navy , containing over 200 plctui
of the vessels , with their officers and a nui
ber of the views of the Ill-fated Maine , c
be had at the Council Bluffs office of T
Bee for 25 ccnta and n Bee coupon.
Jury for Avocn.
The following petit Jury was drawn y (
terday for the September term of the dl
trlct court of Pottawattamie county
Avoca : W. Ilesbaw , Valley ; David Ula
Waveland ; H. C. Hu t. Center ; John Bli
| Belknop ; H. F. Wilson. Mecedonla ;
t Overton , Laytonj Geore Knight. Wright ;
) | Stednmn. Belknapj E. Richardson , Kno
Ed Wilson , Waveland ; A. U. Kochlcr ,
Macedonia ; A. H. Hunt , Center ; Isaac Kile ,
Layton ; P. N. Leslie , Knox ; C. H. Van-
druff , Center ; i. . G. Harlow , Knox ; D. Mc
Millan , Carson ; J. 0. Humbert , Belknap ;
William Thomas , James ; T. F. Jackson ,
Knox ; Henry Fleming , Pleasant ; George
Dlrgo , Pleasant ; Fred Wood. Grove ; Charles
Marshall , Lincoln ,
Certain StrectH Are Ordered 1'iivcil
I it Kit Vitrified Uriel ; .
At the adjourned meeting of the city
council held last night the resolution or
dering the following streets paved with
vitrified brick was passed : Avenue P , from
Oakland , avenue to North Second street ;
North First street , from Broadway to
Washington avenue ; North Second street ,
from Broadway to Washington avenue ;
Bryant street , from Broadway to Washing
ton avenue ; North Main street , from
Broadway to Washington avenue ; Willow
avenue , from Main street to Third street ,
excepting the Intersection at Fourth street ,
In occcrdanco wlh the recommendation
embodied In the report of the commlttct
of the whole , Park avenue was Strieker
from the paving resolution , as the propertj
owners desired it postponed for a year
Fourth street was also stricken from tin
resolution , as the majority of the nbuttlnp
property owners wish It paved with as-
phaltum. The city engineer and city at'
torney were Instructed to draw up specifi
cations for asphaltum paving nnd on mo
tion of Alderman Sayles a committee con
sisting of Mctcalf , Casper and Atkins was
appointed to assist. George M. Gould , a prop
erty owner on Pierce street between Stuts
man and South First streets that was In
cluded in the paving resolution , was repre-
sentcd before the council by Attorney Ha-
zelton nnd protested against the cost o
the Intersection at Stutsman street belnf
assessed entirely on that block. Mr. Hazel-
ton suggested as an equitable solution tha' '
Stutsman street between Broadway am
Pierce be ordered paved , thus throwing hal
of the cost of the Intersection paving 01
that street. On motion of Alderman John
son ths block on Pierce street was cut ou
of the resolution and the city attorney In
structed to draw up another resolution call
Ing for the paving of that block and Stuts
man street between Broadway and Pierce.
A petition from property owners repre
senting 1.C.2G feet frontage on Fourth strce
was presented , asking for brick and op
posing asphnltum , but as the street hai
already been stricken from the resolutloi
It was placed on file.
Dr. Patton and John Ahles protests
against paving North Main street with brlcl
and again asked that macadam be used. Tb
committee's report , which opposed the ma
cadam , was presented and the street wn
ordered paved with brick.
Aa all the abutting property owners o
Seventh avenue between Main nnd S'xl ' !
streets and on Fifth avenue between Peni
and Main streets filed protests against th
paving of these streets , they were ordpre
cut out from the second paving lesolutto
without discussion.
When the council came to tockle Wash
ington avenue it was confronted with
batch of remonstrances against the pavin
and finally , after putting In a solid hou
worrying over the matter , the portion c
the avenue from Main street to Harrlso
street was on motion of Alderman John
son cut out.
As there was a dispute as to whether
majority of the property owners were 1
favor of or opposed to the paving of th
portion of the avonua between Benton an
Frank streets the matter was referred t
the committee of thft whole , whloh wi :
meet tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock to can
vass the petitions for and the remonstrance
against. The committee will report at
meeting of the council to bo held followtn
the session as a committee of the wholi
when definite action will be taken.
The contract for supplying the city wit
soft coal , Centorvlllo lump being speclflcc
was awarded to the Carbon Coal company t
J3.14 per ton cash or $3.29 warrants. Th
contract for hard coal was awarded to I.
A. Cox on his bid ot $7.24 per ton cash.
Seekn IIU Tvto Children.
A. Barnett of Eagle , Harrison county , Mo
called on the police yesterday for asslstanc
In recovering his two children , Dora , age
12 years , and Dena , aged 10 years , from
horsetrader named Ervin Clark. Froi
Darnell's story told the police It appeal
that about seven years ago his wlfo secure
a divorce from him and was glvon the CUE
tody of their two children. Mrs. Barne
came to Council Bluffs and was reported I
\ have married Clark. Barnett , who Is
I farmer and claims to be well able to pr <
I vide for the children , heard that the lltt
girls were not being well cared for ar
| decided to apply to the courts for the
, custody. On reaching here he learned thi
j Clark had left Council Bluffs about s
weeks ago In a covered wagon with h
wlfo and the two children , along with sei
eral more campers. Clark has lived in th
city for the last flvo years , but his presei
whereabouts ore unknown.
FOR SALE Good second-hand bicycle
a bargain. Cell at The Bee office , Counc
.Smith tictn IIU Sntehel.
| i The satchel stolen from G. H. Smith <
I i 818 Broadway laat Saturday was recnverc
j i by the police yesterday morning. H we
' ! found in possession of a 0-year-old bo
[ j named James Bell , who said It had beet
, glvon him by another and older boy , Voun
! ' Bell was arrested and charged with larcen
t from a building In the day time , but Jude
Aylesworth felt loth to commit the lad t
I Jail on account of his age , eo discharge
him with a lecture and a promise of sevei
' punishment if brought before him again.
Wanted Several carriers for routes c
Dally Bee. Young men , ranging from 10
20 years , preferred. Should have horse i
I wheel. Apply at Dee office , Council
\Vnlucli lit the I'ollM.
DES MOINES , Aug. 2S. ( Special Teli
gram. ) The women of Des Molnes , who fi
the first time In the history of the city e :
erdsed the privilege of voting , came nei
forcing municipal ownership of the wati
works upon the city when the men a :
against It by a large majority. Twenty-foi
out of twenty-nlno precincts In the city 1m'
been heard from , giving a majority again
municipal ownership of the water works <
1G5. Of the five precincts to hear from foi
are against the proposition to buy the worl
and It Is estimated that the majority again
municipal ownership will bo about 300. It
very close and the women made It so. In
dozen precincts the proposition to buy \vi
defeated by the men , but the women ovc
came that majority and gave munlclpi
ownership a victory In eight precincts. Tl
friends of municipal ownership admit defea
but claim that It Is so close that U will r
quire the olllclal count to settle It.
Stnntoii Appiilnlril Suiiorliilcnilenl ,
SI'IUNOFIELD , III. , Aug. 20. Cullen I
Stanton of Springfield , general manager
th ( > Jacksonville , Louisville & St. Lou
railroad , ha.j also been appointed gcucr
superintendent ot the Lltchfield , Carrollti
t Western railway , with headquarters
Carllnvllle , vice T. N. Qreer , resigned to b
crme general manager ot the Hutchlneon
Southern railway , H. E. Crane of Jackao
vllle , general freight agent ot the Jackao :
vllle , Louisville & St. Loula , has also bei
appointed general freight agent of the Lite
field , Carroll ton & Western.
Pour Iowa Boys Who Took a Torttmo Out of
Placer Claims.
Wont Overland from Sioux Cltjnnd
Struck It Illclier Than Mniiy of the
Klondike Who Traveled
Twice an Par.
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 29. ( Special. ) Three
years ago Fred nnd Joe Parent , Tom Bidder-
son and Jack Marshall of this city started
overland for Salmon City , Idaho , In wagons.
They were laughed at by their friends , but
they all had the gold fever , nnd one after
noon in midsummer a wagon train moved
down Fourth street and the boys were off.
Many friends followed the wagons to the
brink of the Missouri river , imploring them
to glvo up what called a. foolhardy trip.
"By the tlmo you've gone a couple a
hundred miles , " said one man , "tho 'plpo'
will go out and your wild imaginations will
cease to burn ; you'll cease to see the' glit
tering gold away up in the mountains and
wish you were back hero in good old Sioux
City. "
But the prospectors , never daunting , shook
their heads , turned a deaf ear to their
friends and began the long Journey. And
they were rewarded. Joe Parent passed
through Sioux City on his way to Mt. Clem
ents Springs , Mich. , to cure the rheumatism
he contracted and for a good rest before
going to Cleveland , O. , where ho and another
31oux City man , Oscar Seers , will go Into
justness. Parent has Just sold his Interest
in the placer mines located by the Sioux
City men for $7,000 cash. Ho was compelled
to sell ou account of his health. Jack Mar
shall also sold his interest for $7,000 , but
will remain In Salmon City and do some
more prospecting on his own account. Tom
BIdderson pulled out his share some time
ago nnd struck out for the Philippines ,
where he expects to locate. Of the original
four Sioux City men Fred Parent alont
is sticking to the rich placers and Is now
Interested In the Bohanon Bar company
a rich firm.
.Many Mile * l > y WIIKOII.
"We had a great trip , " said Joe Parent
"Tho distance to Salmon City by wager
road is 1,400 miles and our Journey laj
through country rich In beautiful scenery
Our \\agons were drawn the entire distance
by the horses wo started with and when w <
pulled into Salmon City were frisky ant
fat as you please. If I was going to maki
the trip again I'd rather go overland thai
in the finest Pullman sleeper. Going bj
wagon ono has an exceptional chance t <
view the country and when he gets througl
he has seen something.
"Yes , and It was a healthy outing. W <
took our tlmo en route. In the warm weathe :
wo usually got up nt early dawn and trav
eled In the cool exhlllrating breeze of thi
morning. When the sun became oppresslvi
wo would pitch our camp beside some coo
stream , tether the horses and go In for i
plunge. After lying In the shade for a tlmi
the boys got out their fishing tackle am
we never failed to dine on speckled trout
pike or pickerel. Our table always was fl
for royalty. One Sunday evening , right li
western Nebraska , our meal consisted o
trout , French fried potatoes , stewed onloni
with cream , baked teat jlucks , radishes
pickles , boiled cabbage , ( sl Iced tomatoes , tur
nips , eggs and coffee. And it wasn't serve <
in the style I give it to you , for Tom Bid
dorson was an expert camp cook.
"As we proceeded farther west we wen
able to kill some deer , bear and mountall
sheep , beside various kinds of fowl. I tel
you on the trip to Salmon I had a greato
variety of good things than ever "before It
my life. Of course our appetites from belni
out In the fresh air were always whetted ti
a nicety and this made llfo worth living.
"When wo struck Salmon City , feellni
like kings , we went to vork with a vengeance
geanco and our reward , although not greal
was ample. It isn't so bad to strike a coun
try broke , support a family for three year
and then quit $7,000 ahead. If anyone want
to go after gold , the Klondike with it
hardships is the last place I would advise.1
MtmtrrliiK the IlojOut. .
DES MOINES , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Captain Olmsted began work to
day on mustering out of the United State
service the twq Iowa batteries. This morn
ing ho received a largo bundle of offlcla
papers from the government nnd with thes
began work this afternoon. The musterln
out process is easier said than done , for th
Job of making out the papers Is no sma !
one. Each man must pass a physical ex
amlnatton , too. It is expected that th
task will bo completed and the men sen
to their homes within the next week or te
A special train with 135 sick soldiers froi
the Fifty-second Iowa will arrive here to
morrow from Chickamauga. The Chtcagi
Burlington & Qulncy officials In this clt
arc in receipt of a telegram which say
that the trains bearing the soldiers consist
ot thirty-six sleepers and ten day coache
and 'that ' It will reach St. Louis tonlghl
The dispatch adds that the boys will reac
DCS Molnes some time Tuesday or Wcdnce
day morning , depending on the promptnes
with which the trains get out of St. Louis.
The office of the receiver of the land department
partmont In the federal building wa
crowded this morning with land seeker
after application blanks. Tomorrow Is th
day set for the original entry opening c
of land around Log
1,230 acres swamp
Island lake In Clay and Palo Alto countlei
This land was formerly erroneously Include
in Lost Island lake nnd had never been sur
veyed until here of lato. Several ot th
early settlers were on hand this mornln
eager to get their applications properl
filled out. Tomorrow morning at 9 o'cloc !
Is the earliest the applications can be re
cclved. It Is very evident that there wil
lie nt least six applicants for avery acre.
Governor Shaw today Issued a labor da
proclamation for September C.
llnrlnl of Dead Soldier * .
SIOUX CITY , Aug. 29. ( Special. ) Slou :
City has burled'Its first victims of the wa
between the United States and Spain. Th
two young men who succumbed to fever li
Chtckamouga park were Linn H. Skinner
drum major of the Fifty-second Iowa , nni
Harry Abrams , a private In Company H
The boya died at the park , and before thcl
relatives could reach them. Their remain
were sent back to Sioux City , nnd hero the ;
were given n soldier's burial. The solemi
services were largely attended by the cltl
zcns ot Sioux City , the Grand Army of th
Hepubllc and other military organizations
To add to the solemnity of the occasion sev
eral of the Fifty-second Iowa men who ar
at homo on sick leave , were able to attom
the services over the remains of thcl
comrades. Young Skinner Is a son of Mi
and Mrs. L. E. Skinner of Stoux City. HI
father Is the president of the wholesale boo
and shoe firm of Hlgman & Skinner. Mrs
C , B. Hall of Omaha U his Bister. Abram
was the mil In support of a widowed mother
whose husband was killed ono year to a da
preceding the burial of her son. He was i
cattle driver nt the Union stock yards
Sioux City , and was among the first to en
lUt In the volunteer army.
I2 nterii IIMIH Corn Dummied ,
AVOCA , la. , Ails. 29. ( Kpeclal , ) Kasten
PottawatUmU li asiln BUtfcriua koin Ui
Banner billet the season , commencing
Sunday Matinee , August 2
Armstrong 6t O'Neil , Burlesque boxing sketch , entitled "fun ill a Gymnasium"
Logreiia , Eoyal Conjurer.
BrOOkS & Floy'd in the laughable military sketch , "Reprieved/
Arline Wyatt latest coon songs.
MiSS COilliailtell our Petite Sobrolto.
AH Zada Hindoo Magician.
Boat race on Thursday afternoon and swimming races Saturday
afternoon , open to all comers , Forward entrance to Col. Reed , Lake
Special attention given to Picnic Parties.
Plenty of shade , fishing , boating and swimming.
Admission'to Grounds and Pavilion lOc.
effects of the very dry and hot weather ,
"armors report that corn is badly damaged
) y the heat of the past week , and that ten
> ushcls to the acre Is none too high to place
the damage. Pastures are again In great
need of rain , and milk cows have almost
ceased to glvo mlllr. Uraln threshing Is
progressing very satisfactory and the yield
Is fairly good from fourteen to twenty-two
bushels of wheat , and about forty to forty-
Hvo bushels of oats to the acre. In most
Instances , the quality Is exceedingly gopd.
Some fall plowing was done just before this
dry spell set In , but it is now 'too ' dry.
KnornuMiw Crops IleliiK Hnrvented nntl
All Farmer * Are Happy.
DENISON , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special. )
While the great crops that are being harv
ested In the northwestern part of the state
of Iowa have been itho subject of remark
In the papers of 'the state of late , those
of the southwestern corner ot the common
wealth should not bo forgotten , either. A
gentleman who has Just returned from a
trip through a number of the southern
nnd western Iowa counties says that one of
the best crops in the history of that portion
tion of the state is being harvested this
fall and that the farmers are everywhere
contented nnd happy , apparently , judging
by the faces of those seen In the towns
passed through. Nearly all of them were
walking about from ono store to another ,
adding now bundles to their burdens at
each one. The corncrlbs are being re
paired and gotten In readiness for the great
crop that will soon bo ready for harvesting ,
while the elevators are filling up .rapidly
with small grain from the threshers , which
were seen in operation nt a number o'
points. Some small grain was still In shod
In the field , It perhaps being the Intention
to thresh it directly from the shock and
save time in stacking , as time has been
at a premium all summer and the yield
has been so good as to cnuso a return to
some of the old methods that were believed
to have been abandoned during the years
of poor crops nnd depression in business
circles. At numerous points continuous
stretches of cornfields could bo seen for a
distance that must have been flvo or six
miles never a meadow or slough between
the fields , showing again the excellent
quality of Iowa land for the production of
ithls greater staple of the world. More
people were seen In the towns than usual
and more were leaving on trips of various
kinds than had done so for a good many
years. The crops already harvested had
provided the funds for the purpose.
AnNlKiiiuent " ' Pnntorn for the Went
loivu District.
CLAIUNDA , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special. )
The West Iowa conference of the Free
Methodist church , in session in this city ,
has made the following assignments of min
isters :
Shcnandoah district : E. N. Miller , D. E. ;
Shenandoah and Blngham , W. W. Vlnson ;
Imogcne , F. E. Eaton ; Grlswold , D. C.
Eddy ; College Springs and Pleasant Hill ,
J. S. Phillips ; Nora Casslus , supply ; ClarInda -
Inda and Shnmbaugh , W. B. Nixon ; Ham
burg , L. M. Phillips.
Creston district : E. N. Miller , D. E. ; Car
bon and Mount Etna , J. F. Mudd ; Gravity ,
II. II. Smyth ; Beaconsfield and Caledonia ,
Carrlo L. Haviland , supply ; Lorrlmor , N. M.
Perry , supply ; Garden Grove , George Pat
rick ; Clark county mission , A. Stcdwell.
Dunlap district : E. N. Miller , D. E. ;
Council Bluffs , I. P. Kelley ; Sandy Point
and Honey Creek , R. M. Ilhamy ; Dunlap ,
Dow City and Charter Oak , C. H. Sawyer.
.Bear Grove district : M. D. Meyers , D. E. ;
Bear Grove , A. W. Lyttlo ; Coon Ilaplds ,
W. W. Crlppen ; Churdan , Dunn nnd Hands ,
J. J. Wood ; Scranton , Jefferson and Jones
school house , J. W. Buckner ; Polk City ,
O. L. Mossman ; Boone and Ogdcn , T. H.
Allen ; Dos Molnes , D. C. Lamson.
Sioux City district : M. D. Meyers , D. E. ;
KIngsley , A. L. Mossman ; Correctlonvllle ,
F. I. Waters ; Katie- Waters , supply ; Mer
rill nnd Floyd Center , George W. Taylor ;
Danbury.J. H. Wilson ; Ida Grove , S. Anna
Grant ; Cherokee and Aurella , T. J. Gates.
Sac City district : M. D. Meyers , D. E. ;
Plover , F. H. Smith ; Early. Lake View and
Sac City , J. H. Blttaln ; Jolly and Perry
school house , Otto Pcltsmeycr.
J. W. Duke , superannuated ; U. F. John
ston left without appointment at his re
A largely attended Free Methodist camp
meeting closed hero Sunday night after a
session of several days.
City CIIUiMiH Holrt n MIIKN MeetIng -
Ingto Ret the Iloyn llaeU.
IOWA CITY , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special. )
A mass meeting of citizens was held in the
armory to determine what action to take
In regard to our soldier boys who are en
camped at Camp Cuba Libre. Attorney
General Rernlcy opened the meeting by
serving as temporary chairman. J. L. Pick-
nrcl was eventually called to the chair , At
torney John W. Hunt serving as secretary.
A committee consisting of Attorney General
Remley , Hon. H. S. Falrall and Judge M. J.
Wade was appointed to draft resolutions
In connection with resolutions passed by
our city council on Friday evening. The
resolutions stated that It was the desire of
our people to get the boys of the Fiftieth
Iowa , mustered nut rpecdtly , If It could bo
done without hindering the government
service. There are many students of the
State University ot Iowa In the Fiftieth
and they would , If possible , like to be mus
tered out so that they could commence their
regular school work at the beginning ot tb
Five Races Each Day.
H. G. CHAPMAN , Manager. ERNEST B. IIAVERLY , kcc ,
Near Market. Will always bo peed property , Wo have for sale
several Choice STOCK AND GRAIN farms In southwestern Iowa ,
Pottnwattamie , Mills , Harrison and Monona counties at great bur-
gains. If yon vt mt a farm write us full particulars or call at our
office. FARM LOANS AT G per cent interest.
City Property and Frnlt Land for sale.
* ?
term. Speeches were made by a number of
our most prominent citizens nnd the feeling
prevailed that our boys should be brought
home and mustered out rather than be con-
lined In unhealthy camps.
I Killed by nil KiiniKcil Ilnll.
1 SIDLEY , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Two brothers , Gcorgo and Frank
Mackinson , llvo on adjoining farms near Sib-
ley. George's family was away from homo
yesterday and left the hired boy , Charles
I Stlch , to look after the place. Hugo , the
14-year-old son of Julius ( Jrewe of Slbley ,
who works for Frank Mackinson , stepped
wl.b Charley Instead of going on homo to
Slbley. The- boys Irritated a cross dehorned
Durham bull , tied In the barn. The bull
brokn loose and took after Hugo , who was
running from the barn Just as Augusta , the
boy's sister , and Eva Grewe , his step
mother , arrived in a carriage , looking lor
the boy. In sight of the women and Char
ley the furious animal bunted the boy to
the ground and stamping down on him with
his fore lags , nroke the bon ° s of the face ,
shoulder , breast and ribs. Augusta , nearly
crazed with grief , ran up and throw Irons
ut the bull vhilo Charley , on a pony , was
jabbing him with a pitchfork. They could
not drl\e him off and Charley rode to Frank
M.ncklm.on'a and Frank hunled over and
backed his wagon over iie ucoy of the dying
boy , lUe enripcd beast flpMlnp savagely to
hold the spot nnd sovciol times attacking
the conveyance after the lny ; was lifted Into
the wagon. TVICG the bc-y called for water
and once for the doctor. Ho died a few
minutes i-.fter a physlclar arrived. Funeral
strvlces w rc- held In the Congregational
rhinrh this afternoon by Hev. Flcutjo of the
Lutheran church.
Ciiiullilnti-M mi lluiiil.
DU11UQUK , Aug. 23. ( Special Telegram. )
Candidates for nomination before the re
publican state convention Thursday are
nearly all hero tonight and the final strug
gle Is on. Frank F. Merrlam of Delaware
county has a big lead for auditor and stories
of a combination between Allen and Harts
horn do not disturb him. His figures foot
up nearly 700 of the 1,220 delegates. A triangular - '
angular light Is on for the attorney general
ship between Milton Hemley , the present '
Incumbent , Jacob Sims of Council Dluffs
and M. L. Temple of Clark , with u com
bination between the last two In Sims'
favor. J. U. Sammls of Lemnrs seems to
bo In the lead for railroad commissioner.
All other nominations will bo by acclama
tion. The platform will be in line with the
usual republican declarations and In addi
tion may favor retention of nil territory
conquered In the war.
lilt liy n IIi-U-K.
CEDAR RAPIDS. Aug. 2'J. ( Special. )
Charles Selbert , a man about 3.1 years of
age Is lying in St. Luke's hospital In a pre
carious condition as the result of being
struck In the side of the head Sunday utter-
noon with half a brick thrown by Will Ste
fan , a.boy IS or 19 years of age. The physi
cians as yet have born unable to determine ) |
whether the skull Is fractured , but are In-
cllncd to think It Is not.
Dr. Ho ) I IlfNlKH * .
CLAIUNDA. la. , Aug. * 0. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Dr. Frank C. Hoyt has resigned as
superintendent of the hospital for the In
sane at Clarlnda , the resignation to take ef
fect October 1.
JliNt Olil l2nitiiKli to < < ! In ,
ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , Aug. 29. State Sena
tor Arthur W , Hrewater of thin city hau
consented to become the republican candi
date for cciigress In the Fourth district , and
will be nominated by acclamation at Hock-
port Thursday , Drowsier is barely old
to h * allelblo.
Distributed by
John fi. Woodward & Co ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
At loui-Nt prlccH. f'niiu-rnii of nit
UlniU from # I.'O lli. .Hull orilrr *
Illlcd for licit ( rain. All the lend-
In K ami
( IOO mill ( till : II'n' > , ( on ne li Hindu , in.
Hi'lMciMi Co n lie 11 Illuirnnil Oninliii.
dates IteaBonablo. Hatlsfactlon Guaranteed.
Council lllutfs nlllce , No. g North Main
itrcet. Telephone Jib. Omaha otllco removed -
moved to 32. : South Fifteenth street. Tele
phone J2W
Connections made with South Omaha