THE OMATIA DAILY HEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 , J8S. ! ) 3 POST GIVES UP THE GHOST Bryan's Organ at ths Capital Gracefully Yields Its Profitless Life , LACK OF SUSTENANCE THE REASON J'uMlnlirr Announce * Hint Dren n 1'niinlliiC Dnllr Cnnnnt Kilst on Wind Alone nnil h o lie. Abandon * the Effort , LINCOLN , , Aug. 19. ( Special. ) The Evening Post , which was owned by Bryan's private secretary and has been operated two years as a free silver organ , today closed up Us office doors and ceased publi cation. In tbe farewell notice to the publls the paper says that It succumbs because of "a persistent tendency on the part of the gross receipts to fall below the gross ex penditures. " It further explains that this a common malady to which many other "reform" newspapers have fallen victims and Intimates that the popocrats are not loyally supporting their official organs. The Post began publication when tbe free silver agitation was the liveliest in 1595 and was reputed to be owned and held up by Mr. Bryan himself. Since thent as the silver agitation dwindled down and the local pope crats lost hope of success , the paper has bad a hard time to keep alive. Two months ago Bryan's secretary leased the plant to Frank Edmonds , who has since In the face of many itfflcultles published a very creditable pa per. In the war between the Edralsten and Gaffln factions In the populist party , how ever , the support of the paper has grown less end less until it has finally succumbed. A scheme of Bcnton Maret to get possession of the plant and operate Independent of cither the Edmlstcn or Gaffln crowds has apparently miscarried. The principal cred itors of the paper are the workmen who have been employed during the summer. The Woodruff Printing company has a , claim for steam power and the Newspaper Union has Bled suit against the proprietors of the plant for a paper and stereotype bill amounting to over 1200. The sick report for the Second regiment today shows thirty-nine men In the hospital and sixty-six sick In the quarters. The Third regiment reports twenty-nine In hos pital and seventy-four In quarters. The troop of cavalry from Mllford has eleven in the hospital and eight In quarters , with fourteen Just sent home on sick furlough. A telegram from Colonel Olson of the Second end today report * that seventy-nine men were sent home last night In charge ot Captain Rebcrt nnd ten nurses. Also that Thomas E. Hedges of Company I died Sun day. The message says that the regiment Is ordered to move as soon as transportation can be secured. General Barry wired this afternoon asking If the sick men were able to come north with tbe regiment. Lincoln Local .Note * . . SItss Edna Bullock has gone to Helena , Mont. , where she -will take charge ot the new city library. The Indiana veterans of this city will hold a meeting tomorrow evening at the residence of W. J. Blystone to eat Ice cream and make arrangements for the state reunion. Preparations are being made by local newspaper men to entertain the- members of tbe National Editorial association , -who are expected to be in this city a few houra next Sunday. The fuslonlsts of this county have called a convention to meet one week from next Thursday to place in nomination a candidate tor district Judge. The republicans have made no move so far to make a nomina tion to fill the vacancy now existing on the district bench. Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin- dell : H. J. Holmes , J. A. Benson. M. F. King , H. C. Rouutree , H. E. Mahaffey , J. A. Epeneter , C. K. Collins. A. M. Jeffrey , J. H. Macomber and daughter , C. L. Bouffler. E. S. Paine. At the Lincoln : H , T. Clarke , W. G. Washburn , C. W. Ralney , E. D. Vorhees. One ot tbe saloons on O street has em ployed a female bartender , and compallnt has been made tothe excise board that un der the ordinances the employment of a woman In such a capacity Is unlawful. The board held a meeting to look up the matter and found that the law and the ordinances re silent on the question of female bar keepers. Yesterday and today a large number of Bohemians' from Saline. Pawnee and Rich ardson counties stopped over In Lincoln on their way home from the exposition. They were all loud In praise of the big show and of the treatment accorded them by Omaha people. Most of those interviewed expressed ( heir intention of making another visit to the exposition before Iti close. .A requisition was issued today for the re turn of Henry Twhosanosky. alias Andrew J. Smith , alias J. Martin , from Seattle to Omaha to answer for the crime of having stolen S2.01S.SO worth of furs fiom Gustave Ehukert. The stealing was doue about two months ago , and the man with many names has been traced to Ne'v York , aa.l from these to Seat.le , where he Is now under ar- reM. reM.There There is a great deal ot stir among the property owners along O Mreet on account of the movement to have the street repaved. The contest Is on between those who want brick pavmcnt nnd those who favor asphalt , and it seems that the latter are gaining ground. It is argued that should O street be paved with brick and one of the other busi ness streets conclude to put dov.-n asphalt , the business would go to the asphalt street on account of its smoothness and lack cf noise. Those who favor brick do so because that kind of pa-.emcnt can be put down Love is crormed triarsr only in the hcnc where a baby com- - , plctcs the tie f > { of matrimony. ' A childlcso marrisje can 't not be a Happy ' one. It takes the final tie cf a baby to bind C-TVy two souls toE - , \ " E tber in nar- \ = = TK.'SC for better \ or for Trorse. H. . Without this final tic t wedded couple lack the indissoluble in terest that makes daily Ecu-sacrifice not only a possibility , but a pleasure There are to-day thousands of homes all over the country that were once childless and unhappy , but that to-day echo r.ith the laughter of happy babyhood , as a re- snlt of a marvelous medicine , known as Dr. Pierce' * Favorite Prescription. Thw is the greatest of all medicines for women who sufferer from wcaknesa and disease of the delicute and important organs that bear the burdens of maternity. It mates them healthy , stronj , vigorous and elastic. _ It makes tnem pure and vinie. H allays ia- flatamation , heals ulceration , soothes paw and tones and builds up the shattered nerves. U baniihes the discomforts of the expectant period , and makes baby's com ing easy and almost painless. It insures the little new-comer's health , and a bounti ful supply of nourishment. It transform * weak , sickly , nervous invalids into happy , healthy mothers. An honest dealer will not urge an Inferior substitute upon yon. "I am now a hippy mother of a fiat healthy baby zirl , " write * Mr * . H. B. Cannings , of No. 4\n Humphrey Street. St. Louis. Mo. "Feel that your * Favorite Prescription * baa done me more good than anything I hare erer tcken. Three pinltuprerioui to ray confinement I be gan uiis ; tt I was only in labor forty-five min ute * . With my Crt baby I tufferet ! IS boun then had to lose him. He \erydellcate and onlr lirrd u boun. For two ) can I suiTered un told agony and had two tnlicarruge * . The * Faronte Prescription' saved both zny child tfl-1 nyttlf. " Write to Dr. R. V. Pierce , Buffilo. N. Y. , for a free letter of advice , and enclose 31 one-cent sumps , to cover nailing o c/v , for a paper-covered copy of the People's Common Sente Medical Adviser ; " or v et\mps for a. cloth-bound copy. A whale ticdidl library in one looo-page volume. cheaper than thr other , and they think It will answer the purpo well , Disease nnd llnrdaulp. YORK. Neb. , Aug. 29. (6p ( cUI. ) A tettet has been received here from a member of Company A. First Nebraska regiment , sta tioned at Manila , which has created ยง om - thlog ot a sensation. The writer tells a fearful tale of disease and hardship , fie says that two of the members ot the York company have gone Insane , another Is dying of pneumonia and many are sick. Mutual distrust and enmity have arisen among tbe ranks and petty quarrels are frequent. The water Is bad and has to be boiled and ths general sanitary conditions arw not what they ought 'to be. The writer does not give the names of the unfortunates , but the letter Is generally credited around town. The War department at Washington has communicated to Mrs. Fred Yale the Infor-1 matlon that her husband , First Lieutenant j Yale of company A , Is dangeroutly 111 with j pneumonia at Manila. | Word was received here today of the death of Paul Shallenbargtr. a private In General Law-ton's division at Santiago. Shallenbar- gcr Is the son of T. M. Shallenbarger , for merly of the Bradshaw bank , this county. No details of his death are given. Attempted Jnll Breaking. PAWNEE , Neb. . Aug. 29. ( Special. ) L. K. Johnson , who has been confined In the county Jail for the last three weeks , at tempted to escape yesterday afternoon. Some time ago he slipped a case knife out of his lunch basket and yesterday he succeeded tn filing through one of the hinges and with bis massive strength bent the Inner door of the Jail so he could get himself through. As he was walking up the Jail steps he was seen by the deputy sheriff and retaken to Jail before he had gone very far. The Pawnee county fair management Is making big strides toward the b t fair ever held here. They commence next week to erect a new grand stand and remove the Judges' stand and have been grading the track for some time. Three good races every day and a large number of race horses ar * expected. The dates are September 13 , 14 , IB , 16 and 17. District court convenes in this city Sep tember 19. School commences In this city next Mon day. The school house has been refitted and now presents a fine appearance. Undlr Hurt. ASHLAND , Neb. , Aug. 29. ( Special. ) William Hlndman. a one-armed man living here , Friday evening Jumped on his horse In response to the flre alarm. He failed to bridle the animal In his hurry and was thrown violently to the ground , fracturing the stump ot his arm In two places and rendering him unconscious , where he lay until discovered by the neighbors. He may die from his Injuries , OB he was hurt In ternally. The remains of William McKinley , who died at his home In Oakland , Ia. , last Thurs day , were brought to Ashland , his former home , for Interment , Saturday afternoon. Ho was 23 years old , a Jeweler by trade , and had many friends. He was distantly related to the president ot the United States. Cnttlc Bales. ALLIANCE , N b. , * .ug. 29. ( Special. ) Nearly 1.000 h ad of cattle have been dis posed of at the stock yards since last Wednesday. The shipment of the W. A. Hampton purchase begins oa the 1st. This Is a herd of about 1,200 bead. Great ac tivity at the stock yards Is manifest every day. day.The The prairie fires along the Burlington through the sand hills , which have caused considerable alarm for the last two days , are said to be under control. Reunion at Republican City. REPUBLICAN CITY , Neb. , Aug. 23. ( Special. ) The- fourth annual reunion opened here today. Captain W. C. Henry of Fairmont , Neb. , Is here and will remain all the week Judge M. L. Hayward of Nebraska City will deliver an address on Tuesday , also A. F. Moore of McCook , Neb. Hon. A. C. Shellenberger of Alma Is on the program for Wednesday. Token the Rtrrnhnlae Route. FAIRBURY , Neb. . Aug. 29. ( SpMdal. ) - Carl Hauks , aged 53 years , committed sui cide last night by taking strychnine. He was about going west to engage In fanning , but one of his' horses sickened and he be came despondent and fearful that ho could not provide for bis family. He leaves a widow and six young children. Kinjr for the Senate. O'NEILL. Neb. . Aug. 29. ( Special. ) At the republican senatorial convention held In this city last Saturday Clyde King of O'Neill was nominated for state senator , D. C. Har ris of Holt county was re-elected chairman of the senatorial committee and D. J. Horn- beck of Boyd , secretary. Die * of Ilia Injuries. ALLIANCE. Neb. . Aug. 29. ( Special. ) Michael Fay , the Injured ear repalrtr who was mangled while working under a car at Morsland , died last night. He leaves a widow and four little children. Water Mains. ALLIANCE , N b. , Ausr. 29. ( Special. ) The city is laying nearly a mile of new mains to the water system , which gives water to the eastern portion of the town and protection from fire. GRIUSBY'S ' MEN COMING HOME Ordered Mastered Out -rrltli Others Iiielnden One Troop from Mllfard , Neb. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29. The following troops have been ordered mustered out : Ninth Massachusetts , from Mlddletown , Pa. , to South Framlngham , Maas. . whrre they will be mustered out ; Seventh Illinois , from Mlddletown to Springfield ; Firtt Illinois. Lexington , Ky. , to Springfield ; Fifth Illinois , Lexington to Springfield ; Sixty-fifth Ntw York , from Camp Alger to Buffalo ; Fifth Ohio infantry , from Femandtna. Fla. , to Columbus. 0 , ; First Wisconsin , from Jack sonville to Camp Douclass , WU. ; Third United States volunteer cavalry ( Qrigsby's ) . at Chlckamugi , Fourth Texas , at Austin , Tex. Tex.The The Third United States volunteer cav alry. Captain Grlgsby , received orders for each troop to proceed to the point ot mus tering Into the service and there to be mus tered out. The regiment will probably not g t away before Thursday. Governor McLaurin of Mltslislppt visited the park today. The governor , it Is s\td , was hsre to cousd the Mlsilsslppl troops as to their wishes about remaining In the service. It Is stated he found a Urge ma jority wanted to be mustered cut and be will to recommend. He Is on his way to Washington. The bulk of Grlgsby's regiment came from South Dakota , but one troop , commanded by Captain Culver. Is from Mllford , Neb. RULES BOYC01TS ARE LEGAL Decision of Ml. I.onls Judge Who S r It Is All RUht If Force ls Not Vied. ST. LOUIS. Mo. . Aug. 59. Judge Valllant of the St. Louis circuit court rendered a de cision in the case of Marx and Mass against Watson r.nd others today declaring boycotts legal. A tenporay Injunction pending settlement was granted a week ago by Judre McKce , sitting In Judge Valllanfi stead. The order enjoined the union from boy cotting the tailoring firm. Now Judge V&l- llact declares a boycott is legal as long u no force or Intimidation U resorted to. DISCORD AMONG FCSIOXISTS Almost Every Portion of the State Has Its Troubles , Great and Small. PASS HOLDERS ARE HAVING A HARD TIME Democrat * nnd Pnpnllsts nt Onts In Severn ! Counties Dlssnllsfnc- tlon Over Legislative dominations. LINCOLN , Aug. 29. ( Special. ) The quarreling , back-biting and threatening among the "reform" forces Is not all con- flned to Richardson county , although there Is more trouble there to the square mile than in any other part of the state. There never has been good feeling In Otoc be tween the democrats and pops and the failure to fuse on the county ticket last year widened the breach. There Is a pre tense of unity there on the state ticket this year , but those who are welt acquainted In the. county say that there will be .a great turning-over this fall , the republican gain coming about equally from the two reform parties. In Cas county the democratic delegates who left the congressional convention shouting "hurrah for Burkett" are still causing trouble and the assertion made by certain popocratlc officeholders that "the bolting delegates are without character or Influence and cannot control their own votes" has Induced the bolters and their friends to take the field and work openly against the fusion candidate for congress. In an endeavor to furnish proof that they can influence several votes besides their own. A striking sample of fusion "harmony" comes from Gage and Saline counties and 11 is beet told In the words of the Saline county Independent , the leading populist paper of the county , which says : Last Saturday Dan Freeman of Gage county held a populist float convention at this place and nominated hlmielf a candi date to bo voted for by the fusion parties of Gage and Saline for the legislature. The convention was called by the cotnralttccman of Gage , but he had previously been nrllCed by this county that we were not ready to hold a Joint convention. Saline \vas in- titled to the candidate according 10 c prece dent long established between the two coun ties , but the old homesteader seemed to be much stuck on the honor of receiving the nomination though defeat was sure to fol low that brand of politics. Not a delegate from Saline was present , but Daniel was satli-Ced. Two years ago the same fellows did the same thing. They canie here with a delegation , picked up a few voters In DeWltt , held a Convention , nominated their pet , Mr. Bush , and got gloriously defeated at the polls. That kind of political trickery never will result favorably to a party and Mr. Freeman will find It so In November. When the populists meet In convention at Pleas ant Hill in September they must net forget to place In nomination a good honest Saline county man for the office of float representa tive and show the bulldozers from Gage that their way of doing political work is not the kind we want in Saline. In Adams county the principal democratic paper made a vicious attack on Representa tive Fernow , who Is a candidate for reelection tion , which leads the Hastings Public Jour nal , a populist paper , to remark- Had Mr. Fernow been a democrat the four- column article which was published last week would not have appeared in their sh ct. Cry fusion aad harmony and give every populist a stab In the back who vlll not agree to stand pat. In Holcomh'n Home Co tin tr ill Custer county Representative Webb was turned down in the county convention because he was known to carry a railroad puts. Now Webb and his friends , while making a show of supporting the fusion ticket , ICEC co opportunity of reminding their farmer friends that Representative Eastman , who was renomlnated. also carries a pass , and that tbe state ofQcIals are break ing the record In the pass business. Custer county "reformers" are also In trouble be cause they have In their ranks a defaulting county treasurer , a defaulting county Judge and so many defaulting tax collectors and popocratlc postmasters that there Is a polit ical scandal In almost every precinct. Tbe decent people there are tired of Bill Greene , and Senator Beal , who served as a member of the"Muti sniffling committee. " Is also so unpopular that he is sure to be beaten by F. M. Currle , his republican opponent. In Furnas county Representative Wheeler , another member of the "sniffling commit tee , " was recomlntted a few days ago , and when he started to make a speech accepting the honor an old farmer asked him If he accepted railroad passes. Wheeler was cor nered and had to admit that he carried passes on two or three roads , but made the excuse thst all tbe other members of the legislature did the same. This was not par ticularly reassuring to the farmer voters of Furnas county , and It Is said the pass scan dals will Induce many of the populist voters ers to deeert the party. In dlscutalng the general political situa tion a few days ago a prominent populist of the southeast part of the state , who was one of the earliest free silver shoutera and who has the credit of having converted Bryan to the free coinage belief , said to The Bee reporter : "It looks like the inocey question Is played ou : . for the prestnt tt least. Along about ten years from now we will have another snell of hard times end then there will be another struggle over the financial question , perhaps In a different form. The silver agitation was , I have come to conclude , a natural out growth of the hard times and It has been snowed under by the good tlrccs. The re turn of prosperity Is losing us many votes , particularly among the foreign'element , and I would not te surprised to see the whole fusion ticket whipped this fall. " In speak ing further of oneof the campaign dodges now being adopted by the state officials , the old populist fanner sld > "It won't do. It Is too easy to see through. They boast about the amount of consjr they hare piled up In the lait two years , tut in the change in the times the republicans might have done just as well. The state officers act as If they were coining that money out ot nothing , as If the taxpayers ell over the state have had no part In furnishing the money. " SANTIAGO FILLING UP AGAIN Qlffht Thousand Prrnons Who Took Hefner In Jamaica Arc Coming Home to Clean House. SANTIAGO DE CUBA. Aug. :9. The steamer Segurenca arrived this morning , bringing Lieutenant Richmond Hobson , who will superintend the efforts to float the sunken Spanish cruisers Cristobal Colon and Infanta Maria Teresa. Lieutenant Hobson bad an enthusiastic informal reception from General Lawton , with whom be will be quartered while In Santiago. The Segu- ranca. brought also Captain L lgh and forty men of the signal service corps , who will relieve Colonel Greene. Work will be be gun at once on the military telephone and telegraph lines along the eastern Cuban coast. The Seguranca brought a cargo tt freih beef. Today General Lawton Issued an order releasing the largest wharf In the harbor lately wholly occupied by the United States government , returning it to the use ot the local merchants and shippers. Trading ves sels tad experienced great Inconvenience and deay | In consequence of Insufficient wharf facilities and nany ships In the harbor are waiting a place to unload. The : special hardihlp arises from the exceiilve harbor charges. The beautiful Alamada boulevard , 200 feet and encircling Santiago bay , BOW oc cupied by the Second Immun rfRlmtut , will be rcUostJ to the city as teen as the n- muncs can be removed to the new camp , two miles out. The boulevard 1s a fashion able resort for driving and promenading. Residents of the city and province to the number of about S.OOO , now In Coila nica and Jamaica , are expected to return hero during the next three weeks and prep arations are general for a house cleaning all around. A whole battalion ot the Fifth regulars , brought by the Knickerbocker from Tampa , has been placed In the hospital vacates ] by the Spaniards , yellow fever bavins appeared neons them. The Knickerbocker has been quarantined. It touched at a small Cuban port on Its way from the United States and was cot Inspected at Tampa. Five cases ot the fever have developed. A large quantity of government supplies left here by the commissary department will be dis tributed among the poor. General Wood said today : "It seems Impossible that so much desti tution could exist with the work ot the Red Cross society , the government odcers end Inspectors , but I flnd extreme distress In the lower quarters of the city and I am giving orders to have all cases relieved upon a medical certificate of necessity. Large quantities of wood are being dis tributed. " STANDS PATON INTERVIEW _ ( Continued from First Page. ) buildings , Including one in which General Miles established himself temporarily arc now in flames. " The above dispatches prove that General Miles was In command of General Shatter's army from beginning to end with the knowl edge and by the consent of Secretary Alger , and that the administration looked to Gen eral Miles to extricate Shatter from his dif ficulties , which he did. General Shatter's only excuse far attempting to evade the au thority of his superior offlcer was furnished by the "secret" dispatch. In the hands ot a stronger man it might , as General Miles ex pressed It , "have caused confusion. " Dispatches Are Mntllntecl. The mutilation and suppression of dis patches are made plain by th-a publication of the originals in the Star for the first time. By compering them with those given out by the War department It will be seen that Miles' telegrams were doctored In the War department before tielng made public. Every one of the charges made by General Miles Is proved true by tbe official records and facts well known to the American pub lic. These facts cannot be Ignored by the people cf this country and their utterance by the commanding general of the army cannot be set aside by the politicians with a mere wave of the hand or discredited by a general denial. General Miles Is expected home In a few days. What he will do on his arrival , or what the administration will do In regard to the controversy now raging about the War department , is difficult to say. The breach is too wide to close , the sores arc too deep to heal. General Miles Is a good fighter. He has expressed himself quite freely of late In a way that would Indicate that ho expected music on his return and was prepared to face it. He has the best of the argument , for he has the official records. His opponents have the political power , but there is a. limit in a republic to its insolent use. ( Signed ) J. D. WHELPLEY. ONE PLAGE IS STILL VACANT Jnntlce V/litCe linn TVot Yet Accepted the Appointment on the I'encc Com 1111 * R I on. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. There Is still a possibility of a hange in the personnel of the American nie'mbershlp of the peace commission. Up to this moment It Is not yet definitely and absolutely known whether Justice White will "accept the appointment tendered him and efforts are making by the president to learn his intentions In the matter. Mr. McArthur , the assistant secre tary of the American commission , is now in New York making arrangements for the sailing of the commission on tbe 17th of September , so that very little time Inter venes to make a change in the body In the event Justice White declines the plice. It Is suggested that Senator Lodge of Massa chusetts is being considered to fill the va cancy that would so result. Woman on the Medical Staff. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. For the first time In tbe history of the American army a woman has been appointed a member of the medical staff. Dr. Anita Newcomb Mc- Gcc , wife of Prof. W. J. McGee of this city and daughter of Prof. Simon Newcomb. formerly of the naval observatory , was reg ularly sworn In as an acting assistant sur geon. This , according to Secretary Algcr's general order , would entitle her to the uni form of a second lieutenant , without des ignation of rank. It is not likely , however , that Dr. McGee will avail herself of this privilege. DEATH RECORD. of Sr-.mon. AUCKLAND , N. Z. . Aug. 30. Malletoa Lacupepaklng of Samoa , died on Monday , August 22 , of typhoid fever. Coneretnlonal dominations. BRAZIL. Ind. . Aug. 29. The populists- congressional convention of the Fifth dis trict met here today. Samuel R. Hammll , who had already been nominated by tlie democrats , was endorsed. A faction bolted and called another convention , to meet here September 16. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , Aug. 29. Oscar Tur ner was today nominated for congress by the democrats cf this , the Fifth district. HENDERSON , Ky. . Aug. 29. The repub lican convention. Second congressional dis trict , held here , split Into- two factions , one nominating W. T. Fowler and the other George W. Jolly for congress. Ilnnnn Retnrns from Ills Vacation. CLEVELAND , 0. , Aug. 29. Senator Hanna , who has been enjoying a few weeks' outing in the west , baring gone by boat to Duluth and from' there to tbe Yellowstone park , will return to Cleveland Thursday evening. President McKlnley , who will arrive - rive In Cleveland Tuesday or Wednesday for a few days' quiet rest at the home of Colonel Myron T. Herrick , will , it Is under stood , be a guest at Senator Hanna's home before his departure from this city. \o I'nhllc rnnrrnl for Mntthevrs. fcVDIANAPOLIS. Ind. . Aug. 29. The body of ex-Governcr Claude Matthews will not be brought to this city to lie in state at the capitol. Arrangements have been com pleted for its removal from Shawnee Mound to Clinton , where th-s funeral will be held from the Matthews home en Wednesday afternoon. The services will bo conducted by tbe Revs. Sowders , putor of the Clinton Presbyterian church , and Joseph Mllburn of Indianapolis. Decedent AVus Competent. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 29. In a decision rendered today Judge Cotfey upheld the will of Mrs. , Angel * Scott , leaving J500.000 to bo divided among her Immediate relatives. Her husband , to whom she bequeathed two- fiftieths and her niece , Mrs. Mlley. to whom fhe left $1. contested the will separately on the ground that the deceased was mentally Incompetent and bad made tbe will while unduly influenced by relatives. 3Iovements of Ocenn Vessels , Aujr. SO. At Marseilles Sailed Alcsla , for New York. Arrived Karamanla , from New York. At Bremen Arrived Bremen , from New York. At Rotterdam Sailed Amsterdam , for Xew YorK. At Hamburg Sailed Pennsylvania , for New York. Arrived Sardinia , from Btltl- I more. At Southampton Sailed Koenlgen Louise. At Queenstown Arrived Rhynland , from PtlUdslphia. At Gibraltar Arrived Kaiser Wllhelm II , from New York. At New York Arrived Taurt * . from Lly- eroool Ethlooa. from Gla-irow. SOCIAL SCIENTISTS MEET Discus * Wnr nnil Onr Amrrlonn Mornln Dnrlnn tlir First ! < esloii. SARATOGA SI'IUNGS , N. Y. . Aug. 29. The American Social Science association be gan Its annual meeting here this evening. It will continue In session five days. The annual address was made by the president , Hon. Simon E. Baldwin , LL. D. , ot New Haven , Conn. His opening address was oa "The History of American Morals. " He said : "What Is morality ? If It be conformity to the standards ot conduct prescribed by what for the time being is the sentiment of the community , the age of the Puritans was moral , but It wns not so with that of the revolution or the civil war. How has It been with ourselves In these days of trial , of great deeds and new ambitions , or national extension by conquest or the excitement of glorious victories In new fields ? We have been educating ourselves Into new beliefs. We are possessed by them ruled by them. We believe that our coun try Is net measured by the breadth of the continent. We believe the Islands that fringe the coast and those remoter still. vrhlch In unfriendly hands might threaten Its cecurtty , may rightfully as occasion oners , be incorporated In the United States. We believe that our people have duties of humanity toward other people. We be lieve the United States are something greater than the states under the dag and that the American people may acquire and hold territory anywhere upon the globe which Is needed to serve their navy or pro mote their commerce. " At the conclusion of President Baldwin's address. Rev. Frederick Stanley Root of New York , the general secretary of the associa tion , submitted bis annual report. In the course of which he emphasized the fac that the mission of th'3 ' particular society Is the discussion and investigation of all subjects pertaining to social science nnd that Its traditional policy Is to never to commit herself to any dogmatic declaration of or belief In regard to the questions which may come under Its examination The secretary reported that since the asso ciation last met there have been admitted to it 145 new names , thua making the total census of the association a little over 400. CALL FOR IHUIGATIOX CONGRESS. Something l Esprctetl In the Way of Xetr Lrctlnlntlon. CHEYENNE. Wyo. , Aug. 19. The Na tional Irrigation congress will be held here September 1 to 3. The call says : A large percentage of the acreage of the United States Is arid or semi-arid. Much of that great area may be reclaimed and turned Into fertile fields by the utilization of the waters of the streams , and by the im pounding of the storm waters of the moun tains , valleys and plains , for use during the long seasons of drought. Additional ted state legislation Is tequlred. Much h.i ? been accomplished In this direction. The people of every state are directly In terested In thtse questions. At the prevent rate of Increase of population the time Is fliort in which uvery portion of the t nltcd States will be crowded with those seeking to build up homes. The arid and semi-arid regions , through development by mrans of Irrigation , can be made capable of furnish ing home ? for many millions of poor. The meetings will be open to the public , and the sessions promise to be well at tended , as a number of Intended papers re lating to Irrigation axe to be read by scien tists , engineers and expert ; . Well for .Mitchell. CHAMBERLAIN , S. D. . Aug. : ? . ( Spe cial. ) Mahanna t Johnson , artesian well drillers cf this city , have been awarded a contract to sink an artesian well for the city of Mitchell. The drilling machine and outfit have already been thlpped and work upon the well will commence the latter part of this week or beginning of next. Mitchell has in the past few years sunk two or three artesian wells , but owing to the drillers striking granl'c the flows have not been at all satisfactory. The new well , it Is be lieved , will be sunk below the granite , where a strong flow Is almost certain to be en countered. X MV Cori > orr.tlon . PIERRE. S. D. . Aug. 29. ( Special. ) Ar ticles of Incorporation have been filed for the Dakota Central Telephone lines , with head quarters at Aberdeen and a capital of $100- 000. Incorporators : W. O. Blckelhaupt. M. H. Zeltlow and L. W. Crofoot. The West India Development company at Pierre , with a capital of $1.000.000. Incorporators : E. L. Squire. Fred SI. Lowry , New York : Phil Smith , Sioux Falls. The New Drunswlck Marble company at Pierre , with a capital of S150.0CO Incorporators : E. L. Squire. Jerry Maronne , New York ; Phil Smith , Sioux Falls , Timber Fire. DEADWODD , S. D. , Aug. 29. ( Special Telegram. ) A timber flre has been burnIng - Ing since Friday In a heavily timbered dis trict cear Carbonate camp , seven miles from this city. It bos burned a place five miles square. Several mining camps are in danger. KnuniiN New * \ < > te . Governor Leedy has an engagement to speak every day in September. An Atcblicn church congregation his dls missed its minister who failed to explain why he had klesed scverel pretty girls. The Kansas Grain Dcalsrs' association has Just closed Its annual meeting at Welling ton. Three hundred members attended. Cy Leland , the republican "bofs , " and Pap Quarles , the populist "bcss , " were members of the same company during the civil war. The same day that Colonel Mary Ellen Lease declared with much vigor that Cuba will be ruled by a lot of donkeys. Jerry Simpson announced that he had arranged to go to Cuba to live. In the filetof old Soil Miller's Troy Chief of 1S57 , this Item was found recently : "Boy wanted , to learn the printer's trade. We want a boy , not a calf , and it would probably bo of some advantage If he could read and write. " A New York paper offered a prize for th * best essay on "How to Conduct a Jewelry Store. " It was won by Charles Owens , a farmer of Sedgwlck county , who hid never sesn a Jewelry store nor a piece of Jewelry more costly than a Waterbury watch. A man appeared to the poieofflce In Law rence and said he bad figured out about how much he owed the government on ac count of the war debt , and desired to pay the whole at once and not be bothered with special stamps and other forms of taxa tion. Missouri . IT .Vote * . I'lfteen county fain opened this week In the ; ; te. and thirty open next vrrek. The waters of northwestern Missouri are affording fine sport for fishermen this sea son , Miss Rllla C. Hcrber , a Missouri girl. Is the traveling agent of the Missouri Good Road3 association. Reuben Booze Is the significant name of the only drunk In St. Joseph's police court one day this week. The Sedalla Bazoo calls Bryan a galvanized political freebooter This Is the pan of Missouri where Billy Bryan went shooting quail before the lawful season , and the natives can't forgive him. Watermelon rides have become the latest fads In Missouri. The wheelmen ride into the country and raid the flrtt farmer's patch they find. Several tires have been punctured with bird shot by the Irate farmers ia Nodaway county of late and they promise to Improve their accuracy if the sport Is not stopped. On tbe 3Iunniuent Commission , CHICAGO. Aug. . Ferdinand W. Peck , commissioner general fcr the United States to the Paris exposition , has appointed the governors ot the differed ttates as vice presidents of the Lafayette Monument com mission. ' c tisries S that drv taste 1 in tne mouth. H m Petiiember the name when you buy again. j | BEATEN ABOUT IN STORM Steamer Superior Pnrti from Consort and Vessel mul tlie Crevr Arc 1'rolmlily Lost. T. Mich. . Aug. 23. A special o the J\tvvs fiom Mackln.wot > says In aaw ' storm yesta'day near Povcrt. Island the steamer Su.ifr'ci ' parted with Its consort , the schooner Sandusky. The Sandusky arrived here today and reports that the last that was seen of the Superior it was flying signals ct distress. The Su perior Is owned by M. A. Bradley of Cleve land and Is wcodcn boat of the older class , having been built In 1ST3. It registers 964 tons. With the Sandusky. the steamer was bound from Escanaba to Toledo with Iron ore. It carries a crew of fourteen men. FIRE RECORD. DoMnicHvp Tlmlier Fire. DEADWOOD , S. D. . Aug. 29. A destruc tive timber fire which seems to be beyond , control is raging in Carbonate camp , seven miles from here. It has been burning since Friday. A district five miles square , heavily timbered , has been burned over. The loss , already large. Is likely to be Increased. Io * Ancclci Snap WorUs. LOS ANGCLES , Col. , Au ; . 29. The Los Angeles Scap company's entire plant was destroyed by fire today. The blaze as pre ceded by an explosion. The loss Is placed at J100.0CO , partly Insured. The plant was owned by a stock company. Fire \uxhvllle. . NASHVILLE. Tenn. . Aur SO 2 15 a. in. A fire has Just broke out In Phillips & Buttortf , retail hardware , threatens to cause great 1023 and IE burning fiercely. TODAY'S WEAJTHER FORECAST Kind Gentleman \VnxhlnRlon 5iiya There IK Some Cooler Wentucr In WASHINGTON , Aug. 20. Forecast for Tuesday : For Nebraska Fair ; cooler ; northerly wind ? . For South Dakota Fair ; cooler : northerly winds. For Iowa Fair ; cooler Wednesday ; vari able winds , becoming northerly. For Missouri Generally fair ; cooler Wednesday ; variable winds. For Kansas Generally fair ; cooler In late afternoon ; variable winds. For Wyoming Tlrtitenlns weather and showers ; cooler ; northerly winds. Local Ilecortl. OFFICE 10CAL WEATHER T3UREAU. OMAHA. Aiar : 23 Omaha record cf tem perature and rainfall compared with the corn spending day of the last three years : 1S3S. 1637. US * . 1S55. Maximum temperature . .93 79 SI 7 * Minimum temperature . . . 71 C4 tn LJ Averape temperature 62 72 i E * Rainfall 00 .52 .20 .07 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March jl. 1M < $ : Normal for the day 71 Excess for the day n Accumulated excess since March 1 203 Normal rainfall for the day 10 lr. < h D'fielenry for the dav 1'J Inch Total rainfall since March 1 19.36 Inches : Deficiency since March 1 . . . . 3.00 Inrhei 1 Deficiency for cor. period. 1S37 8.4 } inch's Excess for cor. period , USS 2. Inches Reports from Stations nt s p , m. , Seventr-nftn Meridian Time. Omaha , clear | y ) n.1 \ North Platte. clear SI , 5 < / ) Salt Lake , cloudy | TO ; M1 .11 Cheyenne , clear j So , w .00 Hapld City , clear 1 a K .00 Huron , clear i S , &s , ro WiiLston , cloudy ; e ? 7 .t Chicago , clear . . . . .I 701 72 CO St. Louis , clear | Hi .m St. Paul , clear | s : , s | .c > l Davenport. cli > ar i & , MI .00 Helena , ralnlnz J 60 : RI T Kansas City , clear I M , 941 .0) Havre , cloudy | ci ( Cji .00 UUmarck. cloudy i ft k | .co Galveaton. clear t gji SS > .w T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WELSH , Local Forecast Official. * * The Genuine Horsford's ' Acid Phosphate Atwero han the norr.o " Horaford's" on the lcb l. SOLD IN BULK. BLOOD POISON A SPECIA.LTV Primary. Secondary or Tertiary DLOOD POISON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. You can be treated at home for same price under fame guaranty If you prefer to come here we will contract to pay railroad fare and hotel bills , and no charge if we fail to cure. IP YOU HAVE taken mercury. Iodide r > otn h and still have aches and pains , MucoUn Patches in mouth. Sore Threat , Pimples , Cop. per Coloreti Spots , Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows fallint ; out. it Is this secondary Wo uuarar.toa < o Sure \V < ! solicit the most obstinate caccs and challenge the world for a case we cannot cure This dlrcasc has always baflleJ the skill of the most eminent physicians. J.OO.CCO capital behind our uncondi tional guaranty Absolute prcoCs sent sealed on application. 1'JO pace book sent free. Acldresi COOIC RESICDY CO. , l-llll 3nsnnlo Temple , Chlrnno. 111. * OTHERS FAIT , COXSCLT SPECIALISTS. Guarantee to care peeilllr and rndl onlly all MJnVOL'S , CHmi.MC AXU PRIVATE diseases of men nnd women WE&C KEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY cured for life. Klght Gmlrs'ons. Lost Manhood. Hy- drocele , Vcrtcocele. Gonorrhea , Oltet. Syph ilis. Stricture , Piles. Fistula and Rectal Ulcers. Diabetes , Lirlsht's Disease cured. CONSULTATION FRBB. Striofuro and ieetS'red ! by new method without pain or cutting- . Call on or address with stamp. Treatment by mall. . SEMES I SfflRlEo , ' & * ! ! ' For Rats , Mice , Roaches , and Ir Other > Vermin. IT'S A KILLER. After tln ; , ill vmain t V vrtrr and lie epta tlft HCKC llu UUer I * the noii cleaalv en earth. For Sale by all DruzjUU. Price. 15 Cents. HEWTOH HAKDFACTDR1KG & CHEHICAL CO , , 95 Wmioa Street. New York. DR. WlcGREW , SPECIAUST , Trriti i3 Fcro-j o { DISEASES AHD DISORDERS OF MEN ONLY. 23YE'RS EXPZRIEKCE UYotbOeulu. Ccouftjueu Frtt Bock fit * Office Nth fcFarr.aaSts Cat 761 , OMAHA. NES. CUBE YOURSELF ! . ti tolsll for nnattnrtt dlti harm. ladimuiMl & . irri' ti < m ur olccril.oai of ruieou tatatrasx. rtluMM , and act Mtna- 'UC3. * * DI Cr pOltOBCU , Solct bjr Draffcl > ta fr wit in rl'in r rr r , tr friprtM. prrnalj. f&f 11/0. or S tolilc * . n . Lwcuur MSI ta rtaetiU