THE. OMAHA DATLV ME 13 : TUESDAY , AUOL'ST CO , 1898. to a conference which will sanction a re adjustment of 1571 " The Journal dcs tcbnt refers to the "past whliliwe cannot forgot" ag telng a Mumbling 1)1 ock In the way ot the success of the conference. The Patrio expresses the opinion that Ureat Drltaln will never renounce here mar itime Biiprcmacy. IIKKUX. Aug. 29. The North Ocrman Gazette , rcfcrrlhg today to the czar's peace conference proposals , remarks : "Our arma ments were never Intended for selfish ends , only for our own protection and for the maintenance of peace. Wo are willing to give a fair trial to another method of at taining the object at a smaller cost. " The National Zcltung says. "The czar and his mlulstrrs have not deluded thorn- sclxcs with the Idea that they can rid the world of the causes which for ycara have lten responsible for the growing arma ments. When a great power , however , ad- dressca such .proposals to others they will be recognized everywhere as deserving of the most . .serious consideration. " The VoBBlfche Zcltung expresses the opinion that the Importance of the note does not He | n Jhc proposal for a conference , but In Its conception. The Post warmly eulogizes the czar's mo tives. which , It adds , "must everywhere arouse sympathy. " The Kreuzo Zcltung saysv "Xo one can yet appreciate the real significance of the note Its bitter sweet reception In Trance shows Itwill not meet with unlvcral ap proval. " According to the Hamburg Vosslsche the note will remain an Impossible monument of fame to. Nicholas. The paper says : "It stands to reason that Oermnny welcome- ) the proposal In the most glad manner and Is prepared to co-operate In the sacred work. " , LONDON , AUg. 29. The papers are filled with discussions , comments and opinions as to the circular of the Emperor Nicholas. The most world shaking event could have hardly produced such a coup as this sugges tion , the fruition of which Is regarded on all sides as an absolute Impossibility. This being the general opinion , It Is dim- cult to obtain the opinion of public men , The religious world loudly welcomes and praises the czar's noble Initiative. Numer ous bishops have already publicly expressed their viowH in that sense. Among states men Interviewed , Lord Klmborley , the lib eral leader , declined to express a hasty opinion beyond saying that the proposal was one of the utmost Importance. The Marquis of nipon said : "I heartily wish the proposal nil success. " Sir Charles Dllke , radical member of Par liament for the Forest of Dean , remarked : "Tho Ilusslan peace footing ot nearly 1,000- 000 regulars exceeds the peace footing of flermany , Austria and Italy combined. Thus It has been In Ilussla's power to reduce the land forces by diminishing her own In con- ncctlon with n. similar action on the part ot Oormapy. Fn-nch public opinion Is not pre pared for disarmament , which means , as things stand now , an acceptance of the Alsace-Lorraine situation. Naval dlsarma- ment would be dangerous for Great Drltaln. Any formal plan would ln\olvo subsequent breaches of fatlh. but If Germany and Hus- Bla will ceoso Increasing their land forces wo can follow without a formal agreement. " Lord Frederick Iloberts of Kandahar , commander of the forces In Ireland , said In reply to a request for his opinion : "It wiU be most satisfactory if such a proposal can bo carried out. " The eail of Crowe calls the czar's sug gestion an historical utterance , " and earnestly hopes that Great llrltaln will not object to a conference. No excitement Is noticeable nt the foreign o Ilcc. It IB understood that a special mes senger Was sent from St. Petersburg re cently with a , full explanation of the czar's p'roposnl. - Naturals-all' persons' njid poci.- o'tles connected jvih peace qnd nrWrntlon' movements / arc"Jubilant. . The ) fiofi&ylrcd his eimsratulAtlonarto " Emperor.NfcagJajJrn- . mediately "nnd offered every assla.tnnce lOj his power to promote the proposed confer- ' enre. The Times In Its financial article this morning says : "Tho czar's letter has had a' good cftcct on the market , as Indicating that there Is no Immediate probability of war. Many people remark that the proposal appears when Russia's power to borrow freely is almost ended and when It has placed it&elf In positions In China and else where which can bo defended only nt great cost. BASLE , Switzerland , Aug. 29. The Zion ist convention has passed a resolution ex pressing its profound thanks to the czar for his peace note. SALVATIONISTS 1'IIAY 1C I ) II 1'KACU. ( iencrnl Iluuth SrnilH it MNNHK of Tli n ilk * to the Czur. LONDON , Aug. 29. General . AVllllam Booth ot tlie Salvation army sent the fol lowing telegram to Emperor Nicholas this afteruoon : May It please your majesty , I have re ceived with , profound thankfulness to God the news of your Imperial , majesty's wise , beneficent nnd Chrlstlan-llkc proposal In favor of universal jioacn. I cannot refrain from assuring you of the admiration of the muUI'.udes of Salvationists In nil parts of the world whose prayers will ascend to Al mighty God for your majesty , and for the triumph ot those principles of peace and righteousness , after which they are e\er striving and which are mo vine you to seek the true welfare of all nations , This great Is peculiar to and true only ot Hood's Sarsnpa- rllla , and la proof ot ita superior strength and economy. There is more curative power In a bottle ot Hood's Saraaparilla than in any other. This fact , with its unequalled record ot euros , proves the best rnedlcino for nil Mood diseases la Sarsa- parHla The Ono True Blood Purifier. All druKRlsts. SI. Hoori' < * - ? "ro f'lvcr.ini casX > Q H The Omaha Bee J Illl * VM1IUIIU UKV ' I Map of Cuba Coupon I Present this Coupon with Y ! JOc for A Map of Cuba. 4 A Map of the West Indies. 4 And a Map of the World , By Mail 14 ccnte. S The Omaha Dally Bee -1 EXPOSITION f H PHOTOGRAVURE . COUPON j . . . This coupon nnd 10 Cents will 4 I obtain thrco photogravures f * of the I Exposition. ! BY MAIL , , 2c 1 a * * * act of God's will forever add to the honor of your majesty's name and reign an 1 country. STATEMENT BY STERNBERG II * plain * II In AMItmlr UN to I'rlvllrK'-x to Orlnlu llrllcf So- clctlci In the I'U-lil. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29. The following statement regarding the medical corps of the army and the American National Hed Cross society was given out by Surgeon General Stcrnberg today : Owing to the pressure of official duties I liave not heretofore felt Justified In taking the time to make an explanation of my at- tlMidc toward the American National Hed Cioss society. It has been rcpeatod'y chnrgrti In the newspapers that I am hostile to this Oigar.- Izallon , and refused to accjpt Us asslntanco In thp care ot the wounded soldiers end ? ail- 013 , and as a result of this there has beeu unnecessary suffering. These charges are wlihout foundation , et- cfpt. as far as I have objected to sending female nurses to the field with troop * ) en gaged In active operations. \Vo have a red ernes corps In the army of enlisted men , whose duty It Is to render first aid to the wounded oh the fluid of batt.o , and care for the sick In our Meld division lio.ip.'lsla , and I have been of the opinion that female nurses would bo an incum- brance to troops In action , but no noon ns serious slckneao developed In our lamp and It becam * necessary to treat typhoid frvor cases In our field hospitals I gladly accepted the services of trained female nurses for the division field hospitals and In our gen eral hospitals wo have employed them from the first. The general testimony from the surgeons In charge of thrse hospitals baa been that their services have been of jji'oat value. Very man > of these trained uursei have been obtained through tho. kind assistance of the Hed Cross society for maintenance of trained nurses Auxiliary No. 3. nnd . de sire to express my high appreciation of the valuable service rendered to the de- pat trncnt ot the army by : hls organization. My attitude toward relief organtzat ons Is shown by an Ipdorsement dated. May 5 , upon a letter addressed by. Rev. Henry C. McCook of Philadelphia to the president , and referred to me for remark. May G. Respectfully returned to the ad jutant general of the army. The plan pro posed for the organization of a relief asso ciation appears to have been well considered and the object In view will commend itself to every patriotic citizen , But It is a ques tion whether the president should give spe cial privileges to any particular organiza tions. Other prominent Individuals In differ ent parts of the country may be organizing for the same purpose. One such proposition has come from Chicago. While I approve In a general way of organization for the I I relief work proposed It appears to me that j It will he best not to givein advance ex- j elusive privileges to uny one particular or- I gaulzatlon. lu case ot need assistance should j i bo accepted from any organization prepared j I to give It. i This has been my guiding principle throughout , that relief when needed should j bo promptly accepted without reference to | i the source from which It comes. The relief ' , afforded by the National Hed Cross at Slboney was promptly accepted by the sur geon on the spot , but It Is evident It was Inadequate to meet the emergency. A committee of the American National Hed Cross association called ou me In my ofllce In Washington some time advance of the landing of our troops In Santiago , making an oner of assistance. I received them most courteously and advised them to use their resources in fitting up a hos pital ship , telling them that -3. hospital ship was now being fitted up for the use of the medical department , but that It was not at nil Improbable that an emergency would arise which would overtax our resouices and that in such an event , a hospital ship properly equipped , having on board a. corps of doctors and nursea , would be a most valuable auxiliary. Furthermore , the American National Hed Cross association has had full authority to send agents and supplies to all our camps since Juno 9 , 189S , and If there has been suffering for want of needed supplies they must share the responsibility with the med ical department of the army for such suffer ing.The The following letter will be sent by mete to every chief surgeon of a department or Independent army In the flold : The secretary of war has approved of Uie following proposition made by the Amer ican National Hed Cross association , and the chief surgeons ot army corps and di visions will co-operate with the authorized agents of this association for the purposes indicated. We can put any desired amount of hos pital supplies Ice , malted milk , condensed milk , etc. Into any of the \ohiutcer camps In a few hours. Will you be kind enough to bring this letter to the attention of Sec retary Alger and ask him If there Is auy objection to our appointing a Hed Cross representative to report to the commanding officer and chief surgeons In every camp , confer with them aa to their Immediate needs and If anything of any kind Is wanted open the Hed Cross station. Wo can do this , not In a few weeks or a few days , but in a few hours , and can furnish any quantity of any desired neces sity or luxury for hospital use. Wo hereby tender our aid and put our organization at the War department's service for cooperation ation in this Held. To show niy cordial relations with flie National Hcd Cross relief committee 1 venture to quote from a letter of August 11 , received by me from Cleveland H. Dodge , chairman of the supply committee. Mr , Dodge says : "I wont again to assure you personally and on behalf of our committee of our earnest desire to assist you in every possi ble way nnd to thnnlc you for calling upon us so frankly. " "In a. recent letter from Mrs. Wlnthrow Cow din. vice president of the Hed CrosH BO- clety , for maintenance of trained nurses. she says "Wo greatly appreciate your courtesy to us and feel most grateful to have been per mitted to servo you In any way. " ( Signed ) GEORGE M. STERNBCHG. Surgeon General U. S. A. CUBAN SHOWS HIS GRATITUDE .SeudK Ono Hundred Dollnrx to Parents of rirnt American Killed lu the * Vnr itltli .Spuln. FREMONT , O. . Aug. 29. John Meek ot this county , father of George B. Meek , who was killed on the torpedo boat Wlnslow at Cardenas , May 11 , has received a letter and a check for $100. The letter goes to show that young Meek was the first American- born sailor killed In the Cuban war. The letter received by Mr. Meek reads as fol lows : ! WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 24. John | Meek , Esq. Dear Sir : Some months ago a I Cuban gentleman , who signs himself Can- | bresls. from the City of Mexico , sent Gen- ' cral Tomas Estrada Palma of New York an order for J100 to be given to the wife , children or parents ot the first Amerlcan- I born sailor -who should die In the war to i free Cuba , I have JuK been Informed that I your BOH , George I ) . Meek , fireman of the 1 first-class , on board the torpedo boat Wins- 1 low , was the first hero to shed his blood for the Independence of our unfortunate an downtrodden people. I beg to enclose to I you the check entrusted to uiy care , being a proof of the gratitude of the Cubans for their friends and allies , the Americans Please nsknowledge the receipt of the same In duplicate. Yours very respectfully , GONZALE DE QUESADA , Charge d'Affolree of the Republic of Cuba The check is dated May 17 and Is drawn on the Hank of America , to the order o Tomas Estrada Palma , and Is signed Malt- land , Coppell & Co , On the reverse side 1 Is endorsed"Pay to the order of Gonzalo do Quesado.1 Meek hag not yet had the check cashed and has already been offered much morfl than lie face value by parties who want 1 as a souvenir of the war. CoiivulftioMiU on ( lie lloiminiiln. WASHINGTON , Aug. S9.-Surgeon Gen erul Sternberg lies received a dispatch fron Santiago saying that120 -120 nonlnfected con valescents , slightly III , win sail on the Hou- rjuola today , leaving about 300 sick of the Fifth corps In Santiago. MUSTERING THE TROOPS OUT Work of Moving Troops from Ohlckamanga Progresses Favorably ! SECOND NEBRASKA STARTS WEDNESDAY l.'nil of the Week Will See tlie Iloyn III L'ninii nt Old Fort Omiilin Movement o ( Third Corp * Hot CHICKAMAUGA PARK , Aug. 19. The work of moving the First army corps from Chlckamauga has been completed and the army officials are now directing their at tention to the Third corps. No regiments of this latter corps left today , but two , the Third Tennessee and First Mississippi , are expected to leave for Annlston , Ala. , to morrow. Others will leave aa rapidly ns transportation can be provided for them. The railroads are now In excellent shape to do the handling and there will bo no delay on their account. The whole corps , It Is thought , can be cosily moved during the week. The Sixth regiment , United States volunteers , will remain hero for some time. The Eighth New York , now being mustered out , will probably leave for home tomorrow. The Second Nebraska Is expected to start for Omaha Wednesday. The conditions In the hospitals at.Camp Thomas ore rapidly Improving. At least half of the sick have been sent away and arrangements are being made to send hundreds of others. The surgeons and nurses are now able to glvo good attention to all here , and a decided change for the better Is everywhere noticeable. Governor Black ot Now York will arrive at Camp Thomas this evening. He comes hero for the purpose of examining Into the condition of the Now York regiments. The governor will make a careful Investigation of all the reports that have been sent out In reference to the New York regiments , and will ascertain If he can do anything that will benefit the boys. AltlllVAIiS AT CAMP WIKOl'T. One More TrniiNiiort HetnriiH < froni SniitlnKO tie Calm with Suldlern. NEW YORK. Aug. 29. Today's arrivals at Camp Wlkoff Included the First battalion of the District of Columbia volunteers , one battalion of United States engineers at tached to the Fifth army corps , Troops A , C , D and F of the Second cavalry , th men who operated the balloons nt Santiago , and ninoty-flve men of the Thirty-third Michi gan volunteers. These were debarked from the United States transport Mlnnewaska , which left Santiago de Cuba on August 23. There were forty-nine hospital cases on board the transport , typhoid nnd dysentary being the prevailing diseases. Private Bohl- man , Company 13 , District of Columbia vol unteers , died on the passage from Santiago. There are 1,600 patients In the general hospital at Camp Wlkoff , 115 of whom are own with typhoid , This Is a decrease , "ho deaths reported today were those of Vllllam Bohlo of Battery F , Second artll- ery ; Timothy Donovan , Troop F , Second rtlllery , from malarial fever , and Frcdcrj ck Miller , Company A , Twenty-first regular ufantry , dysentery. There are 530 men In the detention hos- Ital. By tomorrow the hospital will bo en- arged so as to accommodate 750 more pa- lents. While the condition In the hospitals as been somewhat Improved COO sick sellers - lors are still sleeping on the floor. These nen will be put on cots In the new wng | oruorrow. The force of nurses has been In- icabcd to seventy-seven. There are forty 'isters of Charity administering to the sick. lIUSTtJUIXr. OUT A AVAL MILITIA. Deiiurtiueiit Will Send Them Hume lu DftltcllllltMltN. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29. Acting Secre- ary Allen has decided to adopt the policy f mustering out the naval mllltla In bodies nstcad of Individually as heretofore. This I vlll be done In the case of the New York I ' men on the Yankee , now at New York , and n all other cases hereafter. Mr. Allen bo- loves that the militiamen will be better pleased to go to their homes In bodies where hey may be met by their people and greeted publicly. The Navy department la highly 7ratlfled at the splendid service rendered by hese men. Just before the battle of July 1 sixty Chicago militiamen were placed on .he battleship Oregon , nnd the reports that come to the department nil speak In the ilghest terms of their ability. So well had , her been drilled In Instances that new men were turned over to the militiamen to be Instructsd In their duties. The militiamen were also on the best of terms with the enlisted men aboard ship and the latter rnanlfeaUd their appreciation of the good qualities of the Chicago boys by cheering licartlly for them as they were gathered to 30 mustered. The department la not able to proceed as fast as It would like In the matter of mustering out the militiamen , ow ing to the necessity of retaining a sufficient body of sailors to man the ships , i THH HirruRM.vo soi.mnits. Xevr Yorker * Give tlie Nevetity-Flrnt Hetfliiient an Ovation. NEW YORK , Aug. 29. The Seventy-flrst regiment , New York volunteers , arrived hero this afternoon and marched up Broad way from the Battery to Thirty-fourth street , where their armory Is situated. On reaching the armory the men were dis missed and then sat down to the first really jood lunch they have had since they went Into camp on Hempstead plains mouths ago. ago.For For hours before the regiment reached the Battery there were crowds stretched along Broadway and when the first line of soldiers came Into view In their dingy uniforms , there ias an outburst of cheer ing nnd the men were the recipients of a continuous ovation until they came to the armory. The returned men Iqoked extraor dinarily well considering their condition when they landed nt Camp Wlkoff , The regiment as U left camp consisted of CIO men , of whom 2CO were veterans who had Been service In Cuba and were nble to walk , 300 were recruits who had never had n chacco to fight and fifty were Santiago survivors who were too weak to march and hud to be carried In wagons to the depot. Itcllcf Ynuht HeturiiN. NEWPORT NEWS , Va. , Aug. 29. The yacht May , which went to Porto Hlco not long ago with supplies far the National Re lief commission , arrived In Hampton Roads yesterday and came here this morning for coal. The May has on board Lieutenant Pancoast , Co'rporal Boyle and Privates Ad- dlson , Kelley , Overflew , Wilson , Potter , Joseph Knight and Dan Chester of Battery A , Pennsylvania artillery ; Lieutenant Warkhlzer , Sixteenth Infantry ; Colonel Bid- die and Lieutenant Fulllngton of General Wilson's staff and Privates Clark nnd Chllds of Troop A , New York cavalry. Lieutenant Warkhlzer nnd Privates Chester , Clark ahil Chllds have malarial fever In a mild form. The other men are on furlough and are well. HouKli ItlderM In the NEW YORK , Aug. 29. These Hough Riders were brought from Montauk ( o Roosevelt hospital today suffering from malaria : John T. Carroll , 35 years old , of Hlllsboro , Tex. ; George T. Cruslus , 22 , Montgomery , Ala. ; Sergeant Oarfleld Hughes. 18 , Albu querque , N. M. ; William IMckett , 21 , Phoe nix , Ariz. ; Jesse Walters , 21 , Phoenix , ArU. l'lr t Cnviilry at Moiitanl.- . NEW YORK , Aug. 29. Tlie Jxth and seventh sections of the Viral UjJed ; States cavalry arrived In Jersey City today from Lakeland , Fla. There were about 400 ou tha two trains. All were traniportcd from Jor- se ) ' City to Long Island City to continue thelrtrlpto.Montaukl'olnt. The firetflve sec tions of the cavalry are at Montauk. Fif teen sick men were left , behind nt Weening- tori , ana two died there. The troops brought Private C. It. Thomas , who Is accused ot having killed Private Deans In n fight on August IS. Mlnnnurl Soldlrri Starting Home. ST. LOUIS , Aug. 29. Ono hundred and ten fever stricken Missouri volunteers from the Third and Fifth regiments arrived at the Union station this afternoon and were wel comed by a crowd of 5,000 people. They came from the hospitals at Camps Algcr and Meadc and arc on their way to their homes In different parts ot the -state. When the train arrived sixteen of the soldiers were too weak to proceed further and were taken to the city hospital. The ninety-four con valescents were fairly overwhelmed with choice dainties and fruits at the hands of the kind women. Honiiltnl Ship Solace Arrive * . BOSTON , Aug. 29. The United States hos pital ship Solace , having on board seventy- four sick soldiers and marines , has arrived from Santiago de Cuba. WESTERNERSIN HOSPITALS _ AntouK Lint of Sick Soldier * Tnkon to I'hlliideliihln Arc Kaimnii and Mlmioiirl Men. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. 29. Fever-strlck- en soldiers from nearly all the regiments stationed at Camp MoaSe , near Mlddletown , Pa. , reached this city tonight over the Pennsylvania railroad on a special hospital train sent from here this morning , under the auspices of St. Agnes' and St. Mary's hospitals. The sick soldiers numbered ninety-eight and from a superficial exam ination are in about the worst condition ot the hundreds who haye already been brought hero from Camps Thomas nnd Algcr and from Fernandlna. The men are from regi ments hailing from Missouri , Rhode Island , Massachusetts , Mississippi , West Virginia , New York , Kansas , Pennsylvania and sev eral other states. Twenty-five of the sick were removed to St. Mary's hospital and the remainder nt St. Agnes' . Among those taken to St. Agnes ore the following : Edward C. Collins , company K. Fourth Missouri ; Walter R. Owens , company H , Fourth Missouri ; Burton Taylor , company B , Ninth Ohio ; F. Wade , company A , Third Missouri ; Fred Cabbal , company L , Thirty- fourth Michigan ; John M. Kennedy , com pany K , Tenth Ohio ; B. A. Simmons , com pany H , Twenty-second Kansas ; James Day , Hospital corps , Second division ; P. E. Bleicher , company K , Second West Virginia ; Joseph Hunter , company B , Sixteenth Pennsylvania | sylvania ; Oleltou Hughes company E , Tenth Ohio ; Samuel B. Push company H , Second West Virginia ; W. H. Messenger , company H , Second West Virginia ; W. J. Latham , company G , Second West Virginia ; F. Wade , company A , Third Missouri ; C. Ryers , com pany B , Second West Virginia ; Samuel 0. E. Donald , company E , Third Missouri ; L. C.olburn , company C , Twenty-second Kan sas ; L. Norrls , company H , Second West Virginia ; F. Blummer , company G , Fourth Missouri ; " \Vllllain' Baughman , company M , Sixteenth Pennsylvania ; L. S. Ross , com pany A , Thirty-third Michigan ; Fred Irwln , company Q , Thirty-fourth. Michigan ; R. Mc Coy , company Q , Second West Virginia ; J W. Phillips , company H , Second engineers ; Benjamin Allen , company O , Third Missouri ; Patrick Clare , company 41 , Seventh Illinois ; W. J. O'Nell , company B , Seventh Illinois ; Charles Meyers , company E , Tenth Ohio ; Paul Floyd , company K. ( Fourth Mlsssourl : James F. Reeseinan , company G , Sixteenth Pennsylvania ; L. E , T rry , company D , Fourth Missouri ; A. Fangmeler , company B I Tenth Ohio ; C. E. Veste , company E , Tenth Ohio ; L. W. Stevenson , company D , Six teenth Pennsylvania ; F. G. Poterman , com pany , Sixteenth Pennsylvania ; S. R. Hud- nail ; company M , Second West Virginia ; J. Jonaon , company Hi Tenth Ohio ; F. Allen , company E , Second West'Virginia ; B. Hall , company , Twenty-second Kansas ; N. C. Brown , company B , Sixteenth Penn sylvania ; G. Snodgrass , company , Second West Virginia ; P. F. Callahan , company D , Second engineers , D. Powell , company , Seventh Illinois ; F. Graham , company K , i Tenth Ohio ; F. Storer , Hospital corps , Second end division ; J. A. Frendenbegor , company A , Fourth Missouri ; William Randall , com- I pony A , Thirty-fourth Michigan ; G , Bell company H , Second West Virginia ; W. M. ( ! Teter , company K , Third Missouri ; A. TunIng - Ing , Second West Virginia ; A. J. Flesher , company 0 , Sixteenth Pennsylvania ; W. . Ware , company H , Fourth Missouri. The following were taken to St. Mary's hospital : 0. McKInn , Company F , Third Missouri ; F. McClelland , Company K Thirty-third Michigan ; Harry O. Dwar Company C , Twenty-second Kansas ; Frei Marvin , Company E , Thirty-third Michigan ; John Moore , Company B , Eighteenth Penn sylvania ; William Dry , Company J ) , Ninth Ohio ; Charles H. Smith , Second West Vir ginia ; John L. McCaffftrty , Company A Second West Virginia ; Robert II. Love Company C , One Hundred and Fifty-ninth Indiana ; Frank L. Reynolds , Company B Ninth Ohio ; Edward Bowman , Company F Third Missouri. PRESIDENT HAS A QUIET TIME Informal Ileceiitloii Given t n FIMV VlllnnrerN Who Call to See I ! I in. SOMERSET. Pa. . Aug. 29 , The President nud Mrs. McKInley passed a restfulnlcht. . They rose early and wished their visit could bo prolonged. The president's visit has been a comparatively quiet one , such as a rest- seeker might wish for. There were but few callers until this morning , when the eager ness to embrace an opportunity was given rein and 100 people gathered In front of the McKInley homo for a handshake. Many muu carried kodaks with which to snap the chief executive and some of the women had arms full ot babies whose little hands ( hey wished to lay In that of the president. The president evidently wished to avoid anything like a reception and ho sat on the sldft porch smoking. Coming to the front porch ho shook hands with those who had gathered there ? When the crowd had gone thu prcs > dcnf , sitting on a bench at thn outer edge of the pavement , noticed two uged tarnier * who bad < come In to see them , He beckoned to-.thorn and met them half way down the ! steps for a handshake. The presidential party , confuting of tliO president and Mrs , McKlnloy , Assistant Sec retary George B. Cortelyou and Major Webb Hayes , left here on a special train at 11 o'clock for Johnstown. From there they will continue their trip westward. Abner Mc KInley accompanied the party to Johnstown and may remain with It to Canton. The president and Mrs. McKInley drove to thu station with Abner McKInley and his daugh ter Mabel , A largo crowd gathered at the station to wave goodbye , but after thn dent entered his car ho did not appear again. PITTSHURO , Pa. , Aug. 20. President Mc KInley passed through Plttsburg on his way from Somerset , Pa. , to Cleveland , at 2.30 o'clock this afternoon , An Immense crowd was at the station and the president was enthusiastically greeted. The Pennsylvania hospital train was met at Oreensburg and the train bearing the presidential party was mopped while the president made au In spection pf the hospital train and shook hands with the sick soldiers. Cnptnln rinrk t Have n IlcNt. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29 , Captain Charles E. Clark , formerly commander of the Oregon gen , when discharged from further treat ment at the hospital tit New York , v.'lll be granted three months leave of absence. tVPI P O ( IMTTI ITTIIT1 TTIJT \ \ JNCLE SAMtEL Al TIIL HfcUl United States Will Temporarily Administer Qorernment There. FOLLOWS SAME LINLS AS AT SANTIAGO luntrurtlonn ( or Cnbnu ami 1'orto UK' nn Communion All 1'rc- imred Arc > 'ot lo He Miide Public. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29. The Instruc- .tons to the Cuban and Porto Rlcah military commissions were drawu up and approved by the president before he left Washington and are now read ; to be delivered to the president of each before he leaves. The In structions will not be made public , but their ; oneral terms arc known to be the same as the Instructions sent to General Shatter re garding the government of Santiago , and to General Merrltt regarding the Philippine * . This ixllt mean that the military commis sion will take control of Cuba and Porto Rico the same aa the military governor now controls that portion of Cuba surrendered to the United States after the Santiago cam palgn. The many minor details relative to the evacuation of the Islands are left to the commission , which will report any difficult or disputed points to Washington. There never has been any doubt that the United States would take full control of Porto fllco , but the Instructions to the Cuban military commission settles any question regarding that Island and means that for the present at least the United Sates will assume the government and control of the remainder of the island as has beeu the cage In Santiago. CAPTAIN DUNCAN'S SENTENCE It Novr Develop * that lie Wan Xot Sentenced to Five Yenrn In Prison for DeitfCrutlng ; Graven. WASHINGTON. Aug. 29-Captaln L. C. Duncan , surgeon of the Twenty-second Kansas regiment , Is held by the sheriff of Fairfax county , Va , , on nn Indictment charging him with desecrating Confederate graves at Bull Run. It appears that Dr. Duncan , whose cose has now become famous , was not sentenced to five years' Imprisonment but escaped much more light ly at the hands of the military court , there being alack of evidence to prove that he actually took part In despoiling the graves. He was tried by court-martial under the sixty-first and sixty-second general articles of war. The first charge waa "conduct un becoming an officer and gentleman , " the specifications being that ho witnessed and participated In the desecration of the grave of Major J. T. Luke of the Fifth Alabama regiment , a well known Confederate officer. Dr. Duncan , however , was acquitted of any complicity In the despoiling of the Luke grave , the evidence proving that ho was not present but In camp. The second charge , under the sixty-second article of war , was "conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. " The specifica tions were , first , that he participated lu the desecration of the grave of one Humphreys and , second , failed , to exercise his authority as an officer in not stopping the desecration and putting the men so engaged under ar rest On the first specification , that ot having participated , he was acquitted , but on the second the court found him guilty. The finding of the court-martial approved by General Davis was that Surgeon Duncan be deprived of his rank for two months , be confined to regimental camp and forfeit his pay for the same length of time , and that ho be reprimanded by the commanding general. How Dr. Duncan Is to be confined to the regimental camp for two months when he Is now the prisoner ot the sheriff ot Fair fax county Is difficult to understand. His regiment has moved from Thoroughfare Gap to Camp Meade , Pennsylvania. It Is under stood that when the sheriff presented his warrant for him under the Indictment ho" was voluntarily surrendered. A clash be tween the state authorities nnd the War department may develop. LAST BRUSH OFWARTHOT ONE Metiteiiunt llnlncn IJenorlhcH the Un- Bnaroniriit of LlKnt llnttcry In 1'ortn llleo. NEW YORK , Aug. 29. Lieutenant Halncs. commanding an artillery platoon under Cap- to hi Potts In Porto Hlco , was wounded on August 12 , the day the war ended. He is now ot St. Luke's hospital , la this city. Talking with his brother. Captain T. Jenklm Holnes , who Is at his bedside , he said : "The cable regarding this affair was confuslne. It spoke of 'Lieutenant Haines being struck by a stray Mauser bullet. Not serious. ' This was misleading , as It might lend one to suppose my battery was not In action and that my wound was an accident , whereas several other men were wounded and two killed. "I was sent out -in advance along the San Juan road to find n position from which we could enfilade the Spanish position , from which a heavy fire had been received , the Spanish volleys coming with remarkable regularity nnd precision. On the morning of August 12 Captain Potts wnu ordered to proceed up the San Juan road with five guns for the purpoce of shelling the Spanish trenches at Asomanto. Four guns , which In cluded my platoon , were moved Into position In a field near the San Juan road at n range of 2,000 yards , the fifth gun being sent ahead 100 yards to our Ugh : on the road. "Just before > \o came into action the enemy opened on us with Infantry volleys nnd two 3-lnch howitzers. This hastened us Into Hctlon. We picked up the range Immediately and did splendid practice. The two howitzers were noon silenced and the Spaniards were seen running from their In- trenchmcnts. Then we slackened our fire and shortly after we did the enemy took heart nnd began to return. General Wilson Bent me with a gun Homo distance up the road In advance of the rest to try nnd cnfllado the enemy. 1 proccudvd up the road on horseback about 200 yards nnd found n company of Wlsconiln Infantry on a bend of the road which formed a cover from the Spanish lire , I passed beyond them und the gun wan uullmbercd lu the next tuin of the road , In n somewhat uhultrrvd position. "My men lay down by the roadside to i-s- capo tha Hpunlih volleys , which wore com ing , up the road In our front and right. Some of my men told mo the enemy were advancing within 200 yards In force mid that WH must b'et out or lose the gun. The firing at this tluio wna very heavy , the Mausers mining In n storm with each vol ley. 1 told tin ' I surKt'ant wo would have a try nt them for luck , niihowt and us I could BOO no Spaniards nearer than 600 or COO y nln. I hud him run the gun out on the road n little. We had uo BOO nor done this than the Iliu suddenly Increased so fiercely that the gun could not bo served. We hauled the HUM hack to the next turn In the road , whom wo wnro Joined by tha second KUU , Mill tumble to do any grtiat uxocMtlou , owlin ; to tlui Hliflterinl position of the runny. The flro continued with fierceness , but from our new position we brought a house In view. I had th gun Instantly trained upon It ax I saw several Spaniards there outside of It and felt certain It > was not empty. "The very first shot landed fairly upon Its aide and penetrating1 , Inirtt Inside , sending things flying , The enemy broke cover and I turned to the sergeant , saying'That was a good one ; now give them . ' As I turned something struck mothrough the body , r knew I waa badly hurt , but felt no pat ) . It was like being struck over the Bhouldcrwlth a club. I passed my bund to my aide1 and brought ll \t ytull of blotnl. The saw me and ran to taiy Me. 'They've got me thfs time. ' I ? nld' . nnd he put his arm nrouml rrir and led mo nw y and let me lie down. " - The war was ended that dar. SCHLEY CHANGES HIS FLAG Detaeheil from > orth Atlantli' rirrt nnd Transferred to the CrnUer Orleiinn. WASHINGTON. Aug. 23. An order w s Issued at the Navy department today detach ing Rear Admiral W. S. Schley from com mand of the second squadron of the North Atlantic fifct nnd ordering him to Porto Rico as a member of the evacuation com mission , during which time he Is author ized to fly his flag on the cruiser New Or leans , which will remain In those waters until the commission Is ready < o return to the United Statoj. Admiral Schley will b < - accompanied to Potto Hlco by the follow ing members o ( his staff , now attached to , the cruiser Brooklyn nt New York Lieutenant - ' tenant J. B. Sears , Lieutenant H. W. Wells. ' Jr. , and Ensign Edward McCauley , Jr. , The order for AilmlrnJ Schl y to fly his flag on the New Orleans Is made In order to keep him constructively on sea duty while serving on the evacuation commission , thin entitling him to the highest pay ot his rank. JS.OOO per annum. It was for tlie same rea.- son that the Navy department dcqlded to keep Admiral W. S.'SaraDson In nominal command , of the North Atlantic fleet while le Is In Havana as a member of the Cuban evacuation commission. His flag will bo displayed on the auxiliary cruiser Resolute , which will take the members of the commis sion to Havana. General Uutlcr. one of the members of the Jubau commission was at the War depart ment today in conference with the uuthorl- : ies regarding the dutlej of the commission. Colonel J. W. Clous of the Judge advocate general's department , who will aot as one of the legal advisers of the commission , was also at the State department today. Ho had a long conference with Acting Secretary Moore regarding the legal aspects of the case. He arrived , here today from Porto Hlco , where he waa serving on the staff of General Miles. The Cllban commission will soil from New York next Saturday on the cruiser Resolute , which will proceed direct to Havana. General Wade will act aa president ot the commis sion. sion.Tho The Poito Hlcnn commission will sail from New York , next Wednesday on tha transport Soneca. General Gordon arrived here today from Huntsvllle , Ala. , and received his In structions from Acting Secretary Moore ot the State department nnd Secretary Algcr of the War departmunt. It was his first visit to Washington since his appointment. It is expected that he will Join the other mem bers of the commission In New York tomor row or early Wednesday taornlnc. MORE THAN PAYS EXPENSES SnntlnKO linn $1)0OOO Left In the Treasury After All the City's AreTnld. WASHINGTON , Aug. 29. Adjutant Gen eral Corbln has. received the following cablegram from" General Shatter under date of Santiago : "I have today- transferred all business relating to customs over to Major General Law-ton. There has been collected with the exception of a small amount In July , $102- 093. Salaries of Officials and all expenses , Including street cleaning , city officials , police , etc. , hav beeppald to date , leaving o\er $30,000 in the treasury. "The expdnses'of the customs house have been cut from l-id.OOO per annum to $28,000 and that In time c tfbo materially reduced , These collections are all made under the medium tariff , including- large reduction Hi tonnage. The economy and celerity which has characterized the business of the custom houio has been brought about in a great measure under the supervision and good management of Donnlson. " THE MILLARD 13th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha. CENTRALLY LOCATED. -AMBUICAX AXIJ nruoi'KA.V I'LAX J. U. MAHKUL , A SO.X , Proud. 14th and Harncy St. American Pan ) 3 to 4 dollars per day. Streetcars from dppots and from hotel to Exposition Grounds In tlftecn minutes. B. S1LLOWAY. Manager M1UWAY ATTRACTIONS. THE LIBBY GIASS BLOWERS AND ENGRAVERS. ON Tlin AVMST MIDWAY. Buy your engraved glnss souvenirs nt our works , ns you rectlve the price of admission back on ouch pur chase. MIDWAY AT VISIT THE DESTRUCTION or IHE MAINE. The two mnln features of the Exposi tion are the modal of the Maine In the Government building and the De Mructlon of the Maine on the Alldway , next to the Gypsy Fortune' Tellers , BWKPT HY COOL , BHEEZEa Q THM PUAOIi FOR SOCIETY. O German Village CONTINUOUS CCCCCCCCCCCO D3CCCO O333 CCCO t V IS It JAPANESE-TEA GARDEN CURIO STORE. N. of Music Hnll Ettst Midway. Streets of All Nations Grandest , Best Amusement Place on Exposition Grounds. 250 People Representing Different Nations. Til IJ * NEW. . . . . 6 i East , JBidway Casino J ! New Management , A , i New People ; T ' Sew Scenes. C. T. I1UTLBR , Mar. A I DARKNESS AND DAWN TUB Magnificent Novelty I 01' Till ! MIDWAY , i AND Toes , and W , Hug , 30 and 31 , "S AND CONGRESS OF ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD AT Twentieth and Paul Sts. See ( lie Street Parade TODAY. It will leave the gnunds nt 9 o'clock this morning nnd go on 2 ( > th to CumlnR , to 16th , to Capitol AVP. , to lath to , to 9th , to Fnriinm. to ICUi , to Cumins , to ground * . ADMISSION SOi. children under 0. 23c ; reserved seats. Jl PO , on Bale now nt Kuhn & CO.'H drug store , corner 15th und DOUR- lap streets. | /Fft / Cor. lift nil nnd "s * llarnoyiti , Telephone 2J17. i.eiuz & Williams , Props , and MBTS. W. AV COLE. Act. Manager. IIIGIin&T IN MUKIT. . . . GltliATKST I. > I'OI'I I.VniT\ WK1MC AfO. JJH. Speelnl Huturii Kimnneinont of IIOUW1TK .t IIOWUUS , In their latest trill cnt > , on The Heart of Miirj'lnml. The Niieetncnlar TrlniniiU , lute of 1'aliner tov'n "TUe Urinrnlcii. " nilAMI NAVAIj H\l M.JT. Introducing 10 Ileiiiitlful Vonnpr Ladle * , Seenlu and Uleutrlcnl Seimntlointl I.O/,13ME Aerial IM. SIIUUVUUT Ar CO VKHMJAI.i : , UlnanU cnl nnd Itetined MiiNlcal ArtlNt * . atifcsns SIIVKKH GAVIXI , Otierntlc Duetlntrf. The Human lliitterHy- MISS 1,11,1 , IAN YAIIS And Her Chulluuure Ui > Clreim. .Ml , Li : . ADKI.l.lO , MuidouurntihlNt. KITTIU laSMI.lK , Uenerlptlvu Vocalist. Mutineer .Sniiday , Wednesday and Saturday. HJ i3o , : > 5u , and Olio. BOYD'STHEATRE ' TAXTON & nunacsa Managero. Tel. 1919. TOMCIHT , SlUO , Season of Comic Opcrn. FRA DIAVOLO -Among the principle * , Dorothy Morton. Marie Hell. Svivestrr Cornish , Kltn Jlur- rlnKton , Hubert Wllke , Edward Webb. William SteiienH ] ) , J3en Lodge , 30 Chorus of 30. Bargain Matinees Thursday nnd Saturday 25e and 60o. Popular prices "uc , Me , Too , l'n fen * T , , . jj O. l ) , Woodward , Amusement Director. TOMGT , SiilO , . TUB WOODWAIin STOCK CO. PRESENTING ESMERALDA SI III IT/ ROOF GARDEN , 1HU and Harnuy Streets. The most popular retort in the city. The attraction for this week Miss Isabel Henderson Great Operatic Vocalist. Admission free. PTBACTIONS VOW SI1O/// > OF WKST MIDWAY. Mammoth Wliale Length 55 It. Weight80,000Ids The Onh ( iciMiinu Whale li'i the n orlU. UAST MIDWAY. Sec the ( It-cat TIIR KOMIP.H OP THE ART WOULD MIIJWAV 10 Cts. Don t fall to take a rldn on GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY on the MIIJWAV. an-1 HOC a representation of the UATTLIJ OF MANILA In the Great Tunnel The patent rlelit for thcafl rail ways In any p.irt of the United Static fur nahi by J. A. Grimths , at his oflico on the Midway. f "a r * 'S ' Trained Wild Animal Show. PROF ! Chittuplotj Holler SUuier ACUINTON In Den of Lions. Do Not Forget to Visit the _ Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway.t > _