TTTTC mrATTA TiATT/V IIT. . 'PTTTSDAV. ATrmTST HO. IflOH. ifl\n ) \ ic KUA1J lo Chicago Great Western Has a Line Out Pointed Toward Omaha , PRESIDENT QUIETLY ARRANGES DETAILS I'rovlilr * for Knlrr in Cnnncll Illiiirn nn Uvcrlicnil CrimlnK Otrr the AorthweMiTii Truck * In ( lint City. The Chicago Great Western railway la seeking an entrance Into Omaha , and Coun cil Bluffs. President A. B. Stlckncy of that company was hero last wcel : to look over the ground ( or terminal ? , hut succeeded In keeping his visit a secret to all hut a few officials of other lines nerc. Slnco ho has been hero and gone the officials of the other Iowa linen hnvo ruhhed their oycs and spec ulated with some- fear about the diminish ing effect to their traffic the entrance of the Maple Leaf route will unquestionably produce. The plan for getting Into Council Bluffs contemplated by President Stlokney , and the ono on which the engineers of the company are now at work , Includes the buildIng - Ing of a line from Hampton , la. to Council Bluffs , a distance of about 200 miles. This line will form a connection with the line to Chicago and with the line to St. Paul , joining the rest of the Great Western system near Its central point. The line vlll come into Council Bluffs through Mis souri Valley. The ground which President Stlckney Is said to have secured on his visit hero last week lies between the town of Council Bluffs and the Missouri river. The new railroad will run to the west of the Chicago & North- vi extern. The plan foi crossing the tracks of the Northwestern Is that the tracks of the Great Western shall be elevated and carried over the Northwestern tracks on a viaduct. This crossing will bo north of the trolley ' car line. Then tbo new line IB to run southward on the flat land between the tonn and the river bank till It reaches the Union Pacific transfer station , Into Omaha. It Is proposed to enter Omaha over the Hast Omaha bridge and there Is llttlo doubt but that negotiations with the Omaha Bridge & Terminal railway for such entrance are iindei consideration. A short time ago the Omaha city council exchanged some land in East Omaha with an unknown east ern syndicate. At that time A. H. Vnn Husen of Detroit was here , and with the representa tives of the Omaha Bridge & Terminal rail way handled the deal. It was stated by The Bee at that time that the land was thought to bo wanted for the Chicago Great Western railway , though Mr. Van Husen said he could not say for what pur pose the ground was desired. Subsequent events confirm the belief that the property exchanged by the city will some day be used for terminals of the Maple Leaf route. The best poetcd railroad officials In Omaha do not anticipate that the Great Western v lll reach Omaha or Council Bluffs this year , but they do look for the line to bo doing business In and out of here on Its own tracks next year. The survey across Iowa have been nearly completed , and It la not unreasonable to look for active building to he begun within a few months. The coming of the Great West ern will bo the most Impor tant event recorded In local railroad circles In many > ears. Under the personal direction of President Stlckney the Maple Leaf has become a most progressive line , though denounced by competing lines as "a rate cutter nnd a demoralizer. " This pralso Is undoubtedly bestowed because the Great Western uniformly objects to joining pools or associations. It Is nothing It not Inde pendent , and pnly last week withdrew from the Western Hallway Weighing association because It found It could do the work much cheaper Itself. Its policy la opposed to traffic pools and agreements , nnd for this reason would bo doubly welcomed here. Its annual report for the fiscal year ending June 30 , 1898 , Is regarded as n remarkably strong one. Summarized , the report shows that gross receipts last year Increased 15.07 per cent over the previous year , net earnings In creased 30. 48 per cent , freight earnings In creased 1G.G9 per cent , passenger earnings Increased 14. C2 per cent , and other earnings increased 0.74 per cent. CHANGES liN STATION AGEVl'S. Union Pacific Continued the ShnUciiii AIIIOIIK the Men. The older station agents on the Union Pacific road have been shaken up again In the process of reorganization which all de partments of the road are undergoing. James Meaghcr , for n. long term of years freight and passenger agent of the company at Columbus , Nob. , has been removed. He Is succeeded by Charles H. Joy , who has been freight nnd passenger agent of the same company at St. Paul , Neb. The change is effective Monday , August 29. Joy Is re garded as a most capable traffic man. Ho is mld41o-agcd and has been very successful In getting business for the Union Pacific against Burlington competition at St Paul , Neb. , where ho has been stationed for a number of years. Frank Vnn Horn has boon chosen to suc ceed Joy as agent at St. Paul. The former has been cashier for the Union Pacific sta tion at Lincoln , Neb. , for several years and lias earned his promotion by faithful work. His successor as cashier at Lincoln has not yet been selected. No ChiiliRCH lit the llultlmorc < fc Ohio BALTIMORE. Md. . Aug. 29. Receiver Murray repeated even more emphatically to day his statement of two weeks ago that no changes are contemplated In the traffic or operating departments of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad after the reorganization The dispatch from Cleveland saying that Traffic Manager Wight and General Frelghi Ageut Oallther were to retire nnd to he succeeded by Freight Agent Brockenbrough and Assistant General Freight Agent Stev enson , was stamped by him as being un quallfiedly falsa and without the slightest mm ' * ' " OIR CHICAGO SERVICE Leaves Omaha..5.05 p. m. Arrive Chicago . . . , S:20 : a. in. Leave Omaha . . . . . .7:45 : p , m. Arrive Chicago 2:15 : p , m. I Leave Omaha 2:15 a. m. Arrive Chicago 4:25 : p. in. The 5:05 : U the roost convenient , but If you want to spend the evening at the Exposition , take the 2:15 : a. m. Sleeping , chair and dining cars on both trains. Tlukct Ollloe New i Depot- * ' 1502 Farnam , 11Oth and Mason , foundation , Ho said that the reorganization , of the Dnltlmoro & Ohio ns nt present con- stltutcd won eminently Ratlsfactory to the receivers nnd that the results worn of such n character ns to make any Important changes unadvisable. OMAHA TH.VrFlU IS l.MIMIOVI.MJ. MUCH HitYi * ( n Mil It i * i\ rii I'rop- iirntloiin for IlaiiillliiK lliinlm'Nn , CHESTON , la. Aug. 29. ( Special. ) The heavy traffic between Omaha nnd Chicago Is forcing the Burlington to double-track its right of way throughout the state. Hast of hero the company Is doing a largo amount of work , the bulk of it being In Clark county. Recently n great reservoir was constructed at Osceola nnd when thla la filled by the fall rains the Burlington will have nn abundance of water at that point. Thla reservoir la one of the largest along tli < 3 line , the capacity being about the same as the ono nt Thoyer , where a sufficient amount of water can be stored for several months' use. The Osceoln res- rvolr la only a short distance from the own and a steam pump of largo capacity s being put In to force water Into n tank par the main lines , where engines can bo aslly supplied. Frequently during the past ho water supply nt Osceola has been short nd this Inconvenience has proven expensive t times. But It Is not likely that there vlll bo any further trouble of this char- cter at that point , as the water supply vlll bo ample for all needs. The double tracking In Clark county will vhen completed from Woodburn to McDlll eprreent nn expenditure of nt last $250- 00. Two or three hundred men and teams a\o been employed on this work all sumner - ner nnd two or three months' time will be equlrcd to finish the grading and lay the rack. The new track Is about twelve or lilrteen miles In length , extending from Voodburn to McDlll. There are several ecp cuts nnd heavy fills on the new line nd many thousands of yards of dirt will ct be moved In addition to the grading vhlch has already been done. Another St. .Toncpfi Croml. Benton Quick , passenger agent of the Mis- ourl Pacific at St. Joseph , Mo. , Is In the Ity and predicts two very large excursions rom that city to the exposition In the near uture. The first will bo on September 9 , or the celebration of Woodmen of the Vorld day hero , and the second will bo on : optember II , when the Mystic Shrlners will lave a celebration peculiar to tholr order. ) n the former occasion the Missouri Pacific will run a special train from St. Joseph to ho exposition grounds , and the Burlington vlll run a special for the Shrlners. Ilnllrond > ote * ami Pernonnlx. The western lines have agreed on a rate if one fare , plus $2 , for the encampment of he Knlglrts Templar at Plttsburg. The passenger business of the Burlington t Kansas City In the year ending June 30 ncreased $63,000 over the revenue from that ource in the preceding year. Nearly 400 excursionists from Norfolk , UcomDcld , Hartlngton and intermediate olnts , visited Sioux City Sunday , on a special train starting from Norfolk. A new grain elevator of 40,000 bushels capacity Is being built nt Nnrcora , Neb , > ) the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & ) maha. It Is to bo run by gasoline engines. On September 1 the St. Louis & San 'ranclsco will begin to operate the Kansas Midland and tbo Kansas City , Osceola & Southern , and by February 1 expects to ha\e ts trains running into Guthrlo , Okl. W. A. Scott , general manager of the Chicago cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail road , arrived In the city in his special car esterday morning. He and his wlfo will remain and see the exposition for a few days. Passenger traffic betw een hero and Kan- ' sas City has Increased to such an exteal ately that the Missouri Pacific has udded another sleeper to its night train. Thla , raln now carries three sleeping cans , two 'or ' Kansas City and one for St. It Is stated that the LoulsvUK * & Nash ville will without delay build another ill- root line from the Alabama cool fields to the gulf. The competition the Mobile & Ohio offers by its recently completed exten sion is said to have stimulated the enter prise. All signs point toward an Immense crowd of people from Colorado to celcbrato Colorado rado day at the exposition , September 9. The [ lurllngton road has received ndvlceo from General Agent Vnllery at Denver to the effect that its special train will be filled. It will leave there September 7 and arrive hero the next morning. Frank L. Everest , formerly claim agent of the Missouri Pacific In Kansas City , died Tuesday at his home in Atchlson. Mr. Everest is well known to Kansas City railroad men. His wlfo Is said to bo dying In Germany. Mr. Everest left $35- 000 In life Insurance and an cstato valued at as much more to his wife and son. He was but 39 years old. His death resulted from Brlght's disease. C. C. Klley , nt present superintendent of car service of the Baltimore & Ohio south western railway , with headquarters at Cin cinnati , has just been promoted to the newly created position of superintendent of transportation. The appointment Is effec tive on August 29 , nnd the position he i formerly held will be abolished. Mr. Rlley wont with the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern - , western from the Big Four about a jear.J. I ago and has earned his promotion by merlA. torlous services. The receiver of the Little Kock , Hot Springs & Texas has been authorized to re- celvo private bids for the purchase of this rend until October 1 , the property to bo ad vertised for Bale In case any bid of $50,000 Is received , accompanied by a deposit of $2,000. The road la projected from Llttlo Rock , Ark. , to Wister , I. T. , 155 miles , with branches , and was graded from Benton to Hot Springs , Ark. , in 1895 , and four miles of track wcro laid from Benton to the Sallno river. A receiver was appointed February 24 , 1896. The SureJ.a Urlpne Cure. There Is no use suffering from this dread ful malady. If jou will only get the right remedy. You are having pains all through your body , your liver la out of order , have no apotlte , no life or ambition , have a bad cold , In fact are completely used up. IJlcc- trlo Blttors Us the only remedy that will give you prompt and sure relief. They act directly on your liver , stomach and klflnoja , tone up the whole eystom and make you feel like a new being. They are guaranteed to cura or prlco refunded. For sale at Kuhn & Co 's drug store , only 50 cents per bottle. The * Only Itallronf. to Chicago With n daylight train. Leave Omaha 40 a. m. every day , arriving Chicago the same evening at 8-15 , when close connections are made with all lines be ) and. This train is 50 years ahead of the times and Is proving immensely popular with Omaha people Other flying " trains leave for Chicago at 4 55 and 6G5 : p m. dally. City tlrkct office , 1401 Farnam St. , "The Northwestern Line. " To G , A. II. Mitliinul Uiiciiniiunent. Parlor car and cosch train leaves Chicago Union station 10 a. m. , sleeping car and coach train at 8-15 p. m every day over Pennsylvania Short Line. Both run to Cin cinnati without change. Excursion tickets for national encampment on rale at exceed ingly low rates September 3 , 4 , 5 nnd fi , Find out about them by applying to II. H. Dering , A. O. P. ngent. , 248 South Clark street , Chicago. James Y. Craig announces himself as can didate for representative on the republican ticket from the Fifth ward , subject to ratification by the republican county con vention. Sam'l Burns. 1318 Taraam , is selling an English decorated dinner set for $7.60. mull. 0. " . 1' ' . " , - - rP ? J HK"t Mth , . U years , fc uneral Wednesday tlfil0V blkl afternoon ! Aged August 31 , at 1 o'clock , from his late residence. 409 Frances street. In erment Bprlnewcll cemetery. TAM.OR Sarah Ann , daughter of Wll. Ham p-i and Mary Taylor. 1507 N. Mth utrect. - 19 years and three months. ir otrai later. TURNS THE CHINESE LOOSE t Local Customs Officers Allow Another Lot to Disperpo in Omaha. REFUSE TO RECEIPT FOR THE LAST BUNCH 1'orty-OiiP MoiiKolliuiN Conic Outrun ! * l > ly to Atlrnil the i\iiiisllloii , hut IH-iiartini'iit 1C noun of The-in. Forty-ono Chinese for the Lan Hlng Trad ing company arrived In Omaha Sunday , nnd as the customs offlco had no record of such a company It would not receipt for thrm and they were allowed to disperse. Thcso Chin- nmen arrived at Seattle some tlmo ago , and the collector of the port detained them nnd afterward deported them. They weretaKcn to Hong Kong , but again returned to this country , arriving at San Francisco , whcro they were admitted. On their arrival hero the local officials telegraphed the Treasury department for Instructions , but not re ceiving a reply took the action mentioned. It is said that of the 400 Chinamen origi nally brought to Omaha on account of the exposition , the majority of them have dis appeared , nnd the customs officers are not disposed to accept any more without ex plicit instructions from Washington. It is reported that another party of twelve Is now on the road to Omaha. DISTRICT COURT NOTES. Because 1 of desertion two years ngo , as alleged , nllzabeth West seeks a divorce fiom Richard T. West. They wcro mar ried In 1S02 and have ono child , a boy C jears old. JCJJ John r. Sullivan , a laborer , brings suit for $3,000 damages against the Omaha PackIng - IIIR company as the outcome of nn accident on May 29 , In which ho alleges a truck he wa pushing along an elevated track fell over on him and ciushetl his feet. A $10,000 damage suit has been brought In' the district court by Mary E. Burget of 2132 ! North Ninth street against the Omaha Gas company for personal Injuries , said to have _ been suffered through falling Into a gas main trench on Ninth street near Bur- dctto street on the night of May 28 last. County Judge Baxter cald yesterday that ho would refuse , so far as he was able to Jo so , to entertain any more criminal busi ness for the tlmo being as he is to take up his civil docket tomorrow , which is a very heavy ; one , and because criminal business has been interfering considerably with the civil and probate matters of his court. In the matter of the Onyx Sodaj Fountain company Injunction against Justice of the Peace Long , Constable Adams and Con tractor Trautweln to prevent the execution of $102 costs for custodian fees , Judge Scott advised the attorneys to go and try a further compromise. The original suit of Trautweln for $174 was compromlsod to $74 nnd "costs. " Eight days afterward Justice Long entered an amended return of the constable for $102 for custodian's fees , caused by a month's continuance having been taken In the case before the compro mise was effected. The attorney for the fountain pleaded before Scott the statutory four days permit as to the execution for the costs ; also that the mcro entering of a Judgment for "costs" was void because un certain and indefinite. The Judge inclined to this view. StlltlNtlCH. The following births and deaths were reni ported , . to the health commissioners during the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes terday : Births Jtmos Murphy , 1115 South Fif teenth . , boy ; Henry Good , 2412 Caldwell , boy ; Isaac Tllkett , 1402 North Twenty-third , boy ; Louis Goldsmith , 2232 Farnam , boy ; Prank Dawion , 3427 Sahlcr , girl ; S. Olahy , 709 ! Lcavenworth , boy ; Chris Nelseri , 1021 South Fiftieth , girl. Deaths Trynne Alexander , 2003 Spruce , 1 year ; Cecilia Connolly , 2770 Burt , 59 years ; Mary O'Connor , Sixteenth and Mason , C years ; John Dailey , 1105 North Nineteenth. 45 years ; Jscat 'Jhcndoro Beuck , 841 South Twenty-first , 50 years ; Christina Larson , 703 South Seventeenth. 48 years ; Michael Shooter , Sioux Indian , exposition grounds , 9 months ; James T. Reames , Florence , years ; Arthur Spaustat , 1315 South Fourth , G weeks ; Qabor Alah , 709 Leaicnworth. 2 days ; Thomas A K. Gray , 810 North Forty- Jlrst avenue , Cl years ; William H. Smith , St. Joseph hospital , 40 years ; Anna M , Pi itU 1718 Dorcas , 7 months ; Sarah O. "harp , 1815 Douglas C9 years ; Christian M. Back , 409 Francis , 42 years ; Sarah Ann Tay lor , 1507 North Twentieth , 19 years ; Baby Glvens , 117 Cass 1 > mnmths Auction of furnlturo tomorrow at 10 a. m. at No. 2109 Douglas. Cincinnati and lleturn. The Missouri Pacific will sell round trip tickets at very low rates to Cincinnati and return on September 2 , 3 , 4 , C. For further , rn-m , , n . ( , , r-oinpany's offices , south- cast corner lith and Douglas . . u i > ebater. T. F. GODFREY , J. O. PHILLIPPI , P. and T. A. A. G. F. and P. A. Omaha to Chicago. $9.23. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. 1BOFarnam St. The Grand court ot the Exposition la wonderfully beautified at night. No picture of it Is EO good as The Bee pho togravure. Stop at The Bee office for one and some others. Three for ten cents. Raymond's auction , 10 a. ra. and 7:30 : p. m. . A. It. mill P. A. II. Means the Port Arthur Route Is the Shortest nnd Quickest to O A. R. encampment heli in Cincinnati , September 5 to 10. Tickets on sale September 2 , 3 , 4 , C. Rates lower than one faro will bo made from this sec tion. Ask your nearest agent to ticket you via Port Arthur Route or write Harry K Moorcs , C. P. & T. A. , Port Arthur Route , L415 Farnam street ( Paxton Hotel Blk. ) , Omaha , Neb. EXCLUSION TO CINCINNATI Via the WnluiNli llnllrnnil On September 3 , 4 nnd C the Wabasli will sell tickets at less than one fare , gooc returning until October 2. For rates am further information call on or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. Agt. , Room 302 Karbach Blk. , Omaha , Neb. Two TruliiN Ilally for Denver. and Colorado points via the Union Pacific. In addition to the magnificently equlppet "Colorado Special" leaving Omaha nt 11.55 p. m. for Denver and Colorado Springs , the Union Pacific will run through Pullman Palace sleepers and chair cars to Denver via Julesburg on "tho Fast Mall" which leaves Omaha at 4 35 p. m. , and will arrive in Denver next morning at 7:35. : For full in formation call at city ticket office , 1302 Far nam street. Exhibitors wishing photographs and llm cuts of their exhibits published may pro euro them by calling upon J. F. Knapp agent Omaha Bee , southwest corner Jlanu features building. Ijtm Hutci to Iloitoii September ICtb , 17th and 18th tickets wll bo on ealo via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. to Boston and return at on faro for the round trip. Return limit Sept 30th. n. P. Humphrey , T. P. A. , Kansa City. Mo. ; r. M. Byron , O W A. , Chicago A. J. Smith , Q. P. A. . Cleveland. "Nortlmenterii" Hi'ilm-i-M Itntea. Only $9.25 to Chicago on and after AUEUB . The Northwestern is the ONLY lln with a dfijrllcht train to Chicago , Icavln Omaha at 6.40 a. in. , arriving lit Chlcai ; 8:15 : same evening. Alao fast trains east a 4:55 : p m. and 6:55 : p. m. dally. City tlcko cfllce , 1101 J'nrnam St. Omaha to Chicago. J' Chicago , Milwaukee \ St. P ul Ry. 1504 Farua St. mim MIIOIM AT IIOHTON .sroiin. Inro .Shorn nn nlc nt llontnn Tlinii Alt Oilier Store * CoinliliuMl , ouuATnsT SHOI : SAM : . Rver held In the west. Not only does this sale comprise every- ilng In the way of shoes that you need t present , men's uhoes , women's short , bo > s' hoes , children's shoes , but also everything n shoes you need for fall nnd winter. Men's $1.00 rubber solo tennis shoes , nt 9c. 9c.Men's Men's $3.00 black shoes nnd tan nussln alt pio9 ! , $1.50. Men's $5.00 tan shoes. $2.50. Ladles' $3.00 shoes , $1.50. Ladles' $400 , $5.00 and $6.00 shoes , nt .98. Misses' j $2.00 shoes , ! ) " ! < . 1oi Bo 1 sure to attend thla great sale of shoes oiOI In It jou will nnd any kind of shoc that ou can nsk for for Just about half the price ou would have to pay elsewhere for the amo quality. BOSTON STORK. OMAHA , Greatest ( nnd largest shoe * dealers In the ntlro west. Thirty salespeople to wait upon ou. ou.N. N. J W. Corner IGth and Douglas Streets. FELL UNDER A MOVING MOTOR Willie Tnle , n Colored IlojIu hr < l OfT 11 AVawron , Drop * on ( lie Truck IJcfort * it Train. Wllllo Tatc , a colored boy ased about 11 \ oars , was run over by a Sherman nvenuo atally Injured about 1:30 : o'clock yesterday afternoon. The boy was riding on the tall end of a ragon. When In front of the Omaha Urew- nia. company's plant the driver of the \vagon ashed the lad with his whip to make him ump off. The boy let go his hold to escape he whip and fell In front of an oncoming ar. Ho was unnblo to get out of the way. Young Tate has been making his homo at Twenty-eighth avcnuo and Douglas street , Hi is well known , having been n street urchin of unusual precocity , and has been ho source of a great deal of worry to his elatlves and the authorities. Vit the Wmeit AVity. It Is not always best to wait until It Is iceded before buying a bottle of Clmmber- aln's Colic , Cholera and Dlorrhea Remady. Julto frequently the remedy Is required in ho very busiest season or In the night nnd uuch iucoruenlcnce and suffering must be borne before It can bo obtained. It costs but i ttlflo as compared with its real worth and \ery family can well afford to keep it in heir home. It is everjwhcro asknowledgad o bo the most successful medicine In the world for bowel complaints. FEDERAL BUILDING NOTES , Judge Munger Is expected hero today or Wednesday to enter some orders In a few cases demanding early attention. Arthur W. Scattergood of AInsworth has ieen appointed a referee In bankruptcy for he counties of Rock , Brown , Kuja Palm and Cherry. A three-foot ornamental wrought iron enco Is bolng set up around the areaways on , ho north , east and south sides of the new postoffico building. This Is to prevent any more accidents at those places. J. Kosby Smith , from the department of ustlce , has arrived in Omaha to make the regular inspection of < thc books in the offices of the United States marshal , clerk of the United States court and United States dlstict attorney. Civil service examinations will be held in ( his ] , city during the month of October for nearly every branch of the publlo sen Ice , and while the tlmo for applications to belied lied has nearly expired the number reported 'orecast the smallest examinations over held n Omaha. This Is aocounted for by the war and exposition , which have drained the field rom which these examinations usually draw their applicants. IIiicltieiI'M Arnica SuUe. THE BEST SA'LVk In the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever Sores , Totter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively cures Plies , or no pay required. It is guar anteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bos. Tor sale by Kuhn & Co. The following marriage licenses were is sued by County Judge Baxter yesterday : Name and Residence. Ago. James A. Deltsel , Audubon , Neb . 30 Mrs. Arta Brown , Omaha . 30 John Patach , Omaha . 21 Mary Hlavka , South Omaha . 20 Nelson Milks , Omaha . 52 arollne Jones , Omaha . 47 William II. Denny , McLouth , Kan . 51 Mrs. Effio May Dennie , McLouth , Kan. . . . 32 William H. Short , Indlanola , Neb . 35 Lena Collins , Butte , Mont . 2 It Cured tinChllil. . About ono month rgo ray chllJ , which Is fifteen ; months old , had an nttpck of diar rhoea accompanied by vomiting. I sent for n physician and It was under his care for a week. At this tlmo the child was having about twenty-five operations of the bowels every twelve hours , and I was con vinced ! unless It soon obtained relief it would not live. Chamberlain's Colic , Chol era ' . nnd Diarrhoea Remedy was recom mended nnd I decided to try it. I soon noticed a change for the better ; by its con tinued use a complete quro was brought about and it is now perf ° ctly hcalthj. C. L. Boggs , Stumptown , Gllmer Co. , W. Va. AliiuitliiiK-il Her Hull } ' . Some mother abandoned an infant on the steps of the residence of Mrs. Harry Bell , Eleventh and Clark streets , Sun- day. The child Is about three months old , and Judging from its clothing and the wrappings It was In Its parents are In very poor circumstances. The baby was brought to the police station , but Matron Ryan refused to take It and Mrs. Bell went to the county commissioners with the child. Her MrNNiMiKt > r DlHuppclrn. Maggie Ellsworth , a concessionaire who resides at the Park hotel , yesterday sent a male friend to a downtown bank with two certificates of deposit , ono for $900 nnd the other for $1,080. The man has not reached the bank yet , but has completely disap peared. The police ore looking for him. { old Output of "VuUon. SEATTLE , Aug. 29. Major J. M. Walsh , ox-commlsslonor of the Yukon district , who has arrived here from Dawson enrouto to Ottawa , Canada , to make his official report , estimates this season's gold output at $11- 000.000 , while the clean-up for next year will undoubtedly aggregate $20.000,000. Ho pre dicts that further developments In the Yukon will go beyond the expectations of everybody. Concerning the situation nt Dawson , Major Walsh Bald : "Tho district in the vicinity of Dawson Is over-populated by about 10,000 people , and they must either move out and prospect now territory or leave the dis trict. " A Pimt INAPt CRE .M Of TABTAB POWOIB Awnrded Highest Honors , World's Fair Gold Aledal , Midwinter Fair COMPLAINS OFAGUARD'S ACTS I. It. McDonald Sa > M lie \\'n * ArrcMoil for ItcMcntliiHr llrufnllty Tn. irnru III * AVIf.- . Because James II. McDonald , ( ho tailor ot 214 South Fifteenth street , resented thorough rough manner In which an exposition guard took nn untaggcd camera from his wife's hands on the exposition grounds Sunday aft ernoon ho was arrested , thrown in the jail nt the grounds and later taken to the city Jail In the pntrol wagon. At the station the charge of disturbing the peace was made agilnst him. Mr. McDonald's version of the affair Is that ho and his wife wore leading thn grounds after having * pcnt the day taking pictures of points of Interest when they wcro accosted by n guard who Inquired If the ) had secured a tag for the camera , In nnsuer Mr. McDonald says ho showed his season pass and his permit allowing him to use his camera on the grounds , but thn ; uard was not satisfied nnd roughly grabbed Iho camera from his wife's hands. This nc- llon was resented by McDonald In vigorous langucge , As the guard was carrying the camera away Mr. McDonald demanded a re ceipt for the Instrument , but this was re fused him nnd when he persisted the guard turned on him with the remark : "Well , I'll just throw you In for being fresh , " and ar rested him. Ho was kept In a cell some tlmo before the wagon arrived. Mr. McDonald is very indignant over the treatment he re ceived ami threatens a suit against the ex position management. TllAINS. Omaha to The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail way has Just placed in service two mag nificent electric lighted trains between Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally at 5-45 p. tn. , arriving Chicago at S-25 a. ra. and leaving Chicago 6 15 p. in. and arriving Omaha S 20 a. m. Each train Is llght > l throughout by electricity , has buffet smok ing cars , drawing room sleeping cars , din ing cars and reclining chair cars and runs ever the shortest line and smoothest road bed between the two cities. Ticket office , 1504 Farnara street and at Union depot. IlL'HMMiTO.V ' nOUTB. Cincinnati a ml Kctiirn SflT.70. September 2 , 3 , 1 and 6 account national encampment O. A. R. Official train , carrying department com mander and staff , president W. R. C. and staff and past department commanders leaves Omaha r p. m. , Monday , September 5. Through sleepers , Omaha to Cincinnati. Reserve berths now. Ticket office , 1502 Farnam street. Omaha to Chlcapu J9.25. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul Rjr. 1504 Farnam St. Rubber Urinals- Wo have EIGHT DIFFERENT STYETES of Rubber Urinals , suited to the needs of those who are so unfortunate us to need them. We have them for male nnd female for day and night , wear the long ones and the short ones. Prices $1.00 to $1.75 each. Sent siP postpaid < upon receipt of price. Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go , 1513 Dodge St. Omaha , Neb. ALL iPEOPLE iWANT iGOOD HEALTH. * You may have a course of medical o treatment for OUItAELE DISEASES of all kinds at the JSliepard Medical institute New York Life Bid ; . , Omaha , Neb , TICQ- Catarrh , De f- lltCi- ness and all Diseases of the Lmiefl , Stomach , Kidneys , Nerves and lilood. Refer ence , by permission , to 5,000 cured p.itlpnts The larg-CHt medical offices and practice In the west. The Omaha Bee , loading dally , says : "The Shepard - ard Medical Institute Is entirely relia ble in a professional and buslnens way. Dr. Shcparcl and his associate ! ) ha\e grained and fully maintained a leading1 reputation In the treatment ( of chronic diseases. The public may safeJy trust them. " ' \A/RITF \ / For testimonials from VV n I It. ministers , toachern , busi ness men , farmers , etc. , tolllne how they were cured at homo through the , Mall System. * ROOK "The New Treatment ; DUUlN How It Cures , " Is sent free , to all who write. It Is a clean mcxllcal work for the whota family to road and is of treat value to all who seek better health. Book and Consultation i Blanks sent free to all inquirers. < Medicines sent everywhere. State your case and send for opinion and lowest terms. Charges low. Con- ( tatlon fiee , personally or by letter. ' Ventimi I < I'at" . * The Hair Brush Being the Most Useful of Toilet Articles should necessarily be a good one. Such a Hne wo always carry. We'd like you to see our new ebony back sterling silver trim med Hair Brushes hand somest goods ever shown in Omaha. We've Just got In lots of Novelties. Tlrst time you'ro down town better como and see them. Please remember that our SOUVENIR SPOON Is the OFFICIAL ONE. m It has the composite head on the handle. GeoWRyan&Go , THIS 100 South 10th Ht. Two Trains Daily VI n Union Pacific tor Denver and Colorado Points , Leave Oinnha 4)5 : ! ) p. in , , nrrivcn Denver 7:35 : n. in. Leaves Omaha 11:55 : p. in. , ar rives Denver 2:55 : p. in. For full information call at City Ticket Office , 1302 FariiAni St. Oinntm , Aug. 19. No. 2. Less than a year ago AVO moved into lliis big building the finest clothing store with out exception in the west. We moved from a store where we had started in a small way and where we had gradually increased our space and our business during a dozen years. Did we make any hurrah about our removal ? No. Did we hold any grand Kemoval Sale ? No. When we moved into this new store did we have any grand opening or any musio or any souvenirs or any ilowers ? No. Wo took of ! onr jumpers in the old store of a Saturday night and we put 'em on in the new store of a Monday morning and in the meantime we had moved all of onr goods , all of our help , all of our good will , and all of our customers without any humbug , any nonsense or any noise. The way to move a business is to move it right. The way to build a businessis to build it right. The way to take care of a business ia to treat people right. Yesterday we announced onr opening of new Fall Goods ; tomorrow wo will give a few pointers on how to make new customers. We are going to double our customers this Fall. Advance Sale on Hayden Bros , ' Fall and Winter lines are replete with every desirable garment in ready-to-wear clothing. We aim to please customers by selling strictly high-class clothing , made and trimmed a hundred per cent better than the aver age ready-to-wear lines , every garment comparing i'avorably with the product of the high-priced merchant tailors. Early buyers can secure their fall and winter outfit at fully 30 per cent less than the same suit will cost a month from now. In this sale we are offering several big lots made up for us in the dull season for spot cash .and immediate delivery at great price reductions. The suits on sale at $5.00 are top notchers for the money. Unsur passed in merit. New patterns. Durable fabrics. Well made and shape holding. You'll find it hard to equal them at less than $9.00. See theso. The suits at $7.50 were made to give $12.00 worth of satisfaction , They are just what you want combining beauty and durability. The e are suits it pays to buy. Artistically finished. Best tailor- g. Great assortment of patterns in all the new fabrics. At $10.00 we are offering suits from the best materials , put together by people who know how. Fine suits in 3 or 4 button cutaway , sack , and double or single breasted square cut sack styles ; not a suit in the lot worth loss than § 15. Wo bought them cheap and that's the only reason for their low price. Suits at $12.50 , $15 , $18 , $20 and 22.50 that repre sent the highest skilled tailors' best work ; absolutely the fin est clothes in the world and at by long odds the smallest prices. Your dollars are worth more here than anywhere , Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha. i