Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 1H3B : TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 , 1SS)8. ) 1 1
crlUeiitfMit' for Iticxc colninti'
trill liu inLeti until ia in. for UK
iMiMihiK mill untUl , H : 0 lor Jiiirnltif
nnil Sun tiny cutirjri/ * . t ' ' \ * f
Itntc * , 1 1-Uc a'-iyorit nr t 'iVtie llon
Ic a 11 or ( I lli r < -nni/A / tnkci
fur ICK * tlinii B3c for ilieltr t Inner
( Inn , Tin-Re nilt crtlftcincntii mint !
run cnnnecntli el- .
Ailt crtlNcrn , ! > } - reqnentinn n tiuin
liercil clicfk , cnn him- mutters nil
ilrrmirtl to a nnuilirrcil letter lit. cnn
of The lire. Aiiavier * mi adilrc * M
vrlll lie tlHIt crril on prcnaiitntlon < )
tlie cjhcL-U on I- . . _ . „ <
BOOKKEEPER and ca hlcr want
position ; competent and experienced man "
A 1 references ami recommendations !
53 , Bee. Au 31'
FIRST-CLASS hnrseshoer desires sltuatlo
In or out of Omaha. Address M , Be
offlce. Council Bluffs , la. A-MSU SI
SALESMEN for cigars ; (121 a month an
exjicpeest 'old .firms . .experiencein.neq !
Bary. < - * : O. Bishop * & Co. ? St. Loots ; Mi
TAILORS. attenrt 'p-1iVf8 cutting schoo
best'systems. ; ' ellatrfda reasonable. 51s 1
13th. Omaha. B-M764 S2
YOUNG men to Ie\rn't \ > artHr. trade dnly
to 8 weeks required ; we give o\ir gradi
atcs employment till they receive In wage
as much ns they 'pay.fpr tult'on ' and.cj .
pcnkci while I anvHigS.L' . Louis Barbc
College , Odd fellows' tldg , cor. Dodf
and Hth. Omaha , Neb. Prof S. Uandoipl
Instructor , , fi H103 S3
' r * * * "
i * * ' i . ' ' ' ' * * . "i
TWO clotfilng salesmen wanted In OmaTi
and one In each county In every slale. )
take.qrijerg for pur C.QO to $10 , .00 made-t (
measure . ,311113 atul.overcoaVgi live ma
without experience cnn make JloQ.OU p (
month. If you can furnish satlsfactor
refer.e.ncA.wp wljl. furnish a complete sati
pie line aptt ijtniU ana' start you at wet
at on e For-parllculars. address Amer
can Wonlcn Mills Co. , Enterprise Built
Ing. Chicago. P M102 S *
WANTED , an experienced man to canvas
for a feather renovator. Address Motwc
Augly i , .Slewing , Nep , , . , B M303 B0
WANTED , active man as manager estal' < l olIlfA business paving fl < 00 ynrl
clear , cfl Ual. : qujrod.J230. : 4M N. Y. I At
( < T - > * > „ : B-MW3 S23
WANTED , boy who Is willing to work 1
fun sJion.oru who has hajl some e.xpar
eruje JprfcterriiiU' John l.rbanc ) k. S2 i
Fifteenth strqct B-M75 ! > 30
YO.U.N6 MEN. .own Illustrated caUlogv
explain1'how lt < l .lcarn .llarber . { rude J
eight weeks ; mailed free. Moler's Barh <
College , St. Louis. _ B < BC S2
WANTfiD , ivroi xperlehc d shoe safesme
Immediately at Boston Store , Omaha
B M7S1 30
WANTED'hy'Chicago ; house , on strnicl
salary and expenses , two bright > oui
men willing lo sollpll or canvass on n
vertislnx spedaMlei : a/ < cmince-ffnr ,
advancement , "with'right-pa'y to 'the ' rtcl
men , permanent positions ; clerks. et <
now on small salaries. Investigate : dor
apply unless peed dreasara with goodie
ercnce. See K 1. DellCme hotel , 12 tiller
or 5 to 7 , Tuesday. B MS13 30 <
_ .
M. n i
MAN or tobrntln 6f chergy 'nnd Huslne
oulllty to" tfaVel feY csrabllshed firm , i
a monlh nnd all expenses P W. Zlegl
& Co. , ,322 , Dearpont St. Ghtrriffrt. HI.
- ' * . . . .1 T-.M < xr >
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; J3 to
wek. Canadian Offlce. 1322 Douglas.C .
C 577
GOOD girl to help cook and chambcrmal
Lange hu'cl. 604 S. 13th St. c C r-43fi
1 . - . . < - . .n - . . . . < T | t . :
WANTED , 130 girls. 1524 Dodg * . Tel.V !
C Mall Oct20
WANTED , a girl \ owork In kilchen :
Doran Honse , 422 S. 18th 31. C 631
J900 WEEKLY salary explaining to far
illast nover'rnethot'ls of In.fQfWchrtr lions
hold articles without fcost tt ( purchaSt
426 N. Y. Life bldg. C M646 S2 ;
GOOl > cooli S. JonCs & SSth : i
' - ' C-M54 !
EXPEUIENCED Blrl for general hona
workS3Q Pj83th : ' C M7C7 n'
WANTED , a lady as stock keeper In Jo'
elry stpro ; ono wlro has had experlen
prcMrrpil. - C. " S. It ymond ! Co. - . > , *
' 'w u'
rou UEXT iiousnsC / ' ' . > .
CHOICE house" and cottages all over c4t
W \o $75. . Fidelity' ; flrat ' no.or. N. yj Lii
' v ' '
i _ -
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. . 103 N. loth f
' . ' ' " . -cjD 571
_ > -yy ' r"i r ?
HO1/SES. sToreB. Bemls 'Paxton block.
. D 5SI
.ou , * o gs. aiu kim
Omaha van & Storage Co. , ISlltS Farna
Tel. 1559. D-5bi
of a .
roomTmodern Hat for sale ; bargain ; go
location ; rent low. Bemla , Paxton blo <
A FEW COTTAGES. 436 tJoard Trade.
n !
lawn , shade trees , choice location ; 2
Capitol avenue , rental , I3. i.ix ) . Tel "
B. II ttoblson. McCague Bldg , D 53
SIX-ROOM modern flat. 1112 South Hi
' D-U
FOIl RENT , several good r.ouses 3 to
rooms. G. L. Green , 2S Barker Blotk
CHOICE Br. flat. 120 S. M St. KM Bee Wd
_ _ ' ' . . - . "
BENEWA'S rcslcl rtce tp Vf t * ! tei tiu'rtj
_ _ > ; f' < D- lag
9 ROOMS Modern ; " 4012 'SewftTtT' St. ; J
Potter-Sholea Co. , 1617 Furnara St
D-G78 2
COTTAGE , furnished or unfurnished. 1
Georgia Ave. Address Y BS/-Bee
_ . T i - ' 'M
DWELLING 10 rooms , ijitlj Vioderrf M
provements , 32d and IIa.rt\ejv C5. Dox
L Thomas. 401 Bee bullrfljjjn.j.Ip-M7 ; ; 2
TO RENT , houses or stores. Apply to
W Bobbins. 1S02 Farnam. D M76
FOR RENT , 5-room cottage , nice looatl
Just off Sherman Ave ; would sell part
furniture for less than one-tenth of cp
n creat opportunity. A. II CowIeVSlV !
15th St.
roil HOT ruu.MsnuD it'obsis.
VISITORS to the Transnilsslsaippl nnd :
tern.itional Exposition wishing to seci
comfortable quarters can t-ave time a
expense by WTtiltK o-or-cirltlngTjpon 1
Otttclul Information Bureau , 1319 Karn ;
St . the only authorized agency of I
Exposition management. Strangers
arrHal in Omaha can take street e :
m-i ) Pn. * Qllico .open , 6
> ; Y , ' -E-M
ROOMS , J300 month. 1916 Farnam.
; iA E-S si
EASANT rooms , cheap , central. 1
fi > 50c"upj wertc J2
S14 ! 9 lh
. U-M770-S
_ t
rXT. nicely" fupiaij4 ( ! raaiKiH :
LCv r > , ort. " * 13 MJi
.HED rocms. facing
oUtiC ; - 1 tvwd If idesJrJd. 3 > 14 , N. 20th/
I' < Tt' ' Hi I ' B-M37 * S\
THREE nice rooms , housekeeping :
Sout h lit h. . , . E Mf
_ _
FURNISHED rooms JJ.M a week ; a
suite of rooms for light housekeepl J3.50 weok. K02 Webster
92 S :
PosUlan. . . . , E - Ml- -
LA 1 6 < ? frohY * "room with nl eve t
modern convenient s. In i rivals fam
for rent to one or two gentlemen , Ap
2105 Capitol Ave , E--M33-3i
iton-i.s ASO iio.vun. .
MRS K. L SI'OTTS , S3 ? .N. 15th J. , nh
mrl rooms , pas , bath , first-claja Mart
ritw reMonable. F-MtK 33
THE BE.VnFlT ! ! OCSE-21st and Plnknf
Bt . , fifty daintily furnlshrd rt > om , or
square from tha Arch ot the SUt-
everything new and first class ; tern
reasonable. F 537
THE MERniAM-rirat class family hote
Eth and Dodge Bts. F SSS
TAKE down that "for sale" or "for rent
s'fm In your window. The Bee reachi
more people In a dav than will pass yoi
window In a month ; nnd they eonsu
these columns when they want to buy <
rent. F S05
hotl , EuropeaTi or American , 11.00 ni
up ; adjoins' the'grounds , Sherman nv
nue car line pas es the houie ; summ
resort style : families solicited , modcr
cool , homelike ; terth , gas , piano and ' ,
brary. Telephone 1S34 Double pariot
hammocks , vasi veran-las. park , seats
the street carhj no dust , lolly people'ai
croquet. Wrlto 01 'phone this mlnut
special offer for those who do. F M&M
LARGE , pleasant rooms , first clas * boar
19(0 Cnpltol nve. F M664 31'
run IIKNT t'XPt'itMsnnu HOO.IIS
or unfurnished single
by day or month. 621H S. 19th
G 423-S19 ;
FOR RHNT The 4-story brick building
SIS. 'Farnam ' SI. This building has a rtr
- proof cement basfment , wa-tsr on i
1 floors , gas. etc. Apply at the office
The Bee. - I-9K
_ _
'DESK room. . G. G. Wallace , 313.Brown Bl
NICC store , Corner 2Uh and Hamilton. A
ply 2ilS Caldwcll. I-M4S ;
FOR RENT. 'a good barn box ; stall che.
lf Cass st. , % . I-M7J' '
X'tr.-S. Nail Bk. Bldgrioq , C04 Bee BU
FOR 'RENT first floor and basement of o
building. 407 and 4"9 south 10th St. T
Brunswick Balko Collender Co.
? OR' RENT , first floor nnd basement of o
building , 407 nnd 409 South 10th St. T
BrJjrtswlck Balkc Collender Co.
- ' , I MS26 S
AOE7CTS and'branoh managers ; salary
commission- . Hunter Tailoring Co. , Ci
clunatl , D. J M947 Oct-ll
iGENTS Wanted "Our Xavnl War w
Sprtln. " complete book. Including terms
peace , ready September 1st , 700 pag
Illustrated : outfit frep. Address Natloi
tub.Co. . . Lakeside bldg. , Chicago.
( . . _ ; J-M705 ; S3
WAR'WITH-SPAIN , 700 pages"comWe
now ready : outfit free.v A. Hipi
baugh & Co. , 11 Ware Block , Omaha
ff . J M730
VGENTS. smokers' article ; great pell
sample 10 cents. Linn Novelty Co . Cle'
land , O. . J MS23 SC
SUITE of two or three rooms , furnish
for light housekeeping in Omaha or I
Bluffs. Addrtss Rewin , General Dellve
City/ ' ' K-537-3C
VE have a tenant for'a threc-stt
bunding suitable for manufacturing p
poses , in the wholesale or manufncturl
district of Omaha. Wlrs. * " have yc
Quick. Y 9 , Bee. K 433- :
BOARD and room by lady and son ,
H y ars : must bo reasonable and pie ;
ant. Address Y-54 , Omaha Bee.
' f - > .Srroe ;
"yiARRIED couple want room a"nil board
strictly private family fpcrmanent ) ; hf
furniture for rooms. Address A 4 , Bet
BOARD and 2 rooms , father nnd daught
near Fnrnam and 2Sth echoed permane
Address. A 3 , Bee. r K MS24 SI
'ACIFIC Storag * and Warehouse Co. , S
910 Jones , general storage and torwardli
. Van S : Storage , 1511k Farnam. Tel.,11
IF YOU are in ne-d of anything try I
Want Columns of The Bee ; thnv T
bring you what you want. M St
OWNERS wishing to sell their prope
should list with us : have numerous'inq
rles for1 cheap homes. Byron Reed C <
- - - N-207 a
THE" BCST HOitfi. J2.000 will Oiuy on ft
Urms. Mall full descriptions. X G4. B
. . - -
2ND-HAXD bicycles. Omaha Bicycle C <
WILL pay cash for 10 acres farm If
within 25 miles ot Omaha.- Address '
N . 20th St. . X-MS32 B
CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furnlti
and .stoves below cost ; cot beds. '
mattresses , 50c ; pillows. 20c. I-iOS-10 Dod
O-MS31 S
AUCTION of household goods ; everyth
Kofesr furniture , bedding , draperies , c
pet , folding bsds , suites and bookcas
which Is extra line furniture. Sale to
gin Wednesday , August 31 , at 10 a
2109 Douglas. E. 12. Atherton , auction *
' O-MT51 3
ron SAI-U iiousnsWAGONS , IT
VEHICLES all kinds. Prices greatly
duued ; phacfonettes , gurries , special b
gains. Crawford Co. . 1311 Jones.PM7S2
P-M7S2 S
FOR SALE , coupe , harness and horse ;
est rirg for street work in Omaha ; ch
for 6asli or on easy payments. Wai wo :
i Proctor Co. , Horse Market , South Oma
P MblO
FOR SALE , outing wngon. nrst-class b
for both winter and summer travel ,
team 4 and 6 years old ; 3.000 pounds , i
heavy harnees , everything complete ,
quire Equine Barn , 332G N. 24th St Omn
P-MS31 3
LARGEST stock bardwqod. lumber. 1
fenc , waring brushes , , etc. Chas , R. I
9i h and Douglas. Q 5
HOG.poultry and , lawn fe.ifc * ; till wsre'
brat. Wire Works , 14th and Hiunc-y.
B. HAAS , "Florist , 1S Vlnton St. . Tel.
plants , cut flower * , oouciuqts , hall , r
deuce , wtfddln'g and grave decoratu
Orders bY mail or express jifprnptly fll
' Q7
B CAHX and alto Cahn cornet. Marpw
, > 1S X. 16lh. Q-f$3
FOR SALE , ten R.LP.A.N S. for S ce
at druggists ; one gives relief. Q 6
I HAVE 2'RemfngToh typewriters thJ
will sell cheap. Frank C. Moores , C
Hall Q f ,
FOR SALE , Chase piano. 92 Douglas
Q-M765 S
STAMPS , coma , bought , sold. Morten ;
401 .N. 16th. Q-M6G3 A
1M KINDS mineral waters. Sherman
McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge
Omah.i Q M3 9 S
FOR SALE , 10 , < KW feet lumber , sheet !
ship lap , 2x4 and 4x4 : been used t mon
.Ed T. Heyden , 323 N. 16th. Q-M7S1 i
.FOR SALE , reliable patent for state
.Nebraska. 'Address A , Bee offlce , Cou
Bluffs. QT- <
FOR SALE , St. Louis fire brick , JH 00
M. WOT , Jt WeJehans. M'hone 2v7.
' - ' . . Q-Mf
BARGAINS la good second hand surr
phaetons , concords and end spring ,
buggies ftt A. J. Simpson's , 1403 Dodgf
CHOICE , pedigreed , Great Dane pupj
1'ordham Kennels , Des Molnes , la.
PIANO SAt.TJ Hardman. Harrington
Exposition piano * at rxdnred Trices
aosi Estab 1 3 , Mueller 1'lano & Or
I' , 214 S. Uth , Farnam. Q M795
I C R SALE , No. 2 Remington , pwfect
ilcr 1411 Cass St.
ttn. ]
TWENTY-riVC cent will bus the late :
publication Illustrating the U. S. ati
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc
almost 200 photographic reproduction
with a large man of the East and Wei
Indies , at the office of The Bee. If o
dsrta by mall , address Navy Photograp
Department. Omaha Bee. RS70
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , clear
cesspools & privy vaults. 621 N. 11 Tel. 177
R-M512 S20 *
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 yrs. In Omah ;
Past , present and future. 1111 Howard s
. . . S 257 313'
MRS. FttlTzT clairvoyant , SOS N. 16th ,
S-2U4 S13
MME. OYLMBR , nature's true
IKS Dodge St. 8 M752 83
MILTON , Oie medium , who elves sui
proofs every Sunday nlcht at Patterson
1 hall , can be consulted ilall ? tit 1G23 T > odi
I St..corner lithjulvlcas-onlo ; ve , man-las
divorce , changes , evil Influences and dl
eases ; In fart , anything Veil want'
know , satisfaction or no charges. Hotit
S.-a. m. to.JS p. m. . S MS35 Si
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter. 203 Doll
Ulk. ' . T-120-S-S
MASSAGE arid baths : ladles and gentl
men. magnetic treatment. M Brlsso
107 N. 12th. ' . T-M315 Sla'
MADAME SMITH , US North 15th stre <
n\a sage aod baths ; room 2. T C77 20' '
LAt'RA ELLISON. \ > aths. massage ai
magnetic treatment. 113 N. ICth , room
upstairs. T 4C1-S20'
MME AMES , 507 S. 13th , R. 10 ; massa
baths. T M520 31' '
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage ba
parjors : restful and curative , 417 S.
upstairs. ' T-MSC9 S4
VfAVI CO. . 348 Bee building. U-SSl
30 RUPTURE cured for J30. No detentl
from business ; 6 years In Omaha.Ci
or write for circulars. Empire Ruptu
Cure. 932-933 New York Life bldg. . Omal
Neb U-59 :
'ILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pa !
one treatment cloes the work ; call
send for circulars. The Empire pile Cu :
932 New York Life building , Omaha.
, U M91
A LARGE Map of the World , ono of Cu
and another of the entire We t Indl <
showing Cubar Porto Rico , Hayti , S
Domingo , Martinique and all the otfi
West Indian Islands , 10 cents , at The Ii
office. By mall , 11 cents. Address Cub
Map Dept , Omaha Bee. U 56
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319V6 S. 15i
NELLIE F. R > ley. manicure. chiropOdl
hair dressing. 415 McCaffue1 Bldg.
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before a
during contlnement. Babies adopted. E
p-rlenred physician In attendance. 1
N 17 St. . Omaha. U M164 SI
EIOW to become lawful physicians , la
yers , dentists or pharmacist * . Lock b
18 , Chicago. - U-M7C3 AS
ADlES' Turkish baths. Mmeu Post , 31
S. 15th . U-CO
DOCTORS If you have money , hralns a
enterprise , but few patients , I may hi
you. Write to X 24. Bee. U M9S
TILL IN THE LEAD-Get your shoes h
s.oled and heeled while you wait 13 m
utes for 50o ; work' guaranteed. 710 N. IG
" „ ' ' U-347 A3
'H.E ' Omaha Social chrt > Introduced slraj
era a'nd makes' them'at homer furnlsl
correspondence. Call or address , w
stamp. R 2 , SKI S. lith. Allle Turney * , rn
I7-M131 SI
PRIVATE hospital ; bat's adopted ; cc
finement caseu taken. Mrs. Ritter , 2
Seward , tel. 2234 U M350 SI
MXRRIED'Iadles should "send 10 cents 1
valuable secrets. Box 324. Omaha.
U-MC01 S23
LADIES' Bath Parlors , 220 Bee Bli
Cabinet treatments Jl , electrical baths' :
Telephone 1716. U ME
WOULD llko younc lady with small capl
for big moneymaker. X-.l * Bee.
U M373 31
WIDOWER , middle age * well-to-do , wo'
Ilka Jo correspond with a lady same t
and means. Address A 1 , Bee.U8202
- - !
lege and The Capital City School
Shorthand are everywhere classed as i
leading business training schools of i
w t ; write for their catalogue. Addr
Mehan & McCauley.cDes Molnes.loai
U-MS30 I
ARRANGE for me to write to you.
Crossley. U MS3I
MISS MAYER , leading chiropodist , mn
cure , 400 Paxton blk , has reduced prl
on riccount of expo , visitors ; mnnlcu
33 i 8hampo oln . Socr foot treatmeV
half -price , with directions how to effec
permanent cure. Infallible foot powi
positively cures odorous pe.rsolratlon r
tender feet U MS25 SI
WANTED , choice farm and city loans.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bl
W < X
J100.000.00 special fund to loan on first-el ;
Improved Omaha property , or for bul
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company
W *
\ $ per cent money. Bemls , Paxton E
Jl.OOO and upwards to loan on improi
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co.I
Farnam St. W- &
6 PER cent city and farm Joans. Gar
, 1613 Fa/nam St. . W a
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y.
quick money at low rates for choice fa
lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri , tin
em ; Nebraska. W 6 <
MONEY to loan -oYt improved Omaha r
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 8. 16th.
PAXY of Omaha , Neb , has money
lend on improved farming lands O
Commercial National Bank , 16th nnd F
nam Sts. w 953 S <
REAL ESTATE and mortgage brokers i
promoters should write for circular ,
vestors' Directory Co , New ( York.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown bio
W M7 ,
TO 'LOAX-J273 on Improved real est
security at 6 percent. Address Y 33. E
SPECIAL fund to loaTi on 'Kilt-edged sec
Ity In amounts of Jl.OOO to 110,000. 6
cent. G. G. Wallace , 313 J. 3. Brown I
W S1S-
etc , at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omnha and Council BIu
Xo removal of goods ; strictly confident
you can pay the loan off at any time
In an > amounts. ,
MONEY loaned qn llfo Insurance pohc
pianos , furniture , -warenouse recM ]
Jewelry , horses , cowa , etc. Duff Gre
rocmv S , Barker Blk. - . X M4
DIAMOND loan oOk-o , 1315 Douglas ; ur
deemed diamonds , jvatch a. etc , sold che
5IONEY loaned salaried people hold
permanent positions , with respons
concerns upon thir own name , with
seourity ; asy paj-rncnts. Tolman. R
, N. Y. Life bldg. . x-C
- \TE HANDLE < tte best furniture i
stores , iiighestmarket prfce' paid : t
ut small profit. ' J > avld Brodkey. 110
14th. MI Nov .
WE will B-ll peed woven wire cots T
mattress "for 1125. Lewis , 1U4 Doe
3 B
attrm for H.ZS.
nt'sixnss ciiAJ
JTtO Racket Store for sale for cash. Addres
Ed Johnson , Columbus , Neb , Y M 2030
WILL crett building on lot 60x150 on Iltl
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from th
new postofllrf , for any flrat-clnra btnl
ne s. F. J. Lewis , Room No. 22 , War
Block. Y-11J SJ
FOR RENT , stnro building 22x73 at Syra
cuse , Xeb. , first-class opening for turn !
ture , uphoMterlng ami undertaking , or fc
restaurant nnd confectionery. For Infoi
matlon apply , Beckman & Rli > ser , Syra
cuse , Neb , Y-M5S4 30
PRIXTlNG-Qulck , clean , cheap. 1810 Cas :
Y-M670 S2S
TOR SALE , cheap , U.OOO , ,000. t0 > 3. J6.00
JIO.C" " ) stocks of general mdse. , clean nn
nil running In good country towns : nls
have J2.500 furniture slock In this statt
good trade ; -xnd a J2.7'X ) hardware stoc
in South Dakota : good t6wn , line bus
ness. For particulars apply 310 McCacu
block. Y-M762 29
| WANTED , man with J1. < M 00 who has goc
sense and wants to make $201.00 a wcel
612 Brown block. Y-M823 30
JF YOUR mortgage Is due I will trad
clear lot for equity. X 46 , Bee.
2-205 S13
A GOOD Improved farm and some mont
to trade for stock of shoes. Lock Box I
. Hebron. Neb. -M622 SI *
EO-ACRE farm , well Improved ; n pleasai
home adjoining a good railroad town ; tl
very best of soil ; will exchange for o
Omaha residence ; a rare chance. M
Kennard i Son , 310 Brown blk. Z 6S2
FOR SALE or exchange , a $2,400 slock <
merchandise. Address Y 57 , Bee.
Z M725-30 *
WE HAVE a I,0f0-ncre finely improve
farm within D5 miles of Omaha to e :
change for good improved Income proi
erty in Omaha. Fidelity Trust Co. . N :
Life. Z--M779 30
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; ah
fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is tl
time to dispose of them ; let the peep
know that you want to dispose of the :
The Bee reaches the people who have tl
money. ' RE S #
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , 12
l V , In first-class location ; ten minute
walk from court house ; cheap for cas
Address O 61 , Bee. RE M701
J3M.OO FOR C full-sized lots on electric c
line. J. M. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
RE M79 !
FOR SALE , Dallow's place , 15th & Marti
sts. . $3,000 ; fine corner lot. Address 1C
Chicago St. HE--M9C9 SS <
FOR SALE , three of the best lots In Ho :
man Terrace add , on West Leavenwor
st.r $10000 will take them all. G.
Tzschuck , care Omaha Bee. RE 573 SI'
100 nice cottage homes for sale to men
"moderate means" on easy terms , and
men of "limited Income" small cash pa
ment only required. To the man wl
money who rente a homo "cash talks
A , P. Tukey , Board ot Trade. RE 7Si
TO BUY or sell houses , lots or lands. C ;
on J. W. Bobbins , 1S02 Farnam.RE
FOP. SALE , t-room house and furnltui
r.r * ; > 31st St. RE 774 23' '
500 acre * . Hall county , J3.50 per acre.
IGO acres , Merrlck county. J7.00 per acre.
17S acres , Cheyenne county , $1.50 per acre
129 acres. Sheridan county , jl.50 per acre.
ICO acres. Irrigation district , Scotts Bluf
$3.50 per acre.
Any of the above lands offer a safe a
profitable Investment , costing little
hold. G. G. Wallace. 313 J. J. Brown B
RE 619-3
THE greatest bargaln/we. have heard of
the seven-room mo < Je'rr | , . cottage adv <
tlsed In Sunday's Bee-by A. M. Cowle ,
So. 15th St. , for salfenbri monthly pa
ments. . i RE MS33 S
LOST , gent's gold watch , made by Jam
Kahn , No. 10100 : left In closet at Unl
Pacific depot , liberal reward for retu
ta'U P. ticket offlco. . . LOST T9 :
LOST , a small child's Jacket , return
2614 St. Mary's Ave. and receive rewai
LOST Lady's leather pocketbook ; contei
small photographs , railway ticket a
small chance Finder please leave
Omaha Coal , Coke and Lime Co.'s off
and get reward. W. M. Ladd.
Lost 816 IS
FOUND Fine , large St Bernard di
Owner can have the animal by provl
ownership and paying charges. Call
C. M. Mayne , Y. M. C. A
Found S21 2
VAN SANTS school. 717 N. Y. Life. T
school whose students get cmploymei
Conducted by an experienced reporter
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Dough
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by coi
repprters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bit
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per menThe
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1
Farnam St ; Telephone 12S4. si
WE rent and sell the best typewrit *
made ; largest stock of good supplies
Omaha United Typewriter and Supi
Co. . 1612 Farnam st. 44
SECOND-HAND Smith Premier and Re
Inpton typewriters ; repairs for all maki
wtBtern agents for Williams typewrit
Derlght & Co. , 1116 Farnam , Tel. 353
M 424 SI
ALL women who can't raise family shoi
consult the renowned German speciall
Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cen
-M5S9 S2
LADIES ! Chlche ter's English Pennyro1
Pills ( Diamond Brand ) are the bestrsa
reliable ; take no other : send < c , stam
for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , "
letter by return mall ; at druggists. C
Chester .Chemical Co. , Philadelphia Pn
MS29 3C
n.vY XURSEUY FOR n.imcs.
THE DAY NURSERY for babies under
months of age , Is open every day at t
Child Saving Institute , B04 So ISth
Experl flced nurses are In charge and t
best rare and best foods are- given ; le
ing physlclap.3 donate services wh
needed , mothers who wish to go out i
work can leave their babies , U S22-S4
LATEST tailor system ; diplomas award
Mrs. Martin , general agent , teacher , !
Charles. M-337 , SI
CUTTING and fitting school ; U. S. syste
1613 Douglas. M190 SI !
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room
Paxton block , want your auction sales
real estate , merchandise , furniture , 1
stock , etc. 6 ]
DR. LIEBER , cancers , female dlseas
1912 Leaveuworth. M 417 Octl
1 MONEY to loan. 1 to B months ; furnltu
nprses , cows. Duff Green , room 8 , Barl
block vis
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions ;
stenographers free. The Smlth-Prem
Typewriter Co. Telephone 1251. C
S. H. COLE , elgnsi 705 B. S7th , 511 SI
GOXNI5LLA manufactures artistic stilu
nry InMdo ornamental work a specially
317 S. 10th. Mat Nov. 2
MAX Fogcl makes , cleans , repairs clothe :
307 8. ith. 119-3-S
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd's Theate
bids . lovely gulls $15. clothes cleaned nn
mended at most reasonable prices ; wor
called for and delivered. Tel. 1S2S.M140
-M140 S10
ONLY corset made having wnlst line. R'oi
10 Crelghton Blk. , 15 & Douglas 679-3-26
WESTERN plating works 1112 Dodge S
M827 Ocl29
MISS BEYMER. vocal studio , 4C6 Knrbac
block. 753 S27 *
itASOXWORK Jobber. E. Healy , 1S22 Clni
NEW wheels , J17.50 to J25 : 2nd hand wheel
K to (15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 & Chlcag
S. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 133
YARD room , or storage with trackai
centrally located. Address box 52. 723
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. . oak. hlcl
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13th & Ca
669 S2C
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Av
629 A-29
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Shee
block. 293 N14
PIANOS tuned , $1.50. Rose , 1S21 Dodge.
777 59'
Cheup lo-un Farm * for Sale
In Madison county. I have thu cheapo
and most desirable farms in eoutbei
Iowa. Prices ranging from $20 to $50 p
acre. Come and see them or send for Us
Mention Omaha Beo. Address
A. W. CRAWFORD. Wlntersst , la.
( Should be read dally by Interested ,
changes may occur at any tlma. )
toreijtn mails for the week ending Se
tember 3 , 1S9S , will close ( PROMPTLY in i
cases ) at the General Postofflce as follow
earlier than closing time shown below.
Traiis-Atlnntlc Mails.
TUESDAY At 7 a. m. for EUROPE , F
s. s. SaalOf via Southampton and Brem
( letters for Ireland must be directed "p
Saale"J. > <
WEDNESDAY At 9 a. m. ( supplements
10.30 a , m. ) for EUROPE , per a : s. Te
tonic , via Queenstown ; at 10130 a , m. f
EUROPE , per s. s. Friesland , via Sout
ampton ( letters must be directed " 11
Friesland" ) .
SATURDAY At 5 a. m. for EUROPE , r
s. g. Lucanla , via Queenstown ( letters f
France , Switzerland , Italy , Spain , Port
gal , Turkey , Erypt and British In < 2
must be directed "per Lucanla" ) ; at 7
La. Touralne , via Havre ( letters lor oth
parts of Europe must ba directed ' 'per 1
Touraine" ) ; at 8 a. m. for NETHE
LANDS direct , per s. s. Werkendam , \
Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "r
Werkendara" ) , at 9 a. m. for ITALY , r
s. s. Fulfla , via Naples ( letters must
directed "per Fulda" ) ; at 10 a. m. (
SCOTLAND direct , per B. s. Ethiopia , \
Glasgow ( letters must be directed "r
Ethiopia' ' ) ; at 10.30 a. m for EUROP
per s. s Pennland , via Southampton ( It
ters must bo directed "per Pennland'
at 11 a. m. for NORWAY direct , per a.
Norgo ( letters must be directed 'ri
Norge" ) .
After the closing of the Supplements
Transatlantic Mails named above , adi
tlonal supplementary malls are opened
the piers of the American , Englis
French and German steamers , and rema
open until within ten minutes of the ho
of sailing of steamer.
for South nnd Ceutrnl Amcrlc
1Vu t luillcH , Etc.
TUESDAY At 8:30 : p. m. for NEWFOUN
LAND , per steamer from North Sydn
at 10 p. m. for JAMAICA , per steam
from Philadelphia.
WEDNESDAY At 12 m. ( supplementarj
p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( exc
Costa Rica ) and SOUTH PAC1F
PORTS , per s. s Finance , via Colon ( li
ters for Guatemala muit be directed "f
Finance" ) ; at 3 p. m. for RIO JANEII
and SANTOS , per B. s. Roman Prlti
( letters for other parts of Brazil and .
Plata Countries must be directed "t
Roman Prince" ) ; at U p. m. for J
MAICA. per steamer Baltimore.
THURSDAY At 1 p. m. for CAPE GR
CIAS , per s. s. Jason ( letters for Bell :
Puerto Cortez and Guatemala must
directed "per Jason" ) .
SATURDAY At S a. m. for BRAZIL , I
s. s. Galileo , via Pernambuco , Bahla a
Rio Janeiro ( letters for North Brazil a
La Plata Countries must be direct
"per Galileo' ) ; at S a. m. for LA PLAT
COUNTRIES direct , per s. a. Bellardc
at 9:30 : a , m. ( supplementary 10 30 a , r
E. s. Madiana < l tters for Grenada , Trl
Idad and Tobago must be directed "i
Madiana" ) ; at 16 a. m. ( supplementa
10 SO a. m ) for FORTUNE ISLA > VX J
COSTA RICA , per s B. Altai ; at 10.30
m for HAITI , per s. s. Prins Wlllem
( letters for Venezuela. Curacao. Trfn d :
British and Dutch Guiana must be *
reeled "per Prlns Willem IV" ) : at S
p. m. for NEWFOUNDLAND , i
steamer from North Sydney.
Mails for Newfoundland by rail to Ha
fax , and thence by steamer , closa at tl
offlce daily at S.IO p. m. Molls for J
quelon , by rail to Boston , and thence
steamer , close at this office daily at
p. m. Malls for Mexico City , overlai
Unless specially addressed for despatch
steamer , close at this office dally qt 2
a. rn. and 2.30 p. m. 'Registered m
closes at 6:00 : p. m previous day.
Trnnn-I'iirllic MulU.
Mails for China , Japan and Hawaii , r
s. B Belglc ( from San Francisco ) , cl <
hero dally up to August 23th at C:30 : p
Malls for Australia ( except those for W <
Australia , which are forwarded via J
rope ) . New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI a
Samoan Islands , per s. s Moana ( fn
Ban Francisco ) , close here dally up
September ' 3d at 7:00 : a. m. , 11 a m H
< :30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New Yc
of s F. Utturla wllh British moils i
Australia ) . MulU for China and Jap :
perB. . s. Empress of China ( from Vt
couver ) , close here dally up to Septeml
5th at 6:30 p , m. Malls for China a
Japan , per s s. Olympla ( from Tacom
close here dolly up to September * 8th
6:30 p. m. Mills for Australia ( exei
West Australia ) , New Zealand , Haw
and Fill Islands , per a. B. Miowera ( fn
Vancouver ) , close here dally after Si
tember Sd and up to September * 15th
6:30 p. m. Malls for the Society Islan
per ship Tropic Bird ( from San Franc
co ) . cloie here dally up to Septemt
24th at C-30 p. m.
Transpacific- mails ar forwarded to port
Bailing daily and the schedule of tloul
Is arranired on the presumption' of th
uninterrupted overland transit. Re |
tered mall cloys at 6 OJ p. m. previc
' " ' Poitmastei
Postofflce , New York , Nf. Y. , Aug. 23 , I !
ern Hallway-City Tlcke
Office , 141 Karnnm Street
Ijpife Telephone. Ml. Dtpol
Tctith and Mason Streets
Tclcpfibne , 6t9.
Leave. Arrive
Daylight Chicago
Special MO am 1155 ; pr
Mo Volley , Sioux
rity , St. Paul &
Minneapolis . 6:00 : am * 10:45 : ITT
Mot Valley , Sioux
City . 7:45 : am 9W : pr
Boone , Dcnnlson ,
Council Bluffs . 'lOilOpm ' 10:05 : at
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molnes , Marshall-
town , Cedar Rnp-
Ids and Chicago. . . ni:03 : am 4:20 : pi
Atlantic Flyer , Chicago
cage nnd East . 4S5 : pm 4:20 : pi
Fast Mall. Chicago
to Omaha . 3:15 : pi
Northern Express. . . 5:50 pm 8:40 a !
C'mnha-Chlcago Spe
cial . 6K : pm S:25 : ai
ncapolls & Omaha Rallwa
General OHlccs , Nebrask
Division , Fifteenth an
Web tcr Streets. Clt
Ticket . 1401 Farnam Street. Teli
phcne. Depot , Fifteenth and Websu
Streets Telephone , 1.45SLeave.
Leave. Arrlv
Sioux City Accom. . 80 : am S:33 : pi
Sioux City Accom. . 9:50 : am SS5 : pi
Blair , Emerson
Sioux City , Poncn ,
Hartlngton and
Bloom Acid 1:00 : pm "l BS ai
Sioux city , Man-
knto , St. Paul &
Minneapolis . . . . 6:00 pm 9:00 : ni
Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sui
day only. Does not stop at DeSota c
Railroad General Offlce
United States Natloni
Bank Bulldinc , S. W. Coi
ner Twelfth and Farnai
Street. Ticket Offlce. 1401 Farnam Sire-
Telephone. 561. Depot. Tenth and Maso
Streets. Telephone , 62r.Leave.
Leave. Arrlv
Sioux City , Man-
kato , St. Paul , 6:00 : am 8:40 : a :
Minneapolis 5:3u pm lu : pi
Sioux City Local' . . * 7:45 : am 9:00 : pi
Missouri Valley Hallway
General Olllces , Unite
Slates National Bank Bid
Southwest Corner Twelfi
and Fafnam Streets Ticket Offlce 14
Farnnm Street. Telephone , 561. Depo
15th and Webster Streets. Telephone l,4j
Leave. Arriv
Black Hills , Deadwood -
wood Hot Springs. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : p
Wyoming , Casper ,
and Douglas " 3:00 : pm " 6:00 : p :
iastlnsjs , York Da
vid City , Superior ,
Geneva. Exeter &
Seward 1 3:00 : pm 6:00 : p
Norfolk , Verdlgre
and Fremont . S:15 am " 10:43 : a
Lincoln. Wahoo &
Fremont 8:15 am 10:45 a
Fr mont Local S:15 am
York Passenger 6:10 : pm 9:40 : a
Dally Dally except Sunday. Su
day only. Dally except Saturda
Overland Route" Gener
Offices. N. W. Corner Nln
and Farnam Slreets. Cl
Ticket Office , 1302 Farna
Street. Telephone S16. D
pot. Tenth and Mast
Streets. Telephone 629.Leave.
Leave. Arrl\
"The Overland
Limited" for Den
ver , Salt Lake ,
nnd western p'ts. . 5:50 am 1 4:45 p
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. ' 11:55 pm 1 6:40 a
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , Salt Lake.
Pacific coast and
all western points 4:3. : > pra 6:40 a
Lincoln , Beatrice &
Stromsburg Ex. . . 3:30 pm * * 12:30 i
Fremont , Colum
bus , Norfolk. Gr'd
Island nnd Uorth
Platte . 4S5 : pm 4:15 : i
Columbus local " _ GSQ : pm " 9:40 o
South Omaha Lo'cal Passeaves. . 6 J5
m. ; 7:00 : a. ot. : 9:10 a. m. : 3:05 p. m. A
rives , lO'.SO a. m. ; 3:30 p. m. ; 6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. n
6:50 : a. M. ; " : * 0 a. m. : * * 9:40 a. m. ; 10:30
m. ; 12:30 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4.30 p. m. ; 4
p. m. ; 4:5o : p. m , ; 5:53 : p. rn. ; S.20 p. m. A
rives , 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : a. m. ; 11
a. rn ; 3:03 : p. m. ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : p. n
5:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; " 6:50 : p. rn. ; 9:05 :
m. ; 11:53 : p. m.
Dally , " Dally except Sunday.
sourl River Railroad "T
Burlington Burlington Route "Ge
eral Offlces N. W Corn
Tenth and Farnam Stree
Ticket Offlce , 1502 Farnn
Slreet. Telephone. 250 E
pet , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telepho
Leave. Arrive
Lincoln. Hastings
and McCook . . . , 8 3 am SJ5 a
Lincoln , Denver.
Colorado. Utah ,
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Pupet Sound 4:35 : pm 4:00 i
Hastings Local . . . . " 7:00 pm 7:40 : r
Lincoln Fast Mall 2:55 pm 11:40 a
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah. California
and Puget bouna.II.M pra 2:15 e
Dally. Dally except Sunday
Qulncy Railroad "T
Burlington Route" TlcV
Offlce. 1502 Farnam Stre
Telephone 250. Depot , Ten
and Mason Streeis. Te
phone. 12S.Leave.
Leave. Arrive
Chicago Vestlbuled
Express 5:03 : pm S-10 t
Chicago Express. . . 9:45 : am 4:10 : t
Chicago & St.
Louis Express . . . 7 45 pm 8:10 a
Creslon Local ' 11:40 : pm 9:15 t
Pauflo Junction
Local "USa am 5:40 : I
Fast Mail 2:50 : i
Chlncgo Special . . . 2:15 : am 11:50 : i
Dally. " Dally except Sunday.
seph & Council Bluffs Ra
road "The Burllngt
Route" Ticket Offlce. 1
Farnam Street. Telepho
250. Depot , Tenth and M
son Streeis. Telephone 1
Leave. Arrive
Kanias City Day
Express , 9:05 : am 5:40 i
Kansas City Night
Express " 11:00 : pra 6.30
"Exposition Flyer"
for St. Joseph and
St Louis 4:30 : pra ' 12:05 : i
St. Paul Railway Ci
Ticket Offlce , 1504 Farm
Street , Telephone , 2S4. I
pot , Tentr and Mas
Streets. Telephone , tas.
Leave. "Arrl1
Chicago Limited
Express 5:45 : pra ' 8:20 : t
Omaha & Chicago
Express " 11:00 : am " 4:15 : 1
Sioux C'ty and Des
. . " 11:00 " 4-15
Moines Express : am j
Manilla Local ' 10:00 : pm * * 3:15 : i
Daily "Dally except
road General Offices a
Tkket Office. Suulheast Ct
ner 14th and Douglas Strei
Telephone , 104. Depot. II
and Webster Sts. Telepho
- JvJf Leave. Arrlv *
Kansas and Neb.
Limited . . . . 3:03 : pm ' 12:55 : ]
Kansas City & St.
Louis Express . . . 9:30 : pm 6-00 !
Nebraska Local 4:30 : pm :45 i
Dally " Dally except Sunday.
PSSI road Omaha , Kansas City
Kaxttrn Hullroad ' "iha l > i
ARTHUR Arthur Route" Ticket Ort
1415 Farnam Street , Te
, . . - . phone 222. Depot , Tenth a
Mason Streeis Telephone S3.
Leave. Arrl
i St Louii Cannon
Ball Express 4'33 pra ' 11:30 : i
Kan'.s Clly &
Qulncy Locil 7:40 am 9:05 ]
Kansas City Ex
press 7:30 i
Port Arthur
" " ' " "
press" . . . 8:30 pm
Ticket Offlce , HIS Farn :
Street. Tclephone-iS2. I
pot. 'i.enth and Mai
Streets. Telephone , ca.
Leave. Arrt
St Louis "Canon
Ball" Express i 0pm
Aged Mormon President * Recall the
Emigration to Utah.
The Mnrr nf thr I'lrxt Settlement of
Vtiili n Told It- One t'lion Whom
( lie Mnntle < if IlrlKhnnt Yonuu
1'rll JlnUliiK n Mntr.
Wilfrid Woodruff nd Gcorgo Q. Cannon ,
who are At present visiting at the rcsldenco
of Colonel Isaac T ruin bo. jr. . In San Fran
cisco , arc both presidents of Ihe Mormon
church , and , with one other mna. bavo
charge ot the spiritual welfare of tbe Latter
Day Saints.
Both were Brlghani Young's intimate niul
trusted friends. Espousing new doctrines ,
> romulgatlng a new religion , coming in
mrsh opposition with the laws ot the land ,
heir most unrelenting enemies have con-
: eded their sincerity ot purpose.
Elder Woodruff Is Hearing his ? : d birth
day and feels the Infirmities of ag ° , but ho
tands straight nnd stalwart , broail-
houldcred and full-chested , his mind Is as
Icar , his blue eye as commanding , and be
expresses himself with the same fearless
confidence that he did when he went forth
fifty-eight years ago to preach ft new gospel ,
resident Woodruff was one of the original
band of 143 men , three- women and two
hlldrcnsho came sixty years ago to where
Salt Lake City now stands.
"I stood , by Brlgham Young's side- when
10 took his first look upon the valley , " ho
aid to a reporter ot the San Francisco
'Eye ' never looked upon a more desolate
or forbidding sight. Sam Brannan , who
tad taken a shipload ot saints around the
lorn and landed them In San Francisco ,
was there to meet us , clad In buckskins
rom head to foot. When he saw the dry
sand and sagebrush and lack ot water , ho
rled to persuade Mr. Young to go an to
California. But we had a strong leader ,
ono ot the strongest men the world ever
produced. He drove his cane Into the
[ round where he was standing , and he said :
I am going to stay here , and I am going to
julld a temple here , and a city here , and ,
. am going to create a state. ' Brlgbam
Young lived to see a great city rise In that
jarren valley , and to lay the cornerstone
of the temple which stands today exactly
where he stood then. Wo believed In our
eader , and we believed In his inspiration ,
and not a man among us faltered. "
The old man's voice rang as he spoke
these words.
Mormon Coln-nlon.
"The most remarkable Instance of Mormon
cohesion , " he went on , "was some two
years later , when tidings ot the great gold
discoveries came. Our people were half fed
and half clad , and they scarcely had loots
over their heads , but they looked upon the
place as one selected by divine ordinance for
their settlement.
"As a matter of fact , the Mormons , poor
as they were , saved the lives of thousands
of Improvident immigrants on a John Gllpln
Jump for the gold fields , supplying them
with flour when their supplies had given
out , and taking their worn-out oxen and
horses and giving them fresh animals. "
This aged man recalls the time , Just
preceding the rebellion , when , as he be
lieves , southern Influence , desiring to
weaken the force of union arms , contrived to
send a large armed force , under the leader
ship of Sidney Johnston , to Utah to drlva out
the people alleging they had destroyed tha
territorial library and had expelled the
Jesuits from the territory. Quartermaster
Van Vleet.came In.advance , to Salt Lake
City to procure lumber and other supplies
for the army.
Van Vlect took a quiet look around , found
an Industrious people and the territorial
library intact , and the troops were quietly
"I have heard Prophet Joseph Smith say
a thousand times , " continued President
Woodruff , "that were he emperor of tha
world and had control of the whole human
race , he would sustain each man , woman
and child In his own religion. "
Mormon Soi-lnllnm.
Practical socialism , about which all th'er
world Is now talking , was Initiated in Utah
under Mormon rule more than thirty years
ago , so say these elders of the church. From ,
the first people who undertook the settle
ment of 'new valleys were helped and
strengthened by tbe others. This at length
grew Into a system of co-operation and of
benevolent work. To regulate prices a co
operative distributing system was estab
lished , which has resulted admirably in
cheapening all supplies , and has at the same
time paid regular dividends. A considerable
manufacture of shoes and clothing Is con
ducted in connection with it. On the other
hand the entire territory 4s , districted into
ecclesiastical "stakes , " with a bishop to
every stake , who looks carefully after the
needs of his parishioners , and sees that no
case of actual want Is neglected. . The first
Sunday in each month Is fast day through
out Mormondom , and every family donates
to the poor what would have been con
sumed at the day's two first meals , or their
equivalent la money.
" \Ve are reaching out for truth , " declared
Elder Woodruff. "We have a common say
ing In our church , that we will always
swap ten errors for ono truth. "
Presidents Woodruff and Cannon stata
that never since the organization of their
church have they baptized so many con
verts In all quarters of the globe , as during
the past year.
Auntrlnn Mlnlitcr of A rleuUnr *
Out n HlKT Deficit
for the World.
VIENNA , Aug. 29. The annnual estimate
ot the world's harvest , made by the minister
of agriculture of Hungary , states that tbo
shortage in wheat will probably bo from
13,600.000 to 15,100,000 metric centners. Im
porting countries will need from 115,400,000
to 123,600,000 more than their output. Ex
porting countries will bo able to send from
101.500.000 to 108,500,000 centners. The
stores from last year b lng 0,800.000
centners , the final deficiency will be from
C,000,000 to 6,000,000 centrera. The exports
are estimated : From the United States.
50,000.000 centners ; from Russia , from 25-
000,000 to 28,000.000 ; from Argentina , from
9.600,000 to 10,000,000 ; from Roumanla , from
7.COO.OOO to 9,000,000 ; from Hungary , from
7,000,000 to S.000.000 ; from India , from 6-
( X0,000 to 7.500,000. England's shortage IB
51,000.000 centners ; Austria , 11,000,000 and
Germany's , 13.000.000.
( Continued )
& Pac Inc Rallroad-"Th
Great Rock Island Routs. "
City Ticket Offlce , 1323
Farnam Street. Telephons
4i Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
_ r-j-r- Leave. Arrive.
Des Molnea Local. . . 7:15 am "ll am
< hlcago Kxpre . . . li30 ; am 6:00 : am
Chicago Fast Ex-'n * . " 'SsOOpra 1:25 pm
Bt. Paul -
Fast Ex-
pr wi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -6-.W pm " 11:25 am
Lincoln , Colorado
Sprlnes , Denvtr ,
Pueblo and \Ve-t . f l30 ; pm 4:3 pta
De Molnes. Rock
Island and Chi- ,
_ cto . . . . KIS pm IM pm
Colorado Flyer 6 : < 0ptn 8dO am
Dally. Dull/ except Sunday ,