Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1898, Image 1

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Feature of tie Exposition Yesterday Was the
Unusual Attendance.
Formal Exercises Abandoned and Gueifc
Given Freedom of the Grounds.
io at Many Places and Encampment
Draw Great Throngs.
Iden Well Jlecelred In the nnM nncl
Exposition MnnnKern Greatly 12
conrneed hjIleport * Coming
from All Qnnrter .
AdmlHKlono Yexterdnr
Total to Date lnr 2,7Ht
It vas a very forlunale circumslance that
"Transmisslsslppi Hotel Men's daj- " was em- | I
blazonc-d on all the bulletin boards on Ihe
exposition grounds yesterday. Had not i 1
been for this bit of Information no one
would have imagined thai anj feature of
the sort was contemplated. It was a verj
sallsfaclory Monday and the crowd was
decidedly bigger lhan is usual al the beginning - | ' i
ginning of the week Bul Ihe projecled eel- I
cbrallon of Ihe bonifaces waa nol in evit t
dence. They were Ihere individually In I i
small numbers , bul collectively there was | I
not enough of Ihem for a lalljho crowd , i
One explanation was found In the fact thai { j
most of ihe 6,000 hotel men in the trans- ,
znlsslsslppi region are pretty busy at home j
just now and comparatively few of them |
were able to break away from their business
until later in the season. After sizing up
the crowd it was decided to call off the ex
ercises that were scheduled at the Audito
rium and the speeches that were carefully
prepared for thai occasion have been stowed
away In the ice box to wait for a more prom
ising opportunity.
But the failure of one class of visllors
to materialize in the numbers anticipated
had no effect on the others. The grounds
were invaded by the usual quota of early
arrivals and the improved Sunday attend
ance was followed by a sllll more decided
Improvemenl. There was a good crowd
everywhere. All Ihe exhlbll buildings were
crowded , Ihe Indian encampment was vis
ited bj- thousands of people and every fea
ture of the day's program was enjoyed by a
big audience. The afternoon concert in the
Auditorium by the McCook band nearly
filled the building and at the same time a
crowd of equal proportions was congregaled
( n fronl of Ibe Government building to hear
the Mexican band. This is a condition that
has nol usually obtained on Monday and
* il strengthens Ibe belief of the expOi > illon
officials that from now until October each
week will be bigger than any of those which
have preceded ll.
The manner In which Ihe Jubilee week
celebration Is being commented on all over
the United States indicates It has already
awakened the whole country. It is being
favorably considered both In the news and
editorial columns of nearly every news
paper in the country and especially In the
cast , where the big dallies are giving It
marked atlention. The belief Is everywhere
expressed that it will be one of Ibe biggest
cvenls ever experienced in Ihe wesl and
there is a general disposition to push U
along lhal Is very encouraging lo Ihe expo
sition management Even-thing is now
ready for the special comm'ttee that will
start for Washington by the middle of the
week and after it has formally tendered
the hospitalities of the exposition to Presi
dent McKinley Ihe arrangemenls for the
varlouE celebrations that will fill the week
will be rapidly executed The plans already
announced will occupy the bulk of ihe week ,
but a number of additional features will be
decided on early In September.
1'renldent Column of the Stnte Itonrd
of Agriculture on the Topic.
Presldrnt Normal J. Colman of Ihe Mis-
Fourl Slale Board of Agriculture arrived
on Ihe grounds jeslerday lo attend the
meeting of the board in the Agriculture
building toJay. Al this meeting the ques
tion of a Missouri day celebration will be
vigorously taken up and the sentiment of
members of the board indicates that some
decided action will result.
Mr. Colman was tecretary ot agriculture
In President Cleveland's first cabinel and
has always been prominently identified wllh
the agricultural Interests of his state. In
Fpcaking of Ihe exposition be expressed the
most sincere regret lhal Missouri has nol
taken a more promlnenl part in contribut
ing to its success. "It makes me feel
ashamed of my state. " he declared , "when
I see this magnificent exposition and the
rplrndid representation of Iowa , Georgia and
a dozen olher slates and Ihen consider lhal
Missouri , the fifth state in the union in
wealth and resources , and the first in Ihe
transmlsslsslppl territory , has no part in
the enterprise. Missouri was one of the
firsl lo give 11 encourageraenl when 11 was
suggested , but it has been sadly delinquent
In contribuling its share to make the ex
position what it Is. This is not on account
of any lack of Interest on the part of its
people , but It results from the too con-
Ben-alive financial policy of Ihe leglslalure ,
vhlch prevenled us from getting an appro
priation "
In speaking of the abandonment of MIs-
rourl day Mr. Colman said that it was much
regretted by the people of Missouri and that
he was confldenl that steps would now be
taken to secure a new date and to cele
brate U in a manner thai would to some
degree atone for the previous dlsappoini-
Toledo' * KiCiir liin.
The arrangements for the Toledo excur-
rlon to Omaha on Ohio day have been com
pleted and enough jmsse igers have already
been secured to indicate that the Ohio city
vlll send a large representation The spe
cial train mill leave Toledo at 10 o'clock
Tuesday morning. October 4. and arrive a
Omaha at S 30 the following morning. 1' '
vlll leave Omaha for the return trip at 1
o'clock Friday night A rate of less thai
} X > has twta secured for the round trip ana
this includes trantf > ort tlo3 , sleeping ca
berth , msals and all other accommodations
Governor DurhnrU and Mavor Jones will be
iiiaong th Doubles i\bo will areorapany Ib
party and the train will be the finest strias
ot rolling stock thai ever wcwt oul o
tnnther "I. Jo e- li
The SI. Jwpu people- were w > well pleasec
vlth the exposition and the reception tha
greeted them that Ibey propose to retur
aud stay longer They are planning for
Buthanan County day pome time nexl mont
they dclarp that 'f ' 8.H tfactnry ar
can be mate they vlll sent
up twice a.s big a crowd ag that which lenl
such enthusiastic co-operation in the cele
bration of St. Joseph day. The people who
visited the exposition on thai occasion are
so favorably Impressed with the show that
they wish to come again and their enthusi
asm has stirred up a lot of other people
who want lo come If a rale can be secured
lhal will permll them to spend several
days or a week on the grounds.
Codr Dnj Will IlrlnK Together Won
derful Uthnoloelenl AeereKntlon.
Cody day will be the feature on the
exposition grounds tomorrow , when thtre
will be presented an anlmaled panoramic
tableau of the past and the present o' 'h
American Indian. At 11 o'clock Cole
William r. Cody , at the head of his coneri
of all nations , will enter the exposltic
grounds at the sales on Sherman avenut
Jusl south of the viaduct that spans the
street at a point opposite the Grand Plaza
At that point he will be joined by Captain
and the members of the Indian con-
procession will form on ihe
jll be beaded by Governor
> dy Caploln Mercer , Ihe
ex-Governors Boyd
and Tbayeft ' A Paxton and a large
number of the pioneers of Negraska
When once formed the parade will pass
along the East Midway , over the West Mid
way to Twentieth street and from there
to the Indian congress grounds , counter
marching over the same route and going
as far as the Administration arch. At that
point lh members of the Indian congress
will drop out of the procession and the Cody
contlngtnl wil pass oul of the grounds by
going up the streets in the rear of Ihe
Machinery and Ihe Mines building , Ihrough
the gates In the rear of the Boys' and Girls'
The exposition management Is featuring
the parade as one of the biggest events of
Ihe season and are anticipating a big crowd
during the forenoon. They say lhal the pa-
rade will be the greatesl ethnological event
in the history of the world , as it will bring
together representatives of at least 100
tribes of American Indians and people from
fully thirty-five different foreign countries.
All of the people in the parade , wllh Ihe
possible exception of a few In-
lans , will be mounted and will be clothed
n the garb of the country from which they
ome That the public may be able lo
islgnate the different nationalities repre-
ented in the parade , each delachmenl will
its banner convej-lng the desired In-
Major Burke , Colonel Cody's representa-
ve , was on the grounds a greater portion of
esterday afternoon in consullallon wllh Ihe
xposllion people and Caplaln Mercer , ar-
anging Ihe details for the parade , and suc-
eeded so well thai 11 Is probable that there
ill be no hitch in any portion of the pro-
ram. As the occasion of the parade has
teen designated as Cody day , it was de-
ided to allow Colonel Cody's congress of
atlons to lead the procession , to be followed
y tha members of the Indian congress.
fccnntor Tliiimton and 111" Telloir
ConiniKteeinen Have n Meeting.
The delegation which will visit Wash-
nclon lo lender the official invitation of
he exposition directory to President Mc-
llnley and others of. official Washington ,
iet In the offices of John C. Wharton yes-
: rday aflernoon to arrange for the expedl-
on. The commltlee as appointed by Presl-
ent Wattles is composed of Senator John
: . Thurston , Congressman David H. Mercer ,
eneral John C Cow In , John L. Webster
nd John C Wharton , and all were pres-
nt yesterday except Mr. Mercer. Senator
Thurston returned in the morning from a
rip of several weeks in Idaho with some
enefit lo his health , Ihough he is slill
uite unwell.
It was decided thai Ihe party will leave
ither Wednesday or Thursday and arrange
menls for their transportation have been
made so that they may travel In a body.
The exact date Is dependent up a telegram
ent to Secretary J. Addlson Porter as
J Addlson Porter , secretary to the presi-
.ent. A delegation of representative clti-
ens , accompanied by myself , would appre-
iate an Interview -nilh the president , either
he last of this week or the beginning of
ext , to tender to him an official invitation
o visit Ihe Transmississippi Exposition dur-
ng Jubilee week. Can il be arranged' '
If Ihe presidenl can be seen on Salurday ,
he delegation will leave on Wednesday and
rrive in Washlnglon on Friday If lhat
arrangement is made in accordance wilh Ihe
desire of mosl of Ihe delegalion Friday -will
be spent in calling on other officials whose
presence is desired Invitations will be
iroffered to the entire diplomatic corps rep
resenting foreign governments as well as to
he cabinet and others In authorily. As a
member of the exposition directory John L. I
Webster is in charge of the delivery of these
nvitalions Arrangements will be made for j I
a special train for the convoy of Ihe presi- i
denlial party and the details of their recep-
ion here will be adjusted.
When the mission of the delegalion is
completed the party will break up General
Cow in will continue to New York and others
will return home separately.
Cro Arrive and Other * 4re Well on
Tlielr Wii from DlMnnt Point * .
Yesterday the population of the Indian
village on the exposition grounds was in
creased by the arrival of twenly-four Crow
Indians from the Lame Deer agency in Mon- i
tana. The party consists of fifteen men , five
women and four children. The Interpreter
n charge Is Upan , a half breed The In- | 1 i
dlans are fine tj-pes of the race , being tall ,
film and alhletlc. They are camped in
[ rent of the office buildings , jusl west of
the Omahas
Last nlghl Captain Mercer received word
from a number of the agencies in Okla
homa and Indian territory , announcing the
departure of Indians for Ihls cltj" . One
party of sevenly-five lefl Sunday nlghl.
This includes Shawnees , Omahas , Kicka-
poos. Pawnees , Sacs , Foxes and low as.
Another telegram announces that fifty In
dians will leave White Earle. Ponca agencj- ,
Okla . for Omaha. In this party there are
Tonkawas , Pawnees and Poncas These In
dians will bring the jxipulallon of the vil
lage up close to COO aud will Include repre
sentatives of nearly fifty tribes.
A large number of ponies from the Pot-
taw attam Irs have been secured , but more
are needed and have been sent for. As
soon as they arrive , preparations will be
made for Riving another sham battle in
which only Indians will participate.
All of Ihe Indians and especially Ihe
Sioux , are looking forward wllh a good deal
of interest to the arrival of Cody and his
Indians who will vleli the grounds tomor
row morning Many of the Sioux have
friends and relatives among Codj-'s Indians
and they are anxious to meet them.
WorUIng- > e llnten ,
Manager Babeock of the Department of
Transportation has taken up the question of
reduced rates from eas'ern and southern
points directly with the railroads Intcresled
Yetlrrday he scnl a coamunlcallon lo each
ot Ihe associations east cf Chicago and
soulheasl of St Louis , asking them if they
( Continued on Fifth Page )
Newspaper Man Insists Miles Used the
Language Attributed to Him.
Anxertlon tlint hnfter Dexpnlred of
Cnptnre of Sun I Inno After the
Ilnttlex of Julj 1 nnd S
KANSAS cm * . Mo. . Aug 29. The Star
this afternoon prints a three column exclu
sive dispatch from J. D. Whelpley , Its spe
cial war correspondent , who has Just re
turned from Porto Rico , bearing upon the
Miles-AIger controversy. Mr. Whelpley
takes occasion to deny the statement that ]
his recently published Interview with Gen
eral Miles , wherein the latter cast reflec
tions upon the War department , was not
genuine , and says. \
" 1 feel confident that General Miles will
stand by the interview referred to. My talk
with him was not confidential. Iwent to
him as newspaper reporter , for the avowed
and express purpose of securing an inter
view. There were no reservations from pub
lication In the conversation "
The Interview , published in the Star on
August 23. quoted General Miles In effect
as branding as false many statements al
leged to have been made by the secretary
of war touching the Santiago and Porto
Rican expeditions and "specifying , " says
the Star , "instances where news of actual
conditions and events have been manipulated
in Washington to serve a purpose "
In support of his statements , Mr. Whelp-
ley gives , and the Star prints , copies of
messages sent by General Shatter to Ad
jutant General Corbin after the flghl of
July 1 and 2 in which Ihe former prac1
tlcally gives up In despair of capturing San
tiago. Another message under date of July
13 from Secretary Alger to General Miles at
Santiago recognizes the latter as commander
of the army and directs him to take charge
of the campaign.
Among other things Correspondent Whel
pley declares the following
"He charges General Corbin with sending
a secret dispatch to General Shatter con
trary to this
"He charges the War department with
mutilating , and even suppressing , parts or
the whole of certain messages in their
transmission to the public , thus putting
him and his relations to the army in a false
light to the people at home.
"He charges thai his recommendations in
regard to moving the troops from Santiago
were disregarded , this disregard leading to
grave consequences He recites the fact
that General Shatter disobeyed orders in
occupying fever-Infected houses and allow
ing Cuban refugees to nilx with the Ameri
can troops.
"Finally , he claims that Washington al
lowed the plans of his Porto Rico campaign
to leak out to such an extent as to render
them useless and dangerous.
"These charges are the sum and sub
stance of his interview as printed in the
Star. "
Correspondent Whelpler Over His
Own Signature Cltex Dntex nnd
Records to Back , btntementx.
Following are excerpts from the Star's
It needs only a glance at the official rec
ords of the War department to show each
and every one of these chaiges to throw
much additional light on the situation.
That Miles was in command of the entire
army when in Washington is of course evi
dent. That he did not resign this supreme
command when be went to Tampa and
that 11 was he who was treating with the
Cubans for co-operation iu Cuba is shown
by the numerous telegrams exchanged with
General Garcia. The War department rec
ognized Miles as chief when he was In
Tampa , for June 12 a telegram was sent
to him from Washington which begins
"The following extract of telegram from
Admiral Sampson to secretary of navy is
repeated for jour Information , " etc
When General Shatter went to Cuba and
General Miles returned to Washington the
latter did not resign his control of the sit
uation , but on the contrary kept in as close
touch as possible by wire with the move
ments of Shatter's "command
After the fight of July 1 and 2 General
Shatter was in despair. On July 4 he sent
the following dispatches to Washington , ad
dressed to the adjutant general :
bhuftvr'H UlKpntch.
"Headquarters Fifth Army Corps , In
Camp Near Santiago de Cuba , July 4 There
seems to be no reasonable doubt but thai
General Pando succeeded in entering San
tiago last night with his force , said to be
about 5.000 men.
"This puts a different aspect upon affairs
and while we can probably maintain our
selves It would be at the cost of very
considerable fighting and loss.
"General Law ton reports that General
Garcia , who was to block entrance of Pando.
informed him at 10 o'clock last night thai
Pando has passed In on the Cobra road.
Law ton says he cannel compel Genral Gar
cia to obey my instructions to place them
selves in any position where they will have
to fight and that if we intend to reduce
Santiago we will have to depend alone upon
our own troops and that we will require
twice the number we now have.
"I sent a message to Admiral Sampson
asking if he proposed enlering Ihe harbor
so as to give us his assistance. Commodore
| Watson replied thai he does nol know Ad
miral Sampson's Intentions since the de-
structlon of Ihe Spanish squadron , bul does
nol himself ihlnk Ihe fleet should try to
1 go Into the harbor of Santiago. This , under
the circumstances , is nol very encouraging
"Have been expecting a division from
Tampa and Duffield's second brigade from
Camp Alger , bul only a small number of
recruils has appeared so far. If w have
to go to try to reduce the town , now thai
Ihe fleel is deslroyed , which was slaled to
be the chief object of the expedition , there
must be no delay in gelling large bodies of
trcops here
"The lown is in a terrible condilion as lo
food and people ar starving , as slated by
foreign consuls Ihls morning , bul Ihe troops
can fight and have large quantity of rice ,
but no other supplies. There will be noth
ing done here until noon of the 5lh and I [
suppose I can pul them off a llllle longer
to tnable people lo gel oul Couniry here
is destitute of food or growing crops except
"Men are in good spirits , though it Is hard
to tell how long the latter will continue.
"I am sorrj to say I am no better and
In addition to my weakness cannot boot
on account of slight attack of pout , but
hope lo be belter sron Lieutenant Mlley
bad an interview with consuls this morning
and his report will be telegraphed immedi
ately. I do not send this in cipher , as lime
Is precious SHAFTER. Major General "
U was Ibis situation which determined
General Miles to go to Cuba The day he
sailed with reinforcements , July 7 he sent
Ibe following dispatch from Washington
"General Shafler , Sanliago de Cuba Take
every precauiion agalnsi surprise and be on
Ihe lockoul thai Ibe enemy does nol turn
your right flank and come in on the line of
ycur communications Reinforcements ore
being sent forward as rapidly as possible ,
but jou will have to be the judge of the
position you are to bold unlil reinforcement E
can rsach you ,
"M LES Major General Commanding "
General Miles sailed for Cuba on July 11.
Al noon he reported his safe arrival to th
War department and ot once arx.imed
charge , reporting to the secretary of war
All of the subsequent business ot the sur
render was entirely In his hands , as shown
by the fact that the War departmenl com
municated with him direct , not even men
tioning General Shatter's name in the
numerous dispatches. The following die-
patch is an excellent sample
WASHINGTON , July 18. Major General
Miles You may accept surrender by grantIng -
Ing parole to officers and men , the officers
retaining their side arms The officers and
men after parole will be permitted to return
to Spain , the United States assisting If not
accepted then assault unlere , in jour judg
ment an assaull would fall Consult with
Sampson and pursue cuch course as to the
assault as you jointly agree upon. Matterc
should be settled promptlj R. A ALGER.
Secretary of War
Shatter Iciioreil.
This dispatch recognized Miles as the
commander and gave him authority to net
Shatter was entirely Ignored. In the face
of this sllualion , Secretary Alger , through
General ( Corbin , senl o dlspalch to Ger.einl
Shatter , assuring him thai General Milt a
did nol come to Cuba to supersede Shatter in
any way This dispatch General M'lei. ' 't-
fers to as "secret , " for he saj-s he did not
know it had been sent , not having been noti
fied j from Washington , and General Shatter
saying nothing to him about il. After the
surrender General Miles slill retained con-
Irol. He authorized Shatter to appoint
peace commissioners , and judging from
Shatter's report thai all was over , he In
structed him as to the disposition of Ihe
July 15 General Shafter again slampeled
and wired General Miles lhat the surrender
was not as complete as was thought , and
said "Please do not go away with the re-
inforcementf , as I iaay ycl need them '
Miles promptly replied by wire from Bai-
qulrl that the surrender "Is complete" and
the Spaniards "musl surrender "
On July 16 Shafler wired Miles thai the
surrender was finally complete , and General
Miles replied through Adjutanl Central Gilmore -
more as follows"The commanding general
is very much grallfied to hear that the sur
render ; is complete. He directs that jou
telegraph 1 anything of Impo tance end the
condition of jour command dallj "
General Miles then reported the condition
of affairs to the Becretarj of war , with .vhora
he had been in conference In one of his
elegramx to Miles Secretarj Alger sajs
'As ' soon as Sanliago falls the troops must
> e pul in camp as-comfortable as thy can
made and remain , 1 suppose , until the
fever has bad Its run. "
Miles did not agree with Secretary Alger
in the desire of the Jailer to keep the sol
diers in Cuba until they were all dead or
well , for July 21 , In a letter already pub
lished in Ibe Star , the general commanding
urged the relurn of Ihe army to Ibe Uniled
States as soon as possible July 17 , after
the surrender was complete. General Shafter
began to realize the possibilities of his part
in ihe play and backed up by Ibe now
famous lelegram , relieving him from obedi
ence lo Ibe commanding general , he wired
as follows lo General Miles1
Sbnfter Annertx Illiimelf.
"SIBONEY , July 17. .48 p. m ( Re
ceived July IS. ) General Miles , on board
Yale. Letters and orders In reference to
movemenl of camp received and will be
carried out- None is more anxious lo gel
away from here lhan mj self , ll seems from
your orders given me that you regard my
forces as part of your command. Nothing
will give me greater pleasure than serving
under jou , General , and I shall comply with
all your requests and directions , but I was
told by the secretary that jou were not to
supersede me In - command here. I will
.furnish , the inJof&ilon.-called tot a * to
condilion of command lo Gllmore. adjulanl
general , A. H. Q.
"SHAFTER , Major General. "
General Miles verj' promptly replied as
"PLAYA DEL ESTE , July IB. ( Guantanamo -
name , 11 30 a. m ) General Shafter Tele
gram received Have no desire and have
carefully avoided any appearance of super
seding jou. Your command is a part of
the United Stales army which I have ihe
honor lo command , having been duly as
signed thereto and directed by the president
to go wherever I thoughl my presence required
quired and give such general directions as
I Ihought besl concerning mililary mailers ,
and especially directed to go to Santiago for
a specific purpose. You will also notice
thai Ihe order of the secretary of war of
July 13 left the mailer lo my dlscrelion. I
should regrel that any event should cause
either yourself or any part of j-our com
mand to cease to be a part of mine. Very
truly jours. NELSON A. MILES ,
"Major General Commanding U. S. A. "
AlRer Get * Into Print.
This action on the part of General Miles
put a quietus on the "secret" dispatch to
General Shafter by the secrelary and noth
ing more was said about it. General Miles
Ihen gave General Shafter final Instructions
and left hurriedly for Porto Rico for reasons
already known to readers of the Star. In
view of the situallon as revealed by the
above lelegrams ihe following slalemenl
conialned in Ihe New York Herald of re-
cenl dale is lo say Ihe most remarkable-
" 'If my cablegram lo Major General
Shafter , informing him that Major General
Miles was not sent to supersede him in su
preme command of the troops in the field
al Santiago de Cuba , prevented the storm
ing of the city on the day of its surrender
and resulled in Ihe saving of lives which
otherwise would have been lost in the at
tack , then I am repaid for sending It , a
thousand fold. '
"This statement was made to me this
afternoon by Secretary Alger. apropos of
ihe publicalion In Ihe Herald of yeslcrday.
selling forth Ihe doings of Major General
Miles during his brief slay in Cuba. The
secretary told me he did not propose to
enter Into any conlroversy regarding Ihe
Sanliago campaign wilh anybody. The re-
sulls spoke for Ihemselves and ihey were a
sufficlenl Justification for the policy which
had been pursued by the War departmenl
in the conduct of the operations against
" 'My cablegram to General Shafterhe
continued , 'was simply due to my desires
to assure him thai I Intended to be abso
lutely fair. Before his departure from
Washington General Miles and I bad talked
the matter over and he started for Cuba
knowing thai he was nol in any way lo Interfere -
terfere wllh the operallons which were
under the conlrol of General Shafler. That
Ihere could be no doubl whalever I cabled '
to General Shafler , informing him lhal
General Miles had lefl for Cuba wllh in
structions to nol in any manner super
sede him in command al Sanliago de Cuba ,
and as I have said if my message prevenled
a bailie on Ihe morning of the day the city
surrendered then I am repaid a thousand
fold. ' "
AlKfr > ext Ijriiore * Shafter.
On the very day the secretary made the
above- statement he was cabling orders to
General Miles in regard to the conduct of
Ibe Santiago affair , ignoring General Shat
ter altogether.
A dispatch lo Ihe Slar dated July 12 , In
speaking of Ihe arrival of General Miles al
Sanliago. sajs ,
"Major General Nelson A Miles , who as- ,
sumed command of the forces on Ihe island
Ihls ( Tuesday ) morning , promises lo lake
Sanliago within ihree days. General Miles
declares that the campaign must end quick-
ly With lhal obje-cl in view Ihe American
commander , who arrived on Ihe Yale yes
terday ( Monday ] morning hastened lo the
fronl and took charge. He found forty
pieces of light artillery mounted and ready
fur use. General Miles was enthusiastically
received by his troops when he arrived .it
ihe fronl. He arrived In a driving rain
storm , and was accompanied by 3.000 re-
Inforcments from ihe Yale and Columbia
Th St Paul tlso arrived with Ihe Presi-
dent's Own and other i enforcements fron
Illinois and Massachusetts Shocked al Ihe
condition be found Siboney in. General
Miles immediately ordered lhal Ihe town br
destroyed by 2re. He decided upon ibis as
a sanitary measure , and several wooden
( Continued on Third Page. )
Suburbs Pull of Aimed Insurgents and
Vendettas Are Frequent.
American Cenxor'x Hltclil Prohlhltlnn
of > e x of Cnilte Incident Po-
in on I More Trouhle > ler-
rltt l Condemned.
MANILA , Aug. 29. The residential
suburbs ' are full of armed Insurgents and
numerous vendettas are reported. The In
habitants are greatly alarmed.
There was fighting in the streets of San
Miguel last evening. The insurgent troops
jesttrday attended mass , fully armed , and
patroled the principal residential suburbs
LONDON , Aug. : A dispatch from Ma
nila to a news agency dated August 25 ,
via Hong Kong , today says
"The friction between the Americans and
nallves requires exceptional ability to avoid
total ; alienation I find that several high
American officers of mediocre education are
utterly unacquainted with oriental ways
Most of the Americans are deficient In
patience and numerous trifling misunder
standings aggravate the situation.
"The American censor absolutely pro
hibits the Bending of any word about the
Ccvlte incident of jesterday and he threat
ens to expel toy correspondent who men
tions It. A deputation from the press Is
going to General Merrltt to protest against
bis action. The affair began in a drunken
American shooting and the native sentries
tried to arrest the assailant In consequence
quence of the melee four natives and one
American were killed and it is generally
mlsreporled as being a deliberate inaugu-
ratio'n of hostilities. General Merrltt re
turned their arms to the company of men
who fired at the natives , presumably in-
advertently. The natives assert that
Agulnaldo forced General Merrltt to liberate
them and return their weapons The Amer-
leans condemn General Merrill's course. "
The same correspondent cables that the
Americans are only "partly patroling the
town. "
The Manila correspondent of the Times
sajs. The leading commercial men here
have signed a memorial to Lord Salisbury
urging him to use his Influence to prevent
the Spaniards from regaining supremacy in
the Philippines. The conduct of the Amer
ican troops is admirable. The town , since
their occupation , has been wonderfully free
from disturbance General Greene has been
ordered to return to Washington. He Bill
tail -with General Merrill ,
The Hong Kong correspondent of the
Dally Mail says The relations between the
Americans and the Filipinos are much
strained in consequence of the collision at
Cavite. The insurgents at Cavite have been
ordered to evacuate the place and remove
their troops two miles Into the country In
order to present further disturbances.
General Agulnaldo sajs his chief pur
pose in maintaining his army near the city
was to be prepared to cope with Spain In
case America left Manila to Spanish con
Wnr Department Think * HI * Hipe-
rlence In Philippines Will De of
Ileneflt to ConinilKxion.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 29 H was an
nounced this afternoon at the War depart
ment thai General Merrill was to go to
Paris to give the peace commission the
benefit of his experience in the Philippines
The original plan had been to send Admiral
Dewey to Paris for thai purpose , bul this
was changed upon representallons from the
admiral thai he could be of greater service
at Manila than in Paris. Whether or not
General Merrill will relurn to the Philip
pines has not yet been determined ; that
will depend entirely upon the state of af
fairs In the Islands when the peace com
mission concludes Its labors The choice of
a route is lett lo himself , bul il is expected [
that he will be In Paris within sixty days
at the latest
MANILA. Philippine Islands , Aug. 29.
Major General Merrltt , the commander of
Ihe American Iroops , in conversallon , has
avoided a de-claration of policy and gave Ihe
impression lhal he is undecided about the
possibility of arranging o retain the Philip
pines , nllhough , personalljhe seemed to
favor lhat policy
General Agulnaldo has court-martialed the
offenders In the Cavite affray and they have
been sentenced to death ; but , It Is reported
that they were afterwards reprieved at the-
request of Genera ] Anderson
The insurgents wish to send a delegate
to Paris , even if he is not admitted to the
The Spaniards are said to be defrauding
the Americans in the matter of issuance of
rations to prisoners.
Coiin-rvnllvm In the SpanlKh Cortex
Will Mil * nppeirt n Radical
MADRID , Aug 29. The conservative
members of the Cortes will meet on Satur
day next to arrange their course of action
during the coming session. ' It is understood
that they will not support a radical campaign
. .
paign against the government , but will
maintain Ihe attitude which Ihey assumed
during Ihe lasl session. Senor Robledo , how
ever , as leader of Ihe dlssldenl conservallves ,
proposes lo employ every legllimale means
lo insure a debale upon all questions of war
or peace.
The attilude of the Carlists and repub
licans is nol announced , bul Ihey can be
depended upon lo vlolenlly oppose Ihe ad-
If Ibe French ambassador at Washington ,
M. Cambon , forwards in time the list of
American peace commissioners , the cabinet
ministers al Ihe meeting lo be held here to
night will deal wilb Ihe Spanish commls-
The mlnlslers declare that the only ins-ruc
tions sent to the Cuban and Porto Rlcan
commissions were to obtain the best and
most advantageous terms possible for Spain.
9 p. rThe cabinet sat , but has not jet
decided as to the composition of the peace
Duke A' jodovar de Rio. minister of for
eign " .fialrs. Senor Groizard , minister of
trutlce , and Stnor Glron , minister of the
colonies , were appointed a committee to
draft a bll authorizing peace negotiations
LONDON , Aug 30. The Madrid corre
spondent of Ibe Dally Mall says : "The peace
commissioners will be Senor y Caslillor , am-
basrador al Paris ; Senor Urrulia , Spanish
minister al Brussels , the duke of Najer ,
sove-rnor of Cadiz , Senator Mareoartu and
Senor Abarzuza
Decrenne In MettiienN.
KNOXVILLE , Tenn. , Aug. S9. Wllh Ihe
arrival of the First Pennsylvania from
Cblckamauga tonight , the entire First di
vision , Third army corps , will be complete
The Fourtl ' 'Vnnessee li now here to Join
the Firsl Vade , making a tout of 10,700
Drt. Hour.
111 !
ni :
! > -
" "
At the Crounilxi
S ii , in. to 1(1 p. in , , Indlnn Contcrex *
nt niieniiipnient.
Id n. in. , Metlcuii Ilnnd nt An-
litl : p. in. , OrKim Heeltnl nt An-
2inil p. in. , MeCook Hand , Kiivern-
inent llnlltllnir.
1 | i. in. , l.lfe SnAltiK Drill , ( intern-
iiirnt HulldliiK.
T > p. in. , Mexican Ilnnil nt luillnn
Conerexx CJroundx.
7 | i. in. . McCook Ha ml mill Kxpoxl-
tion Chorux with Plre Workx on
Ilonn Toivnt
1(1 n. m. . > ntlonnl Dental \KMAeln-
( Ion nt Crelclilon Metllenl ColleKe.
10 u. m. . Tel Jed J-okoI nt Metr Ilnll.
at the camp The last regiment to arrive
Is the Second Ohio , which came today , and
went Into camp with the Fourteenth Minnesota
seta , thief Surgeon Hjatt reports a marked
falling off in sickness.
Miljix Ilench the
Cuhnn Lit ; .
( Copj-rlght , ISSv by Associated Press )
HAVANA , Aug. 29. The bay of Havana
again presents an unusually active aspect
It is full of life and bustle under the In
tense blue skies of the tropics. On its rip-
pllng waters ride at anchor numerous vessels -
] i , sels with cargoes and rallons from ihe
United Slates. The wealher Is fine and
I i , warm and the picture of the harbor Is
I heightened bj the trim aspect of the Spanish -
I ish war ships anchored near the blackened
I ruin's of the Maine Close to what remains
. of thai splendid ballleship Is moored the
Spanish cruiser Alfonso XIII. It is at the
I same buoy as It was on the night of the
explosion The wreck Itself has settled two
feet or more in the muddy bottom.
Early this morning Senor Fernandez de
Castro , civil governor of Havana , accom
panied by the chief Inspector of the harbor
police , visited the Red Cross steamer Clin- i
i ton to return Miss Clara Barton's v Isit , remaining - |
, maining nearly an hour. The meting took
i place 'n the saloon of the steamer. Senor
I | , de Castro , who Is a young and handsome
man , sat beside Miss Barton , fanning her
Around them were grouped the Red Cross
nurses , the whole presenting a picturesque
ecene Miss Barton saj-s the governor is a
most charming man. She thinks him endowed |
dewed with splendid qualities and she ac
knowledges the excellence of the measures
he has adopted to relieve want In the city ,
by establishing kitchens which distribute
over 36.000 rations dally.
Nothing definite has been decided upon ,
tut probably a part of the Red Cross
expedition will be landed here and a part i
at Matanzas. His visit to Miss Barton over , j !
Governor de Castro paid s. visit to the j
Comal , where he was enlerlained by Caplaln 1
Niles and Major Niskern , to whom he gave
letters of introduction to Senor Montro ,
Becrelary of finance in the Spanish colonial
cabinet , recommending thai permission be
pranled them to distribute a million rations
i ' free of duty. The plan is for th Comal to
remain at Havana as a cent'"oating
warehouse and to forward relief lie In
terior by rail , pack mules and other means
of transportation.
Yesterday morning the first of the Amer
ican soldiers landed from the Comal and
I took breakfast ashore Their appearance
' excited universal curiosity , large crowds fol
lowing them from the wharf and commend-
i ing their quiet and gentlemanly conduct
The atlftude of the people here of all classes
toward the American soldiers and correspondents -
spondents and loward Americans generally
is one of courtesy and polileness
This afternoon a detachment of fifteen
men from the Comal visited the graves of
the vlcllms of the Ma'ne Captain Stewart
Brice , son of the former Senator Brlce and
aide-de-camp to General Shatter , also
visited the cemetery and several women
placed flowers upon the tombs. All Amerl-
, cans here are anxious to see a monument
erected as soon as possible to commemorate
the resting place of the heroes Thoie who
i went lo the cemetery were much struck by
| the beauty and Imposing proportions of the
i firemen's mausoleum.
Yesterdaj- the occasion of special re
ligious services In connection with one of
the feasts by Ihe church , a congregaliou
representing the besl society of the city
heard a discourse by Father Cristobal , well
known In the United States , where be lived
many years and remembered here for his
assistance to Chaplain Chadwlek in admin
istering the last sacraments and conducting
the funeral service after the Maine explo
Hirnnl Corpn Men for > -aiiHnco.
WASHINGTON , Aug 20. A detachmenl
of flfleen volunieer men for the signal corps
has bten formed at Washington barracks
and will be scnl to Santiago In a few days.
When Captain Lee's company of signal serv
ice men was ready to sail from New York
for Santiago on the Seguranca last week
seventeen of them objected to going and
were discharged. The rest of the company
then proceeded and Ihe men who have volunteered -
unteered here will take their places. The
company will take charge of the lelegraph
cjstem al Santiago.
Leo Plnd It n Hard Tank to Ilnlke
a > llllliu uiul u Half
a Yenr.
( Copyright. 1S9S , by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON. Aug 29 ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram ) A Dally
Mall Berlin dispatch says that at the greal
conference of German Roman Catholics ,
which has been Billing al Crefelo , Bishop
Schmidt of Cologne announced that the
financial condilion of Pope Leo XIII was
al'presenl exiremely precarious One
speaker slaled ihe holy father requires a
yearly sum of 7,000,000 francs (11,400,000) ( )
for Ihe necessary expenses of the church.
Three millions are provided from a source
that was not made public and his holiness
depends on Peter's pence for the remaining
1,000.000 francs For the last two years ihe
receipts from this source have not reached
2.00.000 francs < J600,000) ) , owing , II is said.
to Ihe various political events which have
disturbed Roman Catholic nations France
has been a special delinquent during Ibe
last ten jears and the late war has seriously
interfere * ! wllh ihe generosity of ihe Span-
Blihop Schraldl appealed to the 20 600,000
German Catholics to make a great effort to
relieve Ihe spiritual head from his present
crave financial dlctreci , for "no money for
the pope , then no free pope. "
Giren Somewhat Ohilly Eeception by Othei
European Nations ,
Amazement at Russia's Sudden More it
Expressed in England.
Austria , on the Surface , is Much Stirred Up
Over the Matter.
Cenernl Opinion In Cipreaftcd on ( lie
Continent Hint Mcholnn' Proposals
Will Uexull in I.Ktlc of
( Copyright , UPS , by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON. AUE S& ( New York World
Cablegram- Special Telegram ) It Is diffi
cult to obtain definite opinions on the crar s
disarmament proposal In London todav All
the prominent politicians are pul of town.
The general opinion appears to be one of
amazemenl al Russia's sudden move The
new pollcj Is regarded as an Indication that
Russia has abandoned designs on India and
is now prepared to meet England In a con
ciliatory rpirlt in Ihe far east , nlro that the
Russian departure was expedited bv the de
termination of the Vnlted States to provide
naval and military armaments commensu
rate with its new obligations. The attitude
of the London press is perplexed but cor
dial though not hopeful that anything ef
fective will result. Dllke wires me
"The difficulties of a formal binding ar
rangement are insuperable , but Russia can
set an example wilh safety which , when set ,
can be followed. "
3rlce , M. P. , declines to express an opin
VIENNA , Aug 29 ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) The czar a
message created enormous sensation In Vi
enna and Buda Pest All other topics are
abandoned The conviction that the dynastj'
and government rely solely upon the army
for the safety of the empire is so great
thai very llltle hopefulness exists in court
circles The czar's dlsposlllon to take the
initiative in arranging the world's affairs
is nol exaclly welcome Fears of revolu-
llons , natural or socialistic , are eo greal
lhat the army is considered the only safe
guard against them The army Is the only
place where Poles , Germans and Hungarians
live together withoul quarreling. If a re
duction of military service from three to
two years were to result from the confer
ence. Austria would feel happy All the
newspapers In Vienna and Buda Pest wel
come the czar's message with enthusiasm ,
adding tome skeptical remarks regarding its
tuccess The only official Vienna paper
makes freezing remarks , At the foreign
office no visitors were received today. It
looks as If the message had come as a surprise -
Kiitlinslnniii In I'nriK.
PARIS. Aug. 29. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) The czar'e
circular was received in Paris withoul en
thusiasm. The tone of Ihe press is remark
ably calm and uniform , giving a sort of
mild and patronizing praise for a very
joung man of generous Intentions bul llltle
understanding of international problems.
On the boulevards Ihere is some excitement
over the circular In conversation The best
opinion hire regard the disarming propo
sition as unfeasible. One reason given is
Ihe colonies of all European nallons Al
sace and Lorraine are menlioned con-
slanlly. Everjbody is unwilling that France
should abandon the Idea of revenge and
the reconquest of the losl lerriiory.
PARIS , Aug. 29 ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Brisson ,
prime minister , says. "Universal skepliciem
Is astonishing nowndaj-s. Everybody is
afraid of being taken in. Behind a slralghl-
forward appeal to their good sense the people
ple look for dark motives One thing Is
certain , thai Ihe step has not been taken
wilhout the approval of all the powers , as
govcrnmenls do nol lake such lnlllali\es
lightly The Muravleff circular opens a
new era Soon the world will be astonished
The bcsl Iblnkers of all nallon * recognize
Ihe energetic application of a practical ,
sensible philosophy necessary to ward off
the most awful cataclysm in history- "
Joures. leader of the socialists , says
war is the most idiotic way of setlllng
international dlfflcullies He believes Ihe
rolten delegates who will be sent will throt
tle the project , but error has received a
tremendous blow He believes a supreme
tribunal composed of the best thinkers of
all nations would Judge disputes equitably
and Ealiffactorily "Such a tribunal. " says
Joures. "will surelv be In operallon ihe
next crnlury and our descendanls will won
der at our Insane massacre of the flower of
our men " He has no confidence that Ihls
generalion will see universal peace
Kxeerptu Glenned from the bending
Journal * on the Con
PARIS , Aug 29 The French newspapers
generally dlstrusl Ihe practicability of the
czar's peace scheme and clearly Indicate
that France would make the resloratlon of
Alsace-Lorraine a prerequisite to the par-
llcipallon in Ihe concert
The Temps rays "II is lo be hoped that
Europe , like France , will consider the
czar's proposition In a position similar to
thai whereby It was inspired Nevertheless ,
it must not be forgotten thai if France owes
11 to llsclf lo aid in such an attempt there
is another portion of its moral patrimony
which il cannel abandon without abdicating
the very reason of Its existence. France
cannot forget the eloquent words exchanged
between the czar and the president re-card-
ng the rights of peoples and justice Count
Muravieff's circular seems a rejoinder to
Mr. Goschen's speech whether or not It was
intended. Therefore. It lacks nellbcr wll
nor appropriateness However , it would be
singularly belittling the Inspiration and
meaning ot Ibe proposal to see nothing else
In II or even lo connecl il wilh a wish to
hamper from Ihe outset the conclusion of an
alliance between the Uniled States and
Greal Britain. What will Ibe Germany of
William think ot the initiative ot Nicholas ;
That prince will hardly consent to play
second fiddle "
The Llberte reroarki. "The gravest ques
tions which demand solution Involve France
and the czar has undoubtedly considered
thebe complications and has consulted the
powers interested It is to be piesumed
he haj reason to believe his views will
triumph. "
The Gazelle de"ranee sayi "Rusila
made us eo to Kiel. Today ehe leads ui
* <