Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    nitfATTA nArr.v irmrnAV AirraTTaT aw iana
T l , Mi
work , lilnff ( illy
I foil Chmifllor fto tl r ,
jurtiKf du. , 80f. j07 llwy ,
. 0 , II , JC < | U IMIH A 'Jo , , jfwftci * And op *
I It Mis / , I ) Month Main Mfri-l ,
Mr mill MM , II W Tlllcn nrr tttltrfiilii *
I tin Iliti MlMM Ixiu Ami IIHIn Ncnle tif Olil-
ir MHiMtniid , Itxv , Unity fM/m
Mul A A Hurl nllitnlnl I ho Hominy m'hooi
In IJrtfl roe < l Xfalfrilnr ,
Mi rliii r , mii | rlnlrn < h'til of the jiulillc
iols of AnntMimn , I * , , In In lint city for n
few INM | whit * rUIUm th * Mposltlon ,
W f'i ' Itoldi of t'ofydnn , | A < , t roth > rln
low nf llfilltit HUH * IHnlflct Allortidy l wU
Mil. * la tli giiMl of Mr , Hint Mr * . II , tilth *
ton ,
A | il < Miil fMlllfp of thn fwirnlh * ) B < T | CPH
> Ml 'filny ' MI fl | . I'nill'n Kileopnl | church wim
tin'lid fclMKlflft Of Mr , W , K , HarrfllU'll Of
D'tn't ynli think It must b i A pretty good
Uiimlrr Hint MN hlcnm' no man- hundreds
nf cimloinm ? Wr-ll-thnt's " "
- - the "Kngle ,
724 IHimdwnr ,
Tim ( iiillcn received wcnl ymleiitny to
out for ninl iMiiln ( IcntKc IHnkilBy , n
who luiil ifi' | ifi | from tliu Mulu In *
fltyliim nt t'lntlmln ,
Mr neil Mr * , U'nllrr M , Htlllttinn will KV ! > >
ilntii'lMK ' | tnMy till * rvcnliit ? nt the llont
'lull linini' nt l.nkf MiiMUMn In honor of
MM Nllllitiiiirii fclnlfr , MhMniy Mnrlln of
Mm , MIKMII rurnytli , fl nl 71 ycnr * . dl < l
Ml h < * r lioinc In t'ti'-unl townrhli | Hilunliiy
At noon of tilooit iKilndiiliiK. The fiirurut
Hill ho lii'ld nt I o'clock ( lilr iiflrrnooli from
At III * tlriiHilwny Methodist church yes *
trlil1 ) * ( Veiling , Ihn cr lcv wrro condilclcil
liy llcv Wilder l'"lk of 111 * liock Itlvcr con
femur * , who In the Kiinil of the punter , Itov.
J , II. Heii-eiicy ,
A Mil lulu y * < | IIHI | picnic will he given
thurmlny In I'rtlrinniil pnrk liy drum Kpls
mi'itl ' church , A itiovlnl cnr IIHH been en
KNKcil which will Iriivn ( ho corner of 1'lerco '
in ) union MtrwlH nt 10 n , in.
Mr. nml Mm , J. Hclimldt nnd ilniiKhl. .
l.iii'lln of Ann Arhor , Mich , , nre visiting Iho
futility rif J , M. face , 7.10 Mytnter fllrcrt.
Mr , Hilittildi wii- formerly u hunlncfla part
Her of Mr I'utc for n nuinbur of yearn.
Mr * , Wooilworth Allen and son returned
KMiitilny fintil WlrmmiFt , Mo. , where they
have hcnpending Ihu Hummer. Mian Toy
lor of U'lncnuKi'l ncrointinnlcd Mrs. Allt'i
liiro nml will ho the xuc-l of Miss Frances
llowmnn ,
( lpntiV | , lletchrr , lifter leokliiK too fre
quently nt the wlnu whim It was rrd , nl-
( nmplvd to creiitt ! a illnturlmnru on Ilro.ul-
wuy nnd a pollccnmn took him In tow am
he will he ciilleil upon to rxplnln matUrs to
JmlKo Aylesuorlh this nrnmlng.
U'nlltr llownrd , the Infonl Ron of Mr.
and Mm. H , T Me Alec , illnl yesterday morn-
liiK , ii K I'd 8 months. The funeral , which
will he prlvnto , Mill bo held at 4 o'clock this
afternoon front the residence. Interment
Will be In the Cnthollc cemetery.
The city council will mi > jt this evening
for the purpofto of taking action In regard
to paving rvcommendc < l on several streets.
An opportunity will bo afforded those Inter
tilled who are opposed to the puvlni ; to state
tholr objections before the council.
1'rlvale Clinton Muddy of the Fifty-first
Iowa volutiU > erH Is at the Women's Christian
AmoclMtlon lumpltiil , where he was success
fully operated on Saturday for hernia. His
homo is lu Knoxxllle , but ho was sent here
from Han Francisco by Dr. Don Mscre.
InvlUtlons buvo trtn Issued for the mar-
rliiKO of Mr. Herbert Maylos I'ulker of Janes-
Ylllo , Win. , and Miss Maude Katherlne Oli
ver Thursday evening of next wsek at tbe
rvHldeiico of the bride's parents , Mr. and
Mrs. Jehu T. Oliver , 331 Park avenue.
JPBHO Nlecemuyer celebrated Sunday by
acijulrlng a well developed jng and then ran
foul of the police and was locked up. When
searched at the Jail ho was found to be
carrying In bis Inside pocket a vicious look
ing billy and the additional charge of
carrying concealed weapons was booked
against hlut.
Ladles desiring valuable Information con
cerning their ailments should send or call
for "Tho Vluvl Message. " Viavl Co. , 326
Ucrrlam blk.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. /
l ) * nd Infant Unrolled Fur.
About a month ago a man giving the
name o ( A , O , Jolllffo and claiming to be
employed In an abstractor's ofllco In Otnaha
rented the cottage at , 701 Hazel street. Ho
was accompanied by a young woman , whom
hu Introduced as his wife. Jolllffe himself
was rarely seen by any of the neighbors
and then only in the evenings. Some ten
days ago Undertaker Lunkley was called
to the house anil given a dead Infant , which
ho was Instructed to prepare for burial and
place in a coflln. Ho was paid $20 and told
to hold the remains until they were called
for. The llttio one Is mill reposing In Us
coffin at Lunkloy's rslablUhmcnt. The day
following that on which Lunkley was called
to the house both Mr. and Mrs. Jolllffo left
the cottage on Hazel street anil have not '
been strn since.
A ! w days after they had left A. Zoller ,
the llroadway grocer , culled at the police
station with a check which ho had cashed
for Mr. Jolll IT p. It had been returned
nurknl "no such account. " The check w s
drawn on the Merchants' National bank of
Oinsha for $15 , payable to A. C. Jolllffo
ml sinned by W. 1) . Kelley. Then J. K.
roller , another llroadway grocer , showed
up at the pollcu station with another check
for $13.60 , which hud likewise been re
turned marked "no such account. " This
check was slio drawn on tbo Merchants' j
National bank of Omaha , made payable to
A. C. Jolllffo and slcnrd n. 0. Weaver.
The first check was dated August A and {
Ihn strand July 30 , but Mr. Roller and Mr.
Totter explained that they had been holding
the rhrcks at the request of Mrs. Jolllffa
nd shown ! several letters from her asking
them to do so. They had complUd with
hr wlthm until thry learned that Jolllffe
nd his wife had left town , when they
irrifntril them for payment , only to Unit
that they were fraudulent. The police are
now Invrsllxatlng the matter.
Th Rvaus Inundry Is the leader In fine
work for both color and finish. 620 Pearl
tleet. 'I'hone 290.
Claim * In Hnt * Hrrm Hubhrd.
Charles Powers , stranger who drifted
actons th river from Omaha yesterday aft
ernoon to lake In the sights here , was In-
velRlcd by a stranxer whom he met on th
motor Into the California saloon at the cor
ner of Tenth street and llroadway. Her *
Itowtr * ran up against a card game , as ha
lieges , and In a very short while his en-
lira wealth , eonaUfnK of $1 50 , had de
parted , flowers complained to the police.
Dr. Lyon's
Tooth Powder
V il fey ycoplo of refinement
Grand Enwunptncnt of Odd Fellows MeeU in
October ,
Mrmlirr * of the I'ralrrnllr Are
Alrmrfy llnnllln * to Make the
t'o in In * Unlhrrlnff a.
Baecti * .
The grand encampment nnd the grand
lod-e , Independent Order of Odd Fellows
of IOWA , will convene In annual session In
thin city October 18 to 21 Inclusive and the
local in embers of the triple link fraternity
are busy making arrangements to entertain
their visiting brethren. As some 1,200 to
lf > 00 Odd Fellows , many of whom will be
iccornpnnled by their wives nd other mem
ber * of their families , are expected to bo
In attendance , the task Imposed on the
Council IIluffs members of the order Is no
light one. The session of the grand lodge
of Ilia Odd Fellows always has a large at
tendance , but this year , with the attraction
of tliu exposition , an extra big attendance
IB confidently looked for. The local execu
tive committee In charge of arrangements
for Ihn meeting of the grand lodge and the
entertaining of the visiting brethren has
been detected as follows : J. F. Spare , chair
man ; A , D. Van Horn , secretary ; a , B. Kel
ler , Herman Bchurz , J. W. Bchoenlng , L.
Ilnrrln , A. N. Lund , O. D. Wheeler , W. H.
Mullen , U. C. Illoomer , L. Hammer , A. E.
Mitchell , J. I ) . Rlshcll , Peter Itapp and
F , A. Grout. As the arrangements proceed
and the time for the meelng draws nearer
a number of sub-committees will be ap
The grand encampment will hold Its an
nual conclave Tuesday. October 18 , at the
clone of which the following grand officers
elected last June will be Installed : Grand
patriarch , J. T. Temple , Davenport ; grand
high priest , M. P. Bhnrts , Burlington ;
grand senior warden , N. S. Johnson , Bloomfield -
field ; grand scribe , William Musson , Des
Molnes ; grand treasurer , J. Norwood Clark ,
Iowa City ; grand junior warden , J. C. Mll-
llmnn , Logan ; grand representative , J. F.
Spare , Council Bluffs.
The present olllcers of the grand encamp
ment , -who will conduct the proceedings of
the session , are : Grand patriarch , James
Bchroeder , Quttenberg ; grand high priest ,
J. T. Temple , Davenport ; grand senior
warden , M. P. Shorts , Burlington ; grand
Hcrlbo , William Musson , Des Molnes ; grand
treasurer , J. Norwood Clark , Iowa City ;
grand Junior warden , N. S. Johnson , Blootn-
fleld ; grand sentinel , A. D. Btecle , Knox-
vlllc ; grand outside sentinel , Joseph Hartman -
man , Dubuque ; grand marshal , A. A. Mont
gomery , Stuart ; grand representatives , A.
Block , Atlantic ; J. S. Bellamy , Knoxvllle.
Monday , October 17 , has been selected as
Odd FflloWB * day at the Transmlsslsslppl
Exposition nnd It Is expected that this will
bring several hundred of the order here at
least a couple of days before the opening
of the grand encampment and grand lodge.
The grand lodge of Nebraska Odd Fellows
meets in Omaha at the same time as the
Iowa does here. This it Is expected will
make the attendance on Odd Fellows' day
at the exposition one of the largest of the
year. Headquarters for the officers of the
grand lodge will be established at the
Grand hotel while the sessions of the grand
lodge , which will be held the three days
of October 19 to 21 Inclusive , will be in
tbe Odd Fellows' temple building on Broad
The present officers of the grand lodge
are : grand master , J. C. Koonz , Burling
ton ; deputy grand master , E. H. Hlbben ,
Marshalltown ; grand warden , J. J. Mcln-
tlre , Osceola ; grand secretary , WHIlam
MUBBOD , Des Molnes ; grand treasurer , A. J.
Morrison , Marengo ; grand marshal , F. G.
Hetzel , Avoca ; grand conductor , F. Gramme ,
Marshalltown ; grand messenger , W. J. Bay-
lUs , Ottumwa ; grand guardian , Robert
Qulgley , McGregor ; grand chaplain , Rev. A.
V. Kendrlck , Brooklyn ; grand herald ,
George W. Evans , Wyoming ; grand reporter ,
Will V. Tufford. Clinton ; grand representa
tives , F. W. Evans , Des Molnes ; J. W. Bu-
len , Clinton ; board of Instruction , O. L.
Itoseman , Montezuma ; F. W. Evans , Des
Molnes ; W. T. Holmes , Brooklyn ; Orphans'
home trustees , Z. A. Church , Jefferson ; W.
K. Irwln , Mason City ; J. F. Spare , Coun
j cil Bluffs ; J. W. Marshall , Sheldon ; M. P.
Snarls , Burlington ; special committee on
Orphans' home , J. C. Koonz , Burlington ;
E. H. Hlbben , Marshalltown ; William Mus
son , Dos Molnes ; Mrs. Belle Hetzel , Avoca ;
Mrs. E. Olive Buleu , Clinton.
On the last day of the session tbe fol
lowing officers , elected last June , will be
Installed : Grand master , E. H. Hlbben ,
Marshalltown ; deputy grand master , J. J.
Mclntlre , Oaceola ; grand warden , N. Jas
per Jones , Shelby ; grand secretary , William
Musson , Des Molnes ; grand treasurer , A.
J , Morrison , Marengo ; grand representa-
live , C. W. Bowen , Centcrville
Ono of the proceedings of the grand lodge
will be tbe putting In nomination candi I
dates for the several grand offices who will i
be voted by the past grands at tbe first
meeting In June of the subordinate lodges !
throughout the state.
Thu arrangements for entertaining the vla-
It Ing brethren are lu their Infancy and iLS
yet Incomplete. One mailer has been , how-
ever , decided on , and that Is that the local
lodges will entertain tbo visitors with a
grand ball In Odd Fellows' lemplo on the
night of Wednesday , October 19.
The executive committee is at present
in correspondence with the railroads for a
reduced rate that will Insure a large at
tendance hero and at tbe exposition on Odd
Fellows' day.
The state assembly of tbe Rebekahs of
Iowa will also be held here at the same
time as tbo grand lodge of the Odd Fel
lows and this will insure the attendance
of several hundred sisters. The sessions |
of the assembly will b held In the big
hill In Odd Fellows' temple and bead- '
quarters for the officers will probably be
eBtubllxhed at the Ogden , although tbls has
not yet been definitely decided. The pres
ent officers of the state assembly are : Pres
ident , Mrs. Ilelle lletjel , Avoca ; vice pres
ident , Mrs. Blanche Qulgley , McGregor ;
warden , Mrs. Agnes Mercer , Greenfield ; sec
retary , Miss S. Kllzabetb Matheney , Keo-
kuk ; treasurer. Mrs. Alice Babbitt , Webster
City ; marshal , Miss Ida M. Brown , Musca-
tlne ; conductor , Mr * . Sara M. Sharp , Union ;
chaplain , Mrs. Mangle L. Bean , Jefferson ;
I. ( } . , Mrs. Lucy M. Blystone , Ottumwa ; O.
G. , Mrs. Kate M. Sample. HuraboMt ; re
porter , Mra. Ida A. Tufford , Clinton.
At this session the Hebekahs will elect
their officers for the ensuing year.
FOH SALK Good ftcond-haml bicycle at
a b-irnaln. Call at The Bee office , Council
KillKir la thf Pulpit.
KIJV G Helnmlller of Cleveland , 0. , editor
of the official church paper of the Evan
gelical association. Is the guest of Itev. J.
H. Bauernfvlnd. 110 Glen avenue , and
preached last evening at tbs Salem Evan
gelical church * Pltros aUeet and Glen
venue. Some twenty-three yesrs ago ,
when the members of the Evangelical
church In Council Bluffs worshiped in the
Ittlo brick church on upper Broadway ,
which Is now used as a blacksmith shop ,
Rev , Mr , Helnmlller was therr pastor , but
ofh the present congregation very few were
here then.
The official photograph of the United
Staitei Navy , containing over 200 picture *
of ! the vessel * , with their officers and num
ber < of the vUws of the Ill-fated J'-iu , can
txu had at the Council Bluffs o.'rtce of The
Ieo for 26 cents and Bee coupon.
Hli Watch.
William Porter , young man from Lo-
gnnsport , Ind. , who Is stopping In Omaha
while visiting the exposition , had valu
able gold watch stosn | yesterday afternoon
alci Falrmount park. He was standing In
crowd watching the animals la the menagerie
agerie when he noticed a man push rather
heavily against him , but did not pay any
particular attention to the matter at the
time. A few minutes later he discovered
his loss and at once commenced to look
for the man who had pushed against him.
Falling to discover him he went to the
police station and reported the matter.
lorra Press Comment.
Sioux City Tribune : County attorneys In
Iowa arc completing their reports on the es
tates liable for the Inheritance tux ami are
filing them with the state treasurer. It Is
aAured that this tax will bring great deal
of money Into the state treasury.
Emmelsburg Reporter : The boerd of con
trol has been under a fire of criticism for
reducing the salaries of the employes at
sonio of the state Institutions , but It la to
bo hoped that if they were stiro they were
right before they reduced the salaries , they
will now stand firmly by the reduction they
have made. It Is safe to say that they have
In no Instance reduced the wages below what
is paid by private corporations or Individual
employers for like services and there Is no
good reason why the state should pay more.
If those who are grumbling don't like their
pay , let them give up their Jobu.
Kcukuk Gate City : If Des Molncs wants
the republican state conventions In future
years , It can readily secure them by pro
viding a suitable building in which to
hold them. The capital city Is centrally lo
cated and Its transportation facilities are
entirely satisfactory , but It Is without a hall
or auditorium equal to ( ho needs of a state
convention of Iowa republicans. It Isn'l
creditable to the largest and most centrally
located city In the state that It should be so
woefully lacking In this essential particular
Des Molnes should bestir herself and re
deem Itself.
lo-vn Improvement Note * .
Red Oak notes more than $100,000 worth
of building going on In the town and no
An Improved ratoenger service has besn
put on between Waterloo and Cedar Falls
trains making hourly trips.
A water works proposition voted upon a
Karl Ing last week carried almost unani
mously and the town will have something
to drink.
Muscallno will now have telephone con-
ncctlon wllh lown Clly and Lone Tree , Riv
erside , Nichols , Knlona , Wellman , Richmond
mend , AS yland , Wlnfleld and Olds.
The contrad for erecting the Odd Fel
lows and Masonic buildings at Marengo have
been lat to a Council Bluffs man. They are
to cost $9,274 and $5,086 , respectively.
The auditor of state has authorized the
Adair County Savings bank. It Is located
at Brldgewater. Us capital is $16,000. The
officers are : Lewis Llneborger , president ;
H. N. Llnebarger , vice president , an A , A.
Wright , cashier.
The overall factories In Dubuque are mak
ing a decided Innovation In tbe employment
of boys Instead of girls to run tbe sewing
machines. The boys are stronger and do
the work better. One Arm now has about
twenty boys at work. Tbere are 1,500 girls
at present In the fcctorles ,
SurvlTom of I.ate War Remembered
by the General Government.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 21. ( Special ) Pen
sions have been Issued to the following :
Issue of August 10 :
Nebraska : Increase George H. Moulton ,
Weeping Water. $6 to $8 ; Alvtn Gray , Har
vard , $10 to $12. Original widows , etc.
Harriet L. Klrkendall , Stuart , $8.
Iowa : Original William J. Koch , Davin-
port , $6 ; Jacob Schmlnke , Atkins , $12.
Restoration and increase Robert Lynn ,
dead , Mt. Pleasant , $10 to $12. Ucnswal
Elbrldge N. King , Muscatlne , $6. Increase
Charles Aldrlch , Boone , $8 to $12 ; Nlklaus
Schneider , Ottumwa. $17 to $30. Reissue
Edwin Smith , Forestvllle , $10 to $12. Orig
inal widows , etc. Martha A. Goodwin , Vin-
ton , $8 ; Sarah A. Lynn , Mt. Pleasant. $8.
South Dakota : Restoration and additional
( special August 11) ) Joseph E. Harkness ,
dead , Rudolph , $6 to $12. Original widows ,
etc. ( special August 11) ) Jane M. HarkneeB ,
Rudolph , $8.
British Steamer Toledo , Galveiton to
Itotterdant , Goo Down la R FOB .
PALMOUTH , Enf ? . , Aug. 21. The British
steamer Toledo , Captain Wlshart , which
sailed from Galveston on July 20 for Rotter
dam , struck on Crlm rock , Slcllly island ,
last night In a dense fog and foundered
almost Immediately In twenty-five fathoms
of water. There was just time to launch a
large boat nnd all were saved , many clad
in their night clothes only.
The Toledo was built In Sunderland In
1882 for John Tully and sailed from that
port. register was 1,818 tons ; gross
register , 2,843 tons. It was 401 feet long by
42.1 feet in breadth and 28.7 feet depth of
ho.d. .
Great Britain and Canada and New
Zealand to Put Up the Money.
SYDNEY. N. B. W. , Aug. 21. Rt. Hon.
Sir Hueh Mulr Nelson , premier of Queens
land ; Rt. Hon. Sir George H. Reid , premier
of New South Wales , and Rt. Hon. Sir
George Turner , premier of Victoria , met
in conference on Saturday and discussed
plans for a Pacific cable. They decided to
make the definite offer that If Great Britain
and Canada collectively would guarantee
five-ninths of the cost of laying the new
cable they would recommend to their re
spective legislatures to contribute one-ninth
each , asking New Zealand to contribute the
remaining one-ninth.
Thirty-One PrlNoaera Die on Bhlp-
i board from Suffocation.
BERLIN , Aug. 21. Tbe Berliner Post
says that during a recent voyage of the
Siberian convict ship Angara from Tleum ,
Siberia , to Tomsk , capital of the govern
ment of the same name , on the Tom , west
ern Siberia , thirty-one out of 600 prisoners
died from suffocation and overcrowding.
Pope Hold * an Andlenee.
ROME , Aug. 21. The pope today held a
reception In honor of his saints' day. Many
prelates , nobles and representatives of
Catholic associations were In attendance.
His holiness appeared to be In good health
and spirits and. In spite of the length of
the reception , which lasted an hour and a
half , showed , no signs of fatigue. He was
the recipient of a large number of gifts.
( ; < , t AiiKlii-Uermuii Combine.
PHKIN. Aug. 21. Owing to the probabll-
itles of a lapse of the concession for the
Tien Tain-Chin Klang railroad granted by
the Tsung Li Yauien to Yung Hung , an
American cltlien , tbo Tdung LI Yamen Is
fatorable to transfer of the concession to
an AnglO'German syndicate , of which
Messrs. Jardlne , Mathletoa * C * . are the
British representatives _ , -
I i
' t
Record of Fataliti * Anfefjg the Iowa
BegimenlsVj. *
Pneamoala , Typhoid Fever a ad
Measles Have thn Call Amo > K
the Diseases that Have a
ratal Termination.
DBS MOINES , Aug. II. ( Special Tele-
iram. ) No record has been kspl here of
.he deaths that have occurred In the Iowa
regiments In the various camps , but the
Following Is nearly correct lilt they
have been reported here : Thomas W. Mus-
ln , Company M , Fourth regiment , Chero
kee , May 31 , Camp McKlnley , Des Molnet ,
pneumonia ; Lieutenant L. Tucker , Council
Bluffs , Fifty-first Iowa. July SI. Camp
Merrltt , San Francisco , pneumonia ; Daniel
Stubbs Newsome , Oskftloosa , Fifty-first
Iowa , Camp Merrill , Ban Francisco , pneu-
mania , July 14 ; N. L. Clock , Hampton ,
Company D , Fifty-second Iowa , Chlcka-
mauga , August 5 , typhoid fever ; Joseph
Needles , Company D , Fifty-first Iowa , Camp
Merrltt , San Francisco , August 16 , pneu
monia , following measles ; Charles Van
Nostrand , Falrfleld , Company M , Fiftieth
Iowa , Camp Cuba Libre , Jacksonville , Au
gust 14 , typhoid fever ; Edward Nelson ,
Pilot Mound , August 16 , Company I , Fifty-
first Iowa , Chlckamauga , typhoid fever ;
Guy M. Wilson , bugler , Company K , Fifty-
second Iowa , Chlckamauga , July 25 , typhoid
fever ; Ralph Duncan , Emmettsburg , Fifty-
second Iowa , Chlckamauga , August 8 , ty
phoid fever ; Edward Winkle , Algona , Fifty-
second Iowa , Chlckamauga , August 10 , ty
phoid fever ; Hugh F. McGhann , Osage ,
Cincinnati , en route home from Fifty-sec
end Iowa , Chlckamauga , typhoid fever ;
Walter G. Nagle , Davenport , Fiftieth Iowa ,
Camp Cuba Libre , Jacksonville , August 17 ,
typhoid fever.
George White , the 13-year-old son of a
teamster , was drowned In the Raccoon river
here this morning while bathing.
Woadbnry County CltUenN Propone to
Erect a Stone Memorial.
SIOUX CITY , la. , Aug. 21. ( Special. )
The Floyd Memorial association , composed
of old settlers and business men of Woodbury -
bury county , Iowa , and a number of well
known men In different parts of the United
Stales , propose to secure.legislation for the
erection of a handsome monument at the
site of the grave of Sergeant Charles Floyd.
It is the Idea of the association to secure
about $6,000 for this monument and It Is
to servo a double purpose. It Is to be a
lasting memory to the late Charles Floyd ,
the first white man to dlo on the Missouri
river. He was a member of the famous
Lewis and Clarke expedition up the Mis
souri river and died at a point a few miles
south of the present site of Sioux City. The
date of his death was , August 20 , 1804. It
Is also a remembrance of the Louisiana pur
chase. The proposed monument will be
fifty-five feet high and will be appropriately
Inscribed on the tablets at. the base.
The story of the death and three different
burials of Floyd has become history. He
was burled by his comrades in the early
part oft the century on ahigh knoll over
looking the waters of the Missouri river.
Here lay tbo remains of the first white
man to die in the new territory until 18S6.
Then the pioneers of Woodbury county
found that the waters of the river were en
croaching on the grave. They removed the
bones of Floyd bock several hundred feet
from the bank anJ until 1895 the site of
the grave was lost. It was finally found
and once more the bones of the early ex
plorer were exhumed. They now lie under
a fine stone tablet and the exercises at the
grave were very Imposing. Among the men
who are working on the project are Con
gressman Georgu D. Perkins of Iowa , Dr.
Elliott Coues of the Smithsonian institute ,
Prof. Davis Butler , curator of the State uni
versity of Wisconsin , John H. Charles of
Sioux City , president of the association ,
and many others equally prominent Twen
ty-one acres of land will be purchased and.
it will be made Into a beautiful park. Sioux
City Is deeply Interested in the project and
has received encouragement from neighbor-
ing cities and counties.
Old Officer * Itenomlnnled.
CHEROKEE : , ia. , Aug. 21. ( Special. )
The Cherokee county republican county ,
convention , for the purpose of placing in
nomination county officials and selecting
delegates to the state convention , met as
per call at the court bouse Saturday after
noon. All the old officer * were renoral-
nated on the first ballot. Thomas McCulla
for county attorney , W. C. Adslt for auditor ,
Cyrus Snyder for recorder and D. W. Mc-
Neal for clerk of courta. All the nomina
tions were practically settled in the town
ship caucuses and the convention was a
mere matter of form , except as to state
delegates , and these were chosen : W. O.
Striker , John Kech , A. C. Hobart , N. T.
Burroughs , F. P. Webber , James E. Jones.
R. H. Gray , Frank Coburn , James Robert-
ion , jr. , and J. B. Crawford. The conven
tion was harmonious , orderly and well at
tended , every delegate being present.
Sons and Father * sit Variance.
FORT DODOE. la. , Aug. 31. ( Special. )
A strange conflict has arisen In tbls city
which threatens the tranquil family rela
tions existing between the Fort Doneleon
post. Grand Army of the Republic , and the
C. C. Carpenter camp of Sons of Veterans.
Today the officers of the Sons of Veterans
served notice of theocoramencement of a
suit to recover their flag , guns and other
equipment , which the Grand Army of the
Republic are holding because of a $40 rent
bill which the fathers iclalm the sons owe
them , both lodges occupying the same lodge
rooms. ] mi
Dnrsrlara MnUeL a ' , , Good Haul.
CARROLL , la. , Aug'rV 21. ( Special. )
Burglars broke * * ) toliri tbe residence
of John Smith aqdj ustole $175 , his
watch and chain .and a revolver.
Tbe money and revojver.c were under the
pillow. It Is evldenttht , [ chloroform was
used , as Mrs. Smith ( svarllgbt sleeper and
the occupants are feefU g drowsy. Mr.
Smith's "North Star * ' ; aloon was also
broken open , but nothlftsuwas missed. Tbe
store of A. C. Maneros * ; was also broken
Into and all the clothing taken , amounting
to nearly $500. No clue Is found as yet.
Ntorm at Cedar Knpldi.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Aug. 21. A storm
which came from the northwest did great
damage bet wet n Spirit Lake and Superior.
The home of Herman Eggeiteln was Mown
down. EKgesteln and his wife were killed.
Another family living between Superior and
Spirit Lake are reported to have been
killed. Several churches and email out-
tulldlngs were wrecked. Corn snd wheat In
stack was blown In every direction. Fields
were devastated for a distance to the north
Poor Io IIurv n < HU drain.
TOLKDO , la. , Aug. Jl. ( Special. ) Cha-
Ka-Ta-Qua-So was the first of the Sac and
Fox Indians to thresh his oats tbls season.
Ho had sixteen acres , which yielded 880
bushels of as fine oats as the Northwestern
eleavtor has bought UU season , FUly.-ttr <
The Premier Vaudeville Bill of the Season , Week Commencing ,
Sunday Matinee , August 21 :
CARPELLO BROTHERS , Grotesque Acrobats , direct from Koster & Bials , New York. '
ARNOLD & GARDNER , Comedy Sketch Artists.
ALI ZADA , Hindoo Magician. < ft ; fc WAKEFIELD , the Irish "Duke *
First Appearance of the LAWRENCE SISTERS , Acrobatic Dancers.
The Children's Favorite. | | And Our Unequaled Orchestra of Ten Pieces.
& & & * &
Bound Trip Ticket from Omaha , Over Terminal Line , 30 Cents.
Depot on Locust Street , Near Sherman Avenue.
Special AUeifcioi ) GiVei ) fco Picijic Parties *
So Jo So So 3o 3o 3o
.A. IN1 .A.
. . . .
and three-fourths bushels per acre Is not 1
Xevndn Man Unit pefend HU Honor
nnd Mill Property.
RENO , Nev. , Aug. 21. ( Special. ) T. V.
ullen , city attorney of Reno , bos gone to
Hamburg , la. , as defendant's attorney in
a case which excites great interest here
and which Involves $26,000 and the good
name of one of the best known men in this
Some fifty and odd years ago Jacob Mc-
KlBfllck , now widely known as the builder
and owner of McKlsalck's opera house and
other extensive Interests here and here
abouts , lived In Fremont county , la. He be
came entangled In a quarrel with a man
named Allen , since deceased. At that time
Allen occupied a room with a man named
orby. Ono night , while In bed with Allen ,
? orby was shot and seriously but not faJ
ally wounded. It was alleged at the time
.hat McKlssIck had done the shooting and
that ho had Intended the bullet for his
enemy , Allen. McKlssIck was arrested and
tried for the crime , but was acquitted. ,
Subsequently McKlssIck came west and '
eventually located at Reno. Ills business
enterprises proved quite successful and the
old gentleman , now 8C years of age and
quite decrepit , is the possessor of lands In
Long Valley , buildings In Reno and prop
erty In Iowa representing , In the aggroJ
gate , a very handsome figure probably i
About a year ago McKlssick made the i
lourney back to Iowa and while visiting
there , it is claimed , admitted that the sup
position of half a century ago , that hs had
tried to kill Allen and had shot the wrong
man , was a fact. McKlssIck avers that hs
made no such statemant or acknowledgment
and strenuously denies its truth , but Forby ,
who In the meantime had removed to Mis-
sourl , beard of the alleged acknowledgment
and has brought suit against McKlssIck for
$25,000 damages and attached property near
Hamburg to cover the amount.
Mr. Jullen has gone to represent McKls
sIck at the trial , which Is expected to come
up in the Fremont county ( Iowa ) court
during the coming week.
Estate Is Said to De Valued at Twenty
Million Mark * .
BERLIN , Aug. 21. A Dantzlc paper pub- '
llshcs an outjlne of Prince Bismarck's will. '
The paper asserts that the estate amounts '
to 20,000,000 marks , although it was sworn
to at 3,000,000 marks. Count William Blg-
marck inherits the Pomeranian estale with
the exception of Rhelnfcld , which Prince
Herbert Bismarck gets. Prince Herbert
also receives the valuables deposited in the
Blelchroders bank , estimated at 1,000,000
marks. Countess von Ratzau receives
900,000 marks and each of Count William's
three daughters get 100,000 marks.
Prognostlcator Send * tbe Glad Tld-
ina * of Shower * and Cool
Breee * ( or Nebraska.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 21. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska Showers ; cooler ; variable
For South Dakota Showers ; cooler ; vari
able winds.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair In the morn
ing , followed by threatening weather and
possible eevero thunderstorms and cooler at
night ; southerly winds.
For Kansas Partly cloudy weather ; con
tinued high temperature ; probably cooler
Monday night ; variable winds.
For Colorado Threatening weather ; ooler ;
variable winds.
For Wyoming Threatening weather ;
cooler ; northerly winds.
Local Itecord.
OMAHA , Aug. 21. Omaha record of tem
perature and rainfall compared with th
corriepondlnc day of the last three years :
im 1897. ISM. ISM.
Maximum temperature . . 100 76 86 82
Minimum temperature . . . . 73 57 70 61
Average temperature SO C6 78 72
Rainfall 00 .48 T .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March
1. 1S58 :
Normal for the day 72
Excess for the day 13
Accumulated excess since March 1 IBS
Normal rulnfnll for the duy 10 Inch
Deficiency for the day 10 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 19.56 inches
Deficiency since March 1 2,20 Inches
Deficiency corresp'g period 1S97. . 8.12 Inches
Excess corresp'g period 1896 2.99 Inches
Hepnrt * front Station * at S p. in. ,
Beventy-rifth Meridian Time.
Omaha , clear
North Platte , clear
Salt Lake , part cloudy . .00
Cheyenne. Cloudy .00 !
Kapld City , Pdrt cloudy .00
Huron , clear .00
Wllltoton , cloudy .00T
Chicago , part cloudy .00
St. Louis , clear .00
St. I'nul , cloudy .00
Davenport , part cloudy . .00
Helena , cloudy .22
Kansas City , clear .00
Havre , cloudy .00
Hlnmarck , part cloudy . . .00
GulVfston. clear Ml SS | .00
T Indicate * trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH , Local forecast Olllclal.
Order * Street Cars.
ST. LOUIS , Mo. , Aug. fl.-A local street
c manufacturing fiompu/
Commence Sept. 6.
Five Races Each Day.
H. G. CHAPMAN , Manager. ERNEST I ) . IIAVERLY , Sec.
Wear Market. Will always be good property. We huve for sale
several Choice STOCK AMD GRAIN farms In southwestern Iowa ,
' Pottawattamic , Mills , Harrison and Momma counties at great *
, gains. If yon want n farm write us full particulars or cull ut our
office. FARM LOANS AT U per cent interest.
4 City Property and Frnit Lund for sale.
. crcplions cured by Tnrklib
HrnhllU Ovr * , never fall * .
| I treatment . with gnrn
tee , | | 0.00 | SlocU Uo i , SLOT.
Ilth ami K ro mo n , ! i
irr r Tsrttur
Prp > U
Cured is 16 to 35 Days.
trtUil at bom * ( or MAM
truly. If ru K i
w tsu ( o ottr * .
ira llti. * ! & . . .
' - - hro t , PUaplr * . Cop O Col *
lc ri en any part of th
Btrbr ws fsJUne > . II Is
Wt fi arantei ft Curt
llfMs * hij siwsrs k ad th *
i BMsT tniarat pbVttotaM.
ipiUl b hlM our uiiMH4ttl U
AbsftluEi prae Mat ss4M
lion. ( W * book spt ft * * .
H > 0C sWlUKDY OO 14 t
T s - | t OtU VO , III.
Searle * & Scarlet. .
Guarantee to cure yeedlly and radi
cally all NEHVOUS , ClinONIC AND
PRIVATE diseases ] of men and women 11
BBXUALLY. cured for life.
Night Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hy *
flrocele , Verlcoceln , Gonorrhea , Qltet , Syph
Tils , Stricture , Piles , Flutula and Rectal
Ulcers , Diabetes , Drlght's Plseas * cured.
by ' new method without pajn or cuttlnc.
Call ' on or address with stamp. Treatment
by mall.
8 SfHRlfS ,
a contract for the construction laying of the
largcrt order of street cars ever made by on
American manufacturing ccncern for use In
Japan. The contract calls for 175 of the
finest motor cara ever turned out In this
city and when they are completed they will
be shipped via Ban FrancUco direct to Kioto ,
Japan. Within tbe next ten days a party i f
Japanese capitalists will arrive here direct
from the Orient to complete the details of
tha contract and work will at ooca b com *
can. _ . - .
Distributed by
John G. Woodward & Co.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
llotwrrn Counrll Ulan * anil Omaha. I
Hates Hennohublo. Hatlsfactlon Guaranteed ? .
Council Hluff8 oHlce , No. 8 North Main
, . .
istrect. Telephone. 12 $ . Omaha ofllce r >
moved to , 322 South Fifteenth street. Tels *
phone 130S
Connections made with Smith OmahM
Results Tell ,
The Bee
'Want Ada
Produce Results.