0 'iqrv'vc ' Afl A T AYT.V fl1wIi 9'T'14fl ' AY ATTaITSr 1 IL 1 SciR. \VORK \ 0 ! RECONSTRUC1IONp Government FIxInG Up ThIng8 In the WestIna1n. ; NEW YORK'PLEADS FQR BIG AVA1 REVIEWw r : : )1cet luiAUtboilet1 (0 StCUIU Vp North ' JIttr uniI 1Ire a Upon 1ts - Iteturn SntIr1n3. WASHINGTON , Aug. 1-The reconstruc' tion ot nffalrn n Cuba , I'orto Rico and L throughout the Spanlmh Vest 1ndIe Is ro cefvfng earneet con1deratIon In official quartera ani at the \\'hito House today thc a ' ' prcldcnt aw a number of prominent ca1Ior In rofecnc to this reconstruction in oux L new InuInr ( lependencieg. , It Is probable that an American naval I veasel wilt go to Ilttvnna harbor betor long nnt at Ient tw naval wcsscla vHl tie orderc1 to flavana when the znhiitar ) . commtsion asemb1es there to 1etermttu upon the final t1etaii of Spanleb evacua tion. Secretary Day also conferred with th I president and later determined , the. pcacc I terms being rnataircd , to take a wceka va . catton. 110 wIll leave etthor tonight , or to . morrow morning , going , probably , to Can . ton. Aestatant e rctary Moore will be act . Ing eccretary of the State department dur . IN ; Judge tiny's nbacnce. The eecretnry' a retirement from the bead of the depart . inent b3 likely to folio * soon aftei his re . trun froni Canton and , tndced it may conu 3 during his nbsentc , although there is n ) outward evidence today that ho was abou t to close hisconnecUon with state affalr . : 'Io IIHe ft NILsni The Nayy department. decided durjng tin 3 day to yield as for 88 practicable to thi public desire at New York for a naval re . view of the slilpe of Admiral Sampson I 11 fleet. Atcording1y ting Secretary Ailci I Issued the fIidng ( Ord M' "The 1epartmenL t kfluCh gratified at ttu : desire exrcssed to ee review of th y war bbi1S and druthers recently orderc home , and co far as practicable , is desiroth of carrying out the wishes of the citIzcn who whth to eo the 1iips. But netthi the officers nor tie men of the fleet an In CO1lttkh ! ( ) to , parLicipatq in a street par . ado. The department Is taking the oppor tunity of the nrmIstto to nut these shii , I - at once into. the best possible condition fo r iuch ue's'as may hcreatter be requlrc ( 1 ; f thpln. . . It 'Is expected niI other won ( will be euszonded and the entire availabh I fore of the navy yard dirpeted to this wont C in order tO secure the ircatest irnasibi' ' a irnasibi'r dispatch. "The dezprtnpnt will direct Uiat , upoi arrival in New York harbor , the fleet wil I steam u th North river as nr as Con - oral Giint'B tomb , fire a salute and $ ean a hack to the anchorage. It is expected thu t the fleet viIi reach NeW York on Saturday - . the 20'li ' inst. " The alan 1 to irnyc Admiral Sampoo u met otT ganily 1100k with orders for th b processiqu UP ( ho North jvcr. it i cx - pectod that the fleet will ho olr Sand , y hook some time Fnidy. night. but the y will bo outside thu harbor until Saturda yIt morn lug , , : The Navy department is taking steps a ' - , reduce the force of navi militiamen cthie d . I Into ser'.rLe front the govoral states. Th 0 Minneapolis is to transfir part of ttB crc V to the YoBomIto , thus releasing the Micil - ivan mwnl militiamen , wh man the Yos'c : _ nite. . r1ie Columbia is also to transfer It a cro. to the Dlxio and otiioi auxiliary cm ! . thus allowing the naval militiamen o n these auxiliary boats to go home. In flu Is way the 'nnvu11 efico vlI spcediiy I to returned liuto the luandu of tIe neguk ir oflicers nn& crs. ' TO GEPCUBA ON ? EACE BASJ S : Major Gcnernil.eeCnttft.ru s'rltju l'r , ; - ldciit UM to COILIIItIOZIN III the INinlull. WAShINGTON , Aug. 11.-Major ( loner a ! Fitzhugh Leo , In command of the Sevoni th army corps at Jacl < sonvllle , was in confe r- ence today with the president and the SV ur department. lie came hero on a special to 1- graphic summons from Secretary Alge r and ho eouferretltor an hour with the Pre : : lcnt. Coperal Leea experience as cone UI general at Havana has given him an Intimal La knowledge of Cuban conditions which w Ill be availed of by the adnulnistration. It is eviiei iUl ' LLHtL flU 'WIU IILC(1 LLC military commissloit which vtii adjust affaIrs - faIrs In Cuba , and ho has also been strongly urged for the gavcrnqrshlp of that island afer the functions of that commission cease. On 1oth of these points , however , General Leo asserts he icnovs nothing. lie would not. speak of the subjects die- cussed as to the result of his hasty trip home beyond saying ho was talking over matters in Cuba generally. Then ho added : "The flrBt work which vilI have to be : ilone In Cuba will be to make arrangements by which nil the municipal machinery can be put in operation in nil the towns and gay- ernuiental machinery throughout the lslau(1 ( fordletnl ts. There ytI1 have to be a i ili. tary control , I uUppose , until such a time as the people interested can organize and yspea Is weakness ot the stomach. It Is the eOurco of untold misery. It may bo cured by toning and strengthening the stomach and enriching and purifying the blood with hood's Bamsaparlila. Many thousands have been cured by thin mcdl- clue and write that how they " can cat anything they wie ) without distress. " ; Hood's ' Sarsaparifla Is prepared by C. I. hood & CO. , Lowell , Mass. iold by druggists. $1 , six for $5 , Oct lioon'u. i4ooc1's pIIJ nit iivr 'us. ' * ' 4 The Omaha flee t Map of Cuba Coupon t , Present this Coupon with p 4 lOcfor 4 i A Map ofCuba. 4 : A Map ofthe West ndtos. 4 : ' And a Map of the World , 4 a 4I 8 Mall 14 ceuta. I _ . . bp ; The Omaha Daily lice ' 0 V 1 P * txrosiiio I ; flIOTOtIRAVUR [ p ; couro. . i'JiIs coitpoii iitL 10 CCDtS tt'III obtnlu tisrec photogravt&rcs ( It tlic Exposition. V t , ' fly MAIL , 2c EXTRA. ' * 'S-m g I p ut Into operation it gocrnment which s hould be tab1o and strong enough to im- p artially protect the Interests of Spantarde , A mericans , Cubans and the people of all o ther nationalitiec now on tue isiand or w ho may thereafter go there. " "Is there any probability of Spanish In- t ereate suffering through the Cuban7" "The Spanish property holders , merchants a nd nil other classes of Spankurds naturally w ould unite wIth all the rest of the con- so ervative Inhabitants for the preervatian o f the interests of all the citizens and I t hink they until help the natives anti the A merinns to maintain a strdng , safe gay- e rament. This would be natural because tao c lAss of eole would be more interested ca ct t han they are in malntainin.g property anal a ll their rights. The most difficult problem t o 8olve is the first organIzation at a pre- li minary form of government , as later the i sland will ho very rapidly Americanized , a nd alt much questions will take came of t hemselves. As to the probability of the ! C ubans forming a stable government , I pro- s lime that as soon n poalble a pr clama- t ion will ha iBsued setting apart a date r f or the holding of a general election for ft chief executive of the Island and for a l egislative body to which all matters affect- i ng the future of the Island will be re- f ormed. This executive body probably will L a dept a constitution and make the proper l aws to put into operation the political form L o f government. "As to the army of occupation which will I b e necessary to maintain our position with a , r espect to Cuba , 5OQO men will be umph I t o garrison the Whole island. ( If this iuuin . b er , possibly 25,000 would be stationed in I a nd about havana. datanzas would be thu 1 n ext most important polait for a garrison . O ther points should lie regulated by thu I p ossibilities of disorder that might tulca 3 P lace there and the number of troops at L the varIous points vlhl naturally be gay . e rned by circumstances. Properly directed , C uba ivilL have a greut commercial tuttume . I ts unbounded and great resources will ba S v ery rapidly developed by Amerlcnmu push , v igor nnd capital. " General Lee says he has no plans boyant I g oing back to Jacksonville to resume com . mand of tile Seventh army corps. lie wih I l eave for that point Wednesday. GETTING BACKTO PEACE BASI Sti eiiglla of ( lie Ariiiy a Sulaject Nov r Iteccivijig tlit Atleitluuu of t he AIIIIIIIIIMrutIoli. WAShINGTON , Aug. 15-PresIdent Mc - Kinley Is canvassing public sentinietit aS t 0 t hi0 needs of the military organization ii rr t ime of peace and has consulted a numbe o f visitors as to how much of an army the : I t hink aitoulti be kept up after tim treaty o vace Is executed. No conclusion has beei II r eached as yet on this point , but It is re celving consIderable attention on the par ; 0 ! the administration. Governor Sliaw of Iowa was one of the fe . prominent visitors at the White House to . day. lie 'sPas presented by Secretary of Ag - riculture Wilson , who drove over with bin a from the department . anti placed his car niage at the disposal of the governor , wh 0 has just reached bore from a trip of inspec - tlon at Chickamauga and .Iacksonvtlle an d also a Visit to Fernandina , where a bnigadle r general represents the state. Today he psi d his respects to the president and took occa - sion to report th condition of the low a troops in camp. lie saId that In a gener : ii way they were in very fair shape. but mad C number of suggestions looking to thel ( r convenience and comfort. lie asked ale 10 how long it would be before their disbanc I- mont might be effected now that the peac e protocol is a closed document , but the pros ] I. dent himself has not now a fixed opInion o a this point. Acting Secretary of the Navy Allen wu as 'lth the president part of the morning , g ) - ing over important mattersof detail ladder t to the close of the war , tnciudingtho quer t- titan of a reorganization of the navy and ii La' reduction to tvhat Is actually needed. It vr us decided to create a board of five naval oft I- cers to pass upon the matter. Acting Secr' ' e- tary Allen said that the board would be aj ) - pointed immediately and that it would cot 1- vone probably before the close of the wee ] Ic Its function will b to determine what ve a : eels now in the navy should he retatne d , ' of them should have their governmer ut charters ( htscontinued. or their use by Ii 15 government otherwise dispensed with ; wii at changes to make In the vessels kept , etc. Secretary Day had a brief conference wil Lb the president , but had nothing now to di 5'- close. ' few other omcials called during ti uc tiny , but the absence of the rush that hr ifi characterized the White House during ti re var was very marked , I JIANCO'S Tl'lVItITE1t 15 .VOItLING Diilts : that atIie Ijivailer , , " have F'cil the I'aree of SlUtiliMit ArI1IM. HAVANA , Aug. 15.-General lilanco has i ) UlliShlCd the fohiowing address to thra inhabitants - habitants of Cuba : It having been resolved by the Madrid government to conclude peace with the United States , 1. consider my mission in this country ended and have solicited my relict from duty. I could no urge upon you a paciflc solution of the existing struggle , when not long ago I advised you to main- tam the war in any event. I carrie to the island of Cuba , as is well known to all , in critical circumstanc.a , without fear of tire difficulties which I must encounter , and animated by the Itope of pacifying tire island and saving it for Spain , with the co.operatlon o nil political parties ; and without any other ambition titan to render a service to may country , which I so fervently love. Tire lock of faith and the distrust of caine of tite prejudices anti errors of others werd insuperable obstacles to my desires and aspirations ; but elespito these grave difficulties ierhupi the day was not far distant when we could have realized Co happy a purpose , though one so contrary to tire wishes of the enemies of our race and the domination of America. Wo ba4 to lCCClt the truggle at a moniont when it vhs least expected and under most unfavorable circumstances , Novertliciess. we sustained the campaign with vigor anti our army has already let the invaders feel tire weight of our arms , and I am willing qt the henri of tire army to coutinu r thlputjng , inch by inch , tire land with which such valor end at ( Ira cost of so niuch blood we ere defending. Since tire nation's government , which ha surely inspired wIth the great interests at patrotlsnr $ and a desire also to assure your proper interests and those of the otlrpr eel- any , believes tire momeqt line arrived , tq intake veace , it is our duty faitirfully to e'c- oud it in Its irurpoct' , but it cannot b that I ruru tire one called upon to perform a iwes. oat duty which aloes not agree with ray , declarations , with riry acts and with my convictIons. I see myself nblieui to leave I you at tire irresent painful arid difficult too- nreflt , Nevertheless , I will not do it without - out advising > 'oti 10 irralritain thro calmness ttltd Prudence so necessary to nave the legit- inrato interests of Spain in Cuba which rep' resent tire fruit of your labors , aird titus I think I have randoroti ray last nirul moat diar- interested service to Cuba , to her Inliabi- mute , arid especially to the city of Havana The saltiness Is ilated 4tuguat 12. Clara iluirtort'nni Another Slalir , SANTIMO iE CUrIA , Aug. 15.-The offi- cmi report raubrnitted to General Strutter by oileCtor of Port Donaldson shows the customs revenucq from July 30 to Au. gust 13 to be $ G4,15 , err excellent showing for tire first fortnight of American admin- Istratton. Miss Clara Ilarton of the Red Cross society - ciety today cabled President MelCinley re. questing ihat a vessel be given her at once I for tlr purpose of taking relief supplies to ( lid starving Cubans In havana , where , rue- cording to reports , wan ( and distress pro- vail. lt is cxpccIcl ( tart a vessel will be Placed rut the service of the lIed Cross so. clety linirrediatoly , as throne Is an abundant stock of supplies Irene , oohy awaitIng means Ut transportation , B ACK TO T11EIR O\VN \ LA . P utt Section of Bhaftor' Army Now Lying . Off Long Is1and M EN ARE REI'OR'IED ( N GOOD CONDITIO ' i'Jrntr , VIii. Wer Stole \Vtien 'lire ) Started llnii.llr ltccnscrlttg Iiot'vclt niral Vtrvher vIth Tireni. NEYORl , AUg. l-Tho Rough Ridcr a re borne , With Colonel Theodore Itoosevell a nd "Fighting Joe" Wheeler they lmvc I r echeal Montauk Point. They came en thc I thcp M iami , which , itu ! the Gate City , St. Louis p V igitancia and MattoMvan , lie at areh rr oil f s here now , their rigging lights plainly vlsi'i We from tire camp. As coon as the Mianu ] i sighted tire quarantine plrysicirirr , : Dr ' Magruder , put off to it in his tug , tire Rl. . v or. Colonel Roosevelt met him at the int . With a hearty handshake he htsured Dr . Magruder that both he and his colntnanc I were in flrst-class condition , "I never felt better In my life , " ire said I " anti I haven't had a pain since 1 wee L a way. There's General Wheeler , too , am I I ris sorr , Lieutenant Wheeler. They do no t l ook as if there was much the matter witi I t hem. " Colonel Roosev it had on a faded kbni I t itLfomnr , murch stained anl discolored , bu t ( hero was a wholesome broize on Iris tact i tntl hands , and If ho line lost some flesh sInc LI h o wont. away ho is not airy the worst f or It. flonerni Wheeler , too , will Pass ( hi a d octors without any trouble. Always gaun a nd grizzled , be Is thinner than ever , bu t t here is a fire to his eye anti a spring ii 1 I ris step which shows that the , deadly cruien - . t urn has not boon able to quench Iris spirit , There was a cheer from Roosevelt's tiler I a s the doctor came alongside. They gatherer i a t tire rail and hurled dozens of question ate to when they were to be allowed to g' ' D a sitore , "Not tonight , boys. " was the doctor B c lrecry response ; "but bright and eariy to . : morrow. I won't keep 'ou hero a minut C l onger thnrr I have to. " Colonel Itooevelt anti the doctor walko il up and down for awhile and tire comnrante ref of tire Rough Riders talkec about his ri I . , , \\.o came up witlrout a single mishap , " sal Ii i to. "Nearly all my rureru are well. Thor c is not a bad case among them , anal neari y all those who heft Santiago In bad shape ar 0 well on the road to health. 'WheeIer , here , has been ill , as yo U know , " he added , drawing his arm altec _ tiurlatehy tirrough that of the old genera i but everybody knows how ire tought , It wr a lucky thing lor the Spaniards that ire wa a a bit under the weather. " After the Rough flitters had all bee U landed and started for ( ho detention calni ) , Coloirei Roosevelt was mat by the newspn - ver men. They. endeavpred to get him I .0 tell about his experiences. lie refused at ! solutehy to talk about his achioveinente , b I ; gladly spoke of tire work of iris. men. II .e said they were all brave and wont hut .0 danger without iresltatiorr. Mr , iioosevc It 'tu5 naked about tile reported wounding air replied : "The wound on my riglrt writ mt was fronu a shell , but was oniy a aerate b anyway. " lie said ho was in the best of healt h anti looked It. "We had a bully time a l the way through , " said the colop1. "M ; regiment is one of 'craclcajacks , ' Mr. Roosevelt added that tIre men wet re glad to return , as there was no more fight L- lug to do , High l'ralac for Itoosevelt , NEW YOFtIC , Aug. l.-"Roosevelt ; ti o Heroic Lender , " was the subject of a di s- ' course delivered by 11tev , . Thomas Dixon t the Grand opera hodre. Many times , as ti ie address proceeded , the preacher was late r- rupted by a storm of applause. He said in part : I do not believe In waiting until after a nran is dead to give irim his just praise , A man of whom I am going to speak is a personally known to me , but I love lriin b cause he is a man and a true American so Idler I- dler , Neither do I care what his politi Cs are , Whether they agree with mine is ircitber here or there. Rvery man must love and admire r an American who has tim courage of his cot - vlctiorr , and such a man Is Theodore Iloos volt , to my mind tire representative ri ni ideal American boy. Roosevelt was born tea a life of ease and luxury , 'l'ho sunroof , ii- logs In which be was retired voultI , to ti e average person , b calculated to make hi m a arrob , but such is not the case. Wbaun be got iris regiment together , where did be go t o get his men ? Naturally , he went among ( ira rough , sunburrut men of the prairie whom ire had learned from years of expeni- once werd brave anti loyal , With tlrese he mingled young millIonaires , whom he knew were fighters These Ire brought together on an equal footing-tIre two extremes in social l ife. Tire recogrritlon of heroic manhood was ( lie basic principle used by Colonel RoosoYcit in getting together iris regiment. The work of the Rough Riders during tire war stands alongside that of the regulars. That forms a flow pirge in American his- tory. They were where the bullets flew tire thickest , and wherever the fIre was tire hottest. Their charge up that bill was one of the most glorious events of the whole war. war.And And what of the recent acts done by Colonel Roosevelt ? Tire moving of 113,000 bravo American soldiers from ainrost sure dtitli in the Cuban pcsttaoies is directly tire result of Iris manly letter , Diii Roosevelt i ttOi ) to think whether ire wodid be consumed for ivrltirrg that letter ? Not much. He was aware of tire danger to tire inca , and ire cared not whether his utterances made or marred iris career. it was ire who was tire author of tirat "round robin" and rro- body else. " MAClAS RECEIVES THE NEWS Irifoniried lr Shies of Cesnntlu ( if llostlilties-Aiitttrietna Getttnr liao St rai'ir Posit iiis. PONCIt3 , Porte Rico , Aug. 15-On Saturday General Miles notiflcti General Maclas at San Juan by cable of tire elgaiirg of the Protocol ami today received fronr Maclas an acknowledgment of the receipt of the notiulcatiorr. General Miles also sent Cap- tam Mickier , under a flag of truce , to corir. municato the iirtehllgence to tlro Spanish cornmairrlcr rut Atbonito , General Miles says itibontto would have been his within four days haul not the protocol been sIgnd. General Wilson was movirrg to turn % h orremy's right flank , General Miles threat- erred Iris front , General Brooke was push. , log into ( lie roar , General henry was withiit flteea mIles of Arecibo mud General Schwar had reached Mayeguec , General Miles personally is uncertain wlrcttrer he will remain hero ( luring tIre Ireniod of ( ho rregotlatiorrs for peace , but tire four nrirry columns will i'einuln where they are until the negotiations irma completed , Tire volunteers are anxious to get tronre , now that the earl has conre. though orders have been issued to make tire troops us coal- fortable as possible during the interim , Time troops that have arrived Irene on tire transports are being disembarked , no order to tIre contrary having been received , Fears arc expresiod try the natives that during tire period of treaty negotiations thib Spanish troops nray be given free hlcerrs5 within their tines to terrorize the Inhab itaids. If tlmi should ho tIre case , ( ienerai MIles says , the Airrenicana would be powerless - less to interfere. Llcutennat Eamee of tire Nineteenth regular - lar infantry , Lieuterment Frerach of the Eleventh regular infantry anal Stifler Art. bob I.luvora. , one of the insurgent lesil. ens , wcro treat out today through tire coun- r - tr y , north anti west , to raIse the American tha g in nh the towns. A commission front the National Relict aM ssociation , on Mr.'n Rensselaer's yacht M ay , hiss arrived with delicacies for the s oldiers. P. C. ilanna , former United States consul a t , San Juan do I'orto Itico. has suggested t o the State aepartment that some pro- v ision should be made to tallowtha , refugees Ira ene to return to their homes mud to look a fter their property interests and Insure t heir protection , P REPARNGTO CHANGE CAMPS - ( a O ne ILlsian Itlxpeccat O Leave Cliieknnmntiga 'VIne Week-liu- Prove llusitnl Fnulhitleiu , CIIICKAMAIJGA PARIC , Aug. 15.-It is p rirbable tlrat the Tirirti division , First army c orps , ordered from Chickamauga to LoxL I ngion , Ky , ivihi' get away Thursday and F riday of this aiveek , Brigadier General S onger , in command of the division , Is now i n Lxibgton , making necessary preliminary a i'rnflgments , anti it is believed ( hurt ire , Hlt irravcu everytiring ready for tlro men to s tart 'T1rurrsala ) the day after tire general r eVlew here. It is not known when tire S econd division , First corps , will get away , a atlreeamping grounds at Knoxviile do not s corn to ho eatlsfaetory , anal Gerreral Mc- l ee is' looking 'for anotlrer further up in e ast Tennessee , Tire suggestions of the past few days as t G crowded and. inadequate hospitals at c lamp Thomas .are bearing fruit. Improve. m ont can ho noticed in all anti the Patients I n 'reanaw receiving mucI better attention ' The hospital oLtlre Second division of thc F 'iret'cotps hns beerr provided with neiu t entage , cots , flooritrg , lumbtr , etc. It c omes late , but-not too late to do much ° ° nail greatly relieve the crowded coo d ition of the hospitale It Is orro mont s trI1e forward and goes to prove that lea- o ral lireckinridgo i'naw wlrat ought to ha I , d ono. The hospital oL tire Third division I i'Irst corps , is till crowded. A reserv ; hospital , however , has been erected rlearb ) and patients wIll be reirroved from tin , division hospital to it. There are now in ; t he Third division hospital fl26 patients , most of whom are ill witlm typirolil fever The FlrstVermorut infarrtry was today or : d ered to rort Etlrrrn Allen , Vt. , and receivet I I ts marciring orders at noon. The regimeni t will probably leave here tomorrow. Tin 3 reason given for the cunge is tIre slcknes 3 prevailing. Tire orders canre as a grew t surprise , as tiroy. were entirely unexpected . learned at hectlquarters this even - i ng that tire Third ICntucky , One lltmndrei 1 and Sixtieth Indiana and Fifth IllIirol , no V r ut Newport News , are to proceed to Lclng - ton , Ky : , to go into camp. This is take : a as an evidomrco that ammnngam ns mv 0 been perfected for a camp at Lexirrgton , an a it is , therefore , expected that. General San - ger , nov at Lexirrgton , ivili recommen d that the Third division of the Ilrst corpi , at this camp , procecdto Lexington at onca - . Arrangements have been conirpieterl for fir ; First Illinois cavalry to go into canrp o U Lookout mountain , 'where a most deslrabl 0 site Iras been located , General Malte : , commanding the Third brigade , Second ill vision , Third corps , today had his applica : tion for a ten days' t-acttco march ar I- proved and on Thursday he will inova going to some point within easy distant : of the park. It is understood that olin r brigades of the same coras wIlt also hay 0 the same privilege If they so desire. AUTONOMISTSSTEP Li DOWI I'd 5iemnuu , ( if that Gksdrmrment In Gnu a I'nss iru 'l'licir Iteslg- jltIOmIH , MADRID , Aug. - . in.-The Cuba fl autonornist oveirmieht' has resigned. 1t I Is believed that th'e'varrithent will dechin e to-accept thb r.dgoatioW of Gov mnot .5 Ihlanco and Augu/atin. Canrbon , the French ambassador 0 the United States , who represented Spai a In the peace negotiations at ' , Vashingtor r , has been decorated with the Grand Cros is of the Order of Charles III. PoiIe Amixiouis to Co to JILvnnn. TAMPA , Fin. , Aug. 15.-It was announc fl today tirat the Mascotte would sail for Ii : I- vana tonight. At that ofhlce of the steatnebi Ip company it was said the boat wane now pci : . - forming a mali contract between this cit : y and Key West , and whenever the departme mt ordered the service extended to llavanru ( I ro boat would go. The announcement has causs id a flood of Inquiry from all over the counti 1 from people who are anxioars to go to H : 1- s-ann. Tire order may come before the bo : it sails tonight. The Rita sailed for PorL. . Rico this morning apd tire Wanderer crossed t he bar on its way to Cuba with supplies f or ileneral Comes and his people. The Fifth cavalry loft tonight for Huntevilie. General Snyder left with his lroadquarters f or the santo place , accompanied by Company F of the Fiftir Maryland , whicir is his body. g uard. MOVEMENTS Oh' NAS'tfj YHSSIt3LS , Dppnrtnreirt lte'pnrurcs i'ostirig of lire inhiy iluiletiriN. WASHINGTON , Aug. 15-An evidence of the cessation of hostilities Is the action 01 ( lie Navy department in again making pub. l ie the movements of naval vessels , which I have been suspended during the war. The ' bulletin given out today announces that the I St. Paul sailed from Playa dcl Este , Ctrba , to Morrtaulc ; tire Dixie and Yankee , froni I Playa to ( be north coast of Cuba ; Brooklyn , I rk iPlayatothesouthrcoast of Cuba ; Oneida , from Key , West to havana , nail Topeka , frorn Key West to tIme Isle of Pines ; 11cr. miles , from Port Royal to Norfolk , and ICanawba , from Playa to Key West. Tin a ' Siren 'iras arrived at ICoy % Vest , Dolphin at Lamluert's I'oint and Solace at Playn , Late in ( ho day it was annourrcofi that t ire PeorIa and Lobnon had arrived at Kc . West , The Sterling and Niagara had ar rived at Pence , ( be St. Louts at Montaulu : Ppint. Ilennimrgton at San FmnncjBco , Nine I t at Norfolk. The Hudson , Rricsson , Morril II I and Hamilton irave sailed from jcy'esi to Norfolk. Tire McKee , Tecumeeb , Sari I Francisco , Stranger , l'iscatatluma , Wlnriorn , Flshhawk , Mintrtonoinalr , Supply , Oneida I Pnltreoton , Newport , Woodhury and Castirne I have arrived at l ey West , Tire ilarvart ] I line sailed from Tornpkinsvlllo for Santiago t FIre New York , Oroolalyn anti Massachuseti : I rave sailed from Plnya for iirooklyn. The , I wii , Irrdiruuu anti Oregon have sailed froni I trntiago for Brooklyn. Tire Nina lure sailee ] I tram Norfolk for Brooklyn. 'the ( , wiu ar TITO4I at lCeyVest , the Hereirics at Nor. ( ollc. The Foote , Cusiring , . Velrsbumrg nn I 4achlas have arrived it KqVVest. . Tin , lYaifleo mind Dixie have nrrlu'ud at limo. Sl'.N1SIt tj1JISlNs , A JII.USlON , 'i'Iiuec itt lllirmriizi , lichteve lsriteil Staler a is Suiii for I'esree' , hONG KONG , Aug. 15.-Belated mail in- fornistion from Manila , received today , ir I to the effect that tireni has beemr renewed t activity on tire part of tIre Spaniards at hate , due to the belief that the American resources Itayc been exhausted and that i'rc1tlon ( Mclcinley is suing for peace. Ac. ; oralItrg to ( ho same authority , tue ineur. . icnts tbrouglmout thq island of Visayns are I l p9rtVil to trays signified sri Intention at combining with General 1guinaltlo against Spain , i"e.'Ilrri I ) ! htoIIiat lInjrirts , NRvYOItlc , Aug. 15.-A dispatch to ibm S ileralil moor iiaiuna says : There is e eirural feeling of relief irm havana that ( ha var is ovcr , On the faces of itrany in ( ira throng's there were umrmistakarblo urmurks 0 : prtyations they have undergone as ( ire re - suIt of tire blockade - E NCLIS1I ARE ACCRESS1VE 1 ejort wica1 Steps Will o Taken to Protect Interests In OhIna D EMAND DISMISSAL OF LI ( lUNG ClANG I mportant 1orta Will lie Selreii , In- ettidiirta 'l'iet Tslrm , UirIers the Heiitniutlre Arc Caunplieat sitlr at Omauc. LONDON , Aug. 15.-Tire foreign office , it iy i reported here today , ( houglr the report as y et lacks confirmation , intends to aheramanti t hat the Chinese government dismiss Prince L i hung Cbangfrorn power , on the grotlnti t lrat he is responsible for ( ira recent atrti- B ritish attitude of tire tsung Ii ynriren TirO f oreign office , It is also asserted , line hrad u nder special consideration time question q. s eizing the Takur forts on tire Gulf of l' eehitr , at. ( lie mouth of the I'ekiiu river , antI ( ho city of Tien Tsin , tire port of I'ekln , In t ire event of Cirirma refusing to conrpiy witlr t ints demand , holding au until conipliamrce i s assured , Meanwhile the semI-official Journal ale St. P etersburg , in today's issue , deprecates the t erre of tlto hlnittsir press and says Itussla d oes not contemplate further acquisitions in t in , far east , Its only object Is to prcservo t he advantages recetrtiy gained The liars- s ian governrnient does not desire to injure i thu. economic policy of Great Uritnin airy more than those of army oIlier luower. PEACE P0W-WOW IN CHICAGO I Arrnhigeiraentia % Iitdetor Gaitheelmig ol Heiireseirtnllve Meiu In Talk our florern itremit ( traceS lIaM. CHICAGO , 4irg. 15.-Arrangements arc a b eing urindo for a conference of thro loading I mqqufacturers and business menu of this r s tate for tire purpose of securIng an exprea. s ian of representative opinions on tire ques. t ions as to whrat posItion this government L o ught to taito for tire furtiremance and ale- veloprnents of trade and torrrmulnitlon of fire a t reaty of peace with Spaimr. Tire conference I \ % fi be hold under the nuspi es of the liii. . nols Manufacturers' association in this citi Aurgurst 25 at tire Union League club at an a i nformal dinrirer. This action want docidee I upon at. a meeting of ( ho board of directorr I ( lie pesociattoni toaay } at the Grand Pa cHIc hotel. Vm'iiiio tlio primary object is to secure an 1 expression from representative men of tin ) state , Mayor Carter Ii , llnrrlsomr , Alexnndc'i I. IL Revell , Levy Maaver , lion , George Ii . Pec1 , Cyrus Rush McCormick , John U . Gleesncr , A , C. Bartlett , Theodore Ochne , H . \v. Blatchford and J. W Gates have beer I invited to be present and speak. Hon. Join I II , Wanmamaker of l'hliadelphia , Senate r Cusbmnan IC. Davis of Minnesota and Sena - tar 0. W. Fairbanks of Indiana have alsi a been invited to be present and express tboi : views , couple of weeks ago the directors of tb associatIon passed a resolution that it wa : ( ho sense of the association that the lmresi dent of the United States instruct tires C having in charge for this country the con - clusion of peace , to exact that tire lorts ) a f all Spanish territory in tire Paotfl ocea : be opened up on the most liberal ternr to products of American Industry. It tIe - velopod after the protocol was sIgned thu t the president was canvassing public noah - mont to ascertain the desires of the mairu - facturcrs and business interests of tim 0 country as to how the treaty of poac 0 slroulci bo concluded and it is with timat en 1 in view that the president may icrrow lb feeling tlrat such loadcrs took bold of lb c matter , , . . . ' . The secretary of time IllInois Mrrnufa'rur : - era' association has been directed to writ C to the governor of each state In the undo : and obtain from irinr a statement Las to tlt opinion inhie state as to whatthe government mont should do in this matter , arid ral to asic each governor if the sentiment I for or against the retention of tIre tcrritor that iras tell into our hands through th for-trifles of war , These letters will be rca' ' at the conference. SItAIC'I'l31t 'LILANICS ISIS SUi'EitlI ( ( I - Appreciates lire Conililetic , , iteioee it hr luau u , Arittionllles , WASHINGTON , Aug. 15.-Secretary Alge ir today rccevetl ( a letter from General Shal i tom , which is In part as follows ; SANTIAGO DR CUIIL , Aug. 4.-To liori . fl A AIer Rpr..tnr , , , . tv. , . .r. . . . , . . . , . . I. i ; My Dear General Alger-Your letter of July 25 was banded inc yesterday by Major Snit- ton , I thank you nerd the presitleot for tire confidence expressed iii mny ability to bandlo thti matters entrusted to nrc here. 'rho number taken ill in my command is very great , as you wili see , though not very nmucli greater than thom returned to duty ; and tire death rate is not at present alarming , although It i steadily on the increase , and the doctors tell me ( lint the lever , malarial and otherwise , is constantly presentinig more virulent features. Every effort possible is made to guard ships bringing supplies to time army , but It is almost impossible to enforce It when slrips must be amnloacletl and omen necessarily must come together In discharg- Inmg and receiving cargo. Tire great trouble Is that time people tiremselves seem to have no fear of Infection , and , unless ) 'OU have a guard over every individual man , it is almost - most impossible to keep tirem ( morn mingling. Tire silver question iras settled Itself and American silver is received the sanne as American paper , The missing I believe Itave nearly all been accounted for. Not a single nina was cap- lured , nnd time antI' men now missing are those that vero killed in the thick brush anal whiosa bodies Irave never been founmal. The country has been scourctl faithfully for bodies. Tins was done a short tirire after tire battle. The canmps now occupied tire niensarrably good ; they certainly are on ( Ira best rrorrnl that is in this vicinity , and aligirt chans of location can be tirade. l'hie chifileulty in separating - arating camps of an runny of this eize is on account of tire grout difficulty of supplyIng them with necessary food. especially iluring the wet season , wlmetr half a dozen wagrius otor a road cut It iirto ruts two feet deep in places. i'uclc trains are very good , ranmti have to use ( beam and do use thorn cli the time ; In fact , witlrout them we could not get along ; but the sickness anmong time teamsters anal packers ha's heenm very great- mrearly every ormo of them , I euppoeo 55 per cent , have been sick , and like the soldiers they do trot recover their strength , Sup. plies are abundant hero of all articles of food anth clothing , I cannot fully express my gratitude to you for all the opportunities that you iravc , given inc and for ( Ire confl- thence ( list you repose In me , us shown 1n00 strongly than hr army other way by leaving Inc unhampered in nny aperatlorms against Santiago , I urn very sorry to see that sorrq trewspapers are nttetrrpting to throw blumo on your trying to rurm tire campaign from W'nshington , and I Suppoed more people lie. ilove it. It Is one of the timIngs , however , tirrat I don't suppose we canm help. altlrouglr whenrever I Iravo an opportunity I have tried to make It plain tirat I mayo beerr left to toy own devices , I am , very sincerely yotmr , W'1t.L14U1 R. SILtFTER. A tual I Vonl ( ruin Mt'rrl It. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 15.-Until the War department bears from Major General Merritt , now at Matriia , that lie requires ad- ditlonsi troops , no more transport ships vtii Headache speedily ourcd by the use of Hivsford's icid hohate . Pliiaimt to like , Sold onip In hattIe ; . - - ho seflt from San Irammeitrco. Tim trans. po rts Arizona anti Scanalla , which nero sc herluleet to sail tins week for Manila , will scb scM lucId Imending word from Major Clcnrcmal M erritt , Imut all necessary work upon the sh ip ; will be flirished nun stores takeru a board so tlmnt they can leave at. short an n otice If required. M AKEUP OF THE COMMISSIONS ME E ttairugi ; it' ( ' Notilnte' , tlTiiuir It ) iii. Iearc' ! tat ileunnin nt lienil ( at lute .rttt. WAShiNGTON , Aug. 15.-Tire Post to- m orrow will say : 'rime annoumimcetrrent of time p ersonnel of tIre military coirminisslons for C ubaanth l'orto Rico tony now be expected a t any tinre , Tire presitlent has practically d etemnulned upon the military anal naval o fficers wlro will compose the conrmniasion , I t is probable tlmat tlre names will be as f oilows ; Cuban Commission-Major General 3. T. \ VSdt ? , Major General M. C. hotter anti Ad- m niralV , T. Sampson , Porto RIco Commission-Major General J ohn Ii. Iltooko , Major General Tlmeodoro S clrwan anti Atimniral 'mVinfleld ' Ii , Scinicy. It vill be rmoticeti ( lint tire nmanao of Pitt. lm uglr Leo tiocs mrot appear imu tire list of tire C uban commmmlssionr'rs. Tire omission is not i rrterrtlotmal. General Leo was originally s lateti for a Place on tire comnmnnlssloni , but w ill not servo , owing to Iris desire to re- m ain at the head of Iris army corps , It is o xpidted that tins corps , tire Seventh , will e ventually be sent to Cuba , and in that e vdnt iJemutniul Leo will go to tIre Island at i ts hicail , preferring ( Iris luositlon to a corn- missionership. ' VIIXAS ItILttY l'tlt ANO'I'IIIult ItOt'NI ) i nt liii I tieslaip ibeilit men itmiti " .Vii It inig ; In Comare Out of Iot'k , NEW YOIIK , irg. IL-Fresirly painted L a nd iookinmg as tnirmi anal neat as It it imnuti o nly genre iirn commission , tire Uniteti S tates battleship Texas awaits a frmvorablc I t ide to be floated onr ( of time tiny dock at : t ire Brooklynr navy yard. TIre needed re . pairs to its litnll , upper aides , eutmerstnurc. . t uro and mnachrlnmery iravo been completed , under tire vatcimlul supcrvislomm of Naval Coiretrinctor flowies , and if anylrlng ( , the I war vessel is staumichrer nrmd tirore forrnid. able titan ever. : Tire nuflronities at the navy yard expect t ime otlrer vessels of the aqtnaalrorm to arrive , by the juntl of the week and tire cruiser Drooklyrm ivill probably ho tire first to read I t Ime yard. The new dry dock will ire rcaal to receive one of time vessels wltlrinr twa iccls , as ( lie worktimcim who are rcnmovlrri tire cofterdarn itr front of tire big clock nrc ; rmow cutting away thc last row of lrigi I wootlemi piles wblch obstruct tire entrance Ing SnrlnM art tire Vsiy Norili. 'WASHINGTON , Aug. 15.-AdmIral Samp . with the four big battlesiripa anmd tw a armored cruisers of Iris hoot is now air liii nay north , baring sailed at 10 oclocit yea. terday morning from Santiago. Admirn : I ! I The Great Test I Of a pure soap ia-will it shrink wool ? If - . , so , tim ore's . . nornetlmirig I ' ' injtmrlousin ' . .i ' 'it. Fortoil- . ) etorbatii . : --fair wash. l.'g dainty , articles , : ? : ; , It won't I shrhnlewool. i PSYMAMA IWi5HMIN 'I'm e HAD WLSA ; r - . MIDWAY A T . ; vJsI.J' TIlE Moorish 1-larern ( III Sb' Jest 111dri , ' , , ( lilaf st'e 1/c ia'ora lerfil , reji.oIintl.a , , , vi' the laiufIfat , , iro- t ii , , , . , - , : tt's SIIJftilst , 1ift ISottoiai - $ kM i'Ef.Land DilXCfG GTICIS , TIth. . . Morish Care I ra tlmo MOST POPULAR 1'oce to dm0 or l unch on time iaat Midway. Good service and city prices muko It dumirable for families . . . . . . THE MOORISH PALACE 'I'lie' Only 'l'cimmplc of Art and Aintisennctit on tIre Mid'a ) ' . ' .VortIemfcnl Scent's Vortniiycd as tim Life. SWEPT DY COOL DRE1iZES. TIIIJ PLACE FOR SOCIETY. fI emn ViHe ! cov'vINiiotl $ VAUDIIVILLE , tCCCCC CCCODCCIhG3t ? DCCCV -V ISIT JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORES N. of Mimsie lInli-Emast Midway. THE N1YSTIC MAZE Ni'tv lnuhilLtIl yourself it yell curl ] I liar I urn lint * 11)0 it ) HU Slust lire IciulIfiiL iiitI ) , ; . . , .o. , - ' 'i'IIE .SEW. . . , , t as Mklway asno New Menajeniimt. t New People , New Scenes. C. 'I' , IIUTLIIH , Sgr % 4Iq 4 Iq Mammoth Whale Length 55 Ft. S'eIht ' 80,000 lbs 'l'hio Only Get' tune \STluiic Iii the Yoa'3tl , ErtS'I' MIIW's , ' STREETS OF CAIRO See thai ( ) rli'tstui lasshirar iivaia * ice Iii thci r smetlive ci.tii sues miti Ieiait'js I WItarus tIre fnirstu , syortI.iricza arid Inito a ride on tire enamarl. , I . , . - - - - - . Se bley , on time cruiser l3rookyn , acconupmnied th e fleet. The naval orders inatle inrhlie toy - da y gave the llrooklyn ea starting on the 11 th from l'iriya to time south coast of Cttn , , T lrl , however , was iurior to the orders ICetnetI oi l tire suspension of lrostllitles , i1ren tin' ll rooklyir was inclualeil with other shun or- al oreti north. 'limo mmavnl authaorittej expect th e fleet at. Tompkimrsvillo the latter part of , J th e week. . , Salt , l'oat tir'itetl , , _ LiM/t , Aug. 15-Tire sale of tluo Ob\o \ S outirorn railroad , wlnich'wns set for iiext S aturday , has again beclu postponed. Uutige J annee 11. Doyle of Toledo , represontthg the C entral 'I'rtrst company , the trustees of tire fi rst mortgage bontlhel'Iers ' , hppcaru before J udge Ititchie today card hati time anle poet- p oncti trnttl Scptemnbcr , 20. KNQSFeRD9S SLVE LOSS STAHt1O H Unsurpassed for' fine Linono Muins ) and Laces V - lit'l'Hl.4. THE MILLARD i3th mind Dnrmrirts Stm. , Orrunlmn , CHNTliALL'r LOCATHD. - . .tMIIIIICA.tNi : ) l3 ( ito'fl.tN J'I..t- .7. Ii. llAIt1ClI. . . ; SoN , l'mope , MURJ--AY ; UOThL , lttlr and Ilarney St. A merican l'iair-3 to 1 dollars per 'jay. S treet cars ( rota dCpotB amial fronu imotcI to E xpositiorm Grounds mr fifteen irriarurtes , iu. SILLOWAY. Manager AMUSI'MUN'L'S. ' TOCAO Telephone 2217. Loins & WillIams , Props. and Mgre. W. 'IV. COLE. Act. Manager. Oniaha's ' Societyvaudeville Theater. TONICHT-ALL. WEEK IIOVtVAII l'S COsLFii't' PONt PJS. IIO1L''I'1'Z A SI ) UOW'EItS. Travesty Stars. ARSOLI ) AN ! ) tI.tItINitiIt. Sicotcir Toanm. FItI1illltiCK 11111)5 , ANt ) 'l'lNNY , Musical Artists. CONS'l'ANCII VLiOM , Singing Soubrette. ' ZAY.titIlA , Spiral Wormaler. 1.tiJltmdCJ1 SiS'I'llitS , Acrobatic Dammeers. NEW SHOW EVERY SUNDAYI scrngiz nee 6AftDt , V I 6th rtiid Ilurnoy Streets. The most jOfhrlttr ) m'osOt't In tIre city. SCtViItth lot' this week- FANNIE FRANKEL. Tine Gr'entt Opcrritia Voerihist , AdtuLssion free. The Creighton I . 0. \Vnoelwartl , . 'itusemriorrt , Din-actor , 'iON I U Iii' , S rho. TJlC WOOD'iVAILI ) S'l'OClC CO. PRESENTING V "OfiWT. SWT" Next Weeic-'Tnllby" , Misa Jcnnio Ken. rrrnk as Trilby. . TR1ACTIONS. l "GUOTE THE OIIUTES" . Take a Wild Ride for Life or. .J Tire Gvoat Iziolitno ! N D You will renronibor It frover 1 turd toll your relontle how it el happened. Don't tail to take a ride on GRIFFITHS' ' SCENIC RAILWAY 0mm time MID\VAY , and 50cr a representatIon of tire UA'i'TLF3 OF MANILA in tile Great Ttmnnei. Tire Patent right for these railways - V ways in any part at ( Ira United StateS for Halo Miriway. by J , A. Griffltlas , at lrI office on ( lao tj V - - N t as i , m FELMISII 1ILITAElY CAFI , a On tire MIdway Omrolta tue Scenic it. It. I I fjJ.JIIIi-'fIiai Furious Tarry Purist I final uvelser anti Anrlreusor-ltirscla Itetum on I i lrauglit. ERfiP. CfiNCiIRl' I1VHI1Y H'P.NINul. , - an T r tL U AIACKS Trained Wild Lnma1 Show. SEE 'I'IIE LAIY ltNCt IN 'I'll E IEN ( ) F J.IONS. { " ' \STndevutlL ( ) Cyelon'nint * ( If ilrtr Great lirattie itotwocir tIre MQRIMAC - AND - MONITOR Iiiritrg tire CivIl Wrir , 1mm tim rarest costly astral iinot rahioiv . on the \Vtrst Mitiwrry , Dm5.1' trAIL ' 11) StII IT. Ilie PARIS FxstiIo III -'l'i I 13- FLYING LADY. A ISetiull fin iVosii. ii StoicS Iii Iii sprier , , ON 'I'lIlt FLtS'I' % tIJS1tY , Do Notforget to VIsU the CNS [ ThAJR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss House on West Midway. Streets of MI Nations ( ir ndest , Best Amusement Place au [ xposltlon Orounds. 250 People flereseiitIuig 1)IITeralt , NtttIlS ( ) , - DON't' I'Ihtlll'l' HEAVEN HELL . , Will Be Opun to thin ( 'ubilu TI IiSIT Nlihii'L' - - - - V -------------d