- - - UIL LI r - - - ; _ - _ _ _ . j c. I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . - - : - L ESTAiLISI1T31) JiJNi 19 , 1ST1. OMAILA , TtTESIAY MOBN1NG , .AUGUST 16 , 1S9S-T\TELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIV.1 CENTS , \ i CROW1D IS GROWING , Attenaanco at th Exposition Showa a Steady ' Increao Day by Day. : NEW WEEK STARTS OFF VERY HICtLY Many People from Out of Town Make Their 1irt Appearance. DAY'S PROGAM AFFORDS UTTLE NEW Band Concert , Life Svcrs and the India rumi& Entertainment. MISTAKE AS TO AOMFrTING WUEELMEN 1h'jinr.uiit ( ; t. ( , ; U Ixril fit Their , Orler , . tiii.l the II IiIer. IIiI ) liieh ) I tIl.'tiIt , Iii I'lIMItI ! 'Their if , 4 % heel , . 'Vhruigii ( I.e ( .flteM. I . _ The Morithty cro't1 WflS largo enough to ninko the grountl an animatoti pectncIo anti Indicate a continuation of the con5tant lflCrcase In attendance thrit hns been percept- 1iiI dttring the last tvo weeks. There was nothing ; to In1tic local attendonco during tim day , but the Intlux of country cousins began early In tiic' morning anil continued untli evening. The Inflow from the gates ( luring the middle of the day was exception- ally steady for Monday and during the after- linen thu crowd Evellcj to encouraging pro- , portions. The afternoon concert bi to ) > Mexlcaii band vas CflJOed by a big audi- once and at 1 oelock the exhibition of the hfe saving cre % % filled the entire west half ' of the main court with people. Th0 only sPecIal feature .of the tiny was Pt ' tlit , Parade ot the wheciriiexi which occurred \ on the EmiT tract early in the evening and this brought ouL a fairly liberal representa- f tlon of the local clubs and a good many of out of town . rtiers. The unfortunate oversight - sight by which numliers ot the vIsit lag wheelmen ' % 'ere compelled to check their I wheels outside of the grounds was the only I titiplensant Incident and this was the result of the neglect ot the Department of Ailmis- Sions to notify Its gatekeepers that an order had been issued to adiiiit wheels at the An(1- 1torlum gate. Superintendent Foster of the liuildlngg neil Grounds departijient had a men stationed at this gate exclusively for tiio accurnmodatiou of the wheelmen , but iiiany of them rode to the Twentieth street gate. As the gatomen had not been iii- formed that the wheels were to be ndrnttted at the other gate they simply declared that no wheels could go into the grounris. Some of the whechinen checked their wheels out- side and others went away thoroughly In- ( Iigtlnnt at theIr treatment. A large dolef gatlon of the riders went to the service buildIng in a. body during th afternoon and united iii a vigorous 1)resentatlon of ( . their grievance. Arrangements were thea flutde to correct the error , but not until ( after scores of wheeimen had gone back % . down town , declaring that they vor'4 rarn I others not to come to the grounds at all. Fresh J'rii ( oil IIsIIIt3' , The beginning of the iresent veek has wrought many chnnge In the frultdisplay in the Horticulture buIldIng , all of which are JlenHin to the visitors. Fvor since the opening of the expositIon a certaIn degree - ; gree of freshness has Pervatled the building each Monday mornIng , but. yesterday It seemed that the exhibitors had tried to outdo all provlotis efforts. The tables were . all cleaned and nothing but the frostiest fruit was ( lisplayed. Iowa lies come to the front with Its pears and Superintendent Coilman tithes great , ? prldo In showing seven varieties , Superb- . tendont Colinian returned yetcrday from I n short trip among the fruit growers of , the state anti while nbsent secured iroinIses ' from a number of the fruit raIsers who I ; hare promIsed to keep the tables supplIed until the close of the expositIon. Mr. Colt. , man sity thnt Adinus county' has a big t apple CCCI ) nn.1 that the quahIty Is above the average. I CalifornIa continues to add to Its exhibit ΒΆ and Superintendent \\'ilson Is delighted over ' the ahilpnient of another consIgnment DI . fruIt from Los Angelea. The shipment conh ( allis Kelsey , Japan , Silver 1'Iumo and , . Satsuma pitiins , the latter having meat that 1 Is hiiootl red. lie also receivt'1 n large quantity of Valances oranges , which arc the first to arrIve from nay iorzillty , The Nebraska fruIt table Pr'Siled over by SuperIntendent Peter Youngers contlliuci I to attract the iulnilratbon of nil who vIsII . the hortIculture buIldIng. lie has assIgned - sIgned a space 12x21 feet to the PencIler I and DII thIs ho hits somethIng Iiie twent. . varieties , Incitidlng the Early HIrers , Ilalc t and Alexander , lOflCllCS that are supposed ' to grass' Cal ) ' III the south. About all ci r the old 01)1) ! n have been tllspose(1 of nn I , the exhIbIt is complete vIth fruIt of tIn I b present seasrin. Besides this there are Intv. . l'aw. ' Damson plains , cherrIes nud grapes. VIth the cxiiliilis now being siown Nebraska braska is startliig a gicat boom as a ( rull ratsin stilte. The State 1xperbiiientnl ( aria ofIllbnob I Is doIng thie clever 1iIng In the way ot fur . fishIng fruIt for the IllinoIs exhIbit. I L has forwarded twelve varIetIes of pears. r t . large quantIty of veaclicA and 801110 apples. ii.eM I hut ( 'asiIiii't , The contInual conflIct of authority be - twceu various departments of the exposltlo : U Is seriously embarrassing to some of Its oil - daIs as vcli as to the public. One exasper - . ( Itbng .illllcuity occurs In connectIon wIt ii the band concerts. 'I'hese are scheduled a It , certain hours ovtry dii ) ' , but they nrc con . tinunily beIng Interfered wIth by arrange p. meats intido by ofilclals outsIde of the lflUBb c department. For Instance , the Mexbca a I bafld has been jirotnbsetl for tiit Autlitorlul a I on flolimbun Turner's ilay at an hour svlio a It should be givIng the regular afternon 0 concert on the grounds. On Lumberman 8 tin ) ' the heath concert , ( lie log rollIng con I- test and the life tavlug exhIbItIon have a Il been cbeduied at the salno hour by ( ii 10 various heads % IIo have ciiarge of one cii ti I the outer. Unless a more systematIc ci : _ rangement Is effected three features whlc ii oti1ii otherwIse entertaIn the leoido a II the afternoon vIll be hinilcilet ) ut one tin IC and ( lie vIsitors wIll be COIfllCiietl ) to st 'C one at the Cost of nilssliig ( tie other two , r Sliu N Oh. IIthIIluIstI'N SOil. II I One thIng In the Oklahoma exhIbIt I a . , the AgrIcultural butldbug Is a section if S soIl that tins iteon c'ut from a wheat flel anti shIpped here. The soIl Is n black loci U 4 and has a depilt of eight feet , The terrltor I Is showIng soiiie 111111gB lii ( lie reietabl S Ik line' , ! ucli ap Intatovs that int'nsuro obli Inches Irs length and eIghteen Incites In dr I cuniferenee. Then there are apples as UI I US ulali-aizeth melon. . nud vvcchci that wI U , 'I ' not slide InttIe ( if i quart tIn cup. 4. ( .eirgln Ii. ( , , ii * I ii , ; 'I'Is is. % ' * ) ' . If lx-aovcriior Northern of ( h'orglc has u I. I turneti from h ( home at Atlanta , wheT ' 0 - ,1 ( Couticued on Filth Page. ) t D EATH RIDES IN THE STORM 't urnout , st-Ile NenrUarT , S. 1) . , i Ill- I iii.r II eiit I'e rs.ii uiid inliig ( rcnt Intin , ( lAItY , S. D. , Aug. 15.-A terrIfic wInd an ( haw ilstorm , running from northeast to south- w est , struck Mortz SIdIng , about fire mIles w est of here , today. Everything In the patti of the storm was swept away. Eight pcoplo lIbe ( lend hero and others are known to have be en killed. The dead nrc JOSEI'll IIUTCIIINSON , farmer , wife and tw o ( haughiters nnd grandchild. CAItI4 JIGLUM , ttianctlartsvllie . ALThlrtT IULLION , home in Miiwaukco. ChARLES l. IJALTi , farmer , who was T tIng wIth his vIfo and children when ' -1 ; oem came. , s ; lung ; rnrtte are out after his wife , , ron. ' . ! ee of dollars worth of property . ( 4. ' and many cattle and sheep v ( j Thi : toil one mile northeast oi lid utctii , : and struck hIs house d elving ( j ho barn. The North. W estern i-a Is torn up for some . dI stance ; to ! 'c and snow fencer ; at -c .own. . Tb ttiUed are being taken tc ) C nnI.y. . One farmer had 200 acres of wheat Ia thc , s hock niIl it'as taken up by the wInd and i sn n o track of the crop is left. Tire dead were found on 'the prairie wItt I th eir bodies badly inatiglod and clothini , . n early strIpped froni them. The sight at Itutchinson's pinco Is hnrrl . til e. The place is covered with dead horser ; n nd cows flfll broken furniture anti tarn I l mpeinents. Irom hero the course was into farm S w here little damage could be done to thi 3 b 'thiIlngs , but thu loss on crops and steel C is very great. The bodies vero all taken to Gary to U. . p repared for burIal. Eight were lying In r t r ow in rough colllns covered with sheet : 5 in a small room. The clouds met at a point nbout elgb t m Iles northeast of lriry , attaIned a rotar k' m otion with ( ho tail of the cloud descend . to the earth.Vherover tt touched every - tI ring was ( lctroyed. It. first struck the farm buildings of Car I P etersen theti the barn of II. E , Johnson , thcre a number of horses and sheep weri a aS k illed. Next M. A. Kenyon's place Wa : S s truck , tue barn destroyed and considerahlt a li ve stock kIlled. Kenyon was severely in - j uetl about the limbs by flying timbers . M ortliner hunt's farm buIldings were nex t d estroyed and hero the loss of lIfe was thi g reatest. Tlio storm took up the kltcbei 1 m oved It nway train the house and scat - t erod its tImbers for mIles around. Albert KillIon , employed cii a farm lab . o rer by Hunt , was in the kitchen at tin ti me and later lie was picked up In z dylnr , c onditIon. about 200 feet from the house h aving been struck In the back of the iiea i a nd injured internally. lie only lived thre. . ) h ours after being found. James hunt wa 3 I njured. The' Ilutchinson farm , two mile : f roiii Hunt's place. was next struck , th ) s term jumping entIrely over art Intervenirit S - h ouse without doing any damage. TIre liutchinson family were' all in tht h ouse Whorl the storm picked it up ant I s cattered it , together wIth the barn and out - b uildings , for miles around on the prairie T he entire family were found dead nbou 3 00 feet from where the liouso stoxJ. The .dc'atnc ) .al.pRreOtl3' sere caitr.tti h : r b ruIse : . anti cuts on the heads. Baby Hutch - I nson. five weeks old , was still alIve 'whet f ound , but died in a short time. Carl Jog - l am , who was visiting the Ilutchinsons , w as also killed. T ERRIFIC HEAT INEUROP1 E , IrII CZIS'S of h'ro..trnt tori stud ieit ( Ii Are hi eInrtei front hug- Ittuid'P4 ( ) , ( , Is. ( Copyright , ISIS , by Press I'ulilishlng Co ) LONDON , Aug. 15.-Now ( York World Ca b legram-Speelal Telegram.Not ) for year : h as London been so affected by abnorm I t reat. It was thi generhI topic of conversa - t ton today. when the ti'erniometer i-egbstcre d S 6 ( legrees In the she Though It was $ d egrees in I'aris , it ' . . fcl. acre more , ow . b rig to the narrow and crow' cl thoroughfare .5 . a nti cloudy silty. l"or the I fit five dayc th C mercury tins ranged from S to 00 degrees I a t ile sbalo , going us high as 127 Ia the sur I. I.L i iorcs in the streets are wearing sunbon L- n ets anti hospital staffs and ninbulance sta . t bens are kept busy attendIng the cases it h eat and apoplexy. Before 1 o'clock today thirty cases ha d been treated at the six metropolItan hospi L. t als. Coroners In almost all the London dIr I- tI I rIcts have been holding inquests the lar it flvo days in cases of deaths from sunstroki ( : . A curious feature Is that ninny of the al tacks t- t acks occur In tim early morning , induce ti by heat ( lurIng the night. There are man y c ases of policemen takeii to the hospitals r ) f c ollapse ( roris the heaL Several cases ) f bulhtIer workmen refusing to work on LI : to roofs of houses for fear of sunstroke ni . C i toted. Tire vlnd changed this atternoc n t rout titer south , wtieiice It liar. been blovbn g for a week , to ( Ito northwest. Consequenti ly is cooler tonight. Saloons arc doing a l arge trade in cooling driiiks. In the cit : y financiers svelterlng in frock coats and La Ii hints go about theIr business as usual , HAWKINS COUNTY DISASTE R lne ' . . , . ' ' hIt'iiurtr. $ , tuft 't'laerp % V , ( N relu 5cr idsr ( Of LI Ce 'l'lssua First Iteiirrlt'I. lcNOXVILLI , Terra. , Aug. IL-Aildltion a , details relative to the cloudburst In hIav ] k- Ins county last Friday morning were r C- ceived in this cIty tonIght. It was jrrcv i. ousi ) ' reported that twenty lives were ho st In ( ho Hood , but It Is 'tow ' estImated thi at lerhials thirty-two pt.rsos became 'ieth : us of ( IrIs downpour front the skIes. 'FIre report states that the famIlies of W'i ii. tIara Figan , Thomas l'Igair , ' .VilIiarri . Tone el antI James Conk were drowned , togethi ci With Patknco and Vance Morelock , Jol : in Arnold and mother sail Samuel henry a : ad vlfu. Tire F'Igari famIly numbers thirte en lost , Flgan hliiisolt escapIng. The report gives no number of tire ruer Ii- hors of tire remainIng families , but it is c s tlrnateil that they iruinbereti at least to Un each. which would tiring ' ( tie total nulal : 'en ' of lives lost up to thIrty-two. TIre ( cmlii : cs iii that sectteii are as a rule very lan , , aIItI this is , therefore , considered a censer . atIve estimate. Tire damage to the crops ; a also believetl to ho rituchi heavier ( liars w as at Ilrst reporteti , Tue report also states ( hat the cioudbui rst lshto&l tireeno county. a distance of II e hubs from the ileech creek section , a rrti killed trans fifteen to tenty veopio In ti tat CommtiriIty. No reports have , however , be , n received froiih ( list sectIon to verify ( I 8 statCiflt'n ( . which com s direct ( rein ltogei .5 8. yule , the nearest PoInt to I3eech Cretr. ( uir.illI 1.1 luuuluiIIy of Serip , WIChITA , iCan. , Aug. 15.-Tire icani las court of aphoai rendered a decIsIon ted sy ciltninitig a , tlecislon of Judge MarUn at I"ort icott , in s'iiIchs ho upheld the cons ( I- tutlonality of the law irrohlblttng tire 1st IC- lug of scrIp to miners In iniirieIlt of s'ag Tire law was attacked as cu alleged vie : ( lots of the right of private contract. tt. torney ( Ieiierai Boyle anr'ources tba ire w'il enforce he law vigorotuly rind at on Ce , w'- _ _ _ DISBAND TIlE CUBAN ARIY I t5 Members Will Now Return to Their Peaceful Avocations , U NITED STATES WILL PAY THEM OFF i itnrre irs flueItcsiil ( of a Conference Ilelti liet % * 'eefl Ainerleurit Olilcer , . Lit Sahuling , , uIurt tht Culinui Ietlci' , ( Copyright , 1sii , by Associated Press. ) SANTIAGO Il CUBA , Aug. 15.-li p. m. -A secret meeting held tonIght at the p alace between the commandIng oilcers of : ( ho American army nail the Cuban headers , The strIctest secrecy ns nicbntalned , bitt I t can be anid with good authority that ( leneral Garcia was Present. The meeting l asted an hour anti a half. The information o btained Is to the effect that the Cuban s ituation was thoroughly reviewed and it Was resolved to disband the Cuban army a nd that the United States should pay the i nca off. This involves the expenditure of fl5,000,000 , but It is most Important to t he prosperity of ( lie island , whose wealth I s entirely ngnlctsltural ; nobody , farmer or p lanter , daring to cultivate isis lands while ( lie Insurgent bands are in tire field raiding a nd burtiltig. Atteurijut to Breed iuusttrrectlun. Trouble with the Cubans is breeding. Their attitude is ono of sullen hostilIty t oward Americans. Tim better class In Cuba f aver ( ho annexation of th island to ( ho United States and a majority of the masses i t ; ready and anxious to work and accept t he shelter and protection afforded by an American protectorate , but they are Info- encod by a certain class of rabid orators and breeders of sedition and rebellIon against anything smacking of law and order. Tins iiiilnmmntory class domantis anti urges the recognition of Cuba for Cubans antI spurns all offers or suggestions tending t o prosperity under an American protec- ( orate anti excites PoPular discontent. ThIs I s exactly the class that pushes itself most Into evidence and those views and opinIons are most overheard and published. Their advice to the Cubans Is to repudiate aU offers of Peace or a cessation of hostlll- tics anti to look upon an armistice as an agreement between the UnIted States and Spain on their own aceount anti not bind- l ag upon the free and independent state of Cuba , whose liberating army not only repudIates pacification , but wilt Ignore the arnslstico to the point of continuing to wage var and shooting every Spaniard in the field. IVilul Itutiior Afloat. A wild rumor is alioat to the eulect that the Cuban array will attack Santiago and capture it , to the glory of the Cuban arms , as soon as ( lie American garrison Is weakL eiied. This is directly traceable to the same source. Tire lnflucace exerted by such a hotly of men agaInst law and order is formidable. This hysterical people demands suppression with an Iron hand.'hlle still Ia embryo , this Influence Is already felt among certain classes who refuse to work or serve the government untIl a clear statement of the froedorxr and Independence of their country is made rican. A knowledge of thIs condtioa Is ImperaK ( lye to the moulding of future policy and to explain whatever harsh steps may be rendered necessary In dealing with the in. surgents. FOUR DAYS' DEATH RECORD ' ' . , , Fes'cr , .1,1(1 flIsenres Stilt Ituui'ngiurg t lie Anrerlczuui S 0 ! t I e rs. WASHINGTON. Aug. 15.-General Shotb ( or's report of tire health condItIons of irIs I troops at SantIago , as buhletined at the \'ar ' department , Is as follows : SANTIAGO DE CUBA , Aug. 15.-Adju- ( ant General of tire Army , Vnshrington : : SanItary report for August 14 : Total nuintrer stoic , 2,715 ; total number fever cases , iSOd ; total number new cases , 129 ; number fever , cases returned to duty , 226 , Deaths August 11 : Corporal Marion Ames Company II , Second Massachusetts , typhoid fever ; I'rlvzrte Charles II. Blake , Conhhtany . G , Twentieth Infantry , malarial remIttent fever , complications , diarrhoea ; i'nlvate i John O'Connor , Company K , Seventy-first . New York , irralariril remittent fever , - fleattis August 12 : Private John Mandig Conrpany K. Sixteenth Infantry , malarIal fov.r rinti ( lysentery ; l'rivato lrnest Smith , Compatry F' , Tenth infantry , ninirrrlal fever , dIarrhoea antI epilepsy ; Private William A . Claiiz , Company A , Tenth infantry , malarial I fever anti debility. Deaths August 13 : i'rivato Frank Boyer Company A. Twentbetlr irrfantry , tyhhOId i fever ; Private Arnold Geismnn , Company IC . Seventy-first New York , remittent fever am I anuenria ; Private hiurbert 11111 , Troop K . Tenth cavalry. yellow fever ; s1rivate James I ilanrilton , Troop 11 , Third cavalry , yel. . low fever ; I'rlvato Socrates Maupln , Corn' party ( I. First DIstrIct Cottirnl.ta . , typhoid i fes'er ; I'rlvato Tisonras H.Velsh , Cornpan p L , Ninth Massaelrusetts , nsthneiria ; CornpanI . - M. Mearrrarrr. Company K , NInth Massa' . chtusotts , pernIcIous malarial fever. Deaths August ii : Private Joseph W. Mc - Failileri , Company ti , First cavalry , typisolt I fever ; l'rlvato Frank I' . Meabows , Comparr D , Sixteenth infantry , septlcaenrla , froir chronic dyseirteny ; Lewis F. WIck , Compairi p 0 , Thirty-thIrd MichIgan , yellow fever Private Frank Burton , Company L , Thirty - third MichIgan , yellow fever' ; PrIvate Jacol ) Pirillips. Company 1. Twenty-fourth infan . try , yellow fever ; Private Johsa E. Grigg , Company 1 , FIrst IllInois , typlrold fever , . Corporal Hobert Anderson , Troop B , Teoti cavalry , yellow tevor i'nlvate Ernest John 800 , Troop F , Tenth cavalry , yellow fever l'rlvato Walter Glbnran , Company F , Twen : tloth infantry , measles. ( Slgneti ) SIIAFTEIL , Major General. ABANDONING CAMP ALGEE ) - letut'l. ; iii t.litN len' , to r t lit' Nt' ( ' I . _ i uuvest Igrut , * our Cltuirge , t llslteltiui'lr , WAShINGTON. Aug. 15.-According ( C ) Intornratioo receiveti by Atljutant Gencra Corbie today , arrangements have been prac . tically completed ( or tire abandonment 0 : t Carrilt Alger. A telegram was recelve ( roar Major General Grahanr , vornrnandint ; the Second Array corps , comprisIng all tin U troops at that carsip , caying ( lint he hai 5 arratrge(1 ( for the departure of Iris headquar tens and a battalion of the Nintlr Voluritee : r infantry , vliIcii has acted as guard as head ( lutrters ( or .itdtlietown . , Pa. , torrsorrow. Troops at litinu Loring. the First dl vsiotr , under command of General 31. C . Butler , may remain there two week , longer ' . Tile order to move is generally ucceptabl Ute to the men , s'lto are told by the lteirnsyl voalan ( lint they are goIng to go inti 0 "God's country. " The Second Tennesse S regiment lies requested to be allowed t 0 march to theIr destinatiosr , Inst most preb ably will accompany theIr comrades b , tnrsiis , Tire canteen of the Sevenths 11111101 11 regIment has been closed by order of lb C general in conrnrand. The tleltl hospital a Thoroughfare ( lair Is to bo rensos'ed to [ iris tow , \ta. and the regimental surgeons wil it be without supplies Until they reach MId dletown , There are 110 patIents In the hos ( . _ - pl tal , about forty of 'bom are sufferIng from ty phoId. tybe The inquiry Into the charges of mis. be havior on the psrt of the Third VirgInia re giment was restimeti today at Lorthg. lr. C. It. MHnm , wire ae a witness of the aff air , said tirat one of the men in the cr owd grasped him by the knees curl tried to draw him from his horse. Another shouteti (0 shoot hIm. H..Lh cone the ictgnIa of th e ThIrd Virginia. F. K. rerguson , a su tlor , testIfied that the crowd consisted la rgely "f ' irginla men , numbering about se venty-five or eighty The disturbance w as soon ended. Captain .1. D. Hutchins of the ThIrd Virginia 'was also exnmincrl , ofbu bu t his testimony CItI not bring out any ne w facts. The verdict probabW 'will be an nounced FrIday' or Saturday. L AST NAVAL WAR ENCOUNTER 'I' orpcdo hunt Cashing .tlout to Aveuige the S'lltMhu1' % 'iiCil Stff3)5)CtI , KEY \VIST , Aug. 15.-To the torpedo bo at Cushlng , commanded tiy Lieutenant Al- be rt Gleaves , will doubtless go the , tstInc. ( t on of having bad the last naval engage.s m erit of ( ho SpanIsh-AmerIcan war. Had the peace negotiations been pro. tr acteil a little longer the Cushing woultl u nquestIonably have ended the conflict by gl oriously avengIng its begInnIng , when E nsIgn hiagley arid his aur comrades of the \ 'lnslow were killed at Cardenas. At the very moment the orders for rats- ta g tlre blockade reached ( Iso Cashing , It w as makIng in for tire three Spanish guna b oats wInch had wrecked its sister boat , in tent on ntnktng them or Itself in the at. te iiipt. They were the Llgero , Alerta and A ntonio Lopez. A few days before the C ushlog destroyed six srnrchl sloops and a t wo.mastect schooner , the Triumpho. of t wenty-fivo tons. After some brief service at the very openb in g of ( lie war the Cushing's arachinery w as disabled , anti although It was entirely r epaired within six weeks , It was kept here u ntIl a week ago , much to ( lie chngrhii of ' L Ieutenant Gieaves anti despite his urgent a ppeals for active service. Eventually Com- in otioro howell allewed the Cushlsrg to go t o the blockade anti on August 4 it went ' o ver to Sagua ha Gsnntie with orders to s top thin insIde traffle in the shallow water , b ehInd the keys , 'where the gunboats could n ot enter. fleacirinig Cardenas , the next day It was J oIned by the torpedo boat McKee , tinder L ieutenant Kneppes , and both proceeded to S agua. LearnIng that there were two gun- b oats in tirat iinrbor the Cershing and Mc- I Cee cleared for action and went in to see I t any steamers were anchored inside. As : t hey got under way the converted yacht V ikIng with the sentor offlcer of that block- a ding station on boarti came up and halted t ire torpedo boats hIch , were obliged to I r eturn to anchor under the lighthouse. That night , however , the Viking left and L ieutenant Cleaves , being then the ranking o ilcer , took the Cushlng and McKee across t ire shoals to the boa Cristo channel and t here captured six small cargo boats of a bout four tons each , winch were lying at a nchor and had been abandonerl by their : c rews. This was done in full view of the ' g unboats , which , from a distance of twc ; m Iles , contented themselves with firing on I t he torpedo boats withput coming out. The , s isote Were not returned. The' sloops riot ti.i vt'nuh .towing ti a K ey W'etit , were burned tb next day. Or 'r ( ho Sth the Siren arrived 'with 'the torpedi a b oats Gwyn anti Rogers anti assumed coni - mnnd of tile blockading 'squadron. Ths a Ca ushlng again asketl permission to go ii Cr nti engage the gunboats , but was agait :1 : r efused ann was ordered with the Gwyn ti a C ardenas to prevent Inland traffic betweet 1 Ct t hat place and Santa Clara. They left th a n ext morning aisil after chasing arid hold - l ag up the hospital shop Solace , the Anrerl - c an schooner Dehlie , which , with the con - cs s ent of the authorItIes , was carrying a Cu - b an expedition , the Mangrove anti Ui C s ehoner Anna H. Krause from Baltimore to r Galveston , all or any of whIch it was hope ii might be a shIp of the enemy anti otfe : l ight , they put into Cardesras bay las Thursday. Here the two-mirsted schoonrr Triiimpl' 3 was silrtctl at anchor on the cast aide o f I Bjo key , about a mile distant. The tur - 1 , edo boats could not enter the siraflov , water , so a ctittIny. out cxcdition , corn - p osed of a boat from each of ( ho torpedi ) b oats , both commanded try Cadt , iavlr I Boyd of the Cushlnr , who is a. strrwlvor o t tI t he MaIne , was sent hr. As they .ipproiche I t he schooner its crew abandoned It. I t was nnchoi'etl on a lee shore and a fresh I wind made it Imposiblo to get it off , et a Cadet Thoyd , acting untler ortlers , Set fir 13 13f t o anti destroyed it. On Friday ttottr a f t he dauntless fighters agaIn vent into tb a ai bay , further to ( iso westivard , nild fount i a few sloons standing out , all the othe r vessels having scurried back toward th 0 t ows' , Tire Gwyn gave chase to one elooi 11 11t. and after firing many shells howe it. te t. ' rho Cushing was meanwhile chasIng a sec . onti vessel. but tire latter bad too big a. l ead and , abantiotrlrig tire pursuit , the Cuali - I ris went to the Gwya's assistance. Tb a l atter's prize hail six Spaniards on boar [ I and tire two torpedo boats were about t 0 tow It out , wiren the tiireo Spanish gun - boats which wrecked the WInslow wer e seen getting under way. A good fight va a pronrirted and to save tinre the sloop we S abandoned , the Spaniards on board et I t showering blessings on their inagnanhnou a captors. The ( locks of the torpedo boat S were again cleared for actIon and , al , . though the contest would have beers a : a unequal one , the Spanish boats carryin ic stronger batteries , till were reedy for th 0 dertng attempt wilds ( ho auxiliary yach it Stranger appeared with tim news ( hint peacd iran been restored and the blockade raIse d antI tire boats were ordered Immedlatel y back to Key West. ' Mall $ , 'rvtee . \VASIIINGTON , Aug. 15.-The mail servfta between the Uniteti States and Spain vlll t a resumed proruptl ) ' 50 tar as this country Is concerned. The two courrtnies beirrg pria : - priaI ticahiy at eaco , tlro otitcials here see no ret I- sea why nrail pisslng between thorn shoul ml be opened or censored , as during the va r , atid hereafter the restrictions will be r 3- rnoveti. Althotrgh no word to that effect Iii Is come from Spain , the presurriptlon is a sire 1- liar course will be adopted by that orerr r- tnent.tS ( irene are no transatlantic steen' I- shIp lines between American and Spanls In vorts. nearly if not all of tire mail math r destined for Spain wIll ho sent as lrcrtofor C. via France. the latter country In this tuar I- nor only actIng as the inethiurn of cornuri j- II ication. hluurorsfur l'nI'fllt' ( ns.sluy , \'ASIiINQTON. Aug. 16.-Private Anthi IT Crosby of Troop IS. Rough Riders , has be mn promoted to be an assistant adjutant ger - oral , with the rank of captain. Crosby wr is seriously wounded In the first day's tight bi a- fore Santiago , when the Rough Riders we : re attacked from cover , by tire Spaniards. 1 (8 $000 SB be was able to travel ho was Urougi Lit to Washington ud piticod in tire hospital at Fort Myor. lie bras now quite recovere d though lie carries a 2.Iauser trullet in hr I breast. Crosby was graduated from Ilarva : rd in 191 , and whets the wur broke out W : as practicing law In ev York City , where I lie rcsidci. - B IC SENSATION IN hAVANA N ews of signing of the Peace Protocol Sthir lip All Classes , I3 LANCO SENDS IN HIS RESIGNATION i tt , llxarurple Pr , Vohlovei lr Most or tire ( lenernlru Serving tinder'V IiIrui-ls'ncttntIii % 'Iit 'rnke 'Iliac. ( Copyright , isis , by Press PublIshing Co. ) MADItID , Aug. iS.Now'York'erltt ( Ca- b iegraru - Special Telegram. ) - Telegrams fs rom havana nnrrounco a lirotound sensal s atlon among all classes , conflicting inn- p rossions among loyalists anti Painful regret a mong military inca and otliclals on hearing ot f a suspensIon of hostilities arid the signa- t ore of ( ho lwotocol , SpanIsh press tele- g rams complain of the attitude of t he Cuban constItutional party anti e xtreme loyalists because all along they have s hewn a lireference ( or annexation s'hnit t hey get their materIal Interests better pro- t Ctct1 anti developed untior Amenicars rub ( hail they coulti untlor Independence actor- a lly managed by the present separatists. C uban nutorronrists are much perplexed a nti somewhat nnsroyed , hut the majority is l ikely soon to adhere to tire new state of t hings. Tire general belief in linxana is t hat evacuation will ( nice several months a rid not be likely to begin serIously before t ire raliry and unlrealtiry season closes in O ctober , when an AmerIcan array of ccciir p atioa coulti land without incurring the s ame cousequcrrces as the Santiago expedl- ( lois , Telegrams report ( lint Marshal Illanco has t endered his resignation anti his example : b us been followed by most of tire generals u nder him. It Is rumored that General Airgusti has r enewed his resignation anti will come home , ' l eaving Manila in charge of General Jatiw d ens , directly arrangements have been corri pietetl for handing the city over to Merritt arid Dewey. Spanish IrrihireSslOils are that t he Americans will have trouble with I Agubnaldo. Tire council of mInisters tomorrow will ; appoint commissioners for Cuba and Porte I Rico. Though the opposition press lerSiSts ) i ii affecting to believe iii an early coimvocaa t fen of parliament , Sagirsta and niost 01 t he Influential statesmen and generals 01 both monarchical parties consider it hlghI , I nadvisable to assemble the Contes untU I peace lit concluded as the extreme partle I 'ould unscrupulously agItate tire countr3 , and damage the prestige of Its rulers. Ideas of l5lrel. ( Copyright , IS9S , by Press Publishing Co. ) I MAIRID , Aug. 15.-Neiv ( York World Ca. blegram-S'peelal Tebegra'.n.-Moret ) a vlewr on the riltuatiori are : "I certaInty think Sagasta han consalt- dated his positIon. Events have provet that Sagasta cannot easily be outttei b the opposition or replaced by anybody in iris I own party. Even If , after veace t secured , , he elects ( ' 0 retIre from actIve Itfe lie whi I renrain the moving spirit in tao lIberal I party. which 'wili stay in 0111cc with th ) lmrcsetrt tianlianient under the cabinet es- acutialiy frarneti to dirspatch public brad. an'l reorganize so niany things thai itrust be recast--our finances , olitIe , run , adcntnlstration. I belIeve in the recuper. ative powers of the meLlon and its natbona 1 resources It properly unainageti. I darn" I. fear immediately airy Canhlst rising , as cut rural iopulation Is too eager for peace. flu : you know Carhist headers say they will no t appeal to guerrilla warfare , but fly thou t. haWk higher and I believe they may at' . tempt a mIlitary , political anti r'eiigIou S movement similar to that which placet 1 Alphonso XII and the present ( iynasty or I the throne In 1854. The Carhists boas t even of having successfully tampered with 1 the loyalty of the army itself , I'eac Couuirnuis.buzn. have not been asketi by the govern - meat iron have I boon solicited to go Li ) l'aris as a member of tire mIxed connmis - aba. BesIde , I would put condltioar or going , as I would wish my country to onto C as favorably as posslbie on negotlntions To r I'Irilfppine affairs anti not have irecessanil ; I' to bow to all American pretensions. I cnn - nat see bow the ccmrnisslon can work witi lr an equal number of delegates on both side B with no umpire with a casting vote. I don't tirinic peace conditions are lIkely I 0 provoke muctn demonstration. spain a L present is weary and dIsgusted owing to th 0 dishilusionetl state of mind of all claesc I. NegotiatIons will last for weeks , so lana ; y important poInts having yet to bo settled I. For Inritarice , the evacuation of Cuba , tb settlearent of the Ctrban debt , which man substaatial reasons exist for believing ( Ira It is not likely to get a hearing ovens witl Ii tIre American government. Tire PhIlip - pines questIon Is the most interesting fear a Sitainish international points of view. " \\'liea I was mInister of ( lie enionle's i' e sent General Augusti out on tine under - standing that ho was to offer tire native a practIcally tIre greater part what Geirere ii Prime Rivera had promIsed /iguliraldo an ii did. not carry it out. Augusti was to offe n the natives a share in the local atinririls - tratioa of municipal functions anti cmiii - ciba , and In the elective local insular a - aerrsbiy returned by a select body of ( 'beet - ens , and the Fililtlnos ivere to be graure ii seats in the Imperial Cantos for their sort - ators and deputies , as tlte better des s of natives had asked for many years vnirrl ' . We did riot corrtemjtlate doing away wit ; religious orders , but virtually they woul d have ceased to exerclso their ail-itowerfu I I influence In colonial life. Nobody In Spai except a very tow old-world people believe things could go on as of yore In the Vlrii I - ippines. " Fever iet'renisI rig I a Port is It I , ' . , , WAShINGTON , Aug. 11-Surgeon Gener : il Steraberg baa received tlispatchses from Liii a anti Porte itico reiativo to the condltle nn of the troops in those Islands. Surgeon Tor . - ney cables ( roan I'once that the Relief vi li sell for Mayaguez today anti wIll arrIve I New York about Friday , IL brad on boar 'ii eighty-five rasps of ( ever , mostly typhioii I. Surgeon Greenleaf cables from i'oncu tin it typisolds are decreasIng anti there were it 10 now cases on Saturday. The general liealt it tue cormntnarrd Is lnnproviing , Surgeon liavard cables from SantIago ( hr it tine Ollvette will sail today is'itlr 200 nor i- Infected patIents. IL 'will touch at Foi rt Monroe for lnBtructlons and probably wI II be ordered to Montauk Point. Cavmi I r , ' ( : . Ill I ii in .o r I in ( nit iii II orb .11 . Ii , ' " YOhth { . Aug. 15.-SIx troops of it ie United States cavalry arrived at Jersey Cii I ) ' ( corn Florida today on theIr i'ay to Cain iii Wikoff at Montauk. Tire troops were I Iii command of Major WIllIam \'allaee. Thin ly men of the regiment were left behind sic k , at Fort Mpphersou , Ga. , while ten rnoi re were left Ill at Washington. They sbow ( the effects of ( tie exposure they tied undo : : in the Florida camp , where they iia e renralnod vtstlu tire other troops of il is regiment were in Cuba , Siul.l'rs I usinireui I ) ) Lightning , LITIIIA SPRINGS , Ga. , Aug. 15.-Dunn ng U terrific thunderstorm here lIghtning strur k I T EMPERATURE AT OMAHA h our , 1)g.hlonr. , i a. nil , . . . . . 78 t IP' lit , . ' . ( I a iii , . . , . l'2 2 t , . lit . . . . . . 7 8 III . . . . . . 78 Ii Il. inn . . . . . . S a , in . . . . . 7l 4 Ii. In . . . . . . I ) ii nit . . . . . 715 i. p. in . . . . . . iti ) I ( I ii. lii . . . . . . St (1 I. fli . . . . . . flit II I I in. ill . . . . . . 81 7 p. iii . . . . . . . l ii nit . . . . . . . . S till S II. II ; . . . . . . 1) P. Cii . . . . . . . . .tt v' i , m. thur lu'grnnietcr .hunst'eil in li ii nunIuil ( ' of av tii'grees , 'V Ol.tV .t'l' 'i'itl' lXl'ti'l'lI ) , A l line ( roinuliui 8 a , iii. to tI ) II. ifl. . luudinti C.sssiz'remu. 8 ii. iii. . Slex lean Ilnail , Go'n'erntuiviit llnulitlltig , .1 r. iii. , Life iii't'Iuig } xhullntt loin , 1.ingmin. , I in. inn. , Mexlenii Unitil , C.rniid i'inn. l ) ow'n 't'itvui I 1) in. ni , , A inierienni S'toty , n I Vlinrlpt , iii I"I nut C.uigregntloiuaul ( 'hunr&'hi , 2 p. iii. , 'de'hrnslCu l'innt.grnjntners A. 5(10 liii unit 0 t 'I'iti roiu II 1110 , ' I4.tl i , p C amp llobson. Sevens soittiers arc In h ospital serIously burnt. Tire same cornpni , ) w as In tine s'reck a week ago at Mc- P iscreon. C REMATION ONLARGE SCALE 'l 'Iiree Iliad reil ll.uul its of Stnrvin I inn Viol I in , Are hiuiriiu'i to Anniun's mu il Ciniie. ( Copyright , ISDI , by l'ress Thsbllslring Co. ) SANTIAGO , Aug. lti.-Nciv ( 'York'orbi C ablegram-SpecIal Telegram.Tirrce ) iran- d red botlis of Spanish soldIers and Cubans r econscentratios , who d1tt as the result. of s tarvation at El Carlo ) ' , have been crcnrmateti a t the cennetery there tinnIng tire last week b ecause there was niot realms enoirgir for the g raves. Today forty were cremninted. TIne b odle are itiled lIke logs of wood , thoroughly s aturated with kerosene aind retluceti te I a shes In boss than an hour. Oil was poured D li ( ho pyre constantly until IncineratIon w as coinitlete. Tue custom inn an olil one and I w as endorsetl by the Americans as a. ivlsc v rocautboin for ( tie pulrlic healtir. The tleath rate is tiropping steadIly as I ( ho result of Governor \Vonds' rlghtl en- f orcennjent of systear adopteti for cleainiir ; t b tosrnr. Tire average now is thirty easer I a day. Governor Wood says that for r L week otter tine surrender the ilcntlrs rrvcr . n gel HO a day among the Spansisii soldleri t a nti Cubasn reconcentrados. A Cuban caught this morning nutealirtl i c ommIssary stores in Abarnetla was sinnt. rind I k illed by a trooper of hoed's Immunnes. The hnospltnil shill ) OlIvetto leavIns totlal t akes 400 sick oillcers arid men arrd wIll I g o direct to Non' York. The Spanlsl I s teanrer Isla de Luzon sailed today wILL 1 2 ,136 SpanIsh soldIers. The isia do l'anuh r will probably sail tonnarrow arid ivIll b. 3 f ollowed by thn P. do Satruategul. Tha Montevideo arrived ( iris morning nra will begin loading at once. The trairspor t I lrcalcwatcr sailed this morning with tb Twelfth Infantry. Tine City of Macon vll s ail this afternoon wiLls the Seventeenth regiment anti time Leona heaves tonrnorrou i wIth G battery of the Fourth artillery , lIt I r emnant of the Ninth and Tenth cavalry t ire gaLlIng gun detachments arid Geirera Parker's two companies of the Thrlrty-fotmrtl ij Michigan. 'rue Clinton has arrived Iron Li Tampa with medical supplIes and sevens I doctors. WARE HELPS UNITED STATE Contuitr' I is n Het t or Coinil I lion Thai it i unit Ot Oc- curred. ( Copyright , ISSS , h-i ; : ; ; I'ubllshlng Co. ) LONDON , Aug. 15.-New ( York Wonlnl Ca . blcgrarns-Speclal Telegram.-Jimlranuario ) : r Ilay l at present nutnylng with Hois. Ic . cameron Phurckley Kent , sixty miles ( ron I London. Inquiry at the ennbrussy ehicltn 1 tIre tact ( lust nothing hits yet been declde I respectIng Isis aexolnrtment as secretary a C State. Vi'itli reference to tine effect of the war or r United States anti Spanish stocks the \\'orb I correspondent today interview the J. S ; . Morgan company and obtairreti the folbowini opinion : "Tire resirbt of tIne termInation o f the war oa American markets is stronij and thsey will probably further Improve i , owing to tire general good conrtltbon of itt 0 country , uniless Use United States gay C Spain a concession on the Cuban debt , winlel Ii the company dices inot expect. Spainn is ii In a very critical financial condltlonn. " Ihanlng's reply to the questions is : "Tb a IJnitctI States Is better off now than It [ Is C War had mat occurred. So Car tns inininedlat 0 prospects are concerned , Spain is iii a von ; y critical posItIon financially. " The Brown Shipley company concurre ci in the foregoing. CARLIST AGENTS ARE BUS' , , Hveryt iii ing lt'liui y Jfr ii II II tug a is SHl % lIPs i'entt't' Nt'gtt ln.ins Are Cnnnneituulel. ( ( 'opyriglnt , ISiS. by I'ress Pulnli8lnlng Co . ) LONDON , Aug. 15.-Ncw ( York Worlnl Cii I. bbegrani-Specinl Tcbegrani.-Tiso ) Dali y Mail's h3larrartz special says : Tire fact thi it all letters from Don Carlos are now ( alto ii into SpaIn ity couriers lit regarded as itroc if ( lint tire ) ' contain instrhctlons for lila fo I- lowers. Carlist recruiting agents in severm ni parts of Spain are offenbog 2 pesetus a da ; V. A Cnrhlst colonel has licen arrested at Bar - celona. Accounts sennt to Spain by visitor rs that Don Curios inn at Lucerne bravo over 1 sionetl the greatest damn , It is clear ( lii it , everything lit ready for a Carlist rIsIng Inn I- mediately on tlno conclusion of peace negc 5- tiatbons. It is belIeved Dais Carbos ivill ira it. till the army returns from Cuba before gl f. ing orders ( or an InsurrectIon , as lie Itoirt ra tire Cuban army will come back nilacontente d afld rIpe ( or a revolutIon , Canhist agoni ( mu have been working in Cribs for mouths pas t. PRINTING IT ON THE QUIE I ( rrsut SrL'rt' . , ) ' lIit'rciseI ' inn 4''t t Ii. me flIsiiururcr'r. . ) i'iinqi Cs itcg.il y ( or dint1'res. . ( Copyrinbit , 1l9 , b'I'ress l'uhliinhirng Cci . ) LONION , Aug. 15.-Now York WorIti Ci biegrani-Speclirl Tolegram.-Tho ) Ial by News' l3erhinn correspondent says that ii r cording to a Stuttgart paper Messrs. Cot : ( a corrrgnenrced settIng tire fIrst volume of (1 ( 10 hhlinintieck memoirs in all secrecy nbount U in da'S ago. 'rue manuscript was ctit up Iii to tinsy strips and dIstributed among specIal ly selected staff compositors. It was liopeti iii this way to render the drift of the wnitti rn matter ineolnproiionhsiiile. TIio coalposito rs Were given to understand the copy wa tli at of a treli known German author in 'lno : no name [ lie printing and setting accounts we no runs at length. 'The secret bectirnu ( lie con Ii. mon property of the composIng atnslT. TI ho placing of typo in the forms nnrd correctioi Ira were carrIed out by specially trusted perso : nsa nail tire forms ivoru locked a day or t Va since , h'ouln' Ill Inulrly ( aii ( CopyrIght , ; hindd , by l'rc'sti l'ubllslrlnrg C' , , n. ) LONION ) , Aug. iti.-Nuw ( York W'orld Ci ir. itlegrarri-Spocial Telegrurn.-Tirc ) Dal ly Chronicle's Itotnia nlispatcis says : Tine late It Turners about the popes health are iii a- founded tilts holiness says mass anti Is In talniy good health , . - - - - - ' IAMLA hAS FALLEN D owoy Bombards the Olty nnd the Latter Surrndcrs Unconditionally1 A UGUSTI BRINGS NEWS TO UONG KONG A rrives at that Place on Ocrm.n Cruiser . Kaiscrin Augusta , R EPORTED ThAT lIE FLED TUE ISLAND I nsurgents SaM to Do Ditsatisfied with the Terms of' the Protocol , P EACE CONDITIONS DO NOT PLEASE ThEM S tnnillslt ( ' 0115111 mt hlouig lorng hlit :4) : * Sent l'eiun'e ? t's to tii Alrtluritin , tnt tire l'Iti I I api ires. W'ASIIINCITON , Aug. 11.-Tlitn Stnt de- p artnncnit has just Issued the following : ' 'Tire following dispatch ii'as received at t he State deptnrtinicn ( at 11 : iS p. nr. , August 1 5 , ( rein Consul \'ildnunn , Hong iConig : , , 'Atigunsti ) ' Manila says Iewe3' borubarderl S S aturday and the city strerentiereti tincossdl- t ionally. Augusti was takens by Gernmnnus lii l aririch to tire ICaiserius Augtrstti anti brought t o hlortg Kong , I credit report. ' A urguist I F'iees. Tue Infonruatiorn eontainneti In Connaul'ilth - n ina's lnriet nnressage arounnoti intense inter- e at , but createil no ritinurrise niriong those o mclais wino received It. For two or tiirco ti nynu news of the fall of Manila has beeit e xpected. Tlro latest ( lisiatcbes reecivetl f rom Admiral lowe ) ' rind General Merritt i ntimated that it was ( latin iiurposu to force a surrender of [ ho cIty as soon as possIble. Is believed that ( hey joIned its a iioto t o General Augusti donnandlnrg the surrender o f Manila , threatening to make a coinihlneil s ea and mmcl attack upon the city unless t ire tlemaniti usas accedcti to.'lsik , mu f urther inforinnition titan ( hot received in C onsult General \Vlithiflifl's ( dispatch line b een receiveti Ii' thin adnsinlstration , it is iii It measure confirinied by a Irnief dispatch t onight fronri Madrid. As soon as the imrotocol ivas signneii last F ri4lrny aftcrnnoon disprutchrea were sent to b oth Admiral Dewey arid General Merritt v iii hong ICong. On Saturday the British s teamer 1'ssatralinrn , heft hong I-long for Manila bearIng the dlspatetnes Tronti this g overninnent. It was expected that they would itartily reach Manila before decisive m easures against the city lieu beeu tukon . ' b y the American cornnmnnders , bust every p ossible effort was maclu to Insure their s peedy ( leltrery. It tire report of General Airgunsti ho true , a nd its accuracy is not questioned irene , limo probabIlities are that omolal dispatches 'will be received by the government in a day or two at the latest. Tile flight of General Airgnnuti from ManIla c reated sorna amused voinnnent bore tonight. As one otlicial exresscd It : "lied ire malntalneti lila position , hard an it was , until the arrival of tire news ref peace , lie 'woultl have been a hero ; hut he fled and ho will now be branded as a coward , " liOG KONG , Aug. 15.-ueneral August ! , captriiir genneral of tIre Philippines , has nr- r'lved by the Kaiscrin Atngusta. lie refused to be intervIewed arid will say niotlring snore ( Iran that Iso Is going to Spain tine first op. portimnnity. It is a signtflenhrt tact that while ( ho fastest German cruiser Inns broisghri General Augusti , it brought onnly a small package of mail for the ( lernion consul. The consul bin niow in Canton annd his mall rc- arabs unopened. Tito precise firets are not known , but It is supposeti that nones-al Augusti fort from ' tine h'lrilippines. TIne Spanish consurl here bias not yet sent to Mannibtt the nrownu that the protocol has been signeti nail probably tire Spaniards at Manila irlil discretltt thn account to bo bn'onrghst. thorn by tins Ilritisis steanmer Aura- ( milan , as It was chartered by the Amen- cans. Then opinIon here is that the Germans hiiivo nrrannged matters with Captain General - oral Augusti. Tire lntsurgennts now at Hong lConng nnro not satlirlletl witln tile terms of peace proptisetl by tire Americans. MAIltlD , Aug. 15.-Tue government is infornnctl that General Augusti , governor gencral of tine i'Isilipplnies , will leave Manila for Spain by tine , first ascii steamer , givIng iris coinnsiantl to tine second In rank. .J.tl'AN iliCli ' . 'lS A ? . lNiltlNt't'Y. I b zrvsi I I i'n 's us'ei'r7goou nil Cl a I ntis ( or * , \\'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 15.Minister Sewell at hawaii. ! : eS Informed tine State depart- imicrrt thtt : hawaii has paid to Jrslan 76OO0 as Inidennmnity for ( lie refusal of [ ho I Laura- ham governmrnermt to nllow certainn Japanese to laniti In HawaiI nit various tlnmi'sn durIng tim last timrco years , Quite a connmithieation arose over ( lie damn of Japan for a larger annotrnst about the tIme tire mow treaty of annexation was negotiated , but this pa"- mont no ilotnbt. clears it all up. MinIster Sewebi says that ( lie payarrnst of the $75,000 rcferrctl to ii'ns in full settle. ment of all Japanese clmninus , publIc amid private , ll also r'cports that ( ho Japanese charge d'affaires at honolulu expresseti thanks to ( he Uniterl States governrment for Its good olllcca mu ( ho matter. The cc- Lions of tine liawistiarn gaverninnent ins paying ( bibs Isutleninity was bissetl upon the recom- moirtiatbon of ( Iso United States government. as expressed by MinIster Sowell , actIng tinder - der inratninctions from ( lie State department \Vashlmrglon. . Tire Amnerlcairs desIred [ mat ( lie conrroverrny ( trctis'ecn Japan anti his- ivail over the imnnlgrutioni ( lurestion should be settled before the formal annexation of the islanls ( to tine territory of tine United Strites , ( ilibilluil ( iou's in , uitininl 'erilni , VSbiINGTON , Aug. 16.-The Prericlr ambassador anti most of tIme nsenrtrers of lila staff went to Mount Vernon today for a vIsIt to the tomb \Vnshington. . Secretary Thslobaut rcnmiaineii In town arid dtrrhnng the day bad a conference with Secretary of State 1)ay ) err lnnciileotal qucstioiis relating to thro restorations of teiegraphilo and oilier moans of corniinuflicrrtion wIhi ( Cuba , - Oiivett u' himus tmiti : Sick. \VASIIINGTON , Aug. Ui.-Tho following bulletIn was posted at tire SVar department. tonight : "SANTIAGO ll CIIIIA , , rsg. 15.-Adjus- taut General U. 13. A. , Waalringtoti : Oilvetto saileni at 'I p. iii. foi' Fortress Monroe with 203 sIck on board. SIIAF'FIit , "Major General. " llumniiriiI ( , , . , , , , . to ( ; uInn. \VAI31I1NOTON. Aug. 15.-ltober ( I' . l'or- tar , the s'Jperinraadernt of the last. general cusnius of titin iicrltc'd States , Iiai lieni sir- Itointeli U rpnnmlMlonor to report. upon tire finances , bankIng systems and customs laws of Cuba and l'orto 1ttc. - - - ' -