- - - - . . - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : ; : . . , . . . 4 p ' ' . ! 2 2 rr1L.I OMAhA 1)AILY ] i1iiy tONDAY , AUG1JSt' tS 1898. ' . - : REFORI AT PENITENTIARY On of the Loud BoMta of the Popoerat ; : Briefly : 111EV CLAIM CREDIT FOR TIlE BEE'S WORK , Clinhi gi $ I it , iiiigetitcii4 lirougli % Iiti ( h 'Fl , Is Psi , er I'n rstuleel ns a 'ErIlIjililIl fur tile JtiMIOtt . vurer-Vzlct itt tlu' ; L1rcoL.N ; , Aug. 1I.-p ( cIn1.-T1ie pop- ocratic atnt omclals are tkIn great credit to themselves becrnio of reforms in the management of the tatc penitentiary and the country prc 1i teeming with syndicate ieLtcrs on- this theme , but none of the cam- ) agners have the jraco to tel ! ho\y I hoe t f rnia were brought about , It Is a matter ot record that the first iroteat ) against tha management ot the penitentiary under the old rettno Was piado by The Omaha Jlco awl that the first investigation Was brought about by the efforts or this paper. AnI yet the popocratic legislatures of 1891 and 1893 olfered no relief in this direction. It remained for the reiubllcan legislature of 1895 to lflSS ft law taking the nstiL1- tion out of the hands or the contractors and placitig It directly under state control. At the tlrxte this law was passed the pros- oct warden of the penitentiary was In office flfll ! It Is a direct result of this law that the penitentiary has heen placed upon a seIf-HustUlnIng basis. The penitentiary bill was PnSHeI ( by the house on the 2d at April. 1895 , and ( lie emergency clause was attached thereto. This was done by republican - lican votes , \Vhile no open opposition was nfterel by the vopocrattc members It Is ft matter of record that out of the twenty- four members of that persuasion in the house tori ( lodged their votes. In the light of these facts it is remarkable that the pop- ocrats have the hardihood to claim all the credit for having "retormed the poniten- tiary. " Ih-foriii hint ItMMtiL Fire. In the matter ot business management hittlo complaint can be mahe against the present warden of the penitentiary. lie has jortormeh his duties as directed by the statutes. There is every reason to believe that hind not Warden Ledigh been hampered by the ioPocratic penitentiary board lie would have PUt the Institution on a thlh bettor basis than it Is now. It is well knOwn that In the last eighteen months the warden atiil the board have clashed on this matter more than once. Ledigh made LIII liicstigatloit of the cooperage business and found that the \Velsh Cooperage colnlany wa making an immense profit out of the convict Inlrnr. lie looked up the cast of tools auth machinery for the establishment of a cooperagc Pititit to he owned by the state. and when the time for the Welsh contract expired lie hresentel hits hlflhls before the boird and asked to be allowed to operate the phiiiit for the lmneflt of the state there- utter. I he showed that the Proilts of thin contractor wore about $ lOO er inmitli and that the state could engage in the barrel- niakhrig btisines.s without going into coinpoti- Lion with free labor. this being the onhy cooperage In the state. The members of the board. however , were tinther political obligations - tions to Welsh and his frIends and declined to hatch to the profitable scheme advanced by Ledigii. They renewed the labor and sttani contract at a low Ilguro. 1111 ui.ut Liii Vl I ati leii hlt.nt liii. \ \ 'IilheVardcn Ledigh has apparently done hiatity s. far as was possible under the cftiinstnnce hhias also done allln his veer during the last three. years to turn the institution into a sort of school where iofoerttic ) 1(1005 could be inculcated and free coinage' theories be incubated. A vhs- Itor to the lCIIltelltiflTY is struck by the fact that in the offices the onhy pictures or those of iohocratlc ) ) statesmen. In the hihirary , to which part of the prisoners have access , and which can he viewed by all the others when they march through to attend chapel. the only picture that adorns the Willis In a large one of W. S. Bryan. Iii the factory rooms the onhy attempt at decorations or mottoes is a large Inscription , "it ; to 1 , " over the principal doorway. In no iIace Is a picture of the chiet executive of the nation ihlaplayed and tbera t no suggestion to the prIsoners that they owe a duty to the exIsting government when they lire again at liberty. The guide who takes the visitors around through the man- tifscturitig plants gives a good oxphanntory talk about the work the men are perform- log. but reserves his best speech to the hnst to explain what reforms have been wrought unher the present adminIstration. 'Io you see th.at grass plot and theni Showers ? " be will say. "Well , whan we toqk hold of the pen there was a pile of scrap trait and ohit machinery there. We have cleaned It all UI > anti mmule It look pl9asallt. " And so the speech wIll run on , mn4klng conllarlsons between the old and nev managements , until the visitor Is Ilnally ushered out througi the front door , the guide essaying a last Joke about "tIme Stoites that. were plugged to size. ' It is saId that Ledigh Iommg ago became tired of the political schooling of visitors at the imeniteutlury , lint that It Is kept up under the orders of the "reform" state board. I fit rmvsI's 1m s I ug iiu ii ii. IIAR\'AItD , Neb. , Aug. 1 I.-Spectni.-in ( ) the year 1880VhIIIammi A. Farmer , aim attor- nay amimh hianlcer , tIled , lemiving to the city of I hmtrvarmi time toast of his estate. On flumni iettlenieuit of hIs estate In 1S82 there caine i 0 to the ban tIe of t hm t rimatees miami > oil Iii -this vhhI time sum of about This sum 111th becum very carefully invested by the trutees antI now amounts to a little over Cure sick Iwaiiacium , b.i4 ' tL5tO luhImo macphi , coated tongue , g.i Iii the stemmmach , t dIIUUa amid Iamillgt'sthomm. 1km riot 'eiemi , l > u haim toida cffei't , 2 ri-i-ti 'ii * cmuii t'ttti to 'It hluot's .m4 . . . The Omaha Bee Map of cuba Coupon Prcsent this Coupoii with I lOcfor A Map ot'Cuba. A Map ol'tho West IndtoL And a Map of the World , By Mall 1eI ciuita. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Omaha Daily B 1 * ixrosiioi ; - ' aullIji' ' , HOTO6EtAVUR [ * COUP0N. . . . 'fMmi coupon and 10 CelIts will obtain tbrc ptiutorayurcs ot tlio Eposit Ion. f fly MAIL , c XT1tt. A $10,000 , During the last week the first work has been performed to csrr'y out the intent or Mr. Farmer's will , which provided -that- the amount should be lnveste(1 In stone crossings and in paving the streets. Two cars of stone have been received and work- mom > are now engaged In putting In time curbing and stone crossings preparatory for paving another year. It Is the intention of th trustees to retain $8,000 as a permanent fund and hereafter each year use the interest - terest ileriveul therefrom for street paving purposes. ItIi UhhiI.tS IN PIGIITINfl TILIM. . - - - - - l'nr ( hi due hIljSIitli ( olmig After - 11111 ( hreem ! In Eflrum'st , 14.-Speclal-From ( } pres-nI imuhlcatlons ther will be only two congressional candtthmies 1n the field In "the bIg Sixth" this year ; a republican and populist - list , The popuilsts have renominated W. I. ( Ireono to succeed himself , and ftom every hmulicatiop tHe repubhlcaqs will nominate NorrIs Ihrowm ot ICearney on th first ballot. The imoinmhlats are trying to whip time demo. crats Into line to help out Mr. Oreene , but as lme in unit very satlsictory with a good many democrats , the hemocratic vote will be tonsldeably divIded If they do not have a candhilate of theIr own 1mm the 1101(1 , Norris Brown was elected county attorney twice In this couummty when the county went strong populist anti is considered time ablest opponent - ponent that could lmo mit tip agahimsi Mr. Greene In time entire district. Timis feel- lug not only exists among Mr. flrown's frIends in this county , hut seems to be the sentiment thmromighout the district , Two years ago Mr Greene's mtJorlty over Cady , the repmmblican nominee , was over 4,000 and the republicans realize they have a hard fhglmt on their hands to elect Mr. hirown or any other candidate , 1)ut time reports train various Parts of time district are earning In there anti more cimcommraglng for republican. success this fall , and what at first seencd ) like a forlorn hope appears now quite hopeful - ful , Mr Brown Is well acquaInted with Mr. Greetmo antI his tactics. HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. 14.-SInce time ro- IUIhiCflfl convention there has bcen a general - oral Interest manifested In politics in this vicinity and the campaign already begins to show signs of life. The republicans are nit feeling jubilant over the state ticket put up at Lincoln last Wedimesday. The opinions arc almost unanimous In regard to time ticket beIn time strongest ever mmominmitcd In Nebras'ka anti all are confident of sue- cess. Considerable dissatisfaction exists in the democratic ranks in the F'iftlm district. This Is camused Imy the demo-pop leaders gIvIng it out that it. B. Sutherlanui must be to- nominated for congress at the distrIct con- veimtion , to be Imeld nt Ilolthrego Tuesday , AImust 23. Time Fifth district congressional situation has tnt changed much during time last month in regard to republican candidates for congress. C. a Adams of Superior seemims to be time popmmiar candidate and his strengtim Is growing daIly. W. S. Mon-laud of Me- Cook , who , It Is saId , requested that iml mmmc be not brouglmt befom-e time convention , has considerable strcngtlm down time valley aml lmls friemuhs arc imrgimmg hiinm to enter time race , Anotimer who seemmis to Imave a foi. lowing is Black from F'raumkilum county. Al- tlmoimgh lie is miot often spoken of in comm- micetion with time nomination , yet It is un- iherstood that he ha a show amid that lie intends working for time nomination. If the relmubilcalis verc to hold their distmict convention - vention this week there is mme doubt but Amlamns would capture time piunm without working ror it. : rimere are some who thInk timat. mtdark imorsu may -turn up , but tbe arc few anti far betwccn. Time congressional - sional situation as it stands wIth time republicans - licans In time FIfth ditrIet now is : Adamims first , Moreland second , Black third. There are no candidates In HastIngs , bitt at time same tiimio there are several who would accept the nomination it it were tendered them. CUL13I1TSON , Neb. , Aug. 14.-Special. ( ) -Time populist senatorIal convention for the Twenty-nlntim distrIct met in this city yes- terday. it. Conway was chairman and IL 0. Chmulthmdon secretary. I. . M. Graham of Frontier county was nominated for state senator omm the first ballot. Chase anti Hayes counties were not represented.dn the convention. Considerable wranglIng was indulged in by the parliamentarIans present na to the mode of conducting the huslness to be done. The candidate is pledged to vote for IV , V. Allen for United States sea- . ator , also is in favor of time 16 to 1 fahiacy. No mention was made of the war question , "ImperIalism" or any of the present ilay issues. An ex-proacimer present addressed the convention and said republIcans -toted that ticket simply to get their hands into the iUbIIC treasury , It beIng populist policy to yell 'Stop thief" and point away from timemselves to avoid uspicton. 'L'IiOMtS - MVISIEfl CtSI1. ( 'oremmer' , . JuiryCimhicil to Make n 'Iliorimmugh 1mmves Iguttloim. STOCKVILLE , Neb. , Aug. 1t.-Speclal- ( ) Late devqiojmments In time Thomimail Jemmsemm murder ease show thst the cornn'r summoned - moned as a Jury A. II , Gregory , L. II , Wy- more , James Ganimill , John Iumumm , W'ihlianm Stevens and Eugene Vermmamm. Jesse Correhl , Emory Conklin anti Andrew Ilawlcine and Imium rlfe anti Soim are beIng helm ! as witnesses. "Old Maim Jnseum. " as lie was familiarly Iculowum , was very eccemutric and timomigh quite wealthy was very maiserly , going about the couumtry- aim foot to coiiec his remmts and lii- tcrctt to save livery him. Ito was nfmald to deposit his moumey lm honks wliemm he could avoIth It an4 usumhiy arrleml a lauge tmmotlumt of cash about his person. At the timmue of his s1eatm ho Is 'sitU ! , by thmosu who know some- timing of his Lustiiuss chairs , to have had fm-oem $1,000 to $3,000In cash Iii time grip which i mmmissiimg- fund about $25,000 wortim of hOleS , miortgqeu njul other securities. Time silver vntchm vhmlcU lie usmmnlly svore was not found omm time bouly. - Mr. .Jemisemm wits a ld- ewer , hiaimug ammo son , memutIoneui beok , imimil two orphaned grammdclmhlulren iii Now York. A mmuummber of cttlemisboth at this piece and luitlianola , are e imftdnt. tlmat timey immuvu immet lime December 13 , seine claiming that lmo'mas ) liecum Iii town as late as March , htepiahihht'umui Coiuity ( 'oum'csIhimu. . NORTON , Kamu. , Atmg. 14.-SpeoIal.-Thc ( ) republican coumuty eemitra committee met lucre emi Timuraday nnd called a county convention - vention for Septemmmimur 10. Itepmmbhicans cx- litet to carry the coumuty this fall ; in tact , republican mmemutinmeuit is growing nil ov-r northwest Kansas and the election of ileeder , republican , to congress seenie eer- taium. Our corn crop Is flattering at time lrscm1L writing.'itim good crops mind good lmrlces time pOh'mmliats mire robbed of their immoat imoteult timurmder. They are imopo- Iesly divideui on the isBOes growing out ci tlmo ilresent sar and immany are reluctant to tlcfeumd the hue egislaturu anti aulimmlumistra- than of Govemimor Leetly. 1-1Ieit riemii i4torumm , TRITON , eb. . Aug. 1 i.-Speclal.- ( ) Ommo of the ummost. severe electrIcal atornms ( 'vet knowum imm timis county iasseil over imere last mmIghut. The heavens were one con- timmual Ilaimme of lire. i.emm Shmelulumm lose a. stacl of whme.-it mind It Is supposed tlma.t ti. great deal of other damagt has been done over the county. I C'ULUIIRTSON , Nob. , Aug. 14-Specuah. ( ) -One of the worst wind ammd electric sternum that have visited timid city inco 1S91 oc. ; eure4 last niglmt. A heavy rain also felt , Several outbmlhldlngs were blown over and cummettleraimle dnmmmngii was done to time tackmi 01 graIn It lasted for about two hours , ( 'ni-mi F'leIIlN , ruu mmd 3)u , umemums hlcit'ue. It.'NCAN ) , Nob. , 'mug. ii.-Spueial.- ( ) Our big three-inch ruin the night of Aug. wit I hues domme wouulera tot' Nubraka. VboIe fields of corn thrit did not look as tlmnugh they could nosIhiy Imave any come-omit to them before the rain now zromise a fair crop If frost holds oft. Corn on the hot- toms will make at least an average croti intl some fields could not be better. Pee. tmmres have come out fine and now assure us of plenty of fall fred. i'otatocs arc a good erom and are of extra finequality. . : iVrenchit.r mit Slmt'l iou. SIhtI4TON , Neb. , Aumg 1l.-Speclai- ( ) 11ev. Scudder of Emerson , with lila family and imouseimold goods. arrived tlmis week anti will tmecomo pastor of time Presbyterian church of hclton , 11ev. C. 1' . Graves , the former Pastor , iiavingi rosigneml . sometime ago to become district mmiIsIo/iary. / 4i-yi-mi ) 'ci1i1i. l tl.i'1. ! PAThS , Mug , 14.-The night train on time , railway to Lisieux , thirty-fommr nmiics cast of Caon , was derailed last night near Baum- villors. Seven pet-sons vere kiiieti and forty- one were injured. ' , TROO'P ' ( EAntY LL GONE ) IOMt of Shmnfter'sSohihlCrii ihstve Al- remmuly Snileul for time - ' ' . furthm , ( Copyright , 1898 , byrress Publishing Co. ) ' IANT1AGO , Aug. 14.-New ( York World Cablegram-Speqial . Telegrarnj-L'se , that > 4,000 troops of Shntter's original corps imow remain in time provimuce. 11) ' time middle of the week ommly Immunes and time Ninth and Tcrmtii cavalry vIil bo here. The second ha- nurno reginiommt arrived Yesterday. General Shatter will probably leave Mommulay or Tuesday and will go direct to Montauk Point , The news -of 4hme president's peace irocinmatlon wascceived wIth satisfaction by time officers anti Arnericamus , Spaniel > anti Cubans. ( lemueral Simafter said that ; caec was tIme logical result of tile takiumg of Santiago - tiago by the Americammi. Geimeral Lawtomm. camnmnaading time dejmartmnent ' of Sammtiago , said ho 1unev wimemu ommr forces took San Juamu bill that time end of tue war was in sight. fleports train cities In the Interior of the irovlnce Indicate that the Spaniards and Cubans are ready to accept time new order of things. General Garcia Is at Gtbara , on time muortimern coast , outside of time conquered ter- rttory Time Spamuisim foice of 300 retired from Olbara to hlolgumin. Garcia held dee- tions at Gibara , at which Cuban officials were imosen lie then Issued orders to his muon , ihisbandummg them for thirty clays. Gem > - oral Cohiaso , who has gone to meet Garcia witlm instructiomms from time junta , said timat the Cubamis would accept without questIon time result of peace negotiations dIctated by time United States. lie luredicted a Imros- pcm'oums amid peaceful future for the Cuban People. WILL HOLD ARIZONA TROOPS I'eiidi , ig I'CuU' ( Setiemimeimt 'I'rimnMiiiimls itt Smmum 1'rutimeis-m ' .VihI Not i'limmt u.im' Mutiulhim , SAN FIIANCISCO , Aug. 14-Time follow- lug dispatch lies heemm received by Major General Merrianm In response to his inquiry as to time lroprlety of permitting time depart- mire of the trammsimorts Arizona armd Scammihia icimtiing time peace imegotiatlons : ' \VASFI INGTON , Aug. 1-1.-Major Con 'rd Mem-riammi. Samm F'rammeieco : Time secretary iii war has caumseti immqtmiry to be immatie of Gemi- cml Merritt as to his mmeeds tot further forces. YouIhl hold time Arizomma anti ( leim- oral Kimmg's troops in readiness toshil at once should it be so ordered. I will advise you as soon as possible. - By 0mier of the secretary , of war. . ( Sigmmctl. ) , - H. C. ( iOltIlIN , . Adjutamit-Genem-al. , The order has caused much > m1iSii1eaur ammmong time troops , hilt timey comi'thiiu bopo- ( UI timat the etablimslmnmont1otgarrisons Iii hawaIi ammO Maa'Ia ' ammmi the seemnhmmg mroh- ability of difficulty with the Philipplmme in- surg-rmts whit -make. theIr early 'departure umecessary. 'ru iitn 1)1 VI SION P1)11 El ri gail ler Smmmmgi-t-YIhl I.icmttt- Nev Cii iii ii fo r II I 'V rummj , . CIIICKAMAUGA NATIONAL PARIC , Aug. 14.-Brigadier General Sanger , comnumanding the Third division of the FIrst corps , anti staff left tonight for LexIngtGr , Ky. , ' to Ia- cate a camping ground or the rimLd division and to muake preliminary arrammgemnemmtA for encamping the division. In the offlcers rifle contest , op Sairday ; ofterimoon , In which a team of six officers train citclm regiment of time Third divIsIon , First corps , participated , the o1lcer } of the Twelfth New York infantry won , their regi- ment's total score being 249 agaInst 239 for tue Eighth Massachusetts , which came see- and. The two foremost teams will contest for the divlsloim championship oum Wednesday next. The umrrangements are mmow being made for the review of the army on Wednesday of this week , as ordered by Genera ! Breckimm- ridge. The paymasters finished paying today and practically completed their work at tlmis camp. after Imaving paiml out nlaumt $1,000,000. ITt LV S FN1)S ( tN ( IL .t'r171.A'I't ( ) N4. lhiiS dhuumt vui-i'siuum , 'viij Iuumg EuiJiuheui.iits ni 1''smi'u- . WAShINGTONAug ; ' 14.-The Ummlted States government totimmy receIved the first congratimlations tromn a foreign POWCV upon time successful terrnimmaloum of time % smmivitlm Slflhim , Tim0 commgrattmlations came trommm Italy througim time ItalIan anmbassador , Baron Fts'n. lie comumunicated to time State tlepartnmemmt today. by direction of imis , tovernmpept , cmi expression of the cordial meittlafacitomu of Italy at the lromnit sigmmuturo of time me- itnmtnam'ies of peace , together with timq wish of liii- Italian govcm'tmmnemit timat , atler time uvar , conducted with buch commspleuomis- - Ianti'y by time United States , this coummtry mlgimt cimjoy Lime bemmehlts o peace. Aim > - bassador Fava , iii liresumitiag the vice's at lilt govurmmmmmemmt , expressed time hope thmt they i'oultl be commmjnmmimtcatetl us ' soda as POssible to time president. ( mm jump .tijrer'Vihl lIt' No 'ulOi i" . WAShINGTON , Aug. , 11.-TIme conuing wIll be nmovizmg week at Canmp'igor. . 'rime cmi- tim-u first division of the Second armmmy cprps , now at Cammup Alger , near 1)tmuimm Loring eta- lIon , as well as time baimmumee of the Second divisioum , eonslstimmg of time Tulrmt M1esommrI time Thu-ti Now York , the Ninth Ohio hat- talloum ( colored ) , a part of the Fourtim Mis- eotmri , azmd scattered iortIons of other regi- mmmemmts 'imn reummatumeth 1mm the lonely patt of time canip , mmear l'mmBt Fails ( 'hmtmreim , vimeui time mumaiim imoily of tue dlvislomm marched to Ainnassas , u'Il all hack thick IieiommgImms far a. reunion of the emmtire Seconmi uruumy corps at Mt-tlmhltown , Pa. No mmolmlier is to rcmmmaln , and Cammmim Alger isili be imo more. Li'u' I mm VmINlm I ugh. , , . WAShINGTON , Aug. 1-1.-Gemmerni Fit- lmugh Lee , 1mm commumuimfi of I ho Seventh crummy corps at Jucksomivllie , arrived In mmeimington tonight iii respoumse to telegraphic or'iers framn limit secretary of war , to ilmommm lme will report ixm the nmormmlng. The general was ac- conipaumbed by imis son , wimo is a memmmbev of his stall. 'I , , ' I ) i . I F' . . 'i'im ru I I I I t.s mm r I ohs ii s , P0111' 'l'iIOMAS , Icy. , Aug. 14One death occurred in timis mnhiltary Imosimital today , that of ClmarlesVm'lgmt ! , Troop I ) , Thirti cavalry. 111mm case wume a 'oilapeo alter convalescent tlmlmoiIl ) fever. Twenty mmmcm > > - lNI1 CBN'I' A ii cots , about ammo cent fur a meal of Grape-Nuts , Timis food is pre.uhiieatct1 and furumisimes in a comdcmmsed , form mmii titu nutri- meat umecessary tam- time human body. It is ready for Instant use , only requiring time addutloum of creumun or mmmilk to imiake s pale- table cmiii nutritious delicacy. ThIs imoychty is now on sale by cur grocers. ' beta of the hJcd SIate hospital took trains tod.jmjt for Fortress Monroe. Nineteen traIff1'Thmrsea of the Daughters of the ltevohitouj arrived here Iron > the east and sistqmJ ft charity from St. VIm > - cent imosimltsi , fuimdettsburg , Md. , were 1mm- tallmh in the imosjtnl today. Thete are a score at least of very critical cases nummoumg these jiisI1t5 : ' ( ) l'Fi'liiS ( ) UVS. 1.1 . 'uu'pmnut , lJcIc , ui mlmmJr Il , uuiI tel- hmi , A rl'etum'I fit liushtteliu-u. \'ASlIINOTO , uug 14.-Lieutenant Ccl. onel Charles Dick of the Eighth Ohio ( time imrealIent's owum"hnti lutaor George Good- fellow , voluumtecr aide bn Cleimeral Shatter's staff , arrived In Waehingtomm this evemming fronm Santiamo. They flro time imenrers of important dispntches and intorummathomi fronm Gemmeral Shatter to thm Imresident amid secretary - tary of war. . . - . , Lieuttqnant'Colnnel flick Msjom' ( ioodfol- low amid Gaimtnin McIittrlck ; timeInst imatned being .Geurni Sbntr's ( son-him-law anti confldential , aitl tmd. secretary , nrrived at Npw OrloanS.lnstATuesmlny oil time- transport , Berlium , Thu oflicermi say that before the empl of time nresenl week time wlmoie of len. rni Simafter's armumy will have left Cuba. Time troops are being embarked as rapidly aim transports can be secured for them , In time opinion of Major Gootifeiiow , who is a physlciamm of Los Angeles , Cal. , the remmmovnl at the eneummy trout Cuba was absolutety necessary. lb says the inca could not have recumperateti in timat climate during the rainy season. Itt explanation of General Shafter's dispatch in which time statement was mnnuhe timat 75 per ccmmt of the armimy was immcapacitnteh , Major Goodfeliow said while .p ; per cent of time imien were not ill they Were absolutely unable to perforimu military service. The strain of the Santiago cain- paigmi was terrific anl when It was over time whole arnmy coliapsed. In his opiimiomm It wotmld require several weeks In a gooti climate - mate and with good , nourishing food , to put time trcops again in fettle. ( ( , verohum' IIOItommih. iLt Jumeksomm'vilie _ J\CKSONVILLE , Aug. 14.-Ciovenor Silas A. Ilolcoamb of Nebraska , miccompanled by Adjutant Gonorni-11. A. harry , are here oum a visit to the Nebraska rcglumment. They were nmot at the Windsor hotel today by Colonel W. J. Bryan , who escorted thenm out to canmp , ii'here time night was to be passed. Today was probably time nmost quiet Sunday since the troops lmave hmeeii him camp imere. Every saloon him time city was closed amid the utnmost good order was nmaintaineil , largely throumgh the well directed efforts of Major Russell 13. harrison , rovost mmmar- simal. 1)Id Ot ICimid him- Privateer , SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 14.-The United States gmmnbaat Bemmnlngtou , wimich saiieti from hero on a secret missloim nearly a mmioumtim ago , retUtac to port today. Time Bemmmmlngtnmm go ; ic lurtimer north them > Sc- attic. It lay at , Port Orclmam'd for eevcmmtcemm days. It wemmt. q carcli for an alieced Spammisim Pmivatecv , believed to imaro been mythical. Lioumtonat Coimmmnammdqr Mosler , actlmlg czmimtnifl cmi Bemmumimmctoim , has ro - celved orders to relieve Lieutenammt Coin- umiammder Curtis , at , the Albatross , vhich sailed troimm Imei'e aim i"riday fur San Jose ulr Gumumtemnala. j ! FRESNU'S ' MLDNIGHT BLAZE Imt m.ie A meuui I ) t'ui ( ' ii mu g Ii ( , liNt' I ) I. . t net hiurneut 'iii tti I.I'IMN Ag- grt'gmmthmmg m.i'am.uMt ) ) . : FRESNO , Cal ; ; Aug. 14.-The commhlagra- tion ' thmtt dovatlatet4. , 'i large area 1mm the mnciciumg houso'.distrIct ' imm Fresimo at amid- migimt was .not gottemm under control until break of day this' ummormmlmmg. Time aggregote loss is mmow variously estimated trormm a conservative - servative standpoint at from $300,000 to $450,000. ' The bumlItihmugs , together with > time entire conteumts , destrOyeth were : The F'orsytli Seeied Raisin Packing coin- lammy , time i'hoeimtx packing imouse , time Uniumm Ice works ( partly destroyed ) , the Nationai Ice commipammy's estabiisimmnemmt , time Farmers' warcimouse , the Einstein warelmomise. iloobs & Parsons ( partly tie3troyed ) , rcsideimce of John Doyle , yam-timaster. In amiditiomm to time buiidimmgs onuimmorated the Soutimermi Pacific's loss will be considerable. Several strings of freight cars standing along time shies of time packIng houses and the wnrehouee were a amass of flames before the force of railroad met , could haul timem away. The freight depot of time Southern I'acltlc was am > fire several tImes , but , a large force of railroad nmea were stationed there and managed to ave It. Garten , Laui > & Pratt of time I'imoenix Packing and' Raisimi Seeding corn- paumy stated that their loss would be $70- 000 , approxlnmately , This plant was partly covered by insurance and time stocic alommo was valued at $30,000. Forsyth's loss Is placed at $123,000 , Immaured for 90.000. M. \v. Miller of the Farmers' wareimouse estl- mates imis baa at' $25,000. TIme grain was cli iimsimred. Time loss of the Eimmstetmm ware- imammee will foot up to about 25,000. It is impossible to estimate thq loss to time Ice canmlaniee. but it will he very imeai'y. 'rime loss ufl Hobbs & l'arsons will be between $3,000 anti $5,000 , Timey sue- ceetied In saving a part of their wareimouse. Time Soutimerum PmIfltm' lass will 1)0 large , bitt no flgmmree imne 'bee , > given oumt. Twenty or timirty cars were burmmrtl , sonme of them beimmg loaded with graimi ammd raisins. A large nmummiler O ties were also mlestroycul amimi time track was burmmed in a mmmmnmber of idacca. A mmunThqr of tluirml-clnss sleepers were also reduced to nalmes. Time loss of time packimmg houses of LIme district Is a severe blow to Fresumo. It will , lie time umeaums , of throwIng hmmmnulretls of mmeedy mmmcii anil wonmemm ( nit of emmmploy- ummemmt at time only tiumue ivimeit limey mmsually Ilmuti this class of. work iii nbummtiammce. liii rims i u' , i-n , SIIFLTON , Aug. , 11.-Special. ( ) - ' FIre yesterday mmoomi destroyed time barn anti coal lmousp of 1Jmmoui ] 'acllle Agent FL 11. Congo. Time hi iI mujmpoueuI to have started from boys smmiokI3g1cgumiettes. The loss num time buildings at.ntemmts will be nboumt $150 , with 100 1miap immce. ( 'mm uiiiil In I iiiJioumsu' , SiIFltllitOOK1 , quebec , Aug. 11.-Time works of time JeoIt Machine commmpammy , time largest ' kInd In Caimatia , were lnmrmmefi last mmigljt 3Time tire is supposed to imave originated 1p . time forge room of time itnmmtl Jrlll conm9p1. , 'rime estinmatcul loss 1mm $25,000 , ltrObiuJf.0verCti ) by ImmsLmrammee. Filter I'Iiimmt IluiruiM , DAYTON , 0. , 14.-Fire started 1mm the Pnsteur-Chn'miYlium Filter counpany'mm lilammt on wyancli7t > re kreet this morumiumg nail before it could f141ijktlimgmmisime tue entire Imiami was gtmtted. "file loss is placed at $0- 000 ; Insmmrance ln5btflnl conmpammles. A imu"l ii ii ilisIIr.usmil ' 4e lui.umt- , POitT TOWNSN1) , Wash , Aug. iiTime stcammm schooner Mbion hasarrivi'ui imore ti-ama Nertoum soummd , AIa51a. Time Mi > ton reports timat a e'mmmiicmittu imas cstai > lislmctl a town naummeil flair live imilies Ironm the mouth of time Unahiltllk river. uimoro there lit already a ummissiamm imm > mh reindeer station. Fromu timis lawn I t is imroPoseut to _ hulkl a raliroaml to mu volmmt on tIme "m'mmkomm about mvhmcrm , tue river opemmum ( or imumvlgmmttuum ti-ama four to six ss'eu'kmi earlier than at time ummouth. Seven hunmlreti amilee of travel will lie saved. Ms.uimeuuls Ut' heeuiii VCMPiCIN , A uur. I I. At New Yark-Jtrriveul-Fmirnessia. ( run > Glasgow : VictorIa. ti-aim > i.ommilonm Lii Nor. uummmum'hiu ( torn llavre. At himmvro-Arrlveti--La Totirutqo , ( mciii New York. At Southampton . - ' ArrIved flarlmaroswi , frotmm New 's'oric , for llremen and ImradQf.lICd , Sailed-Fredrich tier Grease , fran > iire'en. for New York , At Qucenatown . - hailed - Umbrla , ( rota I.iverpo.mI , for New York. At i'hlhummhelpbia-Arrlved-ithyniaud , from Liverpool LOOK AFTER JAPAN'S SHIPS Hear ttdtuuirnl 31n1.nmuinga Oki I. Muir. isrlsi , flint ' % % huh Not Ie- mumnuiI lhi Il liuiul , ue SATT1'nii. . . Aqg. 14-flcnr Admiral Mntaumumga Oki of the immmperial Japanese mmavy has arrived itt timis city on the steamer ltio Jumm Mont oum imi way to Leaden. where imti will superintend th construction of two ct'uisers anti a battiesimip. for his government , WiLl > lila > were two first paymasters of time Japaumese navy , Takeuchi Jujaro , who will go With time ndnmmlral to Lomloum , amid Simlrniztl Nstmke , wimo goes to Saum Francisco to join time Jflhiflime cruiser now building there. Atlnmiruml Oki Was greatly surprised that peace vmms to b mimetic cmiii wims very mmmcii Interested' in time terumme. When told that tluj' ihlsptisitlonm o ( time 1imhlippltmm ! Was to be. left to a'vomnmumiespn , lie exlmrcsseml uuiliCim 3Ut- prise tlmmut. the United States imami not lie- mmmmunlell th islands .s Poi'to itico wa 'he- ' , mended , Lie tiechimmemi , however1 to say rimmy- thing as to iis or. ljis coimmitry's opinionm on tiic iii91iim. lie snit1 , "Ja1man bas.learmmed unmny thIngs from time war , America. bum-s hicen waging against , Simaimm , Time Ammmerieummm. m'hnIrnl'aflgimt ' at Mammila baa taught us that a finq ironclad anti heavy guns alone woulmi mmot win a battle. We will pay more attcumtion timna over to target lmrae- tlco , ammil with that time Japanese will become - come a. lo > verful imavmtl nathomm. "We will have a fim > o navy it time present lOlicY continues. In this coumumtry several cr0 about reauly to go into coummimuissloim amid 1mm Engiaumd we will build three large yes- sols , I am goIng to Londoim ammd will ho goume timmec years. During thmimt thins I wlil super- inteumd the construction of the vesscis that are tb be built timero and at time same tlmmmo study time navies of tIme world. "It. will not ho long ummtil Jalmafl will be able to bumilti her own warships. " WESTERN LEAGUE SCORES Kfluusn ? , City $ hIpsftl.ittll Farther irp 'I'os'mmrul t hic i'emuummmmnt oil LO Puule , iANSAS CITY , Aug. 11-TIme Blues took both games todd ) ' . Time visitors' erm'ors we-re largely responsible for time luu.s nf them. Time second was a slugging imiatcim. Score , first gmmnmo : R. i I. 1. Kansas City . . .2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0-5 5 1 ItLimmncnpohI . . . .I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 1 4 Batteries : lCansmmmt City , Immgaum. Pm'mrdto mmumd 1.Vllsomm ; 'iihmmmmeapolis , l'imlllippl and Dixon. Score , ocond game : lt.11.E , Fntmsas CIty..0 3 3 1 2 1 .1 0 -ii 15 4 Miumtmemmtiolls . . .3 - Batteries : Fnmmeuus City , Merothitim Gear ammtl 'iVilsoim ; MInneapolis , \icNe'Iy amid 1)1 xomm. MELV'AUNEF , Aug. i1-lett'olt vus ( he- tented twIce today. 'I'ayier imru'Immciimie lii the lirat gutimme , wimlie iiriggs' wildness utmmui brIlliant tlcithimig umm the luLrt of time homume teutmm cost time vieitor time secommul , Score , first game : It.II.E. Miiwaumkee . . . . . .4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 ' -7 G 1 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . - liatteriemu : rthhiw-atmkee , 'i'nylor and Spoor , Detroit , lialmu mmdTllsomm. . Scottsecommtl gummni' : 11.11.11. Miiwammke . . . . .1 I ) 4 0 0 0 1 0 2-G 7 2 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . - llattei'ieut : 1'lilwmmuulcee , flettger mmmmtl Spocu' , Detroit , l3riggs end \\'Ilsnim. COLUMBUS , 0. , 4ug , ii.-Fommr tlmo > msammd penimic sum'a Columbus win mmmi oxettlumg gmmmme ; ft cam I fldlammmtllOiiH today. Unmipire ' .Iullamme nuis c'scorted Off tIme grounds ummuher police 1)rte'tiomm. Foreman is'emit ill ) 1mm the air him time eveimt1i Innimug. Score : 11.11.11. Columhu'.0 0 0 2 0 0 5 0 -7 S 2 IumdlanupohI.-m . , . .2 0 0 0 0 3 1. 0 0-6 8 0 TlatterIi's : Columimum4 , Jomies ummith Smmhlivummm 1midianmapohim , 1"orvum > : mum , hawley anti J'mtimoe. WI' . 30SEP11 , Mo. , Aug. 11.-Tue Sumimmt mymmt do , idoceui .1mm the third tmiimlimg , i'rimmit- tlmmg the Apostles to score four ruums and wlmmumimmg the game for them. Score 11.11.11 , St. Joseph . . . . . .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-2 G1 St Pimui . . . . . . . . . - - Ihatteries : St. Jochlm , Daub , WTadmtwortlm mind McCauley ; St. l'amml , l'iiylo mmml Spies. STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. Per C. Knnsa City . . . . . . . .10 65 40 61.9 luimhiaumapohis . . . . . . . . . .IOd 59 41 59.0 Miiwnuke . . . . . . . . . . .105 62 43 50.0 St. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 5) ) 45 56.7 CoIumtmu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Om 51 42 56.3 Detroit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 39 62 38.6 St. Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . 98 31 63 35.7 Mimmnemujiolts . . . . . . . . .107 35 72 m2.7 Iimuymil'IIH V1ut imt lhimiir _ BLAIR , Nt-b. , Aug. i4.-Simeciai.-Ami ( ) out- timusinstic crowmh turmmcd out to w'itnesut time game between time 1-laymlemi Bros. of Omaha and time local team. Time vlsitmrs won out timrougim superIor batting , coupled with costly errors of the imorne Lenin , Scare : Blair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100202000-5 Ilaydemus . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 1 0 2 1 1 3 ' -10 Batteries : Fimr lliuIr.Veibmmumn and Ep- hag ; ijayden Bros. , Welch and Kelly. Ne's' M > vluumuituig Ilu-coril. SA FLIANCISCO. Aug. 14.-In a swimn- mlngace todmmy It. V. Corneil , time Call- fcrnla champion , was defeated by Sydney CavIll of Australia , Who made 220 yarmls in 2:20 : This Is Caii to be a new worlth's recoril. I'umg It uu.it'iuh Out for All 'l'i mmmc. IDMIO SPRINGS , Cob > . , .Aumg. 11-James itewmtrk , a locai pugIlIst , 1110(1 this jilter- neon from Injuries received In a twenty- .JlPerfect lnfrmntPood Eae Conden5ed ] iIIk -s APEREECT SUBSTITUTE FOP MOTHERS MILIr' . FOR 4O 'tizAns TilE LCADIHO BRAND. NFANTHEAL71/wr FREt. i.y.tpiptstoMiLK@ . stwvo I4 Proe Microscopic Exurninatioi of Rair amid ' SCa,1PbY PlOt1 J. II. Austin rimim uimiitmcnL C51Im SPI , . . ctaiDt rmau Now York 7 : & I 8trDY'rOfldNOW jmq. Thickenii timimi hiatr amid t,3hc6 : tlietruys timtamumlcro'L'ac' ' km. ¼ . ,9ffi' lilt thai cammsos prcummm- : t3I4 , limo' ersymmeme , .immdrttI ( . " , amid I4htiImg Imair , ycmr esle tjmmml um'uuits'.i. IhI1'iiI. TH MILLARD I itli mind louui.fmms lits. , C ) immnIit. ClN11tiUAiY LOC/m'J'Et ) , _ _ lul.lIiEts : : % NhI IIiti'E. % % l'i- J. hi. altIIKIII , . % : ( JN , I'rupN. i iy7iA ; j ; Jj (3 TLL , A 16th utmil llam'mmcy sit , Ames' ' L'Ian-3 to 4 dollur i > cr day , Sir lure from dCImoIm ( and ( i-em hotel to Ei I iiu Grounds but tilteen minutes. ¶ 1 13 , I3ILLOWAY , Manager I k rotind contest last nihmt s'Ith htohrt'n1. . kin , a colored tighter. flewnrk cininmeii to have beet > the ehatnpiunm of Now Mexico at one time.Vetkhums Iu tinder atrest MtI > 'ett'u lIcleluMeul. BOSToN , Aug. 11.-Time mnrnmngemneumt of thu. Boston hiese Bail club ham' released Jack Stivetis to St. Ioimis for a mmuomic'y eon- sit1erumtiim , as time BostOn mnminngmnent had > 10 9InCe for eat' ( ml time St. Iouis ltla'ers , Stivetts came lmrt' from St. itimii in 1892 85 It hItcher nmmh thiti itomne excellent work for the httuston tc'ani until time last two 508'- sommjm , is-lien lm Stoluimeti iitcimimms ammil flhlt1 hIm lie it stmbstitutn held timid first base. ( ) riglimniu , ' .Vitl at Genital Islitiuii. GI1AN1) ISI.AND , Neb , , Aug , ll-Spo- ( cml Telegrmim.-nlm beat ( li-amid ishmummd 7 to 3 thIs attertumim , "rime gmmnmo was nt- tenuleul i ) } ' it large crowIl , excursiomis rumum- mmiumg iii on time imortim tmrm'mumcimes ummti accom- lmflflit'l by tite Om-ii Cornet Imand , Time gamme Was maci-rI-ti consitieraimle wrnmmglimmg. 'I'ol lieu A1i > lieriteim. TOLUCA , Ill. , Aug. ' . - ( Tt'lo- grnumu.-Over ) 100 ltUuiiC SlliS' time N'ttraka ; , beat Tolumca today ly mm score of I'lM1ONM i"tlt VlSTliltc h2'1'ititj , Smm'i-ors of I.nmte 'u''nr lLrmmmciiireil iiy tile Iaemmirui1 Gi'ermimtejtt , WAShINGTON , hug , 14 , - ( Special , ) - Peimsiomma immivo been issued to time tollowimmg : Issue of Augumat 3 : Nebraska : Origi imni-Stepimeum Melon e , Arnold , $8 ; Daviml C , Moumitrop , lhiair , $8 , Ii > - crease-Saimitmel Batty , Blair , $12 to $14. Iowa : Original-Bezel B. Alltlrimigt- , Sloan , $8. Restoration amid immcrcnse-Jnniea M. Jeneka ( death ) , Suummner , $10 to $17. lie- nowal nimd incrr'ase-tsanc W. Colhimma , ill- tiara , $4 to $12. Increase-Henry L. DaelmielL Albia , 24 to $30. Original widows , etc.- Ella It. Jeneks , Sunmner , $12 , Soutim Dakota : Immcrease-Etjwartl M. Gal- ligan , Clark , $20 to $25. Montana' Originmal-Isnac Talent , Dhiloim , $6. Original widows , ctc.-Mary II , I3perhimig , Ileleima , $8. Colorado : Orightmmml-Jolmn 11. Itector , Colorado t3imrlngs , $6 ; Cimmirles II. Metcalf , ( li-anILe , $ S. flrosiucl from a Pishilmug hoot , PAUCAII , iCy. , Aug. 14.-J. M. Davis ammd Albert Itoberteom > were hrowmmeii 1mm a lake near timis city. They were lisluluig amid the imoat overtimrmmeml , SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Alleum's Foot-Ease , a lmowder for the foot. It cures vmlumftml : , swollen , smmuirtiumg : , imorvous feet mmmiii instaimtly tnke time sting ommt of corns nnuh inmnlons. It's time greatest cam- fart dieco'ery of time age. Ahiemm's Foot- Emmso mnnkcs tight or new simoi's feel easy. it is a certain cure for sweating caiiomms anti hot , tired nelmluig feet. Try it telay. Sold by miii ( irugghm4ts : tnmh shoe stores , Dy numuil for 2c 1mm stumImimis. Trial packmmge l"hlEi' . AtttIm'oss Aliemm 5 , Olmmmsted , Lu Iloy. N. Y. , mY1lEIr OTlililtS FAil. CONSVL'I' DCTCR 2earles & Searles. ' -j : I SPL CIALISTS. Guzmrant ( 'C II ) Cii i-c Miiei'iiiiy mmmiii rntil- catty mill NFIItVOVS , ChiilNIG ANI ) I'tt VA'IE ( IINCLmMCM Of ilidli tiiii ViIiieml WEA { ( FEN SYPUUS SDXUALLY. cured for life. Niglmt Emnis-tiomm8. Lost Mmsumimood , II - drocele , Vericacele , Gonorrlmea , Gleot , Syp - Ills , Stricture , Piles , iristumla anti Ileetal 'Ulcems , Diabetes , Bright's DIsease cured. cONSIJL'I'A'ruN FREE. Strichro and by now method without pain or cuttIng . Call on or adlress with stamp. Treatment by mall. anti oreni 10 V urenlto I 1V S.14Sh tt , IJRO , tthiilLhl 0 OE1IIILEO , ousU.-t , VISiT 'TUB Moorish harem oil Slid lfast aiii ace the ui-eu- d"rful reprndui1om oflhr bi-uuntlfiil ii'o- , , , onIouril'a SIIfl-atso lie flolton&- $ li-si 18'J.I'.J. . ni 1.IANCING GIRI.S. d - TiI1. . oorisIi Cafe Is time MOST POPULAR Place to dine or iuumcim omm time East Midway , Good service amid city vibes mmmuuko It th.alrablo ( or minutes - - - - - - THE IYLOORISH PALACE 'I'Imc Only 'l'cniplu of Art timid Aiimuiscniunt 011 time 1flIds'mmy. ' % Viuumi4.rfimi Steiit's l'om't m'imyc.i mis 1mm Life. 8 SWEPT BY COOL. 11fl11J17.ES. TIlE I'LACE FOIl SOCIE'I'Y. Ci enumjc / CON.l'i'IrOI'M : YAtJI'V1mIt2. iccecocccO3 ccca VlSI' ! ' JAPANESE TE GARDEN CURIO STORE. N. of Music IIuilk-Eattt Midvny. TH FlY ST IC NM Z Ni.u' iii uigim I 1"ltmit ) 'uimrNi'htlf Vu Ii cmimm I . , iii , I lull 11111 It1OI ) If you hail tim. iii'uiiitituul iii1' , iii1'm . -m ' ' 3 6 a 'I'HE NE\V t ast Mkway Caskrn A Hew Shmneqement , 6 C T BUTLI1R , Mar- iamrno'ih WIiaIo Length 5 ft WciIit 80,000 lbs Thu Only ( m.'iutiIiI \'himi It : ill tlmoVni'ld. . EAS'I' .iIlS4t' . TRLETS OF CAIRO See I hit' ni-li-sm liii 1)mszl lug iimi iii i4'N Iii tlmrl r hal I m'i a'iiNt ii iII'N timmil alulumeeN , ' % vI hmit' $ I im 10 mnh.Im NI > irlsiiiium mmliii tulip * 1 rIde ( Jim time ciiuuil $ , Out , , Pairs of shines called for 1iy A time V. S. ( lo'eL'imlnont for thmo Army aiid Navy 8OOOOO Pairs immive tmeeit Immnde or ordert'd , \ (0 le uiimhi. ' , Goody r. : WeltShoes Lasted oii time Gmfiic'1lr ( Iuln'ttl Lastimmg mlachiiimes itini st\s't1tt auth stitt'lim ) OIl tilO oilmen' iiumi' ehmitm of time Goodyear Weft System Qoodyear Shoeachinery Co 100 Bedford St. , llt)8t1)fl , Mnsj , PURe MflT WII1SKY ALL DRUCCIST8 . , tMUSilMli'1'M. TIlE Cor.IU . TROCADERO Itormmeyt. Telephone 2217. Lentz & William , , Props. and Mgr. \v _ W. COLE. Act. Manager. Omaha's ' Society Vaudeville Theata , TONICHT-ALL WEEK IIV.tlt ( i'S ( 'IMEI ) 'I' I'ONl ES. ' . ' " . . ' , iiOit'i.VI'I".tNi ) hlOW'EitS Travesty Stars. AitNOII ) NI ) ( % iLINl'it. Skutcim Tcummmm. Fhtlliiluti'I ( 11111)5. Al ) 'l'IINNY , Musical Artists. , , coNsit : ( 'il "vi N1H'U , Simmgiimg Soubrette , % ' .t II1IA , Spiral \\'ommder. 1 , . % Pit KN'l' MiS'i'llitS , Acrobatic Dancers , HEW SHOW EVEHY SUNDAY. - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SCIWITL ROOF t1AflD [ , I Gtim tumid Iizmi'ney Sti'ucts. 'I'lmo mimost P0ltllam' result iii time c1t , ' . Simeclal for this veek- FANNIE FRANKEL. 'I'imo Gi'cat Opcm'atic Voca list. Aduimissiun fiee. i-rii o > , ; lit' 1 pamxuoim .t lturg'cgl I .JL ; L&g hULL Stanagera. Teh. 0. 1. ) , Woomiward , Au'uusenmoumt ' Director. 'I'ON I ( I i'i' , H mmml ) . TilE WOODWAItI ) merocic Co. PRESENTING "CAPTI SWWT" Next Weclc-"Trilby" , Miss Jemmumic Ken- umark as TrIlby' . MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS. : "CHUTE THE DilUTES" P1 Taho a. Wild Ride for Life on 'I Time Great mound M You will roniombor it forever and toll your friends how it happened. Don't fail to take a rldo on GRIFFITHS' ' SOENIO RAILWAY hO the MiIWAY , anti ceo a rcpm-eseumtmttiomm of the BAT'rLlo OF , MANILA In the Great 'Funnel , 'rime iinteimt rigimt for tileso railways - ways 1mm any rmrt ( if timri Unltel Staten for solo by J , A. Grhlfltlms , at his otiico on time Mhiiway , 1 - n r i RMISII MILITARY CAFI i ( Iii the MilWay Olminetiio timu Sciuiuhit It. It. I U 1. 1JJlICS-.Tiit' Fmmumnmm' , . Tony Futum'.t. N I lu ( I mcci 0 r aum(1 A im ii o imso m I tmm'cim I leer omm ' lm'ammgimt. ) PJl1fl CNCIlI1T I1Vi1I1Y 11'HNiNfi . . I aai W r i i-i U A6F AU'S Traed WHd Animal Show. sEl 'I'liE L441.IY iN.I IN 'I'IIE IIN Ol LIONS. - - - 'Fime 'S'ontlcr1til Of t lit' ( 'rmU Bmt : tin IIi't mi-comm I lii' 5 MI1RIMAC - AND - MONITOR I ) U ti mmg Liii , Ci v I 1 imim , is timu imimt r ot ly and hlmmest. bhOW mm lime \'est \ MIdway. lON'T I'AI I. Ti ) Sihil IT. ' . ! lieoAer 01 ie PAI8 ExosIlo ! IU _ _ _ _ 'I'I I P1--- FLYING LADY. .8. IiegiumtifiulVn.uumii , hliujiliuig iii Npuce , ON 'l'hiIi JLS'I' CIIIVAY. Do Not forgot to Visit the UflNS [ TflATQ , Tea Garden , Bazar and loss House on WestMidway.c _ , Streets of All ations ( iraiidest , Best Amuseiiicnt F > lace on [ Xposltlon Grounds. ' 25(1 l'iuple ltepiesciitliig , lIfl'ziszt ttIuiis , - - iiO.t'.t' I"Ohtl.I'1' UEAVEN HELL ' . \Shh1 lie Opurm to thu l'ubitu . 'I'LIMtY NIUIIT , - - -