- - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - , _ - -7------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - : (3 ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Til E OM All A. ] ) A LV 13 I E : SV N I ) A YAV _ ( VS'J' 1 4 , 1. SI ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S\\141,14 \ \ FCXCTOXS [ ARE 1E\V ? \ : octety ( iontOntR Itself with LtUo Thhgn ; and a Good Time. BREAKFAST BEFORE 11W WEDDING flrIIt ntit , tie.niitiIini'n I to thp I'roi- &cet Ii I' VIircIeri.Iyij.tIttI - ohI1 l'III tig I lilt t .VII I ) - . lid ) 1'Iiis S'eek , Tim expottIon Iin again aborbe1 much ttentton of nclcty's foIIowor that hut ItttIc time ha been left for the functIons ca1e 'vc1i ' In polite cfrcles. TIlO great number lr v1sItnr , notably among the young fo1k have been principafly entertained along the tIIcay ( flflt other iarts of the exposition , 5'O that It Iiri not becli necessary to crette lioma cntertninmont for their enjoyment. The breakfast or yestenlay noon given by 1rs.'iIkIiis In honor of Miss CAly was the premier oety event ot the week as weii as the inoL brilliant ot the entcrtnin ! ncnts concomitant with the WheeierCaiy niptiain , which viiI be solemnized on Tnes ( lay evening. the lircakfast brought out the . largest number of society women who have I'en ) together sInce the Flower parade , by : \ViIiCh everything Is now dated. The picnic at ililicroft , given by the MIsseS Peek ycs lcriiny , vna the means of bringing together . n numir of the younger coterie anii th' coiicglnnn who ore at home hai an opor- turilty tu tell their girl Iricnths of tue (100(15 . of volor they had porformel arni describe the vittorics of their college crews and teams during the last year. turing ) tue coming week tli lite o local rocicty vIii be quickened by the wedding of itlsa Caly to Mr. Wheeler , which ceremony is 1ound to ho a ilrettY event. Out of town gueats for th wedding are already on hnnil and they Include the fair .daughter of the next governor , who will act as one of the bridesmaids. The report that Omaha s to lose the popuinr brkln and groom after the wedding , cirVuiatel at the smaller functions - tions i st. week , is not correct. Mr. and Mra. Wheeler viii take a month's trip and \.iii then returii to Omaha to live until Dccembcr , when they will remove to Wash- lngton. There are a few iicnlc parties announced for this week and on Monday evening Miss Amy Iharkcr v1ii entertain informally for a fe\v friends who arc visiting here. Ixposi- tioli parties will continue to ho popular and duocing partic wiil be rather noted , Zor their absence from the social calendar. Iii II&ior 4) * MiMM ( 'ii.l. The most notable society event of the lant 'eek % ai4 the large aiitl interesting pro. nuptial breakfast yesterday , when Mrs. , ] thrry F. Vliklns entertained in honor of Miss hattie Cady. It brought the festivities , of the week to a fine climax. The .lecora- 'tions were nil in pink and white. Roses of : these colors 'ero plncci about the pallors nod dining room in rich protusloo. Misses ' flora Webster afll i.Iit ( Alexander , Mrs. ] ) aniolVheclcr , Jr. , of this city and Miss Mottle Iiayvard of Nebraska Olty served In . 'the timing room. nnd the Misses Louise , Sililtres , ' flcslo Towle , Grace Allen no.1 ; linen Cody as'slstcd In receiving through the parlors. About 125 guests vcre pros- cnt. , , ' ' ( l'MtM. ( I iit-f-'I'o ii % ( Mi' . harry ICceno of 'I'cxas is tile guest of Mien 1ilick , Mrs. Frank Waters of Cedar 1tiiildS , Ia. , is in the city. , Mtss 1)101(800 01 Chicago is the guest of Miss McSbane. Miss Grace flichar.lson . is the guest of her : ; Ister , Mi : ; . KCm. ! Miss Olive hllackinan at Fremont Is the gIst otMiss Moore. Miss Elizabeth Cornisil or bit. J'aui is 1(10 ( guest of Miss Urn Kelly. Mrs. Ird Metz , Jr. , Is entertaining 1110 Nisaca Miller if St. Louis. Miss feiiers of Chicago is visiting the MisErs Peck at Fort Calhoun. Miss Tcnlpany of Fort Robinson , Nob. , is the guest of Mrs. A. U. llunt. Mr. holler lies been entertaining his aunt , Miss Ilepzei , of Davenport , ha. Mien tiara \\'iIIey of Davenport , In. , Is the guest of Miss Louise niyth. Mrc. fl V. Lewis , the guest of Mrs. II. LalIy , returned lionie last wack. Miss Laura G. Ablett of Allegheny. Pa. , Is tile guest of Miss Laura aum. Mrs. Albert Cahn is entertaining her sis- ( or , Miss Peck. from Oswego , N. Y. MrB. Joblison of St. 30501)1) ) , Mo. . Is visit- lug her sister , Mrs. Henry \V. Yates. Mr. 0(1(1 ( ( Mrs. A. A. Davis of Nagasaki , Japan , are guests of Mrs. E. 0. Cochran. Miss G'CIIlOitfle Miles of Duluth , Mba , , Is visiting Mr. antI . \lrs. John Laughianti. Mrs. Mae II. McNlel is in the city visiting or a few .Iays with Mrs. Ciara C , Titurston. Last oak Mr. an.l . Mrs. Reinhiaddc'n of St. Jo.8CplI were guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mets. ' , Mr. J. McK. Forrl.lay of ColorIdo Springs , CoIo. . enjoyed a visit to the exposition 1at weok. , Mrs. Ituhel and children of Chicago are visiting Mrs. Rubol's parents , Mr. and Mrs. Poi ack. Mrs. Cliarlca F. Bale ot Dexter , Mich. , is in Omaha visiting 11cr brother , II. F. Shearer. Messrs. George lionnoli 1)0(1 Charles Young of Chicago are the guests of Mr. W' , F. Johnson. Mrs. Iharber nod daughterLaura at Woter- town , \'is. , are guests of Mrs. Jolii1 It. Buchanan. Miss Blanche Peters of Mount Vlcasaot , In. , Is spcilding 50)120 ) tiiu ltli Mrs. W' . it. Saunilerl. . . Mrs. Charlotte A.lainn of JanlestOwn , , N. ' , , Is the guest of her alsiel' , Mt'ii. Charles C. hlosc'wntcr. . Miss Law , who has been tile guest of Miss 'vcbstcr. has returned to her 1)0(1(0 ) ( ( at Mc- Henry , Iii. Mrs. 1. V. 511(1111 ( of Burlington , In. , is apontiing SO&IIe & time ' itli Mi's , J. 0. FOster atiti famiiy. Miss Julia BurlIlnaster of Altozi , Ill. . iii spend the CoWilig 'cek ith Mr. V.Vaitei 511(1 family. Miss ItlitViiCX of Chicago. formerly of Onlalla , is the guest of Mimi Rose Hansen of this ( 'it , ' . Mrs. John J. Sniylli and daughter helen of Mount Vernon , Ill. , wrrc. exposition visit- ers last vcek. . Miss Franklin of Cincinnati rili spend 501110 time With her brother. Thabbi Leo M. FtalflkiiIl. here. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I ) . Meiceu of Kentucky , who spent a tow f days with Mr. 8(1(1 ( Mrs. S. A. Mc\\'horter .e- - - _ - - _ His lloyd is the hhI.et grsde hating powder ks.osn. Actual tests show it go un. third further ti.on ny other trssd. , oviJi . AK Ab5oIIitCIy Pure ' ; 1vAL SIkIMS PONR CO. , hEw ( R ) . ' I.us ln.t week , left for Denver and other west- em points. Mrs. H Willard and two daughters of Orand Islan& Neb. . are stopping with Mts' John Frederick. Miss Loin Largey of Montana rettithed 10 Omaha yesterday , and Is th gtiet Of Mrs. J. I ) . Crelghton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. hirady and datighter of Cedar Itapids , Is. , arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. John S. Brady. Mrs. U. A. Vnlters and daughter Helen of fotrnit ) are the guests of Mrs. V. L. heard , 2211Vbster street. Miss Edith Tindell of Itanathal , Mo. , or- rived hero on Thurslay to be the gtest of Miss Georgia Icrug. Rev. Ceii Parker Wooliey of Chicago is the ghost of Mrs. Draper Smith , pttsideut of the \Voman's club. Miss Alice flosowater of CieveI'nC. ' has re' turned home after a month's visit with her cousin , Miss Blanche Rosowater. Mesdames J. 11 and George Massengale of St. Louis 'iil be guests of Mrs. John Kr.ox tluring the coming week. Dr. Victor hi. COftflafl ( left on Thursday evening to Join his son \Vin , in Wyoming , and will be absent about a week , Mrs. J. F. Manchester and Miss Mabel Hobart of Minneapolis are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John It. Manchester. Miss Todd of Indianapolis , who has iOCfl visiting her brother here for a fdw weeks , left for St. Louis yesterday aftern0ofl , Miss Nell Sacktt left for her home In Chicago on Friday , While in the city she was the guest of Mrs. W. S Poppleton. Miss Margaret Zuinecker , otter a delight- fitI visit with the Misses Smith , has ro- turne.t . to her home in Columbus , eb. Mr. J. D. M , hamilton and family of Topeka , and Mrs. Mix and daughter of CIII- cngo will spentl Sunday with M. halo. Miss Minne. hansen of Sioux City , Ta. , is visiting in the city at tIle home of Mr. F. A. Moore , 903 South Thirty-first street , Mr. J. F. hiarris of Chicago spent tt few ( hays inst week taking ic the e.'tpositiO ( and calling on 50(110 ( prominent young women. Mrs. and Mrs. l. C. Snyder \Vflshing- - ton are renewing old friendsilips In the city. 'rlioy are staying tit 1701 'apttcl avenue. Mrs. I'ast wius of Colorado Springs , Cob. , is entertaining her parents at 3620 Farnaln street during their visit to the exposition. Mrs. L. E. flock , who luts beco Ibo guest of her sister , Mrs. J. S. Horn , at 307 $ Mason street , has returned to her home in Clii- cago. cago.Miss Hattie Oorham of Sioux City Is vhs- iting her sister , Mrs. E. L. Huntley , 2833 Iavenport stret , and attending the oxposi- tion. tion.Mr. Mr. ant Mrs. John II. Oilman of Ottawa , Ill. , are spending a week with their sister , Mrs. A , A. honey , anit viewing thct exposi- then. then.Mrs. Mrs. Mary A. Johnson has left for her home in Illinois after a four wees' visit with her son , Mr. J. A. Johnson of this city. city.Mr. Mr. Walter L. Righter and his sister , Miss Righter , are doing the exposition with their relatives , Mr. W. II. Wood nd Miss L. Wood. Mrs. fininia itcedor and daughter Nellie of Tipton , In. , wore in the city two weeks visiting reIttves and taking in the oxpo- sition. itev. and Mrs. L. R. Eastman of Farming- ham. Mass. . arrived ycstcrday morning an ! arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sanmel Burns. . Miss I'earl alid Floy caboy of Farnam , Nob. , and Miss Mabbo Icioth of Lincoln , % re the guests of Mrs. A. Garrow at 3719 Marcy street. Mrs. E. I. Bradley of Auburn , N. Y. , who has been visiting her son , Mr. IL S. Bradley , for the Inst three months , returned borne inst week. Mr. T. M. Righter is visiting his sister , .Mrs. A. P. Wood , and taking in the exposi- then in company with his svlfe , son and 'daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alexander and son of Stockton. Kan. , en route to Boston , were in the city a few days last week , guests of Mr. J. S. horn. Mr. It. Smith , formerly of Fremont , now connected with a musical institute at Chat- lanooga , Tcnn. , is the guest of Mr. Daniel Wheeler , jr. The Miasos noble and Iay Oberfebber of Chicago after' a delightful visit with their sister , Mrs. Leo M. Franklin , rcturned home Oil Saturday. Miss Kathryn V. Kehoo of Chicago and Miss Marguerite Ilolloran of Louisville are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fries at Call- foi'nia Street. Rabbi and Mrs. Itypons and son of Evans- yule. md. , who have been visiting Rabbi and Mrs. Leo M. Franklin , loft on Tuesday for Cincinnati. Miss Carrie \Vonds Bush of Chicago , critic On the MusIcal Critic and the Concert Goer , is visiting her relative , Mrs. J. W. Taylor , 1815 Locust strot. Miss Clara ( isantner and Mr. George For- gusen , from East Orange , N. J. , came In from the east an Tuesday morning , and are the guests of Mm. Anna Kuhn. Miss Minnie McMallon of Cincinnati , Miss Mae Rigney of Chhlllcothe , 0. , and Miss Nellie Rigney of St. Joseph , Mo. , are the guests of the Misses Ellen and Katherine Smith. Mrs. George Caven has arrived from Chicago - cage and will remain several weekB as the guest of her parents. Commissioner and Mrs. Fields , at the Minnesota building , on the exposition grounds. Mr. A. B. Morse and daughter of Granite Falls , Minn. , and the hisses Morse of Nevada - vada , Ta. , left for home on Saturday , after a visit with their relatives , Mr. and Mrs. Fries of California street. Yesterday Messrs. Charles Corwith , James Walker and Edward Pike , prominent young sochJty 111011 of Chicago , arrived in the city , our ! wiii he the guests of Mr. Edward Dick- insofl during the coming week. Mr. and Mrs. 13. F. Thomas , sr. , of Ma- quake , In. , father and mother of B. F. Thomas of this city , nrc visiting the latter. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Thomas of Cedar Rap- Ida are also visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomaa. The family .f Captain Mercer , consisting of Mrs. Mercer and daughter , have arrived and vIll spead the remainder of the summer Oil tile exposition grounds. Mrs. Mercer and her daughter have been in the oaat since last spring. Mr. I. , Cooke and daughter , Miss V. L. Cooke of New York , stopped in town two days last week. Miss Cooke iB quite .Ie. lighted with the ivost , this being her fIrst trip , although she has traveled eli over Europe an.1 . the eastern states. Miss Jessie Brandriff of Missouri Va1ia bob returned from a year'a attendance at tile conservatory of music , Cieveland , 0. With her mother , Mrs. hi. B. llrandriff , she is now the guest of the Misses Ciarendon , Park avenue and Dorcas street , Judge and Mrs. hi , 11. Koch and son from Potts'iiie , I'a. , have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alien Koch the last three weeks. Ten days were devoted to the exposition , and they expressed themselves its highly ilCilsed with $110 $ magnilicenco aod beauty of the grounds and buildings , Euiti'rli.ii..e.ts of ( I.e " , % 'cek. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. W' , A. Challis were at 110010 to their friends. Complimentary to Master George hloagland Summers Mrs. George hionglanit entertained about fifty of his friends 011 Saturday a1e. iloon. Messrs. Fred Lake and Asa Shiverick gave a tallyho party en Mor.dny night. Supper was served at the home of Mrs. llunt at I"lornco. ? Miss Faith hiagans of Chicago , who has been visiting in Omaha anti Council Bluffs for some titne , left on Saturday for Lake Okohoji , In , One of tlio diversions of the week was tile watermelon supper givers by Miss Jeanie Iirmvu oil Tuesday Ilight , About twcaty jycre Present. Miss Rihieks , in honor of Mr. harry Keene of Texas , entertained a party of friends at Lake Manawa on Thursday oyening , About thirty were present. Mrs. A. \'ieriing , in honor of her son htnynlonhi's birthday anniversary entertained a number of friends on Tuesday evening. A buffet luncheon was served. A very enjoyable party was held at Iho home of Mr. harry FIsher , 2512 Chicago street , 108t Monday night by the K. 0. B. (1 , club. After a business meeting by the club the evening was given over to having a ( )4 " go.M time , in which everybody joined. ftc- freshments wcre served at a late hour , About , fIfty wore present. A niot delightful entertainment tendered Mts. Johnson of St. Joseph , Mo. , was the informal party given by Mrs. Rdgar M. Mbrscman , on Thursday evenihg. Mr and Mrs.V , S. Reed of O4 Davenport street gave a dinner on 'rusday evening complimentary to Mi- . and Mrs. I" . ft. Gosney , who have lately settled in the city. The Misses iCing of 41&S Cass street pleasantly - antly entertained a number of friends at a musieni last Friday evening in honor of their cousin , Miss Esther flriggs. At the concitision of the program .bnnebng was enjoyed - joyed , On Monday evening a surprise party was tendered Mr. Cassius Crawford at his home on South Tenth street. The grounds were tastefully and brilliantly iiiuminated with Oriental lamps. The large ( billing room decorated in cut flowers , lit honor of the Misses OcorgO , who ate visiting their hrotticrs hero , Mrs Martha Field Ileth gave a lUncheon to a small number of friends on Thursday at noon. A proftision of sweet peas and a fine display of lilies constituted the floral decorations. On Friday evening a dance was given at the NOVt' York State buildifli on tlrt' exposition - position grounds. Major Wheeler made an admirable host. The major contemplates giving a series of dances ( luring tile exposition - tion , and will be glad to have the young folk hold any of their festivities at. his building. Master Al Dickinson is entertaining four oflllsyoting friends on a railway anti camping - ing excursion in his father's Private car. They left for the vest last Monday , 1)11(1 will spent the next month in Idaho and \'y- oming , Those compesing the party are : Frank Potter , Cliff Sadler , Frank itniglit and Lawrence Brinker , Mr. 14. II. iCorty's lionic has been the scene of several delightful Parties during the last week , Miss Louise ICorty is entertaining the Misses Rheam of Minneapolis , Stevens of Des Moines and hiachlel linli 0 ! KansaS City. Dances , hayrnek rides and exposition parties have pleasantly occupied the attention - tion of the visitors , On Wednesday evening Miss Korty served a porch supper. On Monday night the younger clique of local society met at Major Towar's home nod formed a Weekly Excursion club , Tue momhersliip consists of twenty young men arId s'omen. Last night they all went to Lake Manawa. This w'eelc they will intitligo in a steamboat excursion up the river. The club Is composed of sailing enthusiasts. One of the most pleasant dancing parties of the season was that held at the clubhouse - house of hlanscoiti park on Wednesday evening. It was given by Mrs. Willis at. Todd in honor of Miss Todd of Indianapolis and Miss Bnldwln of l3aldwinsviile , N. Y. , who have been visiting hero for a few week . Dancing on the upper balcony of tIre cottage was enjoyed by a score of young men and womeo. Dainty refreshments were served on the wCat balcony by Mesdatnea Todd and Van Dusen , alOS'elllClttM of Society F,1lc. airs. It. W. Talmaga is visiting ha Batavia , N. 'r' . Mr. A. S. Stees has returned from Now York. . alias Bessie Lyons is visiting relatives in Denver. Miss Fannie Purvis has returned from Ba- Chno , Wie. * ' Miss Adelaide I3arron is visiting friendo in Denver. aliss F'rances Buchholz is visiting friends in Chicago. , ' Dr. F , J. Wearne left n Monday for Dome Lake , Wyo. Mrs. L. S. Mccarthy Is visiting relatives in Sait Lake City. Mr. George Paizner left \\'cdnesday for Dome Lake , Wyo. Dr. Whinnery Is spending his vacation in Idaho and Wyoming. Mr. J. M. Iaughlery and Miss Croighton left for Denver last week , Mrs. L. A. Garner nod Mrs. Wesley Baker are visiting friends in lawn. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. iCarr and daughter have returned from Washington , 0. C. air. and aIrs. Charles Greene left on Thursday for an extended eastern trip. Mrs. Dr. I't. Gilmore has gone to spend the summer at Lake Minnetooka , Minn. Miss Georgia Krug has recently returned from a visit among friends in Missouri. alias helen Ilendrie is spending a few weeks with aliss Nellie Evans at Columbus. Neb. airs. C. E. Smith , son and daughter , from Colorado Springs , Cob. , are exposition vial- tora. tora.Miss Miss Lydia Tukoy has returned from a month's visit with Miss Mae Burr at Lin- coin. aleasra. Samuel Burns , Jr. , and Mosher Colpetzer are enjoying a vacation in Cob. rado. Mrs. S. D. iharkalow will spend three weeks at Green's Lake , Wis. She loft Thursday. Mrs.V. . M. Burgess loft \Vednesthry for Hot Springs , S. D. She will return the first of the week , Mr. anti airs. Julius Kerrler left last Wednesday for a month's outing in Wyom- log and Colorado. air. and Mrs. Arthur Squier spent last week at Waterloo , In. They vili return home the first of the week. Mr. anti Mrs. Jacob Klein have returned from their wedding trip. They are at home to their friends at the Merriam. Mrs. Elijah Conklin and tlaughter Graci3 left Tuestlay evening for an extended trip through Pennsylvania nod New York , Mesdames George Becker and Soi Degen on Tuesday loft ( or Denver , Cob. They worn joined on Tuesday by their busbantla , air , Geraid Drew' left Friday afternoon for South Bend , where he will enjoy a week's outing , and meet a pnrty from t'lattsmotulr. air. Fred A. Nash , alias Nash and her guests , tile Misses Creeden of Boston , will return from the sveet in their private car on Montiny. airs. T. W , MeCtilbough anti her guest , Miss Pine Of Galeshurg , Ill. , loft last night for a visit at Denver and Colorado mountain resorts. air. Alien Koch anti family , accompanied by Ills brother , Judge and Mrs. Koch and son , spent a delightful week at Minneapolis anti St. Paul , Mrs. Franc Luso Aibrlght of Albuquerque , N , at. , representing Now Mexico's exhibit at the exposition , has been a guest at the Madison the last week. airs. Susauna Walker , formerly a teacher of isoguago at the Omaha high school , baa aCccptotl a similar position in one of the high echools of New \'ork city. Mr. and airs , II.hattties and Mr. sod airs. John T. Burke 00(1 800 Charles , returned on Suntlay from Onawn , where they silent ten days In fishing in llitie bake. 31r. and airs , Charles E. Fortl and cliii- dren , Hazel and Eugene , will leave on Tuos. day for an extendeti trip to ( lie north , aild ivihl then take a trip around the Great Lakes , Mr. Robert B. W'hlcox of the Omaha Guards , son of Major It. B , Wiicox , retllrned home from Chiclcamauga Park last evening. lie will spend a thirty days' furlough with Iris family hero. airs , S. A. McWhiorter , accompanied by her sons , hugh Gardner anti Ionaitl , heft yesterday for a ten days' visit with airs. Mc\'horter'a sister , airs. James llevana , at Decatur , Ill. air , and airs. Frank 11. Thomas , airs. Fretierick 0. Lamb and Miss Emily Wood of this city , accompanied by airs. Davis of Grand Island anti airs. W. A. Butiiong of Cpmdcn , N. J. , have gone to Bed Cliff. Cob , , for a summer outing. 't..1ihitgs of tIO Vc'k. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Roberts of tills city aflllOUflCO the marriage of their daughter alias Sophie A. Itoberis to hr. Albert - bert V. Lavelli of New York City. The marriage took uilaco on Tuesday , August 2 , The marriage of alias Katherina Zest of Ilancroft , Nob. , to Mr. (1. L Rebilailsen of Omaha was solemnized by Father Englisil at St. Peter's church on Monday. air.- and airs , Itcbliauran are at uorne at 1531 North Eighteenth street. 'Fho niarriago of Frank It. Gosue > ' of South Omaha anti Miss B , Mao Chandler of Dexter , Ia. , was solelnIlIzed at high noon on Bunday at the residence of Rev. Matthew B. Lowrle , 2413 Capitol avenue , this city , After I the ceremony the bridal party adjourned to the residence of .1 fl Talmagc' . 2O ? St. ata'a avcnrte , for the wedding breakfast. The rooms of the tesidenco were garlanded with bridal wreath , In addition the lireak. fast table being tastily decorated vh pink and 'bita roses , encircling a centerpiece of a -basket of white roses sustaining it floral bell. Breakfast was served in four courses. wIth covers laid for ten , The brine and the groom enjoy a popular ncqtiaintanco in their respective homes. 'I'LllIlSiI itt'l iS.ti.l , .AlI Unusual SbniIig , flI dire Oralloril & VilIirltta Ciitiit' * ( 'OlIIiflt1) , The success of our oriental rug sale tile last week will keep air , I'ushmnn with us until next Saturday. Another shipment was received yesterday. representing all that is clioico in these goods and this should reebva the attention of the Turkish rug bliycrs , It is weil worth anyone's time to ioo.c over this rare exhibit of directly imported Turk- tab rugs. ( )3IASIA ) SIJBIJII1IS. Zi'IuretIce , Mary Gunderson went to Calhoun Friday to visit friends a few days. airs. Freeman spent Wednesday and Thursday wIth friends in Omaha. 'Miss ' Eunice and Prudence Tracy were business visitors in Omaha Wednesday. B. M. Gardner of Michigan is here visiting with his niece , airs , Frank Reynolds. Mica Anna fidivards of Chiilieothc , Mo. , is visiting airs. j. W , Tuttle for three or four weeks , alias alattie Tucker returned Thursday from a. month's visit with friends at Laurel and Blair , Neb , Mrs. II. Pttetoon of Crescent , Ia , , was via- iting her sister , airs. George Stnlon , Sntur- day anti Sunday. WaIler Carpenter of Itiverton , Nob. , was hero Thursday visiting friends and attendIng - Ing the exposition , aliss Edna t'ct rsan returned from Pen- der Monday , where silo has becil visiting for the last two weeks. aliss Mabel Tucker , alias Whitiock antI Wiiianr Fielding apent Tuesday evening via- iting friends in the country. airs , J. D. Raft of Kansas City Is here visiting her mother , airs , auilier , and will remain a couple of weeks. IV. It. Learn , a former resdiellt of this city , now a constable in Omnha. was in town Thursday visiting friends. airs. W. at. Beebe of Now York City is here visiting her sister. Mrs. Frank Roy- nohis , and viii attend the exposition while here. alias Mrrttbe Tinney of Newark , N. J. , arrived - rived Saturday and vili spend the rest of the summer with 11Cr allot , Mrs. Captain Frank Reynolds. Mrs. Murphy and her brother , L. Icierlo of Chicago , are hero visiting their brother , Charles Kicria. lloth will attend the expo- rItion whiho here. auss Lizzie Kruger of Omaha was hero Thursday aliti Friday visiting the Misses Ifall , who are visiting with their grandmother - mother , airs. Il. W , Cowan. The social given by the Presbyterian church Thursday evening was wehi attended , the proceeds goIng to pay for 1110 paint that put on inside tile church , 0. A. Corvies and Mr. Victors donating their work. hSeitson. Mrs. Frank Lind is slowly convalescing from a severe illness. Mr. and airs. Babes and her family moved to Omaha last Monday. Miss Lea Dodson spent inst week In Omaha as the guest of Miss Anna Potter. airs. Stroud or Omaha spent a few days of last week with Mrs. John Woods. airs , Frel A. Bailey Is again able to get around after a severe illness of a few days , ansa 4da Stiger returned last Monday from her visit witil friends In Plattsmouth. Mrs. Meflihl. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J , A. Morgan while visiting the exposition , IIote Chngc ill time of 'Burlington Route trains , effective August 14. No. 1 leaves Omaha at 11O : p. m. , arriving Denver at 2:50 : p. in. next day. No. 6 leaves Omaha rt 2:15 : a. m. , arriving Chicago at 4:25 : p. m. same day. day.All other Denver. Chicago , St. Louis and Kansas City trains are unchanged. See time table column on another page. TieIet OfficeNew' DCjOt- 1502 Farnam. I 10th and Mason. Lades' ahhigSCOFIELD'S Sails Just receiveti a line of ladfcs' Black Mohair Bathing Suits , braided iii white , 4. Ladies' Talinrod Stilts , staple styles. Ladies' China Silk \Vabsts , $2.U5. Ladies' Cloth nnd StIlt Dress Skirts. Pottiroats in siik-near-silk and other popular materials. Shirt Waist Sale. All tuba week-the prettiest waidts In Omaha-see the POe assortment. 0 U CLOAV&SIIIT CU , 1510 Douglas St. - MILLINERY GIV1N AVAY. Dauks Omaha's Popular Milliner. 500 El egit ut niid iip-to.dttto Trimmed hats . , u a'OhtI' OVfl pritao. Conic iii niid sue tIt.ihfl. Lti'gest. line of 1-lair Goods in the west. Beau. tiful switches from $1 , 00 UI ) to match aiiy shade of hal i' . 15J1 Douglas returruul last Monday to her horns in lila- watha , Han airs. Charles Potter of Omaha i'as a vii. itor with friends last Saturday a week ago. airs , N. Speedy of papillion is a griest at tIre honic. . of Mr. and airs. harvey J. Groves. The last qtiarterty conference of the Methodist - odist EllisCOpRi church was held at the church last week. Miss Loin Morton of Missouri was a. vii- tier Inst aioniny at. the home of her cousin , airs. harvey 3. Groves. A ( laughter was born last Tuesday to Mr. anti airs. Ed Cone , who are well known in Benson , now residing in Walnut 11111. Services will be helti at the MethodiSt Episcopal church this evening at the usuni hour by the pastor , 11ev. Frank Dross. Mr. and Mrs. George Ii. Morgan and daugh- tots , Alta. anti Edith , loft on last Friday for their home in itiedo , ill. . after a three veeks' visit with relatives in Benson , while visiting the exposition. Mrs. 'IV. i4. Dorward has returned from a trip east , whore she has bce'r investigating different 53'telns of physieni culture and attending - tending a stiool of methods , tier addresS will be 2213 Dodge street Tebephoac 130. hleggnrts ie't-iop I trio Foot In.is , Two of the street beggars who haunt the ( town town streets after dark attempted to hold up anti rob H. T. Dillon of 1220 Farnarn street , anti his companion , henry llerrnnnn , Friday night , brit were repulsed and turned over to a police officer , The footpads , who gave their names as Stinson and Byron Morrow , met Dillon and hlermann on Farnam street west of Tenth street , 504 followed them to 1 * dark place bctweCfl Eleventh anti Twelfth steCeil , where they halted the two anti naked for irlnii. When they ivero refusetl they otdeted Dhlion 8114 iiormnnn to hold tl their hands , aild then attempted to rob them. Instead of coinpiy ing , Dbiion and Iinrmnnn grappled with the men nntl helti them , while ft stranger chio hntl witnessed tim affair summont'tI nfl ofilcer. Neither of th iootptttls wIts armed. aiflt'r1ilt' l.ieOIli'i. The foihowing marriage licenses were Issued - sued by Judge Baxter yesterday : nnioantl Residence , Age. John J. Dove , South . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alice ai. ibeatey , South Oiiniin . . . . . . . . . . .2i Albert II. Peabody , Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . Nellie Taylor , Nevada , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . itanley .1. hlornby , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Runa , Omaha . . . . , . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . , . IS William S. Coo , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itla May aldnritie , St. Louis , . . . . . . . . . . . Ernst Louts Melmer , Arapalroe , Nob..49 Augileta Skione , Arapaltoc , . . . . . . . . . . Don't forget the ice cream social for 1110 benefit of tile Thurston itiflos , 'etbnc'sdry evening , Atigtist 17 , on W'igman's lawn , 1011 Locust street. .10111 5)1)1(1 % I it 'l'ronl.ie , John Smith , better known in tin' City by another name , rcportc(1 that lIe had been robbed of $40 last night in the npartnretits of Lricie anti Alice Moore , Ninth anti Capitol nvOntio , The women wore nrreitetb for grand larceny anti later released on $00 bonds MRS. J. BENSON , 210-12 South i6th St Belt Snie Red , Green and Fancy Colored Leather and Velvet Belts-price cut in half and less. Stoci Studded , Red anti Green Leather Belts , $1.25 quauity cut to Ide ; 60o quality cut to 25c. 750 Leather and Velvet Belts , steel studded , cut to 3Sc POe Colored Leather and Veivet Belts , cut to 15c. Metal ileits from 213c up. We have just got in a large and elegant stock of now Buckles , enameled , jeweled , cut steel , gun metal , etc.-prices from 35c to $3.25. See the excellent quality of twilled silk Umbrellas-Congo stick , surer farrel , and steel roti , that we are selling for OSc. Handsome Colored and White Dressing Sacques cut to TIc. 'SODA WATER Ladies' do you want a really first-class Ice Cream Soda , pure , cold , refreshing and bountiful , or a fairly good one with a chromo or other cheap attraction thrown in ? If it is a good drink you want we serve it every day-always the host , Ccii and look at the neiv decorations in our store. Beautiful surroundings you know make things taste better. Special attention to carriage trade. J. A. FULLER & COq , Cut Price Druggists. 14th and Douglas Sts. ' ' -Pianos- THE CKICkRNO MANO Is the oldest In America-the best in the world. Seii It along with 26 other makes , iaclud- Ing the Steinway , FIscher and Baldwin. This piano is the culmination of all mus- lcd knowledge. It is tire result of the best thought in instrument making. Chickering Pianos Are Ihe Best , That's Why we sell them. We guarantee our Pianos to be satisfactory to purchaser or money refunded. New Pianos for rent. Pianos sold on easy payments. Hayden rs' - - - - - - ' - signed b Emil ( ball mitii paya tL. ' a woman entt'rtni'ied him while 11CC . 'a' parrlon made tree witil his pockets t. . , the Wonrell claim ti'nt inrith iutlt spent his money circa here. TIIECONTINENTAL . "I Ji ; ( ; ? . = = = \\c \ ) . ' , - CLOTHING tOMANYI A Oreat Offer A fine stylish sidi that WOUld sell in av store fbi' i,5.OO to 2O.OO , easy , Monday at S1O.OO. Another , a fancy I cheviot suit , will p1ease anybody , Moii- I day , S5.OO. We have a few straw and crash hats. Monday they go at yo1l1 ll'iCe. . A cool negligee shirt , lialfusnal price. Everything in geil- tieman's f'urn i shing liii e. e.Always Always a , see the Con- tiiiental first. It saves money. N. E. Cor. 15th an 1)otiglns. Seciire Free I Admission to Transniississippl Exposition by taking orders nmon youi' friends anti neighbors for Cudahy's Pryamid Soap Powder. This proposition Is made to introduce this arti- do. This is a chance for the boys and girls. Apply for particulars to The Ctiohy rckinj Co , SOUTH OMAHA. J. Deright & Co. , . , ' - " Agents for the "tViiIiLtiiiS - ' ' . , ' ' 'l'ypcwritcr . rho best typewriter - , writer In tire woril . . --bar . - ' - - - none. . \\'rbte for . Catalogue. ° 'Al , 353. 1116 Farnam St. . Omaha. ' ( M 0 N a ' AUCTION. Of his $150,000 stock of fine Jewelry , Watches , Diamonds - mends , Gorham Silverware , Plated Ware , Bric-a-Brac etc. - Enough of this careftilly selected stock must be sold to pay off the indebtedness of the C. S. Raymond Co-cost will cut no figure-Select any article in the store and it will be sold to the highest bidder. SALES AT 10 A. M. rnd 7:30 : P. M. EACH DAY C. S. RiYMOND GO. , Cor. 1 5th and Douglas. _ _ _ _ - . _ _ , . _ i- - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -