Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1898, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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: - - 4 rIllTE : OMAITA1)ATLV 1EE : StNDAY , AUUS'F ( 14 , 1SU8
Iketch from IAfe.
? ! ggnh11etI 8,760 tImes.
) erpItgIoIugINt LI IUI SI'I % I J ) SIc1fl1 IMI ,
Iinii , after 20 yenr or practical 1nvctIga-
( Ion , ( IIRCOVCIC(1 nil IfltS(1)tIC ( extrnt.d
from twit coal In his own laboratory ) ,
which deMroys the destroyer of the hair
I'rol. iIIM in will. Iii ori1tr to Introduce
1hi tarnouM new (1mg , Au.t I IIM A ii I INI.-
I le IniIru fl IeN royer stud Ne. liii I r
Gro'vr give I're ( MIroseiiIe IniiI-
atlItIIiH 01 haIr niil 4Cflhi ) all thIH week at
1li4 Omaha conMulting roomi , , 526 New York
] Ire 13Mg. 1'OSIttVeI no ciinrge. will be
flfl(1 ( for prccrIitioiis ; or 'xttxniI1ntion.
: i loh1r4 : 9 n. Zn. to 12 in. for gentlemen :
] ah1e4 ( , 2 to 5 P. 0) Come early and avoId
the ru8hI.
'I'h ) ( ) AmerIcan .Tournnl of flealthi of New
York and Chicago Comes out thiI month
vtthi a column editorIal ndorHIng I'rpt.
.AIiMtIIl'M Ajil Isiit Ic Izi uti volT I'Mtro. .
cr siiiJ Nci hal r G rot , ntuh iays
tIong the thousands of ltIr PrelaratIo1a
hnt they have analyzed durIng the past
7 years Austin'n Is the only one that they
ave Iaen able to reconnienl.
. % tist I ILN A IItIMPItI ( 1)giiiiIriff Ih'-
114 r.icr Ut nil Ne I I a I r ( ro , p I. It pur-
Ifles the ioaIp 011(1 ( grows new hair. For
ia2o by nil druggists , or senI $1.00 P. 0.
order direct to Pro ! . J. II. Austin. 55-5CO.5G5
yndIcnto Arcade. Minneapolis. MIun. ,
Where free inicriscopic examination of the
hair and scalp is gIven every day In the
Week , Sunday OCeItC(1. )
Jni'in IN JrI''n Er. , , , . II Is I'oM I I IIL
ivilli 1o lii Our $ I,1 , . of Oj * . '
ItIIIi'd itiI ' '
'I'Iirce % Voiaiuleel.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 13.-AdJutant Genera -
era ! Corbin tonIght received the following
telegram :
PONCE , Aug. 13.-Sccretnry t War ,
'Washington : General WIlSon reports Major
Lancaster , with Potts' battery , at 1 :30 : p. iii. ,
12th Inst. , julekly sIlenced enemy's battery
at A8omnnta , iiear Albonito , and ( hove hIm
from his PosItion and rIfle pits. No I-
fantry fire on our part. Lieutenant John 1' .
Ilaines , Fourth artillery , was struck by a
stray Mauser bullet , hut not seriously , A
hcll from the enemy's gun burst just over
one of our ickots , killing Corporal Swanson -
son , wounding Corporal Jenks , Company L ,
Third \VisconIn , occc anti arm ; Private
\'ought , same company , seriously In abdo-
iiien ; Private Itunco , sdme tompany , In
chest , not seriously.
The War departinejit tonight posted the
following :
t'ONCE , Aug. 13.-Secretary of War ,
Washington : FollowIng is a complete list
or casualties In the engagement near 11cr-
mlgueros , August 10 :
Killed-Frederick F. Erinberg , Company
D , Eleventh Infantry.
Woun(1el-lirst Lieutenant Joseph C. By-
roli , 1tghthi cnvalr . FollowIng voundeU of
Eleventh Irifalitry : Sergeant W'Illiauj S.
\Vlivcler , serio.sly ; Corporal Joseph I' .
Ilyan , CoiiiIany C : l'rlvntcs'illiam Ilos-
Eltter , Company a , serloucly ; Arthur S.
. hays , Company C ; John L. Johnson , A.
Sands , ( 'oinlaiii I ) ; l'aul 11. Milsjio , henry
Gerri'k , harry Errick , Company E ; Samuel
It. Cobb , Company I ; Ames \Vlikie , Corn-
h'anY E , seriously : lanIt1 ) S. Graves , Coin-
PaUY C. seriously : Corporal John hirtining ;
Private Samuel C. 1ry ; Private C' . CurtIs ,
Light. Battery l ) , Fifth artillery. Tue dcc-
tor thinks all but one of the VOIint1eil lIkely
to recover. MhIES ,
IllilullilieM $ dlii'Iii Iii Siiiitliigo.
SAVANNAh , ( in. , Aug. 13.-Tluj ThIrd
regiment , U. S. V. ( Inimunes ) , Colonel P.
11. Itay , wilt sail today for Santiago on the
transport MInnowaska. 1epairs on the
boat , it is said , have drlayed the departure
several days , Thu men are all on board nod
veil ,
1.'Diirt'ii h ) r ( ' I'i I iIi N I'll I I Viet litis
to hit' 1hui .
ngi.s or Ihit'
lt'i.iIi I''t' .
\\'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 1i.-Tiio War do-
partnwnt tonight POSted ( lie following bul.
hello :
SANTIAiO IF CUBA , i\ug ia-u :27 : p.
in.-Adjutant General of the Ariiiy , Wash-
Inglon : Sanitary riiort for Atigust 11 : To-
ital nurnbe'r sick , 2,471 ; total number fot'r
cases , 1.03l ; total number new cabes , 273 ;
cases of fever returnth to duty , ass.
Pe'aths Augtist 11-Musician T. Id. Mc.
1)onald , Company I ) , Seveuteeiithi Infantry ,
exhaustion and dysentery.
leaihs ) Algist 12-Private Abram Benson ,
Company fl , Twenty-fourth Infantry , yellow
fovoi ; Sergeant Fred 11. Stewart , baine
volunteer signal corps , yellow lover ; l'riyate
Charles hhick , Company i , Twviity-rour.h *
Infantry , ycIow fever ; Private lllfs lhlaud ,
Company liglitIi 0110 , ychIor fevei' ;
l'rivate Adolph Mldbai , Company F , 'l'hird
infantry , tuiihoiil ( ever ; l'rIvate S. a
LounLly. CoinIiiy 1. 'l'weiitietii Infantry ,
orKunlu heart dIcase , measles. bronchitis ,
Corporal George h. \'hiIpple , Compapy M ,
hticund ; Mabsaehuiets ( , lwrntctous malarIa
fever ; l'rivate l'erry 11 , Ilowarth , Company
13 , FIrst infantry , chronIc clysentezy ; Sec.
cud iieutenant 'IhiIanm M.S'ved , Twelfth
infantry , aesthenia , consequent rimuittomit
uialariai fever ; Private Joseph I" . Ashmuore ,
Company 1) , T'cifihm infantry. Illalarint
fever . , remittent ; l'rivate F. II. Moore. Co'n
hail ) II. lighithi infantry. remittent immahurial
fever ; Mttsician 'iIiiarn II. l.conartl , Coot.
pany II , Third Infantry. pernicious malarial
fever ; Qtmurtamnmtstcr Sergeant Freak I. Alden -
den , Company L , Soventy.flrst New York ,
ernietoub malarial foyer.
t3h1.FT1bt. Malof General.
Hostilities CtM3 , but Prcparation3 for
Contingenoica Going On.
L tig S't'SIO ( ' Iii 'I'ruplcnl'nter IIi'i-
i1er lie' Ilmili , . l.iml and ' , iimihmiti-
er Te'.1 ( herhinul Ing-Iver-
led 'l'shIiig it hIeit.
WAShINGTON , Aug. 13.-With peact'
rochaImc&l , all of the energies of the miii-
tary and naval establishments today svere
dIrected into paclflo channels. The sudden
chamigo from war t peace was manifest pt
the War and flavy departments. There was
no further cpctancy of dramatic develop-
meats , of battles or of new campaigns. The
orders given last night for the immediate
cessatIon of hostIlities brought nil military
nmiii naval movements to a unit. nail it now
remaIned only to tiring affairs back to a
peace basis. In this , however , the atithori-
tics vero acting on the theory that the
PIOIOCOI of yesterday was but the flrst step
toward peace , and that not trntIl a foal
and lasting peace was secured could ( here
be an entire return to a peace basis ,
ThIs was particularly trite us to tIm navy
department. In that bronchi It was ac-
eepted that permanent peace undoubtt'diy
would he made , and yet instead of stripping
our war ships , redistributing them into
squadrons on a peace basis , and rttirniug
them to theIr old channels , the naval nu-
thoritios acted on the principle that the
present armistice might end In a resuniptlon
of hostilities For that reason the four
battleshIps and two armored cruisers ordered
north from West IndIan wittera are to tin-
dergo a COlUpietO overhauling with a View
of putting them in the pink of condition ,
For ninny months they have boci in tropical
waters ; their bottoms are foul au. . ! their
engines and machInery need careful over
hauilng. As soon as they roach Now York
all work at the navy yard will be subordinated -
nated to pushing the complet'i overhaulIng
of the big battleships and ruiiet. Meanwhile -
while the smaller war ships Ia tVest Indian
vnters have been ordereA to sate harbors ,
as the West Indian hurricane season is near
at hand , vhiie sumcient ships for polIce
patrol are left. along tile Cuban and Porto
Rican coast. The big , unwieldy monitors
will remain at Porte Rico , and most of the
blockading fleet will center at ICoy Went
tinder Commodore Watson , The peace protocol -
tocol will give a breathing spell and tune
for bringing every ship back to the highest
state of perfection , The complete return to
' 1 neaca basis , the establishment of peace
squadrons , etc. , Is a matter for the future.
It is thought that the AmerIcan occupation
ef Manila vil1 occur Immediately after the
receipt by Admiral Dewey and General Mer.
ritt of the orders sent them last night.
This may be deferred by the lack of cable
facIlities , but the American occupation of
ManIla probably will result in the opening
of a direct cable communication between
that city and the outside world. The only
dimeulty thus far has been that the cable
company would not recognIze American con-
trot of the cable , so long as our forces were
not in possession of the city. The orders
sent Admiral Dewey are mitch more specific
( hail those sent other naval commanders ,
as the occupation of Manila and the holding
of the bay and harbor involve more Important -
tant considerations than the mere cssation
of hostilities.
During the early hours of today the War
antI Navy departments received no acknowledgements -
edgements from the various naval and inili-
tary commanders , but it presumed that
tile orders suspending hostIlities were being
carried out in all directions.
DIsIoMItIun of tile Arm ) ' .
The War department is seriously consid-
erlng the settlement of the questions grow-
lug out of the Spanish war. The disposition
of troops , the number to be retained , and
what troops to muster out of service Is one
of the questions that Is giving the depart-
meat considerable concern The president
has discussed this matter with Secretary
Alger and General Corbin , and after going
over tile various phases of the situation baa
directed them to think over all the questions
and recommend what is found to be best , in
their jUdgment. The army probably will
be reduced to 100,000 men , and the other
volunteer troops , aside from thIs number ,
will be mustered out as soon as the depart-
meat can conveniently do so. It is believed
at tile department that now that there Is
no more fighting to be done the volunteer
troops vihl be anxious to retire from service
and get back to their various avocations.
The largo force Is a great drain upon the
country , not enly In the matter of pay and
subsistence of tile army , but on account of
no ninny men being away from their van-
Otis eIflhlOylUefltS. It is believed that 100-
000 men 'will lie sufficient to garrison the
various places occupied by the United
The War department lies also considered
time matter of taking care of the Spanish aol.
ihiers In Cuba and Porte Itico , It they shall
be found In want , These soldiers are in a
sense prisoners of war , and , while the
United States government Is not bound to
care for them under the terms of the pro-
local. yet , in ( lie cause of humanIty , neither
Spaniards nor Cubans will be allowed to go
wIthout food , hu case it is found necessary
to furnish supplies to the Spanish soldiers ,
the Spanish government would be expected
to relmnburso this government for its outlay -
lay ,
I1 lg'iI It Ii.ii rroin it i. ' .Ypst Comm vt'ym
14)1)11 ttiit CIO Ii iiI $ . * 0 Ueiirritl
Genies' As'miy ,
KEVEST , Fin. , Aug. 11.-An expedition
Which was clesined to convey clothing unit
iwovisions ( or General Maximo Goniez and
which Colonel hloza , the Insurgent corn-
mnuniter-In-chiefof sian took from here last
week , was landed without resistance at
Santa Marie , fifteen miles east of Key
Tiit , sehooners Adams and fetus , of
ninety and thirty-five tons respectively , earned -
ned ( lie expedition , the cost of which was
raised by subscription among Cuban citi-
Zeus of Ice ) ' \Vest. This Mangrove , which
left here two days after the Adams utah
luhiis , was to have covered the landing ,
but it ihtd not arrive iii time. The emixliiarv
gunboat \'iking was there. however , and 1t8
guns were ready to repel any Spanish forces
that might have appeared , but there was
no sigh of the enemy. The Ailama was
( hi ) first to reach the place selected , and
after handing its cargo , it put back for
this place , meeting the 1)eilis about eight
miles out , trith a share of time expedition.
'l'hertt Iii 110 doubt that this , too , vas safely
hut ashore.
theititlea Colonel Boza , there were in the
Imrty b.ieutenant Colonel Menihleta , also
or General Gornea's suaii ; Colonel Alfred
La horde , of C9mpetitor lame ; Lieutenant
Colonel Andreas , of tJt'itoral Itodnigues'
forces iu tile vro'inee of havana , and thirty
Cubans , all welh provided with annum and
aulnlunitbon. Tue Adamits reached hero today
and reported that ( lie vXieiitioti ) had been
entirely uccessful.
A rm.s ( ) IlIi'Iiiia lt , tlr ,
\v\sihiNToN ; , Aug. 13.-The tolhowlng
namneil otilcers have resigned : Colonel
Wendol 1' . hlowntan , First regiment PennsylvanIa -
sylvanIa 'Oiutiteer iilfantry ; First Lteu-
tenant S. 14. Johnson , Ninth \'olunter iii-
faniny : liret Lieutenant (1. M. Jeutt , Flghtit
Massachusetts 'oIu1tteer Infantry , smith First
Lieutenant . . A. Caswehi , l"ourteenth Mm-
flVaOto'oluneer ; Infantry , The following
t1teers have retired from active service ;
Colonel A , 11. ihrninhrlilge , Fourth United
Statc's infantry , aftcr forty years' service ;
Colonci hugh A , Thicekei' , SIxteenth intart-
try , after thIrty years' sers'Ic ,
, II ( 'siIr hi'trIetion. 1ti'litol , ,
NEV YORK , Aug. 13.-The central cabl8
ofitce of the Western UnIon Telegraph coin-
pany reports that eli time restrictIons placed
upon cable trailte to the \'eat Indies , Spain
soil its dependencies by the government of
the tJniied States have been removed ,
Prank .1. Morgan of Piattemnouth , who was
one of time Case county delegates to the deni-
ocratle congressional convention in the First
district last Thursday evening , was In the
city yestenlay. lie said it was a mistake to
charge that. a portion of the CaBs county
delegatIon left the hail whin Manahan was
declared ( ho nominee of the convention , but
that those who went out were enthusiastic
friends of flaring , who felt sorely disappointed -
pointed over his defeat ,
Senator Thuraton will shirt today for a
fishing and hunting trip to the northwest ,
anti wIil be gone about tlireo weehts. lie
says this will be the fIrst trip of the ldnd
ho has taken for three years , owing to inek
of time.'iien ho returns he will titake
a trip east to meet with a committee , of
which lie Is chairman , representing time na-
( tonal encampment of ( ho Sons of Veterans ,
to visit the national encampment of the
Grand Army of tue Republic. h1 xviiI also
make a visIt to New York City and % 'aahl-
ington , and expects to be home again in
time to give the month of October to the
state campaign. Ito thinks there wiil be
an extra session of the senate in November ,
so his tima wilt be pretty well occupied for
the rest of the year.
General Thomas JShryock of Baltimore ,
state treasurer of Maryland , and chairman
of the Maryland Expositica commission ,
apeat a day In Omaha visiting the exposi-
tion. In discussing the effect ot peace upon
tile business of the country , ho said : "There
is already a quickening of business in the
east as 4t result of the approach of peace ,
I t ' $ be increased now that peace
has actually been declared , Many capital-
late and business men at Baltimore are
even now preparing to go to Porto Rico to
'art ' In the development of that island ,
which will soon be so transformed from Its
present condition that the Spaniards will
never be able to recognize it. It is cx-
pected that withill a few years this Island
will become (110 most famous winter resort
visited by the American people. "
RcrNonnl I'sirngrsphis ,
George 0. hoyt of Cheyenne is in the city.
Jul111 Porter of Meorereft , Wyo. , Is in the
city ,
\V. C. Adams loft yesterday for Nashville ,
Mrs. Walker of St. Joe , Mo. , is at the
A. J , Farley of Chicago is stopping at the
Robert hart of St. Louis Is a guest of the
E. S. McDonald ( if the St. Joseph Gazette
is in the city.
I-I. A. Bliss of Newark , N. J. , is a guest
at ( be Millard.
W , \V. Cole and wife of New York arc
at the Millard ,
l3ryorh K. Cowles , jr. , of Kansas City is
at the Millard ,
1Jl. Alfred h3hedler of Mitwaulcee is an cx-
toslion visitor ,
Athlison A. Arter and wife loft yesterday
on aim eastern trip.
J , P. McCann and wife of Gahina , Kan. , are
Stopping at the Millard.
Mrs. J , M. Erdmau and Miss Erdman of
Los Angeles , Cal. , are in Omaha.
A. L. Gale of the St. Joseph Dali , ' Newa
is In Omaha visiting the exposition ,
Dr. William S. Gee and Robert N. Gee
of Arkwrigbt. II , 1. , are Omaha visitors.
Bela Clark and wife and eon of Carthage ,
Mo , , bava a suIte ' ) f roonim at th Millaril.
David 0. Watkins amid L. M. Watlcini of
Woodbury. N. J. , are taking in the exposi-
( Ion.
Miss Mary Thornton of Neola , Ia. , has returned -
turned borne after a short visit with friends
in the city.
J. II. Nathen of the firm of Nathen Bras ,
& Co. , Loulsviile , Ky. , Is in the city doing
the exposition.
MIss Gertrude Standard , hiWts Terney ! and
Miss Jessie Tierney have returned 1mm a
vacation at Neola , Is.
R. S. Bridges , assistant chief cleric of the
railway mail service at Chicago , Is in Omaha
visiting the exposition.
S. D. Barkahow loft Omaha Friday for
Green Lake , \\'is. , where he will join his
family in a short vacation ,
Mayor Frank II. Moor s is making his
borne ut ( bit Millard during the absence of
hIs family for the summer ,
Mr. and Mrs. 8 , 'V , Swain of Stewardsvihle' ,
Mo. , are the guests of her parents , Mr. nnd
Mrs. G , W , Ftetekin of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Boeseb , Miss Olga Mud-
icr and Fred J. Mueller are a party from
Now Ulm , Minn , , viatting the exposition ,
H. H , Rhodes , manager of hloape's piano
department , left yesterday for a two or three
weeks' business trip through the Black
\v. a. haley of the commission firm of
haley & Co. Catime down from Sioux City
recently in company with ills family to take
in the exposition ,
Mr. W , .1. Brutdage , publisher of the
Sentinel , Friend , Neb , , Is ill the city , He
nays at least 300 people of his town wilt
visIt the exposition in September ,
Clark 11. Sampson and Frank ( talennie of
t , Louis , two of Missouri's coinniissionera ,
arc in Omaha amid whit ni-nmaln in the city
several days making preparation for St.
Louis thay ,
James M. Schirycr , Charles Schryer , Johiti
\\'nteTs , I. 11. Sloan , Tiiomns J , .St'hryoci ,
'l'bomas J , Mechiumi amid Idward D , Creek , all
0 : htaitirnore , % 1I1 , . spout yatelay in look.
lug over ( lie exposItion.
Ii , 11. Jones , manager of Ginnocliio Bros.
Co. of hlanamis City , catno UI ) to ( alto part
in the ct'remnonies of Kansas City day at the
exposition and syas so well pleaseil with the
shots' that lie stayed the greater part of last
Meek Rutherford , stationer for time Union
h'acific rniiroad , and Frank Thompson , clerk
In the freight house of the same company ,
have gone west on a two weeks' fishing trip.
They will sPend moat of ( helm' vacation in
the Yehiowatone National park ,
\v. 13. Branch , more familiarly known as
"Budge , " and Mr. Walter Roberts sturtil
for Suit Lake City about a week ago. After
taking in tile sights at the ( Itch Metropolis
they expect to go to Dillon , Meat. , where
they will spend about six weeks eliasitig
range cattle ,
Judge J. P. ( laiTy of Deadwaod , 5 , D. , in
In the city with his wIfe taking in thmt' cx-
position , 'Mr. Oaffy vromises that the latter
part of the nmntb and during Septr'nilier
11151 hair tue population flY time bible country
wiii be iourin , Into Omaha , The hGt weather
baa kept them from attendIng in big mita-
bore thus far.
James lii , Schryver , general passenger
agout of ( lie hlnltmmnore & Ohio , and his son ,
Charles Sebryver ; John Waters , a contrae-
tor ; F , IL Shoami , city engineer ; General
Thomas J , Shryock , slate treasurer ; Thomas
J. Meehati , manufacturer of canoed goods ,
anti lId I ) . Crook , dealer In machine sup.
plies , feral a party of citizens frotn Itaiti.
niore , Md , , who stopped over iii time city today -
day to attend the exposition , vbiho on their
vay home from a trip to Colorado points ,
Nebraskatis . at hotels : J. II. Fitcim , ( lenca ;
J , " . Amulrews , 1. ' . 0. Voo1mamm , Pr.'mont ;
'fhco , Khug , Nellie Seniut'm' , Amimm Seyttiour ,
T. Hirty anti wife , Norfolk , F. M , htubht'o.
hirokemi flow ; 1h , 1' , Ginimneil , Creighton ; A.
A. . McFadden , Chim'tron , 11. Symotmr amid son ,
ork ; lit. V. 'fowimesnil , Nebraska City ;
Samuel Rinaker 'lad 500 , BeatrIce ; Miss
Miner , Miss M. 1' . Miner , Rediand , Joe L.
llurnhuui , J. C. iibertron , W. i'iummner ,
Lincoln ; ' - C. Apdcrsomi , Auburu C , J.
GrInd. Blue 11111 ; B , C , Spears. Morrison ;
I. H , Tiffany , l3chuier , W. J. % 'iuston , Co.
lunibus ,
- - - -
BpInIRr pccu1th on tile Appotto ! of'
American Soldiers ,
CnviiiiAmlinmnlM Chiet'kcil ( Jut Short
iiiil inctiggilIomi Shmnv 'rime ) '
% 'ere Soul for l'nii-Itliiecomita
Snmi IIeJee ( ( lie Iflet ,
( copyright , 1S99 , by 4nnoeIated Press. )
SANTIAGO , Atmg. 13.-.Thcro ore two ways
of looking mit the value of liorseileab hero
since the American occupation. Alive and
kicking , as horseflesh iuro and simple , it
is llrt cheap. You can buy an animal for
a $5 gold piece , vItit all the trappings
thrown In. Den' ' ) , as meat , at so much a
pound In time market , it conies high-in more
ways than one. The reasons for the din-
crepancy in values betweert a live and a
dead horse just now are obvious. General
Shatter's report says ( list oTt July 21 145
horses were turned over by General Toral
as the aunt total of the Spanish cavalry Under -
der bin conunand. It in well known that
1,000 is nearer the number that should have
been turned over , but history in this case
must relate to tile whys and wherefores of
the shrinkage ,
When Santiago surrendered , on July 17 ,
11,000 Svaniards stood ill urgent need , first
of food , second of cash , These crafty Can-
tihtans bethought themselves of an itt-
genious plan for satisfyimig their lust for
110311 and gold. They know cur boys would
enjoy a repast of "fresh meat" after their
severe diet of bacon and hardtack mimid
would be glad to pay almost any price in
the local restaurants for it , So a goodly
number of sinewy chargers and tough old
war horses were pot to the sword and din-
posed of at fancy Prices to the Inns anti
chophonees of time district for the special
benefit of time Americana ,
For a time tillS horseflesh brought cx-
colient prices. hut after many equine steaks
bad been acrvel , devoured and paid for
the American troops gradually began to
realize what they were eating and would
have no more of it. A slump in the market
followed. In the chaotic condition of Spain's
military regime in the city orderlies would
mount their otticers' steeds and ride into
time market place , offering their motints to
the first coiner for the most ttiey could get.
In tills simple manner , unllampereil by the
formality of a bill of sate , many horses
cilanged hands , always to the advantage of
the achier , who was getting something for
what cost him nothing , and incidentally depriving -
priving Uncle Sam of lawful prizes of war.
Amid thus , at least partially , is explained the
fact that the Spanish cavalry horses turned
over to General Sliafter had dwindled to
( ho ridiculous figure of 14L
First Anierleni. 1'ostofflc.
The first American postofilco in Cuba was
opened on Juno 23 at Jiaquir. Eben Brewer
being the postal agent. From the first day
United States postage stamps were sold and
moimoy orders issued. An immense amount
of mail had accuntuinted at Tampa since the
departure of the army mmd Its prolnpt delivery -
livery to the men at the front , after its
arrival at Dnquir , was a task of some
niagnitudo , After sorting the mail by regiments -
ments anil companies Mr. Brewer bought a
horse , loaded. the animal wIth a heavy
Pouch of mail and started for the front to
make delivery , It was the first mail in
Cuba under American auspices. lie was
gone thirty-six hours and Immediately after
his return made another trip , this time
hiring two mules , on one of which he loaded
tile mail matter and tied more to the back
of the one he rode himself. He was gone
four days and besides delivering his mail
ho assisted In .cnring for the wounded on
the battlefield and helped the field surgeons
in their task , Mr. Brewer during these
tour days took neither sleep nor rcBt and
the officers and soldiers among whom he
went agree that ho was an self-sacrificing
on the field of battle as the brave men
whom he helped during several days of fierce
Coiiiiiiission'rn leiidjui.f Differences
Are 1 , . tmt ct 'ithIn 'nun- Days
lit 1 iirls , Fraiice ,
MADRID , Aug. 13.-The text of the pro-
tocot signed between Spain and ( ho United
States Is as follows :
Ills excellency. M , Cnmbomi , ntnbassudor
extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary
of tile 1"roncii republic' at V&tshington , and
Mr. iViiiium Day , neeretury of State of the
United States. lliIIflW reeeit'L rflPvF.
ively , to that efleet plenary powers from
the Spanish government and the government -
ment of the United States , have establiHhed
and signed the following articles , whIch do-
flue the terms on which the two govern-
inents iiave agreed with regard to the quail-
tionis enumerated below and of which the
object is ( hid estatiliahmntent of peace be-
( Wean tue two countries , nameiy :
Article 1. Spain % tiii renounce all eialm to
alt sovereigmity over and all tier righIts over
the island of Cuba.
Article 2. Spain wiil cede to the United
States the isiand of Porto Itico and the
other iniand which are at present tmnder
tile ao'creignty ot thpain in the Amitti'.es , as
well as an inlumid in the Lndm'one nrehipel-
ago , to be chosen by the United States.
Article : t , 'J'tie United States sviii occupy
aimd retnimi the city and ( my of Manila.
pending the conclusion of a treaty of iteuce
which shall determine thin control and form
of go'ernneItt or ( lie Phliilppinea.
.Articio 4. SpaIn will lrnmiiediately evacuate -
ate Cuba , l'orto Itico and the other Isiamuls
now under Siinnieh sovereigmity in the All-
tubs. iii timis effect OmLeli of ( lie two guy-
ernments will apiOiiit coiiimissioni'rs wlthmiml
tell days after the aignimig of ( lie vrotocoi
and tiit'e cornmnissionurs ahaii meet at ha-
vamia within thirty days utter time slgniiig
of tii ( Irotoeot w'ith the object of coining
to miii agreement regarding tue carrying
out of thu iietaij of the aforesaid evuenu-
tioii of Cuba. and other adjacent tpanisii
Islands. And each of the two governments
hal ! likewise iihhlOimtt % Vititiit ( cit LIa'B itfter
tue signature 01 this nrotocol oilier corn-
Inissioners , vIto shalt meet at Simii J tian do
h'orto Itlet ) Vh'ithttfl thirty days titter time
.Slgii&Ltiitti of this protocol , to agree upon
thai details of thu evacuation of I'oi'to itico
amid oilier iniajii1H now timider Spamilnim si-
erelgitty in the Antities.
Articie 5. linain and ( ho United States
shiill ttliaiflt to treat tar peace live corn-
nitssioriers at the most br either t'utmmitry.
'I'hii , i'oinnilsnlonere shall meet in ( 'uris on
October 1 mit thte lutest to proceed to miegu-
tiatlons amid to ( lit , comtciusion at' IL treaty
of ieico. This treaty shall ho nitllleii In
conforntity Witil the constitutiorml laws of
each or I ho twi countries ,
Article tJ , Oiice this protocol Is conehimdpil
a miii aigmi'd host I I I t ii's sha i I be amispemul ed ,
amid to that eflect In the two countries
orders shRii be giveml iiy & 'itlitr govcrnmnent
to the conimnuntit'rs of its laud and mica
forces an speedily as possible.
Done lii duplicate at ' , 'asilimIgto1l ; m'tad
in French and in lnghisii i' the thither-
signed , svlio iLihix at time toot of time ilocit-
ineflt tltvlr signattmni's amid seals , August
i : , IbDS.
( HIt. . , Iii , . 1ift for . ' , piolijer.
? iilLW'AUIclE'in. . , Aug. 13.-A speci1
to ( ( \'lseomuin froiii La 'rossVis. . , says
Mrs. ' 1' . l'erry Gates utul howard Sutii.'ninnd
or La Crosse wale drowneil itt Iagic ihiulf , a
few allies from ( lint city on this Mississippi
river. Mm , ( hates was wading near the
shore when she slipped Imiio a ilecit bole.
Thai Sutherland buy went to rescue tier and
ill ( lie struggle both lives were lost.
.movt' mu.'ims itt Oi''u it ' , ess'is , Ann , i ; i ,
At New 'orlt.SsileihGeorginn for 1on-
don ; L.a hiretagmie , for hlavre ; Spuarnilani ,
for llottenihiint ; Etrurla , for i.iverpool ;
Patatia , for Ilainburg.
At Southauipton - Arrived - Sotmtltwarht ,
front New York ,
At ila're-Sathed-La Gascogne. for New
York ,
At Queenstown-Sailed--Cyzonie , for New
York ,
At Liverpool - Arrived - Lucamiia , from
New York. Saiieil'-Umbnia , for New Xork.
At lireinen-Suiteil-Frederick den Grosse ,
for Now York.
At PhIladelphia-Sal i ril-Wacaland. I or
Li eni'ool ,
. - - - -
LA S T C A L Lt .
Tomorrow is positively your last chance to pick up a
snap---among the hundreds of Remnants for Trousers.
' '
Don't miss it ! See them in our windows.
Suits $15 and $20
Pants $4 t1 $5
Made to Your Order From Pabries
Worth Nearly Twice as Much.
" -
Many men-after examining the quality of the cloth-the trini -
mings and workmansllil ) of the garments we offer at this tempt-
jflf ) price-seem very much puzzled-and want to know how we _ _ -
can afford to do it ,
There's no secret about it ; it's our method of cleaning up several
thousand yards of surplus stock-between seasons. its our aim
to carry over as little stock as possible-from one season to another.
True. there's mighty little iwofit in this inethoJ , but in return we can gain scvei'aI hundred
friends-who become permanent patrons.
'rliey are our best advertisements ; they come back and bring their friciids.
Our salesmen will be pleased to instruct you in the difference between "shoddy at deceptive
cheapness"-and first-class fabrics at moderate prices.
We've taken several hundred orders ( luring the past week-but the. assortmens is still large
-and another week such as the last one will reduce the stock to where we want it.
Such prices for garments made to order-with guai'anteed fit-might vcll cause you to hcsi
tate before placing your order elsewhere.
We mean to be generous with you. if we can't please you in every detail , we won't take
your money. Is that ? . .
_ - - _ _
DcieinleP4 I'repiiriiig it Constitution
for Snl'gtIor , Nioursigun and
zlonctnrs ,
MANAGUA , Nicaragua , July 28.-Corro- (
spondenco of the AsBoiatcd Press.--Tbe )
delegates to the convention to form a con-
stittition for the states of Salvador , Honduran -
duran and Nicaragua continue their sessions
Ilere almost daily. The work , however , is
progressing slowly. The delegates have discussed -
cussed the first eleven of the articles in the
printed form of a constitution which they
have as a guide and have decided on the
following principal features :
First-Thu orranization is to be a confederacy -
federacy , instead of a central union of the
three states.
Second-The name of the confederation Is
to be "The United States of Central Amer-
lea. "
Tblrd-There is to be a federal district
composed of the civil departments of Chin-
endega in Nicaragua , Chioluteca in Honduras
and La Union in Salvador , all bordering on
the Gulf of Icranciesco.
Fourth-The organizing capital in to ho
Amapala , on Tiger island , in the depart-
mont of Chohmmteca , Honduran. The permanent -
nent capital Is to be determined by the first
congress and will be located at Amalpa ,
Choluteca or Chinendega.
Fifth-There is to ho one president Instead -
stead of a triple-headed tribune , as at first
proposed ,
In a recent session delegates from Salva-
don protested against what they termed "a
spirit of antagonism to Salvador" in
sIteeches made by delegates from Nicaragua ,
It in thought probable that either President
Etoniiia of honduras or President Zelaya of
Nicaragua will be chosen as the first preal-
dent of the proposed ceuifedet-acy.
CImiNIJSII 'I'Jli L'P yL'rtI ltUSSIit.
IluighIJ3htmIlit ii to LiuSupitlamited as hiczm.l
4)1 CtiI4toitiM Stit'ici ,
LONDON , Aug. 13.-A special dispatch
( noun Shanghai , received here today , says
Tue Cbhna Gazette states that ( lie Russian
government holds Li hung Chaug's promise -
ise , irnulo during ( tin visit to St. Ieters-
burg , that China would iilace the Imperial
customs under Russian control whenever
the interests of ( lie two countries do-
mantled ( ho change , Li hung Chang is
said to favor Al. I'avloff , tue Russian cbarg
d'affaires , smiperaediiig Sir Robert hart , an
inapector general of ( lie Chinese custonis.
Thu emperor has Issued several striking
decrees ordering time viceroys tutu Tartar
generals to concert nioastmrea for ( lie forma-
lion of a. miow navy under foreign Instruc.
tons , and urging the provincial governors
to abaiidon tlnie-hionorod Chinese ideas in
favor of western methods and to encourage
the ihevelopment of the country on Buro-
peahi lilies. Russians have obtained control -
trol of large tracts of luau along the nettle
of tim proposed Nue Ciiwang railroad ,
( . 'it nhui. ' use ( Iii rue Ago iuist .5115t4) ,
LONDON , Aug , 13-Lieutenant John W' .
Jago , chief oflicer of ( ho'Ihite Star ship
Britannic , and Daniei W'ood , stwar'i of the
Cunard line steamer Lileamlia , who were arrested -
rested yesterday for complicity in robbing
the malls amid In smuggling aboard , will be
dIscharged today and immediately mean-
rested on a warrant issued at the l'dqiist
of the Umiitetl States embassy chamghm theta
with embezziement and'enny. Under this
warrant tue accused will ii , ' held in
pending tInt arrival of extradition iiapera
from ( lie United States.
( .ernniiyOilii'iiiiiy ( ttlIieiI ,
BilhiIN , Aug. 13.-Tim United States
embassy litre received front the State do-
partulent at Washiiiigton today a telegram
amitiounclng the signing anti giving the substance -
stance nf ( lie peace protocol. The fact was
lunnedlately brought to tIle knowledge of
the Gentnsit rorebgn ofilce.
lI.M I a Ister , % isgel I , ' ,
CONSTAN'FNOi'Ll , Aug. 13.-Dr. James
B , Angell , WilD resigned the i ° t of United
States ininiater to Turkey itt May last and
was aucceedei by Oscar Strauss , today left
Coastantiaoplo with his tamniiy. A large
gathering of diplomats amid American and
Lngiiab residents assembled to bid the ro
tiring minister fareweli. The American
community presented Dr. Angell with an
address expressing regret at his departure
and thanks for the services lie had rendered
I during his stay.
EitgItuiid Cistlins toiiie isis , uttis ,
VANCOUVER , 13. C , , Aug. 13.-Mnii nil-
vices received hero say that the liritisli war
ship Mohawk has rained ( he British ilag
over the Santa Cruz and 1)uff islands and
taken formal Possession of thteni , The
Islands are in the South Pacific. The Santa
Cruz group has seven large islands. The
Duff or Wilson group consists of eleven
Germany is reported to be trying to annex
Cholera. Epideitule ut Muitirns.
MADRAS , Aug. 13.-Tile cholera Is epi-
demie here. Between Monday morning and
Friday slight ( here wore fifty-five deaths
from the disease , the fatalities prior to tile
day first mentioned having been 117.
Guatemala 1teInt ion Cru shit'i.
PARIS , Aug. 13.-Presiitent Cabera of
Guatemala telegraphed today to the Guatemala -
mala minister to France that the revolu-
( ion headed by General Prospero Morales
has been utterly crushed and that complete
peace prevaIls in Guatemala.
Mrs. Terris , . Not ieaui.
LONDON , Aug. 13.-The reported deaths
of Mrs. Terries , widow of ( lie actor , who
was murdered by RIchard Arthur Prince on
December 16 last. iiroves to have been nil
error. Mrs. Terriss is seriously ill.
Objections Filed Cone.'r.Iuig Ills .ti-
pointimit'n t its itgemi ( iii J'iumce
of ,1litIsuI.
WAShINGTON , Aug. i3.-Speclul ( Tele-
grani-Protcsts ) have been received by the
secretary of the interior against the imp-
poiittnieut of henry U , Shiarkntan to sac-
cecil Nathan P. Johnson as agent at Sinse-
toil , S. I ) . This appointnieut has bc'emi tern-
porarily isohil tip until Secretary thins returns -
turns Irons New York ,
Lund Commissioner hiermanmi toilay left
for Oregon.'lmIle in tue west tiit' coma-
missioner will vIsit Yoilowstono Park to
make an exantimiation as to thai e'tensian
of the forest reserve on ( ho western border
of the park.
Assistant Land Conunisnioner Mondefl has
arrived hen' and axpresneti himself ns
highly honored with the siosmilmiattomi for congress -
gress by Wyoming repuhilk'ans. Mr. Moo-
deli says he feels smiti , the republicans will
carry Wyoming thIs fall.
The following have been admitted to prac.
tice as attorneys before the Interior department -
ment : John A. Miller , Carney , Nob. ; ihrtico
\Vilcox , A Ihiamice , Nab.'il : iiani 'F. \'il is ,
Butte , Nob. ; htoyal Il , Stearns , i'ort Pierre ,
S. D ,
( ml I tt'mI Sinlu's I uuim.irs uiiml 11 *
\S'ASIIINGTON , Aug. 1G.-Tue tnonthhy
statement of time Imports and exports of the
Umtited States shows that during thu IlionthI
of .luiy time mniponts of mnerchiamahiso
amounted to $50,674,266 , of whIch l9.57I,2C.
was free of dtmty. As comupared with July ,
i8t17 , a mlecrease iii shown of about 3.000,000 ,
The exFonts of domestic nirrehtancliso
amounted to $ TlISi,742 ) , an increase of over
* 1,000,000.
Tue gold Imports for July aggrcgaieih
$2,013,530 , as eontpant'd with $923,531 for
July , 1897. Tue exports of gold nimioumited
to $ l,497,0it , agolnst $ ti,462,600 for July ,
1897. Tue imports of ail'er aggregated
3,020,192 , migainat $2CI3S04 , cite year ago.
The exports dtiring .Itily were 4jt7tm,783 ,
which In jtractieahi time same us for July ,
For ( lie last seveti months there is shown
to have been a hecrease of l29i83,3i9 iii
the imports of merchandise anti an increase
In the exponin of $131,736,099. Tint gohd ira-
ports during the same time increased $ t8-
043,441 and the exports decreasemi
SOC. The imports of silver mlecreaseti
$ i,622h113 amuh time exports $3,381,424 ,
( omm i .l liters' St ritt. ( Ill.
lENVCR. Cole , , Aug. 13-The corthern
Colorado coal inimiers' strike. iii which about
1.200 miners were engaged , is at an end
The miners have accepted ( lie Northern Coal
conipany's offel' of 5 cemits a ton , miuto run.
130th aides claim a victory.
, .
Itl. ( ) 1)'iui I y SlierIlisSliot 1)ou'ii 'I'imile
At I cmi. ni Ii'ic 5 , ) Iimi ke nit
A r cc , . t.
JACKSON , Miss. , Aug , 13.-A dispatch just
received from Yazoo City gives an accaunt
of a despornte combat between Cigilt deli-
tity sheriffs anl a miegro cx-convict named
Granderson , in which two of tiio deputies ,
WIlliam Everett and Jaunts Stonestreet ,
Were hilled and another , \ Vlhliant'ard , seriously -
riously wounded , The mieputics suiri'ouiiilei ,
a cabin uI which the negro hind takeis refuge ,
lie answered their call to surretitler with a
load of buckshot , After ilniimg several more
shots 110 made his escape. A mob is now
in pursuit % 'Itll a pack of iiloofihiounds ,
: uouut'5 fr I.'r'sij A I r l'uuuui.
LOS ANFLES ; , Cml. , Aug. 13.-A very
I.ecul her suit tens decidc'ti hire today by
JmiIgo , Chink of tIi auhci'ior court. Somno
tiiiiu ago Max \'erner , a Gcrnnn , tviin wan
JOSsSeii of considcriiblo property , made k
a viii iuring his lmmltiat iou limb it ladgo of
Masons. il' t thou six 'nonthis ago anti it
was foumid that tutu trill left oiic-thirml of his
estate , abrnmt $ ld,000 , to time mipeit air fund of
New Yoik city. Thc'rc , Is iio audi intltim-
( . 'h'isc' erimirt decilc'l , , thtit the nionoy
should go to ( lie Net' ' York Tribune Fresh
Air Fund antI Aid society.
imuI , . it Cii.- , , ( % Vii. , ' .
: 'i. ' i\Ikeii and . .JohmmuVlhiisuns were arrested
inst night iii thio rniii'onil yards for having
in their jiossesainit a case of inme wino
-above t hici t' cm ilnari'mi t ill fl I 1(111 I ii I I to. On
( lie cast , tsas found tue brand of A. iJrirmls ,
saloomikeeier , at 'i'sselftlm anil lougias streets ,
tutu it iii Slliiosm'i ) ) , ( lint I iii' goods 'ero stolemi
from a refrigemntom car cmJnslgnctl to hmiiii.
I it tile sicve of A ikemi tvas foumnmi a pair of
tel rut i I a i'll C rim , tt'hi I rim coal ii renul II y have
been mmsol I ii oiien I mmg n a r d eon.
A II , m.ivuI Smoui't-Clumimg. . Artist.
Oil Friday a iminmm rm'pumntetl ( hut lie had
iit't'li ahiort-chmiitigeii aLit of it titular by a
ticket seller liimint'ih Ii. F. Eatery at one of
time exIJoHitiOll concessioiis.
imni'ry ti alt t a nimt'ml user I a ( hit , ci t y POl ic
nut ! imrrnigncii leore Judge Gorihomi yesterday
I nom a I ng. I I I a Ii en ri mug ts i II ho coisel nil
Aioui ii ay.
South your omit of tots'It friends three
imlioiogravmmrcs of the iixposltion. Only
tell cents. Time lien 0111cc han thieiii ,
I'iiiimiie K. i'owehl , amlntmuilstu'utnlx of ( lie
m's in t p o f A . ( ' . l'owei I . han' su htiumi I ted ii or
fliial nm'jmomt imii'i sinks that tile affairs of the
eitto be wominmi t p.
.1. Ctmitwnlghit , ti imo threw a big cobtibo
stoilo through a lilatil glass window o n.
lam I lit i ml 14 OH IJo ugisms mit rent 'Vim mm rsdmiy night
for the sl migl ti ii Li i'pJHL' of hearing time gi a mmii
crash was hound over ii ) await lime actIon of
tile district entirE in iiomida of lu.
"mVhiil ilaylmmg ) mao-saw emi aim olil imirnhjer
Idle at Folmrti'omitim amlil Vcbster streets Fri. .
ilay t'vonimmg t-yt'imr-oid 'I'lmmiutimy Ityan , tt'imo
i ivt' iii ( imo no 1gb hioriiooih , was hail I y tru aimed
a bun t t hit , lieu ml a iimi ( ace hy I ii a fit i i I ng of a
lmt'avy hitnimi , I Jo vas remmioved to St. Jo-
mlt'Iuhis hospital. hum immjumnles tthiile of it semi-
oils iial mire will mint ( enjmtinate ftmuhly. (
Coiitity Judge iiaxtt'r explaimmm'mi yestertlay
Ihmat it wan time imluintli'f'mm attorney 1mm time
; reen-lorau enuit' whim hmaml been c'mmjoined by
Jmiilgo Scott. Thmmi reairaiimimmg oriler hail
slot. been mhiraciami to imimusclf us a court , hat
iii Green's nttrnney it ) vrevent him train
I ( aiiimmg ( lie mao Itito Jmnigu itmixter's court.
I and ignoring ( ito mmiimiidau ( of the supreme
I comimt ,
hlcmmry ( Iohilgmahihier , a w i'll lo'mlo ilmoemin on
'na t'miiy-fomim tim intact , tnn tnl'emm limb eustodyt
by the Police yestcrmhimy timimi trill liii mldtabneii
a t t him' liii ) I cii mitit t ion item' ' ( I I tig 0 mm axaiti I ii it t io a
tat 10 lila sammity. ( ioh'igrabii'r ' s miot ' 'iow
lent. By Imanml work , wimlt'im dethroned bibs
til I lid , lit' ' bmamm , iccu mu ii i a temi im miatid seine c'omim.
pum'imy. ( uiiii he believes t'jat his relatives j
mimI ( rimntmimi are I ryiimg to . .t.'al imi itioney.
tlnmlar a uleerco of time I'ohk 'otitity district
court ( iotvu ) imi Aimmy , tmtmd a Irmibtce'mm imaimm
Si. It's Moines , tim .1 CUStI wbmt'r'iim time I.owhs f r
lnt'esttnc'iit ( ojmipzilm ) snmm tim'fcndant , the east
twm'mity-slx feet of lot 3 , hmloclc 167 , on lime
south smith , of Howard street , between 'rhir-
teemiiii and Fourtevmithm imtre'ts , was scilil by
Trustee George \Vliilamnmm to ( lie Cornell
mimiivcraity ( if Ithaca , N. V Tbiiit Is about.
ttbure ( lie natnuoriumis shumitis. A deed has
just liem'n flied wRIt ( lie megister of doe4
jjjj'ijtitjjlojj ,