. - . - - - - - ' . - - - --.y------ - - - - - - r-- - - - ' - p - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . - - - _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - P- -I------- TILE OMAHA LAILX BEE ST.ThDKI At GUST 14 1SOS. 21 : . , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - I CONDITIONOF OIAIIA'S TRADE Seed Week in Angt Okse Under Most Pavorabl ' MANY OUT-OF.TOWN VISITORS N THE CITY Take .dvntne of Low flf to Come ansL fl ( .otIjs at the Lncftt RetnIIr , . . Vgatl7 Inerrulu- tn rotni ftIr. The cond wek In Aigust cloe.d uniler : ZnOet favoribIe clrumetancs a th4 general trade eltuaten ) In thIs citY and t butary tetritory. ot much le exPECted of .uIy and the flrt half of Auguet In the Wft ) of rtlI buelneec. but tht Ca been eamething of an excepUOfl. It l fre quently remarked that more have 1s1ted Otneha than ever before during the mkI-ummer period. A 'ery conel4erable iroportlon o these summer vttor vOme from points wtthn a radIUS ot it ) mllee and very naturally took advantage of the tnducement5 otrered by local retad hou53 to do a cen3lderable amount of 5 hoppIng. The result has been a splendId showing or a.LIeS aceount. ' for JuIr and early Augut. The aIdItlQnaI fact that there has been th % few months a large Increase In the resident population. as Indfrate4 by the sc.trcity of housz or rent , has con- trtbutet to the same end. Present condItIOns In the country are such as to encourage a. good local retail bu5Iflec5 throughout. the smaller towns In all sections of tributary terrItory. and that , in Its turn , is gIvIng the city jobbers a mo4t grattfyIn busInesrtth both re- taIIer and jobbers busy It geM without rayIn that local manufacturers ttnd them- 2eIves In possession at suxttclent orders to keep all hands well occupied. What Jobher .re Iotutg. Trade Itt wholesale grocerIt 1.9 Improving - ing , owing In part to the better condition of crops and In part to the fact that farm- cr3 are not cUtte as busy as they have been for some time past. Country merchantS - chantS that are calling on the jobbers all talk of the Improvement In their trade and feel certain of a flne busIn9s this fall. The market last week was comparatively tendy. A few change' . however , are re- ported. The sugar market is still strong and refineries report more doing ; In fact many of them are oversold on veral grades. Raw sugar has already advanced and with the coming on of another period of heavy consumption higher prices may be expected on the finished product a well. The market for both canned and dried California fruits is in a very excited condition - dition and prices have advanced on nearly all lines. The situation on ea3tern canned goods , however. remalna the same with the exception of peaches. which are ? Irmlng up because of the unusually light irnck. FnrtnaceoUa goods are also fluctuating to some extent. oatmeal having advanced Oc per barrel over the quotation of a week ago. while beans have fallen oi form tZc changes of Ira- per bushel. No other portance are noted. The hardware situation remains about the same as It was a week ago. The better feeilng existing throughout this part of the country ta of course having its effect upon the volume of business transacted by lob- b.rs and con4eqUent1YthY are well pleased with prevatuing conu1ou' . . " . . " ' " firm on all tiara. with tndlcattorta pointing toward lt remaining in that condition for some time to come. Collections are very satisfactory. Pu II G nod 0 n llantl. There Is nothing of a very startling nature to report regarding the dry goods trade. Jobbers now have practically all their fall goods on hand and are htpping them into the country at a surprisIng rate. A few Country dealers arp holding off with their orders for some unknown reason. but merchants say it Is only a question of time before they will have to come around. so there is no cause for uneasiness. Trade this year has been very satisfactory indeed in every respect and local dealers are not . at all backward in predicting a bright future for the jobbing trade of this city. The market is virtually unchanged and probably will not change. at least In the near futue. The attempt on the part of mill owners to stop temporarily the production - tion of printed cloth was a failure and it now remains for the Individual owners to use their own discretion about shutting down. It l cot thught. however. that in . any case the market wtlVbe aftected. Fillin Fail Orders. Boot and shoe men are also enjoying a nice trade. Their principal occupation at the present time Is tilling fall orders to be shipped Into the far weSt. A few mar- chants in this state also want their goods. but the majority of them do not care to he bthere4l with fall supplies at this early date. Fresh orders are being received every day. but jobbers say that country dealers are buying cauttoUlT and do not care to place their ords hastily. Rubber gnos merthants ae well satla- fled with all ne fature of thetr trade. They say that country dealers appear to want the goods. but on account of the ax- cessire cutting of prices they hold o in the hope of getting batter bids and sr.em . to think there Is no telling when the bot- torn is actually reached. Low prices of course mean small rotits and while the volume of businesS may be entirely satis- : factory. still that hardly makes up for the small margin. Vill Neat ! More Building's. The lumber trade is now on the upward grade and since the dry weather scare is A. over. local dealers say they expect to have I smooth sailing. A good corn crop certainly . means that farmers will have to do a great deal of building , a.s many farms are almost without buildings and the need of them is severely felt. Farmers as a class ' 'I are not slow to make the necessary Im- prorements on their places when they have the money. and knowing that. It is no wonder that lumbermen feel conddent ' of a good fall trade. Pr1cte are flrm on all lines and It is thought present prices will be permanent. Fruit and Produec. Commission men report no particular change in their line of business. Trade continues active aod good stock as a rule meetS with rendy sale. Peaches are now the popular fruit and the receIpts are quite . liberal from both California and Missouri. I r Twenty-pound boxes of Caiifornia Craw- t fords sell at from $1.C' ) to l.lO. and the four basket crates of Missouri Flbertas bring and the six-basket crates 1.5O. It is ) expected that the supply of Mtouri El- ? bertas will materially increase this week. Bartlett pears are now selling at p.25 and . plums at Sl:4L5O. The market is being tloodesi with tomatoes and at present they ivill not bring over jfLc. ) The egg market l.ist week was rather uncertain and in spite of the fact that priceH were higher here than at surround- sag points. the receipts were light. They are now being quoted at lc. though the market is weak. Prices on poultry fell off considerably last , week and spring chickens will not now bring over SOc. The demand is still very good. in fact more are being used here every day than ever before , but the re- ceipis are more than correspondingly heavy. Then. too. spring chickens are ettin rather large. which would In part xplstid the drop. I-lens are quoted at from 6isjc ; and ducks and geese at 5e. The butter market remains the same as a week ago. OM.t U.t EcLltt : I. M.tRKET. Conslitlun Of Trasle ansi Quotations on Staple anil Fancy l'rosluer. EGGS-Good stock. 12c. BUTTER-Common to fair , l&iilc : sap. arator , iSe ; gathered creamery. 115C. LIVE POL'LTRY - liens. 4c : old roosters. c ; spring chickens , l ; ducks , 5c : geese Sc. PIGEONS-Live , per dot. , $1. VEAL-Choice. SC. lf.Y-t'pland. $ & . ) ; midland. l&5. ; lowland - land , 1.fU ; rye straw. $ LO. VEGlTAULlS. ONIONS-New southern. per bu. , 40t150C. l3IANS-llans1-pcked ( navy , per bu. . fl.5. POTATOItS-N'sw. per Du. . 40c. C tUBAGE-Par crate per lb. . IC. bttATOEsPr ( our-b.tsket crete. it CUCUMBERS-homegrown , per dot. . lSt TROPICAl. FIWITS. QGEi-Ie .sIIinas. ZtWtJtTh. Valen- cias. per box , $3O3 ; te4iterranaan sweets , LMONP-CaIIfnrnia , $ &S 3 ; fancy Messina , $ tOO1. . BAANA-'hoice large sleek. per bun " . medium sited bunches , siiJ.co. V ITS. BLUEBRRXES-P.r I.-qt. cape. 1l. . IEc ; loose , CANTALOIP ? - Crates , S&cl. ( ) ; pair leiuk.t. 4Oe. PEACh S-Calitnrnias , $ .Ib. ease , TI.CtI 1.11 ; MIasouri iberts. per four.bii.sket cr51. . $1. per six-besket erste. $1.51. PLIJMS-CaUfnrnlaa , $ I.q1.5a. PEARS-Btrtl.it. $ ? tt ISCLtANOLS. NIYrS-Almondjs peg Lb . large sls. 13I 13t. small. 11 aztle. per lb . 4i1Or ; u - glt ) * wuJuts. per lb t2ney soft 11 * 2k. atsadards. fIlbert's , p.r lb. . lee. pecans , ULtChed , medium , , exixa % fc : large ht'k'ty nuts. $1 tWi1 III pr be . 'small. $ l.151 3 p.r bu . rcsenflflts , per l's. * 4. pnuts raw. 4c. roa5ted. .c' . MAI'LK STRUt-nyc-gal. C15. ach , $1 7. gal 'ans. pure. per doz. $12. $ half-gaL cans , It . qnar * fl5. U IIONF.T-Chnre white. ItI& . DATE&-Hsllow. fl to 7U-lb. boxes , , c ; Salt. Ic. Fard.Ib. . bnxse. e. FIGS-imported. fancy 2-crown , Il-lb. boxeii , IOr. 3-crown 44-lb. boxes. 13c ; 2-lb. boxee. per box. CalIfornia , Il-lb. hiioR-Psr half bbl. . 2&36L5& HIDES , TALLOW. ETC. flxDES-o. i freen hides. ' 4e : No. green hides , l4c ; So. 1 salted hes , 9e ; o , 2 salted htdec Sc : o. 1 veal calf. S to 1 lbs. . Sc : o. veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs. , C. TALLOW. GREASE. ETC.-Tallow , No. 1. le ; tallow. NO. . "c : rough tallow. I'4c white grease. 2 ; yellow and brown greAse. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted. etch , 1i r. gr.n salted shearings short wonted early skins ) . each , ISe ; dry sharingi' ( short wonted early skins. No. I. each. Se ; dry flint. Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. Ie6c dry flint , kansas and Nebraska murrain wool potts , per lb. . actual weirhL 3ft4c ; dry flint. Cob- rado butcher wool pelta. per lb. , actual weight , l6c : dry tint. Colorado murraln wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight. 3t4c. NEV YOR GciEi ! : M.tRKET. 4notatton's for the fln7 on General ComnniLitie's. EW YORK , Aug. 13.-FLOUR-F.ereipts. 19.Oti bbls. ; exports , 26S13 bbls. ; sales. 4OJ pkgs. ; barely steady. CORNMEAL-Barely steady ; yebbo west- era. Sc. - BARLEY MALT-Oull ; western , &S'flOOC. WhEAT-Receipts. 61.&O bu. ; exports , fl- 35G bu. Spot steady ; No. red. 3 I-Sc , f. 0. b. . atloat , to arrive ; $1 I.tc , f. 0. b. , afloat. spot. Options opened weak and sold off under realizing b scalpers. The features were b.arlsh-Liverpool Cables , predictions that northwest receiptS would expand , and the weakness of cash wheat In Minneapolis. Closed S-Sctflc oft. September , GS-I@ 71 l-I&c. closed at fi l- . CORN-Receipts. .7 ( ) bu. ; exports. 11- 43 bu. Spot steady ; No. . f. o. b. , c , afloat. Options opened steady , but subsequently - quently were influenced by wheat .tnd closed unchanged. May , 1-Se ; September. 3c. OATS-Receipts , 4fO ) bit. ; exports , S3O bu. Spot quiet : No. t , c ; No. 3. white. 23tc. : Options dull and about steady. closing 1c lower. September closed at 25 5-Ic. HOPS-Quiet : state. common to choice , 1s5 crop , tISc ; lS crop. &fpc ; ; 15P crop. 11I2c ; Pacitic co.st. 1S crop , tIC ; 1ia3 crop. Sc ; 119 crop , llifl2c. VOOL-Quiet ; fleece , lfle ; Texas. 10 tlSc. CHEESE-Quiet : large white. ' , c ; small white. Ttrc ; large colored , P1 3-sc ; small colored. c. BCTTFR-Receipts. 3.45.9 pkgs. : market teasIy : creamery. I441J1Pc ; Eiglns. 1c : factory. ttI4c. EGGS-Receipts. 4,510 pkgs. ; steady ; west- era. 14c. tALLOW-Firm : city , 3-Sc bid : country , lsf : ; 5-Sc. ItICE-Steady : extra fair domestic , 5 1-3 5c : Japan. 5 7-MiS I-Ic. MOLASSES-Steady ; New Orleans , oieai kettle. good to clinIc , , S3z.c. METALS-Pig iron. firm : southern. $ .fl I1.i ) : northern. SIO.IX.10.i0. Copper. firm ; brokers , 311.75. Lead , firm ; brokers , 3.SS. Tin. steady. COTTONSEED OIL-Neglected. but nom- inaily steady : prime crude , nominal : f. 0. b. , mills. 16-16c : prime summer yellow , 2l'c : bid. off summer yellow. ra4e. butter - ter oil , 1t.Sc : prime winter yellow , S29c. St. Louis Market. ST. LOLIS. Aug. L1.-FLOLR---Uiet and barely steady ; patents. 33.QijZ.S0 : straights , $ .3Yq3.40 : clear. S3.iA3.30 ; low to medium grades. $2..fl. \V1EAT-Closed lower. with August i-w , September 1Ll 3-te , Derember 1-se , May L0 under yesterday. Spot dull , steady : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , 7c bid ; August. 69 5-Sc bid. fib asked ; September. Pe bid ; De- camber. ci i-Sc. May , 66 1-Sc ; No. 2 hard , cash. fl71ac. CORN-Fractionally lower. spot steady ; No. cash , E'c bid : August , c ; Sep- tember. 3lLt:31 : 5-Sc ; December , 314c ; May , 3l'-c bid. OATS-Futur steady to a shade easier. Spot nominal ; No. 2 cash , 22e bid ; track , 24c bid ; August , 2ac ; September , 1c bid , 1c asked ; May , 3c bid. No. ! white , c. RYE-Nomnal ; 4-Ic. SEEDS-Flaxseed. lower ; SSc. Prime timothy seed , $2.50. CORNMEAL-Quiet ; $1.7M21.S0. BRAN-Firm ; sacked. east track , Sic. HAY-Steady to firm ; timothy. $ i.0& ' 10.00 : prairIe. S4.5O17.fA ) . BUTTER - Steady ; creamery , 1Tj2Oc ; dnir' . 14k17c. EGGS-Steady. i2c. loss oft. WHISKY-Stead' . i1.5. METALS-Lead. steady ; $5.2 bid. Spel- ter. nominal ; $4.23 , PROVISIONS-Pork. steady ; standard mess. jobbing. $9.20. Lard , steady ; prime steam , $3.02 ; choice. $3.2. Dry salt meats. boxed shoulders. $3.ts ) ; extra short clear. $3.50 ; ribs. $5.S2. shorts , 33.fl. Bacon. boxed shoulders , $3.50 ; extra short clear and ribs. $6.1. ) ; shorts. $6.25d1S.37' . RECEIPTS-Flour. 4c'u ) bbls ; wheat . - 0) bu. ; corn. 60. bu. ; oats , 2.01. ) ha. SHI PMENTS-Flour. 6,03' ) bbls. ; wheat , 13 , & ) bu. ; corn , 49.)3 bu. : oats , 3C' ) ) bu. Baltimore 1arket. BALTIMORE. Aug. 13.-FLOUR-FIrm and unchanged ; Receipts. 3.917 bbls. ; ex- ports. 7,1 bbls. W11EAT-Easier spot. ; month. 7c asked : September. fltc ; steamer No. 2 red , 76c ; receipts. 23.145 bu. ; exports. 64.400 bu. ; southern wheat. by sample , 75flc ; southern wheat , on grade , 7flJflC. CORN-Quiet. spot , Mc ; month. 3i374c ; , September. 36Sgc : steamer mixed. 3c ; receipts , 53,45.5 ho. ; eiports. none ; southern white corn , 3SZ9c ; southern yellow , 9c asked. OATS-Steady : No. 2 white western , 01.1. , No. 2 mixed western , old , 2S1 29L40 : receipts. 1.7s ( ) bu. ; exports. none. BUTTER-Steady and unchanged. EGOS-Firm aM unchanged. CHEESE-Steady and unchanged. Kansas CIt Grain and l'rovi'sions. KANSAS CITY. Aug. L3.-WHEAT-About 2c bower ; No. 1 hard. 0c : No. 2 , Pc ; No. ; L & 467c ; No. 2 red. fic ; No. 3. 1c ; No. 2 sprIng , 6c ; No. 1 , 31'35C. CORN-Active , steady ; No. 2 mixed , c ; No. 2 white , 50c : No. 3. 29c. OATS-Active , about steady ; No. 2 white. 2ILC. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 4Sc. FlAY-About steady for good. BUTTER-Creamery. steady ; country , 11cm. separator , 161Sc : dairy. iflc. F.GGS-Fb-rn : fresh , 10. ' . RECEIPTS-Wheat. i46,4& bu. ; corn , 23- 300 bu. ; oats. SCs ) bu. SHIPMENTS-Wheat. S7.P1 bu. ; corn , .s00 bu. ; oats , 4(1) bu. Cincinnuti Market. CINCINNATI. Aug. 13.-FLOUR-Dull. Wi-tEAT-Steady ; No. 2 red , 73c. CORN-Quiet ; No. 2 mixed , Sic. OATS-Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 23ic. RYE-Quiet. No. 2. SOc. PROVISIONS-Lard , strong at $5.10 ; bulk meats. quiet at $5.60 : bacon. steady at $6.33. VF1ISKY-Firm at $1.23. BUTTER-Steady. SUGAR-Steady. EGGS-Firmer at 9c , loss off. CUEESE-Stt-ady. Grain lteos'ipt. at t'riucipal Market's. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 13.-ReceIpts : Wheat , 142 cars. ST LOL'IS. Aug. 13.-Receipts : V.Theat. 6 ears. CHICAGO. Aug. 13.-Receipts today : Wheat , lt ] cars : corn , 250 cars ; oats , 130 ears. Estimated receipts for Monday : \'heat. I ) cars : corn , 5-10 cars ; Oats. 425. DL'I.L'TH. Aug. 13.-Receipts : Wheat , S cars. K.tNS.tS CITY. Aug. 13.-ReceIpts : \\heat , 234 cars. Tiie.io Slarket. TOLEDO. 0. , Aug. 13.-WHEAT-Lower ; No. 2. cash. 74c ; September. IT 7-Sc. CORN-Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed. casib and September , Wc. OATS-Dull and lower : No. S mixed. c. RYE-Dull and steady : No. 2. cash , 46c. CLOVERSEED-Unchangati , O1L-L'neitangeei. LlertsouI (1mm .larkt. LIVERPOOL Aug. -WHEAT-Market quiet.t4ti lower : August. nominal ; Septem- bar , S's 107-3d December , S'i Sd. CORN-Market quiet. 1-S5d lower ; August. nominal ; September , s 3td ; Oc. teber , 31 4 144 I'rorin ! airkrt's , PEORIA. Aug. 13.-CORN-Market quiet ; No. 2. Wc. OATS-Market quiet ; new No. white. \\'HISKY-Market firm at 11.25. Siliwuki'e Graip lsrLtet , MILWAUKEE. Au 13.-W1UAT-Duli : N. 1 northern , TIc ; No. ? . c ; September , ; R\E-Stady No. 1 , 4e. ARLEY-Du1i. No. 2 eampie , Je. ) iliineupoIIm tS'heat ilarks't. 24INNZAPOLIS. Aug. 1L-W11AT- Weak : August. Sic : Sspteb.ag , S-ic : B.- t'ember Slc No. I northwru , 35c ; No. 2 northern. t1I 'csn 1'runri'so. , SS'heal Erket , SAN l'RAXt'ISCO. Aug. 1t-Wl3.tT- Quiet , Dcceznb.r Ii 21 7-8 B.t-RL..T-Julei. December SLl7. COIIERCIAL ) AND FINANCIAL I Spring W1at Movement Brings About Sharp Break n the Market. ( S ONE AND FIVE-EIGHTHS CL'4TS LOWER Oat's Decline an Eighth of a Cent , I'ork . , ivanccs Else ginit Lard ansI Rib's , tr Better. CHICAGO , Aug. IL-IndicatIons of a spring wheat movement on a sotle esim- mensurate with the exceptIonally hvy crop caused a sharp decline in wheat today. September closed 1 5-Se lower and Deesm- bet last Ic. Corn left off unchanged to I-6c lower. Oats are down 1-Sc. Pork advanced Sc. lard 3'P4e and ribs lOc. Liverpool quotations instead of showing any sympathy with yesterday's higher prices on this side were a little lower than the latest of the day before. That gave the direction to speculation sentiment here at the start First trades In September wheat were at Oc. down to 66re , against 67 1-Scl67i1c , last night's closing figure. The weather for maturing what was still un- harvested of the snrlnc wheat eron was all that could be desired. and reports trom the northwest were tar from encouraging to the long's in the market. A dispatch from up north said it was confidently expected Minneapolis and Duluth would in about two weeks be receiving an average of 40. ) cars a day. In addition to that about an hour arter the opening Minneapolis reported Tc a bu. drop in the price of cash wheat to' arrive. Such information and foreshadow- Ings of the future drove from the mind of the traders all concern about todays actual receipts , which were as conspicuously short of last year's movement as they have been for some time. Chicago received 1C9 ears and Minneapolis and Duluth 142. against 23.3 last year. The market was kept from getting radically weak Zor a time by estimates - mates that Chicago would only have iCe ) cars of wheat Monday , but that gave way again to impending free movement of spring wheat anti the market wound up very heavy. September operted 6-Se lower at ; . ; , declined to tC and closed at 6.'j655-Sc. December began 3.Stc down at 64 1St4tc , sold off to and closed at 625-Se. Corn was steady' for September. but De- camber was sold with considerable freedom and got to a shade discount under the near delivery. The weather was as favorable - able as could be desired for the recupara- ( Ion of the sick portion of the crop. The price , however , was not generally coasid- ered high for a promise of an 13.300.030 bu. crop that has still to undergo the vlcisi- tudes of the weather of another six weeks. September started 1-Sc lower at 321.4 5-Sc. advanced to 32'c and closed at 5-Sc. Shippers were the only buyers to speak of in oats and that grain merely followed the fluctuations of corn. September started unchanged to 1-Sc down at 204e. weakened to 05-SC and firmed up to ZO5-S2O4c at the close. The yellow fever scare that shook the holding out of the wealt-kneed members of the provision crowd yesterday was today pronounced a matter of no ac.'ount except for such purposes as it had accomplished. Buying by brokers. actIng for oack1n ho se quickly absorbed the offerings and prices took an upward turn near the close. September pork opened tOe down at 13.96. sold up to 13.15 ansI declined to $9.10. the closing figire. September lard began un- chanced at 33.30 and oltI up to $3.23. the closing price. September rbs opened Sc lower at $3.i2L and rose to $3.2TL at the close. Estimated receipts for Monday : Wheat. 11) ) cars : corn. 540 cars ; oats , 42.5 cars ; hogs. 30.'O ' ) head , The beading futures ranged as follows : u1c1es.1 Open. High. 1.0w. Co.a. Tesy. 'Wheat. Aug. . . Ti 71 S9'e 69' , Sam. . . . 66i.tI * iflt 85I s151.Th 64a' ! ( n4.c..lq4katt e4L 63'e' ' et : 64t Staj. . . 'bsh-60 ' 66 631t 63't 6tP. 'Com. Aur. . . 321i 32t 324 a2t Sept. . . S2'i4i :121i32i'4s : ' 3s324'j Dee. . . . 2IG4 32.4'ela J2'e ' . Itsy. . . 54'.s'35 J5 34 34i . . . . . . . . . Oats. sept. . . 2oI 2O * 2Oi 2ObIi 2o1a ; Slay. . . 231i 23i23'-teh 50I 23' Port ScOt 395 915 895 910 903 Oct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 121 , 9 Dec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 920 915 Sept 330 533 330 535 530 U" S :15 5 : ; ; t 5 33 . 5 374 535 . L'e. S 40 5 42.Lt 5 4Q 5 4L 5 4) Rita. Sept. S 12 % 5 27iI 5 124 5 27I 5 174 _ 124 _ 5 J7'I _ 5 124 ; 5 7I _ 5 174 'No 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLOUR-Steady ; spring special brands , :3 ; Minnesota hard patents , l4.3.i.5O ; soft patents. S1.2&4.30. WHEAT-No. 3 spring. IT3c ; No. 2 red , 71c. CORN-No. 2 , 32 7-SSe. OATS-No. 2 , 2c ; No. white , 2c ; No. 3 white , 252Tc. RYE-No. 2 , 45c. BARLEY-No. 2 , 3T46c. SEEDS-No. 1 fiaxseed. S9c. Prime tim- thy. $2.57L , PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.05 , j9.10. Lard. per 100 lbs. . S3.3OJ5.2. Short ribs sides ( loose , $ S.1MJ5.45. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . S.S-J4.S. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $5.664j5.S0. SUGARS-Unchanged. Following are the receipts and shipments for today ; Articles Receipts Ship. Wheat , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167,300 Flour. bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,700 5,41. ) Corn. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tj.j 1,222,51. ) Oats , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411.500 459,30) Rye , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.31. ) Barley , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,600 1,300 On the Produce exchange today the butter - ter market was firm ; creameries , 13-fis'c ; dairies , 1216c. Eggs. steady : fresh , Uc. Cheese , firm ; creameries , 7L.fjSc. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-The cotton market - ket was quite feverish late in the forenoon , but Improved somewhat near midday on scattered covering. The close was quiet at a net loss of SU poInts. Spot doted quiet. with prices I-He lower on a basis of Oc for middling upland and 6c for middling gulf , Sales , 1.63.5 bales. including 1,2S7 bales for export and 5.G bales for spinners. Estimated - timated raceipts at the ports t,1ay. 1,290 bales , against SI last week and 2,645 last year : for this weak , 6.es ) bales , against 3.960 last week and 19.023 last year. At Memphis : Receipts. 17 baIt's. against 9 last year , and at Houston , :14 bales , against 1.362 last year. Middling , 6c. Net receipts , none ; gross , 34 babes ; sales. 1,368 bales ; spinners , 531 bales ; stock. 30.065 bales ; To- tat today and consolidated : Net receipts. 1,294 bales ; exports to Great Britain. 2.325 bales ; to the continent , 4.267 bales ; stock , ihsJ : Dales. Ttfli since beptember I ; Net receipts , S.523.693 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 3,493,573 bales ; to France. 315,303 bales. to the continent , 2.937.96.9 bales. NEW ORLEANS , Aug. I2.-4OTTON- Futures quiet : August , $5 . . ; September - ber , * 3.44i5.46 ; October , i5.4G6.47 ; Novem- her , 25.49116.51 ; December , $3.5&5.5e' , Janu- ary. 13.533j5.60 ; February. 55.6113 , Starch , 13.IT$6.3. Spot , quiet ; sales. 300 bales , or- dlnary. 4 3.1St' ; good ordinary. 3 9-16e : low middling , S 1-se : middling. 55.ec ; middling ( air. 5 3.Ec : middling gulf. S 3. ; receipts , 3$4 holes : stock , 64.147 bales LIVERPOOL Aug. 13.-COTTON-Spot retail demand ; American middling ( air , 329-32d : good middling. 323-32d ; American middling , 315-324 ; low middling , 35-164 : good ordinary. 35-sI ; ordinary. 2 l3.d ; sales of the day were 5ui ) holes. of which 30) were for speculation and export and in- eluded 4.1. ) American : receipts , 7.10. ) hales , all American. Futures opened quiet , with a moderate demand and closed barely steady ; Amedcnn middling , L. SI. C. , August - gust , 320-444 buyers ; August antI Septem. bar. 3 20-64t13 21-84.1 buyers : September eat ! October. 3 1S4413 19.44d sellers : October antI November. 3 U-41t1 sellers ; November and December. 516-64ii sellers : December and January. 3 18-644 sellers ; January and Feb. ruary , 3144ti sellers , February and Starch , ! 2 lT.64d sellers : Starch and April 3 I7-44 , 3 li-64d sellers ; April and Stay. 3 I-41d buy- era ; May and June. 3 19-4ldsellers. CtlTee iIarLeI. NW YORK. Aug. lL-O' ' lions opened 3tead at unchanged prtct'e , rule4 generally inactive , European and Brazilian cables having an unsatisfactory average and spot demand dlsappuiutng ; .loiqjs1 quiet and 'suchasged to I p4nt.s lower : 'sales , 9O bags. ineluding Svpt.wber at $5JC41.69 : sctnber. $1.0 : December , $ S. ; Starcbt. May. $8.10 Spot . -'of.e , Rio. guM ben steady . No 7. lnvoie. $4.25 ; i No. 7 , SobbIng. 14-73 MIld. steady : ( 'ord0v $ It& . ; sales , fair businaea on p. t. ( isslitiun ( , C II.S'.4uI 3iurl.rt. BoSTON . -Tli. . ' t'rnmerLab But- latin stsys 'r the w.L mr-t Trading fur the . urrent week baa' b.en I more quiet l.arge-saed * ases has. ' been Tsr. ' whik' sm.iib trna tine have been numeivu's ( 'J4r55 anti medium wools b.i * , een ta fair .9emsflI a,1 ti'-re h been a firth'r mvpyneat In 'rn.hred 'nmbn woniM .t .tme.tte growth. The s&e's of the week ire a7fl lb's .tinpek' and * , .am lb's fnr.ign. 'I t.-a ; t .7 fW lbs . against S 7'.2's ' ) .be . laSt w.'k ansi 3q13.'fl lbs. for the 'am. w'ek last vest The stiles to , Iate 'show a 4.er'ase of 4.1. lbs. dome.tlc sad 6.ll5. * lb's for. ' ° " the sales to the Mme date In ; w' 11i1e receipts to date' 'show a decrease of i.Th bsbae dosneetk and 3.P1I bales for- sign. 'can , 'S'ork Dry G.nls Mnrket , NEV YORK. Aug. 12-there has been much of quiet improvement In the thy goods market during the week. The 5tor trading has been of a heavier caliber than heretofore and mall orders hv been sus- tIned fIfly well. The aggregate reeults of the week are such as to encouraee s'sll- ers and there is a likelihood of added effort - fort at the opening next tck. The week ha's been ts fairly good one for print cboth. Staple cottons are in good shape. Coarse colored cottonS are quiet. Blsnkets ansI flannels show a good nominal demand. at satisfactory prices. Vbite goods are fairly active in many quarters. l'rintetl fabrics have shnw little proevess during the week. Ginghams are netit'e. W'Ol 3lrsrket , LONDON. Aug. 13.-There was a small business in the wool trade todny. There % ; * s little inquiry except for Good Hnpa and Natal greasies. The arrivals ( or the fifth series. which is scheduled to open next month , numbers 196,11. ) b les , includinc 47.- It-so forwarded direct. The imports for the week tere as follows : New South \Vales , 7.232 hales ; Melbourne. 2,343 hales ; South Australia , 112 bales ; New Zealand , 9,307 bales ; Cape of Good hope and Natal. 2.310 bales : Dunkirk. IOJIO bales. and elsewhere. 1,344 bales. Sugar Market. NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 13.-SUGAR- Open kettle. steady at 4 ( 1-Se : centrifugal , white. 4 1-lIe ; yellow , ; seconds , 2t4 f4's4c. MOLASSES-Easy ; centrifugal. 411 lie. NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-SCGAR-Raw strong ; fair refining , 4c : centrifugal , test. 4t40 , Refined , firm ; mould A. i 3-Sc ; standard A. 5c ; confectioners' .5. , 5tc : cut lout , S 7-Sc ; crushed. S 7-Se ; powsiered , 5 5.3 ; granulated , 3 3-Ic : cubes , 6 54c. oil Market. OIL CITT. Pa. . Aug. iL-Credit balances. 9'3c : certttlcate't. 9Sc ; shipments , 2.350 hbls. ; runs , 17.441 bbls. \VLLMINGTON. N. C. . Aug. 13.-OIL- Spirit.s tur1.entine , unchanged. Rotin , steady at $ L1.YI.3O. Crude turpentIne , $1.10 1. 0. Tar , steady at $1.13. California Dries ! I'rults , NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRILTS-Steady. Apples , common , 6Sc ; prime wire tray. Sc ; choice. 30-ad : fancy. 94lOc. Prunes , 4Sc. Apricots. Royal. 1iX1'le : Moor Park. lSiilCc. Peaches. unpeeled , S9c ; peeled. lOuiSe. STOCKS AM ) BONDS. Lnrwe nail Steady Demand During lsort Se'ssion , with Price's Firm. NEW TORE , Aug. 13.-The animation of today's stock market was far lees than that of last Saturday and the net gains on the day's transactions ware much less striking. The actual signing of the peace protocol brought no enthusiastic buying. but on the other hand it brought no realta. lag sales , such as are likely to occur on the culminatIon of an event heralded and discounted. There was a large and steady demand throughout the .s.wrt session of the ex- cn.ange. wnicn acm prices quite nrmy throughout the list. Active buying in a few stocks was ConpicUOU , esp-eially Northern Pacific common. which added another - other potnt to Its price in the course sf the day. 'The grangers were strong ansi Union Pacific showed an advancing tendency. The southern railroads continued somewhat - what depressed , owing to the yellow fever case reported at a town Ia Louisiana. E'en in the absence of an eidrnic the precautionary - tionary quarantines are likely to Interfere seriously with railro.id trafllc. Kansas & Texas preferred dropped off a point under this informatton. The motlve or the recent selling of Manhattan was disclosed by the report for the June qu4rter 5howing a fail- lag off in gross earnings compared with last year of $145.97. The stock was lifted after early deprassion by the demand to cover. Very notable advances were shown by the Rubber stocks , Tobacco. and New york Mr Brake. There was no evidence of heavy liquidation - tion for London account as a result of the Anglo-Russian crisis and those who sold short yesterday. professing fears of such a result. bought to cover today. The large decrease of 30flI,150 in the surplus reserves of the banks was without ettect. The cbs- ing was generally llrm. only a few stocks showing slight rectasions from the best. The dealings in stocks this week rose fully l.e'.eft ) shares over those of last week. but are still almost 1.1..C' , ) shar below those of the corresponding week of last year. The par value of bonds sold at the ax- change during the week was , however , fully equal to that of last year and cx- ceeds $ .L&.b. . ) . Business was extremely varied in character and embraced so ex- tensis'e a list of tecurities that the move- meat of special stocks was of little ettect in deciding the course of prices.Veaknes at sonic points was witaout infiueuc at others. Where the demand seemed to & on- tinue unabated there was obviously reali- tug going on. but apparently the profits ( rota sales were diverted to other stocks of lower grade. which had not yet moved upward. The demand for stocks is undoubtedly - doubtedly based on general conditions and tha market has beCn littla affected by the sPec.l : non's developments of each slay. The Evening Post s London financial cc- biegram says : The market today was stagnant and dull. the only feature being .1. small recovery in Grand Trunks. on the belief that the mait carry forwards is , perhaps. due to the barge amount set aside for roiiing stock. Americans were about on a. party with New York quotations. There is a surprise here that American exchange is firmer. following the New York spurt in money rates. The market finds It most ditficult to form any estimate of gold shipments - ments to New York later on. The following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market _ _ _ _ - . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. ; -o. .ae2itson p01 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . .134 . 40 & U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' t. p. si & 51..161 13. Pacific . . . . . :1. I'aettIc . . . . . . . . . . . t'ana.la Canada 4OUtflO , n. . . 4's 5 , RaIlway . . . . . . . . . 3 % Central . . . . . . 40 pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . Ches. .t OhiO.t Texas & pacific. . . . . 134 52W. & .tltoti. . . . . . . . 1U Cnicn pacific pfd. . . 644 C. . B &Q. . . . . . . . . . . C. P. . B. &G . . . . . . 4'- : cat. a t : . iii. . . . . . . ee"z C..C..C. L..44 % .lopfd . . . . . . . . . . . . co prd . . . . . . . . . . . . .i'a Wheel. & 1. . E- . - . Del l itU'1dfl. ' . . . . . de pt4 . . . . . . . . . . . . U. . 2. . & . . . . . . . . . Adam. Lx . . . . . . . . . .193 Del. d itiO i. . . . . . . do pSi . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . ttates .X. . 41 Erie tntW . . . . . . . . . . 1 Wells.Farl'O Ex . . . .115 .10 151 ptd. . . . . . . . . A. Cot. Oil. . . . . . . . je1 , Wayne . . . . . . . . do p64 . . . . . . . . . . . . Gt. Ncrth. pfd. . . . . Am. tpiriU . . . . . . . . . . 4' lOxkiflg Valley . . ' p15 . . . . . . . . . . . .137'e . . .IO't litirois Crntrsl ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . Tobacco a. . F k IV. . . . . do pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i" pe " do . . . . . . . Sas . ( 's ) PLC"s L.alte her . . . . . . . . .194 . ' 'en. Ga's . . . . . . . . . . .193 . . . . . . b'si buit. & Nash. Co..150 . . Cable I- . . . . . . . .let Corn. Manhattan - . . CcdO. F. .5 lrOO. . . . . St. ny. . . . . . . . i.a Slich. SIPt. Central . . . . . .We'I .do p01 . . . . . . . . . . . . Sitan. & St. 1 . . . . . . . 5j.cr c . . . . 4114 'to 1st p15. : . . . . . - - - - La. .944 . . , ' . . " 'I---- Missouri l'aCtnc Ohio. . . " . . . : a Lead - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile & . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ito. l. .1 : ' 1' . . . . . . . . 114 do p54 . : 4 ( ; ta . . . . . . . . . . . 3LlNa ( , tAn. Oil . . . . . . lad. & i. . . . . . . . . . . . . ? % I'-aclflo Mali . . . . . . . . u Id . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l'ulbman Ialore . . ' .1 central. . . . . . . 2lL Silver Ct'r1tfi"51 . : . Central..119' , Standa B. & T. - . C. 5 St. Le. 14 % Sucar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . N. : , lo 151 pId. . . . . . . . . do p64 . . . . . . . . . . . .114 do 29 p14. . . . . . . . . . 'r. C. & Iron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 $ t. S. L.'ather. . . . . . . XortIlweetrn ic. American Co. - . . t lto pfd . . . . . . . . . . . . ' , N. l'aetttO . . . . . . . . . . 54"J C. S. Rubber. . . . . . . 44's do pt5 . . . . . . . . . . " ' to p14 . . . . . . . . . . .106 % Ontario : % Vvst. . . . 1s ' Weetsen t'fllon . . . . ure B. .1 : NaY. . . . . aS Reading 193 p64. . . 32 % Ore. Short 14ne. . . . . Culen Pardic . . . . . . 11 % t.itt'seurx . . . . . . . . . .lb. St I. . & W . . . . . $4 , Hf'atrng . . . . . . . . 1 sb p05 . . . . . . . . . . . . Rock tilanti . . . . . . . .106 % It. 0. 5 : IV. . . . . . . . . . 27 5 , . 1.C 5. 1" . . . . . . . 5' do p14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 du La4 p12. . . . . . . . . C. & N. W..i334 do4pt4. . . . . . . . . . B dopfd . . . . . . . . . . . .17 $ SI Paul . . . . . . . . . . . 1' C11V. ( it , V.'st. . . . . . 'to pf.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . .134 % Brooklyn K. T Co . $44 HawaIi C. C . . . . . . Offeresi. Total jales of stock's today were 172.412 shares , including 3.79k. Atchison preferred. T.t Burlington , 4.83 $ Manhattan. 4,4 Site- rouri. Kansas & Texas prefuirresi , 4.U Northern Pacific. 4.44 $ Northern Pacide pta- fatted. I1.T Rock lasiansl. 7.5.49 Union Pa. ciSc. 16.140 St. Paul , Southern pre- ( erred. L cotton oii. v.270 Tobacco. 4.d Sugar , t.13 $ Rubber. 3.l Rubber preferred. Nesv York Minus.r ttuttuIiun.u. . NEW YORK. Aug. 13.-The following are the closing quotations on miniag stocks : (1otnr . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Ontario . Crown Petal . . . . . . . . . S tpit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4tsi es : . a Va 35 Plymnuib . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ Dra'Ivoo4 . . . . . . . . . 4u.casIt % er . . . . . . . . sleuld a , 'urr . .tU' 40 p14 Hate .1. NufCtQ's. . . . . . 4 $ SIerra 3i.esd.t . . . . . 15 l4tsusi4kv . . . . . . . . . . 4,355 . tsdr1 . . . . . . . . . . iN Ito's aflv.r . . . . . . .Wl"sion Cu's esfrn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I. Y.ti'oja'Ut _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15 % 'eekly Basil. , "lsItesuen * . NEW YORK. .Aug Ii-Ths weekly bank 5tlcUt.'flt dioa the following ' hanra urpt'Js reaP re. . ' 1et-re. $4.71 ! , . s : tnna. inrr'saes' $ . 511 4. , is. - .Te $ & L7.dr I-gal tender's 'ies'r ' * * e , 23. * 1 eat , dept.aita In. r. $ .Lt. : AL. itt u - gtlen , dt.rvsse , ; t1.sAs , The banks now bold * .ii : 'a ' 'x ec of lb. ' r".utrmen's ' of the : per -nt rule Iey ork Mona Mnrkct. NEW TfK. Aug. 12-$4OET O ( C.I-Market steady at l't per cent. PRlMl : MEECANT1LP PAPER-34 % iser cent STERLtN EXCIIANGE-islarket steady. with actual business in bankers hills at $4 1104 'sl for demand and 24.5401 W tot' sixty days ; posted rates. $4.24'4W1. and $ I.&SS4.W * . SHVEIt VERT1FlCATES-41c. BAIt SILVER-Il 54s' . MXXICAN DOLLARS-44C. DONDS-State bonds dull : railroad bonds steady ; government bonds lirni ; t'isiteti Stat.s n.ltq. . ret. and coupon. 1t % ' 45. reg. and coupon. 111 % ; s. 41 ; l's' , ri. ansi coupon , II ! ; Pitaitic Is of 16. 14tj. baton Stock Quotations. BOSTON. Ant 15.-Call loans. * n per cent ; tints bane , 2144 per cent. Cloethg quotations en stocks , honda and mining shareS : 'T. & S. F' . . . . . . . lt'tl do pt1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Am. i'Ugsr . . . . . . .193 Boston 5T4a . . . .10 pM . . . . . . . . . . .11414 , K. Ill. . . . . . . . . . . . H4T S4ate Gas . . . . . 1 % ties. SIs'a p64. . . . . . 53 Bali Telephone. . . . . 25 ! .tctisaq pM . . . . . . Boston & .Slbany. . $ .tchisen 4 . . . . . . . . . . Boeto .5 : StStflC. . .144 .bIoue't 3t'nIng ( ' 0. 4 c . . B. .t . . . . . . . . . . ' , , AtlantIc . . . . . . . . . . . 27 % fltsibsirg . . . . . . . . .154 9oson & Mont. . - fl.ner'sl gie.etrk. . . . 41 untie & 80.toti. . . . lilinois Steei . . . . . . . 4 calitmet & lleeia..Se'S Mexican Central . . . 41 Ceateanial . . . . . . . . . . N. Y & g. . . . . . . t $ 'rankiin . . . . . . . . . . . . 1414 Old Cutest ) ' . . . . . . . . .194 OweSIa . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444 Qutna ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1154 Union Psallie . . . . . . Js'ttTamaraeIc . . . . . . . . . . West End . - . . Sin , Ireriftf-'s . . . . . . 14" , Westhoes , Biec. . . . 314 _ 014 Dominion _ _ _ _ _ _ San Francis. ' . , linlng Quotation's. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 13.-The obfleini closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows ; .tiphas'on. . . . . . . . . . 4 Jtics' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mktee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 int.ky Con . . . . . . . . 4 )14'lcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Steslean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 $ Bet & Beicher. . . . . . 1 $ Occidental Co . . . . . . . . lluilien . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OpJ.lr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s'aledonia . . . . . . . . . . . . . to Ovemn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Challenge Con. . . . . . . . II Poto'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 ( 'hailer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Coaslllence . . . . . . . . . . . . is Scorpion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Con. Cal. & Va. . . . . . 'Ierra Nerd.t . . . . . . . . . $4 Con. New Yortt. . . . . . . I Cnlon.COn. . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Crown Point . . . . . . . . . 12 t'taii Con. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Gould & Curtis' . . . . . . . 14 Yellow .7ac1.et . . . . . . . . Hale & Noreroes. . . . . sa Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 Silver bars , 33 1-Se ; MexIcan dollars , 46 461c. Drafts-Sight , Dc ; telegraph , l.c. Lsndsn Stuck Quutstt i.it's. LONDON. Aug. IS. p. in.-Cbosing : 'onseis , moner .IlOfl.1$1.n' York r.ntrsi..23'l torela. acnant. . . IperasyitsOla . . . . . . 41'S Canadian Paelfl . . $44 fleasilor . . . . . . . . . . Erie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j40. AtchIson . . . . . . . . 14 % Erie tat pfsl . . . . . . . 374 1. , & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . IllInois Cantrai . . . .Xll'Granil ' Tr01'.C . . . . . . . . 7 Mexican. 0r.1'o4r ) . r' ' tIter. Cent , , new l's. 51 St. Paul , common..SO1SZ ( BAR SILVER-Steady at 7d per ounce. 3tONEY-l. per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , 1 1-sri .1-16 per cent ; for three munths' bills , 1 S-ti 7-S per cent. Financial Notes , OMAHA. Ag. 13.-The clearings br the day were $312,250.11 ; balances , 399.253.SS. The etearinga for 1397 were 5649,250.61. and the balances. $ G93.032.32. increase in clearings. * 232.979.54. Clearings for the last six days , with corn- parisons are : . 1SSS. 1397. Increase. August 3.1 963,593 59 3 733,464 .9 2 210,123 Cs August 9. 512.901 5.1 677.9994 134.401 65 August Il ) 934.5 66 TnL4I4 ' 4 ITI.l1I SI August 11 93.S$112 1-I 65'i.601 76 22.O'-t 3i August 12 0.)5.S9l : 4 734.136 64 173,717 1C August 13 3s2.250 11 649.279 57 = 979 54 Totals .33.492.333 76 54.297.634 24 11.194,336 62 VJ..SH1NGTON. Aug. 13.-Today's statement - ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance. 525iifl,932 ; gold reserve. Sl9.310.623. ST LOUIS. Aug. 13.-Clearings. $2.I64.S ; balances. f,05,513 ; money. SlIS par cent ; New York .xchange. par bid , 23e premium asked. CHICAGO. Aug. 13.-Clearings , * 12.536,360 ; balances. $143,294 ; New York exchange , 10 3320c discount : sterbin exchange. posted , $4.34t..b4.SGti. actual , $4.4'4.S5 % : sixty days , $4$24,34i4 , Stocks were strong ; BIscuit. common. 33 5-6 ; BiscuIt preferred. 9S : Strawboard , 304 : Diamond Match , 144) ; North Chicago , 212 55Veat ; Chicago , 93 ! . NEW YORK. Aue' . i3.-.Clearlngs , * 142- 137.542 : balances. $9.343.93P. BOSTON. Aug. 13.learings. $16,150,170 ; balances. * 2.014.300. PHILADELPHIA , Aug. EL-Clearings , * 11. 419.762 : balances , $ l.766.S.12. BALTIMORE. Aug. 13.-Clearings , $2,799- 590 : balances , $424.45L NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 13.-Clearings. $ Ssors ; New York exchange , bank , $1 pre- mlum : commercial , Zlc premium. MEMPHIS. Aug. 13.-Clearings , $193,562 ; balances. $35,253. Foreign Financial. LONDON , Aug. 13.-The market for American securities was neglected and lea- tureless. The closing tone was quiet , but steady. Gold is quoted at Buenos Ayres at 176.30. PARIS. Aug. 13.-Prices on the bourse here today opened weak , owing to the encouraging - couraging London advices. The declaration of options caused realization. especialy in Spanish 4s. Dc Beers were freely offered. Tne cessation of option sales caused a rally in prices and especially in Spanish Is. Turkish securities it the close were quiet. Three per cent rentes. 10Sf 55c for the account - count ; Spanish Is , 42.62 % ; Spanish Is closed at 42.62 , . BERLIN. Aug. 13.-Business on the bourse today was quiet. except in the case of iron anti coal shares , which advanced. There were considerable speculative pur- chases. Cincinnati Liye 'lock. CINcINNATr , Aug. 13.-HOGS--Easy at 4. 15. CATTLE-Steady at r-.TSiii.73. SHEEP-Steady at $2.2Uj4.73 : lambs , firmer at $1.5&6.7S. l'ENSIONS FOR WESTUItN ETI3RANS. Survivors of Late War Rpnpmlerctl by the General Governneut. WASHINGTON , Aug. 13.-Special.- ( Pensions have been issued to the following : Issue of August 2 : Nebraska : Reissue-Henry A. Longsdorf , Iiellevue. $20. Iowa : Original-Wllmer Moulder. Creston , $6 ; Francis Green , New Hartford. $6.ddi - tional-I3enjamin F. Kierulif. Marshalltown. $6 to IS. Restoration and addItional-Michael Pfremmor. dead , Boone , $5. Increase-Rich- ard D. Van Camp. Cedar Rapids , $6 to $10. Original widows. etc.-Lois L. Pfremmor , Boone , IS : Ann B. } iarnett , Walden , $8. South Dakota : Increase-Special August 3. Thora Oieaon , Parker , $6 to $5 , Issue of August 2. 1593. Wyoming : Original-Thomas F. Barnum , Griggs. $6. Montana : Original-Calvin II. Lille , Bill- lags , $8. English Transports in Reatbinea's. VANCOUVER , 13. C . . . iug. 13.-it is rumored here that the steamers Tartar and Athenian are being held in the harbor for the purpose of transporting troops to China in case Russia makes any hostile movement. 130th vessels are 'splendidly equipped and they each will carry 600 or 700 soldiers. Gnflrsiing .tgniuust Yellow Fever. JACKSON. Miss. , Aug. 13.-The State Board of Health has sent out a corps of Inspectors for trains and guards for landing points to protect the state against a possible - ble spread of yellow ( ever front Franklin , La. No person can enter Mississippi from LouIsiana without a health certificate. Rev. Qisnle Gra to lust baiinpol l's , KANSAS CIT'1. Aug. 13.-Rev. IVilliarn A. Quale. pastor of the Independence Aye- nue Methodist church and former president of Baker university in Kansas. has cc- espied a call to the Meriden Street churth of Indianapolis , md. YeIlsss' Fever "Cure Suhaluis- . , , IWCSTON. T-x . . . tug. i.-L'nsaslnss over a case of alleged yellow ( ever at Franklin , La. . has subsided. There will be no interruption to either freight trallc or passenger travel. Ds-niaeratie Convelitiuui Called , SARATOGt. N. Y . 4tug. 13.-The 4cmo. eratic state committee baa detided to hoI4 the state C0n"eUtlOa st byracuso % V&nee- day , September 24. 'F II Li It E.t 1.TY MA ft It E'l' . 1NTRL'MENTS placed on record Saturday , August 13 , 1524 : SVzirrnuty Dietla. Linwood Park La4 company to Ruth I'oosl. lets 7 and S. bk.ck . 4 , Csaer. .1 8 PauSes Scbutrt iii W. Vt' . ll4eriIey. lots 11 and 12 , Week H , euade'e k H.'s atl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shar1 to CuncordA& Lose and Trust ompany , lot 24. block 11 , Omaha View - - . WI (3 It. WUttaus. . trtsecee to s'urneli tlnIversty. a 38 feet bat 3 , b1Ik ill. ON1&hit . . . 13 ' 5. ' Total amount of tt3Acr $ . . . . . . . . . $15. Iiii LIVE STOCK 1ARKET Week of Libe'a1 Rstoeipt * Wiah Up w1ti atker Light Rnn. CGRNFED CATTLE SCORE AN ADVANCE ( inns ! Grnule's Show Little ( 'isange , tint Cotims..t Are Lnscar'-llusjs Had thc Weak etliti a unit Break - . -liee higher. - . . ; , SO1sT1i OMAHA. Aug. 92 , Cattle. Hogs. 5h Receipts tosly . . . . . . . . . . Ill ti& ; OlUclat ? eMeeday . . . . . . 1St $ ,75 One weelt ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LIOl . . . . Two weak's ego . . . . . . . . . . L ; 4.627 2.115 One yeuir ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,111 4.115 14 Two years are . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.2S 2.234 Total this week . . . . . . . .15.454 3I.4 5.35 $ Veek ending August 4. .l3.4 4L 14.211 Week ending July b. 12,307 42.841 15.ttSI 'ISeak ending July 23.13.013 5O.l S.333 V.c.k ending July 16..Ul0'i 43. 4.4 Average price paid for hog for the last 'several days with comparisons : . , . . . , . . - _ July 25 . . . 3 47 2 ! 5 74. 4 5 l duly 29 . . . 3 721 3 34i Tit 4 MI ' S Oil 1ul' 30 . . . 3 fl 3 44 2 77 4 i4 I till ) ' 31 . . . t35O377 447 409 5 ! : . 'tgust 1. . . 3 79' ) : ; ; 4 441 I 55 S 06 5 42 . . % 'l0USt 2..t 3 Iii 3 45j i 4 4t 4 Z3 5 101 5 4' ) A'lgust3.,3IT131 S34S4I5' , ) 491 545 Atigust 4. . . 364257I2S $ , I $ 47S 535 Atsgiist 6. . . ' 1 71 : 3 31 2 96 4 43 ' 4 C7 S 594 Augc 4. , 3 771 3 421 3 02 4 571 74 S 71 Augua 7. . . ' 3 45 2 92 4 53 71 4 Iii Augurs S. . 3 31 S 75 4 s ) 5.5 4 C. 11 71 August 9. . . 3 4 ; 8 45' ' 4 40 1 30I 52 S 7 LAtigi.j'st 10. . .1 57' 3 53 2 761 37 4 70 , 5 O4 5 43 I .thgusl U. 3 17 2 50 6 to 4 7 4 7 $ 3 5.5 August l2..3S5 3501250 45O343 August 13..371 3 54 2 74 ; 1 8Q 4 511 5 Indicates Sunday. The cificial number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was ; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .C. . St. & St. P. fly. . . . . . . . 2 0. & St. L. By. . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . , 3tisaouri Pacific RY. . . . . . I 4 Union . I'acitie System . . . . 14 27 1 IE. . & St. V. . 11. H. . . . . . . I lI . . S. C. .t P. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . , 3 2 C , St. P. . 53. & 0. , Ry 3 . ml. & St. 71 H. P. . . . . . . . . . . . I 23 U , 13. & R' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 K. C. & St. J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 C. . H. I. & P. R > . , eaSt. . 3 5 . . C. , H. I. .5 : P. fly. , weaL. 3 Total receipts . . . . . . . . 23 111 4 Th disposition of the day's receipts was as follows. each buyer purchasing the number - ber of head indicated : Buyers. Cattle. liege. Sheep. Omaha Packtng Co. . . . . . . . 536 . . . . G. 11. Hammond Co. . - 158 1.147 135 Swift and Company. . . 172 1,345 136 Cudahv Packing Co. . . 217 2.291 235 Armour , Chicago 44 2,260 . . . . Huston & Co . . . . . . . . . . 42 Kretbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . 4 H. Hamilton . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Cudahy. Kansas City 110 149 . . . . Pianktnton. Milwaukee S3 . . . . Swift & Company. K. C . . . . 290 Hammond , Kansas City . . . 170 . . . . Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . 49 . . . 9 . Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 . . . . l Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 8.05'S $41 Thl has been a week of liberal cattle rs-ceipts. the arrivals for the six days running - ning the heaviest for any week since the last of June. The bog receipts for the week were liberal , but the break In values the middle of th week cut down arrivals so that the total for the six days was smaller than for last week by about 7.000 head. and smaller than the previous week by 13.1.0 head. Receipts of sheep were also very iight. as wiil be noted above. the loss amounting to almost one-half. as compared with the week before. CATTLE-There were not enough cattle here to make much of a showing in the yards , anti stilt Omaha had more cattle than some other markets. The demand ap- panted to be good for all kinds of cattle and the offerings were all taken , everything - thing being sold and weighed up at an early hour. The prices paid were fully steady and even strong in some cases. Cornfed steers are selling higher than a week ago ansi as high as they have been any time this year. The demand has been good right along and sellers have been able to secure very satisfactory prices. Good cow stuff has also sold well. corn- feds sl'owtng little chance in the matter of values for the week. Good grassers have been in active demand and values have been well maintained on that kind also. Some western grass spayed heifers sold today at $4.25. Medium to common cows have nit done so well as the better grades and are now all of ZSc lower than a week ago. ago.The demand for feeders has shown improvement - provement during the week and yard deal- el's have solti a good many cattle. During the early part of the week there was some fabling off in values. but the market firmed up toward the close , Gao. . ! yearlings have brouchi $4.5OI.fl this week. range ( casters * 3.90174.10 , and sand hills cattle , $4.0)4J 1.23. Representative sales : STEERS. No , Av. Pr. No. y. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4..1qf 14 6' ) 60.1345 $4 9) l7..1152 $5 00 COWS. 1. . 830 2 C'S 3. . 916 15 l..1120 3 15 2 . 305 2 23 5. .1033 s3 I. 15579 I 23 a. . s.o 2 25 1. . 920 0) 5. . si 3 s L.10i0 2 60 1..101O 00 L.1.(0 340 I. . 360 2 50 1..1U0 00 1..1060 3 fl i..iro 250 1..1OT0 310 i..i.o IC. ) 3. . 9643 2 s : ; . .1060 3 10 1. .1030 1 10 10. . 849 263 17. . 537 313 HEIFERS. l..400223 1..6330 1..436I ) 1..45O25 l..430355 1..520460 1. . 830 310 4..869 379 BULLS. 1. .1320 3 10 4. .1232 3 20 1. .1170 3 25 CALVES. 3 , . 230 O 1. . 210 61. ) STflCKEItS a ND FEEDERS. 1..350350 4..52341.O 8..661443 1. . SW I 10 5. . 454) 4 25 1. . 230 4 55 WEITERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Ar. Pr. No. Ar. Pr. S cows..1020 13 15 25 feeders. . 507 13 9' ) 1 feeder. . . $30 3 50 COLORADO. 1 bull..1340 3 1. ) 24 cows. . . . . 921 3 4) 1 on't" . . . . . . 579 3 25 4 feeders. . 611 4 00 1 bull..1070 3 53 36 feeders. . 670 4 33 OREGON. 31. K. Parsons. 163 heifers. .1065 4 23 WYOMING. Swan Land and Cattle Company. I cows. . . . . 574 3 15 67 Ctr. Stex.l147 I ( iS 16 cows. . . . . 1056 3 50 31 .str. Tei..1l59 4 10 S str. Tex..1071 3 1 27 c. & hs.ilIS 4 10 15 steeers. . .11453 3 9' ) 64 sir. ldh.1247 4 20 HOGS-The hog market opened a good lOc lower this morning and cioed 11Sc lower. As usual on such a day the trade was rather slow. owing to the reluctance of sellers to make the concession , They had to cnm , to It , however. anil everything was iinally sold before the close. The hogs sold generally at $3.23Th for good loads , though the top was considerably above that pOint. Early a few load , , changed hansls at tam , , , , , I i14 9Ih . 's 'sitS i' ; trouble. The breaking out of the disease at various points In the country and the fear that returning soldiers will spread the fever over the country , caused provisions to break yesterday ansi made packers an- tfcllOttC still further declines ( or today , The tact of its being a Saturday with liberal receipts was also a bear influence. To. day's decline leaveS the market 2e lower than it was at the close of lust week. Rep. rs'sentative sales : No. A HI' . . Pr. No Sb. Pr. 84 . . . . . 314 150 P 70 12..225 . . . $370 94 . . . . . .202 130 3 70 76..268 100 7' ' ) 40..254 40 : i TO 5:41 i ' 70 56..25G12I0 07..3b4 a' 70 83..249 80 2 7284 96 . . . . .l . . 72 % Il . . . 250 140 3 7 _ ' ; 1..220 . . . 72 % 60. . . . . 249 141 2 7l. , $ , ) . . . . . .3 120 72 % 80..2I 30 S 2 . . . . . . 1 72 % 61..244 . . . 21 ! . . . . . . 215 49 3721-a 86..248 449 3 1234 83..35 40 72'S. 8..224 1 2fl4 . . . . . . 543 l 72 % 1 $ . . . . . . ! 5.36 .IQ..275 50 75 Ii . . . . . .254 50 $ . . . . . . 50 75 11. . . . . . 45 75 44..250. . . 75 71 . . . . . .245 . . 7 $ St.:4 : 130 75 ! . . . . . .2t 300 ! i..219 300 75 55..3$1l is 40..5 50 $4.ise : s ! . . . . . . .223 200 75 .3..24 $ 145 it , Ii . . . . . 27 . ; . . . 75 Ii..23' ; 75 8.- ; o is so. 1 . . . . . . i 75 * 0. . . . . . ! 4Ol4 5.214 40 78 ! . . . . . . 11 2 UI..7 411 2. . TI..270 1 $8 34. . . . . . $ 52 375 43..7w 78 . . . . . . 10 375 55..I ai .a . . . . . . * l 375 71 . . . . . .352 1 ' 78 52. . . . . Ski 49 .175 41..SW % II..6 441 75 * . . . . . .1-4 134 27 % 7 ( . . . . . . 15 5 . . . . . . 2-10 370 , ! . . . . . . l 3 * 74. . . . . . 3 t . . . . . . 2$4 $ Iie ia. . . . . . . . , * . . . . . . ! 30 7' 72. . . . . . 1K . . S fl'3 ST. . . . . .13.5 I & * . . . . . . * 1 * 3 7 ! ' . . . . . . . 1 % it44 4 $ . . . . . . . . . 3 724 5 7 M..35 * : : : : : : : : : ' 43 . . 130 13 * . . . 120 3 73 : 4 : o li 1 7'S 5 . . . . 9 i 3 i : ; ; I 5 7 1 . . I I i 75 41 15 ia 175 57. . . O 57 % 1 .S3 5-5 4. 255 120 7'7S 73 los 140 311 56 . 27ti Vu 3 75 Ss. . . . a j.u is . , , . " - . ----,4.s L _ _ * ? . ' -a at ' 'i eall 7-b .151 750 : t :5 : ' ; . , ; ' ' , 4 - - l . . S 75 71 1fl s' 3 7 , . . 2 71 211 12 ) 1 , . . .272 1 2 7 * 52. . . . . ' 5 1 'It' r2 Il 78 $4. : . : : . : : : : : ? . . ' 244 II $7. . . WAQO2 LOTS-4'k I . . . 2 I. . . . . . . . . I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :1 : : : : 2. . . . . . a. 6. . . . . . . . . 30 1 . . . . . .34 , . . . . . . $ . . . 3 72 4..l . 3 'vt . . ) 1..21l..3 S..I . . . . I. . . . . . . . , 313 5..1 Sic I. . . . . . . . 378 . . . . . . p4 330 I.I . . . SHI'7P-Th.re ' were only ( our bails of sheep in the yards today and one f th. in was ennsignstl direct to * packer. The d - nnd was good In spite of the * ( of Its being a Saturday and the market l'CC 1k higher. It I. sate to say at the pr."s"nt time tht mutton grades of 'sheep ar 1. strung lie hIgher than a weak ago Bus- ers are unable. ev at the advanre.I prire to get supplies umclent to 41.1 order's. 3'teprpeentative ' sale's : No .v. Pr. S culls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t i $32 western grass mixed . . . . . . . . 101 4 25 CIIICAG4J LIV Ii STOCK StA R1 1ST. I'rlce's of Cnttlallulc 5teasl' , lint l'nekcr.s ) . 'srt'r' Decline I , , 1fsgu. ( 'IIICAGO. Aug. -Cattle were in good siemand today at stetIs priceS Cboi s3 steers , $5 SSes.5 ; medium. $1.S064. % . titef Steers , $4 2'4.75 ; stockers and feeders , 2 800 ; bulls. 52.50114.23 ; t' ° ' 'S anti helf"rs. EL7a4 $ : , 'abves , t3.S5.1.'t ; western rng- cr3. $2.e)54. * ) ; Texans , $2.Sc24.50. Packers were determined that Ibricas for hogs ShOUld be lower and they forced a tie- dine of about Sc. Fair to choIce , $4 4.7It : packers , $3lOU.SP.3. butchers. $2.71. ' I 02t. mixed. $3.5I.50 ; light , $3.00 4.30 ; pigs , * 2.7$4i2 53. A large pert of the ofterin of shesp were consIgned to slaughtering hmises. The few iiot'ks that came on the market soul at unchanged prices. Common to choice , $3.t4.4& ' : western rangers , $3,23' ) 4.40 : poor to prime lambs , prirntt % 'etera rangers . 34.23. RECEIPTS-t'attbe , 11. ) bend ; hogs. 12.0.47 heed ; sheep , 4IX1 head. 1nnsna City 1.ivutttsit'k. . KANSAS CITY. Aug. 12.-CATTLE-Re' . Calpts. lid head : receipts for the week. 27- 01. ) head ; light supplies 'tad improvetl dc. mand strengthened prices ; all desirable kIlling stock. sellIng 1tid2Oc higher than last % % 'sek ; common butcher and canning stock about steady ; stock antI feeding cattle. 15.1.3 20e higher : choice heavy steers , $3.203.40 ; medium. $4.O5.2u : lights. 54.20345.45 , stockers - ers ansi feeders. 13.S1..l0 ; butcher cowS antI heifersu , $2.536.O0 ; butcher bulls , * 2.1.3 4.c'O : western steers. $4.3O.5.i1t : Ts'xaa steers. $2.C'3.l3 ; Texas butcher cows. * 2.53 V.30 : native ansI range canners , $2.3597.4 hOGS-Receipts. 5.110 head ; prices. 5'IOc lower ; receipts for the week. 43.i ) ) head ; advance in hog products strengthened do- manti ; net advance for the week about IOd hery. $3.S01.97 % ; mixed , * 3.70543.30 ; lights , $3.z53. ; . SHEEP-Receipts , 51.3 head : market strong ; receipts for the week. 14.930 head ; supplies inadequate to demand ; prIces ( or the week ( or all grades slaughtering sheep a lmdst higher : stock and feeding sheep antI lambs , 1043Oc higher : lambs , $3.00'D 6.10 ; natIve muttons , $4.OO4.SO : range sheep , * 3.3514.15 : range lambs. $3 'tx5 ' 5 ; stock lambs , $4.OO4.65 ; stock and feeding sheep , $3.6OJ 1.15. St. Louis i.i' . ' Stuck. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 13.-CATTLE-Receipts , It. . ) head : shipments , 70. ) head. Thu week cioeti with medium and choice beef Steers 157Oc higher than a week ago ; stockers and fe-ders and stock heifs'rs alive , ' - live and strong all week and are now 15-S 25c higher than two weeks ago ; outeh'r cows and heifer , , very scarce ; Texans ad- vancing. part of last week's decline r"- covered. Fttr to fancy native shipping antI export steers. $4.SO.3O. bulk of sales. $4.0) ' 3.20 : dressed beef anti butcher ste"rs , $4 53 itS.30. bulk of sales. $4 23B5.L0 : stockers and. feeders. $3.C'rl.IO , hulk of sales , 33.5'aI iS ; cow' ; and betters , 52.OB.S3. bulk of itlcS of cows. $2.593.5O : Tcxa and Indian st"rs , S2.S&4.63. bulk of sales , $3.3tY4.2O : cows tad. halters. $2.254j3.5O. HOGS-Receipts , 2iI ) head : shipments , 91. ) head. Market tOe lower : yorkers . $3 .ie5 3.30 : packers , 2.35433.93 : butchers , g 0.59j I SHEEP-Receipts , 30) head ; shlpm.nts , 1.31. ) head. Market steady ; native muttons , $2.5Ou4. ; lambs. * 4.2Or6.90 : stockers. $3 5. ' 3.c ; culls and bucks. Zl.504j2.75. t'o-k Live Stoek. NEW YORK Aug. iL-BEEVES-Re. ceipts. 1,376 head : no trudinc' : feeling ttrm : exports , LOSS cattle and LOll quarters of beef. CALVES-ReceiptS , 30 head ; vsials , $3.30 ; no buttermi'lcs. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 2.773 head ; sheep. firm and lambs steady : mon to medium , slow ; sheep. $3.234 55 ; lambs , $6.25Zj7.50. HOGS-Receipts , 1,235 head ; nominal at $4.2a4.59. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. .ln.o-pl , Live 'stock. ST. JOSEPH. Aug. 13.SpecinbFollow ) - ing are today's live tcck quotations : CATTLE-Receipts. 400 head : stea. . . to strong : natives , $42304.50 : Texans. $3.351 3.73 : cows and hs'ifers. * 2.C,314.00 ; stockers anti feeslers. $2,35fi4 n HOGS-ReceIptS. 3,3 ( . ) heaul : slow and 51 jOe lower : top. 2.55 ; bulk , $3.723.s2 % . SHEEP-None. Slot-la in Sight. Record of receipts of live stock at the four principal markets for August 13 : Cattle. 11025 Sheefl. Omaha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . p- . Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1Y ( ) 12.t ) 4.0.0 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 3.11) 535 St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ito 2.600 51.3 Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 972 22,933 5,729 LNVI3ST NOW. Opportunities in the stock and grain markets - kets never better. Our .vstpm offers profit- abbe speculation combined with absolute safety to all investors. Ve have made and paid 8171 on Every 3100. Invested with us during the last seven months OUR ( 't'STOMERS HAVE NEVER LOST A DOLLAR NOR hAVES WE EVER CALLED THEM FOR MAR- GINS. We offer specuators a prrsfit-betrlng plan by which risk is reduced to a m.nimum Indorsed by both PRESS anti I'UBI.l5' The following taken from the Toledo Blade. July 21 , 1353 : I'lis-no nicnn I Sn'eesa , "T1e Investors Guarantee and Trust Company , New York. is one of the most urcessul financial institutions in'alt Street , that has by careful observation of tinanclab affairs made large profits ( . , r its thousands of customers. We would recommend - mend it to the consideration of our read- ers. " flitsof Many rnsntis'ltel ttut.iieliirg froni a Sgitislis'l ( 'jislusnis' r. Investors Guarantee ansI Trust Company. New York : Dear Sirs-Your favor of Stay list. inclosing - closing . 'heck , was reeeive.1 . in due tim , ' . and I certainly return you my sint'are thanks for the same , and hope that the Investors Guarantee and Trust rmpany may continue ansi prosper. an'i I see no reason why it should not. I inclose you another check for $150 to lIe Invested in the same way ; it is much better than lettIng money lie idle in one's bank and get noth. ing ( or it. Very sincerely. 0. H A. BROWNSVILLE. Pa . June 2.1 , 11.34 \'h1' let your money 1.1) ' idle when it wilt earn you .i gon.i jerrentage . ' , ih month ? Our system better than savings b.tnks. We are about to enter a steal promising rnc : PROJTTS swithln thIrty si.ivs ansi iflvito in' . "stmt.nrs ' -If 5.'M i i'1 jpw.trl. t'.rre'eriJ..Tl.c ; s- Ilii'd . ' , Idr'-"s Invcstors Ouaraiteo and Trust Co , Ill Eselisizige i'lu.'t' . ' (175' 9 flit i , N. Y. JAMES E- BOYD &ffl , , 'l'depbonu 1039. Onittlia , Nub COMMISSION , GR.tIN , PROVISIONS and S'I'OCK , ISOAUD Oil TRADII. Direct Wirra I , , Ctii5gts * 05 New Tart. Corr.apondrta. .h.cn a. Warr-i . Cc. . 'Vl6l.til'Itt4b7 brr.i : , H. R. P1NN1Y & . . CO. , Roan , 'I , 'S. 9 . I.lfr liltig. , Ouihu , Nub. S t ocks,6 rainProvisi ons Direct WIre's Neii turk , ( 'htczio nod % 'r'siwrn l'olntis. 1.i.i I Isisia ( ii r I sssI slat ne's at I 1 * ls.ugu , , Industries 10(515.1 on the line of The f5..I5 Railway ( ' 0 lIt t'hs sgo 5P. . * ft'a'6-4 uli- seuslied awitettn iaiiitks and the td- v.nt.4ga of connct-Il $ with all Ch1. . .o rail. roads They have the brnet at tive ratea &iisl n abundant 41101)11(5 of uir. fur * hlptfls'ntI sit sli times ? Cr1 s 4.Itempislttng the ' ' ats'lllehniun' f Itlills- tr1a .11 the t 4. ' 'ttv 'f ' hi. a , er. ' tvi .4 Is ) I ommust : ste wish th. .ti,1ral , ; . 4 will prc.m aiy r ur.ileh litl : Inform. . t i iq . regari to lus.lios : , air.g r.I. t' 11 Th. . , gs , ' . ; 5. , .S1gr. Deai'burn tstiun. LX3lLau. ' - - - -