s TTT1 OMAITA DAILY 131E : rTtTDAY , , AVGVST 1t , 1898 t NEWS OF INTEREST FROM . COUNCIL BLUFFS. a + o1t DLL NT1(1N. Budweiser beer. Rosenfeld. Tel , 323 , Smoke "J A B" Le cigar. , " Moore's Stock Iood makes fat. Finest work , Bluff City laundry , Smoke Iron Chancellor . .c cigar. Stockert Carpel Co. , 205.207 hwy. Prof. llughes , president of Tabor college , was In llio city yesterday , C. B. Jncquemin & Co „ jewelers and op- tlclans , 27 South Main street. Mrs , William Bowyer of Hnnnlbal , Mo „ is visiting her sister , Mrs. Durgan , The regular meeting of the Pntriotlc Order of America will ho held this evening. Ex-Deputy United States Marshal E. WV , hBllweg of Des Memos was In the city yesterday terday P H. Fotheringlmrn , n former resident et Council 11lufts but now living In Ucs Moines , Is In the city for n tow days. J. B. Young , ti well known farmer living near Crescent City , had two fine steers killed two days ago by lightning , 1 : . W. Brewster and wife of Pnrls , Tex „ are in the city , the guests of Mr , and Mrs , Bonham while taking in the exposition , 1 Ira W. Ilullinger , editor of the Iloone News , was one of lime newspaper men attending - f tending the Pythinn grand lodge as dcle- gate. gate.Don't Don't you think it must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? \Vell-that's the "Engle , " 724 Broadway. i All members of the Woodmen of the World are requested to be present at thee meeting tonight , also the members of the degree team an there will be work ht the I protcctlon degree. County Attorney C. C , Sanders returned yesterday morning from the Big horn mountains , thirty miles from I'arknum , WVyo. , where he and Mrs. Saunders have been camping for the past two weeks. Chris 1ansen { , the saloon keeper charged with assaulting "Doc" G. WV. Long , was fined $5 and costs in Justice Vien's court yesterday. The illegal liquor selling case brought against Ilansen end his partner , Nelson , by Long , was dismlased. ' ; A special meeting of the Council Bluffs Women's Sanitary Relief commission was held yesterday afternoon to make arrangements - ments to provide for the wants of the wife of one of the soldier boys now at the front , ' who is reported to be in need of help , Postmaster Treynor yesterday received a letter from George W. Cornell , an attorney of South Auburn , Nob. , asking him to give publicity to the fact that his 1G-year-old son , John , had run away trout home , Mr. Treynor turned thq letter over to Chief of l'oltco ' Bixby. i The police ae looking for Victor Boyce , the young had with a proclt'ity for run ning away from liotne. Ile had been sent to his uncle's in Omaha but ran away from there Wednesday nfter stealing a small nun of money. lie is known to bare come back here but could not he located yesterday. Rev. 1) . A Kuhn , pastor of the Lutheran clutrch at Mlddiebury , huh. , is visiting his brother , who resides seven miles east of the city. On Sunday ho will preach in St , John's English Lutheran church. The pastor - tor , ltev. G. W. Snyder , was licensed to preach in Bev. Kuhu's church in Nevada , 0. , In 1572. Edtvlu I ) , Snuthwick , a deaf mute who 'was formerly a teacher ht the Stale School for the Deaf , was fined $10 and costs In police court yesterday morning for disturb- log the peace. lie was arrested late \\'ed- nesday night at his home of South Seventh street , where he had driven his family out of doors while in a passion over something. United States ( lonunissioner George F. Wright yesterday bound over to await the action of the federal grand jury John T. Byrne , nuns Tony Vndc , charged withm coin- pliclty hi the robbing of David Bradley & Cot's mailbox tit the postoilice and forging the firm's oulorsemot to checks. In default - fault of btil ho was committed to the county jail. C. B. Vinyl Co. , founle remedy ; consultation - tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5. health hook furnished , 32G-327-32S Merriam - riam block. N. V. Plumbing cumeany. Tel , 250. The omcial photographs ur the United Slates Navy , cehtainhig over 200 plclures of the vessels , with their officers and a own- of the views of tby Ill-fated Maine , can ho bad at the Council Muffs ofiico of Thu Bcc fur 25 cents and a Bee toucan. Shen Cttse 1'p Agnln. In the district court yesterday the attorney - torney far four of the saloon keepers against whom Shea secured pernnmient injunctions a few days ago filed nilldnvits in support of notions to have the judgments aril Injunctions - junctions set aside. The motions were niado In the cases against Schott Bros , Linder & b'ilter , Alva Smith and 11'illlauVhitey. In three of the atiidavlls Pat Ay1cswnrlh , the nttorncy , makes ouch to the effect that thin judgment was obtained in the absence of the defendant or his attorney after the term of court had practically closed , fur. they that the court was about to send for f the defeudatt's attorney and so informed i the plaintiff , but Shea then and there gave : the court to understand that he had or- ranged withm the defcudat's attorney to take judgment in his absence. This Atlor- h nuy rlylesworth swears is erroneous and furthermore that Shea had entered Into a I etipuinllon with hint to disnlss the cases and have Judgment entered against lint. rlyleswortii further swears that prior to the judgment being entered he paid Shea the sum of $25 In lull as attorney's fees and all the costs incurred in the cases , Including - ing the coats of dismissal. In the case of Linder & Filter , Ayles- t worth simply snakes udhitla It that be paid Shea the $25 attorney fees anti costs In- curreml. Including that of dismissal of the caso. It is said that further interesting ° developunents in cnninction with Shea's proseoitlott of the saloon keepers may be looked for. Shea flied notices of suit against four snore saloon keepers yesterday , George ilausen , P80 South Mule street ; Charles ( htbbs , 103 Broadway ; Hnuscn & Nielsen , 31s Broadway , and 0 , bower , 1025 South Mafu street , j Looping fur n ( 'beet ' % 'arlter. The p011co are looking for a smooth Individual - dividual w ho worked the bogus check echeneVduesday evening. The Individual In question ordered a bill of gruecries at the store of G. C. Ilansen & Co. on Breath. day and directed U.nt the goods be sent to nn address of Avenue A. lie tendered in payment a check for $7 drawn on 0111- cer & Pusey's bank , paynblo to Charles Schutller and signed by J , W. Squire. The stronger recelyed $4.20 in change. The goods could not be delivered , as there w'as no house of Ibu address given , anti the check was later disrovered to be a forgery. The sane individual is reported to hive easled a similar forged check at the gre. cery store of Chris Larsen on South Main street. He also attempted to pass one for $10 In a sludlnr manner at Peter 'l'holl's store , but Tholl was auapiclous and refused to accept it. Item Is/ate 't' rasters , The followin ; transfers were filed yesterday - ' day in the abstract , title and loan olllco of J. W , Squire , 10t Pearl street : J , E. Rudd to Annie 1Gtchie , lot 0 , block 21 , lhnyliae & l'almer's : old , w , d. . . . . $ 225 RAudilor'sutxuhdlv ofm10lle aolrluilltar's subdly , of nwy ! , soli , 12.75.10 , w , d. . , 0 't'w'o transfers , tottl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 27 $ My'rtlo lodge No , 12 , Degree of limner , vvtll give an ice cream social 1''ridny even- Jug , August 22 , 1n the iCnlghtt of Pythias hall , Merriam bluck. Admissien , 10 cents , 1i i 10 IIINII ; ± a S hUIZ TII 1e. UUNCII Convention of the Fifteenth Jndicial District Belecta Ito Candidates , THREE INCUMBENTS ARE RENOMINATED Jndges Grecn , Thornell and Smith Ghcn heart y lhnlorseoent , by T'itelr I'arl3'-Speeches Untie al Rrpuhllran Lorc Vcnat. The republican convention of the Fifteenth judicial district held here yesterday afternoon - noon proved a veritable love ( cast and resulted - sulted , as had been generally anticipated , in the present judges of the district bench , lions , A. R , Thornell of Sidney , Walter 1. Smith of Council Bluffs and W. It , Green of Audubon , being honored with renominalions by acclamation. The entire work of the convention , most of the time of which was consumed with speech making , occupied less than an hour. The convention was called to order promptly at 2 o'clock in the superior court rcom at the county court house by D 0. Stuart of Harlan , chairman of the FIfteent'ii judicial district committee , who at once proceeded to business by presenting T. B. Swan of Atlantic , who Lad been selected as temporary chairman of the convention , A. B , Clark of Clarinda was selected as temporary secretary and on motion the temporary - porary organization was made permanent. The appointment of a committee on credentials - tials was dispensed with and the delegates present were all declared seated , The eight counties comprising the district were all fully represented. It was then decided to call for nominations by roll call of the different counties. Audubon county on being called placed the name of Judge Green in nomination through Attorney ITnnna and Fremont through Attorney Bar- hour placed Judge Thornell in nomination. Attorney Frank Shlnn of Carson placed the name of Judge Smith before the con- vention. When It came to the turn of Montgomery county Attorney Pringle stated that the delegation had been Instructed to vote for their candidate , R. W. Beeson of Bed Oak , but he bad requested that his name be not placed forward and therefore Montgomery county moved that the rules he suspended anti that the nomination of .Iddges Thornell , Green and Smith be made by acclamation , which was done amidst much enthusiasm. tidings in h'eIIeltntlnas. Then the convention assumed the nature of a love feast and a season of complimentary - tary speech making was held. Judge Green was first called for and he brlelly expressd his thanks and appreciation of the honor conferred on him by his nomination , Judge Smith on being calla for said in part : In the evolution of the last 300 years there is nothing else so remm kable as the rise of the judicial authority. The judiciary was formerly nppointed by the crown and belch office during the pleasure of the king. In the hands of the crown was the military power. The legislature held the purse and by its control of npproprin- ttons exercised a counter authority. It was not until the period of George III that the judiciary assumed the position where it exercised a power equal , if not superior , to either the crown or the parliament , although provided with neither purse nor sword. In this country , for the first time , the Judiciary was given the added power of declaring the nets of the legislature con- Crary to the written constitution of the slate. It is with deep appreciation and sincere - core thanks that I accept the nomination which you have tendered me , Judge Thornell , who like his two other brother judges , was received with enthusiastic - astic applause on being called for , said : I take it ( hint this nomination means that you believe that while eve may , if elected commit errors , we will do our very best , It is an expression of confidence. I remember an incident which occurred I shortly after the election of Judge Carson and myself to the district bench. I held court in Council DlutTs and he in one of the interior counties of the district After completing his term of court , Judge Carson returned to Council Bluffs. I watt naturally anxious to know how he had prospered and so asked him , "What do they say of us ? " " \W'ell , " he replied , "they say they think we are honest mind mean well and all that , but we don't know anything , " It is fortunate ; that the stale doesn't have to pay for what its judiciary don't know. I have heard u i great deal of complaint that time judges per- omit lawyers to talk too much. It is a fact known to lawyers , but not generally to others , that according to the stale law , tue court can limit n lawyer's talk to a Jury. The cool zany limit an argument addressed to himself , but I presuine this is on the theory that self preservation is the first law of nature. Law may he on exact science , huh while you may he certain in inatuenmtlcs that 2 and 2 make 4 , you can never be certain in law that it. is 2' ' and 2 , o' two and something else you aie' ' considering , It is said that law is the perfection of human reasoning , which may 1w true it wo lay stress on the 'human. The progress of society brings us constantly taco to face with new condltious which your judiciary is called upon to meet ; and I believe - lieve no question is ever disposed of untll It is disposed of rightly. Ileeson's Ilnppy % Vllhdrivnl At line conclusion of Judge Thornell's speech , Attorney It. W. Beeson of Ited Oak was called for , but he said he was not prepared - pared to make a speech but caused much amusement and no little enthusiasm by making the following ronarlcs : When I canoe to Council Illuffs last oven- lug I found four candidates In tlmo field , for these three places. I realized nt once that the only thing to be done was for one of its to withdraw. This seemed to me the most simple solution of time problem and 1 svcmt first to Judge Thornell , then to Judge Smith and then to Judge Groan , but each of them passed me on to the others , mint finally , in order to accomplish my purl - l pose. I withdrew nmyself. Nothing would satisfy the convention but that Judge N. WV. Mney of llnrlan , who was an interested spectator of time proceedings , innke a speech , lie gracefully yielded to the call amid said in part : Of all Limo candidates whose names hnvo hccn before this convention this afternoon , l btcamu acquainted with Mr. Deeson last. L met hint en the occasion of one of my visits to Montgomery county to hold court. I belevo ) I have a correct neasure of the moan and i must say that had circumstances been different and you had chosen hint as limo of your candidates you would still have nmdo no mistake. When 1 first nmet Judge Thornell it had not been so very long since I hail been knocIimg my knees together over the clods in huhhaa tlelds ; am(1 ! hero was something In time grasp of Thmornell's hand th'tt warnn'd my lloasier heart. Time deep Itn- presslon tlteti inadu upon ma has beeti but deepened and slrongthmcned by our subsequent - quent acquaintance , I snot Smith later. There Is something so spontaneous and contagious in his friendship - ship that every- thou I meet him and hear his chicory voice 1 thank God for sending Snmtlh toy way. Of Judge Green as a judge and as a man I have an rattnatten only- complimentary to him and satisfaction to myself. In your nomination of these three men today I teal that you have actually conferred upon rno n blessing , becaust of the comfort and assistance - ance of their companionship. And 1 hope i inn ) ' never reach the point where I shall i cease to be grateful for such blessings , Following the speechmaking , Ile different counties named their committeemen as follows lows Fremont , J , M. harbour , Tabor ; ] fills , A. E , Cook , Malvern ; I'ottawatlamle , D. E. Start , Council ] bluffs ; Shelby , D , 0. Stuart , Harlan ; Audubon , J , 11. Mosier , Audubon ; Cass , George F. Br thgton , At- lantlo ; Page , A. hi. Clark , Clarinda ; Montgomery - gomery , Ed Mills , lied Oak. The convention was then declared ad journed sine die. Following the adjournment the committee met and organized by appotnting D. 0. Stuart of Shelby chairman nail 0. F. Bru- ington of Cass secretary , ll1:1iOCttAT'4 Ai ) LOCAL OFFICES. IIIxh3 Cnris rite Coiivenllon anti As- pirnnts Are On Ilse Ilustle , F. A. Dixby , chairman of the democratic - cratic county central committee , yesterday Issued a call for the county convention of his party to be held in this city September 14 , for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of auditor , recorder , clerk , attorney , coroner and two members of the heard of Supervisors. Time convention will ho held in the county court house anti the ratio of representation will entitle time dif ferent townships in time county to send 231 delegates. Primaries for the selection of these delegates will be held Saturday evening - ing , Septcnmbr 10. Following the adjournment - ment of the convention the delegates representing - senting Kane township will reconvene for the purpose of nominating two candidates for justice of the peace , two for constable , one for township trustee and ono for township - ship clerk. In making the call Chairman Bixby in- vibes nil voters to participate in the convention - vention who "believe in honesty and eccn- omny in township , county and state affairs and a national policy as now advocated by the democratic patty. " Local members of time democratic party are not making any eager rush for omce and the number of candidates anxious to try their hands at managing the affairs of the county mentioned so far are not over numerous. For county- auditor , the nanie of Jahn I'lumer of this city is being suggested - gested by his friends and it Is said that Mr. Plumer. who is an employe of the post.- office nt the Union Pacific transfer , will be nothing loath to accept time nomination and make a race for the omce. Ills Is the onlyy name mentioned so far for this omce. There are two candidates in the field for recorder , both of whom are making a more or less active canvass for the nomination. They are 1V. B. Fisher of this city and Alex. McCandless of Avoca. The latter has held office before and is evidently anxious to do so again. W. B. Fisher Is a printer nod this is his first throw into time political arena in the form of a candidate for office although he line always been more or less active in ward politics. Tim Healy of Avoca has cast envious eyes oat the clerkship of the district court and believes the job would just about fit his caliber. Joe Klein of this city Is being pushed for this office by his friends and it is said will give Healy a close run for the nomination. For county attorney there are five candidates - dates so far in the field who are willing to spare sufficient time from their private practice - tico to attend to the legal affairs of the county. They are : John P. Organ , who has held the office previously for several terms ; Fremont Benjamin of Avocn , Toni Cassady of this city , Roscoe Barton of Avoca , and W , H. Ware of this city. Street talk is to the effect that Organ if ho so desires - sires can have the nomination dished up to him on a silver platter. So far no candidate has appeared in the democratic camp anxious to serve as coroner - oner , but A. W , Wyman and 0 , P. Wick- ham , both of this city , are prominently mentioned for members of the Board of County Supervisors. Friends of County Superintendent Sawyer are , it is said , boosting him for congress from this district , and they hope to capture - ture the Pottawattamie delegation at the convention to be held hero August 20. The Evans laundry : s the leader in fine work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl street. Pbone 290 Map of Cuba , West Indies and the World at The Bee office , hOe each , ICNIGIITS OF' i'1 ' ] 'ALAS ELECTION. = Grnud Lodge Chooses turd lttsinlls its Otlh'ers and AulJourns , having completed its work , the grand lodge of Iowa , Knights of Pythias , after being - ing in session two days adjourned ycstcr- day afternoon. The election of officers , which consumed the greater part of the afternoon session , resulted as follows ; Grand chancellor , F. J , Blake , Fort Dodge ; grand vice chancellor , E , P. Arminecht , Donelson ; grand prelate , Rev. W. L. Doug. has , Carson ; grand master of exchequer , W , T. S , Rath , Ackley ; grand keeper of records - ords and seal , H. D , Walker , Mount Pleasant - ant ; grand master-at-arms , J. F. Leefers , Tipton ; grand inner guard , F. A. Welch , Oto ; grand outer guard , B , F. Franks , Ilello Plnine ; grand lodge trustees , J , C. Langun , Clinton , and W' . M. Clark , Marshaltown , Contrary to expectations it took but two ballots to decide the election of the grand chancellor and the result was a complete surprise to many. The first ballot was as follows : Blake , 145 ; Murphy , 235 ; Gillett 108 ; I'orterlleld , 70 ; Cunningham , 44 ; Shockley , 9 , After the announcement of time ballot Messrs Gillett I'orlcrfleld , , Cunningham - ham and Shockley wlthdrow from the race and on the second ballot Blake was elected by 351 voles to Murphy's 261 , F. J. Blake , the newly elected chancellor , is a pronhucnt attorney of Fort Dodge anti was representative from Webster county at the last general assembly. Although a young man , being but 32 years of ago , he bias been a member of the grand lodge far a number of years and his election yesterday shows that he has a large number of friends in the order of which Imo has been chosen head in this state. Davenport was unanimously selected as the meeting place for the grand lodge next year , The following telegram was sent during the afternoon session to President McKln- icy : Ilon , William McKinley , President of the United Stales , Washington , D , C. : By dl- I rection of time grand lodge , 1Cnights of Py- thias of Iowa , representimg the 25,000 Py- tlinns of that state , I have the honor of tendering to you as time executive of our nation , its congratulations upon the successful - cessful prosecution of time war with Spain , time splendid aclmieeinents of our army and navy and the near approach of peace , This expression is seal from a body composed of amen win though differing in politics are first loyal amid always Americans , C. E , PICICIiTT , Committee. The morning session was entirely occupied - pied in receiving the reports of the different committees. Time committee on permanent headquarters for time order , of which Past I Grand Chancellor L. E. Baker of Toledo was chairman , reported that it had taken up limo ( natter by correspondence and that Des , Moines , Cedar Rapids , Waterloo and Mar- shalltown were anxious to submit proposl- tlons to secure time location , The cotmulttee' ' mambo a second report suggesting that time constitution be anneaded so far as it referred to the ( molding of time grand lodge sessions in order to conform with the plan of per- immanently locating the annual meeting. The matter was accordingly laid over under times rules until nest year's session. Mrs. F. L. ingmml of Vllllsca and Mrs. Deil Phillips Glazier of Fort Madison , a committee - mittee from the Rathbone sisters , were ad- tallied and presented resolutions recipro-i toting the greeting extended theta by the l'yllmian grand lodge. There was a general exchange of courtesies and 11 , L Saltinger made a neat little spcecm ) of thanks for the grand lodge , after which the sisters retired , At the afternoon session curing the counting - ing of time ballots and following time election , n nutnber of resolutions and propositions were submitted , some of which were voted on , while others were laid over or referred to committees. The question of reducing the membership of all committees except those on credentials and per diem and mileage from five to three was raised but no action was taken. A proposition to reduce the salary of the grand chancellor from $1200 per nunum to $300 and $5 a day and expenses while actually - ally employed was defeated , as many of time members were Inclined to believe that in place of reducing the salary it would increase - crease it under such a plan. The proposition to hold the election of ofi cers on limo first day of the grand lodge Instead - stead of the last ins also defeated. The change was suggested In order that the electioneering - tioneering which usually goes on at each grand lodge meethmg might not interfere with the regular work. The suggestion to nbolislm the grand trl- bmme also oust with defeat , as did one to change the per diem allowance from three to two days. In order to meet the expenses of the grand lodge the per capita tax was raised from 30 to 45 cents , Innnedintely following time adjournment of the grand lodge ninny of the delegates at once left for their homes , but quite a largo nutnber are still in the city and will remain - main for a few days to take 1n the exposi- tion. In the evening the visitors were time guests of time local knights at a dance given in their honor at time Odd Fellows' halt , Itnthhone Sisters. The grand temple of Rathbone Sisters of Iowa adjourned yesterday afternoon after electing the following officers for the ensuing year Grand chief , Mrs. Sadie Williams , Waterloo ; grand so- nlor , Mrs. Addle Pettit , Sioux City ; grand junior , Mrs. Itattie Laubenfels , Mount Pleasant ; grand manager , Mrs. Hattie Lan- ning , Washlimglon ; grand mistress of records - ords and correspondence , Mrs , Grace Long , Waserhey ; grand mistress of finance Mrs , Idn Marvis , Muscatine ; grand protector of temple , Mrs. lichen Walker , Grundy Center - ter ; grand guard of outer temple , Mrs , Eva Appleby , Strawberry Point ; state organizer mud instructor , Mrs , IL W. Dodd , Fort. Madison. Davenport was selected as the place of meeting for next year's session. One of the pleasat incidents of the ses- sloml was the naming of the Grand Temple bady , the 4 montlms-old son of County Attorney - torney Long of Bremer county and Mrs. Long , who has served the order several years as grand secretary. The name given the little one by the grand temple was 1er- bert Rathbone Long. Why not take a look at the fine new guitars and the beautiful new mandolins which the Bouriclus Music House just got in this week ? For quality of instruments and fine finish Bouricius' stock can not be surpassed and the pricea are low. 325 Broadway , where the organ stands upon the building , The Grand hotel bar hues been reopened to the puhllc. It is one of the finest appointed - pointed resorts in the city. Only the best brands of liquors , wines and cigars kept on hand. Stramgers welcome. J , E. Gallagher - gher , proprietor. FOR SALE-Oooa second-bend bicycle at a bargain. Call at The flee office. Council Bluffs , 11ankers' Union of the. World. LES MOINES , Aug. 11.-Special ( 'Icle- giam.-The Bankers' Union of the World , a new insurance company , filed artlclc.s of ineorpoation today stipulating Des Moinea as 1Li : place of business. Tar coutpnny is a fraternal beneficiary order combining life , accident and sickness and old age insur- ance. Dr fl. G. Spinney has been elcteJ president , lien. C. H. Robinson , United Slates pension agent at Des Moines , secretary - tary ; WV. J , Stewart of Muscatine , who worked out the plan of insurance , superbn- tendenl of deputies ; J. IC. Macomber , attorney - torney ; Dr. L. D , Rood , head medical examiner - aminer , timid J. 11. Spoke , t'Ico president. These gentlemen , together with George A. Jewett and J , B , Flynn , were the Incorporators porators of the company , The promoters of the company Intend to establish a new Ira- ternnl organization with the supreme grand lodge at Des Moines and subordinate lodgs throughout the w'orld' w'orld't Safe Crnclrers Steal .Jewelry. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 11. ( Special Telegram ) -Safe crackers zande a haul of about $300 worth of jewelry from the store of A. J. McMahnon & Sons at Atimon , Ta. , about 3 o'clock this morning , Entrance into the building was made through the back win- dow. A hole was drilled in the safe door and gun powder from the front part of time store room was useti , Some valuable papers are also taken. No clue Imas been obtained as to the identity of the robbers. Set nt Llherty. CHEROKEE , 1a „ Aug , 11.-Speciai.- ( ) Senator Hobart received word Monday that Harry Rogers , for whose liberty he hind Interceded with tine governor , has been set at liberty. Sonic time ago Mr. Hobart loan succeeded lu getting his sentence cut down from a three-year to a two-year term , and the notice did not say whether tlmis was a complete pardon or an allowance for good behavior. Rogers went up for rape. 111eged [ ' 'urger Arrested , ATLANTIC , la. , Aug. 11.-Special.- ( ) W1111am Stevens , alias William Logan , wanted at Des Moines for forgery , was arrested - rested yesterday by Sheriff IIIB and taken cast last night. The party arrested does not look like a crook , lint admitted laving seen the inside of a steel coil before. lie w as working at his trade Os marble cutting - ting when arrested , and claims to be moo- cent , Wnnutn Commits Si , lclde , DES MOINES , Aug. 11.-Special ( Telo- gram-Miss ) Efilo Clarke conmitlcd suicide at the Logan house hero ths evening by takUmg thirty grains of inert hhte , She ht the wife of a Wabash brakeman , Sun cl i tned that ho deserted her a nmontim ago and site has been verythi. . ' n'mdent 'ronrn11nieat of Plreaten , SHENANDOAII , Ia. , Atmg , it.-Special.- ( ) Thu firemen's tournament of southvntstei'n Iowa will be Held in this city on Tuesday , August 30 , one day only. There will be given avny in prizes E500 , Cherokee County Fair. CIIEROICE , In. , Aug. 1l.-Special- ( ) Time Cherokee county fair will he hold at Marcus August 31 and September 1 and 2. town Press Cnuuncnl , Sac Sun : With lava's state warrants hm demand at a rate of interest averaging below - low 4 per cent and most of theta taken by Jova institutions no one need question lime eommeiclal standing of time state or the prosperity of its people. Keokuk Gate City : There are worse things than war , as we have already land oceaslon to observe , There's General W'eaver's attempt to break into congress from nu Iowa dlstt'Icl this year , for instance - stance In addition to the horrors pro- vioumtly eauterated. Des Moines Leader : Hager nail Updegraff nro chasing up and down their districts , whereas Dolliver is making a lecture tour of the east , receiving ovations from time olit men and maidens. Mr. Dolliver always thinks It well to err on the safe side , so he always Inas his convention early , M ANAW A The Great ] Report of Western Iowa. , BOATING ; BATHING , HSH1Na . nine attractions , lSI11Cle frees , excellent grounds for picnic parties. Get out of the hot , dusty city and spend the day at 1ANAWA CROP OUTLOOK QUITE GOOD Indicationa Point to a Good Beason for the Farmer. YIELD IN MANY PLACES ABOVE NORMAL \Vltent Wlll lie dotter for Milling Pnr- 11ea0n 'I'htut Any Raised In limo Stale for Several Years 1'e. s t. DES MOINES , Aug. 11. ( Special.-The ) yield from Iowa's crops estimated from reliable - liable reports secured in all parts of the stab will not fall below wlmat 1s considered as an average crop in any line and much will be more than the normal. The prospects now are that the yield of wheat will ho the heaviest in the state for tw'elv'e years. An average yield of from fifteen to eighteen bushels per acre is expected - pected and a total yield of 25,000,000 bushels , This will be nearly double time time yield last year , The reason is time increased - creased acreage and time excellent conditions. The wheat will be better tot' milling purposes - poses than any raised to the state for years. Oats are being threshed in all parts of the state and the indications are that the yield will be 140,000,000 bushels , being an average yield of thirty-five bushels to the acre. The yield would have been phenomenal - enal had it not been for time damage by rust and lodging , but notwithstanding this damage the yield will be an average one. Experienced farmers say the yield would be larger and the grain better if the grain was stacked. In all parts of the state oats are being threshed from the shock very extensively , especially by renters. Bar- Icy , it is expected , will yield tldrty bushels to the acre , a total of 15,000,000 bushels , being at increase over last year , nothwith- standing a decreased acreage. Front the present prospects corn is going to yield from 275,000,000 to 300,000,000 bushele. Had it not been for the dry weather in July , which spoiled the prospects - pects of the first of that month , the corn crop would have been abnormally large , As it is , it will be in many communities , while in others the hot weather brought it below the normal. Iowa Saldlers' Monte Complimented. i ARSIIALLTOWN , In. , Aug. 11.-Spe- cial.-General ) Newton Martin Curtis of Og- densburg , N. Y. , assistant inspector general for the government of soldiers' homes , has just completed an inspection of the Iowa Soldiers' home here. lie complimented highly the management of Commandant C. C. lior- ton and his staff , and said ho had fond the lmomo in excellent condition. The only adverse criticism he had to make was more in the nature of the board of control law which places the homne on a par with time penal and charitable institutions of the state , anti which indirectly caused the hospital - pital to bo without a competent cook for some time , owing to the big reduction iu the salary and the number of aseistanls allowed it that departmnent. General Curtis intimated that this condition would have to be remedied before time government allow- snco was turned over to the state , General Curtis also eald that , owing to the condition - tion of time soil on which the home is located - cated , it would require a larger expenditure of money and more work to place time grounds in proper condition , from the standpoint - point of beauty , than at most of the other like Instituliams , but la expresses confidence - fidence that the people of Iowa would not begrudge time necessary expenditure of money- for this pnmrposo , Seosnlion I'romised , DES MOINES , Aug , 11. ( Speclal Tele- gram-A ) special from Chiclcannauga I'arh , where limo Fifty-second Iowa is in camp , says : A sensntion is promised hero during the next few days , as an Investigation into the affairs of the Second Division hospital is being quietly made. Iowa has seventy-live sick men there. Facilities for caring far tlmem are said to be very poor. The following - ing deaths arc recorded : Private C. R. H. Duncan of Company K , on Monday ; Private Will 11. Stahl of Company F , on Tuesday ; Private Converse of Commpany M , ou 'rues- tiny. The deaths were from typhoid fever. Three officers of the F'ittysecond Iowa have tendered resignations w'ithin the past two days. They are Captain Cook , Company F , wImo has been home omm slelc leave for some weeks , anti First Lieutenant Wilkinson of Coapany E and First Lieutenant Mueio of Company D , whose resignations are due to business considerations , imhur 1'attditlous la ion'n , DES MOINES , Aug , 11.-Special.-- ( ! : tale Labor Commissioner O'Blencss has rctuncd from a trip of laspection over the . { tale , He 41. 'Tim ' + 1. ' / ! * / l ! + es , i ! + ' + 1 ! ' + /r' I ! ' + 1 ! , / ! a a'I. + //,1 ' ! + I ! ,1 ! + / ! ,1 ! ! / ! + M + itI ; I > FRUIT AND 6ARDN FAQMIN6 4 > ; Around Council B1ulTs Zti i. a Yon can buy tmprnvcd anti unimproved fruit ] suds ehenper in ' 'h' tL , this 'lehilly than nn3'whcrc in the hulled Stntes , There is no faila : uru of crops here. Look nt our Fruit Forums n hile they are iii. hear- , i' tut ; , 3 .SAY 1)A V e JI/itis , i $ . ( X1..L117 t 'Elmo Real Estate nod Luau Brokers , " $ h'is'0osrluslvo ' solo of : t lnrcc numnher of 'F 30 Pearl St' Council BluiFeI n ' ' / ' Fruit Garden anti Grnln I'mnrnw , W1'rito N ' Personally conduct buyers through our thous for information iumtl state whnyou e r , e orchards free of ehnrgr. want. ' } says that there is now nearly10 prr cent more labor finding employment than there was a year ago and he believes fully this great a gain will be noted when his report is completed. Time sentiment iii labor circles - cles is better , also , and everywhere hope is replacing misgiving , Mr. O'Bleness says that there have been few instances of pay being increased , but front all quarters 're is receiving reports of an increase In the number - ber of 'men ' employed , which Is very encouraging - aging and Indicates that business is steadily Improving 1n all lines of trade and that the state is entering upon an era of general prosperity. to mii lloii Iii itin I Lengur. MARSIIALLTOWN , in. , Aug. 1l.-Spe- ( cial.-As one of the results of the comtven- lion of the League of American Municipal- sties held in Detroit , Mtcb. , last week. It has been decided to form a State Municipal league , composed of the cities of lava , the main purpose of the league being to secure through legislation more rights for time mmnlcipalities than they now enjoy. Time first meeting of time proposed league will , unless present plans are changed , be held hi this city at an early day , the exact date to ho decided upon later. The city council of Marshalltown , at its regular meeting , passed a resolution Instructing Mayor Pierce to issue a formal invitation to the officers of the state to meet lucre on the date decided upon , 3lonlnnit Calls for Iowa. AMES , . Aug. 11-Special-Pref. ( ) C. F. Curtiss , director of the experiment station - tion at the college , is in Montana , where lme will purchase a carload of colts , native Montana - tana animals , to ship to the experiment slit - lion in this city for experimental purposes in breeding. Prof. Curtiss etoppe'l off Saturday - urday and Sunday last to visit ! its exposition - tion , of whmich institution lie said that , as an educator , the west had noticing to equal it , and , "not losing sight of the varied amusement features , time educational clar aeterlstics of the exposition are remarkable. I am greatly delighted with time show and , ns an Iowan , am proud of it-proud that my native and beloved slate has so large a part in it. " \'avrl Dnnutge Snit. SIOUX CITY , Ang. 11.-Special ( Telo- gran-A ) novel snit tae been filed against the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha Railway company. Join Carroll asks $2,000 damages for being thrown front time top of a moving pnssenger coach by one of the brakemen. lie nthnlts that he did not have a ticket and was on the lop of the car for the purpose of stealing a ride. It is al- legcil time traln should bravo hest stopped and he be permitted to step down. The fall hurt Carroll badly. Another 3lystrry ( 'iwsred I's , MAQUOKET'A , la. , Aig. 11.-Special.- ( ) The ttmysterious disappcnranco of N. N. fnm- erson , 0110 of the youtg r umenubere of the Jackson county bar , w'ho had an ounce In time Cusdlll block , Maquulcela , is cleared up. Young Iumerson went to St. Louis and enlisted - listed in the army. He has written a letter - ter to n friend stating these facts. lie said lit the time of writing lint he was in attnp : 100 niiles froth Cuba cad expected to go to Porto Rico soon. Serlnas Foil , ATLANTIC , in. , Aug. 11-Sperial ( Tole- grant-Jim McCourt of title city , ono of time bridge rnrpenters assisting Ut repairing thereof roof of time Chicago , block ] shad & I'aclilo depot al Mare , fell from time roof title afternoon , had his hip fractired and was also hurt internally. Fauatt fiend , GINIVA , In. , Aug , 11-Special ( Tele- grntn-F. ) A. Kilbourne , n trtvniing salesman - man of Charles City , was found dead In his room nt the Geneva houau this inornhmg. lie complnUned of heing sick before retiring , The coroner's jury returned a verdict of heart failure , lostant ) , lCllled , FORT DODGT7 , Ia. , Aug. -Sperial ( Telegram-Jack ) Reynolds was Instantly killed this afternoon while cleaning a rc- volver , time bullet passing through his heat. lie was at expert with lhea.nms , being iho best shot around hare , 1 GAILBoDE4 qg ; EAGLE BRAND O CONDENSED utlc. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLET ENTITLED "BABIES"SHOULD BE Iii EVERY HOUSEHOLD. SENT DN APPLICATION , , . , NIwYQPit CQNpENSCD MILa Co NcwYons I . , 1 ; , I I Jll 5NT I I 1 1 Is / \ ss" I I , X111 r i -a- . 1) o M P IT i , l 1 , I - 1 i # . y i i = i -i YL BOW THEIR HEADS. ' r Distributed by John r Woodward Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WANTEL , FARM AND INSIDE CITY LOANS T'HAT' ARE GILT'dtDGE Wl. ALSO WANT YOUR Flitll INSURANCI : ON Il1JS1NESS P1tOPISitTY , D\VI'LLINOS AND 110USE1IOLD GOODS , 'I'OR- NAUO INSURANCI : AT A VERY LOW 1LAT'1 : , itAIIGAINS IN itfAL ES'1'A'i'E , 130'1'11 IN FAIIM AND CITY I'It01'fit'I'Y , ' I'It01'fit'I'YW'E CAN SELL YOU A IlOMC ClIEAI' ON SMALL PAYMIIN'l'S , 3,000 AL'ItlIS OF DOT- ' 1'011 LAND IN 'i'HIS COIJN'1'1' FOIL SALE IN ONE TRACT OR IN SMALL s TIIIC'1'S. ALSO 210 ACJtES A'I' A 1.01v PRICE ; So ACRES FRUIT LAND IN MILLS ' ' . iE COIIN'I'Y , IA. , F01t SALE OR EiCIIANGI : . CALL AND SfB9 Ufl Olt WW RITE US. :3v 1'14A111. S'1' . , COUNCIL ill IJFFS , IA , I r i JsI.1 . , , IA. w Opened ' " i ladics' flair Dressing ) Chiropody and Manicure Parlors/ 11111 , Iressed , Nails Et7tntlllett 1 + rel 31ndc'ontfurlublo , SOMETHING NEW. i ifprlghI Shmunpming Ap'auras ' , W' shampoo and rinse a lady ii ha lr wulin slit 511.4 uprlgbt No stooping e'er. Fine ' ) 'aliet Articles , $ mvtchm's , Waves , \Vlgs , etc „ for sale or nnule to order. 'rime ladles of Council ill uiTs iv III Ii nil our work Ilrst class Stud Prices remisoauble. MIS. L. At GRAVES , 103 I'curl Sheet.