Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1898, Image 1

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ESTABLiSHED .1UNE 19 , 1S71. FUUAY MORNNa , UUS'I 12 , ios.ruwiijvE PAGES. SiNGLE COI rtrE CJTS'
&bsenco of a Special Day Done Not Affect
k Exposition Attendance ,
. Out-of.Town Investigators Put in a Day at
Examining the Ezhibit. .
rit of the Series of Object Lcsons Shown
on the Lagoon.
: I'rlveM.Ioh1 I'ro'es ( ) iie ui the 13r.t ,
et ( H veti on t lie ( ; r.ui 11t1N1 , , ) % .
- Am ti , if AtIstINII llrLig. , .
Lirge ( teitItiiee ,
Although tliero OXCUI'BtoflB
. vera no Rpec1a
. to Induce an out-nt-town nttendanco yc
; torlay , there waa no perceItIbIo falflng off
in thfl attendance. While It was not a big
( Jay In the sense In which the term La
thoru vns a good crowd on the grouuls all
day viIch ) Included a largo proportion ot
l'lw features ot the tlay were entirely ot
1orno proIuction ( , but they were ijono the
1i's tim most Interesting of thu Thu
para.e . , the exhibition of the life saving
service , the banti concerts an(1 ( the organ
recital In the evening furnished a continual
succession of enjoyable entertainments from
2 o'clock untll late In the evening. The
parade was one of the best that has been
. , . seen on the grounds nmi the life saving cx.
hibitlon Was one of the most lntcretIng in-
CIlClItS that. have yet been exploited. They
; comlnnnlcd thO unlLvIdcI Interest of nearly
, all the visitors on the grounds , while the
permanent attractions of the show vure for
, the time neglected ,
; The morning attefllnnCC was rather light ,
; but the nttractionR of the afternoon brought
the people in large numbers , In the oven-
big tlio 25 cent adInis8ion operated as a
urtlier Inducement and the crowd was
Bwelieil by hundreds of Omaha people. The
weather coniltions were so clelighttul that
: ' these who had spout the entire ( lay on
the grounds vere not too fatigued to stay
. ' duritig tILe evening and it was later than
Usual when the homeward movement. was
OI'ENJNG 01" ' 1'IIl N'.V ( ) ItC.AN.
, JIiIrrIM..II ' .VIII nf ( 'I , lag. , iIii , . I pu-
littt.p4 tII IIMt'uhIeII ( .
: i
! The concert given Inst evening at the Ex-
POSitto Aulltoriuni by Mr. Ilarrlaon Wild ,
f organist of Chicago , and the exposition
' chorus , under the direction of Mr. Thomas
: iCcliy , drew one of the largest audiences
that has graced uiiy performance in that
temple of tii0 divine art since its opening.
It svns llaitllY evident that the patrons of
¼ t the exposition are once more ready for a
taste or real music and tIm enthusiastic applause -
. plauso that foliowed every number is an
. encouraging sign that love of music is not
' 4 dead In thin longitude ; indeed , it is not
I oven sleeIIng. The opnlng of an organ
' Is not nearly as inviting a prospect as the
t opening of a number of other things that
appeal tO tim taste of the genus homo , but
I a vast concourse of people assembled within
doors to hear the now organ , whoso advent
I has been long loolccd for and earnestly desired -
& sired by ninny. it i a nonle iiistrument ,
lOSSOSSC1 ) of a rich tone , a large variety
, of stops anil a pleasing exterior. It is a
pity that tt W5 n t ready for use while the
Thomas orchestra was hero , us in conjunction -
tion with it a variety of musical compositions
could have becii rendered that would have
bccn Interesting and Instructive to those
who are ncctistomed to attend high class
, ' Ierforfl1ZflCCS. )
Mr. Wild Is an artist of the flrst rank.
' . % , 1 lie has long been known as one of the load-
M. lug organists of Chicago nail bel.les . is a
thorough inusiclait. Ills playing gave cvi-
tienco Of abunhlalkt technic nod a conception -
tion of the character of cacti sciection that
only conies with natural talent united to
profoUlh ( musical knowledge. Ills program
. included selections from the works of Bach ,
Guilmant , flatiste , hiuel , Chopin , 'Wagner ,
. l3rower , web' and Rossini ; surely a variety
which 'oiihii appeal to all tnstcs Ills
pedaling was esPeCially COI1nenlatlo and
also very noticeable. A curtain should be
hung before thu pedals , for the sight of a
' , l , COUIlO of feet scnding their devious pathway -
way up nud down the big koyhottrtl will
turn eveit a Bach ftiguc Into comedy. As
one selection \ir. Wild played a set of 'a-
nations by Iu.hloy Buck on " 'rho Star
I3paiiglcd Banner , ' which distorted that vc1l
: lII'fl highly respected melody out of all
' likeness to its witural self. It looked as
, If the arranger tried to show oft a knowledge -
edge of counterpoint nuil hiaruouy anti
toward tbu end a sort of fugue was Intro-
( IUCCtI ( but soon ( Iroppod ) that reinindeil
, ' one of Bach. especially and only when one
remembers that lii German bach" means
'brook' ' atid a brook Is full of runs ,
The work of thu chorus reflected much
, credit on Mr. itolly anti was ciiaracteried
throughout by accuracy , truth to pitch , vat-
. rioty of ehatlimig anal volunu of toime. Tue
. I arrangeinemit of 'Annlo Laurie' was ontlmu-
' ¶ elastically encored , but not repeated. The
conductor risked his success by an abrupt
t accoleraiutio at. the close , which was neither
mutasleinuly nor effective , but the previous
good work scurctl for hint a forgiveness
, for which be should be grateful.
Mr.Viid was several thames recalled , hut
owing to the length of his program , ihaye.l
at ) encores. lie has made a large number
of friends by his nmusiclaniy pialng anal
by a cordial manner that few Public immema
. have been able to Ircscrve 'through years
of success ,
U.lON l'.tIt.t1)l .t 4fl1 It'l' ( ( ) .
t tat' . ' * II ( U I ai r ' . II P u ra lIt' C n I I. l'I'4 , p
iii' tuu lint' . ' ( UI lIt. '
( Tha parade of time .lititvay estabihahanents
united with the hiuilaaa congreas yesterday
sftttrnooia ams a feature of sulliciont spec-
I , tacular interest to ciatertalin cvaaa the regular -
lar expoettioli visitors , ho were familiar
'with the SlectucieS It iaacitaded. To those
, who hiath never seen them before it W5 an
attraction of the haIglast order and it ire-
, I seated a varied saaeressiou of gorgeous cos-
! 1 tunics that tilled the ammatin court with color.
' 'rho brilliant attire of the Orlentals , the
g $ snore somber laublliments of the Chinese
.4 and the gautly laInt ) saul blankets of the
ui Indians contributed to give tIme ensemble a
: Picturesque effect that could scarcely be tan-
v larovel ulton ,
'I Time parade foraaaetl on the boulevard and
u thuVcst Midway at 2 aciock utad oou after
't it sturtt1 tiown Tweutit'tha street , on which
It lusset tlarough 1adautulatratlou Arrh atnat
V aroutut the niatu court to time e1arttiag voint.
L Phainaaey's baitti headed the pageaut. folIowttt
by ( lenerah Manager Ciarkson , who olilcisted
l V
LCoutinuedou Fifth Vega , . )
Outlita. ' or flae Seuiome for Vceillii
lIt. l'our In tim ( I ty , f
Luntl.i. ,
( Copyright , by l'ress Publishing Co. )
LONDON , Aug. 1l.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Teiegram-I ) interviewed -
viewed Sir Thomas Lipton today with reference -
once to the "Alexandria TrUst" amid oh-
talneti the following statement :
"The object is to feed the poor and it Is
1101)04 It vIli be carrleal out In a wny that
will he an example to other countries all
over time world how to focal the poor. We
viul give a good meal for 4 cents , consist-
tag of a llate of soup anal a somali plate of
afloat anal lOtatOCS for 8 cents we will give
theni soup , a good plate of meat and two
good vegetabips , including Potatoes ,
"There wIll be no watterH or vaitresses.
On catering time building time people srlil
receive at chock according to time amount
Paid. They will then go to a horseshoe-
slanpeal counter In the center of time floor
and on hresenttag a check 'tll get , their
food and will carry It to a table. There
vlll be two rooms , one for women and the
oUmer for mcml , each capable of holding
1,000. lacli room will be fitted imp in first
class style , will contain lavatories , a. writ-
lug dck and so forth.
"There will also ho labor bureau head.
quarters. Wo vilh be able to supply tooth
to 10.000 jer day. The hours between
breakfast anal tim mttlday meal will be set
aside for feeding POOC mhmlldren. Other
branch establishments all over London will
servo , OOO Peolile per day.
"Not the least tamportant part of time
scheme Is whnt I anay call time outside ale-
partnaent , whereby p ° or people will be given
facilities to tolie food to their homes anal
Invalids rIl1 he supplieal with beef tea ,
Three inenhe iill , be sllapllaid tInily , tacliad-
ing Sundays. At henalquarters there will be
a banal of music occasionally. It the scheme
works as I expect it will I have promised
another C 100,000 , "
S Ir 't'lstImns Llitnia Itaislies l'repnrn-
I laima , . fur iii.Hulll lug of Ilac
( Copyright , 1191 , by Press Publishing Co. )
LONDON , Aug. 11-(4ew ( York World Ca-
blegram-Speclal Telegram-1 ) saw Lipton
today with regard to his challenge for the
American camp. lie saitU
"I have just been advised that hugh C.
K. Kelley , secretary of tIme Royal Ulster
Yacht club , Bcltast , has received time follow-
big cablegram in reply to my challenge of
time Gth Inst. :
' ' 1 havc tile boner on behiraht of the New
York Yacht club to acknowledge the receipt
of the cable. 1t purport Is most agreeable
and ivill ho considered as soon as a meeting
can ho called. Your committee will ho
waranly welcomed. OlDIE , Secretary. '
'llon , Charles Russo ! sailed today with
time formal challenge. h1 Is going by time
Domniamion iliac to Cannala and tvthi reach
New York August 23. Ito is law agent to
tile Canadian government and will stay in
Canada for a couple of days on his way to
New York. II will put up at the Fifth
Avenue hotel. Other members of the coati-
nmlttee arc hugh C. Kelley , Major Shiarnion
Crawforal anal Mr. Mchldowney. They will
leave hero probably August 21 by the W'hite
iithr line. Preliaratlons for building the.
Shzimnrock arc now in progress and Itight
Iloim. 'SV , J , Pcrhio of Messrs. Harland &
\Voif of Belfast is in constant communica-
tlon with Designer Fife. They say the
model will be completed shortly. I have
come to no decision as to who ril1 be skipper -
per of the Shamrock. "
NEW YOflK , Aug. 11.-The Now York
Yacht club , at a special meeting tonight ,
unanimously voted to accept the challenge
of the Iloyai Ulster Yacht chub to race fertile
tile Anacrica's cup. A comnmittco was ap-
lolntcd to select the yacht to represent the
chub , to arrange the date and place of the
race auth all other details.
\vuui Study' i % iii-ricnn CIties.
( Copyright , 1891 , by I'ress I'ublishing C'o. )
LONION , Aug. 11.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Telegranm-Lord ) Mayor
Davies will sail for New York Wednesday
next on the TeutonIc accompanIed by Miss
Davies , Bourke . , M. P. , and \V. J.
Soulshy , C. 13. Ills private secretary 'will
stay tlmreo days iii New York anal proceed
to Canaala anal the Pacific coast , visit San
Francisco and return via Chicago. Dtaring
his visit ho wIll InvestIgate time municipal
charters In the UnIted States cities , particularly -
ticularly Pimlladeiphia , on which subject
Miss DavIes Is compiling a rolunme. Iloss
Croker vill dine with the party at Dci-
monica's on the evenIng of their arrival.
Croker has amnalortaiken to explain to time
lord nmayor tile orklng of the charter of
Greater New York.
Mrs. Cilrzmi'M l'Imins ,
( Copyright , 189t , I ) I'rcss Pthlishlng , ( 'c. )
LONON , Aug. 1l.-New ( York World
Cublegrani-Speelni Telegrani-Today ) I vIe-
ited Four Carlton gardens , the sumptuoals ,
artistIcally decorated resialenco of Millionaire
Loiter's daughter , flfli presented to her con-
gratuhations as time first AmerIcan girl to
aeblevo a vice regal position , Mrs. Curzon
Is overwrought and left today for her coon-
try house to avoid embarrassing attentions.
She returns next week to place varied anti
extensIve coninmim.stons wltlm the great stores
of Louthoam. She Is going east fully equippeal
anal urovllied for great social display. Cur-
zen is still In bed. Callers were numerous
toihay , but were not secam by 'Mrs. ' Curzon.
The doctors think Curzon will be imumeicutly
recovcreai to go to the country by tile coal
ot miext week.
i * an * lou. I ii t tim'
Copyrigiit , by l'resam l'uhiishtng Co. )
LONDON , Aug. 11.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Teiegram-Ncws ) from
thu far east received In Lomuloam today caused
the greatest anxiety. MInIsters admit time
serlotisimess of the sItuation. It is acknowledged -
edged timmat Russia , Germany and France are
suceeeallng whore Eimginamal signally failed ,
15 Irufcreamtlal treatment regarding railways
has beemi graimtod to Russia. ( lermnany Is
held to seriously mncmaaco Eagianal's inilu-
once anal Interests lam the Yangtso valley.
I'll PlU 11111 tOlsit I I'roIIiuIN.
CopyrIIit. lMmf , by l'rems PublishIng Co. )
COLON , Coloamibia , Aug. hl.-New ( York
World Cablegraamm-Speeiul Tclegranm-Tho )
PAunmama Canal compamay is making unusual
efforts to work emi thu big ditch , Thu hews-
iaicrs timinic thti Siiauisii-Amnerlcan war
dcmnonstrmlte3 time cammais necessity to thm
United States.
II sash ( or % ejv ( hmlml Pii'imI ,
PEItTil , W'est Australia , Aug. 11.-Ad.
vices fromma lcnlgoorliu. say thousands of
people are rushing to the 'icimmity of Lake
Owynne. close to lcnnowama , where a nugget
of gold , weigimIn nimmety-fivo pounds , was
recently discovercal. The excitemnent lit the
amilning districts Is reported to be Intense ,
'iIi I'll ) ' t lie C. ' rutd I Clm I , u ,
( Copyright , ) SIS. by l'ross Publishing Co. )
COLON. Colombia , Aug. 1l.-New ( York
Worlal Cablegram-Special Teiegrum-A )
allepatcim froxmm Bogota time capitol of Colom-
lila , s.tye tbpt the senate use passed a law
authorizing time executive to pay the entire
Ctrruti claim ,
- - V V _ _ _
First District Oongresiona1 Oonvention
Breaks Up Amid Excitement.
h'oiiuilsts nnil Free Sllvcrites Naimiac
lsaIiIea'm 3lnimnlann of Latienster ,
limit Malt ( erimag's i'rien.Is
'I'nlk . ' .lamimt rreaielier' .
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Aug. 12.-Spo- (
clni-Jamcs ) Manahan of Lancaster was at
1 o'clock this morning declared the nomninco
of time fuBlon conventions for congress In the
first dIstrict anmld the greatest confaision ,
Charges of treachery answoreal the cheers
of the nommmineo's frIends and delegates left
the hail shotmting for Ihurkett , time republican -
lican candidate , 'The nomination was die-
tnted by the populist amid slIver repubhicans
after time democrats had repeatedly expressed
theIr preference for Matt Ocring of Case.
I ) 0 1 N C. S 0 1' 'i'l t l I ) h M 0 C ItA'l'14 ,
Jimmlge Ilrosmly WIt.limlrns After SIxth
Iloilmit Is Cud.
PLATTSMOUTII , Nob. , Aug. 11.-Spe- (
cliii Telegram.-Tho ) alemocratic conven-
tlon was called to oraler lam WhIte's
Imali promptly at 2 o'clock by M. D.
Tiffany of Lancaster county , who introduced -
troduced Ed F. Falion of Richardson as
temporary chairman. A. L. Makisoa of
Otos county was made tommmporary secre-
A conmmlttco of one fronm each county
was appoInted on crcdentinls. as follows :
F. S. hlasslor of l'awnec , J , Ii. Moorchead
of llichardsomm , W. II , Kelligar of Neniaha ,
11. T. Ward of Johnson , J. M. Gllchrlst of
Otoc , J , A. O'Shea of Lancnster , Froth Gor-
der of Case. Time committee reporteal no
contests and recommended that the dole-
gntes hiresent fronm the several countIes be
accepteal as the proper representatives.
The temporary organization was thou made
The chairman nppolnted F. J. Morgan of
Case , C. S. Jones of Lancaster and James
Walsh of l'tlcimardson as a coannmlttoo oim
conference , with the recommendatIon that
the same plan of procedure be adopted as
was used In the state conventions at. Lin-
A committee of one from each county
was appointeal on resolutions , as Iollows :
U. M. Boytiston of Otoe , II. E. New-
branch of Lancaster. C. W. Johnson of
I'awnee , It. A. Clark of Richardson , 0. A.
Shaw of Johnson , J. A. Gutecimo of Case'
and W. C , Parriott of Nemaiha.
Sam WhIting of Lancaster was appointed
assistant secretary of the comiventloam.
A vote of thanks iras extended to the
people of Plattsmoutii for the entertain-
meat given the delegates.
After a recess of half an hour the con-
veimtlon reassembled and listened to the rePort -
Port of time committee on resolutions. Tiais
report endorseh time national platform of
1896 , especIally frCc coinage at 16 to 1 ; paid
tribute to W , .1. Bryan ; sent greetings to
the soldiers mat the front ; endorsed the fu-
aba state omcers anal Senator Allen , and
demanded time latter's re-election ; denounced -
nounced republican dishonesty and publIc
btases ; endoreod the fusion state ticket aru'i
pledged It support ; sent a greetIng to W.
.1 , Bryan at the front. "as the first In war ,
first In ileace , anal first in the hearts of
his countrymen. " The report was adopted.
At 3:45 : time confereamce committee said it
was ready to report. In substance the report -
port vns similar to that adopted by the
fusIon state con4iontion , except that It do-
ecribcd a ballot as being a roll call of the
conventIon , a majorIty of each . conventIon
being necessary to secure a nomination.
'Fito report was adopted , anal F. J. Morgan
of Case auial Harry Northicutt ot Otoe irero
appointed a commIttee to notify the other
conventions of the progress of events in
the democratic body.
A roil call was ordered for the presentation -
tion of candlalates , and Case county pro-
dented Matthew Goring , Lancaster presented
James Manaimnn and Itichmaralson county
nanmed Ed F. Fnllon.
The roil was called on the first formal
ballot , resulting as follows : Goring , 26 ;
Manahan. 31 ; Fallon. itt ; Brandy , 7.
The seconal ballot was taken with thIs
result : s' V
Ocring , 27 ; Broady , S ; Manahian , 35 ; Fat-
Ion , 16.
ThIrd ballot : Gering , 26 ; Manrahman. 36 ;
Bmoaaly , 0 ; Fallen , 15.
Fourth hmallot : Goring , 26 ; Mnnahman , 36 ;
Broady , 9 ; Falloa , 15.
Fifth hailot : Goring , 25 ; Manahan , 37 ;
llroady , 5 ; Fahlon , 19.
Sixth ballot : Goring , 31 ; Manahan , 37 ;
Broady , 5 ; Fallen. 13.
Pawuco cast its solid vote for Goring on
theIr ballot anal the Case cotmnty man's
stock took forum. Judge llroatly took the
floor anal annoUnccl timat he was not a can-
ditlato. The frionals of Manahman and Gerlmmg
laero wont to work with a will on the delegates -
gates , especially those from Otoo and RIch-
nraison countIes , anal the Interest almost
becammie excitement.
Seventh ballot : Goring , 30 ; Manathman , 43 ;
Fallen , 13.
Manahan lacked hut one vote of nomination -
tion , and the full force of his numbers
% as sent against time other delegates , but
without result , as lie lost three of lila
Eighth hmnllot : Gering , 33 ; Mnnahnn , 40 ;
Fahion , 13.
Time popuhists having reported a recess ,
the democrats adjourned till 7:15 : p. m.
Upoli reassemblIng in the evening time
conventioli proceculed at once wIth the ninth
ballot and it apparent that the break
haai come , GorIng anal Mnnauian each ro-
ceivoal 36 ½ votes and Fallen 13. Before
taking tIme tenth ballot Faihon of Richardson -
son withdrew his name and hula county cast
at solId vote for Goring , The result of time
tenth ballot was : Gerlng , 51 ; Manahan , 35 ,
The conventIon then passeal Into bethlamn
for several moments. Order was declared
by a call for Goring , who made a short talk ,
tlmanklrmg the convention , Under tIme rules
it was necessary to continue taking ballots ,
Tlme eleventh ammal twelfth were repetitions
of the tenth , but as the other conventIons
were not respondIng to the nominatIon of
( lering , the denmocrata on the thirteenth
ballot gave Mammalian iS anal Ocring 38. ThIs
was done to give the other conventions a
choice of time two muon. The fourteenth and
tiitccntii ballots continued to show Manahan
it'Itli a majority , but the sixteenth ballot
left time convention without a chiolce again.
'F. J. Doyle of Lancaster appealed to the
COhiVCntlOfl after the twenty-seventhi ballot
to lndorse Manahaamm , as ime said the other
two coui'oimtionb had done so ,
11. 1) . Travis of Case tieclarcal his delegation -
gation never vouhd consent to that action
until Lancaster slioweal a disposItIon to keep
its promise.
Mutt Goring told a little history. lie re-
( erred to the popuilsts dictating the goy-
ernorship anal the silver republicans the
lieutenant governorship. anal wanted to know
why the dcmnocrat should not iiamame Its can-
dtdato for congress , lie said It time populists -
lists wanted to jeopardize time state ticket ,
that was their privilege , hut ho would so-
cept the noniluatlon from the democratic
party alone and make the campaign , lie
accuseal the Lancaster delegation rf bad
faIth , lie was frequently cheered to time
echo , After hale speech the twenty-eIghth
ballot was called , rcaultlnga Manahaa 47 ,
Goring 38 , anal floytlaton 1.
The result was cheered by Manahan's
friends but the fleeIng crowd groaned. The
other conventions Indorsed Manalian and ha
was declared the nominee at 1. o'clock. As
lie ascenaled the stage the Case county dote-
gatloa startel to leave the hail , but GorIng
called them back , Delegates called for three
cheers for Ilurkett and they were given ,
Confusion was supreme and there was great
excitement. Oraler was flnnuiy restored soUl-
clently to hmermit Mr. Mamiahan to th&nlc time
convention for his nomination , The convention -
tion selected a new central committee and
then adjourned ,
i'ltOCRllDlm ( ) L' 'l'lhIO I'Oi'ULIS'l'S.
ilorge IntIs atm iii First Ihallol , mat
Later nit Lmses ,
PLATTSMOUTII , Neb. , Aug. -Specinl (
Telegraaa-Fred ) Shepherd of Lancaster
called called the populist convention to order -
der anal Lieutenant Governor J , hi. harris
of Pawnec was chosen temporary chairman ,
with William Reed Dunroy of Lancaster
temporary secretary.
Mr. harris umado a. short talk , counseling
conservative action and predicting tIme cite-
tion of a free silver congressman if wisdom
prevailed in making time nomination ,
The committee omm credentials , c'onmposeal
of William \Vatmgh of Cass , . C. Itawick of
Laimcnster , II. P. Farnsworth of Otoc , J. U.
liumbarger of llichiardson , It. P. .leamiimmga of
I'awneo and Charles WillIams of Johnson ,
reported no contests and upon its recom-
nienilation the delegates present were rio-
corded seats in the convention.
The temporary organization was made
permanent and a committee on resolutions
was at once appoInted consIsting of A. E.
Sheldon of Lancaster , S. G. Morrow of Rich-
nralson , 'V , llosterman of Nenmaha , B. ti. Lit-
tleflelth of Otoe , T. J. l'lunnner of Puwnee ,
J. FL Lancaster of Johnson and \V. D. 11111
of Case.
Time chaIr was authorized to appoInt a
committee of three on conference and named
J. Y. M. Swigart of Lancaster , 0. A. Severe
of Otoc anal George A. Abbott of Iticimaralsun.
N. C. Abbott of Lancaster waB elected assistant -
sistant secretary.
The convention then took a recess for fit-
teen minutes and tmpon reassembling the
committee on resolutions made a report ,
which was atloteal.
Time resolutions declare that public functions -
tions , Including the amicans of transportation
and Issuance of currency , shall be performed
by the people ; send greetings to the aol-
diers in the fii'lal anal endorse time Omaha
and St. Louis plattornis.
The report of tile conference commIttee
was adopted anal a formal ballet taken , re-
sultiamg as follows :
( I.V. . Ilerge of Lancaster , GO ; George A.
Abbott of fllchardsoam , 20.
liorge reached his highest point on the
third ballot , when his vote was 70 , but ho
began to lose then and on the seventh hal-
lottime vote was :
forge , 55 ; Goring , 12 ; Manahan , 6 ; Fat-
Ion , 8 ; scatterIng , 0.
The convention took a recess till 7 o'clock ,
After reassembling the populists took
three mere ballots without special change In
the result , time tenth showing hlerge 53 ; Ger-
log , 24 ; scattering , 9.
On the tiairtcenthi ballot forge received 77 ;
Gertng -
On tile next ballot the convenltn scat-
tereti , votIng for nine candidates , the high-
cat being harry Doysten of Nebraska City ,
with 16. Mr. Ilergo had withdrawn his
name :
James Maimahan , J. II. I3roady , A. J.
Weaver and Dr. Edwards appealed to the
delegates to nominate a democrat as was
demanded by practical politics. On the
nIneteenth ballot Boydston received a majority -
jority which lie held for four ballots. The
convention then went to pieces until the
twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth ballota ,
when It endorsed Manahan , The convention
soon afterwaral aaljourned.
VOhti OF SII.YIIt 1tEL'UflLlCt1'mS.
Ieniniid 1'ro ( ' Cohmuuage nimil l'le.lge
Loyalty to ' .V. J. lirynim.
PLATTSMOUTH , Nob. , Aug. 11.-Spocinl (
Telegram-The ) silver republIcans were
called to order by W. C. Flury of Lan-
caster. C. S. Rainhoit of Lancaster was
made temporary chairman and C. L. Mettz
of Itlchardeon temporary secretary.
A committee on crealentlals was appoInted
coinposcal of 0. P. DavIs of Lancaster , J.
M. Leyda of Case itamil B. B.tndrews of
flicimardeon , It afterwards reported no contests -
tests anal In favor of seating tiio delegates
Time temporary organization was made
A committee on conferencowas appoInted
CohmipOseti of J. I , . Teeters or Lancaster , J.
ii , Rotchtord of Cites and WIlliam Fenton
of Richardson.
The following ceannmttteo on resolutions
was appoInted : G. L. Laws of Lancaster ,
J. M. Leyda of Cuss , A. J. Weaver of Rich-
nrdson , Thomas Maimer of Otee , A. N. Defoe
of Johnson , 11. L. Fuiton of Pawnee anal
J. E. Crane of Neniaha.
/a. recess was then taken for thirty mm-
utes anal upon rcassermmbhing time conferemmce
committee's report was adopted , A baliot
weB then taken , resulting : A. J. Weaver
of lhicharatson , 38 ; Lieutenant Governor
harris , 7 ; James Manahan of Lancaster , 1 ;
0. W , l3crge of Lancaster. 8 ; B , L. Fulton
of Pawnee , 4.
Between baihotum the report of time corn-
mtttee on resolutions was adopted , which
dornatials free coinage at itt to 1 , favor the
revenue tax , liberal premiums and time
postal savings bank , and pledge loyalty to
w , j. Bryan , predlctixmg hIs election to time
presidemmey in 1900.
On tue first tour ballots Weaver led with
Bergo second and the other votes scattering -
tering , After time fourth ballot Weaver
withdrew lila name and aaivocateal time nom-
Immation of a democrat. On the fiftim ballot
GorIng , Mammahan and Bergo each received
a gencroama vote , which was continued till
the eighth , when the veto stood : Man
ham , 34 ; Bergo , 20 ; Ocring , 12 ; seatt V
log , 15 ,
'l'hme convention then took a recess til t
o'clock. .
Bergs simowed gains in this commvontlo
the evening sessIon on the nInth and
ballots , hut on the eleventh the cenve
cast its solial vote for E , L. Fulton of
lace. This was repeated on two mnor
lots , but on the fourtentim Manah
coIveal 13 votes. On the next ballot
hamm received 46 votes , or a mnjorit '
CorIng was a'nalers&.l on the sevem hi.
ballot , Boydeten on the next two aunt the
convention then went to Fulton , where It
renmalneal untIl tue twenty-seventh and
tweamty-olghthm ballots , when it gave Mans-
han a majority of the votes cast and afterwards -
wards adjourned ,
ltelmaahlii'uim Ntuulv Conaiuihl lee 3Iee ( imiir ,
LINCOLN , Aug. 11.-Special.-Thie ( ) norn-
moos anti the republican state central committeemen -
mitteemen decided last nIght that It would
be to the best Interests of time party to put
off for one week ( lie proposed ameetIug for
organization , It was believed that at such
a later date all those Interested couial be
present and a call was accordingly made
( Continued on Second Page. )
o1d Up the Bound-Bonmi Omaha Flyer on
Burlington Road ,
" .Veli trmimel Ilnamalits 5101) time Trnimi ,
Tithe Omit 1hi .tlnuas Smite
umamul Steimre l.nrge Stain
of Money.
ST. 30SEP11 , Mo. , Aug. 11.-The incoming
Onmahma flyer on the Burlington road was
held tip at Dug hill , two miles north of
here , at. 0 o'cock tonight by five or ala c1l
armed men.
After securing possession of time express
car the robbers rolled the Aalams Express
company's small safe ommt of tbo car door
into a wagon and endeavored to haul it
away. They abandoned their task , however ,
anal soomi ( lumped time safe out upon the
highway ,
The safe was recovered two hours after
time holdup and haul not been opeimeal , the
trainmen say. Though several shots were
flreal to lmmtlnmidato the traummnmeim , none of
the passengers cam the tralIn were mnolcstcal.
Stop ( lie 'l'rimlaa ,
The robbers stopped the train by swimmg-
tag a red hamimtermm across the track. Emmgi-
acer WillIam Caraler obeyeai this signal to
stop and Imnmedlately there was at fusillade
from both sides of the track , One of tile
robbers cut the engine loose and compelleal
the engIneer to run It down the renal 200
yards. Conductor \\'ililam Keaton canme otmt
whoa the train stopped , hut was ordereal
back Into the "smoker , " where lie remained.
Express Messenger Frammk ilogue offereah
no resistance when time bandits entered hIs
car. The robbers were but a few mnlnutea
in rolhizmg out the small safe amid quitting
the deeno of their robbery.
Though the railroaal anal express men
hero claim that the robbers secured nothing ,
it is reported thiat considerable booty was
3huake a. lug ilnaul ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , Aug. 11.-Soon after
the express robbery omm the Burlington roaal
was reported hero tommlght. a railroad offi-
cml , who ought to have been well infornmed ,
nmado time statement that time robbers secureil
S,280 from the safe wimicti they took froami
time Adams Express company's car. Time
treasure , it was stated , consisted of six
packages of $1,000 each , four lackages of
$500 , one of $260 and another of $20.
ArrIcn front Soul hem Scuts tit Isiit
numi CorreuaiouiIents frouti
Sceiti , , . of mimttles
_ , -
NEW YORK , Aug. 11.-The steam yach :
Wammda , Captain Miller , which has been in
time aervie of the AssocIated Press for
nearly foui' months as a dispatch boat , ac-
comnpanylng the Anmericaum fleet and army In
West Indian waters , arrived hero from
Porto Rico this morning , having touched
at Nassau en route and having covered the
distance of about 2,200 knots , In six days
uniter easy stoanm , On board were Colonel
Charles S. DIchil , asslstaumt geameral maim-
alger ; E. H. Johnstone and N. C. Wright ,
staff corrcspommdients. The Wancla has
stearneal more thorn 16,000 knots In carrying
news to the cable statloims in Jamaica , ilayti
and St. Thomas , since leaving Now York on
May 3.
The yaehmt avltnesseal the bombardment of
the alefonses outside of Santiago , was pros-
oft. at time landing of time troops at Biaquirl
amid Siboney , Cuba ; witnesseal the destruc-
tien of Cerv'ra's fleet , having cam that occa-
non taken on board elevten smmrviving olil-
cers and men of the SpanIsh torpedo heat
destaoyer Pluton , and present at the
binding of the American troops at Ponce ,
Porto Rico. Now that cable communication
has been restored in eastern Cuba amid
southern Porte Rico , thmo necessity for die-
patch boats lmas ceased for a time at least ,
The Waimda has on beard a relic of the
great sea fight off SantIago , a six-pounder
quick-firIng gun taken from time dec < qf time
Spammish cruiser Oquemmdo by the Associatcal
Press dispatch boat Cynthia. The \Vnnda
brings mali fronm the fleet oft l'orto Rico
and also carries mall from Nassau , owing
to time irregularity with which steamers now
toucim at that British port.
Rear AmluIrmi lei.t AlIve by . ' .ri ilielmil
ites1i rut Immia miii. ! I , , ot flxiie'temL
to LI'e Loum.
VALLEJO , Cal , , Aug. 11.-Roar AdmIral
Kirkland was very low today , the pimysi-
clans having to resort to artificial rcspira-
tioli to keep him alive. lie has since rail-
lied. lie Is so weak that ho lam mmnablo to
raise the blood accumulatIng in time throat ,
Dr. W' . E. Taylor , who was surnmommcd by
wire , came up fronm San Francisco. lIe
aloes not hold out any hopes. Admiral Kirkland -
land may pass away at any moment , Everything -
thing Imoselble Is belmmg alone to preserve
quiet , Orders have been given out not to
sound tIme bells In time navy yard , The physicians -
sicians are not Inclined to talk ,
VAL14EJO , Cal. , Aug. 11.-Il p. m.-Tlme
veteran Admiral Kirkland Is allowing remarkable -
markablo recuperatIve ahmliity. ills contii-
tlon tonight has greatly improved and his
physicians now entertain 00 fear of his
dissolution ( luring time night , unless an on-
eXlmecteal relapse should occur ,
( , , irnutm'uit lIus ii Vustiar 51111 , ,
IIILADELPIi1A , l'a. , Aug , 1l.-Oiflciai
ou000ment was made today of tile pamr-
' -4 50 of time hiritimuim tank steamer Lucileno
the United States govcrnmemmt for a
I tur boat. The Lueilene , now ammchmoreal
League island , will be rechmisteneit the
tmplter. The price paid was $225,000 , Time
uclleno will stay about three weeks at
time Islanal. It will ho dry.docked and
Imainted amid the qtlmmrtems for ofhlcera and
men will be enlarged ,
I's'u'IsIblis for lgamomui ti's.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 11.-The steamer
Leelanaw wIll leave tomorrow for St. Jail.
chad. Sue lam taking a vast quantity of
pmovislona anal as it. Is timoughit timero fl be
no tliiiiculty iii sending time provisions to
Dawson and there vili be no Immimmmealiate
damager of a famlmic.
lIuyeutemi te of Oi't'ii it Vessels , Ati , I 1 ,
At New York-Sallod--Augusto Victoria ,
for hamburg ; Koenigen Luirie , for tirenmerm ;
Etianm , for Amnaterilam , Arrived-Kaiser
Wllhehmam 11 , for Genoa.
At LIverpool-A rrivecl-l'cnnlammml , from
Phliadelphia , SaIled-Canada , for Boston.
At ilarnburg-Arrlveuh-Phoemmicia , from
New York. At flrermmen-Arrlved-Saale ,
froami New York ,
At Queemmstown-Saileal-Belgenlaanai , for
vlmlladelphmia ; Germnamiic , for New York.
At itotterdam-Arrlved-Werkendamu , froram
Now York. Sailed-Itotterdam , for Now
hour. lm' ) , hour flog.
r. n. in , , . , . , (12 1 p. iii . . . . . . TII
H a , iii . . . . . , i .h i. iii . . . . . .
7 it. in , , . , , . I2 U p. iii . . . . . . 711
S ti. lit . . . . . . lli 'I mm , mat . . . . . . 77
I ) a , aim , . . . . . tIM 1 , mm' iii . , . , , . 711
Il ) a , in , , , . , . 71 Il m' , in , . . . . . 711
1 1 a. Ill . . . . . . 7hi 7 lb. lit . . * . . 78
12 . . . . . . . . . . t I , lil..4. 741
ft i' . Ifl , . , , , . 07
'I'Ol.tV A'V ' 11111 iXt'0Sl1'lON.
At ( lmi ( lrummmlsm
Cm , I lii t'L'Il'M 1)mt.
i I , , Ill. , Iity lireTorks on lite Lut-
giu U II.
:1 1l. Ill , , I'ii imiime"s llmim1. (1 raitil
Ph a an ,
'I p. iii , , lI' Smt'ors ( Ill I Imi' l.iunmmn ,
7 am. iii , . iiii i ncy's linimmI , U rntmmh
l'iiiaui ,
Ilhmlalers 41v'ii itCitumnee to Mnke Its-
timiiu tes ilIL 'eNsel 5tmmi'rI or to
I lie hilltmui , . 'l'I.e ,
WAShINGTON , Aug. 11.-Although the
Navy department has concluded that in the
interest of better specal for the three mmcmv
battleships to be built it cannot afford to
defer the reception ot bids beyommal time Period
fixed 1mm tue orIginal advertlsOnmemit , blalalers
will imave ama opportunIty to base estimmmatcs
tipen iilamms for hmaittlcslmlps superior lii speetl
to time Illinois type , which fornmed time basis
of the original advertisements.
Engineer-lu-Chief Melville lane prepared
eie'cim separate amid distinct sets of plamms
whereby imlghmer speed can be realizeat in tiio
new ships than tIme Illinois typo possesses
amid these lmlaiis will ho sent to time great
shipbuilding urine which are likely to comma-
lCte tim order that they miiay submIt bials
baaa'd on thicuti as veli mae upon the orlgimmni
lliliaois desigmma. As usual in such cases ,
the nalvertiseinent perimmits shlpbamllders to
submit bids en time basis of their own plans
or UpOfl those Pt time department , so thaut the
way Is opemi for thermm to nmalcc use of these
umdditionzml lilaamms If tile ) ' SCO lit and the
knowledge tlmat the dcpartmmment vlll give
nrcferemmce in time award to time bidder Iweimm-
isilig time highest speeal doubtless wilt 1mm-
fluence timeria to accept some of these plans
iii thmeir calculatlomis.
Time eleven rdauas contemplate etmeetle rang-
Immg front sixteen amid a half to eighteen
knots. Two of thiemn provide for carrying
1,200 tons of camal , time annie amnoumit as the
illinois will carry. 'I'wo of tlmemmi ehmammge
time arrangeimmente of tIme btmlkhmeaicls with the
result of giving a speech of seventeen anal
fotmr-tcmmths knots amid raising the radius of
actiomi at temi knots SPeell from 5,432 mIles
to 6,400 In oamo ease anal to 5,643 in ammothier.
This is ameimluved by soamme Iniprovemaicamts 1mm
the oamglmmcs anal by the atlolitlomi of a differ-
oct type of boilers. One ilesigmi reduces time
coal cmpaclty : from 1,200 to PSO teams , but
time milItia of action Is still Iii excess of
that of time Illinois , bcimmg 5630 mnlles , avhlie
provision Is made for am nnaxinmuimm speed of
t'lghmteen knots in an emimergency.
ira amhl of these ( ieslgns except two , material -
rial chnmlges 'will have to be iaiade In time
iimternat arramigenments of the ship , affecting
prIncipally time engines , boilers amid coat
spaces. Iii imone ot the hilahis would time
total weight assiglical or time hollers anal
emigilmes 1mm time Illinois class. namely 2,330
tolls , be exceeded. Tire of the plans veram
based upomi a displacemcmmt of 12,157 tons ,
an increase of 657 tonS ever the Illinois do-
sign. It is said that the reasoam for the
decision of the imoard of bimreamu chiefs not
to extend time tIme for the reception of hmlda
was mmot laecal emi any disapproval of thieso
Plaums , but was brought about through time
necessity of rctni'nimmg a ciategorlcal answer
to time secretary's query mvhethmer it. would
delay the buildlmmg of the ships to amend
the orIginal plans at this stage. Time cmi-
glneer-in-chlef dIal imot believe that It wommld ,
htat the majority of tIme board thought. otherwIse -
wIse , and as time secretary regarded tiimmc as
the most iaimlortant element , time matter has
tiastmnmod its imrcaent shape.
Citbaim ( , , ernI Susmeliis Oie'vuml I..ns
, ImI I rt3' lutyd oat Ad 'iee of
the .lmmtui.
( Copyriglmt. IS9S , by I'ress Pambllslmlmmg Co. )
SANTIAGO , Aug. 11.-New ( York Worial
Cablegramu-Special Telegramn.-Jack York ,
\iio was with Garcia , time Cuban general.
has just arrived here , I-he reports that Oar-
cia has suspendcal operations for thIrty days
and given his muon permission to go hemnc ,
s'tthi instructions to report to him at tile
cmiii of that period.
York says Garcia has treated tue Arner-
icamis wimo have beemi witim hiimmi very sh'ih-
buy since General Siaafter refalseil to permit
himim to cuter. time city of SantIago. Other
mmmcmi frommi Garcia's army , sonic of tiaatni nih-
core , ceaaiirnm the report that operations hmmive
I.eemm auspenaleal. General Colosso , an emmmis-
muary of the Cmmhjamn Junta , arrived from New
York and has gemme 'to coimfer wltlm Garcia.
Coiosso aliapatchmed a courIer aimcoml last
sveek , and It is supposed that time message
tlnms edit caused GarcIa to Issue time order
for time temporary disbandment of lila troops ,
Garcia is scial to object stromgly to the
commrame immalipeal oimt for him , aim he wishes to
join Gomcz , hut the junta is determIned to
prevent eltimer train makIng a serious mistake -
take ,
NVll'flNlui'D4 ( verbur ArrI'e at Cnmmi ,
'l'lnas amid Mci's 111(1 Sceosiit
in lri'ss l'umrnile ,
CJiATTAN000A , Tenn. , aug. 11.-Spe- (
cml Tolegramn.-Governor ) hlcdconmb and
Adjutant ( Barry arrIved In Chat-
taneoga lit. 3 tIlts morning amial at 10 o'clock
heft for Camp 'l'honmas. At Lytlo station they
were met by Colonel Bills antI Lieutenant
Colonel Olson of tue Second Nebraska and
under escort of Nebraska Troop K of
Grigsby's htouglm Itlalers , unaler commamid of
Captain Culver , they reamcimetl time camp of
time Second Nebraska at. 11 o'clock and were
given a hearty reception by time othicere ammd
cheers by time men. Governor lioleonib will
closely Inspect the camp of tile Second umnul
also time divIsion hospital ,
Governor lioleomb and General Barry In-
apoeted time Secomial on dress paralo this
evening amlat at 6:30 : o'clock Inspected Germ-
oral Colby's brigadea. The governor will
remain until Saturday nmornimmg and thou
leave ( or Jackmonvhlle , Fin. , to Inspect thai
Timird Nebraska. This evonlrmg Governor
hloicomb expressed imimimselt higbiy gratiiled
wlthm time condition of time Secc.atI mind Its
Viro uiiI Iuigi.utu , ltt'sigms ,
CLE's'IILANI ) , 0. , Aug. 11-Frank
Itauckemi , general manager of time Wire
trust , has resigned. The resignatIon is
said to have been due to labor troubles 1mm
which thac trust is now Involved. Mr.
Raa kes 1mm one of the heat known wIre nal
mcii In the commmmtry.
I'rto.'t A , , me'rli'mss I it ( iiuitciii * I , , .
SAN FIIANCISCO , Cal. , Aug. 11.-'t'hmu
tlmmitetl Btrmtes steammmsimlp Albatross icR today
for Guatemala. It carried a large aummoumit
of ammimmiummition anal 1mm fully lrepami aid to lIre.
tect American citizens should occasion arise.
Spain OfflciaUy Atsent to the American
Spanish Troops to Retire from Cuba , Porte
Rico and Manila.
American Soldiers to Take Pososl1on
Without Delay.
3ilmmiscrs Tmt1i' Cotimtii mitlt time U-
gent , 'lmo Agrees that Aecomit-
mimace 1 * ) tito . mni'rieuiat 'I'critms
lie Manic itt tacc.
( Cop.'rlglit , li' Press Pmmbllelmlmmg Cam. )
MAIRID , Aug. tl.-New ( York \Vorltl Ca-
blugroni-Speclail Telegram.Spaln ) has
agreed to the immmierican protocol rind has dl'
reeled Anmbassaalor Cambou at. Wnsiaingtor
to sign it for her.
An immediate enthhmig of the vnr hum looketi
for ,
Ilotim gevermmnments are to rathilo to Cuba ,
Porto Rico amid Maamila craters for cvncmmatlomi
by the Spanish troops ammal occmmpation by
tue American forces-oralers wimichm it was
stlpulateal shotmld ho Issued as a condItion
prelimInary to proceeding m'Itlm mmegotiatiomms.
i'rosltlemmt MeKimiley's reply to tIme Spammisim
mmote acceptilig his peace terms with cer-
taumm reservations m'ae receiveal today thmrough
time medium of French ahlplrmnmacy. It haul
beemm cabled 1mm cipher from Washington by
time French ambassador there , Xml , Cambon ,
to time Fremmeli foreign mInIster In l'aris.
Then it was deciphered amial transmmmltteal to
the Spanish nmnbassador to France , Senor
Leon y Castihlovimo put It Into time Spanish
dlphornatic cipher amid wired it to the Madrid -
rid governimment.
iLuyumI .AMMOilt Is C.Iv cmi.
PremIer Sagastam subammitted it to the queen
rcgclmt at a coummcii in time palace timie after-
mmoon. TIme royal nseent was then given to
time semmdummg of tile Immediate aansmver re-
qamircd by America in order to complete time
protocol and to place impeam record time Iii-
dispensable , mndisimutabie basis of peace rio-
A joint commission to mmegotiatc a leaco
treaty vlhi be aPPOimitCi forthwith. It is
not yet alecideal wlletlmer the duke of Al-
rnodovar , the prcsommt foreign amiamlater , or
Senor Moret , ox-minister of the colomiles ,
siiall be at the head of the SpanIsh hart of
the comnilselon ,
Senor Moret returned to Matinal ycstcralay
anti had a long conference with Premier Sa-
gasta. lie is generally regaraleal us tile
mmiO8t CohimlCtemmt to deal wIth Ceieliial qimes-
tions , as lie not only devised the reforms for
Cuba atmd I'orto RIco , hilt lanai prepaical a
canipiete plain of' reforaims for time Phihipphmmes
befom'e lie left ofilco last May ,
Tile impression iii officIal quarters Is tilat.
it 'will riot ho necessary to convoke time
Cortes until after the close of time negotia-
tiane , rirobably towards time end of Sop-
tenmber , when a short session will sulilco
to secure ratification.
Cuitmsos am Scmstl I , , , , .
Coming Imnnaedbntety after tile conferences
of the papal nuncio with l'romier Sngamsta ,
time following article 1mm the Corrco , time
organ of the nmlmmistry , has caused a sensation -
tion :
"A part of the people fear that the con-
Linuation of our rule iii the Philippines
would lead to munch expense ammmi immtcrmmu-
Lional complicatIons , TIme majority of time
Spaumiarals , lmowevcr. wlahi to rotnhmm the
mrchipelagoes. Timclr emily dommlitui are the
concessions necessary to firmly re-establish
our soveroigrmty , especially at such points
where natives are In control , Thu fate of
time religious orders and the engagements
timat wlli have to hue macto wIth tile United
States constitute at problem so obscure as to
require caution arid prudcmmco in tiae cx-
prcssion of opimihoo , Nohoaiy yet knows what
proposItions wIll be submitted to time ieaco
conimnissiorm , nor are tile aspIrations of time
Ammmericarm govcrmmmmlemmt well deilrmed , The
I'hmihippino question is connecteal wlthi ninny
delicate problems In time far east , wimich
( not might Induce the Iiamropeamn Iowers to
be less iassivo than thluy imumvo imeerm In time
\'est Imidies. in ammy case time policy and
the administration of Simatmi whil have to
suffer cormsialerable alteration laccamiso it Is
not possible to mnaintnlmm time status quo ante
helium ( time coamalition of timlmmgs before time
ivar ) , especially after the maolenmn promises
of reform General Augustlrm line mantle , "
3ilItistry is 1Im1311'CIl ,
Time council of nministora took cognizammco
of a short telegram in wimicim time SpanIsh
amnbareaahor at. I'arls forestalls time niamimm
otitilmaea of time American note , which will
only arrive tonight. or Frlmiay. immallcations
are tlmiat thio ftmncriran govcrrmmnemt sub-
stantlally accepts time Spummmlsim hate , though
some points nma' yet require flmmisimimmg
totmchemu wimicim the cabinet expects can be
comnploteal tonmorrow. Time American goy-
ernumeut does not hay etross upon time
necessity of convoking I'amiiamt'rmt to author.
Ize time lirelinminaries of peatcc , considering
the approval of the Cortema purely mmmi In-
tenor qUestlomm to be mooted 1mm both cotmn-
tries when time tIme comes for both govern-
meats to place before their ParlIaments a