- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - . . _ _ - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ S TUE : orATrA DATTX 111E : TTTt11SIAY , AVGUSP IlL 1S98. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ r r OF INTEREST FROM . IOW1L2 : , COUNCIL BLUFFS. MOfl IN1JN , fltu1weler becr. floscntcc1. IcL 323. Smoke " .1 A fl' Cc cigat. Ttoore's Stock Fooi tnnkcs tat. Finest work , 131u11 City Laundry. ' Smoke Iron Chancellor c cigar. C , H. Jacquernin & Co. . cwe1c and op - ticians , 27 South Main street. Mrs. W. W. Nason baa returned from a vilat with friclids Ii Dodge tounty , Xe- ; braska. \irs. P. W. Ouren left for Chicaga yei- erday evening on a visit to friends aflil relatives. Attorney' Trantc Shinn of Carson arrlvi.d yestcrda tvqiing to attenil the tidiclaI conveitluii today. Miss Jean Murdock of 1t. Louis , wlv 1as Iefl ( the gticst f .irs. . . r. nor- xnnyer , will ieturn Iwiti , , today. ; 4\ Iullting permit vas Issued yesterday to George thank for a ftaine building OH Sixth avenue ticar 1aIn street , to cost $800. , 0 Craig of Port Cibson , Miss. , is ttie guest of C. H. FranK nn(1 Is taking Iti the sights of the epoItton while here. , Mac , Iteclikr , the jovial journalist front . dancheater , lit. , arrvciI yesterday to at- tenti the grand 1od , Kiitghts of I'yt1iia. Don't you think it must be a pretty good laundry that cati please so many hundreds of customers ? Well-that's the "L'aglo , " . 724 I3roadway. . 1ons. Smith Mcl'hnrsoit of flet Oi and 31. 'V. ' I3yrq of Harlan , caiiditlrttes for congress - . gross iii to Ninth congressional listrici , arc In t i. ) city. * Ccorgo Motzger , tue popular rostmastcr , ot L'aer.prrt , is on ( lie ruiiitI and busily , Jomii1g , his tovn for thu Pytliian grand jougo session iii iuJ. Roy. It. Venting , pastor of the Pirst Baptist church , goes to Toitson this mm a- Ing to assist In the funeral stiVlces of J. 13. Dunbar of that place. County Auditor M. D. ? dcGregor of l300no county Is attenilng ( the l'ythian grand lodge and was a caller on Cotinty Auditor Mat- tlietvs yesterlay at the court house. Court itcportcr 0. C. Gaston of Talior nrriveii In the city yester.ay ! to ntteiitl the jUliCifll COHVCHIIOII today. Ho vili stay hero fur a week or so taking in the expo- f3Itiofl. George W. IIca'ihy , tiving at 191 ILgh atrect. reported to ho pollee yesterday snorning that his 16yenr.oItJ son , flitter , ] iaii run nvay front lionie and asked their asbclLanco In finding Im , H. L. Itnan , editor of the MaItcliciter , ) 'r.ss , vnt among the delegates to the Pythian granI lodge iiio arilved yesterdey. ' lb Intends to 5pC1It a coflItlo oi days at the close ot tim grand lodge takilig Iii the CXiOSitiOhI. J. v. Miiiiiick , the liveryman , lost a val- iiablo liorto ycstor1ay morning tllr.uglt oclaw. The animal stppeiI on a rusty nail a few ilays ago , rhich pierced ito hoof. It was extracted vithintit ( lelay 80(1 no so- rIoti ; results were nntlcipatct at tb time. The lire department was ( 'ailed out yea- terthuy morning aleut S ocIoc.c to the I ( ii- (100CC Of T. B. Mynster , 153 Ridge atrect , where a defect ivo line had 5tartcd an in- CiIiCIlt ) 1JIIIZO ill the roof. Tiio ilro was cx- ttnguislttd with but sinai ! damage to tito ) uIhiing. The only petition flied iii the district court yesterday was one for ( livorco bY Mrs. Marie Christina dortenson , who asks the court for divorce from Nets Peter Mar- tensen. The plaintifC is a resitlent of Sh.iby county anti was narried to .Mortense.i lii harlan , November 28 , Louie llasett , the negro charged with tap- ring the till at P. C. ioYol'r ) hardware store , had a hearing In rohlco court yes- tcriiay morning , with the result that ho was houiul ocr to the rIIIh ( jury. ills bail was fixed at $300 , in ( lefnut of which ho % as COntiHitted to the county .iaii. Airs. hiachacl Leasure , charged with main- taming a disorderly house , of which her two young ( hnuihters were inmates , had a Preliminary hearing before Justice 131rkc yesterday and was bound over to aw.iit the action of the grand jury. In ( lefault of bail she \VnI ( COflhIflittcI to the county jail. Tue four boys cltargd with iuaIiciouiy destroying thu gnr.Iea Iflt111 of id Tlion.p- 1400 , a colored man hiVIai at the corner of Eleventh street mu ! Avehitie 11 , 'were up before .lulge AylcSwoii yesterday mornlr.g. Oh UCCOUHt of their age the court het hiem ( ( If with a suspen.ied sentence during goad behavior of $5 awl co3ts eahi. 'Fho following delegates ] Iave leeH no- lected to represent St. l'aul'a church in the diocesan convention to ho hetti at laveti- port , Septclnhcr ) 6 , to select a successor to the Into l3lnhtois 1''rry M iiicuetto , .l. F. Rohrcr , I ) . C. Bloomer , 11. Cot , .johjit P. Stewart , second ; nhternatcV. . .1. Jainison , P. J. Foley , : i t. \ \ ' . lhittdcr , Thumas Jiowinan , I. M. Treynor. F. C. Crablli returned yesterday front Cinrinda , where III ? attended the burial of ' the remains of his ( laughter. Mrs. Sadie Stielmrd , who (110(1 ( lIt \ VhieatlaiidVyo. . , a few days ago froul pncuttOItia. ! Mr. Cm- bUt left hero itt OICO ( on receipt of the news of her iiiiIf2SS , but her death came so sud- denhy that ho only reached ChuycnhlO witch be learned that she was dead. p. Lewis , the member of the First No- bmaska Infantry report ed 1ihicl ( during the ' Spanish attack at h1htiat ( ' , itcarIaniia. . is thought to ho P. c ; . Lewis , vhto enlisted In the Thllirstuhi lUihea from this city , 110 tried to oiihist in the Dodge 1ightt ( luarils , hUt failed to irnss the t'xniitiitatiOfl. Ltucr hiti vent to Omaha aitil enlisted ill thu Thiurstoil Ittiles , Frienhia here , among the number beiiig Justivo Ovideicn , rt'cclvcd nuveritl hcttcrs from him s'hitlo the Nebraska troops were lit camp at Situ Francisco. 'h'he school directors of Carnvr township IaVo elected the following teachers for tiio ensuing year : listriet No. 1 , Arthur Noruhotiso : district No , 2 , hiiry Frohiar.lt ; district No. 3 , tIara M. Owens ; district No , I. A. E. MeCurdy district No. 6 , idltli , Joscpli , dial rict No. 0. ( mnce I larrison ; did- tmict No. 7. J. :11. : Owens aitil MLltIl ( hi. Otveus ; ( iltitrIct No. 8. discoittlituetl ; dis- irict No , t , baum Leonard ; dlstmbct No. 10 , Jessie Macrite ; district No. 11 , Florence AU. tenrolth ; district No. 1. Jly M. Frank ; tilStitUtO teaciters , Lillian Ilurrisoit tind laiiiio Ott , t r , Vinyl. Co. , female remedy ; consultation - tion free. ( JUice hours , ) to 12 and 2 to ' . 1cnltht booic furnished , 326.327-228 Mer. rinni block. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel , 20 , , ) Irl Cur .iigiiNt 'L'iriti. 'file following Jury has been tirawn for thin August term or the district cotirt , which will be convened August 30 : C.V. . Bryant , . 3 , \ ' , Kirk , W. 1)ibditl , harry Gmahih , F. a , \'bb , Clint Mercer , Joliti Freese , A. Ii. SUhitIi , Fred Iavis , \ . 11. 1'rneey , Kane ; fl. 1) . Fishier. Norwa'k ' Vi'arrehi though , J. It. Natlack. Crescent ; I I. A. liierbcck , Lewis ; \v. CamptCii ) , lcg Creek ; 0. Kelsy , Rockford - ford George 1)tutntiek , hloonirm ; Robert ; Miller , sr. , W'ashington ; 11. II. 'l'iiomas , Ilardin ; George A. iurIlh1y , Neola ; 0. E. OsborneV. . 11. ICing , hazel Ii'li ; ( . Stevens , Silver Creek ; Calviii Matier , York , 'I'lio ofllc.ial photographs or ihe United States Na'y , cc.iitatning Over CO pictures of tile vesiis , , vith their oiflccns auth a hunt- of the viotS of ttjlitfated Maine. can ho bail at the Council 1iius ollico of The lice tot' 25 cents anti a lice coUuOH. See Bradley , I2 and 131 hlroadway. be. fore YOU iiiaco an order for coal , Tcie- IbOi10 h2l , itthlh Iil ido 'l'vnlIsfI'rll , The following transfers were flied yesterday - day III the abstract , itie and loan oliko of J , \v , Squire. 101 l'carb street ' . fl'iison to RilaVlhiou , lot , 421.011 block 6 , hleera' udi' , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1.t. D. Bartlett 10 % t. h. McGee , lot 2 , block hS , jiowuril's iiiii , q c ii. . . . . . . . . . b ) 3\tary hughes tO I' . Lttcey , lots 39 unil : o. block it , lUtidbo's subdI' . ' 1 0 ii , , , , , , I Threu tritusfer , total . . . . . . . , , . , _ i L _ _ . _ _ _ - _ : KNIGIITSOP PYTIILAS NEET Twenty-Ninth Session of' the Grand Lodge Well Under Wty , EIGHT HUNDRED DELEGATES AUEND Itiiltiil ( ' ' , % 'nrl of the ConTention I I'ttt Flrztrli liii iid ly-Canihida tes Sill it Cli III Ill I I : a CerN' JtlIIlIr1 ! Itend. When the twenty-ninth session of the grand lodge of Iowa Knights of Pytbias , was called to order yesterlay morning at 10:20 : o'clock in the big halt In the Odd Fel- lows' temple by Grand Chancellor C. C. 1)owchl of Des Moines there were over 800 delegates and members in attendance. It 50011 became apparent that the hail , large his it is , was too small for such a gathering and on motion of Supreme Itepresentativo ] lanlcy It was decideil to bold the to- mainder of the sessions iii the opera house , hleforo opening the graiiil lodge Iii meg- ular form ( Irand Chancellor Dowell intro- ( lUced Mayor Jennings , who delivered on address of welcome on behalf of the city. Mayor Jennings was followed by City At- tomneyV. . Ii. 'Vadsworth , who in the ab- sciicc of Colonel C. G. Saunders was called upon to wulcomo the visitors on behalf of ( ho local knights , lie did so In a most linlpy vein and both ho and the mayor wcl.o most cntitusiasticahiy received. Grand Tribune lion. 11. 'F. ( Imanger of Des i1oines responded for the grand lodge In eloquent terms. At the conclusion of the addresses the past chancellors and reprcsentati yes who had not received the rank retired and the grand lodge then opened in ritualistic form. The first business taken tip was the report of the grand chancellor , which was vre- ScHteI ( lit printed form and referred to the committee On distribution of officers' re- vorts. Grit ad Clin tit'ch to r' , hIccohhhhhlcllIat Ions In his report Grand Chancellor Doweil made a number of reconiniendatlons. lie suggested that tIle present. plan of reconi- mendIng a past chancellor to be appointed deputy was by no incahis satisfactory , as while a majority of the lodges were Irompt in itiaking the recoznhnenIation many of theft were dilatory. lie recommended that the law be so changed that cacti subordinate - dinate lodge when It. makes a relort to the grand lodge In July should recommend a past chancellor to be continissioneil deputy by the nowiy elected grand chancellor. lie leliCVCd in the citleacy of a good Pythilan paper and suggested that thu grand lodge take oiiio action In having an oflicial organ - gan and making annual provision for its support. lie reconimended that a law be enacted providing that grand representa- tlvcs should be ciected for two years. one- half to be elected each year , the odd numbered - bored lodges could elect one year and the even numbered the following year. Thto grand trlbunai , tie suggested. should fill a larger iirpose tItan It ( hoes and that Its lOWCtS should be so enlarged as that the grand chianceiior might refer such questions of law to it as ho deems best for Its decision and that its decision , when inaile , should stanI as the iaw until me- versed by the supreme tribunal. As it now i the grand chancellor may decide a question - tion , a lodge may act iii accordance therewith - with and this action may be declared Ii- legal by the tribunai. Dealing on the much I000tel ciUestion of recognizing the Rathbono Sisters as part of the order ho says : This is an ago when women have entered nearly every 110141 in successful competition with their brothers. Woman's clubs , asso- ciatiotis 1111(1 fraternities nrc everywhere. 0(1(1 ( their capabilities as co-workers wIth IHUhI are universally recognized. Title is especially true of tue ltathbono Sisters. They not only accomplish much good among themselves , but where a tcmplo exists the subordinate lodge Is sure to he stronger ahtd more active. I would be glad to see 8. Itathbono teflhllO in conjunction with every subordinate lodge in this domain , he- hieving the order would thereby te strengthened alid lmlrovcd ) in every way. I hope the supreme representatives from this dOiflhtin YiiI USO their influence in securing - curing for thehn proper recognitIon front thu supreme iodgo. 14)I(1 I t ion of the Order. The report of Grand Keeper of Records and Seal Walker was itoxt presented and shiott'etl the following receipts and fInancial COhidItion of the aiiborthliiattj lodges : Char- Icr fees , $22 : ; ; per capita and percentage , $ ll,96G.03 ; supplies sold. $2,179.30 ; Iiiea from suspenIed members , $31 , ; grand lodge cards , $15 ; dIspcnsatiou , $3S6 ; total , $14- SGO.23. The order has grown ( luring the last year , the lileinbership being at this time about 26,000 in Iowa. the 50112 tIlts year being about 1C00 ; number of lodges in good stand- lug In state. 423. The finances of subordi- Ilato lodges alloW : liflhillhCO Ott hand Dec. 31 , 1S . . . . . . $ S,53S.40 Receipts iii lS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1RI,2l9.50 'J'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $201,607.90 , P81(1 ill luck heIhCilt $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 15S33.25 l'ltti ill ftiii ( ill beneilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3S10.78 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Current eXl)005C13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IOi,992.R3 l'amnpllernhiila and ahIpplIe' . . . . . . . . . . . i,37i.0 : : ; hItVCstCl ( tiuring year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l,017.15 4hSt'tH lit suborthjhllto ioiges : Cash ( 'hi iUIhI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 80,571,49 Stocka , 11(10(15 ( ultIl floteM . . . . . . . . . . . . .I0,9G0.95 l'amaphiernniia and furniture. . . . . . . . 157,79S.20 'J'otiii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $279J33,40 The grand keeper of records and seal In his report rccoinrncnileil that the committee on priitting be reduceil front five to three. The report of the Grand Master of flx- chequer flonnet showed the receipts to have been $22,2Q.2 : disbursements , $17,502.99 , and balance on band , $1,747.52. ( uhhlhhItteeN fur I lie St'ushl , . After the past chancellors and reprcsentn- tires who 1111(1 ( been initiated into the grand lode rank in another room hind been re- ceirl ( tile grailhi chancellor announced time following committees atmiti then an adjourn- hileilt Watt tnke for ( hinner ; Iistribution of Othhcers' fleliOrt8-J. F. Oliver , Sioux City ; Justilt 1aniberson , Nora b'lrlngs ; Jesse lj. Hill. flOoiie It. I' . Norton - ton , Mamengo ; Gene Spurner , Cleaiflehii. Grievances-George Jepson , Sioux City George Grcgoy , % lnrshaiitewa ; a. C , Nick- orson , Alaquoketa ; K. J. S. llaiiiday , lioone ; S. U , Mugden. Des Moines. Returns of Subordinate Lodges-J. L. Giesier.'Iiton ; C. I ) . 1)ewing , Manning ; Ai. Kalmier ; Travr ; It , II. Cook , lied Oak ; L. 11. DeFord , Valley Junction. Warrants ala ! Charters-\'iii O'Connell , Ahldtlboii ; John I : ' . Grate , West Side ; J. A. Moore. IunhapV. ; . C. Saul , Carroll ; E. E. Young , Pacific Junction , hubs-harry R. Sloan , \larshlnhhtown ; P. II , hjmiiiit'ti , ln'kpcndenee ' ; 13 , 'IV. Jewehi , Manehestcr J. F. itali , Cedar Rapids ; J. F. Iccfcrs , Tipton. Three vacancies existing in the standing cOhitihlitteo Oil printing were tIlted as fol- lutis : Irvin Ogden , 'tmut Cheer ; 13.VII - 5013 , Jefferson , anI W , 0. Thomas , Maquo- keta , henry Newell of Spencer and U , I ) . \'aiker are the two members who bold over , The standing comittittecs who hold over nrc us fellows ; J udIeiamy-hiu 1 , iailuier , chairman , Carrolh Sherman T. Mear , La Portc C. A , hinlireicli , Des Moines ; C. A. Carpenter. Columbus Junction ; 13. C. liuber , Tama. Zstiieago and l'er Diem-Frank W. Smith , 1)nvenport I. Ii. McCutcheon , holstein ; Frank Cook , Mnrengo F. 'mV. fllgge Guthrle Center ; J.V. . ieiIs , Muscatino. Credentinls-J. C. Laagafl , Cilaton : W F. Pierce , Carson ; John S. McQuiston , Des Moines ; I. L. Stuart , hampton : S. F , leith , Aita , lly-laws-t7. TA. liostetler , Waterloo ; John C. Crotkctt , Eldora ; I ) . Ii. Drown , Carroll ; A. 13. llrobst , Knoxville ; 11 , A. Quinn , \\'oodlnnd. State of the Order mimi Fraternal Corro- siondencu-A , II. Shaw , Iea Moines ; F. 'iV. Porterfield , Atlantic : J. Will Cniniibcil , Fort Madison ; Marion Woodward , Leon ; J. A. Edwards , Epwortb. Gets lotiii to hhiisihss. The afternoon session was called to order at 2:30 : in the opera house and before the business was iak n up General IV , D. Kennedy - nedy of Chicago , past supreme representa- Live of Illinois , and WIlliant Ii. Solemn of Omaha , supreme representative of Nebraska , were Introduced and made short talks. The commIttee on rules reported among other matters that no nominating speeches be lcrniitted and the report was adopted. although some of the delegates , who doubtless - less wanted to give vemtt to their oratory , protested. The report of the comnitttce on credentials , which was referred to tho' committee on mileage and tier diem , showed that there wet.o no contests. The following candIdates were then placed in nomination 1 For Grand Chancellor-Il. Murphy , Via- toii ; F. J. Blake , Fort Dodge ; 0 , Id. Gillette - lotte , Independence ; T. M. Shockley , Os' kaloosa ; 'iv. A , Cunnimighiam , Anamosal F. \ \ ? . Portertleid , AtlantIc. For Grand VIce ChAncchlor-J. A , White , Centerville ; E. P. Arniknecht , Donelson. For Grand Prelate-Rev. C. L. } lackbarth , Eastvihie : 11ev , W. L. Douglas , Carson. For Grand Keeper of Records and Seal- II , D.Valker , Mount Pleanant , For Grand Master of Exehcquer-W. T , S. Rathi , Ackiey ; A. E , Jackson , Tanma. For Grand Sergcnnt-at-Amnis-T. A , Trul- son , Stanton T. S. Jones , Spencer ; D. A. Jay , Eldon ; George Hale , J. L. Leefers , Tipton. For Grand Inner Gtmard-IrrIfl Ogden , Whnt Cheer ; F. A. W1ch , Oto ; A. A. flicks. For Grand Outer Guard-George II. Kee- itan , Battle Creek ; II , 11. flrenttecic , Eagle Grove ; B. F. Franks , liehlo Phaino. For Grand Trustee-J. C. Langnn , Clinton - tonV. ; . ir. Clark , Marshnlltown ; A. 13. hirobst , Knoxville. Frci liarback , appointed trustee for the fund for the family of the late Homer D. Cope of Des Moines , made his final report , which was approved and ho was ( IlsehlargocI. The comntltteo baring the matter In hand reported that the monument to Past Sit- prelno Chancellor John Van Valkenburg had been orectel at Fort MadIson. After disposing of several matters of minor importance the grand lodge ad- joumned untl ! 9 o'clock this morning. In the evlning the visiting knights , escorted - corted by tile local continander of the uniform - form rank and members of the local lodges headeil by a band paraded the prIncipal bust- liens streets , after which they tonic the cars 'or Lake Minawa , where tto maaage- utelit had iirovle(1 ! a number of special at- tmactlons for them , . lImit IdiOtic Sisters. The eighth annual session of the grand temple of the Rathbono Sisters of Iowa was called to order yesterday morning in KnIghts of Pythias hail in the Merriam block by Grand Chief Mrs. A. M. lioylan of Eldora. Some 150 delegates were present and all the officers of the grand temple with the exception of Mrs. Grace M. Long of Waverly , the grand mistress of records and correspondence , whose place was filled PtO tent by Mrs. Jennie B. Weeks of Guthriu Center , the Ias grand chIef. The morning session was mainly devoted to giving soy- enty-fivo HOW members the grand temple degree. At the afternoon session , the reports of the grand officers were presented , that of the grand chief being In printed form. The gralld chIef's report shows that during the past year there were seventeen new strong temples InstItuted in the state and that tile membership was Increased by 275. Following the reading of the report the balance of the session was taken up bys a school of instruction given by Mrs Nellie E. Day , the state organizer. The sisters will elect offlcers for the ensuing year to- day. day.In In the evening a large number of the statera accompanied tbo knights on the cx- eursion to Lake Manawa. The Grand hotel livery barn has been reopened - opened , The best equipped livery in the city. Nice driving horses and safe rigs. Conveniently located to business center on Pearl and Main streets , opposite court house. Brndly will explain the coal situation If you will see him , FOrt SALE-Good secona.hsnd bicycle at a bargain. Call at The liec otlle , Ceuncii , Bin tIe. IIyrM ( e1i4 1)elm'gnles. The county convention held yesterday at Logan to elect delegates to the congressional collVefltlofl of the NintIt district to ho held in this city Thursday of next week was captured - tured by II.V , flyers with 65 ½ votes against A. L , linger's 57. This was the last cotlnty convention to he held and Byers wiil come before the congressional conven- tlon with 48 votes composed as follows : Harrison 13 , hielby 10 and Pottawattanile 25. llagem' svill have 29 votes on tile first ballot made up us follows : Adalr 10 , Audu- boa S Gutiirlo 11 nail Mills 10. Major Curtis - tis will liavct the 13 ( rein Cites county and Smith McPllerson will start out with the 12 votes front Montgomery. The total rote at the convention will be 112 , so it will take 57 votes to nolninato. Byers' friends are hopeful that after the first few ballots he will be able to secure the required I ) votes front 501110 of the other counties , but tite present indications are that the COnvefltielt viii be a long drawn out one , Those who claini to be in a 9OSitiOfl to know say that after the fIrst few ballots ( lie 13 votes from Cats county will ut all probability be thrown to Smith McPtiersoit and that Ia tile event of a break front lInger ho will draw largely from lila strength , flyers' friends , omt thin other hand , expect that when the break oe- curs , it It should , that a largo number of linger votes vIhl come over to blat , Even Mr. hager's most sanguine supporters admit - mit they do not exactly see where lie is going to get the 18 votes that lie will zequire for thu nomination. When the miows was re- enived ( rein ] Iarrisoo county yesterdnyi the flyers iwople ciaimne4 the nomination was practically theirs , Myrtle lodge , No , 12 , Degree of Honor , wlil gIve nit ice cream social Frlilay even- lug , August 12 , in the Knights of Pytimins hall , itiorriant block. Admission , 10 cents , The Evans laundry Is tbeieader In fine wolle both for color and fInIsh. 520 Pearl street. Phone 290 , .immti fetal ( nliclm ( loss , The republican convention of the I'if- teontti judicial district of Iowa .viit ho called to order this afternoon at 2 o'clock in the superior court room at the county court houte by T , ii , Swan of Atlantic , who 1105 been selected as temporary chaIrman , The convention will be composed of 102 dcl- egates from eight counties , comprising tim district , as follows ; Audubon , 8 : Case , 13 : Fremont. 10 ; MIlls , 10 ; Montgomery , 12. Page , 14 ; I'ottawattamie , 25 ; Shelby , 10. A number of the delegates arrived yesterday - day evening , but the mujority are expected on the early trains this morning , The coo- . - - - : - - - vention , which will place in nomination three candidates for dIstrict judge of the Fifteenth judicial district , is not likely to PTOVO a very exciting affair , as It is generally - orally coacelcd ( that the three present judges , whose terms expire this year , vill bo accorded renominatinas. The three judges are A. 13. Thiomnell of Sidney , Walter I. Smith of this city and W. IL Green of Audubon. W. S. Lewis of Glenwood and It. \Y. Beeson of fled Oak are also In the field for the nomination. itulges Thorneli and Green arrIved itt the cIty yesterday. 'l'hio delegates front this county arcl C. lit. han , Frank Shinn , .1. Ii. Garland , J. It , Matlock , at large ; Frank Turner , A. ii. Johns , J. C. Spangler , First district ; S. L. \Vhlto , W'Ilhiamtt Iticliaw , 3. Ii. McArthur , Second district ; 11. 0. Auld , 3 , II. Lowery , J. E. F'orsytlie , Third district ; 3 , W. Rowland - land , J. S. Smith , David Williams , Fourth district ; 1. . II. Cousins , George Yancoy , Frank Petersen , Fifth district ; A. W. Ask- with , I , N. Flickinger , ' .V. . P. Sapp , Sixth district ; W. A. Gronoweg , S. ii. Snyder , fi. D. Fuller , Serentit district , Mat ) of Cuba , West IdIcs and the World ut The lice office , 100 cacti , Bmatlicy says coal consumers may hear something ( troll in the coal business. WILL NOT GIVE UP THE TEMPLE 'l'rnstccs fleerimsumicmt 10 Cotititiuc 'I'htcir lilloris Is , I'ny Ui Lt Ohiligut in its , CHICAGO , Aug. 10.-Mrs. Matilda II. Carse , president of the Board of Temple Trustees of the Woman's temple of Chicago , In rmferring to thin action taken at a recent meettng of the executive committee of the National Wontelt's Christian Temperance uiiion , said : "The rCColtllnendatlOfl of the commIttee that the local Vomen's ChrIstian Temper- nnco' union societies discontinue any further effort to pay for the temple on account of slow progress which has been made in cot- lectlng ntoney was a most unfortunate ( lecisiOll , nod is not upheld by the rank and file of the society. The Temple trustees are alt incorporated 00(1 ifldehOfllent body , and have not the slightest idea of abandoning tue project of making the temple Miss Willard's memorial. Miss Willard's last words on her death bed in regard to the temple were : 'Oh , if I could be of help. Oh , that seine- one would help me in my extremity so that success might come to thin temple. ' More plans than aver have been set on foot by the Temple trustees to pay for the beautiful building , and some large subscriptions have been received wIthin a week. The chain' letter Bent out by the Young People's Christian - tian Temperance titlion Is proving a great success. " Nisrt1mestprit ! otlL Notes , A firm at Wiliting has contracted for 32,000 hushels of corn. A gratit elevator of 75,000 bushels capacity - pacity Is to be built at Doon. The Sioux County Institute , in session at Hull , has an attendance of 160. A telephone line will lie completed be- tweett Danbury and Onawa this montit. The Normal Institute of Monona county , itt Onawn , has 200 teachers lit attendance , The Woodbury County InstItute is In its second veek of session , with 200 In at- ten dan cc. It Is expected that the attendance on the Crawford County Teachers' Nortnai will reach 250. The ihibernian Investment company of Eminetsburg has incorporated with a capital 0r $20,000. The Plymouth county fair , to be held at Leinars September 13 to 16 , offers $7,000 in cash premiunts. 'I'h. tnvn nn,1 ? .J..h.tn 'r.t pany is eXtealhlig its lines in Plymouth and Buena Vista counties. E. H. McCutclteon of Ida Grove is announced - nounced in tile field for the republIcan nomination for state treasurer. Democrats of the Tenth district are talking - ing of running State Representative Ander- soit of ltuthven against Congressman DelI - I Ivar. Old settlers of the Little Sioux valley with hold a reunion at Antiton September 1. Johin Brennan of SIoux City will deliver - liver an address. George E. Delavan of Estherville , tim state game warden , offers a reward for cvi- dence that will convict any person of kilt- lag prairie chickens or ducks in Iowa , Mayor Quick of Sioux City has appointed Miss Susanna ii. Weare and Mrs. George 0.'est as Sioux City delegates to the transniississippl convention of chnrlties and corrections at Omaha. The State Fish Comntissioner has dePosited - Posited 10,000 hints in Spirit Lake , Fishi Commissioner Morgan of Minnesota has deposIted - posIted 160,000 bass in Round lake and Lake Okahone , near the state line , Miss Mahet Sia , a Chinese girl , has am- mired at Sheldon. Silo was sent to this country by Miss Lydia Trimbhe , a Methiodist missionary. After receiving an education at Morning Side college , Sioux City , she will return to China to help in mission u'ork , John Ilillemns of Ahlendor ( , whose wife ( lied last sprIng , leaving seven smnnhl cliii- dren , advertlsel ( or a housekeeper , and thereby got into correspondence with Mrs. Mabel aollowny , a l'dinlleapohis t'jdos' with one child , Arrangements resulteil and tile widow arrived at Sibley on thin Saturday afternoon passenger , Tim parties vero mar- ned as soon as a license was ohitalned , iot n Iiiisliictt Notes , lubuquo jobbers desire 1110 formation of a Board of Trade in thiat city. Earlvilie barbers have tltiit Sunday work and ask ( or nit ordinance to prolilhilt it , \Vater mains are being laid at Shell Rock and work on the reservoir is rapidly progressing - gressing , The iitckle works at Ottumwa hiavo started in to put up the crop ( rout 340 acres of cucumbers , Algonti real estpte men are lookir.g for a coaslderahdu movement In land this fail , Inquiries are already numerous. The capacity of the glucose works at Marshlahitown bias been increased to 11,000 husheis a day and wilt oniphoy 200 tacit , The unusual spectacle of the unloading of a cargo of cotton bales from a stennihiont was witnessed last week at the Burlington levee. It was a consignment of 18,4563 pounds ( thirty-five bales ) ( or a local mattress - tress nianufactory. Tile experinuent of sending eggs from Iowa to Rnginnil to In > disposed of in the markets of that country was only partially successful. Three lots of 240 dozen cacti were shipped. They arrived in good conii- tion and sold readily , but there was no prot in the transaction. hiii a I 'ri's. . ( In iii iii i' ii t , Des Moines Nuws : When tIle war is over and Itoh Evans hlasn't anything cite to swiar at lie should be invited to 1)es Moines to chamnctertzo the river front. Jiubtique Tinies : Tile refusal of the wealthy Juigo ( Allison of Sioux City to run for congress leaves the democrats of the Eleventh district without a coaling stattoli. Keokuk ( late City : Tile railroads and ticket brokers are ostensibly at war with each other , but itt offtring reduced rates to the Indian congress at Omaha tile roads mire clearly playing Into the hands of tue scalpers. Sioux City Journal : There was ci ( lute wlieit democratic conventions uioniioated democrats , in the three so-called demo. cratie congressional conventions held so far in Iowa a democratic record was fatal to an osplraut , MANAWKjjL The Great Resort of Western Iowa. , BOATING ; BATI1IW , HSHING : Pine attractions , beautiful shade trees , exce11ei t grounds for picnic parties. Get out of the hot , (1Ut city and spend the day at MANAWA LIVELY RACE FOR CONGRESS Hager and Bycrs Run Close Together in Ninth District. OUTCOME IS MORE UNCERTAIN THAN EVER All l'nries ineretvd Are Unklng is lInril hustle to % Vin. Out IlL tile Coumituit Iliuffs . ' Cuuvelttioii. DES MOINES , Aug. 10.-Spccial ( Tele- grant-flothi ) hager and flyers iiavo gaIned strong points in the contest for thto to- publication nontination to congress in the Ninth district amid the outcolno is more Uncertain - certain than ever. Dyers west out at. the Harrison county convention , held in Logan today. After a long , hard fight in the county contiltuel in tIle coutventioit thio dde- gatlon was Instructed for him by a vote of G7i to 57 ½ . It has been said all along tbat If flyers won in harrison , ito was about sure of being nominated. That gives him forty-eight instructed delegates ; teit front Shelby , twenty-five from Pottawattamto and thIrteen front Harrison. But ho counted on gettIng five from Mills county and going Into the convention heeding only a few to make titi the fifty-seven needed for nomian- tlon. But today the report comes that thte delegatIon from MIlls county is solid for Hager. That gives Hager thirty-nine conceded - ceded delegates , ten ( rein Adair , eleven front Gutlirie , eight from Audubon and ten from Mills , Smith MePhersolt of Roil Oak has his county of Montgomery and Major Ii. 0. Curtis of Atlantic tins Cass. The only fear of the flyers people In tanking a strong showing at the convention at Council Bluffs August 18 Is that the Pottawattamie county delegation will start a stampede to McPherson - son , who is regarded as excedeingly popular - lar , 1tliIed Isy a 't'rnlti. COLFAX , Ia , , Auf . 10.-Special ( Tele- grnt.-A frightful coiitslon occurred at 7:10 : o'clock tIlls morning ott the Rock island road three nilles east of here. The Deliver limited train struck a farm wagon , kiuiing David Davidson anti iits two horses and absolutely - solutely wrecking thin wagon. Tile train was moving vcstward fifty-five miles an hour , thin engineer whistling at every crossing. The engine struck the horses at tile hips and thin front end o the wagpn. DavIdson was titrown 100 feet anti to tile side of tile track. Ills body and limbs were broken amid mangled. One horse was thrown eighty feet front tue track , while the other was forced through a cattle guard. Their bodies vero simply cut to pIeces and the track and grade were strewn with flesh , bones and blood , Many women on the train vhio looked out of the wIndows fainted from the 1mm- ribie sight. The engineer backed the traiit to the place and the trainmen did what they could toward caring far the body of Davidson , Davidson , who was a laborer , heaves a wife and two cuiildren. lm.g ter 1iisiIo'iiieimt for Labor. DES MOINES , Ia , , Aug. 10.-Special.- ( ) The reports mndo by eniplayers of labor in Polle county to the state labor cornniis- sinner show a satisfactory increase In business - ness done , macit entpioyed and wages paid. It Is said thiat the lncren'se wIlh average between 2 antI 4 per cent , Wllich is regarded as remarkable. Tile increase in thin entire stale has been estimated by the department at 5 per cent. In the clothing business in this county , for Instance , thin ( our which tiara reported for 1597-these reports are from January 1 to January 81 , 1897-show alt liicreato In vagcs paid of almost 9 pet' cent. The suiinller estimate is very rca- sonahle , Cousilit in ; , of lotvz's Grout , DES MOINES , Ia , , Aug. 10-Spccial- ( $ The reports of county and townshIp crop I correspondents to tue state bureau , August I 1. show thio following averages for time stub I of the uniiarvcstcd crops : Corn , 04 per I cent ; millet , 00 ; flax , 05 ; hiroomn corn , 'JO ; potatoes , 78 ; apples , 63 ; grapes , 95 ; has- tures , SO , These estiniates were made by corrt'spondents a day or two previous to August 1 and before the droiitii was ellectu- ally broken , The condition of corn has been materially advanced since that date and probably hiroughit very near to tile normal fat' this thus of ( lie year. .1 ssrors I it ( list t't'd.'rni ( hiusrt , DUIIUQLJE , Ia. , Aug. 10.-Spcciai.-lt ( ) is announced that. hereafter all jurors to serve in the federal courts of the northern ills- trict of Iowa will receive their summons front this city. They will be drawn at the hieadquarters iiere. heretofore tIm custont has been to draw hero only those grander or letIt ) jurors whio would servo at the set- sions of tile court here. The change does I away with the work at Fort lodge , Cedar Rapids and Sioux City. No juror will hereafter - after be tirawn nor summons issued from tiiceo towns. bntiii Cr1 nil mmmii ( 'aught , OEL\VEIN , In. , Aug. l0.-Special.-C. ( ) Brown , the iaaii wiio suet. Daniel Hogan in tists city July 22 , was arrested ut Albia Monday afternoon anti Marshal Culver ivent there on tile ihighlt train to get the critainai and bring him hero for trial. litgiisi 5.41 tI 4 Ii .t izssi.n , SIOUX CITY , Aug. bO.-Speclal ( Teit'- gram-Ir ) , J , M. henry vltbi two conip.in- ions of Sioux City , A. L. Schneider and J A , Ca8e , bare returned from Alasla cheap. I FRUIL AND GAQDN FAQMINU PV ; * 1iouiicZ CounciL Bluffs 11 N J , . . . * . , * 1. liii ) ' Improved hull tittiliti ) roved frtiI limits ciseit tier In thus vleiiiity ( tutu aityitliere Lii the if niteel Sinti's , 'l'lmre Is no foil- 'If. of crops here , LooI at our Fruit Fnrist' . tvliiie they are lie Ieutr- i $ ! 15g. .i ; p 1).tV . .S1lflS , , s S 'File Steal istatn : 1(11(1 Loitil Brokers ps + : 9 Pcat'l St. Council BiuffiIa $ ' \ i'ersonitlly corulutet buyers through our timeimi for inforniatlout mind state Wihhtyolt , , fji . , , ' . orclsiirti.i ( men of charge. pant. $ * y Tito U. S. Wants GOVERN'IIENT sXOng tacit In Its service , WIth one no- . cord the Army and Navy endorse ShAlt-liEN as the greatest known strengthener , Invigomat- 1 t or and restorative. It , Crcates solid flesh. mus- do and strongthl , clears . the brain , sttengtlieiis the nerves and causes the generative organs to quicklyregain their normal - . mal pourers. For ncrr- ous prostration , over- work , impaired vitality - in either sex , or exicsIve usc of opium , liquor or tobacco , it positively cannot be cxcciteil. Oao box viii work wonders. Six wilt cure. ItAR-IIEN Is for sale by all druggists , 60 tablets - lots , O cenU. One to two months' treatment. . Fill out and mail u' the dlagno'is sheet , lit each box , anti we will give your case special atten- lion without extra charge. JIAR-IIEN Is prepared - pared by lijaimer 0. Benson , Ph. D. , II. S. , direCt - roCt from the formula of E. 11. ilarton , iii. B. . Cleveland's most eminent specialist. Mailed n closed paclcu go on receipt. of prima. . D1IS. BA1tTON AND IIflNON , Dl Bar-Belt liloek. Cleveland. 0. For sale iii. ' Kuhn & Co. , 15th and Doug. Ins ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , 1402 Douglas St. , Peyton's 1'hiarmacy , 21111 and Let.'enwortht ; King Phlirnutcy , 27th mid Leaveitworthi und Gralinm Drug Co. , 15th and Farilant is. .i. Seykora , South Oniahia , atid all other druggists in Omaha , South Oniahia , CouncIl Bluffs. * Gas and . . \ Gasoline . , . Engines. ' ' , Horse : Power. ELRVATOI MAChiiNlHY Oi ALL ICINDS , all on us o'i write for prices and descriptiont iAVII ) IiItAll,13y Co. , Council Uluift. losi , THE NUMAYR JACOB NlUMAYBR , itloi' . tel , 206 , 209 , 210 , Broadway , Council Bluffs. itates , $1.25 per day ; 75 rooniit. FIrst-class 1 t evety respect. Motor linu to all depotK , local llgc'ncy ( or tiw Celebrated St. Louis A , B. C. Beer. First-class bar in coim- neetion. DR 4 ' McCREW , , , SPECIALIST , r Trati all Fermi of . ' OISEASES AID 1LP".l. . / DISORDERS OF - . ) MEN ONLY. - - - 2OYEARS EXPERIENCE 12 Yr.ri iii Omaha. , . ' 1 5Ccnsuhta45cn Ftcc , BooI free , jJOfrice itth& Farriant Sts Box 706 , OMAhA , HER. pointed in the country anti glail to got bioino alive. They left hero vlthi a party of thirty-seven macn , of which henry was tim leader , and they went 254) ) mIles inland. Thu test of the party will remain in .l.iska seine tinin yet , but hirivo little hioieis at getijuig niuch gout , 'l'iiey hmiuvu located. semite claims alt the Itisck slier placers , and hr. Henry Btl's 110 lltQ return nest year. . Je'II sit' to I is .i'n t Igist 4' . sioux CITY , Aug. 10.-iSpecial Tele- grani-'I'iio ) citizens' amid taxpayers' commit- leo of 'Vooilbury ' county hiis ; refused to In- t'estigtte charges of irregtilariti halIde by a country newspaper agatiiat Supervisor C. ( . Frtini of lan bury. Tue commit tee says I ho charges are too vague nail are evidently a malicious attack to ilefeat 111115 lou' re-c ice- lieu. 'l'hlo charges are thaumhit I J hat the vork of political oneniles , ( ioiI ' . a 51(1(1 Ii , SLOAN , In. , Aug. i0.-Speeial-Sioan ( ) Is going to iinvc the best crops ever raised in tue Missouri Valley. Corn is excellent nail small griiiui is iiil right. Mr. McCandiesa is thrashing hum wllett ; aos' . I in hint 225 acres of wheat which will average between twenty-five nail thirty bimahiela imr acre. All other crops are in proportion. Iii , iirviiI.s sun .triii , RivElt'roN , ha. , Aug. 10.-Sliecial.-A ( ) young son of l'ihllarn Smith , lIving east 01' town , was thrown ( Iowa in such a way as to break bus arm Tuesday , A team of Shietland ponies ran away with Miss Manic Smith Tuesday and hlul some little damage to buggy and harness. I I ii ' G s'n sit' rs' .I a'i' ( I uig. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Aug. 30.-At today's session of tIle National hay association tile report of tile committee recommending ( hint choice thinothy bay ehali lie tiniottiy not mixed with over one-tenth of other grasses liroperly cured , bright , natural color , sound and tvchl uitixeil and that No. 1 timothy shillhl be more than one-eIghth niixi'tl wRIt cleverer or oilier tame grasses , properly cured , good color , sound and troll haled , was adopted after a hiot fight. in which th eastern nien wore th'featctl , Thu convention nil bt , beid in Detroit next year. p 4 ; 4p H . , i , I p- - ' ) ) ! , , I I _ = _ _ _ _ i - - .1MPET1TO4 : . . . BOWTHEIR HEADS. , Distribtite by John 6. Woodwar & Co. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. -4 < ; .4 /f ( ji 4a cLw. PangleM.D. ThiR GO'D HAMAltlTA 25 ? E1R'S EXPER1NCS , JLenUer of DiHt:1514CH , . of iiets timid ' 0 I Ii Cii. lItoPKu' rolt 01' TlII Vorld's ifuabal 1)iblo'iiaicry .it MmllcIwt , I CUlt E-Cittlirm Is of lk'aul , Throat nail Lungs , ii.eitiet or l'yo aitil Ear , Fits amid sl iliiiluxy , I I earl , i. s'or ii rid fi idimoy Dlsuasos , iialtiii's ) , iiuigtit'i4 I. . ' ( 'IiI'0 , St.'ituis JOunce , it ho u (11111 ( ihni , tcruifu is , imnpuiy cii I-'il Wi I Iiouil I Ii i'iui ii 11 , 'i'ii iii , Vi I rmn. t nIli 0VL'd , uli clironia Nervous Sill ! itiivuto iliseaseit. I OST MAHIODnii.puieugeiinien , S YPH1S _ Oumiy l'hiyuiictjisi who I luiiuiuerhy csiicu S'I'lhIl.lN wiihiiilst dcstioylsig teeth aiiui hones , No mimer. cli mr or ii , iiierii 1 used. Flio murily l'hystclnn whip cimu tell tvhiut nih 1'ol ( Wi thou t Ui' ki tug It ( itlt'st tiiui , 'iii'mii ( it it dictuuuicu Meili , for question buiilc. ! No. 1 for miami ; No. v for ivourieuu , A ii corr'situliliIegmcu strictly eoIitIdcuiiiai , Medicine eUt hiy oxpiess , Address all letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , , D5 lirozmuiuu'ity , ( ) i1NlI f. 1ilIhi'lrS , 7"Ecad 2.ceut. sismu ( or recur. WM1 WELCH TRANSFER LINE hiittii'ui ( 'omuiutil hint ) , . uiul Ouusimlim , , Itateut hiciutuottahilo. itntisfiiciiomi ( luumuuitec'i , ( eiitit.il fllufiu ( jtiI'e , No S North iiilq street 'i'ileiiiioiio i2 Omuliic olilco me. moved to 32.f Hijutit J"icciliI ( ( street. 'l'ulo. pllonu 138 , Coztiicctiuoit mailo with South Omah * 1 , . ' 7 - - - - - I