- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ r - --S * * fl.l * t _ . _ . _ . _ _ - - - . _ , . - - . . - , - - t.r , I - - - - - - - - - - t- 12 'rflJ : ! OMAHA DAiLY BEE : T1TIJISDA , ATTGUSP I 1 , 1895. - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - I LINE FROIOIAI1ATOYAMiTON Omaha & Northern ProJectors Arc Planning a Meeting for 8optembr. RAILROAD MEN ARE DEEPLY INTERESTED ( lbstt $4urrnniid Ilic New flonal Lipected tO ( ilenr Mn' InntgIt In SIiov ililt l3cliIntt It. W1icthr there is anything In the nclicmo to build a railroad from hero through the northeastern pan of NebraBka to a point ncross the MisBotiri river train Yankton , S. T ) . , will E000 bo developed. A meeting of the Incorporatora of the proposed railroad has just been called for this city on Tuca dny September 6 , and definite action i cx- pected to be taken at that time toward the construction of the line. The company wa Incorporated in Douglas county about a year ago. and since that time but little has been heard of tlm affairs of tim company. The name under which it Is Incorporated Is the Omaha & Nrntliern Itail- way company. 1rom ( ho fact that none or the ncnrporators arc railroad inca or capi- , talista , but mostly Omaha attorneys it is believed in railroad circles that they merely stand for an tinhuown syndicate that. really dOes ProPose to build a raiiroad from bert , to a 1oiflt OllOSItO ) from Vankton. The Great Northern raliway has a line running into Yankton1 nod trlends of I'resi- & 'F dent J. .1. 11111 say that it has been his lo. . sire for a long time to have a connection froni Yankton to Omaha. Vhether he is back of the move to build tIm proposed ] Ino nod Is merely using the names of the r Omaha attorneys to conceal his hand Is , of course , a mere matter of conjecture. but . ) that Is the way a great many railroad man size up the deal. . 'The men whose names appear In the . County recorda as incorporators are quito - confident that the Omaha & Northern railway - way is going to be built. Tliey are not I ! anhillar with thin plans , but they are sure that work on the road will bo commenced , Boon after the meeting , that line been called ( or September 6 , to make whatevcr legal arrangementa are necessary for the corn- mencement of work. Said oiio of the incorporators - corporators to a lice reporter : "The dirt will very soon be flying along the line laid Dot , We are hot TCnqY to fully announce the plans , but work will be begun v.y Boon after the meeting next month. " ROCIC 1S1' , k'.ST TflAT'JS. . No Ollicliti JttIflUflCeIfldflt , but I'rub- itipi I fly of 't'heIr fli Iug Iru1I'J. No omclal announcement has yet been made by the flock Island concerning the running - ning of the "flocky Mountain Limited" trains after Sunday next. It is underetnod that the passenger department of the road Is still laboring with the executive omcers to have the fast trains kept In service. A circular looking toward the abandonment of these trains , however , has just been issued. It. Is to the effect that the composite cars will be run on trains Nos. 5 antI 6 after Sunday , August 14. 'ThIs would appear that the equipment of tim "Rocky Mountain Limited" trains Is to bo distributed among the other trains. On and after Sunday next the order of the cars in the through trains will be differ- ont. The sleepers will be placed in the middle of the train and the chair cars plnccd on the rear end. The order of cars , commencing with the head end , will then be as follows on trains Nos. 5 and 6 : baggage - gage car , composite library car , Denver sleeper , Pueblo sleeper , dining car and chair car. 11. P. I ) . & ( . Fliigince , . "The problem of the reorganization of the Union Pacific , Denver & Gull , " says the Railway World , "is not , as far as outside appearances go , very dimeult. Last year the company earned net after taxes close upon $900,000 , which may ho taken as a fair estimate of its earning capacity. Since last year , however , the Juleshurg branch has been sold to the Ufilon Pacific. The price at which this property was sold has not been stated , nor Is It. known to the public what Its earning capacity is at the present time. From the 900,000 of net earnings as above there should be ( leducted the earnIngs - Ings of the .Tulcsburg branch before an ca- timato can be made of the earning Capacity - pacity of the present company. We may allow , perhaps , $120,000 for this branch , as a fair guess. This leaves $775,000 npphi- cable for interest. l3onds outstanding on the property amount to $22,436,000 , and Interest - terest In defaUlt is something over $4,000- 000. The Colorado Central bonds no doubt will be paid off , which leaves about $17- 000.000 for the rest. The sum of $771i,000 is Just about equivalent to 4 per cent on $20,000,000. The company , therefore , will have a bond capacity of about $20,000,000 fours with which to make exchanges of existing bonds and interest. It is not dim. cult to see where the assessment will come in. If the company realied over $1,000 , . 000 for the .lulcslmrg branch it probably did fairly vell , A 10 per cent assessment on Denver & Gull stock would realize some- 'thing ' over $3,000,000 in cash. " IIlceltHe Iii 'Fret , , Loud , The principal Interest in the Northwest advance report lies in tim matter of the freight train load. The table which follows - lows shows the train load and the number of ions per loaded car for a series of years : . Tons. Tons per per trait. ( loaded ) car. 1191-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110.79 10.31 1692-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .135.35 j0Oi l93-t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.1 $ 9.74 ltlt-5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llG.k4 0.09 18-fl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141,13 10.46 1896.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151.57 W.39 1897.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .193.75 12.01 If we suppose the Northwestern to have done its freight business Inst year on the basis of 140 tons trainload , as in 1S91-2 and IS95-6 , It would have had to run about 21- 620,000 train miles , or 0,000,000 moro than it actually did run. Estimating the cost of Berths ' [ or [ verybody Our 435 P. 3d. train for Denver and our 506 ; P. M. train for Chicago each carry three sleepln cars , accomodas hag upwards of one hundred ieplt , Doit't hesitate then to take the flur- hington bccau,40 YOU "can't get a berth. " YOU CAN. Tlulct 0111ccNew Ieput- $502 $ Farnam , I 10th and Mason4 ' i : I three at 25 cents orteli , the company saved $2,100,000 at least by its heavier trainload , as compared with two years ago , tnme eU 1Lntp , , For the meeting of the NatIonal Dental association in Omaha August 23-September 3 the railroads In the Western I'essenger as- Eociatlon have voted in favor of these reduced - duced ratee One lowest regular fare , not temporarily reduced , plus $2 , from all \Vost- era Paasonger association territory cast of anl including Colorado and Wyoming , except that thu rate from points within 150 miles of Omaha will ho one fare for the round trip. trip.Tho The dates of sale will he August 23 antI 21 cast of the eatcrn state lines of Colorado and Wyoming , and August 22 in Colorado and Wyoming , also August 25 from points within 100 miles of Omaha. The return limit on all tickets will ho September 5. 'Vu urver a cw Line. CII1YENNfl , Wyo. , Aug , 10.-Special.- ( ) Sixteen men left. hero yesterday for Colorado Junction , four miles west of the city , uniter charge of Engineer Collins 01 the Union Pacific. They vlll commence a survey of a line between Colorado Junction antI Fort Collins , The Colorado Central railway formerly connected these points , hut was abandoned soon after the Denver Pacific line was built , The right-of-way and grading is now the property of the Denver & Gull , It is believed the Union Pacific will reconstruct the line and will bring it directly to Cheyenne instead of running it to the Colorado Junction con- nection. Con bronco on Freight CondItions. The prevailing conditions of freight and the outlook for business on the Elkhorn , the Sioux City & Northern and the Sioux City Short line were discussed at a conference - enco hold at the Elkhorn headquarters on Wednesday morning. Those present were : General Freight Agent Morehouso of the 1lkhorn , General Freight Agent Pierce of the Omaha road and General Freight and Passenger Agent McNlder of the Sioux City & Northern , Itates wore discussed , but no changes recommended. The reports showed the outlook for business on all three lines to be unusually good. Ito II road liC , iit 1'eroHnlM , The Burlington pay car made Its monthly visit to Omaha yesterday morning. I.V. . Wclpton , a banker of Ogalalla , Nab. , was a caller In railroad circles on Tuesday , Charles S. Lane , assistant general freight agent of the Union Pacific , Is visiting his mother near Ithaca , N. Y. Charles Marley of the law department of the I ) . & M. heft Tuesday to spend his vacation In licleun , Mont. Freight Agents Toinhinsnn of the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern and Mitchell of the hlluo Line are in the city. The special train which brought the St. Joseph Iteti Men to Omaha Tuesday returned to St. Joseph at 11:30 : last night. F. H. Goodman , general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific , passed through Omaha yesterday morning on his way west. John Francis , general passenger agent of the B. & itt. , together with Mrs. Francis and ( laughter , left for the east yesterday morning. T. IL Goodman , general passenger agent of the Southern Pacific , was In Omaha on Wednesday , enrouto home to San Francisco from New York. The following notice has Just been Issued 1) ) ' General Freight Agent Morehouse of the Elkhorn road and is conspicuously ( his- played in the omces of the company : "Free return transportation will not be furnished to persons who accompany one-ear shipments - ments of cattle , hogs or sheep. " The Missouri Pacific will mnke a change in the train service between hero and Auburn , Neb , , on Sunday , August 14. On nod after that date there will be a Sunday train in additIon to the week-day trains , The Sunday train will leave hero at 6 p. m. On every day In the week , except Sunday , the train will leave hero at 4:30 : p. in. The arriving time in Omaha wIll will be 0i5 : a. en. daily. The general passenger ngents of lines in thu Western Passenger association are Indignant - dignant over the personal attack on B. D. Caldwell , chairman of that association. which was mixed up with an account of le OraL meeting of the Trnnsmissouri Faa- sensor association here , printed in a Chicago peper under an Omaha date line. 'fhe Cht- cage paper made a complete retractioa cf the article on Tuesday. It is stated that the Brotherhood of Railway - way Trainmen Is the largest order nunier- ically and pays out more money in hene- ficiary claims than any other of the railroad organizations. They pay all losses once a month and on Wednesday sent out checks representing $48,000 for ono month. The treasurer expects the disbursement In August for July will reach $70,000 , the lrtrg- est sum ever paid out for benefits for any one month. RESTRAINS CITY OF LINCOLN .Jiidge Monger IMiueM an Order on lie- half uf flu Ios'n IitnII- 31tc11t 11ttie. The Eehipso Installment company , an Iowa firm whichi has been transacting business In Lincoln through a nunher of soliciters , was called upon by the city of Lincoln to pay a license of $50 for each of the twelve solicitors 'who canvass in that city , The firm refused to do thIs and appeared before - fore Judge Munger , asking that an injunc- tloa be Issued to prevent the collecting of the license , Judge Munger granted a toni- porary injunction against the city of LIn- cola , tIm city attorney , deputy city attor- nay and license ollicer , pending the trial of the case at the next term of court. reilerni fluiiIdiIIJ4' Not es. Two cars of lead ore were received by the smelter. A car of tea , on which tim duty was $1,813 , passed through the Omaha custom house. Joe P. Johnson , postoflico inspector In charge of the district of Now Orleans , is In the city. William Knutson , who Is held to the federal grand jury on the charge of selling liquor to Indians , gave bond and has been released from Jail , Judge Munger lisa appointed the following referees in bankruptcy : Charles F. Stronan of York. Filmore , York , Polk and Hamilton counties ; J. S. hlongland of North Platte , 1)awson , Lincoln , Logan. McPlierron and iCoitli counties : H. H , llorth of Grand Island , Hall , Ihoward , Sherman , Valley , Greeley , Wheeler and GarfIeld counties. hIiit'klen' , Arnica Salve. TIlE BEST SALVII in the world for Cuts , Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , Salt Ithoum , Favor Sores , Totter , Chapped hands , Chilblains , Corns and all Skin lruptions , and positively cures Piles , or no pay required. it Is guar. anteed to give perfect stisfactioi , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box , For sale by Kuhn & Co. lUorriugi' LietIIN's. The following marriage licenses were is. sued by County Judge Baxter yesterday : Name and Residence. Age. Louis Liudberg , Missouri Valley , In , . . . . . Ida Faust , Denver , Cob , , , . . . , . . , , , , , , , 24 Scott Irving , Omaha. , . . . , , , , . . . , , . , , , , , , 26 Pinkie Lawson , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Fred Pool , Memphis , Mo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Christioa lcriz , Ord , Nab , , , , , . , , . . , , , , , , 22 Tue Only ilhllIrund to Chicago With a daylight train. Leave Omaha 6:40 : a. m , every day , arriving Chicago the same evening at 8:15 : , when close connections arc made wit ! , all lines beyond. This train is 50 years ahead of the times and is proving I limnensely popular with Omaha people. Oher ( flying trains leave for Chicago at 4:5 : and 6:55 : p : n , daily. City ticket ofitce , 1401 Farnarn St. . "The Northwestern Line. " $1.40 center tables SOC at the Orchard & ' \1lhm Carpet Ce , fire sale , BOSTON STORE \VRECK \ SALE 21 Oaca Dry Goods Consigneti to One of New York's Finest Retail Stores. WRECKED IN TRANSIT OwIng to fleln In hclIver nntt Ilrenklng of Outside t'nscs , Theie Gond % 'ero IteftiNed lp Cost iignccs ni1 Sal , ! by Itnhlronil CLAIM AG1NT. 01' ; SALE 'FOlAY AT I3OSTON STORE , Remember these goods were consigned to ono of the finest retailers in Now York , whose name Is on every garment , Although they wcro in a railroad wreck these goods are in almost perfect condition- and at the price we offer them today they will go with a rush. $10 LADIES' DRESSINri SACQUES SOC AND OSC. All the fincst dressing sacks , made of . % hite dimity , sheer lawns , white and eel- orcl ( , Iteckley organdies IiIl Imported nov- oltie , all of thorn elaborately trimniad with lace , embroidery and ribbons , made for one of the finest New Yok retail hiotises anti worth , up to $10.00 , go in tWo lots at COa and lIfe. $15.00 DRESSING SUITS $1.08 , Co dressing gown suits , sack and skirt to match , all beautiful tints , Including white anti floral organdies , all of them elaborately trimmed with lace , ribbon and embroidery , actually worth up to $1500 a suit , on sale at $1.98 entire stilt. $15.00 SILIC LINED WAISTS $2.50. 25 imported high cost liarnl embroidered silk lined waists , all of then : worth $15.00 , en sale at $2.50. $5.00 SILK WAISTS , $1.50. Co ladies' new tyho silt waists , In plain colors and new figured foulards , actually worth $5.00 , on sale at $1.50. $3.00 WAISTS AT SOC. 200 imported satin striped organdy waists in all the now' tints , blue , lavender , red , tan and brown , laundered collars and cuffs , all sizes , actually worth $2.00 , in this sale SOc. $200 LADIES' TEA GOW'NS OSC. 150 light lawn wrappers and tea gowns , runle , lace and embroidery trimmed , act"- ally worth $2.10 , on sale at lIfe. $12.50 F4NCYVRAPI'ERS $2.50. 100 fine henrietta , all wool challie and French , flannel wrappers , elaborately trimmed with lace , ribbons and velvet , many worth , $12.50 , on sale at $2.50. $25.00 WIITIE PIQUE SUITS $5.00. 100 ladies' 'ery fine white pique suits , beautifully and elaborately trimmed with Insertion , silk ribbons and handsomely embroidered - broidered with braid , every ono worth $25.00 , oil sale at $5.00. $12 SKIRTS FOR $1.98. One lot of plain anti brocaded silk skirts , also all wool storm serge skirts , that were slightly damaged in this wreck , worth up to $12.00 , choice of this entire lot at. $ LlIS. BOSTON STORE , OMAhA , N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas. FINDSTRANGER IN A TRANCE Pollee Pick UI ) ft llnit V1io floc. Not Know Vlio lie is , W1ierc lie Is 01' 'Whence lie Cnite , The police discovered a Rip Van Winkle Tuesday night. lb Is now being detained at the central station. In appearance this prisoner does not resemble In any way that celebrated character. The man was found asleep on the corner of Fifteenth and Far- nam streets , in almost the same position jm Rip found himself 'when he awoke. Instead of a rusty gun by his side this new edition tie flip found his old battered hat , the remnants - nants of a long Dutch pipe and a big plug of tobacco alongside of him. When an officer awoke him ho asked : "What city is this ? " On being told it was Omaha lie remarked : "iVell , well , who would have thought It ; why , the last I remember - member of Omaha it was a flag station on thio Union PacIfic. So this is Omaha. Say , " ha said to the officer , "this is no fake , is It ? " Ho was Informed it was not and was Invited to get Into the wagon , which he imagined was a stage coach. On the way to the station be acted as one might who had lived In this last century and bad been granted the privilege of seeing the wonders of the present. The stranger's ' mind Is a complete blank. lie does not know his name nor can ho tell where ho belongs. lie does not appear to be Insane. 11 simply acts like one to whom the affairs of the present dny are a revelation. Where ho conies from none Itnow. From his appearance drink nod lie are strangers. Ho Is about 00 years old and his dress proclaims him a frontiersman - man , lie will be detained until he comes out of his trance. $14.00 cheval dresser $9.75 at the Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. fire sale. Cut rates to Chicago and all points cast via Rock Island route. Call at city 001cc , 1323 Farnam street , fledlices ltnte , Only $9.25 to Chicago on and after August 9 , The Northwestern is this ONLY line with a ( laylIglLt traIn to Chicago , leaving Omaha at 6:40 : a , in. , arriving at ChIcago 8:15 : same evening , Also fast trains cast at 1:55 : p. m. and 6:55 : p. a : . daily. City ticket cfllce , 1101 Farnam St. Omaha to Chicago , $9.20. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fly , 1504 Farnam St. $14 tufted couch $10.50 at Orchard & Wil- helm Carpet Co. lre sale. Burlington Itoute , tI.25 to Chicago , Trains at 5O5 p. in. and 1205 a , m. Ticket otilce , 1502 Farnam St. Iinrit Coil For lmrnediato orders and delivery. Nebraska - braska Fuel Co. , 1414 Farnam street. MAGNlI'iC1L't' 'rittINs. Omaha to CIiIcsigo. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway - way has just placed In service two meg- nhlicent electric lighted trains between Omaha 011(1 ( Chicago , leaving Omaha daily at 5:45 : p. m. , arriving Chicago at 825 a. in. and leaving Chicago 610 p. ni. tiiid arriving Omaha 8:20 : a. rn , Each train is lighted throughout by electricity , has buffet sinok- lag cars , drawing room sleeping cars , din- big cars and reclining chair cars and runs over the shortest line and smoothest roadbed - bed between the two cities , Ticket olfice , 1504 Farnain street and at Union depot. $18 mahogany chaIr $11,25 at the Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. fire sale. - Union l'neilIc , "The Colorado Special , " "The Overland Limited" and ° Tlie Fast Mail" arc tIm three magnificently equipped trains run via the Union Pacific to all principal western pcaints. City ticket 001cc , 1302 Farnam street , Omaha to Chicngo. $9,25. Chicago , MilwaUkee & St. Paul fly , 1504 Farnam St. Itoster of \I nut t't'r ( ulcer. . The headquarters of the Department of the Missouri Is in receipt of a complete roster of general officers and oifieers of the generiti staff , United States volunteers , The roster is issued by the adJutant mien- oral's department and is the first list of volunteer ollicers 'ahich lies been compiled , Coming-this reat "Triiby. " llurliiimgtoii itoute , D.2S to Clilesigo. Trains at SO5 p , m. and 1205 ; a , in , Ticket 0111cc , 1502 Farnani St. Don't forget the ice creamii social for the benefit of the Thuraton hubs , \'cdiiesday evening , August 17 , on W'iguian's lawn , 1914 Locust street , * 11.00 folding bed $3.S0 at the Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. fire sale , S HER SPRINT FUR LIBERTY WINS Bertha Tlniiey Inj'htes , train Ilie I'o- hic Court Ioor antI flutiits hip % 'nlfiig omeer. . Bertha Tinsley , a colored woman arrested as a suspIcious character , nimulo a successful tlash for liberty froni the pollee court yesterday - torday and is still at large , omcers Fahey and Storey , who chased her several blocks , hal to give up the chase , she setting too hot a pace for them. The woman had been arraigned before Judge Gordon and dismissed on the charge against liar , A sergeant , seeing she to b released , stationed Oflicers Policy and Storey Just outside the police court entrance with instructions to rearrest her , The worn- an's attorney planned to have her elude tlio officers , so ho smuggled the woman to a place of vantage near the door unknown to the olhlcers. She was instructed to await tim word to go. The attorney then drew the attention of the oflhcers from the door anl gave the signal to the woman , who awaiting it as a sprinter would to make her dash. A black streak shot by the btuo coats and rapidly shaped itself into the form of Bertha Tinsicy , a half block away , before they recovered from their astonishment. They took up the chase , vowing all manner of things against her If she didn't stop , but site kept on at _ top sieed , After following liar north on Fifteenth street to Farnamn street they gave up the chase. Bertha kept on and lost herself to them. SEWING FOR THE SOLDIERS Silnitnr ) ' Aid Society Making Necileil 'I'IiIiIgN for the lIoy Now' itt the Front , The Women's Sanitary Aid Society of Nebraska - braska spent yesterday in the armory of the Thurston Rifles sewing and making night shirts anti pajamas for the soldiers , The somncn are trying to have these garments go to the boys from this state , but wherever they go will be determined by Surgeon General Sternborg at Washington under wlioso direction the society is em- ployed. The women hmavo four bolts of muslin and three of gingham , donated by prlvato Individuals , and they keep several machines busily employed in turning out these night clothes. Many of the women nra doing work at home , and one said alto had finished fifty night gowns. Many other articles have been donated by the society anti will be sent along with tIme clothIng now being turned out. All of the donations are to go to troops other than those of the Third regiment. This regi- meat was giveli two towels apIece per man and other gifts will not be given until a hater date. The society 'will meet again next Friday of this week and will spend the day In sewing. It will be the object of the organization - ganization to meet at least once each week and a strong effort will be made to have tht women come together twice. fllseover..L 1mi' Si SY , iitnn. Another great discovery has been made , and that too , 'by ' a lady in this country : "Disease fastened its clutches upon liar and for seven years shio withstood its severest .tests , but her vital organs were undermined and death seame(1 imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly , and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way to recovery , by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption , and was so nimich relieved on taking first dose , that she slept all night ; and with two bettIes - tIes , has been absolutely cured. 11cr name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. ' Thus writce W. C. Mamniclc & Co..ot Shelby , N. C. Trial hot- thee free at Kuhn & Co.'s Drug store. Regular - lar size SOc end $1.00. )0ery bottle guaran- teed. 4ttiisiiieiitN. The Trocadero announces for its attractions - tions the coming week , to open Sunday mat- mae , Howard's pony circus , Frederick broth- cr5 and Tommy , musical artists : Lawrence sisters , acrobatic dancers ; Arnold and Gardner - ner , travesty artists ; Jayarra , equilibrist , and several others equally as strong. This week's bill continues to attract large houses nightly. Omaha to Chicago , $9.25. Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul fly. 1504 Farnam St. Don't fail to see Prof. Reese's ad. in personal - sonal column today. $1.25 dining room elmira 40o at Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. lire sale. HIS CHECK DEAL FAILS HIM Snniuel Cnrr Steals Joseph StflUler'N illali aini 1 Arrested In is Short 'I'isiie , Samuel Carr , a stranger from Nashville , Tenn , , Impersonated Joseph Stauber of Kansas City at time Victoria hotel yesterday - day and secured the latter's mail , in which was enclosed a chock for $65. Carr's attempt - tempt to cash the check at the First National - tional hanlc led to his arrest. The bank officials doubted Cnrr's ownership to the check because of his actions and notified the police. Carr admitted the theft. The prisoner and Stauber reached the city on the same train shortly before noon , Just before Omaha was reached Carr struck up an acquaintance with Stnuher and learned that ho was coming to Omaha to obtain a concession - cession at the expositIon grounds and also that ho expected a draft by mail at tim Victoria hotel. As soon as tIm traimi reached the depot Carr niado a bee line for time Victoria , and , telling the clerIc lie s'as Joseph , Stauber of Kansas City , secured several letters that vero there awaiting Staubor. lie tore several of them open looking for the draft. lie may ho turned over by the police to the postoflico authorities. Time police are undecided yet as to what they will do with him , NI ) t I e t. . 'limo ' LaborIng Men's Republican climb will hold a meeting at Washington hmaii Thursday - day , August 11 , at 8 p , rn. , for time purpose of effecting a permanent organization , All labor , organizei and unorganized , are cor- diaily invited to be present , 5 , C. W'.ALKUI' , Chairman. Patronize American goods , especially when you know they arc the , best , like Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne. $5,00 center tables $3.50 at the Orchard & 'SVilhielmn Carpet Co. fire sale , Coming-the great "Trilby. " Exhmthitors wishing photographs and line cuts of their exhibits published may pro- euro them by calling upon J. ii. Knapp , agent Omaha lIce , southwest corier Manu- lectures building , a pmnmc iRAP5 055.1.5 O TARTAR POWOSa rnt : CLEA1 ? DAKN4I POD1R Awarded Highest HOIlOrS , World's iaIr Cold Medal. Midwinter Fair . I BOSTON STORE \VRECK \ SLE The lYargains in 21 Caaea Bought from R , R , Co. Will Surprise Everybody , OUR BARGMN WONDERS NEVER CEASE i'fln Itimporteil Orgniiihie 1 I-ie-'thic Iomrt , IC Orgnn.IICM fi-iiOo Etti- brollerc.l i4kirtlmig Ploummeing ; il.i 1-2e-2fic Silk Veiling 8 1-2o ALL ON SALE TODAY. . SOC ORGANDIES , 12 ½ C YARD. \\.o bought 500 pieces highest grade organdy - gandy lawns , the best French and IICrmaTt goods , no tiio patterns alike ; all the most beautiful designs over brought to this country - try , in light amid ( lark grounds , two and three-toned colorings , floral designs , Imolka dots fltl other mmcii' patterns , and are a finer grade than was ever sold in Omaha at SOc a yarl. They are full pieces , imo reni- mints , and go on sale today at 121c yard. This is without question time biggest bargain of fine high class organdies over offered in tIme United States. 150 D0MEs'rla ORGANDIES , SC. Three cases fine quality domestic organdies - dies ; these are all iii tIme new shadow print- lag ; would ho a bargain at ISo yard , but go tomorrow mit Sc yard. Tlmcso are not odds antI ends from our regular stochc , but a fresh , spot cash purchase made by us nimd the biggest bargain ever offered. 500 } iMflltOiDCflEl ) SKIRT FLOUNCING , 12C. 35,000 yards of 27 inches wide embroid- ercd skirt flouncing , suitable for making ' ' dresses underskirts - nilssea' and cliiklren'n white , skirts and flouncings , In swiss , cambric nnii jaeonots , some are lmatidsornely hemstitchetl , others with scalloped embroidered edges , all go at 12'c , yard , worth , SOc. 250 SILK VEILING , 8 ½ C YARD. 5,000 yarls of nil colors In plain and fancy spot all eilk veiling , In all shades , go at 3'.e yard , worth , up to 25c , Many thousand ladies' nil pure linen cci- lars and cuffs , made of the very best qualIty - Ity of linen , iii all sizes , 2c for collars anti Sc per valr for cuffs ; worth up to 25c. Three bargain tables with hundreds of bolts of all kinds of plain and fancy wash laces , in valenciennes and net top cotton Ireland , go at 3 ½ c , Sc and ? ic , yard ; worth up to 25c , BOSTON STORE , OMAHA , N. W. Cor. itObamid 1)ouglas. $3.25 iron beds $1.7o at the Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. lire sale. Oam a I't'nee W'nrritmmt. Mrs. Frances flenmish was arrested yes- terlny on a peace warrant sworn out by Mrs. Frasa Lamlerar. The trial will take place before Justice Prlchnrd. The cool- plaint was that time defendant threatened to do great iiodlly injury to the plaintiff and the plaintiff alleges that Mrs. flemish hind said she vould shoot her or in some other way kill her. The squabble was of time ordinary - dinary over-tIme-back-felIce sort of talking match , in which each called the other hard names. SIJMMflZt COMI'm.AIs'r. Not Dangerous Wimemi j'roperhy 'l'rentcd , Our baby has been continually troubled with colic anu chohc"a InfanturnInce hits birth , and all tuat we couma no cor aim ama not seem to give moro than tinporarv relief , untIl we tried Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrlmoea Remedy. Since giv- lug that remedy lie has not been troubled , We want to give you this testimonial as an evidence of our gratitude , not that you need it to advertise your meritorious remnedy.-G. lit. Law , Ncokuk , Iowa. For sale by all druggists. Coming-tho great "Trilby. " $4.75 iron ledS $3.10 at the Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co. fire sale. Cnrl of 'I'ImniiI. W'o thank time lintl friends and neighbors 'hio assisted us in the sickness and death of our little Clara. M. J. CUFF , Captain No. 4 fiogino house and Family , SEANALE -SCOFIELD- LF rno If you would make sightseeing enjoyable this hot weather take advantage of the offerings - ferings we make-a hittlo money vill do it. Linen Dress Skirts SOc-better for mote. Trimmed White Duck Skirts , $1.05 , Shirt Waists 50c , $1-prettIest in Omaha. Silk 'Waists , $2.95-best china silk , Taffeta Silk PettIcoats , $2.95 , the $6 kind. , $20 and $25 French Pique Suits for $7.50- these are the imported ones-in white and colors. Just one flmo $22 colored organdie Suit $10. Tailor mndo suit9-low prices. All summer goods must be closed out quickly. quickly.FCSCOFEL U i CtOA&SUIT ! CU , 1510 Douglas St. . 0 0 0 a 'O 0 . 0 T 0S ° Ah S a a1D 0S a ANT a ouuOD HEALTH. 0 you may have a course of medical 0 treatment for a OUItATBIjE DISEASES' . of all hinds at time ; S1iepar Medical Institute 0 New York Life BIdg , Omaha , Neb , : Catarrlm , 1D5f a SPECIALTI ES : ness and alt S Diseases of time Lungs , Stomach , Kidneys , Nerves and Blood. ReferS - S once , by permission , to 5,009 cured . PatientS. TIitm largest medical office. and practice In the west. 'l'he Omaha S l3eo , leading daily , says "The Shep. 0 ard Medicai ltutltute is entirely relia- hIs in a procssloimal and buinrss 0 way. Dr. hepnrci rind his associates a have gained anti fully maintained a a leading reputation in time treatmentS of chronio disc'nses. Time public may S safely trust thorn , " S : ITE For testimonials from S w ministers , tcach'rB , bustS - ness men , tanners , etc. , telling how S they ivere curud at borne through Umo S Ma 1 System , . S 81)0K ) - The New Treatment : a 110w It Cures , " is , emmt free S nil ivimo write. It is a clean medical a work ( or time ii'lmnlo family to read anti is at great s'altme to all who nepk a better liettltim. [ hook and Consultation 0 fliammks bent free to all inquirers. S Medicimmes sent everywhere. State S your caau and send ( or opinion ammd 0 lowest term8. chnries low. ConS - S tatiomi ( roe , personally or by letter , S .itetmtti& , 'I'fA l'em'o. SvS S S S 0 S S 0 0 5 S a iJUoright& Co. Agents for the . W'iilIanis . 'I'ypcw titer , - rime best type. writer In time world -bar none. , t \rito for . Catalogue , Tcl. 553- 1116 Farnam st , , Omalis. lice , Aug , 2gooc ? ones : ii : you were to conho iii hero to buy a deceptive pair of shoes or a dishonest pair or ft PRl that was iundo to sell insteal 01. to wear you coulIn't (10 it. We keel ) onlylionest shoes.'o deal oily with hoiiest and reslonsiblo factories and wo ie'er knowingly sell a poor shoe , Tnowingly miiid. you. It Solhietillics happens that a 1)air ol : shoes does not' turn out as well as you or we had reason to expect. . Ill ' ( hat ; CR50 WO waiit to kllow ithou it. " , Vo will i'eiiicdy if ; satisfactorily even if we have to give a now Iair. 11 iBll't ofteii you uiiicl a store that tloes that , II iSR'L often you find a shoe toro that ituids : 1)ack of us shoes after they go out ; (1001's 811(1 that is willing to stand watch over them until they are woi'r out. if you have iiever bought shoes iit. 1Iio Nebraska wo would like to get OU stal'tel and we vi1l 1iko such good care of your trade aiid do so Illilell to keep it you will never have any cause to go elsewli'tt , day , as a starhr , COihlO ill ItIld buy a paii' of the now tans attlu'ee dollars or a vtir ot' the 000lyefui' 1)1tOIlt leathers at two dollars and a half , A ManithtcturctsEnflre Stock o Spring and Fall Capes at onethird Price at Hayden Brothers. . " The greatest purchase we ever macic , Blumenthal Bros. the well-known manufacturers - ufacturers , of New Yo'k , close out all their light CaPes at our own price , rrIle great sale commences Thursday morning at 8 o'clock , 150 Ladies' all wool capes , double empire , trinmied with braid all round , worth 2 , 00 , at 75c. . \ ; 4' 200 Ladies' broadcloth capes , em- /j < broidered with mohair braid , satin bow I. and streamers at neck , worth 2. 5 , at 98c. 175 black broczided capes , nicely lined , trimmed. with lace aiid satiii ribbon , worth $2 , 50 , at 1.25. 190 all wool clay worsted. capes , well lifled and iiiter. lined , 3-in. collar trilflhilecl with satin i'ibbon , worth 3. 50 , at $1.98. 100 double clay worsted capes , 27-in. long , a cape that will wear for years , worth $7,00 , at $3.48. 125 capes iii clay worsted , faced with silk , triniincd with shoulder ruffle of lace and hui'rcd ribbon , worth 7. 50 , at $4.48. 225 silk capes , some of the finest iii. the market , all siUc lined , heavily jetted , trimmed with ribbon and accordion pleated chiffon , the grandest assortment of capes you ever saw , worth $7.00 , $8,00 and $9.00 , at $3.50. 175 capes-the cream of leading styles-worth $10.00 , $12.00 and $14.00 , at $5.00 , SALE BEGINS THURSDAY MORNXNG 50 dozeii wrappei's worth $1,25 , on sale at 49c. "Tue Big Store. " TooTh Brish _ _ HoIdr J.J j jj The bottle as shown above is the host device yet for carrying a tootit brush. It Is made of very heavy glass and can ho packed in grip or trunk without breaking , Price 25c , by mail 35c. Write for catalogue , Sherman & McCoiieU Drug Oo I . 1 8 Iodge Streut , Oimmaha , Nd , , LI ks Tbrnt Iad because we buy and sell good hilunos ( or what they imro worth , This hurts other dealers who waimt to make ( coin $109.00 to $2P1,00 liroilt on a single piano. 'J'imetm , again' tlmoy arc disiiennl lwtmmiIo i'o sell mill time good flmflhcPi , amid liecauso we are time only idano deaiers 1mm Omnimlia vlio can m4e11 limo greatest lcuiimlg illano of nmerlemm- time Ciiickering-tlmc' mnnlct'rs of tlmis ( amimotmim instrurnelmt etlilmig to lit ; ( 'XCtiiiV'lY. V.'U care ) ' a cornplcio smnd nicely nHHtrtCl ( steele of these famous imiliIios c'iii , what iii lint- ter yet , ve sell tlmomn at trictiy liopular irices.'o also have 20 mnoro diffnrett : . makes , including 11mm' best of every grade. if you lmavo any doulitil alwit , our lii'itu'H . mniik's timt come arid sea. Piunus samne other dealers offer for $ h to $100 we are selling right along ( or $179 to amid so cmi time Prices of ( lie C'imickcrint. EverY Pitlfl ° 5(11(1 ( giHli'anie Ii from I ; to 10 years. ilso salt PIfl" on easy monthly ln'mncnts New for remit , and amount ImUL(1 on rent itiIuS % ed to apj'i3 ' on purelntso , Haydei Bros . . . . . . . . ' . .