Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 11, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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. TTE oir1u DATTWfl1 Tilt - 1DA1 - AT GUST 11. iSq . . I I
- -
1 ' _ _
, , rt s. , uefl t ! fnr t Iice CfItl fl1ft
i-jII In. Inen until 1 in. far ( Iii ,
( vri Iij ; flhi4 unt II 4.14J fur Itlurnhtig
ntiil Miiti.In T 'ihtltpnu. $
. hnt , I 1ft ioril flrt Intrt ;
It it oril (1Itrcuuftfr.tptILiij ( VtflkCII
V fur 1M hIflhI fnr thr flrt htier-
I Ion. 'rhi'p n1srtIN4Itcuu tM fiLUt be
. irtItr , rcgtIcatIii
) , rr4 ehirtuk , enus tsgu nil-
ilrcu.ul to ii nuniluerq..I letter lit Cure
, r ' ; 'i lle. .tuiyier , Ni ) nhhItre.iMcd
iIh1 lie qlehIprd oil iurcaeiitntluui ut
tI , . ehaqcLu I' . .
SITLtTIONS % ' .tTllI.
QENTLEMAN wIshes 9CtobOok to keCp
, evenings or ( lay. X 4. lJee.
! TYPE'fllTlNG and copying.
, . WANTEDn 'engineer clo'-
, , uoltItfl ' . or
A triclan ; references best. Addre JInx 313 ,
Newell , Iowa.
1TU.tTIONVATED ; fltteefl yenri n
V jeweler nnrl eight years a druggLt : vIIl
work Id both ; salary reaonablo. Adilress
x care Her. A-Mt3 16'
: IilI.l , .
SALESMEN for CIgars ; * 12 a month and
expenses ; old flrm ; experience unneees-
I sary. C. C. l3lshop & Co. , St. LoUIs , Mo.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
, StlSM1Nto uel1 ohflco specnlthe5 In
I Uflifl $ iind Nebrauikt ; flue s de lines ;
agents nnike SVOO ii tiny ; uud by nil mer-
cIiants. Model Co. , Iloe U , South
IJend. md. 1J-&O--A-2'
TAILORS. : ittenul D3htS cuittitig school :
lCSt ) s4temH ; charges reasonable. . 518 S.
13th. Omaha. I3-M764 S2
WANTED. men to learn barber trade. Only
eight weeks requIred. This Is the best
I'ensOfl to lcarn No trnde oilers better
ltflVnntQges. Graduates tarn $ t.OO weekly.
; Fxperlence end wnge8 lb city shops Sat-
I urdays. Catalogue mnlled free. MolerS
I harbor College. St. Louis. II-M972 11'
\VATED-Actlvo young manwho is corn-
Petent stcnorapher nod typewriter ; po-
. sltIo permanent ; utdVlst salary expected ;
wanted iIuick. Address X 22 lice.
b-M3S1 11
I WANT It ) . competent boookkoepcr. one who
has had practicul experience In wholesale
Implement ljuuiness preferred , Fhuugunan
Implement Co. , th and Pacitic streets.
.1 flOIllflc : ; ; & . In Wyoming ;
extra gang : free fare. Framer and
Ollearn , iI4 S. 12th. 1I-M13 11'
, c 1Mm barber trade : only 6
' 1' to S weeks requIred ; we give our gradu-
ate. unidoyment till they receIve. in wages
as muich as they pay [ or tuItion and cx-
l'enu'es while learning. St. Louis flarber
( 'ollege , Odd Fellows' luldg. . cotS. Dodge
ttul Utli , Omaha , Nob. Prot. S. 1tanlylph ,
Instructor. B-MUi Su
FW ( ) clothing salesmen wanted In Omaha
itnil one In cacti County in every state , to
take orders or our 3.OO to 1O.OO made-to-
measure stilts and overcoats ; live men
% Vthout experience cnn rna1e Sl5O. ( pr
month ; It yoU can furnIsh sattstnetory
V reference , we will ftirnlsh it complet ' sam-
_ _ _ _ PC ! lIne and oultlt and start you at work
at once. For l'nrtleularuu. address Amen-
( aflVcolen hllls. Co. , 1nteniurlse flullI.
lag. Chicago. 1'-M1O S9
. 3fliiVnS : ; for C . M. & St. I'.It. Ii. In
Iowa : $1.40 per day ; board $1.25 : tree fare.
Kramer . & OlLearn V , 211 S. 12th.
r fl-Mill 12' V
WANTED. aeVvi. 1ntlllgcfit Oteti to take
orders for 'CuIja and the War with
I Spaln : ' magnllicently IllustrnteI ; lIs itt
. . sIglut workers making from $3 to $ thilly ;
circulars , war pictures anti lIb.ral Indue-
ments free on applIcatIon. Mldress Globe
Itlijie I'ublhuhlng Co. , 721 Chestnut at. ,
V Phlhidelplula. 1a. 13-M137 13'
WANTED. agents to 'ell 3 different mag-
k nitleent eCPO4ltIOfl tmdgcs. ScuM . it sIght.
i Itig moutey. New samples 2c. M. Ernst ,
. ( 'levelanil , Ohio. J-Ml31
' t'IGAR m kVr nfed , one who can pack.
.tt ; 1 , red M. Iloim , Scandla , I'an.i.ts vIa
Itok Island , 13-M12S 11'
WANTUI-Pfl31 tLG 1htlI' .
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; fl to ; 7
wok. Canadian OtlIci. 152 Douglas.
C-cT ;
GOOD girl to help cook and chambermaid.
Lange hotel , 601 S. 13th St.
EMPLOYAl1NT burdati. j5 Dodge : tel. 876.
WANTED. houskeeler by widower with 3
eluil&lren. T. H. Litidle , Juleshurg. Cob.
bulL ( or general housework. Appb 1S14
North Oth itt. .
. 1'ATED. ladles for buirlesqite show ;
stage txpenlence not nectesary. ruth at
uflla Concert Gardi , 16th & 1)aven.
port at. . ( ' -Mit ) ? ii'
W'tNTEtJ. a competent wonuart who knows
. 4. how to do plain cooking ; no laundry Vork
. housework $6.fJ week
V or : per PftY ; good
references rertuired. AlP1Y to Mrs. M. L.
EverettCouncil Bluffs , In. q-'iiit 16
V WANTED , copipetent girl for g'neral
hntbsework ; good wagea paid. 1134 Iso.
' . 30th Ave. . C-1l--12
WANTED. good girl for general house-
/ u .ork In small family Mrs. Fred l'ntf. . ,
'c So. 37th st.C-ML3G 11'
l'li. Itl''l'-JIJUSIp , .
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city :
3 to 375. FhIeIty , llrst floor. N. Y. Life.
l1OtiiS. Ilenewa & Co. . 108 N. 15th St.
1 iiousrs - - - : stores . liemlu . P.rcton block.
. V -
) ! IOVE'ui household goods utnil pianos.
) Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 11ll Futruam.
t Tel. 1559. , . D-s1
_ _
V- V
FL'I&NITUIIE & and leasehold of ti and 13-
roonu modern tint ( or sale ; bargain ; good
location ; ccitt low. ilernis , I'axton block.
: A FEW COTTAGES. 43 hoard Trade.
V I-S03
SIX-IIOOM modern lint. 1112 South 11th.
_ _ _ _ _
22 ° l N. ? th St. , house S rooms , suitable for
tw ( utmilles , $20.00.
; V D-31182
Mfl1)lltN detached nine-room house : nice
Iwn , shade trees. choice location ; 252
' 'nittuui ; avenue : rental. S1.(0. Tel. 57.1.
Ii II Robison. 2tIcCagie Ultlg. D-3J ;
Thi ilj antI 4. rooms modern. steam
Junhtor servIce. 816 S 22il St. 1)-SIS-Il'
WITIUN three blocks 0 ! exposItion , 11
IfluinS , aultabbe for rooming puruosu ; also
s'ire uttnlibe for restaurant. tee J. N.
Freozer. OplosItu old P. 0. D-M914
E' 'RflflNT.Iodorn ' flat ' nicely papered
" * od in gooti repair. 81. , 'C. I'ttirs & Co. .
S. Nnt'i Bank Bldg. D-S7-Il
1. It' ' ( unodern cottage , furnished or un-
tUrtuished 8013 Leavenworth st
st1)MIOG 18'
3" ; North 18th South 9th.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4t ' S.rootflfurnbshetl house-or vtil sell
urnIturs cheap-214 North 23t1 t.
. D-t1133 II
1'flhI ltl1c'E-V1It'jl2iI1u btOO3lS ,
V housekeepIng , 1112 South
11th , . 1-2tl 116
- - - _ _
VbSITOltS to the TratismistIssippl and InV -
- V\ ; , rtuulottai
ExposIto , vlshiuig to secure
( ulutuittabie quarters can save time and
eXieu1e bsyriting to or calling % jpon the
IJuticil InCurmation Bureau , 1319 F'arnam
St . the only authorized apocy of the
ExLOoittofl nuanabuuutuL tranor on
arr In Omaha cAn take atrtt cars
direct from any depot , Qlflce open day
and night. .
4 ELEajy
furnished rooms. bath , IsIs.
; * ran.lents ; prices reasonable ; room
Vt. ltvid5 huttUing , '
F1lhtjttli and F'ur-
. il. lafl streets , oppo.Ite city hail , Cars to
ibvtai iutt exposition. 'I'd. .
J. ffrt-s 3076. Mrs.
V } ' - I
- E-fi133O
r.nms ,
4' E-7
rOIL 3tINT-f't1t1SllHt ) llOOM.
( Continued. )
1iiASANT rooms , cheap , central. 113
Davenport. 1--M93 $2
SlGIF2 furnIshed room , $1 per week ; two
rooms for Iiousekeepin , kitchen and td-
room , St3 week. Apply on prsmlses. 1702
\Velster street. central. E-M9I2 16'
Tvo r.lcely turnitheil front south rooms.
1722 Dodge St. l-SS1-10'
FIJflNISIIE'D room. housekeepitig. 23 St.
Mary's. FVtI902 11'
iciit4r furnished rooms , cheap anti pleas-
ant. 1A23 Dodge St. . . -1i4-1t'
I100MS. translOnta , SOc up ; week 82 up.
514 N.
NlC8ll4't furnished rooms for transients.
22t9 Spencer at. , iountze I'bace , near cx-
! ? ! E-M143
_ . . :
NICEI.Y furnisheil rooms , Private famIly ,
one block from Exposition. 3s0 N. ? ld at.
Mrs. C. C. Ilose. E-M131 11'
TIlE 1IliNEFIT 1IOt.SI-2Iat and l'lnkney
Sta. , fifty daintIly furnished rooms ; one
square from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and tlrt class ; terms
EXPOSlT1O'f TlCIETS and Saratoga
hotel fare for $200 per day ; adjoIns the
grounds , Sherman avenue car line passes
the house ; 8ummer resort style ; famhltes
solicited ; thodern , cool , homelike ; baths ,
gas , piano and library. Telephone 1)34.
Douhls luarbors. hammocks , vast verandas ,
Park , seats In the street ears ; no dust ;
jolly people and croquet. Wrlto or pltone
this mInute ; special offer Is for those
who do.
TIU3 MEttfl1AM-IIrat class family hotel ,
2tIu and Dodge Ste. F-3S3
iTts. a L. S1'OTTS. 22 N. 19th St. Nice
cool rooms , gas , bath , tirat clns board ;
rates reasonable. F-Milo--A-23
TA1E down that "for sale" or "Tor rent"
sIgn In your window. The lice reaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window in a month ; and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F'-SGI
ROOMS and board , 1911 Davenport ,
r-M922 11'
ELEGANT cool rooms , wIth first-class
board , three blocks from P. 0. 19YJ Cap-
1101 avenue. F-i1976 11'
hotel , European or American , $1.00 and
up : adjoins the grounds , Sherman aye-
nuc car line passes the house ; summer
resort style ; families solicited ; modern ,
cccol , harnilike ; baths1 gas , Piano and Ii-
binary. Telephone 1)Zi. Double parlors ,
haunnuorku , vast verandas park. seats In
the Street i'ars ; no dust ; joily People and
croquet.'nIte or 'phone this minute ;
special offer for those who do. F-M313
rolt I1LIN'I'-STOUES AND tl1'1CiS.
FOIl RENT-The 4-story brick building at
916 Farnant St. This buIlding has a fireproof -
proof cement basement , water on all
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the oflice of
The lIce. 1-910
\VIIOLESALE store and warehouse ; track-
age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E.
13cnon,31O Itamgo 1310g. 1-M203-A20'
FOlt flENT-Modern store In new Davidge
building , opposIte city hail.
John \V. Bobbins , agent , 1S02 Farnam St.
DESK room. 0. G. Wallace. 313 Brown 131k.
NICE store. Corner 26th and Hamilton. APply -
ply 231S CaIdwell. I-Mill
FOR IIENT. a good barn-box stall-cheap
11'2 ' Cass st. 1-11743
1N1' . S. Na.t'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 lice Bldg.
AGENTS and branch managers ; salary or
commission , Hunter Tailoring Co. , Cm-
cinnati , 0. ' J-M947-Oct-11'
WANTED , reliable agents to introduce
Lees lIed Bug , Roach and Moth Killers ;
exclusIve terrItory given best , cheapest ,
largest , quickest , rqilable goods known ;
circulara , particulars free.Vrito Lee ,
Chemist. 142 Monroe St. , Chicago.
J-MGl1 AlO'
VANTED. agents for Old Line Life In-
surrtnce Co. ; good commissions. Spencer
& : CO. , Box 671 , Lincoln. J-MSIO 11'
WANTED , agents for Our Naval War
1'ittt Spain. Splendidly illustrated , only
authentic book to lie published. Free out-
lIt ru ready ; act quick. National I'ub.
Co. . Lakeside Bldg. . Chicago. J-MSSI-l3'
\VANTED. agents to sell three different
matnifleent eXPOSItIOn badge.s ; sells at
sight. Big money. ThrOc samples 25c. 11.
lrnst , Cleveland. 0. J-M132
SUITE of two or three rooms. furnished ,
for light housekeeping in Omaha or the
Bluffs. Address Itewin , General Delivery ,
. FZ-537--IOm
City. - - -
WANTED-Itoom for two gents. Address
With partIculars , X 29 , Bee. K-935-11
WANTED , 3 or 4 unfurnIshed rOoms for
housekeeping close in ; bow rent. X 31 ,
hoe. K-Ill-il
W'ANTIID-A list of hoteTh and boarding
houses who ran aceomotiate lIre corn-
panics rnnging froni 10 to 1(51 people with
board and lodging. both. from Septem-
her 4th to the 10th. Address Fred A.
\Vood. care Itercer lintel . K-12b-l5'
WANTED-Bids for privIleges for lunch
stands , meals. cigars and soft ( brInks and
all other privileges allowable by law in
the National Firemen's Tournament
grounds. to he held from September 5th
to the 10th , where there will he an attendance -
tendance during the week running front
10.W ) to 100.000 people. Address Fred A ,
Wood , care Ilercer hotel. K-121.-15'
W'ANTED , unfurnished room for bight
Iwusakeenlnr ; not to exceed $1 per nirinub ,
Address X 32 , 13cc. K-124 11'
STC ) lt.t (3 C.
PACIFIC Storage and 'i\'arehouse Co. , OilS-
OlOJones. general storage and forwarding.
018. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farnarn. Tel. 1559.
% 'ANTEI-Tt ) fll'b.
IF VOl.1 are in need of anything try the
\'aflt Columns of The lIce ; thc' viit
bring you tvluat svauit. N-Itt
c'lIIC.dO Furniture Co. will sell furniture
anti stoves below cost ; cot beds , lie ;
unattresaes , lOc ; pillows , 20c. illS-jo Dodge.
. 0-1183155
l'fllt S. ' . LI1-IIOltt.CS , WAflNS , IITC.
VEIlIClEi4 all kinds. Prices greatly reduced -
duced ; lihactonettes. surnies , aitecial bar-
gains. Crawford Co. , 1311 Jones.
1'-MISI 52
ooti work or driving horse , zive years olul ,
lOll So. 2Zkl street. 1'-MI'6S 12'
1'Oli S. % LC-3IISCELL.t NlU ,
LAIIOEST stock Itaidwood lumber , hog
fazuce , tvuxin brushes , etc. Chas. II. Lee ,
9th and Douglas. Q..433
i ) KINDS mineral waters. Sherman &
McCouinll Drug C'o. , 1513 Dodge Si , ,
Omaha. Q-1li-AIS
FORSALFI , ten fl.1.1'.A.N.S. ( or 5 cents
at druggists ; one gives relief. Q-54
IIIAVli 2 Remington typewritetiisii
will sell cheap. Frunk C. Iloores , city
lieu. Q-4.9S
1100 , poultry and lawn fsaces ; all w're , is
best. Wire Works , 14th and ltlniwy.
STAMPS. colns , bought , sold. Ilartenson ,
404 K ! Q-1166S A30
i : ii SAL. : or trade , engines , boiler vumps ,
elevators , shattin , pulleys , pipe , valves
antI other machinery. Iuurague ! Machine
Works , 3216 Jonea St. Tel. J8.
Q-611 Alil'
FOR SALE. Chase piano. Douglas si.
Q-M765 52
F'INE family cow 21St S. 35. Q-1Ie 17'
TOI' buggies , $50 00 up ; others Proportion ,
( rawturd Co. , 1311 Jones.
( Continued. )
U. IIAAS , Florist , 1913'inton St. , Tel. 176 ;
Plants. cut flowers , bouquets , ball , real-
dence , 'a-etIdln and grave tleenratlons.
Orders by mall or express peomptl ) ' flhietl.
rort SALE , traction engine , 12-horse power.
in good repair ; price 3150.113. InquIre Eagle
Laundry , Council lihuiTs , Ia. Q-M9I0 12
I ; CAIIN , undattocahn corneL Mctrowitz ,
419 N. 18th. Q-1-
_ _
T\'CNTV-FI'E cents will buy the latest
publication illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish nvles , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost J photographic reproductions ,
with it large map of the East and \'est
Indies at the ottlee of The Bee , If or-
Ocred by mall , address Navy I'hotograph
Department , Omaha lIce. 8-870
ANTIMONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans
cessltools & rtvy vaults , 621 N 16. Tel. 1779.
MILTON. the medium , who gives such
proofs every Sunday night at Patterson's
hall , can be consulted daily at 1623 Dodge
St. , corner 17th ; advices on love , marriage ,
divorce , changes , evil influences and 015-
eases ; in fact , anythIng you want to
know ; satisfaction or no charges. Hours ,
9 a , m. to S p. m , 8-18142 11
MEDICATED bathti , massage ; also Vapor
baths lime , lirlsson , from Paris. 197 N.
12th. T-M126-A15'
LAURA ELI.ISON , baths , massage and
magnetiu treatment. 119 N. 16th. . room C ,
upstairs. T-M2SO-A20'
11115. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 5. 11th ,
upstaIrs. T-M933 ii'
MASSAGE and baths , electric treatment.
Grace Holland , room 10 , 1522 Douglas at.
T-MOS0 11'
MADAME SMITh , uS North 15th street ,
massage and baths ; room 2. T-991-15'
BATHS , badiesonly. Mrs. I'ortor , 203 Doug.
131k. T-120--S-9
lIME. AMES , 507 S. 13th , 8,10 ; massage
baths. T-11135 1 ;
$30 8UPTURE cureil for $33. No detention
from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars. Empire Rupture
Cure. 932-913 New York Life 010g. , Omaha ,
Neb. U-Ill
Vl4\I CO. , 346 Bee building ,
PILES cured in 7 tolO days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work ; call or
send for circulars. The Empire I'lle Cure ,
932 New York Life building , Omaha.
TI-lB old reliable matrimonial bureau and
social club still extends a cordial tnvitut-
lion to all ; especially strangers. Dent be
lonely , come and meet man ) '
young Indies and widows anxious to
marry. 311 Karbach blk. U-M726 Si
NELLIE F. RIey , manicure , chiropodist ,
hair dressing. 415 McCaguo Bldg.
U-749-Sept. 1
personal introductions and correspondence
to suitable nartl. Call or address , with
stamp , Room 2 , 520 S. 13th. Allle Turney ,
manager. U-M966 AC
A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba
and another of tne entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Hayti , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands : 10 cent" a
office. By mail , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha flee. U-Ill
BATHS. massage. Mme.Post , 3194 S. 15th.
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mine. Post , 31914
S. 15th. U-Ill
BATHS for ladies : . far superior ( 'oTurkish
baths ; at 216-20 Bee Bldg. U-MCI
LATEST bIcycle orhot'se waist at the E -
perly corset parlors , It. 10 , Creighton Ill
trM356 AC
"SECRETS Every Married Lady Should
Know , " price lUc. Boc 324 , Omaha.
U-MS2i3 16'
hOW to become lawful physicians , phar-
maclsts , dentists or lawyers. Lock boc
198 , Chicago. U-ItOH SS'
DOCTORS-If you have money , brains and
enterprise. but few patients , I may help
you. Write to X 24 , lIce. U-MIll
DOCTORS-If you have money , brains and
enterrnise , but few patients , I may help
you.'rtte to X 2.3 , Bee. U-992
STILL TN THE LEAD-Get your shoes half
soled anti heeled while you wait 11 mm-
utes for bc ; work guaranteed. 710 N. 16th.
U-Ill A31)
ARRIVAL Extraordinary. Prof. Bert
Reese , the well known trance-medium of
Chicago , wiiies to announce to the pub.
lie that ho vlll give private sittings at
the Millard hotel for a few days only.
lie can be consulted on all affairs of life ,
no matter what trouble. Come and lfe
will guide you right. There Is no neces-
lt ) ' for anyone to be unhappy , nor creep
in the dark when lie is in your midst.
Don't give Uj ) In despair through false
predictions of others , but come and se-
me. No charges unless perfect satisfaction -
tion is gIven. Thousands of flattering
testimonials front the li-adlng people all
over the globe are for inspection. Sit-
ttngs 2 and upwards. Hours from 9 a.
rn until 6 p. rn. U-Mill 11'
WANTED. choice farm and city loans. It.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
'I V-ill
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on first class
improved Omaha proierty. or for bulid-
ing purposes. Fideitty Trust Company.
5& & I'ER cent money. Bemis , Paxton BIle.
$1.00' ' ) and uiwardsto bonn on improved
property.V. . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Iarrani St.
6 PER cent city anti farm loans. Garvin I
Bros. , 1612 Farnam St. W-53S
ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;
quick money at low rates for choice farm I
lands in Iowa. Northern Missouri. East-
cnn Nebraska.
MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real
estate , Brannaut-Loyc Co. , 319 S. 1Cth.
_ _ _ _ _ -
llILLIONSezistern monei' for Investment :
sand for circubars , Investors' Directors' ,
_ r. y , W-997
$200.00 and up. F. 1) . Weed , 1.6 and Douglas.
ON MORTGAGES. 0. G , Wallace. 313
Brown blk.
I Wild. lean 12.000 at a low rate of interest
on first class real estate security ; Douglas
county farm loan preferred.
John W. liobbins , 1502 Farnam St.
I'ANY of Omaha , Neb. . has money to
bond on improveti farming bands. Over
Commercial National Bank , 16th and Far-
narn 515.
lONl3y 'It ) LO.tN-ClftT'I'IILM.
. ,
$10 .1,0 313.0i ) TO LOAN ON
etc. , at Iowe , rates In
Omaha , Soutn Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly coniidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In any umounts.
106 Snout 16th St.
IIflNEY loaned aalrjrled usopie hold'ne '
pcrmar.ent positions , with responsIble
concerns Upon their own name. without
Sect4rity easy payments , Tolman , El.
766V N. Y. I.ite hidg N-Ill
I'I1tNOS 'r UNtIl ) ,
I'IANOS tuned , 8.50. Rose , 1531 Dodge.
777A .11'
'IOLlN li.tiClNO ,
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Slicely 01k.
YOUflchaneo to make money. I have 3
novelty , quick selling inventions. thich I
Pt0P.5" to "ll the states of Nebraska ,
Montana , North nd South Dakotg , Cob-
rado , Vyomlng \Vau'hlngton cheap to
the right party. None but resnnaiblo
parties need write. Etigene P. Larolan ,
care of lit National Bank , Secuin , Texas ,
-MSl * 12'
STORE forsale-SIs ) notion stock for cash.
, Atlduess A. Steek , Columbus , Neb. care
Cil Johnson , usgent.
WANTED , partner , at once , till Farnam
St. : gODO paying business. Aplul > ' at once ,
capital O. Y-MiOi 10'
\'ANTIID. party with small capital to
take part in exhibition concern and
tiottbl your investment In 2 months ; full
setubity for money Invested. Call 3310
Sherman tre. s'-lllOS it'
V.'ILL erect building on lot COxild on 24th
St. , So. Omaha , Neb. , across from the
new postofile ? , for any first-class litisi.
fleas. F. J. Lewis , Boom No. 22Vare
Block , Y-113-S9
WHO has an elevator to lease , Nebraska
or Iowa ? .1. .1. Gibson , 514 First Nnt'l
bank. Y-M125 13
POll SAIV.IJ. city right for Omaha covering
valuable device for advertising or otherwise -
wise ; exclusive city right ; cash or gyalty
basis ; net quick. Faraham Deflector Co. ,
8 , 11 , 124 South Clark at. , Chicago , lii.
V-Mill 13'
COMMERCIAL hotel of Shelton , Neb. , for
sale ; part cash , balance on easy terms ;
situated In buslnt center on main at. ;
Si ft. frontage , 32 rooms , all well furnished -
nished throughout : occupied by owners
and can give pflsCsion any time , Address -
dress David Neely , Shelton , Nob.Mi2G
-Mi2G IT
$110 INVESTED earns 1.1 per rent weekly ;
established 22 cities ; third year ; pnrtlcu-
bars free. 1) . Sloane , 110 St. l'aul. haIti-
more , Md. Y-M13G 11'
FOR exchange , improved farm , Eastern
Nebraska , for general merchandise or
( lrug store in live Neb. town. Address
Xli , Ounaha. flee. 51-Mill lj'
hOUSES , lots farms , bands , bane ; also fire
Insurance. hemis , Paxton block.REIll
HA't'E YOU some lots to uucllNow is the
time to dispose of them' let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. RE-Ill
FOIl SALE , desirable residence lots , Clx
110 , in llrst-ciass location ten minutes'
walk from court house ; cheap for cash ,
Address 0 61 , Bce. IIE-Mu7
$300.00 FOR 6 full-sIzed hots on electric car
line. J. It. Freazer , Opp old P. 0.
6-ItOOMbouse , 1413 N. lSth st. ; city water.
big shade trees. rents El per mo.a price
$1,330. S64 , Bee. ItE-Mili 52
COLORADO farms. ranches , largb tracts
grtzing lands for sale and lease. C. E.
Wantband , 1025 17th St. , Denver , Cob.
5-ROOM cottaie , lot lOxjlT , city water ;
aool elevation and cheap at $710.00.
F. D. Weed , 16th & Douglas. RE-Ill-li
FOLLOWING 0 esirabbo property ; busuness
lot corner , 60x150 ft. , in So. Omaha , paved.
Business lot , COxhIa ft. , improved , South
Omaha , street Paved.
Tract (24 ( lots ) , 16th St.
Tract t20 lots ) , 30th St.
For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St.
EXECUTOR'S SALE-For sale to the
highest bidder , 12 acres of the Canning
estate , on Canning street , Council Bluffs.
in two tracts of seven and five acres , well
set In bearing fruit.Vill sell all or part.
Sale on premises at 2 p. rn Thursday ,
August 25. RE-M913 25
FOR SALE. Dallow's place , 15th & Martha
ats. , $3,000 ; fine corner lot. Address 1016
ChIcago at. RE.-M969 SS'
Beautiful lot. fronting east on Hanscom
park ; 240 ( cet deep , for $2,600. Don't tie-
lay. This will sell.
Two houses , renting for $11 per month ,
price $550.
Three houses , renting for SISO , price $1,075.
Seven-room house and barn and full lOt ,
list street , $1,500.
F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas Sta.
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month.
The Smith-PremIer Typewriter Co. , 1625
Farnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. 554
REMINGTON Standaro Typewriter and
supplies. 119 Farnam. 121-A14
: ; - .
A-i. stenographers to investigate "The
Oliver ; " typewriters bought and sold. 1609
Douglas sL 422 AC
WE rent anti sell the best typewriters
made ; largeat stock of good supplies in
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. , 1612 Farnarn at. -449
LOST. gent'slrold watCh. by James
Kahn , No. 10100 left In closet at Union
Pacific depot ; lfberai reward for return
to U. P.tlcket 0111cc. LOST-TOl
LOST , bunch of S or 10 keys ; return to Emmett -
mett Right , lOS N. 17th , and receive re-
ward. Lost-lilli 12'
LOST , gold-rImmed eyeglasses Reward
for return to L. C. harding , Commercial
club. Lost-Mill 11
ESTRAYED or stolen. white English set.
ter pup. Brown cars. Liberal reward if
returned to 623 Mynster Street , Council
13l'f : . Lost-Mill 11
VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y Life. The
school whr-'e students get employment.
Conducted by an experienced reporter.
AT OMAHAI3Uus. College , 16th & Douglas.
SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters , Boybos' School , 403-5.7 flee bldg.
MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room
119 Paxton block , want your uuctton sales
of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc. -550
SChOOL for cure of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughan , 306 N. V. Life Bldg.11590
-11590 SO
31lbLiC. % L ,
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German speciaUst ,
Dr. Fries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
-423 AC'
LADiES. Chichester's English I'cnnyroyal
Pills ( Diamond Brand ) , are the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send Ic , stamps ,
for particulars , "Iteilet for Ladies , " in
letter by return mall ; at druggists. Chi-
chester Chemical Co. , I'htladeiphta , Pa.
-1112) 11'
'l'.ll.Olti'G ,
MAX Foget makes , cleans , repairs eiqtlues.
17th 119-5.9
Distributing Co
Original auibscrlition uncl zucsy seetirl-
ties dealt In l-
Dick Bros. & Co.
8(1 liroud Street , Nesi 'ork ,
SUES cc co. ,
Iee ! bidg , Oinahd , Neti.
feud for our free Intent-
era Guide.
Cht'ap bouts Faruuis for Sale
in Ma'iuson ' cunty , I have the cheapest
and most desurable farina in soulluern
Iowa , I'rces ranging ( rent ; o to $10 per
a' re Come and see them or send fur list.
Mention Omaha lice. Address
A. 'i' , , CRAWF'OItD , \ Interset , Ia ,
JOE TOUSEN. the tailor , lloyd's Tbusatcr I
bldg lovely suitS $15 ; clothes eleaneil and
mended at moat reasonable prices , work
called for and delivered , Tel , IStt.MiiO
-MiiO $10
; - - - -'il 13115.
WE SOLICIT and iturtdslu positions tot
atencgraphers free. The Sunith-l'rcrnier
Typewriter Co. Telephone 3C1. 553
I1IC't'CL.CS ,
N13\V wheels , $17.50 to $35 ; secondhand
wheels , $ j to $15. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 16 &
Chicago. 562
llOt'Sll 3bO'iIlt.
W , COY. removed to 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
DR. LIEI3ER , cancers , female disenss , 1912
Leavenworth , -11206 AD
1 ! . S. WALKLIN , 2111 Coming. Tel. 1331 ,
ll.lbllt'OOI ) Lt'IIill3bio
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak. hick.
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. 13 & Call.
499 All
LARGE yard , with trackage , centrally In-
cated. Address Box 52. CIty. 727
srrsnbI ( ) .tNI ) 1Il.ECTltOTyL'iNr .
IL S. STARK & CO. , lilu iIdge.
in the matter of the estate of Albert Os-
man Taylor , deceased.
Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance
of an order of Frank Skipton , judge of the
counts- court of Fillmore county , Nebraska -
braska , made on the Stbi day of July , lIPS.
for the sie of certain bank stock , there
will be sold at the front door of the court
house in Geneva on the 15th day of Augtust ,
A. 1) . , 1595 , at 2 o'clock p. m. , at public
vendUo to the highest bidder for cash. the
following , towit Ono : hundred and forty
shares of the Geneva National bank stock ,
or any part thereof.
Dated July 20. iSIS.
Administrator of the estate of Albert Os-
man Taylor. deceased , Geneva , Neb.
Capital , $50,000. A controlling interest
can be purchased at shme time anti on
same terms. II. SANDROCK.
IShould be rent ] daily by all interested , as
changes may o"cur at any tIme. )
Foreign mails for the s'eek enclitig AUgust
13 , iSIS , will close ( PROMPTLY in all eases )
at the' General Postollice as Toilovs : I'AIt.
' .ELd Pui StAlLS close one hour earlier
than closing time shown below.
Trans-AtlantIc Mail. , .
ThURSDAY-At 6 0. nI. for EUROPE ( cx-
cept Spair , per s. a. Auguste Victoria , via
Cherbourg. Southampton and Hamburg ;
at S a. m. for NETHLRLANDS direct , per
9. .5. Edam. via Amsterdam ( letters must
be directed "per Edam. " )
SATURDAY-At 7 a. m. for FRANCE.
EGYPT and BRITISh INDIA. per s. s.
La Bretagne , via Havre ( betters for other
parts of Europe ( except Spain ) must be
directed "per La Jiretagne" ) ; at S a. m.
for NEThERLANDS direct. per a. a.
Spaarndam , via Rotterdam ( letters must
be directed "per Spaarndam" ) ; at S a. m.
( supplementary 9:30 : a. m. ) for EUROPE
( except Spain ) , per s. s. Etruria , via
After the lasIng ; ; Suppicmentary
Transatlantic Ztlailg named above , additional -
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of tao .mertcan. English ,
French and German steamers and remain
open until within Len minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Muii. fur South and Centrnl America ,
West Indies. Ilto.
ThURSDAY-At p. m. ( supplementary
1:30 : p. m. ) for BERMUDA. per s. s. Orinoco -
eco ; at 1 p. m. for JAMAICA , per a. s.
Ardanhu ; at 1 p m. for ! 3ELIZE ,
Per s. S. Jason ( letters must ho directed
"per Jason" ) .
SATURDAY-At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW-
FOUNDLAND. per s. s. Carthagmnian ,
from Philadelphia ; at 10 a. m. isupple-
nuentary 10:30 a. rn ) for FORTUNE IS-
CARTHAGENA , per s. a. Adirondack ( letters -
ters for Costa Rica must he directed "per
Adirondack" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplementary
10:30 : a. m. for HAITI and SANTA lIAR-
CHA. per a. s. Holstein ; at 11 a. m. . ( sup-
pleunentar' 11:30 a. m.'I for VENEZUELA
antI C'L'RACOA , also SAVAN1LLA and
CART1-TAGENA , via Curacea , per s. a.
Laughton ; at S:30 : p. m. for NE\\'FOUND-
LAND. per steamertrom North Sydney.
Malls for Nowfoundlanc , by rail to hall-
fax , and thence by steamer. close at this
0171cc daily at 5:30 : p. m. Malls for Mi.
quelon. by rail to liostnn anti thence by
steamer , close at this ofilc'e daily at 8:30 :
p. rn Malls for 1Eeztrc City. overland.
tuniess specially ndlru-ssed for aesoatch by
uitc-amer. "lne at this Otfl" i1ilIy at 2:50 :
a. rn. nd 2:30 : p. in. "Registered mail
closet. at ( :0) : p. m.previous day.
Prans-Paclilc Malls ,
Mails for China and Japan , per s.
S. Done ( from San Francisco ) , tbsp
hero daily up to August 7th at 6:10 :
p. m. Mails for China and Japan , bier a.
8. VictorIa ( from Tacoma ) . close htero
tinily up to August 'llth at 6:30 : p. ui.
Malls for China and Japan ( ape-
ciali' ndtlressed oniy ) , per a. a. Em.
press of J4pan ( from Vancouver ) . close
hero ( Icily tip to August " 15th at 6:3' : ) p.
m. Mails for Australia ( except l'Cst Mis-
tralta ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Fiji is-
lands. pet' s. a. Aorangi ( from Vancouver ) ,
close here daily after August 6th and up
to August " 15th at 6:3(1 : p. m , Mails for
the Society Islands , per ship Galileo ( from
San Francisco , cioso lien' iitlly up to Au-
rust 25th at 6:30 p. m. Mails for AustralIa
( except those for \\'cst Australia. which
ro forwarded via Europe ) . New Zealand ,
ziawait , lVlJl ana Samoan Jslantls. per s.
a. Moana ( from San Francisco ) . close hero
tidily un to Septemluer " 3d at 7:0) : a. rn
and 11 a. m. anti 63i ; ) p m. ( or on arrival
at Now York of s. s. Etrunia with British
mails for Australia ) .
Trans-Pacific mails are forwarded to port of
sailing daIly pncl the schedule of closing
Is arranged on the presumption or their
uninterrunted overland transit. "Reels-
tered mail closes at I p. nu. previous day.
Postoflice , Now York , N. Aug. 5 , 1893.
It.tlLWAVt Tillil Vfltll ,
CH1CAGO , 1100K Ib'I.AND
- , & Pacific Itailrond-"The
. .a , Great Rock Island Rout"
I City Tickei 0111cc , 1323
. , I _ arnam Strest. Teleuhone
. , . ' 4S Depot , Tenth and
. , Mason Strec' . Telephone
. , - - ( :29. :
Leave. Arrive.
Rocky Mountain
Limitc , east . . . . ' 1:30 : am 1:23 : am
ItoeIy Mountain
Liuuteil , wet . . . . ' l20 ; am 5:15 : Itn
Chicago & St. Paul
Vestibubed B 1-
press . . . . . . . . . . . ' 500 ; pun 1:25 : pm
LIncoln. Colorado
tiluninge , Pueblo ,
Denver anti west. . 1:30 : pin 4i5 ; pun
icago. Des
M'uinss c.e Itock
l&and , . . . . . , . . , , , , 7:00 : pm 11:23 am
Atiantic Express ,
for Drs Moines
and eastern points " 7:20 am " 3:50 : pr
Colorado Flyer V " 7:00 : tint " 8:50 : urn
, Daily. " Daily except aunda.
P ORT , Kansasi
; Eastern Ituiiroatb-"riu. , iori
Arthur lVtoutorcket OliWe ,
415 Parnam Street. 'i'tiiu-
phone 322. Depot , Tenth and
Mason dIrects. Telephone 23.
Leave , Arrive ,
St. Louis Cannon
Bali Express. . . . . ' 4:35 : pm 1l:30 am
Eansus CII ) ' &
Quinry Locul . . . 74O ; ant ' 9CG : pm
ansas CIty Express -
press , ' 7:30 : am
Port Arthur
press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
ht.tlb.'AV TI1tiil C.titli.
( ( 'nntlnuu'il I
I' Railway-City Tioket
, 0111cc. l4Ri Parnam Street.
.i Telephone. Ml. Depot ,
. , Tenth anti Mason Streets.
'l'elephoe , 639 ,
Leave Arrive.
Daylight Chicago
Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 : am , ' 11:56 : pm
lb. 'ahIey , soux :
City , St. Paul &
Itinnoanolis IltO am ' 10:45 : pm
lie , \alky , Siou *
City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:12 : nun 9:00 : pm
Boone , lienni ion ,
Council Itlurts . . . . ' 10:10 : pm ' 10:0'S : am
Eastern Ex. , Des
l'iohies , Marshall-
towut , Cedar flap.
ida and Chicago. , , ' 11 : ( am ' 4:20 : pm
Atlantic Fleer. Cli-
outgo and East. . . . 455 pun 4:20 : pm
Fast Mail , Chtcago
to Omaha S 3:15 : pm
Northern Epresn S 5:30 : pm 8:40 : am
Om.-Chicngo Spe.
cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:53 : pm 8:25 : am
S Daily.
- . , Missouri \nlle IILKIIORN ) ' Railway- &
f9UIIMONT Olibees , United
, States National blank Bldg.
Southwest Corner Twelfth
and l'nrn'sm Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
1'nrnnln Street. 'retephune , III. Depot ,
Fm fteonth and Webster Streets. Telephone ,
1.458. 1.eaVe. Arrive.
Black hills , tend-
wood , hot Sprigs 3:03 : pm 5:00 : pta
Wyoming , Casper
atud Douglas . . . . . . . ' ' 3:00 : pin " " 5:00 : pun
hastings. York , Da.
% 'Id City , 5Uterior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Sevnre . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 3:00 : pm " 5:00 : pm
Norfolk , Verdigra
and Fremont . . . . . " 5:13 : am lO:45 : are
Lincoln , Wahoo &
Fremont . . . . . . . . . S. 8:15 : am " 10'45 am
1"remotut Local , . , , " 7:14) : am
York Passenger . . . . . G10 ; pm ' 9:40 : am
Lnlly. " inhi ) ' except Sunday. ' ' Sun.
day only. " Daily
except Saturday ,
, , , .
' DaIly except hondas' .
neapolis & Omaha Railway
-General OITlce , Nebraska
I Divisica , Fifteenth and
Webster Streets. City
TIcket 0111cc. 1401 Fnrnam Street. 'l'ele-
Phone , 561. Depot , Fifteenth antI Webster
Streets. Telephone , 1,458 ,
Leave. A mire.
Sioux City Accom. ' 8:50 : cm " 8:15 : pm
Sioux City Aceom " 950 ; am ' 838 ; pm
Blair , Emerson ,
51001 : City , Ponea ,
llarttngton and
Bioomtlebd . . . . . . . . 1:00 : pm " 11:55 ate
linux City , Man-
kato. St. Paul &
Minneapolis . . . . . . . " 6:00 : pm 900 ; am
Daily. " Daily except Sunday. " Suit-
day only. " Does not stop at DeSota or
Co ffmnn ,
. , R'iibroad - General Oflices
, iTnIted States Natlonaf
g1 ; Bank Building , S. w , Cot-
ncr Twelfth and F.trnam
Street. Ticket 0111cc. 1401 Farnam Street.
Telephone. 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. 629.Leave.
Leave. ArrIve.
Sioux City , Man-
kutto. St. Paul , 6:10 : am ' S:40 : am
MinneapolIs 5:30 : pni ' 10:45 pm
Sioux City Local , S 7:43 : am 9:00 pm
I DaIly
' Qulncy Railroad "
- "The
I Ofl "
i Burlington lioUte"-Ticket
I 0111cc , 1502 Farnam Street.
I Flout e I Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth
I and Mason Streets , Tei.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone CS.Leave
Leave Arrive ,
Chicago Veatibuled
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:06 : pm ' 8:10 am
Chicago Express ' 9:45 : am 4:10 pm
Chicago & SI
Louis Express . . . ' 7'I3 pm 6:10 am
( "reston Local . . . . . 4:00 : pm ' 10:45 : am
PacifIc Junction
Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:35 : pta 5:40 pm
Fnst Mail ' 2:50 pm
Chicago Special , 12:03 : am 11:50 : pm
Daily. ' Daily except Sunday ,
'BuFIin ' seph & Council'flbuffs Rail-
I tOfl road - "The Burlington
I Route"-Ticket 0111cc , 1502
I Iloutni Famnam Street , Telephone
I 250. Depot , Tenth and Ma-
I son Streets. Telephone 128.
Leave. Arrive ,
Kansa S City Day
Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 9Q5 ; am 5:40 pm
Kansas City Night
Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : pm 6:30 : am
"ExnitIrun Flyer"
for St. Joseph and
St. iouis . . . . . . . . . . S 439 ; pm ' 32:06 pm
, Daily.
rThnunLxNGToN & MIS.
I ' a I souri River P.albroad-"Tha
I toll I Buriington Route"-Gen.
I I cml Offices N , 'IV. Corner
! pout Tenth and Farnam Streets.
I e , Ticket Olfice , 1102 Farnam
L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j Street Telephone 210. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings
and ! iIcCok ' S:35 , : am 9:35 am
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado. Utah ,
California. Black
Hills , Montana Ic
Puget ulound . 4.2.5 pen 4:00 : pm
L'.ncoln Local " 7:00 : pai . ' 7:40 : pm
L1flcob Fast Mail , 2:53 : pm fl40 ; am
Denver , Colorado ,
Utah C'alifornia ,
and Puget Sound i1:55 : pm li:55 : pun
DaI' 'D.uly except Suntias' .
, ? ' 1NION I'ACYFIC - "TIlE
Ov"rlzend ItOUte"-Genernl Of.
- . . fices , N. 'IV. Corner Ninth and
. Farnam Strcets. City 'l'icket
. ' flhl'ce , 1302 Famnam Street ,
i Telephone 216. Depot , 'rentl
and Mason Streets. Telcohone
Leave , Arrive.
"The Overland
Limited" for Denver -
ver , Salt Lake.
and western p'tu. . 159 aa 4:45 : pm
The Colorado See.
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado pLs. 1116 pun 640 ; a m
Fast Stall Traiti for
Suit Lake , Pacific
coact and all
western Points . , . 4:35 : pm 0 6:40 : am
Lincoln. flpatric &
Stromsburg Ex , , " 6:50 : pm " 12:20 : pm
I I"rumont. Colum-
I bus , Norfolic.
lsiand & Kearney 5:35 : pm " 12:20 : pm
Grand Island Ex , . , 5iOpm : ( 'l2:20 : pm
I Daily. ' Daily except cumIn ) ' .
South Omaha Local Pass.-La'res , 6:15 : a ,
flu. , 7:00 : a. rn ; 9:15 : a. rn , 3lc ; p. rn Ar-
, rices , 10:15 a. in. ; 3 : ? ) p , in. ; 6:00 : p. m.
Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , o:53 : a. m. ;
6:50 : a m. : 7:40 : a. nt : Si3 : a. m. ; 10:39 : a ,
at. ; 2:15 : p. in. ; 435 ; p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m.S:20 ; :
m. ; 10:05 : p. m. . Arrives , 6:3) : a. rn. ; 7'O
a' m. ; 8:35 : a. m. : 11:30 : a. m. : 3:10 : p. m. ;
5.40 p iii. : 6.39 p m. ; 9:15 p. m. ; 19:1 : : u , in.
, ' rend-General Otilces andS
S , .1 'rIz : ; Ticket Otfice. Snuthest Cor-
her 14th and Douglas Streets
' . - 'reiephone , 101. Depot , ISlit
, c and Webster Ste. Telephone
il 1455.
Vpt , Leave. Arrive ,
Kansas and Nob.
Limited . . . . . . . . . . . 3:07 : pun 12:53 : pm
I Kausa CitY & St.
Louis Exoress . . , 9:30 : pm ' 6:00 : am
Nebraska f.m al . . . ' 4:30 : nun " 9:45 : rtm
Daily ' flailsezsot Sunday.
'I-ICAGO , 2i1lLWAUJEl3 &
St. I'aul
; Railway - City
"be' ' 'dIce. 150-1 '
' ' - F'nrnnm
4'LWlU ME 'treet Telephone 354 , Depot ,
P4fIL Tenth and Mason Streets.
L . Telephone. (39
.4 Leave , Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 545 ; p S 8:20 : am
Omulu Chicago
ExprcJs . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:00 : am " 1:15 : pm
5inu , ' . , .14y and Des
Molnis tIxpres . . . . . "Il :153 : am " 4:15 pun
'DaI' . 'Daiiy except Sunday.
tv .t it A 4 Ii RAILIPAD-
, Ticket GilIce , 1418 Famnam
, Street. Telephone 592 Depot
'rt' . " ! ' and tason Strcots.
Telophene 629.
Leayo. Arrive.
St Louis "Canon
flail" IIxpreSb. . . . . _ 4:50 : pm l1:30 : am
iiOS'l'lI.i'I'ICS AVlilt'I'bll ) ,
One of ibte 1)nsgnrs of lteenliiiu& , ti-
cleat Illstor.
"One of th liveliest brusbis I have wit.
ceased since the opening of hostilIties , " said
one' of the representatives at the recent
meeting of the credit men to the DetroIt
Free Press man , "took place in a quiet Now
England village Of my state. Both particl-
pants had passed their three score years
and ten , but were still vigorous In mind
and body end especially vigorous in Ian-
guage , for both had been followers of the
"One of these old fellows espoused iho
cause of Spain , declaring that she bad been
1jumped on because she was little and that
this country was plalng the part of A gicAt
tinIly. , ttter they had e 'hangeil ho ! shots
for a few minutes the champIon of the got.
emnuient got thIngs to going his way by
shotitin that the' other fellow came lion-
c'stly by his principles and was bred a
I' 'What do you mean , you old shrImp ? '
( rote the adrot'nto of Spain.
, , ' BritaIn the
'During the war with Great
British entered the luirbor antI hturned the
town of Ness' Iontion , iildn't they ? '
. ' Courae they did.'hat of It ? '
. . ° iVhy , oniboi1y lboted 'em there anti
when he came home his pockets was toil of
British goltl , pit1 for his dirty work , anti his
neighbors , hearin' of what ho had done , grit
ropes and made hint tn evenin' call. lie
seittided by the back deer and never stopped
till he got to Ilerunuda and he never had th
cheek to come back. '
' , 'hat you tryin' to gil at"
. . 'That there pIlot was your grandpap ,
and It took a dozen bystanders to keep the
two old sea ilogs from clinching. "
l'.CL13 S.til'S IIIONCIiAI ) ibOTIlI. .
A Flaunt ing Citadel 'bit-rc Five huts.
.1 red 'tIcu Are l.nlge.l iuuuii Pp.1.
This hotel kept by Uncle Sam accommo-
tlates 500 PeOple , including servants , antI t
is only on rare orcasiona tt'at the register
Is not ( till and all the sbeeplng-rootns 02-
cupled. Unlike other hotels , it has no regu-
bar revenue from the boarders , t'rles ( a
correspondent of Leslie's Weekly on boarit
the Brooklyn , but. more to be conipared
with a Utopian scheme for furthering th
interests of mankind. It furnishes free lodg.
lag anti food for those who join its eel-
ony , as a return for services rendered.
Thcro are no loiterers at this hotel. Those
who occupy the "rooms with bath" are no
more exempt front the duties. the performance -
ance of which entitles the boarters to the
privilege of the house , Iliac are those of
humbler men who sleep in npartrnent 01
lesser attractions anti fewer convenIences ,
Everybody does a full day's work ; everybody -
body is fully repaid for that work by living
conveniences , good food , and a faIr , thought
not extravagant. salary. These salaries
amount each month to a trlile over $20,000 ,
anti no man , from the humblest boarder at
$15 er month to the highest Itriceti men at
$250 per month , but fully earns his pay.
Out of this they must purchase their own
clothes , soap , towels , shoes , anti even knives
anti forks , vbile about thirty.three of them
who are interested in the active management -
mont of the great hotel , although not iii its
financial output , furnish their own food.
drawing out a proportionatealy larger sal-
nry as a ration commutation ,
The hotel itself is a substantial structure ,
even toward elaborateness of detail. Its
entire cost of construction was $3,200,000 ,
and it has every modern improvement anti
convenience. It Is electric-lighted , steam-
heated , splendidly ventilated ; has dozens of
bath rooms , with porcelain tubs anti shower
bath ; largo promenades for exercise ; large ,
airy sleeping rooms ; comfortable dining.
rooms ; a large library ; plenty of lounging
places ; a hospital , with attendant physi-
clans , and a country store where any cam-
niodity may be obtained at the lowest mar.
ket value.
It is not generally sought by transients ,
because the ) ' are not welcome , and its
colony : therefore , usually partakes of the
uiature of a huge , happy , and excecdlngly
vcli disciplined family. In two essentials no
hotel in the world , unless built and con-
dueted on similar prInciples , is so liygl'n-
lcaliy or so methodically conducted as this ,
Cleanliness , alleged to be uiext in divine
recognition , is one of the most rigid rules of
the establishment , and healthy hours by
fixture , for sleeping , working and recreation ,
is the second feature. It keeps its own
plumbing shop , machine shop and pni'iting
omce. You can get your hair cult or your
face shaved. There is a tallar , a baker and
assistants , a laundry and almost anything
else you want ; and "Eureka ! ' you don't
have to tip your waiter at taeilt.
Uncle Sam ottns this hotel exclusIvely and
has no partnership agreement , but of the COO
men who occupy the sleeping quarters--fair
sex entirely prohibitcd-thinty.threu act as
managing otflcials and twenty-lIve are ser-
rants-not including cooks an. ! kitchen at-
tendants. It is with this immense and
unique hotel's commissary that this article
is intended mainly to tlcal. The commoner
commodities of bite are purchasel or made in
huge quantities , and are for the dwellers
under Uncle Sam's roof , exclusive of the
thirty.three managers anti servants.
In one month 16,001) loaves at bread , one
pounti to a loaf , are made in the bake shop ,
anti thirty-five pounds of yeast arc consumed -
sumed in the making. To butter the bread
1,000 pounds per month of the best butter
obtainable are used. For breakfasts 900
pounds of coffee are used ( all items now
being for the one-month period ) , and to
sweeten the coffee and other things in which
sweetening may be needed 3,000 pounds of
sugar are consumed , while 300 pint cans of
condensed milk arc used on the tables. Tea
Is not so much in favor as coffee , evidently ,
for but 100 pounds a month is Its record.
In the meat line the record is quite ap.
palling for the monthly consumption. Fresh
beef heads the liSt at 8.000 pounds. whtiO
salt pork comes next with 1,800 pounds ,
Salt beef touches a consumption record of
1,200 pounds , and the other meats follow
with : Liver , 800 pounds ; ham , 900 pounds ;
bacoti , 480 pounds ; pork chops , 900 pounds ;
sausage. 300 pounds ; pigs' feet , 500 pounds ,
tinned meats , 800 pounds : bologna , 240
pourds. This vast consumption of meat
does not aerm to demonstrate a partiality
for meat altogether prohibitive , for the fish
bill runs up to goodly proportions with
2,000 pounds of fresh fish , 400 pounds , of
salt mackerel and 120 quarts of clams.
Such an attack upon meat anti fish might
suggest an abhorrence by the colony of the
vrlncipbcs of vegetarianism , but that theory
is combated by the tact that the monthly
consumption of vegetables includes 400
bushels of potatoes , twelve bushels of on.
ions , twenty bushels of turnips , COO heads
of cabbage and 300 gallons of beans , And
then , as little relishes on the aide. there
are 210 pounds of cheese , 800 pounds of
rice , 300 pounds of macaroni , 100 Founds
thirty gallons of syrup.
The country store connectcd with the
hotel Is opened once a month and does a
verj large business , not particularly lucra-
tire , because , ' it Is not intended to profit by
the sales. The average monthly sales at the
store Include 2,000 pounds of soap , 500
pounds of tobacco , 300 yards of blue flannel ,
350 yards of cloth , 100 ribbons for hat-bands ,
fifty suits of underwear , fifty pairs of shoes ,
twenty-five pairs of trousers , ( treaty-five
over-shirts of flannel , besides numerous
whiap brooms , scrub brushes , shoe brushes ,
tape , pins , needles , cotton thread , knIves ,
scissors , spoons and forks.
This great hotel , in keeping its boilers
supplied with steam , its electric light , 'yen-
tibnting apparatus , and machinery in general
ifl moving order , uses about $2,300 worth of
coal each month , and its incidental expenses
are about 2,400 per month. Its general
daily average of coet to Uncle Sam , including -
ing salarIes. is about 41,400 per day , and for
the first time in many > 'eara lie sees him.
self liable this year to get a fair , if not a
remarkable , return on his investment ,
The name of this wonderful hotel is the
Brooklyn , the flagship of Commodore Schbey'a
flying squadron. It is a modern ehgine of
war , a first-class fighting armored cruiser ,
and the underpaid men who are its ocen-
luants are the brave hearts who , perhaps ho.
fore Ibis article is in prInt , will have , at
the sacrifice of life , returned , with phenorn-
enally large interest , the Inveetnient which
zany heretofore have appeared lavishly cx-
* ravaant.
All sides of the political questions art.
I gIven In the Weekly lIce , Sent until Janu-
I ory 1. 1899 , for 25 cents ,