- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . : - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - . - - -I - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - - - I * V 'IirE OMLJIA ThEE : MONDAY , AUGUST 8 , 1898. - - - - - I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM I : COUNCIL BLUFFS. MNOfl. ) flNTIO1. Thi1weter beer. floente1t1. TeL 228. ' smoke J A 13" &c cigar. ? 1oore'n ftock Food makes fat. Flnet work , Bluff City Laundry. Brnoko Iron Chancellor bo cigar. t % - . Misfi Kate aerner is entertaining MI5 CQnk of Chicago , Dell 3. Clark of Fifth acnuc I reported to be rerIou1y Ill , Mn , Jameg Spare i visiting her siRter hear Crescent City. Ia. C. U. Jncquemn & Co. , iewcler and op. ttcIan , 27 South Main street. Miss Flora Christenacti ha ! gone to I'erry , Ia. , to visit hr sister , Mrs. William Graham , J. Kieny of Omaha was the guest yea- telday or Sergeant Coroto of thu police fo. ce. 'Flie trustees of the public library will hold their regular monthly meeting this afternoon , 'Miss Clara lCnnnus and Miss Alice Maxwell - well of icanaa City are visiting Captain and Mrs. R. Denny. Mrs. C. J , Dobbins was called to Fairfield , Ia. , Saturday night by the death of her brother , I'arlck Urimu , Miss Caroline Dodge and her cousIns Mrs. Rimi , have gone to Clear Lake to spend the balance of the month. Miss Dora Ouaiella of Sturgis , S. U. , in visiting her brother , Officer F. A. Guanella , ' and taking In the exposiflon , Miss Luella Fogs of Keitlinburg , Ill , , and Miss Hall of Marshalltow1l , In. , are the guesta of Mrs. C. II. Warren. - Miss Alice 1'reiieli , ; widely known under ber nom ( le plume of "Octave Thanet , " arrived from Davenport yesterday , Mrs. J. It. ItCel is entertaining her mother , Mrs. Evans of Malvern , In. , and her sister , Mrs. Swnn of I3iioxI , Miss , Don't you think it must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well-that'a the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway , Tue Sisters or Mercy at St. Bernard's hospital go into retreat today , which viIl Inst until Tuesday of next week. Rev. Father Mlnner , S , J. , of Chicago , will ho in charge , 11ev , W , I ! . Cnbk of Ited Oak , a former pastor of tim Fifth Avenue Methodirt \A \ church , exchanged pulpits yesterday with % Rev. 0 , 1' , Fry , and conducted both the morning and evening services. Frank Simmons , a well known printer of this city , iiiet with a peculiar accMent Saturday - urdayVhils laying carpet ho swallowed a tack , anti It may be that an operation will have to be performed to remove It. Arthur , the six weeks' old baby of Mr. and Mrs. N , C. Nelseit , 316 North Twelfth street , died yesterday morning. The funeral - oral vIll he held at 2:30 : o'clock this afternoon - noon from the residence and interment vIli bo in F'airviow cenaetery. e Olflcer Jack Pinnell denionstrated his Bkiil as a marksman last night by killing S the first rhot a big St. flernard dog , the property of James Bouchel' , a saloui ketper. Tue dog had shortly before bItten a young son of Frc'I , Midnight , tearing his forearm In five different places. Manawa was visited by oiie of the largest crowds of the season yesterday , the ot- tcflanco In the ecnlng being Particularly heavy , The Ladks' Military bind proved a strong drawing card and the young 'tvo- men were lib.rally applauded for their meritorious playing. The vaudeville turns were well received , the people being pleased with the cutire performance. Fred Harding , the man Who was caught h robbing the pig pen at George Slirevcs' . t residence a few nights ago , escaped from p the chain gang Saturday , and is thought to be in hiding in South Omaha. There arc two charges pending against hini nd he was simply being held on the minor charge of drunkenness until the others were filed , The authorities , it is expeoted , will make an effort to bring tiin back. Paul Duysloneur , after having a "hot time in the old town" Saturday night , lay down to sleep on the pavement on Broad- way. A friunly policeman found him there at 4 o'clock yesterday morning , aroused him from his slumbers by playing a tatoo ' on the ole of his feet , and then gave him a ride in the hurry-up wagon to the city sail , Police Judge Ayiesworth will decide this morning how much I'aul Is indebted to the city for his lodging. Frank Greenfield , the man who was inJured - Jured either by falling from a train or abridge \ bridge at Neola a few days ago , anti sent to St. Bernard's hospital by the township trustees of Neola , has been turned over to the care of his parents in South Omaha. Grcenfield was suffering from a fracture of , the shoulder blade with Indications that the . ' J bone had ienetrtt1 the lung , but ho per- eisted , when not watched , in tearing off the bandages. The young man is thought (0 be somewhat simple-minded. C. B. Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consults- 1 tion free. Omen hours , P to 12 and 2 to b. Health book furnished , 326-327-328 Merriam - ) riam block. N , Y , Plumbing eumoany , Tel. 250. ) 1'Jilt Take I'art itt "arnpe In' . " . The members of.tbo Council Bluffs Grape f. Growers' Shipping association will hold a , peciai meeting nest Saturday afternoon at ,1 a o'clock at their otflce , 134 East Broadway , I to consider arrangements for taking part in i Grape day at the exposition. The nssocia lion extends an invttation to all fruit grow- era to attend the meeting and lend their as- 'I sistanco in making a. display on that day I ' I lt the exposition that will be a credit to Pottawattamie county. I'rof , F. W. Taylor. superintendent of horticulture at the OXIO. sition , ltai promised to ho present at the . meeting , The vineyards in the vicinity of Council I. , Bluffs are in splendid condition this year , , . and the prospects for a large antI fine yield of grapes are of the best , The members of the ac.ociation arc all in favor of contribut- lng liberally of their fruit on Grape day , so that visitors to the exposition can see anti taste for tlieiii , elvee the quality of fruit that this section of the country can produce. The Evans laundry a the leader in floe work both for color and finish , 520 Pearl itrcet , Phone 200 , cur Cetieil Mects ' The city council vill meet in adjourned . regular session tonight. Alderman Christen- V. sen's ordinance providing for the payment 1 , . of officers' and employee' salaries from .tho police fund , which was laid over under the , . I rules last Monday night , will come up for action and the indications arc that it will be passed. , ' , Another matter that will irobably come before the council tonight gill be the question - tion of changing the material for the Iav- ing of Washington avenue from brick to asphalt. It is said many of the interested property owners are In favor of the latter material , and are preparing a Petition which .4y I will be presented to the council , The main , , objection raised to the introduction of asphalt ( or paving the streets in this city is that It would necessitate the maintaining of a plant to make the annual repairs. Dr. Lyon's , PEflFECT tooth Powder . N ELEQANT TOILET LUXURY. Uted by poopie of refinement PYTIIIANS BEGIN TO ARRIVE All the Tmin Bring n Large Orowda of Dolegats from Iowa TownB , CITY TO BE DECORATED IN THEIR HONOR Twenty-Ninth Annual Sesition of ( Jrnnt Loilge Will Open in Council ilinif. Title MIrnink with ( looti Attendance. Teliow badges , indicating that their wearers are delegates to the twenty-ninth session of the grand lodge of Iowa. Knights of Pythias , which opens in this city tomorrow - row , were to be seen on every side in Coun- cii Bluffs yesterday. The delegates corn- menced arriving on the late trains Saturday night , anti more yesterday morning , until by the afternoon there was a goodly crowd of them gathered in the city. The delegates , who are a fine looking body of men , representing all ciasses of business , spent yesterday evening in getting ac- qttaintetl and visiting the exposition , A number of the delegates who are already on the ground are accompanied by their wives , anti some by other members of their family. Every train today is expected to bring in its quota , and by tonight the city will virtually - tually be in the hands of the Iowa l'ythians. Among the first to arrive was 11 , B. Vaiker of Mount l'lensant , grand keeper of the records and seal , who is known to every member of the order in the state as "Dad" Walker anti buttons bearing his portrait were to be seen in the lapel of the coats of nearly every delegate here yesterday. Mr. Walker has been grand keeper of the roe- ords and seal for the last twenty-fivo years , and his re-election by acclamation , all the delegates say , is as sure a thing as death and taxes. Grand Chancellor C , C. Dowell arrived yesterday morning , lie and Mr. Walker were 11w only two officers of the grand lodge on the ground yesterday , but tim others nra eXjOCted hero this morning. Grand Chancellor Doweli i.e not a candidate for re-election , as a precedent hn been. en- tabilahed in the order in Iowa that no grand chancellor shall serve more titan one year. Chancellor Dowel ! in popular , and but for this unwritten law would , It he so desired , have no difficulty in securing a re-election. "We will have 1,200 delegates here , " said Chancellor Dowell , "and this is a consarva- Live estimate , and I would not be surprised if wo had a good many more. " l'rniii itient Mtinljcrs Arrive , Among the prominent members who arrived - rived yesterday were Carl F , Kuchnle of Denison , senior representative from Iowa to the supreme lodge , anti P. B. Hanley of Tip- ton , also one of the representatives to the supreme lodge. The other two representatives - tives are C. E. Plckett of Waterloo and W. S. Naryis of Muscatine , who are expected hero this morning. Supreme Representa- tlvo Kuchnle is Governor Shaw's law part- ncr. ncr.The The following were among the knights who arrived yesterday : harry E. Sloan , Marshalltown ; Dr. J. C. Laogan , Clinton ; John F. Leefers , Tipton ; W , M. Clark , Marshailtown ; J. Hardin , E. C. Platt , J. Scott , Eagle Grove ; H. D. Walker , Mount Pleasant ; J. U. Sammis , Lo Mars ; C. F. Kuchnie , Denison ; J. F. Rail , Cedar Rap- his ; C. B , Tiffany , I. I. . . Stuart , Hampton ; I ! . S. Cole , Sanborn ; T. 13. Hanley , Tipton ; B. Murphy , Vinton ; A. Id , Weir , Dubuque ; II. Platt , Tipton ; A. B. Jackson , J , B. San- horn , Tama ; P. ' K. flebok , Toledo ; S. C , iluber , Tama ; Sherman P. Mears , P. C. flings , C , E. Swearengen , La Porte City ; Dr , J , H , MeGready , Independence ; J , F. Merry , C. H. Day , Manchester ; H. F , Price , Milford ; C C , Dowell , Des Moines ; Frank W , Porterfield , Atlantic ; F. B. Duncan , Hugh Miller , \V. T , Donahey , Des Moines ; F , 13. Colson , Marengo ; F' . J , Younker , Des Moines ; J. C. Crockett , Eldora ; H. N. Edwards - wards , Des Moines ; F' . J. Blake , Fort Dodge ; \v. It. Bennett , Fred A , Cope , Des Moines. There are five candidates in the field for the omce of grand chancellor and between this and the election there will be some active campaign work done by them anti their friends. The candidates are 13. Mur- pity , editor of the Vinton Eagle ; Fred J. Blake of Fort Dodge , Dr. Porterfield of Atlantic - lantic , 0. M. Gillette of Independence , V.7. A , Cunningham of Anarnosa and T. S. Waud of Germania. lion. Fred Blake 'was representative - resentative from Webster county in the laat legislature and 0. M. Giilett is president of the Commercial State bank at Independence. iltis No Ohptpsltion , John Leefer of Tipton has a card out announcing - nouncing himself as a candidate for grand master at arms and at. present is not known to have any opposition , although ether aspirants - pirants may bob up at nay time , There are two grand trustees to be elected and Dr. Langan of Clinton and V.7. Id. Clark of Mnrshalltown are two candidates - dates in the field For the omce of grand master of the cx- chequer there promises to be somewhat of a hot contest between \V. T. B. Rath of i Ackloy and K , A , Jackson of Tarna. 12evV. . L. Douglas of Carson , it is said , can be grand prelate again it be so do- sires. lie is popular in the order. F. IL Duncan of Des Moines , grand in- atrllctor of the secret work of the order , is among the arrivals and tomorrow will open the school of instruction at 10 o'clock. The reception committee of the local mem- hers met yesterday morning to perfect arrangements - rangements for receiving their guests and the following subcommIttees to attend in' coining trains at the different depots were appointcd : Northwestern depot , 0 , I. . Hill , J , F. Chase , T. D , King , H , A. Swarta anti F , .Sherinan ; Hurlinston depot , J. C , flaker , S. F , Shuart , J , B , Johnson , C. B , flyers and J. V. , . Schoening ; Milwaukee and Rock Island - land depots , W , Id , Fredericks , C , Johnson , I , . itief , 11. A , Baird and J. E. Wallace ; Transfer depot , 0 , Younkerman , 0 , L. Des- baugh. Julius Unger , J , B , Byrd and T , H , Riley , All other members of the reception corn- mittee will report to Chairman Stuart at the Grand hotel this morning , Those assigned - signed to the different depots viil go on duty today and meet all incoming trains and also tomorrow. Chairman Stuart will open an omce this morning , where all delegates on arriving wili register and be assigned to their quar- tore , Chairman Stuart will be assisted by B. W. Fair , Paul C. Aylesworth anti J , tV , Ferrier , Already a number of flags bearing the insignia of the order and bidding the via- itora weicorne are to be seen in the store windows and the local committee has iBaued the following request to all the business hotises on the priiiciiai streets of the city ; The Knights of l1ythias of Council Bluifs request tlittt all business houses be decor- rated not later titan Tuesday , August 0 , for the coming evasion of the graud lodge , Knights of Pythlus , ansi all members of ( lie reception and entertainincut coniinittees arc requested to report to I ) . B. Stuart antI Charles fleuo for orders Tuesday morning , tt'ise lii. , Sniuoukecers' Liiuor , "Doe" Long , a manufacturer @nd vendor of a certain kind pf fll woe out it scrcb warrant in the court of Juatico Vien yesterday - day for the saloon of Hansen & Nelson on Broadway , alleging that the proprietors Were conducting their business contrary to the mulct law. Constable Alberti , armed with the warrant , raided the place and seized a considerable quantity of liquor of all kinds. It i. alleged that Long's action was the result of spite work , According to the story told by Hansen & Nelson Long was in their place Saturday night and created a disturbance , lie refused to be quieted , they allege , so they pushed him out of the place , Long fell on the aide- walk and received a badly scratched face , 111gb grade goods , reasonable prices anti a complete stock of all klnda of instruments to select from soon will tell , Since flunricius' music house has moved downtown to 325 flroadway their business has increased steadily and surely , They enjoy an excellent - lent city trade and the number of their customers from the country is constantly getting larger , Map or Cuba , West Indies sad the Wo'd it The flea 0111cc , lb each. Work of Burglars , During the absence of the family yesterday - day burglars broke Into the residence of Thomas .7 , Walker at 1108 Graham avenue , but , as tar as wa tliscovercd last night , obtained but very little booty for their trou- ble. Appearances indicated that the thieves were after money or jewelry , an the house was ransacked from top to bottom. Every drawer in the house was found opened on the family's return and the contents scattered - tered in promiscuous confusion on the floor. A big trunk in one of the bedrooms had been iwlcd open and its contents overhauled. As far as'the family could learn Inst night by a hasty investigation the burglars only secured a few articles of jewelry , none of which were very valuable , and a small sum of money that was in a pocketbook in one of the bureaus. FOR SALE-Oooa aeconu-hend bicycle at a bargain. Call at The Bee omo , Ceuncil Bluffs , The official ohotogranha of the United States Navy , tetitaining over .200 pictures of the vessels , with their omcers anti a num- of the views of th' ili.fated MaIne. can bo had at the Council Bluffs chico of The Bee for 25 cents and a Bee counon. TRIBUTE TO GREAT DEAD Iilsiiitrck Mciiurial Service in ilertlu IleItl In ( lie Itoyul Opera IlOtiNt ? , BERLIN , Aug. 7.-A Bismarck memorial service organized by the Berlin flismarclc committee , was held at noon today in the Royal Opera house. There was a large attendance - tendance , Tim ceremony was Impressive and worthy of the occasion. The wails and balconies of the auditorium were draped vIth black , After the funeral march , Beethoven's Evoica symphony had been performed , cur- talus wcro drawn aside disclosing a laurel surrounded bust of Prince l3isrnarck. In front of the pedestal upon which stood the bust was a golden wreath trimmed wIth mourning ribbons. Ernest von Wlltlenbruch recited a poem , entitlel "Our Uismarck , " and the chorus of tbcopera sang "Vio Sic SnaIL fluhen , " Privy Councillor Kahl , an old friend of the dead statesman , then delivered an ora- Lion in which he referred to Prince 131s- marck as "the conscience of the German people , a heritage ever defended wIth our blooth" At. the conclusion of the oration the assembly arose and sang Arendt'a hymn , "Geht Nun lila Und Grabt Mom Grabe. " The services were concluded by the render- lag of a funeral march by Wagner. The Stnatsburger Zeitung says that after the funeral service in flerlin on Thursday last , at which the emperor and empress and many diplomats were present , the emperor in conversation with his ministers , expressed the wish that the "memory of the great chancellor shall remain fresh and undimmed with the German people and his grave become - come a place of national pilgrimage for all time , " I tl'iLlJ ' BERLIN , Aug. 7-Emperor WIlliam , cc- plying to the message of condolence from the Hamburg senate upon the death of Bin- znarck , telegraphs as follows : "ThiB expression of your sympathy upon the occasion of the death of the great chan- colior fills my alilicted heart with peculiar thankfulness , At the head of the German nation , I realize with special 'iceenness the special significance of the passing of our great national hero. "May the powerful emotion which his death has caused among all Germans throughout the world testify to the firm determination of the German people to preserve - servo and honor in gratitude the memory of that immortal statesman by an utter tie- votion to the national idea , to the emperor and the empire. " EVIDENCES OF SHIP WRECK Debris Coins , . Ashore ut Vlowers Cove Near Scene of fleiie Isle Disaster. ST. JOHNS , N. F , . Aug , 7.-Captain Major of the mail steamer Virginia Lake , froni Labrador , which arrived today , expresses the belief that some ship certainly has been sunk in the straits of Belle Isle , Reports to that effect , he says , are current along the whole northern coast of the island , beside - side which a quantity of debris , cheese boxes and other wreckage , have drifted ashore at Flowers cove , near the scene of the reported disaster. Captain Major is surprised that more wrecks are not rcnorted , because the fog In that region has been tha heaviest known in thirty years , continuing fourteen days , during which time not a sight of the sun had been obtained. On Saturday , July 30 , a large Allan line steamer , with 500 passengers aboard , wan almost ashore at Battle harbor , and on Tuesday last two other liners were In great danger off Chateau. The steamer Ipsden is a total wreck at Point Amour , owing to the same cause. Captain Major expects further news cc- garthing the reported disaster when the steamer Leopard , from North Labrador , duo on Tuesday , shall arrive , FIRE RECORD. Ilneket Fitetory , PAINESVIL.LEi , 0 , , Aug. 7-The large plant of the Robinson Basket company , ( lie largest grape basket factory in the United States , was entirely destroyed by fire early this morning , The fire started In the dry kiln and the fire department was unable to do anything tthvard extinguishing the flames , owing to ( here being no water in the vlcin- ity , The total loss is estimated at $ iOO,000 ; insurance , $55,000 , The company is corn- posed of Cleveland , Painesvlllo and Vill- oughby capitalists. St. Lottie l'oric 1'ieitii house , ST , LOUIS , Aug. 7-The plant of the St. Louis Dressed fleet anti Provision company , located on the Missouri I'aciflc railway tracks between Manchester road and Gratiot street , was partly destroyed by tire this afternoon , The cattle sheds , hide house , sausage room , pork cooler and fertilizer buildings were destroyed , the total damage being 50,000 ; fully insured , Move lEeatltiucrers to llItihZiliIhOiis , SOUTh IIENI ) , 2nd. , Aug. 7-Tlit North America Turnt'rbund executive committee met here today and decided to rethove Ieadqarter iruui t , Loui to Izidianapolis. IOWA TREASURY. iNNOVATION Distinctive Btato Oheck fdF Use In All Official Bnrlne. I' ' IOWA STATESMEN TO BE HONORED . ' . , l'ortrnits of iCirkwool anti Grimes On * hi Checks-For All Minie Work- Ness' Methiotis of Keeping Ac- cotinti , atiti Doing l1iiiiiepp , , DES MOINES , In. , Aug. 7.-Special.- ( ) The state etflclala have adopted a novelty in the way of doing state business , made necessary by the new law In regard to the nianageinent of state institutions. The people of the state will learn of the changed buninees method by reason of the appearance of a distinctive state treasury check which is to be tised on all state business. Thie will be strictly an Iowa check anti will bear upon its face a lithograph design together with a likeness - ness of Samuel S. Kirkwood , Iowa's war governor , It in designed to do all the business - ness for the state institutions of Iowa and will be drawn on two local banks , It will be tinted in yellow and green with the safety lining. As soon an it can be completed another check , a steel plate brown , will also ho put in circulation as the general business check of the department. Thin will have as ono of its distinguishing features a cut of James . \V. , Grimes , the Iowa senator antI statesman - man who occupied a seat in the United States senate from 1850 to 1869 , and otherwise - wise figured largely in making Iowa and national history. This check will be drawn on eight different depositories. Tlte I't's't' itegtine , The advent of thcso two checks into the business circrcs of the atato will nlark the commencement of a new regime in ( lie omce of state treasurer. The old check book with its accompanying stubs will be abolished and a new and simpler system brought into use. Check registers will be. adopted and frotn them all moneys will be checked by the iowa treasury check to meet all the demands of ( ho state institutions. The new method will greatly facilitate the business of the omco. It is only since the new board of control law went into effect the first of last month that ( ho state treasurer has had the respoti- sibility of handling the funds of the , state institutions in detail. Heretofore the money duo each institution was checked out in a lump to the treasurer of the institutions , us- unlly quarterly. These officers usually tie- posited the sum in a local batik and used it at the convenience of ( lie institution. Under the new law the state treasurer must pay directly from the Treasury department all bills incurred by the various institutions that are audited and allowed by ( lie board of control. This greatly increases the work and necessarily - cessarily the machinery of the department and it was partly to simplify thus that the state treasurer decided to adopt the new scheme of checks. But perhaps a more important reason than ( lila was a desire to establish a distinctively Iowa treasury check , a check that would eventually become as well known in the bus- incas circles of the state as the Unitel , States pension check has come to be kqpwn. The new check furthermore , being so distinctly a state government check , will reduce the doubt and uncertainty in the matter of the federal revenue stamps. Griuies auth Kirkwoo,1 , The state treasurer could liardiy have selected - lected two faces which would distinguish these checks thbre than those of the Iowa statesmen , Kirkwood and Grimes , Both cuts arc excellent. The one of Kirkwood was taken at the time he was secretary of the Interior under Garfield , The one of Grimes is an excelient likeness , repro- seating hUn as he was during his career in the United States senate. The careers of both men arc recalled with much pride by the older citizens of the state , Grimes was a native of New Hampshire - shire , born in 1830 , while Kirkwootl was a Marylander , born in the year 1813. The former came to Iowa in an early day anti settled at Burlington , , which was his home until his death , He was a member of the first territorial legislature of Iowa at the age of 22 years. Then ho was made a mem- her of the fourth general assembly of Iowa atid before his term expired was elected governor. In 1850 , before he had completed his term as governor , lie resigned to take a seat in the United Staten senate , which he occupied for ten years. He died in 1872. Kirkwoocl came to Iowa in 1855 and in 1856 was made state senator , lie bad been a democratic leader in Ohio politics until the slavery question became prominent and was a member of the Ohio convention which framed ( ho constitution of Ohio , In 1866 he was elected United States senator and was twice governor of Iowa. During Garfield's administration ho held the important posi- ( ion of secretary of the interior , COILATERAL INIIElIJ'VA1'CC TAX. Iosvn Vhhl Oflin ftLure Revenue from flint Source , DES MOINES , -Special.-County ( ) Attorney James A , Howe says that the eel- lateral inheritance tax law as amended by the legislature is going to bo pretty profitable - able to the state , judging by the way the ehekels are going to how into the state's coffers from this county , Since the law has been changed making the trustee or admin- ietrator personally liable for the tax , Mr. howe thinks there will be no more trouble about collections , and he feels confident that every year will see many thousands of Aol- lam revenue pour in ( rein this source alone. Polk county viii contribute between $10,000 and $15,000 for the durrent year , and ( lie amount will likely increase rather than diminish from this time on , It is similar to that with the whisky question , The licenses were collected with nore or less dimculty until the real eatate wan pnde liable under the mulct law , but since that time there han been little frictions and the saloonkeep- era have walked chalk yith great regularity , The trustees and administrators are lining UI ) beautifully since they were made personally - ally responsible for the I 4'ment of the tax , bccauao large fortunes a generally involved when it comes to settlements with collateral heirs , and the men chosen to administer them are personally reii64iblo for considerable - erablo amounts usuah1 . Jcing responsible , they do not care to havelinroads made on their own "bar'le , " aid they are therefore particular to see that the law is fully corn- plied with , where they formerly dodged more or less. Mr. howe reported fifteen en- tates to tile attorney general , recently , from I'oik county , and there will bo a few others to go in before the time expires for making reports to the attorney general. The cog- uiar channel of collection is through the treasurers' ofilces , and in cane of failure to collect In that matter the county attorneys begin suit in the name of the attorney general - oral on behalf of ( be state , ilitek * 0 lIme Foitt Again. RED OAK , In. , Aug. 7-Special-W ( ) , W , Merritt , a prominent reident of Red Oak , voted at the recent republican primaries , thus signifying his intention of returning to the republican party. Ho was an orig- ioal republican , but went of ! in the Gree- Icy movement in 1872. lIe had served In he legislature as . ycpubhlcaa ctQo that ,1 MANAWA The Great Resort of Western Iowa. BOATING1 BATHING , FISHING. Pine attractions , beautiful shade trees , excellent grounds for picnic parties. Get out of the hot , dusty city and spend the day at . MANAWA time , but in 1S72 lie was temporary chairman - man of the state convention of the circa- leyites anti was a candidate for congress in opposition to the late Judge Mcflihi and had a joint discussion with him throughout ( lie district. lie was temporary chairman of the state tietnocratic convention in 1876. Two years ago he wan a sound money demn- ocrat and now gets back into the republican party. Nort hmerit Iuvit Editors , IOWA FALLS , La. , Aug. 7-Special.- ( ) At the business session of the 'Upper les Moines Editorial association the following officers for the coming year wore selected : I'restdentV , L. Ilritnnagan of the Em- metsburg Democrat ; vice president , E. H , MeMillan of the Wesley Reporter ; secre- tary-treasurer , Al IA , Adams of tIme hum- holdt Independent wan re.elcted. The nlace of holding ( ho winter session of the association was left with the executive committee anti will be aimounced later. The meeting here was very successful from all standpoints. hiycrs Gets iii , . Iva Coutity , SHELBY , Ia. , Aug. 7.-Speclah-At. ( ) the Shelby county republican convention Ii. W. flyers was given a strong endorsement for congress anti requested to select his own delegates. The delegation to the state coii- vention is as follows : J. W. Riiey , Defl- aztec : E , P. Noble , Mnroland ; John Jackson , harlan ; George Higgins , J. C. Mansfield , C. ft. Benedict , Shelby ; P. J. ICts , Earl- ins ; I. Id. Houghton , I'ortsiuouth ; J. 0. Neff , Walnut. C , H. Benedict was elected county chairman. Isnger Gets Audubon. AUDUBON , Ia. . . Aug. 7-Special.-Re- ( ) ports from the republican caucuses of every township in Audubon county but one have been received. The eleven townships heard from have 102 delegates to the county convention - vention next Tuesday and of these 100 are for Hager and two for Dyers or Curtis. This insures a solid delegation from this county for linger. The caucuses were very largely attended anti the sentiment was overwhelmingly for I-lager. Ne- Referees iii flunkrup toy. DUIIUQUFI , Ta , , Aug. 7.-Special.- ( ) Judge Shiras haB made public the following appointments for referees under the new bankruptcy law : ft. F. B. Postman , Winni- shiek ; J. H. Powers , Chickasaw ; C. J. Vail , l3eoton ; Edward Collier , Worth ; E. P. Andrews - drews , Franklin ; George M , Craig , Butler ; John I-I. Metcalf , Sac ; J. L. E. Pack , O'Brien. Mysterious Smitidea Death , . OSAGE , Ia. , Aug. 7.-Special.--The ( ) cor- olier's Jury In the ease of Mrs. Pearl Cole Palmer , who tiled suddenly , rendered a ver- diet that she came to her death through "foul means , " What the expression Implies is not known , thought from the nature of ( ho death it in thought she was poisoned , No further Information has been given out , lihytlie Ihas Three Counties , MASON CITY , Ia. , Aug. 7.-Special.- ( ) James B. Illythie beat Congressman Upde- graft yesterday In the struggle for Aim- malice county's delegation to the Fourth district convention , Howard and Cerro Gordo have also instructed for Blytbe and Wiunisbiek is also claimed , Iowa Press Coiiimt'sif , Davenport Democrat : Kansas and Iowa unite with Nebraska in thankfulness for the bcnhson of those last showers. Monay literally rained duwn while they were fall- ing. Burlington Hawkeye : What ore the pops and tree ailverites going to do now ( lint farm loans are being placed in Iowa an low as 51k per cent annual interest That "scarcity of money" bugaboo has been tor- pedoed. Keolcuk Constitution : None of the Iowa volunteer troops are liable to smell powder in the present war , But they have haul some valuable experience in camp life and drilling , and may prove useful in some future contingency , Clarinda Journal : It has not been 'i7tie clear that the board of control law is a good thing for this state. Its enforcement line caused some elilcient employes of pub- lie inslittitiolis to resign on account of decreased - creased salaries , and their idaces to he filled with inferior talent. That Is one thing aipiinst it , Iowii Personal Notes , II. J. Nixon of Red flak hias a ortune in a patent ink we'A he has just Invented , Rev , George Kidder of Peterson was rnar clad to Mary Chamberlain in Waterloo last week. ii , J. Green , editor of the Deeorah Pub- lie Opinion , wan married last week to MIte Tracey of flecorab , Miss Wllhelmina Giaseniana of Peosta , Duhuque county , is on duty at the naval hospital at. Norfolk , Va. Mrs. Robert Alien , living in Blackhawk county , vas seizctl with heart dicase while sitting at the table with her f.iniily anti cx- pired instantly , James Whitehead , who tiled last week at Lanioni , joined the Latter iay Saints church in England in 1837 antI lived in Nauvoo with the original Mor&uau baud from 1812 to 1847 , Mr. and Mrs. Charles F , flanzow edo. tirated their golden wetiduitg In Iavenport last week. They wore both 72 years old and vere inarrieti tn Segeberg , Sclildswlg. holstein , coming to Davenport t.o nu.t year , 'Voting I'eoilc's Conventin , . Adjourns , SARATOGA , N. 'Y , , Aug. 7-This was the closing day of the tenth convention of the Young l'eople'e union of ( lie Unitetl Presbyterian church of North America , anti beven separate meetings were held , They were conducted by 11ev , Br , J , T. McCroy of 1'lttsljurg , Mrs. Jennie Logue Caiiipbil of Moninouth , lii , , and Rev. Dr.V , J. Itelil pZ P1tlsbur , To gonycition rruion ΒΆ FRUIT AND 6ARDEN FARMIN6 AY' S ' + : Around Council Bluffs * : : + : iniproweul nnul li1itutirVtd frmti. Imititle cheaper in . * i4.i . this iteitsity titan nnwlierc In time United State. . Tlmero is Ito tail- $ sir" of crop. lucre. Look at our Fruit I'arut. while timey arc in bear- . . tug. ' ' IAV & 1111 SS , t * DA , ! & hESS. 'rite Steal Estiuto auth Loami Broicora ii'ivoocluive sale of inrgu tiiitnhorol it # : Pearl St. Council B1uiiI a lruti ciarticu anti ( iritin iitrmiie. Vrito , a. ' ' conduct buyers thurotiglu our for ituforitintlun uuntl statu wiuuyou , ? orcliartis ceo of clftrge , wnft. ' + . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - was delivered by 11ev , Dr. J. V.7. A. Meflow- eli of Newcastle , I'a. Atitlresses wore also tiiado by 11ev. Dr. John MeNaughter of Allegheny , Pa. , anti Rev , Dr. V.7. C. Wil- liainson of Keokuic , In. The closing cx- ercises were conducted by the chairman of ( lie general committee , 11ev. J. A , Alexander - ander of Keokuk , ha. VANIEhLhhI h.'L' S's'S'I'It S1'ltliAIS OU'L' . Elgiut Fust Freight liuue Brought thither ( Jute Control. NEW YORK , Aug. 7-The Times pub' lishies the following : "Another uttel ) in the general scheme of consolidation of the Vanderbilt railroatl interests - terests was deterniinetl upon at a meeting of the presidents and managers of the 5ev- oral railroads and fast freight lines , held in the Grand Central station Friday. President - dent Callaway of the New York Central railroad nnnounced today that the eight fast freight hues which operate over the railroads - roads comprising ( lie Vonderbilt. system will at once be consolidated into two divisions , with general hieatiquarters in Buffalo. This step , it is expected , will result in a large saving of expenses. It will reduce ( lie working forces now employed by these freight hine more than one-half. "The eight fast freight linen connected with the Vanderbilt roads are at present under the supervision of five different managers - agers , as follows : "The Red lIne , the White line , the Midland line are managed by F. L. Pomeroy , with headquarters at Buffalo ; the Blue line and the Canada Southern line by C. 0. Street from Rochester ; the \Vest Shore line , by \v. F. Wilson from Buffalo , the North Shore dispatch , by V. ' . J. Mann from Detroit , and ( Ito Nickel Plate , by D. F. Jennings from Chicago. These lines are to be so consolidated - dated that all 'will operate over the New York Central railroad and its connections will constitute one system and all operating over the \Vest Shore and its connections , the other system. It is likely ( hint each individual - dividual freight line will retain its name for the sake of convenience. The New York Central system will include the Red line , White line , Midland line , Blue line and Canada Southern line , The West Shore system will include ( lie North Shore Dispatch - patch and the West Shore and the Nickel Plate lines. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST More Light Showers nail Cooler ' % Venthier I'reuliett'ul for IWfl. U ad Nebruuikuu 'rouiny. WAShINGTON , Aug. 7.-Forecast for Monday : For Nebraska-Light showers in the early morning , followed by fair ; cooler in central portion ; variable winds. For South Dakota-Partly cloudy weather ; variable winds. For Iowa-'i'hreatening weather and show- era ; cooler in southeast portion ; variable winds , For Missouri-Thunder storms and rain ; variable winds , For Kansas and Colorado-Light showers ; variable winds. For 'yoming-Generally fair ; warmer ; variable winds. iaenl Ilceorul , OFFICE LOCAL WEAThER BUREAU , OMAhA , Aug. 7-Omahia. record or tern- P1'rlmturt mtnd rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the last three years : 1898 , 1897 , 1806. 1895. Maximum temperature . , 87 83 95 60 Minimum temperature . . , dR 69 73 63 Ayerage temperature . . . . . 78 76 84 74 Itainfali . , , , , . . , , , , , , . , , , . . , , . 10 .00 .00 ,00 Record of temperature and PreciPitation at Omaha for this day and ainco March 1 , 1898 : Normal for ( lie day . . , , . . , . , , , , , . , , , , , , , , 77 ExcesH for the day , , . , , , , . , . , . , , . . . , . , , , , , I Accumulated excess since March 1..124 Normal rainfall for the tiny . , , , , . , 11 mdi Deficiency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . .01 inch Total rainfall silica March 1,19.48 Inches Deficiency since March . . . . . . . . . . . . Itifldienc9' for cor , period , 1697 , , , , 7.97 incItes Excess ( or cor , periotl , IbOG. . . . . 1.59 incites iteports trout Stntiouus at r3 p. mu , , Seventy-fifth Mend inn Time , ' -I moo j 00 U 2. ei STATIONS AND STATE e OF' WEAThER , : B . 'lI. 0 : o , : ; a _ _ _ _ _ _ : iL J _ Omniulia , partly clculy , , , , , , , , , . . , , 77 87 .10 Nerthi Platte , clear , , , , , , , , , . , . . , , Wi 84 .16 Salt Lake , purtly cloudy . . , , , , . , , 84 81 .00 Cheyenne , partly cluiily , . , , . , , , , 70 71 .00 Itapid City. partly cloudy . , , , , , , 76 78 .00 Huron , uartly cloudy , . . , , , . . , . , , , SO 86 .00 V.'liiistpn , clear . . , , , , . . , , . . , , . . , . 76 78 .00 Chicago cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , 78 80 ' 1' lit , Louis , cloudy . , , . . , , , , , . . , , , , , 60 66 .01 fit , I'aul , partly cloudy , , , , , , , , , , , 74 t2 .00 1)avenport1 cloudy , , , , , . , , . . , . , , . , 60 SI .00 IIc'lemiu , clear . , , . . , , . , , . , , . . , . , , , , 86 86 ,00 Kansas City , cloudy , , . , , , , , , , , , , , 78 90 ' 1' lhttvre. clear . , . , . , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , 88 1,0 , ,00 Iliemnarek , clear . . . . , , , . . . . . . . , , , . . 78 60 ,00 Galveston. Partly cloudy 81 88 .00 T Indicates trace of preripitution , i4 A. 3YELIIIL Local Forecast Official , - - _ ki - _ aj I5NT * ) , . I .c wJ & ! ? . .JfMProj ? IL V ' ? 1pETITO1 BOWTHEIRI1EADS , Distributed by John 6. Woodward & Co. Council Bluffs , Iowa. . 4 WANTED , FARM AND INSIDE CITY LOANS THAT ARE GILT-EDGE , Wl ALSO WANT YOUR FIRE INSURANCE ON BUSINESS I'ROPlIRTY , DWELLINGS AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS , TOIl- NADO INSURANCE AT A VERY LOW RATE. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE , DOT ! ! IN FARM AND CITY 1'ROPERTY , WE CAN SELL YOU A HOME ChEAP ON SMALL I'AYMENTS , 3,000 ACRES OF hOT- TOM LAND IN TIllS COUNTY FOR BALE IN ONE TRACT OR IN SMALL TRACTS , ALSO 240 ACRES AT A LOW PRICE ; 80 ACRES FRUIT LAND IN MILLS COUNTY , IA. , FOR HALE OR EXCHANGE , CALL AND BEE US OR WRITE US , 235 I'JAItL ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , LOUGEE & LOUcJEJJ , , - -s4.-- ; , - j ( c Just1. -L : Opened - EadIes' flair 11 tL'.tt.Q Dressing , Chiropody and Manicure Parlors. hair IJr-ssed , It Nails lIrumigiJ. Feet Mitd Cuuiiforfnhie. SOMETHING NEW. Uptight Shampooing Apparatus. W1 sbiimnpuo : amid rinse mu lady's hair wliilo 8ii , p sits upright. No stooping over , Fine 'I'oiiet Articles , tIwivhicsVaveii \Vigii , etc. , for sale or mnatlo to order. 'i'iio ladies of Cou ii Bluffs will find ou * work first cIas amid prices reasonable , MRS. L. A. GRAVER , , .1O IayJ - : - - - -