- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - . - - - - - - - - . - : - . I t . . . - . . . . , . i - ' , 1 , . l ' I . ' % 4 " , - . d . . ' ' . - . TtU DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGTJST 7 , 189S. 8 - - - - - - - ILZNT-TOItlS tI ) ? ' _ : ( Continued. ) FOil RENT-Mo4er 5tore in new Davidge beilding. OppO'itto city hflhI. 4 d John V. flobbIn , agent , 1S02 Farnm St. I-MOL ¶ # - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DESK rOom. 0. 0. Wallace , 31 Brown lflk. _ _ _ _ _ _ ' I ic'i : store , Corner 2ith and Hamilton. Ap- p11 Coldwell. , " - ron T1ET. a. geed barn-box taII-cwnp ) )9)2 Cai t. ] -M10 ' - _ : ; : _ _ ; WA _ TI1fl , , AGETSnnd bratirh mnnagers ; ftnInryOr cornmls5lon. hunter Tailoring Co. , (21fl cinruttl , 0. J-M91--0c14P WANTED , reIIatJIC ogents to ntro0ucc Lwf ? L'rd Dug. floath rtnd Mdth IaIlcr ; oxciu5Ive territory given ; beet. chenPct , Iftrget , quIccat , reliable goOds known crc1IIar. partidularN free Write Lcd , , Chemist , 14Z Monro St. , ChkflD. j-last AO' WANTED , agenth for Old Line Life In- 1.urnnco Co. ; good commISioflS. Spencer &Co. . Ilex 671 , Lincoln. J-MS4O 11 , WII % work for others ? Wen you can. Ith little cxpcne. start a bUtfleR Iii your own town that wIil well. Write potflI to Wlicaton & Co. , New Bedford , Lla. , for particulars and llt Practical money making rccIps , trade secrets and ( prIvate formulas. AGENTS-Luminous ign , name plateM and 5treet No's. Readable darkest nkht. Sample free. flight Supply Co. , Times Bldg. , ChIcago. $ : x ) MONThLY flfll expenses paid salesman sel'ing ' to stores and families our machines for cooling refrUcrators , watgr coolers ; 75 per cent cheaper than ice. greatest seller - er of the season. Alaskan Itefrig. Machine - chine Co. , Cincinnati , 0. SCIICMES-F'XKES-A new book for the aicnt mail order man and fakir ; postpaid :5c. : a. I ) . Varel Publishing Co. , Rnclne , Wis. AOtNTS for our line of glass pfrtures ; we have the netv war subject , Maine , Dewey , SamPson J1P the different battles ; we are manufacturers and can quote you the lowest - est price. Wctern G1as AdvertIsing Co. , ; t07 Van Iluren St. , Chicago. J-.I2-T' \VATI'1) now , agents to sell sash locks and door holders , sample sash lock free for c stamp immense ; better than weights ; burglar troof ; lO a day : wrIte quick. Addrcss Brohard & Co. , Dept. & 3. ' ' . I'hiladelphia.I'n. ; AGENTS-WE MAIJFACTLItE LARGE t ' L1NI new patented articles that sell .t _ . . quick. Big proftts made. Ask for Cola- logue FREE. NOItRIS MFG. CO. , 15t Carroll Ave. , CHICAGO. . .tvl DO NOT WANT boys or loafers to write us. but men of ability , I2O to $ SCO per month. Salesmen anO general agents. Salary or commission. Itacine nrc Engine - gine Co. , LttI , Itacine , S'Is. EVERY man must : rotect his bank or- count ; its careless not to do so ; good salesmen can earn large prottts by selling - ing the Indelible Check Perforator. It Inks the holes with Indeilbie ink. Wesiey Mg. Co. , Times Buidlng , New York. , v AGINTS , male or female ; new style Ger- IL&1fl sVOr embroidery needle for raised - "hyr work. Whale Art Co. , St. Louis , Mo. Foil SALE-Stato rights patented Electric Advertising Novelty for barber shops. an itrtlcie of furniture requireil by each barber - ber ; equal to street car advertising ; bi returns do Investment ; wilt p for itself In short time ; clean business proposition ; tears investigation. For particulars ad- dre's Perfection AdvertIsing Co. 15i La- Sailo st. , Chicago. J-92s WASTED-Agents to sell our goods on guarantee. The best made. International Boiler Compound Co. , 47 Market at. , Chi- L cugo. . J-27 't ) AGENTS wanted-Reliable women or men t to sell coffee and tea to the consumer In 4 , communities from 1,000 to ] OOO ) popula- lion ; permanent employment and good s pay. Address Great Eastern Coffee and Tea Co. . t01 . S. 10th St. , St. Loul. Mo. J-S3 ' AGENTS wanted In every city and town .foc the greatest selling combination nov- city ever put on the market ; agents making - ing big , money in Chicago ; send 25 Cents for sample. Room IS , 122 La Salle St. . Chicago. Cltne & Ilolpuch , Mfrs and .handlers of novelties. J-SrA AGENTS. $150 monthly taking orders for MarveV' water-proof self-shining polishes for russet and black shoes ; applied - plied hut once weekly ; saves labor and leather ; every Individual buys ; valuable samples and Instructions free. Ilolladay & Co. , 1S & IS4 Dearborn St. , Chicago. J-SSS-7 LEAThER suspenders , fl to H daily to lt'o agents ; sell themselves , Cannot break , wear out , or pull off buttons ; 7 styles , sunples furnished. Clntl. Leather Suspender - . pender & Belt Co. , 0. 46 , CincInnati , 0. r - J-SS7-7 AGENTS WANTED , something entirely .e. ' I ' new. without doubt the most perfect , butter separator ever constructed. Butter ' from two to five minutes by agItation .nd air ; send for circulars. I.'oitiott Butter Separator Co. , 20 l'acUIc Ave. , Chicago , Ill. WtNTED. agents for Our Naval War With Spain. Splendidly illustrated , only authentic book to be iUhlished. Free outfit - fit now ready ; act quick. National Pub. Co.Lakeslde Bldg. , ChIcago. J-MSS5-I3 ' AGENTS-For cheapest enlarged picture made. . Framed samgo free. Address , , with stzlnip , Portrait Agents' Supply Co. , f + 30S Dearborn St. , Chicago. J-SS9--7 N ' ' ' AGENTS-Just published ; sells at sight ; Li ( good profit ; Cuba. our sister republic ; bCauuIful book. SxIO ; l1 pages , tO large photographic views. secured at great cx- ' pease. and historical matter ; be first ; send ' I . .5c for sample coy ; mailed. The Patriotic 5' Art Co. . 67 S. Clark St. , Chicago. Y J-S9G--7' AGENTS wanted to handle the best ad- ' vertleed and easiest selling side line in ' the svest. Address & ' Main Street , Coun- ciiBluffs , In. 3-941 7 _ 1S'AC1'BI-T ( ) ILENT. SUITE of two or three rooms , furnished. for light housekeeping in Omaha or the IlluiTs. Address Itewin , General Delivery , City. FURNIShED cottage wanted , about six . 0 rooms , for the winter. E. P. Newhnli , Pacific Express. } C-S47-7 WANTED. by email family. no children , neat modern house of 7 or S rooms at reasonable rent ; possession desired anywhere - where from Sept. 1 , to Oct. 1. X 9 , lice. I-SS4 7 ' - ' . , : PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . 90- t 9lOJones , generpl storage and ( orwnr.ding. M-5B oi. Van & storage. ] 5Lfl Farnam , Tel , V.t'FIII-'l' ( ) iIIV. - IP YOU are In need of itnything try the \ant Columns of The flee ; they vill bring you what you want. . UI'RIGIIT piano , 2d-hand. standard make. Give price and make. Address W 56. lIce. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 103 SECOND hand blcycIe8 , Neb. Cycle Co. , I ' . 15th _ & Barney , -MS46 S I ? 0HTII 1CTI ! ST. AUCTION CO.'ATS I'IJBNlTtYltE , 'VIth a cash capitai of I5.xi0. will buy household goods for cash 4 or will handle goods to suit owner.'rito I , , or call on us at ( .03 N. 16th et Fl B. Ath. erton. Auctlonecr , F. D. Qiiiosple , Man- I ager. N-96 7 c - . , POIt SAl , L-I ; ' I I , t PI.'ItNITPIlE for sale of rooni house , complete for tousekueping , Seward St , t . ChICAGO Furahuro Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75c ; . znattres3es , I'4k ; piilow , 20c. IIGS.1O Dodee. O-M531 S PART furniture and furnishings 9.rooni house . Can rent house if iis.ired. Call 412 N. 39th et. O-M33 5' 'jt11 S.tI&I.-.llOItSlSW.GOS , H'I'I' , VEhICLES all kln.ds. Pricci greatly reduced - . duced , phactonettes , surri. ' . pedal bar. i. gains Crawford Co , lIlt Jones , P-MS2 B ! \ FOR SALE. tine road horse , buggy and , , harness. Address \ 67 , IJee. 1-7i ltIt 100 KlDS mineral waters. Sherman & McCOIneit Drug Co. , 1513 DodFe St. , Omaha , Q-M4--AIS F6i SALE ten R.I.P.A..S. for 5 cents at druggls5 { , ne gives relief. Q-94 IIIAVE ! flemington typewriters tiist I will sell cheep. Frank E. Moores , city hell. Q-l95 ii o. poultry and lawn feices ; all wre ! ; le bst. Wire Works , 14th and Ilarney. FOIl SALE , Smith-Premier anti Remington typewriter second hand. Tyuewriters rented and repaired. J. J. Deright & Co. , 1116 Farnam et. Q-MSO1 A9 LARGEST stock hardwood lumber , hog fence , waxing brushes , etc. Chas. It. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-93 STAMPS , coIns , boughtsoid. Morteneon , 401 N. 16th. Q-M665 A30 FOIl SAIE or trade , engines , bolier'pumps , elevators , shafting , pulleys , pipe , valves and other machinery. i'rague Machine Works , 1216 Jones St. TeL 11S5. 11S5.Q511 A26' FOR SALE , Chase piano , 922 Dourias et. I Q-M.6 52 - FINE famIly cow. 2114 5. 3S. Q-MSO ! 17' TOl' buggies , 5)O0 up ; others proportion. I Crawford Co. . 1311 Jones. Q-820-11 SECOND hand s'wing machines from $3.00 up ; one Domestic good as new. Neb. Cycle Co. , 35th and Harney. Q-M8l1 S FOIl SALE , a widower will sell cheap fine upright piano. X 6 , lIce. Q-M839 7' 13. IIAAS , Florist. 1513 Vinton lIt. . Tel. 76 ; plants. cut flowers. bouquets , hail , reel- dence , wedding nnd grave decorations , Orders by mail or express promptly filled. Q-795 LATE number Remington typewriter cheap for cash , Address X 17 , lIce. Q-923 7' FOIl SALE or trade , Lybe's valuable pat- ents. Models can be seen at 0111cc of Sties & Co. , patent experts , flee building. Q-930 7' HARDMAN and nine other different makes of pianOs , one sample piano , walnut Case. ivory keys. Boston fall board , full swing music desk. $ lt , Mueller Piano ard Organ - gan Co. , 14 S. lSth and Farnam. Q-M932 10 ONE OF' the largest. eldest and most pro- litablo laundries in Chicago ; $15,000 cash required ; saUsfactory reasons for selling. Address O.0 , care Lord & Thomas. Chicago - cage , Ill. Q-SC6 7' FOR SALE-Eight-foot showcase with Iron stand , cheap. 70S . 16th , Flat 1. FOIl SALE , traction engine , 12-horse power , in good repair ; price $150.00. Inquire Eagle Laundry. Council Bluffs. In. Q-M940 11 'II I S C E LLASEO tS. TWENTY-FIVE rents will buy the latest publication illustrating the L. S. and Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 photographic reproductions , with a large map of the East and West Indies. at the office of The Bee. If or- dred by mail. address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha 13 ° c. R-S70 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspools & privy vaulb. 621 N 16. Tel. 1779. R-213-A17 WASTED-Loan from responsible party for 20 clays an valuable mining stock ; ref. erences exchanged. Address 11-926 7' CLAIRVOYANTS. MILTON , the wonderful medium , will hold another of his strange and convincIng - Ing test seances at Patterson hail Sun- iIanight ntSp.rn.collections , 10 Cents. rrivate consuitauons uaaiy OR Ull ters of life , business and disease. no mat- Icr how ' complicated , at 1t23 Dodge et. , corner 17th. SatIsfaction or no charge ; skeptics especially invited ; readings by mail. Hours , 9 a. to. to S p. m. m.SIll 7' MMII. GYLMEII , world renowned I'alm- let. A resitlent o the city for 2 years. The people of Omaha express themselves IoudI , ' in her praise ; consult her. Ifj Dodge , opp. new P. 0. 9:30 : to 7 ; Sundays - days , 2:30 to 6. S-920 7' M.tSSAGII , MAThS , ETC. BATHS , ladies only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug. bik. T-M119-A9 MEDICATED baths. massage ; also vapor baths Mme , i3risson , from Paris. 107 N. 12th. T-MI2S-AlS' LAURA ELI.ISON. baths. massage and magnetir treatment. 119 N. 16th. . room 12 , upstairs. . TM2t920' DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 41a S. 11th , upstairs. T-M,14 7' MADAME SMITH. itS North 15th street , massage and baths ; room 2. T-7tOAS' MME. AMES , 5f7 S. 13th , 11. 10 ; massage , baths. T-f794 10' MASSAGE , baths. electric treatment. Etta Beanard , H. 10 , 1522 Douglas. T-MS11 7' I'ERSONAL. 0 RUPTURE cured for $30. No detention from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure. 9E-933 New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. 11-531 - VIA\'I CO. . 33 13cc buIlding. U-530 PILES cured in 7 to 10 days , without pain ; one treatment does the work ; call or send for circulars. , The Empire Pile Cure , 932 New York Life building , Omaha. U-MIfl TIlE clii reliable matrimonial bureau and social club still extends a cordial invitation - tion to all ; especially strangers. Dent be lonely , come and meet many up-to-date young ladles and widows anxious to marry. 311 Karbach blk. U-M726 Si THE OMAHA SOCIAL CLLII furnishes personal introductions and correspondeqce tO suitable partic- . Call or address , with stamp , Room 2 , 520 S. 13th. Allie Turney , manager. U-M960 Al ! NELLIE F. RIley. manicure , chiropodist , hair dressing , 415 McCaguo Bldg. U-749-Sept , 1 A LARGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and another of the entire West Indies. showing Cuba. Porto Rico , Ilayti , San Domingo , Martinique anti all the other West Indian islands : 10 cents. at 'l'lie ltt't' omcc. fly mail , 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dept. . Omaha Bee. . U--S6S BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , OlSI S. 15th. LADIES Turkish 1hs , Mmc. Poet , ! 19 S. 15th. 11-534 BATHS for ladies ; far superior to Turkish baths ; at 216.220 lIce Jlidg. U-M333 LATEST bicycleorhouse waist at the E - perly corset parlors , it. 10. Creighton Ill U-M136 .23 1910 DODGE ; SUPERFLUOUS hAIR cured : ladies must call Satuiday , Sunday and Monday ; leaving the city Indefinitely. Mme. True , "SECRETS Every Married Lady Should Know , " vrIce lOc. Box 224 , Omaha. U-MS211 16' FINE hemetitehing work called for and de- Ilvered. Address 3.07 Cuming Street. U-92 7' TIN\VABL' , Ice boxes , gasoline stoves , re. Paired cheap , Ottu Ciiy Tin shop , 214 . . . . 14u at. , E. Savage , manager. U-901 7' AM ERICAN-Weli connected and prosper- ow ; , I150.C'uO ' , looks for a sensible and life companion to cherish and confIde in , 'Meiviile , " 135 East 65th St. , N. V. U-94j0 7' CIIA1IMING and Interesting lady , modest and sweet , means and real Osinte , $7OijO , will form an alliance with Praiseworthr etud ambitious gentleman , "Columbia. ' I3. East 65th St. , N. V. 11-599 7' NUDE AliT taken from nature ; 16 beautiful co'ored ' pictures , all nudes , 25c , prenaid. French Art Co. , 525 Locust Si. , Philadelphia. MARRY ; National Matrimonial club ; pri- Vale list 2c : many worth 530.000. Box 5351 , Denver , Cob. U- SL'I'EItFLt'Oi'S hair. moles. etc , iwrma- nently removed by elctri ii ) ' iefercncos. Mrs Cronyn , spccialist , r , 1'reighton Ilik -.S7.T 1tRBAI } . restaurant doing rood business , I 18 , lIce , U-435 7 Ptilt.ON.tI. . . - ( Continued. ) 11' YOU are lonely cell on us and meet a pleasant companion ; open Sunday. Omaha Social Club. room 2 , & S. 12th St. Allen Immy , manager. U-PIt 7' WANT lady of small capital to travel for tepecttb1e. 1easant profitable business ; no experience required. Addtees X 14 , lice , 11-916 a' 1IACIIELOR , 45 , good business and ProP ert % ' , worth flOO.000 , offers to the woman of his clinics a luxurious home. Mr. Cutting - ting , 209 E. 51st St. , New York. U-59S--7' MAIIRY-New plan ; no $5 fee : members worth lCe ) to $100,000. Private list , 2c ; sent sealed. H. L. Love. Denver , Cob. U-S7-7' HOGAN'S 13-minute headache Tablets , guaranteed to cure all forms of headache. For sale by ati druggists. Price 10 cents. U-46 7 YOt'NG MAR , respectable , kind-hearted , strIctly sober , ambitious , glod-bo'king , wishes to correspond with lady of good address. Object life friendship Correspondence - spondence sacredly Private , Addree Ned , Bee 0111cc. Council Bluffs , In. 11-941 7 MABEL-Who was with Ienttickinn at High school three weeks ago-make date. Address X 13 , lIce. -11917 7' MONEY T LOAN-hEAL LISTATI' . WANTED , choice farm and city loans. It. C. Peters & Co. , U , S. Nat'l Bank 1310 'tv-S fl00.000.00 secIab fund to loan on first class improved Omaha property , or for building - ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W-536 5S PER cent money. Ilemis , Paxton bIlk. W-41 $1,000 and upwards to loan on Improved property. W' . Farnam Smith & Co. , 1121) Farnam SI , W-2G 6 PER cent dlv and farm loans. Garvin Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W-SIS ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , SISN. V. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands in Iowa , Northern Missouri. East- era Nebraska. W-5.19 MONEY to loan on improved omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. MILLIONS eastern moncyfor investment : send for circulars. Investors' Directory. N. Y. W-997 $100.00 and up. F. D. Wend , 16 and Douglas. W-Aug-25 ON MORTGAGES. G. 0. Wallace. 313 Brown blk. W'-MalI I WILL loan $2,000 at a low rate of interest on first class real estate security ; Douglas county farm loan preferred. John IV. Robbins , 1SOI Farnam St. ' .V-7.G MONEY TO LOAN-ChATTELS , $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON IIOL'SEIOLD FL'1INITI7RE AND PtA. NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR. IIIAGES , WAREHOUSE REC3IIPTg , etc. . at ! owee rates in Omaha , Soutn Omaha and Counci Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time erin in any umounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 South 16th St. TIlE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED - CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-342 - MONEY loaned salaried neople holding permanent posltion , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security : easy payments. Tolman , R. 790. N. V. Life bldg. X-513 flLJSINCSS ChANCES , FOR SALE , old established meat market of C. N. Bush , GOS So. 13th. Call at premises ; best market location in city : other business interests compel me to leave town. C. N. Bush. Y-715-7' EXCHANGE CHICAGO . FOR OMAHA PROPERTY ; C Modern Brick Flats. all rented. Annual income $9.30 ; incumbrance $6,000. Want $1,500 Cash and Clear Farmer or Omaha improved. Commission to agent. F. Koch , 2603 , S. Haistead. Chicago - cage , Ill. Y-MTSG 7' A SPLENDID established medical practice In a live town in S. Dak. Large territory , plenty of country work , good pay , no real estate ; $ )0. ( ' ) ) for practice and fixtures in ollice , including atable outfit. Good rca- Sons for selling , A fine chance for an en- ergetie young man. Do not apply unless you mean business. Address Physician , x I , care Omaha Bee. Y-MSO3 7' ANY lady or gentleman having from $500 to $1,500 to loan. I will pay I per cent per month ; best chattel security , interest payable every thirty days ; handle 3our own money and notes : investigate. Ad- dreseX 7 Bee. YOUR chance to make money. I have 3 novelty , quick selling inventions , which I propose to sell the states of Nebraska , Montana , North and. South Dakota , Cob- redo , Wyoming and Washington cheap to the right party. None but responsible parties aced write. Eugene P. Carolan. care of let National Bank , Seguin. Texas. Y-M543 12' FOR SALE-Restaurant and confectionery In good town In eastern Nebraska ; bargain - gain It taken at once. F. N. Michael , Waterloo , Neb. . Y-M903 5' OUR $15 soda fountains. Sold on time. Satisfaction guaranteed. Soon pay for themselves. Fox & Co. , Herald build. ing , Chicago. V-SO 7' BICYCLES below manutacturers cost. Buy direCt. Must reduce stock. Money saved. Cheaper than second-hand wheels. Catalogue free. Stokes Machine Works , 56 Fifth awe. , Chicago. Y-S6S S7 NOTICE-We will analyze all kinds of sob- ids and liIuIds and furnish working fqr. mulas. Metals assayed. Terms motltr- ate. New York Chemical Laboratory , 107 E. Iflh St. , New York. . V-ItT 7' RARE chance to secure home and fortune in a beautiful country , where poverty is unknown ; those havkg a few hundred dollars can get rich ; this is a solid proposition - osition from soliab business men antI a limited opportunity ; the art of getting rich consists not so much in being saying - ing as in being able to know and seize an opportunity. Call or address Chas. F. Linscott , 103 La Salle st. , Chbcago. Ill. WANTED-To Ilurchase outright , or manufacture - ufacture on share of profits , patent nor- cIties. What have you ? Best of refer- ences. Address with particulars and stun. ) ) lea or drawings. C. 0. Burns Co. , 150 Nassau St. , New York , N. Y. Y $150 INVESTED earns 3 per cent weekly ; established 22 cities ; third year ; particu. lore free. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul , lInlti. more , Md. WANTED , good business manager with $1. & ) ) for Omaha ; active man or woman with this amount will learn of an oppor. tunlty to make * 200 per month from the start. Investigate. Novlta Co. , 79 Dear. born St. , Chicago. WANTED to borrow. $100 on gilt edge ml- lateral. Room 512 Brown bUt. Y-.925 7 QUICF money can be made In wheat , pork and stocks. The war is over. Don't be afraid to Invest. Our customers made 200 per cent profit last week In the stock marketb it sOUnlS big but its true. Small capital will earn an Income. Don't hesi. tate but write to us. Our advice always good , can be had free of charie. We are known from the Atlantic to the Pacific and need no introduction. Our customers are our references. The 0. W' . Wylie Co. , 11'all etteet , New York. Y-929 7' A MAN who can command $6,000 to $ l ,000 cash and who is a bright business roan not over 40 and who wants to engage In a permanent. safe business can be lUt Into communIcation with such an opening. See City Treasurer , Omaha , for particulars. FOIl 11XCIiANr.R. $2C STOCF hardware and residence , or either , for farm or clear rental property , Address W 65 , lIce. Z-31Th7 7 - FOR S.tLlI-IIIIAL EST.tTE. HOUSES , lots. farms. lands , loans : also fire Insurance. Bernie , I'axton block. RE-645 - hAVE you some lots to nell ? Now is the time to dispose of thenv let the people kuow that you want to ilispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money 813-666 FOR .AI.E , desirable residezvi lots , E4x 110 , in first-class location tCn minutes walk front court house , ebeap for cash , Address 0 Ci , lice. FOR 5.tLr-nE.tt ETATI3 ( Continued. ) - FOIl SALE- S-robm qouse , full lot , on ear line , $1,000.00. S-room house , modern , lnrg barn. 2523 Cabifprna ! streeL $2,500.00. 3 houses on full lot near car line. houses rented for $11.00 per month. Price , $500.00. 3-room house and halt lot on Patrick are- flue , between 24th and 23th Sts. Price , $500.00. 12 acres fronting Dodge St. , four miles from 1' . 0. , $2,000.00. 2 acres , south front on Hamilton et. , 4 blocks west of car line , $5t.0.00. We have a large li't of South Omaha property - erty , Including vacant and improved business - ness property , lots antI houses and lots etear the packing houses , and acre tracts in percels from one to five acres each , near South Omaha. Potter & George Company , 1601 Farnam et. 7 1113-7299 - $300.00 FOR C full-sizedbatson electric ear line. J. St. Frenier , Opp. old P. 0. RE-MT$2 _ j:0 SALE or exchange for choice Inside rental property 10,500 itret class seven per coat bonds scured by first mortgage. Can be divided. In answering give loca- lion antI lrice of property cliered , Address - dress W 42 , lIce office. I1E-6H-S' S-BOOM hou , 1113 N. 15th st. : city watet. big shade trees , rents $15 tier mo.1 price $1,350.tc' ci , flee. ltE-MS1 B ! COLORADO farms , ranches. large tracts grazing lands for sale nod lease. C. 13. Wantland , 1023 11th et. , Denver , Cob. RE-MeOl 11. - 5-ROOM cottage , lot 30xB7 , city watCr ; geol elevatiou and cheap at 1750.00. F. D. Wend , 16th & Doucias. 813-524-11 I CNT help it. I sold that modern Itome at half Price. Pvc got the biggest , renteet snap in a modern home 4 block from Ilenscom park ; houses nnd lots all over city at from $400 up. Vacant lots , all right , every way , from $50.0) to $10' ) . Some a little higher. In lands. well , I should have said so sooner. Farms from $200 up for quarter seciions ; some very cheap , near Omaha. LymanS'aternlan , 5 ! N. V. Life building. RE-90 S' SO ACRES 12 miles from Kansas City , fill cultivated. $20 per acre. 40 acres 5 miles from ICnsas City. all cultivated , $2,230 ; snap. J. T. Edling , \\'l'andotto St. . Gibraltar bldg. ICansas City , Mo. 813-900 7' hOUSE and lot for sale cheap b % ' owner. 623 Cass St. RE-905 7' FOR SALE-Cheap. near hlotchkiss , Cob. a line stock farm ; 160 acres of patented land ; first-class water right : ( .0 acres in ha ) ' , 0 acres suitable for fruit or farming - ing ; farminc tools , etc. , go with farm. For full particulars inquire of A. M. Gove , hbotchkiss , Cob. 813-903 7' LOT 50x320 feet near car line. only $223 ; just the place to raiqe chickens or garden truck. lirron It. Hastings , 212 So. 14th St. 1113-913 2 FOLLOWING 0 esirabbe property : business lot corner , 60x150 ft. . in So. Omaha , paved. Business 1t , GOxISO ft. , Improved , South Omaha , Street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , Ibth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) . 35th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. 813-547 EXECUTOR'S SALE-For sale to the highest bidder , 12 acres of thee Canning estate. on Canning street , Council Bluffs. in two tracts of seven and five acres , well set in bearing fruit. Will sell all or part. Sale on premises at 2 p. in. Thursday , August 23. RE-M913 23 LOST. LOST. gent'sgold watch , made by James lahn , No. 1O100' left in closet at Union i'aciilc depot ; lfberal reward for return to U. P. ticket oiiice. LOST-93 . $25 REWARD for return of diamond pin and watch taken from my residence Monday - day night. No qucations asked. 13. Buck- ir.gham , 2141 S. 33rd et. Lost-MS44 7 LOST-One black mare with single harness. No shoes under forward feet. Finder please return to E. A. March , 514 North 16th St. Lost-.830 LOST-Brown pocketbook with owners name , cards and money. Return to 420 South 14th St. and receive reward. Lost-Ill 7e LOST-Two black spaniel pups ten days ago ; short tails ; reward. 3542 Charles St , Lost-904 T' POUND. FOUND-On 13th and Farnam. a kid glove for the left hand. Owner can have same l ) ) calling at lIce office and paying for this notice. Found-91S 7 - TY1'13'IVR hTIlIL 5 , TYPEWRITERS for rent , $4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1625 Farnam St. ; Telephone 1254. 554 REMINGTON Standard Typewriter and supplies. 1619 Farnam. 11-A14' WANT stenographers to investigate "The Oliver ; " typewriters bought and sold. 1609 Douglas St. 422 A22 WE rent and sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of good supplies in Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply Co. , 1612 Farnam St. ' -149 AUeTION. J 8. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519 Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate. merchandise , furniture , live stock. etc. -550 AUCTION-Monday , Aug. 5 , at 10 o'clock a. in. , at 1417 North 24th st , , the contents of store and living rooms , consisting of furniture. show cases. shelving , counter , jars , canned goods , awning , refrigerator and other articles too numerous to men- tion. Maxcy & Co. , auctioneers. -MS3O 7 - ShIO1t'rli.tND ASI ) TVPh3VhtIT1NG. VAN SANTSxchool. 717 N. Y. Life. The school whose students get employment. Conducted by an experienced reporter. 550 AT OMAhA Bus. College , 16th. & Douglas. 557 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date. taught by court reporters. l3oylea' School , 403-5.7 Bee bldg. 555 MEDiCAL. LADIES , if you can't tell a doctor your trouble address P. 0. Box 69 , Omaha. Neb. , for Information. M-S98 AS' ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German speCialist , Dr. Piles , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents , -439 A25 LADlES ! Chichester's English Pennyro'al Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the est ; safe. reliable ; take no other ; 5000 iC stamps , for particulars , 'flelief for Ladies , " in better by return mail ; at druggists , ( 'hi- chester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. . - - - - - - STI'.NOGRA L'liElt 5 , W'13 SOLICIT and furnIsh positions for stencgraphera free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone 1251. 559 C-- . - , SUES ' CO. , . , PATENTED tAYatRS AM ) SOLiCITORS 2ee liidg , Omaha. t4eb. Cend for our r C Invent. ors Guide Clia.nja hewn Fnriais for Stile in Madison county. I have the cheapest and most desirable farms in southern Iowa. Prices ranging from $20 to $50 tIer acre. Come and see them or send for list. Mention Omaha lice. Address A : . 'V. ' . C1tAV'FOItDVlnterset , Ia. _ Fine farms , iicnr Siittcn ; Nt.b. - One 240 acres. One 320 acres. Corn , 200 acres of wheat. 120 Acres , Good houses. _ _ _ One barn , 41X6& 'Do ' 1 Winter W'heat oAcres. - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ 4 , Corn 2 40 , Plow Land. GOAcres. ± : ! : _ I . < 901 Ce I Pasture , . - _ _ - 0 COACreL _ = DI 0. W. Crlceck. No. Sl6Harbacb bIlk. I PRIVATE hOSPITAL. - IM1. LIEBEI1 , cancers , femaledisenses , 1612 Leavenworth.M266 A19 . _ I'URNITVIIC PACICCI ) , 21. 5. WALKLIN , 2111 Cuming. Tel. 1.111. ' 1OL1N 3IAhCING. C , A. CASI3 , violins repaired , 4t6 Sheely bIlk. 122-A14 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned. $1.50. Rose , 1521 Dodge , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 777-A-il' 5TA'i3i13ltING AND STUTTh3I11NU , SCilOCI. for cure of these defects. Julia 13. Vaughan , 306 N. 1. Life 1310g. 2t-i90 A9 IlththiWOOI ) LUI1lIIhl. OMAHA hlardwobd Lumber Co. , oak. hick- cr3' , ash , cypress , poplar , etC. Ilk Call. 1'OR l.CASE. LARGE yard. with trackage , centrally 10. entoil. Address Boa 62. Cit. 777 hOUSE 3bOVIIit. 'cv. coY , removed to 1716 St. 2fary's Ave. C23-A-29 PAWBI4O1CEIIS. II. MAI1OWITZ loans money. 415 N. 16th. 53 STIII1EO AND I3LIOCTIIOTt'I'ING. 11. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Dodge. BICYCLES , N13\V wheels. $23.30 to $23 ; secondhand wheels , $5 to $55. Omaha Bicycle Co. . 16 & Chicao. 552 COLNTY OFFICIAL NOTbC1OS. NOTICE TO GRADERS , Oifice of County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska : Sealed proposals wIll be received at this oiilce up to 12 o'clock , noon. Monday , August - gust 15 , iSIS , for the grading of 10 , ( ' yards on road 103 B , beginnIng on the S .E. corner of section 21-16-11 , running west to the mid- die line of section 30 , township 16 , range 13 , in accordance with the profile and sped- ilcations in the oillee of the county sur- vevor of Douglas county , Neb. bach bid must be nccompanied by a certi- fled check for $25.00 payable to the order of the county clerIc , and addressed to the Board of county commissioners , endorsed "Proposals for grading. " The board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and nil bias.B. . B. 31 , HAVERLY , County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , July 16. 1553. J17d29t NOTICE TO GRADERS. omce 01 County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska : Sealed proposals will be received at this otflce up to 12 o'clock , noon , Monday , August - gust 15 , ISIS. fcr the grading of 2O.C0 yards on road 13 B , running south from the U. P. 8. 8. tracks. in the village of Elkhorn to tim southwest road ( Center Street ) , being on the west line of section 7-1-15 and 30. township 15 , range 11. in accordance with the profile and specifications in the office of the ccunty surveyor of Douglas county Nebraska. Each bid must be accompanied by a certi- fled check for $25.00 , payable to the order of the county clerk , and addressed to the Board of County Commissioners , endorsed "Proposals for gradIng. " The Board of Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and abi bids. D. M. ITAVERLY , County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , July 16 , iSIS. 317d29t - NOTICE TO GRADERS , Office of County Clerk , Douglas County , Nebraska : Sealed proposals will be received at this office up to 12 o'clock. noon , Monday , August - gust 15. hISS. for the grading of 5 000 yards on road 65 , B , beginning at the inttreection with road 73 Il , In section 21. township 16 , range 12 , running west to the middle line of section 19 , township 16 , range 12 , In accordance - cordance with the profile and snecifications in the office of the county surveyor of Douglas county. Nebraska. Each bid must be accompanied by a certl- fled check for $23.00 , payable 'a the order of the county clerk , and addressed to the Board of County Commissioners , endorsed "Proposals for grading. " The Board of omrnissi ners the right to reject any anu au mu ! . B. M. HAVERLY , County Clerk. Omaha , Neb. , July 16 , 1599. J17d22t LEGAL NOTICES , LEGAL NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Albert Os- man Taylor. deceased. NOTICE OF SALE OF BANK STOCK. Notice is hereby given that in pursuailce of an order of Frank Skipton , judge of the courtly court of , Fillmore county , Ne. braska , made on the 8th day of July , 1599 , for the sale of certain bank stock , there will be sold at the front door of the court house in Geneva on the 15th day of August. A. D. , 1SOS , at 2 o'clock P. m. , at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash. the following , towit One : huhdred and forty shares of the Geneva National bank stock , or any part thereof. Dated July 20 , ISiS. B. SANDROCK , Administrator of the estate of Albert Os- man Taylor. deceased , Geneva , Neb. Capital , 350.000. A controlling interest cnn be purchased at same time nnb on same terms. 13. SANDROCK. A-7dt-M RAILWAY TIMIS CAIUJ , .2IIICAGO , BURLINGTON & I n ' . I Quincy Railroad - "The IDUF IflwiOfl I Burlington ltoute"-Ticket I I 0111cc 2502 Farnam Street , I Untifti I Telephone 2eo. Depot. Tenth I I1UUILI I and Mason Streets. Tcbo. _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ phone 128.Leave Leave Arrive , Chicago Vestlbuied Express . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:05 : pm 5:10 : am Chicago Express , 245 ; am ' 4l0 ; pm Chicago & 51. Louis Express . , , ' 745 pm 8:10 : am Creston Local ' 4:00 : pm ' 10:45 : am Pacific Junction Local , . , , . , . , . , , , " 11:53 : pta 5:40 : pm Fast Mail ' 2:50 : Pm Chicago Special , . , ' 12:05 : am ' 11:50 : pm Daily. " Daily exceot Sunday. iI'CANSAS CITY , ST. JO. oil ? : n.c + nri seph & Council Bluffs Itail. uuI IIIIJIUII road - "The Burlington D Routo"-flcket Office , 1502 Unuith } 'arnam Street. Telephone IIuuIo 250 , Depot , Tenth and MaSon - - Son Streets , Telephone itS. Leave. Arrive. ICansa B City Day Express . . . . . . . . . . . 9:0 : am 5:40 : pm Kansas City Night Express . . . . . . . . . . . . .11:0O pm 6:39 : am "Expoelti' n I"iyer" St. Louis . . . . . . . . 4:30 : pm ' 12:00 : pm for St. Joseph and S Daily. rBURLINGTON & MIS. I n ' AS I souri River Railroad-"The inunnioni Burlington Route"-Gen. I 0 j eral Offices N. \ ' . Corner I Linii + n I Tenth and Farnam Streets. I IIUUID I Ticket omco , 1502 Farnam I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ --J Street Telephone 250. Pc- pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 138. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and McCeok . . . . . . 5:23 : am 9:35 : am . .lricoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California. Black Hill. , Montana & l'uget Sound . . . . . 4.35 pu 4:00 : pro Lincoln Local . . . . . 7:50 pm ' 740 ; pm Uncolci Fast Mail , 'I 2:35 : pm " 11:49 : am Dcrper , Coloredo , Utah , California and Puget Sound ' 11:55 pm 1l:55 : pm iaI" " 1.iaiy except Sunday , SIISnOURT PACIFIC RAIL. . roa&i-Qeneral Offices and I Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Car. ncr 14th and Douglas Streets. a I 'Z'elel.hone , 104. Depot. 16tH . , , and Webster Sis. Telephone 1459 , Leave. Arrive. ICansas and Neb. Limiied . . . . . . . 1:01 : pta ' 12:55 : pin Kansas CIty & St. Louis Express . , ' 930 pm 6:00 am 4ebr4ka. Local . . , .5 4 31) Pm 645 n.m Diiy. - Daily exeot Sunday , it.t1tWA'1' Tlll3 CAI1D. lCnntinucd.t ChI1CACbO , ST. PAUt. MINI - neapolis & Omaha Railway ' -General Offices , Nebraska , I Dtvlsicn , Fifteenth and : Webster Siteets. city Licket cfllce : , , 1401 l"nrnnm Street. Tile- phone , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster treets. Telephone. 1,454 , Leave. Arrive. Sioux CitY Accom. . ' 8:50 : am ' 5:15 : pm iliotix City Accom. . " 9:50 : am eta 8:13 : pm l3lsir , Emerson , SIoux City. Ponca. IlnTtingtcIn and Blomfield . . . . . . . . S. 1:00 : pm l15 : am Sioux City , Man. kato , St. Paul & Miatlealtobls . . . . . .0 * $ 6:00 : pm 9:00 : am . Dail' . ' Daily except Sunday. Sunday - day only. " Does not stop at 1.eSota or C3ttrnan. FRESiONT E1K1IORN & , Missouri alle3' Ittiilwny- General emcee , United ' - States National fln.nk Bldg. Southwest Corner Twelfi and } 'arnam Streets. Ticket Offlce 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. 661. opot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets , Telephone , ' Lcav. ' lack Hills , Tend- wood , 1101 lIprI'g ! 3:00 pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Casper , " " 3,00 " " 500 and Douglas ' pin pm ilastings , 'orkDn- vhS C ty , Superior , Geneva. Eetcr & Sevarc . . . . . . . . . . . . S. 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , \'erdigr. & unIt Fremont . . . . . " 8:13 : am 10:45 : am Lincoln , % 'ahoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . 8115 am 1O:45 : am Fremont Local . . , , " 7:30 : am York l'assenrer. . . . . . 6:10 : pm 9:40 : am ' Daily , " baiiy except Sunday. " Sun. day only. " Dolls' except Saturday , " . Daily except Monday , . _ 'CilICAGO & NORTh WEST- ' era Itailwat'-City Ticket Ofilce , 1401 1'arnam Street. ' Telephone fS1 Depot , Tenth and Iason Streets , pone,9. Leave Arrive. Daylight Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:40 : at l1:55 Pm Mo. Valley , Soux ; City. St. Paul & Minneapolis 6:40 : am 10:45 : pm Mo.'allsy , Smug City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1:45 : am 9:00 : pm Boone , flennteon , Council Bluffs . . S10:10 : pm ' 10:03 : am Eastern Ex. , Des Moines , Marshall- town , Cedar hap. ide and Chicago. . 11:03 : eta 4:20 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Chl- cage and East. . . 4:53 : pm 4:20 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha S 3:15 : pm Northern Express ' 5:30 : pm 5:40 : am Orn.-ChIcago Special - cial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . css pm 5:25 : am ' Daily. . CITY & PACIFIC , Railroad - General Offices , l'nitd States National , , bIonIc Building , S. W. Cor- ncr Twelfth and Farnarn Street. Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 562. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive , Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul , 6:40 am 8:40 : am Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 5:30 pm lO:43 : pm Sioux City Local , . , 7:45 am 9:00 : pm Datly - IIIICAGO. MILWAUKEE St. Paul Railway - City iicktt ( 'tlo , 1504 Farnam ' h I'LWAUKEE llredt. Telephone 254. Depot , D . Tenth and Mason Streets. , 'relephone. 629. . . , eava. Arrive. go Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:45 : pm 8:20 : am Omaha & Chicago Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11O0 urn " 4:15 : pm Sioux City and Des Moinus Exprese.'iIOO am " 4:15 : pin Da.liy , "Daily except Sunday. , , , _ , . UNION DACIFIC - 'TIIE overland Itonte"-General Offices - , ! _ fices , N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnam Streets. City Ticket Olt'ce. 13(12 ( Farnam Street , Telephone 216. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Teleohono 623. Leave. Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Den- er , Salt Lake , and western p't ; . . 5:30 a I 4:43 pm The Colorado Boa- chit , for l3ener & alt Colorado p'ts. 11:55 pm 6:40 : a m Fast Mail Trait , for Salt Lake. Pacific coact and all western l'olnts . . . 4:15 : pm 6:40 : am Lincoln. bIsatrice & Stromsburg Ex , . " 6:50 : pin " 12:20 : pm Frt'mont. Columbus - bus , Norfolk. Gr'd Island & 1earney 4:33 : pm ' 12:20 : pm Grand Island Ex. , . 50 i'm " 12:20 pm I Daily. DaUy except Sunday. South Omaha Local Pass.-Leaveg , 6:15 : a. to. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:15 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. Arrives - rives , 10:15 : a , m. ; 3:30 : p. rn ; 6:00 : p. m. Council Bluffs Local-Leaves , :55 : a. in , ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. in. ; 5:42 : a. in. ; 10:39 : a. rn ; 2:15 : p. rn ; 4:33 : p. in. ; 5:53 : p. m.8:20 ; : p. m. ; 1OO5 p. in. . Arrives , 6:25 : a. rn. ; 7:20 : a , in. ; S35 a. in. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. in. ; 540 ; pin. _ . 6:30 : p. in:9nru.:10:4c : o. in. - - - - , ROCK ISLAND . & Pacific Railroad-"The ; . Great flock Isiand Rout. , " . City Ticket 0111cc , 1323 _ 4 Fnrnam Street. TeieThone _ 429 , Depot. Tenth and Mason Btrees. Telephone 623 , Leave. Arrive. Rocky Mountain Limited , east . . . , 1:30 am 1:23 : am Rocky Mountain Limited. svett 5:20 : am 5:15 : am ChJc'ago & St. I'aUl ' e.stibuletl 13 1- press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 : pm 1:25 pj Lincoln. Colorado Springs , Pueblo , D.'nrer and weSt. , 1:30 pn 4:25 : pm Chicago , Des Moiins & Rock Wand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700 ; pin " 11:25 : am Atlantic Express , for Des Moines and eastern points - - 7:20 cm " 8:50 : pm Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 m a 5 ; am Daii' . ' Daily exceat bundn. . OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL. 1roaaOrnaha. . . Kansas City & Eastern ltaibroad-"TIie Von t ! Arthur Route"-'j'icket Otflco , : ! 1415 Farnam Street. ' ( 'cia. phone 32 ! . Depot , Tenth and lason Streets , Telephone 623. Leave , Arrive , St. Louis Cannon Ball Express. . . . . . . 4:3s : pm ' 11:30 : am Eansas Cit. & Quincy Local . . . . ' 7:49 : cm 9c : pro Eansas City lIz- l'ress ' 7:3 : am Port Arthur Er- press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pm Dallr " A H A S It ' , 'Ticket ' Office , 1415 Farnarn i : Street. Telephone $92. Depot a Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 623. Leave , Arrive , St. Loul5 "Canon Ball" Express. . . . . 4:33 : pm 1t:30 : am IIELIGIOUS SIIit'ICES. - - liflhatiet , PETIT EDEN C111'RCII , 619 OOUTIT TWENTY. ninth Avenue. 11ev. C. 11. Alien , jr. , Pastor- Service , at IQ'O a. in. end p. m. ; turtday school at noon : P. Y. P. t' , 6:30 p. in , CAL.\'MIY chIt.'flCli , T\'ENTY.SIXTII AND Seward Streets , 11ev. Thomas Anderson Pastor -ierviccs at 10:31) : a. in. cad P30 1' , in. ; Sundsy school at noon , P1)1ST CliUliCil. TIilII'ra'.FIPTII AND FAIl. nam Htrc'ts , 11ev. T. L. getman , I'aitor-Sery. ice * at 19:3' : ) a. in. and S p m. ; 8unday ech 01 51 11:45 : a. rn ; Junior union , 3.30 p. in. ' II , 1' . P. U. , 7 r' . in. ; iiIsi'n , Sunday school. 'l'Menty. eighth avenua and Farnftrn , 1:3' ) p. in GEItMAN ChIL'ltCli. TWENTY'SIXTIS AND Seward Streets , ltev. .tuua1 Boltir , i'ator- f5erIcee ut 10:10 : a in. and 1 : ) ) p. m. . Suaclay school a5 9:15 : a. in. GRACE : CI1UIWII. TITIr AND ARHOIt Street , . ltev. .1 0 , Staples MInister-t4ericq. at 10:41 : s. in. sod S p. rn ; Sunda' school at noon , gOpel meetine , te4neday evening , Young l'eeile's meeting , Friday evening ; read. inc ro'Im ( * fl every e tqIn , : IMSfANt'CL ClilJltCli. BINNEY AND TWEh' . flf-tourth Street , . l'ulp'.t supplied temporarily ; services at 20V a. in. sad 1:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school it noon. MOIJN'r I'B.GAhI C11URII. TWENTY.SEV. enib and Caps Streets , 11ev. Itchert .lanuary. i'aatnr-Serv. es at II a. in , and 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday sChool it U2) ; p. in. : prayer meeting % 'odnead&y evening ; 'YOun Peuple's meeting Fridsy eVnflr. OLIVL'T CIIUIICII. GRAND AVENUE AND Thirty'eigh'h Street , lits. A. .1. Fleming , Pastor-Service , at 11 a , in , and ; * 1) i' . m. ; Sunday School at a"'fl. SWEDiSH ClII"tC'll. Cii NORTh 131(111. tcenth itreet , liar. P. Swan : , l'aator-Services at 11 a ni. and 1:51) p. in. : Sund. ) ' , ch.ot at 5:30 : a. 'a. ZION ChItTltCiI. 2215 GI1ANT STIIEE'p , nv. 'F. ' 1' . Ward. I'aaior-Servie.s at 11 a , in. aol 7:30 p. in. , Sunday , .cheol et 12:50 p. in. Chirtstlein , FII4ST C111'RCI. COIINEP. 'rWIINTIIlTII fittest and ( 'apt4 .Avenue t.y 3 3.1 S'aYlC' , l.rter'-Ser'r'es ci 150 a' . in tnt 7 11 p in. , Sn3ay i l" I at U w Y " .zng Iiuie 5 1. itty CL C nis' an 13ndtacr at C sO p. in. , ga''r me'Ig 1eIrsday at I 2 p GItlt'.T ST1iL 'I' cii' 11th TV'FN7T-S1XTJI 503 ( iraot Streets , Itev arees 'ari .it' i hIlIiitllOt'S 511iitViCtlS. . ( Continued. ) _ -ite'ri'ieS' St 1015 a , in. and 2:50 : p. in. ; se4ey , elocl t recil , At.NCT 1111.1. Cbit2ltClI. 415 * NT1tOl.A Street 11ev. Joph Ntthol.a. l'a'tolSerylee ' St ie : a. Ci. * nd . Sunday scheel at hp In. . . Cougreiziilinnnb. Cltl7flRY bllt.t , C'ltl'ltcll 1511 NOfl''hT POliTY. pScend Stne't. 11ev. he. i. lIibd , l'astc.r-.Serv- ice. at It a In. , Sunley pchr'et at noon , ' FI1tST C11t'flCII NINETNENT1) ) AND 1).t\ ' . , enport Streets , 11ev , yrsnke A. t % erfleht , PSter -Str'iiees at 10:50 a. in. and 7:45 : p. ni. Sunday Fhoot et n'na. thll.i.P1BII CIlt'llC'lt , TlllltTlr.Tlt AND 01110 Streets. lIce. .lae.'l. I'lot.k , l'ater-icrviccs at ibst : a. in. anI 7) ) p. in. suniay SChool at neon : prayer petle Wednesisy , at 7:10 i. in. PAI1I'I VALE Cltt'llCfl , 2911 CASTIII.tAI1 Street-l'uiptt supplied : Settles , fit 10:30 a. in , ftiit , L1O p in . $ unttsy she0i it 000fl , ' 101 NOltTlt r-OXITT FIHST li.Ofl1M Cltt'HCit , _ _ _ _ Street. fler. riank P. Jackson. l'astor-Servtee , at II a. to. anti 1.30 I' . in. . Sunfity school itt 00011. "tYMOL'Tll cllt'fl ( IT. TWLNTIETiI AND i'nc'er Street' 1ie' liowari Bnc.yei , 1''tor -SeticPs Sit 10:30 n. In. nni I p. in. Endeavor oclety at 7:16 : I , in. . prayer meeting vedae. day at ; ' 30 p in , Sundsy school at noon. aT SIAItY'H'ENtt1l Chtt'lICII. TWENTY. s.v.-th Street sn.i Ct. Mary's .tvnue. Ret' . 5 , Wright flutier. I ) . P . i'setorit.rvice , at ' 10:13 a. in. io.l LIe p. in , Sunda ) ' , ehnol at noon. FAOATOC1A CIIURCII , TWENTI'-I'IFTII Street and Ames Aenue , 1Ie' , I. . S. Hand , I'aptor-Srvieee at 10:30 a. in , an 7:15 : p. in. : S'Thday , theol at 2:10 p. in. Ill' I , rula I , AT L SAiNTS' CllUiiCii. TWENTY-PIXT1T AND ) ialf.iioa'ard StreOts. hte % . Thainas J. Macks ) hectorblob' ermmunlnn every Sunday in the month. exrgtt the fIrSt. at 7:35 : a. in. ; sermon at 11 a. in. 'and 7:30 p. in ; Sunday cflool at 9:13 : a. in. ChlUItCIt OP TIlE GOOD ElbEi'ltlBlD , TWEN. tieth nod Ohio Streets. ltev. George E.jwaid Walk , H. A. . Itcctor-Servtce , at S n. in. , IL A. in. ant 1:31) : p. in. ; Sunday ehooi at 9 45 a. at , lIT. ANtILEW' $ Cl4t'itCiI , CO1tElL ciiutI.r.s and rcrty-flrst Streets. JtS' . ' ' . ii. bunS , I'niet-i'er"imes at 7:30 : a. m. , it a. in. and i41 1. m. . Sunday school at iS a. in. Friday. at :45 : p. in. ST Ab.'Ul'STiNF.'S ( ilUnCit. 'rIttTtTY.TlIlttt ) and mantis Street' , I'riet In Chnre. R't' , 'Is. , S. Iloward-Services at I p. in. ; Sunday school at I p in. ST. liA1tN.'tBAS' C1lt'ItCI. 610 NOILTII NINE- te.nth Strest. fey. John V'iitIains , nectar- Service , at 7:3'l : a. in. . it Li. at. and :30 : p. in. : Sundv , riiol at 9:3) n. in. ST. .hOllN'P Chht'flCli. TWP.NTV.SIXTII AND I'rsrik'n ' Streets , Rev.V. . S. howard , i'riet- Service , at 1:20 : and ii a. in. and 7:45 p. in. : Sunday school at 9:10 : a. in. : daily ervicea at 6:45 and : tt a. in. and 4:43 : p. in. ; Wedne. days at 7ti : p. in. : Fridays at 1:30 : p. in. ST. M.t.TIIIAS' CH1'IIClI. i1a Ot'T11 TENTh ltreet. 11ev. L. F. Potter , I'iicst in Charge- Services at : hO a. in. ; 11 a. in. and 7iI : p. m , : 5unIay echool at Ii a. in. ST. Ptt'h'S CIlt'Xtt'll. 3211 C''tI.lFOIlNTA Street-Puitit euppiled temporarily ; services at It a. in. and 7:10 p. in. ; Sunday school at 10 a. in. ST. I'IIILI.lI' TEll I'IIIACON Chit'flcht. 1123 North Twenty-Orit $ tret , 11cr , John Albert WillIams. lt."tor-Srvlc.'s at 7:15 : a. in. . ii a. in. nn.1 S p. in. Sunday school at 15 a. in. ; , iati3 morning trn3'er. S a in. ; eveflinz. I z' . at. TRINITY CATHEDRAL , CAPITOL AYE- flue aitl Eighteenth Stre"t. Itt. fles. George V'orthington , P. 1) , Bishop. Very Ite' . Campbell I'air , D. D. . 1)eiu-Holy corninunien , 92) a. at. : iit'inc , 10 a. in. ; morning prayer. 10:10 : a. in. ; S.ndar school , 12 nooti : evening iray.r , ' :43 : p. in. E'nstReI Ical , EMANFIIL Cltt'ItChl , 2002 MAItCY STREET. Rev. 0. 1. Streicher. I'astor-Senvlces at 10:10 a. at. and 7 : ) ) p. in. : Sunday sctboI at 11:30 a. in. hltEll CIIFRCII. Tw'Er.rTiI AND DOI1CAS itreete , Itet' . F , hi. tv. Iiruechert , Pastor- tervIces at 10:10 : a. in. and T0 p. in. ; Sunday school at h:4' : p. in. S\VEDiSit MP'SION CIIVEC1I. 2232 I1A\'EN. p3rt i'trcet. It-v. F. 0. hluItinan. Pastor- ier'Ice at 10O a. at and 1:10 : p. rn ; Sunday school at 3:41 : a. in. ZION GEILIIAN C1IflCII. 1 SPP.AUUC Street , 11ev. Etneet alehi , I'ator-Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. ; bunday school at 11:1' : ) a. at. Luthieraul. tANISII CIIUI1CII. LiS 1OUTII TWENTY- second Str.'t. fltt' . I. C. I'outson. Pa5tor- Services at 10:3' : ) a. at. and S p. at. , except last Sunday In the month. when there are no even. lag services ; itunclay school at 9:3) : a. in. EMI1ANI'EL 5WIDtSil "ii CItCli. NINE. teentb and Cass $ tre't ! , 11ev. I' . .1. Sward. Pastor-Services at 10:43 : a. in , and 7:45 : p. in. ; Sunday ch'.nI at noon FIRST nEuMAN ChiunCit. 1003 SOUTH Twentieth Street. 11ev. E. .1. Frese. Pastor- Services at 10:11 : a. in. ano :1 : , p. in. ; Sunday echoot at 2 p. in. KOUNTZi MEMOEr.L CI1L11LCIT. SIX- tecflth an1Iiarney Streets. j'tat. . ' . . .1 Turkle , Patr-Scrt'ieee at 10IO a. in. ad 7:31 : p. ci. : Suaday .chool at an..n GltACIi ChiCltC'Il. T'tNTY-SIXTl ! STREET and SS'ooiwonth Avenue , fley. Luther 11. Kuhas , l'astor-Services at Ii a. in. and 7U p. in : Sunday ectool at 1iS : p. in. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH (11U0C15. BIG North Twentyalsth Street. iter. 3. N. .Ander. son. I'aator5ervicee at Ii a. at and 7:23 p. in. . Sunday school at 12:11 p. in PELr.A DANISh ! C1It'flCIt 2215 NORTH Twenty-sixth Strec't-Pulpi. auppitea teat. porarily ; services at Ii a. in. and 7:1) p. xn. Sunday eehooi at noon. ST. MARK'S CHI'UCH , TW'ENTY-FIP.ST AND Iturdette Streets. Rev. Leonard Grab , l'astor- Services at 11:45 a. at. and 7:50 : p. in. ; Sunday etbool at noon. ST. 2.IATrIIEW'S C'IXURCII. FOURTCENTI ! andd'enter Streets. 11ev. A. .1. Turicle , Pastor- Sunday school at I p. in. ST. PAVL.'S GEI1IIAN C1IL'RCII. 2723 PAI1EEZi Street , 11ev. J.hn F. S. lIar , Pastor-Services at ID a. in. and :30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 2 p. rn evening , second and fourth Sunday in each month at 7:30 p. m. SALEM E'ANtIF.l.iCAL SWEDISH CHURCH , IHI iZouth TwPnt-thlrd Street , lIes' , ( I. H , Elving. Pastur-Serviees at 10:10 : a rn and 7:30 h. in. ; Suniay cho" ! at noon. 2Iiioi1i ) * . nEST CflVflfl. TWENTIIITII AND DAVEN. port Streets , usc. John aicQunid. B. B. , Pastor -Service , at 10.30 a in. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at noon. rIrisT GERMAN CIIUr1CII. ELEVENTH AND Center Streets , Rev. Otto 13. ifriege , I'aetor- Services at iO:30 : a. m. an'i :3' : p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. hlANcOit PARK CHI'RCTI , TtVFNTY.NINTR Street and Woolworth Avenue. 11ev. F. 30 , Sisson. 1.3.13. . Paetor-Ser''Ices at 20:30 a. in. and 1:30 : p. in. ; Sunday ec'iool at noon. I1ONIIOUTII I'AItLt c.-rnci ; , rIiInT'r. fourth Street ant Laniatare Avenue. Itey , Frank W. Brass , Pastor-Services ai ' : t a. in. and 7:3fl : p. in. ; 'unday Ph.oi at noon $ .ORW'HGIAN AN ! ) DANISH ChtUltChI , 1413 North Twenta'-sixth Street. Itet' . hasmus % t'il. heirnaen. 'astnr-Servlcc , at 15.33 a , at. and 7:23 : P. ifl. ' Sunday School at noon , ST. JohN's AFFI1rAN C1.t'RCII , ISItiIIT. eentti sal W'ebiter Slreet , 14ev , James C. C. Owens. Pastor-Service , at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:13 : P. in. Sunday IcnoQI at 1:15 : p. m. ; Hpworue as League ever' Sunday evening one hour pre- c.diiig preachine ; prayer meeting every ' 'IVedneeday evening at 7H ; claas meeting every Friday at 7:30 : p ni EE'L\'AIID STREET ChltJhtClI , TWENTY-SEC. onfi and Seward Street , . Rev. John W. Robin- son. I ) . 0. . Pastor-Service , at 10:13 4. m , and 1:34 : p. in . Sunday s'honi at noon , SOt'Tll TENTh STREET CIIUIICH. TENTh ! and l'ierce Streets , Ret. George A. I.uco , Pa , . tor-Sers'Ices at II : a. en. and l30 p. in. ; Sun. day school at noon ; Junior league , 4 p. at. ; 13p. worth leacuc , 6:30 : p. at. EOtTTIIWEST Clit'ItCIf. 5121 IIICICOET Street , 11cr. U. 23. Henderson Vaetr-Serviccs at 10.41 a. in. ad 7:10 p. in. ; Sunday echool at 11:45 : a. at. SV'EIlSiL ( 'lIt'itC'lt. 315 NOILTII 1'.IfllIT. tenth Street , list' . Carl 0. Earleon , l'astor- Services at 11 a. Iii. and 7:30 : p. at. : Sunday Iuh0 a in. and 1:23 : p. in. at tle , rooms at 114 South Thlrt'snth Sheet , WEST OIIA hA CilUnCIf. TWENTY-SET- enttt and Marcy Sir.ots , lies' . James liayne. , 1'astor-Serviea at hi a. in. anti 7 : 3) p. m. ; Sunday chool at noon. TRINITY CI1FIICII. TWP.NTY.FlRST AND lunacy Streets , lIce. Fred It. Saniereon. D. B. , Pastor-Services at 10:10 : a. m. and 7Io p. rn ' Sunday chcai at noon ; Hpworth Iague at 6:34 : : 1111.1. . FOItTY-I'IIIST ANt ) Charle , Stresie , 11ev. ( ' . N. Dawson , P. B. . Pastor-Servl"rs at 10:30 : a. at. and 7:30 : p. in. ; ariusy , 'I1.U , 5 , , , xn , . . , . , . ' rupenin. tendent , Epwortlt i"aue at 6:13 : p. m. 5OCT11 OMAHA FIRST ( 'lII'lt'lI. TSVHNTY. third and N itCetI. 1(5 % ' . J. A. Jrhneon. Paitor , ALI1GIUIIT. ItEV. .1. Q. A. FLE1IAIITY , I'Ii.13 , , Paitur. I'r r a. I , y I a' r I ii a. .M.TPLCR PLACE ( 'ltt'ltCIy , FOI1TT.SECOND and Maninda Streets-Puipit supplied tern. porartly ; cervices at 10:32 : a , in. ; Sunday ec'hool ci 11:10 a. in , T3r.DFOIID I'LACB ChURCh. 1021 1.ALK Street. Iter. Knox flourte , Pastor-Services at It 5 a Zn. nOd 7:30 : 1' . in. ; Sunday school at noon. CiNTIIAI. IJNITJ77) ChURCh. TWENTY. fourth and Beds Street , , Itey. Alexander Oh. chelit , I'e.tor-Services at 10:30 : a , in. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday , cIooi at noon. CLIFTON 1111,1 , CIIUIICI1. 4U4 GRANT Street , Rev. lame. I ) . Iferr , I'astor-Services 30:30 a. at. an 2:30 p. at. ; Sunday school at noon. rihisT CHt'IICII , SEYIINTEENTII AND lic4ge Etrs'eha-Ser'ices at le3O ; a. en , and 8 I , in. Sunday chool at noon. FIRST GEIIIa4AN ( "ITFR'II. 813 NOItTI ! P.10111' . eenth Street itet' . janiei flricder. Pastor- Service. at 16:30 : a. in. and 7:30 p , at. ; Sunday school at n"un. Ph lIST L'NITEI3 C11t711'iI , T1'ENTY.rI1tir2 and Ilininet fitret , , htev. Frank hi. Foster , J'ator-Servlcee at 10:10 : a. in. and BOO p. at. . Sunday , ch.4 at noon ; Christian Union meet. lnat I p Ia , , GI4A31 StJS'31CJN ( 'Ii t'IlCll , 507 WlId.A.t 8tret-1'uIpit supplied ttn.poranliy ; services at 20:30 a. in. and 1:3. : ) , . at ; Sunday school at t1,00. ItNOX Ch1t'hiClI , NINIITBENTII AND 01110 fihfetti , 11ev. A. Christie Itrown , I'astor-Serv. lees at 11:30 : a. in. and Ba" p. in. ; Sunday ad'.x.l at noon , Young l'ecpie's meeting at I p m , I.4D\vl : AVENL'u (911'flCII ( , l'OIITIF.Thi AND Nihobi.i' ' * ttr.rs , 'P. 0 hawley , h'aator-Sery. Ices at lCali S. In sail 1:48 : p in. Sun1)ay school st 13 en. Yoian ; Z'eeplea Society of Obristlan Endeavor. 6:15 1' rn ONTAItIC $ ThildFvr CItIYltCII. U$3 ONTAU1O Eireet-d'ulrIt supp1id temporarIly , ssrs'iee. at 1O : a , in * 04 LI0 p. m. Sunday school at noon. PATtK AVENt'jt CIIPRI"ll , PARK AVIJNt' end Js' a $ 'r. I hey H ear aIaDiii. 1'st r t't t I el ) a to a 4 IL p. in. ; Sli" " .SEC. ( " ; I a II ) It Jr JWF'TY FPtItTlI ANl ) N ' 'a. St' ' , Itt Sam 'i 3d Va'are PastOr Sort . at i 20 a za. ad 7.3 p. ta Bundsy asl nsa.