Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part II, Page 22, Image 22

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22 11IID OMAItA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AuGuST 7 , 1 898.
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The past week has been remunerative
Un , in ( lie nmuemetit vorI(1 , both trom the
1oc office tnnpoInt nntl from tlio point Of
view ot the pcctator. Tim \Voc0wnrd Stoc1
company at the Creighton prcsentei an Un-
iiuafly strong ntttnctloii in a 'FnIr feud"
; . iincl % aB rowardoti by a good in1Blnc ! .
'Jhe production Berved to introduce to Omaha
two now recruits to the company , Mr. Mont-
ngtlc , who talces leading rolei , and MISs
Vaightiii , who take3 Ingenue Parth. The
former wa for otnn time with Lewh Mor-
risen n the productton of "I'atist , " later tak-
lag the star's pace In its rodtlctIoll , iflIL
comcn hero from the hopkins itock company
of Chicago , Miss Vatiglian I from the /tt-
cazar stock company in San Irancisco. Tue
company 1ia bcen sadly ( leliclent in these
tWo lines for some time. but the general
verdict 15 that they acceptably fill the ye-
quirements. A "Fair flebet , ' In addition
to giving nil of ( ho company an oppor-
tiinlty to display their ability , calls for more
In the way of special scenery than Its preil-
'ThO Trocadcro presented a vaudeville bill
vf Htorltng merit , one of the acts , though not
wonderfully ( lemeult , ietng as pretty and
effective as anything in the aerial him ever
Feen in tile city. The \S'atson sisters and
juanza Morn , whO iircsent It , have userl
colored electrical effects to the best possible
ndvantnge. They have designed an Intri-
into' system of the ordinary trapeze , a revolving -
volving trapeze with three arnis on which
thin three sisters perform , nail a combination
of lights. which. together with a clover per-
! ormance , produces a decidedly catchy fea-
ture. Tile three Itinaldos-two men and a.
woman-do some very clever tliiiigs In the
way of grotesque ( lancing and tumbling and
the trained cockatoos were the other strong
features of the performance , though the to-
3naindcr were far from being shorn of
The opening night of the week wItnessed
the tIeints of one of the anuiscinent veil-
turcs Wilich vero attracted by the exposi-
tion-Ciifford's Gaiety. Omaha lost very
ihttio by its demise , however. Not that
the performance was varttcularly bad , either
from a moral or artIstic stnnhpoint ( , nor was
It good enough to have its passIng heave a
sense of loss , except , perhaps , to tile pocketbook -
book of manager and creditors. Tile truths
s that burlesQue occunics a field in Which
ft Is caster to adInit that which Is pernicious
than to exclude it , and it is only under
avorabIe surroundings that It Is to be
maintained profitably without drifting Into
tile realm of indecency , There were rca-
sons which were obvious at tue begInning
to tiloso Who know the circumstances tlirit
tisis vnture 'ollid be either anything mit
2slgh class or a failure , 011(1 possibly both.
$ unlay night , after a iortlon of the program -
gram 1nil been giveii , It was announced
there would be no InUre.
Thio regular season at tim Creighton
theater vlih open September 4 without
change of management. or character of at-
tractinu , Mr. Franz Mlchmann and his
epienihid orcilestra vlhl return on that date ,
together rith other notable changes.
Manager Cole of the Trocadero returned
to the city yesterday morning ( toni Chicago ,
'Wilero he spent the last few ilays booking
tiso artists who are to appear at the
fl'rocadcro for this week and coming en-
gagcmonts. The bill to be presented this
'weclc , vhIch begins with a matinee tills
afternoon , can be compared favorably with
any of the previous weeks and is colnpoed
of such well known vaudeville celebrities
LLS Gracie Emmett , who , assisted by her
own company , vlil present an Interesting
' and highly amusing comedy sketch , Ilalko
tfll ( Seaman , vell known as musical
comedians , wIll appear , as vlll also Truing
nfl ! liazelton , character change artists ;
Flood brothers , comedy acrobats ; hail
: Lessie , manipulator of firearms ; Mary Lane ,
operatic star , and Iherges and Reed in an
rlgInaI specialty.
The Woodward Stock company vIhl make
a bIg jump by way of contrast from "A
Fair flebel" hast week to Goethe's 'Faust"
this week. Mr. Montngue will play
2dephiIsto , which lIe vlaycd several seasons
with LewIs Morrison , The play will be
cast as follows and siouId givO a very cx-
cchlont prohuctlon : "Marguerite , " Miss
Jennie Kennark ; ' 'Martha , " MIss flerkler ;
'Faust , " Mr. Green ; "Valentine. " Mr.
: flOS.
A1iii ; jut' Mi.liny.
The Moorish Village Includes some
cf the most meritorious features of the
hidway and present a variety of attractions
that are calculated to amuse afld instruct
Its visit9rs. The disappearing sconcry in-
cidentat to La. Silica's pretty ( lance in the
\loorishs \ harem is a marvelous stage effect
nnd the Illusion "She" continues to be a
) oplIIar feature. Tile MoorIsh cafe Is one
of the best conducted resorts on tile grounds.
'I'ho extensive collection of wax figures in
lso Moorish painco is probnbly one of tile
most expensive concessions on the grounds
1115(1 th life sIze statue of ilislnarcic which
.was used in the Iiaza concerts last 'week
was loaned Irons this collection , Tile Flying
Lady offers the 115051. complete and puzzling
illusion on tile grounds 511(1 tito Mystic
Maze , which has recently been treated teSt
St flOW mid attractive exterior , is the very
best of its Isind.
'Tile German Village will retain the excel-
ont corps of artists that entertained Its
imtrous last week. Miss Irene Frankhln ,
cornet soloist , who hia been confined by
H badly sprained ankle , vilt be able to appear -
pear , and La Purita , the clilbI artist , will
continue to charm thio PeoPle with . her
2srotty specialties , Tile costumes that Fior-
ulco lInrvcY and Lea I'enslo ) ' are wearing
excite general comment as they are the most
clahornto that have beeil seen on the Mid-
rtvay , Starkey aisti Ilnthbun. horizontal bar
iicrfOrJfltlrB , IllIvo becis retained for another
wcek by special arrangement with 1oster
& Ilial and the Lynch sisters will also ru-
While there cr0 a host of new merry-go.
rounds. unduiatlug waves nild other sun-
chines rccenthy set up that COIUlCtO ( or
tratilo of those who want to ride hobby
Juftees or cilarlota the excitements Iii tilts
3mb offered by the scenic railway and the
shoot the chutes hold their own for popular
favor. Tile sceulo railway Is a Inechanical
zuovehty whose exhhinratiiig ride usever tires
tiiti eVeryo1lo who Patronizes it tries it
egain and again and recommends it to his
The gaily decorated and illumInated
chutes , with trickitng vatnr that Inittates a
natural falls so closely , Is eqUally satisfue-
tory , though at the other extreme , the ride
being over almost before oae can say Jack
mobinsou , This week I'rof.tginton , chain-
1)100 roller skater , will give exhibitions eu
( lIe Incline suiti present a fancy verform.
tthCo of assured merit. One of lila ( eats Is
to stanul Oil his head In the wnter at the
foot of the chutes ,
Tile troupe of performing ( hogs that contributes -
tributes one of the most interesting features
of the llageobeck show , is especially popu-
1ar with the women and children. The lit-
tIe animals have been trained to a Pohilt
wliero they exhibit almost human intehhi-
enco and several of them have even become
well trained acrobats and tumblers , They
perjorns nearly all the ordinary tumbling
tricks , including back somersaults , and
.c '
seem to enjoy the sport as well as the
Vhiie it does not hay claim to being the
star attraction on the grounds , the Japanese
tea garden continues to do a good business
naul people who ( hesiro a cup of tea brewed
according tb the oriental style always go
Ever popular , the Streets of Cairo contin-
ules to hold its hiflCO as a clean attraction ,
Since Manager Ninci has taken hold the
business of the streets has Increased fully
ten fold 00(1 ( many luow fcaturcs have been
added. Many Improvements have been
made In the theater and a number of .new
artists nro seen nightly. In this show there
is nothing to offend the most fastidious ,
The Whale , one of the latest shows on
the Midway , hues suddenly bountled into
popular favor and is drawing good crowds ,
The Scenic iaiiway continues to be one
of the favorite attractions on the Midway
anih is always well patronized.
, In the Wild \Vcst a number of now ira-
hires will ho sects during the coming week.
A large delegation of blanket Indians has
been secured and they viii participate in
tile stage coach attacking. Several expert
bareback riders have been secured , thus
iushuing the show up to the highest iuosslbhe
In the Chinese village , in addition to
the other attractions , two English-speaking
Chinese women have been secured for the
coming week. They will appear upon the
stage and viii also play upon the piano , The
daughter of Chin Ling Fee , a woman with
the smallest feet over seen , has been cm-
iuhoYeiI as a tight-rope walker. She vlhi
perform in tile theater.
Schlitz vacdovhhlo continues to be a popu-
har resort and is patronized every afternoon
and evening. During the coming week a
company of singers will assist In amusing
tiso crowds.
Ever popullar , the roller chairs are the
correct thing , and of an evening there is
nothing snore enjoyable than riding over
tue Main court or along the Midway in one
of these vehicles.
"Trilby , " the famous painting by Asttey
I ) . Il. Cooper , Is to he added to the features
of the Midway. This great painting hau
been exhibited in all the principal cities of
the country for the hssst three years and
has been visited by moro than 2,000.000 men
nfll ( women , It comes lucre highly
endorsed by the eastern press and art
critics and is said to be the most wonderfully -
fully realistic vieture of the century. Tile
artist has represented Du Maurier's heroine
as posing for the life class in Paris for
the 'Altogctber , " and the effect is sold to
1)0 remarkably realistic. A new staff buildIng -
Ing is being erected on the east Midway
for it and the decorations will ho very strik-
log and handsome.
Probably the greatest naval battle that
over took place-especially ( lurIng our into
civil war between the north and tue south-
now stands as a reproduction or illustration
at one of the best places of great inter-
m'st and entertainment upon the Midway. It
has been reproduced at a very great cx-
penso by Mr. A. F. Turpia , a thorough and
Practical man in the line of amusing and
entertaining the public. The Cychorama is
considered ono of tue few fIrst-class blaces
of classical entertainment on the west Mid-
Tiio Battle of Confetti , which proved a
big feature at the Streets of All Nations
after the Flower parade Friday , added not
a hittlo to the novelty of the
big event of tim afternoon. Manager -
ager Akoun sat bcsid& th Judges on
the reviewing stand and bombarded the
carrIages with handfuls of the contettt
Which the wind scattered nIl over the crowd.
The bright colors of thin tiny missiles bar-
monized very prettily with the floral dcc-
orations and covered the gravel with a carpet -
pet of colors.
The artistic decorations of the gondolas
was a not unimportant feature of the Flower
day celebration. The boats were beautifully
arrayed in designs of roses and snsiiax ,
which were an effective foil to the flags and
tue gowns of the femluino occupants. The
effect was particularly pleasing in the evening -
ing when the tastefully trimmed craft imparted -
parted a fairy-hike appearance to the entire -
tire lagoon.
Tue big flock of ostriches at the ostrich
( aria on the vest Midway is a source of
never-ending delight to all the children who
can accuro admittance , The birds are an
entire novelty to sisost exposition visitors
nnd it Is really interesting to spend half
an isour in watching their eccentric maneuvers -
euvers , Most of them are very talne and
Ilavo become entirely accustomed to visitors -
ors , avon condescending to accept anything
in the edible line that may he offered.
In music , as in all other departments of
human industry , persistent labor is the only
thing wilich accomplishes valuable results ,
These who have acluieved success in the
domain of art have leno so at the cost of
an enormous expendIture of energy. Few
of us realize th amount of force necessary
to the various functions of every-day living ,
In tile course of a year the heart moves over
200,000 tons of blood and time lungs 75,000,000
gallons of air , In order to accomplish tisis
iituormous result the heart Is obliged to move
only two and ono-bnl ( ounces of blood at
cads hutilsation , hut by continuing regularly
thlo verformnanco of its duty it succeeds In
dispiacing nearly cigllt tons per slay , Sac-
.oss in music is tiio resuilt of success iii little
timings. One cannot become a musician all
at once , nor can a musical education be par-
chased auld Put On like a silit of hand-me-
down clothing , Any educution is tue result
of growth 011.1 a. musical education 18 especl-
ally so , 'rho Isiauilat not only icarus tue art
of music ill the course of lila atuly , but ho
( iovelopcs the muscles of those parts of the
body which , he uses. until they become a
sort of nsachino intimately correlated to tbs
Instrument upon which lie Plays. Vocal
culture is very hnugely a muscular develop-
Illeult , although occasionally intellect Is ad-
Oao of the greatest successes ever achieved
In the domain of music was accomplished by
Itichard 'Wagner.'hen this great composer -
poser fIrst offered isis operatic compositions
to the world ho was met with a sterns of
derision , rcdiculo anti calumny , which would
have deterred almost any one else from con-
tituulng in a hino of original work which was
sure to awaken this sort of a reception until
the public mind couhI be educated and until
the edants should either die off or be over-
Collie. Wagmuer uisdortook to compose mush-
cat works for the stage which should con-
Iornt Loasowbat to the spirit and intention
of the Greek drama , but should embody and
make use of all the resources of modern
music. l3efore his time opera. had been writ-
teiu partially to please the singers and
partially to iuheaso the public. Wagner re-
uuounced any lntentton of pleasing anybody
and undertook to make a work of art whIch ,
us such , bould bring up to its own standard
both the sIngers and the public. Every
prejudice that could possibly exist on either
51(10 ( of the footlights was turned
against him ; contemporary composers of the
bightest standing were bitter In their do-
nuinclations , orchestra musicians declared
that hits music could not be played , singers
that It could not. be sung and the public that
It could not ho listened to. Such was the
situation forty scars ago. In October , I84 ,
"Tannhauner" received its first representation -
tion in Dresden , Wagner was then capehi-
moister at a yearly salary of $1,125. "Tann-
hiasiser" was the third of his works to be
produced , "Rlonzi" and "Tue flying Dutch-
man" having preceded it , The
role of Venus was umndertnken by one of the
greatest operatic singers the world ever
saw , Mme , Schrocder-Dcvrient. At one of
the rehearsals she remarked to the corn-
poser "Yoti are a mass of genius , but you
write such eccentric stuff that it is hinpos-
slblo to sing it , " her words represented tile
feeling of the entire caste. Tile finale to the
first act and the march in the second act
were ehl received. The last act , which is
150W looked upon as being one of the great-
eat episolea to be foUnd anywhere In'ng -
nor's works , was received as only "tedIous
recitative. " The general outcry was "Down
withi the donkey. " The publIc ( leciared that
'Wagner s isa incapable of melodIous invcn-
tion , and it was this third act in "Tuna-
hauser" which gave him his world-wids
reputation as wanting In melody , So far as
the vubilc was concerned , the performance
was a failure , There were oIlier performances -
ances hater on , but to small houses and ( IC-
dining Interest. Iii nine weeka seven repro-
aentatlons were given. One of the ( ernsan
papers declared it to be insupportable and
tedIous ; that it had neither melody nor
form ; that tiuo subject was too fatiguinu
and sorrowful. It wanted Tannhauser to reform -
form and marry Elizabeth and the royal in-
tendant explained to Wagner that his lire-
deccasor'eber managed things much lid-
ter , cinco he lumsew how to terminate his
operas happily. A German paper said : 0f
it is true that \Vngner has unknown heights
its view heaven grant that he may never at-
tairs them. These heights are brought with
an ennui so heavy that they are inaccessi-
hit' . " Menlelssohn , whom one would credit
with better judglnent , eaw but
one good thIng his the entire work
nail is credited with having said \Vagner :
"The canonical entry In tue adagio of the
second illinle pleased Isle , " scant elsougis
praise surely. In 1846 Schumann wrote : "I
wish that you might hucar Tannhnuser. '
Solao parts of it are most profound , most
original , in short , a hundred times better
than the preceding operas , and other parts
are musically light , Wagner Is ahle to take
a very important. place at the theater , and
I am Sure that ho possesses the necessary
courage , The technical means , for example
the instrumentation , are quite remarkable ,
Incomparably surer than formerly. " Later
on Schumann wrote in his threatical note
book : "ifVagner had as much issehody as
cleverness , be would be th nrtviIpzrr1 mnn
of his time , " In 1853 , nfter having beconse
fully aware \Vngncr's ( helarture from thse
accepted operatIc forms and probably of hula
revohutlonary principles , Schumann wrote :
"Wagner is not , if I may say the thing in a
few words , a good musicIan ; he laclcs the
necessary sentiment of form and beauty of
sound , Apart from the representation his
music is poor ; It Is the music of an amateur ,
empty and unpicasaust. " In 1854 Sclsumann
went insane and in July , 1856 , he died.
Strange though It may scem , the overture
to 'Tannhauser , " which is now hooked upon
as being the greatest work of its kind ever
composed , was not well received at its first
performances. In 1846 Mendelssohn conducted -
ducted it at Lelpstc and it is said "with the
moderate sympathy which ho always felt
for tile efforts of Wagner. If it is true that
I I' is id the intention of showing this overture -
turo as a model to avoid , one may rest assured -
sured iso has succeeded.Vagncr tried
to have "Tannhauser" performed at Berlin
and hoped for SuCCOSs , as the Icing , Frederick
William IV , was much interested in music.
lie received Word from Berlin that if be
would arrange some pieces for a military
band it might be possible to have them
played on parade in the royal presence. It
Is almost needless to say that Wagner
scorned any such means of securing a hearing -
ing for his music , and afterward when 13cr-
lin wanted it it was obliged to come to him
for it.
A good Impression of the popular
regard entertained for Wagner's nsusic
is to he derived from what Gautier ,
a great musical scholar , bad figured
out to himself without having heard any of
his works. lIe had conceived of a Wagner
voluntarily devoid of melody , of rhythm and
breadth , "a bold innovator , shaking off the
established rules , inventing strange cornhh-
nations , striving after unusual effects ; a
paroxyst , going to extremes in everything ,
overdoing violence , unloosing , apropos of
nothing , tile hurricane from tue orchestra
and passing like a musical waterspout uppn
the astounded parterre ; a genius conspli-
cated and furious , chaotIc nnd fulgurating ,
a medley of vapors , darkness and lightning
flashes , yielding to the caprices of a wild
inspiration. " Upon hearing some of isis
works Gautier changed his mind. Ills worst
criticism wns as follows : "flicluard Wagner
has undoubted talent , but he Is heavy ,
stiff , formal , Socrates would certainly have
compelled him to offer up sacrifices to tile
Graces. " In September , 1S59 , Wagner went
to Paris , hoping to have some of his operas
produced thIere. After surmounting all
kinds of ohstacles ' "
'Tannhauser" was performed -
formed on Wednesday , March 13 , ISG1 ,
There had been 164 rehearsals , The cx-
P5050 of time stage settings amounted to
100,000 francs and everything 11(1(1 ( been done
that couhd bedone to give thin opera a thor-
ougbly fitting presentatIon. This was owing
to the interest and sympathy of tIle emperor -
poror , Napoleon III , It had been tile eUs-
torn at the opera that at about the middle
of the pertormanco an elaborate ballet scene
should occur and it also tile custom of
the members of what was called "Tile Jockey
Club" to enter their boxes at this point in
time perfornsancea and applaud with enthiusi-
earn their nunuerous short-skirted favorites.
There was no ballet in the second act of
"Tannhmauser , " TIle director of the opera
advised Wagner to introduce one ; lie ro-
fused. lb consented , Isowever , to rewrite
the first scene , which is supposed to occur
in the house of Venus , and there ho afforded
a reasonable opportunity for the corps mb
ballet. Thus , however , ihid not vhense tiuc
artistic sense of the Jockey club end its
uuscnsbers determined that "Tanuhauser"
shlould be driven from tile Parisian stage ,
'Fhuey had provided tholnsolvea with
hunting whistles , obtained at a gun-
smith's shop , and during tile second
( let they created such an uproar tllat
it. was almost Impossible to proceed
with the music , The common people in the
audience were more favorably inclined toward -
ward the work , although tiloy failed to tin-
derstand it , Concerning their opinion Wag-
ncr wrote to friends In Germany as tel-
lows ; "It seems to me that you have thus
far been nsieinformed with regard to the
nature of this reception ; certainly you would
be greatly mistaken if you were to derive
from it opinion of the F'rencis public ,
s'iticii , though it might be flattering to the
German public , would be really very un-
just. I perai8t , On the contrary , in attributing -
tributing to the I'arlstan '
public 'ery agreeable -
able characterlstis , especially a very lIvely
receptiveness aluci a really magnanimous
sense of justice. To see an audience to
whom I ans personally quite a stranger ,
wise have daily heard the most absurd
thsiogi about use through the newspapers
and Idle chatterers , and who have been influenced -
fluonced against me with almost unprecedented -
dented effort , to see such an audience de-
dare Itself In my favor and against clique ,
by repeated and earnest demonstrations of
applause for a whoe quarter of an hour at
a time , would fill my ilcart with Joy were
I the most Indifferent of men. "
'After all the rehearsals and expenses of
production only three performances were
given. when Wagner decided to withdraw
the work and wrote to the minister who ,
under the king , had charge of the opera , as
follows : "Since the members of the Jockey
club are not willing to permit the public
of Paris to hear may opera performed on tiso
stage of the imperial Academy of Music
because they cannot see a ballet ( lanced at
tue usual hour of their entrance to the
the theater , I whtiu1rav my score. " The
Parisian press was turned against the opera
and tue composer with all the vower at its
command , Berlioz , now looked upon as
one of the greatest Composers France has
produced , and at that time Its leading IfluSi-
eel critic , was Its a transport of joy. His
words arc as follows : 'AiiiVlmt a rep-
rcsentationi'hot bursts of laughter ! The
l'arisiAn showed hshcnself yesterday in quito
a new light ; lie laughed at the wretched
musical style ; lie laughed ust the tricks of
the fantastic orchestration ; at last
ho comlurellends that there is
a style in music ! As for tlso
horrors , hue iiisseml them splendidly. The
sCConl represeistatlon was worse than tlio
first. I1eoiile no longer laughed , they were
furious ; they iuissed persistently , notwitlu-
standing the presence of the emperor and
empress , who were in their box. I'eoplo
treat this unfortunate \Vngner as n scamp ,
an imposter , ais idiot. " Poor Berlioz. Ito ,
too , Was workIng at a music of the ftlttlro
nnti it is only recently that his beloved
"Parisian public" has been able to give
hlins credit for writing anything worth
hearing. It was not long after the nhovo
was 'tvritteis that ho ilad the honor of figur-
log as one of the personages in a cariacaturo
in a ParisIan comic paper ; ( lie other figure
was Itlchard Wagner. lIOMEIt MOORE.
tuisiettl Iotrs.
'Mrd ' Whitney Moclueridge , the American
toner , has been engugefi by Muse. Adehina
Patti for a tour of ten concerts to occur in
the coissiig : flllttumnll ,
Mr. E. I ) . Kcck , a prominent vocal teacher
of Chicago , has been sleitiiflg a. feW ( lays
in Omalsa visiting tile cxpositi'n and looking -
ing over the musical field , He expressed
himself as much pleased wills musical mat-
toys in tills city and made the acquaintance
of a number of the local musicians ,
Mr. I3Ispham , the Americais baritone ,
rave a concert iii London JUuie 16 , at which
he sang for the first timise bcfore nil English
ailduenem' lientisoven's "hlnidenrosleill , " arranged -
ranged by another American musician , II.
11. lhtIss , from a sketchs that contained only
the melody. I1 also sang ballads by Kipling
as act to ussusic by Harry Howe Shelly atsfl
Walter Damrosch. Misa Leonora Jaclcs.n ,
au American violinist of the first rank , as-
Slogmuftd Lrtndshicrg , formerly-of Omalsa ,
has been for the last two years in Berlin
studying piano , composition and conducting
with the last teachers tiiat the capital of
Germany affords. lIe arrived in this city
13th and Douglas Sts. , Oisioha.
.1. E. si.niicL. : & sos , I'rops.
American l'lan.$1.50 and $2.00 per day
European Plan. . . . . . . . . . 500 to $1.00 per day
FBANI ( BAItICER , Manager.
SAM BAUM/tN , Cilief Cleric.
14th and hharnoy St.
American Plan-3 to 4 ( bolbars per day.
ttreet cars from depots and from hotel to
ExpoSitiOn Grounds in II.ftecn minute3.
B. SILLOWAY. Manager
last Sunday morning and will soon ostab.
hish himself as a teacher and concert p'r-
former , Mr. Laiutsbc'rg was vell thought
of before iso availed hiImelf of this mliii.
tional course ot study and hId will doubtless
take a place in the front rank of hds urn-
Toiimny's 'mil rstctiloiis Pnli.
WEST StJPEltlOilVIs , , tig , 6.-Tommy
Arnohl , time 4-year-old son of the janItor of
tue Broadway hlIli SCilool , chinthel out
Upon the fourth story Platform of the fire
escape this morning and fell , turning over
band over in hits drop of seventy feet to the
foot of the basement stairway , but escaped -
caped With only a broken thIgh , although
strIking on an asphalt. pavement.
' ' .
A ( ltIA't' uuic ; Sht.V ,
hiarneySt ; ,
Tehepisono 2217.
LentzViihtnms , PropS. and Mgre
W , W. COLE. Act , Manager.
FashenabIe Vaudeville
slm.tcI li lli'ii i'V'i' & ( ' 0.
Comedy Slcetchs ArtIsts
PI.ICl , tNl ) 4l'l3iON ,
Musical Comedians ,
110(11 ! .l'SSiI.
Manipulator of Fire Arms.
11.001) hI1U)4. ) ,
Comedy Acrobats.
hmIitGIit tNl ) itiiIhl ) ,
Singing and Dancing Sketch Artist
it'ci ,
Overatlc Star ,
hIVING ANI ) ii.t'Lit/I'0N ,
Character Sketchists ,
Vdevlle ShOw
b the Uty
Daily from 8 to 12 p. m.
Matinees daily ( ncept Monday ) from
2:30 : to 5:30 : p. m.
i'ht VaxOfl & Uurgela ,
AZAJ Cn5htnn Managers. 'cci. 1531.
0. 1) , Woodward , Ansusoutsemit Director.
TO1)t 12 : $ ( ) TONIC. III' S :80 :
NeNtVeeh"CAl'T. . SW'IF'I' . "
. . . .AT TilE. . . .
- - - -
15th antI Capitol Ave.
Capture the Brass Ring and Ride Again
.Jos , MUNCIIOFF , Lesec and Malinger.
( I N 1 I LI I l
Moorish Harem
, ! SCC the won- Take a VT(1 Ri(1o for Life on
on the East ; uItiivuy aiim lisohino ! M
The rent
, ,
, offl.e IeattIfit ice-
M You will remember it forever
0 nlaIliaWJarll'R SIlJatSOtheBOttOfl 0 and toll your friends how it
. . less lVJhLLaflI DANCING GIRLS , happened. I
T 1113 . . Don't tall to take a ride On
on the MIDWAY. and see a representation
Is the MOST POPULAR Place to dine or of the BATTLE oi MANILA iii the Great
llflsChl on tha East Midway. Good service 'runnel. 'rile pateilt right for tiseso rail-
and city inices make it dsirabio for ways in any part of the United States for
familieq cab by J. A. Orifliths , at his 0111cc on the
- Midway ,
Is the Greatest Attractious on the MID-
'rite Only Teniple of Art and \'AY. The holdup of thin Overlaisd Stage ,
. The most exciting scene of frontier life
Amntiseullent Oil the Midway. alud hairbreadth escapes from attacks of
Voiiderfnl Scenes 1'urtrned as in the Indians can IsolIrly ho seen at the
- fl.uui't Fail tO Sec It.
- - _ _ . _ _ _ _ , --------a -
- 'V IS ! ' ! ' '
CURIO STORES Trained WUd AiirnaI Show1
N , of Music flail-East Midway , IN 'rilE DEN or LIONS ,
" '
a m-e-
flul1I1'l.I1S'i ' , Vondcrftil Cycloranm
SS'FI"I' BY COOhi flul1I1'l.I1S-
; Of the Great Battle Between time
'ritE I'lAcE FOIl SOCIfl'I'Y-
luring the ClviiVar , is the mostcostly
Geriliati ) 110(1 finest show on the West Midway.
DON'T VAIL 'it ) 1533i1 IT.
; Village
Mi. ICirehiner's Wrll Famous ( hALILOItNlit
Liily ( ) rehicNtril , TIso biggest , best , most novel exhibition
e Uentitifiil Pior'iue ( ' iInrve' . on \\'st Midva' . Admission only 10 cents.
ChiluimteulN' Lee I'CBNICY. her of nearly 100 Giant Os-
' Stnrlcy siiil ItitlJuiu : , 4 trielies , dozens of Ostrich chicks
. . hIorhzuiitil liar , only tt few mlays old , 'l'iso luost
a ICIIgM of ii : :
phUmnllgo en earth. Ostricis eggs ,
, , gorgeous
co : I iuous 4ttJlIVIILI1 Ostrich uwsts , etc.
A , FiWlN ct'VSToN , l'rop ,
Visit the
Tile onr I ie PARIS EasIIU U ! ! Notforgot to
-llmn- WNS ThATR9
F LYING LADY. Tea Garden , Bazar and Toss
It hionutitul W'oniuu : flonthiug in NIISCO. 1-louse onY'est P1idvray. , .
ON 'VIlE Ih.tS'l' MIIIWA % ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
THE MYSTIC MAZE Grand Battle Cottfetti
? iext Tisesilny at 14:80 : i' . in , at
; o' lasughil Fiud yourself If ouu 01:1:1
01 AU Nations
liitl 11.11 hal 151(11) ( 1 ! you had the Streets
la'nullfiui lumh , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mamrnoth Whale CAMP STOOLS , SEATS FOR FluE-
. , "Sciuley , " Administration Arch
Stand No. I
Length 5i ft. Weight 80,000 lbs tUlsul No. 2 , "Dewey , ' West Midway ,
Stand No , 3 , "i1ebs.n , " 2.'orth viaduct ,
'I'lic Oil ) ) ' Gcitiiime Stlnl : No. 4 , "Sr.rnpson. " toutlu viaduct.
\'Iitile iii the \Vorld , Or 'Phone
EtS'f MII'AY , CIJMMINS , [ xposltion 6rounds ,
N i II I I
N See liii' ( ) rh'nnh lnzzilug ll'glltieN in
: bi'I r :1:11 I CUt 11111CM $11111 ilililOt's ,
VItne , . ( lie ZUIflUIIN swor.i'snics and
tiiLe LI rith , ou the camels ,
Ailvert irmnemi t for these eultinhuts
.iui Iu' ( nice : : tititil 151 lii , far thin
eve : . I tug nil it : : iut II 8:80 for niortuilig
Cliii Sititdn ' m'ih I t ions ,
1tfl1c , 1 l-ie a vurml first inPIertiflhl
I e tu I hereufter. NII Ii I ng Inkeit
for less Ihititi BSe for time ltrst liisei'
I hiui , 'lltpm. ti,1ertisotneitts lutist lit'
rail etIs'euut is el3.
Ai1 cr5 Ist'rM , hiy re'qn.'mt itig ft tlltlIt
hi.'t'ed ( 'hIt''It , Cliii littv ( ' uttsncrM tub-
' ' , ' to ii iuttuiili''ei ietter Iii curl'
tiC 'I'm' hi.'e. .uisu-ers so nslilressi'il
i.hhl lit' .hi'll acreut on vrenetttnt 11th Of
tli ch.eIi titulv.
SZTL'.t'I'ItN.SV.N'VII ) .
TYPE\'R1TING nmsd copying.2oIljee lhidg ,
CENTlfMAN wishes etof books to keep
ovcnings or ( hll , ' , X 4 , lice , A-S17
SITUATiON wanted by first class grocery
clerk iii or out. of Omahsis ; references.
Address X S. lice. A-M527
' . ' .N'I'l1)-MAh.I 11111.1' .
SATESMEN for cigars ; l2 It mflolith and
espctlscs ; old firm ; experience 'tuislIcces-
Sttl.y. C , C. Bishop & Co. , St. Lotli , Mo.
SATflSMEN to sell ofilea sluecialties in
Kansas and Nebraska ; flue 1(1(10 lines ;
agents make 13.00 a day ; ilsod hi' nil luser-
chants. Model Mfg. Co. , IJox 13. South
llend , Itsd. B-505-A-23'
"YOUNG men , our illustrated catalogue
expltlns how to hearut barber trade its
t'Ighut s'cek , mulled free. Moler's Ilarber
College , Chicago. " I3-M73) . '
TAILORS , atteusd 1)yhur's cuittitig school ;
systems ; charges reasonnhuk' , 515 S.
13th , Onsaisa. ih-M7G1SI
ONfl of the oldest manufacturers iii CIII-
cage wants a man to sell cigars in No.
hraskmt , Iowa and lCflltSlls , Oil comnsis.
shoui. Reference tund security required.
, JOhltl P. lIalluon & Co. , 331 Mihwatukeo
Ave. 13-M03 10'
\\'ANTiD , good tinner. A German wills
isis own touh prefesred. Stnte vuges cx-
hiected. Address X 2 , 13cc. D-alS0 7
w ANTED at once , 5 good sndmhlo hands on
guvernnuent addlcp , also severIui stoclc
8(1(1(110 Iurtnmbs. Apply at the l'nnntitz
Sadmilery Co. , 227-220 & 231 East 6th Street ,
St. Paul , Minn. IJ-SIS-7
W'ANTED , man with capital to control tue
sale's of most unaguiiilceist lxposition
luatbge. Sample 15c. M. Ernst Cleveland ,
0. l3-MSiI i
WANTfD. stnto agents for a new urtiche
of merit ; call at 105 So. l5til street.
lJ-MS36 8'
w ANTED , nsaii to do snaglc and l'uncis and
Judy , 1111(1 uisako hitnself generally useful ,
or any good attraction for fnir. Will sell
side show conipiete or halt interest.'stlst
tORtS to run chiseograpil and good sIde
show talker , Athlrcss Judd C.Vehb , Fremont -
mont , Nob. U-MSII 7'
.AGEN'rS everywhere , general or canvassing -
ing ; will 500(1 ( sample : quick seller : paying
niore money steady than anything else its
AmerIca. Scott Company , 21 Barclay St. ,
New York. 13-
\'AN'1'ED , coflPeteflt man who can acqtlirc
control of business In a short time. 6i3 It
month and expenses. Amhtiress Superin-
tellhetlt , P. 0. Box 7S5 , Phlihadeijuhsin , I'etsn
WANTED , a janitor for apartment
huotiso who understands a steam boiler
nut ! ho iius : a vife willing to Ilehl ) and
1)0 children. Apply quick , F'ldehi ty 'l'lUst
Co. ' hi-S55-7
WANTflD. a tisorotugil clothing salesnials
fltll WindoW trimmer. Address The hub ,
Fremont , Neb. B-S5i-7
BEST side 11110 for travelers calling on
hardware or drug trades. Good consmls-
ion , litso seller. WrIte , Dixon Mfg. Co. ,
Chicago. - -
SALESMEN-Five first class salesineti to
sell to best retail merchants ; positions
worth $ O per week and expenses. Address -
dress Dastern Mfg. Co. , Manhattan Iildg. ,
Chulcago. Il-S77-7
GOVERNMENT 1)OSitiOflS. Don't prepare
for any civil service examination witilout
iieelusg our ihhttstratcd catalogue of infor-
matlon ; sent free. Cohulmblan Corrc-
spondence College , Wasiuington. D. C.
GOOD piano player who cnn make up as
"Svengali" to play at tlso exposition : good
wages. Address X Ii. Bee. hI-S75-7'
\\13 PAY men $75 to $125 er nsoatis and
exIenhies selling cIgars ; experience utsuec-
essary ; rermnnent positiots. ltaiic'y Bros. ,
I'hiindelphla , I'n. lhMS749 *
\'ANTED-Conspentent salesman for corn-
Plato line of lubricating oils nnd greases ,
Kerosene , gasohitue , linseed oil , etc. This
is a western itsstitution , fltianeinhly re-
sponsibie , where quiche sluipmnents : mtli
prompt deliveries are made. LIberal corn-
mission ; sonptly paid. WrIte for terms.
Western Oh Co. , Mitsneapohis. Minnesota.
TEACIIERS watited for clioo1 and cal-
leges ; list of vacancies free. Interstate
'rencisers' Agency , 126 Washingtots Street ,
ChIcago , Ill. 13-873-7'
SALESItIEN-lOO montisly and expenses
guaranteed selling to merchants and fain-
ilhe machines for cooling refrigerators ;
guurantcci 75 per cent ciueuiier thlntu ice.
.tuldress ArctIc Refrigerating Co. , Chtichtt-
natl , 0. 13-871-7'
WANTED-Male 'stenogrcupiler vhu' ) writes
It good iunnd nnl tunderstutuils Irnokkeep-
lag. Apply in lsrsndwrltiilg. Addresu X
16. lIce. Il-MOlO 7'
TRAVELING salesmen witiu good references -
ences cnts apply to Randall huh & Co.
Sibley building , Chicago , for light line of
etuthery sasupiemi on comnnmissituuu ,
13-533 7'
DETEc'rIvE-susrowd , reliable mon wanted -
ed its every locality for hurofitnlulo secret
service ; experience unnecessary. WrIte ,
American Detective Association , Ituiiinn-
npnhis. Jxitb. ii-8C2 7'
YOIJCAN make trans 2 to si' , a day working -
ing for this ocietv , Write for 3)nrticlu-
lure. National ihtmane Ahlhaiwe , Now
York. li-sri 7'
GO\'E1tNMF3NT positIons , Isuindreds now in
the government service were ntsistetl * to
their iOsitiofllt by tim Nat. Corresi'ond-
dlic ? Inst. \'nsblinmhton , D. C. Write
io Itistitulte tOhU3' ( or circular 260 ( s'Iut
free ) If you : Wlttlt uuuch a. posItion. 5,000
4lhufloifltfl5oflt5 made annually ; increased
nitnihier next year , Splendid chance.
SIDE line , $12 to $15 weekl' cash ; free
anisbei4 : ( value $10) ) , to safesunen glior-
anteeing cover certain ( protected ) ground
Sellers first hands , highs rated. 1' , 0.
1371. Ness' York. II-S53.7
ENG1NEllt and eiectri lati wanted at tiuo
Iowa School for the ient. AluuiY Iti her- :
SiltS or huy mlii. ( I3-id'Ji2 0
Vi'ANTED , sahr'stnnn vitii ( 'xei ti'it'o : 111111
etuhhished : : iii hr.avy hirhvnrc , its
uuortlt Kuntiati , tnd 501:111 : Nebrahk.1 U
tory.tpphy ( It .IISCi I ) : . ' Itter to 101 4tlI
st. , Council Bluffs , Ia. lt-0l 7
- - - - -
W'it'I'l3I-Fl1sLi1I1 11131,1' .
1111 Gl1tIS ( or oil hhtld5 of vork ; $3 to $7
vcic. Canatliatu Oihice , 3522 Douglas.C5'7
C-5'7 '
aor ; ) girl to help cook and chiambermnaid ,
Lauugehotel , C.(4 S. 13th : St.
EM1'LO's'MI3NT bureau , 1522 Dodge ; tel. 876.
THAVI3IlNGninn with gooduaying hush-
ness wishes lady of good appenrttuee tar
a lnrtoer ; must lsavu some capital. ( lea ,
1. Iteed , room 71/a Creighiton llhk.
C-MID 7'
COMPETENT (00lc email family ; by Sept.
1st. Apply at once , 1637 F lIt. , Litucoin ,
Nob. C-MShi 8'
WA NTi3i-GIrl ( or general housework.
1131 touth lst St. ( -853
WANT131)-Cook ; t'iii pay 1.00 ; unuaih famn.
fly. 1218 t5outit 7ths Ave. C-8l9-7'
WANTI3I-GIrlHfor hunch : counter. Apply
! 'iarhcel Catering Cotflhimitsy. sunder South
VItuhttct , Sluerunats avuuitto , ibozulny tnorui-
lag tsetweett 7 and S o'clock. C-8'0 7
W'ANT laihy of small capital to travel for
JCIlfieCtIlhle. picasatit , iuroiliahho iitisItlC$14 ,
tIn experleulco re'iUircd. Achdrtis ii ,
11cc. C015 7'
iv experienced cloak salesladies. Address -
dress X 12 , Bee , C-911 7'
" , S'.tN'rI7h-Pil.ll3 3ulTI' .
( CotitlnttNl. )
WANT13I ) , houskeeper by wIdower wills I
ohuillren , T , It. 1hdtIh , Jttlesbiurg , ( . . .olo.
Ti.CliElU3 , turhunary grade atiul Itigit
ScilOol , ( tie siuCelmul college. Alhlris E ,
N. Calhoun , lii ? Newport Ave. , Chicago
W'ANTI3P. an attractive young iluI with
good contralto voice to sing at the ox-
vosltlotu ; geol salary. Adilress X 10 , Bee.
1'Il3AHANT liousc'vork for men or women
day or ovenitsg ; Iii to $15 weekly ; no can-
'assiuig or experience needed ; Islam in-
struetiotis nusci vork nsniled on opplhea.
( ion , Ilrazihlan Mfg. Co. , Ne'YorkOIty ,
Chht1 for general hotusework. Apply 8814
North 20th at. C-048
\\'ANT1'D-Virst class gIrl for general
housework. lO2i l'ark aventn.,1,1 : , .
, .
, _ _ -.l ,
CihOICl3 housds nisti cottages all over city ;
$3 to $75. Fidelity , ilrst floor , S. V. 1.iIo.
- - - -
110t75h3S. I3cnewa & Co. , 108 N. 18th St.
1)-SD , '
hOUSES , stores , Bemnis , l'axton block.
MO' I NO ilOulSlsIlflhl ( goods nisd pianos ,
Otnahia'fitl & Storage Co. , ISlit's FfirnItfli.
'I ci. 150. 13-481
FiRNlTUitb3 ? itusil ietuseliolml of a 7 nIli 13-
l'OlIfl ) liodern : tint for sale ; bargain ; good
location ; reuu iU'.V , Ilenils , l'axton block.
A FE'I COT'I'AG138. . 136 lboari Trzumhe.
SIX-1300M unoderus that. 1112 Souths 11th.
2201 N. 27th St. , house S rooms , suitable for
two ( nnihlips , $20.O'J.
GAI1VIN BROS. , 1813 FAIINAM 5' ! ' .
i\iOI)13RN.letnche(1 ( , nitse-room house ; nice
lawn , iiiindo trees , choice locathots ; 2129
Cn1Ito1 avenue : rental , 35.00. Tel. 573.
13. ii lholiison , MeCague Bldg. 13-536
NOD13flN 10-room , hr. , 25th , near Doilge ;
cast troist ; elsolco. Itsquire GOi 13cc hililg ,
li'OIt RENT , very cheap to respouisihlo ; - ; : - _
ties , a nicely fuurtsisllcl 10-room uno(1e1'n
150(151' ; centrally located : uuiee neIghborhood -
hood , l'artles leaving city. X 5 , lice.
D-MS.15 7'
. - _ _ _ _ _
, , :
,1iii:13E ntsml 4 , rooms moderts , stenuui heat ,
janitor service. S16 S. 22d St. 1)-S1S-lO'
FOR RI3NT-10.ronm house , all modern , '
lwlco how. J. 11. b'hserwool , 423 N. Y. Life. '
1)-DID 7'
W'ITIIiN three blocics of exposition 14-
room huous : , sluitahle for rooming par-
PSC5 ( 15150 store stultablo for restaurant.
Sco J. N. Freuszer , OIllOsite oiul I' . 0.
TEN-ROOM brick house , modern , gas flit.
mince , bath ; not htsensent : Pilul. iii N.
26111 st. Inquire Dr. Swartzlander.
I-013 7'
FOR ltENT-FUhtS1t111fl 1100315 ,
50 ROOMS , 1117 Douglas ; otso bed In rootus ,
TIIItEE rc'olns ' , housekeeping. 1112 Soultll
11th. E-MITG
VISITOItS to the Trausmississippi and In-
ternntionmsl Exposition wishing to secure
comfortable quarters cnn save tiisse and
expense by writing to or cnhlhni UOfl the
Olilciul Inforanatiots Bureau , 1319 Farnarn
St. . the only authorized igeticy of the
Exposition malsagc'nlent. Strangers on
arrival in Omaha can tnke street cars
direct from any depot. 0111cc open day
afli night. E-5S6
ELEGAN'rLl' furnished rooms , bath , ide-
plsoni' : traissients ; prices reasonable ; room
3 , Davhtige httlldhig : , Eigilteentis and I"ar- f
limLas streets , opposite city hall. Cars to
( Idiots and eXisositlotS , 'rd. 2076. Mrs.
Joffrhes. E-a1923
ROOMS. $3.00 month. 1916 Farnain.
E-542 30'
NICErY furnished rooms ; transients luc-
commodated. 2110 Mason. E-M766 7
FUI1NISIII3D room for two gentlemen.
2220 Leavenworth. E-M760 7'
VISITORS wishing first class rooms in 1511-
vale family can secure same at S. W.
corner 17th and Capitol Ave. , vest of
postohilce. 13-770-S'
TELEPHONE 2181 for cool , choice uooma.
PLEASANT rooms , ciucap. central. 1512
Davenport. E-M703 52
FURNIShED room : getsthemnnn ; modern ;
south front ; 1614 Chicago street , Flat F.
E-MSO9 7'
FURN1SIII3D room for one or two gcn-
themen ; private family ; 2518 Daveisport
St. 13-MS0S 7
ROOMS , modern , cool , airy ; $2.50 lip. 514
N. 10th. E-M77953
FIJRNISIII3D room for one or two gentle-
Inca ; private family. 2518 Davenport St.
E--I"hS3S 7'
NICELY ( urnislled rooms ; hoard optional ;
walking ( listatico from exposition ; trats-
selents acconirnotbateil , 2120 Shuerian a a 'e.
E-MS37 7'
F1YRNISIII3D rooms vith or without board.
2015 Iouglns. I3-S52--S'
TWO r.icely fmurtlisluel front south rooms.
1722 St. '
Dodge E-Slh-1O'
FIIIS'I' crss accomrnolzttIotss for a ( ow
'hmuitors , private fanlill' , ilnhlilsomdly sit- . '
unteti , reIlsotuabsIe terms. 722 North 19th.
13-MOlt 8'
FI'RNISIII3D room , housekeeping. 2623 St.
Mlury's , E-'iiOOO 11'
Si NOLE furtlisiseli room , $2 per week : two
roonss for iiotiselceepitig , lcitchiets and lieu-
room , $ . ' . .SO % 'ee1c. .Aphuiy ots lircitsIst's , 1702
Vt'ebster street , cetltraI. l3-M912 16'
] 'l31tTANENT rooms vnnted , will necomn-
Inobatu ( transients at 5507 Cumisinic St.
- _ ,
PlIt1SII131) 1100315 AXIS ilOAhifi.
TI I 13 IIFINEFIT I 1OUSI3-2lst nnd I'inicney
Sin , , fifty 'lahstlly fturnislted rooms : otsa
t4Iltar ( , trffltu tile Arch : of tile Sintes ;
everythuutg new und lust class ; icrtnH
reasiilahle. F-fiSl
13XPOSITION 'l'lClCl3'I'S ntli Saratoga
1101(1 ( are ( or 2.00 per mlay ; uhJoIIls tue
groutls : : , Sllermnan llVCtlItt cisc hOt , iIlNs'ii
tiso 110115(1 ; Huitutner resort style ; uiutnihica
eel I ci t . 'il ; lnoi ( era , eeoh , iionuei I lo ; us Ills ,
gas , 1)11(110 ) find library. 'FeIepiono : 1031.
Douliule parlors , iuaiunioclcs , VIuttt veratalas ,
york , seats its tltu street ears ; no dust ;
3(5113' people and croquet.'rhte or 'pluouo :
thuis tuilnuto ; special offer is for those
who : (10. -590
Tlii3 2dEltitiAM-First class tttrnuiy hotel ,
21t1s : mnti Dodge Hts. F-fdS
5l'O'i"i'8 , 522 N. 19th St. Nice
( ' 001 looms , 11LH , batiu , first class boimrtl
rates rensonalule. F-M455-A-23
'FAKE iloS'ul thUd " ( or iule' ' or "for rent"
sign Itu your window. 'Fun lice retuciues
more peespie In a day thats svhhl luass your
vindow itt a nuomutuu ; inil tili3y ( OhllUlt
thieso columnusiu Wiletu they vautt to lilly Ot
33ij13JANT cool rooms , with first-class
huourd , three hiochut from P. 0. 1900 Cap-
Itoh avcuue. F-MIll 1'
ItOOMS uttlil liolIrli , ) !
, , .
1)13ItIli'I'FtJI , rooms , modern , brick reid-
uienee. all convenleni'cs ; trlniuients. 212
5 , 17th , s. 'V. COt. 17th : iunil DOulghluit.
COOi itO)15114. newly fturnisied : , gas , bat ) : ,
ie'umrui if desired , good xueighhoriuood. 513
N. 22d. F-2u11fl8 8' ,
1 - - - - - - - - - - -
lNIIltNlSIii3l ) 1100M5 ,
TIIIIFB3 rooms on iarior floor for housekeeping -
keeping or bourdixtg , All conveniences ,
2205 Farnam. O-M785 7'
FOil it I2'l'-S'l'OhIllS It ? l ) 0iFICl3H.
FORR13N't'-'l'iio 4-story uncle building at
1(16 ( Farnun : St. Tiuts butildixig bus a tIre.
Proof cement isusement , water o all
floors. gas , etc. Apply at tue 0111cc of
'rho lIce. 1-910
W'IIOLI1SAL,13 store and s'utreiuotmscs ; track.
Iuge ; excellent uhipiuhtu facilities. C. 13.
Benson , 310 Itumgc Bldg , I-ZuI2h3-Jt2Q4