Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 07, 1898, Part II, Page 21, Image 21

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: . - - - - - . - - - THE OMAITA ] ) AILY iEE : SUNDA , _ AUGUST 7. ThUS. 21
, . . &ugnlt Opcn with Brilliant Prospecth for
; Trade In All Dopartment.
JoIber , IIne MI T1ie Cnn In Since
the Coining of IIaInN Ilnis Re-
. 11c'ed Vcnr at Crop
' ,
' A remark It ; occaslonafly heard to the
' \
( efTect that busIne th rather quiet , people
mnTly times forgetfing that thiB 13 the dull
reason of the year when ordinarily there l
not enough doIng to keep any one busy.
ThIs has , however , bcen a remarkable season -
son and It Is to be doubted If there ever
Wai a summer when trade In all depart.
flients was as ctlvo as t has been all
through July and at the commencement of
, August. The large number of strangers
' attending the exposition has made a great
dIttereno with the retail merchants and In
p additton It I a generally conceded fact that
, there are fewer Omaha people absent from
the city than usual during the summer
n every department of busIness the attu.
atton Is most gratifyIng , considering the
season of the year , and , what Is still more
i'ncouraglng. the prospect for business this
fall could hardly be better. The late rains
3iavo put the country crops in splendid conS
$ dition afli the country Is buying nil kinds
of merchandise with a freedom that Is most
The fairly remunerative Prices at which
live stock and wheat are selling is rendering -
dering money in the country quito easy , so
that there is nothing In th way of a
hindrance in that direction.
. '
'hnt Jolbers Are Ioiig. ,
Wholesale grocers report considerable improvement -
provement ! trade conditions for inst week
LU LIlO raIns , WIIICfl nave created
a much easier feeling all over the state.
The iiprovement does not seem to be In
any one particular line , but in all classes
of goods.
The market Is also fluctuating more than
i for some time past. This is noticed es-
I pectaily In California Products. 110th the
J canned anti dried fruits are advancing , the
J i market for the latter being in rather an
excited condition. Developments of the
t last week have shown that stocks are
much lighter than at flrst anticipated and
! besides that foreign buyers are unusually
) active this season. It is reported thnt
fully one-haif the output of apricots
I ) has been contracted for by European buy-
' era , which leaves the suppiy for home
trade exceediiy short. As a result of
this shortage apricots advanced from ic to 2c
. L , . . . . per vound last week and peaches made a
corresponding rise.
/ Eastern Peaches also made an advance
of from 5 to lOc Per dozen , owing to the tact
that there Is little prospect of there being
over a one-haif average pack.
tn farinaceous goods flour Is reported as
being easier on account of the fall in
' 'wheat. Oatmeal , however , is lirmer , because -
cause of the fact that a considerable
proportion of the new crop of oats is rup-
fling light weight anti besides that tha
stock of old oats Is concentrated in a few
The sugar market is reported na being
about the same as for some little time past.
The demand , however , Is somewhat more
flmited , as is usually the case at this
season of the yettr owing to the close of
% the berry season. Fail fruits have not as
yet arrived on the market to take the place
of the berries and consequentl the failing
off In the demand for sugar is to be expected -
pected , No other changes of importance
In the schedule of prices are reported.
Dealers in hardware are also feeling
better than they were a week ago and say
that while they are not rushed with busl-
ness , still they ar having a. nIce , lively
trade. Country merchants that are calling
' , on the trade all talk very encouragingly
and appear to feel perfectly sate In placing
liberal orders. The market at this point remains -
mains drrn on alilines of goods , although
ne report comes [ rom tile east o a weakening -
ening in the null market. It Is not cx-
pocted , however , that there will be any
change here , as prices are already as low
as they ehould be.
Dry goods merchants have very little
that Is new to report. They are still receiving -
ceiving orders for fall goods with every
mail and especially is that true flince tlto
recent rains. With the beginlng of the
month the shipment of goods Into the
country started in good earnit and there
'will be no letting up now for several
weeks , The more fancy lines will arrive
hero before long and vll be ready for In-
apection at the jobbing houses. It is cx-
pecteti tnat there will be an unusually good
demand this year for nil the better grades
of dress goods and jobbers are making
their calculations with that Idea in mind.
Reports coming from other loints show
that the dry goods market is lirm and
active ail over the country , with every
Indication for its remaining in that con-
dltion. Local dealers are entirety
eatisileil with the trade they are having
and say this rilt be without doubt the
best year for them on record ,
Boot and shoe jobbers also have about the
same report to make , as prices are not
changing anti the volume of business transacted -
acted from week to week varies but little.
Country merchants as a rule seem to be
s anxious to get their goods and consequently
' ( shipments are being rushed. Orders are
t constantly coming in from now quarters
and visitors at the various jobbing houses
' ( c , arc numerous , so there is considerable ac-
.1 tlvity among merchants at the present tIme.
V The purchase of spring samples , however ,
continues to ho a leading feature , and , while
liberal orders have been placed with travel-
Ing men , still several of the leading' job.
' bers are now in the east ilnishing up the
purchases. It Is the intention of local jobbers -
" bers to have a line of spring ttamplcs that
cannot be excelled.
Ixicc * tug ImProvement in Luniber.
Lumbermen are feeling decidedly easier
inco the rains have vut a stop to the talk
about dry weather. Instead of receiving
orders to hold shipments until heard from
$ g or to reduce them h3 half , as was the case
' ' a week ago , they arc , being told to ship as
' I first instructed. Local dealers are looking
.1 for a decided improvement in theIr busIness
In the course of another week or so , as the
middle of August is looked upon as being
the turning point from the dull to the busy
season , It can scarcely be said , however ,
that there Iitis been a dull vcriod this year
at ; trade has kept up remarkably velI
throughout tile slimmer. Business in a retail -
tail way 1111 $ been somewhat slack , but no
fault has ben found with the wholesale
trade. Now that crops are out of danger
at least for the tIme being , merchants ( eel
conhldent that tllO ) are going to have all
the business they can comfortably handle.
The market remains ilrxn on nil lines ,
TilO commIttee appointed to arrange for
Lumbernien's tIny , to be celebrated at the
Transinisslesippi Exposition on September
II , feels more confldent now than ever that
it is going to be able to secure exception-
ahl ) loW railroad rates for all those wishing
to vist Omaha en that occasIon. WIth low
rates and the attractive program arranged
bY the committee there is no doubt but
what every lumberman in this part of the
country will take tnrt in the ceremonies.
Commission awn report a very good do-
snand for fruit and 'egc'talles of all kinds ,
l'eiiehes continue to be reittly sellers , the
$ 511111)1) ' coming from California and itlis-
souri. Tue season ( or aeorgia anti Texas
peaches is past. Watermelons continue to
be ready sellers , the crated ont's being
quoted at 1Cc and loose ones at l2jl3c.
Cantaloupe are also in good request and
crates bring p.25 nIId baskets , $1 , A few
: home grown cherries are still in the mar-
ketnnil tF1 ! quoted at 3Gij'35cpcr ten-pound
oasKeI. ijiaciworries. litougn scarce , are
still to ho Itati anti sell for $1.75. Ilitie-
berries are also coming itt anti are in fairly
gooti demanil.
Lwnqns atlvauced some last week , owing
to a rather light supply. and are now held
at I6.&IYfil.OO for fancy Messinas and S.5OLP
6.O for Californias.
The egg market last week was decidedly
, unteatly antI climbed upward at a rapid
, rate , The rise is caused by a good demand
' 1111(1 It falling off in receipts , 'rho short sup-
Pl is IrobLtbiy caused to a large extent by
the decrease in lrotluction that usually occurs -
curs Ut title season of the year , Quotations
are now placed ttt lIc , but slioulti the stip-
II ) increase to any great extent there would
be a ( tilling oft in Price. 'rho demand is
still very good for midsummer.
The butter market remnhils flrm and the
receipts rather light , Separator creamery
brings ISo and gathered creamery l57l6c.
The slipply of poultry is also rIltiler short
consitiering the itctjvti demand ( or spring
chickens especially , Chickens are being
quoted at lie and lIens Ut ( .
St. l..stiiM Mftriet ,
ST. LOUIS , Aug. IL-FLOUIt--flrm. hold.
4' trs asking CtLh prices patents , $ l.753.b ;
si ratgltts. $3.43.SO ; clear , $3.OOJ3.W.
V1IFAT-lligher. closing with August
Heptember % e , December e and May
540 above yesterday , spot dull , but higher ;
No , 2 red , cash , elevator , ' 2c : track , 73e ;
Aligtist , C944c ; September , fS l-SjGSc ; Dc.
vcinber , 67 l4cj ; May , GS 3.Se ; No. ilard ,
cash. 7MJ72c ,
COIIN-Fasier and fractionally lower for
futures Spot stronger No. 2 cash. 3e ;
August , % ; September , 32 3-Sij3c ; Do.
cember. 32',4c ; May , 4c uked ,
oArs-l'tztures e higher ; ipot dull and
\ ,
nominal , o. 2 cash , 23c ; trnck , 244q2c ;
September , 2iVc iay , 24 3-Sc ; o. 2 waite ,
3OI3le ,
ltYE-ominal 45c.
SEED-'Fiaxed , higher , 9ic. Prime
timothy seed 32.&O.
I3RAN-Firm and in demand sacked , east
track , tc.
hAY-Dull , scarce and held higher ;
timothy. oo : prairie .OOG.7S.
13UT'I'EIt-Market firm : creamery , ij2oc
9c , loss off.
\'IIISKY-Stectdy ; $1.25.
M ETALS-Lead , quiet , $3.S2',4 , Spelter ,
qtiiet , I4ZO.
i'HOVISIONS-Pork , quiet : standard
mess , jobbing , .OO. Lard , quiet : , rime
steam , $5.15 ; choice , $5.20 , Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders. $5.00 : extra short clear.
.62' ' % : ribs. 45.75 ; shorts. $3.874. flacon ,
boxed shoulders , $ .7G : extra short clear ,
$6124' rIb 26.23 ; Shorts , * G.3fl4.
nEdIlptR-Flour , 2,000 bbls. ; wheat , 37-
000 bti. : corn. &OO bi , ; oats , 12.000 bu ,
SlIiPMT5-Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat ,
lG,000 bu , corn , 9,000 bul oats , 3,000 bu.
Condition of Trndeand Quntntion on
Staple nnd Fancy' Grocerlea.
EGOS-Good stock , ltc ,
flUTTlR-Common to fair , : sep.
arator. 18c ; gathered crelmer ) ' , 157lGc.
LtVt POULTRY-liens , 77c ; old
roosters , 4c spring chickens , 12c ; ducks ,
not wanted ; geese , not wanted.
t'XOFONS-Livo , per doz. , CO75c.
VEAL-ChoiCe , 829c.
IIAY-Upianti , 85.uo ; midland , $4,50 low.
land , Z4,00 ; rye straw , $4.00.
ONIONS-New southern. per lb. , l5lc.
1iiANS-iland-picked navy , per bu. , 81.25.
POTATOFS-New , per bu. , dOe.
CA13flAOF-Per crate per lb. , ic.
TOMATOES-Per four-basket crate , &O
COc.CUCUMBERShome grown , per doz. , O
( d:5c.
\VAX IIEANS-lfalf.bushel basket , Oc.
OI1ANOES-Seedlings , $2.&O2,76 ; ; Valen-
cias , per box , 3.1.25 ; Mediterranean sweets ,
LlMOS-California , $5Z01j6.OO ; fancy
Messlnn , C.&t517.00.
IJANANAS-.Choico large stock , per
bunch $2.Oij2.25 ; medIum sized bunches ,
$1,7 .OO.
BLACK fl1RRT ES-$1.75.
BLU1IlEItRIES-Per lC qt. caie , $1.75.
CIH ItItiES-'Per 10-lb. basket , 303e.
CURRANTS-Per 21-qt. case , $ I.a1.50.
WATERMELONS-Crated , ICc ; loose , 12
CANTALOPE-Crate , $1.25 ; per basket ,
$1 ; home grown , per doz. , &Oc.
PEACHFS-CnlItornias , 20-lb. case ,
PLUMS-Californias. $1.151.25.
PEAItS-l3artlett , 82.
NUTS-Almonds , per lb. , largo size , 12
13c ; small , lic ; Iirnzils , per lb. , 01Oc : ln-
gush walnuts. per lb. , fancy soft shell , 1l
12c ; standards , S9c : tilberts , per lb. , lOc ;
pecans , polished , medium. 61j7c : extra
large. 8jso ; large hickory nuts , $1.0Oi1.1O
per btl , ; small , $ l.15j1.25 per bu. ; cocoanuts ,
per 100 , $4 : peanuts , raw , 6lJ0c ; roasted , 7c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can , each ,
$2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal.
cans. $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.60.
HONEY-Choice white , 14j1Sc.
DATES-Ilallowee , 00 to TO-lb. boxes , 5c ;
Sair. 5e ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , Dc.
FIGS-Imported , fancy 3-crown , 14-lb.
boxes , Ice : boxes , 13c ; 2-lb.
boxes , 22t1j23c per , ox ; California , 10-lb.
box. $1.
CID1R-Per half bbt , $3.253.50.
hIDES-No. 1 green hides , ? ½ c ; No. 2
green hides 6 ½ c : No. 1 salted hides , Dc ; No.
2 aitCd llles , 8c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 12
lbs. , Ic ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 lbs. , 7c.
1 , 3o ; tallow , No. 2. 2jc ; rough tallow , 1c ;
Wllito grease. 2 ½ j2c ; yellow and brown
grease 1 ½ @ 2c.
SIfl P PLTS-Creen salted , each , 1I'ZD
TIc : green salted sliesrings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , lIe : dry shearings ( short
svOoled curly skins ) , No , 1 , each , 5c ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 45c ; dry flint.
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool peit ,
p0 ! lb. , actual weight , 34c ; dry flint , Cob-
rado butcner peits. per ID. , actual
weight , 4q5c : dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actualweight , 34c.
Quotations for tile Day on General
Corn niod I t i e H ,
NBW YORK , Aug. 0.-FLOUR-Receipts ,
17.320 bbls. ; exports , 31,416 bbls. Sales , 4,000
packages. Market strong and held at
higher pricci.
CORNMEAL-Firm ; western , 75c.
BARLEY MALT-Dull ; western , 57C2c.
\V1IIAT-Receipts , 74,000 bu. ; exports ,
150,227 bu. Spot , strong ; No. 2 red. 73c 2.
0. b. , afloat export grade , to arrive ; No.
2 red , 79 ½ 4&te ; StOt , afloat , 2. o. b. Options
ere strong and quite active all the tore-
noon , closing 1(1c net higher. Shorts
were compelled to cover by light receipts ,
higher cables , wet weather in the northwest -
west and heavy weekly clearances. No , 2
red. spot , 72 5-167jT3 0-ICc , closed 73'ce.
COItN-Receipts , 184,350 bu. : exports , 440-
GC1 bti. Spot , strong ; No. 2 Dc f. 0. Ii.
afloat. Options opened steady , and closed
unchanged. September , 37 7-SU3Se , closed
37 7-Sc.
OATS-Receipts , 36,600 bu. ; exports , 191-
211 bu , Spot , steady ; No. 2 , 2Stj2Sl'c ; No.
2 white , 324c. Options quiet but steady ,
closed unchanged. September , 2G4c.
hOPS-Steady ; state. common to choice ,
189 crop , 23c ; 1896 crop & 7j1c ; 1897 crop ,
1lZu12c ; Pacific coast , 189g crop , 2j3c ; 1896
op 6Jcc' 1897 crop , 11t12c.
\V OLuib ; I1eec * , 17(23c : Texas , 13715c.
CHEESE-Quiet : large , white , 6 7-8iu7c ;
small white. 7 5-S7c ; large colored , Tc ;
small colored 7c.
13tJTTER-lecelpts , , S55 pkgs. , ; market
firm ; western creamery , 144jl9c ; Elgins ,
iDe : factory , l114.
EGGS-Receipts , 4,791 pkgs , ; market firm ;
western , lt ½ c.
TALLOW-Firm ; city , % 3-Sc ; country ,
3 3-S03 5-Sc.
COTTONSEED OIL-Quiet ; prime crude ,
l8c do , yellow , 23)c.
ltthE-Stemly ; fair to extra , 5 I-SjGc ;
Japan , 5 T.S1i6 1-Sc.
MOLASSES-Steady ; New Orleans , open
kettle. good to choice , 2Sii33c.
METALS-Pig iron dull : southern , $9.75j
11,00 ; northern , $ l0.tOqIl.5O. Copper , dull ;
brokers. 11 5-Sc. Lead , steady ; brokers ,
$3.80. Tin plates , barely steady.
Ilultitnore Mftrket.
unchanged. Receipts , 1,900 bbls , ; exports ,
0G8 bbl.
\'E1EAT-Stron ? and higher ; spot , 77j' '
; 7c ; month , 7t4T613c : September , 75c ;
steamer , No. 2 red , 7j75c , Receipts ,
84.693 bu. : exports , 7990 bu , ; southern
wheat by sample , 70T8c ; do , on grade ,
ORN-Stendy ; spot. month anti Septem-
her , 37ii37c : steamer mixed , t4Z,36c. ,
ltecelpts , 29 5041 bu , ; exports , 25,714 hu.
Southern 'white corn , 397j40c ; do. yellow ,
39c asked.
OATS-Quiet : No , 2 white western , 27Q
32c ; No. 2 mixed , 3GJ3lc , lteceipts , I,529
bu , ' exports , 34,815 bu. -
BJTTER-Steacty , unchanged.
1GOS-I"irm. unchanged ,
ChEESE-Steady , unchanged ,
firuin llccciptn t Principal Market. ,
MINNEAPOLIS , Aug , 6.-Receipts :
Wheat. 48 cars ,
CHICAGO , Aug. 6.-Receipts today :
Wheat. lil . cars ; corn , 492 cars : oats , 191
cars , Estimated cars for Monday : Wheat ,
iDa : corn. 100 ; oats , 315.
ST. LOuIS , Aug. 6.-Receipts : Whcat , 47
DULUTH , Aug. LReceiptsS'heat : , 10
ICANSAS CITY , Aug. 6.-Receipts :
Wheat , 162 cars ,
Cincinnati inrlct ,
Cl NCINNATI. Aug. 6.-1I.OUR-Steady ,
'd'llFAT-F'irmer ; No. 2 red , Tlql2c.
COItN-Easier ; No. 2 mixed , 34c ,
OATS-Quiet ; No , 2 mixed , 23f24'/c ' ,
] IYE-Quiet' No , 2. 42c.
l'RO'1SlOIS-1.ard steady ; at 8.3.10. Bulk
meats , quiet at $6.65. liacon , steady at
$0621' .
WilisiCy-Stead ) ' at $1.25.
IXOS-Duii at 9c.
CII FESE-Steady.
Tebedi , Market.
TOLEDO , 0. , Aug. 6.-WIIEAT-Iligher ,
active : No. 2 cash 73c ; September , 7Oc.
CORN-Quiet ; 4o. : mixed , 34c.
OATS-Dull , easl.r ; No. 2 mixed , 22c.
] tYE-Dubl , stead ) ' ; No , 2 cash , 45'c.
CLOVFltSFED-Steady ; prime cash , $3.20
Octobtr , p.62 ½ ,
OIL-Unchanged ,
liverpool ( rnin inrket ,
LIVERPOOL. Aug. 6.-\1lEAT-Firm ,
tid hhher : Auguat , nominal ; theptem-
her , bs 10id ; December. 6. 6d ,
CORN-Quiet , % tjti iower August ,
nominal ; beptember , 3s 3d ; october , 3s
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'coria Mnrlets ,
PEORIA , Aug. 6.-CORN-Firm , higher ;
No , 2. J3c.
oA'rH-l"irm : No , 2 white , 26e ,
\\'lIISKY-Firm ; $1.25.
itib iii Ii % Vi.ent .in rkei ,
DULUTIE , Aug. 6.WflEAT-No. 1 north-
erii , & 3c bid ; September , Gc ; December ,
Yesterday's Advance in the Wheat Market is
Actively Matntaiued ,
Prices of Corn and Oats Lower at
Close and Pork anti hUbs Are
Unchunicd-Cnb1ea Are
ChICAGO , Aug. 6.-Scarcity of receipts
anti active cash demand advanced wheat to.
day. September left cit 7-Sc higher and Do.
comber Corn closed e lower.
Oats lost 1-Sc. Pork , lard and ribs Un-
Wheat started very strong , September
opening at from 67c to CSc , against 67
67 3.Sc at last night's close , There was no
appearance of any increase in the movement -
mont of wheat and Liverpool sent higher
quotations , Showery weather in the northwest -
west gave the bulls a further opportunity ,
as the trade tinder present conditions was
nervous about the possibilities of a wet
harvest In that season. The demand for
the bimted offerings In the sample market
was most active and at from 20 to 3c over
the previous day's prices. Orders for round
lots for shipment were on the market at
a slight premium over the carload price.
Chicago receIved 141 cars , against 125 a
year ago and Minneapolis and Duluth f
cam , against 153 last year. Atlantic Iott
clearances of wheat and flour for the last
twenty-tour hours amounted to 320,0t ) bu.
lJeerbohm estimates the world's shipments
of wheat and flour to Europe for the yeek
Ut 5,600,000 bu. September opened c7i I-Sc
higher at 673jGSc , rose to 65 7-Se and closed
at 68 1-Sij6S4c. December began 1i3.Sc III ,
at 66C6 1-Sc , sold up to GTe , then declined
to C64 3-Sc bid at the close ,
Corn received some a.slstance from the
strength in wheat and also from tIle ICan-
ens report for the month , showing a drop
in conditions of 24 points compared with
that of a month ago. The s'eather was
acting kindly to the crop and it was clear
that such of it as had not been ruined past
redemption must be rapidly improving. 4\s
a result the market only maintained a
show of strength for about half an hour.
After that there was more for sale than
there were buyers and prices gradually
worked oft. September opened 1-SVc
higher at from 33c to 33 5-Sc which un-
mediately brought it Under the tuiluenco
of calls. Near the end of the esion it got
as low as 32 7-S(33c , but reacted ti little
and closed at 33 3-Sc , sellers ,
Oats was firm early , but remaIned so as
long as corn showed strength. There were
only a few buying orders from the country
and all were ilbled early. September opened
1-S7Ic higher at 21 3-Sc , rose to 2ic and
declined to 21 1-Sc at the close.
A bight run of hogs and the strength in
grains started provisions higher. After the
openIng spurt , however , the market went
practically to sleep , until the noise with
which the grain markets' close woke it up
for two or three minutes' further exercise.
The net result was that closing prices today -
day and yesterday were substantially thte
Estimated receipts for Monday are :
Wheat , 190 cars ; corn , 5I ) cars ; oats , 315
cars ; hogs , OO00 head.
The lending futVres ranged as follows :
Arilcies. Upeil. llirb. Low. flioso. Yet'y.
AUg. . . 7014 7154 705k 71 69
Sept. . . . ti1-U5 0113 * 67j 698E14 67e')4
Dec. . . . OWJI 07 66 U&ll(4 tiat
May. . . Os UsijI 13111 UblI
'Corn ,
Aug. . . 334 39 % 323 83
Sept. . . 33kl2 'Ja4 328-3s S:31 : : ;
Dec. . . . i4 3i@5 534 334 13334
Sept. . , 213 2114 2154 21J 21)8t ) (
May. . . 14 * .434 24 4 :41 :
Sept. . . 9 10 910 8D78 900 000
Oct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 000
Larl. .
Sept. . . 535 5374 532G 53 ° ' , 53L4
Oat. , . . . 5 40 40 5 371i . 3 S74 C
1t.t : : 2786 5 27' S 20 5 221I a 2214
Oct. . . . _ 630 _ 550 _ O22 _ . 52 62714
'NO. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUH-Steady : winter Ilatents , $ t65
3.75. special brands , $4.75 ; Minnesota hard ,
$4.3&4.&o : soft patents , t4.Oj4,30 ; straights ,
$4.1O'4.15. -
WHEAT-No. 2 spring , Toe ; No. 3 spring ,
GSi75c ; No. 2 red , 72c.
CORN-No. 2 , 33 3-&i133 5-Sc.
OATS-No. 2. 2214c ; No. 2 white , 2S29c ;
No. 3 white , 2632c.
RYE-No. 2 , 46 ½ c.
BARLEY-No. 2. 41c.
SEEDS-Fiaxtieed , No. 1 , O292c ; prime
timothy .o4. $2.52.GO.
pROVISIONS-Mess pork. per bhl. , $ S.9.
9.00 ; lard , per 100 lbs. $5.21j5.3O ; short
ribs sides ( ioose ) , 85.135715.45 : dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.62t4.S74 ; short clear
sides ( boxed ) , $5.6Oj5.SO.
SUGARS-Cut loaf , p.02 : granulated , $5.52.
Following are the receipts and shipments
for today :
Articles Receipts Ships.
Flour , bbls..t,6 i oo
Wheat , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 100,000
Corn , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333,200 tS.i00
Oats , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272,000 191,400
Rye bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,200
Darfey , bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,500 3,400
On the Produce exchange today the butter -
ter market was unchanged ; creameries ,
13 ½ 1Se ; dairies , 13j16c. Eggs , easy ;
( reell , lic.
COttOIL Market ,
NEW YOR1 , Atig. 6.-The late session
WtlS without Interesting new features and
the market closed quiet , with qtlotatiOns
10j2 points net lower , Estimated receipts
of cotton at the ports for today , 500 boles
against 3,359 bales actual last week and 34. .
bales actual last year ; for the week , 10,000
baleS , against 10,385 babes actual last week
and 7,317 bales last year. Totlay's receipts
at Memphis were 15 bales , against 50 bales
bust year , and at Houston 65 bales , against
1,052 bales best year ,
NE\\ ' ORLEANS , Aug. 6.-COTTON-Fu-
tlires quiet ; August , $559715.60 ; Septernlier ,
:5.17715.59 : October , $ , S.6G75.61 ; ; November ,
$5.c,4@5.66 ; December , $5.G95.70 ; January
$5.73ii5.74 ; February , $5.76' 5.78 ; March , $5.SO
@ 5.82. Spot cuuiet ; sales. 400 bales ; ordinary ,
4c ; good ordinary , 4 5-Sc ; good mltidling ,
5 13-ICc ; middling. 5 11-ICc ; faIr : niddllng ,
6 1-lOc : receipts , 255 bales ; stock. 76,433 bales.
1.LVERPOOL , Aug. 0.-COTTON-Spot ,
quiet ; Prices unchanged ; American initl-
dilag' , 3 15-32d ; the sales of tile day were
8,000 babes , ot which 500 were ( or speculation -
tion and export , and included 7,604) ) bales
Americati , Receipts. 1,000 bales , no iznert-
can , Futures opened qtliet , wIth a poor demand -
mand , closed qtiiet ; Americtin middling , I.
In. C , , August , 3 21-64I3 25.64d ltuyers ; August -
gust antI September , 3 23.64t1 buyers ; Sep.
tembor and October , 3 21-64413 22-Old buyers ;
October and November , 3 2i.GId ; November
and December. 3 20.64d value ; December and
January , 3 20-64d buyers ; January antI Feb-
ruary. 3 20-6-ld buyers ; February nnd March ,
a 21-Old sellers ; March and April , 3 2l-C1
3 22-Old buyers : April and 2.iuy , S 2.C4j
325-Old sellers ; May and June , 323.64d buy-
era ,
Wool Market ,
LONDON , Aug 0.-WOOL-The wool
trade during tile week was marked by in-
qutry for Australian greasy and tnerino ,
There wore a few transactions at firm
prices , Scoured locks and Pieces were
scarce and in good demand and sold above
tile prices of the lust series , The arrIvals
10 date for the fifth series , which will open
next month , number 182,022 bales. including
45,000 bales forwarded direct , The Imports
9r the wee1c 'Ycre : From New South
Wales. 1,53S bales : Melbourne , 379 hales'
New Zealand , 2,085 bales ; Cape o ( Good
11oie and Natal , 1,444 bales , and elsowicre ,
llOo bales.
BOSTON Mass. , Aug. 0.-The Commer.
dab lIulletu says of tile wool market : The
market is very gradually securing a bettor
trade , Orders are more numerous and are
coming from small as well as iarge inttnu-
facturers. Trade consequently consists
largely of transactions in small sized
blocks , but business for that reason Is more
witlely distributed , Cross-bred combing
wools have been in , stronger demand. Sta-
pIe territory wools have olt1 'ell , 'hilo
Australian has been more quiet. 'l'he sales
of the week are : 2GGS.0J pounds domestic
and 1,09IO0 pounds foreign , a total of 3-
76G,5' ) POUndS. against 2blS,000 IlOUndS last
week and G,8OO00 pounds for the same veek
bust year , Tilt ) sales to date show an increase -
crease of 59 165,700 pounds donlestit and 01 , .
635,600 pounts foreign over the sales to tue
sitmno date in 3897. The receipts to date
show an Increase of 116,611 bates domestic
and 365,522 bales foreign.
New York 1)ry Goomb. Market.
NEW YORK , tug. 6.-The tlry goods mar.
ket during tile week has developed an improved -
proved demand in mnny quarters for spot
bum'iness , 'Fits number or buyers in the
city has steadily increased during the. week ,
and the amount of bti5iqebs transacted ill
store , has Increased itl like ProPortion , The
sales are making a better daily average ,
aihough in detail they have hot changed
materially , l'rint cloths are weaker than
ti.ey weret at the opening of the week : cx-
tins at 2c were sold for October-November
delivery yesterday , itt sufflcient quantities to
bring the week's sales up to a loint in cx-
cess of the week's production. Odd goods
are quiet in nearly all grades and are not
too firm. The curtailment Problem is still
unsettled ,
Oil Market.
OlT CITY , Aug. 0.-Credit balances , 0 :
certificates first sales , 1,000 bbls. cash oil
at 95'c ; sales for the ( lay , 2,000 bbls. at
97'4c. Shipments , 100,219 bbis. ; runs , 42,960
bbIs.W'TLMINGTON , N. C. , Aug. 6.-OII
Spirits turpentine , 25'e nail 23c. Itosin ,
firm ; 11.0' ' ) and $1.00. Crude turpentine , firm ;
$1.00 $ , $1.50 anti $1.50 , Tar , ilrm $1.10.
SAVANNAH , ( Ia. , Aug. G.-btLr--Spirits
turpentine , firm , 261c , Rosin , firm. A , B.
C , 1:3. : , $1.05 ; K. $1.10 : F. $1.20 ; G. , Sl.3O it ,
1. . $1.40 ; IC. , $1.45 ; M , l.5O ; N. , $1.75 ; W.
0. , $1.90V. ; . W , , $2.35.
Sugar Market.
NEW OItt.EANS Aug. 6.-SUGAR-Open
kettle , stentl ) ' , 3714 i-Sc ; centrifugal , strong ;
white , 4 11-ICc ; ) 'elbO' , i4c : SeCofld ,
11OLASSiS-EasY centrifugal , 4i11e.
NEW YORK , Aug. 6.-SUUAII-Itaw
strong and higher to buy ; fair refloing
3 5-Sc ; centrifugal , 90 test , 4 3-be : retitie(1 ,
firm and fairly active : mould A , 6 54c ;
standard A , &c ; confectioners A , 5c. cut
loaf , S 7-Sc ; crushed , 5 7-Sc : Uowdercd ,
granulated , 5 3-Se ; cubes , 5 u.Sc.
CoiTee Market ,
NEV YORK , Atig. 6.-COFFEE-Options
opened steady , with rrices tlncholgefl and
showed very little speculative energy all
through the esiofl , absence of radical
changes abroad or important local new' ,
caused bulls flilti bears to proceed with :
caution. Closed quiet. net unchanged to 5
points lower sales , o,000 bags , including December -
comber at .G5. Silot coffee , Rio market ,
steady ; Cordo''a , S4Sj1Ic.
: u 11l11Cfl1tli' ' 1tent Market ,
Firm , higiler ; Augtist , SSe : September , 66 5-8
t0jC6)jc ; December , 64C4 I-Sc ; on track , No. 1
hard , 89c ; No. 1 northern , SSc ; No. 2
northern , 85c.
F1OUlt-Good demand : first patents , $1.23
414.33 ; seconti patents , $ l.lC4uI.20 ; bulk bran ,
$9.Ol9,6o ; sacked , $1O.O0j1O.5O.
Mii'ivittlLce (1 ra In Market ,
Quiet : No. 1 northlern , Soc ; No. 2 northern ,
84c : September , 69c.
RYE-Firm : No. 1. 4e.
hARLEY-Quiet ; o , 2 , nomInal ; sample ,
300j3Sc ,
Veeks Imports Ismimi llxports.
NE\ % ' YORK , Aug. 0.-Exports of silver
from this lort for the week entling today
aggregate $516,012. The imports of dry
goods and general Inerchantlise at New
York for the s'eek elIding today were $8.-
210,376. The iniports of specie title week
'ero $32,2T9 in gold and $ CO,0S3 in silver ,
California Briril Fruits.
DRIED FRUITS-Unit : evaporated tiliples ,
common , C7iSc ; Prime wire tray , SpSq ;
choice , Stj9c ; fancy , 9Lc. Prunes , 47tsc ;
apricots , royal , 8i1Oe ; Moor park , 1Ojl2c ;
peaches , unpeeled , HjSc ; leeied , 1216c.
Still Frniielseu % 'lient tInrkmt.
Inactive and easier ; beccmnber , $1.25 3-S.
BARLEY-Inactive , easier ; December.
$1.18 7-S.
Tone of Neu' York Stock Market
Stroiig UTItI Coutllent ,
NEW YORK , Atlg. 0.-Tue tone of the
stock market today continued very strong
and confident. The stream of money hewing -
ing into stocks and bonds showed a steady
augmentation. The movement of the large
concentrated wealth which took the Initla-
tive during the week continued and the foi-
lowing titts invited showed increase. The
two hours'sesslon of the Stock ixchange
was ( miii of business and the demand was
eager for a large list of stocks.
The preference Is decitledly for the assured -
sured dividend paying Interests as yet , but
It was influenced by the possibilities In
some cases of dividend increases and
showed a. tendency to ovCrIloS\ ' into non-
dividend paying stocks on which there is
fair prospect of future dividends by rca-
son of growth of company's earnings. The
rangers continued the favorItes but Burlington -
lington fell sIihtly into the background
to make way br St. Paul and Rock Is-
band , the former rising an extreme 1 5-8
and the latter 1. Dealings In these stocks
were very large. 1,000 share blocks frequently -
quently cliangIn hands to the powerful
Speculative leaders , who have chosen tills
group of stocks to operate on lirst , because -
cause of the dominant Influence It exercises -
cises on the whole railroad list. Nothing in
the ( lay's developments was more impres-
slvt than the pause In activity just before
the close. The bu3'itg was apparently
stopped to test the tendency of the market.
Recessions of 1.8 or in prices promptly
put a stop to offerings. There was no 1)res-
sure to realize even by small room trad-
era. Considering the week's rise in the
prices , tile firmness mit the close was re-
marlmbbe. Traders are prone to close outstanding -
standing contracts and take proilts ,
whether on the long or short side , in antic-
ipatlon of a Stlnda ) ' interval , but no dis-
p3sitldn was shown to sell out today.
The heavy expansion In loans shown in
the bank statement Is mostly due to the
awakened stock exchange activity. The
net increase in cash of something over
$1,800,000 was largely from interior receipts ,
the sub-treasury's daily debit balance be-
lag still oftet by payments on tIle loam :
account. The resulting Increase in deposIts -
Its raised the legal reserve limit by $300S42-
575 , wlllch the cash increase failed to cover
by $2,011,475 , tile amount of tIle decline Ia
tile surplus reserves.
The activity In the iron trade is one of
several signs of lntltlstrlal and trade re-
vis'al , which together with the movement
of crops is expected to give largely cx-
tended uses of money. There vill Undoubtedly -
doubtedly be large embarkations of capital
iti Porto Rico , Cuba and the Philippines.
Confident expectation of match demands ( or
money must be looked too to explttin the
present import movement of gold , In view
of the present plethora of money.
United States old 4s , registered , have advanced -
vanced 1 ; do coupon and the new 4s , registered -
istered , 1 ; the Is , registered , ltind do
coupon ant ] the new 4a COUflOfl per coat
in the bid price.
Tile Evening I'ost's London financial ca-
blegran : says : The stock markets here
were quIet und ( lull today , except fur
AmerIcans , which , ufter opening below the
parIty , rapidly advanced and closed
nt the best , Buying here has fallen off ,
both oim New York account and on the part
of English buyers , the general disposition
at the moment and as prompted by the
vrcss being to operate for a moderate rise
in Americans. Lluyers here are generally
nilviseti. however , to take short iroflts. The
strengtil In Argentines continues , but Brazilian -
zilian and lJruguayan bonds were lower ,
Thu rise in Spanish sectlritieit calm-
tlnuns. It is mainly due to Purchases
for the ParIs bear account. 'rile London
rate for short 11111 $ is 1 3-8. TIme future of
the money market hero is most uncertain ,
'l'te tendency at time moment is downward ,
but the sllresv4est antI most ctultioti qultr-
ters look rather for un atlvance than a
further tall in money rates.
The following are the closing quotations
of 11:0 leading stocks ott the New York
market today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I , . 1' . Corn. . . . . . . . . . $ . ' .i. . . . . . . . . .
/tciiiPon . . . . . . . . . . . . 1V4 Hawaii C' C . . , , . , , .
Atchin pt1 . . . . . . 25' , St. I' . & 0. . . . . . . . . . 64 ½
a. & 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 1 do 1100. . . . . . . . . . it :
Canada i'aciOo . . . . S St. 1' . , 'it. & M. .
Canada i4.uthern . . 53t outi'rn . Pacific . . 2 ' 1
Central l'uetIlo , . . . : : ' SulititerIl ltaiiwa' . .
Chug. & Ohio. . . . . . . 2' ' .10 if1 . . . . . . . . . .
chi. & Allan..119 % Tcas & I'acittc , . . .
C. , 13. & ( . . . . . . . . . . . ! Union i'acifle pttl. ,
C. & 1 : . 1. . . . . . . . . . 15. 1' . 0. & G . , . , , .
C. I. . , C & St. L. . 42'5 Wabash . . . . . . . . . . . .
do ptd. . . . . . . . . . SI do pfd. . . . . . . . . . 2
Del. & JiUtieOn. . .107 % ' . & L. 10. . . . . . . . 1
1) . , L. & V . . . . . . .110 ilo phd. . . . . . . . . .
B. & Rio U. . . . . . . . lilamns Fxprss . . . .101
D. & itio 0 Iifd. . 31 Amtmertrati 1press. ' .
1rie new ) . . . . . . . 1att'eIlsl'arg 115
do 1st pfd..35 % . ' , Cotton Oil . , , . . , IT'4
p. , , , t'ns'n , . tZ ! ,1. nf.1- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(1. N' . . . . . . . . . . . " American Spirits. . . 11 ½
blocking \'aliey . . , S do pt4. . . . . . . . .
lliinois ( 't'ntrii . . . .bOS'-l .mn. Teb.icco . . . . . .1fl17
1. 1. & V. . . . . . . . 14 do . . . . . . . . .
di pid. . . . . . . . . 7l reople' Uas . . . . . .100'
Ilke Shore . . . . . . . . . .i' ( on. ( Ins . . . . . . . . . .
l' & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . M % Corn. C3ble Co..3,0
lanllattAn L..1OTi C. I' , & I. . . . . . . . . .
Met. lOt. l1l' . . . . . . .i513 tin pfd. . . . . . . . . .
Miciligan Central . .lOSi Oeneral ziecirlc . . 431j
35. & $ t. I. . . . . . . . . 2S hIiinis $ tlel . . . . . .
do it i'fU. . . . . . 0 I.aclede Ua . . . . . . .
Miuourt l'ac'flo ' . . . 37' I.ea4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
.tobilo & Ohio. . . . . . 3G4 Lead pt1. . . . . . . . . . . .
2.1. , IC. & T. . . . . . . . llt i''at. Oil. . . . . .
do i'fd. . . . . . . . . . 3t , , I'ucie sinji . . . . . . .
I. & 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9y I'uiinman role-c . .191
do pi. . . . . . . . . . 30l Silver ( 'ertiticatep. .
. .1. Ccnlrai. . . . . . . lOt , l Jt , & Twin. . , . . . . . .
N. Y. . . . . . . , * itlgar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l9
N. V. , C. & 3t. 1. . . 131.8 tugar i'fi-l . . . . . . . . .114
do ht pfl. . . . . Co 'I' . C' . & iron. . . . . . :53' ,
do Id pZi. . . . . . 37 P. 5. Iather . . . . . . 3I
Nor.Sest. . . . . . . . . li'h do ptcl. . . . . . . . . . . .
N. .Pi. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . f7 J. 8. Itubber. . . . . . . . 4i %
Northern Pnciflc . . do pt'1. . . . . . . . . . 99
do p2,1. . . . . . . . , 74 W'tern Union . . . . 9P4.
niario & 'V. . . . . . . i5) C' . & N . . . . . . . . .
0. It. & N. . . . . . . . . . 52 ilo pfj. . . . . . . . . .
0 S. Line. . . . . . . . . . 26 It. \'P'ern. ' . . . . . .
I'ittsiurg . . . . . . . . . . 1A ( 'hi. (3. V. ' . . . . . . . . . . 1S
fleadini . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 itrecklyn It. T. . . . .
] toeI li'land . . . . . . .5t.i5I. I , . , Sm , r. : , . . e'
* 3. L. 4 5. F. . . . . . 71 , St. I , . & S. ¶ ' . . . . . . 5 %
do 15 % ifl. . . . . rs I , lr , Pf.l. . . . . . . . . 13
St l'atii . . . . . . . . . . . .loPj , thading 1st rfd4138
Total salea of stocks today were 283,100
shares , illelutiltIg 3.C10 Atchison preferred ,
3.535 Ilaltlinoro & Ohio , 15,299 Burlington
9 030 I.oulsville & Nashville , 7,77S Missouri
I'acitle , 4.907 New 'ork Central , 4.415 North-
em I'ttcidt' . 8,850 tin , nrecrretl , 14.323 hock
Island , 3O.8J it ; Paul , 9.915 Southern pre-
( erred , 11,320 Union Pacific preferred , 4,290
Spirits , 4 120 People's Gas , 7,622 Sugar , G.S
Itubber , ,0S1 Western Union.
Nra ; ' YarL iuttey Market ,
-Market steady at 114 l'er cent ; last loam : ,
flh PCI' cent.
per cent ,
STERLING EXC'I lANGE-Market steady ,
with actual business in bankers' bIlls at
$ I.S54.S3 for demand and 3I.53 for sixty
days ; posted rates , $ t.8l4qL and $ I.$0C
486 ½ ; commercial bllI , $ lS..404.$3.
SiLVER CElt'I1FICATES-tale' 10,000
ounces at &Ve , citloted at &S4ij59 ½ c ,
lIAR S1tVElt-4Se ,
BONDS-State bonds tltmll ; railroad bonds
strong ; govertiment bonds firm ; new 4s ,
reg. and coupon , 127I : Is , reg. nmmtl coupon ,
lllL : 2g. 97 : Ss , reg. , 112 ; coupon , 112 ; l'aclflc
Cs of ' 99 , 1O2.
Closing quotations on bonds were as tot-
Ii. 5. now 45 , reg..47M N. .1. i : ' , :39 . . . . . . . . . . .l 1214
IT , 5. do coup..1274 N. C. Ihi..1 %
U. S. Is , . . . . . . . . . h. C. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .10114
B S. docoup , , , . , . . 1113 * 4o. Pacific lsts..1124
17 , S.2d5. ret. . . . . . . . 07 No. Pacific 35. . . . . .
11. 5. Ss , lye . . . . , . , , , . 112 No. l'adulc 45..11)084 )
17 , 5 , Ss , cOtlp. . . . . . . . . . N.Y. C. & St. I. , 4s..107
iitrlct3,05a . . . . . .116 % N. A , V. 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Ala.class A..108 h. W. CorNell..14114
.tla.class B..100 .W , beb. Se. . . . . . . 115
Alft.cInS C. . . . . . . . S't Ore. N. 1st . . . . . . . . . 11'J
Ala. , Curreaci. . . . . . 00 Ore. N. 45. . . . . . . . . . .
Alchion 45. . . . . . . . . 954 0. S. L , as t , I' . . . . . . . . .33
Atchison rmdj. It , . , 72L4 0. S. L. . Cs I. r..3004
Canatia So. 2d5..11O4 Pacific ( is of 93. . . . . 1OD . %
( Thi. Terms. . , 4s. . , , . 85 ) teatliti , . . . . . . . . . . .
C. .tO. a .1144 IL. (0. % 5 , 1st , , . . . . . . . . 110
( I. ii. & U. 449. . . . . . 1t)1$4 St. 1 , . & I , 31 , con 6s10084
II. & 10. G. IstS. . . . . . 11014 St. I. . & i F. Gen , 0.111)
p. . . x. a , 45. . . . . . . Otltj St. 1' . Console..1434
1ast Tonn. lets..10514 St. 1' . 0. . . . P lsls..Il8
} rieflen. 4R. . . . . . . , TSii St. P. 0. .1 1' , be. . . . . 110
P.V. . k 1) . lets , t r. 74 40. 119' . 5 . . . . . . . . . . i's '
flei. , kleeSs..lO3$4 $ S. lt.tTfls. . . . . . . . .
0 , II. A 5. A. 13(4..104 'rena. new Set Is , . . 1)2 )
(3 , 11 , .t P.A. 2ds . .1O5 T. I' . L. (3. 1MM. . . . . 107
It..T. Gent. 3 . . . . .110 T I' . ibr. 2ds. . . . . . .
II , .1. . T. C. con. 0. , . 1 1 1 U. I' . 1. ) , & (5. 1 sUi. .
Iowa C. Isle..11)5 ) % ' , 'ab. 1st ' . . . . . . . . .
La. New Con. 45. . . ,103 tS'ab. Dtis. . . . . . . . . . . 00
I. . &N. 131,1 , 4s. . . . . . 01 W.Shoro 4s. . . . . . . . . lit )
Silenourl ) .h , . . . . . . . . 10) ) Va. Couttlrlcs. . . . . . 724
3 ! . l. &T. Ode. . . . ( ; i Vii. dett'rretl . . . . . . . . 13
Ill. K. &T. 4s. . . . . . . 0014 IJiliOll Pacific 45. . , OSOi
N.Y.C. lets . . . . . . .lilt
Boston Stools ( tmlotntlons.
BOSTON , Aug. 6.-Call leans , 2c13 per
cent : time loans , 31-L er cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
. F. . . . . . 1ii .tchIson PlO . . . . . .
Am. Sugar . . . . . . . .13818 Itoston llie'uted . . .
d ' . . . . . . . . . . ' 12 , B. I. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bay State ts. . . . . 1 % (1. I. pfd. . . . . . . . . . . 93
iI&il Telephone . . . .23 Atchison 45 . . . . . . . . 3,1418
lioston & Albany. .2H lIouez Mug , Co. . .
Ileston & Maine. , . .16 $ Atlantic . . . . . . . . . . . .
C. , 13. & Q. . . . . . . . . . 113 iotoa & 3tnntnna.20i
iIlchbtIrg . . . . . . . . . .10.V bIte & iloiton 23T
General glectric . . 40' talurneL & liecla .O
Illinois Steel . . . . . . 00 C'entnnIal . . . . . . . . . 14
Mexican Central . . . 4 % l'ranklin . . . . . . . . . . . It
N. Y. & Y . . . . . . . ti. 4itCeola . . . . . . . . . . . . .
QitI Colony . . . . . . . . .1d QuIrcy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .iia .
ltulber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Tamarack . . . . . . . . . . .
Union Paclilo . . . . . . 2' ' , Vo1verines . . . . . . . . .
West End . . . . . . . . . . " . ' l'arrott . . . . . . . . . . . . .
\Vest. Fleetrlo . . . . . 27 Old Derninion . . . . . .
- do ird1. . . . . . . . .
San Vrnhicis'o Mining ( tnotntions.
SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 6.-Tle official
closing quotations for mining stocks today
were as follows :
Alta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oaidental Con . . . . . .
Andes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3textcan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I :
1iicher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ophlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1tet & Bifr. . . . . . 15 Overman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Caliiiooia . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 I'ot'.t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1'
Challenge Coo . . . , 12 S'vtge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Citoliar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 'celpIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
( 'Oflh4leflCe % . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4ierra N'ada . . . . . . .
C. , C. & V . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Silver 11111 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'
Crown l'oint . . . . . . . . C . Union CotI . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Gould & Gurrie. . . . . . C Utah Con . . . . . . . . . . . . C
hale & Noreross. . . . . 65 Yellow .Tacla't . . . . . . . 11 .
Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Standar1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
icentucl < Con _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S
Silver bars , IS 1-9 ; Mexican dollars , 46
46c. % Drafts-Sight , lIc ; Telegraph , lTc.
eiv 'iork liinlij.r Quota units.
NEW YOItK , Aug. 6-The following are
tIle closing quotations on mining 5100115 :
Chotor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 , Ontario . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Crown l'oint . . . . . . . . . S Ophir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2)
C. C. & V. . . . . . . . . . . . Ii i'i'ntoutit . . . . . . . . . . . .120
Deadwood . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 QuicksIlver . . . . . . . . . .iI2
t3ouid & Curry. . . . . . . 5 Quicksilver pfd . . . . . .230
hale & Norcross. . . . GO Sierra Nevada . . . . . . . 50
Ilomestake . . . . . . . . .4,110. Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . .I5J
Iron Sliver . . . . . . . . . . . 7' ) Union Con . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Muxtran _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 10 Yelio' .Iaciet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15
Loiilon Stocic Quotations.
LONDON.Aug. _ 6.-i p. m.-Closing :
Conis : . . . . . . . . . .11)3 ) 9-IC New York Central.II2'
Consols , acCt . . . . . .lo 1'enn'lvanla . . . . . .
Canadian Pacific . . 9338 Readltig . . . . . . . . . . . .
Brie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it 31. C' . . new 48. . . . . . GGl
Erie 1st pfd. . . . . . . . 26 Atchison . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
illinois Central . . . ,11O.j 1. . & N. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mexican ordinary. . 30 Grand 'rruulc . . . . . . 7 %
St. Paul common. .103 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
lIAR SILVER-Steady , 261-Sd per ounce.
MONEY- ½ per cent. The rate of discount
ill the open market for short bills. 1 7-61)
ll. : mer cent. Th rate of discount in the
open market for three months' bills , ii ,
per cent.
' % Vcelly Bunk Statelileal.
NEW YORK. Aug. 6.-The weekly bank
statement shows the followIng changes :
Surplus reserve. decrease , $2,011,465 ; loans ,
increase , $12,733,100 ; specie , lnciease , $2,482-
900 ; legal tenders. decrease , $651,500 ; de-
posits. Increase , $15,371,500 ; circulation , decrease -
crease , $118,800. Tile banks now hold $39 , .
893,000 in excess of the requirements of the
25 per cent rule.
Finuncial Notes ,
OMAhA. Aug. 6.-Tue clearings for the
day were $365,007.01 ; balances , $115,281.14. The
clearings for 1897 vcro $640,045.71 , and tIle
balances $60,483.63. IncrOase In clearings ,
$225. 001.30.
TIme clearings for tito sIx days with corn-
parisons are :
1853. 1S97. Increase.
August I.i,030,048,19 $ S33.CGl.1 I $241,387.03
Augtlst 2. . 909,357.61 733,052.92 176,101.69
AuguI.t 3. . 927,389.15 7'J5.SSO.03 131,808.12
Auguit 4. . 1,000,017.30 752,669.42 287,343.33
August 5. . 8.52.507.03 774,912.18 77,591.85
Augumit 0. . S65,037.0i 640,015.71 225,051.30
Totals.$5.674,410,79 $1,531,021.37 $1,142,495.42
WASHINGTON , .ttig. 6.-Today's statement -
mont of the condition of tile ticastlry
shows : Available casit balance , $251,022,991.
Gold reserve , $18S,620 061.
ST. LOUIS. Aug.Clearings , $3,222Sl ;
balances , $394,900. Money , MJ8 per cent.
New York exellange , imar bid , be 3lrOmflltlIn
a sited.
MEMPhIS , Aug. 6.-Clearings , $317,619 ;
balances. $49,437. New York CXCtl.1ne iell-
ing at 1.IO.
NEW ORLEANS , Aug. 6.-ClearIngs ,
$986 236. New York exchange , hank , $1 per
1,0O imremitin : : commercial , lair ,
I'H I LADF3LI'I hA , Aug. 6.-Clearings ,
$10 449,696 : lalances , $1,416,932.
iAL'rIMo1tE , Aug. 6.-Clcarlngs , $2,761-
760 ; balances , $663,687.
BOSTON. Aug. 6.-ClearIngs , $15,577,455 ;
balances , $1StPJ,639.
NI1\\T YO1IFC , Aug. 6.-Clearings , $130-
147,280 : balances , $2,467,029.
CINCINNATI , Aug. 6.-Money er
cent , Clearings , $ lt62,7O0. New York cx-
change. 25 11Cr cent discount.
Ch1)c'AGO , Aug. 6.-ClearIngs , $13,692,800 ;
balances , 11,26:1,990 , : , Stocks , strong. Ills-
cult. 3l : do , preferred , 90 ; Diamonti Match ,
l1fl ; I'.orth Chicago , 212 ; Strawboard , 26 ;
West Chicago , 03.
Forcigit } 'iinncIitl ,
13E11141N , Aug. 6.-Business was dmmli on
tlo bourse today and prices declined , in-
iluenced by the weakness of the London
mnarket. American securities were firm , in
symimathy wlthm New York , principally
Northern I'acliie ,
l.ONDON , Aug. 6.-Money , IJCF cent ;
short bills. 1 5-h6ii 3-h per cent ; three
months' liliS , 1 7-16iii' per cent. Gold is
quoted at Buenos Ayres at 178.20. Bar gold ,
775 1Ocl.
PARIS , Aug. 6.-Three per cent rentes.
303 ( 5284c ( or the account , Stianish 4s closed
at 43.45 ,
( iiessiig itt Identi t ( If Steamer.
LONDON. Aug. 6.-There was a rumor at
Lloyds today that the passenger steamer reported -
ported from St. Johns , N. F. , on Thursday
last as having prebably been lost with nil
bands in the vicinity of Belie Isle , was the
Alien line steamer Numidian , Captain Mc-
Nicol , 'litch sailed from Montreal on Augtist
3 , Tue officials hero of the Allen line dls-
credit the rumor.
ltlnlsti'r Angel I Cxmi Iiii.r 110,111' .
CONSTANTINOPLE , Aug. 6.-Dr. James
33.ingell , who resigned in May last and
who has been succeeded as United States
minister hero by Oscar 5 , Strauss of New
York , had a farewell autlience with tile sultan -
tan 3'vsterdny , Mr. Angeil lcayes here on
August 13.
( 'jimimidititis tO ' ( tt' ( In limit halt ion.
OTTAWA , Oat. , Aug. 6.-Time Olfleial
Gazette contains a proclamation announc-
lag that voting on the plebiscite ( or pro-
illbition will take place on September 20 ,
and the wrIts , which are dated August 5 ,
wilt be returnable on November 3 ,
$5'ert E4lrtIIlti1Le In Slell
3IESS1NA , Island of Sicily , Aug. 6.-There
was a severe earthquake shock hero at 233
a. m , today. The inhabitants were panic-
stricken , but there was ao damage doue.
Week Winds Up with Very Block Bun Of
Cattle , but More Hogs.
Goo.1 Dry iflt ( 'nttl Are 1ntcr , but
Other ( ; rnilt-s , re Firm-hogs
, .tihvtiien Again , but Cleft
ft Little 1iimiIer.
SOUTh OMAhA , Aug. 6.
. Cattle , hogs. 8ieep.
Receipts today . . . . . . . . . . 953 6,301
OtlIcItil yesterday . . . . . . . . 1,690 6,210 1,809 ,
One week ago . . . . . . . . . . 3,124 9,527 2,145
Two weeks ago . . . . . . . . . . 1,132 9,00'I 43
One year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,189 6,171 , . . . .
Two years ago . . . . . . . . . . 700 4,617 . . . .
Total this week . . . . . . . . . .13,35.1 41,055 16,120
Tottlt last week . . . . . . . . . .12,357 47,541 15,00
\'i'eek ending July 23. . 12,018 80,109 8,833
\\'eek entling July 16. .11,19' ) 43.002 6t6'J
Week ending JIll ) ' 9. . . 10,007 2.95 7,332
\'eek eiiding Jtlly 2. . .13,473 61,259 14T72
. % .verago pr1cc Paid for hogs for the lust
several dtl's with coimiparisons :
I1SIS.IlS97iiS94.11595 , li0.11S93,1tS92. $
_ _ _
July 19 . . .l3SDI332l 1489147915351564
July 20 . . . 3 86 3 :38' : ' 2 97 4 94 4 74 5 19 a Y'4
JtlllP 21 . . . 3 SI 3 3S 2 93 4 79 5 39 5 55
July 22 . . . 3 T9 3 27 , 2 86 4 83 ' 5 53 5 ' 40
July 23 _ . . 382 323 283 481 4741 560
July 21 , , . 3 31 2 112 4 76 4 SI 5 59
JIll ) . 23 . . , :1 : 89 ' 2 83 4 Il 4 76 5 59 5 GO
July 26 . , , 3 87 : ; 37 4 88 4 SI I 33 5 67
July 27 . , . 3 72 3 43 2 65 4 83 4 86 5 25 567
July 23 . . , 3 67 3 29 2 76 ' 4 70 5 0.3 557
July 29 . , , 372336 27l 493 501 553
July 30 . . . 3 74 1 II 2 77 4 74) ) i IS ' III
July 31 . . . 3 50 2 77 i G 4 Ct ) I 02
Atigtlstl. . . 379' 277 446i tr.95O2 542
8ugust2 , . . 33'l343 445145'l610 540
August3. . . 3671347 2SIilIliliOi4Ot 548
August 4. . . 3 64l 3 57 2 S5 ' 4 TSi 4 S I 55
August 5. . . 37li353 290i 4 CS t4ST 1461
_ :1 : 771 3 431 3 02 I 57 _ 4 741 _ 71
S IndIcates Sunday.
Time ohilcini number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle , hogs.
C. , M. & St. P. It" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Missouri i'aciile Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii 5
Union Parille System. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H
F. , fl. & 1i1. V. It. it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 24
(1 , St. I' . : tt. & 0. Ity. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2
13 , & 3d. iL it. it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U 21
C. , 11. .cc Q. fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
C , , It. 1. & P. Ity. , east. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
C. , 11. 1 , & 1' . lty. , vest I.
Total recelpt'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 77
Tie diepositiomi of tile tImy's ; receipts was
as folbovs , each : buyer purchasing the nun-
her of head Indicated :
Buyers , Cattle , hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co. . . . . . 31 1465
The G. 11. hammond Cu 2 910
Swift and COlil1)tilY. . . 55 1,122
The Cudnily I'LtCk. Co. 479 333
Armour & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 163 2ISS
It. Becker aitl Degan. 10
hiuston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Krebbs & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 8
L. F. hlusz. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
I.i'lngston & Schaler 16
Ctmdauty , from cotltltry 51
Cu'ity 1' . Co. ( ron : K. C ZhI
Plamikinton P. Co. , SIll-
t'zuikee'Is. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Other buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Total , , . , , . , , , . . . , , . , . iiii : ; 5,272 . .
CA'l'TLE-Tho receipts today were only
thirty-seven loads , which was qttite Proper
for a Saturday's rtmmi at a great market ,
but it % 'as in reality unusually sniull. A
week ago ilfty-nlne cars arrived at tills
Point , two weeks ago forty-eight antI the
same number three weeks ago. In June tile
Saturday's receipts of cattle averaged
doubiu what they were today.
Not only were the total receipts small ,
but of the cattle here fourteett cars were
consigned direct to packers so that there
were only tibout fifteen cars of fat Steers
and sometlling like live cars of cow stuff
on sale. 'rue babatce of tile receipts consisted -
sisted of odds and ends , stockers. feeders ,
etc. The market , as cornlared ) will : yesterday -
day , was without change and was lacking
in interesting or new fetitures.
Tlo market on killing cattio of all kinds
ha had a lower tendency this % % 'eek , though
the loss is not great. Good dry lot cattle ,
such its are selling at $1.80 tip to $5.40 , are
SOjlOc lower thai : a week ago , and the
mi'diun : to common gratles , which : are selling -
ing at $4.230j4.7O , are fully 10 and some
t'ouId say iSc lower titan a week ago. It
will be remembered , ilowever , that tiley
took oft a good deal oh the common and
half fat stuff lust week utmd for that reason
that kimi of cattle has not suffereti so very
nluch more decline this week titan the
better cattle.
Willie beef cattle are lower , It is an Ia-
disputable fact that these cattle are selling -
ing higher here In proportion tilan at other
markets. Shippers have beeti unable to
operate on the market for some time Ilast
on this account and cattle that have beci :
forwartled in first hands have not done
their owners aims' good. It Is umitlerstood
that one lmuncl : that vent through brought
only Sc more than was offered for them
here , while another bunch of good stuff lost
ileavlly. riie tact is that this market is
tot ) high and the only reason thut it holds
lii ) 50 velI appears to be due to tile light
receipts which are hlurh13' up to the re-
iiuirements ol local Ilackers.
Cows and heitera Ilave beemi on the down
grade for some days past. s high us
24.85 was paid during the week for western
dry lot betters , s'hich % 'as the high Price of
the season , but they vere extra good stuff.
'rhe general run of medium to common
cows and Ilelfers ate oil thu way froim : 1O7j
20c lower tllal tile ) ' w're inst week , owing
to the competition from gruas cattle. With
the packers ubie to bring In grass Texans
( mcmi : Iansas City at $3 It is hardly reasonable -
able to expect common to medium cow
stuff to eli at very famlcy Prices ,
TIme supply of stockers uud feeders Is
still small and the demand is abaut equal
to the sUlply. For that reason feeders
have sold a little imigller this week , rume
teellng , llowever , is very : venk , amid spoon-
lators are all c'xjmectlmig lower prices &tmmd
arc extremely cautious , 'l'ime general feeling -
ing is that lO'er prices will prvall , and
there can be Ito doubt tilat with the present
state of the market a ( ow more cattle
than t'ere wanted ( or the day's deniand
wotmid bietik pricc at ledst 25c. As a
ailmIle of the feeling among speculators a
bunch of cattle was offered today for less
money than was paid ( or theta tao middle
of the seelt. Siost every 0110 seems to
think that feeders anti stockers are too
Ilglt ( or tile good of time cttttlo trade , and
without qtleatioa there 'lii be a strong
eilort amnung btiyers to break tile mnurktlt
as soon as tile cattle become a little more
plentiful , itepresentativo sales ;
1JE11" STRF3ItS.
No. Av. I'r. No. As' . I'm. Na. Av. r.
12. . 740 $1 20 1. .1110 $1 63 56. .1411 $4 83
I. . 761 425 0..ih20 465 i9..1157 493
16. . 253 I 30 45. .1089 4 75 19 , .1437 5 00
6. . 875 430
1 , . 660 2 23 1. . 880 2 90 1.1060 3 25
1. . . 980 2 50 13. .1078 90 42. . 960 3 25
3..IO1Q 2 WI 1. . 790 00 1.1880 3 65
1. . 900 2 80 1..1l50 00 2. .300) ) ) 3 70
1. .1210 2 85 1. , 520 00 1. .1030 3 75
2.,1160 2 85 1..1020 10 1,1170 4 10
1. . 230 3 00 1. . 1460 3 40 1. . 470 3 Ci )
1. , ChlO 3 23 1. . 830 3 55 2. 463 3 75
1. . 820 3 25 1. . 490 13 55 1. , 910 3 90
1. , 610 3 40 , 2. . 580 3 55 8 , , 793 4 35
1OWS ANt ) I15lFEhtS.
2 , , 790 2 10 31. . 852 13 30
1. .1010 2 50 1..1400 2 0.3 1. , 610 3 50
1. .1020 2 85 1. .1230 13 hO 1. . 640 3 75
1. .1280 2 83 1. . 780 3 20 . 1. .1500 13 75
1..1170 290 1..h250 335 1..550 375
1. .1420 2 115
1. , 310 5 00 11. . 236 5 50 1. . 150 5 75
1. . 840 3 50 7. . 708 4 10 2. , 790 4 2
:1. : , 873 'I 00 1. , IIII 20 11. . 075 4 40
1. . 9' ) ) ) 4 0' ' ) 2. . 655 4 : ts 7 , , 410 1 75
2..535 410 3..770 485
wnS.ri1tNs ,
N. I"t'ltz.
2 feethers. 630 $3 25 91 steers. . , . 672 $1 45
2 steers. . . .1'45 4 45
Landergln Bros.
280 ateera..IOI0 3 75
11005-The market looked UI ) this morn.
InK , time trade opening 8jTe higher thati
y&sterday's market. ' 1'li mmlovemnont I'UII
fairly actlvo amId the most of tile hogs
sold early , Later on the l'epurted we.tlc
close at Cimicugo caused an c-aster feeling
here anti tile imocs that arrived late 1ii ,
not cell quIte so reli , titougit the mn'arket
In reality did not clo mouch if lilly lower ,
it % % 'US lrmlctcali9' IL ( ale-price nttmkot _
most ever'tiling 'jellimmg In cue notch , or
with a rumge of 288e. 'i'here was till oz'thor
In ilis morning for ligllt liogim , % llicll nohii
at $ 'J.7583.77t , and mixed loaus , liitl lttt'y
amId light , sold largely at $ J.77. Gooti
1temt' 1041(15 lrougimt $3.b0 , and one loud solti
UI' to $3.bS. 'I'lu : toll ylsterlay was $ 'Jbt' ' ,
tthilo tile lfloat ( if tilt ) mixed 11(155 sold at
$2.70. A iunce at the table Of averuge
Prices time head of time c'OiUltln will show
that the market ( Ill ttn al'oragu was liretty
iosu to 3c higher.
'I'ho luet week has again ilemonstratc'd
timat while Iags may ho very l'leimtlul thorn
Is not sucim a eurplus that tue lIrico can lie
brnk'im and the receipts still be hleiti tip , ,
'j'hmi , week ( ) lemled wIt hi a iigtl ruim anh , a Se
advance , wimielt arr1id time mflltk't ) to the
highest point tou imetl in sOltlU days. Ott
'L'uestiay thIn receipts came buge , 9,569 hmogmm
beIng reported In time yartie , and on Wednes-
( lay tile l'celIlts were agmila heavy , 10,177
belimg the mumbcr ( or titat ( lily , 'Vley comn-
znenccd taking off on Tuesday , when the
market lost Sc. On Wedneslny , &filOe more
was taken oft antI on Tiumrsdny a shirulO to
k' On Thtirsdn ) ' the ret elpts ilrappeml dowm :
to 7.516 from 10,177 on 'eilnesdn. ' and on
1'rIda' only 5,214 ) mn.l were received , show-
lag that the country 1111(1 ito idea of nnkinm
any' material eonesslons froim prevailing
Prices in ortler to sell their hogs. As z
m-estllt of time light receipts on Thursday unIt
Friday , the market advanceil on FrImlay
nail at time close of the week is 2le lower
than on 3iomdmy and Ve higher timan the
close of time llreviitms week , The hogs rtr-
rhing mmt timis l'Oitlt average very good anti
the range in prices is very narrow. Itepre.
seittative salesl
No , As' . Sh. Pr. No. y. Sb. Pr.
52 . . . . . , 2.36 80 83 60 I'G..171 120 $3 Ti )
3G..2I5 , . . 3 72l 01..212 160 75
80..lS9 200 3 75 74..223 120 75
63..245 120 3 75 ( " 3..243 80 73
62 235 80 75 73..261 40 73
40..229 . . , . 75 89..212 , , .
G..206 1C.0 ) 05..24o . .
SI..209 120 3 73 104..2,8 . 240 7211
24..181 . . . ; itl , . . . . . . 8i ) 771j
49..268 40 . 7l4 4..306 280 3 i78
63.0 ; 40 7th 41..273 , . , 3 77h
71..233 120 . 7714 69..242 . , . 3 77.4
. . . . . . . . . 210 3 771h Cl.c , , 240 3 771,4
59.122 120 77' 78..231 40 3 77's '
83..281 210 7l 71..217 120 3 77
12..251 . . , 3 77m6 68..267 160
( , i ) . . . . . . 2144 , , , 77'.4 ( .5..254 160 .4
69. . . . . 213 40 77' 4'.0..2514 360 778
. . . . . . 240 77'8 Ti..220 160 77
42..288 80 773.I 83..209 80 77h
63..2611 80 7714 59..240 80 77'
lii..20 ? 300 77'8 77..2S 120 77
. . . . . . , 120 77i 5S..2i4 320 .i'a
74..291) 50 77i 102..298 120 i.t.4
8.1..249 160 63..24S SO ' 7-4
52.:86 ice 3 7 ; t0O..213 40 75
Cs..21.5 40 75 1)0..223 80 14
II . . . . . . 208 , , . 771,4 6 . . . . . .293 SO 77
SO..268 SO 73 SS.0 40 ii ½
TO..2146 120 SC 16..310 . . ,
312..2S4 320 77iI 71..2843 1643 77'- '
GO..215 . . . 77Lh Il . . . . . .223 40 3 77
147 . . . . .27.3 200 ' 1 77t CT..244 40 3 771
Ci..216 40 T7 . . . . . . SO 3 77
57..820 80 80 sri..27S 160 : i 8 , )
SI..2213 . . . SO Cl..269 120 3 80
' 17 . . . . .314 80 SO 43..301 . . , .3 80
. . . . . . , . . 2 00 2..29' ) . . , 2 00
I..23k ) . . . 2 (0) ( 3 . . . . . .260 , . . 223
2..220 . . 2 23 2 . . . .2'.5 . , , 2 40
. . . . . . . . . 300 1 . . . . . .1410 . . 850
SIIEEI'-Tller& ' were no fresl : receipts imi
sheep totlay to nmake a test of the market.
Sheep lmave bcemm in good ( lcmnmltl all tills
'eek , htmt the trouble lum beet : that
practically e'er'tilIng receiveil lims beet : of
( itlO klnih , ' that is , heavy western almeep ,
Thi' itmver'1 vould like all kintls. hilt tiii'y
Imave bcemm tilmabie to aectmre 111cm Ittld Imavo
bUld to nmtko time best of the sItuation. For
good sheep , Prices are ProbablY 101(156
lower than last week , wilibo conimon Itinds
alight show stilt more ios ,
iti'eelit or Cattle Somali nmmd l'ricci
.tre Xnmmiimnl.
CHICAGO , Aug. 6.-CATTLE-There wam
not enough cattle imere toduy to make a
Inarltet nntl Prices were mostly nominal ;
clloice steers , $5.33715.60 ; netiiutn , $ l.SO14.95 ;
beef tecrs , $4.0014.75 ; stockers and feeders ,
* 3.00014.75 ; bulls , $20014.25 ; cows and imelfers ,
83.00014.20 ; calves , $275717.00 ; weste rn ramg-
era , $ l.lYYI4.5 ; ( eu weateril steers , $ t.25'ij5.1O
'I'exmtmms , $ 2353j4.50.
1100t3-'rhern svas a good tlemantl for
hogs from Chicago hackers and eastern
shippers : prices ruled strong amd generally
2 ½ e higher ; fair to cIloice , $3.5ti4.O2 ½ ;
packers , $3.CG1I3.S24 ; butchers , $3.63j3,9Th ;
mixed. $3.651j3.92l , ; light , $3.603.95 ; pigs ,
SItEEP-Timo receipts of sheep were
largely consigned to dressed meat con-
cermls ; prices remained unelmanged ; common
to choice sleejm , $4.OlYim4.25 : ewes , $3.251f3.75 ;
western rangem's $3.tL37j4.3.5 ; interior to cx-
lambs , $3.S54t6.5O ; fetding lanibs , 4.5OciJ
ItECEIPTS-Cattle , 100 head ; hogs , 17,000
imead ; sheep , 2,000 head.
Kausmis CitLi ye Stoclc.
ceipts , HO heatl ; prices umichmanged ; receipts
for week , 35,000 head. Among receipts this
weel were several btmimeie ) of straigilt
grass steers itnilt for feeding PiitiOSCS that
pcckers claim are kiiling out 'ery unsat-
isfactoril3' . l'rices arc lIe to 30c 'ower on
this class of stock ; tat steers , butchers and
canning stock stuidy ; stockers nnd feeding
cattle 1Iii25c Itigilem' ; hate sales : Choice
heavy steers , $5.IO7j&3O ; medium , $4.SOi5.1Q :
light , $3.1S7'3.5 ; stockers antI feeders , $3.15
6i3.3O : butcher cows and lielfers. 38.00145.00 :
'estrn Steers , $ l.4O5.O5 ; Texits sieerti
$3,004.65 ; butcher cows , $3.001j3.SO ; native
and range cammers , $2.23fi3.OO.
hOGS-Receipts , 3,580 head ; market Re-
tive and lube imlgimer : receipts for tlmo
week , Ci 000 head ; good demand mInd prices
averaged a shade higher ; Imeavies , $3.75
3.90 : niixed , $3.53j3.SO ; light , $3.401j3,7O ; pigs ,
$3.237j 3.50.
SIIEEI'-Reeelpts , 50 head ; prices unchanged -
changed ; receipts ( or week , 19,060 imead ,
Slightly Increased stlpply ( lid hot equal the
demand. Tills rnar'et ' oulil , .onstmmfle niuctt
larger Stlpplies wltliotmt nffecttmmg prices ;
killing sileel ) active at good prices : stock
anti feeding 511011) , iig detnincl : and I5j25a
higher ; spring lamnlis , $4.506.1O ; native
mttttons , $3.SSf:4.40 : t'cthers , $4.00034,25
ve14teri : ewes , $3.00m3.90 : western stock end
feeding lambs , $3.CO34.25 ; feeding sheep ,
t. 1.01115 I.Ie Stuck.
, Aug. 6.-CATTLE-Reccipts ,
300 head ; sltipnmeimts , 904) ) heatl. Marhei
closed vlth native cattle weak , 1O7I2Oo lower
than lust veek ; Texans , 201j25c off ; fair to
fancy native simipping nod exlort steers
84.65105.35 , bulk of sales , $ l.7G15.h5 ; dressed
beet and butcimer steers , $ I.001t5.25 , hulk of
StilOs , $1.55114.9O ; steers tinder 1,000 lltmflds ,
83.751:45.00. : bilk of sales , $ L480jl.85 ; stockers
and feeders , $3.001j4.r.5 , built ( If sales , $3.5O
4.30 ; cows anti imeifers , $2.O0P 1.90 , bulk of
CC\\)4 , 32.708j3.75 ; Texas and Illtliall steers
$3.207j4.&O , 1)111k of alcs , $3.501J4.O0 ; cows and
hli'ifers , $2.3O'j3.tO.
hOGS-ReceIpts , 1,400 head ; shipments ,
1,600 head. Market Sc 1113411cr ; yorkers , $3.85
t3.9O ; packet's , $3.S53.95 ; butchers , $3.95
ShEEP-Receipts , 200 Ilead ; sillpmnents. 600
head. Market stead ) ' ; native nuttomms , $3.50
c4.OO ; lambs , $5.25876,00 ; stockers , $3.35 ; culls
and bucks , $2.500j4.O0.
Ness 'arhc Live Stel.
NEW YOR1' , Aug. 6.-1lE'8'ES-Ie-
ceipts , 529 head : no trading ; cablcs slow ;
live cattle , IGllc ; dressetl % s'elght , ri.'frig-
orator beef , Oc ; exports. Dot cattle and 1,692 '
Qtlnrters of ieCf.
CALS'ES-lteceipts , 51 imtad slow ; veais ,
85.00116.25 ; buttermillcs , $3.50.
511 FII4P ANt ) 1AiI uS-Receipts , 3,391
head ; sheep stettily ; htmiis qxcited and
higher : sheep , $3.OOIJ 1.75 ; iambs , $0.25Q7.Iu ;
coils , $5.50.
liOGS-ltecelptmi , 3,835 head ; no sales ;
feeling steady.
CI JIPI , mmat I Li % 'e Stoi'k , -
CINCINNATI , Aug. 6.-hIOGS-Activej
CA'l'TLE-Act lye : 32.7571 1.75.
SiiiiEI'-Duil ; 82.25114.00.
LAMUS-Flraer ; $ l.23i0.CO.
Stiii'l in Sight ,
Record of receipts of live stock at the
four prlncial markets for August 5 :
Cattle. Iioc. SiltoIm.
( ) muuma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 933 53
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 17,000 2,000
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . 170 8,500 140
St. Lotus . , . , . . , . , . . , , 300 1,10) 200
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j 27,234 -:25. :
G.mIl OlIfilmIt Ovcru'st I imneuj ( ,
OTTMVA , Oat. , Aug. 6.-CaptaIn Con-
atantine , who has been in charge of the
Nom'thwcstcrn mounted police In the Yukon
for time last four years , returned hero today.
lb is preparing an otIlciai report to the
government and refused to speak In regard
to the mlnin regulations and other matters
of similar klmti : wimich affect time Yukon
; ) OlltmlutiOn. Uti stateti that gold reports
have been gromsly exaggerated ,
l.tmrti tioims for immulust rh's at ( lml'ilW , , ,
Industries located on tle line of Time Belt
Itailwny Co. of Chicago are afforded timi-
( ' ( lull II cii s\vi teim iii mc ( aci I I t ics nmil I Imo itti.
vt'ntage of connectim : wIth Itli ( 'imicugo rail-
roads. They have 11w benefit of comletl-
live rates utmil tin abundant Suimjllit.'s of
cars for slillimnents at till times. I'imrtlemt
conienmpliiting tile estaldlsimment of iflflut-
tries In limo vIcinity of Cliicugt , itro Invited
to conmmnuiiicnte 'iS'itll the tmnierslgnc(1 , t'lio
will irImlli I ) ' ( urtmish hIll lncirmmmatiomm in
regard to locntiomms , switching rates , car
I.uimiy. etc. B. Thomas , 1' . & G , Mgr , ,
1)carborn St.ttiotm , Cimicago ,
JflES. arii & 00 ,
'l'eiC)1m01112 ) I 039 , Oiiialia , Neb
litiAlil ) OIl 'fRAlU.
Direct a'lre to CimiCs5Cb sad New Yor
Comr.pondentsl Jolla A. V.rren & cc , .
'l'iII.ill'lItSIl 1Illl.
. . CO. .
It .uumm ' 1 , N. 1' , 1.1 ( ii ihlui. , ( ) mlmttlma , Nob.
Direct Win' , Ne ; York , Cimietigu nimit
% 'eiteri Polist. . . ,
I ' , . ' ;
- - - - - -
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