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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1898)
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The regular monthly meeting of tire park cnmmuaioners will bo held this ovcunn ( In the oalce of the city clerk , There were three marriage licenses issued yesterday and Justice 1 > errler was called upon to omclate at all three weddings. Tllero will be n special meeting this evening - ing of Blulfa company , No , 27 , Iinlgbla of I'ythina , for drill In P. 0. S , of A , hall : lr.'and , Mrs , George M. Fugnto.of Freeport - port , ] II. , are visiting here , the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E , h. ll'atts on North First street Mr , and Mrs. C. T. Marshall of Charter Oak , In. , accompanied by their six chlldran , arrived in iho city yesterday to visit the exposition. 'i Don't you think it must be a pretty good laundry that can vlenso so many hundreds of customers ? Well-that's the "Eagle , " 721 Broadway , Louts Glliet , whllo riding his bicycle , wan rum into by another wheelman on Pearl street yesterday morning and was somewhat - what severely Injured about the back , Mrs , Belle Ditnnn of Cameron , Mo. , and Atiss Emily Johnson of Kidder , Mo. , are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0 , 0. Baird of North Eighth street while visiting the ex- position. John Metz , who assaulted a neighbor named 1S. J. Egbdrt Saturday night at (1- derog's hall , a few miles out of town , was fined $6 and costs in Justice Vlen' i court , yesterday. Rev. 1LV. . Allen , who filled the pulpit of the Christian Tabern'ucle Sunday , returned - turned last evening to Chicago , where he is taking a post graduate course of study ' hr the Uulveratly or bhicago , Waller Mc0un i , a young man who was arrested Saturday for peddling "sweet lav- ender" without taking out a license , was ' sentenced hr 1 olice court yesterday morning I to Marco days on the chain gang. drs. Mary McCoy returned yesterday from Deaver , where she was called by the death of her daughter. Mrs , liartstock , whose three motherless children Mrs. McCoy brought back with her to this city. J 51 , liecitel of Burlington , accompanied by Ida daughter , Miss Edith A , Bechtel , and his niece , : Mss Mary Foglesong of Duluth - luth , arc slopping in the city while taking In the attractions of the exposition , , Miss Laura Flickinger , who underwent t an operation for appendicitis t the Women's Christian Association hospital Sunday , was reported yesterday to be doing nicely , ss'Itli every prospect of her complete recovery. The meeting of the stockholders of the reorganized Council Bluffs Gas and Elcc- trtc Light company , announced for yesterday - day , was postponed until today as several of the easteru slocklroidora could not ar- rlve on time. 0 , It , Christofferson of 2622 Avenue A , who was sued fn Justice l'ien's court by Poll Tax Collector Allwoed for the amount of the tax , settled the case yesterday by paying the tax and the costs , amounting In all to $4.30. Fred McClellan , a small buy , has been arrested - rested for selling popcorn on Sunday in Fairmount park without permission or 11- cease. In police court yesterday morning his case was ; continued for a week for further - ther Investigation. Tile- funeral of Miss Ella Maud Keen , who died Sunday , will be held this 'afternoon from the First Presbyterian church at 9 o'clock instead of 2 , as previously an- nounced. Dr , Stephen Phelps of Omaha will conduct the services. The police have been notified that thieves broke into the residence of Attorney G. H. Gable , fu the course of construction nt the corner of Seventh street and Eighth avenue , Saturday ntght and stole a quantity of tools , the property of W. II. Riser. Council Bluffs has been deslgaated as the omclal residence of Postolnce duspcctor C. B , Fawkner of this district and lie has re- Irloved hero with his wife from o outt Dakota - kota , For the present they will live at the Snyder residence en South Sixth street. t mpecial meeting of the school board hao licen called for thh , evening to consider the question of repairing the old boiler at the High school building or of purchasing n new one. The boiler hi Its present co.- dltion has been condemned by thu boiler Inspector. Tlto funeral of the late Thomas J. Hughes will ho held this afternoon from the rest- dunce of his brother , Z. Hughes , ] 10 Itidge street , at 1:30 : o'clock lusteod of 2 o'clock , us preciously arranged. The services will be conducted by Rev. S. M. Perkins , pastor - tor of the first Christian church. Inter- ment. will ha in Fairviewcemetery. . C. D. Vlavl Co ( cmalu remedy ; consultation - tion free. O111ce hours , 9 to 12 mul 2 to 5 , health book furnished. 326.327.328 Mor- riutn bloc ! : , N , Y. Plumbing cumpnny , Tel , 250. C'h'it Hervlce Ihnmlmiatien. The Civil Service commission announces that an examluatioa tor the Postal scrvico will ho 11(1(1 In this city on seine date between - tween October 1 and 15. All persons who destro to ho examined must apply to Fred Johnson , secretary of the local board of ox- amtners at the postotilco for application blanks mud full Information relative to the scope of the ixamlnntion , Applications must bo flied In complete form with the seg- relary of the board prior to the hour of closing business on September 1 , othnrwlso the applieunl cannot ho examined. Appll- cenls will be notltled soon after tiling their application as to the exact date the examination - tion will be held , FOR SALE-Oooa sccona hund bicycle at a bar\alu. Call st Tao Bee olfite , Council ulaifa. \1'111 Get the ( H r1 a Cunrelinn. As n sequel to the case in Justice Burke's court ht which J , 11 , ' Ackerman was llncd for beating his 155-year-old daughter Minnie , a petition was tiled yesterday' In the district court asking that a guardian be appointed for the girl. Judge Smith set Saturday next for hearing tire appllcntiot and directed that poldin ; ; the Jtetring the girl be placed In 1 custody of L. D , Leper , whom it is sought to have appointed her guardian. .liter the Unnnw'n Sleauahont Men , J , ( ' . Bixby , Inspector of passenger boats for Iowa , has lllod information of behalf of the stab In llto court of Justice lurks , charging James Morris with acting as pilot and August Peterson with acting as engineer oil the ateaaer at Lake Mnnnwa without II. ' t cents , 'rho case comes up for hearing this 1 morning , Iteal HslrUo 'l'rnasfcrs. The follow'lug transfers were filed yesterday - day in the abstract , title and loan otllco of J , 1V , Squire' Nmmahua 7'rus cpmphny f0 T. . A. Casper , lot 1 , Dunn s bloek , t uunell ; Bluffs , sv d . . . . . . . . . . $ , Q tiherIff ' , Odell , lot 6 , ock 3 , Ph rte's aubdly , a d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Tw'o transfers , total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ SS ° Marringe I.lornsc. , licenses to wed wore issued yesterday to the fullow'Ing persons : Name and ltesidenro , Age. Mathew' A 1Clckhnmr , Ompha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Matta G. l'tuwford , Omphq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS C. lV ( 'arlsol Cunell ) llhrtfn , , , , , , , , , , , , , 7l Alinule Donaldson , c'ouneil IIIu Th . . . . . . . . 'J ' lumen 'I' . ( 'raword , Murdock , Neb , , . , , . 7J l'aullua L. Hchuvey , Murdmk , Ncb.:1 1 s : 1 / 1. - iEi'os ' IN COUNCIL BLUFFS Prospective Jams Which the City Will Do Called Upon to Care For , CONVENTIONS SET FOR THIS MONTH Mnny Inys nnVilch Bodies of importance - portance , VIII lie. In Session , llriegiug Musts of Visitors Lm ' 1'helr SVnlic. Council Bluffs , during the present month , will be called upon to entertain within Its gates n large number of strangers in addition - tion to the influx of visitors attracted hereby by the Transmississlppl Exposition , To start with the Iowa and Nebraska Wholesale Grocers' association meets hero tomorrow and some forty or fifty members are exl ected to bo In attendance. The headquarters of the association will be at the Grand hotel where Proprietor Clark has been notified to lnnko arrangements to entertain some forty extra guests. The acs- sloes of the association will be held in the League room of the hotel. The meeting , however , which will attract the largest number of strangers to Council Bluffs will be the twenty-ninth session of the Iowa Grand Lodge , Knights of I'ythlas , which will ho held here August 9 , 10 , and 11. Soma 1,500 members of the order or even possibly more are expected here , many of whom will be acompanied by their wives , who will embrace - brace the opportunity of the reduced railroad - road rates to visit the exposition , The /eighth annual session o1 the gran ] temple of the Rathbono Sisters of Iowa will be held at the same thno and this will increase the crowd by some 200 "sisters , " who , it is expected , will be in attendance. It 1s expected that n largo number of the knights and sisters will stay over in the city for a few days at the close of the grand session to take in the sights of the exposition. Scattered at different dates through the month , four political conventions will be held in the city. The first on the list is the republican convention of the Fifteenth Judi- ekil district to be held Thursday , August 11 , which calls for the presence of 162 delegates , The convention will as usual attract a number - ber of omce seckers and their friends to the city. Then on Thursday , August 18 , will follow the convention of the Ninth congressional - sional district , which from present Indications - tions may possible last two or even three days , should a deadlock which is not at all unlikely to occur. This convention calls for the attendance of 112 delegates. On Saturday , August 20 , svIll occur the democratic county convention to select delegates - egates to the stale , Judicial and congres slonal conventions of the party. This will bring a large number of out-of-town people to the city undoubtedly that day. On Thursday , August 25 , will be held the democratic - cratic conventions of the Fifteenth Judicial and the Ninth congressional districts. Another - other important meeting will occur In this city on August 17 and 18 , when the sur- vlving veterans of the Sixth Iowa infantry wilt hold their reunion. The Sixth Iowa was recruited from the following towns : Company A , Marlon , Linn county ; Company B , Chariton , Lucas county ; Compnay C , Eldora , Hardin county ; Company D , Center- ville , Appnnooso county ; Company E , Albla , Monroe county ; Company F , Osceola , Clark county ; Company G , Iowa City , Johnson county ; Company H , Montrose and ICeolcuk , Lee county ; Company i , Burlington , Des Moires county ; Company IC , Mount Pleasant - ant , Henry county. As cheap rates on all the railroads have been secured for the reunion - union and as many of the old soldiers will bring their wives and families with them a large crowd Is looked for. 01'1'1 COUSCU , 1'1tOCEI1DINGS. 1lunic ipnl fathers 'rrnnsnet a Lnrgc Amount of 111seellnueous Ilnsimiess , At the regular monthly meeting of the city council imst night the ordinance introduced - troduced at the last regular meeting by Alderman Christensen , providing for the payment of the salary warrants of city omcers and employes from the police in place of the general fund , was brought up on the second rending and after a lengthy dlscusston svas laid over under the rules. City Attorney 1Vadss'orth , to whom the question of the legality of the ordinance had been referred , gave as his opinion that it was perfectly wltiln the right of the council to adopt such a measure especially as the ordinance creating the police fund , passed in 1869 , was still in existence , it never having been repealed , although It was not incorporated in the recently compiled city nrdlnarccs. Dcaplto time opinion of the city attorney , time majority of the councilmen - men were not satisfied as to its legality and the ordinance was laid over for further - ther investigation , An amended resolution providing for the paring of the following streets was substituted - tuted for the sue introduced at the last meeting : Fourth street from Broadway to south line of l1'orlh street ; Fifth avenue fro ] . . east line of Pearl to uvost line of Main street ; Fifth avenue from east line of Main to west line of Fourth street ; Seventh - enth avenue from west line of Main to east line of South Sixth street ; Tenth avenue from Main etroet to Sixth street , The latter - ter was luchuled'nt the suggestion of Coun cllmnn Metcalf , w'1mo stated that the abutting - ting property owners 'ere desirous of having - ing the street paved. Another resolution providing for the paving - ing with vltrified brick and curbing 'with artificial stone , Washington avenue from Beton street to Frank street , was introduced - duced , but mm motion of Alderman Johnson was amended to rend from the westerly line of Mnin street to Frank street The portion of the avenue between Main and Ilenton streets is paved with cedar blocks. The city cleric was lnsrueted ( to publish the two resolutions as one and they will roue up for action at am adjourned meeting - ing of the council to be held August 29. The hucksters' ordinance providing for a llcenso of $50 a year , prepared by the city attorney , was Introduced and passed , On recommendation of the judiciary con- nllllee the petition of Eliza J , Kelly for cancellation of taxes was disposed of by remitting half of time general city tax for 1897 , Clmulrmcn Urnuglm of tto committee on city property , ' who had been authorized to sell to the Termlnal company twelve feet of the city's lot at Seventh avenue and ix- teoUh street for $60 , reported ] bat the company- now desired to purchase thirty feet nail lme was authorized to sell the addhionaj gightcen feet at n price proportionate to that charged or the twelve feet. Aider- man Casper staled he had a purclaser for the lot owned by the city at Broadway and Tilrteenth street and Chairman llrougim was authorized to negotiate time sale , The brick sidewalk ordered laid on Ba moon street was cut out of the contract. The bond of Ilolin & Co. for the fulfillment ' of time sidewalk contract , signed by E. A. and Jauod Wickham , was ppprovcd. Mderuan Atkins called attention to the fact that conelderubin complaint had been made in the post of the manner in which some of the sidewalk cohtrncts had been carried out and stated that he was determined - mined that all the provisions of contracts let by the city should from this out be rigidly - idly enforcer , Ito also called attention to the condition of the macadom paving on Lower Broadway and urged that time council - cil lake some action to compel the contractor - tractor to make the necessary repairs or else sue the bondsmen. A rsolution authorizing the city treasurer - urer to refund $30,000 of the $70,000 bonds which fall duo October 1 was passed and City Treasurer Reed was appointed trustee for the city in the transaction to act without - out compensation. There being no provislot fn the general Improvement ordinance to compel contractors - tractors to keep paving and sidowniks or other work in repair for the space of ono year mr amended ordinance containing this clause was passed. The usual grist of bills for the preceding month were read and ordered pAtd , among the number being the following : Mrs , J , E , Brooks , for feeding prisoners at city jail , $55 ; salaries of fire department , $1 , " 45 ; salaries of police department , $1227 ; Posnd- master Dobson , for killing 100 untagged dogs , $95,50 and $21.25 being half the dog tax collected during July , The council adjourned to meet next Monday - day night _ The Evans laundry is the leader in fine work both for color and finish , 520 Pearl street. Phone 290 , District Court ' odes , DisttIct court was adjourned yesterday by Judge Smith until next Saturday. The motion to dissolve the temporary injunction - tion granted In the case of D , S. Frank against School District No. 2 was submitted and taken under advisement by the court. John P. Organ was granted a temporary Injunction restraining Alice Downs from removing - moving personal property from a hotel leased by her in Neola , G , II. Mayno commenced suit against the city of Council Bluffs to recover city taxes levied and collected on certain real estate in the city belonging to him which ho alleges was illegally assessed , the property in question - tion being agricultural land. The amount of the taxes he sues to recover are 1899 , $3.96 ; 1895 , $47.76 ; 1890 , $43,90 , The omcial photographs of the United States Navy , cetitaining over 200 pictures of tire vessels , with their officers and a num- pf the views of thq ill-fated Maine , can be had at the Council Bluffs omco of The lice for 25 cents and a Bee couuon. Map or Cuba , \'est Indies and the World at The Bee office , lOc each. ] less Mllttnry itend. SIOUX CITY , Aug. 1.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) -Captain J. C. Stanford , United States engineer - gineer in charge of the improvement work of the upper Missouri river , has received orders to remove to Fort Washakle , Wyo to lake charge of the construction of a mlll- tary road from that place to the mouth of Buffalo Fork of the Snake river. The mill- tary road which is to be built is considered necessary on account of the experience which the government had In getting men and supplies - plies into the Jnclcson Hole country some years ago. at the time when the Indians were making trouble for the cattlemen , The tauce from Fort Washakie to the Buffalo Fork of the Snake river is 144 miles , but there is a road for eighty-four miles of the distance , leaving sixty miles that must he completed this season if men can be secured. It is through a very a very rough country , right over the Wind river divide of the Rocky Mountains. The appropriation available - able for the work now is only $10,000. It is expected that the road which will be opened will later form a pardon of a new route to Yellowstone Park. Lientenmint Ilartuug Under Arrest. DES MOINES , In. , Aug. 1.-Lieutenant Buidair Hartung is under military' arrest , charged with obtaining a furlough under false pretenses to marry Miss Besets Cod- dington. The hrido and groom are real- dents of Des Moines. Lieutenant Hartung is a member of the Twelfth signal company , under command of Captain Frankleman at Chickamauga , and pretty Miss Coddinglon , now Mrs. Hartung , is a popular member of the most select lies Moines society. Dut a week or more ago Lieutenant Ilartung appeared - . peared in Des Moines on a leave of absence - sence and his friends were surprised shortly after by an announcement of the marriage , On his return to Chickamauga stern realities ties confronted him , he being promptly taken ) into custody. H is alleged ho assigned as a reason for obtaining a furlough his father's serious injury , Senior Hartung was but slightly bruised.y Cherolre , County Democrats. CIEROKEE , ] a. , Aug. 1. ( Speclal.-The ) Cherokee county democrats of the 16 to 1 doctrine held their convention Saturday afternoon - ernoon at the court house In this city. There were only a baker's dozen present and the meeting was not what could be called enthusiastic. A few speeches were indulged in and these gentlemen delegated to attend the state and congressional conventions - ventions ; Congresslonal-Jamnea Dalton , J. A. Campbell , J. G , Biller , T. J , White , II , P. Roheson , Tom Cnswell , T. B. Parker , George Clark. State-J. D. F , Smith , \Vll- Iiam Mulvaney , D , Lttfring , Ell Litchen- berger , Elias Ingersoll , M. Wblsmau , S : S. Pixlcr. Ael'Ilaed of Murderous Assault , ] 'AIRFIELD , Ia Aug. 1.-Speclal-Dr. ( ) H , D. Lester of Salina has been arrested charged with murderous assault upon his stepson , Claude Trlmhle , and held to , nwnlt the action of the grand jury. He shot , the boy , but this wound wlll not prove fatal , iosrt I'nrtmt Notes , In central Iowa the late planted corn was Injured by the dry and hat weather of July , In northern Iowa the corn is said to be the finest ever known and a big crop Is sure , At an auction sale at Albia ten head of shorthorn cattle sold for $615 and seventeen horses sold for $1,255 , Nearly all the Iowa newspapers rejoice because - cause losv'a butter was pronounced tbo' best at the Transmisstssippl Exposition , Thera was shipped from the town o4 Adel between January 1 lust and July 25 hogs and cattle worth $121,000 and time farmers near by now have on band $90,000 worth nearly ready for market. There are fifteen shlppiug stations in the same county. A Dallas county farmer makes a good record on a car of cattle. They were laid down to him at $17,40 per head and were sold al $31. In other words , he got $13.60 for time grnhl and pasture given each animal. lie did the work quick aid the price for the grain was way ahovq the market and the pasture price ronstderable in excess of tlm usual rental rate , $2,50 per acre , rorn Press CI ) 11mim'mmf , Ottumwa Courier : With Burjwss and Steck both working for the nomination for congress , we are reminded that Charles A. Walsh is now in the IClondikp gathering gold. Charley knows what Ire really wants , though he does not always say so , Dubuque Times : The Transmleslssippi Exposition at Omaha is paying running expenses - penses anti reducing the iloating Indebtedness - ness , In the presence of the war excitement this is an excellent record and incidentally a proof that prosperity reigns In the Mls- sourl valley , Cedar Rapids Republican ; Senator 4111- son says Iowa never looked piofo beautiful than it does now. Iowa can return the compliment by Paying that her senior senator - tor was never more influential and useful than be Is today , and that would simply- be an exchange of exact truths. Tberu is netting - ing of Battery In either case , ' . . , . . . , . e. . . , f p 1 I , _ = : / . - e ' r1 \ e < : (1 ( , c cI ' $ t , . -I \ V , , # - r , 9 -4 : 43' , ' " I ) ; , : / " - , / to , - . I y- . - - - 1- : - , L' ti ' _ - ' - -j h , ' ( tK \ - # , L e t ) J $ . q - : : - IL . ' - . /t ; : l oA , , BOSTON LADIES' MILITARY BAND 4' : $ AT LA KR MANAWA. Commencing Thursday , July 2S , Afternoon and evening. Two concerts daily. This organization is all first-class , consisting of twenty-five talented young lady musicians. Also MISS ADELAINE MELBA , Soprano and Violin Soloist , Bisect - sect from Et'o1)e. This young lady lies a very rare , sweet and cultured voice. Fishing , Boating and Bathing on the 1 Beach . Get out of the hot , dusty city and spend a day with us , r 1 m RE\VARD \ OUT FOR MURDERERS Governor Shaer Offers $400 for Their Apprehension and Arrest. WANTS THE MEN WHO SHOT FRANK BEARD Iowa's Executive Exerting himself to Get hold of time 1'ersmmsVho Committed Murder at DeWltl. DES MOINES , Aug. 1. ( Special Tele- gram.-Governor Shaw today offered a reward - ward of $400 for the apprehension and arrest - rest of the two tramps who figured In the tragedy at Dell'Itt L Ia. , last week , which resulted in the depth , of Frank Al. Beard of that town. Frank Ieard ) , a boy of 21 , in company with Roy Buckley and two other young men , boarded a freight train at DeWitt last Tuesday on his way to Belle Platne to make a visit. At the same time two tramps boarded the car. The face of one of the highwaymen was covered with a polka-dot handkerchlpf. lie flourished a revolver - volver and ordered the boys to throw up their hands. The boys at once jumped off the train as it was moving off. Five shots were fired after them and Frank Beard , being among the last to get out , was shot and fatally wounded , the ball entering the right aide near the spinal column. The tramps escaped. Sheriff Hudson of Clinton county offered a reward of $200 for their apprehension and a vigorous search is being - ing made. The community in and about Dc- Witt is much wrought up about the affair and asked Governor Shaw to offer the reward - ward , Governor Shaw today received word from General Alger that the Fifty-first Iowa regiment , m camp at San Francisco , will ho sent to Manila as soon as he can ac- cure transports , A number of local tobacco dealers today - day received a large consignment of clga- rettes from the American Tobacco company , which agrees to stand behind the dealers when they are arrested for selling elga- retles contrary to the Iowa law. The American Tobacco company has hired its attorneys and will test the law. ( A I''rre Silver Itally. RIVERTON , Ia. , Aug. 1.-Special- ( ) Preparations are being made by the democrats - crats anti populiats of this county for a free silver encnmpment hero to begin August 23 noel continuo five days. Prominent free silver speakers will ho present , among whmn are ox-Governor Altgeld , Judge C , C. Cale of Des 'Moines , Oenrgo L , Finn of Bedford and J , J. Shea of Council Bluffs. HYMENEAL Tyler-S mim I HI. Miss Florence Smith of Fremont , 0 and Mr. Edward Tyler of Cincinnati wore married - ried yesterday at tllo parsonage of All Saints' church , Rev , T , J , Slackay ofilclnt- ing , The young people were here visiting the exposition , after remaining a few days longer they will return to thelr home in Cincinnati , Wen t herhogg-G Iersey , LINCOLN , Aug 1 ; ( Special.-A ) wedding look place at time Lincoln hotel today. The contractlag parties being F'ranlc A.Veath - erhogg and Myrtle A. Glerscy , both of Plymouth - mouth , Neb. A number of friends of the couple came up from Jefferson county to witness the happy ovent. r.mtrsnn-IImidquist. John Larson of Oreston , Iowa , and Mrs. Mary Lindquist of Omaha were harried August 1 at the home of time olllclating wn- Istcr , Roy. Charles W , Savldge. Fart Pier Oriirs Son's .trrest. CHICAGO , Aug. 1.-George N. lluglmes , whose father , Daniel ltughes , is president of the Hughes Supply company o % ICanaas City and ex-president of the Natlommai Bank of Liberty , Mo was taken Into custody hers today , lie is has' in u cell at detective headquarters awaiting time arrival of an edl cer from Kansas City , wno will taps inn Lome. No charge was lodged ngalnst time prisoner , who was arrested at the request of iiia father , Captain Colloran received a let. ter ( rein the elder hIughes naltiig him to take time son Into custody- , The latter slatcl that the young amen tad became rather meek. less and land left beveral notea In various cities-for his father to pay , ' Llmmrmema ( Ind on n $ t II e , ST. LOUIS , Aug. 4.-About 400 llnegncn belonging to the Electrical Workers' union went on a strike today for an plvaneo ill wages from $2.50 for ten hours work to $3 for the same home. Their demands had been presented Saturday and refused , 'rho men were employed by the Missouri nod Edison amid Lacledo Light and Power companies - panies and the Bell and Iinloch Telephone companies. STARTS WITH NON-UNION MEN Pear That Trouble Will Ensue in Case Owners of Mimic 1'erslst. , - ti DENVER , Aug. 1.-A ' 'pcclal to the Times from Lafayette , Cole says : The Mitchell mine , one of the largest properties of the Northern Coal company , resumed operations today , nfter having lain idle forever over three months on account of the strike. A guard of ten men under command of Bert Halloway , an ex-deputy sheriff , is stationed at the property prepared to resist all attempts - tempts at interference from the union men. Up to noon everything had progressed smoothly , but from muttoringswhieh could be heard on all sides it would "appear that trouble is breeding. A mass meeting of time strikers has been called for this evening in Louisville , at which gathering it is feared drastic measures will be authorized. Only seventenn men were working today. 0111- dais of the coal company deny that they Intend , as has been reported , to import miners from Missouri , but declare they will operate their mines and will never pay the scale of wages demanded by the strikers , which has been pronounced reasonable by the State Board of Arbitration. The strik- era number about 1,200. ELECTIONS IN ALABAMA .Tohuson , it miuperat , lie-Elected Governor - ernor amid Slaty Counties Show' a Majority rr,000. BIRMINGHAM , Ala. , Aug. 1.-Joseph P. Johnson , democrat , was re-elected governor of Alabama today. Unofficial returns from sixty- counties indicate a democratic majority - jority for the state ticket of 55,000. The chairman of the democrallc committee claims 75,000. Indications are that the populists carried not exceeding six counties far their stale ticket. The populists , however , carry twelve counties for local omcers , the con tests bohmg over probate judges. Probate judges held omce six years. In 1892 the populists elected thirty-four probate judges. The contest today was between these populists - ulists and democrats. The democrats won all but twelve , The populist managers concede the election - tion of the democratic state ticket , but claim timey will elect not less than twenty- two probate judges. The lower house of the legislature will consist of ninety demo- crate out of a total of 100. 'rho populists elected brit two senators in today's election - tion , LOOKS LIKE A SETTLEMENT Owners of I'ana Mines Mnke a Proposition - sition In Enrl time Long LookuuL PAN , Ill. , Aug. 1.-Developments pointing - ing to a settlement of the miners' lockout existing hero since April 1 were made known today. After n conference with the owners of the I'ana Coal company's mine , Franc Frorer and D , 11 , Ilarts of Lincoln , Superintendent Julius Ilroelml returned to Dana anti summoned George G , Cravens , president of the miners' union , end submitted - mitted to ldm a proposition to open the Pnna mine with unlom men under union organization , granting the scale price for day labor mud company men and paying time miners for digging 30 cents , the company furnishing all supplies except powder. This is 3 cents under the scale prlco as placed by iho State Board of Arbitration , and the company asserts this is every cent they' can pay and operate their mines without loss , The proposition has been submitted to the toot and they have refused to accept , but It in believed the Tana company and the men will come to terms within a few days , BUSINESS TROUBLES. Hhoo Ileum involved. BOSTON , Aug , 1.-Ilosmer , Codding & Co. 'of tins city , who are among the largest boot and shoe dealers in New England , assigned - signed late this afternoon to Charles W. Lavers , president of the National Shoe and Leather exchange of this city , The liabilities - ities are estimated at $500,000 , \S'Ire 1)ravvcrs Strike 'Poise' , CLEVELANI ) , 0 , Aug. 1 , It is announced - nounced chat n strike will be Inaugurated tomorrow by the wire drawers at the three largo mills recently absorbed by the wlro trust in this city unless a compromise I. effected in the meantino between employes and time company. Six hundred men , oho are members of lbe Federated \Vlro Draw- ers' union , claim tbelr wares hsvo boon DO YOU KELLY ? Not Kelly who played Base Ball , nor Kclly. who kept the hotel , but HORACE R. KELLY , that prince of all cigar manufacturers. IVo have had placed with us , amI jobbers , to distribute to the retail trade , , HORACE R , KELLY Co.'s t , GG I..A. 77 5 CENT CIGAR. When you find this excellent piece of goods fn your retailer's case , you taico nq ebance In trying it , as it is made on honor , by people who knew how to make cigars. Retailers will please not wait for our traveling men , but place their orders aC once , Every cigar guaranteed. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO. COUNCIL DLUFFS , IOWA. -1. ( ' ' / ii , iiiO' D R DE F R MI * Around Council Bluffs ' p ' ' , T You can buy improved nail unimproved fruit lauds chrnpcr In ' ; q this vlcimlty than nnywhere In time United Stnles'I'Imere is no fall. a , urn of crops hero , 1uok at oar Fralt harms vhile they are h a scar. ' . , fag , DA.'YHE ' ! ) .11' .t h ESS , /I The Real Estate and Loan Brokers a 39 Pearl St CoanoilHlaRrIa svoexrlusls'u sale of a large r um 1 wrof l ersonally conrhtet buyers through our Frul 4 Garden and Groh Farms , e f orchards free of charge. them want. for imormatlon and sate vvhuyou . cut 331.3 per cent since the trust look hold of the 1111118. If these 000 men go mot , as now aeem likely , 2,000 or 3,000 other ouployes will be affected , DEATH RECORD , Old Settler of Ilentrlee. BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug. 1.-Special ( Tele- gram-Mrs ) , E , S. C. Valli , widow of the late flew. Thomas S. Vaill , died at her home In this city at 8 o'clock tonight of ailments Incident to old age , she having attained her 77111 year. Today was her fifty-second wedding - ding anniversary. The deceased was rote of turn most esteemed residents of the city. The family came to Beatrice from Illinois in 1874 , Mr. Valll for many years being pastor - tor of time First Presbyterian church. The remainhmg members of the family are Mrs , F. C. LaSello of Beatrice and Miss Ella Va111 of Omaha. The funeral will he held at 5 o'clock Wednesday evening , Rev , W , W. Harshte of Omaha , an oil friend of time family , lies been asked to omclate. \Veultlmy'I'rcnlvnm 1'nrmimer. TRENTON , Nob. , Aug , l.-Special- ( ) J. D. Swnrt , one of the wealthiest farmers hereabouts and a prominent citizen of this south side , was found dent Saturday morn- hag. He was a bachelor , living alone. A neighbor went to his house on an errand , broke in time doer and found him dead In bed , as he had retired tire night before. lie was burled Sunday , 1Iphrnlum Hills , Shnn mmm , COLUMBUS , 0. , Aug , 1.-Ephrahn W , Sells , the elder of the Sells brothers , well known circus men , died hero at noon today of Brlght's disease , after ml illness of several - eral months , FIRE RECORD. \Vyoming 1leremitlie Es lnhllnimnnetmI. CASPER , Wyo. , Aug , 1.-Special ( Tele- gram.-The ) large mercantile establlshment of Higgins & McGrath at. Thermopnlis , l1'yo. , burned on last Saturday , The ions will reach $20,000 , No Insurance. The firm carried ono of the largest stocks hm central Wyoming. ilinze mm t ttslnloosa , OSKALOOSA , 1a. , Aug , 1.-Time Brester Shoo ronlpany'n store burned out and time law omco of Congressman John P , Lacey and his brother , W , R. Lacey , wait partly destroyed - stroyed by fire Sunday morning. The loss of time shoo stock is practically complete. The total loss Is $10,000 , with partial Insur- mncc. , A ( tlever 'I'rish , IL certainly looks like it , but there Is really no trick about it. Anybody ran try it who has Lena flack and Weak ICidneys , Malaria or tmervous troubles. We mean he can cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters , This medicine tones up time whole system , acts as a stlmulant to Liver amid 1Cidnpys , is a blood purifier aid nerve tonic. It cures Constipation , Headache - ache , Fainting Spells , Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable , u mild laxative , aul restores the synlem to its natural vigor , Try Electric Bitters and bi convinced that they are a miracle worker , Every boltla guarauleeti , Only & 0c a bottle at Kuhn & Co's , lien rinlr Cuundloam Ihrellio ( 'use , CHICAGO , Aug , J.-Tho Interstate Commerce - merce commission tact In this city and dlx- I f X10 Opened . JJ G l sties' Dressing , Chiropody and Manicure Parlors. ilnlr Dressed. ISnlls llenntilled , feet 11ade Corn fortnlie. SOMETHING NEW. Upright Shnlnpuoing ApImaraths , We Slampao mud nits , a Indy's ludr while she nits upright. No stooping over , Flue Toilet Articles. Hwllchctr , Wnves , \Vlgs , etc. , for pate or nimmdo to order. The Indies of Council Bluffn wlll Iind our work llrat clans and prices reasonable , MRS. L. A. GRAVES , 1115 I'enrl Street. WANTED , FARM AND INSIDE CITY LOANS TIIA'l' ARE ( lILT-EDGE , WI' ) ALSO WANT YOUR Full INSURANCE ON BUSINESS PROPERTY , DSV1WINOS AND IIOUSF lIOLD GOODS , 'I'OIt- NADO INSUItANCIS AT A VliltY LOW RA'I'E. BAItOAINH IN REAL ESTAT1'1 , BOTII IN FARM AND CITY PHOPER'1'Y.PE CAN HEId , YOU A 11011E CIIHAI' ON 13M41414 PAYMENTS , 3,000 ACRES 01' 10T- 'I'OM LAND IN TillS COUNTY FOii HALl IN ONh ; TRACT OR IN SMALL TIIAC7'H. 41.50 210 ACRES AT A LOW PRICE ; 80 ACREH FItUI'P LAND IN Mll LS COUN'1'V , ] A. , i'Olt BALI : OR IJXCIIANGE. CALL ANT ) SEE US OR WRITE US. 233 I'10AR1. S'1' . , COUNCIL BLITFFS , IA. LOL'OLE & LOUGEI9. //gM1 / WELCH TRANSFER LINE Iletw een CIIllll'H IIIufs timid omaha , ] totes Iteusonablo. Hatisfnctloi Guaranteed , Council Bluffs oldie , No. 8 Nurthm shin street. Telephone 125. Omnia etllcu ro- muved to 322 South Fifteclilh street , Tele- Plmnno . Conncc uuulo with South Omaha cussed ibis question of iho alleged disturbance - turbance 1mm passenger rates by time Canadlnn Pacific Itatwuy canpany. All lhp members of the oommisalor were present , Martin A , Knapp presiding. Time United Stales circuit court roan , wlmero the comfmIisslon met , was filled by ralls'uy representatives from beveral states , who gave oy'ldenco op which the commission will base its conclusions , linitlmmore .i ; plain lnrnirmgs , BALTIMORE , Aug , I.-Tho estimated gross earnings of the Baltimore & hue railroad - road from operation for time mouth of Juno , 18$8. were 52,328.015 , an Increase of $1117. i