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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1898)
' j p . . , _ j5 _ THE OMAHA DAT LY B EL . . ' ' ) p % . , . , , . S1NIJE COi'Y Pivi OJN't'S. I JuNE : 19 , 1871. OMAhA MOAY MO1JNG. AUGUST 1 1698. FUTURE FESTIViTIES Oorntng Days of the Expo3ition to Do Made 4 Most Brilliant , FLOWER DAY OPENS A GAY SEASON Uorgcon Bpecthco to Introduce a Month Containing Many Special Jvcnth. OTHER OCCASIONS OF THE WEEK Indiati Day and Kansas Olty Day the Oe1cbrition Next on Ltst. PLEASANT SUNDAY AT ThE GROUNDS 3tttii. 1''ult ( ' I'IIMI t1i tfIrIIOII flU ! % lii l A III Iii I lie 4teites hf JIcsiti I , IIiei , I tag ( I ) lich Saveet MIIMIC. The rnlilstimniur qtiletti4o that hn chrrac- tcrlzcI ( the cxo9ItIon t1ir1ng the pnt two weeks will now tve place to a serIes of brilliant apectncIe anti celebrattoiis that wtll continue nirnost without intermission until the gates close for the last time and the \Vhlte City is tlemerted. This is the last ( lay of inactIon. Tomorrow time gorguq3ls. hum ) pageantry of Plower ( lay will t1prO. prlately intro4uco a succession of events that will gIvL' variety anti zest to time enter- prlso nimd fmmrnlslm a vAst scope of entertainment - mont for the liuntlreds of thousands of ylsl _ tars that are CXICCtCd ) during the remain- itig three months. These will Include a lde variety of features , spmctactilar , fraternal and educational. They vlll keep lUhllC interest - terest excited and assist to make the expo- I sltlon menmorable after its glittering palaces t d have disappeared. I Time programmi this week is ptinctunted vlth three big days , 881(10 from the special mnsl- cat attractions of the evenings. Very low railroad rates have been secured ott each ocenalon anti a largely increased out of town attendance ls.cxpectcd. The flower parade Tuesday evening Is something entirely I novel in this part of the country nut ! its sue- cess eewliero ! is a sufficient Indication that tIme sPectacle will irove highly enter- tainimig , Time decointions of various equipages . tlittt will form the parade have been .dll cally comnplett'd cml they display a degree of taste anti artistic mingling of colors that will be espeelally pleasing In the tnagnillcnit lan4scapcs of the bluff tract. Tue parade will form promptly at 6 o'clock and viIi move halt an hour after , lrccedetl by Plilit- ney's band and the board of governors of the Knights of Ak.Sar-Ben. It will make the circuit of the bluff tract three times and will be followed by an informal reception by the . - women of the Bureau of Entertainment at their ( ituirters In time Mines intildiug. ItitIItli Colne t't. Indian day on Thursday will bring another novel spectacle In which over thirty tribes of ziten vill illustrate their native dress , ens- toins Un(1 sports. This will occupy the entire day and will be coticlutleti with a magnificent display of fireworks. Saturday Kansas City wLlI transport itself to the grounds and sev- cml tltousantls of its leople will swell tIme crowd anti celebrate us participation In the . - 'l'ratmslnIssiasilllI enterprise. No suggestion of subsequent bustle and activity was ttppavetit on the grounds ) 'CS terday where a gOod sized crowd passed the afternoon and evening In quiet enjoyment of ( lie IlettY scenery and delightful music. rlie skies were ominous curly in the tIny , but the reduced ailmission was a strong attraction - - traction and all the afternoon there was a constant iiiiiov of people. The afternoon concert wzis given In the rotunda of time Mimics IUilditl ant ! ( lit , change was goner- ally comnmnemideil. 'fimo lofty arch acted as a oundiimg board and the imiusic was clearly audible nIl over the main court. Among the notable selections were the overtures , "Daughter of the Itegiment , " by Donizetti , , ; tIme "l'llgrlms Chorus , " from Tannltauso : , ' " Words " anti Mentlclsshon's "Songs Without , the mctlley "with the Minstrels. " The ovenir g program was lIflYCI1 in the /uiilitorlunm as ? It WUB thought the lotIthIug would ho more comfortable titan the open air nuLl Inelulel * a uCCe3lOfl of IoPulttr ) favorites which t caught time fancy of the crowd and ehiciteil numerous cilcores. This evening the grand fantasie , "From Battlefield to Firesido" will be again ra- Peateti on the Plaza vith the assistance o [ the exposition chorus. In the iirst itart time 9 chorUs s'lll slug tlto Sicilian h-mnn , ' 'Let $ . tIm hills and Vnies Itesound , ' ' by itleImard and "Robin Atlair. " Time band selections are CSIeCifllly attractive. 'rliey Include the overture frolti ' 'Semniratnitle , ' ' thu. waltz , "Jolly F'cliovB , " by Vollstcdt , a selcctloa trout amiti iloIlstctht's znngnitlcemmt descriptive comitositioll , "Time Indian 1)ance. ' ' Thu fnmmtnsie with the same vocal anti iyoteclimmicmi accompanIment that marked its lreviotla ltro&luctiuu vil1 occupy the last halt of the cvouimmg , 1SIJlN TI I I I'll IP4S I'.tSSI $ . 1'it'iiileutt \II * ( ! t.niiiI U tlit'i , ( $ - * 11,11 4)IIIt'i'ri4 l.i'nru liii' 'mViik. Stuco Fritiny afternoon , when Manager Itosovater of the lepnrtmcnt of Publicity declined to longer irnrtorlmm the thankless task of cflucr of press vasses subject to time erenco of the hearth of directors , cer u n other vXpOmtitiCll officials have been . , Cflfllfl iirnrtlrnl nynnrl.n'a n ? tl , . , dIiflcuItjcsoft1mcposTtton.Satunia ) ; ; ; ; : trig Mi' , htosewutcr referred nil opplications . for Iass to h'rcsitlent'nttles , with the statCmneUt that ho wotilil have nothing mote to do with tlmemn anti long before tIme end of the day l'residemit'attles had seine do- cidethly enlarged Ideas iii regard to the pasm r business. lie dIscovered that it mimeant a continual inundation of applications , among , whtclm there were itiammy that Presenteti ier- ' : plexiug lrolmsittolms that itvns tmnpossilile ' to stmtiftictorhly atijust. WlmIlo President \\'attles vua sweating under the Imresslre. of these personal 8111)11' catloti. the flurenu of Atlidissious vmts lit- emily ovt'rwhelnwd with letters from every part. of the timmitemi states containing urgent requests for t'nsses , In mummy cases it was almost iitipossllIo to determine whether the applicants vero eiititleml to them or not and the bureau " as soon confronted with a lot of tangieti Propositions that it hmal miever dreumneti of , Cue day of it was enough and Inturday niglmt Mr. htosewater was ylgor- ously urged to take the mnater on his own shoulders ngniu. h'resltletmt \ attIcs declared that the it1ss business hami occupied his otitiro time all tiny and it was abmolute1y 1mo11osiblu for him to think of carryIng such a btmrtlen , Mr. 1toseater replied timat It itati also been taking his jimne , lmIch Is as valuable as anonu'o. lie has givemi a harmie portion of his time to Ibis single imiat- ter hthm a view to keeping it on a business basis , but lie does not propose to routinuc to do so unless lie Is allowed to act without - out interference. lie said be woulil not rc assume ( be responsibility unless time action of the board of directors In granting passes ' & 3 rescinded. Ono somido of the manner in which the prcss department has been bandicziimpetl came up Friday morning , Each memnbor of the executive committee Is allowed one took containing fifty trip pnsses a week. While this loiN bCCfl ample for the imenth of some departalelits , it was far from being ado. quato to macct the ilemnanil on the Department - mont of Publicity on account of time large number of newspaper men from all sections of the country that were constantly asking for recognition. 'FhIs department has is- stied an average of thirty-five trip passes a day since the expositIon opened to these applicants. As the l'ublit4ty department Is time only one outside of the grounds these passes are required to enable press people vhh requisItions for term or seaofl imasses to get into time grounds to present thejr requisitIons to the admissions bureau in the service building.'hen thc first fifty passes were exhausted Mr. Itosewater has drawn on the Ail- missions department for such additionni pa83p5 as are necessary to satisfy the the- macti. FrIday his requisition was turned down by Smiperitmtecideiit Ilooliffle of the Ad missions ( Iepnrtment and lie was left without - out the means to give vIsiting editors en- trance to the exposition. Atmotiier incitlemit In illustration of time propositions that come before the pnss this. IIcnser occtmrred inst week. M. L. Zonk , business manager of the American , applIed ( or two passes. ThIs ptillicatiOii for ycais has lost no opportunity to libel Mr. Rosewater - water , but Mr. Zook was at omice notified that his application was favorably consid- ot-eti anti that tim passes would ito mailed to him in a tiny or two. Yesterday Mr. flosowater received the following letter from John C. Thompou rcmudlattug the action of Mr. Zoolc OMitI1 , July 31.-Mr. lt1waril Ttoscwater , Manager Department of l'ubllcity of the Tranbnmlssissllpi ) Rxposition : 1)enr Sir- 'our letter notifying inc that Mr Zeok's application - plication for pubSes for himself amid wife had been acted upon favurubly and that ilasses would be mallet ! Iii a few days has lCefl received. Any favors extended Mr. ook as a irivate citizen and hot US It representative - resentativo of the American coitcern ofliV the exposition matingemnetit and himself. But any favors extended ititn as a represent- ntive of time Amnericatt and not as a private citizen concern mime , and I do not care to stultify myself by either asking or accept- log a ; ass In toy own mme or that of any ofTlccr of tltis corporntinn amid must rcqtmest that no jasses 1)0 issued on account of tIme AmerIcan. This paper has not dane ntiy- thimmg that justiihes ony roan iti asking a Pass of tile Trausmississippi Expositi3.1. Trusting you vIil see time propriety of the step I have taken , I rctncin very respectfully - fully , JOhN C. ThOMPSON , l'.t'OItS 'I'IIfl CIt1LtP AIMISSTN. N..w On ( 'fIlM Ttiii ( ) tYem's mm Pert I itt'ii Pointer I ) flit' IIm't't'tors , "I've been to every big exposition slimcc the Centennial at l'hiladtlpllia held in this eoiiittry and saw time last one at I'aris and I want to say to yfl that In the Trammsmnis- SlSsipli hPclloSttiOfl you have a wonder nmld a beauty , only equ.iled by the \\'orid's fair at Chicago , " said James W. Itcarn of New Orieans to a Bee reporter after a halt week SPOtmt at time exposition grounds. Continil. ing lie snide 'TIme tnmilthirmgs are stately , mtmid yet they arc ntttxtctive. Time lantlscapc work is beautiful anti tIme magnificent pro- PortiotIS of time gratld court amiti LImo build- logs abotit It , so brilliantlS' ihitmnuitmatetl at nigimt , are such as to mmiakc otto want to stay timore forever. Nothing equalled this at time World's fair. Time Midwinter fair at Cali- formmia couldn't touch It. And Atlanta was not 1-2-3 compared with It. "It mmmay be presumption for me to give you advice , but I want to suggest that your directors cannot do a wiser timitig than cx- tenth the 25-cetit admissiotis for the ovemmitigs. I was out thieve for time first time cmi Tliurs- tiny night and I was just oarireti away with delight nmmtl surprIse hmcu I saw time beatmti- fimi secile being admmlired by so mnamty thousand - sand people. Then I was out again time net mmigiit nud tlmcre were not a half dozen pco- ule around time grand court. Nothing sue- coeds like success. It's better to hm1Vo a big crowd there to enjoy the beautiful scene at 23 edits a heath thati uolody there at nil. Your average workimlgman cantiot take hits faintly out there if lie has to hay 50 cents , but lie viil go preUy often at 25 cents. Your PeOhlC vlli imot fully appreciate time exposi- tiomi amtd its wotitierftmi attractions , perhaps , tmmmtil it is gone. Then they vhil mmilss it sorely. But there will be greater enjoyment of It ImmIti imiore real , uplifting benefit done to Limo people generally if they can enjoy their eveiiings at the exposition for 25 cents. " Mr. hicamn is one of the most prominent mnouof the Crescent city. Ito is one of tIme lcadths mm tIme committees that share the work of urrmtngimmg time fatuous Mardi Ormis festivals. Last year he hnntlsummieiy enter- taimmetl Messrs.'tlliam It. llemimmctt , Dudley Siflitim aimd l. M. Ilartiett , hen they went I dowti to New Oricaits for tue Board of Governors - ernors of tIme Knights of AhSarBemm.'hile hero Inst week lie was looked after by Mr. flcnnett. who reciprocatcd some of time court- esics sImovn the knights. Fmomn here Mr. ilearmm eiit to Mackinac island , where hue vihi umect his family amid take them east for the sumnmer. ImtliNis IthItiti's tilt the ( rimmimmils. Somimo sIxty editors of the North Cetmtral IdItoriai associatiotu of Kamiras arc In the city for time purpoeo of attemding , the cx- POSltiOil. Mati ) ' of tlmemn are nccoimmpammied by their wives , tititi all svihi remain umutll tIme last of time week. They arrived early yes- tertlay mmuormming auth wcre tnct at time tiepot by Colonel Itichinrdson of tIme Iepartmmuemut of Publicity. lie conducted them to time Mercer - cer imotel , here in a short sPeech , lie cx- teimilcul the freedom of the city , immvitimig thiemmi tim time ( uxllosition. Dmmrlmmg time tiny mmidst of the etiltors journeyed to tIme groumula , whuerti they remained tiurlmmg the evening , looking over ( h main building and attend- hug tIme Mimlyay attractions. The icatms . editors ore vehl vieabel with the exposition not ! , astonishment at time mnagnittido of time coucermi. humriimg their stay eu the grounds , their hmeadqtmartcra will ho at time Ianeas State bumilditig on the i3luiT tract. C.V. . Lantlis is President and Miss Grace L. Smuytler Is secretary of tIme misco- iat1on , S. II , Dodge , iresiticlmt of tIme hCmltm- sea Press association , is it mnezimbor of the party. Time welfare of time newspaper people lit hooked after by l'asscumger Agent Stiles of the Missouri l'aeithe , vhmo attends to tIme Kansas pabsenger busimmsss. Ilmui. Sietti ( IeitI'mirsi.hi' , Captain Mercer'a limb Sioux Indians immittie it lilt last. night. luritmg tIme early cvenlmmg timoy clothmeti lilemnhelves in the vnr toggery and marched from the pimp to Twentieth street and down that timorouglfare 10 the Atimmministrahion bumiithing. Upomm reachIng - Ing timeme thmey marched ainummid timt lagoon , singing war songs anti giving an immuitalion of time old time war whoop. They attracted a great cron'tI antI before timey b'id gomme imalt way around ( be Lagoon. half of the propic on the grounih $ were fohlowimug Iii their wake. liiim lutes Ills 'l'nmiit'r's Ilensi , One of the animal tamners ip at hingen. t'mek's put imis imead into the menithm of alien lion , but lie viii not do so aaimm for a timume itt least , \'hmerm time hiatt thiseovereti time choice morsel betueeim hits teetim , imy closed chttvfl ammd the prompt aotiomt of tIme atten. tiants was all that savd the life of the touter , These meti rushed at the lion anti tComutlnueO ou Fifth Page. B1S1ARCR DIES iN 1CON1 Pdnco Pazscs Away While Surrounded by Ills Family. SPEAKS A FEW WORDS JUST BEFORE END IlmilIteror % 'hliimmmn lfl'eiy .tfl'cete.i ( 'Ii Lenril lug hr ittthi of ( lii' ( Ircat StmtleMilImtmm-So F'tmneriul Arrmt ii gelliemt ( N. ( Copyright , lSq , by Press Publishing Co. ) UERLIN , Jtmiy 31.-New ( York World Cablegram - Spicial Telegram.flisinarck ) dieti In the utmost agony , lmis groalla being so terrible that women heft the death chamber. For two hours before death he was tmticottiotm. Ills last words were to his daughter , Coummtess Rantzati , thanking imer for wiping sweat front his brow. There Is still consi4lernblo uncertainty as to where the arinco will be burleti. It is generally understood that his own prefer- dice was for Frietirlchsrtmlme on tIme slight hill opposite the castle tmmder an oak there. Ills wife was' buried iii Varzln , ho estate in I'omerammia , but as her mnommurnent there is only of a temporary character it is be- hieveti it time prince's intentIon to imave her body ultimately brought to Friedricha- rube. But whether hlisnmnrclc is interred in Frictlricimaruhme or Varzin It Is ummmderstood that the nation viii be givemm an opportumtity of showing its admiration nmmd expressing its sorrow for the tieceasemi statesman by a popular mimanifestation in Berlin 1mm time form of a solemn funeral procescien or church service in 0mb of the l3eriln churches. Time kaiser , as soon as he hearth tIme news on board huts yacht in Bergen , gave orders for immediate return. lie 'iii ' arrive in Rich tomorrow night anti it will thiup be finally arranged whether or not tluero will be a public ? tmtuernl. Altimouglt time nevg of Blsmarck's death created a great sensation In flerhin , pcople tb miot seemn to be mmmovcd as they were eight years ago when ho fell from power. No stmcim a thmimtg as alt ) ' rave of emotional sorrow - row is sweeping over the people. The iiags cmi the ltcichmstng , ebancehlors palace and all inmimhic buildiuigs are at half toast. TIme stmeets arc crowded with eager PeOPle reading the latest news from Frietlrieimsr'ulme. All tiny emlormnous mmutmititutlea visittl Fried- rlchsruho , but the castle was kept closed and imotlming leaks out. Floral tributes continue to conic in from time neighborhood. Doubtless tonmorrow they wilt pour in from all parts of time empire. Before time castle gate two gemmtlnrmes are posted , The foreign otilce has oiilcially notified nil the ambassadors anti minIsters abroad to notify time foreign powers of l3Is- nmarck'a tientlm. 'ntis is a most unusual honor for one who at his death was not In state oiiice. AsI400imtlehI l'l-t'HM Slttr3. BERLIN , July 31.4 special thispatcim to the Lolcal Anzeiger foimi Friedrielmaruhmo says : Tue death chamber is on the grotmntl hoar hr the castle. Time prince tiled on an oaken botisteacl made specially for iiimn of worn ! from Saclisenwald. The end was preceded by a severe death struggle and terrible paImm..As ho lies his head is slightly faliemt forward on his breast amid the hands arc folticti on the counterpane. At the foot of time bed stand two watcbers. Tijo city looks hardly different from its \votmt , excelit that flags are at halt toast. The ilrst to go to that position this morn- hug was the flag over the clmancellerle , which was lowered by tite personal order of Prince Hoiteniolme , time imperial cimancel- br. Then followed time iings at the for- cign office and time various public huilmlitugs. United States Ambassador White at imoomi today sent the following thispnteim to Comumit Herbert von Bismarck at I'riedricbsruho : 'Oim behmrulf of time whole Aimmericami people , whether oflicial or unofficial anti of vhatevcr birth or descent , I tender congratulations ulmon tile mighty career now elIded and assurances - surances of tue most sincere sympathy for yourself anti your mnournimmg family. " Pastor Ilciic , lit the course of imis sermon today at the American churcim , referred feelingly to the death of Bismnnrclc and cmn- pimasized tile coincidence of tIme miomniso ni- most simultaneously of two such inca as Blsmarck and Gladstone , At ( lie othico of tile Maresciuni of time court it was salti this evenitlg that Ir. von Lu- camttms , chief of Emperor William's civil cab- immet , is hurrying botmtu from hiortz where lie has been spenditmg time sumtner with a view of puttimmg himself in commounieltiom ) vitlt tile iiismarck faimtihy ntmtl Dr. Schmwcnin- ger lit order to arrattgo for time ( numeral . wlmicii will probably ba delayed until tile emnieror's ) rcurn. li reels II is I ntermiitiit , It is sInlflcant that Prince Ihisarcit directed aim interment Ilear time colossal brommzo mmlonumcnt presented by the loyal animatt representatives-a noble stag tn- umlmpimammt over a pack of yelping tlogs. The reimltmins of time countess will be transferred thither also , Ills inst s'ill nimtl testament % vtts dCiOSitCi eamly timla rnorniumg at time Schwarzenbachm court house near F'rlednichms- rube. On time family retiring Count herbert ilensonally locket ! imis fatimer's Private rotmmns , taking time keys along with him atmtl issuing strict ordtimim to exehutle everyone. Ingress to the schloss at Fniedrichisrtmime to- tlay hmmms been denied to nil , except under special order rromn Coummi 11cm bert , time heath of the fntmuiiy. Two of time late prince's tot'- eaters 1mm a uniform of gray amid green , watch time remnnlns. Time de.tit scene was very painful. Dr. Scitwemmlmmgor titus far imas acted fur time tuft- ily rcgortlimmg the funeral. UntIl late this afternoomm tmo nrrangomemits hmatl been made or orders glvemt. l'mobably everything will wait iumstrtmctions from time emperor. Neither a plaster cast nor phlotognamim of tIme re- ummains has been aliowcd yet. Today thin fireigmm ollico notified all thiplo- mats aceredltetl to time foreign court as well as cli ( lenmiman representatives abroad , tst alt time elImbassies and legatloims time flags are at lmaif itlast. iimtt'nimr is lvs'Ii , ' , Irt.ttl'.I : , flEliGlN , Norway , July l.-- ' 1 Ii news of time aiarntImmg clmaimgo 1mm limo condition of I'm luco Blsutmarek renchied Eumiperor William late ysterday evening , \\'htmm time emperor as infortued of the prince's tletttii cathy this morning , be was decitly affected and ordered his ytichi to returm ; imnmmmt'diatehy. Time ilohenzollcnmm , with time enliteror on board , will reach Kid tonorrow : ovcmmimmg , Time ibig of the yacht is ihyltmg at hmalf mast. I'AltiS , July 31-Thin Fmtimehm itaers cx- imress time belief that the detim of Prince lhisnmarck wIll imavo lID iimlitleitce t4pofl Iuro- pmau molicy , as the deceased rettcd train public life eight years ago. IiAMLIURO , July 31.-A dispatch receivc'i front a Frlt'driclmsrUtme eorrespondemmt states thmat Etmmpesor'iliinm has ssmit a tehegrammm from flergen , Norway , tiirccpg ( the ( hot- itosu infantry regiment No , 31 , stationed at Mtona. to send a guard of lmumlor to FrIed- dehsruite. The guard nrived to'iay. UFRL1N , July Sl.-Thu miews of l'riimet' lhismnrek's death , which became generally ktmown only througlm special edlt'ommms of hue papers , Imnodluced irofouud sot'rew , mm so sudden a realization of the feats of bi - - - - - - - demise was not expected. .Scvemn1 lmtptrs this morning published specai artichem wlt'm mourning borders , exprcstng in fthn tertns the mmntional sorrow dnd delhIng on the brilliant aimtl Immortal services of the prince to tue fatberlatul , his licrtiic greatness - ness and his truly German 'character. Sorrowful sympathy ovc Prince l3is- rnarck's death is tnnntfestcti in many ways. The mmcvs is constutly dlscilssetl in pmmbhic lilaces antI a feeling of sadness prevails among all classes of the people. l'amticu' iars of the last moments of tue prince and other circtitnatances attending his death are eagerly sought , Many private imouses sitow iiags at half mast. Secretary of State von lJtelow will return front Zeitnmering , Aus- tnia , immediately. l'Sl'i3LATCS ( ) l' 'l'1Ii 1) ) tiAN. l'rnmnimit'nt } itlrohleitiM ( hi' e Their VI.VN tit lhIMtmmlirek'M ( Immi ilteter. ( Copyright , iSIS , by 1'rcs Pubiisiting Co. ) LONION ) , July 3I.-Nev ( York World Cablegram - Special Telegram , ) - London seems scarcely stirred by ! 3ismarek's death , as the lOlitlcal and dipiotnittle clubs are the- scrted , owing to time itolidays , wimilo time masses of tile 11001110 take little interest in , tIme event. There was mme foreign statesman of the century more imatrd by Enghishmett thmtm lil8mnmtrck , never failed on his side to express time feelings of jealous animosity vitii which ime regarded Ihnglammd's foreign policy mtntl communercial expamlslon. Ills remark - mark ttitt time Prince af Wales was "tue only" huropean prince wfmo will tmever get tnt a battietleld was bittonh resented , as was his stigmatizing Lord Saiisbtmry as a "lath itainted to look like iron , " thmotmghi admitting nit apt descriptiomi. A strong antipatily existed between Gladstone - stone 'aumd Blsmmmarclc and . tIme latter's only recorded observation omt the fat-men's death vas : ' 'Glatlstono tlend 7 i'tlm , he had oumtlived e.eit his reptttiitioit as a rhetorician. " . There Is a feeilmlg hone that liistnarck's death will facilitate timnt. rappnocilemnemlt between - tween England anti Germany which Cimam- berlaimt desires , as time. anti-English imlicy of Germany was believed to be largely due to time sttcngtlt of ulisninrck's traditions In the Berlin for ign offlcc. Sir Charles Duke , spenkiimg of Bismarche today , said : "In the unification of time Cm- man enipire liismarck acconmpiisiled a work which stntmtls an imperishable atottumnent to iiis genius. lie was the imlot practical statesman - man of time age. His achievements were sttt- pendous. Ills failures nroso front detects of temperament , not from amtyjmitehlectual tin- pertectlotl. " 13RUSSlLS , July 31.-Now ( York World Uaniegrain-l5pCemat tCtCgrttm.-i ootamimeu today the followimmg estimates of Dismarek from t.wo leading Belgian politicians of oil- posite views. M. ( luilienl , ox-president. of the Belgian Chamber of , flcpresentatives , said : "One feature which dontinrteti tIme clmumr- acter anti moultled the entire cotmrse of his life was his Iron will. if otm asic Inc vimo made Cermammy I reply Blsmarck. Witimout hmiimi the empire would aot exist today. Ills whole political life was spent playing off time powers ome agaiimst tIme OtllCr. You asIc me wimy time German emperor mhismissed him so abruptly. Iteimlelnbqr what Louis IV said to Carditlal Gnrznrin on Ills deatimbeti : "The icing who wants to govern must lmot have a prime mnhmiister. " Georges Lorand , rndlrt.t lmader In the Chamber of hteproseotuttv"s'said : "His- march was not essentially rt great man , bitt had a great will , atmd that itho whole man ; his otimer qualities. were poor. Germnmimi unity , \vitlt ivimicim lie is crcdteti ! , was merely time product of circunlstailles over which ho had no controL Gertmtany lii twemity years , ( noun 1870 to 1890 , was practically nothing bumt a game of chess with time other powers for his own glory. Ills retirement revealed the true natural maim. ' ' VIENNA , July 3h.-Neiv York Worid Ca- . -TIlo editor of biegraln-Speclai Te1egruin.TIlo ) tIme Frei Prelsee says : "Austrians have re- PeatcdiY ( cit Bisnmnrck's liotm pranks for gooti amId evIl. All Austrian changes were ( hue to grips ( rain Imis fist , Our position in Gernlany fell prey to his regardless energy. ITo dealt us a terrible blow in 1866 frommi whiicii we still suffer. Timirteen years later Ito eomnpeilsflted us for host influence In her- many by a powerful position In Europe. ills stntcsmnnitsltip miover tilmone alore ijril- hiaimtly thamm when ime c'onveried ati old , deeply-woumltled foe into a reliable friend. " Time editor of time Saciaist Arbolter Zei- ttmng said : "II is statesmatmshtlp was 'wrcclcetl oil our organization , wlticit he failed to assimilate , though Ito felt time other iron necessities of time timnes anti obeyed tilemmm. " Time editor of the Taggcliatt says "Aus- tiiamt nerves will never cease to vibrate uainfuhly wheim time man is nammmed who died in Friedricharoimo yesterday. " i'ARIS , July ll.-New ( York World Ca- blcgram-Spcciul TelegramlL-F. ) M. Dehon- cli , , brother of time Ill-fated. captain of La Botmrgogne , forlneihy uiminlster , pf oreigmm at- fairs , late deputy and a few' vccks ago beaten by floni the Casteilano tortho Troca- ticro ivnrtl lit Paris , liltervielved today as a typical imigh class Frenchman and 1)oli- ticlan , said concerning thlewar : "Time Amerieammtm have coimdimcted a pacific war with sagacity , moderation anti hunlan- Ity. 'rue Uimitcd States saw its cut ! amid went direct to get It , as it luau a right to tb , anti ltmtettti of Simaftom's tlestroying San- tlago as Btginarck burned time towns of France , tncatett It in accordance with a mnotiern diplomatic spirit , wimicim Is now hib. oral In war as iii peace. I is a remarkable - able fact , whtohly to the credit of tIme Atnenicans , that so few lives were cxpetmdttl in time war. Contrmmst this pacific spirit witim Germany's attitude in France in Th70. ' ' ROMI , July 31-Ncw ( York World Cable- gram-Special Telegrant.---Crlspi ) is deeply grieved at time tlcatht of h3lnlarck , whose Imnittitor , frienti anti ndmtlirer lie was. lie considers imlimm to have been time greatest anti most fortunate mitntdsmun of time cell- tury. Viscount Venostit commsitlers I3ismmircic to hmnvti becit able mmd tortuiumate , hut an- tithimuteti : In systemim , Gladstone , ime says , rep- rcseimtetl future , Bismnrck jast stntesmati- shIp. Mtmrquis Calpclll ; ; ays hmatl Bismnarck died twenty years ago Ito .vouiii have re- mimaineti a nmythm like Garibaldi. Tue pope Is mimoved by time tiisnppeamn'tee of two mcmii- hers of a glorious trio , whereof Ime himself is time last. .eNl ) ( N , Aug. I.-New ( York World Ca- blegramn-Special Teiegrum-In ) a sermon t ft Psilmi'M cathedral Archtieacotm Sinclair made tile fohinwimmg reference to Blsmmtarck "l'enliaps we should have to be Cermmmanmm to appreciate Imis ICetimotis of action , but we all atimirtm 1mm distinctness of aim , firm- lmCbs of purpose , resolute Ill , datmntlese courage , ! iimmmlemmSe capacity and Intiotnitahmle iatriotlsmmi. We view the progress of time Germiman empire with heartfelt good will , No country except time United States Is so near ourselves in religion , blood , civIiiza- tlomm and imonme life. Time imhliosophy , po. dry , literature arlil music of time two races are time COmfliflOit htroIertof ) both , " .tin'm'Iemt' . iymtiitiiiir , WASiJINCTON , July .11.-ily directioim of the lmresitivnt the following dispatcim was sent tonight to Ilomi , midrow I ) . White , United States ambassador to Germany ; " \'AShIlN(1TON , I ) , C , , July 31 , 18'J8.- . SS'hite , ambasmiatlor , hieniln ; The presklemmt charges you to exprcu in the imnoper official quarter to limo bereaved German nation anti ( Continued on Fifth Page. ) I I'K1NI4EY ' STEALS A NARCI ! Gets the Bettor of Outsidor3 in Slttlomont of Philippines Question. WILL NOT PERMIT ANY INTERFERENCE lInes n ( l' it , iimtr lime l't , erM l'iii tii $ itliie il li' Oust Tiie 1)itl , tfer .ititult'N V c ( it ( CopyrIght , ISIS , by Press Publishing Co. ) MAIitil ) , Jimly 31.-New ( York World Cablegram-Special 'reiegranu.-A ) majority of time Spaniards have received as a fore- gommo commclumsioiu the details the press has imubhisheti eommcenimimmg time American peace conditions , so convinced are they that thto two govenrtmclmts will canto to an tinder- standing. A few papers weakly attemopt to keep tip a warlike sPirit timiti m-csistattco to some points mit ! tlowmm In time Anmenicait reply. On time hiole Presltiemmt McKinley , It is couisitiered , has stolen , a miiarch on time out- sitlors by trying the otmtlimies of a tuttmre settienient of Limo Philippine islands. Timmi ditilculties are entIreh ) , between epain amid the Uniteti States. Evemt time Mntirid imapers point out that it is o'idemit I'residemlt MclImmley will not her- malt such imuterferenco as curtailed the Japanese victory over China. Gemmeral Augustl reports that lie is not in a very prommtisiimg contiition anti umiless nroinptiy relieved 110 wilt be forced to sur- render. I mini able to state that all rumors of a Canlist uprisimig are tiimfotmntietl. Time In- stntictioiis of tile pretender prohibit nimy- tumimig until imeace is sigmmed. lNimi'ttimil.c ileip. MAIRhi ) , July 2S.-Vla ( time Frontier.- ( New York \'t'orld Cablegram-SpecIal 'rel- egranl.-I ) must call attemmtion once more to the serious Itmternai aspects of time settle- memmt of time disputes between Spaimi amid the Utmited States whmich ought to be torno in it the conduct of time Spanish govern- ineitt is to be understood at all. Spain knows time gnome is till for imer In tim W'est . Indies tumId cautmot expect any ImIptOmlie or inn- terial assistance to retain oven i'orto Rico. Spalmi imas i'ccetved positive assurance of assistnmmce Iii time settlenmemit of time questiomm of the Pllilippimmes because Russia front thq very first viewed with thm utnmost ( lispletilt- ure Ainericamu success at Mminmia and It , es mtmchm opposed as Gerniany to time establish- mncnt of aim American protecthrato anti an- vol eoalimmg stations 1mm the Spani3ii arcimi- polagocs. Ittmssia , prompts the attltuide of France with time entire approval of Gor- mummy. Spain baa also received assurances from France , Russia and the triple alliance that tlley Would iiot tolerate an active ivar policy - icy by the Unitetl States iii the Mediterranean - ranean and on the coasts of tIme itemmimisumla or Morocco should time war be prolonged. Alt this has tietermincti time Matirid cabinet to make overtur s with a view to comiiig to an unmhorstanhing ( witim time Unite1 States if l'resident McKinley does mmot imisist umpomu toonhtmhi of a couvssion in tIme Pimiiippitles , Simouid American demands in the far east be excessive , Sagnata will simply go emi with the war , awaiting developnments amid complications in wlmiclm lie has beemi led to expect European aupport. Time itlca which is at time bottom of mill timis diplomatic mnatmuever is to make' time question of tile Pimilippitmes and time himitatiomi of the Amen- lean sphere of intluemmce 1mm Occaimica one of the many iatcrmuationai polmits that cnnmmot be setticti except by a comiferemlco of the pow- era. In tlte backgrotmmmd tlmero Is also au idea cimicily patrotmized by Germnnny and Russia , of gradually drawing time Utmitcd States from its isolated Imosition tlmat immnkes its lirincilmal stiemmgtim with a view to coerce - erco IL imito imeting in concert with time old world powers jemmions of its growth amid Its imliticai and comimiercial influence. Ctmii i'I I iii cmi I S _ tllmerlcmm. PARIS , July 31.-New ( York Vonhd Cable- gram-Special Teiegranm.-Iiennl ) hinisson , pnlmmie imminister , interviewed , says : "The Unitetl States' attitude tinning time wimr has been noble and a revehatiomi to flurope. My opiniomm Is that when leac' conditions arc known time vomitl will be natommisimed , I oxilect it will Ill' time Utmiteti States' untie to show immUre nmotleratlon titan any of time powers tmimder simmmilar circutmi- stances. Europe has mio rIght whatever to nietitile in the imegotlations. My govermmmneumt at least will not attempt to dictate the do- ntanthmm of time United Statls , Othmcr powermi may try to nmake Spain's penalty as light as posiIile , btmt all such repiesentntlomms nra guarded anti friendly. I feel assmmmcd there will be no concertctl action In Fmmrope to- wnrd forcing on the lJmmited States aumy settlement umot ttmlly satisfactory. I thmimmlc tIme United States omay be truste'l to arrange thmo ftiture of Cotta fem the best. " LONDON , July 31.-New ( York World Cablegrani-Speclni Tclegram-I ) learn at tile foreign office that America's reply to Simm's approacimes must iiass thmrougit time Fremmch ( oreigmm mitt ister , who 'will forward It to Madriti , hut that a reply Is mint cx- pected before Tuesday. I learn ftmrUmer timat an arnmlttice is anticipated , btmt mint until tlmere it ; reasonable prospect of a stmccemmmmIui isstio lit imeaco umegotintions. Baron ilitiow do Slntteau , In charge of the Gonmnatm enmbassy , imitervioweti , poobpoolms time Idea thmnt ( leninammy has tlesigna ott the Plmiliipincmm , Says imot "At present tIme Americans are excited math unnecessarily suimimicious. The imiturest immcident is umimmgni- fled into aim lmitermmattnaI eonmphicatlcmum , ( lernmammy lmns withmdrawii its ships , Its math- jects heimig tmow sure of American vratec- tion , " lie rcftmsed to miiseuss time commthitlons o ( peace , butt imitlmmiated time opinion that Spaiit vould mmever yield i'ontn htico , GENEIIAL MILES hEARD FROM ' ' ( tI II Ii I i'e''N lii i'mim' ( . , iLIi'u Sn , 'ressier 'I'ltt'tiHei % h's im I I Ii 'I'Iii-i r 's rtims itimil A imimmitmitli litsi , WAShINGTON , July 3i.-Getmcrnl Miles , in cc mmmmmammtl of time Ponte Rican expedition , sent time following dispatch to Secretary Alger , wimichu ys imiathe public at tIme \'ar tlepartnmcot at he oeloctc tonmguL h'ONC1 , Ponte Rico , July iI.-3:35 : . mum.- Secretary of W'nr , Washington. B. C. : Fatmr teiegrammis received anti tmlmsweretl by letter. Volunteers tire sumrrcmmdcnltig themmtsehvcs whit arms nmmd nitminummition , Four.Ittims ( of lime lmvovle are o'erjoycd at time arrival of the arm ) ' , Two thousaimti ( ruin ammo hIaeo Imave volunteered to serve with It , They are bningiimg in heef c.tttlo mitmd other needed miuliplies. 'the custonm imutmso Imati aircmtthy ) leidetI $14,000. As soon 'ms all the troops are thisenmharicell they will be In readiness to itmove. l'ieaso scm ! any umatiommal colors that caim be spared to be glvco to time diffefent mnunicipalitits. I request that time quesilemi of time tariff nato to be cimarged in the parts of Ponte lUco occupieti by our forces be submitted to tIme preslJemmt for imis action , the previously existing tariff rcmnaltmimmg mocatmvhhle iii force , As to tIme govenumtnent apti military oectm- patton , I have already given instrmmctiommo based upon tIme iiwtructiomms Issued by time president lit time case of the h'luilippltmu islands - lands and similar to timosu issued at Santiago - tiago d Cuba MILES , Major General Commanding. TEMPERATURE AT OMAHA hour , , lct. r. . mi . . . . . . tai i mi. mit , . . , . III ) a mm , iii . , , , ( k't .i ii. lii . . . . 08 7 ii , iii . . . . . . mal :1 ii , mu , . . . . . R ii. mit , , 6 I -1 ii. iii . . . . . . ( IT I ) U , lit . . . . . . ot : 5 m. liii . . . OS In Ii , lit , . . . . . mu : ; ii ' . . ( IT I I mu. mit . . . . . . Ii i 7 tj . ( ID Ii mlt..i , . , . . , Ut S t 2. ' IT Di . TtitI' A't' 'l'hii ) S. . ti time GrhmitsihiN I 8 it. lii. , I'Iiiiilit''N hinlitlisig , 7 sto : tt. iii. , l'liiiiiit'y s nil Ii- , iisi 4 lIsts ( 'lstrtiNitt 'him. - BRUTALITY OF NIARDS 11(1 $ tII'NN 'h'htlil t'ii timid ( 'lmilmi rt'lt i'imteil Ilefurt' time 'I'rpmmt'lie't ( t ) 1t't'ii timi' lmiNumrgeim ( N linde. ( Copyright , hSfS ) , b Press Putthlsimimig Co. ) MANILA HAY , Jumly 17-Noiv ( York Wont ! Siteciat Corresnomltlence.-Tiio ) brim- tality of tito Spanish soitiier was strikIngly illustrateti ' last Monday at Aiigcltms , l'am- hmauma province , Time 250 Spaniards who lmid time town. I learned that OO immstmrgeitts syore coining to attack them , gathered all the wometu and chmildremu wititin reach mutt ! miiadu tlmoumm stamid In trout of lImo tremtciics iii which Spaiti's lighters cowered , formumtng a hmmmmmman brcnstwomk. if they slmoumltl t-umm timoy ivouitl fmtli by Spanish bullets ; if they no- mnaine1 , ImerimaPe time advatmeimmg imtsurgemmts would hot harni thmemmm. Time ivonicti and children placed their faitim in time imianlmnot of time immstmrgeimts aimti ivoro rcwardctl , No simots Wcrt fired by the Filipimmos , tlmntmghi thu Sliammiards fired thmretiVohleyml. Titerotipoit the inatmrgenta wltlm9i-ew to time wootls. 'l'hme mnoimment the Insurgents were ottt of sight the Spnnislm soldiers abammtloimed the tow ii. Mntmy towns anti villages have been bttrned by the Siianlshm to prevetmt the immsurgcimts gcttiimg food amid shelter , for time mmutives syhmipaitmize with time insurgetmts. At. time beginning of time itmstmrrcctiomm nil arnIe natives captured were seumt to Manila and shot mis rebels. There is less of that sort ( if shmootimmg now , because Gemmerai Agimi- numldo , who Imas , OOO Spatmishi iinisoners , semit this message to time eomntnammtler of time Simimisim forces : "For every immstmrgemmt pris- emmer yolt mihmoot , I vlii sbaot a Spaimlsh pnis- omier. " Time buriming of Tmititlo left. 2,000 men , wommmemt auth clmiltlreim lmoumielcss itimil rimimmed. Time Sitanisli soldiers lIght with imeavy Imearts. Timey kmmow their struggle will etmtl iii faiitmre , Mommy woumlti gladly sunrentier , fur it is kmiowmt that Atlimmiral lewcy insists titat Simammisim iirisoners shah receive lmtt- muamme treatummemtt , LIfe cii tiio Amtienicamt fleet is full of ac- tiomi. Under Dewey timcre are mm ( iromm's. \'imile mb otto fears any imostile dcmnonstrmt- tiotm coimstamit vigilance is mimmtitmtnimmed. Picket boats mnmtmmmmed by bhtmo jackets timid etltmilpel ( iVitli .mmmmielmlmie guims kceim circling about each vessel every mmlghmt. Every gium of tIme secotmdary batter ) ' of each ship is iminitned and otto mmmnmm of tue gun cre\ ' . ' ivatelmes wlmilc tlmo otlmers sleep witimin easy teach. All gumma commit ! ho imiougiut into ac- tlon in half a minute. I'owerfuml searchlights - lights are active from mmIglmtfnll uimtll swm- zise and then follow time bmaati limits of light. wttiu powcrftmi glasses. Amty approach- lug vezeci discovered by rsearcimligimt is himstamttly fixed by ahi time nearehihights. There lmas been imo Loath eact simico time Spanisit hag was pulietl doirim Moy I. Time IlOtlee sent by Athimmiral 1)ewcy to time goi'- enimor geimcral in Manila that any act of lmotIlity iould lie foiioiveti by time tlestntic- tiorm of tIme city has borne good fruit. E. W. IhAhtDEN. WADE GOES TO WASHINGTON Mzi rts ( mum Cii IcJitmmms istmi sI ( Is I I ls Slit if tJmi.h'r Orders fi'oms S Ime Vni' 1)eiism'dmmmeli. CI1IC1CAMAUGIt , ( Ia. , July 31.-Major ( ii.nornt Janims P.Vnde. . comntnammdine tIme army at Cam ! ) Timomas , was today ordered to report forthwith to tile secretary of war \Vashmingtoo. . him cotimphiaumco with tIme order Geimeral W'amic nmmd time foilowitmg mcmii- hers of hits stall uroccetletl iimmmedlately to Cimattaimooga anti heft thence mit 10 o'clock tonight \Vasimitmgton : Major W. F. Ahoy , assistant adjutant general ; Captnlim Lloyd C. Griscam , assistant tiuartcm'mastor , tliiited States rohmmnteers ; Captaitm I. Cook , tlmird commissary of subsistemmec , United States volunteers ; Lieutenant G. W. Itecti mmmtd Licutcmmammt J. P.'ade of time Fifth United States cavalry , aide-dc-camp. CeumcraiS'atlo mtmiti staff will reach \'ashmingtomm some timmmo tomorrow afternoon. hlrlgathier Gemmerni Royal T. Frattlc , U. S. sr , , commmlammtling time First division of the Tlmird corps , assumed counnianti of Camp Timomnna timis evenimmg , iilmichm imosition ito will hold tmmmtil time return of General \'tmt3o , on until further ortiers. TIme pt'rcemmtnge of sickness at Cammip Thuomimna , notwitimstammding tltcro hmamm bc'en mum for a week , continues very low. Time report of Major Caumdrnlce , stmrgeoum 1mm eimargti of time First tilvisiomi of the 'Fit intl corps , Is- stmetl timlum mnonmmine , shows that out of tIme 12,000 troops itm the division theme imro 228 sick iii time imospital. This is less titan 1 ti-hO nor cent. It appears that William henderson of tIme Tivelftht Now York is a deserter , mind to do- cc'ivo time authorities reported hula owmm sleatim to time unmlertalmer amid time mmewatmmmtmer ro- uortera. Colonel Leonartl states timat tlmcro was no iuiiilng at time nitlti liractice of lila reglmneat Snturmlny emmtl timat the mosum limit- tiorsoim hail imot lmecn iii canip for Lu o weds. t'nli'titn mniu san ( it 100 aecomim , 1rmtmtimiias , 'olin was killed at time rifle rtmmmgc' , was buricti totlmiy itt . time National cemetery , It ' ' ( ' ifoiti istiusimiseis 5 , ICPm VEST , Fia , , July 31.-:30 : p. in- Reo .J lmtmve reaclmel Imere that Nuovitea , on tlme nortim coast of time province of Puerto h'mimueipt' , C uba , imami becmm bounha nmheti by tIme a' ilin of tile biocicatilng stiundron , evacuated by time Spnimhmlm atmtl subsequently burnemi. No details are known and time omtly lmmformna- tiomi of thmo affair was that given to Ctmptnin Mayliard of time gunboat Nashville by Licit- tenant Colonel Itojas of time iiiimurgont forces mit ( hibmura last Tuesday. Cooncl itojmis him- self lies time mmewmi at aecommd hmntmtl , tmlilmoimgim imu canied iwivatc dispatcimes from ( iemmvrai 2areimti imicil ivere ulehlvered to time commi- mimnimiler of time Ntmmmimviiio. Time ottly itmnenicmmn ships known to have been in tIme vicinity of Nuevltami lately are tIme I'rairle auth the Ihatlger. The latter cap. lured titree Spanish vessels commllmmg out of Nimevitos harbor and took them to the iry 'Fortug2s , All were flylimg lIed Cross iiags , but when boattled were found to comitnimi a number of Spaflisil soldiers , only timresm of whom ivero sick , Time iiadgeil Is expected. here imortiY , Fii' Yemu rs iii h'iittom. , LONION , July 31-Itt time Old Halley to. day Alfred , Joimn Monson of ftmrdlatnmlmit nitir- 4cr mystery mmotorlety , who was tmirestctl on July 1 , cimargeti withi immeitlimg to forgery antI with attvmtmiit to defraud hit' Norwich Umtiorm 4sstmraimco society , uumd Victor ifonor , a mimoumey lender tmmmd confederate of Munson , Were each sentenced to five ytars' liens ! servltudG OUTLOOK FOR PEACE No Reply frcm Spaiii Has Boon Received al Washington. ANSWER NOT EXPECTED BEFORE TUESDAY No Doubt as to M , Cainbon's ' Authority to Coudlict Negotiations , SPAIN GOING DIRECT TO TIlE POINT Little Prohability of Any Exaspcratiu Diplomatic DelBy. MEANTIME WAR GOES ON IN PORTO RICO iLeIsufori'emmummtSa In ili ? tui ( mit Omis'e j lIre AP'siNtltlmt'i' tmf ( eli ti-sit M lies. -SlisItter'N li.ti , . ( ut ( o5ume Itiimii , WAShINGTON , July 31.-The persona best lumformimeil as to thmo lmrobnlmliitics dc. dare timat time aitmiwer of ( Ito Spammish guv unimiimemmt to time terms of vemico otmtitiit'ti by our govenimmitent is miot oxiit'ctu.'tl before Tuestlay. Tills olmiltiorm is immsti upon tL knowletlgo of time tiimiu whmeit time Utmiteit States' eommmmmmuuiicatlon sns rect'iveti in Ma- tlnltl , 'wimicim w ms not umttll earl ) ' tlmimi mmmorn- immg , time titime reqtmred to ticciplier it , tIme tmecesity for aim oxtetmtieui comisitiermitioti OC Limo flIntIer by time Spanish cmiltitiet mumtl also time mmecessity for careftmiiy fr.uimiimtg tlm re. joitmtler. p It is miot immeammt by this stmitemmmemtt to qumes' tb mm iii tiny tmitmimmvr : tlmo tim I i Imiemil ilotcim t imiry' iiowcrs of M. Cumuibomm , tIme Fremmch nmmibas- ando , ' , iii tlcaiimmg imitht the subject. On the commtrnry , timey are itt latitutie milder than timomme usually CoItfeireti In tutmeim Cases. lint his Position Is soimmewimmut aitmmlinr to tiia of tIme Presithemit iiiimiseif , who is obligtul to sectire timm' siitictioim of time Ummitcti StateS actuate to ammy ( meaty of iicnee thmnt lie tmmey l uepmrc : , for time ti iii ilflsaatitfi' flit St sumbmmiit to time Matlrid cmtiimiet for its impprovitl soy , agrcetneimt that Ito itmmty emlter immto. hint tim time tirattimig of such mm tugreemnemit imo iii fully atmthmorizcti to lmrocectl in lila discretinmi aumd to guard mmgalmmst mumiy itissibiiity of re- Inuthintiaht of hmimt action lIe has hecit givett time mmmimiUtcst , leiimuitiomm of time cumicesttloim5 tlmat ivi I i be ilIad o ii ) ' the Spa mm isim go ye rim- immcmmt out every ilolmmt that by aumy lrnssibihity couiI be expecictl to itrise in time course of tile imegotiatiotma , It was not ktmown to omur goventmmncmit tita lit. Citmimbom html attelm loners wlmen lie imp- lt'nrei yeiJrtiay nfternooim at lIme 'itIto house to rec8ivo tIme Ammismnicntm immmswor , bu once' tilt' Presltlemmt ntis satisfied timat ha watt Cotmihieteiit to tlcal itt lIlt autimum'izett immammmmem with our governtmiemmt , time 'pm'oduti , tioml of imis cretiemmtimthmi wa hintleti with Bat- isfttction , as teumtlimmg to Imastemi time mt'aciming of an imgrecmmmumt ; withmommt himsa pf timimo ant ) iii time most tiircct mminnmmcmem teeimmmicaily , the Unitt'ut Stmmtett Is imow tremtting with qnn ; tlti.nt Ii , , , lIn , it. , , , kit , , , nf . .n. ' ti.t.1 Power. it limo ) ' be said nisti that iii. Camn. botm Is lroeeediilg witlm atrmmigimtlorwarducss toward his object nimil titat there Is ito ( man of devIous tliplomuaey being Immtmoduecd into tIme negotiations. I'IiIIli.iIiies ( lsiesimii. I There is mmmdl almeculatloim as to time its- tune of tIme tummeimtluiiemmt 1mm tIme mmuimtmvcn of time Utmited States timat tIme aimihiassndom' sue- cecticil imi immtlttcitmg l'z'csitictit MeiCImmimy to mimalco aftem' tue doeummmmeitt lmaml been so carefully - fully comistructeil by tim calminet. All that camm ho kmmowimmgly atatcti lit timmmt it relates to that part of time mmmtsuet vimiclt detl with time future of time I'lmilippimmes. It Is kmmowts thnt time Spamilsim efforts memo cotmecotmated tmiictt time metemmtion of tire limiammiha ammti time Mntiriii citbimmct was wiiiltmg to mmmake iti- imlost ammy sacmifico 1mm its Power to secure hunt cud.'Imethmer or mmot time anmbammsatior irevatieti I ii tim is Is no t It imown , lam t I ii era is reasoum to believe that time ammecess Ime at- tniiucd was iitiiitQl utittl thmat tIm , ' iJnitctj tntes imroposcs to retalmm sonIc feotimoll ( a little imioru immipcmrtmummt titan mi Biimmliie coal- ltmg mmtmmthon ill the isiammils. hlnth oumr sleummnmmtl been hiinitctl to a coal log slim t lout t It eiti wott I d hitive been mio tiotmimt of its iieeeiitmtflcti anti It is even lirobablo timat time coumeession mnigimt have been mmmntio o ( a commaitierablo tract of lnnml ( or a mmnval station amid a Ittippontitug zoime. liimt it itt lieiiovetl that there was a stretmimimus ol4ec- tlomi to time cesiotm of tIme city or Mmmmiln : , tIme mtmetmopolla of tlmti group , amid PartIcularly , to time retereumee to a cotnntisslOum of limo qtiestian of time ftmttira govenmmnmemmt of time islimtmmls , for time Simztimisim govcrtmummeiit Is desirous - sirous 'that itmi ( till sovereignty uiiimmhl no- iimaimm utiaufecteil anti without question , It. is umimsumuned tittit it wits this ioimmt , which was time subject of mummetidmemit at time hmnnils of time itresltiemit I'esterdmty , timougim whmmlt forth that change took is still mmnkmmowmu. As sonmo In en t i on imns heeti iiimmmi e I mm thu iambi Ic ml iscumi- siomma of time imasibihity of 11mm rmcqulsitiomi of ammo of time Cnrohino Iblanmia , It mmmay be nntett imuthmoritutivcly timat limo mmmatter Imas mmot beemm considered by tue cabinet um to this tinie , Time progress mmmdc iii time mmmgotititlons imas given rise ui sonic qummrteru to no cx- iiectatiomm timnt hostilities mire to ho sus- vemmdcd very soon. Timla wlli slepend entlrely impomi tIme attitude of time Sitammishm govern- mument numml tIme mmaturo 01' its numswen to our ( idtunatis , IL hums lmeen nmtmtlo clear to time French mutnhassmttlor timat hmostilitiett will not lie suspemimlcmi except uipomi time tmBsmi'mlico ( of a full neeeptatmco of our conmhitiomuum nuti flint lie Imna ummmtiouhttediy immfonmmieti time Siimmliltmh calm I miet t hint I t d t'lmetmds mipoum Spa I mm ivjmen the isar shall cease , 31 sprI' 'l'm'4UtN ) ( tsr i'ori , ltlsjo , Menitwimlie , ott aim citrnctmt that our gay- ernumiemmt hms imot interrtipttml time execution of its caummpaigmms , aim order was issued ( rota time 'mtr tlm'partummemmt today ftmr timtm tilBimatch. of mmn entire nnitmy thlvisioum to reinforce Generals Miles mmmiii hlrooko iii l'orto Rico , Thin will ho known ems tue lmrovislormai thlvi- mmioit ummml will him coummmmnmmleii by tfnjor ( Iemm- cml Wntle , at iiremmefmt in conmitmanti at Cniimp Tlmonmamt , Cbickatmmauga , lie lii antlered to tent over time comniiimmumtl to Mmmjor General Ilreekimmniige ! , loapecior getmermmi of tIme arimmy , anti to report to Secretary Alger in W'mmmmhmimmgtomm for Immmitrucliomimm before depart- log for l'ento ilico , inlmiglmmg witim imlmmm lila atljtmtnmmt general nmmth imis cities , Time urn- vlslommmtl slivlttiomi will coimsimmt of llfleemm full reglmtmeimta imnil ( lemmemal'nde will select them , not from tIme troojs under imla old nmmnanml alone , but witit hmrticular refer- encu to an equitable repm'csentntion in the l'ortt ) ltleamm campaigmm of nil of the states of timu ummiomm , Secretary Alger feels timat lila departmnent hits been subjeetetl to some unjust criti- ciunm upon timtm selectioti ( if tioop for active - tive service anti pronouimeea as with Ut bun- thatiort time allegation timimt politics Imavo dIe- tated titeso aselgitmtments. ho thu case of time Filth Illinois volumiteer rcglmtiemmt , which was withmdrawmm froumm tIme l'onto Rican cpedh- tion In favor of time Indiana regititent just. alt time tioopmt ivere about to board the cars , I it hiss been already eximimilumeti by author-