t ' 't TILE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUIv'DAY , J1TLY 81 , 1Stf 3t It1'As1uNLHt. } A FETE DAY Porto Ricans Receive Our Troopq Like Liberators , Not Intruders. , THREE AMERICANS WOUNDED IN SKIRMISH I . f Aienldc ileeclvrs Grnernl M11ei ssith rrmc ( our/esy / nud Aitks I Ills I'lensurc ss Ith ( lie ' Town. PONCE , Porto flee , Thursday , July 28 , Evcning-Via ( St. Thomas , 1'rlday Morning , July 20-Tho ) Atnerlcan conquest of Porto hies has begun auspiciously , The Spanleh ' have nbandoned I'once , the prlnclpnl part on ( ho southern cons ( of the Island and In many rcapecta its most progressive city. Last night General Miles landed and this morning took possession and raised the stars and stripes , The inhabitants recelvcd the Americans with open nrms and gave them the wildest and moss exaggerated welcome , IndICm + ting that the population was ripe for the revolt , which was predicted as soon as American troops touched the shore. The forces bonded at Ouanicn on Monday have been moved and now mold the terminus of the railway connecting Yarico with Ponce They encountered no opposition except on Tuesday morning at daylight , when the ad- vnnco akirmisllers pushed into a force of Spanlards occupying n house on the Vnuoa road. The eklrmishers , tinder a hot fire , fell back anti then again came gallantly forward - ward , driving the enemy for a mile from i the fortflcatlons ( Into the bush. In the rn- canter three Americans were wounded , They are : Captain Edward J. Gibbons , Company A , Blunt In the left beg , Captain It. At Uostw1cic , Company L , in the left arm , slightly. Private James Drummond , Company IC , in time neck. Tim enemy lost three killed and fourteen wounded. Faand l'oaee Hendy to Cnpltulale. After the action it was bellevtd that the 1 , enemy intended to contest the advahce from Gunnlca. General Miles made preparations to send General Wilson's troops to Ponce with a view' of throwing ! horn upon Ponce nod the enemy and thou closing in on time latter from both directions. Ile sent word 4 to Captain Illggluson of the battleship k Massachusetts yesterday to be ready to ? cover the loading today. An officer accord- Ingly was sent ashore yesterday afternoon to 11 formally demand the surrender of the ports ° of Ponce , three miles from the city of s I'once. Thu otncer was greatly surprised to 3 , learn that not only the port but the city , ' of Ponce was ready to capitulate. The Spanish commandant , Jullson San Martin , with 1,000 men , without artillery , 4 had been taken completely by surprise by : the Invasion occurring in this quarter. On the advice of time British consul ha decided to make no resistance. A force of marines was luunedlately landed from the Annapolis and the American flag was ( ! pisted over limo customs ! muse in the port of Ponce. During the night the Spanlslm troops retired from time city along the military road toward San Juan , whore It is probable that Captain General - eral Macias will eventually concentrate all a the Spanish forces in the Island , ] n the morning General Miles established bcadgaarters at the customs house and raised tlio American flag. p Among the prizes found In the harbor g 'were seventy lighters used in loading sugar ships , and these were used Instead of cut- s r tors to convey the troops ashore , during it which operation not a ratan or animal was l Injured. h Ilecetved Llke I.iberm ors. a1 The scene when the soldiers reached the 7 'wharves along the water front was remark- able. Thousands of residents of the city , men , women and children , lined the waterfront + front amid shouts of joy and cries of "Viva ' los Anucricmaos ! " "Buenos Dias ! " "Porto Rico Libre ! " greeted them. The soldiers were received like liberators rather than in- . truders. The red-skirled firemen came down to the wharf ha o body and cheered lustily. Captain Ilons , with Company K of the Six- j teenth regimned , Immediately marclmed to the city and established a provost guard to the municipai bulldlng , the soldiers being billeted 1n time frescoed and gold decorated room of time alcalde , On every hand the greatest satisfaction I was evidenced. Women adorned themselves j in their brightest gowns and waved their hands and stalled as the troops ntarclmed through the streets. Public vehicles did n thriving business ! n enmveyhmg the curious the harbor to view the American almlims , The doors of the nmer chamd houses were opened and the whole city presented time appear- auco of celebrating a fete. Time poor are especially - pecially rejoiced. The city of Ponce Is romantic and pic- turesgtme , with buildings of old Moorish and Spanish architecture , its broad plazas and blue , pink and green-tinted houses present n pleasing appearance nud its streets are I Beau iaitl well paved , The Inhabitants are mostly native Porto Ricans , a well defined 1 race , resulting from a blend of Spanish nud original Curibs , with a sprinkling of fort - t elgners , umostly French and Germans , and n few l uglisl and Americans , All limo approaches to lho city are rare- fully guarded tonight. General henry will , + effect a juncture with General 11'Ilson lucre ' ; as soon as possible anml their troops will + await thu arrival of the other troops now I on time way. The military mad to San Juan Is broad and well beaten nud svlil offer no such diifieuit passage of artillery and supply trains us slid time soggy mnl ninmost un- i 'broken trails of Cuba to time advance of Cci1- -m , cral Shatter. s Shnrp 17nungenn'nl Sear 'I'owa , The Spaulsh made n sttwd al a small town , tesisling Cemeral Ileury's advance , seven rniles north of Ponce , tonight. Artillery lire I could ho seen distlnclly nu limo dlspatclt boat :1 : bearing this news left at 7 o'clock In the , eveulug. i Infornmallon received by General Mlles In. dicates that there are less than 7,000 regulars . ulars and 6,000 volunteers in the Island. ' Generals Miles and R'Ilsou with their staffs , accompanied by thin Ilritlslm , p'reneh , Gorman and Danish consuls , called upon thu , . alcalde this nflernooi , The latter gave them n graclois wclcomn and asked to be ad. { vlsed us to General Allies' desires as to the government of time city. General Mlles Informed luau that It was not his purposu , to interfere in any way with the local government - ernment and advised the alealdo to conduct - duct his administration as usual , tie said , however , that all persons having arms given by the Spanlsln must give them up or be treated as enemies. The alcaldo said that this should'bo done. At the conclusion of the conference , whIC1i was brief , the American omcers stepped to the balcony of the municipal building overlooking - looking the plaza , where several thousand people , Including the fire department and a mtmber of bands , were assembled , The crowd cheered Mlles and the American bands played national airs , Surgeon Greenlcat said today that there was no yellow fever in Ponce or its vicinity - ity , but there were a tow cases of smallpox , United States Consul Manna , who Is a personal - sonal friend of Captain General Macias , telegraphed - egraphed to the latter today , urging him to wire the Madrid government to surrender - der In the name of humanity , as the Americans - icans are certain of victory. COLOIICD 1'1GIITISItS ,11113 Pf O11OT1D Governuu'nt Iiceoguir.es Six Non-Corn- wlsstaned tIen for Gnlinnlrl , } VASHINGTON , July 30-Six colored non- comtnlssloned omcers , who rendered particularly - ularly gallant and meritorious service in the taco of the enemy in the actions around Santiago on the first and second instants , have been appointed second lieutenants in tlto two colored immune regiments recently organized tmder special act of congress. These men are Sergeant William Washington - ton , Troop F , and John C. Proctor , Troop I , of the Ninth cavalry , and Sergents W11- llama Mciiryar , Company II ; Wyatt Holtman , Company 0 ; Macomi Russell , Company H , and Andrew J. Smltb , Company C , of the Twenty-fifth infantry , commanded by Cole- nel Dnggett , These two negro regiments were lu the thick of the fiercest fighting of El Canoy and San Juan and won high praise for their courage and emciency , The Ninth cavalry was also with the Rough Riders at La Quasinn , The names of the following persons , who are borne or the rolls of the several regiments - ments of Missouri volunteers as first lieutenants - tenants and battalion adjutants , have been dropped from the rolls of their respective regiment , they having been erroneously mustered into the United States service as battalion adjutants without authority of law : Percy Moore , l. A. lfiokmnn , Olbonoy Ifouclt , A. V. Adams , Alfred Aloe , 'L. M. ! larding , C , A. Dayton , E. V. Toomey , F. F. Russell , W , H. Cache , C. M. Mann , E. IC. Stewart , S. S. Gunlack , C. 0. Butter- field , II. W. Timmonds. All Cnptnlas In life itegfineut Dcnd. IVASIIINGTON , July 30. Adjutant Gen- c'al Corbin was deeply atiected today upon recelviug news of the death at Sanlingo of Captain Charles Dodge. The captain was lieutenant in the same company that formed Gcueral Corbin's first command when he became - came a captain and he looked upon him almost as a younger brother. If anything was wanted to show the extraordinary high rate of mortality among the officers engaged - gaged iii the battles before Santiago it is supplied by the statement of the War department - partment , which says with the death of Captain Dodge the Twenty-fourth infantry lost every captain of time regiment. All the other captains had been killed in action when Captain Dodge was stricken with yellow - low fever. The president and Secretary Alger have not overlooked time sacrifices made by the ofncors of Shafter's army and have determined - mined to do what they can to provide for their families. A few vacancies among the second lieutenants in the regular army still exist and these will be filled by appointing time sous of some of the omcers who lost their lives on the battlefield. ihuuut's Vlerr n au l'IuIIIpplues. CLEVELAND , July 30.-Seaaror M. A. Iianna , in resuolmse to an Inquiry today as to what , in his judgment , should be done with the Philippine islands , said : "That is a big question and we must act slowly. We at least want a footing on those islands. Although there may ho sentiment against keeping them , tli.re Is a bigger sentiment against glviug them bade to Spain. We are confronrcj with new con- ditiols t'iuu' , and we hmtmud to work omit the problems in n manner tvhieh will be for the beat of the country. ' Senator Hauna and his famlly leave wih- ; 1n a fe " days for a trip up the takes , anti to the Yell ] vst'ne park. 'I'runspnrts Ienr'Ing Snatlugo. SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 29.-De- ( layed lu transnmisslon-The ) transport Jlis- slssippl left here this morning for Porto Rico. It will be followed In a day or two by the Oriaza and Louisiana. Orders have been received for the transports here. The Tampa , Iroquois , Knickerbocker amid Segu- dania will probably leave tomorrow and the others will get away so soon as they have discharged their freight These Include the Vlgllancla , Miami , Mattewan , Gate City , Manteo , Catania and Beritshire. The quar- termaster's department Is under orders to exercise the greatest activity in unloading the vessels , but the facilities are meager , Spanlslt Sltip Gulag to Summit lugi , . ST , PIFIt1tE , island of Martinique , July 30.-The Spanish hospital ship Alicante , which arrived here front Spain with Admiral Cervera's squadron , may soon leave this port for Santiago , In order to convey some of the Spanish prisoners to Spain , under contract with the United Slates government , United States Consul Dante has issued a safe conduct - duct to R under orders , amid it Is taking stores from the English steamer Reniem- hrnuee , mind time American schooner i3dwnrd Stewart. Time latter Is the first uuerchant vessel to arrive hero since the war was declared - clared , l'rnnuttlotts for Nesv Porkers. SAN FRANCISCO , July 30.-Infarmntlon has Leon recelvol at the headquartrs of the First regiment of Now York vrlunteers that Colonel Barbour , now on his way to Hone lulu , will soon hu made a brigadier general amid that his junior o'Ilcer , Lieutenant Col. onel Slaekpole of time rcgiunent at the I'resi- die , wIIl at the same time be promrottml to colonel , while Major Chase , commaudhig the First battalion , svlll ba raised to lie1uteuaat colonel , - i reueh a I'rize , CIIARLFSTON , S. C. , July 30.-The French ateaumer Manrovla was brought in as a prize today , it was captured by the Dixie oft time south coast of Porto Itico on limo 24th. It is now at quarantine here. 1i 1 i t t Pebbles. ( GIavol and Saud-Will Soon cut through ! a thin soled shoe-we have just received a stivnll tau with a Sole a little heavier i'or eflsy ivahlcing on lliidlvity and the Eapositiou grollllds-all sizes and shapes tot'rS1i3 , GO , 1 Shoe $ 5fJ Your Choice 31.11L Oltli RS a eat Shoe Co. , V11.1.1:1) : , 205 S. 15th Street , l AFTER EXPRESS COlI } A > , I > : S Uncle 9aln'8 091oia1s Propose to Bring Them to Time , QUESTION OF PAYING REVENUE STAMP TAX Conrpnnlrs Falt to File Their Papers in linhens Corpus l'riteeedings , and Ilevenne Collectors 1V111 File Complaints , DES MOINES , July 30.-Speclal ( Tele- gratn-Tho ) express companies tailed to file their papers iii the habeas corpus proceedings - ings in the federal court gcowmng out of time question of whether or not the companies should pay the war revenue tax on express packages and in consequence of this it was today announced that the fedrai authorities will on Monday proceed against the companies - panies in this and all other places in Iowa , On the Monday following that date the deputy internal revenue collectors will file complaints against every express company which falls to apply the 1 cent stamp upon the receipt given customers for their packages - ages , The Indications are that the express companies are going to have a lively time of it in Iowa , iixeenlive Connell flimsy. The executive council today fixed the state tax levy in Iowa fo this year at three and two-tenths mills , which with the special legislative levy of one-tenth of n mill for the state university makes the total state levy three and lhreo tenths mills. Chapter 34 of the acts of the twenty-seventh general assembly requires the council to fix such a levy on the assessed valuation of state property - erty as to raise $1,600,000. The total valuation - ation as reported to the state auditor was $540,000,000 In round figures , The Board of Review found It impracticable and inequitable - able to try to increase the personal property assessment this year. It ( vas therefore necessary - essary to fix a levy that would raise the amount of money required by the statute and a three and two-tenths mills levy was determined upon. The oxecutlvo council at its session today - day in addition to fixing the state levy made the assessment of telephone and telegraph companies in the state. The total assessment - ment is Increased. The levy on the assessment - ment was fixed at three and ono-third per cent. The total assessment is $930,338 and the revenue will be Eh1,011.27. The Increase In the state levy was made necessary by the legislature through its recent enact- ments. It reduced the per cent basis of assessment - sessment from thirty-three nominally to twenty-five , It fixed the amount to be raised at $1G00,000 and It failed to provide adequate - quate momte to enable the council to equalize - izo personal property assessments. Insurance Managers Vnrnt , Insurance managers representing eight leading life companies doing business In Iowa met this afternoon and called Dr. J. \V. Kime , well known as the publisher of the Iowa Medical Journal , before them. They accused him of having made misrepresentations - tions to them and of having started a deal to work Iowa physicians , He said there waa a misunderstanding. They proposed 4o send circulars to all of Iowa's 6,000 physicians explaining his scheme , but he agreed to prepare and send the circulars. His scheme was the organization - zation of the National Examiners' Registry company. For this company he had secured the ladorsements of 'these agents and others , with membership tees of $5 and promises of $5 for the register when compiled. This register was to contain a list of prominent phy3lctaas in the state , whom the companies could secure as medical examiners , and these physicians were to be brought together in the association met tings for discussion with the company representative on insurance - ance topics , Dr. Kime turned the work of getting the physicians' names in the register - ter over to agents. They sent out circulars telling that the registry- had been indorsed and that physicians whose name3 were hm the registry woull get the benefit of making the examinations for the life companies of Iowa , and that these companies would pay from $3 to $5 as an examination tee. To get their name3 la the registry the physicians - cians were asked for $3 and were expected to pay $5 ou receipt of the register. The company representatives expected that the names of reliable physicians would be printed , but discovered that the names of only those willing to pay the fees would be la the registry lists. Kime threatened - ened with prosecution agreed to return all moneys received and drop the scheme. Fhutl Concert of Snngerfest. DAVENPORT , In. , July 30-Tho last concert - cert of the eighteenth biennial Smmgerfest of the Northwest Saeagerbund was held this evening. The chorus of 1,400 voices again sang in the Auditorium this evening , the closing event being successful beyond expectation - pectation from a musical point of view. A phenomenal reception was today accorded - corded Miss Peddle Ross of Davenport. This was her first appearance In public after four years' study abroad , Chicago , Burlington , Enu Claire , St. Louts and other cities were represented on the program today - day by hmdivldual societies or groups. M11- wankee has the lead in time contest for time next feat , although there was no choice to- day. Artlmur Josettl of Clmlcago was elected president of the Saengerbuud for the next two yearn ; Otto Richter of Chicago , vice president ; John Itess of Milwaukee , librarian - rian , Sotithwestern Jown Worlrmen. BURLINGTON , Ia. , July 30-Special.- ( ) The third annual reunion of time Ancient Order of United Workmen and Degree of Honor of southwestern Iowa was held in this city this week , with n large number of delegates present , many of them coining on special trains , An imposing parade was Indulged in , followed by eleborate exercises at Crape park , including an address of welcome - come by Mayor Naumann and short a'l dresses by others. Time following were elected olncera of the association : PleBt- dent , Prof , A. Ronmel of Mount Pleasant ; vice president , John IL Merekens of Fairfield - field ; secretary , I , it , VanCiso of Mount Pleasant ; treasurer , Prof. 1V , S , Shepp of Moult Pleasant , Shouts Ills Slepsoa. FAiRFIELI ) , la „ July 30-Special ( Teh'- gram-Dr ) , Ii , R , Lesher of Salina , a email village nine miles northeast of here , ehot his stepson , laude Trimble , late yesterday afternoon , time shot taking effect in time left arm near the elbow , Bad nlool has exialed between Dr. Lesher and Ise etepson for some time and for this reason young Triunbie hiss been living in Illinois , but returned ! tome a few days ago to visit his mother , Time doe. tor evidently shot to kill , but was so close that his Intended victim Iim ew up his right arm to ward oil the shot , the gash of time revolver bumming his face , ( 'oraerslnae to De l.uld , GRUNDY CENTER , Ia. , July 30. ( Spe. elal.-Thu ) laylug of time cornerstone of the pow $12,000 Presbyterian church will take place , with appropriate ceremonies , Tuesday - day , August 9. The pastor , Rev , W. II , Jordan , will be assisted by Rev , Mr , Smith of Conrad and llev. Mr. Dye of Morrison , ltov. B , Vanderder Las will speak in Go miman and Rev , C. II , Purmort of Waterloo Iu English. ) lotor Li lie Through the Country , MUIUTAY , Ia. , July 30.-Special.-Three ( ) local promoters arc planning to build a motor line from Macksburg to Grand River and have been having some correspondence with Chicago capitahtsts , who are tnaulfest- Harttcy YI Oect I FIRE I FIRE / F' ' 'SEI ' I 0oct 1 , ti - t , FIRE SALE OF CLOTHING entice stock of the National Clothing Co. , that was damaged by water and smoke , will be sold for 25 Cents on the Dollar , Every suit , every overcoat , every pair of pants , hats and furnishing goods muse 'and will be sold for the small amount of 25 cents on the dollar. Children's Suits- Boys' Suits , $2.50 Child's Suits , damg'd a little , - 35c $2.50 Boys' Suits , damaged a little , - 50c $3.50 Child's Suits , damaged alittle , - 50c $3.50 Boys' Suits , da.maged a little , - - $1.00 $4 Child's Suits , damaged alittle , - - 75c $4,50 Boys' Suits , damaged alittle , - f41.25 ; $5 Child's Suits , damaged alittle , - $1.00 $5.50 Boys' Suits , damaged alittle , - - $1.50 ' $6 Child's Suits , damaged alittle - - $1.25 $7 Boys' Suits , damaged alittle , - - $2.00 FURNISHING GOODS. 12 1-2 cent , all kinds , ' - . . - 5c $2.50 All Wool Shirts , - SOc 25c Neck wear , - - - $ All Wool Shirts , - - - , a 12 1-2c Black and Tan Hose , - - 5c 75c All Wool Shirts , . . - 50c Everything must go-nothing reserved. The entire stock of men's and boys' clothing , hats , . caps and furnishing goods , will be sold at a sacrifice. Call early to secure bargains. Sale Open Tuesday MorllillgugUst end AT NINE O'CLOCK A. M. No. 1310 Harney Street , Next Door to Trocaderoo - fag considerable interest In the sehcnie. It is proposed to run the road through Lorimor to Thayer or Murray , thence to Ilopcvllle , leaving Westerville to the west about a mile and a half , then on to Grand ltlver. It is the intention of the promoters of time scheme to place the power plant at the central point between Macksburg and Grand ltlver. 1Vestern lorrit lhgitlsts. CARROLL , Ia. , July 30. ( Special-Tie ) following will take part In the Western Iowa Baptist association convention , to be held at Carroll , August 11 to 14 , inclusive ; Revs , F , L Rozelle , F. D ICennedy , L. N , Call , A. C. Zellhoefer , E. L. Barber , J. J , Schuler , George Campbell , F. W. Bateson , E , F. Lllluy and F. N. Eldredge. Rev , E. P. Bartlett will deliver the closing sermon. One hundred delegates are expected to be present and mm instructive and pleasant time enjoyed by all , Seleels Itis Ono Delegnllan. MANCHESTER , Ia. , July -Speclal Telegram.-At ) the convention of Delaware county republlcans today Frank Merriam , candidate for state auditor , was permnitted to select his own delegaton ; , the candidacy of II. C , Ilaeberle , announced from this district - trict a short time ago after Merriam had been a candidate for a year and over , being considered nothing short of guerrilla politics. I'nolting Ilause It , lie lte opened , DUBUQUE , Ia. , July 30.-Special.-It ( ) is believed now that the packing house deal will go through , by which the old Ryan packing plant will be operated , About $8,009 will be subscribed by local men as a part of the agreement with Iugh Shields of Chicago , wlmo will operate it. It will run ten months iii the year and employ 230 men. Noose fo Vole on Gus , BOONS , Ia. , July 30.-Specinh-On ( ) Monday - day a special election will be held on the question whetimer the city shall or small not grant a franchise for the bulldlng of a gas plant In Boone , as proposed by an ordinance now pending before time city council on behalf - half of John 0 , Holmes and others , Jung , 'lewspnper Notre. U , Al. Belvel & Son have leased the Des Moines Gazette and will cottluue it as a red hot free silver paper , J. 0 , McCracken , for many years connected - nected with time Des Moines News , now has charge of the Salt Lake herald , A , B , Cmlree ) , formerly of lda Grove , but now of Norfolk , will soomu go to Cimicag0 , and In the fall contemplates a trip to Honduras , Lute Young , editor of the Des Molne3 Capitol , lectured eu what he saw mm Cuba for the benefit of the Iowa Sanitary team- rnlssloum , . WV. C. Lusk , until lately in charge et time Missouri Valley Republican , boa gonu to Yankton , where he becomes connected with time Gazette. Editor Rhlterson of 'hs Coon Itaptis lie- porler wants to give the voters a chance to pay oil oil scores by running far county auditor on the democratic ticket. L , J. Anderson , editor of the Oskaloosa Joirnul , Is the strongest opponent of Ccn- erla Juntes Ii , Wenver for the denocralic nornlnatlou for congress In the Sixth ills- trict. J. J. Ilrnce of Rolle , and J. M. Iloskhms of Sioux Rapids , who are undo' nrrest for libeling Judge Iielsell are among time oldest and best known editors hi nortlmvestern Iowa , lou u Press l'unnnt ut , Des Moines Register : It is not inipfob- ahle that Ito. Phil C. Il umn of Iowa , who hues been time United States consul at Smi Juan , will be the military governor of Porto , Rico s'beu Uncle Sam takes possession. 1Vo have no Iowa regiments at limo front , but we have hundreds of Iowa men there , Davenport Democrat : ! Pith an ex- eeptionally fine grape crop almost ripe and time vineyards extending into almost udt parts of time state what nmoru natural than the pressing of some of this fine fruit. The prohibition law does not provl iu for it , and the mulct annex does not legallzo vrlne making ; but ueverlheless barrels of grape juice will be put away where they can be called on for medicinal uses. Ottumwa Courier ; It must be , vltli a feeling of great gratification tlmat time managers of the Trunsmnlssissippl Fvposl tion at Omaha survey the columns of tlgures that tell a story of reduction of the floating indebtedness with running expenses cli met. The days that remain tefore the close of November 1 promise still more for the great show. Iowa people will do more than their share to make it so , at the same tome getting full value for the money expended. THEY CAN SEE TIIEIR FINISH ( Continued from Third Page. ) creasingly large audiences , George M. Brown of Buffalo , N. Y. , A. F , Houser of Illinois , Judge Norris of Wayne , Neb. , with Mrs. S. M. Walker and Prof. H. C , Peterson of Lin- coin , Neb. , are among time lecturers , while the Otnalma quartet and whistler are chaining - ing and entertaining with delightful music. Sunday is looked forward to with much interest , when ex-Governor St. John of iCan- sas will be present. Tuesday of next week will be the closing day , which is devoted to time old soldiers as "Craud Army Day. ' Dr , Sisson , the president , is being ably seconded by directors and officers in every effort to attend to the comfort and pleasure of till who visit the grounds. llarsest No/es. WEST POINT , Neb „ July 30-Special.- ( ) Herman Kaap of Monterey is now elaekhmg grain lu a field comprising 327 acres. It requires - quires three self-binders , running together , to cut Gmis grain. This is the largest single field in Coming county , JOHNSTOWN , Neb. , July 30.-Special. ( ) - A succession of thunder storms during the eight of the 29111 broke up what had become - come hnd a threatening spell of dry weather , 'Pie crop of small grain is Immense and this rain will make core mud vegetables. Time rainfall amounted to ono inch and a hundredth. harvest is in progress and will not he materially delayed by the change of weather. NELSON , Neb „ July 30-Special-Rain ( ) I Is badly needed iii this vicinity , time houb , hot days having already damaged the corn about one-half. Threshing has commenced and wheat 1s turning out about fifteen bushels per acre. Time acreage is large , many having 120 acres to a quarter seetiou 1n wheat. T1ICAMAIf , Neb „ Judy 30.-Special-A ( ) good rain visited this section yesterday , which was general over the county. Timis will insure a good corn crop for . Burt county. Time small grain Is nearly all harvested - vested and of excellent quality , SHELBY , Neb , , July 30. ( Speclal.-Time ) only rain hone this month fell yesterday nmorning. Thurc was a strong wind. Several - eral windmills were blown from their tow- era , In many fields grain which was In the stack was scattered , Corn had beam damaged by the long dry spell. The small grain crop was excellent. Ilermt'tll for ! tiddler lint's. TECUMSI3H , Neb „ July 30.-Speclal- ) The Tecumseh Dramatic company 1)1010(1 time comedy drama , "A Cluster of Dla- mnonds , " In Johnson toalghh The company recently rendered the sane piny here to two crowded Imotuses , and donated the proceeds - ceeds to time Tecnmselm soldier boys now in camp In the south , Rev. F. C. Wing has accepted a call to the pastorale of time Nebraska City Chris. lien church and will remove to that city with huts family next weelr , lie will preach his farewell sermon Co hls Tecumseh con' gregatton tomorrow morning. Time Trcumselu churches have for sonic line been hoidiug minion Sunday night services - ices and will continue to do so during the hot weather. Cominenclug tonarrov even. lug tlmes3 services x111 be held in the court house yard. t Irluhnhles lIsnppeutr , SIIEI.UY , Nob. , July 30. ( Special-A ) ten gallon cask of wino was lost by Peter Ilassert , lie rolled It through the street from ( ho depot to his buggy. After covering - ing it carefully will ) his laprobe ho visited a store to niche his purchases. It was dark and for keg soon vanished , Frneat Shluzel also had a keg of stimulants for his liar. vest hands taken from his wagon tumid never returned. N urntul Studrrtls' Reuulon , NORMAL , Neb. , July 30 ; ( Special-Tbe ) present amid former students of the Lincoln normal university will hold a reunion at the Transmisslssippl Exposition on August 9 , 5 and 0. The first nmeeling will be held at the Nebraska building at 12 o'clock on the 4th and the second meeting will be at time same place at 7 o'clock on the eveuing of time same day. Those canting from polnts outside of Lincoln can meet ( lie company at the Nebraska building at time time staked. The party will leave Liucolit at 7:16 : In the morning on the Rock island road and trill arrive at Omaha at S:50. : Reduced rates will be give ) on all the roads. Interslute iteuulon. SUPERIOR , Neb. , July 30.-Speciul.- ( ) The interstate Iteunlon association of Nebraska braska and ICansns bus elected lion , S T. Caldwell of Edgar commander ; Colonel W. R. Roberts of Superior , seder vice com- mnndcr : Captain IL L. Drownlug of 1'eh- ber , Kmm. , jnulor vice conmunuder ; C. 10. Adams , jr. , adjutant , and Eli Vale , quarter- master. The next reunion will be lucid at the city of Superior September 19 to 21 , iii- elusive. The citizens of Superior have raised money for the purpose. Many speakers of national repulatlou have been secured. FIosvers for Suit. . INk Prisoners. PORTSMOUTH , July 30-One more death from pneumonia occurred nmong the Spani- Isla prisoners at Camp Long today amid two others ore at the point of death tonight. The lid patients In the maim hospital were presented today with a bouquet of flowers by members of the families of the officers of the yard , and while the Spaniards could not speak English they repealed several times In Spanish , " 3fany thanks , ladles , " amid see tied to be very much affected by the gift. Otlleers faslullyd. CALhIOUN , Nob. , July 20- Special--Mrs Ir. Dally and Mrs. Whitney , the grand secretary anal grand mnrsbnl of Vcsla bulge of Omaha , inatulled time following oliicers in Tlcomin lodge No , 121 , Order of time Eastern' Star : Mrs. A. W. Deals , worthy matron ; Mrs , C , it. Whitney , worthy patrol - trolire. ; . J. AL Trlsier , associate matron ; Mr , IL S. Steveusom , uecretary ; Mr. F. Frahm , trenaura ; Mlss ICatu Beals , conductress - ductress ; Mrs. J , Foster , asalstlnl comm. tluctress. Cntlle AIlsitu Lel , b3 RP.N , IIANCROFT , Neb. , July 30.-Speeia- ( ( Jolum Melieegun of lbia place , who controls a pasture on the reservation bordering on limo Missouri river , lost twelve Bead of steers by drnwnhmg Thursday. Abort thirty ) mend wore drlvgn over an abrupt batik. All but hvelvo ! mend were got out by nmemms of a terry boat. Time cattle were wilhont doubt attacked by bees that swarm 'in time timber im that vicinity , .ttniunl IlonuIlrtrvest I'ienle. ASHLAND , Neb. , July 30.-Speclal ( Tele } gram.-7'ho first annumul home Hnrve''et picnic of Saunders and ( 'ass counlien w as closed hero today. Khmg Murplmy uimado time most daring pprachuto leap today over unuln : Iu the stale. The five-info bicycle race wee won by Charles Sears ; tIne ( , la minutes 10 seconds. Arres/ed on Susplrlon , GENEVA , Neb. , July 20 ; ( Speclal-On ) conmplaint of 1)r. Stutztnnn the sheriff last night arrested a stranger at the Stowell house , The men is charged with breukhig into Slutzinau's horse mind stealing u watclm yesterday. The stolou watch was ( mind in time possession of time man , wino is now iii jail. % 'nshiugton ( 'aunty (1 , t , It , 1114A lit , Neb „ July 30.-Special.-The ( ) Grand Aruuy reunion \Vashingtom rosily has beat located at lferaman this year. 'l'imo time is set for August 31 and September - tember 1 Land 2. 'I'nimit Rehuilf , UEIMEIt ; , Ncb. , July 30.-Special.-Tho ( Iieentor stater works tank has been ro- built. The work is well done and is not liable to tumble limo second Ihne. Drat ! Ili II rolteu , IIARRISON , Nob. , July 30 ; ( Speclal Telo gram.-Tho ) droutim hero was broken today by thrco heavy rains. Thu potato crop Is saved amid a big yield Is assured. BULLETS FLY IN THE STREET Severn ! lonocettt SpeelaIors Vomtded lAi and the l'rlnelpmils ' R'Itl Dlr. m „ 'i ' 1 SISTEi1VILLE , W. Pn. , July 30.-A no- t. port which cannot he verifled comes from Slrhmgtown to the effect that a terrihlo street duel took place this afternoon , WI1- son lianson , a gamble- , suspicious of the attentions - tentions paid his tvlfe by George Crogar , mmother gamble' , met Crogar coming out of hula house. Hanson shot Crogar twice and Crogar shot Ilanson twice In return. Both will die. # : Many people were on the street at th0 k tinme. Mrs , Franlt Jacobs was shot In limo thigh , James lillhnan hm time arm , Sammie Craudell in limo right ) twee and John Cornish - nish hm the breast , A Iittlo girl was shot iii the side. Cornish and the girl are expected - pected to die. Honsont's wife has disap- , pearcd. M 'l'rauspnrls to tie mu nvmled Iprel : , R'ASi11NGTON , July 30-Orders lmnvr l hceu sent by time \Var depmurtnemt to General ( Brooke , s'ilmo , it is said , will arrive at Ponce probably lunmorrow or 3fouday , directing him to send bumek lire lrnnsports which conveyed - veyed tine troops of limn Porto Rican ex- pedltlon as somm as possible , The transports - ports will b0 returned to New York and ty , will bb utilized al once fo' time seumding of gr' ' additional troops to Porto Rico , Time troops will be embarked at Noa'port News probably - ably , but time aliilms arc to be returned to New York becnuse of time quarantine regu- ] allots. Tin , additional troops to be snit lU 4r . to Porto Rico will go very likely front " " Chickamauga mul twill ho such pail of Cameral ilroolce's cops as it is deenmed dcshnblr to add to the expedition already sent to Porto Idea. a lingngenteul ii I'laentas. MAIIt1il , Juiy a0-0 p. r.A telegrams from llavmma says the lnsurgeata attacked a convoy near Placatas , Four privates were lciiled mind a amptaln and eight privates wounded , The governnenl ) has received a telcgramn from the governor of Porto Rico , tin contents of which lmve not been nmdc known. tppolnled 1Veslerit I'usta'ager Ageab CHICAGO , July .30.-F. M. liyrom , city i nssonger ngeut of lime Lake Shore & Mlrh- lgrut Soutlwrum , is to lake charge of thin western pnsseui er husiuess of that road , , succeeding to time position recently loft vacant - cant by time death of Cyrus IC. Wilber , as- slstnnt general passenger agcmt. ( 'ongressluuitl Naitilitiittlii M , ST. l'AIJL , Minn. , Judy 30.-Tho rcpuh- licnns of time Fourth congressional district met at Rush City today nod ununlmonoly ro- oonminaled Cougressnman Fred C. Stevens of this city , - AUSTIN , 7'ex „ July 30.-The demorratio cnngreestonnl convention for the Ntmth ills- lricl today nomhmaled A , S , Ilurleson of this city , i I10USTON , Tex. , July 30The Seventh congressional district democratic conveum- tiom held tit radium today aondnnted lion , R. L. Henry for no-olectlou. 'Pin platforms rcamrnua the Chicago platfo rn nud endorses ilryan for rauominatlon , 'Pint portion no- ferring to territorial expaueinn declares that limo present war was deelared for purposee of lmumanlty and it 1s dananded that a pur- polo be kept in vleiv and eongtleBt Pad ten- rholal cxpnuslon bu opposed , Uuvrmat'n/s / or ( let' , . ii 1 esselr , hilly ; to , At New York-Sailed-Jac ( gascggne , for unmet : 1Verkendam. for llotmrdnin ( ; Ohio , for Hull : Atirania , for Liverpool ; l'lmoenlcia , for Hamburg. At Quceuslown-Arrived-wnbria , from New York. At Ravre-Salted-i.a IJrolagne , for Now York , At Ciorbolrg-Sailed-Auguse ( Victoria for New ) 'ork. Aulworp-Sallod-ICeneington , tor New , Al Roston-Arnlved-Cutaloila , from LIV- , At Southampton - Arrived - NordlaaJ , from fork , / rt i 6a , -