Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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t - S 'riii OMAT1A 1)ATTY 1flT'MOTflAY : , ; nrrr 1898.
t iiijIthE O1d.11 / IN AR1Y
Everylay Lff , Requre Oou of' the
Ilighost Typo.
) CIt S sd ' % Vnnirti VIu ) s ru ggle to
1I& nr rhl r his rdcIiM A r. % ' .irt I , }
of All I'rflIMc Sn uSC
, ; I'ressiytsirs.
A atqxt for bIi Stintny enIn dts-
OUtfie flt Koftntto Memorial church Rev.
Turklo choac the roltowing worlA : "Be ot
gel COUIflO flfl ( et play thC men for
our people Ufld for the cltleq. of our God ;
nnd tIt Lord do that whtch eenteth him
good. "
Dr. Turkie treated briefly time commence
mnent of our vresetmt wnr in a Linmo when
ChriUnn pcoplo hoped wara were a thing
of the past , hut the cruel wrongm which our
Ctihnn neIgIibor were msufferlng could not
1Sf ! endured by limo United States. War wn
dec1areI with the intention of relieving an
, fprcsted nntltin atiti wonderful successes
have been iittainsL
At such a time as this we are apt to
lose sight of nil heroic men save those who
are winning laurels on the field of battle , "
salti the preachier.Se must not forget
that there are Just as heroic men who will
probably never smell powder. Unknown
struggles are being waged every day by
brave men mmntl woolen who are strIving
to overcome ternItntlOn ) anti live an upright
hlteVo nitist iiot forget our fehiow beings
80(1 ( must ho immutually helpful. No man Is
so humble 1)Ut that ho can help another.
'rime UnIted States exteniled the rIght hiami
of fellowship to Cuba In Its ihinleulty and
so It Is our duty to nimi struggling men
anti women.
' ' there is sprink-
1mm tIme army a generous
hog of truly Godllko men. avho Implore tIme
assistance of an all-wIse providence before -
fore enterIng into the heat of battle and
these omen aru a wonderful power for ootl ,
The vIctorIe8 won shIOwmtlmc InterventIon of
a dIvine hand. While the nation has armies
headed by upright , Godrearlng men there
need be mb fear for the result at the strug-
gle. "
2Ittui i : er ) diLIlerocs ,
In the absence of Ir. l3utlcr the pulpit
of St. Mnryn 4vcntme Congregational church
'van tilled yesterday morning by Dr. D. P.
hireid of Creston , ha. The theme of Dr.
hireetl'a cliecourso was "heroism , " lie dls-
cussed time different kinds of lwrolsm which
are immanifested iii overydny life , and pointed
out the bravery of time workingmnan who
iiianfully faces all the obstacles which lie
In hits way mimiti does not give ui' the strug-
gb. The business man who is upright ansi
Isonest and does not give himself Up to the
dishonesties which are so comoHmon in time
mmmoicrn business world Is a hero. Time Clmrt-
tinim woman who mnovs In society and keepS
imerseif above PettY follies is a heroine.
hi nil time ordinary walks of life heroes
may he founti imo display as mntmch bravery
and valor as the macmm who are facing Spamm-
ish bullets us Cuba today.
In cvery age titcie have been men who
are iro-emiminesmt as examimies of pmoper liv-
lug , but C'hmrist Rtands out as the peer of
timeimi all. in all others there have been
faults ( rota WhiCh Christ was entirely free ;
lie fitrmslsimeg us an Ideal at holy living
which is altovo reproach. flmmhsiha supplied
an ideal whichm , when attaIned , obliterated
every trace of individuality and made mcii
ft part of the titmiversal ( hlvlnhty whIch per-
mneatcd evo'tliing according to his belief.
ocratcs strove to mmlce seems wise , but his
tcnhiings produced unscrupulaus mcii like
IIcibiades. .
'rime Ideal which Jesus furnishes us is
love of God together with complete self-
sneriliec for time good of mimasmkind. By bear-
acting time love of the F'atlmcr lIe attained
alva1ioti for all Immallklmll. In the face of all
crlttcIsmn and persecution Ito maintained
lllmmmself above reiiroaclm. Ills lito was the
fittest exanmple of heroism evr furnished
the isnrld.
' 'l n our lives , " said Dr. Breed. "It is
( , I sy to I lye as the mnajori ty of men do.
There Is a great temptation to siring wIth
time niultItmide and ( mmli In with time tralim of
popular opInIon timid be lost in mmmcdbocrlty.
lieroisnm is reQimIresi to live a life of purpose -
pose mmtmd self-sacrihice as Jermms dlii and
only by following iii Jesti' footsteps and
making a stand for time right. can ChrIstians
ever hope to be of assistance to their tel-
Iowmnen. "
I3IMOIrI'.t LlI' ( It I'1' lNCIiN'l'mS'1.
1lfe .tfler IeziImtIie 1smliMpviIm or
Pres. iit .teiisI m.
Tier. Jacob Klutz , president of the Midland -
land Luthieman college at Atchison , Kan. ,
delivered time sermon at the lcountze 1e-
morlal church yesterday morning.
'Tle , l'owcr of an Emidiess Life , " wIth a
text frommi ilebrnivtm vii:1G : was the subeet
he spoke on , eloquently ansi convincingly.
In part he sumnmnemi up In these ivorls : "It
Is belief iti the linmmmorttmhity dt limo oiil
fmmndammmeimtnIhy It nets very much like time
keelboard of a boat. If you have had tiny
oximerienco In boating you will know that
3(115 cannot salt a boat without a keel. If
you nttesmmpt to you become the bport of
every current or lrCCZe. limit use your keel
ummil your boat rIdes steadily ansI you cmi
lmmIse your sails tmi'id bear on your tiller
tinil tlltect your course ivlmitiiersoevcr you
% : llt. So wmn ! this great mlntrltme of lmunior-
tality comes Into a life that has beeii drift-
log atm tIme sea of doubt amid unbelIef or
5VUPL hither and timititer by conflicting cur-
reuits. or driven helplessly before somne
great passIon for gain or uleasuro anti has
beemi taken Into time heart mis a real commyic-
Unit , It stea'hles ' the ilfo by brlnglmig with
it rIght ylews of life and setting nil the
Interests mniti activities of life into their
right relmitiomm to each other mind into their
riglil relation to both time ilresent life and
that vlmiebm is to route. To those who woulil
malco time brevity anti fleeting character of
life an excuse for Indolence anti immactivity ,
Immortality says : 'Ynmmm excuse is vain. '
"Life Is Indeed short and vlil soolt be
-al - -
Our mmsmw it , Louis train Is a revela-
tinit IC ) travelers vImo have never immifflo
time trip to the southern mnetroiimllS 'la
the Itnrilngton iloute.
Though our hue is not the shortest.
our tlmmie is us fast as the fastest amiti
our service is Incomparably better
titan timnt of any of our comnpetltors.
Sieelln& ( , chair and smokiimg cars
thro' without elmuge ,
Leave Ommmtima :3O : I ) , mu ,
Arrives St. Louis , 7:19 : a. mu.
Ticket 0111ccNC'.V It'imot-
1502 ia 8i 10th Mason sis . I
, _ u
. . . .
- - - - - - - - \ - -
over , but the end of life i the beginning
of eternity ansi eternity is long enough for
( toy wnrk you may wish te undertake What
YOU cannot complete here you can continue
there umimler more favorable conditions ,
"It time were all that there is and ( heath
meant annIhilation , then life would be a
poor thing Indeed anti man hlmnsehf iouid
be a poor being. Hut when we lift the cur-
lain of the future and let the light of an
endless life flow back and Ilooti every move-
moot and every activity of this brief cx-
Istemice , how it Illuminates It all and lifts
it up anti makes it great. Nothing can be
small , nothing can ho insignincant that has
any rclatlon to eternity or any bearing on
an eternnl being or destiny. "
VOIt I lN 'I'oti l'I'llll % . I'Olt ( HIOl ) .
lnmm liist Co-Icrimte sUim ( i.l amid
Nntmsrc In SIIC'ccml.
11ev. John McQuoitl , at the First Mclii-
odist church yesterlay morning , prencimeml
on "Our Co-operation with the Spirit In
Christian Work , " in which he brought out
the thought that in both spiritual anti material -
terial affairs co-operation was necessary to
success , Men must co-operate with God iii
the former , anti with nature In time latter ,
lie mimi nature had certain rules , which
when observed and followed manke man's
sork mimove harmoniously , and his rewards
reasonably certain. it is equally true 1mm
spiritual affairs when man seeks to cooperate -
operate with Goti. Ii. is the privilege of moan
to work wIth Oath or witimout 111am , anti lie
camm conform to time laws of nature or ig-
fore them. Nature has its rules vhiich it
never cimanges. It is supreme and can only
be used when obeyed. Obey God amid you
can vortc wIth Him.
4 factory is filled wIth loommis and spin-
tiles , saId ( ho speaker in otto of his Illustrations -
trations , but Is not in operatloim. Around it
atantl a force of men Idle , but ready to go
to work. Atijoimilmig the factory Is a power
house with blazing furnaces nod throbbIng
engines , wlLh revoiing , shafts and running
belts , yet the looms are silent , the spindles
are stationary , amid the men remain 1dle
The trouble is that time conpection hetweemi
tue two has not been made , When man behaves -
haves in God and has faith lii him , con-
nectlon is mnade and they work togetimor in
Man is never inspired to do somethIng he
cannot do , but is influenced according to
his temperament. Chmlst's work Is salva-
lion and amelIoration , lie came to save amid
to lift up. Ito instructed Ills discIples to
go forth nuimt tell time people that time king-
doom of heaven Is at hand and also directed
them to hmeai time sIck amid raise the dead.
A man must get rId of the idea that only
those vlmo do great things are possessed
of the spirit of God , We must do time work
which comes to otmr hamids and for ivimhcm )
we are amiaptetl. ITo ivimo does the iittle
tImings to the best of his ability is as
surely following 1mm time footsteps of God as
those who are successfmmi in greater works.
nmo are ( lisposei to ivalt for an impulse ,
but whemi a good man sees a good thing to
be slomme , Ito does It without waiting for ammy
other mnotive to prompt Imini. Christ was re-
vllcil , but rerliesi mint In rettmrn. lie con-
tlmimied to (10 good , but required no one to
mm good toivard Him. W'hemi tortured on
Calvary Ito called on God to forgive Ills
etmemnks , for they knew not what they did.
The raindrop comes from heaven and
rolls beneath time stone or at the root of
time blade of grass , but time sun seeks it Out
anti gathers it back to time clouds to per-
formmi a further dmmty. Agalim it is comniamuded
by time sun to descend to the earth to
uuench time thirst of the flower anti vegeta-
thom , amid by time aid of the sun's rays
throws rainbows itpoa time dark thtmndc
clouds. It is again gathered up by time smmmm
and the operatIon will be repeated from
time to timmic until the situ of righteousness
shall simino ( mm every 'heart. Man is but the
irmeignlficauit raindrop , watched over and
cared for by the great summhight of God's
boundless love anti together they work for
time glory of a Christian life.
itO'tV 'I'O 31 A It i 'i'll I . ' .IOSP 0 1" LI L'I.
Im. F'ritimkllii SmIgestM Ilitti W't' Try Is )
I ! ariimsnm las. mhi slur mm miii Iesl lmmy.
"Making this Most of Life" was the subject -
ject to ii helm Dr. Leo M. Franklin ad-
tlresscd lmimseif at Teumiple Israel yesterday
mnornimig. Ills discourse was in time direc.
lion of enjoining his congrcgatbomm to liar-
monize their lives more wIth the mammifest
destimmy ot time being anti time evident pur-
iOSC of their existence. lie raId
It must be radiiy conceded that if , as
they imimploach the end of life's joumrmmey , it
were ierlmmitteti to macmm to retrace their
stcis anti begin mmgaln , most persotms would
choose entirely tliltereimt vaults. As with
their weakened eyes , dimtmnmed by time fahiing
shmmmdows of time approaching night. of deaths
Inca look back upon the course by thetis
ptmrsued during life's Iay , 'tisnot a picture
otm which they long to linger that confronts
them. Meimaeitmgiy time gaunt skeletons of
things ( lone which ought not to have beemi
dmmo p01111 tlmeir scrawny lingers toward a
Pit of ( iarkmmess. Nor Is timis time melancholy
end of otmly those lives on which failure
lmtms Bet its ugly seal , but eveim ime wlmo has
beau macat successful after the standard by
which time world measures success cannot
go to his death withrnmt a sigh that lie bins
siot. mmmdc limo itiost of life. Wimemi this sad
truth is brougimt clearly home to us and
vu opcmm our eyes to time universality of
discontent amid tIme dlssatisfmmction with
imummman iiio and its aclmicvememmts we caxmtitt.
grcatl imimirvel timat timero are mmci. a few ,
both aimiong those who have gathered a
goodly imariest amal timoso wimoso seed has
not sprouted forth at all , ivimo nic , with
tlmo author of Ecclesiastes : "Is it worth
time struggle ? " 'F'or what profit imatii a
itmami ( or mmii his labor under the smsim ? ' '
'l'o immatiy there seeltis to be little dr no
solace iii time answer vIuIch they comm give
th.mmmselves-a tact which is gruesotmiely no-
ec'ntuatcd by the increasing ntmnmbers of
tlioso who with their lmntmds seek to cad
earthly struggles , earthly tlisampolimtmnemsts ,
eiirthiy itmislortunes of every kind , it is
a fact wimicim ought to attract tIme attentIon
of stutieimts of psychology , sociology and Ito-
iltical t c000IiIy mmmore tlman muottmemmtarily tlmmmt
statlstic carefully comapileti go to Bimow timot
there ismive been Imioru suicides within time
inst halt tlccade than dtmriimg any Itrevious
live years of which a record imtms been kept ,
\'immmtover mimay lie said of time bravery or
time ecu ardice of a state of itmimi wimleim tin-
imehled a lemmmstimcti'um to drink time ioisommei
hemlock , or a Cmmto to tear off time batmdnge
frommi his self-inflicted woummmds , or of time tlis-
LmimlmOitited s1tccUialoi' or time unhappy lover
to lum e unwillimig death by mucous of flue
noosa or the bullet or the poisommed draught ,
It is a ( oct too obvious to questioms timat
time inereasimig mtiimitltUtie of self-destroyers
plainly indicates that there arc very P5w
who feel that to timema it tins beesm givemi
to immmikc time most of life ,
I'crimmmps , to use a timougimt suggested by
a comtslderntioms of aim extretmio altruistIc
iimllosoiby ) , it Immay be a niistnke of our
* timleal systeom to teach that immamu iminiselt
is aught suave as lie serves a purpose in time
larger ivoriti abomit imini-limat lie is but a
wheel , mmotimlmmg in itself. but absolutely
necessary to keep time nicebammisat of time
uimi'eisni scimniu iutnmmimmg anti at work.
\'erts every nature misomi to that immoral alti.
ttmtio in which it would be perfectly content
to abide by such mlmllesopimy , time slitilcuities
of time situmatiomm would be much reitved ,
but few have scaletl time beigimt of those
wimo oulti sink self before well-beIng of
time larger humumanity , and the ideal of timose
who have attained a realization of tlmat
altruistic doctrine that in serving cacim his
destined Part in the ummuiverso ime is immaking
list , immost of imla own life amid for the universal -
sal genii is too lofty for time 'isioti of time
great immajority , lust ommo timing we must
acknowledge , without subscribing to time cx-
tremno uloctrimmo of altrumism , which slobs self
absolutely before Ibu universal goomluVe
must admit that orery Indivltiuai is sent
to flit some place , however smmmahl ammd mnoti'
est , amid that with his part umimfultilled time
work of the universe is ineomimolete. Notim.
log that is is purposeless , anti least of all
oman , who stapds creatlotm's crown anti cap-
1mm timinkimmg earnestly about this question
iVC comicludo that the weakness clusters
about two mIstakes , both so common and
so universal that our very faimmihisrlty with
theta blinds tie to their rotesqmietmess. Of
theo time flrst is a failura to renrize omit
limoimer imlnce in life. The second error eumr
rent among men is that only the fewest
know in what. terms to compute their life's
succesS ,
lr , Franklin thilated upon these points ,
saying that life's achievements hmoul4 not
b juidgemi by timat stantiarti rcpresemmtei 1) ) '
time dollar sIgn , and that. it does not follow
timat because a youth Is the son of a sue-
cessrui merelmant lie cannot fill some more
exalted station , lie rallier suggested that
if the poor preachers , lawyers ammti doctors
could change places with the poor met-
chants , salesmen and clerks , there might
result mnrvelomms smmccess due to time fitness
of time indivIdual for his partIcular place ,
newly found. h1 would have the tnlivlmlunl
beats amid capabilities of children considered
In starting timcm out on life's journey.
iiiemnhcrnmmCo A risen fm'oiim time Itislimi-
ItiS'c of i'm.rssimnl I'red licet ,
Time iJmmiversmul llrotlmerlmooml consitlered time
subject "Intemperammce" at its mneetimig yes-
terlay afternoon , Including iii time topic self
immtiuigenco in the various directions in
whlcim man feels temptation. "As long as
tIme Inclination is felt to Indulge 1mm any
torah of imutemperance , " saiti Luclen Ii.
Copelanmi , lender of the society , "so bug
will there be the ; mrolatblit ) of Its mmml-
festatlon , Therefore no means of crash-
cation can be emcient wimich attempts proimi-
bltlon or regulatlomi , 'As a muon timinketh
In his heart , so is he , ' is literally' true of
lntemnlmernnce , and Its real cvii , which is
time weakeuming of cimaracter , will contimmue
until the moan personally desires a change
amid co-operates 1mm its accoumiphbslmnient. All
other means toward its correction caum omuly'
be regarded in the light of 'police regumia-
tions , ' ivhicim are jumatifled in order to ron-
tIer time world a umore imabltnimie place ,
"Wtmenever a ummamm gives spccial nail cx-
elusive attention to his own personnlity , in-
teumulmeramice In sonic of Its many forms is
Very apt to be mumanift'st. ' Alt lntemmmpermunce
imi but time gratification of this love of self ,
anti is bmit a pimase of time great heresy of
sehiarateumess which pervatles humanity ,
\\'lmcn time iumdividuni scek a closer commu-
munion with mmaturo anti its divine laws ,
wherefrom may result a recognition of the
law of unity or hrothmcrimood , tlmen the
evils resulting from all forms of intemper-
alice must disappear. Thus does even in-
temperammco cease to be an , exil er se , in
that through its mastery cmmmes strength
ansI wisdomn which gives to mamma that per-
tection which otherwIse could hot be ob-
tamed. "
Cimurgesi with SetIlmm lip amiti Mzuimm-
tim titliur ( ; n iuililimug leVIctM Iii Comm-
mmeetboit 'm'btlL lime l'liu Giumte.
As time iumnjmiry into time practices of time
North Sixteenth street ' 'smmre timing" gamn-
biermu lrocccds it is disclosed that time oper-
attics worked upon an extensive luau and
hail consIderable financial backing. Late
Saturday umight Jack Norton , saloon keeper
at 21G South Fourteenth street , was ar-
resteil as one cit time abetters of time enter-
risC on lumforumiation swormi to by Assistammt
County Attormmey Phil E. Winter. Mr. Wimi-
ter bussed time alildavit upon time testimnommy
of'ltness Phiiliis , rhmo testified iii time
case of time State against Dvyer , Byrne
anti I'Cirsciibaumn that Norton's saioomm was
limo rendez'omms at wlmicim time operators dl-
videtl spoils after time day's work was over
aflU tlmat Norton was a party to time ui'm-
aba. Phillips also said that he imad huimmu-
self received muotmey from Norton for sers'-
lees rendered us a capper for time game.
Oh this inforummatiomi Mr.Vimmter felt justIfied
iii swearing out ii coimmpiaint before Judge
Bnter charging Norton with setting up anti
keeping gaimibhimmg devices.
'rIme warrant was obtained at C p. mu. Sat-
mirtlay atmd served shortly before mnldnlglmt
by Constable Hcrmsei. Norton was not ccii-
ductcytl to jail , but was allowed , 1mm coin-
iian with friends ammtl an attorimey , to visit
Judge Baxter for time purpose of olmtainimmg
boimds , Bali was fixed at $500 and this
ammmouut was deposited by Walter Melee.
The case sves set for hearing toinou'ron
Kirseimbaum , lwyer and Byrne have all
been released oum bommds , the former Satur-
( lay rmiglmt and time others yesterday after-
000ti. Iii time cases of time latter two booths
in the nmouumt of $500 each were deposited
by harry mnes , 1321 CapItol avenue ,
Offered l , time Cimlt'umgo. Mliwamuieee &
St. l'iuuml itaIiim
A clean train made up ammd started from
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to
Elegant train service and courteous em-
Entire trains lighted by electricity and
with electric light in every berth.
Finest diniimg car service in the 'west ,
with meals served "a Ia carte. "
Time Flyer leaves at 5:45 : p. m. daIly from
Union Depot ,
C. S. CARItIRIt. City TIcket Agent ,
Best hard coal for imnumiedlate delivery ,
$ T,50 per ton , C. B. limivemus & Co. Tel , l7.
( Jul.5 I'uubflc.
"Time Colorado Special , "
"Time Overhand Limited"
"Time Fast Mail"
arc the 3 mnngnillcontiy equipped trains nm
via the Unlomm I'acific to all lrimmcipai west- ,
ermu imolnts , City ticket oiiie , 1102 Fanmmaui
street ,
I I a ru Cost I ,
For inmniemiiate orders anul delivery. Nebraska -
braska Fuel Co. , 1114 Fanumnam street.
Court ( , ssm mmt'biilliStit ri tiic'iv ls' time
titerItIois ( Sf ( lie mdutes ( Jte'm'e-
flue Jsmy ,
Saturday afternoon time new revenue law
was the bmmlklmcad on which time waves of
judicial wnatlm broke harnuiceshy and Ito-
hind wimicim the ollicera of the Nebrnsicmi
C'hilmiren's Home society fommnmi refuge ( room
he ptmimms amid penalties for contempt , Jumlgu
Scott lund refused to allow a remnoval of
tIme case from before imima on the grourmmls
of projutlice and immiti nmade his record as
ho haul sm ommmisetl , but lie did not get far
ommomugh immto the case to tine Prealdemit
holmes anti Superintendent Quivey for comm-
tempt tot' not producIng limo Dodti children
in court wimeim ontlenel ( to miii so lie was
balked 1mm this by Mr , Montgomery naislng
time objection timat time umotarlmmi certificate
tc' time infornmation agaimmet holmes and
Qulvey bind not been stammiped according to
time requirenmemits of time Uiiitcul States reyn-
hue law ,
The particmmiar provision or the law iii
questIon says no record sluzmii be received
in ovldeumce unless time notuirial certificate is
stamped and it must be stamped the day
it is offered , Attorney Churchill iual put
two 1.eent stamps on It , but smot until Saturday -
urday , which was a clay too late. An effort
was made to have the law operate retno-
actively by canceling time stanmps so as to
show timey had been afllxed on time 18th , time
day the information against Holmes and
( uivcy sas tiled , but Mr , Montgomery imad
the law Itself prothmcetl mind read. It was
foummui that the law was sumciemmtiy broaui
to cover the case antI Its language was cx-
pllcit , time only timing In judicial proceedings -
ings being specified as exempt being bonds.
The court concluded to be on time safe side
anti summarily set aside lila original order
citing the defendants and meade a new one
returnable Tuesthay , being sure thIs tUne
to have time Information-that is , the no-
tarlsi part of it-properly stamped ,
King Meg anti IfThtbjecth Put in the Day
at tt'tp Mills ,
IetmmIiers of the ' Un ion nimul Their
PriemiliN ldnJ.i a tuinsimg limit Smmmm-
ilm iii tiicl' u'tubt of I'murc
Iimmnuhimiteytitcsl 1'mmi.
"King Mogy" and his subjects , the newsboys -
boys , himmi a glorious time oumt at Sarpy Mills
yesterday. All day long time young news
ventlens frolicked around time bicnic grounds
and what they didn't do to lmave a good
time is hardly worth mentioning , It was a
regular old-fashIoned country picnic , where
everyone knows evenybocly else and where
the lemnonamlo , watermelon antI hum sand-
wimich reign aulmreune. There were dnmmcing
antI singing , swinging in trees , foot races ,
Jmmmuiplng everytiming in fact , and Mogy outdid -
did lmiunseif in slmouvlng his devoted follow.
era a siehlghtfumb time.
At lOl0 : yesterday morning four well
filled coaches pmmlieml omit froumu the dcitOt
over the 13. & M , road anti time picmiickcrs
were SOOtm landed at Sarpy Mills , imuck
trousers mummd shirts soomi lost their imumimacu-
late whiteness from the dust anti dirt ammul
by night timeso ganmmuemmts were sights to be-
bold , lhontiumg , dancing anti swinging iii
time trees Were first on time prograumu anmi until
umoon everyimotly sinmimly enjoyed thcmmiseive
or rested benemitlm time shade of tlu trees ,
At 12 o'clock the king gathered lila subjects
about him for time mmmitltlny feast. His nimmj-
esty omcimmted bclmtmmd a coummter viicd imigim
witim mmewsboy delicacies and was assIsted
by several cIuosemi lights fronm his court
wimicim lie chose to call time "committee , "
Wheum time worth was limisseti round tlmrougim
time asseumibiy that time boys were golmmg to
' ' ( coil" the crowd lcgamu to gatimer cmiii Kimmg
Mogy's little kingdom was scout smmrrounmled
by picnickers who desired to see time lads
mmt dinner.
iImuice H , IsimmmmIni a of Grsmi Go ,
"Limmo tip , slmmgie file , one at a time , " and
"say , you fellows quit your crowdimmg" came
from time 111)8 of time sovereign Vower mis his
dcpcumdamuts scemneti too eager in their imaste
to be the first to get sit time banquet spread ,
Cake , buns , sandwtcimcs aumd tlouuglmnmmts anti
later ice cream wer served oumt to the hungry -
gry newsboys , It. would have tummmmcd a dye-
PePtic green-eyed with envy to witness thme
boys ilevomunitmg tlmeir food. Timey didn't use
kmiive ammml forks-well , lmumrtlly , but they
ivont at it with timeir flmmgors ( or all timey
were worth mmii a small sized canary binti
womulti have ( areti poorly on what they left
eve , .
Time scramble continmmcd for about Imaif an
itour , dmmnimig ivimicim mmumncrous snmall boys
mmianaged to get aroummil six or eight disimes
of ice cream , Omme boy witim imis hand on imis
stomiiacim said 1w lma : just linisimed his tcmmth.
At inst time supiily gave ommt amid the boys
imatl to eontcmit themselves with lying uumdcr
time trees or ridimmg In time boats and tehlimig
each otimen imow touch they imad eaten. After
aimitile time had been glvemi for ( higeStlon to
get in its work , ICIng Mogy agaimm cahicd his
subjects aroummd hum anti ammmioummmced that
theno was to be held a series of umtimletlc
commtests , in which the whiners were to be
givemi lunizes , omme ( or first place and one for
seco rid.
His majesty mit once constituted imlmnself
starter , Cimief judge'nmmtl overseer of time ccii-
tests , nmmmi very bcmuigmmly eclectoti a reporter
as one of time juflgesfo time limmisim. No
tjiimo or thistnmmec was tmmkem iii any of tIme
events but somimo of time boys are big lmusky
fellows and tue records wore not at all
iintl. Time prizes for cacti event irene do-
imated by time business mcmi of Ommmaima aimil
consIsted mostly of cammes , cyclomiieters , linus ,
tmadlumg tickets and time like. Five dollars
was awantlcd the victomioums base ball teammi
mitt 2 was given time winner tim time hop ,
step antI junup contest. Of alt time races , time
wonien'um fifty yard dash proved time mimost
excititmg. There were four of these timid time
young women chaseti down time cinder iiathm
at a gall which would have startled their
( ommtl mnammumnas if they could have beemi on
time scene of aetbomi ansi witnesseti tue tiashm.
At the end of time fifth innimmg the Metz
l3ros's and time imews hays' base ball teams
decitiemi that it too hot to commcludo
the game anti the couitcst wums culled ou1
with time umews boys wlmmmmlmig by time score of
12 to 10. Iii the base hail throw Ilenmimaim
Bernstein timrew time ball 321 feet by actual
imuenmamiremnent , wimicim is a good cmiougim throw
for asmyomme to be proumi of ,
Time cake walk was aumotlmer feature of time
aftermmoon's program which furnished fun
and aunusenmqnt for time crowtl. At 9:30 cv-
cryomme was tired mmmmtl had hail emmougli pie-
ale to last theta for a simort time at least ,
anti time train was loaded amid pulled out for
Cii tests simimi I'rbst'M
Following are the umumnumuries of the ath-
Idle couitests :
Eight-year-old race , opeum to newsboys ,
thistnmmctm fifty yards : Won by Aibert Fink-
eimstein , who got a jrize of $3 worth of
simirt waists ; secomid , Frauds Cnnmpbehl , who
drew a batimimug smut.
Ten-year-out race , fifty yartis ; Womu imy
Fred Good , prize ommo pair bicycle simoes :
second , David Lewkowtz , prize , paIr eus-
ponders ,
Twolvc-yeuin-ohml race , fifty yards : Jakio
liaison , prize , ball anti bat ; second , Ed'iic
Siimmotm , prize , sweater ,
Fourteen-year-old race , fifty yards : Lester -
ter Slocmmmn. first , prize , bali mmml hmat ; ccc-
omitl , 1kb Fimuluemmstein , prize , ummulirehla.
One imuntlred ynrtl memm's race , free-for-
all : Won by Joe Gmirtlmmer , prize , waikimmg
cane ; second , John Dlamnontl , prizc , umimavimmg
Fifty yard race for girls : Won imy Kitty
flock , prize , sliver jewel case : secommmi , Nora
Conumel , prize , picture anti frummume.
1"ree-for-ali newsboys' race of 100 yards :
Won by B , Grcemmblatt , prize , $3 In trade at
time Commtimmemmtal clouiming store ; second , Cu-
iumbmss Mattix , prize , one lint ,
W'oniemu's fifty yard ruceoti by l3eesie
Jordan , prize , hammock ; smecoumtl , Kitty
Bock , prize , silver thimble ,
Omme hundred yard race , fom' macmm : Won by
Ittrmuamm Bernstein , ' lmrlze , two-poutimi comm
baking powder ; second , Johmum Diamnonmi ,
orizo. tmtmo-poummti Comm hmaklumg liowiler.
. FIfL > ' yard race , ( am' girlsVon : buy Kitty
Bock , prIze , two-poummd cnmm bakimmg liowtler ;
Second , Nom'a Campbell , prize , one-poumiti
caum baking miowiler ,
Bicycle road race' ( rein Somith Ommiima to
Sarpy Mills : Womm by J. M , Can , prize , imnir
iumrmer tire tubes ; second , E , ii. JoImmmBOmm ,
prize , cyclomumoter.
Fifty yard race for. gIrls : Woum by Bessie
Jormiomu , prize , one-pounti can bakimmg posy.
sier ; secoimmi , Kitty' Bock , prize , one.poummti
cumum bakimig Imowder.
Timrowimmg base bail : Womm by Hernmamm
iiermmstoln , distamuce , 321 feet ; enc prize ,
which was $2 in cash ,
Hop , step uumiti juumiu : S'on I ) ) ' "Yellow"
iiamumontl , oume imnlze , a r'nir ' of shots ,
Cake walk : Womi by Miss Iierthma Mitch-
lice , July 2.
0 nce ? I/ore ,
Once more we rise to reiimrk that this Nebraska is a
good torc-a iiiiglity good store , There isii't au-
other Btore in t1ieo United Statw , not cxc'oting
Doweyvillo and Shaftoi'laiid , lmVIUI'O ] OU Cflhl get
suclivalties1 imoli positive vLtlues1 sUch COiistiiit t1 j"
i1l.aul-day-oIlt values , as you cati right iii' Sat.
urda.y we sold. almost iiiiie lIlllUIre(1 ( shirth , vh'ich
wasii't bail for an oft day iii thu dull seaii , fl.lId to-
( lay you vi1l fitid our sliirtorintii in just as good
shape 8.11(1 vith jimt as good values as if we liadii't
3O1I a liuiidrcd. Our values are not for 0110 day ,
but for every day. Speaking of values reiiiiuTh us
that the gi'eat two'dollai' shoes are \'a1ii11ilIg like
Spaiii1i 11O1X3 , and if you want to ce the grcatesb
two'lollar shoes oii earth you will have to come in.
here pretty ooll , I-lore , 111111(1 OU , here.
, I 26th year. Umiprecedented Prosperity , 24 l'rofesaors frouum II
,1 _ ' ! 1pt'Ihtsr& ; ; vrqIIeis nnit 5 Euurtbrrmmu Coimpiervairii'e , A $1,000 l'hmumuo to
? 1ru11,1l1 best immimsic pumpil , Germmmams-Aummrrjcaum Coimiervulory. Xftrr
ni Seiiftrwrmlkft , fllreotor-G emmrrftl , luescum liii verosm tiumrtng . .iny.
I t' . ' . ,
Largest. ( 'Imonpemit. liesi Address
4 JOHN V , MILI.SON , l'res , , ii A. St. , DILXICO , MO ,
, cli , ivimo is to get twenty shInes at Mogy's
pollshmlmmg nmmriors , amid \Vibliamn Veal ) ' , who
got a camm of bmkimmg ponder.
W9lilnmmi Loftims , tIme News Boys' ummiiomi
president , 1mm ] chiargo of time entire piemmic ,
Sani'l hums , 13i8 Farnammm , has 3 refrig-
crntors left mit $7.00. wortim l2.OO.
'i'Ie Com.l I imi'Im tiil iiiiil test.
The umei' V'nbasim ohiti vestllumie traimi of
day coaches , eiectimig amid ( iiuuixmg cars. A
traltm for tourists and all classes of travel.
Leave ChIcago ( tially ) , 12 noon.
Leave St. Lommimu ( tinily ) , 9:10 : a. in.
Arrive Ncw York , via West Simore , 3:30 :
p. mmm.
Arrive Boston via , Fltclmburg , 5tiO : p. am.
All ngcmuts sell tickets ( or this traimu nmmmi
will tell you nil about it. Ask liimmm or write
G. N. Clayton , G. W. P. Agt.Vabaslm It. It
You camimiot beat time best , Buy hard coal
of'ictor Wimite , 1605 Farimaurm ,
. , WrWw.tflddr ,
c _ _ _
"have yo got a roost fcr a feller ? " asked
a lommg-'anircti stranger , who shuttled up to
time register of one of the leading Ommmaima
The nstoundcd imotel clerIc looked at time
ummmmsual loolcimmg umman in a quizzical way ,
not ummmdcrstamimlimig what he mmieamit _
' ' \\'ii ) ' , I want a llace to sleds , " time quicS-
tioner explained , "amid I icimmdcr imateti to
ask because I ain't got imo money. You see ,
they told inc not bring muiuclm money to
Omaima isimen I coimme , hecamuse they was great
Otm robbin' folks ui ) lucre , but. I didn't pay
110 'tcntion ammd here I nun ivltimout the price
of a sweet potater. They jist mmtutclmcrly tuk
It out of my pocket. ' '
' 'But thus is a poor place to come without
Immoumey , " remarked the clerk.
" , I 'lowed ye wouldn't refuse a feller
a imiaco to sleep. Can't ye fIx up a buunlc
elm tile floor sonmehmow ? W'o nilus try to
accommmmmmomiatc strangers down lii Mizzommul
when they conme to visit mis , "
'l'hme mnnimager of the hotel was called anti
tolil time nemunhiess visitor that it woulmi be
iniposslblo to keep himmi. A forlorn iook caumie
over time starmmger's face. lt slmufhied across
the ofilco anti omit time door mnuimublimmg some-
tlmiumg about huow Nebraskans couuld learn
somumo ummannerim by coummimig dowum to "Miz-
zouri , "
l'erNoiImuL I'll i'mmg'rmiims.
It , H. Bryson of Gillette , Wyo. , Is in the
J. H. Kiumg ammit daughter of Chmamnberlaimm ,
S. D. , nrc at. the Millard ,
A Morrison amid iu'ifo of Glasgow , Scotland ,
are ut the Milbarti for a short stay ,
w O'ConnorT , B , Araold aimd F , D ,
Mayer of SI , Louis are at time Millard.
Amigus Morrlsomm amid Mrs. Morrlsomi of
Clmisgow , Scotland , arc in Omahuu writing UI )
time eximosltiomm for European papers.
0V. . hloyet of Cimeyemmmmc1'y , , anti Dr.
F. Rieimmurc.lis of Douglas , Wyo , , arc at the
Milianci ,
Frammk A , Knehmler numtl wife of mfiiwammkco
amid F , I' , Notmn ammti ivito of St , l'aul arc
stoppIng at time Barker ,
Thomas Ferguson , New 'York ; J , V , Zerb ) ' ,
Clmlcmmgo ; Kirk Fellows , Wasiiimmgtomm , B. C. ,
mmliii Ii , G. Moore , Cimicago , are coimmmnercial
mmmcmi mmtoipiuig at time Barker ,
Carpos Bras , Nosy York ; Nit \ VVilis amid
wife , Samu Framicleco ; Jerry hart amiti wife ,
aimmi soum Leo , Cbicogo , mmd Aimdy Barr nail
wife , Chicago , are vaudevihics pinylmug at time
Trocadero Umis veek stoipimmg tat tue Darker ,
N. B. Lamimb anti wife , Kcokumk ; F , B ,
Scott amid wife , lCimmgsley ; Miss Winfred Gui-
icr amid Miss hlelemu Ii , ( loller , Adult ; James
U. Black , Boone ; J , T , Taylor , Itock Itapitls ;
, I , 0 , Curtis , Logan , and 5 , M. Staimilmugmu ,
Knoxville , are Iowa guests stOpimlmmg at the
Barker while visitiimg time expositioum ,
Nebraskans mit time hotels : it , It , Thormu-
gate , Hello Tharmmgatc' , It , I ) . Mcimhmernin ,
Liumcohmm ; C , F , Arnoimi , Ilastlmmgs ; E. M
I.eliing , Lexington ; J. M. Klipatniclc , C. Iii.
Miller , Beatrice ; W , 5 , Collett , l3mmncroft ;
.lohmn II. Meilett , itavemmuma : B. W , Wooiver-
ton , Pierce ; Jobn Smimitim , O'Neill ; T. it , Ai
( leramamm and somuVcat I'ohmtViiiiamim ; ;
Svencer , Bartlett Itiehmmmrds , Chadron ; John
B , Musser , Iushville ; George F. I'aiummer ,
Crawformi ,
HELPS bet us impress
WHERE uixm jou that Mat.
fi3 V.iif ! Is not alone an infallible tonIc in blood
Nervu and tomach troubles , and a restorer
of strength , but Is also a palatable , healthful
. and delicIous beverage for old and young ,
' who are enjoying health , pms. ,
Used as such it sustains health and Ia
a splendid appetizer ,
- , 8hould be in every home , .
' '
cw' ' ' 4"4 c-t'
Foley Bros , , Wholesale eaIers , Office , Dcl.
iunc Uotel , $24 g , 54th St. , Omaha , Neb ,
Opeils Sept , 19th , 189S ,
Hoarding tund Dmy School for Girls
Under the directIon of RI. Rev. George
Wortimimiglomi , S. T. D. , LL. D. Prinuary ,
PrcI'mmratory anti collegiate co urses. Comu.
ietcnt corps of teacimcrs. Modern ometim-
ods and cvem'y advantage oi'Ccred , Strict
ntteumtioii paid to time immoral , nuental anti
pimysical well beimug of time students. Iipio-
maim coimferreci. lrepares ( or all colleges
open to women. Special courses in higher -
or English , Sciemices , Ammcint and Motiern
Languages. Music mumid Art. reruns imiod-
crate. hitmlltlimmg repaired amid In exceiicumt
order. Sanitaiy piunibitig. satisfactory
steam iieatinmr.
Paremits and guardians desiring to enter
pupils will please scuid for catalogue , or
aimpmy oersommaili' to
Mi-s , . LR. . Uptoii , Priti.
Bros'iieih lItII. Omiua.Iua. N'ci , ,
JItADFORD ACADEMY - Fotmimmled 1S03.
as. For the higher education of yoummg
s'omen. Ciassicrul amid Sclemmtiflc Commrse
of study , also 1''eparatom'y mmmiii Optioummml.
Year begins Sept. ii. IS9S. Apply to Miss
idQ C. AlIcmi , , l'rlum. , Iiradforcl , Mass.
ForYougm0 Qfl4k F
Vomcn UJIII eai
lf1Ii crado Emigilsim timid Cia'sslca 1 School. Lttprarv ,
1ttmiik' . Art commrsee , Ct'rilflcsmte mmttimits mo Emmemeimi
coiietc8 ( em' womim esm , Cormvmipomiiit'uic , , ecm1Ic1mc1.
Fem catalogmic aticirees E. F , DULLARD , A. 51. ,
Press. , Jac.ksomivllle , mim
Lu 21st year. Prepares for Jentilmig lYmmiver-
sitles , Gratlumutes are now hum I Imuu'vmtrtltle ,
Prlmueeton , Cornell mind tTmiiversltie of Michm-
broiL New gymnmiasitmuii , 5UxlO feet. Ad
dremis , Colummel itogermm , Supt , , Orehai'd Jmkc ,
Mleiu.kd rg rrsa
The prIces nanietl hCiW ) ( mire time prevail-
lug ones at 001' storo. Terms : , SPOT ( 'ASh.
All genus ss'nrm anted mien' ammi , gemmumimme :
2.'k' 'l'imompsomi's ' '
Cherry I'lmoSimhmmmtc' , we
smell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lSc
iOc ; 'l'lmompsomi's Cherry I'hmnsmmimate , 'use
cii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
Gem ( 'mutarrhm Powder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
Gargiiumg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 40e mumimi We
Gmmniield ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 40e immiti SOc
Grntidpa'sVomidr Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
lure's Root fleer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Irc .
hltmimymmsii Janos "mmiter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
llootl's Smirsaliarlila . . . , , . . , , . . , , , , , . , , . , . , , 75e
I ttii'H , i'Ihls mumtl 'i'oothm l'osydur . . , , , , , . hit'
Irali's Catmurrim' Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COo
ilummpImrey'e Rcmcmiie's..20c , lao ammO SOc
Iramilim's Wizmrtl Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lOt' and SOc
I I I tide' I I omm cy simm fi A I moo mud C remimim. . . . . . 45c'
llcibb's Asiinm'aatma Pills . , , . , , , , , , , . , . . , , . hOc
litmetetter's ] iitterts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76c
Jm-mymmt'tt' ltxpectouumnt . . , , . , , . . , . , , , , . , . . , . ,
Kmirl's Clover Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c
Lyomi's Kathmmtlroim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hOc
Kniammiazon Celery Comnpoumid . , , . . , , , , , , , 73c
Kemp's Cough Syrumim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOt'
Kemitltmii'is Ilmouvium Cute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kiluacr's Swtmm , Hoot . . . , , , , . , , , , , , lc ammO SOt'
Kemmmied"s Mcml cal Discovery . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 25
hilckmuiioo Smgss'n : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
Sherman & McConnell Drug Ca ,
1513 DODGE ST. OMAhA , NED ,
; J [ !
flest set of tceth , $ .00. No cimarge for ox-
tractiuig when teeth arc orderetb , AU otiuer
works at same reduced jirlees ,
Albany Dentists ,
120 Soutim 14th , con. Iougiummi , Opem evczm-
lags until 8. Lady attendant. Sundays , I
; _ J , J , Deright &
Agents ( or thi
Typu'rjt usa'
( , N'a i'imu IW3L ti'it ) .
¶ l'el. 353 , lllG Farimaun St. , Omaha ,
Lake Mlchigsn unit Lake auperlotlranueotation , Co.
Own 'I'io New btctl ht.Mw11111 , Iu'.IIuu.
. Sallings From QIiIcogo.
l'or ? 'tacitlisc , Pttrt'im i.miem.sI , , iitTaioTor.
OiimO1stO 'a' , , , , s us J''I'Ihu.ll ' A.Mtm.1 I'.M ,
Fur ( 'iiarlnolt iinrIor blprin. , 1io.key ( , sic. ;
Tup..5 AM , 'J'mtimr , ii AM , Smut. 4 i'll ,
Vor .Stsrquotmi , II.mtcock , lmouhtmciis , AbItIacI ,
tuIntIm ) , cue. : 5S..j , ) P.M.
iimtmtrs. , m mnmIib.m. nitIle4 , to's cii u'i ictinn ,
ouicI AWls OOU $ , RUSH AND N WATtS $15
rw-rorr Tsar.
AliItllT $ ,
A GhtitT iilU SlIt ) % ' .
Telephone 1217 ,
Lenta'ihhimsms , l'rop. nail hitgr.
\ v.V COLI'l , Act , Manager. '
MATiNiilS-S' II ) flSl.t % ' , S.l'I'I' it lA1
AM ) SI Ni ) , ' ,
'I'Imt'Yorlsi's ( ireumtest Aeruhimts. j
Anmerlen's I'rcimi icr 3Iisls'nl , ( 'umu'si limmig
Jerry HART & LE4 Bcatricd
IUI.t'l'iNG tN I ) Vl ' ( 'hI HS'l'iit
t'I'Ilahhts :
ANt ) )
'l'rot'risiero ( .Immmilcimgi' ( ) relis'sl rim ,
DIrection Fraumt Amiebmasm.
htilPli HSI CttL'N'I'4-Gim i'sieui , 'i'lmt'nlcr , ,
Alt vew i'cople Xes.tSmmuishsi' ,
Clifford's ' Gaiety
L'bis New' '
Thrilbee U-to-Date ;
ci ilroril's lIen sit bfii St'u'mui's of liV iii
h'ii't mu reps ,
Nt % Yt'Cl. . . . I P
. , ' , GIIt.tE'S ' , VIl'lllti ) , , _ , ' i
( 'is iii i mm g-L'i I iTsi rd's Stim s o ' S I is'lc Co' ,
( 'iiITmi'h's ( 'miMimssi-ilmuMt Mimi'vsm ' .
.Islt ! : )
The ' ' .
Creighton I ;
0. \Vimoulwmird , Aimmmsemmmu'imt , , Ilret'tor ) ,
'l'ONI G II'S' , 8m81) .
'I'imLi W'OOi.tftt ) t"L'OCIC CO.
' 'All ' the Comforts of Home"
NeAt \Vt'k"I'iti r liu'mn'm , "
r ! tAlON
. . . .AT 'J'IILh. ,
- - - -
1 5th itnul Ciupitob Ave.
Capture the Brass hliuug amid ititie Again
.105. ML'NC1lOt'F , IeP4C4' uimmil Mimntger.
Augiist 1st
. ' No 'i'ii ( ) i'ermou'mmmmiiecs All i.e , ,
UNi.t MEl ) . &NIiitT , SIiOV
ON 'J'mlui slmuw.v . . . . . . . .
V TilE i'LACE FOIl SO'iE'l'r.
' ' ' ' ' ' . ' '
CON'i'iN'Oi'S 's'.tt'nmvmtjm.
SOLY'i'III'itN 'flr'j r
( , .tlII ( ) . ' . . M. : ' % A.'Ia k
'rime biggest , best , mmmutt mmovel exhulbitinmu
( in 'est ! tliihvav. ' , t1mmmIsiomi ' 'mmly 10 eemmt8 ,
, a hi ( ri itt : mm' .mu'iy IOU ( iLmmmt ( ) ' -
S trlt'li's , dozr'ums of ( htnlt ii C liii its
only ii , iv , mmys mhi. 'rIme mmmost
gorgeous mlmmmnac cii carthm , Ostm'tt hi eggs ,
Ostrich neSts , etc.
13iV1N CA".VS'I'ON , l'm'ip.
Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss
House on West Midway. .
Staumd No , I , "Schmley , ' ' Admnimmistuatiomm Arch
Stasid No. 2 , ' 'Duive ) ' , ' ' W''st Mitlivay.
S'tttmiii No. 3 , ' 'ltlsomi , ' ' North viaduct.
Stnntl No. 4 , ' 'Sr.mmipsomm , ' ' South vlatitmct.
Or 'Plmone
CUMMINS , [ xpositioii ( ii'ouiids ,
'I'iic Li'imiioIl. ' ! 'Iie Vui.mtumt'us of
'I'IIE Mti\VAY. .
ltefllCZVouuS of hociuty I'umslmio ,
cunlo STORE.
N , ofriipt' : \ Iloli - Eumt 'mt ' lihviay.
' ' . ,
13'lhI ANI ) JONES S't'ItEfl'i'S , OMAhA ,
Aumicrienum ' . . . . . . . . $ . cmiii $ .OO iom' tiny
. . . . . . . . . . ,
Eurtlc'amm Plan COo to $1ljiJ iur duy
F'hANK JIAIIK ER , Muimmmmger.
11AM DAUMAN , ChmItf Citric.
C'or. ICtim & Jaekmtmmmi HIs , J. C , Gnhliium , h'i'op.
1&O httHfliSAll ) immstic'nui Itni.roveimmeiulmi.
hIatus-A menicuim i'imtmm , $2.IJJ ( to $3.00 i't'r ' tIty ,
Iui i'uii'a ) mm l'ltuum , $1.00 lie" mimi y autmi umpss'ui rmls ,
Cmmr line to timi'i ' frotn itil sli.i'its ' , lured
ear ilmie toinain t'ntrummmce of Expeitittoli.
MUIt'RA : i' ii oTif ,
14th immol Iitmrii'y St.
Americium Pluium-3 to I , ioiiars per 'lay.
St rout onus ( torn sit'ifl , I s U mmd ( ronm luj tel to
i : Xiiom4l tiomm 0 m'tjum mis I ii Ii ( I comm mmmimm ml I s's.
11 , iiLo'AY , ! dmmmmmuger
I at Ii iitl luiigluis StH , , ( ) flululla.
( 'ENTitAidY I.OCA'h'EI ) . S
.t5lHlIJ.t ' N A'uI ) IIItOl'I1.t N i'i.N-
.1 , . Ii. iimci1t A : ' ) N , l'i' ,
t iit , IEN1iAlIiT'
Csnmi1sm. ' , . , . I ) ) ip.iii , lblioi.ns , , N , nt'o , ilti. ttIt'n
514 torms'.Lu ' , ' * . pUuimI ( T15 mi iets.a : : ( ,