Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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( ; i OMAU A. JA1LY WE.1 : MONDAY , .TtILY 2 , 1898.
- - - -
: henry Olews Saya War ii a Good 8timu1u
5 for the Whole Oountry ,
I.ftrg"r Ih , isn nit iitcd tur A Ii JIn Is- ,
trIttN ZIIId I.iIipirlzil ( .tc
tR'It 1P4 ( aroaIIIg
lu$11411) ( $ .
NEW 'O1IK. July 24.-henry Clew. heal
. of the baliking firm ot Ckws & Co. , inys :
The tutk ninrkt Is JUPt flOw pasSIng
. through tIn' t13&Iu1 perIo1 of ii,1tiutflhitvI ,
quiet nml ho markut change I ; Ii % niineltatc
iIght. The QUtlook , however. us fur a strolig
narkt.'enk ) nrc row anil tUIflcutt
to find , nnl ectitItI ( ' are liolti vtth iweb
r r conikience thnt the t I8IS on the "bcnr' I(3
tire nitogetlier too gtnt tar nTi VCfltIIICS
In that qtrnrter lii ttw flbSEflCe Of unfuvor-
OnlY two toMllilO
ItIo IkVCOflflCflt5'
4 JIlnlra1IcR ( to a further litiIl' ' novement
outbrcnk of yet.
uro worth coiiglttcrltig ; nfl
low fovr or coiiipllc.tlcfla with foreign
. IloWers arising rriitii the nr. As a factor
, In thu RtoCk taurket the war I of tntiet
( lIflhlfli8hCIl Inhlorlance ) , bccatlsc of receuL
liCCP48eL Nevcttlieless tielay Is not. a
I favorable lnflucnc. and jrogrePs tnWfltl
hence 1i ( Itilt' ' , ltkdy to be on zig-zag ltti.
' tjltlrnntcly the war will Prvo a 1)OVCrfIIl
. tItnuluR to the whole ceuntry. It luii
liurlul ohi political tsstica which were t)8r )
ulyztng trade nnd lniiitry , nflil , ICVOIOICd )
In our pcrIlo ) ) a tilrtt of conflilenco niil
nggresRl7eneI8 whIch wilt Inevitably be re-
1leei ( In Ihe buelties nifiliK UI ( lie natlo'i.
; Tlii' liOlltlCfll &tuatlon l nioro satlfnctorY
than for ninny ycari jjat. New qttegtlon
rn e lufra ) ) im , tl' solution of vlitch will
tl' iprontleti aiitl sLrengt'.in the hole cnity
from the % tintitle to flue t'nctfle. In the I
financial situation tlI.3r0 lB also rcnoii for
$ con tide nec. : t nflt'3 IS 1)1 CO ( I f ii nntl lrn1 )
bw to continue so. Golil InuBt CtIIO ) from
Jurope In settlement of tht axtriinrillflit
trailo balance , nii1 our supllca ; arc likely to
ha materially lncrcnscl by RhIptoelits froni
tli' l1widlke. L ti quite likely al'i ttint
Ilic bntitu vl1l Iclr elrculnt'a'i to
0 consIderable 0xteflt when they have w -
titilreil a SUIPlY ) of the now 1)oIwl ) ; the plac-
, log of which a:3 : a imimlar mail wa a gratl-
tying nutl tgulflcniit exiniplo ; of the colill-
LlelICe of ( lie people In the ovii'iiineflt. Th ,
moral effect of thia inctliO was cxc1teut ,
uril worth its coat to tlI ( ' gvu ujoolit. which
coulth readily have gynllcntct the whole ha-
ruu ot a more lrofltnhlc ) JO'JCO.
ItMIIldN If ( ) ( ) CriibM.
The ngrlcttltural ItUatli ) & 19 aiothwr ntui
vcry hmportah1 elemPnt Of hIflh11i ) , larm-
er an rapidly gettliig out of lebt , niul
with lncrcaet1 proaIerlty .tru ' tying inure
frccly of tothi , thin iicessltt ni'h htixiirlc
. or life. Thic' better Prices for wheat mean
tha ( h ltrlhtl (1 on a f nmnfl y .mJ ih I tic inh in I titans
- lii ( Ito 'ct uimcl a larger traffic for the rail-
I nails , Iothi ( II at boo ii d a u ii vcs thou ttd , for
OTflO time to camP. 1V.'sU'mn mmiercuaflt
vomiilitg to this city are ciilitm.latle in timcir
rcjorts ) of trod a lmoslects ) thu ring thu corn-
: ) log fall ; anti the outlook is that ( ho next
six iiiomittts with show a very ilecliheih inml-
ucss rcvival , Iven In the south tratle b11ove
, nuikei recuperative tcnhenclca. notwlthi-
, ( i sLamuhlng time , Bscotiraginghy how price of
( 'OttOO. Inclust I hat actIvity is giowlug nuth
Is hlkcly to follow close 111)011 bulnCss re-
vlvnh. : laiiy new ciitcrprhscs ale under
consideration , amid a larger dcmiianl for all
potts of raw materials will 0011 bt maul
t I3otli seiitimnet and facts are on tha side
of higher pric&s In time stock market. At
( ho iiiuncnt , , for reasons best knowtl to
thmcmimshVcs , ( lie market iern1er are not reaily
for aim itlVflflCC. Stngiiatton , however , can-
hot be permnahleiLt. Activity will return. alid
iirlcea must mauve along ( lie Ilimea of least
resistance ; 110(1 that vIhl be ip'uids , unleas
uImfavorahlo ) mWvelopmnvnts arise from the
I var , which 1O not now seem likely.
While all tIme donictIC conditIons and
the course of our ilnanclat amid coiiimerclah
relations vith other countries contInue
favoralic to\Vall street interests , yet ( he
real unilerhylog conditiomi tipon which iiuSt
( ICiCfl(1S IS ( lie war , In respect to which the
main ( tUestlOmi la-when vihl it end ? If
Sialn were a country capable of managing
Its affairs upon ordinary principles of pru-
deuce and commnoll ceilse , there w.Miltl be no
difficulty in reaching a sate conclusion on
that point. iltit ketweoll the utter dernor-
ahizatton of tIme government , the hostile dlvi-
, aions arnolig pohitlelamis , the confusion of
be saId to cx-
such jiUblic 01)1111011 as may
1st , time partisan disloyalty to ( lie relgimitg
dynaaty. ( lie vhots of Ioii Caries and tImer
t'xhmnustioii nnd hmniotencc of both army and
r navy-amidst nil these contllctljig ehemenLa
there l no calculeting what Spain may or
mummy not (10 , and her relations with thIs
couiitiy seem to 1W drifting hmito a chaos ouL
of which it may he fomnd very dililcult for
us to etitico a. well-ordered scthcment ( mini
which may only too easily ( hevelop onie
form of feIg intcrfercneo to save Spain
( ruin irretrievable ruIn. There is not a
SIngle point at which. time present sittiatinhl
oltermm tIme least hmcpe for Spnln. In the
\Vest. Indies sIte immny hmava 100,000 to 110,000
nei1 tinder nrnms , regulars and volunteers ,
auth those forces may be hacked by fortlti-
rations of great strength ; but of what avail
. is nil this hmeii her stores ot ammunItion
are on time POimm ( of cxhmaustlomm. whmebi starva-
lion Is staring the army In ( lie face. vhaii
the blockade vIii now stint off the Inst
. . . inall sources of foot ! supphit's , and ihin
the yelow fever is beginning Its ravages
among large masees of trOoIS svhio have
hiceim preparci for its nmost vIrulent forms by
lmtiimgcr amid bad sanitary conditions ?
Siliti ia's lloie Is IIIIeIN.
1 On our stile , we have reached a point itt
which we can confront Spain wIth Buperlor
numbers Iii Cuba , l'oro Rico , nmul the l'lll-
litpiiivs. our troops fresh. ttushicd 'itht vie-
tory , nut ! In nil respcets equipped 'iim (
every necessary for decisive work. WhIle
Siiiin'n fleets have been destroycd , ours are
mmnmnpairtml ! ; imtl ' mitipport our armies
at almost cvthy itilnt ' at which coImlt1ess
remain to ho uchmieved.'hhitn ( a few wek
the homime east of Siahn will Pr0iabiY ) Ito
( ' % iiosel ( to attack from a tiL'et of time best
war vessels of ( lie Uimi'emi Statei. if not of
( lie world , Alt ( lila immeamma ( hint ( lie Uiihteh
Stales cmiii only go on train victory to vie-
tory until 'Spain has nowhere any force to
oihimosL' to our vIil.
Time respoimalbiti rulers of SpaIn cannot hut
. ho as well aware as ourselves of the titter
\ hopelessness of their case ; butt what nrc
tilt' ) ' dot mig mumler time C i rctimmi St U ihCCS beya1tl
isbuilig their daily batch Of fmmhsclmoods to
deceive their Icoiic ) multI effect ibcstPOiltb-
aldus ( lint can iiccoiiiihiBti ItO good html may
itmmn divest ( heat of over ) ' vestige of power
to control thit' situation ? lteahly , it would
B'Cfli that time worst thiliig we have to fear is
time iOSBiililtY ) ( lint Sjiain bfliY drift tutu a
cond i tioim of internith th isorgun izatiomi In
" lmich june vttuid remain no vower conipe-
tent to conclude' ' u penc wIth us ; arid 'n '
( limit case It nmiiit heroine a ihlihlcuht immat-
. . tor for us to itil the tiar In an entirely
satIsfactory tay. lven. therefore , ( lie cer-
taimity of victory hlfld of Spaimi beIng abo-
hutely at our mercy may imsaibly not ho
all ( limit is required for giving us a speedy
amid tvehI.setIit'I peace ,
Tiwru have itcemi i'omio ; reatoims for miii-
cnstites as to time ioasiblhity of sonic fohmu
of muterventinil being atteimipted by Iltmropeau
goverimmncitta 48 ( line got's on those immia.
girlmmga sceimi to lose tht'ir seriousness , There
hits been evidence enough of Spain having
drnmo licE utmost to enlist Lime help of the
other otiwers ; but , so far , every one of time
icauhitig European governuments has pcrsIt.
i'ntly aJlmered to an attitude of strict mmcmi-
timiuit' . It hind iiiiiiotit been taken for grante
tlmat we should ihimmi rotihie In our oceupa.
tiomi of time PhIlippInes , At that point , how-
ever. the last fears of a hitch froni some
form of ( herman Interimositlon have been
set at rest by entirely satisfactory nasur-
minces fromim that goverimment : anti , so far as
miami be inferred from 'hlplomnatie outgiv-
logs , there Is not likely to be any cbai-
lengo to stint a seitheimmemit of that sensitive
questlobi as may secimi best to our govera-
umeut ,
, Vlewitmg the war sUmmation as a whole
( lien. It prcscittH 110 dlscourngtng aspects
for this country , but it Is suggestIve of jrna-
itiblhltiems that vcacu may be unnecessarliy
postpoimetl. Time ipammIshm goverunment would
% of course be emily too giati to consider terms
of sttloimient ; but 1 Is probably quite afti
to assunmo that Saasta thirst not accept time
conditIons ujian which time United $ tates
must Immsist-tbe absolute surrender of Cuba
rorto Jitco nd the I'hiiippiues. There iii
' . -
- - -
thiti great obstacle to peame ; anti it remains
to be seen how it will lie smirrimammnte.
4I'i'L.VVIN IS tIlNIiSi TWiI1 ,
$1 ii iii ii I ii i'rIrtM tii'iii' . ' t hs Senis-
'i'II ( ' Omit liiit.
At the presetmt. ttnm "Time Twine Situa.
tiori" In a mniammomOr. Thit'ro Is hut a twine
eommiiitiomi , and not an altogether riti9tmtc-
tory omme , cithmCt , 1ariy thi week timere was
a tri'meimdomis miiumim in the market mind In-
cmii imnliiies Ismietl rush quotations. offering
all grades of binding twine at thtS tmniform
hirlee of be tier iitmflti , Thin was lirecipita-
ted by a mu imm the iirke of Immithi manila
and Bisal fiber 1mm New Vurk of aiout 31 1-3
tier cent , rind thc recognition of the Imict
that there was a large , mmirpliis of twine tim
time handit of (1w tleairr of ( lie territory ,
iruiny of whom had inirc'tmnseil amari' titan
they eomiid timL' a nil , further , the hirobaumility
that a eonk1ernumI mmnmount of thmis simrIhitIm4
stock would i'e ' thrown to time nurtherim
trade , \Vhmiio th ioeimh Imoithings were not
large , at the inline ( lute tile ) ' % vero large
uimoiighi to excite hit , xmmpr imenMion of tiit'
jobbers amid tii'y .letermnined to close out
ut ally cost , says ( hit' ( ) ntzmiit Trade llxhilmit.
't'im scnmomm tutu imecit a voiimi c r tim I Dime it ad
time ( iimnntity ( If twine ohd tim thmi nmnrket
liii S miggregateil it mm Ciiurnmutiht ii Ill 00 itt ii mmml
hilts immnummnteil to a largi' shihmi of immoney In
V8IU ( ' , rtmt. 'rrzitlo Exhmilmit iimm mantle it
t'imrefiii cimlivaims of time local nimirket , vithm
time imtirimse nsc'ertnlnhiig tii nmmioiiimt itnil
imiobmiuilo 'nine of the outhitit for tIme ttt'hIBoim
miii , ] hums mirrlved at momtme large figures.
F'ro in I hi C hlotimmes i a Oimimthma I liii t have tit'eti
t'flgaffcd In time trade tht.rm. imnim het'tm a total
tutlo of 1,27X tummum , or lb,5CO00 imounuls , of
Lvltic of itli grmt.les. almi to this suibmoimmit
2 rOd LoaM ar I,000,000 POhmflihB , for Cotiticil
hlimiffs mtiut the aggregate hOots tip 7,78 tOflq ,
or 155',000 , tunttmmuI. I t is a mmmcc tliiflciilt
matter tart it'itm at anything hikum an iii-
Proxinhittioti ( mVefl of tiut' 'zmiite of this itnt
nimmoutit ( if tim Inc. for thu tt'mison that it
% ii mituhil itt at I hlrie,5 , rh ng I 1mg front ehum4 , to
t t Ic thur Imoitmiul. Iii fact , it Vitiiil lam
it 1)1 ) h1 et I cmi i tam i1OH liii i I t y to mhatvrtn lime mmccii-
rim I ci y I lmu exile t itl tic , bitt fiutmi it oh ue
Still I I it , ' ii f t ii 0 mmmii iket a miii a fumi r tmmt i rmm ate
mu f t tie vim rl ( mu S amnun mit a sold it i ml I fft'rt'mm
times ihtirimig ( tic semtuuoii at mmiarlcet ltrIes ,
v ( , tire of the Oitltiiuii tiiiit it % i'iil not be
vet. ) ' fur omit of the svay to t'stltmmnic that
timtm average price her , ( haul fur this
tiv inc ivotilul mi hlmro xl itma t e. I ( bc' . C ) it t hi is ictals
tii- . territory trilmtitnry to ( ) mmmnumn iuit luitiul
tim , ' Jobbers or timl city timid of Council
ilitiffs iltmriimg time inst mmimiety days $ l,555.G0o
for tm"mie niotme , Of timis amount , on time
ttlovm. Hhjtt/ihmg ) mnmaic of tIme mciii sales ,
Otmmmilmmts imitr imims been $ l,03Cu0.
\Viiim , it. is ttmiu'im tutu , m'uiisidcrntinn that
mtm ( ' biiid ur calmer Lii hits imohl ii PiV't iii u f II00 (
imhmmdcrs iii ( hits territory ( hits yemir , the iltsti-
mintion of ( lila Itmimimenimim LtmmOLiilt of cordage
Iiecftmnemi it PIhmt ! Cii t.
it many lie betraying trade secrets to toll
tiimtt ( hun greater purtinim of this twitmum wmia
imurehuised by time Jobbers early In time
schiumoim for a itrice less ( iota otme-Immilt of t1m'
ultimate setting Price. After nildimig freight ,
selling ccitt mind I hum other hixed cimmirges for
doing time htisiiiess ( he tiet lmrnftt to time .imub-
berfl cmtmmimot ito less timnum 33 1-3 ie' ' ccitt.
'I'hio umnfortuimmito element in the situation
i ( limit titteim a large iroimmrttoim of this
twine should still lie left unsold iii time imamids
of time retail denler , I t is an impossibility
to uty 110W imitich there is to en t my over ,
but it Intuit be mm considerable anmutimit , iirob-
ably coumimideraluly him excess of 1flOO,000
1)41 it iidh. t firs t sight t tim is mnigh t seem I o
indicate timmit the dealers itmid their lui'Oilts
Ott the , 'Citt'H bimiminess tied up iii sitrjthtis
StOck , but it wiutilul douimtless be nearer ( itt'
trtmtim to say that tue dealers nmmitlc mmiotmey
cimoilgit oil viit they d iii ia'l I , mme ommi y to
own their sttrphtim4 clear , but to inive it corn-
fortahie credit omm time right side of tIme cash
book. Utmiess there itlmouhil be an outiet. iii
the north for this left-over twine , timid that
is a doubtful uvotmtttmthity , time market niust
rec'koim wIth this mmnotimer year.
Already the probable "mmcxl. year" Is agi-
tatiiig time nminds of the traie , but. time geim-
ermil impression seems to be that mmever
aguitm viIi there ho such another season in
time twine himisifl(5t4 miii this ( the hits been.
'I'here is , of course , no mehtims of mtrrlviimg
itt ammy reliable prognosticittloims ItS to wimmtt
time price viii lam him 1S'Ji , hut it is time coil-
semistlm3 of oplimioti timirt it will be in time
mmeigimborhoomi of Ge 11cr potiiid.
Fiuiii uici lILi * lut SVnr tofu S1LI'utM Its
i1it'i'fs Ott t1It liuuie iixi , 'ket.
Nl'\T YOItK , July 21.-Time New York
F'itmancier says of the weekly batik state-
moot :
Since Jtil ) ' 2 the clearing hmomi banks of
Netv York immive rodtmceuh their cash reserves
cviii. $ ( JJ ( ) ) I a time mmmc imeriomi , which
embraces oimiy three weeks , timey have in-
cremiseul their loans $ h1,00ttuJ00 mind their tIe-
1)OSitS have fallen off about DPQ0IQO. ( ( Time
cash retluetiomat have been dime altogether
to oimcratiomis with thi treasury , since the
mno'omneflt front time interior still continues.
The statement therefore in its changes
silovi4 time eiTect of iinnneiimg the mmcii. lommit
ammul nit tIme treasury hits received in cmmmiim
for snmitil subscriptions nvariy , or quite , half
the ammiount of the entira maim , there seems
to be no ciutise for further disturbmtnce him
tim ( ' money market.
'l'iit' renmhliiiing allotments of $100,00.000
viih iurohahiY ho financed by extemmtlltmg iat-
meii $ over a considerable period , treasury
deficits on one hand cotmntermtctImm time re-
ceilmts frommi time mmciv bonds. in the meantime -
time ( lie designation of certain baumks as
deiamsitOrics for goveriimemmt funds viii prevent -
vent the locking up of a large arnouimt of
csIi iii time treasury. Of COurse , if all the
retimiining : subscriptions were paid him one
slim the effect might temporarily tigimton
tile imloimey mmmarket , but this is hot ammtieiiat-
tiai. rime current stttemneiit ; simows time lust
tiecreaso in ittaims since time first week in
Nay. 'l'ho hos appears to be distributemi
veil tlmrougimotit the list in small anmommnts
and reliects probably hlqmmidtttioim of mmmercan-
tile mtc0000t.4.
'l'ime market for commercial iaiper mit
iimcscmmt is very inactive , new business beimmg
less timami expiriimg nmrmtimrities. 'I'ite redistricting -
tricting season Is near at hand , but time do-
mmmd is 'ery light , loimmtimmg to mm smmuhier
tmnmotint than ustimmi owing to time aiundammt
cmmslm resources of interior Panics. Sterling
exchange is moving mlnwimwarti. This Is
m4igmmihiemmmmt 1mm view of time coining ( mmii ex.
ports of grain , mis ammy considerable denutmiul
for motmey will survi bring about time inty-
nmeimt of imiti'rimtttioniih balances vimIrim oth-
erivise aught be extended by men mis timat
immive become fammmliiar during time lust year.
But tenipormiry movements aside , time country -
try iviil ima'e ( 'hciti ) mflofl'Y rates until ac-
tit'o use is found for time imeavy moidltloims
which have been mmmdc to Its currency since
Itt'Vi"tV luf Luimiiou Mtoei tiiirIet.
LONDON , July 24.-Time stuck market
con ( I mmmi es ( I uI I. 'ri. iambi Ic does immut tisility !
IL , himmposition to bimy and prmmf.'ssinnais mire
tired fee1ing off eacim otimer. Lommmbard
stmeet is lioomlcd witim capital , Short loans
\vero OltflinhttlO on imny terms. Iim4cotmflt
rates mIre easier mit front I to I I-S 11cr cemmt
( or two miimml three nmontiis and 2 1-S iamr ccitt
for six immontims.
Itimsu'i. immiii Germnamly are buyiimg small.
imimimmtItIes of goiui. 'I'iit're Wmim4 a smmtart 11(1-
vii mmcc o f 7-8 1 mm Silamihuil secu ri t it's do ring time
syock on ia'aco rumors iimiti time ad'atice is
still mnnintmiinetl. Amneriemmn railway sectmri-
ties vere v'my ( iiileI mmmiii nmovcd iii narrow
I I mmmi ts , Cammmmti iii mm s w'i'mu imms ph cit ed by ii m c.
dictions of cathy eimding of the transcoimti-
imemttai rate war , mit time Improvunmeimt s.tis
mint hmimi I itt mu I iit'ii . C' mim mmd 'l'rmi mmk rose to 70
and flutisimt'ti bit 69 % . ( 'itmimidlami i'mmcihic
½ imoimmt bettem. lialtiniore & Ohio ordlmmmiry
( lrnhuiuol I ImOiflt.
itmiit'Jmtstcr 'l'eNtIlti'milrit.s. .
mlANChIS'I'EH. July 21-There was
mmmcli less doing last ms'oeic tlmmtmt time 'mveelc
ireVloOS ) , Yarmem were tllmiiemiit. Soiling
imlicutatinims w'eiu tmnchi a a gctl. bti t mictuni haiti.
immess i4ilntved cumimsideinbie ( 'OflCesHiiilti.
Ofteritmgs imim time mmiitrket for Novcmmmber itmul
Dt'ceimiber iintl lut llttim favor with tiitm
spitmni'rs. ( .10th offerimmgm4 wcte picmmtlftml
but ery low , and tiierefore only a smnnil
proIomt hum immu H ti C t uitiiy placed . 'l'here mms
coimsidermiblo forvitrd Lnmsumicmts iii diiontlcmm
mit satisfactory imrices. lmmdimm shirtimigs
mnoidiy immmmicceptnbie ,
'l'imero wits mm tonail trade iii printing
cloths at very lost' rates 1111(1 ( jaccont'ts thu
I'll I ny tvtii I. C. ' imimimm liii ii immigel y wi t liii ravmm
frommi tutu mmmmirkttt mmmlii timtt other markets are
very commmterVmtti'tm inmrcimasers.
Ivmimmwhilit- time stoclcs of cloth mire tin-
where trotibiestmnmu timid good tttmthoritiemu itt'-
hove hiatt Iuiitmmchmester hail it con'dmlermihuiu
interest , especially in yarns tint ! cottoimmu.
S. . , 1ouis Mimeket.
ST. LOUIS , July 23.-FLOUR-Quiet ,
Htg'mitly antI unchmnuiged.
\vi I lA'1'-Irrcgtmitir anti unsettieti , with
.himly lower. August c loiter , tieptemn-
tier i8ijmc higher umimmi lecenmber 1-km imlgimer
timmimm yestertitty. tliamt ios'er ; No. 2 red
cash , eit'vmtiiV , , 73o , track , liii tGe ; July 74ke ;
\ugmist , GSo ; Stmptt'mntuer , G&.I168 Dim.
cuumhuer , urTc bid : No , 2 humid , cumsut , 72c.
( 'OltN-liigimt'r , closIng tm'itii July c tutu
Se'iutenmber lc lilt ; muilot. tutu bitt higher.
No , 2 emmaim , 330 bitt : July 32c ; August , 334c
huh ; Decc'mumber , 33e.
OA'I'S-i ilgimer ; nommmiumnl , htmL nothing done.
Siutmt , dull : No , 2 cash , 23ic ; track , 25c :
July , 23c huh ; September , 20 3-bc No , 2
wiiite. jmu0
itYF-Nomimmai , 49u' .
SEEDS-Flaxuiceth , lower , 02c ; timothy ,
mmciv to arrive. imigimer. 2.2.S ( or August.
COItNM O1AI.-41.gihj1.b5. (
hhltAN-Strommg , In detnanil , Sacked , east
track. Sic bId ,
hIAY-Steumiiy ; timotimy , G.t0jS.0 ; prairie ,
$4.0i G.10.
hIU'F'I'FR-l I ighter ; creanmery , li11Sc ;
dairy. 12liGC.
EGOS-Stemmdy , , 9e , loss off ,
\\i i 1SKY-Steatly , $1.25.
' ' ' ' . .
COT'l'ON'i'h ES.-.70c.
? tICTALS-Leitul , iirmn , $3.S5 ; sielter , quiet ,
$ . .35.
l'itOVISIONS-Vork , steady ; standard
moose , Jobtuimig , 'J.75 , Ltmrui. lower ; Prime
steutim , $ .S.27t4 : choIce. $5.374. Pry sail mimemits
boxeui shicuiders , ; .oo eztrmt short clear ,
$5.:214 : ; ribs , 1..75 ; shorts , , $ & 84. % Ilneon ,
bned shnulu1t'r , $ .MYII .7 ! , extra cimort.
vicar , $ 12tm , ; rliR , thort , $1L37 ½ ,
I1FC1III'TS-l.'inimr , 3.Xti ( Lmhi. wheat , 45-
co bit. ; corn , 6eO burn , entut , 7fNI bit.
SI ! I l'\h hNTR-Flniir t,000 hjhmlq. ; wheat ,
27,000 be. ; Corn , 3 , 000 Lti. ; oats , l,0Q0 him ,
Cii iCi ( ) ( ihtt is . ' . NI ) I'it ( ) % 'IShtS ,
i'iit mires tf I iir I'riiqi I u.w nuiml Cliusi lug
I'rleu's nit 5iutumrmln ,
CIIICA(1O ( , July 23-A boost In corn today
on fearim or ( iromight miulvammeemi prices In all
tue ether siuecuihritive lulls. September corn
closed I 1-Sc higher , September wheat
gained t3-Se utimul Ieetmbcr nmlvanccid 1-Sc.
Oatti left off 3.Sttt,0 up. Pork is l2c
hilgimei , lard 5i17e ammul ribs &c.
Comitimmued dry wheat started corn strong.
Nemirly every commission Imoitse on the liner
immimi btmyitig orulers trout time comuimtry to cxc-
mite at thu openimmg , wimicim was siuliicietmt to
start lurlees at mf14c advance over time
t'Ioo ' yesterday. I tenvy olcrattis ) , who honi
lice mmihmuie imp their hnitmds ( bitt corn IvomilO
moot utifim disaster were cnmmstilc'mious hit-
erR. It tu'titi itmelimimal ( limit lime i'toii t'IlH iii.
reamly seriously daumimuged. As luclieVerti 1mm
timat state of uliTnlrtu iuietlgt'ui their fortuiia's
it 14 itch I miii t lid r % % ril I mm sii ilmort n f t ii dr
convict iotmi4 , i4ilntthi took rm lit nut mm miii mud cii
t ime I m' ml elmma mid I o I ii mu t mu ! ( tic btmi hit. 'I'imc in mu r-
k c' t lucid tit ruing from liegi ii tmimig I 0 etlui ,
St'imtemntuer closed whim ticilers mit IL1t yes-
I ermin ) ' , oiueim cml vi I ii iuiiyois mm t ( to tim .ti } , ( ' ( it
3ie , mitmul mit time close It wits Lurhmiging 31 5.Sc.
0 v i tic I o ( hue nut vii mu cm 1mm Co rmi it mmd erti it
ml it itiui go reisrts front Soil tim imi knt it gui vu
tv1mmtt mt guoti umemmil-imiT. Su.'Iutemmmier uiul'tmed
137 7-Sc , wiier'auu ycsteriuuy'um ciosutmg iugtmremu
vere t7c. ; I t made mm fmmti.Iier mid'iiimt'o to
(31 ( 1-Sc tm'imile mmliii immuler limo intittm'mmco utf ( lie
heaunt i ii ci ) rn , IuU t pit rt tul t'ummmpmt ii V m I t lm I ii c
itt t t or a t t Ii mm lull mm t hum tut referred t 0. 'lii e
ti'tttleumt' % ' muter timmtt mu'mms m'eiutetnntiy dowmi-
t'nri1. I mmd iou tloims it f mt tim Itch freer tmlotm-
mnc'mmt of ime'v u'iimmimt time commmimmc % veet < immitl
itiost. tim do uvltii time iieavii'r feeling ( limit
momhuervetied , Sehutcmnhuer I , ftt'r a th&'ciitle to
ri t.tq it4e ( into moore huecut in e Ii rum oii t 1mm'
itt ii I mint rim iuu i i isim tone o f (0 rum I lm e I mm at immu If
hmuimmr of time st'ssloim. .11113. ' , imtti't'Vcr , title
tuvimit'mmtly titrtmck vitit fear of the growimig
mnm'cmiietmt , uf mmcmi' uviui'mit , for mifter briumgiuug
7S',42c cathy iii time day it tell cit to 76'c at
( Ito cbs , ' .
A Liverpool cmutulegrammm rt'porteui ' time Roil-
tutu ii itt mm eroi u dii tim mmccii 2(1 ( lm'r ccitt , iutm t a mm-
( I t ii mm r rahi e ciii' . ' mu a exee I lout t it econ mm t of
tiuuit cruip. hoot hohmn estimated I Ito uvoriul'ut
uilmipmnents t , ) Europe fur the tvei'k at ttuiO. .
( lot ) liii. , zigalimet 3S.0,000 for tIme emurresuuotiti-
hug ticeic lust yemtr. 'l'ime total recorihed mr
time dmiy at westermm PrimmimurY mnmtrittitM tu'ero
t22KIi ; ( ) lutt. , against ,7S,000 last ycmir. Citicmigo
mt'ct'iveuh imimmety-tuet ) cars , ' of which timitty
tVeI t ) eotmtrmiet ; Sehmtemnlmcr oiuetmed 3.Sc
iuigimer itt. 67 7-Sc , ndvaimced to CS 1-Sc , rim-
uctcd to 67 3.8cJ671,40 , timti Imp itt ( liii close
to G7f1G7 7-Se ; December etmurteml 3-'e
lt'tt'i' itt 67 ½ 1i157 1-Se , rose to t7 ; 7-Sc , mhmmtvn
1(1 67 l-SiiG7c , ( lien rallied to 67 3-S5jlji,4e
I ) Id , time Cl osi ng Itri CO.
Owing to time imimfavumrtble threshIng to-
lltmtts tutu time hlrmnmmess of corn. oatH scored
it gooul advmiimce. Septemmmbcr opeimeil 1-Sm i4t.
higher at 21) ) h-Sc sOttled back to 20iu2tt
rose to then t'oticttti to 20Smi mmear
time close. higher liriecs for hogs numil time
iiime in corn mutremigmimeumed irovisomms. ! hop-
tetmiber pork elicited So' higher mit $9.00 , otd
to timemi mmmse to .97i4z at time close.
Time range iii lard mutt ! ribs tins imarrow.
Ethmnmited receipts for ? tiuiititiy tire :
W'lmeat , 115 emits ; cormm 450 cars ; oats , 10
emits ; hogs , 311,000 heat1.
Leaning iuttmreti rammgc as follows :
Articles. . I Open. I luau. I
.Tiily. 78 75 % 7(3 ( ! 7(111 77
St'mut. . O7T tsm ; um7rj' ' u:7is7t : ( ! i1 ;
Dec. . . (17is ( , tt7t u , tiihc34 Ij , !
'Co rim-
.imui.t- . . miT :144 : aait 44 3icmt : !
Seltt. . S i : itm : i4 sumt : :44l : ; 1:3 :
mm , . . . . 34tGt % .9OcLtt a4'4 aaiai4
Zltiy. : . . : mit&j 373 tk Jtil 37 ( .
Jim y . . mi4 : 2 1 2 : ; 4 23t
Seiui. . . 20)tiui % 2utt
Zlt3. . . . 2zt 23 23 2i ) . 'h-
JImmy..a mmr , 0 O
Sept. . . . I 00 'J ' tl7i it 871t it U73 I ) S.
S'pt. . . Ia7ii , 5 d2 57l5 ( k2t . ii
( jet. . ; , u'a a e a tie
S. litus-
Su'it. ) . . 5 ( i 5 t',7l. l ti2 5 fl7i 6 ( hi (
_ 9ct. : . : _ a 70 5 70 70 5 70 5
'No. 2.
Cash citmotations were as follows :
F'LOUIt-Steauiy ; winter wiment patemits ,
$4.1011-I,25 ; stritigitts , iaCkel. $3J'IflI I. .Th ; silo-
cliii brmtmmdt4 sltmlumg Patents. $ l.7f1j5OJ.
\'hh1A'1'-No. 2 epriumg , 7c' ; No. 3 sprimmg ,
7OlmOOc : No. 2 red , 78c ,
COItN-Nn. 2. 34@i1c. :
OATS-No. 2 , 24c ; No. 2 white , 2S ½ c ; No.
white. 27i1i27c.
ItYE-No. 2 , 47c.
IIAItLEY-No , 2 , 32125c.
SEEDS-Flaxticeml , No. 1 , OSc : prime
timothy 5(0(1 , S2..5.
PUOVfSIONS-l'or.k , mess , per bbl. , $9.S5
(119.00. ( Lard , per 100 itms. , 5.fi0II5.2. Short
ribs sides ( house ) , * 5.Giz5.7. Dry tiuited
ahouldors ( boxed ) . 4.75435.0O ; simort clear
sides ( boxed ) , $5.95t1.l0.
Artlclemt. Iteceiptit. SittitiiCmit $
Floor , bbls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , hIO ) 0,4mumi
Wheat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ) iOltum ( ( )
Corn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2tsOmu
Oati. bu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot .111)11 ) 170,10(1
Ite , On. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1,500 :
Uarley.btm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
On time I'roduce exchange today the but-
( or market was turn ; cremmnmeries , I:1'-tt :
dairies , 12J15c. Eggs , steady ; fresh , lie.
sI--v Tonic ( EN ilitAb M.ItICilT.
Quioliitioiis for l.l.eImiy on Generni
Co iii in o .1 I t It's.
NEW YORK , July 23.-FLOUR-Receipts ,
12,177 bbls. ; exports , 7,57S bbls. ; quiet but
BARLEY MALT-Dull ; western , 576.'k' .
\v1 'EAT-Receipts , 11,000 bum. ; eximorts ,
2.252 bu. ; spot , firm ; No. 2 red , BS5c , f.
0. ii. ntloat , export grade to arrive. Options
olmeneul firma mmmiii vere stm.mmdiiy hc'iul , ith
timougim somewhat irregimiar miii the rnorumijm , .
Stremmgtim was derIved chicily front ( lie Junitu
itt cormm , Ciosed 3-Sc louver ott July under
realizIng , hilt 3.Stj-Sc mmet higher on other
rnommtims ; Septemuber , 72(73 I-Sc. closed TIe.
COItN-Iteeeiitts , 30,375 , bu. ; spot , stmoimg ;
No , 2 , 89c. f. o. b. afloat. Options vere
strong mill time forenoon , advancing on laid
crop news nimul Prosuuects of coptinimual bad
weather ; commetl ! IC nt't higher ; July closed
mit ; mc ; eDtemmmtuer , 35 3.53Zic Cioticul 3S3c.
OATS-1ccciittti , 201(00 bit. ; exports , 201-
233 ho. ; spot , mlrmtr ; No. 2 , 2he ; No. 2
ivltite , 31e. Options were steady but quiet ,
closing 5-Sc mmet hIgher ; Jtmiy elosed at
30 5-Sc.
1101'S-Steady ; state. common to choice ,
1(95 crimp , Imic ; isot ; crop , Gjic ; 1597 cmoii , 12
j1ic ; 1 mtc'iiic comist , 1195 cr01) . 34e ; 1S9
crop , 67c ; 1(97 crop , lZljI3c.
WOOI-Duli ; fleece , 17@23c ; 'l'exus , 1313
CIIEESE-Stenmly ; large white. 7m4j7 3-Sc ;
small white.7mMJ7c ; large colorcil , 7 3-Sc ;
smIth COitJiCd , to ,
TALLOW-Quiet ; city , .1 3Sj3i0 . coumm-
try , ii 3.St3 5-te , mis to qualIty ,
Oh LS-'iuttottsetai , steady : prime crude ,
15 ½ c ; Prime yehiow , 23'/ii23c.
It lCl-Stcudy ; mlontt'stic , ( aIr to extra ,
5 I-Mifc : Jnpmimm , 5 7.Si 1 1-Sc.
11U7"I'FiIt-leceipts , 3.900 utlcgs. : market
firm ; trestern creammiery , 14@ ite ; Eights , iso ;
fmuc'tory. I12jl3ic.
ECGS-iCeiitm , , 3.G00 likes , ; ummarkot
stemmily ; vestermm , i3m,4jI3-c ,
AIOLASSES-Steamdy ; New Oriemins , open
kettle , mpmul tO choice , 2M133c' .
iii I'1'ALS-Pig irout , dtmhi : southern , $9SOll
11.00 ; imom'timern , $10.0uj11.50. Coj'iamr , quiet ;
irtiers , $11.62 % . Lend , quiet ; briulcers , $3.80.
Ti NPla tee , stonily ,
01 b--Cottonseed oil , steady ; lmrimno crumb ,
181,4c , mmomnhimiii ; PrIma crutli' , ( . o , b. mills ,
111I 17c ; murime sumnmnuir l'iiou % ' , 2314240 ; off
simtmimner yeiiuw , 23(23i,4.c ( ; tattler oil , 26@28c ;
iwimmie svintcr yeiiow , 2ttj2ic.
Pull I m,4rm ilim rii' * .
iiAL'1'1ItiOlti' , July 23.-P'LOWit-Dumil and
tummeimauiged ; receipts , 5,51G hbls , ; exports ,
SI ; ( this.
\VihlA'l'-Stemtuiy ; spot. S0tjS1c ; niontim ,
S0/1l0 5-Sc : August , 75ti75'4o ' : stetmntmr ,
No , 2 roth , Tic ; rticc'iittut , 113,1 ii tail. ; exports ,
maIne. Southertm vitcmmt by Stithihtle , 7iij82m4e ;
'otmtimt'rim oil gruuic , 78jS2c.
C01tN.-Strong mtmmd higimer ; sit amid
inoumtii , 38c ; Augmitut , iSi40 ; steamer mmiixed ,
37c ; receipts , 33,152 bum. ' exports , none.
Sumutimt'rn tm'hit and yellow corn , BillIe.
OA'I'S-Firun ; No. 2 white , 32033o ; No. 2
inixoul , IOicflc : ; meceilttiu , 1,3211 bu. ; exports ,
l1Ui"1'R It-Steady ; fancy orea mnery , 1S'
jgle. ftumcy crt'tttncry imitation , 17e ; fancy ,
Immiflim , hltil5e ; good italic , i2ijllc ; store
Imumeked. IOu lie ,
l'GUS-Firmn ; fresh , 12e.
Ci 1 IlSF-Stt'auly timid uncimmmnged ,
1Cm , ulsas ( ii . rat i ii uuiil i'rosisintms.
KANSAS Ct'L'Y , July 23.-\VIIIIAT-Lower
oil imemivy receipts ; No. 1 imartl , tGlm 6PAe , ;
No , 2. fCsC'Je ; No. 8 , GIijCGe ; No , 1 red , 740 ;
No , 2. 78j74c ; No , 3 , TOe.
COltN-Aimoimt ste'mldy ; No. 2 mixed , 31
3I ½ e : No. 2 svlulte , 32c ; No. 3 , Iuic.
OA'i'S-toui , scarce , iirm ; No , 2 wlmite ,
2i4i 270.
1tYi-Stendy ; No , 2. 40c.
1 IAV-Stemt'by , tbcunanul fair ,
h1JT'iilt-Uimcimmihigt'd , cioiet ,
FXIQS-Abutmt steumly ; fresh , 8i,4C.
( 'iuiiuimitt 31s , ,
C'INrINNATI. Jimiy 12.-FLOUR-Quiet.
\V1IIIAT-1)umhl ; No. 2 reml , 74m,4c.
COltNlrirmn ; No , 2 cnlxcil1 IStAc.
OA'I'S-Aetiu'e : No. 2 mnlxi'd , 27c.
RYFi-Qumiet ; No. 2 , 4l(42t.
I1tOVit3lONS-Lnrd. steady. $5.2.5 , Iluik
macate , steamily , $5.70. ilmicun , steady , $6.63.
\V1IISEYirlrmu , $1.25 ,
ibUTr1i1-Firni , ummcimminged ,
StIGA hi-Fuimmy.
JGGS-Duii , sc. , . .
ii :
Week Ends with ro , tt1o anti Many Iog
on Bale at . , Local , Yards ,
, .
I , I
litinti fiii oh itiiie iirimmg , . Stenti
1"lgii res-iiugN'Ot'lu .tt * ivi , a tid
higher iiiu,1 ( io , . , . % 'eiik
itliti Sinai.
II ,
SOUTh OMAhA1 Juiy 23.
, Cattic. I logs , h3imeep.
Receipts toubny , . . . 'j , , . , . 1,132 tltJ'jlI 1I3
( ) iilchul yesterdny 1,615 7,973 1,131
Omme Week ago. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,122 7,6113 . . . .
Tie weeks mugo. . . . . . . . . . 1,314 8,621 103G
one yemur tif ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,1.11 2,22. . . . .
'Iwo ' ym'mtrs ago. . . . . . . . . . . l,20S 4,561 , 31
'rotal title Wm'i'ic. . . . . . . . . . l2,0i 4mio 8,1.13
Vm'cck emuhitmg .lmmly IL . . .11,111th 43,092 6,669
\ ( ek euimliimg , hiti ) 9..10.5(17 ( 27,1175 7,3J2 ,
Wm''k emmuhimig July 2..13,173 (1,2511 hIo
\'cek eiuulhimg .luuumo 25. . . .Itmi12 45,86.1 tit,5.
\'t'ek emmillug Jimumu , 15. , . .1If,53 31.800 5,1162
Avm'rmugu , immIco mmmlii for hmtmgs fur ( tie iasL
few ilutys , ti'itim ( iuitiiuutiiMotiti
IlS9S.li197its3iI189. IllIi93.I1SI2 ,
Jmmiy Ii , , , . 3 TS 3332 ift46 ; f etj 5 42
, iuily 10 , . ' 3 2s 2 87 4 ti ; : r ii 92
Juuiy II . . . 3C9 2111 4 I' ? 479 591 f'SS
July 12 . . , : i 73 3 iS 4 72 4 116 5 87 566
Jtuiy 13 . , , : i 1.2 .1 Ii 12 97 4 78 4 SO 5 87 b 71
July 14 . . . 3 77 3 1ff : 3 00 I 73 5 74 566
.iutl11' U ; . . .i352 : l2oulo7ISi4t8i ; ibt,5
Judy 17 . , , :1 : 25 2 07 4 82 4
Juiiy IS . . , 11 82 2 113 I tI I : i0 S 63 5 SI
July 19 . . . : l tO 3 32 4 SO 4 7I ' 3.
Jumiy 20 . . . t : u tim : u : ts 2 flit 4 Ui , 4 74 f , 19 I , si
, liily 21 , . . 3 Si I : te 2 1131 I 4 'tu 5 33 5 fi5
.ittiy 22 , , , i 3 ; tu1 : i 271 2 tfli I itSi S 1,1 ' tl )
July 23 . . .1 3 t2 I 251 2 t3 4 811 I 711 5 60
I mmmhicn ( cii So umultty :
'i'iio mmullcliul tmuutuitmm'r of ears of stock
ttroiigimt iii tomiumy iu3' vticii roitib was :
Cattle. hogs. iiueeiu , hits.
C. , SI. & St. 1' . fly. . 1 1 . . ' .
0 , & St. Le. 1i , ' , . . . . , , I . . , .
SIt , . I'iit' . ity. . . . . . . . . . 11 12 . , . .
Uumion l'itt' , System . . I 31 . . I
C , & N.V. . fly. . . . . . . . . . 1 , . . .
I , ' . , i. & SI. V. It , it. S 37 2 ' . .
C. , St. 1' . , M. & ( I. Ity IS 0 . .
Ii , & Iii. It , It. it , . . . 6 3(1 ( . .
K C. & St. . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
C. , It. I. & I' . lty.emmst , , 1 . .
C. , it. I , & 1' . 1(11' , 'tV. . . , 4 . .
Totuil rccohiutti . . . . . 45 131 2 1
'i'imi , , i itiIiti I I limo it t t imt ulmi y' e rc'cei ii t s
as fob in lvii , timi im i tim yet' little ii amu I tmg tim mm ii U In-
her of iueaul lmmdiemutcd
Cattle , hogs , Sheep.
Omaima I'ttckhrug Co. . . . . . . . 12 930 41
'IilL. 0. C. I iutmmmmnonii Cii , , 119 1,431 .
Swift unud Commipuumy. . . . . . . 46 1,431 27
Cumdaumy l'umekImmg Conmiumimmy 173 2,02 I .
Arnmotur & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,171 .
I obmnmuuu & btothsclmiidti , , 12 . . . . .
limbo & Umiderti'ootl . . . . 9 . . . . .
Nrebh & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 . . . . '
11111 & llumntzlnger . . . . . . . . :12 : . . . , .
0. P. Co. from FT. C. . . . . . . 50 . . . . . .
Swift from cotuuutl'y . . . . . . . . 157 . .
Ceilmilty P. Co. from IC. C. 1S7 591 . .
Cimdaimy urns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 670 . .
\'i'imlte 1' . & D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . .
Otiier bumiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 . . . . 315
Left over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . .
Totmii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1iit 11,007 453
Title hitis beeim a week of fair receipts ,
time total of cattle being sligimtly larger
thaim time t'oek before tumid a few imimnuircd
imemitl larger tItan time previous WeCl ( , ums
avill be noted from"llme tmmbie given above.
Time receipts of lungs saul sheep shots' ceumi-
sldermtlmio gains over time two wgeks ire-
CA'i'TLE-Of time torl-eight cars of cat-
tie imero eight were copsigrmctl direct to a
packer mmmd time mufft1riumgs ot nil kinds uvere
t'ery light. As ttsumii nmm a Saturday time
nmarket ti'as Immckhmmg"in aimy umesv or inter-
emtiumg fvattmrc. Smiqb cattie as luiemised time
bcyers 51)111 at geoff ; trkcs. and time genem'nl
market ivuis tmmmchnumgeil The mmlost of the
cattle soul early mimi the trade soon came
to an eumml for time Wmtnt of ( urtimer supplies.
The market on butchers' stock was uuu-
t'lmammgcul , time few loads here meeting with
retmiy smile mit yest'elday's Prices.
'rimere were mint enougim stock cmmttio here
to make mu test of the market. butt it Is safe
to Cii that t'muitmes imyore uuncimmimigemh.
Aititotigim western2 grass cuittie arc coni-
mexmchmmg to move , receipts of cattle of ali
1(111115 thus mveek have been niouherato , sImon'-
11mg Chat the reportn from the country to
time effect thut lry ( cii mattlo are about
umseti imp mire tHm. Timat. being time case ,
light receipts are to hue expected from mmoiv
( ill tmntil range cattle commence movIng
freely. Thus far only a few traIns of tvest-
ermms have put in mm appeutraumee.
'l'he market on miii desirable grades of beef
steers has Immid an upward tendency , anti
calm be qumoted mit least hOe bight for the six
lays. Ititnge cattle , as veil as cornfeds ,
have slmown Improvement.
Cornfed cows umimml imeifers imave sold at
strong imrices all time week. anti time market
bias been in very satisfactory condition.
Timimi amiul common grass cows and canimers
are louver owing to time fart timat they have
been killing out very Poorly anti that timey
were too hight to start with in proportion
to time WaY otimer cattle vero soiling.
Time market on stock cattle broke badly
time early lart of ( ho w'eek under inlltmcmmce
of large receipts and llgiut demand , bitt
toward ( lie last of time uveek , as time supply
fell off , lrlces stiffemued up somewhat , in
most sections of the state farmers are
becomIng a little nervous over tile hack of
rain , and ummtil the corn is out of oresent
ulanger they mire not liicehy to buy very
freely. As a title values are still cnmmsid-
ereil itigim by those tsiio would buy , iii-
tilnLmgbm ( here line been a consitbermublci fahi
in iriccs. witilo at tiuo same time beef emit-
tie have beeui seiiing imiglmer. W'tthln a
few weeks rmmnge steers ntmgimt to iuecuime
more plentiful , mumitb no ubommbt many wouidbe
liuyers are waiting umnhli that time in
tluim belief that lmrices will then ho lower.
l-SOGS---lumciubed in todays receipts were
eight iotmtbs from Inutsas City , comisigned
direct to it packer. so that the actimal
offerings niu time mnutrket umumbereul 128 cars ,
mis against 119 yesterday , 119 a week ago and
128 two weeks migo. The total receilits were
the largest for a Saturday so far title
mouth. Uummbet time iumiiuence of a good mit'-
live denmmtmmtl the market opened a
imigimer miumul for a time was quite mtctive , time
bulk cimanging imammds early in this niorning
'rite siuieti were largely lit $3.8Op3s2i , , witbm
some choice hteiuvy Imogum mit $3.90 miamI $3.92i .
Lmuter on the market uvcakeneub after the
more urgent orders vero filled. Time buyers
uvonid take what scmms heft , bumt they uvaumted
a commcession to unake IL aim object for carry-
iimg thmem over until Stoumulay , Time result
\S'mti , timmit all time stremmgth of tIme morumlog
wits lost and the market closed uveak amid
sinus' .
'rite market this week has not beemm steady
lilly two days In titiccissiomi mimul stlii ( lie
difference between ( lie extreme Imigim mmmiii
lots' 1)niflt V'tLS ltii11' lOc , 'rime veek opened
withi Viiiumeti in time mutate notch as mit time
close of ( ito urevioums week ; on 'i'uesday
timey sluot lilsvard 5i- lOc , tlmmit the
imigit ioiimt of tile uvt'ek. \\'t'ulCmesmlmty
the market witti a uiiimiie , lower. emi Timuirs-
titty Sc lower niul no Friuin ) ' a numude lower
again , The iniprovemt'imt on time last tiny
if ) time Week mmmdc imp for time loss of t"riday
tutu iumt time nntirket hfliCl ( to uv3tio it was
mit the close of time lrovlomms week. A care-
fimi examination of time mimimlo mit tile lmctmti
of this columim , giving ( ito nvermtgti price
imaiti for image es'ery day this week , to-
gethmer with compuirii.oumui with lrovioums
years , mviii irlng out Sante Interesting fmicts.
siIEEl'-'rimerc were ito fresim rccchitui of
ltihiing sheep to anmoumnt to mmmmythiitg itt the
ylirtit4 toiimtY and oniy two loads of feeders ,
'rime market on muttomultmimeep for time us't'ek
omtgitt tu lie losver , hiW it is hisser lit all
eaStern mtirlcotim , bulb sumehm simeep us have
sold imert' have on 'time contrmry brotmghtt
, mtrotmgerlriCelu ) , Timd'fmicta tire timat time to.
ceiptmi item immive iteen tin light that itutycre
imave htt'eum cot , ) itei i t'il t i't iia y i'rices luigiuer
iim iroPirtion tutu ) Other auuirkets.
Litunlam lmzis'e Ite"ntiifl gootb iiemammd and
tiiu unmtrket has itc't'tt. 'ftiiii , ' stonily.
'i'here im'enumi to ito a'FlItemmily tiemanti for
feetlerui amid iiver11'thuituget thmtt descriptmon
received uburing tiiO" tvek tioid at satis.
factory umices ,
clIICto 1i ' 111' S'k'CIC MIIIICWL' ,
At't hue' ht'iiii , iih tie an I Ii i'rlt'es
1tuihiutj ! ritilg.r ,
Ci I ICAG 0 Jul ' . . ' '
, > 23.-QA'ri'I4--Thero was
an active demand tt' cattle today ; prices
rtiieii mitrommg ; clmoice jeers. .205,50 ; me-
ilium , $4,80h14.95 ; beefateers , $4.201i 4.75 ; Stock-
ore nmmd feeders , $3.25V4.S0 ; bulls , $2,7&il,25 ;
cots's miutti hme'lfers , $1.h0i4,00 ; emuives , $3.tOil )
7.00 western steers , $4.25j5.50 ; 'j'exaiis , $2.80
11005-Thu tiemmind for bmoge .ati
gtoib ; Itrbces tVL'rC stmommg mit aim
tts'eragu muilvanco of 2m4c ; fair to
citilc ( ' , $3.1154i4.07 ; imackerti , $3,75' 3.V2i , . .
bmmteimers , $3.755i I.02i,4 ; mixed , $3,75ji
3.97 ½ : iigimt. $3.7Sti3.97' Imigs. $3.03.80 ,
Si1EIL'-O1erings ii ! simeemi were well
taken mit uuicitttmmgtd minces ; comrnotm to
cimtlco * iimeeJ ) , $3.0Gt4GQ ; westerim rmmmgu
iuiue'ep , $4.0C4.0 ; ; cc'mmott to ChtiIC0 lamnbut ,
$ l.25l6.40.
itliCEil"I'S-Cattie : , 300 hmettil ; liege , 20 000
hettil ; sheep , 1,000 imeaui ,
lClum.NmIs Ci * ) . LtsiSitelc ( ,
, Juiy 23.-CAT'I'LE-Re-
( 'Chits. 200 hienmi : itrices uneimangeti ; receipts
for the week , 13 000 head' demumnil was good
anti tithes well sustnlnetb ; prices of muil
jradc vZ kllhimi cuttlo lmowing little
- F OMA. _
ar1in , Orendorff
' & Martin Co
J obbers of Farm Machincry.
Waxen. and Iluggies - Cor , ftb uiA Jomm. .
_ _ _ AIT GOOD.
P iclure Moldings.
Mirrors , hrramnea , flaekin and Artims'I '
Drake , Wi'son '
& Wharns
Siem'essm , rs V I I so ii . I ) rut ice.
Maumuiflti.'tumrt're ioilerml. , uiumukmi titnoks tund
lumeeeimitmgs , pressure , i'emmdering , sheep dip ,
tmurmb tutu tvmtter tanks , holler tithes cmiui
, mtmi lit I y on lmuutmd , secniud liii miii tuohiers
iSuil cii t ititti sttl tI . S iteci ai a I i ii 1110111 itt to
relmnutti _ iii city or country , 19th mind I'ierco.
merican Harn
Sewed Shoe Co
, i'frs Jobbcrs of Foot Wear
The Joseph Bauigan Rubber Co ,
C3L Spgue& Co. ,
Rubbers and Muckintoslies.
Cni' . Ii I e's'ei I It ( Psi i'miui in S is. , (1 tumult ii.
& 1o
Roofs , Shoes and Rub6erg
Salesrooms tIOZ-1j04-fl04 Harney lutist.
\AI.L \ rnorse Co.
Bools , Siwes , Rubiers ,
0111cc and Saiceroom lliO-21-23 howard St.
erns g
llIif.ortcr5 mulct Mitiluilacturcrle
6i-i6-i8 S6u/It .rzilt St rce
The Amoran
' Ohico'y Th.
Orowers tuhel manufacturers or nil fount of
Chicory Omaha.Fremont-O'Neil.
4 1'
Importer and Jobber
Crockery. China , G/as.cware ,
Uilver Plated Ware Looking Classes , Cham.
deliers , Lamps. dhlmneys , Cutlery. Zic.
1410 FARN.tM SP.
T Shaes rnpaiy
Creamery .11/ac/i mary
and Supplies.
Boilers , Itngmnes , Feed Cookers. Wood Pu8.
leys. Shafting , ilelting. ilimiter l'mtck- of all kinds.
Q7.909 Jones St. - - - - - -
14. E Smith & C
importers aiid Jobbers of
Dry Goods , Fzernis/iiig G'ods
ehammgo for the week ; stnt'k aumul feemliump
( 'It ttle sve to a simui tb e ii t ritnger ; i'imit ice imeas' y
steels , $500115.25 ; ineilittom. $ I.50b1.I0 ; light
weights , $4.OOilS,20 ; stockers nmmui fm'emlers ,
$3.iii5.00 ; butc'imc'rs cows , $3.0O'll.10 ; butch-
crc' imeifer. $ i.0015.20 ; itttOimi't'ui bulls , $3.00
Ojl.15 ; canning stock , $2.25j2.00 ; westcrmi
steers , 3.50i5i0 ; Texmis steerS , $3.0Oil.35 ;
'I'i'xmiii iutciuers cows $3.000j 1.00 ,
11005-Receipts , 5tkIq imeati ; strctng to Sc
hhgiuer ; receipts for the su'eek , 81,000 itetmtl ;
w'imil 0 time sit uluiy coumtimm imt.s i ml rgti t It I , ii e-
nimlnmi iii equmtiiy tts good , suhiicti tnibmty being
ltrtucticnhhy time sumac as last Smut lirtiti y ;
iii'tVy hogs. $34Sil4.00 ; mmtixt'ul , $3,70j3.110 ;
ilgimts , $ 'J.&IJ7f3.7i' pigs , $3.OYim3,70. (
S1i1'iFt'-1tticeiitmi , 150 itenib ; prices stonily ;
receipts for time week , 1tl.0) ( ) imeati ; market
lot time wcelc on tnottoims Sc to be lous'or ,
witiio spritmg lumnbs l4iiti stockers amid ( ccii-
I tmg elm ei'p iuu guioil d email nit mit et cmiii y p net's ;
sprhitg lambs , I.751j Lie ; 'I'cxums mmmiii Arizoummi
mntuttmniS , $3.TSo 1.25' ( 'n't's , $3.0OT3,75 ; Utah ,
Nevada , lilitho aiuul 'uVyomnimmg tiuieu'p , $1.0Q1
4.40 ; titock'rti nitil feederti , $2.501j3,75.
St. Louis Liv. ' Stmim'l ,
s'r. LOUIS , July 23.-CATTLE-Itecelpte ,
500 head : sit I Ilnmemm us , 500 hueitmi . Sb mu iit e t utile t I
( I mm (1 ( id cody ; itt I r to choice mint is'tm ii hilt 1)111 g
nail export steers , $140115.33 ; httulk of tinieti ,
$1.Sfls5.2U ( ; dressed 1)t'ef tiulil htitcimi'r steerS ,
* 1.20115.00 ; steers timoler 1,000 Pltumilul. ( 3.OOtt
4.50 ; stockers mmmd feeders , $2tICP1I I 50 ; bimik
of saleim , $325143.75 ; l'iiWti muimd imelfi'us , $ l,00ij
4.35 ; 'l'c'mmitti mmtmii lmmdimmit steers , $3.00fl.80 , hmillc
( Jr sales , $3.40ij 4.23 ; cuss's mitiul iuclfers , 3,10j )
1 fOr.S-ReceIptt4 , 2 , 100 bmend ; llliliimit2imtli. ) I
1,0s ) imeitti , Market higher. Yorkers , $3.75
3.85 ; luackere , $3.S0i'J.U0 ; butcimermu , $3.iiocijto'J.
Si ii1U'-iteceituttu , 200 itcuiti ; elmipummemmis ,
1,000 itettd. 2ilmtrket deli. muontimial. Nutis'tm
muttontu , $4.00j4.75 ; iuuohimm , $ I.25fU.I0.
( 'tool ii tin t I Liu'i Sliucic.
CINC1NNA'I'i , July 23-flOGS-ActIve ,
hmigimer. $ : i 2C51j3.97 ½ ,
CA'I'TLE-Stimidy , quiet , $2.C5j5.00.
fIll Eii'-Stemiily , $2.'S'IjliS ; iammmbs , lous'er ,
$ i,00ijO.00.
S locic I ii Sight t.
itecord of receipts of hive toclc at time
tour lmrlutciiai , mnmtricets StIr July 23 :
Cattle. ilogs. Simen ,
Omuthma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,13.1 9,1)91 ) 413
Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 20,000 , 1,000
Kansas CRy . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 5,600 150
St. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 2,400 2(0
'I'otuds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,132 37006 3,803
Nt a % ' 'mtri I.IVL' SIui ( ,
NFlYOiIC. . July 23.-liltFiVFjS-Ile.
ci'iits , G2 bend ; linac ( or stile. Citbictu uim.
chmaumgvd : exports , 1.239 cattle and 310 tiumir-
ters of beef.
CALVES-Receipts , 1 imeaUl dull ; yealtm1
csoI1 Drug Co.
902-906 Jackson SI.
7 , 0. RIChARDSON , Pint.
0. ' . WEI.Lta , V. 1'rrst.
hrnioI Co
M'f'r. tistirI l'hartsioeittoah , Zrmmparti.
iotul. bpeOIml .Fr'nulae Prepared to
order. Mmum1for Cmltrulor.te.
Z.tbratorr. 1151 lIowatui St. , Ont&bA.
C.E. Bruce& Co.
Dru z'cfs ad Stiz/ioner
'Quee flee" lupeeiaitie. .
Cigarti , Wmne itmid ilrantlies.
rue 10th smud Rutrnay treeti.
A1 sern Electrical
- Crnpaiy
tilciuical Szift/ias.
Elect u'ioVI i'I niz Tial is mutt ( mts LIi.rh tiig
(3. it' . JOliNS1'Outgr. l51 ilowarul St.
WoI Elria
SuipIy C
vol Fartmemn at ,
Srich & Io ,
Commission Merchants.
S. IV' . Corner 1ttu and howard St. .
tlembermm cC the Nntionai League CC Commis.
ilOmi Memciuanta of the tJnuteul State
13th 1IId Leavenworth St.
Sta/'Ie and Fa ncy Groceries1
114 AI'D CQFFEt flotSicils , ( tc.
yr & ake ,
I ' f Tea. . Spices , Tobacco an\ Cigar , ,
I U03.140T ilarnuey , .
paxto anI ,
' agher Co
Tsiephmon. ZL
'cs ? .
II..l RNIfS I , $4IflI ; : s .4X1) COLLA US
Jobber. , ofl.eatiiir , actdtery Earuivare , , Etc.
We solicit your orders. 1315 howard St.
Wholesale Hardware ,
1' eear ndesen
r m2ardwar Co
Wholesalit Hardware.
. ' . . ' .
thhcyoiea and Sportin'Goouis. i219-2.l.-23 lIar.
. .
003' i.1Ot.
27c lner ; vetilti , $ l.00j5,87mbtuterlmuillcs ; ( ,
till hIl I mitt I : mme uvestermls
Sii1'El' ' AND lJuSlflS-Tteceits : , 6.350
imeitti ; sited , , iflirel ) ' t4tCilt ; lmumnis , i54.23c
luster ; nimili , $ ; i.OUim 155 ; iaimmbs. $ l.0js ) 6.75.
I iOOS-1ceeipts , 1,718 iii'ati ; dull at $4.20ii
LI'll l'OULTIIY-ihtimttm .
- , Gt,4.c ; old roes-
( I.UA1iA. lNiIi .iL 3i.titICl'I'S.
Cotiitlmi , , of 'i'rgimi.gmud ( limotutlnttmm
( lii SItijul , , iuimil Fiumitm' ( roum.ries.
1(1CiS-Gttti stock , 'Jo.
Iii "fT Jift-Cijmimummnmm tm fair , tic' ; eel-
uratir , ltie ; gmmtimcreth crcttuuiery , 131i 14c.
( em.s , Ic ; Hiritmg chtiekemmmm , bc ; dumek , not
wammtotl ; geese , tint wtuiitcii.
I ' u ( J0N5-Lis'e , PC ( thuS. , 60i , Sc.
Vi'LLCltoit't' , tS 1k' .
I IA Y-1J i ilit mmii . $7 ; mit Id lit mmd , $6 ; iomvhautd ,
: $5 ; rye straw , $5.
ONIONS-Now sujiuthern , per lb. , ii.2.ific.
LANS11miuutiltli.kei mitts' ) ' , imer bu , ,
l 'O'i'ATOi'S-New , 11cr ham. , 45j50e.
CAii13AGE-1er rzttc lucy lb. , 1.
'i'OMA'FQ1S-1'er foumr-intshct crate , 83 (
( 'UCIJMiIEIS-J fnimuo gross'n. imer doz. ,
3'iii ) : jOt' .
'AX hIF/iNS-i-3 liii. l ) ) t , 401j SOc.
'i'itCJ'iCAL FItIJ1TS.
OIANGES.-Si'iiiiimmt.m , $2501i2,75 ; Vaien-
oias , itix , $3.23 ; 'iicuiitumrrimiteamu ewcets ,
iC5lONS-'uliforiuimt , $ i.T5i.O0 ; fmumey
Mesmiimua , $ rj.tlO ,
1IANA NA tt-t'imoico , hargo stot'ic , IWt
itmiulehi , $2.0O'ljO,25 ; mncmilumn sized hiumtcium.'i ,
$1.75j2.Ot ) .
hIlACK ItASI'iiUItitiES-Pcr 2i-qt. case ,
I1LACE lilt it Ill ES-$1.f.O.
ItED ] tASl'Iiil1ItIES-I'er case ,
$1i141 $ 2.00.
1fidiii11EIt1Ll EH-i't'r 16-itt. ease , $1.50.
COOS1IEitItIES-l'er 24-qt. case , $1.OOTI
CjllrtIh1rgl1p 21-nt. citse. $ lJilii I 25 ;
CIJItIIANTS-I'cr 24-qt. case. $1.ZSili.&O.
l1'A'J'FiUtl i'iLOt'1h3--CritttiI. 2li ) i2c.
C'AN'FALOI'E-Cratt's , $1.25 ; item' basket ,
IlOc.i'EAC'hIiSi't'r 4-basket crate , $ i.2. :
Georgia 1li'rtas , hter 6.basict.t erimie , $ h. ? .
ij2.04 } : Californittmm , , .0-ib. case , $1.
I'LUuiS-Cmiifjrummnt-u , $ l.257j 1.50.
l'ilAlth3-iJirtieii. : $2.00.
NUTS-Ainmoiudtu , iuer lb. , large sice , 12i
lie ; tummiii , lie ; iiraziis , iamr lb. . tlJl0c : Ln-
gihtiiu wuimmuls , lCt hit. , ( ammey tuft miimeli , 1163' '
320 ; stammdariis. tijOc ; filberts , Per lb. , lIe ;
leeauus , pnlisht'ii , nwtlimiimi , lti To : extra
large , StJtc ; lutme hmickory note. $1 0Oti.1U
per bu , small , 1.iSljl.23 per bu. coeoamuuts ,
\/aItei' \ Moise & Co
Proprietor , of AIJlhliC.N ( 'IUAR AND OLAS
W'Alui. CO
114.215 Snutit beth . rt.
- - - - - - - - - - '
fIeyBrot h e rs ,
Liquors and CE : rs.
1118 Ftrmmat Strout.
East India B//tars
aoidsn rnmeat Pure ny. stud flourbon WhIske1 ,
Willow Spr-ngs Iistiit.TV , 11cr & . Ca. , ( UI
hams ) ' Strict
Wines , Lrqzors and Ci zrs.
411.41 $ 0. 11th Otecet.
Lrner ,
tUM.BE . ,
814 South 14th .
: . A. hutofft. 1st VIce Pres. i. 3. frke. Oen
. . , - OiLS. . , .
OmirOhmne , Ttmriicnte , Axle Greame. Itc.
Omaha Urmmacim and tgcaetc , . Jitn ii. limlh , Mg1 ,
C arent _
Puinti : : Pzfter ,
iVrajin Paper , Stationery.
Corner 11th and Uowu.xd street
1014.1016 DouIm * ' Street.
Iltmmufacturer5 and 1obber. 08 flteanm. On. &fl
Water Suppliesof All Kinds.
Ulliled Sta ;
jio8-izro f/arnav St.
Steam Pumps , Eumiutca and llrilers , Pipe ,
\Vind Mills , Stetumn and I'iumummbin
Material , Be1tin. Hose , Etc.
' 1ye ory
Superior 0011315 ? Mixed Typ the but o
th. nur.ricet.
1114 Itowuird SLiect.
Strangers in Oniah
Ar invited
To inspect
The Bee Building.
The most complete j
Newspaper plant
In the West ,
'I'uibeiliiOilC 1039 , Omiinhma , Neh
. ilOFtII ) OP TRUiI.
liret wire. to Cbicag amud ew York.
Corrmpondentai John A.tarrvn .t , Co.
'i'ltLEi'll ti : ' it uti. , :
fliunmit i , N , l.if. ' 111,1g. , ( Jmiutuimi , , Ni.i , .
Stocks,6rifl , 'ovisions
iirt'ct S'I res Ne'av ' .trk , ( 'hii'itgo multI
% 'tNtrii ( 'nimits.
iter 100 , $1 ; beamhimts , , titus' , Gi6ic ; m'otmttted ,
7e5tAJLF SYIlT1'hclvc.gii. , ccii , ouch ,
$2.75 ; gmti. ctums. , pure , item iloz. , $ l ; htzmif4ai.
( 'hills , $6.25 ; lmumhmrt etumme. $3.51.
I iONEY-'itlee , witite , i4miSc.
tA'iiS-1 inihiivi'e , 1.0 It , bixctt , 5m,4c ;
Snlr , ho : ilirti , 1-lit tmoxt'mm , Ic' .
1 ' I I I 5- I mu ) htirt i'b , It , lucy , 3. rumuvil , I II I P. ,
iicxes , hOc ; 5cmowum , 4 11i ) . iiix'ii , lIe ; 2-li , . .
iioxt'ti. 22uj23c er itix ; ( nIlom multi , IC-lb.
iio , , $1.
Ci l1'lt-l'ir imaig hid. , $3.255JI3.0.
1IIliES , 'I'd'tLi.OW. E'i'C.
lihIES-No. I ercctm PitIes , i'4c ' ; No. 2
grceum ltidt's , 6jc ; Ni , . I totltt'iI itiiii'it , tIC ; No.
2 salted imities , Cc ; I'o. 1 seal t'iif , b to ii
hits. , tie ; No. 2 Vt't i CII I I' . 12 I 0 1 5 i its. , 7c.
'I'A ii.O' , (1 11 h'SE. I'iCTutihitw , No.
1. Ii' ; ttmhiuw , Nit. 2. 2'Jc ; u'ougiu tutitiusi' , iiAc ;
isititu grt'mus. ' , 2k2e ; yehioav uitil iirosvmi
greamme , htt4Z2t.e.
511 EIl' l'1iJI'H-Gree'ut ititited , i'iu it , 15W
75c ; greemi cmi I tt'ti siuca rIngs I el tort ' , ' , 'Uiit'i
vmtriy skiuus ) , match , 1St ; 'try , .imitariiigtu ( tihmoit
at oohm'ti 'arhy mikhimr ) No. I. etteit , Sc ; dry
limit , liummt'rts mitui Neiurmteh-mtt ( lii' . item' ti'titd
mtt'l i It , I icr I i , . tie t eu I uveig It I , 4i ic ; , tiry Ill ii t ,
Imm mica s Ii luth Neirm skmi ma tt it a i mm ivool itcitS ,
ltcr i P. , lie t ii a I tveigim t , 3ilt ib ry I I in I , Coin.
rum ti a hum tt'im.'r . syticti I'd t 5. lii' t' hi ) . , it C t umt I
svi'hgbt. 15e ; dry ilipit. I 'ehtirntii , ummmmrraiti
ss'ttoi cits , : : e : hit . itetuini weight , 3tj4e ,
VnIi'.ki .i a rl.'t.
'i'OiEDO . ' ammut
, July 2.t--'JiEAT-Lnwer
sir-nit ; No. 2 eliCit , 76m , ; July , 7i4t' .
COItN-1)uhi hull mmtvlimi11' . N 2 ummixod ,
citsit mm tail July , Iit .
OA'i'S1)imii tied higher , No , 2 umtii'd. 23e ,
ItYF : 1)uii mlttil stcmt.iy , No. 2 citsit , 47e
Ci.OVititHi'1E1)- itmiti louver ; pcan.
cuiz , i3.0 bid ; OcluberJf4. .