Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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, rrii 1 OMAhA iAIIAiii MONDAY , JV IY 2u , 1898. 8
- -
4 - _ _ _ _ _ _ Lt !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 ,
&tiOIt Fr1ON.
flu4weIcr beer. floenfeh1. Tel , 323.
. ' Smoke "S A Ii" Sc cigar.
Moor&s Stock I"ool rnnke fat.
Finest wor1 , l3ltiff City Launlry.
, , Smoke Iron Chancellor &c cigar ,
3.V. . flarhylt ( and wife of tirlington , In. ,
% 0rc in the city yesterday.
MISs Mabel lucks I. entertaining Misses
flatemaii at Detroit , Mich.
l . N. Andreason Las purchased a League
bicycle from Cole & Cole.
Mrs. I& Hogers end son Herbert nr' isIt-
ing relatives in lrnoene , a.
C. H. .Jncquciiifll & Co. , Jewelers and op.
ticians , 27 South lnin street.
Vanted-Latcst edition of Council l3lUftb
city directory. Apply at Dee omec.
Charles ( . Mor.hel of Ilomest2ad , In. ,
Is in the city visiting the cxositioii.
Miss Maggie GrIfla ! of Manila , Ia. , .s
spending n few ( lays in LhC city tts the
giest ci MIsS Anna Maloney ,
ICeitli Clark alid Miss Catherine Clark of
Chicago ni-c visiting their uncle , Iroprtuor
E , l' . Clark , j the Gran'i hotel.
Word has been recelv"I from Cetnp Mer-
rItL lint liert lIaliid.ty ( if COfljalIy } L , who
bas been ( larIgeLotlIlly Ill , is recovering.
Mrs. Charles Lungmndu and her niothur ,
Mrs. Mary Maloney , have gone on a month's
visit with friends and relatives In Clear-
flCI(1 , ha.
lon't you think it must be a pretty gOOd
laundry that can Please so many hundreds
of customursVellthat's the ' 'Iagie , "
721 flrontIay.
The peopli' of Oakland will give a war
concert \\'ednesday nin , fit the 1)tIC
lit 6 ! the liqspltal fund of company L , Fifty-
flrst Iowa volunteers.
It is cxIeCtcl that Judge Aylcswortli will
close the June term of the superior court
next Weilnesday. On that day the examination -
nation of George A. Grcgory as to his iiroi-
erty will ho had.
The hearing on thin application of the
Farmera' Loan tilid Trust company of New
York for t'ie lLptOitfljIt ) of a receiver for
the Council Bluffs \ VatcrVorks company ls
set for thIs morning in the district court.
N. Ii. Thornby , a blacksmith , as n
rested yesterday evening on a charge of assault -
sault Preferred against him by John hlath-
) away , a Painter. hathaway alleges that
during a ( lifpute 'I'Iiornby assaulted him
with a wngoii
Frniik .Toltuson , the tramp who as released -
leased Saturday from the county jail. where
ho served a sentence for stealing to COW
Iinltr from the barn of Ohio iiinx , is in
custody again. was arcntel yesiertlay
afternoon ( or stealing a t'air Of trousers
from the bank huililing at tlio corner of
Wntt street and 3"a'lvoy. TIc gave the
otP ( C18 a lively foot race before liu was
cat.Uirc'l. lie will irut bly l ) trkid tinder
thu' habitual crtiniunl law.
A burly negro forced his way into the
kitchen at the resIdence of Mrs. Sarah if.
Hart onVIlloss' avenue yesterday afternoon
L'ii&l detnanti sunietlitug to ( 'at , Mrs. hart
threatencd (0 ( call the POlice aiil the negro
ran from the house into the alley and (118-
appeared bctoro assistatice COUIi be sum-
monel. ( fter the negro had gone Mrs.
hart wemit to got a bull dog that. was
chnincl In one of t1im uutliomnes auth found
the aimimat tiail. It is supposel the negro
poionccl it bi fete making his way into the
house. The jolice wcre notliled , but iio trace
or the negro cauhi be got.
C. B. Viavi Co. , female remedy ; consuita-
tton free. Ornee hours , to 12 and 2 to f.
hlcalth hook furnished. 326-327-128 Mer-
nato l.loch.
N. Y. Plumbing enmnpany. Tel. 250 ,
I 1'i't-iitt' 'I'mt'.er 1)1 s's I ii Camp.
( 1 PrIvate I ) . C. Tucker of Company L , Fifty-
p flrst Iowa volunteers at Cnnmn Merritt , San
I Francisco , dieti Saturday froni at. attack of.
. pleural pneumonia. A telegram from Cap-
Lain Pryor conveying the sad announcement
t was received by the family here Saturday
night and arrangements have been made to
t have the remains brought to Council Bluffs
I for burial.
I ) . C. Tncler was h7 years of age and had
beeii a resiient of this city for about ten
. years. lie cniiited in Company L on the
tlrst call for voIuuteerm. and his death is the
first that has occurred iii the company. lIe
leaves a widowed mother , Mrs. Lucy Tucker ,
21'J Frimmik street ; two tmrotlicrg , C. E.
Tucker , 1205 AvenUe A and Id. A. Tucker ,
South Omdtlma ; three sisters , Mrs. Theodore
' Wolcott , lOO lamuon street , Mrs. II. A. Cox ,
. ' : Frank street , and Mrs. D. Gray , South
This amity Rot he a good time to sell you
a heatimig stove out of our hardware ile-
partment , but it is an excellent time to
sell you a nice bodroomim or varior suit out
of our furniture deiartlnellt. have
something famicy in that line and you can
buy at a vvry low ilguro. l'etcrson &
Schoning. Merriam block.
Not Iii F'zmvi hf Ilitnall.
w. TI. Long of St. Louts is In the city
visiting the exposition , lie is on his way
honie from honolulu , I tawali , where ho has
been for th. last twelve mouths investigat-
j tog the hitisiness outlook 811(1 ( the oppor-
a timmilty for iu'estmnoimt of American capital.
Ito was there. as he expressed it , for the
of getting iii on the ground Ihoor
l _ when the island was annexed. Ito comtS
hiomna m.alisfleil that there is no show under
1 existing conditloils for American labor In
. hawaii , us it could not iosibly compete
e with the cheap coolie labor. There is no
I , , such thing as turni lands as known in
I. Amneria. The majority of ( lie white leopla
I ' ho says are in favor of annexation , iut ) the
Japaneae , vlmo control most of the retail
business of the islami , are much opposed
to It.
, , t 'J'lio otTicial .Iiotogrnphms of dic UnIted
t , States Navy , ectainiiig : over 2tO pictures
, ' of the veol , with their ofllcers.anil a numn-
* _ of the 'iows of timillfated Maine. can be
hmitil at the Council IlittiTs olhlce of The lice
m , for 25 cents and a flee coupon.
M Cs.hmn. NeimIs 1 , , 1k' 1ivzzigm'I IiiI.
1 The mimmiomi n eting conducted by 11ev. T.
C. llirmitinghamn , missionary of the Anion-
cnn Trac ( society. at 11w First i'reslyterlan
church last evening was attended by a congregation -
gregation gathered froimi time dliferent
d chtirclmes of the cLty that completely tilled
the edifIce , ! dr. llirmlnghamn sail , he believe -
liove the United States Is the nntion eliosemi
by Clod for time spread of the gospel mnoro
than any otlmQr nation that ever existed.
anti that Cuba nuist have the gospel
, ireaciul to Its peopie before a stabic gay.
; t'rnnient can be eBtablisimed there , 'rime
siieukt'r also said it is his tirmu belief that
:1 : it wiil take at least ammo year If not longer
before limo people of Cuba can be entrusted
with time irnwer of self-government.
Unknown Youth of' Galileo Etses to Power
Greater Thati Cac&tr's. '
ItcP. . A , ihmtvi , 'I'd Is , r lime % 'IsIuH of
.incot , nhtsi i In Vol iii I imietit I ii time
iIICss'Il LiuriNt of
, mzmreIli.
'The services at the First Presbyterian
church yesterday mnbrnlng were comuinctetl
by 11ev. F. A. hatch , I ) . I ) . , of tallms , 'rex. ,
who is prominent as a Chautauqua iccturcr.
lie took as his subject "Time Amicient nnI ,
Itifant flays' ' and his tct Chenesis xilxl0. :
Referring to time mingled pathos anti majesty
of Jacob's dying vialoti , he loUmtel out the
fact that Jumlah's line and prophecy culmnt-
natmh in Jesmum of Nazareth. Time Babe of
ilethlehemn , time gatherer of time nations.
collies jmmst as flommmami power is most cx-
ultatit simmi arrogant , but thus obscmmm-o chilil
leaves suelt inliuences at work that erelong
long tremntiing Itome auth effete Jimilaisni
go out into time slmadow8. There must be
reasons for the smmrnssing regnaney of this
I yotmmig mnamm of Nazareth.
It is accoumited for on one hamid by time
fact that all other powers aiid rules had !
failed. Materialism as exeniplifleil in Igypt ,
the Fgypt of which we catch glimupses which
reveal her wonderful wealth , schools and
workshops , laboratories anil schools of tie-
sign , all immakimig for immaterial progress , amid
yet Egypt lies buried , her power bug ago
oozed out into history's night. And Greece ,
rich In plmilosoplmy , time birthplace of letters
anti wIth enticing record of its aristocracy
of intehlcmt , all that is left , a little province
that evemi time ' 'sick man of Europe' ' can
kick about. Rome , with its world-wide liii-
perialisni , its concentration of political
power and the principle that might makes
right ; its Caesar , whose nod men feared , I
ltvc as a menmory , but Christ has drawn I
to Him more than Itome ever ruled. Time
erhtl needs not material , intellectual power ,
but energies that are spiritual. All others
will fail.
Another reason for the world-extended
sway of Christ Is that no other has ever so
helped men to hiring out the best that is In
( Imeinscives. For 1900 years irevious Is
the coimming at Jesus there were hardly
a dozemi great names , a century after time
Cross there were a score at empire moving
characters. Lawlessness is bred 1mm bach-
hess. Anarchy is the resimit of isolation of
certain faculties. Mcii are better mcmi shen
time ) ' CUil feel or extend sympathy. This mami
Jesus drew amen to [ him by giving them a
taste of purity and ever after sin was to be
loathed. This Is time first step iii the life
of God in the soul to get rid of love of sIn.
Then lie showed them the blessedmiess of
self-giving , anml life takes 0mm new meaning
when we forget self , our wrongs or our
rlglmts. When we feel for others , hive for
others , we miever can be lonely ; our best
comes to the front.
The Evans laundry s the leader in flno
work both for color atul finish. 520 Pearl
street. Phone 20.
Tim lice's photogravimrems or the exposition ,
hart qac , consistiag of sixteen beautiful
rhow , can be had at the Council Bluffs ofihec
for 50 cents and a Bco coupon. See adver.
tisemn.ont on another page.
itic hAl ) S't'Oi.iN l'iiC CIIICiS.
Ieveiuimmiommis SIioyiCfli'i linrlets to
1kIL Hurl mig Cr1 mm , I mmmii.
Developments would indIcate that Karl
hharbets , the German arrested Saturday
evemming for attempting to pass what was
suppcscml to be a forged check , is not ommly
a forger , but a. thief. The check which
liarbets endeavored to cash at the 0111cc of
Lodmgee & i.ougee , it has since been learned ,
was stolen fromn David Bradley & Co.'s private -
vato rmmahi box at the postofflce. The glass
door of tIme mail box was broken a couple
of days migo , hut the messenger who calls
for time comnpammys mall failed to report it
until yesterday mnormmiimg. Letters containing
this check anl another which hiarbets tore
I UI ) when arrested immst have beemi taken
I from the box some time Friday by him or
an accomplice.
Time check which liarbets attempted to
cash was a draft for $57.95 , issued by Gallagher -
lagher & Co. , bankers at Atlcimmson , Neb , ,
mtmmil was ( Irawn on the First National bammk
of Ommmalma. It was made payable to David
Bradley & Co. amid had been sent to the
firma by himivens & Stilson of Atkimison. Time
check had been emnlorseil Davitl Bradley &
Co. ' ' with a rubber stamp , time name of V. ' .
w' . Loomis , treasurer , being written in ink
below , Time forgery of Mr. Loomis' sigmia-
tore is a 'cry poor imitation and the writing
corresponds with that of several letters
foumid 1mm Tlarbet's posessboim. Time rubber
stainhi Is miitnlhmtr to the ommo tIle fIrm uses in
signing checks , but is not used for emulate-
tug them , as all checks are laccd In time
bank vitli a slnmply 'For Deposit" stamped
on time back.
Mr , Lougeo cabled at the city jail ammI
ldcmmtithcd 1-harbete as time man who at-
teniptctl to pass the check aim hIm. Time
clmeck m'lmicii liarbets tore imp wIth other pa-
porn whcn arrcseil vmme ptmt tog'tlier yesterday -
day mimiti Proved to be one for $3.23 drawn
on the Merchants' National bank of Omaha
by Fred J. Cimuiton of Silver Creek , Ncb , ,
amid mmmado iayabio to DavId Bradley & Co.
The chock had been en'lorsetl ' iii a nianner
similar to the other. Tlmis check was dated
July 19 , whereas the date of time $57.S5 draft
was July 21 , showing that it could not hiava
been taken ( morn the mail box before Friday.
hiarbeta has been stopplmmg for several
weeks at the Atlantic house on South Main
street , 'there lie has always imald his board
amid lodging in nilyance. There ho becmmnme
ncqtmaintetl with a carpenter imitated herman
l'rmmas and oim , , day last week gave him a
cheek for $100 drawim on time ( lenmanmi Savhimgs
batik of Omnalma and asketi lminm to get it
cashed for him. l'rmmss carrieth time check
around for a couple of days amid tlmeim returned -
turned it to imtmmi. ilarhiets evidently iii-
teuthed to o into tIme clmck busIness on a
large scale , as a large quantity of blmmmmk
cheeks amid drafts were founil anmong his
PaPers. Otme clmcck on time ( Jernmmmn Savlmmgs
tmammk had been mambo out for $100 , It 'as
dated Jmmly 8 imimd was sIgned " \ \ ' , ibormmer"
anti amade payable to John Frelm.'m'lmotlmer
I UWeltSitoes
Are bettor than hand-sewed shoes but cost less. Mcii ,
woineit and children wear them. AU kinds ai'c made ;
all dcaler8 sell them. GOODYAU ShOE MAOU1NELt'I CO , UQSrON.
lit iid attempted to pass this anywhere the
police have not yet learned. hfarbets also
lint ! among his possessions a flash roll of
$ liO , and a number of letters written him
( lermnan. The blank checks were found by
the ioiicc in his room 1mm the Atlantic house.
The volice have not yet nmado public the
contents of two letters whicbm htarbets tore
tip itimmi which have bten placed together
again , but it is believemi they contain cvi-
dence connecting other parties witim liarbet's
Aim time checks were stolen from time post-
cube the United States authorities will
rrobably take a imand in prosectmting liar-
Washburn and Maurcr mandolIns an.l
guitars , ilehmming antI Crown pianos ; absolutely -
lutely high gramle instruments of all kinds
at liommricitis' Music house , 32 Broadway ,
where the orgmimm stands upomi the buIlding.
Felt S1LC-Good ecnntl-h'id bicycle at
it bargain. Coil at The flee olfle. CouncIl
Pt'l I A mmmii g l'ii .1 1 ol 'l emi ,
Gus .Tcmmsen , son of hans Jensen , the sign
paimmtcrciit to Omnalma Friday to look for1
work. lie tmmiied to got emimploymnent , bst
met a stranger who promised to get hmini a
joi , iii the soap works 1mm Sotmtim Omaha.
Jensen went. to South Omaha Saturday
mmmorning to macct time stranger , vimo Proved
to be a "coim' man , 1111(1 Jensen was played
for a sticker on the padlock racket. the
lost bbs only dollar , time Police appeared
upon the scene. arrested time two crooks
and hehil Jensen as a wItness. When he
failed to return home Saturday lmis father
vemit to South Omimaha yesterday to search
for Imim and found hmlni iii jail. Time no-
timorlthes refused to release hilmit until Dep-
lit ) ' Sheriff \Vehglmtimmamm went there last
oveimlng and eximlainoil mnnttcrs. The trial
of the crooks will lie held tlmis mnornimmg.
\\'lieim Jemisen was released lie gave time
nolico some aiualmie immformnatbomm which
PrCventcl a jail delivery.Vbmlle lokcd tip
Imo overimeard enough to kimow that time
crooks had managed to smuggle a file and
time head of an axe itito theIr cell nnd were
: lireImarilig to cut their way otit. A search
revealed the file and axe head and the jail
I delivery was frustrated.
Mmmp of Cuba , West Indies and time World
itt Time Bee athce , be each.
Il , vmi iii for 'i'imnimcli t fit ! Pitrmner.
FAIItFIELD , In. , July 24.-Spcclal.-- ( )
James Iespain a farnier , tried hard to tn-c-
vent tIme collision between two traIns on
time flock Island road which occurred near
here April 16 last. lie saw time smoke of
the two trains ammil wimilo lie mu one way
to ilag otto traimi his wIfe , tIme was wIth
hint in the field , rami the other way to stop
time other traIn. They mild not stmccced , but
they dId everythIng tlmey could amid die-
played great iircsemmce of imiind In amm oilier-
gemicy. The company last week voltmmmtarlly
sent Thspatmi a check for $50 amid tramis-
portatlon for hlnmself and his vifo over
the cotmipany Ihmies.
Tm , CImnrme of ICnIglttM ni i'tiiliis.
CIIARITON , Ta. , July 21.-Speclai.-- ( )
Colonel Matthew M. Perry of time Firat regIment -
Iment of Iowa , beIng senior field omeer
present wIth time Iowa brigade , Uniform
Ratik , Knights of l'ytimlas , Is assIgned to
the command of time Iowa brigade in con-
formnhty with the i-tiles and regulatiomms. He
\ihl mit once asstmmmme coimmmnand of the brigade -
ado In the absence of BrIgadIer General
Joimn C. Leper , conmnmanding the Iowa lrlg-
ado , Uniform Itammic , Kmmiglmts of Pytimhas ,
'lio has entered time service of the United
States In time war witbm SpaIn and has gone
Imito active service in one of the volunteer
regiments of Iowa.
Mujor iters ( 'tM Iimiil NCVM ,
DES MOINES , .Ttmly 24.-Special ( Teic-
gram.-Major ) S. II. M. Dyers received I
word thIs morning of the sudden death of
his father at Oskaloosa , Ia. Time deceased
'as 55 years old.
A dispatch from Webster City says George
Ferrcuicker , a well known stockman , was
robbed in broaml daylight at a hotel there
of a puree and a consIderable sum of
Ciittle 'i'il ( s'M At'tls'e.
GRUNDY CENTER , Ia. , July 21.-Spe- (
clal.-Simmce ) the dIscovery that two carloads -
loads of cattle vere stolen from ox-Cow-
crnor Boles' farm time farnmers have lnves-
tlgated and fotmmmd that other cattl steal-
lug Imas been goIng on here. Twelve hend
have disalmpearel from the farm of Moses
Gardiner and it is ummtlerstooii others have
lost a few bead from widely aattered
NewOt I ii immavzm P'ti , ' tom't.
OTTUMWA , In. , July 24.-Speclal--- ( ) .
W'ork will ho comnnienced in a few days on
the Janney Manufacttmrhmig company's plant
for the manufacture of corn planters and
other agricultural imnplemueimts. Time company
was incorporated with a capItal stock of
$ j25,000.
t1mmi'y I ii I lie liiimi.s.
DAVENI'ORT , Ia. , July 21.-Special- ( )
TIme totals of time deposits in the various
Iavenport banks omme day last week aggregated -
gated $12,231,557.61 and time banks are hhiiml-
log it hard to place the immoney to good
limit-si I't'rsiil
Comigressnian J. P. rotver vill lie at the
macetlmig of time Upper Ies Moines Edltoriai
assoclatiomi iiext month at Iowa Falls ,
Samuel Baird of Itmnlap has b.cen up-
iOhiitel , a quartermaster in time army oim I
rcconmimmmemidatloim of Congressman linger.
Miss imiaimcli l'ackard , dmmugimter of cx-
( ] ovormmor i'ackarl of LouIsiana , imomy living
Imeam Marshailtuwn , line gone to Cuba as a
Smmperintcndemmt B , J. MIles of time State
Ilidustrimmi school at Eldormi submitted to it
pnimmful surgical opcratiomm a few days ago
but Is Iimmprovimmg ,
Mrs , MelvIlle , superintendent of Finley
lmospltai iii lubuqtmc , has teimdered imer realg-
imatlomm because of differemices between time
immedical staff and others coummectemi with time
I mist ittmt I Oim.
It is Imarmh for Iowa to keep pace with time
varied career of its gifted young wonmamm ,
Miss Louito McElroy of Marshmalltowmm.
11cr latest is actlmmg as press agemmt for two
large opera houses In Mmissucimusctta , the
ommly woman iii tIme coummtry , It iii saId , oc-
Ctipying a sinmilar vositIon ,
An effort is being imiado to have Prof.
liummserm of time Soutim Dakota Agricultural
college appoiimteml a successor to l'rof , humid
iii time imorticultum al department of time iova
Agricultural college. lie Is the man who
veimt to Russia last year for time Agrlcui-
turai departmmment 0mm an ltmmportant special
mmm issiomi.
loin , I'riss ( 'onIIsI'ii t ,
Sioux City Jaurnnl : Farm loans in Iowa
at 5 imer ceuth amid lii 1.73 the interest oim
time sumac imiveetmuents was 10 amid 12 ier
cemit ! Timmit famous crIme was a rank mob-
bery of time immoimey lenders ,
lmmnlap hieporter : Seven congresslonmml
' district commvemmtions have been held imm Iowa
titus far , antI seven Imave declared for time
gold standard. There is no doubt of thu
position of Iowa republicans ,
Cedar Rapids Itepubhicun : Time Iowa re-
imubhican commveimtion Is emily a few weeks
( hlstant now , but time cammdidates seem to
be liavimmg about as imaril a time 1mm gcttin
Imubhic attention as they dlii three months
Mommteztmmmma leituorat'lien Iowa tie.
muocracy huts degeecruted so that Judge W . I.
hlabb is conjdered "otf color" by his party ,
amid thom reneutie , George I. Fitmn , is nc-
cepted as a tru.bluo deimmocrat , time s-axial-
ble macn of the Juarty may well be excused
for voting the republican tieket-taritf anti
mdl ,
_ Si II
.I t I
CanJidates Are Nterous nnd some
Nominations Arc Alreaay Made ,
. t I. '
- - -
'l'Iirt'e iistrit'IM 'tthhiIiL Immimt-Feim
lie mmmcm t I e Ca mid i ul , teM-S t ii t e Co mm-
soul Iomis'I I I .Mon lie Ilehil b >
t lie LII roe Purl jew ,
DES MOINES , In. , July 24.-Special.- ( )
In seven of the congressional districts of
Iowa time next comigressnien have been
imamimed iii republicami convemmtions , in one
other there is no doubt about time result
and there are three lmmteresting contests yet
to be settled. Thu democrats nnd their rnp-
imilst allIes comnprishmmg time popocratic imarty
of the State arc dolmmg very little to vreiiare
for time campaign eitlmer in the congressiommal
districts or in Lime state iii gemmeral , They
have nonmimmrmted but omme fusiommist cammdidate
for congress and lmo is , or claims to be , a
lelmubhlcaim , aimd his record was made as
a republican legislator in time state house
anti senate. There is no district in the
state where the popocrats have any show
of success this year and this is time chief
reason for lach of interest lii time coimgres-
sionai mmomninatiomis.
l'bmo coimgressiomm ni nommminees al ready
named by time rcimubiicaxms are Timomnus
lIetige of Burlington , in tIme First district
I ) . 11. henderson of Dubtmqtme , in time Third ;
.Johimm F' , I.acey of Oskaloosa , in time Sixth ;
llobert ( I. Cousftms of Titmtnn , in the Fifth ;
\\'llhiam l'cters Iiepbtmrn of Clarlmmda , in time
F.Ightlm ; Jonatimaim P. Iolhiver of Fort
lodge , 1mm the Tenth : and Lot Thomas of
Stormim Lake , in time Ihevcntb , In Limo Ses'-
oath district .Jolmn A. T. hull of Des Moimmes
Is sure to be Lime nomlmmee without opposi-
Lion. Ills convemmtion wilt be held at Knox-
vhllo next Wetimiesday. The only interest time
comiventiomi will have vill he lxi the fight
for control of tIm congressional coninmittee
amid limo fact thmat Captain hull will be there
In rersolm. Five of time congressmemm already
rcmmoniimmnted had no opposition.
'I'll ret iiii 1 , t Ciii 1)1 w net u.
The commtest in the Fourth thlstrict is pe-
cullar. Sonic tinme ago the rumors of oppo-
sltlon to time renonminntlemm of Commgressmnaim
Thomas Uptiegraff were started nmmd thou it
was announced that all opposition had been
silemmced ammil that lie s-oulml find it to
secure indorsemmiemit. Later time opposition
dCVeiOpCl ( strommg agaIn and mmow there are
It nmummmbcr of candIdates iii the field , openly
or covertly. Time convemmtion will be held
in a mnonth at Now Ilanipton. Gilbert N ,
hinugen of Vu'ortim county is aim avowed can-
didate. lie is an ex-stitto senator imtl very
popular. Senator TrovIim of Allaniakeo
county , htepresemmtative Eaton of 'Mitcimehi
county , Judge Reed f howard commnty , II.
W , Clenments of Fayette ounty anti James
B. Blythmo of Cerro Gortlo coummty have all
been mentioned as nrobabbe candidates , but
as few of time county comirentionme have been
held it is not yet hmmoWmm vimat sifape time
commtest vhiI take itt. time fhmmish.
Iii tIme Second distrIct every repimbhicami
who has imeeni brouglmt dut as it probable
cammdidate agatmmst George Id. CurtIs , time
presemmt colmgressnialm , , ims tieclhmmed and It
looks as if Curtis would be remmoininated by
acclamatIon. This i"ln , spite of the fact
that long ago he anmiqumit4ed that lie is miot a
candidate. It is belieMed that this announcement -
mont was made beeamise. of petty opposition
which hal dcwelopei ) n a fcw places , prin-
clpahly in Davemiport. by disappohmmted omce-
seekers and lie timotight that he would prefer
not to rim than to botlmr with time kickers.
But time desire for his renomiminatIon Is
atmong axiti mmow it Is stittetl posItively that
lie will accept if noimilnateti for a third term.
Time Nintim mlistrlct contest appears mmmost
likely to bring about a deadlock In time cemm-
vcntioim and ultimately nmuclm had blood. A.
L. linger Is a canmdidate for renonmination
amid ox-Speaker II. 'V. Byers of Shelby
county , Smith McPherson of Mnntgonmery
coummty and Ii. C. Curtis of Cuss county
are candidates for time lilace. linger imas
Adair , imls own county , and Guthmrbo , giving
hmini twenty-one votes. CurtIs hums Case , with
thirteen mtes , and Dyers bias Pottawatta-
mimic , with twcnty-l'tve votes , and wili get
his ovim county with ten votes easily. Me-
l'iicrson will have time -twelve votes of his
owmm county ammd some in Mills. linger will
also get harrison county , since Lieutenant
Governor Milhiman is workimmg iii hIs Interest -
est there. Byors will undoubtedly have
strength 1mm Audumboim , It appears certain
that linger amid flyers vill have nearly
equal streugthi at time start , with time rest
divided evemily between Curtis anti Mcl'imcr-
soil , but mmeariy all time tittlegates picked
with especIal reference to not goIng to aimy
one of tIme otimer candidates. It will stir-
lirisu no omme If there Is some bItterness developed -
veloped before time contest is emmded ,
A lie , , I ( i'ijnergml ic hIl timid ion.
Only one oppositIon camididato has been
nomnimmateti , Timat is George L. Finn of Bedford -
ford , wimo has been mmamimed by time dezmio.
crats aimd iioimtmiists. lie gaimmed notoriety
sonme years ago when be was him time lower
house of time legislattmre by reasomm of baing
a rabId liroillbitiommist anti because while ime
was mmomlnated and elected by republicans
lie caused time repimbhican party immore
trouble timama any of time tienr.ocrats. ile
clahmms to be commfident of beating Colommel
hlephurmm , who is a candidate for speaker of
the Imouse whenever a successor In to be
named to Mr. Iteed. The repuxiulicuims regard
hIm aim casy mmmmmmm to beat. him time First dbs-
trlct time candIdates mentioned are Sabert
M. Casey of Fort Mtmdlsomm , tvhmo was time
cammmhidate tto years ago , and iiclmry M.
Ilichier \Vmishuimmgtomm , who was asslstammt
United States attorney under time Cleveland
adjimimmistration. in time Secmnml district Son-
mmtor hurst of Jackson county is likely to
be thu xmonmbxmce. lie nmatltm time race Lo
years ago anil failed , is a rich contractor
and doesim't mmiiimd defeat , Others mnentlonemi
are ex-Semumtom' Gobblit : of Muscatimme , Rep-
rcsemttativu Baker of ijcptt and Julge
Waiter I , hayes of cliimton , Time sound
mnommey wing of time iu"rtY1a'ors Mr. Gobble ,
limit there would be nmo't'tlilomm on lihimi , Thu
mlojmmocratie eonventloip-wij be held August
23. In time 'Fhlrd dle rlqt , time name most
often nmemmtioxied has beexm that of Jolgi 3 ,
Murpimey , editor of time D4mbumqmme Telegraph ,
wimo has been aim ndvactte of tree silver In
seaumomm and out for many tyears , Ills deter-
mmmiimatiomm that time free Sliver test hhmahl ho
applletl to d nmoerats' . In nih elections bums
ijetiii a spiemmduil timlmmk for time ru.i.umblicmmims
of Dubuque county , fork timey never cu'jhml
have woim wIthout hits hid. J. II. Howell ,
cashier of a batik at' liaglo Grove , is s.ii.l
to be an avowed cummkhIdate for hit , tlemno.
cratte nommmlnation in lila' district. Ito was
favored by Pr sidemmt Clavelaul twice by
appointment as postmaster. him tIme Slzth
district General James B. Weaver itm , of
course , a candidate , but lie Uma ) ' mmot get it ,
Ex"Mnyor Burgess of Otttmimmwa mvaxmted It ,
but lost his own county , which was got
from him by A. C. Stock , an attorney who
would like time empty honor , Editor , , , mder-
son of the Oskaloosa Journal , a rumk raimix-
list , is also after it. In the iCIvenmtim ilbi.
trict time democrats hmuvtm got into a quarrel
anmong theimisehves and are mmiime divided as
to time policy to pursue. C , L. Soy.itor of
Simeidon seetna to be the only iorson really
seekimmg time nonmination , mmal most of the
leading democrats of the iistriet are tryug
to plan to defrat lila aSplrt'tioim , J'Jgc
I Allison of Sioux Ly , who bus been a can-
- % , % , I , .I , . . , , . , . . , , ' , . . . i % % t . ' . ' . ' , , " . . . . . , I . . + ' . , % . ' , , , , , . . ' . . . ' . , , ' \ . , % b ' . a. ' . t . , ' , , i . . ,
: U"ii'sl ; tlI)1)Ofll'alLCC ) lici'e of' ( 'lie Di'iiiii MIiijoi' of' tll ( ' Ffl- c
IIR)1ES 14th Regiinciit , 0. N. G. l3aiid , Colunibus , 0 ,
Tft World's tireatest Ughtnin Drum Major.
' 4)
' ; Iii a Wllil'lWilfl'l of Evoltitioiis with the i3ntoii. 1\ir. : Bc1i
. . . , . .
] : 'ells is the wiiuier of the Coluiiibiis L citing , ' [ ) ispali.uii ;
' f)1' lCSt ' ' of "UllelO Sam. ' '
p' ° ( ) ) i'epi'esentatioii l3egiiis an
eiigagenient at Lake 1\J aiiawa toTtly.
& 1 ,
didate before , would bIte the mmuxnlmmaiomm.
lie Is a free aiiverite , hit says that hasno
is death amid gomme forever , amid lmosItls he is
a banker amid that reuld he polsomi to iiie
fusion sclmenie. A rtmnmor was s'ariel ioimme
timmmo ago that l'hil Selmaller of Sac cetility ,
formimerly commminantler of time Gremmti Armny of
the RepublIc , departnment of lown , mini lmmm'g
a pronminemmt republican , wotmll miceept the
fusion imominatlon , but that is dC'iktl itli
authority. lIe Is for time gold stnn'i.trtl. '
As to time political principles tlmat wIll be
discussed in the camimpalgn time republicami
convemmtlomms have tmntmifornmly declared oumt
amid out for immaimitemmance of time gold stnmmd-
ard lii mmitionai ilnamices ammd support of time
admuimmistratieim 1mm its war imolici' ,
Coiieemqi tmm time Smime 't'l&'ket.
Time republIcan state commvcimtiomi will be
held at luimtmque Septemmmber I mmext. There
will be eIght mmoniinces. George L. Iebsomi
of l'oik county vlhl be nomInated for see-
rotary of state. Jolmmm iicrriott of Stuart
s'ill he nominated for treasumer , horace
hcemer of Red Oak for judge of 11w atm-
imreimie court , Chris Jones \\'asimimmgtomm for
cleric of tlmC supremmmo court , ii. I. Sahinger
of Carroll for reportem' of time suprcmmme court
and Iavid It. I'alnier of Mt. Pleasaimt
for railroad commimmulssionmer to fill a va-
cancy-all of these behmmg renomninatlommmm.
Time big fight will be for auditor of state.
F'rank Merriam of lelaware coumity , E. J.
hlamtshmern of I'alo Alto county amid W. 0.
Allen of'amm Bumremm county are time cammdi-
dates. For attorney general Jacob Shams of
t'ottawnttnnile county , itt. L. Temple of
Clarke coumitl' amid Miltomi ii. Itemmiley of
Johnson county are candIdates. Iteniley is
the presemit iimcumubent. C. W. Mtmhiaim of
Black Hawk has been considered , but line
withdrawn ammtl will throw 'uvlmat strcmigtlm
he had to Remitmy. For railroad commmmis-
donor for time full tcrmnVelconie Mowry of
Tanma coummty , A. F. Coilmnamm of Adammms
coummty , W. P. l'arkin of Boone anti A. U.
Samimmis of I'iymmmouthm county are candidates.
There has been seine talk of opposition to
Ilerrlott for treasurer , but It may mmot tie-
yclop. J. C. Haeherle of Delaware county
amid D. L. Ileimmsimeiimmer of Mills couimty imavo
been mmmentioned. In mmnno of the contests
on state 0111cc has time situmatlon got to time
point where predlctiomis would be mafe Oti
the outcome.
Fzmtnh Ilmm.l of a ( toil rrt'i.
IIOONE , Ta. , July 24.-Specinl.-Joiin ( )
lCohhmm of Swede Valley in this county is
mlead , the vIctim of an old quarrel. Kohin
and Charles Ericsomm attenmletl a church
social and time old quarrel conning up they
retIred anti began fighmtinmg. As a resumit
Kohhim dieti before lie could be takemi imomne ,
timougim time exact cause of his deatb is not
rtlire lti'irjm I " .r IClomid Ikers un 'or
hiltif U aillilin 1)nIlgmrs mimi
'lziles of hard Lmich ; .
SEATTLE , Wash. , July 24.-Oime hundred
and thirteen Klomidikers who arrived at
Victoria this nmorning on the steammmer Ga-
ronime reachmeti here timis afternoon. A comm-
servatlvo estImate idacca time anioumit of
gold they brought at half a mmmlhhioim dollars.
Dr. D , WVarti of i'orthaimti , Ore. , says
Lhcro are mmmaoY who imavc large amounts
wimile on the other hand nmany are conning
out broke.
II. N. Jacpbson of Sacramento is saId to
have $55,000 , anti is imrobnbly time largest
indIvidual holder of the yellow stuff. Of
two brotimers of Pimlladeildila who are i-c-
ported to have $50,000 eaclm in dust , the
story is told they refuseti to put their
treasure iii tIme muteamner's safe. They
guartled It all time way down , juicing watches
of six hours each. Tlmey saul they wexe
goinmg to take it to the b'imhiadelphmla mint
amid t'odhm1 not let it go ommt of theIr muighmt
one mnlmmmite ,
IT. 0 , Bray of l'orthand , witim four others ,
was caimsizeti wimile iloating down time Kion-
dike m-Iver in a anmiall boat. All lost wimat
they hail mnatie thtmring time s'inter. Time
hiartiships in that country lie says , caumnot
be overestImated. "Thore Is plenty of gold
there , " salti be , " mmd a. few good clulnis ,
but tlmousaimda of claims will imot pay time
recordIng fees , ' '
Time atemunmer Garoimne collected $20,000 in
dust for passage immoney from St. Micimacle
to Victoria.
Hurl lug iiii.e SiIOt'kN lii ( 'ImII I.
VAI4I'AItAISO , Chili , July 24.-A vIolent
shock of earthquake for a nminute was felt
last xmiglmt at Concepehon , the capital of time
Chillaim province of that namne , anti at Tal.
cmmhuuan ) ' , in time liii ) ' of Conccpcion , and
eight miles distant from Commcepclon City.
Many houses were tiestroycti and time teic.
grmmmhi amid electric light wires were severed ,
Time lnimmmbltantmt were terrltieti amid Iletl
from their Imomnes , spentlixig timu night in time
- - - - - - - - - - -
_ _ _ -
5 : * : * : + * : * : * * : * * : * * + : * * ; * : *
Around Council BLuIIs I ) * :
. , . $ . . . . . e
, l. citit litty imimirn'im'i 0 immi liii Immii , m'iyed CrmmL lxi ii mis t'lmt'im imt'r Iii
fr4 thiN vIcinity thammim mu mm'ohtert' LII the LI ii heil itm 1cw. 'I'im&'re iw lie fmm II-
tmrim oX eros , , , here. l.ok itt elms I'riiit Fnm'iimw vhmile time > ' itt'tt it heats'- ' .
t 'or. * .
it.- 'Tb ft ' 7' V fYTw'c ! 1).t V ; lII&S.
. . ' 'l'In lt.itl Itmitmi : itmii Iomm Itrnlcu'r' ,
4tf : o Peat'l St. Commnohl BlitIFi , I a
'k : , . ' 0 rsonmmi : ly co md net lnm.ycms tlmrotihm otmt' lit'im , for ill ftmvnmtttinmm and mt it to a imaynmi ikL
orcharuls fice of clmurgt' .
'I' icanit.
, em . . m .1 'l 0 - $ ' I. I' . . s ,
' ' i $ i q. ' j" I. 'r , . . , .ti. . , e'I' , .
IuI. * eeIl ( ' , , miiiel I him. li-s mm mmml ( ) mmizililm.
Hates Ilenitommabie. Satisfactbomi Gmmnrammtt'eti.
Cotmmmeil lthtmffs 0111cc , No. S North Main
ntreot. Tt k'pimomme 12S. Ozmmalma otllco mt'-
mumii\'eti to 32 Sotmtim Fiftecimthm Lreet. 'l'ele-
lilmuie lPS. )
Coimmiectlonut matle with South Oimiaima
opeim. Mammy severe ahocks were experi-
eimceth. _ Siam It' t ( , * ' YI i , Net at h'rs.
ChICAGO , Jmihy 24.-Time Ammmem'ican'iro
ammti Steel compaumy , whose gemieral olilees
are in ChIcago , hums etmbmnittetl a now scale
of wagts to LIme emimploycs of its wire , mmall
nmmd gaivaimlziuig nmills at Ammdersomm , hid. ,
aimmI imas choseth time mmmiiis tiowmm umitih the
mmmcmi accept. Time mmew scale amounts mrac-
tically to a reductiomm , timouglm time oifleials
say tIme mmev mmiaciilmmery will keep vages
at time saimie levels.
TIme comnpamiy operates three mills , sit-
uateti at DeKaib and Johiet , Ill. ; Cbevelamitl ,
Salenm amd Fimmmhlay , 0. ; Raimklmm , Beaver
Fails and Appleton , P.m. ; St. Louis , Mo. ,
anti Anderson , 1mW.
'i'Ii , 111)35 at ( ltIeIitiimmmmgt lel igli teI.
Before heaving for Chmlcknmmmauga park , Ga. ,
Lietmtemmuimt George a Bass , Flfty-sccommtl
Iowa vohxuniteeis , pm ocured a. few bottles of
Chamberlain's Col Ic , Cholera ammd Dlarmlmooa
Itemnedy. The boys were delighted with time
quick cmures of diarrhoea which it ettcctcd.
To meet tue. ilcimmumids Lieiitenmmmit Bass or-
tiered four dozen bottles nmore by express
mmd sold time whole of It iii omme tiny , except
Limree bottles ltOImt for lila owmm use anti for
personal friends. It mmever fails to effect a
cure anti is pleasmummt anti safe to take. It Is
time most successful ium.ethlciimm' iii time orltl
for bowel conmpiaiiits. For sole by nil drug-
( k'Ii'l'lii I a' F'nl r imnil ( ilem' for Xc-
Jrztwhmm , hCsm IIi'.ZIs a miii ioisiu , ilt Im
Xortlmt'rly SVImiw. !
WASEIINOTON , Jumly 21.-Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska anmil Kansas-FaIr weatimer ;
cooler ; nortimerly winds ,
For North immmd Soutlm Lmalcotn-Ftmlr ;
warmimcr ; variahmie wlmiths , becoriilnmg south-
For Iowa auth Missourl-Gcxierahly faIr ;
cooler ; northerly whmimis.
For Colorado , Wyoimmhmmg timid Montmmmma-
Fair ; wmtrmner ; southerly wlmmds.
i.lti I Iteenril ,
OFFICH 01" 'i'I I L .VlA'i'i I llt hi1TfllL'tLI ,
OllA I IA , .1 Lml3' 21.-Ommmnixa record of lxrm- ,
lCI'ltt ) LI re it ii ml mi mm fal I etm ni ma rel vi t Ii t ii o
correspunthing tIny of time Immet thmrie yemmi's :
msii. : mb'ju. mS95.
Maxiummuin teniimoratuIre , P t5 73 Sc ;
Mininmmmm tcmnhlemvitllre 71 71 56 Cu
Average temnpematUre . . , 82 75 CI 73
htainmfmthi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( Xi .bQ ' 1' .1)43 )
itt.cord of temnleraturo amid Imrec'ipitation
itt Onnmuhma for this day mtmmml mtimmcc Jlmm'chm I ,
Normmil for time day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (
Exc'eem4 fox' the tIny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ;
Accmmxnxilated ext'emue shnmee March 1 . . . . . .IC )
Normomml raInfall for limo duy . . . . . . .I I iimeim
leiic'it'imey for lIme titty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 inl'lm
'i'mtmml rmixmfnii , slimee Itlmrch : I . . . .17. II immcImemu
loticieimey I4ilictt Mrirctm I. . . . . . . . . . . I .37 lxmiu
1)eiiciemmey for cor. peritl ( , V.97. . , , G,3 ( ) iimelm
Ixcess for cur. veriomh , . . . . . . . . . iticli
itCIllrM froili $ ( * , , . at r p. iii. ,
fieveimty-flftii Meritlimun time.
fr - 'V
. ,
t.ttu 'i
01a. '
. I'1. 2.
OF' W'FATIifl1t. :
. ,1 , 0
; s :
p ; :
. : '
Ouna liii , cloummhy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
North Platte , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . h2
Salt Lake , clear . . , . , , , . , , , , . , , , , , ti2 9I tuB
Cimeyemmime , c'lt'mur . , , , , , , , , . , , , , , , , , 72 7I .00
itiluIi ( City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 .00
II uron , , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7S SI ni
Chicago , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 ,
\'ilhlstomm , ( lear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7I 7 tuB
St , Louis , partly cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . hUj D
St. Paul , imrily clcitmdy . . . . . . . . . . ) ; 2 'I'
Imuvemihtjrt , cIum' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00
I ieleiit : , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . so soj
Kansas City , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901 'Ji .00
iiUS'lO , eit'ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hU c.u' ' .0j
ilIsunitrek , clear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 7S Ala
CialvOstomi , cloudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t2 bGj 20
'i' iimiICittt'H ( tracum of preehiitatiamm.
14. A , WHL.Sii. Local Forecast Oillcial ,
' , CornENsED MUM.
, .riw5iZ , , , , I
haar' ?
\ ' & . . ' \J9 Lrcssing ) ,
Chiropody mid Manicure [ 'arlors ,
iimilr ir'KMil , I
Nimliw llesimiIllhi'iI ,
' , , , , .
t''i't aimmilt' Cimmfrtalle.
t.Tprigimt Shmminmpool iig Aplutratums.'o ,
ahmammi hot , anti mi mute mm miii y's Ii a I r v Ii lie dm0
sits upright. No stOOllimmg tiver.
Fine 'l'oiiet Amticlm.'s , Switt'lmemm'aVeS ,
\\'ig.s , et C. fo t' sa I u a r mmmrnbe It , omdt.r. , 4
'l'hmo I muthies I ) f C i mid I h mi mm ffii vlhl Ii mmd oui
work ilrst cimtsM 'timtl imEiceS redtm'omimmlie.
ioa l'enrl Streel ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ - -4.
TIIA'i' AItE G1L'l'-ElGE. W'1 ALSo j ,
I3US1 NESS P1tOPEit'l'Y , D\'EhLl NOth
ANI ) hOUSEhOLD GOO1)S , 'I'Olt-
LO\V ia1'ri. ] tAItGA1NS IN 1tIAI ' .
' ' ' . . ' ' ' '
I'AYMEN't'S. 3,000 ACRES 01. 1iO'l'-
LO\t' I'ItJCI ,
CAiL ANI ) SEE US Olt Whtl'rE US.
233 i.'EAItL S'I'ItEE'l' .
- - - j
Sear1ei & ear1es '
Pcfl .
; '
( huisritntec to our .poeduhy jmimil raidl-
cxiii > ' nil fiiCitS'OUS , CISItONIG .4tD
l'JtIVATiS dl.eaues of 1en imimmi yyome * .
SEXUALLY. cured for life ,
Nt ht Emissions , Lost Manhood , U -
drocolo , Verlcocels , Gonorrhea , Olect , Syp
iii. , Stricture , Piles , Fistuia arid 1tects
Ulcers , DIabetes , Bright's Dlseaso cured , '
Consu'tatIon ' Free.
Sriottre and Ieet. at
by new matmo } without pain or cUtting. .
Calion on amidresmi with itamp , 'rreatmmment
I by mail ,
Imno eriniro urini to flD. ldUe St
UI14) , OLIII1LO UrJihlLLi. ( JU4LtsJra
_ . . . . _ .
flaLLaLL--se-fl.t = .rL =
beware of Imitations
I _ * 1Icc'tci'sJili'o . .
4)4uc ) *
OHN DUSCAt'S L.44S , AAl1S , .c , , vow.
- - 1.-i-i.
_ _ 1.
. . -