Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1898, Image 1

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ir 1 Tar Crowd Viith the Grounds During the
V ' Blazing Hot Afternoon.
Tather , Mother Children with Lunch inV
litind Invade the Court.
) ,
, V Everybody Gees t hear the Concert and
See the fliumination.
V ILtaiI4 rrIM , of ( hi' Onnhft Toiler , . ( Ivc
I.VlI..IIeI of rIici i.irets * t I. , , . O
the ( , 1P Un itIit
. liflhlleM.
, . \v&fl have a nft annp today , " Paid one
of the gatekeepers at the exposWon as he
IOStCd hhncU at htt turnetlic at 1 ocloek
ycsterIay. "You couldn't get people to
' collie out , In this heat If you WoUld let thetii
t . In for iiotling. " But lcss than a initiute
after a motor train pulled UI. wIth scarcely
tandliig room left and forty-seven people
llICl ) olt and filed UI ) tO the tIcket wlii-
) t tiows.
g . But most of the people preferred to wait
until the inlilday itcat had moderated and
itY03 well along In the afternoon before
the grounds began to 1111 In earnest. The
: 3 people caine steadily during the afternoon ,
but the crowd vits not at its best until
, after the sun had dropped toward the Pa-
elite atiti the pavements were fanned by
' J
31 thu cooler evening breeze , Then the at-
rivals multiplied and the people canto out
, i : .
of the bittlilinga nitil shady retreats where
V . , they had aoight. shelter during the afternoon -
noon nod helped to glse the grounds the
animated appearance of a vopular resort.
The preponderance ot family parties was
more marked titan on any previous tlay of
the eXjSitlofl. ) ) There were liundrutis of
them scattered all over the grounds and a
itiore comfort .ble looking crowd on a July
' day would be hard to flnl. The suplly of
. seats In the gallery f the Auditorium was
r , drawii upon lo provide resting places for
the visitors under the colonnades and In
corners where the buildings shut ott the
sun antI they were all occupied.
V \Vorklnginen of Omaha constituted a very
considerable proportion of the crowd and
tlto hulk of the early arrivals. They
brought their wives and children and en-
joyctl a relaxation that was at once proilt-
able and enjoyable. They l1 stayed
through the evenIng nod went home happily -
pily convinced that the exposition Is the
greatest enterprise on earth. datiy of
these lC01)1O ) unit never before seen the
sp'ctnclo In the full beauty of tlio electric
IlluminatIon. They work sI days In the
week and cannot afford to pay a couple of
dollars to take theIr famIlies to the groun.l .
merely for the evenIng. TheIr Idea of the
inngttlulccnce of the scene had been gatli.
ered trout lassing glimpses of the Upper
lilies of lights trout the outside nnd theIr
first view of the Itihl beauty of the court
In Its Incandescent ornamentation filled
thteni with unrcstralne(1 delight. To them
it is one of the experiences of a lifetime
and somcthliig to be recalled wIth constant
satisfactIon as they toll thiough another
The coining week will see the Inst of the
irildsumtner ( IUIII1C5S and train thin begin-
nlng at August tlto cXhO5ltlOtt will be enlivened -
livened by an almost continual succession
of special nntl entertainIng features. Forty-
four 8lecial days have already been schted-
tiled for the last three months , of which
fourteen occur In August. twenty-three in
September Bud SCVUO in October. Others
- vill be added from Unto to iliac as the con-
1 tlltlons warrant and there vihl he few days
J on which there will hot ho something out
V j of the ordinary to give variety auth zest to
; ( the enterprIse.
V In thu absence of special days ( luring this
week the musIcal features wIll be made
V prominctit. Tonight the descriptIve fantaaie.
"From Ilattieuield to FiresIde. " which scored
a decided hilt a week ago , sviii be repeated
and cry materially improved. The tentH-
V ( Lou vill be xxinde more enjoyable by the
PartIciPation of the exposition chorus and
the Pyrotechililcal effects that accompany the
battle scene will be titore elaborate. it will
constitute the seond vart of the concert in
order that it will be dark enough to obtain
" the full effect of the fireworks and will be
preceded by a first part of popular band
selections , with vocal interludes by the exposition -
position chorus.
Vli'tA lbS Plilt I.I ) IA ? ' CONltESS.
Capl.iIii UereerhIsIH duo Mnter * tIl
S' , , rIt'il Uii t I it % d vii 11CC.
The work of preparing for the arrivil of
the Indians who will be here about the
first of next month to hecomo one of the
interesting features of the exposition has
beoli ncirly completed , All that remains to
be done is to work out some of the minor
details upon and about the grounds.
At this time Captain Mercer is unable
to say just when the Inihlan vihi arrive ,
though lie feelt' pretty certain that they
will all be hero on Indian day , which has
been set for August 4. The camp grounds ,
wliieit have been located on the north tract
just eiitof the Transportation building ,
have beeii cleared of tue brush anti debris
aiid liresent an attractive appearance , The
vcst cud of this' tract is quIte heavily
wooded , having sortie stately old cottonwood -
wood trees , wutilo maples , box elders antI
apple trees are scattered about , affording
shitide and giving it something of the up.
hienrahlee of an ciii forest. here the tepees
viii be located atiti in and about them wilt
be the utensIls and equIpment used by the
Indian when he is at hiojite upon his res-
ervution. III these teIees anti itbotit theta
will be portrayed the ( rile htidinn life.
\'lieu the plan of holdIng an iinhlun con.
gress was first conceived it was consitiered
advisable to bring Indian faniliies from
locations close to the reservations. the
members at which are iiartlshly civilized ,
I..atvr on , however , this was abandoned , It
being considered that the Indiana ( rota the
- most remote points , those who hiat seldom
' collie In touch with the vhaites , woulti prove
a ittoro atiruetivo feature. WIth this Idea
in view the ork was prosecuted auth there
will be scores of indtans here who have
seldom If ever seen a whIte settlement.
There sviil he fully 700 indIans here , representing -
resenting the torty.odti separate and ills-
tinctivu trlbei. while nil of the brai heii
( V of these tribes will h'iyo ( antilles upon tb
& grounds , The Indians wii lnirttciliate in
theIr tribal Rnies and will htolti their own
lieculiur rthlglotia eryIes , will give tbr
tl5t1CtV5 nOd social functions. The Place
where the games anti dances will occur will
be within an enclosure just south of the
cutup ground , to .Vh1ICh a small adifliBsion
\ tee will be charged. Thu alanKeluent tea-
rk ( Coutiuueil on Fifth
V _
I'rngrcst of WurILof ilnn'lnry Cotti-
ililpiMiohi iN highly Sati.fneti.ry- .
I'ri.N4icct for LglaInti.n.
1NI)1M4APOL.i , July 24. - Chairman
hush 11. hlanna of the monetary commin-
sion has prepareti a statement addressed to
the business men of the Uniteil States set-
hag forth the results of the work of the
commission during the last session of con-
gross. lie says :
"The present status of the undertaking
to ecuro a comlrchicnslve currency law Is
encouraging beyond what was expected. In
truth , the remarkable prompt appreciation
of the value of organized effort anti the re-
ahizatton that the opportunity Is at hunch bus
resulted in very gratifying progress.
"The lull as finally agreed upon and to-
iorted to the house has been very generally
approveil by almost everyone supporting the
effort to accomplish comprehensive mono-
tnry legislation. The bill Includes au of the
vital elements recommended by the moo-
etary commission , but the detail of the
method differs In some respects radically.
On the whole the bill reported by the coin.
mittee is a greater step In the right direc.
tion than the business men of the country
hail reason to expect would lie had in this
early stage in the progress of the work.
"The passage of this bill wilt be the be.
ginning of a law for the lest currency in
the world , Of course it. is possibie and probable -
able that there may be objection to the do-
( lotahls of the bill and changes made before
approved by both houses of congress , but
the encouragement is so great that all busi-
hess men who recognize the extraordinary
opportunity are warranted In absolute unity
of effort henceforth , to the Ihtial success of
the consummation.
"Tho avoidance of dissension In discussion -
sion among the friends of this character of
legislation upon the question of consideration -
tion seemed desirable , anti it became a ques-
tioti of expediency. While appreciating time
force and Influence upon tile next election
that would surely have followed If an nffir-
inative action could have been had iluring
the session Just closed the committee is glad
to assert that at this period , everything
considered , the present status Is probably
more favorable to ultimate holsiatloti than
would have been the case had a number of
the leading republicans in the house ills-
approved the action sought during time sos-
sn. To measure the present condition It
Is only necessary to say that there is every
reason to believe that the iiroslmhent and all
the leading adnilnititration republican con-
gressmefl and senators and the lfiO members
of the house who signed time petition now
stand united in sulport of the general principles -
ciples of the committee bill. There Is every
reason to believe that Mr. Ieeti will be an
earnest advocate of the monetary legisla-
"There is every reason for the members
of this organizatIon to entertain posItive
hope anti to arouse the toast dcterminctl
spirit anti effort to continue the struggle
so unr.mittIngiy and so successfully made
to this stage of the work. It was well un-
derstooti that. the effort made for action iii
the lower house during time session just
closed as for the particular purpose of
itiaking a demonstration of good faith on
the part of that branch of congress.
' 'This it Wfl5 believed wOuiI , inspire new
hope au. . ! unite business men of the eoun-
try In an effort to secure in the November
election not only time continuance of the
control by the repubiican and sound muommey
eletneat of the lower house but to Ovei-
conic time majority In the senate now held
iy the fiat money reopio anti thUs mnlco
sound nmouey legislation possible. No such
hegisiatlon can be enacted until both
branches of conmress are in controi of the
rcpuhiicans and the sound money demo-
' 'Plans will ho formulated In duo time ,
In orler , that time btitiiness macn of tIme country -
try may supplement time regular organization -
tion for work itt time leclsiative antI coil-
gressiotini districts. II. II. IIANNA. "
Stilt is IMit VrIK.Ilerstnrt iiig for 1Iotll ( ,
ca ye nit rnord mary Ieiioti-
strut toim i it % tav erIC Ilnrlor.
NIV YORK , Ju1y24.-Prisoners of war
cheering the [ lag of their captors was the
unusual sight at the Union dock at Brooklyn -
lyn today. The sight was all the more sig-
niflcnnt as time cheers camna front Spanish
throats. The 254 SpanIsh htrisoners captured
on the tour prizes were about to sail for
home imittler the British flag.
'They were emi the ilesperia and just as it
backed out of time dock one of the patrol
boats came by , With one accord tile prisoners -
oners raised timree mIghty cheers , which
utrmrtleii the people omm the Brooklyn simore
nod could be hoarti on Oovernorii Islmimmth.
it was the best they could do in thanking
Uncle Saum for the kindness lavlslmcti on
limom whiie they vere prisoners.
The Ilesperia left at 3:30 : bound for Ital-
lull shores. It will put the prisoners on
shore at Gibraltar. Time prisoners were a
imappy hot and their appearance hewed
that they hail been vehi treated wimiho in
cimforced khleimess. Among the 24 prisommors
were ix olhlcers. They have saloon accom-
imtodatlons while the otimors are In the
Otme of time Spanish ofilcers said :
"If our maim In the field reahizeti either
time imopelcasness of our cause or the treat-
meat they would get at time hands of time
Atmicricaims they wotmlti not might long. Time
quickest aimil easiest way to reach imoimmo is
to surrender. I believe in Ilgimtimmg where
there is a chance , but our blockaded soltilers
don't know we imaven't a cimance. They
caim get. homn quicker by surrantlering nod
tim time meantimne be rell foil anti taken care
of. But they timimmk time Aimtoricans will mur-
tier tlmoni , "
Time Austrian consul paiti $17 $ a head for
time passage of each of ( lie lirisolmers.
'l're'.tle' ( i4'N tlllItitiI IIe'it 1)iri
Cur I'iii Is I ota I ito 'I'renehi-
Out' ititut Iiii..l.
CL.BVELAND. July 21-One man was
killed aimti several injured today wlmiiu at
work on a sewer near Etigewater Park. The
mcmi were down in the trench , when time
trestle on which the car that hauls away
the dirt is run fell , The car was precipi-
tateti to a imiatform coviimg time sewer. Adam
ihittismnan , aged 66 , was crushed to tirath
beneatlm the timbers. The following were
badly injured ;
Timommins hiasuzer , eged 46 , city inspector ;
timigim brokemm ,
F'runk Sprungei , aged 45 , nose broken and
hurt about hotly.
Paul Frobol , aged 31 , cut in heath and
body bruised.
Frank ltoblimsky , aged 32 , antI F'rank
Seozynskl. aged 30 , badly cut and bruised
about time body.
All but one of the wounded were taken to
hospitals. Up to timls titmie nobody lmas been
aide to explaimm why time trestle feli. It caamo
dun witimout warning.
NirN'N ! ( or ( ItIcsi.mnmmgu ,
KE'IST , July 24.-Tonight thirty odd
lied Cross physicians and nuries were
started from here to Cbickamaua ,
.4 V
Three Thousand Spanish Troops and
GuerriliM Surrender at La. Palmas ,
Three Titomitsattil MInimuM of .trltlM
Turned itt .m.l I.ndeil tin Ox
Carts to lie 'I'uketm to
. littiltonil.
WASIIINC1TOt' , .Iuti' 24.-The War the.
partnmcnt at midnirht posteti the following :
SANTIAGO , Jtml' 4-A.ljutmmnt General
of the Army , Waslmington : Lleutetmnnt Miley
hmas returned from Las Vegas anti Las I'imi-
inns. where ime went four days ago to to-
ceive surrendered troops. Time number sur-
rcmidered was larger than General Tornl to-
Ported. Three timousanil Spanish troops and
Z150 volunteer guerrillas gave up their nrns.
Three thousand stands of aroma were turned
in anti loathed on ox carts anti started to
the railroad , Spanish troops accompanying
thenm to San Lula anti nil apparently greatly
; mieasetl at tirosoects of returning Imomne ,
They were on the verge of starvation anti I
have to send theta rations tomorrow. If
the ntmmnbcrs keep up as thmey have there will
be about 24,000 to ship away-nearly 12,000
from Santiago. ,0O0 from San Ltmis , 0,000
froiim Gimmintammanmo and over 2,000 at Sagila
anti Ilaracoa. ( Signed ) SIIAFTEIL ,
"Major General Commanding. "
Iepnrt tire il lure'l'ruopM for Nev-
iort NeitM JO .ioiit tile Porte
hticntt H.ieul it Itti.
24.-The only mnoveimment in conneetiotl with
the t'orto Rico expedition was the departure
for Newport News of four batteries of light
artillery , as follows : Battery A of Missouri ,
Battery A of Illimmois , Ilattery Il of Pemmnsyl-
vania anti tile Twenty-seventh Indiana bat-
tory. These batterIes broke czmmnp at 0
oclock this morning , marching to Ross-
yule , a tilsiance of six miles , where they
took trains for Newport News via time CIa-
cinnati Soutlmermm anti Chesapeake & Ohio.
Each of the four batteries had six gtmns ,
100 horses antI mules ammd from 140 to 175
officers ammd muon , .
Tile flrst battery to leave was Battery A
of Illinois. coimitmianded by Captaill Pimil
\'eager. Timey were hoamletl on twenty cars
and left Chattanooga at 10:30 : a. in. Time
mmcxl to leave was time Twenty-seventil Indiana -
diana battery , comnniammtied by Captain J. B.
Curtis. The required eighteen cars left the
city at noon ,
The next was Battery II of Penmmsyivamlla ,
tinder comumanti of Captain A. F. Hunt , who
left the city at 2:20 p. in.
Battery A of MIssouri , commanded by
Captain F. flumboidt. took cars at floss-
yule at : i p. am. and heft tite city an hour
inter. This train was composed of twemmty
cars anti carried In addition to the battery
time battalion ambulance conlpammy. Major
George II. Rodney. hI contmnantl of this do-
tachmnent , occupied this train.
The Tilird brigade of time First division ,
First corps , will be time next to leave Camp
Thomas anti wili probably get away tower-
row or Tuesday. General Wade , it was
authoritatively stated tommigilt , received or-
dots at a late hour tlmls evening to rush
tills brigatle to Newport. News as prommmptiy
as he could get the necessary cars in posi-
tion. The brigade consists of the First and
Third Kentucky amid tile Fifth Illinois. It
Is the uimderstandimmg that the First brigade
of the Secomid division wilt be the next to
follow the above brigade. Accorthlng to the
liresemlt hmhmmti regiments viil comltllmuc to go
out as fast as practicable until the First
coriis iii exhausted. It was rainIng most of
tile day at Canip Timonlas anti the reginmeimts
spent tile day quietly. Time usual divine
services by time clmapiaiims nail by evangelists
\vore conthtmcted timmougimout time park.
One Ilundrod and sisty-two iatiemmts be-
iongimlg to the volunteer army were to-
moved today fm-ow Loiter imospital at this
place to a sjieeiat train anti taken to McI'iler-
COil barracks hospital at Atlanta. Owing
to time limited supply of surgeons lUlti moth-
ical assistants at timis point It has been
deemed best to send time sick who have so far
recovered as to be safely nmoveti to other
points where they cmin ho cared for and at
the same tilmlo make rooni for otimors 1(1
the Letter hospital.
'I'ttiiiiitiii y's Ihoss Is C..iiiliig Il.ii.i
From Iiiiiiim Ulitier lie Assttieit
TVtmItle on the Liieiiiili ,
( Copyright , ISII , by I'ress Pubiislming Co. )
LONDON , July 24.-New ( York World Ca.
blcgramn-SiieCial Telegram.Croker's ) tIc-
liarttmrc on time Lucania Saturday was invested -
vested with extraordinary mystery. lie thid
imot go down in time special train tronm Lommtlomi ,
but orriveti In Liverpool over nigimt. lie
booked his own and son's passages under
the nanmes of Mr. lilcimard anti Mr. herbert.
lie was accompanied to Liverpool by Imla
frier.tI , Mr. Nttglc , who did not , Imowevor ,
go aboard the Lucaimimt. V
Time Quecustown corresimondeut tcie-
grapimed today : 'Crolcer and lila son , 11cr-
bert , whose mmaimies are entered on the pas-
setigcr list as Mr. Ricimmmrti anti Mr. Herbert.
OCCtmhy 1001fl 211 on time Lucania. The
\Vorid corrospomldeitt went aboard this morning -
ing , but on mnaktog his stay to Mr. Rich-
am-il's cabin found a stewarti specincally
Posteti 501m sentry duty at the door to prevent -
vent army one approaching Croker while in
QU000BtoWml. lie mIld not leave his cabin
wimilu tue Lucatila was In Port. lie immni a
scat at the captain's 'table yesterday atmd
moot a coupie of friends on board , hut spent
all his timmme in the company of lila eon ,
with wimom ho walked the deck Saturtlay
night until Ii p. in. , when be turnetl in
without visiting the smoke room.
, % .iii C-Oi'ratt' itVIthl Our F'roi's.
JACKSONViLIR , Fla. , July 24.-Lieuten-
alIt Charles Frietot of tlmls city , who was
a member of time Cuban oxpethition on time
steitmer Florida auth who recently to-
turimeti from Cuba , states that the Fiorltla
expethition was mnet by General clonmcz and
that ime hind a personal talk withm time general
In the course of which lie said , tVhemm asked
what message lie hail for time American
licollIe :
"I have only to say that the only man
timat bas anything to say in tbe direction
of matters is Mr. McKinley anti we shall
do wlmatc'ver ho says. I have given In-
strimetions to all my forces to co-operate
with tlmo Anmericamms , to vbom we are much
iildebteti. '
.iii fr 'Vneiit' 1)olhgirs.
JACIcSONViLLF , July 24.-Private
Charles T. Devinu of Company A , Fourth
lllimmols regimcat , left hero tonight under
guard for Fort Leavenworth , } Can. , having
been Convicted of larceny of $20 from a
comrade. lie admitted the theft and to-
turned the money , Devine , who is from
Tuscola , Ill. , Is sentenced to servo nine
months at hard labor , the forfeiture of mmli
lila pay and dishonorable discharge.
Captain ' . ) it Itipper MpenkM liglttI'
or the Shot Itoh 14iVflM 'r..k itt
II ii1 Utmiler itIsthke.
( Copyright , 1SI9 , b Itress Pimbikhing Co. )
ICINOSTON1 Jamaica , July 24.-Ncw ( York
Worlti Cablegram-SpecIal Telegram- )
"Austria will remain .ncutrai. Emperor
Fmanz Josef ht said it , and lie never breaks
his word. "
This was the ommhy coammant that the cap-
taUt of time Austrian war ship Marie Tbcrcse
womilti make on time Spanish-American war ,
Recent oxperiemmecs of the Maria Theresc
imavo certainly not been nlcmmlateti to cause
her captain and crew to feet kindly toward
the United States. After being dined nod
feted in havana they arrived oft Santiago
harbor to be shot at by the Americamm battle.
ship Iowa , simply because. us the American
officers explained , the Austrlaml flag looked
a good deal like the Spanish.
The Marie Theroso came Into Port Royal
harbor Saturday morning. In tile cabin of
time big wimite war ship Captain von Ripper
talked freely abotmt the American battlesimip
mimaking a target of lmts vessel : "Every omme
in the American fleet from commodore ( lowmm
was so polite amid aiioiogetic. " he said , ' 'that
I imow hmave higher regard for time mmlemm of
tile mnerIcaim navy thaim ever before. We
dhil not design the Austriami hug anti we
cannot help its resemnbhmmmmco to the Spnmmlsh
flag , but never mmiitmtl , It's all over. My only
regret Is that time rnle of time Austrian
navy wouitl not permit my lemtvimmg my shmlp ,
as I wantei to call on , Commodore Schmley
myself , but I could not do it , so I had to
send an omcer.
"I cannot tell you aiout the condition of
Havana for the annie' reason ( list I refused
to give'copies of time World to the Spaimisim
ollicers whami timey asked for them , I cannot
give one aide Informmlatioa of the otimer. All
I can do Is to call attention to the words
of my beloved emperor. Austria will be
neutral. Any American fear that Austria
will help Spain is groundless. The troubles
of imis relative , tile queen of Spain , cause
great sorrow to Emmiperor Franz Josef. but
for tito good of Austria he has givemi a
picilge of neutrality and ho will maintain it. "
Time British royal mail steamer Dee left
ycatortlay afternoon for Santiago with 330
Cuban exiles on board. Samimo of theta had
heft Santiago at the beginning ot the war.
sIt S't'lL iss .t.i tie ; ' 1'lIt 1'IU'I.i.
Spit. . Iimrds Fi'ei thieR'Ntil t of liii'n r
muHt Iceeiily.
( ComyrigImt , ISIS , by 'ress PublLshin , Co.'i
LONDON , July 2l.-I'ett' ( York World Ca-
Ucgramn-Spccial Tolegram.-TIme ) Morning
Post's Madrid dispatch says : "Important
works in Barcelona were closed yesterday
anti not a ship is to be seemi in the imarbor.
The misery at tile peOlile is oxtrenle.
"Polavieja feels himself deficient in time
qualities required for heading a new party.
but will support a miew hlamtY if It is formed. "
Time Daily News' Gibraltar dispatch says :
"Time governimment insInuates timat the itmncr-
leans insist on taking Porto Rico before
concluding peace. Gamazo , time foremost
partisamt of peace in the cabinet. is niuchm
disappoimlted anti threatens to resign , Span-
lards drawing Incomes from Cuba , a large
anti imlhiUemltifll clasS. are urging the gov-
crnmnent to entreat America to take Cuba ,
Snaimisii opinion is veering in timat direc-
tion. ' ' , '
LONDON , July 2i.-Now ( York World Ca.
ilegrnnl-Speciai Telegram.Time ) Citron-
ide's Madritl dispatch says the Imimparchal
and hieraitlo immemition redoubled military
precautions Imt Madrid anti speak of null-
tional guardia elvile. Apimaremmtiy only time
Carhists are feared. The press admits the
republicamma are Powerless. owimmg to the
many splits. Castelar's ietter. replying to
the national memorial of 100,000 signatures ,
urges the mmatlon's tmimity In tmmciiig the var's
tribulations and says lie imimseif has per-
nlaneimtly retired from political activity. At
Barcelona time thistress of time workers increases -
creases and at Malaga tik dockers are suf-
feting. 3
'Shore is 11i1C11 tlekttc'ss tmmoip.c ( ito
'I'rOlIiN U iiiieiI lo t tie 'I'rolIcitl
Cu tuttle Iii fztzitIigt , .
SANTIAGO DR CUBA , Jply 22.-Via ( Port
Antonio amid Kingston , Jamaica , July 24.- )
( Delayed in Tramismisslon.-Thie ) Ummitetl
States troops are suffering in great numbers
froril imeat and malaria , Two lmtmmmdred cases
itt General Kent's division , seventy in Ceo-
oral Lawton's anti eighmty in General LumI-
low's t'ero reported this morning , The
horses are also hrostated.
Of six companies of the Ninth infantry ,
Companies B , D , F , G. anti 11 , quartered at
the theater here , 117 were reported on time
side list this amorniag. Frank McGowan ,
Company G , Ninth infantry , died yesterday
of eonstmnmption. This has been the only
( baum among our nmen timtms far in the city.
Owimmg to time number of sick the garrison
imero is tioiiig guard duty day and mmlgbt
amid is breaking tiownVwith excessive work.
Thus far there is : mo talk of reileyimmg time
men. The Ninth and Titirteentim infantry
constitute the garrison at presemmt ,
Cemmeral Slmatter's refimEmml to permit tue
eimtranco of armed Cubans immto Sammtiago
is aim extremely wise measure , as in these
excited days there might lie trouble. Unarmed -
armed persons are allowed to enter at any
time. As soon as time Spanish soithiers have
eimlbarlced Cubans mviii lie allowed to emmter
time city freely. T1m first enmbarlmatlon is cx-
pected mmext Thursday , iii accordance with a
contract made bctmveen time timmited States
government. and the Spanish Transatlantic
Tue Unltetl States transport Santiago loft
timis morning for Newpoit News wIth sick
amid Vountied ,
Time secamer Jamaica arrivetl today with
passemmgers from Jamnutca ani proceeticil to
Guantaimamo with provlsi aa for time United
States fleet.
Tetley the Spaniards turned over their
cavalry horses. Only j4Swcre surrendered.
Time otimers hail been klild for food for the
army , .
Iiii miii' Not Itemitly to 1 nierft're ,
( Copyright , 1& $ . by I'ress PUbhl'ihulntf to. )
hiiitL1N. July 24.-New ( York Worid Ca-
blegrmmumm-Special Telegram.-Tho ) state.
macmit teiegrimphed to Lonmion from here
timmmt time European powers. with the exception -
tion of England , butl come to arm arrange-
maclit to not permit. the annexation of the
Philippines by Amimerica Is utterly devoid
of foundation. I have time beat of authority
for stating timat aithougim formal communi-
catlona have passed between time powers On
this subject as one of the questions raised
by the war no arrangemtat has beca made
or even suggested respecting it.
Stuitijisoti's ii t'port.
WAShINGTON , July .24.-Secretary Lommg
spent about two hours with the ImleslIemt ;
this afternoomi , , preaumably Ia goinm over
Admiral Samnpsoil's report of the deairilctlomm
of the Spanish fleet at Santiago , 'Fbu see-
retary declined to any ammytimimig in regard
to time matter , except tlmat the report imighit
ho made public tomorrow ,
Stieiimeiit of 11111 to or Sjitl it.
MADRII ) . July 4-Tho hank of ihpain
report for the week ended yesterday shows
the following changes : ( hold in hand , Increase -
crease 1,383,000 pesetas ; silver In hand , n -
crease 6,636,000 pesetas ; notes In circulmtion ,
Increase 2,17,000 pestau ,
Onbiuis at Bantiago Draw Their Rations and
Grumble a Great Deal.
Conmpln lit Ii ) ( t'micrni ' % 'uiI 1uiit ( tic
liisiirgeitts Are ilarlisMing Themit-
Leiuilers ' % 'Ihl itmke I'roteNt (0
1'reithoiit 1cKiitie * ) ' .
( Copyright , iSIS , by l'ress I'tibhitlmi Co. )
SANTIAGO , July 24-New ( York World
Cnblegraimi-Speciai Teiegrammm.-The ) insur-
geimts are very stuhlen , hilt are hmromh't ' in
drawing rations with the American forces ,
Matiifestos issueti at. Garcia's order tiemnand-
lug that time Aiimericuuims turn over time govern-
mmment of Santiago are not heeded , bitt the
lnstirgemmt leaulers are warned against ( his-
ttmrblmig time order emitabhlsheti by time Abet-
icamms. lluntreds of peasamits conscripted
with the SpanIsh army are seekiimg protection -
tion ugaiumat time Cubans , who avarnl time
Interior , The iieasnnts deciumre time immaur-
gent headers nrc expecting tribute for peace.
Fifty peasants frommm Sevihla cmmnle to San-
tlago today to ask General Wood to protect
them against time bmumthltti.
Garcia , ( lomnez ammd Cmmstihlo will sonti an
emnissary \Vashington to demammtl that time
American governmcmmt permit time Cubans to
admimmister ttmo affairs of time commtmiergd
province. Time report of the Aimmorican oh-
cers' experience with time Cubans will probably -
ably defeat time attenmpt. To time charges of
broken faitim mmmdc by the Cubans is replieth
the damiger to law anti order of conferring -
ring authority impon them. The Ammiericans
ummiversaiiy declare the Spanisim lmave acteti
with better grace tuna the Cubans ,
Garcia's alleged letter to Shafter was not
.Vrittemm by the Cuban general , but by a
newspaper man omm lila staff naimmoti Dearmnis ,
It is imot taken seriously here , Time Span-
iartls are accepting the ehmamige of govern-
nment in Snmmtiago with good grace. Time
imisurgent forces immive left th American
Ciill ) amid gone twenty mmmiies into time in-
tenor. They have been warmieti , tummtier
time threat of extreme pemmaity , not to molest
Spammisim residents or return to time old 5y8-
tern of brignniimmge.
Garcia has written a letter to Gomnez , de-
daring that time United States governtmient
is munfrieuthly to time Cmmbna caumse. Time letter -
ter was sent omm Timursilay last. GonmeL is
150 imilcstromn lucre.
Timero sere fifty ftmmlerals hero yesterday
of refuices who tiled as the result of time
scarcity of food at El Cammey.
Saimtittgo is still short of food. Time streets
are foil of beggars. The imotmseimoitlcrs have
been orihereti to clean their imotmses. A big
sammitary force is at work. There is great
mmeed anmong Amnericaims of leimiotms amid preserved -
served fruits. Time lied Cross people Imave
time only smipply of thmis variety of food amid
it 15 running low.
Time Spanish compaimy having time contract
for time tlcportation of Spaiml's surrentiered
troops has mmotifleti theni by cmtblo to be
ready to start next week.LOUIS
Iasco'rEx'I'Il ) cUiNs ; l'htO'L'ES't' .
Urge 0 Iik.IiuI Act I. . . . , .tIht'gi iig Brenehm
, c Fim I I It 1 , 'i'ht is Cmvoruiiiteiit.
Kingston , Jamaica ) , 10 p. mmm.-Time Cubans
Imero resemmt General Simafter's attitude in
ignoring Gemmeral Garcia and in refusing to
allow the Cubamm troops to enter Santiago
or to constmit Cemmeral Garcia cim terms of
tie surrcimder of time city. Gemmemmmi Garcia's
actiOml imt witimmlrawlng his troops lit the ill
teriom' , his letter to General Shmmtter : mmd the
resigmmation of his conmmammtl , farwamdeLI to
General Gomez , are aplrom'ed and mmpIauilctI
by all classes of natives.
Geimerai Garcia refused to accept a suhor.
dhmmato place , Insisting timat ime Was aim mdiy.
Genermmal Shatter's tunswer sayimig that this
% VilS a war hetwceim time United States and
Spaimm irrespective of Cuba's indivi'iual ' Interests -
terests and I'resident McKimmley's instm'u-
tiwis witim reference to time mmdunission of
time surrendered dIstrict pubhisimcd here yes-
tcrtlay. am e interpreted as a tacit avowal of
Anmer' 'aim intention to ammuex the isiamml anti
not to grant indepemmtiemmce.
Thus is np1osed by the Cmmbans. Senor
Joaqtilu Cmmstilio , president of the San Curios
Cubaim chm.lh ammti a brother of General Cas-
tub , urges an official protest to i'rcsident
McKinley without delay , saying "silence
now would Indicate our commsemmt to the
Americamm attitude. wimlcil is a plaimi breach
of fmiitim that Cubans caimnot possibly tohor-
ate. "
A imleeting was imehtl timis aftcrmmoomm at time
San Caries club to discuss time nuttier amid
It is probable timat a protest was drawn up
which will be subnmittcd. It is untlerstood
that ninny who were presemmt at the meeting -
ing favored the scheme of a nrotectorato
iy the United States , with eventual annex-
ntion , after five or six years , but time nro-
test is op a matter of primiciimie , time main
objection being time commtlmmuation in chico
of Spanish officials appointed by Madriti. on
the ground that Spmmmiiards , as a comquereti :
nation , slioulti muot be vested witim authority
over Cubans , time allies amid co-adjutors of
time Unmiteti States mind time representatives
of a free amid immtlclmentlcnt people. Such Is
iimmderatood to have beeim the temmor of tile
meeting ,
Grunt In StPiijii'I ii miii Itomi rti.'d Iy miii
( Juicer tzi Iii * 0 lIt' ( rome liii
Cruiser Xt'IV York ,
ST. ThOMAS , July 24.-Time German
steamer Croatia , which arrived hero today ,
reports that It was hireti milton three timmies
last night about eight mimiles from San Juan
do Porto Rico by a ship said to hermit imart
of the American immvatilng squatiron. The
Croatia was boarded by aim olhlcer , uniler.
stood to lie from the Utmiteul States crmiiuter
New York , The vesei was allowed to pro-
ceeti to St. Timorous. Tue Croatia bath no
intelmtion of entering San Juan ,
.lIss schiIIY VJiLI..VMt Ii i'OiL i'E.tCii.
iiltmnhikie ( firl Is at flourish iii ii
Ihiiiuimiiiltiiriiiii iissiuis ,
MADRII ) , July 24.-Via ( l'aris.-Miss
Jessie Sebley , delegate from limo l'eace society -
ciety of i'arls , lies arrived at Madritl with
the immtemmtiomm , It is asserted , of interviewing
members of time cmmiilmmet with a humanitarian
object ,
Miss Jessie Schloy , referred to In time
foregoing dispatcim , Is the daughter of
Charles Schmioy of Milwaukee , who is a
cousin of Commnomlore Scimicy , She is a mom-
her of this Daugimters of time Revolution. It
was ammnounced from I'arls Inst week that
she was about to start for Madrid to see
th queen regent anti Senor Sagasta , witim a
view of bringiimg about peace amid then pro.
cecil to Wasiuington to visit President Mc-
iClniey in time same interest.
Last Frltlay time Milwaukee Sentinel an-
noumiceti thmt Miss Schley's father , on learn V
lag of his tiaugimter's intention , had Instructed -
structed her to return home Immediately ,
disapproving her action and charactcrlztmmg
it as the result of a warm , symmipatimetic
nature and a siecial emmlhusiasmn for philaim.
thropic und peace movements ,
iiotmr. lcir.hiotmr ) leg.
i-I ii , iii. , . . . 72 1 j. . in. , , . .
( I a iii . . . . . . 7t : Vu , mit. , . . SI )
I' ii iii . . . . . . TII 8 p. iii . . . . . . ii t
S ii iii . . . . . , a .t m , . itt . . . . . . Ii
I ) it , iii. . . , . . 71) r m. in . . . . . .
it ) ii. mu . , . . . . S I II * . iii . . . . . . iii )
ii 8. iii . . . . . . .4 : ; i' 1. in . . . . . . SI )
ii iii . . . . . . . . . ' 4 $ S m. in . . . . . . .S
1) . mu . . . . . . . .1
'l'OhAV A't' ' 1'iiL' i3Nl'Omi'VlON ,
At ( lie ( roitii.lMi
8 p. mit. , 1i11 it iie' . . himunil , Agriemui-
1iirl iiiuilhiiig.
7' m81) p. iii. , l'ii litiucy's iImmui ' the
li.IioMil iiimi Chorus , ( I mu t. '
r - . - _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ c -S
. , .
iiiliNi'rinhiN % % VI.r ( limit _ _ tide
iii % 'iiof l'CliCi' iN 'I'S
I i.iliresptl.iimihiie ( 'ittu i
LONiOiT , Jimly 25.-Tue carte-
sponmient of tIme Daily New ililming
Summtlay , says :
Time efforts of the gove toward
hence are immeeting with aiim hierahhe
Miimlsteriaiists say time chief obstacle in
President McKiimhey'a "Immmpressiommabho chmar-
actor , " which is moore immiluemiceml , they affect
to believe , by lila personal friejitis and tue
jingoes imm congress luau by diplommumtic
counsels. Time iiresilemmt , sommietimmmcs appears
immciimmed , timey say. to negotiate for peace
On rcnsemmable lemma , but at others lie seems
dcternmimmeii upon a war of comuqtmest , witim a
view of conviumcimmg Europe hint the United
States is a great military hewer , wimiehm immust
lie rcckoimeti titim.
LONDON , July 25.-Time Madrid vorre-
sliOmmtieimt of time Times says :
Peace prospects imavo greatly immcreaseti in
time Inst forty.eiglmt hours. Time declara-
tioims of Duke Ahimmodovar Dc Itlo , thin for-
eigmm mmmlnlster. hums becmm moore practical timmmn
tas stmpposcti and it is how tolem'nbly ccc-
tam that time governmmiemit's efforts are enter-
immg a new Phase , which mummy gradually head
to tnmmgible results.
Tue iirccIse natmmre of time chmammge Is a
Secret , but there Is little doubt timmmt it tenths
to direct negotiations betweemm Slmnhmm anti
time Ummiteti States , there being imo immclimmmmtion
to seek time imiediation of immm Imitermmuethiimte
lmower. Time mnomeimt. is reached when Amer.
ica , having reacimeti time partlmmg of time ways ,
lutist choose between a war witim mmmi object
mimimi an ummdeiiumabie war of eommqumest.
Time present imnmise immovcs that time Ummiteti
States is reluctant to phtmmmge into a vitier
sphiere of action amid It mmmay be imredlcled
that if direct. imegotlatlomis are opi'mmed with.
out delay botim countries will fimmd timeir
views on time question of Cuba far fronm
irrccoimciittble. Time growimmg tiissensions be-
tweem time Cuban insurgents anti the Aimmer-
icnmm autimom ltics nrc mmotcd hero with great
smitisfactioim mmmiii Omt all sides I hear it said :
' 'I f ve mmmust lose Cuba it is better that tue
isimmmtl simomiid be atmmmcxeti to Ammmericmi because
the traitors wouiti thereby be Pumilsiled and
time enormmmotms Shiammisim immterests itm time
Islatmd wotmltl b proteeteil. ' '
Time French embassy at Wmmsimingtom , seems
( lie imiost likely eimatmimci for opL'mmiuig liege-
tiatiomis amid time scimmi-oflicial stateniemmt that
i'tmnerica intends to retain I'Orto Rico Is regarded -
garded here as a imiot to Spain to hurry up.
lint theM troiitud S.iiiitIziro Cost 1limiti'
Vtiiii'I'iiiI 1.1 , VtM iuiitl Nut a
Little SiitfcrIii ,
( Copyriglmt , 1SS , by 1'ros Publishing Co. )
SANTIAGO , July 21.-New ( York World
Caiiiegramml-SpeCial Telegram.-ltevhscd ) reports -
ports tmf time Amimericaim ioss during imostihl-
ties attommdimmg time takitmg of Samitiago arc
as follows :
I iiicd , ommmided and missing , 1,593 ; 0111-
corn killed , 22 ; emulated mimen kihied , 208 ;
olilcers % OtimiIel , 81 ; mmmcmi wommntied , 1,203 ;
officers mimisslimg , imone ; macmm mmiissitmg , 79.
In hip i'irit , llvisinn 1 gtff ntlit'.r wnt
kIliid. In thu Fit at brigade of time First division -
vision 5 ohhicers ummd 4(1 ( immemm were killed ;
262 mimemm woummiled amid 50 then mnissimmg.
Secoimu lirigamie-Omme oillcer anti 17 muon
kilieti ; 114 mmmcmi woumimleti timid 3 wc'it nmissimig.
Timirti Brigade-Six oliiccrs amid 30 mmmcmi
kihicth ; 11 olileers nmmh 186 muon .Voummlcd ummth
9 immissiimg.
First hirigiudo , Secoumtl Divisiorm-Onc olil-
ccc amid Iii mmieml killed ; oihiccrs and 113
mmmcmi wouimded.
Sccommd Brigade-Two omcers amid 14 mucmm
kiiieil ; i ; othicers ommd it mmmcmi m'ouimdcd.
Third Brigade-One ollicer and 45 mmmcmi
killed ; 4 oihicers and 147 mcmi wouimded ; 1
lmmumm missing.
Immdepoudont Brigade-Four inca killed ;
2 ofllcers and 26 inca womiiiticd ; 5 mmmcii miss-
Light. Artillery Battery-Six immemm killed ;
1 otilcer and 8 nmctm wouumded.
Signmml Coijms-Otme muon killed anti I mmmun
Cavalry DivIsion of First Brlgatlc.-Ono
olileem' amid 9 muon killed ; 12 aiflcers anti 113
mmmcmi wommmmdcd ; 4 men mnlssimmg.
Cavalry DivIsion , Second Brigade-Five
oflicers nail 30 mmmen killed ; 13 ouilcers amid
177 amen % Vommmiiie(1. 7 mmmcii mimissing.
It 1mm nirobablo that a number of time men
reported missing mathe their way home , as
\V5 time case with Sanitmel McMihlaim , jr. ,
soIl of ex.I'ark Conmmmmissioner McMihlan of
New York City. Young MeMiiian was a
Rough Hider , 'as wouumtieti awl reported
mmiissiiig. Ex.Comnniirsiommer McMihiami , ate-
comupammieti by'iiilanm Leary , tmcarchmeti thm
hospitals on time battiofield anti learmietl
that lila son hind beeii sent home. Time father
starteti for Nets' York yesterday.
'l'hiJt tI II lNlJIFiI ) CASi4 oP FiV'flht ,
'I'Iit'y .4 i'C ( If ii 3 ; ; , . , Iiit ' 1'ii.'m.
A i'i . , lieu I its fro mit Yet i , , tm Ii. . mi. r.
\\'ASIIINGTON , Jimiy 21.-A dispateim to.
ceivcti tonight by Adjutant Gcnomni Corbin
says thmat 398 new cases of fever of all classes
tt'ere reporteth in ills cutup before Samitinco
yesterday. As the annie dispatch reports
emily tour tiemiths-anil nomue of thieni ( rein
yeiiow fever-from nmimong ( lie lmuimdmeiis of
Cases of fever known to exIst in tue enmmmii
tile aiitmmirhties ) are more timami ever immciiumei
to the belief that time cases of yehlomm' fever
arc of a mnilti type ,
l'revnously ships fromim General Shatter ani
the mmmctiicai oflictra of imis corps iiave 1mm-
dicated time existence in the cannp of a very
large nunmber of cases of nmalariai lever anal
denuguc fever , the latter being peculiar to
time Cuimami chimimate ,
Sonic clear cases of yellow fever are reported -
ported , but time oflicinla say they are tow , as
comnpared wIth tbos of other fevers. ( len-
oral Shatter's dispatch was made nubile by
Atijutunt General Corbin itnmh is as ( uhlows
SANTIAGO IE CUBA , via Ilayfi , July
24.-Number of imew cases of fever of all
ciasbes for yesterday was 398 , Dealhms not
previously reported : Private Daniel A.
dtomie , Conmpamiy I ) , First Illinois infantry ,
typhoid fever , July 20 ; Sergeamit J , iiiai ; ' ,
regimental quartermaster. Twehitim Infantry ,
dte'ti July 22 of dommguo fever amid ustimenla ,
aimil on July 23 of mmmalariai ( ever , Private3
Wiihianm Peacock amid ( immratt Learmieshieck ,
both of Colniinhmy E , Second Infantry.
Major General Comnnmtmndlng ,
P't'iir liii Aiii'i * * itt uhmimiii. ,
LONDON , July 25-A Bimodal tilsimatch
from Matirid says that ( ] enmeral Auguatl ,
captain gemmt'ral of time PhilIppines , hma tile.
graphed to the government as fohIows "TIto
Ammmericaua are about to attack Manila ,
Grave evezmti are iwpendIu. "
N OWyjri \ p R N E\\ \ \
Anxiety Pelt at War Department Font1in
Report fF0111 Fleet.
Troops with Naval Convoy Supposed to Have
Landed Last Night.
Genern Shafter Says Oontlltion of SnntingQ
Troops is Ihuprovod ,
Gore Imt'M Let ( i'r II' . ( ut i'ml t Iiiii'd
Slsmsft'r's , tdtlC'Ji ( I ) \'tmr He-
burt isielut ir ioi's 'l'heru
Setiii to ib i'rICt Ititi , ,
\\'ASIIINGTON , July 24.-it was saul mt
tueVar tlepnrtmmment hate totiamy thunt mm umowa
cami be expecteil trout ammy oillcimil miomurco
as to ( lemieraml Miles' mmmovcimmemmts uuutii to.
mimarrow at the earliest.
it is calcimiateti timat lie arrived this evctt'
Inmg or teimigimt at time imoimmi omm time coust : ot
l'orto Rico mieleetcil us time m'cmmtiezoiimi tori1
all thmo vessels of the cxpeditioim. Wimetimem
or not ho will unmiertrmke to nmnke a lniuthln
1mm advance of the arrival of time whole _
Imethition will probably iiepemmti cimtirely om
eoimthitlomms as lie litmus timeom. Simouhti tiier
be rio Shmanhsh force , or at least aim Immconsitl1
erahtie oime , eu the Coast time troops vlhl bet
latidti to i'ehie''e themmi frommi time siisumimtroumii
effects of boiumg coniimicd closely cmi simip-
board tmimtler a tropical stun , The gemmera $
has witim imimmm sulilcieot artillery to hold amly I
posi tlomm ito mummy choose to occmmmy , ; _
memltetl as this artillery t'ill be by the gmmne
of his mmnvmul eoimvoy.
Meanwhile time tiepartmmmommt is mmmakin
every effort to lmtirty imlommg time rcmmmmimmtict :
of time cxiieditiomm. Sonni troops nrc mmmv on _
hid r way froimm Tammupa tmimd Churl catomi !
Bhotiitl reach I'orto Rico by time mmmidiiie o
time week ,
( ' , Iiegiliii 'l'IiiN iVeele.
Naval nfllcers are amishstimmg 1mm gettimmg th
troops oil nmmthtere emmgmged : malay iii scud- '
lmmg tue mmccessmry : orders to that emmti to tiia' V
commmmmmammders of the mmavah auxiliary 'essela
wimicim have hiccim Placeti mit tIme iervice of time
Vt'ar depnm'tmnemmt. lim time course of a dityt
or two the troops breugimt froiim Citicka. .
Umamtmga by ( lcmmermui Ilrotmko will sail fromil
llamtmmptcmmm ltuatls , wimere time ) ' hma'c bet'mm art.V
rivimig mmli day auth are ready for thu trains-
liorts. I V
There is a imrobahihhity ( hunt Gemmeral Miles
may be tlelayctl for mmevcrmmh timmys In hmbi
iammdimig omieratiomma fom' lack of hlthiters , btmt.
several of timese am'c on thmeim' vi ) ' aimti others
vIl I ham hmi crieti forwarti as ramp Id iy us pmms I
sible. iio\s'ever it many be us to hmis speedy
iatntling on i'orto Rico 5(111 it mnzty lie ve1L4
on towairtl time emmti of timis week before tii
active land camimpaigmi calm be begumm lim l'ort
Gemmerni Simafter reported 113' cable toilay
that time conditIon of tIme troops at Sammtingo.
was rnlmithi ) ' immmproviimg amid said lie itoped imi.
the cmimmrite of a day or two to have timemmi
all imi coimifortahiti camps where ( lucy may
rest anti rcctmpemnte aimil viuero time slcl
mmmay recover. lie Is feedhmig 11,000 of the ,
Prlsommers of t'nr , amid aultiiougii lie lint not
been able to ftmrnlslm thmeimi temmis yet timt
ileflcieiicy Is beimmg mimamle good , gimitl mmmeam
wimlic their presoimt coimilltiomu is mme worag
ill timis respect thmamm was their condition be : '
fore time surremmiler.
'rime geimem'ai mmmakcs mm mcmmtioim of time al
leireti letter fioum Garcia to hmimimiteif. nor does
htm semmlc , of any friction hiett'ecim thiem
whemmcc time departnient immis conic to douh
time authiemitielty of time imubhisimeti stories om
timetic stilijects. (
( : o r rt'sii. it it e H I s I .t' 'l'i'i , is Iii 5' ,
Iii imia report to thin Vm'ar departmmmc'mmt rcla
tive to commditioims at Sammtlmugo Gemit'ramh Shmufi
ter has thirowmm sonic hlgimt umirnmm time tilfll
cultiemi itt wimicim certimiim of time miclvsapc ! ,
correspom.mdcmits tlmere have lnvohvctt them.
civos. 'I
Froum Imla report it would appear timat nni ,
mated by mm ammmbitiomi to take a prominent V
imart 1mm time eveimts following each otimer it.
rapith suiccesslomm at Srmmmtimmgo after time iiiitia. . '
tiomi of the miegotiatiomma for ( lie smirrcmmdq ,
of the city , a few of the correepoimmiemmts wci"o
guilty of grave breaches of nmihltary law mm-'i
cessitatimig prOimmlit corrective mmmensUrcs b ,
Gemmermml Shatter. I
'l'buis , for instance , ommo correspondent in
imis efforts to tmik part 1mm time flag ,
orci. time city resisted time military oiflcer
1mm the execumtiomm of timeir duty , mmmiii
attemimjiteth a personal at.sault omm time corn-1
mmmammtiing genermil. Thais mantle hmlmn subject
to aummmnmary mmml severe immmmmishnmemmt-evca
sheath-yet General Siiaftcr , htrobably reallz-1
11mg thiiit. ignorammec of military last' was time
eximlamiation of tue action , contenteil himself
with xpeiliimg that corresjtontiuimt froiq.
Cmhia. I I
A more serious oifeiuse , from time fact that
It might easily have icti to rioting amid lose
of life , tt'os timat of three othiem' correspomiti-
emits , wImo , it ( iilheflms ) imy Gciieraii Siiafter'
report , by circulating Inhiaimmiimatory jiontorim
stIrred uip tue towii. 'i'imey were hikus'Iuta
tieporteil amid as evhiiciiee that lie has mao
ihi-foehimig toward time hialter represcmmtctl by
tiicnm , lmmit. llesim-cfm omuly to exercise imlicim comm.
trol as is Inmiteratively tiemnmmndcti in the
iiitcrest of safety of our troops and protection -
tection of time leoiiie imittier timeir care , ( ion.
erai Sitaifter hiatt declared timuit timm'mia cotta-
npoimthentz mmumy be inminethiately mt'placeth h
others trout time miammmo paper . .Vhio will oh-
servo thae rules of prmmmlcnce. No mnentloa
Is mmmadp of any other cases requiring at-
teiition , auth it Iii thought the relations be.
twcen the miewapapon' iimemm amid time amity
otiiecis at Santiago are generally amicable
amid satisfactory ,
Iii at very tilgmmlflotl mmmammmmer General Shot.
ter takes notice of sonmo of tue severest
cl'iti'mii articles thaiit have
( mmewspamer mmii-
lmeAiel totichuimig tile eoimthltlon of timt ti cops
befora Sumitimmgo , while timoy Iii ) ' In time
tremmcbc's. lie midmnhts that there sviia a simort.
age of tobacco for a time , but shows corm-
elusively that tiara was no lack of time
necessaries of life mmd that the troupti were
adequately supphieti whit bard bread , bacon ,
sugar anti coifee , Although thus bill of fare
is not as exteimaive as that ufforiheti troope
mm garrison , it cmnbodlca tue nmalmm features
of time armmmy ration wbmiie on held service
anti remimovemi froni a base of iiuipphIml. its It
imas been alleged in somne quarters that
( hero was a lack of PUtIVOIO In the battles
incitieimt to tue advance upon mtmitiugo , it hi
lnterestiimg to mmoie that while tcr.eral Shma- (
( or atlmmmlts timat to , ts'o days imu was isimmi.
tacit lylmig ill owlmmg to time grcamt beat and
exposure lie asserts that time plans haiti
down iii amlynimee f'r time movemaeimt voro
carried omit sm'Iiii absolute cximctt.uess.
'iisirih Month ( IC ( iii , % Yur ,
With tIme tveeic 'ust ' closeti the Uaitd
States saw time cliii of the titiril mmmomitii of
thu war with Sham and the res1.ouilJti