Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1898, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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I i V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE o7srAirA DATJ4Y 1Ei : SVXDAYT'rTx 1 , 1808. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d
; 1 Stormy Session Ends in the Selection of
V DouglM County Repreentative1
Itpntt of the CIIIiItCp oh Crcilrti-
tInli ( ; stttpPN 011 JIDV nti.I lint out
. Zelegnk.i Auuotlicr -
I eInte Inke No
: r
The vonai1lt of Joug1n county , after
I. fl stormy convofttlofl 1aLIng nil
ntternboii , eicci an Ufl1ettgCI
to the state convention , There wn no attempt -
p tempt to pn InStrUctIons. Of the three
Cllfldlilfttcg for governor none ltoemcl ( confident -
fident of enough strength to warrant him
In making the attempt to secUre the dcc-
gatlon , anti when , jutt before adjournment ,
ft motion was made that the delegation 1)0
unnatructeI , It WaR carried without a dIu-
lintI1g vote.
The committee on credentlnl8 (1Ipo8ed ( of
the Ninth vartl conteit by allowing the ten
men Iio ivoro tied to catt a hftlt vote
each on the understanding that two Yelser
men from the ward were to ho placeti on
the delegation to the state convention , When
it came to selecting these utt'legates V. 0.
Strlckler , one of the Niiith ward de1egnte ,
Id the two were to be chosen by the ward ,
VwhIio the other side contentled that Yelser's
friends on the de1tgatIon should make the
When this ward submitted its list of
( lelegates to the state convention , I' . S.
Condit and (1. Eubank were designated as
Yetser's men. Another report was made
naming ltawcllff nni 'Thomas for those
Places. E. F. Ilutlierforti of the Sixth coni-
. hatetl for the .econd report , while Strick-
V Icr hold that. the report matte by the ward
should bi' adopted , assuring tile convention
that Condit and Eubank would vote for
Yoiscr.Vhlo the debate was going eu
8On ) One lisked that Yelser express his
opinion upon the tpiestion ,
Yelser told the convention he did not
care who was put on the delegation so long
as they ivere selected by the few friends
lie had loft. on the representation from the
Ninth ward. This proposition caught the
convention. It cheered Yciser , and refused
1'p to ho quieted , causing Strickler to remark
that one might believe from the ( lemenstra-
tioii that it was a Yciser convention. The
( ' . $ proposition to substitute the names of flaw-
cliff and Thomas for those of Condit and
t Euhank carried with a whoop.
The only other evidence of enthusiasm
In a convention characterized by disorder
and contuiIoi was shown when Attorney
General Smyth appeared before tile (1010.
gates in response to their call and made
a short nddrcss.
' Henry Ilium , stenographer in the offlco
k ' of Governor lloicounb ; J. J. Everinghnzn ,
r cleric In the 0111cc of the state auditor ; J.
B. Jones , One of tile state grain inspectors ,
nnd Frank hUbbard , deputy oil inspector ,
were conspicuous on the hoar of the con-
ycntion during the entire proceedings.
4)rganlzliig I lie Convetu
It wat' neiriy i o'clock when the convention -
tion was called to order by J. ICeIiy Mc-
V Combs , chairman of tile coutty alnmittoe.
V The citli was read by J. J Everinghani ,
the secretary. For temporary chairman ,
fl. F. Mcintosh of the Sixth ward , Lewis
V. auyo of the Third ward and 0 , A. Wol-
cott. of Eikhorn were presented. Mr. Viol-
coLt arose to withdraw , but Frank Ilibbard
rushed to iilni and urged hiul to desist.
. Wolcott was the candidate of the element
against Instructing. A roll call was ordered ,
resulting as follows : Wolcott , 7S',4 ; Guye ,
tG % ; McIntosh , 9 , and Wolcott was dcclardd
John C. Tierney ( ItlestiOfled tile correct-
2)088 of the vote nod demanded another
Zolt caU
! rhoro were numerous protests to Tier-
luly's objection and a motion to make \Vol-
cott's election unanimous prevailed.
For temporary secretary , OttoC. Niorman
o Jefferson , IL E. Schack of the SCCOn(1 (
ward and J. J. Everinglunin of the Seventh
ward wore anmed. V 0. Strickler poured
oil by moving that the three candidates be
especttvely secretary and as1stants. John
C. Tiornoy filed another kick on the ground
thai this fliOLion was an effort. to deprive
tile delegates of tileir right to vote , but the
corvention adopted Strickier's motion.
'lho convention voted a committee of five
I oncodentiais. The chairman appointed H.
't ' COlJtl. Schuyler Cowies , J. Kelly McCombs ,
) cl erie A. ragney and } . F. Rutherford ,
1' dad 41 1CC5S of fifteen minutes was taken.
; .cfkr waitIng three-quarters of an hour
tout. a report some one suggested that
; . Everiagham , a clerk Ia the state
audIor's. office , had a speech seored away
nhs bosom. Tile convention was called to
ord'r to give Mr. Everingham an opportunity -
tunity to effervesce. Everinghnni was in-
tcrrUptel by a motion that a committee be
appointed to go after tile credentials coin-
nitttee. The cilairinan nipointed Joseph
Itodman and Frank fllhbard to make the
investigation and they reported that the
: eomniitteo would report in five minutes.
Everingimamn resumed and after pnylng a
compliment to Attorney General Sniytii received -
coived his first and only applause. Mr.
Sinyth happened to 1)0 III tile luaU and was
called to tile front , his appearance being the
nconttvo for quito an ovation.
V uttt1t Ittulorst's
The denlocratic attorney general asslired
, ( ho populist convention that ho caine not
to make a sPeech 1)111 felt a brotherly interest -
terest in the proceedings , Ito said all the
: state officerS were prepared to defend their
own actions and the actions of the other
oflicers ; that the lrcsent officers were not
only tile best the stab ever had but as
good as It was possible to have ; and that
they are lrevnretl to tibet the enemy on
nil state and national itsues , illr. Smyth
createl considerable ontiluslasni In the convention -
vontion and wns heartily cheered wileul he
concluded ,
U. F. Mcintosh Introduced a long resolu-
Lion favoring fusion , but diseolumutonahlcing
V claims for oflicial recognition on account
of larty service , but It was quickly ruled
out on a point of order.
The committee on credentials now made
' Its appearance after au absence of an hour
V aimtl a bait. Tiioro were two contests , There
, were two delegations from West Omaha ,
and the members swore giveum one-halt vote
pacb , This recommendatioll WaS adopted.
' 'hero were no Primaries iii Millard , but a
POPUlISt WflS Present and lie was given
power to cast the five votes of that precinct.
lii the Ninth ward ummattor time committee
report watt agreed to allowing the teum delegates -
gates lyith a tie rote to ca8t omme-lunif vote
V each , yith the understanding that the delegation -
gation appoiult. Yelser delegates to the state
convention ,
The committee reported that South Omaha
t was represented by nil proxies , saye one , and
dtclded ugaimist proxies. This was also
I adopted.
, I Magiacy for Chuilrmunu , ,
4 Aim attempt to make the temporary organ-
I izatlon lCrzumftmment was tleeated and George
I A. Mugney and Lewis V. Ouyo were named
l or permanent chairman.
( A motion was made that In voting only
, actual d'legates present be called , but with.
out ecjdlng the question OIIII with all
ictatis of noise and several men trying to
'b. bpeak the call of time roll was ordered. The
result OS the Vote was SGJ for Mngmmey and
494 for Onyc.
im ; agreed to elect delegates to the
state convention by wards nail lreClmmcts. )
} . 1 , Morearity proposed that six delegates
be cboze iroui each ward , the remainder
r to be apportioned to South Omaha and the
country , hut the Plan as adoptei wa8
amended to give five to each ward in Omaha ,
ten to South Omaha and two to each country
vrccinet. After another recess of five mm-
lutes the representatives from the wards and
precincts reportel the following delegates
to attend the state convention :
First lVnrd-M. 3 , O'Connell , J Vi. liar-
nett , I ) , Rowden , M. Cavanaugim , 0. Weumdt.
Second Ward-I' . I-i , Quinlan , Thomas
iionnott , J. II. Jones , lI i. Schack , S. 3.
Cogs a.
' 1 bird Wmrd-J. C. 'Fierney , j , fl. Blake ,
Lewis V. Guye , J. C , hums , 1red V.
Fourth Ward-Il. C. Richmond , P. P.
Burke , V. l. Wilson , E , J. Morrow , U. F.
FittilVardPatrlek Ilynes , J , 'tV. Mc-
Cart ) ' , Stoddard , J. } . Emblem , 13.
Sixth V'arul-E , F , ltutlmerford , N. F.
Aulamns , Charles Johnson , J. M. Itobinsea ,
August Climie.
Seventh Vard-J , 3. Everlnglmam , 1 , F' .
Morearity , Carl Canton , J. C. Wimipple , F' .
P. Cochran.
Eighth \Vard-George A. Magney. 11.
Cohen , V. J , Weishans , A. 0 , Gale , A , V.
Spalmiding ,
NiatimVardFimer E. Timomas , 1dward
itawclitf , V. 0. Strlckler , A , Miller , II. H.
South Omaha-Ucorgo 4eer , James Ui-a.
imani , James Gillespie. James F'owisr ,
Charles Flelil , Charles Curtis , Thomas
Smith , George Butterfield , A. Vi. Adams ,
C. F. Lueller.
Florence-John limtrrett , M , Limmgdon , 3.
\v. Brown. .
Waterloo-S. It , Taylor , Thomas Reed ,
Glis Payum. V
Miller-C. I.4 br , 0. . , M. Zarpler , J
? dliiei.'V 'V _ ; . ) , . _
Vniloy-L , N.V Esny , V1I ( Miller , S.
Wright. V
UnIon-F' , B. Ilibbard , A. J. Williams ,
El Knight.
McArdle-W , 13. i'rimgh , A. A. Kruse ,
Pat McArdle. V
NIllard-italpil Hall , John liolenbeck.
Eiklmorn-Piitlip Crink , Fremi Motmitou , 0.
A.'olcott. .
Jefferson-O , C. Mormon , S. Kelly Mc-
Coummbs , Charles Grami.
'hllo the ( lelegates were being read a
collection was taken to pay ball rent ,
amounting to a.
luuuportnuut'e of imeluug I'resen
Wblic the mnotion apportioning the deio.
gatloui allowed two , to each country nrc-
cinet , four of these preciacts vcro imot represented -
resented and their apportionment was absorbed -
sorbed by those precincts roprecented , gir-
tag them timree V delegates each , excepting
Millard , which was vIliln to accept two
When it came to formally electing the
delegates time row in the Ninth ward caamo
up again. The delegation from time Ninth
chose P. S. Condit. and .flV Eubank n the
two delegates to represent Yeiser. Another
report was made naming Edward ltawclilt
and Elmer E. Thoirae as the Yelser dole-
gates. The convention then vroceeded to
go over time whole matter again , a. good
deal of bitterness being shown , On motion -
tion of M. J , O'Connell of the First ward
the delegation to Lincoln goes uninstructed.
The question of electing a. now county
committee was hrougbt tlj ) and deferred.
Johit Jeffroat , chairman of the congres-
alommal committee , asked what mihotmid be
done with the delegation for time congres-
Rional convention , and a motion prevailed
that the delegation to the atate convemmtion
shall also be the congressional deigation
A resolution was adopted requiring the
county committee to give twenty days' no-
'tico ' of the holding of prImaries.
At 6:45 : p. m. the convention adjourned.
FItIau sii.van. itii UIiiictN PARCH.
Leleguttes Go 'l'Iirituiili the ' ( IOtlouIN of
Xn mit I ii g 'l'Ime uiieIven.
The second act of the eolitliaibuncombo
Inaugurated by the farcical rImaries on
Friday was put on the boards yesterday
afternoon at tile so-called silver rehublican
county convention at Labor Temple , when
the delegates present appointed themselves'
to botil states and congressional nomInating
In point of numbers , tile silver republIcan
convention was but little better than the
primaries , wiliell had shown only thirty-
two votes cast in the whole city. James
W. Carr presided as chaIrman of the county
comnmlttee and W. C. Kelly acted as see-
rotary. Frammk Ransom was V the V whole
Ninth ward himself. Dr. Savihlo anti \Vll-
llama Hayden represented the EIghth ward ,
Time First ward showed up three delegates
-It. F. Williams and Messrs. tlrucllert and
Gaynor. The Second ward was represented
by John II. Bell and BenjamIn Durham , in
addition to Secretary Kelly. 'rime Thlra bad
held no primaries and was not represented
at all. Fronl the Fourth ward there were
C. ( I. Sprague , B. M. Joimnson and S. It.
Towne. The Fifth ward alone had full
representation. From time Sixth ward there
responded J. M. Chambers , W , M. Maupmu
and T. I" . Sturgcss. By some process of
magic the mmames of five delegates from the
Seventil ward were handed to thmo secretary -
tary , thouglm no primary election hind been
lucid there. Of these only 1) . B. Gregory ,
J. U. Arthur nnd Graham Park appeared.
The whole country was wlttmolmt ropresenta-
tiomi with the exceptIon of Waterloo pre-
clmmct , In the nersoum of Dr. 11. C. W'lmeeler.
Cimalrmuaml Carr and Secrotnry ICehly acted
as botim temporary amid permnammemit organlza-
tion. There was no trouble about creden-
tiais , and there was not enoughm interest
taken to attempt to fill time numerous va-
cancies. The delegations were made up
by time representatives of time several wards ,
amid eleven vere cimosemi at large by ac-
clamation. It was wIth seine difilculty timat
time full complement was renchd. available
silver republicans being scarce.
Thu following Is the list of delegates who
will net at time state conventIon at IAn-
coin :
First Ward-li. II. Yale , I. P. A. Brtmchert ,
It. \Villllnis. ( .
Second \Vnrl-Johm II. Bell , Bemmjamln
lurimamn , W. C , Kelly ,
Third Ward-D. ii. Brook , II. ft. Greenfield -
field , J. 0. Adams.
Jrolmrthm Ward-Jay riurns , 11 , I , iiurnhani ,
C. 0 , Sprague.
Flttim Wttrtl-Ed 3. Clark , Erich I'eterson ,
A. Travis.
SIxth \\'ard-J , M. Chambers , Vi. M. Mau-
pin , T. F. Sturgess ,
Seventh WaidD , I ) . Grcgory J. U. Ar ;
timur , Graham I'ark.
EighmttmS.'ardWuiIlmim hinydemm , Lawrence'
Ratim , W. II , Ailen ,
Ninth \'nrtI-S , B , Mercer , M. WIlson ,
limmiph Summderi ammil ,
\'aterloo Preciuict-ir , II. 0.Vlm'eier ,
At Large-James Vt' , Carr , C. 0. Lobecic ,
Frank Itaimison , 3. 1" . Ilellim , Ii , F , Johnson ,
Htl S. liralll'y , J. W' , Coburn , Hglmert F.
French , Isaac S ilascail , Guy 0. liarton ,
Charles Barhour.
A conmmmiitteo consisting of the chairmami ,
tile secretary , Dr. Savllle and Messrs.
Burns amid Burnimua IIaa empowered to fill
ixslblo vacancies. Another commimittee ,
consisting of Messrs. Carr , Mauplmi , Loboclc ,
ilurnhmnmn and Gregory. will save the party
time trouble of nanming ( lie Douglas county
delegatlomi to the congressional convention
whom : it shall be called ,
NeJuruiNkul II , , * A rt' Courteous.
Time following paragraph iron : the Chattanooga -
tanooga Times of Sunday , July 10 , will ho
of interest to time Nebraska parents whose
well bred sons are now With tIle Second
regiment of Nebraskas volunteers :
'Tilo corner of Ninth and Market is a
sImioniiti field for atm observant persomm to
study time characteristics of these young
macmm who imavoVpledged timemmiselves to do and
to die , it need be , ( or their ceuntry. Hero
conies a group of gay New Yorkers. a Ia
liowery flavor. sweeping overythming before
tliemm with their swaggering 1-own-the- air ; follow-
lag them is a squad of quiet , unostentatious
lIttle fellows , whose Insignia lmmdIcates that
they belong to the Second Nebraska ; unlike
those in front of themu , they are. decorous.
lirommiptly give way for women to pass , and
are considerate of the rights of other pedestrians -
trians , "
White and Oolorod Congress and Poronal
Liberty Lotguo ,
1leprpseuutntIe Citizeims to Dlnas t1u
l'roIuIeuis I n'olvl iii time Hqumnl
Jtlimt Matter no.1 l'ersuminl
LIIrty ( nepufIomt ,
Timero Is to be a congress ot representa.
Live white and colored citizens in this city
emi August 17 , to continue for three days ,
and , simultaneously with It , there will be
a convention of time Natiommal l'ersonal lAb.
erty League. It lied been the Intemition of
the latter to meet here at a subsequent
date , but L' . It. Overall , who was largely
instrumental In getting up the congress ,
Prevailed 111)011 ) 11. Clay Hawkins of Wash-
iuugton , I ) . C. , time vresldent of the league ,
to call his meefing lucre at the same time ,
Time correspondence between Messrs.
Overall nmmtl hawkins has beemi of a very
encouraging nature , auth the gathering of
the league , which l a distinctively colored
organization , nromiaes to be a very en-
thusiastie one. As to time mixed congress
it will remain to be seen wimat it will do-
velop. So far , of all time governors requested -
quested toselect delegates , only Governor
Adams of Colorado amid ( lovermmor Iholcomb
of this atatC have acted.
The object of ( lie congress , as stated in
tue call semit out by time local committee ,
may best he given in their own language ,
to-wIt :
FIrst-To bring together representatives
of both classes of Americall cItizens for exchange -
change of view's en iui.itmstrinl , edtmcatiommal ,
social nmil moral qtmestipns of vital muoment
to ( lie prosperity of out county , and ,
Second , to crystallze such views imito seam
organizatlomi which will put into practIce
such vrluicipals as lIe coimgress Inn ) ' agree
Impoim br the accompllshimeuit 01 : the end do-
organIzation will mint. be polItIcal but
It Is the intentIon to have the congrcsP
and time league meet together In the audi-
torltmmn at the exposition. The committee
that issued the call for the former and which
is arranging for the joint assemblage consists -
sists of Mr. Overall and Rev. John A. Wil-
hianma , rector of St. PhIllips' lpiscopal
church , but the call had also the signatures
of (3. F. FranklIn. 3. W. Long , S. Lillian
Colemnami , 1. W. I'ryor. II. K. litlion , George
E. Collins , Ella Mahamnmlt , Mrs. J. W. Scott
and H. V. I'lummer. Editor Cyrus D. Bell
of time Afro-American Sentinel has been
helping to plmsh the matter.
SiuI ( ' Notable Hutdorjuenueutts ,
1mm quite a miumnber of states ondorsemento
of persons of more or less prominemice Intro
been secured to time call. Among these a
letter fronf Arcllblshop John Ireland of St.
I'aul to Mr. Overall bas been among the
most favorable to its object. Iii this state
tile names of BIshop George Worthington ,
Governor Hoicomnb , Congressman David II.
Mercer , Chancellor George E. MncLeami of
tue UniversIty of Nebraska , J. H. IJtt , Dr. H.
C. Stephenson amid ninny others ore used in
this manner. New York is represented by
Bisimop II. C Potter ; Washington , D. C , ,
by ImmIgration Commiasioner T. V. Pow-
deny ; Loulsiamma by ox-Lieutenant Governor
P. II. S. I'inchback ; MIssouri by Prots.
Inman E. I'ago amid Joseph H. Pelbam , and
so en.
Tlio delegates selected by Governor hlol-
comb are : Chancellor MacLean of the State
University , B. Ciem Deaver , Major T. S.
Clarkson , Silas Itobbins , Dr. M. 0. ltlcketts ,
Cyrus D. Bell , 11ev. J. C. C. Owens of St.
John's A. M. E. church , Rev , J. It. Woodcock -
cock of Tecumnseh , J. 0. Cramb of Fairhury ,
and \V. I : . Vanderzee and Rev. J. T. Knap-
per of Lincoln.
The Colorado delegates are : Dr. Paul H.
Smiratiln , J. II. Stuart and Rev , \V. H. Dc-
Clayhrook of Demiver , Mrs. L. HollanmI of
Pueblo and Rev. Vi. H. Giadden of Colorado
"Good delegations , " said Rector WIlliams
y sterday , 'have been promised from 1111-
nois. Iowa , Missouri , Kansas and Louslana ,
mmd scattering delegates are expected from
other sections , as by request of the local
comuumiittee , rivato Individuals have umider-
taken to secure delegates from their cc-
Slioctivo states. We are aendimig out corn-
munications 110w , hoping to get as full a
representatIon as Possible. " Many of the
governors have paId no attention to the
request of the call of the committee ,
I'resluleuut Ilutuki us' Cmiii.
Time call of I'resldent Hawkins of the National -
tional l'orsonal Liberty League contemn-
plates 450 delegates , if they all come. The
call reads :
Every colored man avho believes In personal -
sonal liberty is cordially invited to take
nort in this conventlomi , oltimer as a delegate -
gate or as a spectator. The great Tramis.
mississippi and International Expositioi
will be In full blast and all who attend
will be entertained by time expositiomi coin-
inittea on nubile comfort. The chairmijami of
011th state will see that lila convention Is
called in aiflIiC ) time , Where there is no
organizatiomi of the Personal Liberty league
any veil known colored man who believes in
persommal liberty may call a muecting to select -
lect delegates.
Each of time soutimern states is allowed
twenty delegates by time personal liberty
call. Charles C. Curtis of Washington , D.
C. , is the natIonal organizer of the ieaguo
mind nil communications relative to the cony
vention shotmid be sent to him.
Irwin of luluIuo lIuslllIIuns lit Shunrrs ,
Juiut ? ut U ( 't-it of
o us e ,
3. ' 13. Irwin , time alleged owner of time
"Goldemm Eaglo" gold mine , located in ldahmo
and said to be fabulously rIch , was arrested -
rested yesterday as a vagrant. Time arIa.
oner's clothing sustatnedtlie charge , but
lila pockets beicd it , as the ) ' fairly bulged
wIth certificates of stock of tile company
operating time same. Each simaro Is sup.
1)050(1 to be worth $10 , Had Irwlmm been able
to sell lila stock , there was ito much of it
lie wolmlci be wealtlmy ,
110 was lucked up by the police because of
a small clrclmlar lie was dIstributing , which
dilated on thu wealth of time maine , The
circular was slgmmed with Irwin's name and
his address vas given as time Paxton ilotol ,
Time omcer , judging from Irwin's clothimig ,
did not believe 110 WOB a guest at the lintel
and took him to the station. Ills story
was like that of all mnlniimg maca who come
east o sell a mine. They hero plenty of
mnommey to make a "flash" at first and stop
at time best lioteis , but luck In placing time
property is against them and their money
gIves out and they are comnpelied to seek
cheaper quarters until fimlally , if they per.
stst in staying until successful , a bed in a
cheap lodging house is all they cami get ,
When Irwin first came to Omaha some
weeks ago he was a guest at the Paxton
hotel and his prodigality was the talk of
a certain class. From the men imo wined
and dined then Irwin could not now got a
postage stamp , Judge Gordon discharged
hint with ( be advice that he return to
Idaho. "how can I , your honor ? " ho re.
marked , "I couldn't swap my thousands In
stocks for a 15-cent nical , let alone a railroad -
road ticket. " lnougii mommy was loaned
the prospective Monte Cristo to semid an ap-
heal of aid by wire to Idaho.
ChummIer iii .t rrtstesI ,
James Chanlem' , for whom the police
have been looking as an embezzler since
last October , was captured on Farnom atrect
yesteriny. Cimanler Is alleged to lisro ap.
propriated to his own use $378 belonging to
the commission firma condtmcteti by him and
Edgar Stebbias Ofl howard street between
Fieventh and Twelfth streets ,
Chanier submitted to arrest quietly and
made the statement that tlme money was
lmsel in the interests of the firm anti not
for his own , lie is confident that ho ran
ui-ore lila Innocence of wrong doing at the
nroper time. lie cad Stebbins haui been
partners but a short tinme before the ai.
leged embezzlement.
.T. B. Blanchard is very anxious that time
railcoatis should arrange short excursioum
routes for time accomnmotintlon of visitors to
time expositIon , who would be able , If time
proper facIlities were afforded , to spouid a
day in riding about the country. lie has
already taket the zrattcr u' , with the Po.
Pnrtmnent of Transportation of the Trans.
mississippi ExpositIon and with tile l3oartl
of Trade amid is urging people omit iii time
state to tise their influence to accomuplish
the same object.
Mr. lilatichard points out that time great
object of the exoosition Is to call time at-
tentiomi of people to the vest , anti time
neoplo of Omaha worked to have it holti
hero that scttlers migimt be attracted to No-
1'nika and busimiess projects brought Into
the state. That being tim case , it would
seem too bad to let eastern people return
home without having hail a giammco at time
great fields of cormi growing in Nebraska
which would be a sigilt timat they never
would cease to talk about. In almost any
city in the west you can take a day's ride
Over SOinO loop that wIil give you a nice
outing and a glimpse of ( lie cotmntry , but if
a stranger wants to see something of Nc-
braska 110 will have to spend a half-day
in looking up information as to timmie cards
and figure out how he cami get back again
the annie day. Mr. Biancimnrtl wammts one or
amore of the road to establIsh a service
around some loop which cami be made in a
day , then put the rate down to say 1 cemmt
Per mile , tile ticket being good only for the
( lay issued and for contimluous passage ,
vlilchm would do away with any trouble fromn
scalpers. Once a week one or more cars
could be rim over such a loop and mio doubt
the low rate would imlduce ninny Omaha
peoilo ) as well as visitors to take a day's
outing. It is suggested that a loop might
be made by going from Omaha to Norfolk ,
over the Sioux City road to Emersomi , and
home on tile St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha ,
Amiotimer jiossible trip would be Oniaima to
Freniont , theml to York and home over time
B. & M , The Missouri I'aciflc could make
a good loop by way of Plattaniouth , Ne.
braska City and Weeping Water.
Whatever loop was decided upomi it silould
be well advertised so that everyone would
know about it amid so that Omaha people
would advise visitors not to nilas that tea-
ture of their visit to the west. Mr.
Bianchiard says ( hint if a stranger goes to
Denver every person he talks with wIll
say , "you must go over the loop before
you return home. "
Lieutenant Colonel Johiui V. F'urey , known
iti this city as Major Fimrey , has been ap-
nolnted to l a coloneicy , the commission
dating from last % Veilmiesday. This will be
good news to tile friends of the armiiy oihi-
cer In this city , of whomn there are many
among the older resldemits. Mayor Moores
is one of hIs best and closest friends. Col-
end Furey was connected with the Depart-
memit of time Platte in this city for eight
years while General Crook was statIoned
hero and accompanIed the latter in his In-
diami campaigns. He was with the quarter-
master's department and establlsiietl the
supply depot now located here. From
Omaha he went to St. Paul , then to Washington -
ington and then to I'hiladeipbia , where he
is now stationed. He is deputy quarter.
master in charge of the depot at Phila-
delpimla , time second largest if not the largest -
est in the country. He lies been a coil-
sclentious and hardworking oflicer and has
incurred the Ire of mnamiy an unscrupulous
seller to the government by hIs insistence
that the goods sold to time United States
should be of the heat. lie owes his pro-
motiomi to these characteristIcs. He served
throughout time war tInder McClellan and
emitered the quartermaster's department at
the close of the robellloim ,
Ezra Emery , an old Omaha boy , who now
looks after Union PacIfic interests at Rock
Springs , Wyo. . stopped in to look at Time
flee's new press last milght. lie inspected
with some satisfaction and said : "Tlmo
great improvement in printIng nressea in the
last ton or fifteen years Is wonderful. A
great press like this that prints any miuniber
of pages , cuts , foids and counts ( lie papers
is imiteresting to any one , but to no one
more tiian to me. Twenty years ago I
worked in time press room of The Omaha Lice
and as I recall the machuimmery we worked
with imi tlmoso days and commtrast It vith this
big press time advance appears marvelous.
Our circuation then was about 1,900 papers
and my work was to told the papers. I was
aomnewhat of a success as a folder and had
a record of beIng able to fold thIrty-two
papers a mInute. That was the cimampion
record of the town. I remuember omico we
had a naner folding contest , the winner
being offered the position of having charge
of the old Herald's mailimmg room. It was
a pretty stiff competition among a number
of time Onialma boys , hut I nulied mit first ,
beating my own record , I remmienmber quite
well when the first folding maclilac was nut
in by any paper In these parts. It was
owned by The Bee , It was separate from time
press amid required a separate feeder , but
it was not altogether a success. The changes
frommi that day until this , when time paper
comes out folded as is desired and already
counted , cami best be appreciated by one
who actually folded time papers Ia time old
way. '
l'ersuuuuui l'nrngruplmuu ,
U. H. Lang amid wife of Boston are Millard -
lard guests ,
Vi , 3 , McBride Is regIstered itt the Mu-
lard from Detroit.
M. S. Ilardemmbroolc , Frank Miller and F.
S. l'rott , nil of Boston , are expoaltloui vial-
tars ,
3 , D. Mclnnea anti family of Kansas City
iill spend a few days visiting time OXposi-
tion and are stopping at time Millard ,
Timounas Ihlytimo of Evamiston , W'yo. , H. F.
Iiratz and wife of Ogden , Utah , anti Lymnan
Fargo of Pocatehlo , Idaho , are amnong time
western lieoliie wile are taking in time cx-
position. V
Scimley , Samnpson , Dewey and Ilohson are
all registered at the Millard. (1. M. Scimicy
hails ( coin Jersey City , A. Ij. Sampson amid
F. N , Dewey are from New York , and F.
0 , llobson is from Norristowum , Pa ,
Leo Mayer , Raymond Albright ,
Langton Albrigimt , I , A , Archibald. Iii. Loc-
witim , Sidney P head , Frammk L , flrown , J ,
It. Winchester , Ii , L , harris and Den S.
Dcutsclm are promumment arrivals at the Mu-
lard from New York ,
Nebraskans at hotels : 3. A. Manning ,
Wayne ; P. L. Ackermnami , H , M , Thomas and
vife , Stanton fl Iuke amid wife , Cimndron ;
Berth , Skolton , lirokemi flow ; B , A , Wiigiit ,
Wolbacim ; S. 0. Reeder , Columnius ; 'Vi. IL.
Wadsworth , John Morrslchc , Indlamiola ; ( I.
A. iilackstone and wife , CraIg ; A. W.
WliIInan , York ; C , W. Jamnison , Yutan ;
Mrs. V. It. Brooks , fleatric. ,
1hiuor Ii'uul lit % 'uIlo' .
A rather peculiar state of affairs arisen
out of an arrest for selling liquor without
a lIcense at Valley. A saloon keeper named
Bali had been so charged and taken before
the justice of ( ho peace , who let hini go ,
but , in time opinion of the county attorney ,
there Is evidence enough to convict and his
rearrest yesterday was ordered , a search
rarrant being also issued ( or liquor on his
premnises , lie will ho brought In today and
examined as soon as possible by the county
judge ,
Private Pursuith of Soeral of the Lit
Delegates to Omaha ,
: ii leli lgnuu I'ol I t It's , a Cn.Ouernt lye
ZCVN mHiIui'r I'm It t 0 II ml I It e
uluset , , C ii lug ( ' L'nrt
or 'l'hclr Vork ,
hershel Wlmitakem' , secretary of time Amer.
lean Pisimerie.q society , vimieit has just closed
It annual nieetlmmg iii Onmaha , Is a court
stenographer , lie lives 1mm Detroit , amid imna
beemm on the State Fish commimission for
years , having been appointeti as a member
of tin , board mnuecessively by populist , theme-
cratic antI republican govermiorsammtl last year
ngaimm reaplointetl by Governor I'ingrce. lie
is an enthusiastic angler , amid has always
taken great interest in nil mmmntters for the
propogation amid nrotectioa of fish. lie
tins twice been president of the
mlatlomini society , amid boa just been chosemm
secretary for ( lie second ( line.
Speaking of MIciuigami politics , Mr.'lmit -
nkcr says lie doesn't timink it nosalble for
( iovermior Pingree to he defeated for re-
nonilmmntioma in time rel'ithlicamm ' convcqtiomi , or
for election nt time halls. lie say thmo big
fight in ( lie state will be oui time legIslature ,
witicii eill next * ihter cimoosd n smmcct'ssor
to S'emintor lhimrrows , nmml which wIll nlse ,
be called upon to pass ( lie reform imtkntiomi
laws demamitied by Governor Pimigtee. lie
says ( lie governor wIll make these reformns
the issue iii time camnpaigmm , and vili use nil
his efforts to secure a legislature which
will be fuleumdly to thin nicasures ,
Mr.'lmitaker is also emmtlmtmsiastic over time
exposition. lie says timere is mm qtiestiomi
that it is time greatest simoiv since time
World'S fair. lIe saw the Nashville exposItion -
posItion last year , amid says there is no
comnparisomi betweeml ( lie tV.o. lie thinks
time people of the country at large do not
fully commftirehentl time magnItude of tlic' enterprise -
terprise , tImid will convert imlniselt lumto a
waikimig advertisement for time show.
Co-Ommeruit It' Nesuuuipu'r l'huuuit ,
3. J. Strnnaiman , who attended time aminual
meeting of time society , is au old mmewspnper
maim In 01mb , and alleges with considerable
pride that lmla paper imas time largest circulation -
culation of any weekly local newspaper in
the Buckeye state. lie does not connect lila
newspaper vork wIth his interest in fish ,
but says time reverse is more likely to be
true , because he began to show an imiterest
in the flnny tribe before lie engaged in the
journalistic field. Ills paper is nubhisimeti
at Chagrin Fails , wiilchm is at the corner
of four coummties , gIving It a large field.
Sonmo eight years ago Mr. Stramiahman was
appoInted superIntendent of time govern-
memit's fishery station at Put-In-flay , and
UpOn taking time posItioum , whlcim he is still
imoldiog , lie hilt Ills paper upon the cooperatIve -
operatIve basIs. lie bad four men working -
ing in the 0111cc wimo hind been with lmimn for
a long time. lie says he plmt his plant
agnummat their labor , and on each Saturday
imight each of them draws from time treasury -
ury the sum of $10 , anti at thmo end of eacim
year declare a divIdend. This system of
mamiagement has been iim vogmue Iii time of.
iico for eiglmt years , nod Mr. Stranahami
says he has male imiore money out of the
plammt in that time tiiami In any previous
period of the same duration. Co-operative
work is a hobby with Mr. Stramiahian , anti
he has spent sonic tIme Iii Etmrope studying
time workigs of the plaim there , nnt thinks
it is at ( ho bottom of perpetual penee be-
tveen employer amid employe , and will be
more generally adopted as It bceomnes imiore
fully understood.
Mr. Stranahian , nccompanied by Imis
brother , a business mnnmi at Cleveland , left
for the vest , oil a trip to time Pacific coast ,
which will occupy three veeks until tiieim'
return to Omaha.
Prof. II. A. Dirge , another delegate (
( ho meeting of the society , is dean of time
College of Letters amid Science , and imistruc-
tor of zoology In the State university at
Madison , \Vis. fly virtue of his capacity
as au instructor lie Is a niomuber of the
WisconsIn Fish commulsslom : , vhmIeim brings
him to the anmiual meetings of the society.
Prof. Dirge is a New Yorker , amid after
boimmg educated at Williams and harvard ,
came to Madison in 1875 as ami instructor ,
anti has been there till time presemit tIme.
W'lmiie in time city lie called upon. some muem-
hers of time altmmnl of time \Viseonslmi iuumi-
versity , several of whom are residents of
thin city , V
All hiM Life itt lime Vork.
F. N. Clark is superintendent of time
MichIgan stations of the Ummlted States Fisim
conmmmiisslon , There are two of these eta-
tiomis , one at Northville , devoted to trout ,
anti time other at Alpeuma , devoted to white
fish. Mr. Clark has about spent hIs life
iii tills woric , ills father took mmii immterest
Iii the work , and from iulumm the semi In-
herlted ( lie taste for it. Time either Clark
emigaged iii It as a pastime , or as a lath.
In 1SIP ) lie returned from a trip to the east
amid brought with hIm nbout OO trout eggs.
110 had amm improvised hatchery at his
home Iii Mlchmlgaum , and into thIs lie hitmt
timemue eggs. It was 1mm the winter anti time
weather was ummuetmaliy severe. The trough
froze imp , amid by hard work only twemmty-
five of the eggs were saved , Timesa
were transferred to a small tureen In the
house. The water had to he changed fre-
quiemitly during time tiny , timid three times at
night. The elder Clark always looked after
time latter part of title work , After a tue
fitteemi of the eggs hatched , aumml of. ( lila
mmmnber OflO fiahm lived for three mouths. F.
N. Clark sitys ( lint wns timeir first experl-
emmce. Year before lust time result of his
season's batciming at time statiomis in Miehmi'iamm
was 165,000,000 ilshm. lie Points to these
two records as time mnaxiniumn and mini.
mimi results of lila experience nit a flail
culturlst , ammd says they show what develop-
meat line been nmadtm iii time science ( luring
tIme last thirty years. Mr. Clark ehmtdrud
time employ of hme gpvermmment in 1874 , and
while iie line been stationed temmmirnrarihy
at other jioints , mimost of 11113 ( iraq line becim
slient in Micimlgan , time state of ills birth.
Mr. Clark is a brother of Mrs.
Fishier , Wife of time senior member
of ( lie firumi of Fisher & Laurie iii this city ,
and Mrs. Clark accommmpaumles kiln , thereby
coummblning niensure with professional duties.
Mr. ClerIc thinks he bath a harrow escape
from being a resident of Omniuha , lila father
hind beemi imi time dry goods business , ammh
immll retired , In the later GOs , necomparmieth
iiy a xmephow vhio was an expemiemmeml dry
goods rmman , he started for Omaha with time
object of engaging In time wholesale dry
goods business. 0mm the way out they
stopped at Clinton. Time imepimew was lam-
pressed witlm tiat nIaco ammul felt it was to
he time metropolis of time west. Mr. Clark
came omm west and was hilcimsed with thm
outlook ( or time village of Omnahiti. however -
ever , time nephew's ohminiomi prevailed , anti
they embarked in business at Ciimmtomm , with
time result that In a couple of years the
store was closed omm them , and Mr. Clark ,
ar , , returzmcil to MIchigan , wimoro his son
resummied his investigations of fish , and
afterward made It imis life vork ,
Joum ruues tit ai.'t Ilti' Itusimuumutl ,
Time lioilce are entertaining until such
tIme as she iii able to travel Mrs. Iavid
Timomnpeomi of Lilils. l'a. , who is 'n route
to tIme coal fields of Wyoming to joIn her
husband , who is a coal miner. Thus woman
is absolutely penimilcas amid is depemmdimum ( on
tile charity of tlmoe she meets in her travels
for aid , She is nccomnpanied by a three-
mnonthms.old im'tant , two boys , one 3 years
old and time other 4 ,
Her hmustmand , who vcnt to Wyoming aemo
months ago hoQkimmg for work , wrote her to
Join htimmm two weeks ago and hmn started
vithout a penny , but as aim says. wIth a
steadfast hope in ( led , She says she has
heen treated kindly in every towmm sue has
visited both by ( lie town ofleers nmmtl ( ho
railroad neopie , It is believed that one of
time railroad companies here will give her
transportation to her distimmntion. lice case
hiatt bCmi 1ced before time railway offl-
IMmring her stay here she will be the
alternate guest of Police Matron Tietlemami
anti the matron at the I.Ynlemm depot ,
( 'nimmit % ( 'li.rk lin''rI' Simiuuilts a lie-
hurt uiut , ''s uI liuuaiulou I'M
lit lnumglns County.
In eoumformnlty with ( lie law. County Clerk
llaveriy recemitly timid lirepareti , timider time
supervisiomi of Chief Clerk Solomnoum of time
tax tlcpartnient , nut intereetimig stntcmmeumt of
labor statistics for Sytimmey 3. Keumt , ( lie labor
commimnissionor , hmo was so veii ntifleti with
tue thiorotmghmmmess of ( lila report ( hint lie
forgot his iiofltics far ciioughm to complimmmemmt
the roumit ' clerk iiis "
) on "excellemit report
train Iouglae county. "
Time table of wages contains mmmdi inter-
mmmatiomi , hum time builthing trades time figures
for time hIglmest , lowest amid average vages
Irnid are given as foilows
Ihigll't. Lciw't. Ave.
( 'nrpemitt'rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iqo
ilrickiiiyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.01) 1 : u.4t
l'nlmitor-i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.0' ' ) IM 2.12
l'itmnmbt'rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,5k ) .5 2.10
Steaniiit.'rs , , , , . , , , , . . . , i. ' 2.1.0
hhtitlemirriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.7 1.75 1.7
ileetricimtui . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fiut ) 2. ( ) 3.15
Arcimieettmrmtl iromm-v'k's I .7. , 1. t5 I .75
Lmtborers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , j 1.43
Tintier miiid cornice.
mmiuiker'u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.0 $
Stone mminmtouu' . . . . . . . . . . . 3.o I .1.0 2.50
Statue ctmtters . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 1.2 1.00
For limo wootlworkimig trades thm figures
arc :
ilihi't. : Low't ,
CabInet mnnkers . . . . . . . . . .Ou ) $ i.,0 $ h.0
(2itrrlagc mimmil vuigom-
mmmakerm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'i.OO . 2.19
tltiehmine timid wood-
woiker4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ijt ) 1.00 2.47
For primitimig and bookblumding :
iligh't. Liv't , Ave.
i'rluiterq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ( ) ) .1O $2.54
l'remnmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1.Oti ] , S. ,
llcctrotyierq . . . . . . . . . . . , 1,00 LOO : i.oo
liookbintierm4 . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.10 1.00 1.41
For time iron-working ( ratIos :
Ihihm't. Low't : . Ave.
Uhackemitims . . . . . . . . . . . . , $3.59 $1.00 $2.thl
Ihollermnakertu . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.01) ) 1.1. ! ) 2.21
Iron imiotmlden4 . . . . . . . . . . . : m.oe ) 2.17
Mmichmimmist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . .oo 1.t ) 2.30
Othior laborers . . . . . . . . . . .1,00 .63 i.7S
For raliroati labor :
Ilinii't. I.ow't , , AVtP.
Hmigiuieers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,0o $1 .10 $3.H (
Firemen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3 ( 1.00 2.18
hiostlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1.0 1.75
Comuiuctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1.20 2.43
I3rahtemnen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 1.00 2.05
Switelimeut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.20 1.00 2.32
Telegraph operators ,
untie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4lt ) 1,15 2.90
Telegraph operittors ,
female . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 1,00 1.50
Porters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 , rio 1.44
Doggageniemi amid otimer
labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,0) ) ) 1.33 2.19
For omce labor :
ilighi't. Low't. Ave.
Bookkeepers , malt' . . . . . . $10.00 $ .53 $2.40
Bookkeepers , l'emnmtlo . . . a.oo ; 1 1.s2
Clerks , immtilt' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.55 .50 2.10
Clerks , feummnlo . . . . . . . . . . Su ) 1.31
Stenographierut , muumlt' . . . 3.0t 1.10 2.02
Stenogrmtphmermi. female. . 2.50 .50 1.5 $
Other labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,00 , GO 2.07
For farmmt labor :
liigii't. Low't. Ave.
Lnborer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3plJ $ .20 $1.01
Domestic-u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.91 .82 .67
For packing imoimso labor :
htiuhm't. Low't. Ave.
Ikitcimers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.04) . $ i.00 $2.31
Other labor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 .50 1.71
For miscellaneous labor :
lliiihi't. Low't , Ave.
Cooks , male . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , $1,110 $ .65 $1.61
Cooks , femnalo . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 .3.'i .76
\'aiters , male . . . . . . . . . . . 2.65 , ro i.ia
Wimiters , female . . . . . . . . .O0 .53 1.93
Doniesticit , ( city ) . . . . . . . 1,32 .14 .1.8
Barbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : I.St ) 1.00 1.78
Stationary engimicems 4.60 1.50 2.44
Stationary llramemi . . . . . 8.00 4 ( } 1.S9
linkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,0(1 1.01) 1.91
\rmitcimmnlce amiti jew-
ellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 i.oo a.oo
City laborers . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,93 21 i. $
Teanmeters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.50 .5(1 ( 1.70
1)rugglsts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 1.0. ) 1,95
Nurses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : : .oo 1.00 1,31
By the above it would seem ( hut bookkeepers -
keepers have time highest halO avocation , amid
domestics and farm laborers time lowest TIme
hours of labor vary train eight to fourteemm.
Ulmize In 11cr 1IiiI luucry StoreCuumaes
Serlumums htmIyi' Aiuuiuiu ( iio.l
lit the St'I. . . II.oiii ,
QuIte a serious fire occumrrc.1 shortly nicer
10 o'clock last mmight in time imiihiimiery store of
Mrs. It. A. lIlies , 1512 louglas street. Mrs.
Williain Scott , svhio owns the buildIng anti
nhiartmmments upstairs , first imoticeVi tIme Lhimze
1mm time rear of the store. There is a emnahl
frame addltlomm to thm buildIng which reumelmes
to ( lie alley anti most of time tiammmnge cS
domme there. TIme fire bad brokc'i tlmrougit
time skylight of tile addition whemi Mrs. Scott
noticed It ammO ( he rear portion of time iimmhld-
tag was soomi thoroughly ablaze. A coimaid-
erablo quantity of goods was stored in ( lie
additiomi , which was tised nit a steele rooumm ,
and the loss there by fire ammtl vater was
The fire 'broke through ( lit' partition immto
( ho nialum store roomim , hut was belml back by
the prompt work of the flremmien. Time glass
iii mirrors and show cast's wait mimostly hirokeim
anti omie ease of goods in thu ceumter of time
roonm , containing $200 worth of patterims , was
ehmatrcd antI flooded , TIme muimmolta also was
a considerable factor in the damage , owiumg
to the fragile character of thm goods.
Time fire had its origin in tIme stock room ,
where a quantity of Imapera bail beeui hiurmueti
during the evemming Fred Schroeder , au
0111cc boy , timid been cleamming the store amid
burned the rubbish In ami old stove , \Vhiet ,
time store was closed at 10 o'clock the fire
mVas supposemi to be out ,
Mrs. Bliss valuemi her stock at iietween
$7,000 amid $8,000 , amid it was covered with
insurammco to time umolmmmt 'of 4,000. Time
gooils were difllctmlt to preserve amid the lee
amnoimmiteil to two.tlmimds of ( lick value. Time
bimlldimig was danmaged uI ( liii rear , tue wooti-
werk beimmg lamliy umeorcimeti. This lose
aimmounta to $200 amid is coveretl by iumsuraumce ,
A fierce lIre in time hiIiiglc'ti root of tlmtf
small cottage at 219 North 'l'welfthm street
yesterday cmmuuuetl a great deal of excitement
among time remtidcmmts of the row of rickety
buildings adjoining it on botim Bides amid
far a ( ow mumomnents time air vzis filled witim
articles of furniture thmrovn into time street
by time resitiemits , who feared a spreati of
thin flames. Only time prompt arrival of limo
lire department. sayetl time block , as wheim time
firemen arrived time flames , ( mmnmietl by a
strong easterly breeze , 'ero spurting over
( lie west side of time burimimmg buiitlummg.
Thu t'umtire root watt destroyed , with
time conteim ( of ( lie Upper doors.
Time lower rooms amid their ccii-
tents were budiy damaged hi ) ' vater ,
Time loss to building ammO commteimts is
estimated at 250 , The building is owimt'tl
by Annie Wilsorm and her loss is fully
covered by immsurnnc . Ella Johmmisomm occu.
itled thmo lower floors with her family ammtl
rented the upper jmart to lodgers. Thu fire
was caused , it Is believed , from npamlts
train some neighboricmg clmirnmiol' ,
tiuIjitiimi lmumm ililetI ,
Tuesday a mnamm aupjmosetl to belong in
Oniahma was kiile'tj Whmilti attempting to board
a freight ti-aiim at Himeritlan , Ia. Yemtter-
day time news of ( ho accitlent was ( dc-
graphed to Omaha police by Martthml fluid-
Ioil of Sheldon , witlm tIme request tlmat they
gid in locating the man's relatives.
Nothing was found in the milan's ci'thie
( lint would serve to identify him , A c.mrtl
found leads time police to time htolief that
time dead mmmmi was on lila way to Canlon ,
S. Il. , to work in time hiarvcs lmelt1 ,
'Vlmo man 'as ti-eased iii a. stilt of ltimie
overall stuff. Ills ago is givemi s about
a : ; and his weight at 170 poummtl. Lie hind
dark hair siigbtly ttuetlwitb iruy
Work the Ooiuicil Wantofl to Do IIC11 p by
:111 lflJtlIlCtiOfl1 ,
httndvrny front 'l'sveuut letli to ' 1'Veuiti , .
I'tuttrtht I mnpmt'tsmmtiu. inuut of I lie
A'lumie.-1'lutui A.louteml In Itemu- '
V ' cily tutu 'J'riuuiuhc , .
Accorthlmig to thin lmmjunrtion 'ts'iiluflm lina
been etarteti h3' one of ( lie residents on'in. .
ton Street imotween Tu emmtielli amid Twenty-
Ioumrthi street time people who live ( iii timiii
mimaln timoroiigiifaro luetweemi ( tile cliv amid
South Omunhia enjoy time tencnment hack ymuti
spectacle which this street offers ( ti thel
view , At miumy rate , that is time ay soimmo
of time Imiemumbers of time city ceimmicil. itiritmtl.
imig l'rcsklemit hiimighmammi of thic Second 'art1 ,
look at ( lila nttcmmmpt to restrain the elmy
front litmtting time Street iii hmimlt-way nn-
able ctmmiditiomi by pavlmig it between time
street ( 'at' tracks.
Time street hue beemi 1mm bath shape fcc m
long timmme mumiti It Is getting worse all I lie
timmit' , 'rut' uavcmnemmtiie origimmahly lait
upon a fill itlmotmt a proper base uiiuti ccii-
ecqumently ( ho 'vomiden ttioclcs simortly worti
out. Am ; soomm as time ) ' did time street imeenumu ,
full of imok' , Time blocks iimu'o bemi eamrled V
avay or bimrieti in ( ho loose foiimitlatioum auth
iii raimmy veathmcr time Street becomes utterly
iimmpassnblc. . Bfforttu hmtwo bmi iimnde to rePair -
Pair it withi brick amid oilier iiiateriiml , hut
( tile line bccii catcmt imp as It the sail ns
qumicksamiti ,
Time result lion beit tlmnt tram' has
frequently beemi Imimablo to u'ias along tlmci
street nlommg these four bloelcit , This has
been a great immcommvoniommce to traffic btwen
this city ammd South Oimmah.1 , time thorrnmghm-
fare ( or whlcim is this street. At times it l'is
beemi fouititi mmccessarl- , for cxammple , to ruiL
time produict of Ri-mug's brewery , at Twemmiy-
fourth and Vimutoa Htrcts. wliiclt Is ccii-
summiieul iii thIs city , to time imealt of the etmy
by ttmo rallconil immsteati of illwagon. .
So much couumitiaint. has beemi mmmadt' over
tIme comiditloim of time street that t.imo coummeil
soimme ( line iigo requested city Rnguuiet'e
ltosoirtcr to devise soimmo selmemmie to uu the
street iii simape , as all effot'tmu to imidumVe the
nroperty owmicri ; to nIgh a itt'itiot : for re -
paviuig 'ero immiavalhimig , lii iimmsw.i' to this
m'CluiCst the cIty eimgimmeor a Cotmimle of wc't lt
ago rccoimmmnemmulctl ( hint time strt'3t lmniltl brm
paveti imetweemi tile car tracks , as ( lie navel
slmnco ( hums nilortieti ioimhl
be tilh1liiit , t ti
permimit. of the passage of trlifilu alcmmi I ho
street , This recomnimmomimhmititmm 'as idtnit cd
iiy time cotimicil and ( ho hloarmi of l'uiLiO
\\'orks was Imistrumeted to ltructi vlth I lmu
work , The cost was estimn.utctl at. auot
1Vi00 ,
ht'iiim Iii k'mium Nevsmmuie , ' iIt'ui I mm : t'-
bm'mtsIui I , , lie I lit' ( uiests of t lie U. S.
t 11 * lit ILt'muuPi icit IL ( 'iii I , ,
Time republican cditnr of limo mitmito of c -
brushcua will ito thmc gtiests of hmommor at : t baim.
quiet to lie given by thin U. S. Gramit Itepimhm-
hicnmi climb of thil city mit tIme Comimmercmal
climb on Frilny evenimmg of this weehr , A
large miimliilier of time rcpmmbhicaum edItors of
tIme state have : mlrcauly accepted President
Cadet 'ra3'hor's iiivitntiomi to lit , present , amid V
time keymmnto of time reptibhlcami itresa for Limit
gubermmalorial cauimpaigmu bo sotmndctl. on
this occasiomi ,
VA ret'eltioii , froni 6:30 : to 7:30 : o'clock , wii V
Precetio the hammquet , Ilomi , (1. M. Lnmbert.
1(011 ( of Llmmeolmu will mict mitt tuastimmaster amid
will call thin fohlowiimg toasts ; V
' I'resident'g introihmmcioim ; 110mm. Jolmit L ,
W'ebster , 'Itepimbhicaim Advnmmce ; " Iloim. H.
Itosewater , Oumr Guests ; " Jtmdgo l'tr. ' L. Hayward -
ward , ' "I'Iio Party ; ' ' hiomm. lloss Ilamminmoimti ,
"fhie Country I'rcss ns time A'hvamico ' Guard ; "
w . hI. 1'CehICS , "lk'ltumblicmine Domm't letir ; "
lien. T , J , Mitjors , ' 'Time Old Soldier iii
I'ohiica ; " lion. 'IV. F' . Gmmrloy , "Thmo Youumg
Mami. ' ' lIon , Clmnrlcs .1. Greemme , 'Stahivimrt Ito-
pumhhicanisimi ; " Jtmtlge Ii. S. linker , "Shmouh-
tIer to Sboumltlor 1mm l'oiltlce ; " lion. ItT , A.
1lroyii , "Time Issiit' of 'l'otlluy as Sean.
Thiomighm Nt'vsptiper Spectacles ; ' ' i. A.
\'ilttte , I'emmtler , "Time 9'Jag ; " 11ev , 5 , 'iVriglmt
Butler , 'Itoasts amiti Toasts. "
lCIrreIIzuimuu , , ( t'ts ilitil ,
lIver simico Cotmimty Judge Baxter lieltl to
time district court tIme three accumseti ' 'lila
gamimo' ' gamimlilers , .Tactmi , 1i rschihmuui tmmVi I-
I iamn 1)wyer and J.V. . hi'rmi" , they lmavo
bcemm mnakimmg every effort to get ball. Tlilti
was fixed at $500 each , ci' $1,500 jointly.
TIme only omit , so far successful to gain
imia liberty lmae boc'ii Icirachmhittumim , who wail
let omit yesterday cmi a st'lmarat borol , wIth
It. Jacksoim of South Omumahia as surety.
Dwyer itiimi ityrimo nlen mlrmammgctl into yes-
tcrtlay for \Vest Ornalma mmmii imauimed l'etcr-
50cm to go cii tlmele joint itommil of $1,000 , limit
liii to last mmighmt lie hmati fnliel , to jmimutify V
flu ; ( litcotmmt hiati r"iiuired , tioumhilt. thto
nmminummt , amid thmchr attorimoy was mmanhile to
(111,1 , hmlmmi to have him do so , therefore they
immiti to rerrmaimm iii jail umimolmer ( nIght.
11mm ii Ii.Hs ( Iiit I ii Is $ , , , ' ,
'fima emmtlhi'se ehmaimm started liy Miss Natnhlri V
Sehmeuck of Long hithnumtl to raise ( tuttle for
time lIed Cmoim work luau imt'cmm ouilcimmhly
hmrolcen. Time Now York Tribummo annouimces
thimit the origimmator of time utyslemn tiesirce
lie further utmmiBcrilttiOns or letters on thit ,
muimbjcct. Over $1,000 was raist'th Iii a fuw
tinymu , anti time mmiii at the New York
Woman became no large ( hint several clerhc
ima(1 ( tn Ito emmmpioycti to help hmtiimdlo it.
WAnnnurroN , lC , , April 1 , 1508 ,
S 1.Dr , S. /Iars'vitt , , , Ca/ibus , 0 ,
iIdIy 1)lA ) ml IocIom1 : - It gives zao
pleasure to certify to time cxcehlent
curative qualities of your flithICifleSl
ITon , .1 , D. IOTICIN , froam Kansg.
Pe'ru'imu. iumiti Maim-a'Iimm , I Imave been
alllieted1 cuore imm' less , for a quarter of
a century with catarchi of the shnmiacii
amid constipation ; it residence 1mm % Vmult
lngton hail increased these troubles.
A fewimttles of your mnedichmmes hmavo
given lime almniost coImijlQto relief , muni i :
aim moire thma a comitjmiutjcjit of tiucit'
use vIi1 efrect a permunetmt cmi'e. *'ima is surely a womiderfut rein ,
edy fr catuo'o'lsuL affections ,
' J , D , iio'rgi